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The Use of Air Cooled Heat Exchangers in Mechanical Seal Piping Plans - Snyder

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43rd Turbomachinery & 30th Pump Users Symposia (Pump & Turbo 2014)

September 23-25, 2014 | Houston, TX |

The Use of Air Cooled Heat Exchangers in Mechanical Seal Piping Plans

Kyle Snyder
Staff Engineer
Flowserve Corporation - Seals
Temecula, CA, United States

Kyle R. Snyder is a Staff Engineer in the convection occurs on any geometry as long as a temperature
Flow Solutions Division of Flowserve differential occurs between the fin and ambient air. The
Corporation, in Temecula, California. He gravitational component is that acting normal to the cooling
joined Flowserve in 2011 as an Applied surface. Optimal performance would occur when the plate is
Technical Solutions Engineer supporting vertical however this affects the size and required space of the
mechanical seals in the Texas Gulf Coast exchanger. Fin and cooler orientation may have a special
region. Kyle received his B.S degree in orientation to manage both cooler size and performance. Refer
Mechanical Engineering from Western to the coolers manufacturers’ installation instructions to ensure
New England University and his Master’s optimum performance.
degree in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Forced convection provides a more effective means of heat
California, Los Angeles. removal over natural convection. Air is driven over a bank of
finned tubing typically provided by a fan. The airs high velocity
ABSTRACT over the fins is capable of removing thermal energy at a higher
rate as hot air is continually removed. Performance of a forced
Piping plans provide a formalized approach to enhancing convection exchanger can also be enhanced by the fan design.
the environment of the mechanical seal. One of the most Several variables can be considered when applying a fan
frequent methods of modifying the seal environment is to including increased rotational speed, the number of blades,
reduce the temperature of fluids in the sealing systems. This has blade pitch and shrouding. Unlike natural convection
the effect of increasing viscosity, reducing vapor pressures, and exchangers that may require a specific orientation, forced draft
removing seal generated heat. coolers can be mounted anywhere. The air velocity should be
Not all seal applications have a viable water source to orientated parallel with the fin geometry. This provides high
apply a water cooled exchanger. In place, air cooled exchangers velocity across both surfaces of the fin without obstruction.
provide a low cost, low maintenance solution for mechanical Figure 1 is a shrouded fan that is directing flow parallel to the
seal piping plans. Natural and forced convection coolers can fin orientation for the most efficient cooling.
prove very effective but require several considerations
including material selection and environmental conditions.
Properly selecting and sizing the coolers can contribute to the
success of a mechanical seal.


Natural Convection vs Forced Convection

Most air finned coolers are commonly supplied as natural

convection. This means there is no external means of providing
air flow over the cooler. Natural convection works on the
principle of buoyance. As air near a hot surface becomes less
dense, it rises and is displaced by cooler, denser air. This
continual exchange of fluid results in convective heat transfer. Figure 1. Forced Convection Air Fin Cooler
Natural convection is highly dependent on the surface
temperature of the fin and tubing. The hotter the surface, the Environmental Considerations
less dense the air gets and convection can occur at a higher rate
resulting in more heat removal. This is why air finned Air cooler performance is influenced by site conditions.
exchangers can be effective in high temperature applications Ambient air temperature has a big impact but there are other
where water coolers may be limited due to vaporization or considerations when applying air coolers. Altitude and weather
fouling on the coolant side. not only affect the cooling capability of air, but may also
Buoyancy is a function of earth’s gravity. Natural dictate what materials are selected for the exchanger. Moisture

