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Page iii

Ordinary Differential Equations

V. L Arnold

Translated and Edited by Richard A. Silverman

The MIT Press Cambridge, Massachusetts, and London, _England

Page iv

Tenth printing, 1998

Copyright O 1973 by
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any fonn or by any means, electronic or
,nechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any ,nfonnauon storage and retrieval syste1n,
\Vithout per111ission in \Vriting fron, the publisher.

Printed and bound in the United States of A1ner1ca

Library ofC01 1gressCataloging in Publication Data

Arnold, Vladin,ir lgorevich.

Ordinary differential equations.
Translation of Obyknovennye differentsial'nye Uravneniya.
I. Differential equations. I. Title.
QA372.A 713 5 I 5'.352 73-6846
ISBN 0-262-01037-2 (hardcover)
ISBN 0 2- 62-5 IO18-9 (paperback)


Preface VII

Frequently Used Notation

Basic Concepts I

I Phase Spaces and Phase Flows l

2 Vector Fields on the Line 11

3 Phase Flows on the Line .12

4 Vector Fields and Phase Flows in the Plane

5 Nonautono,nous Equations

6 The Tangent Space

Basic Theore1ns

7 The Vector Field near a Nonsingular Point 48

8 Applications to the onautono,nous Case 56

9 Applications to Equations of Higher Order

10 Phase Curves of Autonomous Systems 68

11 The Directional Derivative. First Integrals 72

12 Conservative Systems with One Degree of Freedom 79

Linear Systems 95

13 Linear Problems 95
14 The Exponential of an Operator 97

15 Properties of the Exponential 104

I 6 The Detenninant of the Exponential III

17 The Case of Distinct Real Eigenvalues I 15

18 Complexification and Decomplexification .L!.2

19 Linear Equations wilh a Complex Phase Space 124

20 Cotnplexification of a Real Linear Equation 129

21 Classification of Singular Points of Linear Systems 139

22 Topological Classification of Singular Points 143

23 Stability of Equilibrium Positions 154

24 The Case of Purely lrnaginary Eigenvalues 160

25 The Case of Multiple Eigenvalues 167

26 More on Quasi-Polynomials 176

27 Nonautonomous Linear Equations 188

28 Linear Equations with Periodic Coefficients 199

29 Variation of Constants 208

Page vi

Proofs of the Basic Theorems 211

30 Contraction Mappings 211

31 The Existence, Uniqueness, and Continuity Theorems 213

32 The Differentiability Theorem 223

5 Differential Equations on Manifolds 233

33 Differentiable Manifolds 233

34 The Tangent Bundle. Vector Fields on a Manifold

35 The Phase Flo\v Determined by a Vector Field

36 The Index of' a Singular Point of a Vector Field

Smnple Examination Problc1ns

BibI iography 273

Index 275

Page vii

In selecting the subject matter of this book, I have attempted to confine myself to the irreducible
minimum of absolutely essential material. The course is dominated by l\vo central ideas and their
ramifications: The theorem on rectifiability of a vector field (equivalent to the usual theorems on
existence, uniqueness, and differentiability of solutions) and the theory of o n e -parameter groups of
linear transfonnations (ie., the theory of linear autonomous systems). Accordingly, I have taken the
liberty of omitting a number of more specialized topics usually included in books on ordinary
differential equations, e.g., elementary methods of integration, equations ,vhich are not solvable with
respect to the derivative, sin&'lllar solutions, Sturm-Liouville theory, first-order partial differential
equations, etc. The last two topics are best considered in a course on partial differential equations or
calculus of variations, while some of the others are more conveniently studied in the guise of exercises.
On the other hand, the applications of ordinary differential equations to mechanics are considered in
more than the customary detail. Thus the pendulum equation appears at the very beginning of the book,
and the efficacy of various concepts and methods introduced throughout the book are subsequently
tested by applying them to this example. 1n this regard, the law of conservation o f energy appears in the
section on first integrals, the "rnethod of small parameters" is deduced from the theorem on
differentiation with respect to a parameter, and the theory of linear equations ,vith periodic coefficients
leads naturally to the study of the swing ("parametric resonance").

Many of the topics dealt with here are treated in a way drastically different from that traditionally
encountered. At every point I have tried to emphasize the geometric and qualitative aspect of the
phenomena under consideration. 1n keeping with this policy, the book is full of figures but contains no
fonnulas of any particular con1plexity. O n the other hand, it presents a ,vhole congeries of fundanlental
concepts (like phase space and phase flows, smooth manifolds and tangent bW1dles, vector fields and
one-para1neter groups of diffeomorphisms) ,vhich remain in the shado,vs in the traditional coordinate­
based approach. My book might have been considerably abbreviated if these concepts could have been
regarded as known, but unfortunately they are not presently included m courses either on analysis or
geo1netry. Hence I have been compelled to present them in so1ne detail, without assuming any
background on the part of the reader beyond the scope of the standard elementary courses on analysis
and Iinear algebra.

This book stems from a year's course of lectures given by the author t o students of mathematics at
Moscow University during the acade1nic

Page viii

years 1968 1969 and 1969 1970. In preparing the lectures for pubhcauon I have received great
assistance fro111 R. I. Bogdanov. I wish to thank him and all my colleagues and students ,vho have
com1nented on the preli1ninary mimeograph edition of the book (Mosco,v University, 1969). I am also
grateful to D. V. Anosov and S. G. Krein for their careful reading of the manuscnpt

Frequently U1ed Notation

Jl the sci (group, field) orreal numbers.

C the 1c1 (group, field) or complex numbers.
Z 1hc 1e1 (group, ring) orintcgcrs.
0 the empty SCI
Xe X C: I' an clement X ora sublet X ora set I'.
X u Y, l( r, I' 1hc union and intersection orthe scu X and Y.
x, r . x,. the SCI or clements in X but not in Y, the SCI X minus the
element a£ X.
/: X - I' a mapping/or a sci X into a set Y.
x - y the mapping carries the poin1 x into the point7 .
J • g the producl (composition) ortwo mappings (.f is applied first).
3, V, s> there exists, for every, implies.
Theorem 0.0 the unique theorem in Sec. 0.0.
I end orproorsymbol.
• an optional (more difficult) problem or
R" a linear space of dimension n over the field R
R, + Jl2 the direct sum or the spaces 1\1 and 1\2•
GL(Jl") the group orlinear automorphisms
One can consider other structurc-s as well in the set R\ e.g., affine or
Euclidean structure, or even the structure of the dirttl product of• lines.
Thi• will usually be spelled out explicitly, by referring to"� affine space
R"/' thc Euclidean space R"," "the coordinate space R•,'' and so on.

Elements of a linear space arc called v«tors, and arc usually denoted by
boldface kuers (v, {, etc.). Vectors of the space R" arc identified,..;,h sctsof
n numbers, For cxirnptc, wc writev = (v1 , • • • ,v.) = v1 e1 + ··· + c,_.e.,
where the set of n vectors e1, • . . , e. is called a basi.s in R•. The norm
(length) of 1hc vector v in the Euclidean space Jl• is denoted by fvl =d the
scalar product oflwo vcclors v = (u., . .. ,v.), w =- {w., ... , wJ E- R• by
(v, w). Thus
{v, w) = v 1w 1 + · · · + v"w "1
lvl = J(v, v) = Ju: + · · · + •!·
We often deal with functions of a real parameter I called the,;,,,,__ Oilfcr­
entiation with respect to I (giving rise to a v,/«ily or rat, of�) is usually
denoted by an ove.rdot, as in X ::;;; dx/dt.
1 Ba1ic Concept•

