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POH Rev 05 Section 9

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CESSNA SECTION MODEL 1725 NAV IIL ‘SUPPLEMENTS. KAP 140 AUTOPILOT SUPPLEMENTS INTRODUCTION |The supplements in this section contain amended operating limitations, ttormaton or’ apanes ‘conaucing special operations for Bott ‘andard and optonal equipment ineealed the arplane. Operators should fefer to each supplement to ensure that al Imiatione “and procedures appropriate for thelr aplane are observed, 1A non FAA Approved Log Of Approved Supplements is provided for Jconvenience only. This log is a numerical Ist of all FAA Approved supplements applicable to this airplane by name, supplement number revision level. This log should be used as a checklist to ensure all ‘applicable supplements have been placed in the Pilot's Operating [zee (POF). Supplements for both standard and installed optional eee the ea Stina inde eee the ea Stina inde sin ees toa Each individual supplement contains its own Log of Effective Pages. This log fists the page number and revision level of every page in the ‘supplement. The log also lists the dates on which revisions to the Isupplement occurred. Supplement page numbers will include an S and the supplement number preceding the page number. ‘The part number of the supplement provides information on the revision level. Refer to the following example: AT2SPHAUS -S1_ _-00 = Revision Level (Original Issue) ‘Supplement Number ‘Airplane Model - 1728 KAP 140 Autopilot, U-S., (Serials 17289810 thru 172810467 ‘and 172810469 thru 172810506 ‘and 172810508 thru 172810639 ‘and 172810641 thru 172810855) FAA APPROVED 1172SPHAUS-05 us. 910-2 CESSNA SECTION 9 7 MODEL 1728 NAV IL ‘SUPPLEMENTS. ( ) KAP 140 AUTOPILOT ° LOG OF APPROVED SUPPLEMENTS NOTE itis the airplane owner's responsibilty to make sure that he ‘or she has the latest revision to each supplement of @ Pilots Operating Handbook, and the latest issued "Log Of Approved Supplements". This. "Log Of Approved ‘Supplements" was the latest version as of the date it was shipped by Cessna; however, some changes may have ‘occurred, ‘and the owner should verily this is the latest, ‘most up-to-date version by contacting Cessna Propeller Aircraft Gustomer Services at (316) 517-5800, ‘Supplement Name Revision Equipment Number Level Installed 1 Pointer Mode! 3000-11 or Model 1 4000-11 Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) ont ee ( Sit lonameaiecn sais) satiio eae Feo 4 imoreton Ke ° Se Jonas connstareneegeeets 8 Aexe4eNEmeneney Looe $ Tranemiter (eT) 7 BeMMANG HEY Moors ome I at 8 Reumerommtongeyand 0 Sule rete, Independent States (CIS) eeaeere © rwcNE%06 Eagerey Locate 0 ‘Transmitter (ELT) 10 DROPS Conatoal ig 0 1 dopanme ConiodApates” 12 Gammetogosnnete int nology (SVT) Nr cane cactneeeets ) 14 Reserved 1 Gmlincanteaaupanes 0 rraserausi0c.1s rayey tae tonnes SUPPLEMENT REVISION MODEL 1728 NAV III AVIONICS OPTION Serials 17289810 and On and FAA Approved Airplane Flight Manual r ) Pilot's Operating Handbook Revision 1 19 September 2005 PART NUMBER: 172SPHAUS-S1-01 INSERT THE FOLLOWING PAGES INTO ‘THE SUPPLEMENT SECTION OF THE PILOT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK © Cessna Teton Com iE Pilot's Operating Handbook and FAA Approved Airplane Flight Manual CESSNA MODEL 172S NAV Ill AVIONICS OPTION Serials 17289810 and On SUPPLEMENT 4 POINTER MODEL 3000-11 OR MODEL 4000-11, EMERGENCY LOCATOR TRANSMITTER ‘SERIAL NO, REGISTRATION NO, ‘This supplement mst be seted rt Seton 9 of he Plots Operating Hancook and FAK Approved Aiplane Fight Manual when the Pomter Model 3000.11 or Made! 4000-11 Emergoncy Locator Transmit is Inslaled. ‘The Poitier Model $000: Emergency Locator Tranamitor approved for se ony he USA, anada, Japan and France APPROVED BY Ut BBy ares D Memberot cama DATE OF APPROVAL _pz-26-<05- cormatrenes 25 FEBRUARY 2005 “an ehe. Uk REVISION 1 19 SEPTEMBER 2005, ‘raspHauest-o1 us. sta ‘SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS CESSNA ‘SUPPLEMENT 1 MODEL 1728 NAVI SUPPLEMENT 1 POINTER MODEL 3000-11 OR MODEL 4000-11 EMERGENCY LOCATOR TRANSMITTER (ELT) Use the Log of Effecve Pages to determine the current status ofthis ‘supplemer Pages affected by the current revision are indicated by an asterisk (*) Preceding the page number. ‘Supplement Status Date Original lssue 25 February 2005 Revised 419 September 2005 LOG OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Page Page Revision Number Status Number + st thu st-2 1 st3 Original ° vst4 Revised 1 ‘$1-5 thru S1-12 Original oO APPROVED BY a BALAI nen DATE OF APPROVAL pacar FAA APPROVED S12 us. 172SPHAUS-S1-01 CESSNA SECTION 6. SUPPLEMENTS MODEL 1725 NAV I ‘SUPPLEMENT 1 ‘SERVICE BULLETIN CONFIGURATION LIST The folowing is a list of Service Buletins that are applicable to tho ‘operation of the airplane, and have been incorporated into. this ‘supplement. This list contains only those Service Bulletins that are ‘currently active, ‘Number Title Aimlane ‘Revision —_—_Incorporated Serial Incorporated in Aiplane Effectivit FAA APPROVED 4728PHAUS-S1-00 us. 81-3 ‘SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS CESSNA SUPPLEMENT MODEL 1728 NAV IIL POINTER MODEL 3000-11. OR _ 4000-11 EMERGENCY LOCATOR TRANSMITTER (ELT) GENERAL This supplement provides information which must be observed when gperating the Fontes Model 3000-11 of 4000-11 Emergency Localor fet. The Pointer Model 4000-11. Emergency Locator Trsmiter is approved for use ony in the USA, Canade, Japan and Both the Pointer Model 3000-11 ELT (which incorporates the English placard) and Model 4000-11 ELT (which incorporates the bili Placard) ‘consist of a self-contained, dualfrequency, sok {ranemitter powered by a battery pack consisting of five alkaline °C” cell batteries. and. is automaticaly activated by a deceleration sensing inertia "G" switch, which is designed to activate when the unit senses longitudinal inertia forces as required in TSO-C91A, Also, a remote spaichlannuncialr is installed onthe op right hand sie ofthe cops instrument panel for control of the ELT from the fight crew station. The ‘annunciator, which isin the center of the rocker switch, comes on when the ELT tranemiter is transmitting, The ELT emits. an omnt-directional signal on the international distress frequencies of 121.5 MHz and 243.0 MHz. General aviation and commercial aircraft, the FAA and CAP monitor 121.5 MHz, and 243,0 MHz is monitored by the military. ‘The ELT is contained in a high impact, fre retardant, fberglass filed Lexan case with carrying handle and is mounted behind the aft cabin partition wall on the right side of the tallcone. To gain access to the unt, Lnfasten the turn fasteners on the aft cabin partion. The ELT is ‘operated by a control panel at the forward facing end of the unit or by the remote switch/annunciator located on the top right hand portion of ‘the copilot's instrument panel (refer to Figure S1-1). Power forthe transmitter is provided by an alkaline battery pack inside the transmitter case. (Continued Next Page) FAA APPROVED sts us. ‘172SPHAUS-S1-01 CESSNA ‘SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS. r ) MODEL 1728 NAV III ‘SUPPLEMENT 1 GENERAL (CONTINUED) In accordance with FAA regulations, the ELT's battery pack must be replaced after 2 years shelf or service life or for any of the following reasons: 1. After the transmitter has been used in an emergency situation {Grctuding any inadvertent activation of unknown duration). b. After the transmitter has been operated for more than one ‘cumulative hour (e.g. time accumulated in several tests and Inadvertent activation of known duration). ‘c. On oF before battery replacement date. Battery replacement dae ic marked on ‘the battery pack and the label on the tranemi POINTER MODEL 3000-11 EMERGENCY LOCATOR TRANSMITTER, c ) ow ia E Cemonay | al iu RESET 432 5 — Figure S1-1 1. REMOTE CABLE JACK - Connects to ELT remote switch! ‘annunciator iocated on the copilot’ instrument panel. 2. ANTENNA RECEPTACLE - Connects o antenna mounted on top of talcone. 3. TRANSMITTER ANNUNCIATOR LIGHT - comes on red to indicate the transmitter is transmitting a distress signal FAA APPROVED 1728PHAUS-S1-00 us. Sts ‘SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS CESSNA ‘SUPPLEMENT 1 MODEL 1728 NAV III GENERAL (conTinueD) 4. MASTER FUNCTION SELECTOR SWITCH (S-pontion toga AUTO- Arms transmitter for automatic activation if “G" switch, ‘senses a predetermined deceleration level. ON- Activates transmit instant. Used fr test purposes and if °G" switch is inoperative. The ON position bypasses the automatic activation switch. (The red annunciator in the center ‘of the remote switch’ ‘annunciator should come on). OFF/_Deactivates. transmitter during handling, following RESET- rescue and to reset the automatic activation function. (The ted annunciator in the center of the remote ‘switch/annunciator should go off). 5, REMOTE SWITCH/ANNUNCIATOR (3-position rocker switch): ON- Remotely activates the transmitter for test or ‘emergency situations. Red annunciator in center of rocker switch comes on to indicate that the transmitter is transmitting a distress signal. AUTO- Ams transmitter for automatic activation if "G* switch ‘senses a predetermined deceleration level. RESET- Deactivates and rearms transmitter after automatic activation by the "G* switch. Red annunciatorin center (of rocker switch should go off (Continued Next Page) FAA APPROVED S18 us. 1728PHAUS-S1-00 CESSNA SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS ‘MODEL 1725 NAVI ‘SUPPLEMENT 1 GENERAL (conTINUED) POINTER MODEL 4000-11 EMERGENCY LOCATOR TRANSMITTER oaEs Oo Figure $1-2 4, REMOTE CABLE JACK - Connects to ELT remote switch’ ‘annunciator located on the copilot’ instrument panel 2. ANTENNA RECEPTACLE - Connecsto antenna mounted ontop ; 3. TRANSMITTER ANNUNCIATOR LIGHT - comes on red to indicate the transmitter is transmitting a distress signal. 4 MASTER FUNCTION SELECTOR SWITCH (postion toggle AUTO- Ams transmitter for automatic activation i "G" switch ‘senses a predetermined deceleration level. ON- Activates transmitter instantly. Used for test purposes ‘and if "G" switch is inoperative. The ON position bypasses the automatic activation switch. (The red annundiator In the center of the remote switch’ annunciator should come on). OFF/_ Deactivates transmitter during handling, following RESET- rescue and to reset the automatic activation function, (The red annunciator in the center of the remote ‘Switch/annunciator should go off) \ (Continued Next Page) FAA APPROVED 1728PHAUS-S1-00 us. str SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS CESSNA SUPPLEMENT 1 MODEL 1728 NAV IIL GENERAL (CONTINUED) 5, REMOTE SWITCH/ANNUNCIATOR (3-position rocker switch): ON- — Remotely activates the transmitter for test or ‘emergency situations. Red annunciator in center of rocker switch comes on fo indicate thatthe transmitter is tranemiting a distress signal AUTO- Ams transmitter for automatic activation if "G° switch ‘senses a predetermined deceleration level RESET- Deactivates and rearms transmitter after automatic activation by the "G” switch. Red annunciator in center of rocker switch should go of. OPERATING LIMITATIONS Refer to Section 2 of the Pilots Operating Handbook and FAA ‘Approved Flight Manual (POH/AFM). EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Before performing a forced landing, especially in remote and ‘mountainous areas, activate the ELT transmitter by positionin remote switchannunciator to the ON position. The annunciator in ‘center of the rocker switch should be lluminated. Immediately ater 9 forced landing where emergency assistance is required, the ELT should be util feed os follows: vaency NOTE ‘The ELT remote switch/annunciator system could be inoperative if damaged during a forced landing. If inoperative, the inertia "G" switch wil activate automatically However, to turn the ELT OFF and ON again requires, manual switching of the master function selector switch Which is located on the ELT unit. (Continued Next Page) FAA APPROVED S18 us. 172SPHAUS-S1-00 CESSNA ‘SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS MODEL 1725 NAV Il ‘SUPPLEMENT 1 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES (coNTINUED) 4. VERIFY ELT ACTIVATION: 1. Position remote switch/annunciator to the ON position even if annunciator ligt is already on. . I airplane radio is operable and can be safely used (no threat offre or explosion), tum ON and select 121.5 MHz. Ifthe ELT ‘can be heard transmitting, itis working properly. ‘c. Ensure that antenna is clear of obstructions. NOTE When the ELT is activated, a decreasing tone will be heard before the typical warbling tone begins. 2. PRIOR TO SIGHTING RESCUE AIRCRAFT - Conserve airplane battery. Do not activate radio transceiver. 