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IB Mathematics+Autograph

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(first examined 2006)

Studies TOPIC 1: INTRODUCTION TO THE G. D. CALCULATOR 1.1 Arithmetic calculations; data; lists Natural Numbers:; Integers:; Rational numbers: ; Real numbers: Approximation; sig. fig. Standard form SI units Arithmetic sequences Geometric sequences Two simultaneous equations; solving quadratic equations

Studies TOPIC 2: NUMBER AND ALGEBRA 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7


Studies TOPIC 3: SETS, LOGIC AND PROBABILITY 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 Set theory; prime numbers Venn diagrams Sample space Symbolic logic Compound statements Truth tables Logical equivalence Probability Venn diagrams; tree diagrams; cards, 2-dice Combined events/conditional probability

Extras: 2-dice

Studies TOPIC 4: FUNCTIONS 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.7 4.8 Functions: domain and range Linear functions, y = mx + c Quadratic functions: vertex, symmetry x = b/(2a) x x x y = a , a , ka + c; exponential growth and decay Trig (degrees): y = asin(bx) + c; y = acos(bx) + c Graph sketching; rational graphs Solving equations and intersections 2D 2D 2D

Studies TOPIC 5: GEOMETRY AND TRIGONOMETRY 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Coordinate geometry; distance, mid points Straight lines: y = mx + c and ax + by + d = 0; perpendicular lines Right-angled trig Sine and cosine rules 3D shapes: surface area and volume; New shapes from mid-points


Studies TOPIC 6: STATISTICS 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 Discrete, continuous Frequency polygons Grouped data, histogram (equal classes); stem and leaf diagrams Cumulative Frequency, box plots, percentiles, quartiles Mean, median, mode, percentile Inter-quartile range, standard deviation; population and sample Scatter diagrams, line of best fit; correlation Regression line (y on x) Hypothesis testing; contingency tables. Chi-squared test STATISTICS STATISTICS


Studies TOPIC 7: INTRODUCTORY DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 Gradient of chord PQ and P => Q; tangent to a curve n Basic principles for ax : f(x) and f(x) Gradient of a curve; equation of tangent Increasing and decreasing functions Max and min; point of inflexion with zero gradient 2D 2D

Studies TOPIC 8: FINANCIAL MATHEMATICS 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 Currency conversions Simple interest Compound interest Tables; inflation

Studies PROJECT (20%) involving the collection of information or the generation of measurements, and the analysis and evaluation of the information or measurements. STATISTICS 2D


IB MATHEMATICS SL (Standard Level)

(first examined 2008)

SL TOPIC 1: ALGEBRA 1.1 1.2 1.3 APs, GPs; population growth Exponents and logarithms; change of base Binomial Theorem; Pascals Triangle

SL TOPIC 2: FUNCTIONS AND EQUATIONS 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 Domain and range; Composite Functions f(g(x)). Inverse function Graphing functions; vertical and horizontal asymptotes; roots Transformation of graphs: translation, stretch, reflection in axes. Trig graphs. The inverse function; reflection in y = x Reciprocal function and y = 1/x The quadratic: axis of symmetry x = b/a; completing the square The quadratic: roots; discriminant x y = a and its inverse: y = logax x y = e and y = lnx 2D 2D 2D 2D

SL TOPIC 3: CIRCULAR FUNCTIONS AND TRIGONOMETRY 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Radians sin and cos and the unit circle; tan = sin/cos; cos + sin = 1 Double angle formulae Graphs of sinx, cosx, tanx; f(x) = asin(b(x + c)) + d Solving trig equations Sine and cosine rules 2D Extras: Trig 2D

SL TOPIC 4: MATRICES 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Matrix : element, row, column, order Matrix algebra 2D and 3D Determinants; 2D inverse Solving linear equations (2D and 3D)


SL TOPIC 5: VECTORS 5.1 2D and 3D vectors; distance between two points. Sum, difference; zero vector, negative vector; Scalar multiplication, magnitude, unit vector. Scalar product; perpendicular vectors; angle between two vectors Vector equation of a line; angle between two lines Intersection of two lines 2D 3D

