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CBS News/New York Times Poll For Release: Wednesday, June 29, 2011 6:30 PM (EDT)

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CBS News/New York Times Poll For release: Wednesday, June 29, 2011 6:30 PM (EDT)

Problems at Home and Abroad: The Economy, Libya and Afghanistan June 24-28, 2011 Assessments of the economy remain poor, and 39% now think the U.S. economy may never fully recover, an increase of 11 points since last fall. Only 20% think the economy is improving, the lowest percentage since last summer. Despite economic concerns, less than half the public thinks the government should spend money to create jobs, even if it has to borrow to do so. Just over half think the government should focus on lowering the national debt instead. Four in 5 Americans approve of President Barack Obamas plan to bring troops home from Afghanistan, and more than half would bring even more U.S. troops home. For the first time since President Obama took office, a majority of Americans say the Afghanistan conflict is going well but 58% say the U.S. shouldnt be involved there. President Barack Obamas overall job approval rating is now 47%, similar to what it was three weeks ago.

The Economy Americans see the economic situation worsening. 39% now say the nations economy is in permanent decline and may never fully recover, an increase of 11 points since last fall. 57% of Americans say the economy is suffering from a temporary downturn and will eventually recover. The U.S. Economy Now 10/2010 Will eventually recover 57% 68% Is in permanent decline 39 28 Only 20% of Americans think the economy is getting better; the lowest number since August 2010. 31% believe it is getting worse and half say the economy is staying the same. Direction of the Economy 3 weeks ago 3/2011 1/2011 24% 26% 30% 31 26 21 44 47 46

Better Worse Same

Now 20% 31 48

8/2010 20% 34 44

3/2009 19% 41 37

Overall evaluations of the national economy remain grim. 81% of Americans think the economy is in bad shape, while a mere 18% thinks its good. More than half of Americans think the government in Washington is paying at least some attention to improving the economy, but only 15% think it is paying a lot of attention. Democrats

and independents are more likely than Republicans to say the government is trying to improve the economy. Government in Washingtons Attention to Economy All Reps Dems Inds A lot 15% 8% 22% 14% Some 38 34 43 35 Not much 32 43 24 32 None at all 13 14 9 15 Despite Americans concerns about the economy, there is some reluctance to spend government money to create jobs. 42% say the government should spend money to create jobs even if it has to borrow to do it, but more 52% - would prefer the government not spend the money and instead focus on lowering the countrys debt. There are striking partisan differences on this question. Most Democrats support government spending to create jobs, while Republicans and independents oppose it and would rather focus on lowering the nations debt. Should Government Spend to Create Jobs? All Reps Dems Inds Yes, even if it has to borrow 42% 20% 61% 40% No, should focus on lowering the debt 52 75 34 52 In spite of a national unemployment rate of 9.1%, Americans are split on whether unemployment benefits should be extended. 47% say benefits should be extended even if it increases the federal deficit, while 44% think benefits should not be extended. Here too, there are differences by political party. Should the Government Extend Unemployment Benefits? All Reps Dems Inds Yes 47% 31% 64% 45% No 44 64 28 45 The economy and jobs remain the top concerns for Americans, as it has been for more than three years. 53% volunteer that as the most important problem facing the country, far outdistancing the budget deficit, mentioned by 7%. Most Important Problem Facing the Country Economy and jobs 53% Budget deficit 7 Health care 4 War/Iraq/Afghanistan 4 Personal Finances Most Americans say their familys finances are in pretty good shape, but uneasiness about the job market persists. 60% are at least somewhat concerned that someone in their household could be out of work in the next year, including 31% who are very concerned about that.

