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Q-FactorMeas On LC Circuits

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Reprinted with permission; copyright ARRL.

Jacques Audet, VE2AZX

7525 Madrid St, Brossard, QC CANADA J4Y 1G3;

Q Factor Measurements
on L-C Circuits
The author reviews existing measurement techniques and offers
insight into loaded and unloaded Q factors as applied to LC circuits and antennas.
A simpler method is proposed that uses an SWR analyzer along
with a spreadsheet that easily computes the unloaded Q.

The Q factor gives a figure of merit for
inductors and capacitors. It is the ratio of
reactance to resistance. For filters, it relates
directly to the circuit selectivity: The higher
the Q, the better the selectivity and the lower
the insertion loss of the filter. For oscillators,
higher Q also means that lower phase noise
is produced. In the case of antennas, a lower
Q is generally preferred, giving a larger
SWR bandwidth.
Transmission methods are traditionally
used for making quality factor (Q) mea- Figure 1 — Block diagram of the classical Q meter as used in the HP 4342A.
surements on L-C circuits. This implies
that a signal source and an RF voltmeter
or spectrum analyzer must be available for
such measurements. These are not always
available however. Since SWR analyzers are
becoming commonplace in many amateur
radio rooms, it then becomes tempting to
use this instrument for Q measurements on
L-C circuits.
Let’s review the existing methods that
are currently used for Q measurements that
only require scalar measurements — that is,
no phase measurements are required. The
last method details how the SWR analyzer
can be used to measure the unloaded Q of Figure 2 — The signal generator and the source are weakly coupled to the L-C circuit under
L-C circuits. test, allowing measurement of the 3 dB bandwidth.

1 – The Classical Q Meter Method a single reactance component is given by source resistance RS′ as small as possible,
This is the technique you would use if Equation 1. since it adds to the coil or capacitor resis-
you had access to a Q Meter, such as an HP tance. Similarly, the detector resistance, RP′
/ Agilent Q Meter model HP 4342A. See X S RP shunting the L-C should be much higher than
Figure 1. A very low impedance source is QU = R = X [Eq 1] the RP of the component under test. Note that
required, typically 1  milliohm, and a very S P the L-C circuit is commonly represented as
high impedance detector is connected across where XS and RS are the series reactance having a resistor in series (RS) with L and C
the L-C circuit. The unloaded Q (QU) of and loss resistance, and RP and XP are the or a shunt resistor (RP) in the parallel model
corresponding parallel loss resistance and to represent the losses.
reactance components. Measurement consists of setting the
Notes appear on page 11.
1 In the test set-up we need to make the source frequency and adjusting the tuning

QEX – January/February 2012 7

capacitor, C, for resonance to maximize the
voltage across the resonating capacitor C.
The Q is calculated using Equation 2.
Voltage Across C
Source Voltage [Eq 2]

Note that the source voltage is in the

millivolt range, since it will be multiplied by
the Q factor. A 10 mV source and a Q of 500
will give 5 V across the L-C circuit. In order
to preserve the high impedance of the detec-
tor even at the higher frequencies, a capaci-
tive voltage divider is used.
This circuit measures the unloaded Q
called QU provided that the series resistance
RS of the inductor under test is much higher
than the source resistance RS′ and the detector
parallel resistance RP′ is much larger than the Figure 3 — Graph showing the ratio of unloaded Q (QU ) to loaded Q (QL ) as a function of
L-C circuit RP.1 the L-C circuit attenuation at resonance. Applies to a single tuned circuit with identical
in / out coupling. When the attenuation is large (> 20 dB) the coupling is minimal and the
loaded Q closely approaches the unloaded Q.
2 – Transmission Method Using
Coupling Capacitors
A signal is coupled into an L-C paral-
lel circuit using a low value capacitor and
extracts the output signal using the same
value of capacitor.2 See Figure 2. Note that
inductive coupling is also possible, as used in
transmission line (cavity) resonators.
The – 3 dB bandwidth (BW) is measured
at the resonant frequency f0, and the loaded Q
(QL) is calculated with Equation 3.
QL = [Eq 3]
Figure 4 — Here the L-C circuit is connected in series and across the generator - detector.
BW At resonance the L-C circuit has minimum impedance and by measuring the
The obtained bandwidth, BW, is a func- attenuation, the effective series resistance ESR of the L-C series may be
tion of the coupling, and another calculation computed at the resonant frequency f0.
is required to get QU, the unloaded Q. When
the input to output coupling is identical, we
use Equation 4. detailed in the reference of Note 2.) It basi-
cally computes the effective series resistance
 QU  (ESR) of the combined L and C, based on the
Loss = 20 log   [Eq 4] attenuation in dB at resonance, using a selec-
 QU − QL  tive voltmeter to prevent source harmonics
where Loss is in positive dB. The ratio QU / from affecting the measurement. The ESR
QL may now be calculated using Equation 5. may be calculated using Equation 6.
 Loss
 Z
QU  10 20  ESR =
=  dB  [Eq 6] Figure 5 — Frequency response of the
QL  Loss  [Eq 5]
2 10 20 − 1 notch circuit of Figure 4, where f0 is the
10 20
− 1  frequency of maximum attenuation.
   
