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Wsu Tap Lesson Plan Template

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Wichita State University

Teacher Apprentice Program

Name: Angela Jamison School: McKinley Elementary School

Student Selection/ Size: 19 Grade Level: Kindergarten

Subject: Math Lesson Topic: Addition

Lesson Length: 1 hour (including math groups) Lesson Source: Teacherspayteachers

Internship Instructor: Rebecca Greer Success Coach: Sue Rippe


K.OA.1. Represent addition and subtraction with objects, fingers, mental images,
KCCR Standard(s)
Content Area #1
drawings, sounds (e.g. claps), acting out situations, verbal explanations, expressions,
or equations.
For differentiation for students who are ready for this step
KCCR Standard(s)
Content Area #2
K.OA.2. Solve addition and subtraction word problems, and add and subtract within
10, (e.g. by using objects or drawings to represent the problem.)
Unit Objective: TSWBAT solve addition problems with counters or fingers when given counters
and math worksheets with 80% accuracy or better.
TSWBAT solve addition word problems when given counters and word problem worksheets with
80% accuracy or better.
Lesson Objective Lesson Objective(s): TSWBAT solve addition problems with counters or fingers when given
counters and math worksheets with 80% accuracy or better.
Language objectives: For the students who are working on word problems.
TSWBAT understand question words when given word problem worksheets with
80% accuracy.

Type of Lesson Delivery Classroom

Students have already been working on addition so the stapled worksheets given to them will be an
informal assessment to see where they are.
For the students who are above their peers, I also assigned a math problem worksheet during their
math centers.
Students will be evaluated on their assignments on whether they pass with 80% accuracy or better.
The unit is halfway through, so this lesson is to see where the students are on how well they are
understanding addition with counters.
Assessment & Criteria
The students will also be evaluated on how they do in their math centers. Math centers are separated
based upon how they do on their math assessments. The higher group will begin working on word
At the end of the unit, students will have a formal assessment to determine whether they mastered the
unit objectives.
However, the assessment for this specific lesson is informal and will show me which students are
meeting and not meeting the objective. The worksheets will be at the end of this lesson.
Addition- is taking two or more numbers and adding them together. It is the total of two or more
Content Vocabulary
Sum- The answer we get when we add two or more numbers.
Plus- A symbol that shows addition
Materials and Resources Required:

 2 practice worksheets we will to for guided practice

 Fun addition worksheet

 Addition worksheet that has numbers only, no shapes to count

Preparation for Lesson  Word Problem Worksheet

 Color by number worksheet

 Whiteboards, expo markers, and erasers

 Addition flashcards

 Extra worksheets incase students finish early

 Elmo projector

 Learner A requires an interpreter and one-on-one para help. The student will be able to do the worksheets with the appropriate help from her interpreter and

Universal Design para.

 Students who are behind will have appropriate help from the paras in the classroom

 Students who are ahead will have extra fun worksheets to work on if they finish early

Students will apply what they have learned in order to solve the addition math problems on their
Lesson Considerations
worksheets and in their math centers.

Write out detailed lesson procedures and activities. Be sure to include questions you will ask during the lesson and the expected student responses. Your plan should
be detailed enough for another teacher or substitute to teach it without having to ask you any questions. Numbering and bullets are permissible and encouraged.

