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BM Folders Nov 2017

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Higher level
Paper 2
Section A
Pelican Pies (PP)
1. (a) Describe one reason why brand loyalty would be important to PP.[2]
Brand loyalty would be important to PP given that they operate in a local market
with a number of competitors and that the prices they charge are higher. Given
this fact, it would be critical for PP to have brand loyalty or their sales could fall
(although not on the stimulus, sharp-eyed candidates may spot that PP’s pies are
price inelastic given the additional information for 2018)

(b) Construct a profit and loss account for PP for the year ending 30 April 2017
based on the figures in Table 1 (show all your work). [4]

Profit and loss account for PP for year ended 30 April 2017:
(c) Construct a forecasted profit and loss account for PP for the year ending30 April 2018
based on the figures in Table 2 (show all your working). [4]

Profit and loss account for PP for year ended 30 April 2018:
Tasty Cupcakes (TC)
2. (a) State two features of a partnership. [2]

● more than one partner up to around 20

● share profits/risk
● unlimited liability.
(b) Prepare a monthly cash-flow forecast for TC for the first six months of operation.[6]
(c) Calculate TC’s forecasted net profit at the end of June (show all your working). [2]

Closing balance in June - opening balance in January plus credit sales =

5050 – 3000 + 2550 = $4600.

2550 are added as there was an additional amount of cash due which was credited before but
should be added to the total revenue.

Section B
3. (a) Define the term productivity rate.[2]
Productivity rate is a relative measure of how efficiently inputs are converted into output/the ratio
of outputs to inputs during production in percentage. A productivity rate gives an indication of
how well resources are used in the production process.
(b) Explain how each of the two external threats arising from the STEEPLE analysis
would have impacted farmers’ incomes in the developing world.[4]
The question is about the process of external factors.If orange producers from developed
communities employ new technology with higher productivity rates, the prices of oranges are
likely to fall for the customer. Developing communities will likely experience a decrease in
demand for their oranges and thus, even if prices of oranges do not change, will see a reduction
in income.
A sustained and severe drought affecting the level of orange production in developing countries
will likely lead to a shortage of oranges and thus higher prices for Pedro’s stock. Customers are
unlikely to purchase from higher price producers and coupled with the falling prices from the
developed producers who are competitors, the developing farmers’ incomes are likely to fall
(c) Explain one cost and one benefit to Pedro of conducting extensive research and
development. [4]
The question is essentially about researching and developing new technology rather than
market research of customers’ opinions etc :
Harvesting in the developing community is labor intensive, children will need
supervising and the internet is unreliable. Pedro may not have the time and the
resources to carry out research and development into new technology. The time
taken to undertake research and development will lead to significant expenses for
Pedro. Moreover, the opportunity costs in terms of not working in the field could
be considerable for Pedro.

As the technology is untested, the poorer community can ill afford this
technology not to work as they have limited funds. There are significant
risks/costs of failure for developing communities at a time when incomes
are falling.
The potential benefits for the community of research and development are the
productivity benefits allowing developing communities a more level playing field
with respect to competition with the developed farmers. Unit costs could fall, and
therefore prices to customers, increase the demand for oranges. Perhaps it is
a risk worth taking in terms of time and resources.

By conducting research and development, Pedro could attract an angel

investor/innovator who for marketing or ethical reasons may be willing to allow
Pedro to try new, untested technology at a deep discount or even for free as a
public relations exercise. This could benefit Pedro and other community
members especially if the cooperative is formed.
(d) Examine Pedro’s proposal to create an agricultural cooperative in his community
rather than continuing to operate as a sole trader. [10]
There are a few issues that the candidates can cover and evaluate. Issues could include the
advantages of being a sole trader in terms of control over decision-making, for example, as
opposed to operating as a cooperative. It is expected that the candidates show understanding
of, if not explicit explanation as to what a cooperative is/relevant reference to cooperative, not
just the name. The creation of a cooperative is much more than just pooling resources, etc.
While a cooperative is a for-profit organization, it will have the much-needed social objective to
solve the problem of child labor, lack of education, and poverty. Something that each individual
sole trader is clearly unable to do given the information in the case study. One may judge the
above as a very strong argument in favor of the creation of cooperatives as the issue of poverty
and children working in the fields are acute.

It should be noted that creating a cooperative could enable Pedro and the other farmers to raise
the much-needed finance as well as diversify and engage in secondary sector activity.