where dB is a positive value of attenuation
This equation is plotted in Figure 3. and Z is the source and detector impedance.
Note that this method applies well to Once the ESR is known, it is only necessary There is also a version for crystals, which
transmission line resonators with equal to compute: computes the equivalent R L C values and
impedance inductive coupling loops at the other related parameters.
input / output. Note also that these two meth-
XL [Eq 7]
ods do not require knowledge of the L or C QU = 4 – Reflection Measurement Using an
values to compute the Q factors. ESR
SWR Analyzer
where XL = 2πf0L, and L has already been This method has been recently devel-
3 – Shunt Mode Transmission Method measured separately. oped to make use of an SWR analyzer, thus
With L-C in Series Note 3 gives a reference to a spreadsheet eliminating the need for the source-detector
Here the L and C are series connected that I have developed to eliminate the need combination. Adjust the SWR analyzer to the
and placed in shunt across the transmission to measure L and C. Two more attenuation resonant frequency of the circuit. The L-C
circuit. See Figure 4. (This method is also points are required to compute these values. circuit may be coupled to a link coil on the

8 QEX – January/February 2012

SWR analyzer, which provides variable cou-
pling. As shown in Figure 7, the amount of
coupling is adjusted until the SWR drops to
1:1. The frequency is recorded as f0. Then the
frequency is offset above or below f0 to obtain
an SWR reading between 2 and 5. Now plug
the new frequency and SWR values in the
spreadsheet that I provide to calculate the
unloaded Q factor. Note that the L or C val-
ues are not required to compute the Q factor.
As shown in Figure 8 the coupling may
also be realized with a second variable
capacitor, Ca, which serves as an impedance
divider. Both capacitors have their frame
grounded, along with the SWR analyzer.
This makes the construction and operation of
the SWR - Q meter much easier. Figure 6 — Effective series resistance as computed from the attenuation in dB, in a 50 Ω
Both circuits transform the L-C circuit system.
effective parallel resistance RP to 50 + j 0 Ω as
required by the analyzer to obtain a 1:1 SWR
at resonance. The capacitance value of Ca
will be in the order of 10 to 50 times the value
of C, the main tuning capacitor. A slight
interaction will be present between these two
adjustments when adjusting for 1:1 SWR.
Note that a variable inductive divider can
be used, in series with the inductor under test,
instead of the capacitive divider of Figure 8.
In this case the SWR analyzer is connected
across this variable inductor, which allows Figure 8 — Here the variable coupling to the
matching to the SWR analyzer 50 Ω input. I SWR analyzer is provided by the capacitive
do not recommend this as the Q of the vari- divider formed by Ca and C. Ca is typically 10
able inductor is probably not going to be as to 50 times larger than C.