Prior to this lesson, students have already learned the vocabulary addition, sum, and plus. Students
have been working on addition problems with their teacher and myself for several days. They have
only done worksheets that have some sort of shapes to count above or below the numbers.
Prior Lesson(s)
***They may possibly struggle with the second worksheet where there are no shapes above or below
the numbers. They will be given counters to use but may forget about them or miscount from being
1. Students are expected to raise their hands before answering although I do allow them to call
out their answers on occasion so you may need to remind them to raise their hands.
a. Students are expected to pay attention and be respectful.
2. To engage the students in this lesson, I will ask the students what it is that we have been
working on in math the past couple of days. Give them time to answer the question. Correct answer is
Beginning (5 addition.
(Engage) min) 3. The purpose of this addition lesson is to continue to work on improving our addition skills.
Addition is so important to learn because it is a skill you will use almost every single day. For
example, I went to the grocery store to buy groceries and I only had $10. I had to make sure that I did
not go over $10 so I added up the items I had to make sure that I did not go over 10. This is just one
example. There are so many other ways that we use addition every day.
Middle 40 1. Due to having gone over this for the last few days, I am skipping the I DO portion of the
(Explain/Explore) min lesson and going straight to we do.
2. For we do, we will do a few problems together on two different worksheets until the students
feel ready to work by themselves.
3. The first worksheet is similar to what the students have already been doing. It has many
different animals/items above the numbers for them to count.
4. The second worksheet has no animals/items above the numbers so students will be forced to
use their counters on problems they do not know in their head.
5. For the I DO portion of the lesson, students will do their own worksheets, one with items
above the numbers and again, one without to use their counters. Both worksheets are shown below.
6. I expect the students to try to do these worksheets by themselves. I want to know what they
are capable of. Students can get help after trying a problem by themselves. However, I expect them to
be walked through it and to get to the answer with minimal help, not have the answer done for them.
7. The two worksheets that are to be done together will need to be done on the Elmo projector

so all of the students can see them, and the work being done for them.
8. Questions I will ask throughout the lesson will be how many counters do I need for this
problem, Please count with me to figure out the answer, read the addition sentence with me. The
expected response will depend on the math problem we are on.
9. After the lesson is over, the students will be put into math centers to work on different
activities regarding addition.
10. One math group will work on addition flashcards, math group 2 will work on addition
problems using white boards and expo markers, math group 3 will work on learning how to do
addition word problems, and math group four will work on addition color by number. A para will be
needed at the flashcard group, the white board group, and the addition word problem group.
1. The assessment activity the students are doing is an informal assessment and it is the two
worksheets that will be given to them during the I DO portion of the lesson. I want to know where the
students are when it comes to mastering the objective. Are they close to mastering it? Are some
students struggling more than others? How many have seemed to have mastered it and how many are
close and how many are not close? This is the information I am hoping to gain from these two
End 20
(Extend/Evaluate) min
2. In this lesson the students should have learned how to use their counters when they come
across a problem they are unsure of. Counters also help us make sure we have the right answer when
we attempt to do it in our head.
3. A group of students has also learned how to do addition word problems.

Depending on the results of the informal assessment will depend on what the next lesson will be
about. If a majority of the students seem to be meeting the objective, then we will continue to work on
problems with no items above them so students can become used to using the counters. Word problem
Next Lesson with addition will also be introduced to the whole class if they are ready for it.

However, if the results seem to be that students are struggling more than meeting the objective, the
next lesson will be different activities to work on addition to help the struggling students.

*Make sure to attach any notes, worksheets, graphic organizers, or other lesson materials to your lesson plan. Go
through your plan and really think through what you would need to teach everything. This helps give us the whole
picture of your lesson.

Worksheets done together:

Each student had a different worksheet, but these are two of the worksheets given. Each worksheet is very similar.
Informal assessment:

Extra Worksheet given to students who finished early:

Center worksheets:

Reflection #2: Reflection after teaching lesson and reviewing video on PASS

Construct 1
I feel that the students were actively engaged in this lesson. I feel that it was developmentally appropriate for the
students and that the majority of the students understood. I did see a few students struggling and had para help throughout
so I will plan a small group activity for those students who struggled and for others who struggled on the informal
assessment. Overall, I feel that it went well. I did not scaffold for any students on this lesson so that I could see where
everyone was at. Student A did not need scaffolding as she has been doing great on addition so far. She is slower than the
other students when it comes to completing her work, but she understands the material. For learner differences, I had
extra worksheets
Something prepared forI could
that I wish the students
changewho have
is that already
a para wasmastered
gone the the
I taught. or finished
I had theon
planned worksheets early.
going from I
to center with the video so that I could show all four centers in my video, but because a para was gone, I had to take over
one of the centers. So unfortunately, the video only shows one math center, the one I am doing. I felt this lesson went
very well and there is not a lot I would do over. The students were engaged, learning, and working hard.
I planned ahead with students with exceptionalities by printing off extra worksheets for them. There are a few
students in the class with exceptionalities and I did not want them to just sit there while waiting for the other students to
finish up. Because we have students with different learning styles, I did different activities for the math centers. However,
looking back upon it now, I did not do any sort of audio center or brain break. Audio is a huge learning style, and I did
not hit upon it. Lastly, for behavior management, there is one student who is a talker and will talk instead of doing his
work. For this student, I wonder if I should have separated him until his work was done. He did not get his informal
assessment done; I believe due to his talking. You can hear me get onto him twice during the video.
Construct 2
Students were not involved in real-world applications and problem solving unless they were a part of the
exceptionality’s math group. Many of the students are still trying to become familiar with addition so for this lesson I just