3, AFTER SIGHTING RESCUE AIRCRAFT - Position remote ‘switch/annunciator to the RESET position and release to the ‘AUTO position to prevent radio interference. Attempt contact with Tescue aircraft with the radio transcelver set to a frequency of 421.5 MHz. Ifno contact Is established, return the remote switch annunciator to the ON position immediately. 4. FOLLOWING RESCUE - Position remote switch/annunclator to the AUTO position, terminating emergency transmissions. FAA APPROVED. ‘172SPHAUS-S1-00 us. sto ‘SECTION 9- SUPPLEMENTS. CESSNA ‘SUPPLEMENT 1 MODEL 172S NAV It NORMAL PROCEDURES ‘When the remote switch/annunciator isin the AUTO position and the ELT master function selector switch remains in the AUTO position, the ELT automaticaly activates when the unit senses longitudinal inertia, forces as required in TSO-C91A, ‘After a lightning strike, or an exceptionally hard landing, the ELT may ‘activate although no emergency exists. If the remote switch’ annunciator comes on, the ELT has. inadvertently activated itself. ‘Another way to check is to select 121.5 MHz on the radio transceiver ‘and listen for an emergency tone transmission. i the remote switch annunciator ig on or an emergency tone is heard, postion the remote ‘Switch/annunciator in the RESET position and release to the AUTO postion. ‘The ELT must be serviced in accordance with FAR Part 91.207. INSPECTIONTEST 1. The emergency locator transmitter should be tested every 100 hours. NOTE ‘Test should only be conducted within the first 5 minutes of each hour. Disconnect antenna cable from ELT. . Set the MASTER switch BAT in the ON position |. Tum airplane transceiver ON and set frequency to 121.5 MH2. Place remote switch/annunciator in the ON position. The annuneiator should come on. Permit only three emergency tone transmissions, then immediately reposition the remote switch’ annunciator to the RESET postion and release to the AUTO position (Continued Next Page) FAA APPROVED st-10 us. 172SPHAUS-S1-00 a CESSNA ‘SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS: MODEL 1728 NAV Il ‘SUPPLEMENT 1 NORMAL PROCEDURES (conTiNUED) 6. Place the ELT master function selector switch in the ON position Verify that the transmitter annunciator light on the ELT and the emote switch/annunciator on the instrument panel are on. 7. Place the ELT master function selector switch inthe OFF/RESET postion 3. Reposition ELT master function selector switch to AUTO. 3. Reconnect antenna cable to ELT. WARNING ‘A TEST WITH THE ANTENNA CONNECTED SHOULD. BE APPROVED AND CONFIRMED BY THE NEAREST ‘CONTROL TOWER. NOTE Without its antenna connected, the ELT will produce sufficient signal to reach the airplane transceiver, yet It will ot disturb other communications or damage output circuitry. ‘Afier accumulated test or operation time equals 1 hour, battery pack replacement is required. IN-FLIGHT MONITORING AND REPORTING Pilot's are encouraged to monitor 121.5 MHz andlor 243.0 MHz while in {light to assist in identifying possible emergency ELT transmissions, On receiving a signal, report the folowing Information to the nearest alr traffic control facility: 4. Your position atthe time the signal was first heard, 2. Your position atthe time the signal was last heard 3. Your position at maximum signal strength. 4. Your fight aitude and frequency on which the emergency signal was heard - 121.5 MHz or 243.0 MHz. If possible, positions should be given relative to a navigation aid. i the aircraft has homing equipment, provide the bearing to the emergency signal with each reported positon. FAA APPROVED 1728PHAUS-S1-00 us. St-tt ‘SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS CESSNA ‘SUPPLEMENT 1 MODEL 1728 NAV Ill PERFORMANCE ‘There is no change in airplane performance when the Pointer Model ‘3000-11 or 4000-11 Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) is installed, FAA APPROVED S112 us. 172SPHAUS-S1-00 SUPPLEMENT REVISION CESSNA MODEL 172S NAV Il AVIONICS OPTION - KAP 140 AUTOPILOT Serials 17289810 thru 172810467 and 172810469 thru 172510508. and 172810508 thru 172510639 and 172810641 thru 172510655 PILOTS OPERATING HANDBOOK AND FAA APPROVED AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL REVISION 2 21 MAY 2008 PART NUMBER: 172SPHAUS-S2-02 INSERT THE FOLLOWING PAGES INTO ) ‘THE SUPPLEMENT SECTION OF THE PILOT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK eee Pilot's Operating Handbook And FAA Approved Airplane Flight Manual SKYHAWK SP CESSNA MODEL 172S NAV Ill AVIONICS OPTION - KAP 140 AUTOPILOT Seriale 417289810 thru 172510467 and 172840469 thru 172810506 ‘and ) 1172810606 thru 172510639 and 172810661 thru 172510655, SUPPLEMENT 2 CANADIAN CERTIFIED AIRPLANES serwatno.__| This supplement ction 9 of the Pilot's Operating Handbook and FAA Approved Airplane Flight Manual for Canadian Certified Airplanes. ‘APPROVED BY Betty mom! ® smertenat —ayrsorsernorss. zane ) COPYRIGHT © 2008, 25 FEBRUARY 2005 cesssn arena coro WHOM KANSAS, US| REVISION 2 21 MAY 2008 sraseraus.se2e us. S24 ‘SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS CESSNA ‘SUPPLEMENT 2 MODEL 1725 NAV IIL KAP 140 AUTOPILOT. ‘SUPPLEMENT 2 CANADIAN CERTIFIED AIRPLANES Use the Log of Effective Pages to determine the current status of this ‘supplement. Pages affected by the current revision are indicated by an asterisk (*) preceding the page number. ‘Sumolement Status Date Original issue 25 February 2008 Revision 1 ‘February 2007 Revision 2 21 May 2008 LOG OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Page Page Revision Number state Number + sat tu 82-5525 Revised 2 ‘APPROVED BY ener eee DATE OF APPROVAL 21 phy zecft FAA APPROVED 1822 us. ‘1728PHAUS-S2-02 CESSNA SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS MODEL 1728 NAV IIL SUPPLEMENT 2 KAP 140 AUTOPILOT SERVICE BULLETIN CONFIGURATION LIST The following is lst of Service Buletng that are applcabe to the tion of the aiplane, and have been incorporated into. this ‘supplement. This list contains only those Service Bulletins that are ‘currently active. ‘Number Tile FAA APPROVED W1728PHAUS-S2-02 us. 82:3 ‘SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS CESSNA ‘SUPPLEMENT 2 MODEL 1728 NAV IIL KAP 140 AUTOPILOT. CANADIAN CERTIFIED AIRPLANES GENERAL ‘This supplement is required for Canadian operation of Cessna Mode! 1728 aiplanes equipped with the Nav Ill KAP 140 autopilot avionics loption. Serials 17289810 thru 172810467 and, 172810469. thru 1172810508 and 172810508 thu 172810639 and 172810641 thru 172810655. NOTE FAA operating rules (Le., 14 CFR 91 and 14 CFR 135) and any references to such rules in the basic manual and approved supplements are not applicable The airplane must be equipped and operated in accordance with Canadian operating requirements. Refer to the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) for the operating id equipment requirements tat do pertain to operations OPERATING LIMITATIONS KINDS OF OPERATIONS LIMITS [The Kinds of Operations Equipment List (KOEL) may not necessarily apply in Canada. Refer to the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARS) for the equipment requirements that pertain to operations in Canada. EMERGENCY LOCATOR TRANSMITTER The Artex ME408 Emergency Locator Transmitter equipped with a Lahm Suphur ioxde bate is not approved for Canaan Certied irplanes, The Artex ME408 Emergency Locator Transmitter equipped with a Lahium Manganese Dioxide batery ie approved for Canadian Certited ' (Continued Next Page) FAA APPROVED 1824 us. ‘172SPHAUS-S2-02 CESSNA ‘SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS. MODEL 1728 NAV II ‘SUPPLEMENT 2 KAP 140 AUTOPILOT JOPERATING LIMITATIONS (Continued) PLACARDS The folowing information must be displayed in the form of composite or individual placards for Canadian Certified Airplanes. 1, Near both fuel tank filer caps: FUEL, 100LL,/ 100 MIN. GRADE AVIATION GASOLINE. 28.5 US. GAL. (100 LITRES) USABLE. “75 US.GAL (00 LITRES) USABLE TOBOTTOM OF FILLER INDICATOR TAB. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES There is no change to the aipane emergency procedures for ‘Canadian Certified Airplanes. " NORMAL PROCEDURES There is no change to the airplane normal procedures for Canadian Certified Airplanes. PERFORMANCE ‘There is no change tothe aiplane performance for Canadian Certied planes. FAA APPROVED 1172SPHAUS-S2-02 us. 82-5126 OO SUPPLEMENT ORIGINAL ISSUE MODEL 1728 NAV III AVIONICS OPTION Serials 17289810 and On Pilot's Operating Handbook and FAA Approved Airplane Flight Manual Original Issue 25 February 2005 PART NUMBER: 172SPHAUS-$3-00 INSERT THE FOLLOWING PAGESINTO ‘THE SUPPLEMENT SECTION OF THE PILOT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK, come prema Pilot's Operating Handbook and FAA Approved Airplane Flight Manual CESSNA MODEL 172S NAV Ill AIRPLANES Serials 172S9810 and On . ‘SUPPLEMENT 3 ) BENDIX/KING KAP 140 2 AXIS AUTOPILOT ‘This supplament must be inserted ito Seton 9 of the Pate Operaing Handbook and FAA Apbroved Aiplare Fight Manual when the KAP 140.2 Ads, Auoplot Saaeh Sia @ Wane csna ev ectenene miaay DATE OF APPROVAL_CZ:=26 <5 ee 25 FEBRUARY 2005 SaaS mesmo so SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS. CESSNA SUPPLEMENT 3 MODEL 1728 NAV IIL SUPPLEMENT 3 BENDIX/KING KAP 140 2 AXIS AUTOPILOT Use the Log of Effective Pages to determine the current status of this supplement. Pages affected by the current revision are indicated by an asterisk (() preceding the page number. ‘Supplement Status Date Original 25 February 2005 LOG OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Page Page Revision Number Status Number 83-4 thru $3.44 Original ° FAA APPROVED $32 US. 172SPHAUS-S3-00 YY CESSNA ‘SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS. MODEL 1728 NAV Il ‘SUPPLEMENT 3 SERVICE BULLETIN CONFIGURATION LIST ‘The following is a list of Service Bulletins that are applicable to the ‘operation of the airplane, and have been incorporated into this Supplement. This list contains only those Service Bulletins that are currently acive. Aiplane Serial Revision Incorporated Number Te Eflectivty" corporates in Apion FAA APPROVED 172SPHAUS-S3-00 us. $33 SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS. CESSNA SUPPLEMENT 3 ‘MODEL 1728 NAV Il BENDIX/KING KAP 140 2 AXIS AUTOPILOT O GENERAL ‘The Bendix/King KAP 140 2-Axis Autopilot provides the following ‘modes of operation: 41. Roll (ROL) made - keeps the wings level, 2. Vertical Speed (VS) mode - holds the climb or descent rate at the moment the autopilot is engaged or a manually-set climb or descent rate. Controlled using the UP and DN buttons. NOTE ‘The autopilot can hold a set vertical speed only if ‘engine power and airplane weight will let i. If the tical speed set on the autopilot is more than the iplane can supply and airspeed decreases ‘sufficiently, the airplane can be made to stall, Make é sure that the vertical speed set _on the autopilot Fesults in airplane performance that stays in the operating limitations of both the autopilot and the alrplane. 3. Alttude Hold (ALT) mode - holds a set altitude using ‘combined engine power, pitch and pitch trim control 4, Heading (HDG) mode - holds the magnetic heading set tusing the HDG bug on the G1000 Primary Flight Display (PFD) HSI. 5. Navigation (NAV) mode - locks on a course set using the CRS knob when a valid VHF navigation source (NAV 1 or NAV 2) is shown on the G1000 HSI, when GPS is set as the HSI navigation source and the GPS is operating in OBS. ‘mode, or when the course is set automatically using GPS irect-to or fight plan (FPL) navigation and GPS is shown ‘on the G1000 HSI. (Continued Next Page) } FAA APPROVED 834 US. 172SPHAUS-S3-00 CESSNA ‘SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS. MODEL 1728 NAVIIl SUPPLEMENT 3 ~/ GENERAL (Continued) 6. Approach (APR) mode - locks on-course with greater sensitivity than NAV mode. APR mode is used to lock on the final approach course (to the Final Approach Fix) 10 start the final approach segment of the procedure. While ‘operating on an intercept heading or course in elther HDG ‘of NAV mode, APR mode is set or “armed” (ARM) to lock on to the final approach course. APR mode will work for VOR, LOC and ILS approaches using either the NAV 1 or NAV’ 2 VHF navigation radios with the correct signal, the applicable radio set as the navigation source on the HSI and the correct course (CRS) set on the HSI. APR mode will automatically lock on the glideslope (GS) using vertical speed mode during ILS approaches. APR supplies vertical guidance only for ILS approaches, and then only when established on the localizer before glideslope intercept ‘This mode also works for GPS or RNAVIGPS approaches. When GPS is set as the navigation source on the HSI |) Te KAP 140 Autopilot gies the pt Aude Preselect and Altitude Alert functions. The Altitude Preselect function lets the pilot set a limit or "target" altitude before starting a climb or escent. The KAP 140 will cimb or descend, as applicable, at the set vertical speed and will retum to level fight at the altitude selection. The autopilot will supply an Altitude Alert (an electronic ‘sound or “tone") at 1000 feet before the alttude selection or When altitude changes more than 200 feet from the altitude selection, ‘The KAP 140 Autopilot Elevator Trim System supplies automatic adjustment of elevator trim during autopilot operation and, when the ‘autopilot is not engaged, gives the pilot a manual electric elevator trim (MET) function (using the DN-UP Switches on the Control Wheel). The Elevator Trim system is designed to fail to a safe ‘condition (fail-safe) for any single trim system malfunction during fight. ‘Trim system malfunctions produce waming annunclations on the face of the autopilot and on the G1000 PFD. (Continued Next Page) FAA APPROVED 172SPHAUS-S3-00 Us. $35 ‘SECTION 9- SUPPLEMENTS. CESSNA SUPPLEMENT 3 MODEL 1728 NAV IIL GENERAL (Continued) ‘A locking device prevents the autopilot or MET from engaging until the autopilot computer has completed the prefght self-test ‘sequence and finds that the system is not defective. The prefight seltest starts when the AVIONICS BUS 2 Switch is set to the ON position. ‘The KAP 140 Autopilot will disengage if any of the following ‘conditions occur: 41. Internat Autopliot System matfunction, 2. Autopilot Computer Monitor detects either R (roll axis) or P (pitch axis) malfunction annunciation. 