high as the matching capacitor, Ca. The Q of
these matching components have a second
order effect on the measured QU. Measuring the Q of Low Value
At a Q factor of 300, a 1% error in SWR Capacitors (< 100 pF) Using the Delta Q
gives a 1% error in Q. Assume that the mea- Figure 7 — Set-up for measuring the Method
sured SWR is 4 and the SWR meter has a reso- unloaded Q of L-C resonant circuit. Two Q measurements are required:
The coupling is adjusted for 1:1 SWR First measure the Q of a test inductor
lution of 0.1. If the error in SWR is 0.1, then at resonance. The link should have
the error in Q is 2.5%. Other errors include approximately 1 turn per 5 or 10 turns of the
(preferably having a stable high Q) and
the Q of the tuning capacitor, and the Q of inductor under test. record it as Q1 and record the amount of
the matching component, Ca, or the link coil capacitance C1 used to resonate it.
to a lesser degree. Second, connect the low value capaci-
Here are some simulation results: tor to be tested across the tuning capacitor,
At Q = 200 the average error on the cal- decrease its capacitance to obtain resonance
The losses of the transmission line
culated Q is – 0.5% when the test frequency again. Note the measured Q as Q2 and the
between the SWR analyzer and the Q mea-
is below resonance. Above resonance, the amount of capacitance C2 used to resonate.
suring circuit should be kept to a minimum.
average error drops to – 0.05%. (Q2 should be less than Q1).
An attenuation of 0.05 dB gives –1.6% error
At Q = 50 the average error on the calcu- Compute the Q of this capacitor as follows:
on the calculated Q.
lated Q is –1.0% when the test frequency is So far the Q factor measurement included Q= 1
( C − C2 ) × Q1 × Q2
below resonance. Above resonance, the aver- both the combined Qs of the L and C, since C1 × ( Q1 − Q2 ) [Eq 9]
age error drops to –0.7%. it is difficult to separate their individual Q
These small errors come from the reac- values. When the capacitor Q (Qcap) is known Note that (C1 – C2) is the capacitance of
tance of the coupling element (link coil or Ca the inductor Q (Qind) may be calculated like interest. It may be measured separately using
in the capacitive divider). parallel resistors: a C meter. If Q2 = Q1 the Q of the capacitor
The following errors were obtained by becomes infinite.
simulation with an inductor Q of 200. 1 1 1
The matching capacitor Ca should have a = − [Eq 8]
Qind Q Qcap Unloaded and Loaded Q
Q of 500 or larger. A Q value of 500 for Ca
Looking back at method 1, the measured
gives – 6% error and a Q value of 1000 for Ca
Note that the combined Q of the L-C cir- Q is the loaded Q and it approaches the
gives – 0.6% error.
cuit is 17% lower with Qind = 200 and Qcap = unloaded Q as the source impedance goes
Interestingly the link coil Q may be as low
1000, compared to having a capacitor with toward zero and the detector impedance is
as 50 and the error is only – 0.4%.
an infinite Q. infinite.

