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ISTSE Sample Question Paper For Class 5

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Indian School Talent Search Exam (ISTSE)

Sample Paper (Paper Based Exam) – Class 5

Total Questions: 50, Total Marks: 100

1. Duration of the test is 60 minutes.
2. Total marks are 100.
3. Questions paper contains 50 Questions.
4. The question numbers
• 1 to 9 belong to “Mental and Logical Ability”
• 10 to 21 belong to Mathematics
• 22 to 33 belong to Science
• 34 to 45 belong to English and
• 46 to 50 are “Scholars Section”
5. Each question carries negative marking.
6. Please leave the question in case you are not sure about answer.
7. Un- attempted questions do not attract negative marking.
8. Answers are to be given on a separate OMR sheet.
9. Rough work can be done anywhere in the booklet but not on the OMR sheet/loose paper.

Section-1, Mental and Logical Ability Who among these is the youngest?
(1 mark for correct answer. 0.25 mark will be deducted a) Meena
for wrong answer) b) Rani
c) Girish
1. Hema is 3 kg heavier than Kamala, who is 2 d) Vishwa
kg lighter than Monica.
How much heavier is Hema than Monica? 3. What will be the middle digit of the
following numbers if the numbers are
a) 3 kg reversed and arranged in ascending order?
b) 1.5 kg
c) 1 kg 34, 57, 33, 63, 21
d) 2 kg
a) 12
2. Given below is the relationship between b) 33
the ages of 4 students, Meena, Girish, Rani c) 36
and Vishwa. d) 43
• Meena is younger than Girish.
• Rani is younger than Vishwa.
• Vishwa is younger than Meena.

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Indian School Talent Search Exam (ISTSE)
Sample Paper (Paper Based Exam) – Class 5
Total Questions: 50, Total Marks: 100

4. If FOUGHT is coded as EQRKCZ, how will a) Car

MALE be coded? b) Rikshaw
c) Bus
a) LCII d) Bicycle
c) NZMD 8. Read the following information carefully
d) KCMI and answer the question that follows:

5. Read the following information carefully (i) P and Q like Science but not English.
and answer the question given below. (ii) Q and R do not like Hindi but like
(i) Pankaj and Tarun are good in Maths.
Volleyball. (iii) R and S like Science and English.
(ii) Tarun and Mohit are good in Baseball. (iv) P likes only one subject.
(iii) Mohit and Pankaj are good in (v) S does not like only Maths.
(iv) Rohit and Tarun are good in Hockey. Which of the following subject is liked by all
the four students?
Who is good in only one game?

a) Rohit a) Hindi
b) Tarun b) Math
c) Mohit c) Science
d) Mohith d) English

6. Akarsh is 15th from the left end and 17th 9. Among L, M, N and Q, M is heavier than L
from the right end in a line. Find the total and N. N is not as heavy as L. Q is heavier
number of persons in the line. than M. Who is the lightest?

a) 30 a) L
b) 31 b) Q
c) 33 c) M
d) 32 d) N

7. If 'Car' is called 'Train', 'Train' is called

'Tractor', 'Tractor' is called 'Bus', 'Bus' is
called 'Bicycle' and 'Bicycle' is called
'Rickshaw' then which is used to plow a

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Indian School Talent Search Exam (ISTSE)
Sample Paper (Paper Based Exam) – Class 5
Total Questions: 50, Total Marks: 100

Section-2, Mathematics 12. AD and BE are straight lines. Given that

(2 marks for correct answer. 0.50 mark will be deducted ∠AOB = ∠DOC, find ∠EOD.
for wrong answer)

10. Sneha gave candy to a group of children. If

she gave 5 candies to each child, she
needed another 2 candies. If she gave each
child 4 candie, there were 3 candies left.

How many children were there? How many

candies did Sneha have?

a) 5,26
b) 6,26 a)
c) 5,23 b)
d) None c)

11. Garima is facing the Community centre. 13. Observe the twin primes in the table.
What will she be facing if she turns 270 Which of the given twin primes are present
clockwise? in the prime factorization of 2145?

a) P and S
b) P and R
c) Q and R
d) P and Q

14. Three people share 7 apples equally. What

is the share of each?
a) Temple a) 1
b) Mall b) 3/7
c) School c) 7/3
d) Park d) 7/4

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Indian School Talent Search Exam (ISTSE)
Sample Paper (Paper Based Exam) – Class 5
Total Questions: 50, Total Marks: 100