Being a sole trader, Pedro (and the other farmers) experience a lack of financial power and
engage in a high-risk operation due to the nature of the business and living in a harsh
environment. The stimulus indicates that these farmers are experiencing a high level of
uncertainty, low income, and even poverty, with little or no opportunity to improve. With no
support, all can be lost as each farmer is facing unlimited liability.

By creating an agriculture/producers’ cooperative, the farmers will pool resources together in

order to raise the finance needed for investment in new technology, market their products to
compete with international competitors, and possibly diversify and produce an orange juice
drink. Pedro, and the other farmers in the cooperative, through a division of labor, shared
responsibility and mutual support might be able to negotiate better loans, and better prices for
crops and reduce the reliance on basic primary, unpredictable weather-dependent crops if they
diversify in the medium to long term. If the option of diversification is pursued it will guarantee a
higher and steady income rather than a seasonal income. One may judge this issue as highly
significant given the current harsh conditions and external threats.

Moreover, the farmers might be more motivated due to their ability to collaborate and make
decisions in a democratic manner. The quality of the decision-making may be better.
While there are theoretical and practical disadvantages of operating as cooperatives, like some
disincentives to work due to low wages, and slower and dependent decision-making processes
compared to independent and fast decision-making by Pedro and the other farmers. The main
disadvantage is the cultural and linguistic differences among the farmers that might create some
misunderstanding and possibly a clash as well as the long decision-making process in the short
term. Moreover, the movement into the secondary sector might be too difficult for the farmers.
Lots of training will be needed in terms of production and marketing and investment in different
technology. This operational shift might be a hindrance but the farmers can decide that
short-term investment in farming methods is of the highest priority and perhaps in the longer
term when farming methods are more efficient, they can move into the secondary sector.

Still, in this case, one may judge that the arguments for the proposal are more significant and
outweigh the arguments against it. Linguistic and cultural differences with training and wider
community support can be overcome in the medium to long term, especially if profit is made and
can be further invested into some social projects. Remaining as sole traders will leave the
farmers with little or no power at all. Decision-making power is highly theoretical here given the
level of poverty.

Music Mania (MM)

4. (a) Define the term secondary market research.[2]
Secondary market research or desk research refers to the collection of second-hand data by a
business for decision-making that is derived from second-hand sources /published sources by a
third party. It has not been collected firsthand by the business themselves.
(b) Explain one advantage and one disadvantage for MM of using sales forecasting. [4]
One advantage of using sales forecasting is that it will allow a firm such as MM to look at future
sales forecasts of its product portfolio and make changes where necessary. This will save the
business considerable expense, and stocking costs and influence future cash flow needs.
Forecasting allows MM to plan ahead and can also impact human resource planning and
finance needs if cash flow forecasts indicate that there may be a shortage. There is evidence
from the case study that MM’s product portfolio revenue streams are changing. MM is
experiencing changing sales of all of its stock so is planning by using forecasts, André can avoid
overstocking and tying up valuable capital in unsold DVDs or CDs for example or can transfer
more resources towards the fast selling computer games. Decision-making at MM may be more
accurate. To be forewarned is to be forearmed.

Disadvantages for MM are linked to the inevitable fact that sales forecasts are mere that –
future predictions are based on past data, which, given the existence of external factors some of
which are mentioned in the stimulus and unexpected events, cannot be fully accurate. There is
evidence from the stimulus that André expects sales to be variable (possible cyclical or
seasonal variations) and even with all relevant future economic and social data at his disposal,
forecasts can still be widely inaccurate. For example, vinyl record sales are expected to rise but
what if another musical format is created within the next five years? André also has
considerable experience in this industry and is aware that sales are changing rapidly. Sales
forecasts may be out of date by the time the data has been collected if they are every month or
quarter. Sales forecasts in this context may be of little value to MM in such a fast-changing
(c) Explain one cost and one benefit for MM of setting up an e-commerce website. [4]

The benefits to MM from setting up an e-commerce website will be linked to increasing

customer awareness and sales:
● CD and especially vinyl sales should increase, as the e-commerce site may allow for
targeting more potential customers in different regions who are interested in vinyl
records and possibly CDs. There is a greater chance of success as relying on
customers for such a retro segment to visit the physical store is rather limited.

More detailed product descriptions and customer feedback/reviews will be possible. The
e-commerce website will deepen customer relationships, especially if MM can run a social
media campaign alongside building brand and customer loyalty to the site.

● The e-commerce platform will also allow MM to generate much-needed advertising

revenue through increased loyalty in the future.

