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Conditional Sentence 1-2

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There are four different types of conditional sentences in English. Each expresses a different degree of
probability that a situation will occur 

 Zero Conditional Sentences

 First Conditional Sentences

 Second Conditional Sentences

 Third Conditional Sentences

Zero conditional sentences express general truths


1. If + simple present tense, simple present tense

2. Simple present tense + if + simple present tense


If you heat butter, it melts.

The ground gets wet if it rains.

If you don’t brush your teeth, you get cavities.

If we burn paper, it becomes ash.

When people smoke cigarettes, their health suffers.

when using the zero conditional, the correct tense to use in both clauses is the simple present tense.

In correct : When people smoke cigarettes, their health will suffer .

First conditional sentences are used to express situations in which the outcome is likely (but not
guaranteed) to happen in the future.

Type 1 conditional merujuk ke kondisi yang mungkin terjadi dan kemungkinan hasilnya. Kalimat-kalimat
ini berdasarkan fakta dan digunakan untuk membuat pernyataan tentang dunia nyata dan situasi
tertentu. Kita sering menggunakan kalimat-kalimat seperti ini untuk memberikan peringatan. Dalam
kalimat type 1 conditional, waktunya adalah masa kini atau masa depan dan situasinya adalah nyata.


1. If + simple present tense, simple future tense

2. Simple future tense + if + simple present tense


If you go now, you will arrive there on time.

I will buy a new bike if I pass the exam.

If it rains, you will get wet.

You will get wet if it rains.

If Sally is late again I will be mad.

I will be mad if Sally is late again.

If you don't hurry, you will miss the bus.

You will miss the bus if you don't hurry.

Dalam kalimat type 1 conditional, Anda juga dapat menggunakan modal dalam klausa utama dan
bukan future tense untuk menyatakan tingkat kepastian, izin, atau rekomendasi mengenai hasil atau
akibat akhir.


 If you drop that glass, it might break.

 I may finish that letter if I have time.

 If he calls you, you should go.

 If you buy my school supplies for me, I will be able to go to the park.

Conditional sentence tipe 2 digunakan untuk mengungkapkan sesuatu yang tidak realistis atau sangat
kecil kemungkinannya untuk terjadi. Karena itu, tipe ini cocok untuk menyatakan angan-angan kita.


 (+) If + S + V2 + O, S + would + V1 + O

 (+) Were/Was + S + to V1 + O, S + would + V1 + O

 (-) If + S + did not + V1 + O, S + would not + V1 + O

 (?) Would + S + V1 + O + if + S + V2 + O + ?


If I lived in Seoul, tonight I would go to that concert. (Kenyataannya saya tidak tinggal di Seoul, sehingga
saya tidak bisa pergi ke konser itu)
I would play roller coaster every day if I owned a theme park. (Kenyataannya saya tidak memiliki taman
bermain sendiri, jadi saya tidak bisa bermain roller coaster setiap hari)

I would be very angry if I were you. (Saya akan sangat marah jika aku menjadi kamu.) 

    Fact : I'm not very angry because I'm not you. (Saya tidak sangat marah karena saya bukan kamu.)

If We were Superman, we would fly everywhere. (Jika kita adalah superman, kita akan terbang

    Fact : We aren't Superman so we don't fly everywhere. (Kita bukan superman sehingga kita tidak
terbang kemanapun.)

If I married you, I would be very happy. (Jika saya menikahimu, saya akan sangat senang.)

    Fact : I don't marry you so I'm not very happy. (Saya tidak menikahimu sehingga saya tidak sangat

I would be at school if I didn't go to Bali. (Saya akan berada di sekolah jika saya tidak pergi ke Bali.)

    fact : I'm not at school because I go to Bali. (Saya tidak berada di sekolah karena saya pergi ke Bali.)

If I had a girl, I wouldn't be single boy. (Jika saya memiliki seorang pacar, saya tidak akan jomblo.)

    Fact : I didn't have a girl so I'm a single boy. (Saya tidak punya pacar sehingga saya jomblo.)

Pilihlah jawaban yang tepat untuk melengkapi  zero conditional sentence di bawah ini dengan
mengetik a, b, atau c.