3, Pitch accelerations larger than + 1.49 of - 0.69 caused by ‘a. servo malfunction. The pilot cannot maneuver the airplane and cause the autopilot to disengage, although ‘some turbulence can, 4, DC Electric Tum Coordinator maftunction. 5. The AP DISCITRIM INT Switch on the LH Control Wheel is pushed. ‘The AVIONICS BUS 2 Switch supplies electrical power to the AUTO PILOT Circuit Breaker from AVN BUS 2. The AVIONICS BUS 2 Switch can also de-energize the Autopilot or MET system in an emergency. (Continued Next Page) FAA APPROVED $36 US. 1728PHAUS-S3-00 G) CESSNA SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS: MODEL 1728 NAV II ‘SUPPLEMENT 3 GENERAL (Continues) The following circult breakers energize and supply protection for the KAP 140 Autopilot: LABEL FUNCTIONS AUTOPILOT A pullto-open type circuit breaker on AVN BUS 2 that energizes the KAP 140 Autopilot computer and the roll, pitch and pitch trim servos. WARN ‘A pullto-open type circuit breaker on the X- FEED BUS that supplies power for the PITCH TRIM annunciation on the G1000 PFD. (Continued Next Page) FAA APPROVED 172SPHAUS-$3-00 us. 837 SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS CESSNA SUPPLEMENT 3 MODEL 1728 NAV I ) vn ELEVATOR, VHF NAV VHF COMM BEYATOR ELEVATOR TRIM ACTUATOR ‘resco WARN CIB Grrepiont Figure $3-1 FAA APPROVED 838 US. 172SPHAUS-S3-00 an Ww © CESSNA ‘SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS: MODEL 1728 NAVIII ‘SUPPLEMENT 3 GENERAL (Continued) BENDDUKING KAP 140 2 AXIS AUTOPILOT WITH ALTITUDE PRESELECT, OPERATING CONTROLS AND INDICATORS: p 2 a 20 » «| APS ALT 300, = goal O oe ee eee ee) 8 Figure 83-2 KAP 140 WITH ALTITUDE PRESELECT +. PITCH AXIS. (P) ANNUNGIATOR, ~ When. iuminated indicates failure of pitch axis and will either disengage the autopilot or not allow engagement of the pitch axis. In turbulent air, will iluminate during abnormal verticalaccelerations. 2. AUTOPILOT ENGAGE/DISENGAGE (AP) BUTTON - When pressed and held (approx. 0.25 seconds), engages autopilot if all prefight self-test conditions are met.’ The autopilot will ‘engage in the basic roll (ROL) mode which functions as a wing Ieveler and the pitch axis vertical speed (VS) mode, The ‘commanded vertical speed will be displayed in the upper Tight comer of autopilot display area. The captured VS will be the vertical speed present at the moment the AP buton is Bressed.” The button may also be used to cizengage the Butopi 3. ROLL AXIS (—) ANNUNCIATOR - When iuminated, indicates failure ofthe roll axis and disengages the autopilot. (Continued Next Page) FAA APPROVED ‘172SPHAUS-S3-00 us. s39 ‘SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS. CESSNA ‘SUPPLEMENT 3 ‘MODEL 1725 NAVI GENERAL (Continued) 4. HEADING (HDG) MODE SELECTOR BUTTON - When pushed, will select the Heading mode, which commands the airplane to tum to and maintain the heading selected by the heading bug on the HSI. A new heading may be selected at any time and will result in the airplane tuming to the new heading. The button can also be used to change between HDG and ROL modes. 5. NAVIGATION (NAV) MODE SELECTOR BUTTON - When Pushed, will select the Navigation mode. This mode Provides automatic beam capture and tracking of VOR. LOG, or GPS signals as set'on the HSI. NAV mode is recommended for enroute navigation tracking 6. APPROACH (APR) MODE SELECTOR BUTTON - When Pushed, wil select the Approach mode. This mode provides ‘Automatic beam capture and tracking of VOR, GPS, LOC ‘Glidesiope (GS) on an ILS, as set on the HSI,” APR mode tracking sensitivity is recommended for instrument ‘approaches. 7. BACK COURSE APPROACH (REV) MODE BUTTON - This. button is active only when the coupled navigation receiver is ‘tuned to a LOCIILS frequency. When pushed will select the Back Course approach mode. This mode functions identically to the approach mode except that the autopilot response to LOG signals is reversed. Glideslope is locked ‘out with REV mode. 8. ALTITUDE HOLD (ALT) MODE SELECT BUTTON - When pushed, will select the altitude hoid mode. This mode provides capture and tracking of the selected altitude. The Selected altitude is the airplane altitude at the moment the ‘ALT button is pressed. If the ALT button is pressed with an established VS rate present, there will be about a 10% (of VS rate) overshoot. The airplane will retum positively to the selected altitude. (Continued Next Page) FAA APPROVED S310 US. 1728PHAUS-$3-00 CESSNA ‘SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS. MODEL 1728 NAV IIL ‘SUPPLEMENT 3 GENERAL (Continued) 8. VERTICAL SPEED (UP/DN) MODE BUTTONS - The action cof these buttons depends on the vertical mode selection when pressed. If VS mode is active (AP plus any lateral mode) and the UP button is pressed, the autopilot will ‘modify the displayed VS command (FPM) in the up direction. Single momentary cycles on elther the UP or DN button wil increment the VS command by 100 FPM per cycle. When either button is continuously held in, it wil ‘modify the vertical speed command by 300 fom per second, If ALT mode is active, pressing the UPION butions will modify the captured altiude by 20 feet per cycle, or if held continuously will command the airplane up or down at the tale of 500 FPM, synchronizing the ALT reference to the ‘actual aiplane atiude upon button release. 10. AUTO PILOT CIRCUIT BREAKER - A 5-amp pulloff circutt breaker supplies 28 VDC to the KAP 140 system. 11. WARN CIB - Power to the autopilot disconnect horn and the annunciator (PITCH TRIM). 12. AUTOPILOT DISCONNECT (WP DISC/TRIM INT) SWITCH - When depressed will disengage the autopilot and interrupt ‘manual electric trim (MET) power. An autopilot disconnect willbe annunciated by a continuous 2 second tone accompanied by flashing "AP" annunciations on the autopilot computer display. 18. MANUAL ELECTRIC TRIM (MET) SWITCHES - When both ‘switches are pressed in the same direction, the trim system will provide pitch trim in the selected direction. Use of ‘manual electric trim during autopilot operation will disengage the autopilot. (Continued Next Page) FAA APPROVED 172SPHAUS-S3-00 us. $341 ‘SECTION 9- SUPPLEMENTS. ‘SUPPLEMENT 3 GENERAL (Continued) 14, COURSE SELECT (CRS) KNOB ‘magnetic course to be tracked by the autopilot. (Note: The HOG bug must also be positioned to the proper course to capture and track the selected radial or desired track). CESSNA MODEL 1728 NAV IIL Selects the desired 15, HEADING SELECT KNOB (HDG) - Positions the heading pointer ("bug") on the HS! compass card. Note that the postion of the heading bug also provides heading datum to ‘the autopilot when armed for course capture is in NAV, ‘APR, or REV (BC) modes. This is in addition to its use in ‘the HDG mode, 16. PITCH TRIM (PT) Annunciator - Indicates the direction of pitch trim moti ion The annunciation will flash if auto trim has not satisfied the request for trim for a period of 10 seconds. A sold ofa pitch tim faut without an arrowhead is an indication Refer to the EMERGENCY PROCEDURES for proper response to a pitch trim fault. 17, PITCH TRIM Annunciation - Displayed in the PFD, lluminates whenever the automated preflight self test detects a pitch trim faut or the continuous monitoring system detects a pitch trim fault in flight. Refer to the EMERGENCY PROCEDURES for proper response to a pitch trim fault. 48, AUTOPILOT ENGAGE [AP] Annunciation - Comes. on Whenever the ‘autopilot is engaged. Inlated or automatic disengagement. S312 US. (Continued Next Page) Flashes during pilot FAA APPROVED 172SPHAUS-S3-00 CESSNA SECTION 8 - SUPPLEMENTS. MODEL 172S NAV II ‘SUPPLEMENT 3 GENERAL (Continued) 19. ROTARY KNOBS - Used to set the altitude alerter reference 20. 21 altitude; or may be used immediately after pressing the BARO button, to adust the autopiot baro setting to match that of the airplane's aliimeter when manual adjustment is required BARO SET (BARO) BUTTON - When pushed and released, will change the display from the alttude alerter selected attitude to the baro seting display (elther in. HG or HPA) for 3 seconds. If pushed and held for 2 seconds, will change the baro setting display from in HG to HPA or vice versa. ‘Once the baro setting display is visible the rotary knobs may be used to adjust the baro setting. ALTITUDE ARM (ARM) BUTTON - When pushed, will ‘change the altitude arming function between on ot off When ALT ARM is annunciated, the autopilot will capture the altitude alerter displayed alitude (provided the airplane js climbing or descending in VS to the displayed altitude). ‘ALT hold arming when the autopilot is engaged is automatic, upon altitude alerter alttude selection via the rotary knobs. ‘Note that the alerter functions are independent of the arming process thus providing full time alerting, even when the Autopiletis disengaged. ALTITUDE ALERTERIVERTICAL SPEED/BARO SETTING. DISPLAY - Normally displays the altitude alerter selected altitude. If the UP of DN button is pushed while in VS hold, the display changes to the command reference for the VS ‘mode in FPM for 3 seconds. If the BARO button is pushed, the display changes to the autopliot baro setting in either in HG or HPA for 3 seconds. (Continued Next Page) FAA APPROVED 172SPHAUS-$3-00 us. S313 ‘SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS. CESSNA ‘SUPPLEMENT 3 MODEL 1725 NAV Ill GENERAL (Continued) 23. ALTITUDE ALERT (ALERT) ANNUNCIATION - Illuminates in the region of 200 to’ 1000 feet from the selected alttude if the airplane was previously outside of this region. Flashes (1) for two seconds the first time the airplane crossed the selected altitude and (2) continuous! the 200 to 1000 feet region if the airplane was previously inside of this region (.e. at the selected altitude). ‘Associated with the visual alerting is an aural alert (5 short tones) which occurs. 1000 feet from the selected altitude Upon. approaching the alitude and 200 feet from the ‘Selected altitude on leaving the altitude. OPERATING LIMITATIONS ‘The following autopilot imitations must be obeyed: 4. The entire Preflight procedure given’ in the Normal Procedures section of this Supplement must be satisfactorily ‘completed prior to each fight Use of the autopilot or manual electric trim system is prohibited before the satisfactory completion of the Prefight procedure. 2. The autopilot must be OFF during takeoff and landing, 3, During autopiot operation, a pilot must be seated in the left front seat with their seat belt fastened. 4, The system is approved for Category | operation only (Approach mode selected) 5. Autopilot maximum airspeed limitation - 140 KIAS. ‘Autopilot minimum airspeed limitation - 70 KIAS. ‘Autopilot minimum approach airspeed - 60 KIAS | (Continued Next Page) FAA APPROVED. 83-14 US. ‘1 72SPHAUS-83-00 CESSNA SECTION 8 - SUPPLEMENTS MODEL 1728 NAV I ‘SUPPLEMENT 3 e —/ OPERATING LIMITATIONS (Continued) 6. Maximum flap extension - 10°. 7. Maximum lateral fuel imbalance wih autoplot engaged - 20 8 The autopilot must be disengaged below 200 feet AGL during approach operations and below 800 feet AGL for all ‘other phases of fight. 