15. The capacity of a cylindrical tank is 32 I. 18. The sum of two like fractions is 8/9 and
• It is 4/5 full of water. their difference is 2/9. What are the two
• A quarter of this volume of water is fractions?
poured into a pail. a) 8/9, 2/9
How much water is left in the cylindrical b) 4/9, 4/9
tank? c) 5/9, 3/9
d) 6/9, 2/9
19. Sunil had cake for his party
b) • At the party, 3/5 of the cake was eaten.
• What was left over weighed 600 g.
• What was the weight of the whole
a) 1.5 kg
16. I am greater than 50 but smaller than 75. b) 240 kg
• I am a multiple of 6. c) 1 kg
d) 360 kg
• When I am divided by 9, the remainder
is 3.
20. Which is not in ascending order?
Which number am I?

a) 0.3, 0.35, 0.53

a) 68
b) 0.98, 0.9, 0.89
b) 66
c) 0.7, 0.79, 0.97
c) 72
d) 3.45, 3.5, 3.54
d) 60

21. The perimeter of one square is 24 metres

17. The total weight of 35 passengers in an
and that of another is 32 metres. Perimeter
aeroplane is 1715 kg. The total weight of
of a square whose area is equal to the sum
their suitcases is 1120kg. How much is the
of the areas of the two squares will be:
average weight of passengers with their
a) 60 m
b) 40 m
a) 41 kg
c) 30 m
b) 42 kg
d) 50 m
c) 81 kg
d) 40.5 kg

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Indian School Talent Search Exam (ISTSE)
Sample Paper (Paper Based Exam) – Class 5
Total Questions: 50, Total Marks: 100

Section-3, Science 25. Which of the following animals breathe

(2 marks for correct answer. 0.50 mark will be deducted through body holes?
for wrong answer)
a) Frogs
22. How are the antennae of a cockroach b) Grasshopper
useful to it? c) Earthworms
d) All of these
a) They help it to sense its way around
b) They help it to fly 26. How do you separate a mixture of salt,
c) They help to it fight off predators. water and sand?
d) They help it to see better at night
a) Stir with water then filter
b) Reverse osmosis
23. Select the incorrect statement regarding c) Only filter
greenhouse effect. d) Both a and b
a) Carbon dioxide and methane are the
greenhouse gases. 27. Which of the following is not an example of
b) Greenhouse effect results in global a physical change?
c) Greenhouse effect occurs normally in a) Dissolving salt into water
nature and maintains temperature of b) Melting of candle to form liquid Wax
Earth. c) Boiling of water to form water vapours
d) Oxygen is the major greenhouse gas. d) Conversion of milk into curd

24. Of many kinds of snake found in our

country, only four types of snakes are 28. Which of the following statements about
poisonous. These are magnet is true?
a) A magnet can be demagnetised by
a) Puthon, Worm snake, Viper, Krait placing it in water
b) Chameleon, Cobra, Russel's Viper and b) The strength of a magnet depends on
Worm snake its shape
c) Common krait, Russel's viper, Cobra c) The North pole of a magnet is as strong
and Saw-scaled Viper as its South pole.
d) Sea snake, Python, Cobra, Common d) The pull of a magnet cannot pass
Krait through water

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Indian School Talent Search Exam (ISTSE)
Sample Paper (Paper Based Exam) – Class 5
Total Questions: 50, Total Marks: 100

29. Which one of the following causes the loss 31. Which of these simple machines is used in
of nutrients in the soil? stitching clothes with a sewing machine?
a) Planting trees a) Screw
b) Rotational farming b) Wheel and axle
c) Growing the same crops repeatedly in c) Lever
the same piece of land d) All of these
d) All of these
32. The teacher gave a demonstration in the
science class by blowing through a straw
30. Anupama used a blender to blend pipe in lime water contained in the test
tomatoes. tube.
Answer the question based on this. Continuously blowing for a minute, it was
What happens when she starts the observed that the lime water turned milky.
blending process? The gas being blown by the teacher is:
a) Carbon dioxide
b) Nitrogen
c) Hydrogen
d) Oxygen

33. Which of the following is not a lever of the

second order?

a) The chemical potential energy is

converted into electrical energy which a)
is converted into kinetic energy and
source energy. b)
b) The chemical potential energy is
converted into electrical energy which
is converted into heat energy and
sound energy.
c) The chemical potential energy is
converted into electrical energy which d)
is converted into kinetic energy, heat
energy and source energy.
d) The electrical energy is converted into
kinetic energy, heat energy and sound

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Indian School Talent Search Exam (ISTSE)
Sample Paper (Paper Based Exam) – Class 5
Total Questions: 50, Total Marks: 100