The costs are linked to the inevitable restructuring of the business that e-commerce will
demand and could be considered to be both short-term and long-term:

● The e-commerce site will need to be built, managed, and monitored by a new staff
member. This will drain MM’s cash reserves at a time when total revenue is falling.

● Existing staff will require training or newly employed staff hired such as technology
experts to run and update the e-commerce facility and possibly create social media
support. Costs are likely to rise in the short term and again, MM is facing a fall in
revenue and finance is limited.

If the e-commerce site is to be fully functional then new distribution channels around the delivery
of vinyl records and newly released CDs that are both growing in sales to the customer will need
to be identified, researched, and set up. This will also take time and André will have to find
additional resources. The stimulus indicates that finance is limited.

An e-commerce website will add a new layer of complexity to MM’s operations and logistics and
MM has not got the right experience therefore more finance will have to be raised for training,
hiring people, and so on.
(d) Using the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) matrix, discuss the two new tacticsAndré
is considering to ensure MM’s future success. [10]

Revenue is falling, computer games sales are rising and now André is considering the
possibility of setting up an e-commerce business website. Although MM and André have been in
the business for 25 years, external factors are changing the nature of his business model. The
two tactics are to stop selling DVDs and start increasing below-the-line promotional spending on
vinyl records.

Removing or divesting the dog will free up shelf space in the retail store. DVD sales could be
transferred and sold via the e-commerce site so that MM is able to make some form of
contribution. More space for games is now possible. However, removing a product line from
the portfolio is a risk, as some of MM’s loyal customers will be unhappy.

Keeping DVDs – although a dog – may block potential new retail rivals if it creates MM’s USP. It
is also indicated in the stimulus that computer games are not MM’s core business.

So perhaps it is worth keeping the core product for a little longer until MM is clear on whether
the new product is doing well. If e-commerce is to be used, MM can potentially use a market
development strategy and find some segments in less technologically advanced economies that
are still interested in DVDs.

Increasing spending on below-the-line promotions seems like an appropriate tactic. Although

MM has not got sufficient internal sources of finance, the product is in a question mark position
with the potential to grow and be profitable. The profit that MM needs. One, therefore, may
judge this tactic as highly appropriate especially as below-the-line promotional tactics are
cheaper than above-the-line promotional tactics. Moreover, external sources of finance can be
used. André needs to use below-the-line promotion methods to move the vinyl records to a star
and hopefully a cash cow position so, in the medium term, he will be able to milk the potential
cow. Short-term spending versus medium to long-term benefits/ profit seems like a good tactic.

It is expected that the candidates show a clear understanding/application of below-the-line

methods rather than just promotion generally.

Moreover, below-the-line methods can be considerably cheaper than above-the-line methods of

promotion which are currently very appropriate to MM. MM can use short-term sales
promotions to encourage buying the product. Below-the-line promotion can complement the
decision to use e-commerce. MM can generate viral marketing and or/ use social media for

The BCG provides some clues as to what André should consider but there are some difficult
choices to be made. Removing DVDs will allow for a greater stock of vinyl but removing a
product line and replacing it with a problem child is risky. It may be sensible in the short term to
keep the DVDs, as they will still contribute to growth. Spending more on below-the-line
promotions seems more sensible given his loyal customer base and future potential. If André
can’t keep both options and has to choose one tactic, perhaps the second tactic is more viable
as there is longer-term potential as the market is growing and MM will be more responsive to
changes in the external environment.

Green Clean (GC)

5. (a) Define the term ethical objective.[2]
Ethical objectives are the goals of a business based on a set of values or moral beliefs and
guidance of the environment in which it operates. They should cover all the actions of an
organization and guide its decision-making process and strategies/behavior.

(b) Explain one advantage and one disadvantage to GC of having low labor turnover.[4]

Low labor turnover has created a loyal workforce at GC. Recruitment costs are reduced and
induction training will be minimal. Given that some workers have been at GC for nearly two
decades. This kind of working environment creates a culture of trust and thus productivity and
motivation. Evidence from the stimulus clearly shows that GC’s USP is based on the reliability
and quality of its employees.

However, low labor turnover may not allow for fresh new thinking or ideas to be introduced.
This very advantage may render GC an organization where some employees and their
representatives may have become complacent and clearly there is evidence of inertia as GC
was slow to react to the competitive forces. Also, there is the perception of resistance to change
perhaps given the current culture of employees who have been working together for two
decades. Given the new competition and slow reaction times, GC is in danger of stagnating.