QEX – January/February 2012 9

With method 2, the measured Q is the
loaded Q and a correction is required based
on insertion loss to obtain the unloaded Q.
In this case the L-C circuit under test “sees”
the same Q as we have measured, (if it could
look at its environment by looking towards
the source and detector).
Such is not the case in methods 3 and 4.
In method 3 the L-C circuit will typically
“see” a 50 Ω source and a 50 Ω detector that
are effectively in parallel. This adds 25 Ω in
series with the ESR of the L-C circuit, and
reduces the Q that it sees. This loaded Q sets
the selectivity of the notch filter created by
the circuit.
In method 4, the L-C “sees” the SWR
analyzer internal impedance, say 50  Ω.
Remember that the Rp value is transformed to
Figure 9 — This graph shows the K factor versus SWR. At SWR = 2.62 the correction factor K
50 Ω at the analyzer, and effectively is in par- equals 1 while at SWR = 5.83 the K factor is 2.
allel with the analyzer’s internal impedance.
This means that the actual Q factor seen by
the L-C circuit is reduced by half. This value
is the loaded Q of the L-C circuit. In this case the dipole antenna will also exhibit the same selective voltmeter to prevent source har-
the coupling factor equals 1.5 loaded Q = unloaded Q / 2 if the receiver monics from affecting the measurement.
Now consider a 50 Ω dipole antenna. The impedance is 50  Ω. Your antenna effective Compute the ESR from the minimum
series R-L-C model may be applied to a reso- bandwidth may be twice as large as you attenuation measured at resonance.
nant dipole antenna, which presents approxi- really thought! The L or C values are required to compute
mately 50  Ω at the feed point. When the the Q value.
dipole is fed by a low loss transmission line The author’s spreadsheet computes the
Summary of the Four Methods
the SWR meter connected at the transmitter Presented in this Article series/parallel R-L-C values from 3 attenu-
will measure the antenna unloaded Q at an ation measurements. This technique is also
1 – Classical Q Meter. See Figure 1. This
SWR = 2.62 as calculated from equation 3: useful for crystal measurements.
shows a set-up as used by the HP / Agilent
Q = f0 / BW. Note that the spreadsheet given This is potentially the most accurate
model HP 4342A.
in Note 4 will calculate the dipole Q factor method, if the attenuation is measured with
This technique uses a transmission
under these conditions. high accuracy using a vector network ana-
method that requires a very low impedance
When the antenna is fed by a 50 Ω source, lyzer (VNA).
source and very high impedance detector,
its effective bandwidth will double, since the 4 – Reflection measurement using an
which are not easy to realize.
total resistance seen by the dipole is now the SWR analyzer. See Figures 7 and 8.
Set the frequency and adjust the reference
radiation resistance plus the transmitter out- This technique requires a matching
capacitor for resonance.
put resistance. capacitor or variable link coupling. There
The measurement approximates the
Here we still have the loaded Q = will be a slight interaction between the
unloaded Q. Corrections are difficult to
unloaded Q / 2. This assumes that the trans- matching components and the main tuning
mitter output impedance and the feed line are capacitor.
You don’t have to know the L-C values.
50 Ω. The Q derived from the bandwidth at Adjust two variable capacitors or vary
2 – Transmission Method Using
SWR points of 2.62 gives the unloaded Q link coupling to obtain an SWR of approxi-
Coupling. See Figure 2. This technique
value, independently of the transmitter out- mately 1:1
requires a source and a voltmeter.
put impedance. Toroidal inductors are difficult to test with
Find the –3  dB transmission bandwidth
In the general case, the complex imped- variable link coupling. Use the capacitive
ance of the transmitter reflected at the divider method instead. With link coupling,
The measurement requires two low-
antenna will modify its effective bandwidth keep the link close to the grounded end of the
value, high Q coupling capacitors.
and its actual resonant frequency. Note that coil, to minimize capacitive coupling. In gen-
It measures the loaded Q as used in the
the SWR meter connected at the transmit- eral air wound coils are more delicate to test
test circuit.
ter will not show this effect since it can only since they are sensitive to their environment.
You need to correct the loaded Q value
measure the unloaded Q of the dipole. Also, The L and C values are not required.
for attenuation to find the unloaded Q, if the
the bandwidth of the matching circuits at the Offset the frequency to have an SWR
attenuation is less than 30 dB.
transmitter will affect the effective imped- increase. Note the frequency and SWR.
The accuracy of the Q measurement
ance seen by the antenna and modify its The author’s spreadsheet computes the
remains somewhat dependant upon the Q
loaded Q and bandwidth. unloaded Q factor directly.
factor of the coupling capacitors. Refer to
One way to measure the effective band- This technique requires the least equip-
Figure 2. With 1 pF coupling capacitors hav-
width of the dipole might be to insert an ment of any of the methods.
ing a Q of 1000, the error on Q was –1.4%.
RF ammeter in series with one dipole leg. Best accuracy is obtained with a link coil
The L or C values are not required.
Find the frequencies where the current is or a variable capacitive divider.
3 – Shunt mode transmission method
reduced by ~  30% and compute the effec- While all four methods do not require
with LC connected in series. See Figure 4.
tive bandwidth this way. In the receive mode phase or complex impedance measurements,
This method requires a source and a