Section-4, English
(1.5 marks for correct answer. 0.25 mark will be deducted 37. Find the antonyms of the word given in
for wrong answer) capital letters:
34. Match the following: a) Concord
a. January (i) Common Noun b) Friendship
b. Soldier (ii) Collective Noun c) Hostility
c. Team (iii) Proper Noun d) Combination

a) a-(iii), b-(i), c-(ii) 38. CHOOSE THE BEST WORD/PHRASE TO

b) a-(iii), b-(ii), c-(i) COMPLETE THE SENTENCE.
c) a-(i), b-(ii), c-(iii)
d) none of these The watermelon tasted delicious. You
_________tasted it.
Uncle: On 9th of this month. We are b) ought to have
coming by Air India Flight. c) would be
Radhika: ____________________ d) none of these
Uncle: At 11 am.
Radhika: We will come to receive you at
the airport. We have bought a new Opel
Astra. We’ll show you around Delhi in our 39. Change the active voice into passive voice:
new car. Akash bought an almirah.
a) When will your aeroplane land at the a) An almirah was being bought by Akash
airport? b) An almirah was been bought by Akash
b) When will you board the flight c) An almirah was bought by Akash
c) When will you take off? d) An almirah is bought by Akash
d) none of these
40. Choose the word that completes the
36. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence below correctly?
conversation/dialogue. The ________ of dancers was ready for its
Mom: Stop daydreaming and building performance.
castles in the _________! Work hard first. a) Troop
a) Mud b) Troupe
b) Air c) Band
c) Clouds d) Flock
d) Sand

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Indian School Talent Search Exam (ISTSE)
Sample Paper (Paper Based Exam) – Class 5
Total Questions: 50, Total Marks: 100

41. Find adverb from the given sentence: d) respite

Hurriedly, Rina packed her bag.
a) Rina Section-5, Scholars Section
b) Hurriedly (5 marks for correct answer. 2 marks will be deducted for
wrong answer)
c) Packed
d) Bag
46. If we increase the temperature of the
medium in which sound is travelling, then
42. Complete the proverb the speed of sound will
Absence makes the heart grow ________ a) remain the same.
a) Larger b) increase.
b) Fonder c) not be affected.
c) Smaller d) decrease.
d) None
47. Saroj, Jaggu and Bholu, each owns a fruit
43. Choose the correct word /phrase to shop.
complete the sentence. • In Saroj's shop, 3 oranges are sold for
My uncle brought a ______ shirt for me. Rs 24.
a) yellow big baggy polo • In Jaggu's shop, 2 oranges are sold for
Rs 20.
b) baggy big yellow polo
• In Bholu's shop, 5 oranges are sold for
c) polo yellow big baggy
Rs 45.
d) big baggy yellow polo
In whose shop are oranges sold at the
cheapest rate?
______ Harry Potter series is _______ great b) Saroj's shop
collection of books. c) Bholu's shop
a) The, a d) All of them sell oranges at the same
b) No article, no article rate.
c) A, a
d) The, an 48. The small intestine of our body absorbs
nutrients to feed into the blood.
Which one of the following parts of blood
45. Complete the following sentence.
works for transporting these nutrients into
They will be great footballers if they can
the whole part of our body?
_________ the training. a) Plasma
a) Halt b) RBC
b) Endure c) Platelets
c) Layoff d) All of these

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Indian School Talent Search Exam (ISTSE)
Sample Paper (Paper Based Exam) – Class 5
Total Questions: 50, Total Marks: 100

a) Hotel
49. Mohit is facing the railway station. What b) Hospital
will he be facing, if he turns 315º anti- c) Temple
clockwise? d) Park

50. Jackie can make 2 pies in 3 minutes.

Lenny can make 3 pies in 2 minutes.
How many pies can they make together in
an hour?
a) 100
b) 130
c) 50
d) 150

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Indian School Talent Search Exam (ISTSE)
Sample Paper (Paper Based Exam) – Class 5
Total Questions: 50, Total Marks: 100

Answer Key
1-C 2- B 3-C 4-A 5-A 6-B 7-C 8-C 9-D 10 -C
11 - A 12 - C 13 - B 14 - C 15 - B 16 -B 17 -C 18 - C 19 -A 20 - B
21 -B 22- A 23 - D 24 - C 25 - B 26 - D 27 - D 28 - C 29 - C 30 - D
31 - D 32 - A 33 - D 34 - A 35 - A 36 - B 37 - C 38 - B 39 - C 40 - B
41 - B 42 - B 43 - D 44 - A 45 - B 46 - B 47 - B 48 - A 49 - B 50 - B

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