Very concerned Somewhat concerned Not concerned

Concern About Household Unemployment in Next Year Now 3 weeks ago 3/2011 31% 30% 31% 29 25 27 39 44 41

Economic conditions have also had some impact on the education plans parents have for their children. More than a third of parents of teenagers and college-age children say that the type of college they can afford to send their child to has changed over the past few years. 23% have delayed or decided against college for their child. Have Economic Conditions Changed Education Plans for Your Child? (among parents w/ children age 13-22) Yes No Type of college you can afford has changed 37% 60 Delayed or decided against college 23% 68 Afghanistan Last week President Obama announced that he intended to withdraw about a third of the 100,000 U.S. troops stationed in Afghanistan by the fall of 2012, and Americans overwhelmingly approve of the plan. Four in five approve, including a majority of Republicans, Democrats, and independents, while just 17% disapprove. Obamas Plan to Reduce U.S. Troops in Afghanistan Total Reps Dems Inds Approve 79% 67% 90% 79% Disapprove 17 26 9 17 In fact, most Americans do not think the troop withdrawal the President proposed goes far enough. 59% of Americans think even more than the proposed one-third of U.S. troops in Afghanistan should be withdrawn. Amount of Troops that Should be Withdrawn from Afghanistan by the Summer of 2012 More than a third 59% About a third 26 Less than a third 10 The President announced that the planned troop withdrawal comes from a position of strength, and most Americans seem to agree. For the first time during Barack Obamas presidency, a majority of Americans - 53% - think the war in Afghanistan is going at least somewhat well for the U.S. In March 2009, shortly after President Obama took office, 57% thought the war was going somewhat or very badly. How is the War in Afghanistan Going? 3/2011 2/2011 7/2010 44% 36% 31% 49 55 62

Well Badly

Total 53% 40

11/2009 23% 69

3/2009 33% 57

But while most Americans think the war is going well in Afghanistan, they seem ready to end U.S. involvement there. 58% of Americans say the U.S. should not be involved in Afghanistan now, the highest percentage recorded since the question was first asked in September 2009. Is the U.S. Doing the Right Thing in Afghanistan? Now 3 weeks ago 2/2011 8/2010 Right thing 35% 43% 37% 43% Should not be involved 58 51 54 48

9/2009 47% 42

Most Americans dont think the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan will have much of an effect on the threat of terrorism against the U.S. 26% think the threat will increase, but 65% think the threat will remain the same, while another 6% think the threat will decrease. When the U.S. Withdraws Troops From Afghanistan, The Threat of Terrorism Will Increase 26% Stay the same 65 Decrease 6 While Americans support President Obamas proposal to withdraw troops from Afghanistan, they dont necessarily think that the U.S. has achieved most of its goals there. Just 36% think the killing of bin Laden means the U.S. mission in Afghanistan and the surrounding areas has been completed; 58% dont think so. With the Death of Bin Laden, Is the U.S. Mission in Afghanistan Completed? Yes 36% No 58 Libya As with Afghanistan, most Americans do not think the U.S. is doing right thing by taking part in the current military conflict in Libya. 59% of Americans say the U.S. should not be involved, similar to the percentage that said so earlier this month. Is the U.S. Doing the Right Thing in Libya? Now 3 weeks ago Right thing 29% 30% Should not be involved 59 59 Moreover, most Americans think the Obama Administration should have to get Congressional authorization in order to continue U.S. military action in Libya, contrary to the assertions of the Executive Branch. Six in 10 Americans think the President should have to get Congressional authorization, though there are partisan differences: 81% of Republicans think the President needs Congress to approve military actions in Libya, compared to half of Democrats. Congressional Approval Necessary for Military Action in Libya? Total Reps Dems Inds Yes 61% 81% 50% 57% No 32 16 41 36

The President and Congress As they were earlier this month, Americans are divided over how Barack Obama is handling his job as President. Now, 47% of Americans approve of how hes handling his job, while 44% disapprove. Barack Obamas Overall Job Rating 3 weeks ago 5/2011 4/2011 48% 57% 46% 43 37 45