stuck to the basics. However, during the beginning of the lesson, I did make addition relevant to the students. I told them
addition is a tool that many of us use every single day without even realizing it sometimes. Instead of just doing “the
basics” I could have come up with word problems to go along with some of the we do problems to make it more real-
world and to add some problem solving in it as well.
I did not adjust my teaching strategies or activities because the students all seemed to be engaged during the lesson.
They were counting with me, answering my questions, and working very hard. I felt that the students liked that I printed
off a different worksheet for each of them. It is not something they get to experience often, and I even got a compliment
from one of the students. The first worksheet was fun for the students. They liked getting pies to count or animals to
count. I felt that this helped the students engage well in the worksheet as well. I also think having the counters helped the
students as well. They did not have to sit there stuck trying to figure out how to figure out a problem they did not know
off the top of their head. However, I do wish that all of the students had been ready for word problems so that I could
have added more critical thinking. However, the worksheet without the items to count I believe is critical thinking for the
students. They had to use their counters when they did not know a problem off the top of their head. Some of the students
had to be reminded to use them.
Construct 3
In this lesson I used two formative assessments to assess where each student seemed to be when it came to
addition. I wanted to know which students were ready to move on and which students needed additional help. A little
over half of the students were successful. I made notes of which students needed additional help on the worksheets in
class and which ones were not successful on the assessment that did it by themselves. It looks like half of the class is
ready to move on and the other half needed additional help still. Only about half met the lesson objective which is fine
because that let the teacher and I know exactly where each student stood. I wanted at least 3/4 th of the students to be able
to meet the lesson objective but only half were able to reach it. The assessment with the counting items on the page
seemed to be much easier for everyone than the other assessment. I wonder if that means the students were struggling to
remember to use their counters or were they miscounting their counters when using them.
This is a difficult question for me because half of the class seems ready to move on and the other half does not
seem to be. I do not want to reteach this lesson again only for half of the class to be bored because they already know it.
However, I also do not want to move on because half of the class is clearly not ready for that. Without, collaborating with
the teacher yet, my guess would be to reteach it one more time to allow the other students to understand it and give the
students who understand more difficult work so that they do not become bored.
I believe this lesson was rigorous enough for my students. I made sure to have extra work ready to go for the
students who finished early. It was a fun color by number worksheet so that they were not bored and were still able to use
their counters on the addition on the worksheet. The students who were not quite understanding the objective had
difficulties on the second worksheet and some even needed additional help from the paras. Overall, I do believe that this
lesson was rigorous enough for each student. When coming up with instructional strategies for this lesson, I believed that
I should split the group into math centers towards the end. I have noticed with this group of students that they do not do
well in whole group for very long. They get restless and want to talk instead of work. So, when I do a lesson, I make sure
to do some sort of small group work or partner work to enhance their learning and engagement. Also, when it came to
this assessment, I think that the counters were the most affective to the students who were using them correctly. I believe
they will be a huge help to each and every student when the rest can figure out how to use them correctly as well.
Throughout the lesson, you can see that the students are counting with me, answering my questions, and echo
reading the math sentence with me. I believe a majority of the students were engaged in the lesson. When we got to the
worksheets, I got a compliment from a student (who I might add has always put down my choices of brain break songs)
so I know for sure she was engaged. Especially, watching her on the video when they were working. She worked hard on
her worksheet the whole time. The other students also seem to be engaged when they got to the worksheet. One of the
students who normally has trouble following directions even got out his counters without needing to be reminded when
he reached the second worksheet. I was quite proud of the students.
Again, I do believe that the students were interested and motivated to learn during the lesson due to the number of
students raising their had to answer the questions, the number of students counting with me, and the number of students
who echo read the addition sentences with me. I did not really make any changes during the lesson to enhance interest or
motivation. I was prepared to because usually the class needs changes in the middle of a lesson, but they did extremely
well. I did have to get onto a student for talking during the lesson and during worktime, however. He did not seem to be
interested or motivated at all.

