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A Literature Review on Employee

Retention with Focus on Recent
Diwakar Singh


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© 2019 IJSRST | Volume 6 | Issue 1 | Print ISSN: 2395-6011 | Online ISSN: 2395-602X
Themed Section: Science and Technology

A Literature Review on Employee Retention with Focus on

Recent Trends
Diwakar Singh
PhD Scholar in Management, School of Business Public Policy and Social Entrepreneurship Department,
Ambedkar University, Kashmere Gate, Delhi, India


Employees are the most important, valuable and productive asset of an organization and retaining them is one
of the toughest challenges for the managers. As the replacement cost of key employees involves huge turnover,
there is a need to develop a fully integrative retention policy to tackle such type of problems. The objective of
this study is to critically analyze the various works done in the field of employee retention and highlight factors
responsible for employee departure and retention initiatives followed to retain them. As the study is descriptive
in nature, a number of secondary sources are explored to synthesize the fragmented knowledge and present the
literature review in a concise format. As the ever-changing technology, stiff competition, and globalization has
brought human resources at the forefront in organizational roles, no organization wants to lose their talented
employees. The literature review will present traditional retention techniques followed as well as
contemporary techniques used to retain the employees. Also, more emphasis will be put on the factors such as
leadership style of superiors, ability to exercise control with respect to decision-making and problem-solving,
desire for career advancement and skills development, flexible working and ever increasing aspiration on
retention of key employees.
Keywords : Employees, Retention, Literature Review, Recent Trends

I. INTRODUCTION an organization, he takes the knowledge, experience,

culture and value system away with him, which
“Human Capital will go where it is wanted and it will might be tapped and used against the organization. A
stay where it is well treated. It cannot be driven, it high rate of attrition is also not good for the image of
can only be attracted.” Walter Wriston, Former the company as it might send wrong signals to
chairman Citibank. prospective employees and customers.

This is no hidden fact that employee plays an II. WHAT IS EMPLOYEE RETENTION?
extremely crucial role in the sustainability and
development of an organization. In organizations, Though the term employee retention is defined in
competitive advantage is determined and driven by numerous ways, it basically denotes that various
human resources. It is employees who innovate and measures taken by organizations to encourage its
innovation ultimately leads to survival and employee so that they remain with it for a longer
profitability of a company. When an employee leaves duration of time. The primary reason for retention of

IJSRST195463 | Received : 10 February 2019 | Accepted : 21 February 2019 | January-February-2019 [ 6 (1) : 425-431]
Diwakar Singh Int J Sci Res Sci Technol January-February-2019; 6(1) : 425-431

employees is to prevent its talented employees from poor working conditions, lack of opportunity for
leaving (James & Mathew, 2012). career development etc. (James & Mathew, 2012).


This study on a literature review on employee In their study (Eldridge & Nisar, 2011; Terera &
retention has the following objectives: Ngirande, 2014), the author talks about three types of
A. Critically analyse various works done in the challenges that companies face in the retention of
field of employee retention. employees. They are (1) stiff competition from rivals,
B. To highlight the reasons for employee (2) brain drain i.e. migration of skill labour form own
departure and various retention strategies country to another country which offers better
followed. opportunities, and rewards. and (3) companies are
C. To highlight the recent trends followed to unable to predict the future requirements of
retain the employees. employees and thus unable to take corrective action.
A similar view is expressed in another work also
IV. METHODOLOGY where the authors talk about the shortage of talent
due to increased global talent (Scott, McMullen, &
The study is descriptive in nature and is mostly based Royal, 2012). Companies also feel that proportional
on secondary data. The secondary data consists of rise in the number of ageing population will escalate
books, reports, newspaper articles, and various the demand for skilled employees(Kyndt, Dochy,
research journals. Michielsen, & Moeyaert, 2009).


When an Employee leaves an organization, the Turnover is a great problem and that is the reason
reasons are influenced by a variety of factors, some of that a lot of effort is put for the retention of
the reason of leaving the organization could be employees. When an employee leaves an
better-paying job outside, a bad relationship with organization, he takes the culture, values, skillset
supervisor/boss, pursuing higher studies/ vocation, with him which can be tapped by the competitors
relocating due to family reasons, fired form and that is something no company likes to happen
organization. So basically there are two types of with them. As the cost of replacement for an
turnover one is decided by the employee and that is employee is huge, it is always better to keep the
why it is called voluntary turnover, the other type of existing employees in the flock. Retention is also
turnover is decided by the company and that is why necessary for the growth and stability of an
it is called involuntary turnover. Involuntary organization. Das (1996) in their studies identified six
turnover generally happens when either there is critical factors of employee retention; Compensation,
restructuring in the company, or the performance of Learning Opportunity, benefits and security, work
the employee is not up to the expectations (Allen, autonomy, merit orientation, and accelerated vertical
Bryant, & Vardaman, 2010). Employee also leaves growth. Cloutier, Felusiak, Hill, & Pemberton-Jones
organization due to job dissatisfaction, job security, (2015) in their studies suggest the development of
compensation not as per expectation, lack of job four strategies for retention of employees: (1)
autonomy, poor relationship with team members, effective communication (2) workforce diversity (3)