Approve Disapprove

Now 47% 44

6/2010 47% 43

Republicans largely disapprove of how the President is handling his job, while Democrats largely approve, and independents are divided. On specific issues, 63% of Americans approve of the way Barack Obama is handling terrorism, and a slight majority also approve of his handling of Afghanistan. President Obama gets lower marks on his handling of the economy, the conflict in Libya, and the housing and mortgage situation. Barack Obamas Approval Ratings on Approve Disapprove Terrorism 63% 27 Afghanistan 51% 38 The economy 39% 52 Libya 37% 44 Housing 36% 45 Few Americans blame the President for the economys current condition, however. Only 8% think the Obama administration deserves most of the blame for the state of the nations economy. More say George W. Bushs administration (26%) and Wall Street and financial institutions (25%) are mostly to blame. 11% blame Congress. Most to Blame for the Condition of the Economy Now 3/2011 2/2010 Bush Administration 26% 28% 31% Wall Street 25 22 23 Congress 11 10 13 Obama administration 8 7 7 All of the above (vol.) 7 7 9 Meanwhile, disapproval of Congress remains very high. 70% of Americans disapprove of the job Congress is doing, while just one in five approve. Job Approval of Congress Now 3 weeks ago 4/2011 20% 18% 16% 70 72 75

Approve Disapprove

3/2011 21% 66

Assessing the Parties Americans hold an unfavorable opinion of both of the two major political parties in the country. 57% view the Republican Party unfavorably, while just 36% have a favorable opinion. Views of the Democrats are better, though more still view them unfavorably (50%) than favorably (43%). Opinion of the Parties Republican Party Democratic Party 36% 43% 57 50

Favorable Not favorable

On specific issues, Americans give the Democratic Party a slight advantage over the Republican Party when it comes to creating new jobs and ensuring a strong economy but the two are nearly equal when it comes to making the right decisions about the nations housing and mortgage situation. Which Party is More Likely to? Democratic Party Create new jobs 43% Ensure a strong economy 39% Make the right decisions about housing 38%

Republican Party 36 35 37

This poll was conducted among a random sample of 979 adults nationwide, interviewed by telephone June 24-28, 2011. The error due to sampling for results based on the entire sample could be plus or minus three percentage points. The error for subgroups is higher. This poll release conforms to the Standards of Disclosure of the National Council on Public Polls.

CBS NEWS/NEW YORK TIMES POLL Problems at Home & Abroad: The Economy, Libya and Afghanistan June 24-28, 2011 q1 Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as President? ** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ** *** Party ID *** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 47 11 76 47 44 84 15 42 9 5 9 11

Approve Disapprove DK/NA

Jun11a % 48 43 9

q2 Do you feel things in this country are generally going in the right direction or do you feel things have pretty seriously gotten off on the wrong track? Right direction Wrong track DK/NA 28 63 9 13 82 5 44 45 11 25 66 9 31 60 9

q3 What do you think is the most important problem facing this country today? Economy/Jobs Budget Deficit /Natl Debt Health Care War/Iraq/Afghanistan Education Misc. Government Issues Politicians/Government Big Government/Bureaucracy President/Barack Obama Other DK/NA q4 BLANK q5 Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling the economy? Approve Disapprove DK/NA 39 52 9 11 83 6 63 30 7 38 51 11 37 56 7 53 7 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 18 4 55 10 7 3 1 0 0 2 4 16 2 57 7 2 4 4 1 2 0 1 18 4 50 6 4 4 2 3 2 3 1 20 5 48 10 4 3 3 1 1 1 2 23 4

q6 Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling the nation's housing and mortgage situation? Approve Disapprove DK/NA 36 45 19 13 74 13 55 24 21 36 43 21

q7 Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling the situation with Afghanistan? Approve Disapprove DK/NA 51 38 11 34 53 13 70 23 7 47 41 12 51 35 14

q8 Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling the threat of terrorism? ** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ** *** Party ID *** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 63 43 86 58 27 48 9 28 10 9 5 14

Approve Disapprove DK/NA

Jun11a % 63 28 9

q9 Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling the situation in Libya? Apr11a 39 45 16

Approve Disapprove DK/NA

37 44 19

19 60 21

55 25 20

33 49 18

q10 Do you approve or disapprove of the way Congress is handling its job? Jun11a 18 72 10

Approve Disapprove DK/NA

20 70 10

29 61 10

17 73 10

17 74 9

q11 How would you rate the condition of the national economy these days? Is it very good, fairly good, fairly bad, or very bad? Very good Fairly good Fairly bad Very bad DK/NA 1 17 43 38 1 0 10 39 49 2 2 23 47 26 2 0 17 43 40 0 2 18 43 36 1

q12 Do you think the economy is getting better, getting worse, or staying about the same? Better Worse Same DK/NA 20 31 48 1 6 44 50 0 30 21 48 1 21 30 46 3 24 31 44 1

q13 Who do you think is mostly to blame for the current state of the nation's economy ? 1. the Bush administration, 2. the Obama administration, 3. Wall Street and financial institutions, 4. Congress, or 5. someone else?