9. Manually overriding the autopilot to change pitch or roll attitude is prohibited. (Disengage the autopilot before ‘moving the control whee! manually) 40. Ifthe red "PITCH TRIM" warning annunciator (shown on the PFD) comes on during fight, do the Recovery Procedure shown in Emergency Procedures. The electric tim and ‘autopilot systems will be de-energized when the AUTO PILOT circut breaker is open. 11. Qperation of the KAP 140 Autopilot is prohibited when the ‘GMA 1347 Audio Panel is inoperative (no warning tone will be supplied when the Autopilot disengages). EMERGENCY PROCEDURES The four-step recovery procedure (steps 1 thru 4) listed below should be committed fo memory. It is Important that the pilot be profclent in accompshing all four steps without reference to this manual RECOVERY PROCEDURE 1. In case of Autopilot, Autopilot Trim, or Manual Electric Trim ‘malfunction (accomplish Items a and b simultaneously): ‘a. Airplane Control Wheel - GRASP FIRMLY and regain control of airplane b. AIP DISCITRIM INT Switch - PUSH and HOLD throughout recovery. >) * (Continued Next Page) FAA APPROVED ‘$T2SPHAUS-$3-00 us. sss ‘SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS CESSNA ‘SUPPLEMENT 3 MODEL 1728 NAV III EMERGENCY PROCEDURES (Continued) . AIRPLANE - TRIM manually as needed. d, AUTO PILOT Circuit Breaker - OPEN (pull out WARNING FOLLOWING AN AUTOPILOT, AUTOTRIM OR MANUAL ELECTRIC TRIM SYSTEM MALFUNCTION, DO NOT ENGAGE THE AUTOPILOT UNTIL THE CAUSE OF THE MALFUNCTION HAS BEEN CORRECTED. NOTE ‘The AVIONICS BUS 2 switch may be used to de- energize the autopilot and electric trim systems. if ecessary, do steps a. thru c. above, set the AVIONICS. BUS 2 switch to the OFF position then locate and open (pull) the AUTO PILOT circuit breaker. Then the AVIONICS BUS 2 switch can be set to the ON position {to restore power to the other avionics equipment on AVN BUS 2. Primary atitude,. airspeed, directional Compass, and altitude instruments will continue to ‘operate when the AVIONICS BUS 2 switch is OFF. ‘Maximum Attitude losses due to autopilot matfunction: CONFIGURATION ALTITUDE LOSS (feet) Cruise, Climb or Descent 350 feet Maneuvering 100 feet ‘Approach 90 feet AMPLIFIED EMERGENCY PROCEDURES The following paragraphs provide additional information for more complete understanding of the recommended course(s) of action in emergency situations, (Continued Next Page) FAA APPROVED 8346 US. 1725PHAUS-$3-00 CESSNA SECTION 9 - MODEL 1728 NAV II 41. An autopilot or autotrim maifunction occurs tuncommanded deviation in the airplane ‘SUPPLEMENTS ‘SUPPLEMENT 3 ee rocesunes (Continued) when there is an ht path or when there is abnormal control wheel or trim wheel motion. In | to no airplane motion, but the PITCH TRIM side of PDF) may come on. some cases, (especialy for autopilot trim), there may be litle ‘annuneiator (RH | 2. The primary concem in reacting to an autopilot or autopilot | ‘rim system malfunction, or to an automatic disconnect of i the autopilot, is to keep control of the airplane. Immediately of its operating limitations. Elevator trim grasp_the control wheel and push and hold the AP | DISC/TRIM INT switch throughout the recovery. Manipulate the controls as required to safely keep the airplane within all ‘should be used manually as needed to relieve control forces. Locate and open (pull) the AUTO PILOT circuit breaker on the lower Fight hand comer of the circuit breaker panel to completely disable the autopilot system 3. A_ manual electric trim system malfunct jon (without pilot ‘actuation of the manual electric trim switches) may be recognized by the PITCH TRIM annunciator coming on or by unusual tim wheel motions with the autopliot not engaged, ‘As with an autopilot matfunction, the first concer following a function ‘manual electric trim system is to keep the airplane in control. Grasp the control wheel firmly and push ‘and hold down the AIP DISC/TRIM INT switch. Locate and pull the AUTO PILOT circuit breaker on the lower right hand ‘comer ofthe circuit breaker panel (AVN BUS 2) ‘Trim system voice messages will be provided for the following fight conditions: 1. "TRIM IN MOTION® - Elevator trim runs ‘seconds, message repeats every 5 seconds. (Continued Next Page) FAA APPROVED ‘172SPHAUS-$3-00 for more than 5 us. $3.17 ‘SECTION 9- SUPPLEMENTS. CESSNA ‘SUPPLEMENT 3 MODEL 1725 NAV IIL EMERGENCY PROCEDURES (Continued) 2. CHECK PITCH TRIM - An out of trim condition has existed {for approximately 20 seconds, take immediate corrective action: a. Aiplane Control Wheel - GRASP FIRMLY and keep airplane in control. b. AP DISC/TRIM’ INT Switch - PUSH and HOLD throughout recovery. ¢. AIRPLANE - RETRIM manually as needed. d, AUTO PILOT Circuit Breaker - OPEN (PULL). NOTE Emergency Procedures for any malfunction are essentially the same: immediately grasp the control whee! and regain airplane control while pushing and holding the A/P DISC/TRIM INT switch, then trim the airplane as needed. After these steps have been accomplished, secure the autopilot electric trim system by pulling the AUTO PILOT circuit breaker. ‘As with any airplane emergency procedure, it is important that the 4 steps of the Recovery Procedure be committed to memory. 3, The AVIONICS BUS 2 switch may be used to remove all electric power trom the autopliot and electric trim systems while the AUTO PILOT circuit breaker is located and ‘opened. When the AVIONICS BUS 2 switch is OFF, the autopilot and electric trim systems will not operate. After ‘opening the AUTO PILOT circult breaker, set the AVIONICS BUS 2 switch to the ON position to return power to the other ‘equipment on AVN BUS 2. 4. Its important that all portions of the autopilot and electric trim system are tested prior to each fight in accordance with the procedures published herein in order to assure their integrity and continued safe operation during fight. (Continued Next Page) FAA APPROVED 8318 US. ‘1T2SPHAUS-$3-00 CESSNA SECTION 9- SUPPLEMENTS. MODEL 1725 NAV II SUPPLEMENT 3 i) EMERGENCY PROCEDURES (Continued) O WARNING FOLLOWING AN AUTOPILOT, AUTOTRIM_ OR MANUAL ELECTRIC TRIM SYSTEM MALFUNCTION, DO NOT ENGAGE THE AUTOPILOT UNTIL THE CAUSE OF THE MALFUNCTION HAS BEEN ‘CORRECTED. ‘A flashing auto trim annunciation on the face of the autopilot indicates a faiure in the pitch trim system. The pitch trim (autotrim) system has not reduced the load on the pitch servo sufficiently ‘Quickly. This condition should be temporary. 4. FLASHING T ANNUNCIATION - OBSERVE airplane pitch behavior, If pitch behavior is satisfactory, wait 5 to 10 seconds for the annunciaton to go of. 2. MF annunciation continues, CONTROL WHEEL - GRASP. FIRMLY, DISENGAGE the autopilot and CHECK for out of frm condtion in pitch. Manually tim to reduce contol Foes. 3. AUTOPILOT OPERATION - CONTINUE, if satisfied that the pitch trim" maifunction indication | was temporary. DISCONTINUE if failure of autotrim. fared P or Ris shown on the face of the autopilot: 1. A red P indicates that the pitch axis system of the autopilot has been disabled and cannot be engaged. WARNING DO NOT ENGAGE THE AUTOPILOT IF ONLY THE ROLL AXIS IS OPERATING. (Continued Next Page) FAA APPROVED. ‘472SPHAUS-S3-00 us. $319 SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS CESSNA SUPPLEMENT 3. MODEL 1728 NAVI EMERGENCY PROCEDURES (Continued) NOTE If the red P lamp comes on because of abnormal acceleration of the airplane (due to turbulence), the lamp should go off within approximately one minute ‘and normal operation of the autopilot will begin agai 2. Arred R means that the autopilot roll axis system has been disabled and cannot be engaged. The autopilot cannot be engaged again. If @ flashing mode annunciation is shown on the face of the autopilot: 1. HDG flashing - Shows @ falled heading input PUSH the HDG button to change to ROL mode. ROL will be shown Con the face of the autopilot. 2. NAV, APR or REV flashing - Shows that the autopilot navigation source is not working correctly (flag). The ‘navigation signal may have been lost or the navigation ‘source may have been switched at the PFD. NOTE NAV, APR or REV flashing can also be caused by a failed heading input (during course capture). 3. GS flashing - Shows a failed glideslope signal or input (GS. will ARM again if a good glidesiope signal comes back). NOTE © If the approach is continued using the localizer ‘only, make sure to obey the minimum descent altude (MDA) for the non-precision approach Procedure. Use ALT or VS mode as necessary to ‘control altitude. (Continued Next Page) FAA APPROVED. $320. US. ‘172SPHAUS-S3-00 CESSNA ‘SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS MODEL 1728 NAV It SUPPLEMENT 3 C \ ) EMERGENCY PROCEDURES (Continued) @ When the mode annunciator starts to flash, the autopilot “has changed to a default mode of Operation: ROL for lateral. control andior VS_for vertical control. The autopilot may be engaged in the previous. mode again as soon as the correct navigation, glidesiope or heading signal or source is available, @ The HDG annunciation will flash for 5 seconds on the selection of NAV, APR or REV mode to tell the pilot to set the HDG bug (HSI) to the desired course, Effects of equipment failure on autopilot operation: 1. Failure of Atitude Indicator - No effect on autopilot. 2. Failure of AHRS - The autopilot will function only in ROL mode. (-) _& ature of Dc Tum Coordinator - Autopilot will disengage or ‘ wil not engage. 4. Falure of HSI «If HS! fais to function comecty, no head signal wil be available, so the autopilot HDG, NAV, API ‘and REV modes will nol function correctly. Only ROL mode Will function correctly. 5. Fallure of the Transponder Pressure Alttude Encoder - The Alitude Alert and Alttude Preselect functions will not oper- ate correctly (gray code signal not avaliable). 6. Failure of the No. 2 GIA 63 Integrated Avionics Unit: If the No, 2 GIA 63 unit fal, the autopilot wil function only in 7. Fallure of the GMA 1347 Audio Panel - No aural annunciator (Electronic sound or tone) will be heard when the autopilot disengages. (Continued Next Page) FAA APPROVED 172SPHAUS-S3-00 Us. s32t ‘SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS. CESSNA ‘SUPPLEMENT 3 MODEL 1728 NAV Il NORMAL PROCEDURES PREFLIGHT (PERFORM BEFORE EACH FLIGHT): 1. MASTER Switch (BAT) - ON. 2. AVIONICS Switch BUS 2 - ON. 3. POWER APPLICATION and SELF-TEST - The autopilot tests itself when power is frst made available. The testis a sequence of intemal checks before starting normal system ‘Operation. The test sequence is shown on the face of the autopilot as "PFT x". "X" is the test sequence stop number. Successful completion ofthe selftest is shown by all autopilot display elements coming on (Display Test), the PITCH TRIM annuneiator on the PFD coming on and the ‘operation of the autoplt disengagement tone. WARNING IF THE RED P STAYS ON, THE AUTOPILOT HAS FAILED THE PREFLIGHT TEST. OPEN (PULL) THE AUTO PILOT CIRCUIT BREAKER TO MAKE SURE THAT THE AUTOPILOT AND MANUAL ELECTRIC ‘TRIM SYSTEM WILL NOT OPERATE. NOTE ‘When power is first supplied to the autopilot, the red P (pitch trim) lamp on the face of the autopilot’ may come fon to show that the pitch system cannot be engaged. ‘This condition should tast approximately 30 seconds. ‘The P will go off and the autopilot pitch trim system will function correctly. (Continued Next Page) FAA APPROVED 8322 US. ‘172SPHAUS-$3-00 CESSNA ‘SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS. MODEL 1728 NAV IL ‘SUPPLEMENT 3 ) NORMAL PROCEDURES (Continued) 4. MANUAL ELECTRIC TRIM (MET) SYSTEM - TEST (Using the DN - UP Switches on the outboard side of the LH control wheel) a. LH Switch - PUSH FORWARD to DN position and hold. MONITOR elevator trim wheel for movement. If elevator trim wheel moves, MET system has failed. Release ‘switch to center OFF position, NOTE ‘Any movement of the elevator trim wheel during the check of elther the LH or RH Switch means that the Manual Electric Trim System has failed. The airplane may be flown if the AUTO PILOT Circuit Breaker is ‘secured in the open position so that the autopilot disconnected from electrical power and wil not ‘operate unti itis repaired. b. LH SWITCH - PULL AFT to UP position and hold. Make sure that the elevator tim wheel does not’ move. Release switch to center OFF postion. ©. RH Switch - PUSH FORWARD to DN position and hold Make sure that the elevator trim wheel does not move. Make sure the red light on the face of autopioi ‘comes on. Release switch f0 center OFF positon NOTE Ired ight is not shown on the face ofthe autopilot after the RH Switch is held in the DN position for 8 seconds, the Trim Monitor System has failed. The airplane’ may be flown if the AUTO PILOT Circuit Breaker is secured in the open position so the utopiit is disconnected from electrical power and ‘ill not operate until until itis repaired, (Continued Next Page) FAA APPROVED 172SPHAUS-S3-00 us. $3.23 SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS CESSNA SUPPLEMENT 3 MODEL 1728 NAVI NORMAL PROCEDURES (Continued) d. RH SWITCH - PULL AFT to UP position and hold. Make sure that the elevator trim wheel does not move. Make sure the red light on the face of the autopilot comes on, Release Switch to center OFF position. fe. LH and RH Switch - PUSH BOTH FORWARD (DN Position) at same time and hold. Make sure that the elevator trim wheel moves in the nose-down direction ‘While holding both LH and RH Switches forward, PUSH and HOLD the A/P DISC/TRIM INT Switch, make sure that the elevator trim wheel does not move wiile the AIP. DISC/TRIM INT Switch is held. Continue to hold the LH and RH Switches forward and RELEASE the AP DISC/TRIM INT Switch, "Make sure that the elevator trim wheel moves in nose-down direction. Release the LH and RH Switches to the center OFF position. NOTE ‘Make sure that the elevator Trim Tab moves up with nose down elevator trim (LH & RH Switches held in the DN position) movement. Ifthe elevator trim wheel moves ‘while the AP DISC/TRIM. INT Switch is ushed and held, the Manual Electric Trim System as failed. The airplane may be flown if the AUTO PILOT Circuit Breaker is secured in the open position ‘50 that the autopilot is disconnected from electrical ‘power and will not operate untl it is repaired. f. LH and RH Switch - PUSH BOTH AFT (UP position) at same time and hold. Make sure that the elevator trim wheel moves in the nose-up direction. While holding both LH and RH Switches in the aft position . PUSH and HOLD the A/P DISC/TRIM INT Switch, make sure that the elevator trim wheel does not move while the AP DISC/TRIM INT Switch is held. Continue to hold the LH and RH Switches aft and RELEASE the A/P DISC/TRIM INT Switch, Make sure that the elevator trim wheel moves in nose-up direction. Release the LH and RH Switches to the center OFF position. (Continued Next Page) FAA APPROVED $324 US. ‘1T2SPHAUS-$3-00 CESSNA ‘SECTION 8 - SUPPLEMENTS. MODEL 1728 NAVI ‘SUPPLEMENT 3 NORMAL PROCEDURES (Continued) NOTE Make sure that the elevator Trim Tab moves down ‘with nose up elevator trim (LH & RH Switches held in the UP position) movement. If the elevator trim ‘wheel moves while the AP DISC/TRIM INT Switch is. Pushed and held, the Manual Electric Trim System has failed. The airplane may be flown if the AUTO PILOT Circuit Breaker Is secured in the open position so that the autopilot is disconnected from ‘electrical power and will not operate until it is repaired. 