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology (

Diwakar Singh Int J Sci Res Sci Technol January-February-2019; 6(1) : 425-431

hiring of skilled worker and (4) training and openness and trust. James & Mathew (2012) in their
development plan to employees. Studies also show studies found out that effective communication plays
that making existing employee stay costs less than a greater role to generate an amicable environment at
hiring new employees (Sinha & Sinha, 2012). They the workplace. Attridge (2009) in his studies found
also emphasize the role of organizational culture, that better communication from company executives
compensation, flexible working, career development, helps better employee engagement.
and communication on the retention of employees.
C. Compensation And Retention
James & Mathew (2012) in their studies on employee
Compensation in organizations can be defined as
retention in IT sector emphasizes on following
something (typically money in the form salary, wage,
retention strategies: reward and recognition, Training
benefits, injury etc) that the employee receives from
and development opportunities, career planning,
the employer. It is true that the trend is changing but
flexible work time, performance appraisal, financial
still research shows that compensation plays a greater
support, mentoring and coaching sessions etc. Kumar
role in the retention of employees. Das (1996) talks
& Arora (2012) in their studies found that the rate of
about flexible compensation package and is not in
attrition among young professionals (20-25 years) are
favour of standardization of compensation. He
very high with following reasons: slow rate of career
further tells that different age group of employees
growth, poor relationship with
have different choices and thus the thing desired by
colleagues/seniors/supervisors, work-life imbalance,
youth may not be for any use to a middle age
taking up higher studies etc. Given below some of the
employee. A study by Hong, Hao, Kumar,
retention strategies which can be helpful in solving
Ramendran, & Kadiresan (2012) shows that a
employee turnover problems.
company with no compensation planning results in a
A. Employee Voice And Retention poor working environment. Kumar & Arora (2012)
Daniel G. in his study suggested that the states that 27 percent of employees, compensation
organizations which give more opportunity to its was the primary reason for leaving the company.
employee to voice their dissatisfaction related to
D. Leadership And Retention
workplace conditions are more likely to retain their
The role of leadership is very critical in employee
employees i.e. there are more chances that employees
retention. According to Doh, Stumpf, & Tymon
will remain with such an organization (Spencer, 1986)
(2011), responsible leadership has three components
as they feel that the organization is equipped with
(1) stakeholder culture where ethical and social
better grievance handling system. (Spencer, 1986)
behaviour is of paramount importance (2) Fair and
B. Communication And Retention inclusive HR practices (2) Full managerial support for
Efficient communication process helps the employee development. Cloutier et al. (2015) in their
organization to retain its employees (Cloutier et al., studies talks positive working condition which
2015). They also suggest that in order to maintain a improves when an employee is having a good
healthy work culture, leadership should be able to relationship with the boss and if given a leadership
operate in an interpersonal, group, organizational and role, their sense of belongingness with company
intercultural communication effectively. According become very strong.
to Sinha & Sinha (2012), effective communication not
E. Career Development and Retention
only improves the identity the employee associated
Indian companies do not have a well-defined career
with the company but also creates an environment of
development plan and so chances are very rare that a

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Diwakar Singh Int J Sci Res Sci Technol January-February-2019; 6(1) : 425-431

person who joins a company as a management trainee employees (51 percent of employees choose job
will become CEO (H. Das, 1996). This is a kind of satisfaction over other factors like extrinsic rewards,
trap for a loyal employee. On the other hand, a study organizational commitment, lack of alternative etc.
by Mehta, Kurbetti, & Dhankhar (2014) shows that if According to B. L. Das & Baruah (2013) job
career opportunities are at the place, the employee satisfaction is achieved when the expectation of
stays for a longer time and also they tend to be more employees which he brings with him at the time of
loyal for that company. joining the organization matches with the reality. In
another study conducted by Terera & Ngirande
F. Training, Development and Retention
(2014), it is found that there is a strong relationship
Job-related training improves the ability of
between job satisfaction and retention of employees
employees in problem-solving, making them
giving the organization a clue to keep their employee
confident and motivated and committed to their job
and thus they are more likely to remain with the
organization (Hong et al., 2012). Mehta et al. (2014) I. Performance Appraisal and Retention
suggest that it is better to retain a well-trained Performance appraisal is the assessment of individual
employee rather than wasting the training cost and performance to the overall contribution of the
starting the induction process once again. Cloutier et organization. It serves as an interface between
al. (2015) in their studies gives a similar view that Das management and employee. An effective
(1996) has given that training and development are a performance appraisal will result in a satisfied,
kind of motivational tool for employee retention by motivated and committed employee Hong et al.
raising the commitment of employees towards the (2012). According to Mehta et al. (2014), good
company. performance appraisal not only help companies to
keep a track on its employees it also helps individuals
G. Work/Job Flexibility and Retention
to improve their performance in their weak areas. A
According to Jeffrey Hill et al. (2008), work
good performance appraisal results in a better
flexibility can be defined as “the ability of workers to
employee-supervisor relationship resulting in a great
make choices influencing when, where and how long
place to work for.
they engage in the work-related task". If employees
are given with the option of workplace flexibility,
they will find options to balance their work and life.
Also, employees will be more than happy and benefit
Whether it is a buyer market or a seller market, the
if they are provided with options to adjust their
demand for skilled employees remains forever.
working time (Eldridge & Nisar, 2011). Flexible
According to Roger E.Herman, the shortfall of skilled
working not only results in less absenteeism it also
labour could go up to ten million by the end of this
helps in employee retention. It allows employees to
decade. Companies are putting a lot of effort to
improve their knowledge which again can be helpful
emerge as a brand which is sustainable and all-
for the company as the employee can bring in new
inclusive. Organizations have understood the
ideas and innovations (Idris, 2014).
importance of employee retention, and that is how
H. Job Satisfaction and Retention they are now talking about a full-time employee
According to a study conducted by Hausknecht, retention specialist who will guide them to make
Rodda, & Howard (2009), they found that job progress and reduce turnover. A number of
satisfaction was the primary reason for retention of companies are paying their attention to corporate

