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Second Quarter Summative Test in English 9

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Second quarter Summative teSt in engliSh 9

Name: Section: Date:


Instructions: Read each item comprehensively. Select and encircle the letter of the best answer.

Multiple Choice

1. What tone is represented in the lines of Ms. Catriona Gray during the Miss Universe 2018, “…and I’ve always
thought myself to look for the beauty in it, to look for the beauty in the faces of the children and to be grateful…”
A. funny
B. thankful C.
persistent D.
2. Prose : sentences, poetry : .
A. clause B.
stanza C.
D. composition
3. One of the figures of speech which describes a thing in exaggeration or more intensified terminologies that could be
always far from reality.
A. personification
B. simile
C. metaphor
D. hyperbole
4. Figure of speech that describes how inanimate object toke the abilities of human. This is done to give more artistry
and life to the text.
A. simile
B. metaphor
C. personification
D. alliteration
5. Direct and basic comparison of two different object in a text.
A. simile
B. metaphor
C. assonance
D. personification
6. Comparison of two different object using the comparison cues “like or as” in a text.
A. Metaphor
B. simile
C. personification
D. apostrophe
7. Mang Danilo had got his wife for marriage by saying “I will give you the whole world”, during his courtship. What
figure of speech was illustrated?
A. simile
B. hyperbole

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C. metaphor
D. personification

8. What literary devices are used in the poem, “O Captain, My Captain,” by Walt Whitman?
“But O heart! heart! heart! O the bleeding drops of red, where on the deck my
Captain lies, Fallen cold and dead” A.
simile and metaphor
B. apostrophe and alliteration C.
hyperbole and assonance D.
apostrophe and metaphor
9. I was at Rosario Hills New Mahayag to celebrate my special day! One thing that I’ve noticed aside
from some astonishing views was, the trees are singing and the water on the pool was dancing! What figure of
speech was used?
A. simile
B. alliteration
C. hyperbole
D. personification
10. “…guin tagan ako ni lalo han lila nga lobo…” What figure of speech was illustrated?
A. assonance B.
alliteration C.
D. onomatopoeia
11. is basically a literary piece presented in the pattern of natural, straightforward, and ordinary
language written in sentences that are arranged in paragraphs.
A. sentence
B. prose
C. poetry
D. composition
12. is a special kind of artistic writing. It is a way of blending art with language.
Repetition, rhythm and playing of some sound elements are often used as building blocks for poetry.
A. composition
B. prose
C. poetry
D. sentence
13. In the category of structure and form, prose is written in sentences and paragraphs while poetry is
A. illustrated though images
B. written in lines forming stanzas
C. written in natural way of writing
D. written but not published
14. In syntax, Prose observes strict grammar, punctuation, and capitalization while poetry has
A. not following aesthetics anymore.
B. loose grammar and punctuation yet has poetic license. C.
Followed prescriptive language
D. The easiest form of language
15. The following are example of poetry which is NOT?
A. elegy
B. sonnet
C. essay
D. ode
16. Poetry has different types or kinds, the following items do belong to the group, which is NOT?
A. lyric
B. journalistic
C. dramatic

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D. narrative
17. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
A. novels
B. essays
C. articles
D. epic
18. Tragedy, comedy, and closed drama are examples of poetical compositions that fall on what kind of poetry?
A. lyric
B. dramatic C.
narrative D.
19. Prose : Usually straightforward, ordinary, and natural, Poetry : .
A. no limit in terms of good usage
B. uses creative, concise, articulate words
C. does not use figurative language
D. does not rhythmical
20. Prose : , poetry : emotional
A. always show emotions
B. informational, logical and practical
C. does not follow any essence of writing
D. always possesses dramatic sense
21. One of the poetry elements that has been referred to as a group of lines that form the basic metrical unit in a
poem or verse.
A. lyrics
B. stanza C.
rhyme D.
22. This is the element of poetry that pertains to the repetition of the same sound or similar sounds at the end of each
A. stanza
B. rhyme
C. rhythm
D. mood
23. This element of poetry is pertaining to the language that conveys deeper and more complex meaning of words
than what it literally suggests.
A. imagery
B. figurative language
C. tone
D. imagery
24. On a glimpse of sonnet and the sonneteers, he has been titled as the first known major sonnet writer. In his
times, sonnets were written as love poems which started in Italy.
A. Francesco Petrarch B.
William Shakespeare C.
John Milton
D. Edgar Allan Poe
25. This greatest English writer is well-known as a dramatist and poet, started using sonnets during
Elizabethan Era. He is considered as the god of English Literature.
A. Francesco Petrarch B.
William Shakespeare C.
John Milton
D. Edgar Allan Poe
26. English sonnet has 14 lines that are divided into three quatrains and a rhyming couplet, while Italian sonnet has
A. 14 lines divided into two sections: octave and a sestet
B. 14 lines divided into two sections: a couplet and 2 sestets