I, Pha1e Space, and Pha1e Flowe

The theory of ordinary differential equations is one of tM buic toolt of

rna thcrn atieal science. The theory allows us to study all kindto(e,'Olutionary
proce.,es with the properties of d1t,rmi•«.1 , finit1•d1m1•1io••lr1J, and di§,,.
111/iabi/il)•, Defore undertaking exact matMrnatical definitions, we coruidcr
a few exampl es.
1,1, Example• of evolutionary proee11e1. A process is said to be
deltrmi,iislic irits entire future course and iu entire arc uniquely dcttt•
mined by its state at the present inS1an1 of time. The set of all possible slates
of a process is called its phas, space.
Thus, for example, c.fassical mechanics conJidcrs the motion of S)"ltcms
whose past and future arc uniquely determined by the inioal positions and
init ial velocities of all points of the system. The phase space o(a mechanical
lystcm isjust the set whose typical clement is a set orinSLantancous positiom
and vclocitics of al I paroides of the system.
The motion of particles in quantum mechanics is not described by a
deterministic process. Heat propagation i s a. scmi•dctcrministic process, i n
that its future is determined by its present but not its past.
A process is said to bcfinilt•dimmsional if its phalc space is finitc-dimcn•
sional, i.t·. i f the number of parameters required t o describe its st.ate is

finite. Thus, for example, the classical (;\1'cwtonjan) motion ol'a system con ­
si sting of a finite number of patticlcs or rigid bodies comes under this head­
ing. In facr, the dimension of the phase space of a system of" par-tides isjus•
611, while that ofa •i·stem ofn rigid bodies is just 12n. Asaamplcsofpro­
ccsscs which cannot be described by using a finitc.dimcnsiooa.J phase spatt,
we cit� the motion of fluids (sLUdicd in hydrodynamics\, oscillations of
strings and membranes., and the propagation of waves in optics and
A process is said to be differ,ntiable if il$ phase space has the structure o( a
differentiable manifold and if its change of state with time is described by
differentiable functions. For example, the coordjnatcs and velocities. ofUK"
particles of a mechanical system vary in time in a differentiable manner,
while the motions studied in shock theory do not have the differentiability
property. By the same token, the motion of a system in classical mcclwiics
can be described by using ordinary differential equations, while other tools
arc used in quantum mechanics, the theory of heat conduction, h)·drody·
narnics, the theory of clas,icity, optics, acoustics, and the theoryofshod:
The process of radioactive decay and the process of reproduction ofbac·
2 Chap. I Buie ConccplJ

ccria in 1hc presence oro suffici ent amount ornucrienc medium afford two
more examples or detcrminiJtic finite-dimensional differentiableprocnsa.
- imenJional, i.e., 1he s1ate orthe proccu
In bo1h casesthe phase space is o n e d
is determined by the quantity or m311cr or the number or bacteria, and in
both cases the proccsJ is described by an ordinary differential equation.
It should be noted chat 1he form o(the differential equation orthe proccu
and 1hc very fact that we arc dealing with a dctcrmini1tic finitc-dime:nsional
differentiable process in the first place, can only be established experimen­
tally-and hence only with a certain degree or accuracy. Howcvu, this
state ofaffairs will not be emphasized a1 every turn in what folio""• instcAd,
we will talk about real processes as ;r they actually coinc:idcd with our
idealized mathematical models.
1,2, Phase flow■• An exact formulation or the general principles just
presented requires the rather abstract notions or pl11n, spac, and �fa,,,.
·ro familiarize ourselves with these concepts, we oonsidcr an cnmplc due
to N. N. Konscantinov where the simple act or introducing a� spa«
allows us 10 solve a difficult problem.
Problem I. Two nonintcrsccting roads lead from City A to City B (Fig. I).
Suppose it i s known chat two cars connected by a rope oflength less than 'U
manage to go rrom A 10 B along different roads without breaking the rope.
Can two circular wagons of radius I whose centers move alon.g the roads in
opposite directions pass each other without colliding?
Solutio,r, Consider the square
M = {(x 1,x2):0.;; x,.;; 1,0.;;x,.;; I}

F ig. I Initial position of the wagons.

, Wagons
Fig. 2 Phas e space of a pair o( ,·chicles.
Sec. 1 Phase Spaces and Phase Flows 3

(�'lg. 2). The position of two vehicles (one on 1hc first road, thco1hcr on the
se cond road) can be characterized by• point of the square '-', we need only
let x1 denote the fraction of the distance from A to B along the ith road which
lie, be tween A and the vehicle on the given road. Clearly there i, a point of
the square /Ill corresponding to every possible state of the pair olvchicld.
The square A1 is called the phost sp,u,, and its points arc called pJ,,,r, ,-,.,,.
Thus every phase point correspond, to a definit e position of the pafr of
vehicles (apart from their bcing conne ctcd),and every motion olth<evehicles
is represented by a motion of the phase point in the pha,c ,pace. For ex•
ample, the initial position of the cars (in City A) oorrespondi to the lower
left-hand corner of the square (x 1 � x2 • 0), a.nd the motion o( the can
fro m A to /) is represented by a curve going to 1hc opposite (upper right­
hand) corner of the square. In juSI the same way, the inilial position of1hc
wagons corresponds 10 the lowrr right-hand oorncr of the square (x, • I,
x, • 0), and the motion of the wagons is represented by a curve leading to
1hc opposite (upper left-hand) corne r of the square. But every pair of cun-cs
in the square joining difTcrcn1 pairs of opposite cornen must interxc1.
Therefore, no matter how the wagons move. there comes a time whc-:n the
pair of wagons occupies a position occupied a.t some time by the-: pair
A t this time the diStancc between the ccn1crs of1hc wagons will be less 1han
21, and 1hey will not manage to pass each other.
Although differential equations play no role in 1he abo,-c example, the
considerations which are involved closely resemble those which will concern
us subsequently. Description of the states of a process as points ora suitable
phase space often turn, out to be extraordinarily useful.
We now re1utn to the concepts of dcterminacy,finjte-dimensionaJity,and
difl'crcn1iabili1y of a process. The mathematical model of a detcnninl$1ic
process is a plrasejlow, which can be described as follows in intuitive terms:
Let M be the phase space and x e Man initial state of a procc:ss't and lctt'x
denote the state of the process at time,, given that its initial is x . For
every real I this defines a mapping
g': M ➔ M
of the phase space into itself. The mapping g', called the l•odDtma IIUJ#i"l,
maps every statex e Minto a new statcg'x e M . forexampl�,t0 is the' iden­
tity mapping which leaves every point o f Min its original position. �for�
r ♦J
= g'i',
since the statey = gJx (Fig. 3) into which x goes after-times, goes after time
4 Chap. I Ba.ic Con«pts


R t

,.�;8, ◄ Motion of a ,,hue p,oi,,1 i n the phase tpa('c ftf.

t inlo the same state z e g'J a:s the stare z • ,1 • •x into which x goa after
time , + s.
Suppose we fix a phase point x e NI, i.e., an ini1ial s1a1c o(1he proces.. In
the course of time the s1a1c of the process will change, and ,he point x will
dcscribc a phase curve (g'x, t e R) in 1hc phase space i\1. h isjus1 the f,.mily
of I-advance mappings g': M - M that eonstitutcs a phouji,,w, with each
phase point moving along its own phase curve.
We now turn to precise mathematical definitions. In each ca5C ,t\l is an
arbitrary set.
Definition. A family (g') ofmappings ofa set 1\1 into itself, labelled by the set
of all real numbers (1 e R), is called a one-parameter groupoflratlSj•Tllfllholu o(
g' ♦ s g'ft
• (I)
for all s, I e R and g0 is the identity mapping (which lu,-cs c-·cry poinl
PMblem 2 . Prove 1ha1 a onc-paranic1ct group of 1ransforma1ions is a commuu.ln-r group
and th at C\'Cry mapping g': Af - ft1 i..s one-to-one.

Definition. A pair (M, {g')) consisting of a set Mand a one-parameter group

{.I/') of iransformations of M inlo itself is called a pluu,jlow.The sci Al is
called 1he phatt space of 1hc Row, and its clements arc callcdphaupaillls.
Definition. Let x e NI be any phase point, and consider the mapping
tp:R-M, rp(I) = g'x (2)
ofthe real line into phase space (Fig. 4). Then the mapping (2) is called the
motion ofthe point x under the ac1ion of the Row (M, {g')).
Ser. I Pha<c Spar,•• and Phase F lows

t R
P ig . G An integral curve in extended phase s:pa.«.

Definition. The image ofR under the mapping (2) is called apA,,,J,tlm'Wofthc
Aow (M, {g'}). Thus a phase curve is a •uh.ct ofphase space (fig. 5).
Prc blun J , Pr ove that there is one and only one J)Nsc cur,.-c pusing th.tough � p:lllnt
of phatt spac e .