Copyright© 2014 by Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station

in the atmosphere may produce rusting or fouling on fins and The surface area of the fin is directly related to the amount
tubing of the exchanger. Material selection and fin attachment of heat the fin is capable of dissipating however there are
methods should be considered based on weather conditions if limitations. The highest temperature of the fin will be closest to
applied outdoors. Oxidation of the fins can act as an insulator the tubing and heat is conducted radially outward towards the
and decrease the performance of the exchanger considerably. tip of the fin. The temperature profile of the fin is dependent on
Convection from these units, especially natural the fin material and geometry. Higher conductivity fin material
convection, could be influenced by radiation from surrounding will allow a more uniform temperature distribution on the fin.
equipment or solar radiation. Figure 2 is an example of a Conductive heat transfer through the fin is dependent on the
natural convection exchanger mounted outdoors. Above is a inner and outer diameter of the annular fin as well as the
solar cover to prevent exposure of the exchanger to direct thickness. These three geometric features affect how well the
sunlight. The cover contains slats to allow hot air to escape and fin conducts heat (Incropera 2007).
is also mounted well above the exchanger to provide adequate Convective heat transfer occurs from the fin to the
air flow near the exchanger. This inhibits solar energy but does atmospheric surroundings. The effectiveness of this is a
not restrict convection from the exchanger. function of exposed surface area, ambient air conditions and
temperature differential. The temperature gradient of the fin
decreases radially outward from the center of the annular fin.
The radial temperature profile of the fin creates a varying
differential between it and the surrounding air. A large fin
composed of a low conductivity material will have a large
temperature difference between the inner radius and the outer
radius. The temperature differential at the outer radius of the
annular fin will not be as effective in removing heat because it
is at a lower temperature differential with the ambient air. A
smaller fin made of a material with a high thermal conductivity
will have a more uniform temperature distribution. This high
temperature differential across a larger surface results in a
much more effective fin design. A well designed fin
arrangement requires a balanced design of performance, size
and cost.
For example, take an annular fin with an inner radius
of 1 inch (25.4 mm), outer radius of 2.75 inch (69.85 mm) and
a thickness of 0.032 inch (0.8128 mm). It has a prescribed
temperature at the inner radius of 212°F (100°C). Figure 3 are
Figure 2. Natural Convection Air Cooler with a Solar Shade the resulting temperature profiles for fins constructed of copper,
aluminum and steel. The high conductivity of copper provides a
This energy acts as a heat input into the seal cooler and high temperature differential on the entire fin. Based on that
may reduce its performance. This is applicable when air coolers observation, a copper fin could be a larger size and still be
are applied indoors or outdoors. highly efficient and increase the overall surface area of the
When applied in remote locations with minimal exchanger. A steel fin however has much lower fin efficiency
maintenance, careful consideration of environment and consideration must be taken when considering the size of
consideration should be taken. Low ambient temperatures can the fin as that directly affects the cost of the exchanger.
negatively affect the seal system if the fluid is not properly
selected for a barrier or buffer system. Viscosity may become Temperature Distribution of Annular Fin
too high making a mechanical seal prone to blistering or even
Temperature Differential between Fin and Ambient (Deg. F)

freezing. Wide ambient temperature swings may also cause a 200
large variation in fluid viscosity. The change in viscosity may
affect the seals dynamic lubrication which may contribute to
leakage variation. Ensure the fluid and selected cooler are
correctly applied given the conditions. Copper


Fin Design Aluminum 150

The effectiveness of an annular fin is dependent on a

number of variables. The geometry of the fin itself dictates
cooling area and conductive path through the fin. Convective
coefficients of the surrounding environment affect the 105.381
performance of the fin. These variables are taken into 100
1 1.5 2 2.5

consideration when initially designing the exchanger and later 1 Radial 2.75

evaluating its performance. Together these variables define the Radial Location (inches)

fin efficiency of a specific design. Figure 3. Radial Temperature Profile of an Annular Fin
Composed of Various Materials

Copyright© 2014 by Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station

offer higher corrosion and wider temperature range since the fin
overlaps the previous fin and allows more tube coverage.
The lower temperature differential towards the tip of the
fin is an area of low heat transfer due to the small temperature
differential. A large fin has increased surface area but the result
is a minimal amount of convection occurring towards the outer
diameter of the fin. Figure 4 illustrates a temperature profile on
a forced draft cooler with the fan mounted below. The leading
edge of the fin is much cooler than the back edge of the fin. The
tip of the fins is also at a cooler temperature than the base
attached to the tubing. Fin efficiency is an important parameter
when designing and evaluating fin arrays. Evaluating the
efficiency and material required to effectively remove a heat
load can lead to significant savings when it comes to material
costs and size of the exchanger.