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C. 14 lines divided into two sections: 2 sestets and a couplet
D. 14 lines divided into two sections: a quatrain and an octave
27. One of the major parts of speech that has been referred to as the words which modify an adjective, a verb,
and its own kind.
A. interjection
B. adverb
C. preposition
D. conjunction
28. The following sentences are containing adverb that describe an adjective, which is NOT?
A. He is dancing so beautifully.
B. The doctor was delivering very magnificent service. C.
Dexter Uy delivered his speech stunningly.
D. The taste of “binagol” from Calbiga is really subtle.
29. Which of the following sentence that contains an adverb that describes a verb.
A. The sheds at Imelda Park was so extraordinary.
B. The Cabugawan fishermen actively participated the assembly. C. Marky
was acting very strangely.
D. Darlene Mae has abruptly saved the dog from fire.
30. Defend you side, can adverbs be found anywhere in a sentence?
A. true
B. false
C. sometimes
D. undecided
31. This is technique that a certain author or writer uses to convey a message or meaning to the listeners or
readers with the goal of persuading them. These devices also evoke an emotional
response in the readers through the use language.
A. rhetorical devices
B. literary devices
C. imagery
D. figurative language
32. On the other hand, this technique is used by the writer to produce a special effect in his writing an to help readers
understand his writing on a deeper level.
A. rhetorical devices
B. literary devices
C. imagery
D. figurative language
33. “Kisses are the flowers of affection”. This statement is an example of what literary device?
A. metaphor
B. synecdoche
C. metonymy
D. simile
34. This is one of the rhetorical devices and an illustration of the comparison between two things, typically for the
purpose of explanation or clarification.
A. parallelism
B. analogy
C. mood setting
D. purposeful imagery
35. Tone: author’s attitude, : readers’ emotions
A. tone and mood
B. emotional impact
C. mood
D. literary conviction
36. Which of the following is NOT an example of tone?
A. positive
B. negative
C. neutral

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D. self-directed
37. Which of the following words is an example of negative mood?
A. dreary B.
mellow C.
D. nostalgic
38. The following are the purposes or reasons of the author/composition, which is NOT?
A. to entertain
B. to inform
C. to meditate
D. to persuade
39. Stories, poems, dramas, and songs are the writings that belongs to what purpose of an author?
A. to persuade
B. to inform
C. to entertain
D. to meditate
40. To inform is one of the reasons why certain author writes, the following examples are considered to fall under this
category, which is NOT?
A. expository essays
B. instructions
C. encyclopedias
D. dramas
41. This is a rhetorical device that discusses the similarities and differences of two or more things: ideas, concepts,
items, places etc.
A. compare and contrast
B. differential illustration
C. analogy
D. graphing
42. To perform the answer at item no. 41, this illustration is best used to show differences and similarities of two
objects. It uses overlapping circles or other shapes to illustrate the logical relationship between two or more set of
A. Venn diagram
B. pie graph
C. line graph
D. column and rows
43. This is a technique wherein information is used to guess and infer. This is a crucial part of thinking because an
author should be based on the available hints, clues, and evidences.
A. drawing conclusion
B. drawing inferences
C. drawing conclusion and inferences
D. forecasting
44. Which of the following is NOT a rhetorical device?
A. Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee!
B. And if America is to be great nation this must become true!
C. This will be the day when all of God’s children will be able to sing with a new meaning!
D. I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low!
45. Which is an example of metaphor?
A. You are the sunshine that wakes me up every morning. B. The
palm of my girlfriend is as soft as cotton
C. The waves on the Cabugawan Lake are dacing
D. Rino is like Jose Rizal when he tries to write poems.
46. The cell is like a community lived by productive citizens where all members do their jobs to keep the whole
functioning. This is an example of what rhetorical device?
A. repetition
B. analogy

Address: Purok 3, Brgy. Silanga, Catbalogan City,

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C. parallelism
D. repetition
47. “Pigsote, pigsote, pigsote” is a line came from one of the famous songs of Samar. What rhetorical device is
A. analogy
B. parallelism
C. repetition D.
48. “Higugmaa nim kag-anak, Higugmaa an Ginoo”. What rhetorical device is used?
A. analogy
B. parallelism
C. repetition
D. metaphor
49. “Libong mo, limpyo mo”. This famous waray-waray statement written in some corners of our barangay is an
example of what purpose of writing?
A. to inform
B. to entertain
C. to warn
D. to persuade
50. “Dandansoy bayaan ta ikaw, mauli ako ha payag…”. What tone is illustrated?
A. calm
B. cheerful
C. gloomy
D. bitter

Prepared by:
romeo P. dela cruZ Jr.

Noted by:

nimFa g. SePara
MT-I, English Subject Chairman

Address: Purok 3, Brgy. Silanga, Catbalogan City,

Facebook Page:
Cellphone #-09177707579
Answers Key

1. B
2. B
3. D
4. C
5. B
6. B
7. B
8. B
9. D
10. B
11. B
12. C
13. B
14. B
15. C
16. B
17. D
18. B
19. B
20. B
21. B
22. B
23. B
24. A
25. B
26. A
27. B
28. C
29. B
30. A
31. A
32. B
33. A
34. B
35. C
36. D
37. A
38. C
39. C
40. D
41. A
42. A
43. C
44. D
45. A
46. B
47. C
48. B
49. A
50. C

Address: Purok 3, Brgy. Silanga, Catbalogan City,

Facebook Page:
Cellphone #-09177707579

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