4. BARO Setting flashing - SET current local barometer (atmospheric pressure) using knobs or push BARO button to accept the present setting. 5. AUTOPILOT - ENGAGE (push and hold AP button for 1 ‘second), 6. FLIGHT CONTROLS - MOVE. Make sure that th ‘can be overpowered in both pitch axis and roll axis. uutopilot 7. AIP DISC/TRIM INT Switch - PUSH. Make sure that the ‘autopilot disengages. Make sure that the disengagement warning sound is heard, ) (Continued Next Page) FAA APPROVED. ‘172SPHAUS-S3-00 US. 83:25 SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS ‘SUPPLEMENT 3. NORMAL PROCEDURES (Continued) 8, ELEVATOR TRIM WHEEL - SET pointer to takeoff position. 9 10. WARNING. @ WHEN THE AUTOPILOT IS ENGAGED, THE PILOTIN-COMMAND MUST CONTINUGUSLY MONITOR AND BE READY TO DISENGAGE ‘THE AUTOPILOT AS NOTED ABOVE. DO THE EMERGENCY RECOVERY PROCEDURE IF AUTOPILOT OPERATION IS ERRATIC OR DOES NOT CORRECTLY CONTROL THE AIRPLANE. @ DURING AUTOPILOT OPERATIONS, THE PILOTN-COMMAND MUST SET! THE AUTOPILOT VS (VERTICAL SPEED) RATE AND ENGINE POWER TO MAKE SURE THAT AIRSPEED STAYS BETWEEN 80 KIAS AND 160 KIAS AND DOES NOT EXCEED ANY OTHER AIRPLANE OPERATING LIMITATION. NOTE ‘Autopilot tracking performance will not be as good as ‘usual in turbulence, AVIONICS BUS 2 Switch - OFF MASTER Switch (BAT) - OFF BEFORE TAKEOFF 1 83.28 US. AP DISC/TRIM INT Switch - PUSH. (Continued Next Page) FAA APPROVED 1728PHAUS-S3-00 CESSNA MODEL 172 NAV IIL CESSNA ‘SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS. MODEL 1728 NAV IIL SUPPLEMENT 3 NORMAL PROCEDURES (Continued) 2. BARO-SET. CAUTION CONTINUE TO SET BARO THROUGHOUT THE FLIGHT WHEN THE “ALTIMETER SETTING CHANGES. NO FLASHING BARO SETTING WILL BE SHOWN TO REMIND THE PILOT. 3. ALTITUDE SELECT- SET target altitude using knobs. CAUTION THERE IS NO CONNECTION BETWEEN THE G1000 ALT SEL FEATURE AND THE KAP 140 ALTITUDE ALERT FUNCTION. NOTE 1000 feet before the altitude selection, an electronic ‘sound (tone) will be supplied for the pilot. Altitude changes of more than 200 feet from the altitude selection will cause a series of short tones to alert the pilot AFTER TAKEOFF 1. Elevator Trim - SET to trim airplane before engaging the ‘autopilot. NOTE If the autopilot is engaged when the airplane is out- oftrim, the result can be an unwanted altitude change, TRIM FAIL annunciation and autopilot disengagement. 2. Airspeed and Rate-of-Climb - STABLE. (Continued Next Page) FAA APPROVED. 1728PHAUS-$3-00 us. $327 ‘SECTION 9- SUPPLEMENTS. ‘SUPPLEMENT 3 NORMAL PROCEDURES (Continued) NOTE ‘Only engage the autopilot during wings-level stable flight. The autopiiot will come. on in ROL (wings leveler) and VS (Vertical Speed) modes. The VS ‘mode intial rate-of-cimb will be the vertical speed at the time the autopilot is engaged. Do not engage the autopilot when the airplane cannot hold the climb rate because of excessive pitch attitude, low airspeed, low engine power or high airplane weight. Do not engage the autopilot when the performance ‘or operation of the autopiiot or airplane will not obey the limitations. CESSNA MODEL 1728 NAV II 3. AP Button - PUSH and HOLD. Make sure that ROL and VS are shown on the face of the autopilot. If no selection ‘of other operating modes is made, the autopilot will operate in ROL and VS modes. 4 83.28 NOTE When operating in ROL mode, turbulence may result in changes to airplane heading. ROL mode oniy Works to keep the wings level ‘Make HDG or NAV mode selection at WARNING @ WHEN OPERATING THE AUTOPILOT IN VS. MODE WITH POWER SET FOR CLIMB AND AIRSPEED AT OR NEAR BEST RATE-OF- CLIMB, CONTINUED OPERATION. IN VS MODE’ CAN RESULT IN A STALL. IF NECESSARY, DISENGAGE THE AUTOPILOT AND RETURN THE AIRPLANE TO STABLE (CLIMB BEFORE ENGAGING THE AUTOPILOT (Continued Next Page) FAA APPROVED us. ‘1 T2SPHAUS-83-00 spplicable (optional). MODEL 1728 NAV Il ‘SUPPLEMENT 3 NORMAL PROCEDURES (Continued) WARNING ¢ WHEN OPERATING AT OR NEAR AUTOPILOT MAXIMUM AIRSPEED, REDUCE POWER TO CONTROL THE DESIRED RATE-OF-DESCENT AND KEEP THE AIRSPEED LESS THAN THE ‘AUTOPILOT MAXIMUM LIMIT. © DONOT MOVE THE CONTROL WHEEL WHEN THE AUTOPILOT IS ENGAGED. IF THE PILOT TRIES TO FLY THE AIRPLANE MANUALLY WHEN THE AUTOPILOT IS ENGAGED OR TRIES TO MANUALLY "HELP" THE AUTOPILOT, THE AUTOPILOT WILL ADJUST PITCH TRIM TO OPPOSE CONTROL WHEEL MOVEMENT AND CAUSE THE AIRPLANE TO. GO OUT OF TRIM. THE OUT-OF-TRIM CONDITION WILL CAUSE LARGE ELEVATOR CONTROL FORCES WHEN THE AUTOPILOT IS DISENGAGED. CLIMB OR DESCENT f | CESSNA. ‘SECTION 8 - SUPPLEMENTS ( 1. BARO- SET current altimeter. 2. VS (Vertical Speed) Mode: UP of DN Buttons - PUSH button to set airplane vertical speed in 100 feet per minute (Rimin) increments. PUSH and HOLD the bution for the KAP 140 to increase the vertical ‘speed at approximately 300 fmin/sec to the desired value, then RELEASE. The Tate wil be sat at the time of biton CAUTION THE VERTICAL SPEED MODE HAS SYSTEM LIMITS OF + 2000 FEET PER MINUTE. OPERATING THE MODEL 1728 NEAR THESE LIMITS IS NOT RECOMMENDED (Continued Next Page) FAA APPROVED 1T2SPHAUS-S3-00 us. s329 ‘SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS CESSNA ‘SUPPLEMENT 3 MODEL 1728 NAV Il NORMAL PROCEDURES (continued) 3. POWER - SET as applicable for vertical speed selection. NOTE The autopilot can hold a set vertical speed only if engine power and airplane weight are correct for the ‘conditions. If the vertical speed set for the autopilot is more than the airplane can supply and airspeed decreases sufficiently, the airplane can be made to stall. Make sure that the vertical speed set for the ‘autopilot results in aitplane performance that stays in the operating limitations of both the autopilot and the airplane. ALTITUDE PRESELECT MODE (ALTITUDE LOCK ON). 4. ALTITUDE SELECT - SET target altitude using knob on KAP 140, 2. ALTITUDE ARM - PUSH the ARM button to set the Altitude Lock On feature to the ON position (if needed). ALT ARM will show on the face of the autopilot when Altitude Lock On 83-80 US. is set to the ON condition, NOTE ‘© Minor dliferences between the autopilot altitude ‘selection and the airplane altitude indication may be seen after altitude lock on. This small difference is generally due to autopilot system tolerances. © Use of Altitude Preselect (Lock On) mode is not recommended for lock on at minimum descent attitude (MDA) during non-precision instrument proach procedures due to the possibilty of tude overshoot. Glideslope (GS) lock on ‘during an ILS approach will prevent lock on to a Preselect altitude selection. © Use Vertical Speed mode as described previously in CLIMB or DESCENT for altitude change. (Continued Next Page) FAA APPROVED ‘1 T2SPHAUS-$3-00 CESSNA ‘SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS MODEL 1725 NAV IIL SUPPLEMENT 3 | | ( _/ NORMAL PROCEDURES (continued) ALTITUDE HOLD. 41. ALT Button - PUSH (Make sure thatthe ALT annunciator on the front of the autopilot comes on). ‘The autopilot wil stay atthe set altitude, | NoTE '¢ If the ALT button is pushed while the airplane is climbing or descending, the airpiane may go through the altitude selection by approximately 10% of the vertical rate (example: 500 fmin = ‘approximately 50 feet), but will quickly lock on ‘and correct tothe target altitude. © In Advisory Circular ACOO-24B "Thunderstorms", the FAA recommends the use of "Pitch Atliude Hold" for aulopiot operation in severe ) turbulence. The KAP 140 does not use pitch feference, so" is recommended that. the ‘autopilot be disengaged and the airplane flown ‘manually in severe turbulence. CHANGING ALTITUDE If the autopilot is engaged in ALT mode (Altitude Hold): 1. For small altitude changes (less than 100 feet), push the UP ‘or DN button momentarily to program an’ increase or decrease to the alltude selection, as applicable, of 20 feet zach time the button is pushed. This lets the autopilot make ‘small corrections to the altitude selection. 2. For larger altitude changes, push and HOLD the UP or DN. button, as applicable, to start a 500 fY/min altitude change. Release the button at the altitude the autopilot isto hold. (Continued Next Page) FAA APPROVED. ‘1T2SPHAUS-S3-00 us. $331 ‘SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS CESSNA ‘SUPPLEMENT 3 MODEL 1725 NAV Ill NORMAL PROCEDURES (Continued) Ifthe autopilot is engaged in VS mode (Vertical Speed): 1. UP of DN Button - PUSH momentarily for 100 felmin vertical ‘speed increments or PUSH and HOLD for 300 fmin/sec vertical rate change and RELEASE at the rate desired. The autopilot wll cimb or descend at rate selection. NOTE ‘© The autopilot can hold a Vertical Speed selection ‘only if engine power and airplane weight are ‘correct for the conditions. If the vertical speed ‘set for the autopilot is more than the airplane can supply and airspeed decreases sufficiently, the airplane can be made to stall, Make sure that the vertical speed set for the autopilot results in airplane performance that stays in the ‘operating limitations of both the autoplot and the airplane. ‘© When operating at or near the best rate-f-clim irspeed, with the engine set to climb power or when in Vertical Speed mode, it can be easy to slow to airspeeds where any additional reduction in airspeed wil result reduced rate-of-cimb. Hold sufficient airspeed during Vertical Speed mode operation to avoid a stall HEADING (HDG) MODE OPERATION 1. HDG knob - SET the heading pointer ("bug") on the G1000 Llto the coret magnetic heading using the HOG knob on e| 2. HDG Button - PUSH to engage HDG mode. Make sure that the HDG annunciator is shown on the face of the autopilot. “The autopilot will turn the airplane at approximately standard rate (3*/sec) to lock on to the heading selection. (Continued Next Page) FAA APPROVED $392 US. 172SPHAUS-S3-00 VL CESSNA SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS. MODEL 1728 NAV IH ‘SUPPLEMENT 3 NORMAL PROCEDURES (Continued) NAVIGATION (NAV) MODE OPERATION ‘The KAP 140 Autopilot will operate in NAV mode using GPS or VHF (VOR of LOC) navigation signal inputs. The G1000 HSI shows the GPS, NAV 1 or NAV 2 navigation signal being supplied to the autopiit.' The navigation source selection shown on the HSI is made using the CD! sof I using NAV 1 or NAV 2, make sure that the radio is adjusted to the correct frequency and is the active frequency. Make cure that NAV ‘Tor NAV 2, as applicable, is shown on the HSi. WARNING WHEN THE KAP 140 AUTOPILOT IS ENGAGED IN NAV, APR OR REV OPERATING MODE, IF THE HSI NAVIGATION SOURCE IS CHANGED FROM GPS TO NAV1, AUTOMATICALLY OR MANUALLY (USING THE “CDI SOFTKEY), OR MANUALLY ROM NAV2 TO GPS, THE CHANGE WILL INTERRUPT THE SIGNAL TO THE AUTOPILOT AND CAUSE THE AUTOPILOT TO GO BACK TO ROL MODE OPERATION. NO WARNING CHIME OR PFD ANNUNCIATION WILL BE SUPPLIED. THE PREVIOUSLY-SELECTED MODE SYMBOL ‘SHOWN ON THE FACE OF THE AUTOPILOT WILL, FLASH TO SHOW THE CHANGE TO ROL MODE OPERATION. IN ROL MODE, THE AUTOPILOT WILL ONLY KEEP THE WINGS LEVEL AND WILL NOT CORRECT THE AIRPLANE HEADING OR COURSE. SET THE HDG BUG TO THE CORRECT HEADING AND SELECT THE CORRECT NAVIGATION SOURCE ON THE HS! USING THE ‘SOFTKEY BEFORE ENGAGING THE AUTOPILOT IN ANY OTHER OPERATING MODE, (Continued