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Diwakar Singh Int J Sci Res Sci Technol January-February-2019; 6(1) : 425-431

social initiatives and a tool for employee retention demand for skilled workers. According to Roger E.
and focussing their attention to a number of social Herman “employee retention is not an HR issue, it is
initiatives which the new generation are finding a management issue” (Herman, 2005) and that is why
more attractive. Further, now a great deal of effort is the role of an employee retention specialist becomes
made by companies to understand the generational very important. He is a person who is educated and
preferences and to use it as a tool to attract and retain trained to help management in improving the
talent. Many companies are experimenting with their performance of employees and reduce turnover cost.
employees by treating them as their customer and
C. Corporate Social Initiative and Retention
building a strong relationship with them in order to
As a human being, we have different aspirations from
retain them. Some studies also indicate that
the job. Traditionally, financial benefits tend to play a
employees too follow a life cycle and their aspirations
major role in the retention of employees, however
are different at a different stage, thus understanding
with the passage of time the preferences of employees
their expectation and fulfilling them will make them
are changing. Some employees are preferring less
retain their employees. Finally, there is a new
payment over participating in corporate social
concept of a gig economy where companies are
initiatives (Bode, Singh, & Rogan, 2015), they also
paying attention to short contracts and independent
highlight the fact that there is a positive relationship
between employee participation in the corporate
A. Sustainable HRM social initiative and their level of motivation and
In a highly competitive world, companies are facing further their identification with the company. This
an acute shortage of talented employees. They also helps them to stay with the company for a longer
face problems on the front of how to manage their time.
present workforce which might include an ageing
D. Understanding Generational Preferences
workforce, people from a different cultural
When we talk about generations at the workplace,
background, more men or women employees at the
they are a Silent generation (1925-45), Baby
place, both working couples etc. Employees also face
boomers(1946-64), Generation X (1965-81),
a number of problems like work-life imbalance,
Generation Y (1982-1999). Where Generation X
increasing stress level, performance related issues.
prefers autonomy, are tech-savvy, places less value
(App, Merk, & Buettgen, 2012) in their work talks
for employer loyalty; Generation Y workers put more
about sustainable HRM as a tool to achieve a
emphasis on Corporate social responsibility, training
competitive advantage and a chance to emerge as an
and career development, more individualistic in
attractive employer brand by addressing the issues
nature (Festing & Schäfer, 2014). It is obvious that a
mentioned above.
better understanding of generational preferences will
B. Employee Retention Specialist help organizations to prepare better retention
A buyer market is different from a seller market in strategies to keep this workforce with them.
the sense that in the former it the employer who is in
E. Employee as A Customer
the driver seat and control the terms of employment
It is based on employee equity model (Cardy &
and takes the hiring decisions whereas in the later it
Lengnick-Hall, 2011). This model uses its employee
is the worker who is in the driver seat and there are
as its internal customer and tries to maximize the
abundant jobs for them to choose from. However
value of association with them. It predicts that the
many studies have shown that there is no dearth of
more the organization spends on its customer to build

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a relationship, and socialization, the employees feel profitability and growth of the company. They bring
more identified with the vision and mission of the innovation and paves the way for sustainable
company and less likely to leave. development for the organization. This study was
focussed on a literature review on employee
F. Employee Lifecycle
retention. However, the abundant material makes my
We all know about product lifecycle – the concept
task very tough to assimilate and synthesize the study
mostly used in marketing management. Like a
in a concise format. I have tried to cover the relevant
product, employees too progresses in their career and
aspect of employee retention and also attention is
follow different phases like the introduction phase,
paid on the new trends that are started making their
growth phase, maturity and decline phase (App et al.,
presence felt in the market.
2012). The need and expectations of employees are
not constant at these stages and keep on changing.
Organizations need to put a lot of effort to
understand at which stage of the life cycle an
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