(c) Explain two possible steps in the recruitment process of gardeners for GC. [4]

Establish the nature of the job and create job analysis/job description/person specification – it is
very important for GC to carry out a detailed job analysis/description and person specification as
this will be the first time that gardeners' jobs have been created. In order to attract the most
suitable gardener, such analysis is required. This makes the recruitment process quicker and
more efficient and is likely to attract only the most suitable candidates.
Prepare a job advertisement:
As GC is going to recruit gardeners from wide geographical areas, they will have to advertise
their new positions in a number of different media locations. Local job centers close to GC will
not be suitable. GC should advertise nationally or even internationally through the internet or
through gardening associations, as it is looking for professionally trained gardeners.

As GC has limited experience in this area, GC may have to find a recruitment agency external to
the business to guide and manage the recruitment process. As GC is paying new gardeners 20
% more than cleaners and possibly spending on a recruitment agency, GC will want to ensure
that they hire the most professionally trained gardeners. The agency will be able to screen
potential candidates and select the best for GC’s management to consider. This will minimize
possible recruitment mistakes. Accept this point even if it seems more like a method rather than
a step. This is more like subcontracting the process:
● Shortlist applicants.
● Conduct interviews.
● Conduct testing.
● Issue a contract
(d) With reference to two motivation theories, examine the motivation of cleaners at GC.

The question is asking to examine the cleaners’ motivation NOT how it might be changed.
Hence therefore the approach might be to state: a) Why were the cleaners motivated or what
provides their motivation and what theories support this? b) Why the cleaners are becoming
de-motivated and what theories support this?

There is plenty to support a) – fair wages, ethical products/practices – feeling of job security as
many worked for more than 20 years and implied good working conditions. Maslow’s theory of
needs can support the fulfillment of the lower level of needs. Moreover, having worked for the
organization for such a long time clearly enable the cleaner to achieve the third level of need of
love and belonging. One may also argue that as the cleaners are professionals, a higher level
of needs of self-esteem can be reached when they feel accomplished and proud of their
high-quality and reliable job performance. Herzberg’s theory can explain how some of the
issues above are seen as the provision of hygiene factors and some as motivators.

Perhaps Pink’s sense of purpose due to ethical behavior and contribution to the community can
be applied, a sense of mastery as although cleaning service is provided, nevertheless, the
cleaners are professional and proud of their performance. However, there are no direct
references/applications to autonomy. Therefore, Pink’s theory is only partly applicable to
explain the past motivation of the cleaners.

Adams’ theory can be used to explain that until now the cleaners perceived their wages as fair
in relation to their contribution and there were no other types of employees to be used as a point
of comparison. The equity of equal job/effort/skills = equal payments existed.

However, GC wants to recruit professional gardeners and pay them 20 % higher wages. This
decision is causing resentment, insecurity, injustice, and hence demotivation among current
cleaners at GC. They are afraid of change.

The changes announced by the management have created some uncertainty and conflict with
the gardeners. The cleaners feel that the gardeners do not deserve the higher wage and that
the employee-share ownership scheme may be treated as a Taylor bribe. This uncertainty may
undermine the security needs of the cleaners (Maslow) and the new wage structure which is
deemed unfair (Adams). Consequently, the cleaners are becoming demotivated and may
reduce their efforts to address the sense of inequity and create a new balance (Adams).
The question of an employee share ownership (ESO) scheme might work as long as the
gardeners do not demand the same so the perception of inequity will resurface again. ESO can
be seen using Maslow / Herzberg as financial rewards = lower level of needs/ hygiene factors
or, if significant as self-esteem/ motivators. Moreover, the shareholders are now opposed to the
proposal. They feel a sense of inequity. There could be some consequences to GC.

Some cleaners, however, might find the proposal fair in the long term when GC makes a profit,
but currently, money has to be invested in recruitment to diversify in an increasingly competitive
environment. If this scheme is not successful, GC will need to look at other ways of motivating
the cleaners otherwise conflict will deepen.

A judgment could be made that the demotivation is likely to be short-lived once the cleaners get
used to the gardener’s presence. Many firms operate with wide ranges of staff on different pay
structures. If the concern was about job insecurity then management could easily allay this fear
with face-to-face talks. It could simply be pointed out that GC is paying the going rate for
gardeners and that the additional revenue stream is likely to make the cleaners’ jobs more
secure in a competitive market rather than less secure.

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