Figure 5. Different Fin Attachment Methods

Each of these attachment methods has advantages and

disadvantages but all introduce some amount of thermal
resistance to the system. The most efficient design would be
machined fins so there is no contact interface between the tube
and fins however this is not often applicable in seal coolers.
The contact resistance is a result of voids between the two
materials forming air pockets and reducing surface contact area.
Figure 4. Thermal Image of a Forced Convection Cooler with The attachment method to the tubing may also have a lower
Fan at the Bottom thermal conductivity than the fin or tubing which inhibits heat
transfer between the tubing to the fin. When care is taken in
Installation Methods manufacturing of the fin array, the contact resistance is
negligible when evaluating exchanger performance.
Air cooled exchangers are constructed of a smooth tubing Tubing and piping size ranges from ½ inch to 1 inch for
with annular fins attached to the outer diameter of the tube. applications on mechanical seals. The material is typically 316
How the fins are attached depend on design and application. or 316L but could vary depending on the application to other
Common attachment methods include tension wound fins, alloys including duplex or monel. Fin materials are commonly
embedded fins, ‘L’ wrapped fins, double ‘L’ wrapped fins. aluminum, carbon brazed or stainless steel copper.
Figure 5 shows two cross sections of spiral wound and ‘L’
wrapped fins. Fouling
Tension wound fins are tightly wrapped around the exterior
of the tube and are either welded or stapled in place. Embedded Fouling is defined as the deposition of an insulating layer
fins are inserted into a groove in the tubing or pressed into the of material onto a heat transfer surface. This can occur on either
material and welded in place. These two methods can be the process side or atmospheric side of air cooled heat
applied in high temperature application conditions and offer exchangers. Fins can become contaminated with dust or debris
excellent thermal efficiency. that may be in the surrounding area. Environmental conditions
‘L’ wrapped fins have the cross section of an L which may deposit a layer of material on the fins and tubing which
provides a footing and increased contact region between the may act as an insulator and decrease the overall performance of
tube and the fin. The ‘L’ fin design is applied in temperatures the exchanger. In mechanical sealing applications, air cooled
up to 350°F and offers maximum heat transfer at lower exchangers are applied within buildings and also in remote
temperatures. The fin is formed into an L shape and tension locations that may be exposed to the elements. The added
wrapped around the tube. The foot of the fin mates against the benefit of air cooled exchangers in remote locations is that they
adjacent fin completely covering the base of the tube providing require minimal maintenance on the coolant side of the
resistance to atmospheric corrosion. Double ‘L’ wrapped fins exchanger. Over time fouling may begin to inhibit performance
are interlocking which prevent movement or separation. They of the exchanger.