Construct 4
Three positive outcomes of this lesson are the students were engaged, over half of the students met the lesson
objective, and overall great student behavior. When it comes to this class, I sometimes struggle with engaging them all or
with student behaviors. There are several students in the class with behavior plans and some days all of those students
seem to act up. I felt positive that they were engaged enough in the lesson that I only had to get onto one student a couple
of times.
I believe that I would like to work on instructional sequence for next time. I completely forgot to put in an audio
way of learning. Also, when I do an audio way of learning, I also do kinesthetic because it is usually a catchy learning
brain break. Next time, I need to make sure I include all styles of learning in my instruction so that each student is able to
learn the way they learn best.
I collaborated with the classroom teacher on this lesson. It was beneficial because I knew exactly what they had
already been taught and what needed to be introduced. She gave me feedback on the worksheets chosen for this lesson
and thought it had been well thought out.

Reflection #3: Feedback from Success Coach in PASS


Describe Actions and Changes I made based on the overall feedback (lesson plan and video feedback):
1. How would you summarize the overall feedback received?
2. Describe actions you will take in planning and delivering future lessons based on this overall feedback.
3. Reflect on the overall lesson plan design and delivery based on all four constructs. Use the Reflection and Response
Guidelines to assist you. (Specifically reflect on each of the 4 constructs below using the questions in the guidelines).

(Place reflection #3 below before submitting to Internship course in Blackboard)

I would summarize the overall feedback to be extremely great. I earned a 4 on my current performance level overall. I was told
that I could have added a few more adaptations and learning styles to enhance learner development. Overall, I was told that I provided
a positive and conducive learning environment, I gave multiple representations and good relevancy, that I had an effective number
and variety of assessments for this age level, told that I have a natural ability to be an excellent teacher, can focus students, interest
them, and engage them. I worked hard on this and am extremely pleased that it showed.
The only thing that I can fix after this lesson is to add more adaptations and learning styles. I did not add any audio learning styles
which I am disappointed in myself for. I prefer having all three learning styles to do my best learning and I did not provide that for
my students. Next time I will provide a brain break that has to do with the subject we are learning about.
Overall, I feel that when providing learner development, learner differences, and learner environment that I did a fantastic job. I
made sure to provide instruction that aligned with the students’ developmental needs by making it a fun lesson. I made sure to use my
knowledge of my diverse students and use that to create a positive culture of respect and rapport, and lastly I established a classroom
of environment conducive to learning by having students tell me when they are on the fence, when they understand, and when they do
not know at all. They also got to collaborate together when in centers.
I demonstrated a thorough knowledge of content by providing multiple representations and good relevancy to the students.
Addition is an important skill that adults use to this day. I provided critical thinking by having the students practice addition word
problems in one of their center groups. It is an important skill and I feel that starting to learn it in small groups first, then in whole
group would be best.
When planning for instruction, I used methods and techniques that were effective in meeting student needs by making sure the
work was on their level, but not too easy. If something was too easy for a student, I provided a fun color by addition worksheet while
they waited for everyone else to finish up. I also used two assessments that were completely different to ensure what the students
knew and did not know.
Lastly, I engaged in reflection and continuous growth by providing what I felt I did well and what I feel could have gone better.
Not every lesson will be perfect which is okay as long as we learn from it and learn from them I do. I love to learn especially, from
my mistakes. Mistakes are okay to make as long as we learn from them. I also collaborated with the classroom teacher on this lesson
to ask what she wanted me to teach and ensure if it was okay that I could take over the math centers for my lesson. The teacher I work
with is amazing and trusted it all to me.


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