Definition. By an equilibrium position or fixedpoint x e A1 ofa Row (Af, {,'}) is

mcanl a phase point which is itself a phase curve:
g 'x =x Vt e R.
The concepts of extended phase space and int,gral "'"" arc ...ocia,tcd with
the graph of the mapping q,. First we reall that the dirttl p,odwt A x B of
two given sets A and Bis defined as the se t of all ordered pain(•, i), • e A,
be B, while the graph ofa mappingf: A - Bis defined as the sub.ct ofthe
direct product A x B consisting ofall poinl.S (a,Jta)), a e A .
Definition. By the extmd,d phase space o f a Aow (M, {g'}) is meant the direct
product R x M of the real /•axis and the phase space 1'1. The graph of the
motion (2) is called an int,gral curve (Fig. 6) of the Aow (M, (f}).
Pri'>bkrn I . Pr ove that the.r e is o ne ind «)nly one inecgra.l eun•c passing 11wough. n-uy point
of extended pha� space.
Ptobltm 5 . Prove tha t 1hc horizonral line R x x, x • :\f is an in.tcgn.l cun� if and only if
x is an equilibr ium position,
P,ol,lt-m 6 . Ptovc that a shift
h': (R X M) - (R X M). h'(t, x) - (I + s. x)
of extended phase: spact- along the- tjme- a.xis ca.tries i.n t,cgr2J curves imo CW"'CS.
6 Chop. I Raso< Conttpt>

1.3. Dllfeomorphllm■• Thr nbovr drfinition, formolitr the ronttpt ora

de1<·r111i11istir pror,•,;. Thr ror..-sponding formalization or th<- ronttpu or
nnlu•-dlm,·n,lonnlity and dilrrrrntinbility ronsi>t. in rrquiring that th<-
1,hn,e ,,,are be a fi11i1,-dim1111io11al differmliablt manifold and that th<- phas.,
flow be n one-pa ramrtrr grou1, or di lrromorphhms or thi, man,fold.
We now tlnrify thr,r trrm,. 1-:xnmpln or difTrrrntiablr manifolds •...,
afforded l,y Euclidean i-paces and their open sct.s, circles, sphc:ra, tori, etc.
A general definition will be given in Chap. 5, but for the time being i1 can be
a,sumed that we arc talking about an (0�11) domain of Euclidean spatt.
By a dij{trt11tiablt function/ : U - R defined in a domain U or11-dimen­
sional Euclidean sp;1ccR" with coordinates x1, ... , x,. we mean an ,-fold
continuously dilrerentiablc runc1ion/(.r1, ••• , x.) where I '-, '- oo. In
most cases the exact value of, is of no interest and hence will not be indi­
cated i in where it is required, wt will allude to "r•difTettntiability'" or
the function C'.
By a differ111liablt mapping/: U - V or a domain U o( •-dimensional
Euclidean space R" with coordinates x 1, • • • , x,. into a domain f' of.,..
dimensional Euclidean space R• with coordinatcs_y1, ••• ,:,. we mean a
mapping given by differentiable runctions:,1 .s f1(x ,•...• x,. . This means
that ify1: v- Rar e 1he coordina1es in V, 1heny1 •/: U - Rare differ­
entiable runctions in U (1 � i � m).
By a dijfeomorpl,i,mf: U ➔ V we mean a onc-10-one mapping such 1hat
both/and/- 1: V ➔ U arc differentiable mappings.
Problem I. Which of the f ollowing runctions sp«ify a diffcornorphismf: R - R ollhclint
onto the line:
. . .
j,(•) - 2x x1 xl e•' e• + ,, .
/>;ol,/�m 2 . Ptov,. tha1 if/: U - Vis a difff"Omotphism. then tht' Euclidean spatts •ith lhr
domains U and Vas s1,1�ts hu·C': the sam e di�ion . .
Hi'nt, UK th e i mpl icit function theorem.
D,ji11ition. By a one-paramtler group {g') of diff,omorphisnu or a manifold ill
(which can be thought of as a domain in Euclidean space) is meant a ma.p-,
g: R X M - M, g(I, x) = g'x, l ER,
or the direc1 produc1 R x Min10 M such that
I) g is a differentiable mapping;
2) Themappingg': M- Misa diffeomorphismforcvcryteR;
3) The family {g', t eR) i s a one-parame1cr group of transformations ofi\1.
Example I..M.,. R,g'x - x + t:t (veR).
Remark. Properly 2 is a consequence ofproperties I) and 3) (wh y?).
Sec. I Phase Spaces and Phase Flows 7

1.4, Vector field,. Let(,11, {g')) bca phase now, given by aone-panmetcr
group of diffcomorphisms of a manifold ,11 i n Euclidan space.
Definition. Uy the pha,, «IMity v(x) of the now,' at a point x e ,If (Fig.7) i1
meant th•• vector rcpr.-,enting the velocity of motion of the phuc point, i.e.,

di g'x • v(x). (S)

di r•O

The left-hand side o f (3) is often denoted by x. Note that the dmvati•e is
defined,since the motion is a differentiable mapping of a domain in Euclid­
ean space.
Pro�l,m I.rro\'e tha1
at ,••
g'x - v(1'x),
I.e .. that a1 evcr·y innant of 1imc the vector rq>rntntfog tM \·c:loci1y ol mot.oft ol 1hc'
phue; po i nt equals the \'CCtor rc:.,.-�cntin.g 1hc ph� vc:lociey at 1)1t \ff'Y pouu o( phaK
space c,<cuplttl by 1hc moving poin1 at the gi\'c-n lime-.
Uinl.Sec (I). The i1olution is given in S« .3.2.
Irx1 , • • • , .r,. arc the coordinates in our Euclidean space, so that
x1: M - R, then the velocity vector v(x) is spttifial by • functions
v,: M-.. R,i •I,,., ,n,callcdthccomponmtsofthcvdocityv.:ctor:

v1 ( x ) = !!..I x,(g'x).
dt ,so
Pto611111 2. Pro\·c 1ha1 ,., i, a fu.r)c1iot1 of class �- ;r the on�pan.mc1cr group

1:R x M- M i.s of c C•,

Defi11ition. Let M be a domain in Euclidean space with coon:linates
x., ... ,x,. (x1 :M- R), and supposcthat withcvcrypointxe"\I thcrc:is
associated the vector v(x) emanating from x. Then thi.s defines a «dor
fiadv on 1\tl, specified in thexi coordinate system b y n differentiable fu:nctiom
u,: NI - R.

Fig. 7 The phase vdo cily vector.

8 Chap. I &.ie C.oncepli

t" ig. 8 A ve<'IOr 11eld.

Thus the aggregate of phase velocity vectors forms a vector field on tM

phase space M, namely the phase velocity field v (Fig. 8).
P,Mll,m 3. Pr<we 1ha1 ifxii a fixed poin1 o f a pha\C flow, 1Mn vf.r) 0.

A point at which a vector of a given vector field vani1hcs is ca.HM a

si11gular poi111 of the vector field.t Thus the equilibrium p0t1itions of a pha,c
flow :ire singular points of the phase velocity field. The con\'cnc is true, but
is nor so easy 10 pr'Ovc.
1.5. The basic problem of the theory ofo,r,linary dift"cru>tial cqu&•
tions. The basic problem of the theory of ordinary differential equations
corn;ists in investigating I) one-parameter groups {g') of diffcomorphisms
of a manifold M, 2) vector fields on M, and 3) the relations lxt,.'ttll I) and
2). We have already seen that the group {g'} defines a vector fidd on ,\f, i.e.,
the field of 1he phase vcloci1yv, in accordance with formula (3 . Con,'Cndy,
it turns our that a vector field v uniquely determines a phase Row (under
certain conditions to be given below).
Speaking informally, we can say that the vector field of tM p� ,'Clocity
gives the local law of evolution of a process, and tha1 the task of tM tMOry of
ordinary diffctcnrial equations is to reconstruct the and predic1 d�
future ofthe process from a knowledge of this local law of evolution.
1.6. Examples of vector fields.
Example I. It is known from experiment that the rate of ra�r,e da4J is
proportional lo the amounl x {!fmatttr present ot any gieen tim.t. Herc the phase
space is 1he half-line
M = (.<: x > 0)
(Fig. 9), and the indicated c.xpcrimcntal fact means that
X = -kx, v(x) = -lex, "> 0, (4)
t No1c tha1 the compon ents of the fie ld ha.\'C' no singularitia a.t a si:ngubr poio� � in
fact arc contjnuously differentia bl e. The term usi.nguh..r point" stems&om thr fact tb.1.t the
directi on orrhc vee1ors ofrhe field changes nea.r such a point, in gcncnl disccmtinuously.
Sec. I Phase Spaces and PhaJC Flows 9

- .,.---- ·-----

J.'fJI, 9 'rhe 1>ha11e ,pact orrad loac1iYt dtf'ay.

,,,,,,, .r,
\\\ \\\

Fig. 10 1'hc phase plane (or Vt'rtical ran,
i.e., 1hc vcc1or field v on 1hc half line i s dircc1cd 1oward O and lhc: magni•
1udc of the phase vclocily vcc1or is propor1ional 10 x .

Example 2. h i s known from expcrimcnl 1ha1 1/u r,production r•U of• c.'-.,of
bacteria supplied with enoughfood is proportional to tlu 'l"antit., x of6octau pr,,,,.t
at any given time. Again Mis 1he half-linex > 0, bu1 1he vec10, fidd dilfcn in
sign from that of the previous example:

X = kx, v(x) = kx, k > 0. (5)

Note 1ha1 equa1ion (5) corresponds 10 growth, with the increase: pro por ­
tional to the number of individuals present.

Example 3 . One can imagine a situation whc:rc I.he increase i.1prt>/Jtn'tiDIIJJ.I to tAt
Iota/ 11umbtrofpairs prtsent, i.e.,

v(x) a kx2 (6)

(this situation is more readily encountered in physical chemistry than in

biology). l.a1er we will sec 1hc ca1aS1rophic consequences of lhc: cxocssi,·cly
rapid law ofgrow1h (6).