Copyright© 2014 by Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station

Tube fouling is a consideration in some mechanical seal Other piping plans that operate in a closed system may have the
applications. An exchanger installed in a pressurized barrier addition of heat soak and seal generated heat to remove from
system, such as a plan 53 or 54, will contain clean barrier fluid the seal system. These heat loads can be significantly high in
that generally does not lead to fouling of the tubing. Tube high temperature applications.
fouling is more of a concern when cooling contaminated
process in a plan 21 or 52 application that may see process fluid Q Exchanger = Q Heat Soak + Q Seal Generated Heat
in the buffer system. Some applications of air cooled
exchangers cool plan 32 headers from a high temperature Evaluating the required heat removal for the exchanger at given
source. Fouling is more likely to occur at elevated temperatures operating conditions can determine if an air cooled exchanger
and may be a concern in plan 32 cooling. would be suitable for the application. The heat load may be too
high for an air cooled exchanger to maintain a good
Air Cooled versus Water Cooled environment for the seal.
The primary goal of implementing any piping plan is to
Water is a superior coolant to air when it comes to improve the sealing environment which includes maintaining
efficiency. However, not all seal applications are suitable for manageable temperatures on the seal. Metals and elastomers
water coolers or are located in remote locations where cooling must be properly selected for the sealing fluid temperature to
water is not available. Natural draft air exchangers may be avoid compromising the performance. Indirectly affecting the
applied in moderate to high temperature applications ranging seal is how temperature varies fluid properties. Viscosity and
from 250-750°F (121-399°C) depending on materials of vapor pressure are important considerations when selecting and
construction. The higher temperature provides higher applying seals. Air exchangers utilized in auxiliary systems can
convective rates and a larger temperature differential, removing greatly improve sealing environments and reliability.
more heat. In cooler to moderate sealing applications, ranging
from 100-250°F (37-121°C), the temperature differential may API Plan 21
not be enough to remove the proper heat load on the system or
be effective. In these cases, forced convection or water coolers
may be considered to remove the required heat by increasing
the convective rates with a fan or increasing the specific heat of
the coolant. Cooling water has a much higher specific heat,
which improves its ability to remove heat. In general, natural
convection exchangers can remove a few hundred to a few
thousand BTUs/hr. Forced convection exchangers are much
more effective with the ability to remove a few thousand to tens
of thousands of BTUs/hr. The amount however depends on the
exchanger design and application conditions.
Moderate to high temperature applications improve the
efficiency of air exchangers driving a higher temperature
differential between the exchanger and ambient conditions. It is
important to consider how the exchanger will be used in the
system and the required cooling for the seal. High temperature
applications may have the potential for vaporizing water as a
coolant if not properly maintained. This increases the potential
for damage to the exchanger or fouling. The various API
piping plans all have different cooling requirements. Evaluating Figure 6. API Plan 21 Piping Arrangement
the predicted heat load ensures the cooler is properly sized and
selected for the application. This evaluation can determine the API plan 21 utilizes a flush line pulled from the pumps
use of a natural convection, forced draft or water cooler. discharge back to the seal chamber. Flow is generated by the
Selection and sizing is generally completed by the OEM as the pressure differential and managed commonly with an orifice in
coolers capabilities are dependent on design considerations line. A heat exchanger piped inline cools the flush fluid to
previously discussed. provide an improved seal environment and lubrication for the
faces. Keeping the seal cool also helps manage thermal
Piping Plans distortions that may be present in high temperature
Air exchangers can be utilized in a variety of piping plans.
Evaluating the heat load for these exchangers is dependent on
how they are being utilized. Piping plans that continually cool a
stream of fluid, such as a plan 21, only require removing heat
from the process stream.

Q Exchanger = 500*GPM*Cp*SG*(Tin-Tout)

Copyright© 2014 by Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station

API Plan 23 API Plan 41

Figure 7. API Plan 23 Piping Arrangement Figure 9. API Plan 41 Piping Arrangement

A plan 23 continually cools the seal chamber process fluid. A plan 41 is similar to a plan 21 with the exception of a
To isolate the seal, a close clearance bushing is commonly used cyclone separator is utilized upstream of the exchanger. This is
in the box bore to isolate the hot process and the plan 23 loop. applied in applications where solids in the flush may be a
There is minimal fluid exchange between the plan 23 and the concern. The cyclone separator will split the flush flow into two
process fluid because there is minimal pressure differential streams. The dirty stream will be routed back to the suction line
driving flow. Any fluid exchange will be driven by thermal and the clean flush will be cooled through the exchanger back
gradients causing convection and mixing. The exchanger in a to the seal. The split flow will result in a lower flush flow for
plan 23 must remove the seal generated heat and heat soak from the seal and a larger temperature differential across the air
the hot equipment at equilibrium conditions. cooled exchanger.

API Plan 32 API Plan 52

The API plan 52 is utilized on dual unpressurized seals.