Bush administration Obama administration Wall Street Congress Someone else All of the above (Vol.) Combination (Vol.) Don't know/No answer q14 RELEASED SEPARATELY

26 8 25 11 8 7 12 3

10 19 26 16 9 6 12 2

46 2 23 10 3 5 8 3

19 6 26 9 12 9 14 5

Mar11b 28 7 22 10 7 7 14 5

q15 How much attention do you think the government in Washington is paying to improving the nation's economy--a lot, some, not much or none at all? ** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ** *** Party ID *** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 15 8 22 14 38 34 43 35 32 43 24 32 13 14 9 15 2 1 2 4

A lot Some Not much None at all DK/NA

Oct02a % 12 50 30 7 1

q16 Which comes closer to your view? 1. The current economic downturn is temporary and eventually the economy will fully recover OR 2.The current economic downturn is part of a long-term permanent decline and the economy will never fully recover. Oct10e 68 28 4

Temporary downturn Permanent & won't recover DK/NA

57 39 4

49 47 4

62 36 2

57 37 6

q17 Do you think the government should extend unemployment benefits for people who are currently out of work, even if it means increasing the budget deficit, or shouldn't it do that? Should extend Should not extend Depends (vol.) Don't know/No answer 47 44 5 4 31 64 4 1 64 28 5 3 45 45 5 5

q18 Which comes closer to your own view? 1) The federal government should spend money to create jobs, even if it means it has to borrow the money to do so, OR 2) The federal government should not spend money to create jobs and should instead focus on lowering the country's debt. Gov't should spend money Gov't should not spend money DK/NA q19 RELEASED SEPARATELY q20 BLANK q21 In general, is your opinion of the Republican Party favorable or not favorable? Jun11a 30 61 9 42 52 6 20 75 5 61 34 5 40 52 8

Favorable Not favorable DK/NA

36 57 7

78 19 3

11 84 5

29 60 11

q22 In general, is your opinion of the Democratic Party favorable or not favorable? ** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ** *** Party ID *** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 43 10 76 37 50 87 19 51 7 3 5 12

Favorable Not favorable DK/NA

Jun11a % 41 52 7

q23 Regardless of how you usually vote, do you think the Republican party or the Democratic party is more likely to ensure a strong economy? Feb10a 42 37 4 8 9

Republican Democratic Both (vol.) Neither (vol.) DK/NA

35 39 3 12 11

74 4 0 8 14

9 73 4 8 6

31 33 3 19 14

q24 Regardless of how you usually vote, do you think the Republican party or the Democratic party is more likely to create new jobs? Oct10e 39 37 2 8 14

Republican Democratic Both (vol.) Neither (vol.) DK/NA

36 43 2 8 11

69 8 1 6 16

9 77 3 5 6

37 37 2 12 12

q25 Regardless of how you usually vote, do you think the Republican party or the Democratic party is more likely to make the right decisions about the nation's housing and mortgage situation? Republican Democratic Both (vol.) Neither (vol.) DK/NA q26-29 RELEASED q30 BLANK q31-36 RELEASED q37 BLANK q38-45 RELEASED q46 BLANK q47-61 RELEASED q62-63 BLANK SEPARATELY SEPARATELY SEPARATELY SEPARATELY 37 38 2 10 13 71 7 0 7 15 10 72 4 6 8 36 31 3 15 15

q64 Do you think the U.S. is doing the right thing by fighting the war in Afghanistan now, or should the U.S. not be involved in Afghanistan now? ** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ** *** Party ID *** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 35 47 32 28 58 48 60 63 7 5 8 9