Example 4. Vertiealfa/1 ofa particle to the ground(starling from not too great an
ini1ial heigh•) is described experimentally by Galileo's law, which a.ucrts
1ha1 1he accclera1ion is constant. Herc the phase space .I/ is the plan<:
(x,, x2) , where x 1 is ,he height and x2 the velocity, whi le Calilco•s law is
expressed l>y formulas like (3), namely

*, = -g (7)
( -g is 1he aceclcra1ion due to gravi1y). The corresponding vcctoe field of
1he phase velocily has components u, = x1, •, =
-g (Fig. 10).
10 Chap. I basic Con«pu

Exomplt 5. T/11 J111ul/ oJCillatio,u of a plan, f>tnd•l•m arc described by a ,,.,-o­

dirncnslonal phase plane whh coordino1cs x1 and x1, whcrc.r1 is 1hc angle ol'
deviation rrorn 1he vcriiul, x 1 is 1hc angular vcloch>, and ,\1 it a neighbor­
hood or the origin or coordinates. According to the laws or mechanics, the
oocclcra1lon ls pro1l0riional 10 1hc angle ofdcvia1ion. Thu•
k • 1/g, (8)
where I is 1he lenglh of1he pendulumand g is 1heaccclcra1ionduc to gravity.
In 01hcr words, 1hc vcc1or field of 1hc phase vcloci1y has componcnlS
v 1 • x2 , v2 - -kx1 • The origin is a singular point of this vector field
(Fig. 11).
Exampu 6 . A mort txact descrip1ion ofth, (not n,t,ssari(;, small) osriluli,,,u •J IN
p,ndu/11m leads 10 1hc law
The corresponding vector field in the phase plane with eoordinatcs x1, x1 is

(Fig. 12), \\'ilh singular points x1 = mn, x1 = 0. .:"Jotc tha.t it is na.tural t o


' ,"-"

,, ,- ,

Fig. I I Small os.-illa1ions or a �ndulum.

Fig. 12 Phas(' velocity field of a pendulum.

Sec. 2 Vcc1or Field, on 1hc Linc 11

- - ,.,.
Fig, 13 The ty1indriol ph:ue ,,)ace or a pendulum.

Fi3, I◄ Solut ion or tht diffcrtntial tquation l - v(..-) aati,fyinc dw in.ital condition
•(to) - .--o,

regard 1hc phase space of the pendulum as being the surface of the cylinder
(x I mod 2n, x1) ra1hcr than the plane (x1 , x1 ), since changing 1he angle x1
by 2n docs no1 change 1hc s1a1c of the pendulum. The vcc1or ficld o o r ­
rcsponding 1 0 (9) can also be regarded as defined on 1hcsurfaccof a cylinder
(Fig. 13).
/>rob/em I. Sketch in1cgral cur\'� for Examples 1-3 a.nd �tu�•cs fo,r Examples 4 and>.

2. Vector Fields on the Line

VVe now show how 1he operation ofin1cgration (wi1h 1hc hdp ofthe funda­
mental theorem of calculus) alJows one to solve diffen:.ntia1 equations d�ltt•
mined by vec1or fields on the line. We begin b y introducing some definitions
1hat will l>e used repeatedly below.

2.1. Solutions of dilfcrential e quations. Let Ube an (open) domain of

11-dimensional Euclidean space, and let v be a vector fidd in U (r,g. 14).
Then by 1he dijftrt11/ial equation dettrmined b:, thl rttto, field v is mean, 1he

x a v(x), XE U . (I)
t O ffC"rcntial equat ons arc sometimes sa d to be f'qua.honscontaming �--n rlVIC:tioos
i i i
and their dt"ri\'atiVt':S. This is faJst'. For example, the �uatlon
-j; = x(x(t))

is no1 a difrercn1ial equation.

12 Chap. I 8&>,c Con..-pts

Thedomnin 1/iscnllrd 1hrpha1,sJ)artofequation (1).

Difi11itio11. lly n solutio11 of thr difTrrrntial equation (l) i, meant a d1ffcrcn1i­
nblc mapping <p: /- l/of1hr ini.rvnl I• {tG R,a <I< •}ofthen,al
1-11xls (n • - oo, b • + ct) arr al lowed) in10 the pha>e ,p;icc ,uch that
,,- tp(I) • v(1p(t))
dt ,. ,
for all t e I.
In other word:s. as t vario, the point rp(I) must move in U in wch a�-')'
1hn1 iis vr.locity al every instant of 1ime t equals 1he vcc1or v(x) ol'the field v
ai the point x = tp(t) occupied by 1he moving poin1 at the gi,-en instant.
The image of/ under 1he mapping ,pis called a pha1t '""" orthediffen:ntial
cquaiion (1).
Dif,11itiort. Suppose the value ofa solu1ion ,p: I - U of 1he diffcn:n1ial cqua-
1ion (l) al 1he point 10, a < /0 < b equals x0, i.e., •uppos., the phase eun.-e
goes 1hrough 1he poinl ,. 0 a1 the 1ime 10• Then ,pis said 10 11110/7 ti,, uuti•I
10 ER, Xo E U. (2)
Exampl, /. If x0 is a singular poin1 of 1he vcc1or field, so 1ha1 v(x0) = 0, •hen
,p = ,·0 is a solu1ion of equation (I) sa1isfying 1he ini1ial condition (2). Such
a solution is caJlcd an equilibrium position o rslotionar.., s.oluJion, and the point x0
is then also a phase curve.
In general i1 is impossible 10 find 1he solutions ofa diffen:ntial equation
explici1ly, s1ar1ing from a knowledge of 1he vcc1or field. The basic case in
which this can be done is the case n ;;;; I, i.e., thecase orvector fields on t he
line. We now study this case.
2.2. Int egral curves.
Definition. The direc1 produc1 R x U is called 1he ext,nde,l � 1pou o{
equa1ion (I), and (he graph or any solution of(!) is ealled an illhtTof nm,
In 1he case under consideration (n = I), the extended phase spaee is a
s1rip R x U in the dirccl product of the I-axis and 1he x-axis (Fig. IS).
Suppose 1ha1 through every point (t, x) o fextended phase spatt we draw
a straight line whose angle of inclination with 1hc positive t• has ta.ngmt
v(x). Then the resul1ing family of s1raight lines is called the ,lir,cti,,,,faltJ
assotiattd with equation (I ) or si mpl y 1he dir«tumfald v .
£very in1egral curve is tangent to the direction field vat each ofits poin1S.
Conversely, every curve tange.nt at each ofitS points to 1hc dircc.tion vat the
Sec. 2 Vector Field• on the Linc 13

.. ,. ............ .
.. .. ,,...JI........
,, JI ,,

fig. 15 A direction fif!ld (a) and intC'gral cun-a (b) in ,,ucndnl pha,c spa<<.

given point is an integral curve (prove this!).

A solution of (I) satisfies the initial condition (2) if and only if the cor•
responding integral curve goes through the point (10 , x0). Thus finding the
solution of(I) satisfying (2) is equivalent 10 drawing a curve through (10, x0)
which is tangent at each ofits points to the direction fie.Id v.
Note that the slope of the integral curves is the same everywhere: along a
given horizontal lincx • const.
Probltm /. Lee x - arc can l be a solution of' equaiion (1). Pro,-c chat x = arc can (t + I)
i .s also a solu1ion.
flint. ThC' so
l utio n i, g ivcn in Sec. 10.1.
2.3. Theorem. ut v: U - R be a dijfermtiablefunction d,fiNJ., "" ut1awl
U = (.,eR:cx < x < P}, -oo�cx</l�+oo
ofthe real axis. Then
I) For euery 10 ER, x0 e U there exists a solutiDn ,p ofequation (I) saLisfJutl ti,,
initial condition (2);
2) Any two solutions q,1 , q,2 ofequation (I) satisfying (2) coincide i11 - lfalhboT·
hood of the poinll = 10 ;
3) The solution q, ofequation (I) satisjyinJi (2) issvch 1/uJJ

I - 10
J de if v(x ,t- 0,
= O(•> -
•• v(e)
,p(I) = Xo

if v(xo) = 0.

Remark. Since v(e) is a known function, formula (3) allows us 10 find tbc
function ,t, inverse 10 ,p (t = ,t,(x), q,(1) a x) by quadratures. \Ve can I.hen
use the implicit function theorem ,o find ,p . Thus formula (3) leads to the
solution ofequation (1) subject 10 the condition (2).
14 (;hap. I lb,ic C:onccpu

Fig. 1G A i.olu •i on ,, and i11 i nverK fu nc liou .,.