Next Page) FAA APPROVED 472SPHAUS-S3-00 us. $333 ‘SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS. CESSNA ‘SUPPLEMENT 3 MODEL 1728 NAV Il NORMAL PROCEDURES (Continued) CAUTION ‘THE 1000 HSI SHOWS A COURSE DEVIATION INDICATOR FOR THE GPS, NAV 1 OR NAV 2 NAVIGATION SOURCE SELECTION, THE G1000 HSI_DOES NOT PROVIDE A WARNING "FLAG" WHEN A VALID NAVIGATION SIGNAL IS_NOT BEING SUPPLIED TO THE INDICATOR. WHEN A VALID NAVIGATION. SIGNAL IS NOT BEING ‘SUPPLIED, THE COURSE DEVIATION INDICATION BAR (D-BAR) PART OF THE INDICATOR IS NOT SHOWN ON THE HSI COMPASS CARD. THE MISSING D-BAR IS CONSIDERED TO BE THE WARNING FLAG. NOTE When navigating using GPS, make sure that the GPS 2 unit is available on the G1000 MFD AUX - GPS STATUS page. No annunciation is provided for GPS 2 mattunction. NAV COURSE CAPTURE (LOCK ON) : 83.34 CRS Pointer - SET the HSI course pointer to the desired ‘magnetic course using the CRS knob on the PFD. NOTE Wf operating GPS-Direct (Directo) or on an active GPS Flight Plan, the course pointer will be ‘automatically set by the G1000. HDG bug - SET the HSI heading bug to the desired course intercept heading. HDG Button - PUSH to engage KAP 140 in heading mode. ‘Make sure that the HDG annunciation is shown on the face. of the autopilot. (Continued Next Page) FAA APPROVED. us. 172SPHAUS-S3-00 ) CESSNA SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS. MODEL 1728 NAV Il ‘SUPPLEMENT 3 NORMAL PROCEDURES (Continued) 4. NAV Button - PUSH to arm the autopliot NAV lock on function. Make sure that the autopilot is correctly engaged from the annunciation on the autopilot Ifthe HSI D-Bar is less than 2 to 3 dots from center, the ‘autopilot will go to NAV mode. “The NAV annunciator willbe shown on the face of the autopilot. b. If the HSI D-Bar is more than 2 to 3 dots from center, the NAVARM annunciator will be shown on the face of the autopilot. When the computed intercept point is reached, the ARM annunciator will go off and lock on (capture’ and track) will begin automatically. The NAV ‘annunciator will stay on the face of the autoplot. GPS NAV AND ROLL STEERING The KAP 140 Auton has DC, (analog) Rol Steering capabity. Roll Steering enables the Flight Guidance System (in this case, the (61000 GPS navigation computer) to control the autopilot through automatic course changes at ght plan waypoints and fo lock on to the course to the next waypoint. ‘The GPS navigation computer uses ground speed, track and tum- rate data to calculate the bank angle required for waypoint course Changes (the KAP 140 limits “bank angle inthe 1728 to approximately 18°). The GPS Roll Steering signal will make the autopict tum the arplane and lock on course to the next waypoint without flying “ditecly “over the current waypoint, except for designated y-over waypoints, The ‘ight path is approximatoly tangent tothe inbound and outbound fight plan legs. (Continued Next Page) FAA APPROVED ‘1T2SPHAUS-S3-00 US. $3.35 ‘SECTION 9- SUPPLEMENTS. CESSNA SUPPLEMENT 3 MODEL 1725 NAV III NORMAL PROCEDURES (continued) ‘The distance from the waypoint to start the tum will vary with ‘groundspeed, degrees of heading change, efc., but will usually be approximately 0.5 nautical mile from the waypoint. Flight plan sequencing to the next waypoint will occur at approximately the midpoint of the tur. Roll Steering works onl ial the following conditions are true: 1. GPS must be the navigation source shown on the G1000 HSI. 2. The GPS navigation computer must be executing an active flight plan. 3. The KAP 140 must be engaged in NAV or APR mode. ‘4, The GPS must not be operating in OBS mode (PFD). NOTE When on an active GPS fightplan with the KAP 140 ‘Autopilot coupled in NAV or APR mode, waypoint ‘course changes greater than approximately 140° ‘could result in a tum rate that reaches the autopilot bank angle limit. The pilot may need to change the KAP 140 to HDG mode (also arm NAV or APR mode) and manually set the intercept heading to help the autopilot lock on the new course. HOLDING PATTERNS AND PROCEDURE TURNS: ‘When operating IFR.on an active GPS fight plan, enroute or transitoning to the terminal environment, @ holding. patlem_or course reversal maneuver may be necessary. The Gi000 GPS. does not provide course guidance through these maneuvers. The pilot must set both the G1000 and the KAP 140 to the correct ‘operating mode and provide course guidance. ‘The Holding Pattern is usually shown on the MFD Navigation Map (for a published holding fio), but itis not included as a leg of the fight plan, GPS fight plan execution must be paused by entering OBS mode and using autopilot HDG or NAV modes, as applicable, to perform the maneuver. (Continued Next Page) FAA APPROVED 8338 US. 172SPHAUS-S3-00 CESSNA SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS. MODEL 1728 NAV IIL ‘SUPPLEMENT 3 NORMAL PROCEDURES (Continues) The Procedure Tum i included 2s a leg inthe ight plan along with the instrument approach procedure selection. Course guidance is supplied through ‘the tum to outbound course lock on, but is discontinued after approximately 1 minute. G1000 OBS mode is ‘ot required but the KAP 140 must be set to HOG mode and the HOG bug used to provide guidance though the course, reversal When established inbound, change from HDG to APR mode for lock ‘on to the final approach course. For @ KAP 140 that has been operating in NAV mode on an active GPS fight plan: On arrival at the Holding Fix, set the KAP 140 in HDG mode 3nd (provide course, guidance by manualy, adjusting the 1000 HDG ‘bug to command tums and heading, as applicable. Pause G1000 fight plan execution during. the holding patter by using the OBS mode selection on the PFD. Set the correct inbound holding course on the HSI course inter and NAV mode may be used for the KAP 140 on the inbound leg of the holding pattem for course guidance, but HDG mode must be used for the remainder of the holding pattem maneuver. At the end of the holding procedure, exit OBS mode to start the flight plan executing again and set NAV mode on the KAP 140 to lock on to the course. See the Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for further information. ‘Ariving at the IAF (usual starting point for the Procedure Tum maneuver), the G1000 wil command the autopilot to tum to the outbound course and will provide course guidance for a short time (approximately 1 minute). Unlike the Holding Patter, the G1000 includes the Procedure Tum as a leg in the fight plan, so no OBS mode change is needed. Set the HDG bug to the Procedure Tum outbound leg heading and push the HOG button on the KAP 140 to start the turn. After the correct time flying outbound, adjust the HDG bug to make the tum to the procedure tun inbound heading. When established on the procedure turn inbound, push the APR button on the KAP 140. to lock on to the ‘inal approach course. See the Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for further information. (Continued Next Page) FAA APPROVED ‘172SPHAUS-S3-00 us. $337 ‘SECTION 8 - SUPPLEMENTS CESSNA ‘SUPPLEMENT 3 MODEL 1725 NAV IIL NORMAL PROCEDURES (Continued) ‘APPROACH (APR) MODE OPERATION APR mode gives more precise tracking during instrument approach procedures. It engages automatic lock on to the final approach ‘course on most approaches and automatic capture of the glideslope ‘on ILS approaches. ‘The 61000 System will automatically change from GPS to ILS at final approach course lock on (only when the procedure has been activated in the fight plan and the ILS CDI Capture feature is enabled). Automatic change to VHF navigation is only provided for ILS approaches. WARNING WHEN THE KAP 140 AUTOPILOT IS ENGAGED IN NAV, APR. OR REV OPERATING MODE, IF THE HSI NAVIGATION SOURCE IS CHANGED FROM GPS TO NAV1, AUTOMATICALLY OR MANUALLY, (USING THE 'CDI SOFTKEY), OR MANUALLY ROM NAV2 TO GPS, THE CHANGE WILL INTERRUPT THE SIGNAL TO THE AUTOPILOT AND CAUSE THE AUTOPILOT TO GO BACK TO ROL MODE OPERATION. NO WARNING CHIME OR PFD ANNUNGIATION WILL BE SUPPLIED. THE PREVIOUSLY-SELECTED MODE SYMBOL ‘SHOWN ON THE FACE OF THE AUTOPILOT WILL FLASH TO SHOW THE CHANGE TO ROL MODE OPERATION. IN ROL MODE, THE AUTOPILOT WILL ONLY KEEP THE WINGS LEVEL AND WILL NOT CORRECT THE AIRPLANE HEADING OR COURSE. SET THE HDG BUG TO THE CORRECT HEADING AND "SELECT THE CORRECT NAVIGATION SOURCE ON THE HSI USING THE CDI SOFTKEY BEFORE ENGAGING THE AUTOPILOT IN ANY OTHER OPERATING MODE. (Continued Next Page) FAA APPROVED S338 US. 172SPHAUS-S3-00 CESSNA SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS. MODEL 1728 NAV II ‘SUPPLEMENT 3 ( \) NORMAL PROCEDURES conse NOTE ‘Changing from GPS to ILS includes tuning the NAV 1 active frequency to the comect LOC’ frequency, slewing the course pointer to. the applicable final ‘approach course magnetic heading and changing the CDI to NAV 1 while keeping the autopilot in APR mode. The G1000 will do this automaticaly if ILS CDI Capture is set to AUTO. Roll Steering wil only operate on instrument approach procedures Sclected from a curent GPS aeronautical database whet 41, The autopliot is engaged in NAV or APR mode. 2. GPSis shown as the navigation source on the HSI. NOTE 0) ‘© Make sure that the applicable GPS mode is set during each portion of the approach procedure selection symbol (NAV, APR of REV) flashing on the face of the autopliot ‘ei ether the GPS or VHF navigation signal, a applicable, falls when the autopit is engaged in NAV, APR or REV mode, the autopilot wil change back to ROL mode operation. ROL mode operation is shown by the previous mode APPROACH (APR) CAPTURE (LOCK ON) 4. BARO - SET current local barometric pressure (altimeter). 2. CRS Pointer - SET the HSI course pointer to the desired ‘magnetic course using the CRS knob on the PFD. NOTE If operating, GPS-Direct (Directo) or on an active GPS Fight Plan, the course pointer” will be automatically set by the G1000. (Continued Next Pag FAA APPROVED. 172SPHAUS-S3-00 us. $339 ‘SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS CESSNA ‘SUPPLEMENT 3 MODEL 1725 NAV Il NORMAL PROCEDURES (Continued) 3. HDG bug - SET the HSI heading bug to the desired course intercept heading 4, HDG Button - PUSH to engage autopliot HDG mode. Make ‘sure that HDG is shown on the face ofthe autopilot ‘5. APR Button - PUSH to arm the autopilot APR lock on function. Make sure that the autopilot is correctly engaged from the annunciation on the autopilot: ‘a. If the HSI D-Bar is less than 2 to 3 dots from center, the autopilot wil go to APR mode. “The APR annunciator ‘willbe shown on the face of the autopilot. b. If the HSI D-Bar is more than 2 to 3 dots from center, the APR ARM annunciator will be shown on the face of the autopilot. When the computed intercept point is, reached, the ARM annunciator will go off and lock on (capture and track) will begin automaticaly. The APR ‘annunciator will stay on the face of the autopliot. (Continued Next Page) FAA APPROVED i 83-40 US. ‘1 72SPHAUS-$3-00 CESSNA MODEL 1728 NAV II NORMAL PROCEDURES (Continued) WARNING WHEN THE KAP 140 AUTOPILOT IS ENGAGED IN NAV, APR. OR REV OPERATING MODE, IF THE HSI NAVIGATION SOURCE IS CHANGED FROM GPS TO NAV1, AUTOMATICALLY OR MANUALLY (USING THE ‘CDI ‘OR MANUALLY FROM NAV2 TO GPS, THE CHANGE WiLL INTERRUPT THE SIGNAL TO THE AUTOPILOT AND CAUSE THE AUTOPILOT TO GO BACK TO ROL MODE OPERATION. NO WARNING CHIME OR PFD ANNUNCIATION WILL BE SUPPLIED. THE PREVIOUSLY-SELECTED MODE SYMBOL ‘SHOWN ON THE FACE OF THE AUTOPILOT WILL FLASH TO SHOW THE CHANGE TO ROL MODE OPERATION, | IN ROL MODE, THE AUTOPILOT WILL ONLY KEEP THE WINGS LEVEL AND WILL NOT CORRECT THE AIRPLANE HEADING OR ‘COURSE. SET THE HDG BUG TO THE CORRECT HEADING AND "SELECT THE CORRECT NAVIGATION SOURCE ON THE HSI USING THE CDI SOFTKEY BEFORE ENGAGING | THE AUTOPILOT IN ANY OTHER OPERATING MODE. ‘SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS. ‘SUPPLEMENT 3 Airspeed - HOLD 100 KIAS minimum (recommended) during approaches when the autopilot is engaged. GLIDESLOPE ENGAGEMENT AND LOCK-ON 1 ‘APR Mode - ENGAGED. Make sure that GSARM is shown ‘on the face of the autopilot. NOTE ‘The glideslope cannot lock-on when the autopilot is ‘engaged in NAV or REV modes. Engaged in APR. mode, with NAV 1 or NAV 2 set to the correct ILS. frequency, and shown as the related HSI navigation source, the glideslope becomes armed at localizer leck-on. (Continued Next Page) FAA APPROVED ‘172SPHAUS-S3-00 us. 341 ‘SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS. CESSNA ‘SUPPLEMENT 3 MODEL 1728 NAV III NORMAL PROCEDURES (continued) 2. Glideslope Indicator - CENTERED. Make sure that the ‘ARM annunciator goes out and the GS annunciator stays on, NOTE ‘The KAP 140 can lock on the glidestope from above ‘or below. Capturing the glidesiope from above is not recommended. 3. Airspeed - HOLD 100 KIAS minimum (recommended) ‘during approaches when the autopilt is engaged. BACK COURSE (REV) MODE OPERATION This mode provides reverse sensing for the autopilot navigation ‘course on Back Course-type Localizer approaches. 