The seal pot containing the barrier fluid may have cooling coils
in the seal pot or a seal cooler may be piped in line with the
reservoir. The flow is generated by the pumping action of the
seal. Seal generated heat and heat soak into the buffer fluid are
removed by the exchanger. Piped in line with a reservoir, the
volume of buffer fluid in the seal reservoir provides additional
cooling. Increasing the volume increases the heat capacity of
the buffer/barrier which contributes to maintaining cooler
temperatures on the system.

Figure 8. API Plan 32 Piping Arrangement

API plan 32 is used to provide a cool, clean fluid from a

high-pressure source to improve seal operation. Similar to the
plan 21 except the plan 32 is a different fluid than what is being
pumped. There is typically a bushing at the bottom of the
equipment to maintain flow and isolation between the flush
fluid and the process. Hot flush fluids can be cooled in a plan
32 providing the added benefits of cooling the mechanical seal

Copyright© 2014 by Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station

geometry and spacing. For best performance, the tubing should
be a high conductivity material and thin so heat can easily be
API Plan 53 removed from the fluid to the fins. In most cases this term is
negligible. In high pressure or corrosive applications, special
tubing material may be required for the extreme conditions.
The thermal conductivity of these materials may have a
significant impact on the exchanger performance and
conduction through the tubing needs to be evaluated (Incropera
2007). The surface area, A, is the exposed tubing internally and
the exposed area externally including the surface area of the
fins. The fouling factor terms account for degrading
performance of the exchanger after extended use. API 682 4th
edition now specifies fouling factors for the atmospheric
cooling side that can be utilized in evaluating exchanger

The “UA” value is required to evaluate outlet temperatures of

Figure 10. API Plan 53 Piping Arrangement
the exchanger when inlet temperatures are known. For instance
a plan 21 energy balance would be as follows.
The cooling requirements of an API 53 are the same as the
plan 52 except the system is pressurized. Cooling requirements
UA(LMTD) = 500*GPM*Cp*SG*(Tin-Tout)
on the system are the same.
The right hand side of the equation is the energy removed from
API Plan 54
the hot fluid based on flow rate and fluid properties. This is
applicable to either the process side or the air side of the
An API plan 54 is pressurized and utilizes an external
exchanger as the heat removal from those to streams must be
circulation pump to provide flow on the barrier system. The
circulating pump enhances heat removal on a plan 54 as it
provides more flow than what would be generated in a typical
Q Seal Flush = Q Air
sealing application.
The log mean temperature difference is defined based on the
U-LMTD Evaluation Methods
flow configuration being parallel or counter flow. In either
case, it is a function of both the inlet and outlet temperature of
In applying coolers to seal applications, it is typically to
the process and air.
maintain a certain temperature that is compatible with the
sealing components and moderates the fluid properties to The energy balance on a closed loop system, such as a plan 23
provide a good sealing environment. These properties include
or 53, would be
vapor pressure, viscosity and density that effect sealing
performance. There are several ways to evaluate these
UA(LMTD) = Q Heat Soak + Q Seal Generated Heat
exchangers to estimate what the system temperatures of a given
piping plan will be.
The solution process to evaluate the exchanger performance on
a close loop system is more rigorous and requires iteration. The
The U-LMTD method is a well-recognized evaluation method
overall heat transfer coefficient may be known however the
for seal coolers. The overall heat transfer coefficient, U, is
inlet temperature is depended on equilibrium operation. Both
defined as the resistance of heat transfer between the hot and
the log mean temperature and the heat soak are dependent on
cold fluid. This value accounts for the internal convection of
the seal cavity temperature. Iteration for the inlet and outlet
the fluid being cooled, conduction through the tubing,
temperatures is required until the energy equation is balanced.
convection to the atmosphere and potential fouling that may
occur. The total surface area of the exchanger is defined as A.
Installation Process and Piping Practice
The ‘UA’ value is the convective coefficient associated with
the overall cooling area of the exchanger. The heat transfer
 The inlet to the cooler should be at the top and the
coefficient can be calculated theoretically. The convective
outlet at the bottom. This promotes thermo-syphoning
coefficient, h, is applicable to both the tube and air side of the
in standby conditions as the dense fluid falls to the
exchanger. There are many correlations that exist for tube flow
bottom and the hot fluid rises creating a small amount
that are a function of tube size, internal velocity and fluid
of circulation in the system.
properties. Correlations for finned tube tanks predicted
 Piping should have smooth curves to and from the
convective coefficients externally based on velocity, fin