2.4. Beginning of tht, proof of Theor<,m 2.3.

a ) If v(x0) • 0, let ,p(I) "' x0. Then ip is a "'lutinn of(I) and (2) uti>f)•
ing (3).
b) Let v(x0) ,;, 0, and let ,p ho a ,nlution of( I) and (2). Tiw:n, b) the im­
plici1 funclion tht.-orem. tht· function tJ, invc� 10 v, (1 • tj,(.1'\. f'(x0 • t0
is defined in a sufficiently small neighhorhood of the point x0 (Fig. 16 and

- v-
(� . )
Since v(x0) ,;, 0, the function I /v(�) is continuous in a sulficicntly small
neighborhood o f the point {
• = .,
0• and hence
,J,(x) - ,J,(x0) •
J d�
•• v(�)
by the fundamental theorem of calculus. This uniqudr dcfin<S t/, in a suffi­
ciently small neighborhood of the point x = x0• The function 'l' im.-......- to v
is also uniquely defined in some neighborhood of the point 1 • 10 by the
condition ,p(t0) a x0 (the implicit fimction theorem is applicable .since
1/v(.,0) ,;, 0). 'rhus any solution of equation (I) subject to thccoodition (2
satisfies (3) in a sufficiently small neighborhood of the point I =
10, and the
uniqueness assertion 2) is proved.
c ) We must still verify that the function ,p inverse 10 ,J, is a solution of(I)
and (2). But

dip d,J,- 1
_ =_
di dt x•.,C•>
-I )- ']
v(x) x•,,ci>
• v(ip(I)), ip(lo) • Xo,

and the thcorcrn is "proved."

Probltm I. Find the gap in the proof.

2.5. Failure of uniqueness. Let v = .,Z/l, 10 = 0, x0 = 0 (Fig. 17). Tiw:n

it is easy 10 sec that both solutions ,p, = 0, ,p2 = (1/3)1 satisfy equation (I)
and the: condition (2). Of course, the function vis nondi.trcren1iablie, so that
Sec. 2 Vector l'iclds on the Linc

Ill/ /Ill /I/ //
II/I/ /I/Ill II
/Ill/I 1/llb'/II
,,,,.,,,.,,.,,,..,,,..,,,.,, � //;;
,,.,,,..,,, -.,,,,, ,,,,.,,,.,,,,,,,
.,,,,. ,,,,, t
//;}'/I/// '/II/Ill
I/.IIIII// /Ill/I
1/.IIIII/I/ /Ill/

Fig . 17 An ('.1uunple or nonuniquentu.

F ig. 18 Integral curves o(the cquarion t - b.

thi, example does not contradict the theorem as stalLd. Ho..,�-cr th<e proof
just given makes no use ofthe differentiability ofvand goes through even in
the ca.�c where the function vis rncrely continuous. Hence Lhc proof cannot
be correct as given. Jn fact. the uniqueness assertion 2) was proved only for
the case v(x0) ,ta 0, and we sec that if the field vis only continuous (and not
differentiable), then uniqueness may well fail for solutions satisfying th<e
condition q,(10) = x0 whc,e x0 is a singular point (v(x0) = 0). It cums out,
however• that differentiability of vguarantees uniqueness C'\-cn in this cue .
2.6. Example. Let v(x) = kx, U = R (Fig. 18). Using (3) to soh-c 1""
differential equation
= kx, k¢0 (4 )

of the form {I) subject to the condition (2), we get
( )
I - lo = d� =� In q, t
•o k� k x0 '

where q,is a solu<ion such <hat q,( 10) = x0 > 0. Thcrefo,e

q,(1) = Xot«•-••) (5)
16 Chap. I Buie Con«p11

for all I in a sufficirntly ,mall nrighborhood or 10,

Notr that the right-hand sidr or (5) is drfinrd on thr wholr 1-uit, and
rrpr,·srnts an rverywhrrr dlfTrrrmiablr (unction satisCying th<-inotial con•
ditlon ,p(t 0) • ,. 0 and thr difTrrrntlal equation (4) ror all I In ract, ,twas
pri·clst'ly •• the solution or rquation (4) that Napirr originally ,ntroduc,d
the: exponential runction.
Problnn I. Prove th:u f'vrry solutio11 • of «(u.ahon (4), uu,fymg the condu.JOn • «.)
.-,0 > O, i, giv eu by formula (S) on th e whole in1e..-va.l •<I < 6 �here 11 • ckfiMd.
Sol11tlo"• We On <U'l!IUC, for cump le, as (oll0\11'1: (,.('I T bt the lttit uppu bound o{ 1ht
ac:t of n u ,nbcn r such 1ha 1 (�) holds for all t, '• I < ,. By hypochGd. te <r < •·
If T < I>, fotinu1a (5) hol d, fol' I - T b«au,c olt� com111u11y ol •. But hm t 11 holch 1n
,ome ncighlx>rhood of T (to pro ..•c: 1hi,, re�AI the lading t o (Si. ttplMing '•
by �r :wd .t0 by •< 7') a nd noti ng that (5) impl io •( T) '> 0). Thu, T • and bmula
(�) is provC"U for t0 < , <.. b, The ca se: 11 <I< t0 i, trntfd 1im1la r'ly,
Hen ce ((lf'"mu l a ($) gives all lhe ,olut iou, of(◄) �•th•• > 0.
Comm,,.,,.·mm the problem., pcl8ffi in S«. 1.6 on rad ioacti\� dtt.a.y and po.thott.c,nial
c-olo11ie1 ha ve bttu solved. l n the lint pr-obl em the amouut ofm.autt (.al.I.offt"l(
�•ith time. f ' 'he arnov ,,t ofradioactive su bstan<' e df'Crtasa to one h:llrdw: amoun1 mitially
present in a time T - t-' lo 2, c-a lled the NJ{l-1.ifo o f the given substal'ltt. In the sttOnd
problem, the number of bacte ria grows expoucnti:a.lly with 1im.c. a.nd doubles in umr
T - k.. ' In 2 (a.s lo ng a.s •he food lasts). Formula (S) alto contai ns the-tohiition or ma,ny
other' prob1tn\$ (Fig, 19).
Probl,m 2 . A1 what altitud e is the densi ty of the a tnlOSphttt' one iu va.luc- .it t he
earth's surfa ce , assuming that the temperatur e is C'Onstam? (A cubic mau ol ait •achs
� 1250 gm a t the earth's surf.a«:.)
Ans.8111 2 ::: 5.6 km. 1hc he ight ofM1. l?.lbru1.


'-- {JOO/
z 10(/


/IGS$ll/KJ/1 .fQ !5:X)11511l9t7tJ/$SQ

Fig. 19 Growth of the number of sci en tific joumals ( a.mi ttriewjou.mah).
fr'o m V. V . Na lim ov and Z. M. Mulchenko, Snmt.onvb;7 (in Ruuian). �lOl('OW (1969}.
Sec. 2 Vector Field, on the Linc 17

JJ,0611111 3. Prove 1h,1,1 all ,h� aolu1ion1 or «1ua1wn (♦) a.a1 i,ry 1ng th<t 1,uual cond,UOl'I
•(10) - •o • 0 are Rl,o given by forinu li. (�).
luhould he noted that none o(thc (unctions(�) with x0 ,. Ovanuha for
any value ofI, I lcncc the unique 1olution orequation (◄) such that x0 • 0
is the stationary solutio,1 x • 0. Thu,jormw/o ($) •t<•••l1jor el/ tit, selwt1••11•f
th, 1/ilf,r111lial 1q11atio11 (4).
In particular, the uniqueness assertion o(Thcorcm 2.3 is "�id ror aaua•
tion ( 4). F'rom this one can easily in(er uniquencu for an)' equation (I) with
a difTcrcntial,lc vector field v and for more general equations a.J ��IL
The rea,on for the failure or uniqueness in the case v(x) • x'1 ' is that this
field docs not foll off(ast enough as the pointx • 0 is approached. TMrefore
the solution manages to arrive at the singular poi nt in a finjtc tinx. An
infinite time is required to reach the singular point in the c:ax v{x} = h,
since the integral ·curves approach each other cxponcntiaUy. It i1 char•
actcristic ofany differential equation with a differentiable \.Utor field v
that its integral curve, do not approach each other more rapidly lhan ex­
ponentially, thereby accounting for the uniqueness. In particular, lM
uniqueness proof in Theorem 2.3 is easily obtained by comparing tM gen­
eral equation (I) with a suitable equation ofthe form (4).
2.7. A comparison theorem. Let v,. v2 be real functions continuous on an
interval U of the real axis such that v1 < v1, and let q,1, q,1 � .solutions of
the differential equation.,
x = v1(x), x = v1(x) ( 6)
respectively, sat isfying the same initial condition ,p1 (10) = q,1(10) = .r0
(Fig. 20), where ,p,. ,p1 arc both defined on the interval a < I < 6 ( - ao �
a < b � + oo).
THEOREM. The inequality
,p, (1) � ,p,(1) (7)
holdsfor all I ;,, 10 in lht interval (a, b).

a t, p t
f ig . 20 The slope or•i is grc.atc-r 1han that or•• at pOints. •ith equal._ but .l'IOt a.tpomu
with equal I ,
18 Chap. I &,ic Concepts