1. If I drink a cup of coffee at night, it ... me awake.

a. kept

b. keep

c. keeps

Your answer:

2. The machine starts if you ... the lever on it.

a. pulls
b. pulled

c. pull

Your answer:

3. He ... mad if we ask a lot of questions.

a. get

b. gets

c. got

Your answer:

4. My sister feels uncomfortable if someone ... eye contact with her.

a. made

b. makes

c. make

Your answer:

5. They ... something unless they have enough cash.

a. don't buy

b. aren't buy

c. isn't buy

Your answer:


6. If you dip red litmus paper into lemon juice, it ... blue.

a. isn't turn

b. don't turn

c. doesn't turn

Your answer:

7. I have breakfast at home if I ... in a hurry.

a. don't

b. doesn't
c. am not

Your answer:

8. If there ... no sunlight, plants don't produce fruit.

a. is

b. are

c. am

Your answer:

Pilihlah jawaban yang menurutmu paling tepat untuk melengkapi bagian yang kosong. Type 1

1. If a customer … chocolate ice cream from the restaurant, he or she will get extra toppings.

a. orders

b. order

2. The hotel front desk clerk … you special price room rates if you don’t ask.

a. wouldn’t offer

b. won’t offer

3. If you call Tessa, I … others.

a. will call

b. would call

4. If I tell the truth, … hurt?

a. will he gets

b. will he get

5. Unless it snows, the pavements … slippery.

a. will not

b. will not be

6. If he … the book, I will borrow it in my university library.

a. hasn’t

b. doesn’t have
7. The manager … your current income if you can stay focused when working from home.

a. will double

b. doubles

8. You will make your parents sad if you … responsible for your life.

a. don’t

b. aren’t

9. If you come to her house, she … something delicious for you.

a. will be cooked

b. will cook

10. If it rains heavily, … under water?

a. will your home end up

b. will your home be ended up

Pilihlah jawaban yang menurutmu paling tepat untuk melengkapi bagian yang kosong dengan
mengetik a atau b. Type 2

1. If I … his mind, I wouldn’t let him touch my PC.

a. could read

b. would read

Your answer:

2. If I … him, I would quit my job and start a business.

a. was

b. were

Your answer:

3. If he were here, I … him not to enter the room without permission.

a. would advise

b. would advice

Your answer:

4. It … appreciated if you returned the form as soon as possible.

a. would be greatly
b. would greatly

Your answer:

5. … I rich, I would send my son to study overseas.

a. Were if

b. Were

Your answer:


6. If he studied harder, he … the best score in his class.

a. would got

b. would get

Your answer:

7. Your parents wouldn’t be angry if you … to them.

a. didn't lie

b. don't lie

Your answer:

8. Unless Reny got enough sleep, she … productive.

a. wouldn't

b. wouldn't be

Your answer:

9. If I won a gold medal at the international physics olympiad, I … admision in some universities
without test.

a. could get

b. can get

Your answer:

10. If you had a sister, … clothes with her?

a. would you share

b. you would share

Your answer:

3. Kalimat ini fungsinya adalah untuk menjelaskan kondisi tidak mungkin di masa lalu, dan tidak
mungkin terjadi di masa sekarang karena kejadian tersebut sudah terlambat. Dengan kata lain,
kenyataan yang terjadi adalah kebalikannya dari apa yang diungkapkan oleh kalimat ini.

Berikut adalah pola untuk membentuk conditional type 3:

 If + past perfect, + subject + would have/ wouldn’t have + past participle

 Subject + would have/ wouldn’t have + past participle + if + past perfect


 We wouldn’t have missed the bus if we hadn’t woken up late.  (Kita tidak akan tertinggal bus jika
kita tidak bangun terlambat)

 If we hadn’t woken up late, we wouldn’t have missed the bus. (Jika kita tidak bangun terlambat,
kita tidak akan tertinggal bus)

Nyatanya, kita bangun terlambat dan kita tertinggal kereta, dan kita menyesal kita bangun terlambat.

Di bawah ini adalah beberapa contoh conditional type 3:

 She would have passed the exam if she had studied harder.  (Dia akan lulus ujian jika dia belajar
lebih giat)

 If I had studied seriously, I would have been a lawyer now.  (Jika saya belajar dengan serius, saya
akan menjadi pengacara sekarang)

 If Ronaldo had not scored an own goal, his team would have won the match.  (Jika Ronaldo tidak
mencetak gol bunuh diri, timnya akan memenangkan pertandingan)

 I wouldn’t have been grounded if my father hadn’t known about me breaking the curfew.  (Saya
tidak akan dihukum jika ayah saya tidak tahu bahwa saya melanggar jam malam)

 Jack would not have gotten stomachache if he had not eaten too much rujak.  (Jack tidak akan
sakit perut jika ia tidak makan rujak terlalu banyak)