1. BARO - SET current local barometric pressure (altimeter). 2. CRS Pointer - SET the HSI course pointer to the ILS front course inbound heading using the CRS knob on the PFD. ‘3. HDG bug - SET the HSI heading bug to the desired course Intercept heading. ‘4. HDG Button - PUSH to engage HDG mode, Make sure that HDG is shown on the face of the autopilot. 5. REV Button - PUSH to arm the autopilot REV lock-on {funetion. Make sure that the autopilot is correctly engaged from the annunciation on the autopilot: a. Ifthe HSI D-Bar is less than 2 to 3 dots from center, the autopilot will go to REV mode. “The REV annunciator will be shown on the face of the autopilot. b. Ifthe HSI D-Bar is more than 2 to 3 dots from centr the ReVagyy ammuncier wil be Shov on te fore st the autopiel. "When the computed intercept point |S reached the ARM annuncatot wil goof and fock oy (Capture and ‘rack wil begin automaticaly "The REV Suna wl iy on (Continued Next Page) FAA APPROVED $342 US. 1728PHAUS-$3-00 CESSNA, MODEL 1728 NAV I NORMAL PROCEDURES (Continued) 6 Airspeed - HOLD 100 KIAS minimum (recommended) ‘uring approaches when the autopilot is engaged. MISSED APPROACH 1. AP DISC/TRIM INT Switch - PUSH to disengage the autopiot 2. Missed Approach Procedure - EXECUTE. 3. autopilot is to be engaged: ‘a. Elevator Trim - SET. b. Airspeed and Rate-of-Climb - STABILIZED. WARNING ‘THE G1000 WILL ENTER SUSP MODE (STOP THE FLIGHT PLAN) AT THE MISSED APPROACH POINT (MAP) AND WILL NOT SUPPLY A NAVIGATION SIGNAL TO THE KAP 140. IF THE G1000 IS TO BE USED FOR COURSE GUIDANCE TO THE MISSED APPROACH HOLDING POINT (MAHP), PUSH THE SUSP SOFTKEY TO START THE FLIGHT PLAN AND NAVIGATION SIGNAL AGAIN BEFORE ENGAGING THE KAP 140. NOTE ‘@Only engage the autopilot during wings-level stable fight. The autopilot will come on in ROL (wings leveler) and VS (Vertical Speed) modes. ‘The VS mode initial rate-of-cimb will be the Vertical speed at the time the autopilt is engaged. Do not engage the autopilot when the airplane Cannot hold the climb rate because of excessive pitch attitude, low airspeed, low engine power or high airplane weight. Do nat engage the autopilot when the performance or operation of the autopilot ‘oF airplane would not obey the limitations. (Continued Next Page) FAA APPROVED ‘172SPHAUS-S3-00 SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS ‘SUPPLEMENT 3 us. 8343 ‘SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS CESSNA ‘SUPPLEMENT 3 MODEL 1728 NAVI NORMAL PROCEDURES (Continued) ‘© The autopilot can hold a Vertical Speed selection only if engine power and airplane weight are ‘correct for the conditions. If the vertical speed set for the autopliot 's more than the airplane can supply and airspeed decreases sufficiently, the airplane can be made to stall, Make sure that the Vertical speed set for the autopilot results in airplane performance that stays in the operating limitations of both the autopilot and the airplane. ‘© When operating at or near the best rate-of-climb airspeed, with the engine set to climb power or when in Vertical Speed mode, it can be easy 10 ‘slow to airspeeds where any additional reduction in airspeed will result reduced rate-of-climb. Hold sufficient airspeed during Vertical Speed mode operation to avoid a stall. ©. AP Buton - PUSH and HOLD to engage the autopilot. Make sure that ROL and VS are shown on the face of the autopilot. If no selection of other operating modes is made, the autopilot will operate in ROL and VS modes. NOTE When operating in ROL mode, turbulence may result, In changes to aiplane heading. ROL mode only works to keep the wings level. When tracking the ILS course outbound on the missed approach procedure, use NAV mode to prevent unwanted GS ‘coupling BEFORE LANDING 4. AIP DISCITRIM INT Switch - PUSH to disengage the Ap DIS tc wage PERFORMANCE, ‘There is no change in airplane performance when the KAP 140 ‘Autopilot is installed. See Section 2 for Limitations that can have an effect on airplane performance. FAA APPROVED S344 US. ‘1 72SPHAUS-S3-00 SUPPLEMENT ORIGINAL ISSUE MODEL 1728 NAV Ill AVIONICS OPTION Serials 17289810 and On Pilot's Operating Handbook and FAA Approved Airplane Flight Manual Original Issue 25 February 2008 PART NUMBER: 172SPHAUS-S4-00 INSERT THE FOLLOWING PAGES INTO ‘THE SUPPLEMENT SECTION OF THE PILOT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK ( Pilot's Operating Handbook and FAA Approved Airplane Flight Manual CESSNA MODEL 172S NAV III AIRPLANES Serials 17289810 and On \ SUPPLEMENT 4 C) WINTERIZATION KIT ‘This supplement must be insted ino Section 9 ofthe Plots Operatng Handook and FAA Approved Arpane Fight Manual when the Winlerzaton Kis isalod Member of cama @ a mage DATE OF APPROVAL__£Z-26 05 | 25 FEBRUARY 2005 } TTRSPHAUS S400 US. set ‘SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS. CESSNA ‘SUPPLEMENT 4 MODEL 1728 NAV III SUPPLEMENT 4 WINTERIZATION KIT Use the Log of Effective Pages to determine the current status of this supplement. Pages affected by the current revision are indicated by an asterisk (¢) preceding the page number. ‘Supplement Status Date Original 25 February 2005, LOG OF EFFECTIVITY PAGES Page Page Revision Number Status Number S4-1 thru $4.4 Original ° FAA APPROVED S42 US. ‘172SPHAUS-$4-00 CESSNA ‘SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS. MODEL 1728 NAV Il ‘SUPPLEMENT 4 SERVICE BULLETIN CONFIGURATION LIST ‘The following is a list of Service Bulletins that are applicable to the ‘operation of the airplane, and have been incorporated into. this ‘supplement. This list contains only those Service Bulletins that are currently acive, ‘Aiplane Seal Revision Incorporated Number Te © _Efecivty Incomorsted in Aplane oN VY FAA APPROVED ‘172SPHAUS-$4-00 US. 843 SECTION 8 - SUPPLEMENTS. CESSNA SUPPLEMENT 4 MODEL 1725 NAV II WINTERIZATION KIT GENERAL ‘The winterization kit consists of two cover plates (with placards) which attach to the air intakes in the cowling nose cap and a Placard silk screened on the instrument panel. This equipment ‘should be installed for operations. in temperatures consistently below 20°F (-7°C).. LIMITATIONS ‘The following information must be presented in the form of placards. when the airplane is equipped with a winterization kit 1. Oneach nose cap cover plate: REMOVE WHEN O.AT. EXCEEDS +20°F. LT 2. On the instrument panel below the Primary Flight Display (PFO): WINTERIZATION KIT MUST BE REMOVED WHEN OUTSIDE ‘AIR TEMPERATURE IS ABOVE 20°F. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ‘There is no change to the airplane emergency procedures when the winterization kt is installed, NORMAL PROCEDURES There is no change to the airplane normal procedures when the winterization kt is installed, PERFORMANCE There is no change to the airplane performance when the winterization kt is installed, FAA APPROVED S44 US. ‘172SPHAUS-S4-00 oO Pilot’s Operating Handbook And FAA Approved Airplane Flight Manual SKYHAWK SP CESSNA MODEL 172S NAV Il AVIONICS OPTION - KAP 140 AUTOPILOT Seriale +17280810 thru 172810467 and 172510468 thru 172810506 1172810606 thru 172810639 and 172510641 thru 172510655 SUPPLEMENT 5, BRAZILIAN CERTIFIED AIRPLANES ‘SERIAL NO, REGISTRATION NO., This supplement must be inserted ito Section 9 of the Plots Operating Handbook and FAA’ Approved Airplane Fight Manual when used for Srazian Cerfed ‘Abplanes and ls approved by the U.S. Federal fuaton Administration (FAA) on behat of the “Agéncia Nacional de Aviagdo Givi (ANAG) for Brazitan Fe ‘eplanes, in accordance, wih the “Repulamento Brasiero de Homologaeao ‘Aeronautica (RBHA) Pat 21, Section 21. APPROVED BY "tmosinrrnees Vest EA Vey @D ember of GAMA DATE OF APPROVAL | Fepeunsy ors, 1 FEBRUARY 2006 WEPTARANGAS USA REVISION 3 - 27 MAY 2009 sraspraus.ss03 us. 85-1 SECTION 8. SUPPLEMENTS CESSNA SUPPLEMENT 5 MODEL 1728 NAV I KAP 140 AUTOPILOT SUPPLEMENT 5 BRAZILIAN CERTIFIED AIRPLANES: Use the Log of Effective Pages to determine the current status ofthis supplement. Pages affected by the current revision are indicated by an asterisk (*) preceding the page number. ‘SuoplementStatus Date Original issue 1 February 2008 Revision 1 2 November 2008 Revsion2 41 May 2000 Revision 3 27 May 2009 LOG OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Page Page Revision Number ‘Statue Number + 8544 thus5-2 Revised 3 85-3 tu S54 Revised 2 * 855558 Revised 3 neater APPROVEDBY quam eee Fe DATE OF APPROVAL 22 iki 2009 FAA APPROVED 852 us. ‘172SPHAUS-85-03, CESSNA SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS MODEL 1728 NAV lll ‘SUPPLEMENT 5 KAP 140 AUTOPILOT SERVICE BULLETIN CONFIGURATION LIST ‘The following is @ list of Service Bulletins that are applicable to the operation lane, and have been incorporated into this Slpplement. This list contains only those Service Bulletins that are currently active. ‘Aiplane Seval Revision ——Incomaraied ‘Number Tite ‘Eflectviy = Incomorated —in-Aimlane O FAA APPROVED IN72SPHAUS-S5-02 us. 85:3 ‘SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS CESSNA, ‘SUPPLEMENT 5 MODEL 1728 NAV Ill KAP 140 AUTOPILOT GENERAL ‘This supplement is required for Brazilian operation of Cessna Model 1728 anes equipped wit the Navi KAP 149 Autopiot avon OPERATING LIMITATIONS Se eee eee ae eae ret (SER RogepEn me om EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ‘There change to the airplane emergency procedures when used for Brazilian Certited Airplanes. NORMAL PROCEDURES “There is no change tothe aplane nora procedures when used for [Brezlion Cored Arplanes. PERFORMANCE no change to the airplane performance when used for Certified Airplanes. FAA APPROVED 1854 us. 172SPHAUS-85-02 ( CESSNA ‘SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS MODEL 1728 NAV IIL ‘SUPPLEMENT 5 KAP 140 AUTOPILOT LOG OF ANAC APPROVED SUPPLEMENTS ‘The following list contains ANAC accepted supplements, Refer to Log ‘of Approved Supplements in the basic Pilots Operating Handbook and FAA Approved Alplane Flight Manual for revision status. ‘Supplement Name Equipment Number ‘natal 1 Pointer Model 3000-11 or Model 4000-11 Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) Reserved 2 3 Bendix/King KAP 140 2 Axis Autopilot 4 Winterization Kit 5 Brazilian Certified Airplanes 6 —_Attex C406-N Emergency Locator ‘Transmitter (ELT) 7 BendidKing KR 87 Automatic Direction Finder (ADF) 8 Reserved ‘Artex ME406 Emergency Locator ‘Transmitter (ELT) 10 Reserved 11 Reserved 12 Garmin 61000 Synthetic Vision ‘Technology (SVT) 13 Reserved FAA APPROVED ‘172SPHAUS-$5-03 us. 85-5/S56 O SUPPLEMENT REVISION MODEL 1728 NAV Ill AVIONICS OPTION Serials 17289810 and On I C ) PILOTS OPERATING HANDBOOK / AND FAA APPROVED | AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL REVISION 1 16 NOVEMBER 2006 PART NUMBER: 472SPHAUS-S6-01 INSERT THE FOLLOWING PAGES INTO ‘THE SUPPLEMENT SECTION OF THE PILOT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK O WS sr aN Snr ‘Pilot's Operating Handbook ‘And FAA Approved Airplane Flight Manual SKYHAWK SP CESSNA MODEL 172S NAV III AVIONICS OPTION Serials 17289810 and On SUPPLEMENT 6 ARTEX C406-N EMERGENCY LOCATOR TRANSMITTER (ELT) ‘SERIAL NO. ReoisTRATIONNO,_____ super rt ened ie Seton 9 oes Cpa Hantook and XO Rope ane ight Mania whan the Arex Cae Testor tanemer ELA) ‘APPROVED BY Member of GAMA DATE OF APPROVAL 1S FEBqANY zene 14 FEBRUARY 2006 HEMT HAMEAS. USA REVISION 1 16 NOVEMBER 2008 srasPHAusss-o1 us. S64 SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS CESSNA ‘SUPPLEMENT 6 MODEL 1728 NAV IIL ‘SUPPLEMENT 6 prose eee etc CocaTon TRANSMITTER Use the Log of Efectve Pages to determine the current status ofthis supplemer Pages affected by the current revision are indicated by an asterisk (*) precoding the page number ‘Sunolement Status Data Original esue +4 February 2006 Revision 4 46 November 2006, LOG OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Page Page Revision Number Status Number + 864 tu s62 Revised 1 se, Orginal ° + se-amnuses Revised 1 + S67 mu S68 ‘Added 1 ‘APPROVED BY DATE OF APPROVAL Ji. Nlnueakey 220 FAA APPROVED 86-2 us. 172SPHAUS-$6-01 ) ‘CESSNA ‘SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS. MODEL 1728 NAV IIL ‘SUPPLEMENT 6 ‘SERVICE BULLETIN CONFIGURATION LIST ‘The following is a list of Service Bulletins that are applicable to ‘operation of the airplane, and have been incorporated into. this ‘supplement. This list contains only those Service Bulletins that are currently active. ‘Number Tite Effectivty ‘Incorporated in Airplane FAA APPROVED ‘1T2SPHAUS-S6-00 us. 86-3 SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS CESSNA ‘SUPPLEMENT 6 MODEL 1728 NAV IIL ARTEX __C406-N_ EMERGENCY LOCATOR TRANSMITTER (ELT) GENERAL The Artex C406-N Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) installation uses a colid-state Strequency transmitter powered by an internal lithium battery. The navigation function of the C406-N ELT receives wer from the airplane's main battery thru Avionics Bus 1 and the sential Bus. The C406-N