J>roef. The inequali1y (7) is almost obviouJ ("1hc 1lower rider docs no1 go
further").t More e••e1ly, lei T be 1he lc.u1 upper bound of 1hc Jet ofnum­
bers t 1uch that (7) holds for all I, 10 < I < t. By hypothc.iJ, 10 < T < •.
l f T < h, then ,p 1 (T) • ,p 1(T) by thc con1inui1yof ,p,,,p 1 and
-, 1/,p
di ••T dt ,-r
by hypo1hcsis, so 1hat ,p 1 < ,p1 al all poi nu I > Tsuflicicntly near T. Bui
then Tcannol be the indica1cd least upper bound. Thi, contradiction shows
that T • b, as asserted. I
R,mark. In the same way, it can be shown 1hat ,p 1 (t) ;;. ,,.,(1) for I< 10•
2,8. Complcdon of the proof of Theorem 2.3. Lei .r0 be a stationary
point ofa difl'crcn1iable vec1or field v, so 1ha1 v(x0) • 0. Then, ai we no w
show, the solu1ion of equation (I) sa1isfying the ini1ial c,ondition (2) is
unique,i.e., if ,pis any solu1ion of( I) such 1ha1 ,p(10 ) • .r0, then i,(t) • .r0 •
There is no lo,s of generality in assuming 1ha1 .r0 = 0. Since the field vis
difl'crcn1iablcand v(O) • 0, we have
lv(x)I < klxl (8)
for sufficiently small lx l ,6 0, where k > 0 is a positive constant. The r�
quired uniqueness now follows from 1hc fact that the integral curves of
equation (4) 01hcr than x � 0, which arc steeper near x � 0 than the in1t­
gral curves of (I), cannot reach the line .r = 0 in a finite time, as alttady
noted in Sec. 2.6.
This ca.n be prO\'cd mo1c rigorousl y, for �mplc. as follows: Lei • bt a dutioo of
(I) and (2) such that •(10 0 (fig. 21). and suppose•<•,) > o. t, > '� Sintt • is a
) -

con1in uous func1ion, there c.xis'ls an interval ( I , 1.,) with the- follo""ing propatia: I)

•Ct,) -r 0, 2) •Ct1) > 0 for 11 <I< 1.,, 3) x. -•(I) satisfies (3) for / < t <: t.,. lo fad,

for 11 �·e can choose the grea1cs1 Jower bound oftbc r such that .(r) > 0 for r <, < '•
and for/J any r>oin, t, > l $Uffieiently ne.u ' •
l l


t, t t, t, t

Fig. 21 The soluli on • cannot vanish since it approaches zero more dowty thua­
e:xponen tial •i•
Nevertheless we note that the rate of change of • 1 ct• rivm insl.aNCUI bC' largu th.ut
the rate o(change or •l :u the same instant (Fig. 20}.
Sec, 3 Phase Flows on the Linc 19

We now com1Ml'c the ll(;lutloo •(I), 1, c. I < I., ...,.hh 1ht ..olu1ior.
.,(1) • .(,,) ,'11•1,t
of equation (it) 11ubjec1 t0 1ht lnl1lal condhton •,(,,) •C•,). 8«,iu,t of (11. 1k c.....
'"'''"on thtortrn lmpllt,
•(I)> i,(t,)t 141 1•1
(o,r all / < t <,,,and hence

•Ct,) )i •(f,)tlll1
•1, >Q

by ooncinuity, ·n1iHontradict1 •Ct,) • 0 and 1h°""1' tht:rds no I1 Wt .,,,) > 0,

,, > 10• The ca�,, < 10 and •ft 1) .. 0 arc treakd sim.flarly. I
Prnbtnn I. Prove lh c uniqll(:ncu by th e rnt'lhod ofS«.2.6,without ma.kine a compa_,..,..
wi1h equation ( ◄), Pro.,.c that a sufficient cor\d.1tion ror ,miq,U('�,: ti 1ha1 d� 10•�•

be divergcrll at -'o•
P,Hlrm 2, Prove the "niqucntNi a.ssenion for chc d1ff'c�ndal c-quati.on J - v(i,, -�
v i1 a d irftrcn1iablc funclio n, iu.,uming the t>d
1 s:tm« ofa .tOlution x •t) utiJying lM
initial co nditi on •(10) • x0.
flint , l.A::t)' - X - .c,). and make a comparlSOR with a suit:abic cqu.atioft ,.., .

3. Phase Flows on the Line

Having just learned how to solve diffcrcnlial cqualions dClcnnincd by a

vectorfield on the line, we now sec what our result$ mean in the la.nguagt:or
phase Aows.
3.1. One-.parameter groups oflinear transformations'"' \Vt begin with
the particularly simple equation
X = lex, XE R. (I)
As we know, the solution of (I) satisfying the initial condition ,p(O) • x0 LS
,p(t) _
- lr
e x0•

We now define a ••t•aduance mapping g': R - R.," carrying tht: initial c:oodj­
lion x0 into the solution after time t:
g'xo = l-'xo.
The family of mappings {g'} is called thcpltas,jlow as10<ia1<dt1,itl1t'fl'IUWII (1),
or with the vector field v = k x . ="ote that the- mapping g·' is a linear trans­
formation ofthe line, namely an expansion of the line-I' times.. For-a.rbitrary

rral J and I w<• IH\Y('

R 0,\ - X,
Mol"(•cwc•r A'x i< diffi•rc•111i,lhlc· wi1h rc·�pc-('1 10 both I and.- h fnllMH 1h;u
1/11 pl111J,jlow (II'} is n o,ie-pn111111t1e, 111oup of d,Jftomo,phums, ,.11,,, ,.,1, d,§,..
mor/}/1i,fl11 r'J" lir1tar lnmifo,matio11 ,if/J,e /in,. A Oll<'•pJramt·lt"r Rroup ofdtfTC"O-­
rnorpliiiuu� of;.1 linear ,pace, wlwrc caC"h diIToomorphi,m i1 a linear�•
forrnation 1 will h<• cal led ,impl ) a one-parnmtltr 1,roupof/,near 1,.,.,f.,,,..ttM.J. t
Thus 1hc pha,c flow {g'} ""o<ia1cd with .-qua1ion (I) i• a on<,-�r.uncl�r
group of/i,m,t 1ra11!tfotma1iorh, and the motion,of poim, uo<kr 1M a('tion or
this phase flow arcju�t the )Olu1ion� ofcquation (I).
1·11nl)R£M. Huer;• 011,-paramtltr gro11p (x'} ofl,n,ar /ransformoltMS ofIN/,,., R u
//i, phosejlow of11 dilfe,ential equatio11 ofihtform (I), so that
g'x - e''x
for somt k.
lkforc proving the theorem, ,,.·c make a remark of a genera.I charac&tt.
3.2. The differential equation of a on�paraineter group. Let {t'l be
a one-paramcwr group of difTcomorphi�ms of a domain I', and lc:t v be ahc
vcclOr field of the pha�e velocity defi,wd by the relation

v(x) = !..\
dt ,. 0
g'x, XE U.

·rHEOREM. T/11 motio,i ofihe phnst poi11t cp: R - U, cp(t) = g'x isos.Loti.oftlu
dijferendal equalio11
.i: = v(x). (2)
Proof. \iVc need only shov.• that the velocity of motion of the point,t'x
at every instant oflime 'o coincides with the: phase velocity at the: pointr x. .
This is obvious. since the transformations g' form a group:

= !_I
dr r•O
g'•"x = !_
dt r•O
g'(g'•x) = v(.('•x). I

3.3. The general form ofa one,..para.metergroup of linear transfor­

mations on the line. Let {g'} be a one-parameter group oflinu.r transfor­
mations of a linear space L. Then the phase vdocity v(x) depends on x e L

t Note that dijft-re.rttiabilily with respect tO l is implicit in the definition o/a one-pu1mreter­
g roup oflinear lra11s(orma 1ion.s g'.
Ser. 3 Plo:1<l' Flm" on tile 21