Right thing Not involved DK/NA

Jun11a % 43 51 6

q65 What is your impression of how the war in Afghanistan is going for the United States right now -- very well, somewhat well, somewhat badly, or very badly? Mar11b 4 40 34 15 7

Very well Somewhat well Somewhat badly Very badly DK/NA

6 47 27 13 7

10 50 26 9 5

5 48 24 14 9

3 44 29 16 8

q66 Now that Osama Bin Laden has been killed, do you think that the United States has completed its primary mission in Afghanistan and the surrounding areas, or not? May11a 32 64 4

Completed mission Not completed mission DK/NA

36 58 6

27 68 5

41 53 6

37 57 6

q67 Barack Obama has announced a plan beginning this year, with a reduction about a third of the number of troops this plan for withdrawing U.S. troops Approve Disapprove DK/NA 79 17 4

to reduce the number of U.S. troops in Afghanistan of 33,000 troops by the end of the summer of 2012, currently there. Do you approve or disapprove of from Afghanistan? 67 26 7 90 9 1 79 17 4

q68 By the end of summer 2012, would you like to see more than a third of U.S. troops removed from Afghanistan, less than a third of U.S. troops removed, or about a third of U.S. troops removed from Afghanistan? More than a third Less than a third About a third DK/NA 59 10 26 5 41 18 34 7 67 3 27 3 63 10 21 6

q69 When the U.S. withdraws its troops from Afghanistan, do you think the threat of terrorism against the United States will increase, decrease, or stay the same? Sep09b^ 43 9 42 6

Increase Decrease Stay about the same DK/NA

26 6 65 3

32 5 58 5

19 7 71 3

27 6 63 4

^Wording: If the U.S. withdrew its troops from Afghanistan?

q70 BLANK q71 Do you think the U.S. is doing the right thing by taking part in the current military conflict in Libya now, or should the U.S. not be involved in Libya now? ** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ** *** Party ID *** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 29 25 36 25 59 61 51 64 12 14 13 11

Right thing Shouldn't be involved DK/NA

Jun11a % 30 59 11

q72 Some people say that in order to continue U.S. military action in Libya now, the President must get authorization from Congress, because of a law called the War Powers Act. Other people say the action in Libya is not really a war as described in the War Powers Act, and so the President does not need any authorization from Congress right now. Which comes closer to your opinion: regardless of whether you think the U.S. should be involved in Libya, do you think the President should have to get Congressional authorization in order to continue the action, or don't you think the President should have to do this right now? Should get Congress approval 61 Should not have to 32 DK/NA 7 q73 BLANK q74-78 HELD FOR FUTURE RELEASE q79 As a result of economic conditions over the past few years, have you either delayed college or decided against college for your child, or not? ** PARENTS OF KIDS AGE 13-22 ** Yes, delayed plans 16 Yes, decided against 7 No 68 No plans for college (vol. 3 DK/NA 6 q80 As a result of economic conditions over the past few years, has the type of college you can afford to send your child to changed, or not? Yes No No plans for college (vol. DK/NA q81 BLANK 37 60 1 2 81 16 3 50 41 9 57 36 7

q82 How would you rate the financial situation in your household these days? Is it very good, fairly good, fairly bad, or very bad? ** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ** *** Party ID *** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 11 10 10 12 65 73 64 61 18 12 19 20 6 4 6 7 0 1 1 0

Very good Fairly good Fairly bad Very bad DK/NA

Jun11a % 10 55 24 11 0

q83 Do you think your household's financial situation is getting better, getting worse or staying about the same? Getting better Getting worse Same DK/NA q84-87 RELEASED SEPARATELY q88 How concerned are you that in the next 12 months you or someone else in your household might be out of work and looking for a job -- very concerned, somewhat concerned, or not concerned at all? Very concerned Somewhat concerned Not at all concerned DK/NA 31 29 39 1 27 27 46 0 33 27 38 2 32 31 36 1 30 25 44 1 16 15 68 1 15 15 70 0 15 12 71 2 17 18 65 0 13 27 60 0

Total Respondents Total Republicans Total Democrats Total Independents

UNWEIGHTED 979 271 340 368


259 326 393

(26%) (33%) (41%)

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