is also equipped with an instrument panel. mounted remote switch assembly, that includes a red waming ight, and Jan external antenna mounted on the top of the talcone. The remote ‘switch assembly is installed along the top right side of the instrument panel and contols ELT operating modes from the fight crew station. When the remote switch is set to the ARM position, the transmitter is ‘energized only when the internal "G-switch” senses longitudinal inertia Horces per TSO-C91a/TSO-C126, When the remote switch is set to the ‘ON position, the transmitter is immediately energized. ‘The C406-N transmitter unit is located in the talcone along the right f= ‘behind the baggage compartment af panel. On. the Ja ranemitier unit is a panel containing an ONIOFF switch i ‘The ELT installation uses two different warnings to tell the pilot when the ELT is energized. The aural waming is. an unusual sound that is, ‘easily heard by the pllot. The visual waming is a flashing red light emote ewitch that shows the pilot that the ELT has |When the C406-N is energized, the ELT transmits the standard tone signal on the international VHF frequency of 121.5 MHz and UH frequency of 243.0 MHz until battery power 16 gone. The 121.5 MHz signal is mainly used to pinpoint the beacon during search and rescue operations, and is monitored by general aviation, commercial aircraft, Jand government agencies. In adition, forthe frst 24 hours of the ELT being energized, a 406.028 MHz signal is transmitted at 50 second intervals. This transmission lasts 440 milliseconds and contains identification data programmed into ithe ELT and is recewed by COSPAS/SARSAT satelites. The transmitted data may include the Aireratt ID, GPS coordinates, ELT Serial Number, Countty Code, and COSPAS/SARSAT ID. (Continued Next Page) FAA APPROVED S64 us. 1728PHAUS-S6-01 CESSNA SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS C ) MODEL 172S NAV I ‘SUPPLEMENT 6 \ ARTEX C406-N ELT CONTROL PANEL ey ELT PANEL SWITCH (2-Position Toggle Switch): - ‘a. OFF - Tums OFF and ARMS transmitter for automatic activation if “G" “switch senses a predetermined deceleration level b. ON - Activates transmitter instantly. The ON position bypasses. the automatic activation switch. The RED warning light on ELT panel and on the remote switch assembly mounted on the instrument panel should come 2. TRANSMITTER WARNING LIGHT - Light comes on RED to indicate the transmitter is transmitting 6 signal 3, REMOTE CABLE JACK - Connects to the ELT remote ewitch ‘assembly located on the upper right instrument panel, 4. ANTENNA RECEPTACLE - Connects to the antenna mounted 6. ‘on top of tallcone. 3. REMOTE SWITCH ASSEMBLY - (2-Position Rocker Switch) ‘a. ARM (OFF) - Tums OFF and ARMS transmitter for ‘automatic activation if "G" switch senses a predetermined ‘deceleration level b. ON - Remotely: activates the transmitter for test or ‘emergency situations. The RED warning light above the rocker switch comes on to indicate that the transmitter is transmiting a distress signal. Figure $6-1 FAA APPROVED IA72SPHAUS-86-01 us. S65 SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS CESSNA ‘SUPPLEMENT 6 MODEL 1728 NAV IL OPERATING LIMITATIONS ‘There are no addtional airplane operating limitations when the Artex (C406-N ELT is installed, ‘The airplane owner or operator must register the C406-N ELT with the cable civil aviation authority before use to make sure that the jentfication code transmitted by the ELT is in the COSPAS/SARSAT database. Refer to www for registration information. Refer to 14 CFR 91.207 for ELT inspection requirements. The C406-N must be inspected and tested by an approved technician using the [correct test equipment under the appropriate civil aviation authorites j2pproved conditions. FAA APPROVED 1868 us. 172SPHAUS-86-01 © CESSNA SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS MODEL 1728 NAV IIL ‘SUPPLEMENT 6 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES If a forced landing is, necessary, set the remote switch to the ON sition before landing. This is very important in. remote or [mountainous terrain. The red waming light above the temote switch will lash and the aural warning will be heard ‘After a landing when search and rescue aid is needed, use the ELT as folows: NOTE ‘The ELT remote switch assembly could be inoperative if damaged during a forced landing. inoperative, the inertia °G" switch will activate automatically. However, to tum the ELT OFF and ON again requires manual swthing ofthe ELT panel switch which is located on the ELT unt. 1, MAKE SURE THE ELT IS ENERGIZE 1 @ Ifthe red warning light above the remote switch is not flashing, set the remote switch to the ON postion Listen for the aural waming. if the COM radio(s) operate and an be energized safely (no theat of fre or explosion, Shergize a COM radio and set the equoncy fo 121.5 ME ‘The ELT tone should be heard on the COM radio f the ELT ' working correctly, When done, de-energize the COM radio(s) to conserve the airplane battery power. Make sure that nothing is touching or blocking the ELT antenna, 2. AFTER RESCUE - Set the remote switch to the ARM postion to de-energize the ELT. If the remote switch does not function, set the switch on the C406-N (in the talleone) to the OFF postion, FAA APPROVED 1728PHAUS-$6-01 us. Se7 ‘SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS CESSNA ‘SUPPLEMENT 6 MODEL 1728 NAV IIL NORMAL PROCEDURES ‘When operating in a remote area or over hazardous terrain, it is recommended that the ELT be Inspected by an approved technician ‘more frequently than required by 14 CFR 91.207. NORMAL OPERATION IL 4. Check thatthe remote switch (on the right instrument panel) is set to the ARM position. [Normal operation of the C406-N from the fight crew station is only to de-energize and arm the ELT after t has been accidentally energized {no emergency). ‘The ELT can be energized by a lightning strike or hard landing. Ifthe Ire Hpi above the remete ech is ashing andthe aural waning heard, the ELT is energized. Check for the emergency signal on a COM [ado set to 121.5 MHz. To stop the transmissions, set the remote ‘switch to the ON position momentarily and then ‘set to the ARM Position, Tell the nearest Air Trafic Control facity about the accidental {ransmissions as soon as possible to hold search and rescue work to @ minimum. PERFORMANCE ‘There is no change to the airplane performance when the Artex C406- NELT is installed. FAA APPROVED 156-8 us. ‘172SPHAUS-S6-01 = SUPPLEMENT ORIGINAL ISSUE MODEL 1728 NAV III AVIONICS OPTION Serials 17289810 and On Pilot's Operating Handbook F and ) FAA Approved Airplane Flight Manual Original issue 22 December 2005 PART NUMBER: 472SPHAUS-S7-00 INSERT THE FOLLOWING PAGES INTO ‘THE SUPPLEMENT SECTION OF THE PILOT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK OO) BN i i Pilot's Operating Handbook and FAA Approved Airplane Flight Manual CESSNA MODEL 172S NAV III AVIONICS OPTION Serials 17289810 and On ‘SUPPLEMENT 7 7 BENDIX/KING KR87 ) AUTOMATIC DIRECTION FINDER (ADF) REGISTRATION NO. ‘The supplement must be inserted into Section 0 ofthe Plot's Operating Handbook and FAN Approved Arplane Fight Manual when the BendbuKlng KR BY Automatic Direction Finder (ADF) i stalled APPROVED BY amet, Vana yy D wera tA serge arpnoVAL, BA: DECDANeE 2a commento 22 DECEMBER 2005 sraspraus.sr20 us. s7-4 ‘SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS: CESSNA SUPPLEMENI 7 MODEL 1728 NAV Il SUPPLEMENT 7 BENDIXIKING KR87 AUTOMATIC DIRECTION FINDER (ADF) Use te Log of Efectve Pages to determine the curent stu of he ‘supplemer Pages affected by the current revision are indicated by an asterisk (*) Preceding the page number. ‘Suoploment Status Date Original ssue 22 December 2005 LOG OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Page Poge vision Number ‘rate Number 7-4 tu 87-12 Orginal ° FAA APPROVED 872 us. 172SPHAUS-S7-00 CESSNA SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS. MODEL 1728 NAV I ‘SUPPLEMENT 7 ‘SERVICE BULLETIN CONFIGURATION LIST | ‘The following is a list of Service Bulletins that are applicable to the | operation of the airplane, and have been incorporated into this supplement. This list contains only those Service Bulletins that are currently acive ‘Number Tie ‘plane Seva FAA APPROVED. 1T2SPHAUS-S7-00 us. s7-3 SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS. CESSNA ‘SUPPLEMENT 7 MODEL 1725 NAV IIL BENDIVKING KR87 AUTOMATIC DIRECTION FINDER (ADF) GENERAL The BendixiKing Digtal ADF is a panel-mounted, digitally tuned automatic direction finder. It is designed to provide continuous 1-KHz digital tuning in the frequency range of 200-kHz to 1798-kHz and tliminates the need for mechanical band switching. The system has a receiver, a built-in electronic timer, a bearing pointer shown on ti {61000 Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI), and a KA-44B combined loop and sense antenna. Contals and depays forthe BendiKin Digital ADF are shown and described in Figure 87-1. The Garmin GI 4347 ‘Audio. Panel is used to control audio ouipit. Audio. panel ‘operation is described in the Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide. ‘The Bendix/King Digital ADF oan be used for position plotting and Ign broods, and for aural recepon cf amplude medited nals. ea se ae, teat i et area nse a ated eka ey Sea ae ocr" ean Pa cate mae ake Bee crass dakota eget ios sen aeersine eam te maces TL oh tere ‘The builtin electronic timer has two timing functions that o Independent An automa fight tmer stars when the unis tuned is tmer counts up © 69 Nours and 69 minutes. An elapsed timer ‘ei count up or down fr up to 59 minutes and 89 seconds. When a preset time. interval has ‘been programmed and the countdown Feaches:00, the display will flash for 18 seconds, Since both the fight timer and elapsed timer operate independent, itis possible to moni ‘ether one without distupting the other. The pushbutton controls. are Eeeraly'ighted. The ight intensity is controled by the AVIONICS (Continued Next Page) FAA APPROVED S74 us. 41728PHAUS-S7-00 CESSNA SECTION 8 - SUPPLEMENTS Set coer orm SEReMeNr®? / BENDIX/KING KR87 AUTOMATIC DIRECTION FINDER (ADF) 1 22 « Ad 368% yz 4 © rrr. ae } 15 seer 008 Figure S7-1 FAA APPROVED 472SPHAUS-S7-00 us. S75 SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS ‘CESSNA SUPPLEMENT 7 MODEL 172 NAV IIL GENERAL (CONTINUED) 4. ANT/ADF MODE ANNUNCIATOR - Antenna (ANT) is selected ‘when the ADF button is in the OUT position. This mode improves the audio reception and is usually used for station identification “The bearing pointer is deactivated and will park in the 90" relative position. Automatic Direction Finder (ADF) mode is selected by Pushin g tne ADF bution. This mage activates the bearing pointer ‘nd will point inthe direction of the station relative to the aircraft heading. ‘i °Y DISPLAY - The frequency to which the 3yed here, The active ADF frequency can be changed directly when either of the timer functions is selected. 3, BFO (Beat Frequency Oscilator) ANNUNCIATOR - The BFO ‘mode is activated and annunciated by pushing the BFO button. ‘When BFO mode is active, the carrier wave and its morse code Identifier can be heard NOTE CW signals (Morse Code) are unmodulated and no audio will be heard without use of BFO, This type of signal is not Used in the United States air navigation. itis used in some foreign countries and marine beacons. 4, STANDBY FREQUENCY/FLIGHT TIME OR ELAPSED TIME DISPLAY - When FRG is shown, the STANDBY frequency is shown in the right display. The STANDBY frequency is selected using” the frequency select knobs. The selected STANDBY frequency is pu no ihe active reuency window by pushing the ‘equency transfer buton. Either tho standby frequency, the fight fiero th elapred time f shown in ts poation. The fight tie" and elapsed timer replace the eandby fequency whch goes into be called back at any te by pushi {he FRG bution Fight time ‘or elapsed time are shown annunciated by depressing ne FLT/ET button. 5, FLIGHT TIMER AND ELAPSED TIMER MODE ANNUNCIATION = Either the elapsed time (ET) or fight time (FLT) mode is annunetated here. (Continued Next Page) FAA APPROVED S76 us. ‘1728PHAUS-S7-00 ) CESSNA ‘SECTION 9 - SUPPLEMENTS. MODEL 1728 NAV IL ‘SUPPLEMENT 7 GENERAL (conTINUED) 6. FREQUENCY SELECT KNOBS - Selects the standby frequency when FRG ie depiayed and drecty selects the acve frequency whenever either of the time functions is selected. The frequency selector knobs may be tumed either clockwise or ‘counterclockwise. The small knob is pulled out to tune the 1's. ‘The small knob is pushed in to tune the 10's. The outer knob ‘tunes the 100's with rollover into the 1000's up to 1799. These knobs are also used to set the desired time when the elapsed timer is used in the countdown mode. 7. ONIOFFVOLUME CONTROL SWITCH (ON/OFFIVOL) Controls power and audio output level. Tum the control switch

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