li11tnr(y, ,iurc th,· dtoiva tiv,· (d/dt) I,. 0 "it h rt'<p«t to tile p•r.amctcr I o{ tll<'
ru,wtiong(11 x) • g'.:.. wldc- 11i, linear in" i, it�lflinrar in x. t In 1>aruc--ular,
if/, ii tlu. · f<•al linc: R, tlu.·o cvt·ry fu 11<'llon linear in\ i,ofthc fnrm v{.t) A:..t
wllcr'C J: • v( I), Thrrrfi,rc tht' modt111 cp(I) • ,'-.: i,"
�lutton �<'qUahon
(2) wit ii v(,) • 4'·, i.r.. a ,nlu tion of rr1 uotinn (I). Si 11,c the un,q� "'lution
cp or thi, cqtHit ion �" ti,f) •ing tl1t cnndition cp(O) • r i, oft l1r formi' x • l''x,
tl1e proof of1'hcorcm 3.1 is now t·omplc t. c . I
•P,-ohlnn I. Prove lhlll �vNy cOntinuou, Onc-parurK'tt'r group of lino, 1nnJorm.a1ioM
or the linr i� au1oma1irally dilfe�n11ablt-.
/-lint, Kc.·c.all 1he drfiniti(ln of 1he uponrn1ial (1,.11M"1ion fol" intt'gul, nriorw, and .,-ra­
tional valuo of the argutnC'nl,
C,,,,.,n,nt, Thu• i,1 dc·fl,1ing a o,1c--•1-...,11mr1C'r group or hn('ar ir;ansfonna,ttoM -.� could
hw: r rr 1,laC'C'd the rt•t:1uirc-mt"nt lht" tran�forma.oom: x' br- d1fTrr<-n t,�bk -.oh�
IO t by the • f"Nl\.lir(•ow,u that 1hcy bt con111luous 1n I
•P,Hlm1 2 . f.',nd all Ollt"•parame1C'r groop, of t,nta.r rra.n-.:rormati QoM o{ tlk follo,.-,ng
linear spat-e s: a) RJ (the t('al planI.'); b) C' (the: comp• cx l line, u·.• tbr ont--d.�t
lin('ar spaC'c: ovt'r the: lie-Id ofC'om1 , lt'x 11umlJ.l•n),
Hint, In Chaf>. 3 we will dc·:1cribc all nn t,.parant<'lt'1" groups o r li n('.-r 1r.1m;b-ma.tions ol
1hc: n-dimcns ion al real a nd complex sp,.--ic:cs R" :1nd C- .
3.4. A nonlinear example. Next we consider the more complicated difT�r•
ential cqualion
X = sin x 1 XE R.
P,obl�m I. 1-�ind thc solution or rhi'I equation sa1i1.()·i ng the ini,�I rondi1ion •'0 x.,
Her't we can again define the /•advance mapping
g':R-R, g'x0 : ip(I),
where ¢(1) is the solution sacisfyi,,g the initial condition 9(0J = x0. 1nc
mappings g' form a o n eparameter
- group of d.iffeomorphisms of th� line,
namely the- phase flow associated with ,he given equation. 1nc phase Row

{g') has fixed poinL< x : kn, k : 0, ±I, ... , and the diffcomorphisms
g'(t � 0) are nonlinear transforrnalion.s of the line. TI1c lransformalion
shifls every point:< toward the nearest odd multiple of n i f t > Oand toward
the nearest even multiple of n ifI < 0 (Fig. 22).
/>Tobltm 2 . Provc tha t thc scqucn« offunctions t"•• t, -oo con,•crgcs, bu:1 not uniiorml y .
The above examples give rise to the hope that with every diffe:tt.ntia.J
equation on the line
x = v(x), xe R,
f Note: that the: li near nonhomogcncou.s func1ion/(z} = ax + 6 t'a.ils IO bt linear if• � O.
22 Chap. I Baiic Conttpll

.i · :r

.r :;r:
I 111111
' ,,,,.,,.,,,,,, ,,,,
' ,,,, .,, .,, I' ,,,, '

t iillll

Pig. 23 Oircc1ion fidd 11nd two so l u1iom of the equa1jonk � xl.

there is associated a one-parameter group {g'}, i'x =

,p(r) of diffcomor­
phisms of the line, where ,p(I) i s the solution satisfying the coodition
,p(O) =
x. As the next example shows, this hope i s ill-founded.

3.5. Counterexample. C'.oruider the differential equation

X =x 1

characterizing "overly rapid growth" in the sense or Example 3 of St t . 1.6

(Fig. 23). This equation has the solution

I - lo =
J•"l d{
'• r!
given by formula (3) ofSec. 2, often written in the form
Sec. 3 Phnsc Flow, on the Linc 23

r • Jrd�'.,
Jdt (S)
t• --+C, X • ---,,,
X I- C
0,1e ,nu,1 not thi nk tluu the last rormula i1 cquivalcn1 to (3) nr 1ha& 1hcfunc-•
1io11 x - -1/(t - C) is a solu1ion. In rac1, 11,c domain of definition oft�
ruuctio,1 x I!!! - I /(t - C) i s oot an interval but ra,hel'" 1w o < C
and t > C, so 1ha1 1hc rcS1ric1ion orx = - 1/(1 - C) 101hcsc in1crvalsgi,�
two solutions whicharc in no way related to each other (aJ long a.s we c-onfine
oursclvt·s 10 the domain of real t, the only case con.sider«! in thiJ booki.
These considerations show that if the growth ofa population i.1 pn>por-•
tional tothe nurnber orpairs, then the size ofthe population becomes infinite
in a fi11itc time (wl,ercas 11,e usual law ofgrowth is cxponcn1ial,.
thii conclusion corresponds to the explosive nature ofthe proass '.ofcourse,
for I sufficic11tly 11ear C, t lie idcaliz.atiou emailed in describing the process by
the diffcrc11tial equation in qucs1iou become inapplicable, so that the si�c
of,he population does not actually become infinite i n a finite ti� . On the
01hcr hand, we see tha1 /ht formula far tltt t-adcanct mappi� (t'x0 • ,pit
whtrt ,p(/) is the solution satisjj•ing tht initial condition ,p(O) ; x0) dJ,a -Kin a
dijftomorphism g': R - Rfor any t � O.
P1oblt11t I. PrO\C
' 1he i1alic-i:tcd tnst':rliOn,
3. 6. Conditions for the existe.nce ofa phase Bow. The reason why{.(}
in tl1e precedi ng probl�m i.s not a one.parameter group or
is 1101 1ha1 diffcren1iabili1y fails or 1ha1 1hc group propertr breaks down, but
simply thal the function g' (t 'i: Oj is not dtfin�d on t.M whole x..
&ru. sintt some
solutions manage to become infinite in a time not exceeding I (fig. 24,.
Howevt>1', if the solutions do 1101 become infinite in a finite time, then the
assertio11 made a1 ,he end orScc. 3. 4 is indeed valid.
Pr ob(e,n I. PrO\-C the: asst':rtion at the: <"nd ofSec . 3.i. an:uming che (UftC"ltCllft vis difftt-•
entiable and identically uro for sufficiently l:tl'gll" lxl.

Fig. 24 Integral curves of the «1uation i = x • 1


I/int, 1'hr 11olu1 l on I• coruaulrd i11 1htt proof or II nH)rf'l'"Mf'ill 1hrortm, .,.h.ll(h Mttth th.a,
('Yrry dirferc.•111IBblr \ '('flOf' 11rld on" ttimf>MI rnan,rold i, LhC" phut \tlor•lY 6rld o/a on,-.
p;, rM11r1rr group or
difrto••�rphi,m, (\tt \rc-. 3'il.
C11mm,nt, Thu• 1hr po\\ibilhy or 1hr rou ,11tttumplt ol \N'. S.� �•rm, (,oan •hr ,••
pnr,uor of ,ht" IInr,
1•,H/1"1 1, J'rO\'f 1hr ,.,�rrtion Stt-. 3.!I, lll•'lum11111h.l.1 l"{.dl � Al•I .,. "for .11
when� A :, nd II :trc p-0\ilivc com lAnh,
I/int, U,c the rompari1on Thcorcn, 2, 7,

4. Vector Fields and Phase Flows in the Plane

If tlic dinwnsion oCthc pha�c space of a differential cqua1ion is greater than

I (for cxampk, equal to 2), then there is no gc:nc:ral method for findmg
t'xrlicit solutiom. Mowcvcr there arc some special ca� "hich an be re•
ducc-d to onc•dimcn!iional problem,.

4.1, Direct pr,oducts. Con\idcr tv.·o difftrtntial equations

x, = v1 (x,),
x2 v2(x2), (2

dctcrrninf'd l,y vector fields v and v 1, differentiable in phase spaces CI and

U2 , tt�pectively.
Definition. By the direet produet eftht dijftrtoti,,_/ ,quatio,u (I) and (2
is meant the,
differential equation whose phase space:- i, llu: direct produc-t ofC1 and l·1 :
this C<JUation is determined by the vector field b1hich i.s the "din:ct pcochKt
of the field� v1 and v2• Thus

x = v(x), x e U,

where U = U, x U,, x = (v1 (x 1 ). v2 (x2)).

(x,, x 2). v(x)
In particular, if the pha.lie spaces U1 c Rand U1 c Ran: orx--dimcn­
sional, then U is a domain in the plane (x 1, x2) and 1hc diffettntial �uation
(3) i s a system of two scalar differential equations of a special kind:

{ �• = x, Eu.
x =
v 1 (x 1 ), CR,
2 v2(x2), x, Eu, C R.