10 QEX – January/February 2012

method 4 only requires an SWR analyzer.
Appendix 1
The accuracy of the SWR analyzer method
In the SWR analyzer method, the equivalent parallel resistance RP of the L-C circuit is
has been validated from RF Simulations and
transformed to 50 Ω to give 1:1 SWR at resonance by using an adjustable link coupling
by actual measurements.
or a variable capacitive divider. As the frequency is varied around resonance, it may be
Since this method relies on SWR mea-
set at two frequencies where the absolute value of the reactance, X, is equal to RP.
surements, the accuracy of the measuring
instrument should be verified. The SWR = Abs(X) = RP
2 point may easily verified by placing two
Normalizing these impedances gives impedances of 1 for RP and j for X.
accurate ( ≤ 1%) 50  Ω resistors in parallel
Since these are in parallel, the resulting impedance, Z, will be:
at the analyzer output using a tee connector.
Note the reading obtained at the frequency of 1× j
interest and compute the SWR offset from Z = = 0.5 + 0.5 j [Eq A-1]
1+ j
the ideal value of 2.00. Then perform the Q
measurements around this same SWR value, Taking the absolute value of Z we get Z = 0.707. This is the –3 dB
possibly above and below the resonant fre- point, since this value is 3 dB below the initial value of 1.
quency and average the Q results. The complex reflection coefficient is:
To compensate for inaccuracies in deter-
mining the frequency (f0) of 1:1 SWR, it is ρ=
(0.5 + 0.5 j )−1 = −0.2 + 0.4 j
[Eq A-2]
recommended that you perform the Q mea- (0.5 + 0.5 j )+1
surement at two frequencies above and below
the f0, as done in the spreadsheet provided in The absolute value of the reflection coefficient |ρ| is
Note 4. 0.447. The return loss RL in dB is given by:
Note 5 covers other methods of mea- RL = –20 log |ρ| = 6.99 [Eq A-3]
suring Q using a vector network analyzer,
mostly suitable for use at microwave fre- The corresponding SWR is given as:
1+ ρ
SWR = = 2.62 [Eq A-4]
Jacques Audet, VE2AZX, became interested 1− ρ
in radio at the age of 14, after playing with At the – 3 dB points, the bandwidth (BW) is related to the unloaded Q factor as follows:
crystal radio sets and repairing old receivers.
At 17, he obtained his first ham license, and f0
in 1967 he obtained his B Sc degree in elec- QU =
trical engineering from Laval University. He
then worked in engineering functions at Nortel Therefore, measuring the bandwidth, BW, at SWR = 2.62 allows us to compute the unloaded
Networks, where he retired in 2000. He worked Q (QU) of the circuit. So far, we need three measurement points. One point at frequency f0
mostly in test engineering on a number of that gives 1:1 SWR and two points at fL and fH below and above resonance that give an SWR
products and components operating from dc to of 2.62. The last two points are symmetrical around f0, so only one is measured as f = fH.
light-wave frequencies.
His areas of interest are in RF simulations, Since fL × fH = f0 [Eq A-5]
filters, duplexers, antennas and using comput-
The other frequency fX is assumed to be at:
ers to develop new test techniques in measure-
ment and data processing.
f 02 f 02 [Eq A-6]
fX = =
fH f
Hewlett Packard Journal, September
1970, The bandwidth BW1 may now be calculated:
Wes Hayward W7ZOI “Two Faces of Q,” f 02
BW1 = f − f X = f − f [Eq A-7]
There is an Excel spreadsheet to perform
the various Q calculations on my website: Since we want to be able to measure at any SWR value, we need to add a correction factor, K, resulting from the use of bandwidth BW1.
Par_RLC.xls for RLC circuits.
The MathCad™ and the corresponding
Adobe PDF file as well as the Excel file may K f0
U =
Q [Eq A-8]
be downloaded from the ARRL website at BW1 Look for the file The correction factor, K, is the bandwidth multiplication factor. It is a function of the
Darko Kajfez “Q Factor Measurements, SWR. I derived K using Mathcad™ numerical calculations and then normalized the value.
Analog and Digital,” I used a fifth order polynomial to fit the computed data. See Figure 9. Note 4 gives the
Mathcad™ and Adobe PDF files that I used, as well as more details on the derivations.
The complete equation as used in my spreadsheet for the unloaded Q factor becomes:

f 0 ⋅ (1.77423 ⋅ SWR − 0.59467 ⋅ SWR 2 + 0.13042 ⋅ SWR 3 − 0.0151 ⋅ SWR 4 + 0.00071 ⋅ SWR 5 − 1.28601)
QU =
f 02
f − [Eq A-9]

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