5.2 5.3 5.4

SL TOPIC 6: STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY 6.1 6.2 Population and sample statistics; discrete and continuous Box and whisker plots; grouped data; histogram (equal class intervals) 6.3 Mean, median, mode, quartiles; standard deviation 6.4 Cumulative frequency graph; percentiles. 6.5 Probability 6.6 Probability: combined events 6.7 Conditional probability 6.8 Venn diagrams] 6.9 Discrete probability distribution, eg: P(X=x) = 5/18, 6/18, 7/18 Expected value for discrete data 6.10 Binomial distribution; its mean 6.11 Normal Distribution; Standardisation; inverse calculations



SL TOPIC 7: CALCULUS 7.1 Ideas of limit and convergence n x Basic principles; Derivative of x , sinx, cosx, tanx, e , lnx Gradient; rate of change; Equations of tangents and normals Chain rule, product and quotient rules; Second derivative Local max and min; points of inflexion n x Integration: x , sinx, cosx, 1/x and e Area under a curve; between two curves; Volume of revolution about x-axis Displacement, velocity, acceleration, and time Area under v-t represents distance. Horizontal and vertical asymptotes Second derivative: points of inflexion with non-zero gradient

2D 2D 3D

7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7


SL PORTFOLIO (20%) Mathematical investigation Mathematical modelling STATISTICS 2D, 3D



(first examined 2008) [ITALIC = same as IB MATHEMATICS SL syllabus] HL TOPIC 1 - CORE: ALGEBRA 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 APs, GPs; population growth Exponents and logarithms; change of base Binomial Theorem; Pascals Triangle Proof by induction Complex numbers: Cartesian/polar form; modulus and argument; Argand diagram Sum, product and quotient De Moivres Theorem; roots and powers Complex conjugates

ARGAND [v.3.5] ARGAND [v.3.5]

HL TOPIC 2 - CORE: FUNCTIONS AND EQUATIONS Domain and range; Composite Functions f(g(x)). Inverse function. 2.2 Graphing functions; vertical and horizontal asymptotes; roots 2.3 Transformation of graphs: translation, stretch, reflection in axes. Trig graphs. The inverse function; reflection in y = x y = 1/f(x); graphs with absolute value, eg y = |f(x)|, y f(|x|) 2.4 Reciprocal function and y = 1/x 2.5 The quadratic: axis of symmetry x = b/a; completing the square 2.6 The quadratic: roots; discriminant x 2.7 y = a and its inverse: y = logax x 2.8 y = e and y = lnx 2.9 Inequalities: in one variable; g(x) f(x), one linear and one quadratic 2.10 Roots of polynomial equations; repeated roots 2.1

2D 2D 2D 2D 2D

HL TOPIC 3 CORE: CIRCULAR FUNCTIONS AND TRIGONOMETRY 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Radians sin and cos and the unit circle; tan = sin/cos; cos + sin = 1; 1 + tan = sec ; 1 + cot = scs; sec, csc, cos. Double angle formulae; Compound angle Identities Graphs: sinx, cosx, tanx, asin(b(x + c)) + d Inverse trig: arcsinx, arccosx, arctanx Solving trig equations Sine and cosine rules 2D Extras: Trig 2D 2D

HL TOPIC 4 CORE: MATRICES 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Matrix : element, row, column, order Matrix algebra 2D and 3D Determinants; 2D inverse Solving linear equations (2D and 3D)



HL TOPIC 5 CORE: VECTORS 5.1 2D and 3D vectors; distance between two points. Sum, difference; zero vector, negative vector; Scalar multiplication, magnitude, unit vector. Scalar product; perpendicular vectors; angle between two vectors Vector equation of a line; angle between two lines Parametric form: x = xo + l, y = yo + m, z = zo + n Intersecting and skew lines; Intersection of two lines Vector product (cross product) Vector equation of a plane; Equation of plane: ax + by + cz = d Intersections: line and plane, two planes, three planes. Angle between: line and plane, two planes