 If it had not been raining, we would have come to the party.  (Jika tidak hujan, kami akan datang
ke pestanya)

 If she had not been sick, Merry would have gone to the concert.  (Jika dia tidak sakit, Merry akan
pergi ke konsernya)

 They would have asked you to meet them if they had known that you were in this city.  (Mereka
akan memintamu untuk bertemu dengan mereka jika mereka tahu bahwa kamu ada di kota ini)

 We would have brought our umbrellas if we had known the rain would fall.  (Kami akan
membawa payung jika kami tahu hujan akan turun)
 If I had known the weather would be this cold, I would have worn a jacket. (Jika saya tahu
cuacanya akan sedingin ini, saya akan memakai jaket)

 If she had found Mike’s address, she would have sent him an invitation to her birthday
party. (Jika dia menemukan alamat Mike, dia akan mengirimkannya undangan ke pesta ulang

 I would have bought a diamond ring and given it to my mother if I had had the money. (Saya
akan membeli cincin berlian dan memberikannya kepada ibu saya jika saya punya uang)

 Team B would have been in better form if they had trained harder the weeks before. (Tim B akan
ada dalam kondisi yang lebih baik jika mereka berlatih lebih giat beberapa minggu sebelumnya)

 If I had won that round, I would have moved up to the next round. (Jika saya memenangkan
ronde itu, saya akan naik ke ronde selanjutnya)

 I would have helped you if you had asked me. (Saya akan menolongmu jika kamu meminta saya)

 If we had gone to the zoo, we would have seen our friend Frita. (Jika kami pergi ke kebun
binatang, kami akan bertemu teman kami Frita)

 If we had listened to her, we would have been home earlier. (Jika kita mendengarkannya, kita
akan tiba di rumah lebih awal)

 They would have written me a writer if they had had my address. (Mereka akan mengirimkan
saya surat jika mereka punya alamat saya)

 Leila would have participated in the dance competition if she had not broken her leg. (Leila akan
berpartisipasi dalam lomba menari jika ia tidak mematahkan kakinya)

 If Harry had taken the train, he would not have arrived late. (Jika Harry naik kereta, dia tidak
akan tiba terlambat)

 If I had followed my doctor’s advice, I would have recovered fast. (Jika saya mengikuti saran
dokter saya, saya akan pulih lebih cepat)

 Dave would have bought a new car if he had saved enough money. (Dave akan membeli mobil
baru jika ia menabung yang cukup)

 I would have answered the questions easily if I had paid more attention to what my teacher
said. (Saya akan menjawab pertanyaannya dengan mudah jika saya menaruh perhatian lebih
pada apa yang dikatakan guru saya)

 If the traffic had been bad, we would have missed our flight. (Jika lalu lintasnya buruk, kami akan
tertinggal pesawat kami)

 I wouldn’t have gotten there on time if Bella hadn’t helped me. (Saya tidak akan tiba di sana
tepat waktu jika Bella tidak membantu saya)

 You wouldn’t get fired if you hadn’t insulted your client. (Kamu tidak akan dipecat jika kamu
tidak menghina klienmu)
1. If Budi …. me, I …. emailed the documents.

a. Has ask – Would have

b. Had asked – Would have

c. Has asked – Would have

2. If our team had … the match, they would have … up in the league.

 a. Won – Moved
 b. Win – Moved
 c. Winned – Moved
3. If I had …. you were coming, I would have prepared a delicious meal.

 a. Known
 b. Knew
 c. Knowed
4. They would have played football if the weather had …. nice.

 a. Be
 b. Being
 c. Been
5. If they had taken him to hospital earlier, he …..

 a. Would have die

 b. Would have died
 c. Wouldn't have died
6. The game would have …. better if the trainer had …. a substitute in during the second half.

 a. Become – Sent
 b. Became – Send
 c. Became – Sended
7. If the boys had …. the bus to school, they would have arrived on time.

 a. Take
 b. Taken
 c. Taked
8. If you had …. to the meeting yesterday, you would have met Shinta.

 a. Came
 b. Come
9. Jika polisi datang lebih awal, mereka akan menangkap pencurinya.

 a. If the police had come earlier, they would have arrested the burglar.
 b. If the police had came earlier, they would have arrested the burglar.
10. Jika cuaca lebih baik akhir pekan lalu, kita akan pergi ke pantai.

 a. If the weather had been better last weekend, we would have gone to the beach.
 b. If the weather had been better last weekend, we would have went to the beach.

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