Copyright© 2014 by Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station

seal. This is especially important in auxiliary systems environments, reliability and performance of mechanical seals.
where the rotation of the seal generates the flow
through the exchanger. Reducing the amount of turns NOMENCLATURE
and fittings in the piping decreases the losses in the
system making the pumping feature more efficient. h = Convective Coefficient
 Locate a high point vent on the process side to remove A = Surface Area
any trapped vapor. Without doing so the cooler Rf” = Fouling Factor
performance may reduce or the system may become D = Diameter
vapor locked. k = Thermal Conductivity
 Take note on whether the exchanger requires a specific L = Length
orientation. Some require a specific mounting to U = Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient
optimize heat removal. GPM = Gallons Per Minute
 Placing the exchanger directly in the sunlight may CP = Specific Heat
reduce performance as radiation energy is an input into SG = Specific Gravity
the exchanger. T = Temperature

API 682 4th Edition Requirements REFERENCES

API 684 4th edition includes a designated section for air API Standard 682, 2004. “Pumps-Shaft Sealing Systems for
coolers. Previously, air coolers were incorporated into various Centrifugal and Rotary Pumps,” Third Edition, American
piping plans in the 3rd edition. The increasing use and Petroleum Institute, Washington, D.C.
application of the air coolers warrants a section dedicated to
their use. The minimum piping requirements for auxiliary Incropera, F., Dewitt, D., Bergman, T., Lavine, A., 2007,
tubing apply to air cooler designs. Specifics for air coolers “Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer,” Sixth Edition,
include the following: John Wiley & Sons, Danvers, MA.

 Air coolers shall be constructed with finned tubing BIBLIOGRAPHY

arrangements with seal flush fluid on the tube side.
Unless otherwise specified, coolers shall be natural Chen, HT., Chou, JC., Wang, HC. 2007, “Estimation of heat
draft. transfer coefficient on the vertical plate fin of finned-tube
 Forced draft coolers shall be applied and engineering heat exchanger for various air speeds and fin spacings.”,
on agreement between the purchaser and seal vendor. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 50, pp.45-
 Tubing shall be composed of austenitic stainless steel 57
type 316, 316L or 316Ti. Fins are to be composed of
aluminum or stainless steel fixed with a suitable Perrotin, T.,Clodic, D., 2003, “Fin Efficiency Calculation in
bonding method. Austenitic stainless steel type 316L Enhanced Fin-And-Tube Heat Exchangers in Dry
or 316Ti shall be used if connections or tube-header Conditions.”, International Congress of Refrigeration,
connections are welded Washington, D.C.
 Air cooler design shall be arranged for complete
Wilcox, D., 2010 “Basic Fluid Mechanics,” Forth Edition,
draining and venting on the tube side.
DCW Industries, La Canada, California.
 Unless otherwise specified the design of the air cooler
shall include a fouling factor 0.0006 hr-ft2-oF/Btu to
0.0023 hr-ft2-oF/Btu (0.1-0.4 m2-K/kW)
For further specifics refer to API 682 4 th edition.
The author would like to acknowledge the contributions of
Mike Huebner and Eddie Bryan in the production of this paper.
Special thanks goes to Flowserve Corporation for their support
There are many items to consider when it comes to sizing
in this tutorial.
and designing air cooled exchangers. Fin design is critical to
the coolers performance as well as keeping costs to a minimum.
Fin efficiency needs to be optimized to reduce the amount
material require yet provide ample cooling for the application.
In addition to fin design, environmental conditions influence
both performance and may dictate material selection.
Environmental consideration prevents fouling of the exchanger
which may inhibit long term performance. All these variables
are taken into consideration when applying an air cooled
exchanger. API piping plans are utilized to improve seal

Copyright© 2014 by Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station

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