2D, 2D, 2D, 2D,

3D 3D 3D 3D

5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7

HL TOPIC 6 - CORE: STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY 6.1 6.2 Population and sample statistics; discrete and continuous Box and whisker plots; grouped data; histogram (equal class intervals) 6.3 Mean, median, mode, quartiles; standard deviation 6.4 Cumulative frequency graph; percentiles. 6.5 Probability 6.6 Probability: combined events 6.7 Conditional probability 6.8 Venn diagrams 6.9 Discrete probability distribution, eg: P(X=x) = 5/18, 6/18, 7/18 Continuous probability density functions Expected value and Variance for discrete data 6.10 Binomial distribution; its mean and variance Poisson distribution: its mean and variance 6.11 Normal Distribution; Standardisation; inverse calculations STATISTICS STATISTICS


HL TOPIC 7 CORE: CALCULUS Ideas of limit and convergence, eg sin/ n x Basic principles; Derivative of x , sinx, cosx, tanx, e , lnx Gradient; rate of change; Equations of tangents and normals 7.2 Chain rule, product and quotient rules; Second derivative 7.3 Local max and min; points of inflexion n x 7.4 Integration: x , sinx, cosx, 1/x and e 7.5 Area under a curve; between two curves; Volume of revolution about x-axis 7.6 Displacement, velocity, acceleration, and time Area under v-t represents distance. 7.7 Horizontal and vertical asymptotes Second derivative: points of inflexion with non-zero gradient 7.8 Implicit differentiation 7.9 Further Integration (substitution; parts) 7.10 First Order Differential Equations (variable separable) 7.1

2D 2D 2D 2D 2D




HL TOPIC 8 OPTION: STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY (CONTINUED) 8.1 8.2 Expectation algebra Cumulative distribution functions Discrete distributions: uniform, Bernoulli, binomial, negative binomial, Poisson, geometric, hypergeometric Continuous distributions: uniform, exponential, normal Central limit theorem Confidence intervals for the mean of a population Confidence intervals for the proportion of successes in a population Null and alternative hypotheses: Type I and type II errors One-tailed and two-tailed test Goodness of fit test


8.3 8.4 8.5 8.9


HL TOPIC 9 OPTION: SETS, RELATIONS AND GROUPS 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.10 9.11 9.12 Sets; De Morgans Laws Ordered pairs Functions and inverse functions Binary operations Associative, distributive, commutative Identity element; inverse Axioms of a group Groups Finite and infinite groups Cyclic groups Subgroups, Lagrange theorems Isomophism of groups

HL TOPIC 10 OPTION: SERIES AND DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Infinite sequences Convergence Convergent series Power series Taylor polynomials x p Maclaurin series: e , sinx, cosx, arctanx, ln(1+x), (1+x) Limits of the form f(x)/g(x) LHpitals Rule and/or the Taylor series 10.6 First order differential equations - slope fields y' = f(x,y): Numerical solution, Eulers Method Homogeneous DEs, y = f(y/x) y + P(x)y = Q(x) using Integrating factor 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5



HL TOPIC 11 OPTION: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 11.8 11.9 11.10 Division and Euclidean algorithms Integers in different bases Linear diophantine equations Modular arithmetic Fermats little theorem Graphs Trails and circuits Adjacency matrix Graph algorithms Travelling Salesman

HL PORTFOLIO (20%) Mathematical investigation Mathematical modeling STATISTICS 2D, 3D




FM Topic 1 GEOMETRY 1.1 1.2 Triangles; Nine-point Circle; Euler Line Euclids theorem for right-angled triangle Proportional division of a line; harmonic ratio Circle Geometry; equation of a circle; cyclic quadrilaterals Intersecting Chords theorem Apollonius circle theorem; Stewarts theorem; Menelaus theorem; Cevas theorem; Simpsons line; Ptolemys th.; angle bisector theorem Loci of straight lines and circles [not conic sections] FM Topic 2 = HL TOPIC 8 OPTION: STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY FM Topic 3 = HL TOPIC 9 OPTION: SETS, RELATIONS AND GROUPS FM Topic 4 = HL TOPIC 10 OPTION: SERIES AND DIFF. EQUATIONS FM Topic 5 = HL TOPIC 11 OPTION: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS 2D [v 3.5] 2D




DOUGLAS BUTLER iCT Training Centre, Oundle, UK Oundle May 2009

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