The above definition immediately implies the following

THEOREM. Ifq, is a solution of th, dirt<t prodU£1 (3) ef1k di.ffert1c1u,./ (I).,,.,.ti,.,.,
and (2), then q, is a mapping q,: I - U eftheform q,(t) = (q,1 (1), ,p2 (1,), u:hn-,
q, 1 and q,2 are solutions of equations (I) and (2) d,fin,d on one and th, -i.Jn,;,,lI .
In particblar, if the phase spaces U1 and U1 arc one-dimensional, ""�
Ser, 4 Vc<·tor Field, ,11,d Pha<c flow< in th e Plane 2.S

kuow how 10 ,ol,c carh or1he cqur11ior1, (I) Jnd (2). 1h ercrnrc ... ��n al,o
cx1 llid1ly ,olvc the •y<tem or two differential e'lu•tion, (4).
11 1 f11n, by 1'h<'orem 2.3, tht \Olu1lon • ,ati,ryn13 thf' 1111 rond1d0n•fe) .., ,..• can bf,
found in a 11righborhood or 1hr I"°"" , ,0 from thf' rrb110,u
J• .rn
Au YI J !.fu '• I.l'tt.,.,,�
v, ) ' Xo (•1♦• -' It

irv1(x 1 o) P. 0, Vio(x,o) Ii 0 . lfv1(x1 0 ) • 0, the '1r,1 rclatiot'l l' n:plattd by •• .... ,..
while i( v1 (x10) 0, the: M"<'Ofld rda ti<m ii repl.a«d by"' ,,.. fuu1U y ,/ "• .-,.
v,(x 10) 0 . then x0 is a iingul .ar point of1he \fflOf' fidd v .and an �uil1bnum pouu,o;•
of th«- ll)'lltem f'f), i.e., .,(t) ■ x0. I
4.2. Examples of direct products. C'.c:>nsidcr the following system o( two
differential e<1muion�:
{x, - ·'"11
.\·1 • k:, l·
Problnn I. Sk4"tc-h th'° forrc:�1,ondi113 \'fftOI' fidd,i: ;n 1� pl;1nt-for A-
• ._I. I, 2.
V't/e have already solved each or ,hesc equations st"paratdy. Thus the
solution tp satisfying the initial condition �(10) = \'o is ofth<" fonn
,o _ X ,1(, - to)
't'l - 20 (5
Hc.·ncc along evety phase curve., = tp(I) we have chhct x1 :. Oor
lx,1 = C:lx,I', (6)
where C is a con stafll independen t oft.
Prohltnr 2 . r, 1hc (' u n·t: i n 1hC' pha�· 1>lanc (v,, ..-1) gh-m by (6) .i. pha'W:' ('
.◄,u. �o.
The family or curves (6) where Ce R 1akcs variou• rorms dependi ng on
the value of 1he parameter k. Irk > 0, w e get a family of •·g eneralized
parabola� of expon ent k,"t where the parabolas arc ta nge nt to the z, .. axis if
k > l and 10 the - <,·axi, irk< l (Figs. 25a and 2:xc). I(k = l. WC get a
family or»raigh1 lines going 1hrough the origin (Fig. 25b). The arrange­
mc.·nt of phase curves shown in Fig. 25 is called a node. Fork < 0 the curves
are hyperbolas (Fig. 26),t rorming a saddle poi111 in a neighborhood or ,he
origin. Fot k .- 0 the cutves llttn into straight lines (Fig.27).
I I is cleat from (5) that cvcty phase curve lies entirely in one quadrant (or
or1 one half of a coordinate axis. or possibly coincides with the origi n which
is a curve for all k). The arrows i n the figures show lhc direction of

t The curv" a rc a ctually parabolas onl y ifk = 2 O< .t = i•

r The <un.·c:;1 ;,re actuallyhyperbolas only ifk - - I.
26 Chop. I Ba>ic Concepts


(a) U>) (CJ

Fi g . 25 Nodes: Phase c-ur\•n of the 1y11em .t1 - ••• ,, - .t•, ror l > 1. 4 - 1. aftd

Fig.26 A saddle point: Phasccurvoofthesys:trm.i, r1 ,i1 ,b-h.l<O.


Fi g . 27 Phase curves or the system .i1 - •u li - 0 .

motion ofthe point ,p(t) as I increases.

Prohlem 3 . Prove that each of theparabola.sx1 - xf (.t .. 2) comists orlhrtt �can"U.
Oesctibe all thephaM" tun:n for the other va1ues of .t (k > 1• .t = 1. 0 < .t < I, .t - 0,
k < 0).
O,mnvnt. It is i nteresti ng to obsef"\' e how on e dra-.�-ing gOt"S into �notha as t cha�
Pr oblem ,. Draw the nodt' correspondi ngto .t � 0.01 �nd the sa.ddl,e point couaponding
10k = -0.01.

4..3. One-parameter groups of linear tran..sform.ation..s of the­

Next we construct the phase Aow associated with our system, definjng t..M'
I-advance mapping g' in the usual way, i.e., g'x = tp(t) where ,p(t) is the
solution satisfying the initial condition ,p(O) = x. It follow, from (5) thatg'
Sec. 4 Vector Field, and Phase t' lows in the l'l•nc 27

f'ig. 28 Pha•c Row or 1he 1yt1em 11 - x1, 1, z...,.

Fig. 29 Phas(' Row or1h( sys1em .i1.,. x1, .t2 - -,r1, Th(' tranJo,-mationst''att nlkd
hyperbolic: rota1ions.

is a linear lransformation of the plane, consisting of an e'-fold expansion

along thex1-axis and a n ,".fold expansion along 1hcx2-axi> (an 2-fold ex•
pansion is actually a contraction ifa < I). The ma1rix oftMtramfonna­
tion g' has the diagonal form

( ,, 0 )
0 ,,
in the system of coordinates X It X , The difTcrcntiability of
"';,h respcc•
10 t and xis obvious. Thus the mappings g' form a one•parametcr group of
linear transformations of the plane. The action of g', l = I on a set £ is
shown in Fig. 28 for the case /c = 2 and in Fig. 29 for the case .t = -1.
It should be noted that our one-parameter group of linear t.ransforma­
tions g' of the plane decomposes into the direct product of '"''O onc•para•
meter groups of linear transrorrnationsorthc line (namely expansions along
thex, •axis and expansions al"""g thexraxi.s).
P,obltm I . Oocs ('\·�ry on�paramctcr group o(linear translormati,ortS oltbr pbnr dttlOffl�
pos e in the same way?
Hint. Consider rotations ti.u'Ough the angle tor shifts orth� (ocm (x.. xl) -(x1 + X1-�xl) -
28 C:hap. 1 Buie C'.oncepts

5. Nonautonomou1 Equation•

The slmplcsc nonn111onomo11s diffcrc111lal equa1ion i• or1he rorm

- •
dx f(X,,J),
where 1he righ1,hand side depends on the independent variable x. \Ve begin
our discussion of such cqua1ions with the following example.

5.1. Equation• with acparablc variables. Once again consider 1hc

direct product of two equations with one-dimensional phase spaces:

.i: • f(x),
{ (1)
j - g(,J),
Herc ., e U c:: R is 1he coordina1e in 1he first phase space and_, e V c:: R is
1he coordina1e in 1he second phase spacc, while/and l arc differentiable
fonc1ions de1ermining vec1or fields i n U and in V . Sup�/{x0) � 0, and
consider the phase curve going through 1hc poin1 (x0,y0). lnen, as -.,e now
show, this curve (Fig. 30) can be given by a curve or the rorm.1 = F(x) in a
neighborhood or 1he poin1 (x0,y0 ).
Parametrically 1he phase curve is given by

X = <p (1),
1 y = 'P,(t),
where 'P = (,p,, ,p 2) is 1he solution or the system (1) satisrying the condition
'P, (10) • x0, <i>,(t0) =
J'o· Sincc/(x0) � 0, we have

d,p,l � 0.
dt t•ro
By the implicit function theotcrn. the function tf,, t = tJ,(x) inversrc lO 91 is
uniquely defined in a ne.ighborhood o f the point x = r0• Let F(x) =
,p,(,f,(x)). Then 1he function Fis defined, continuous, and diffcrcntiablc i n a


Fig. 30 A curve ofthe system ( I) �nd an integral c:un·c of equation. (2').
Sec. 5 Nonnutonomous Equn1ions 29

neighborhood or the point x • x0, and

d/1 dtpi dt/1
l • g(P(()) P(xo) • Jo,
d,<lc • di ,-110 7h c /(() '
by the theorem, on derivative, orcom1>0Sitc and implicit runction1. This is
expressed condstly by s:iyi11g that Pis• solution ofthe dirTe�ntial equation

2d., - j(x)
g()') (2)

satisfying the initial condition P(x0) - Jo• \Ve call (2) an <fdli•
separable variables.
THEOREM. Lt/ the Jun(lions J and g bt dif,tt<d and continuousl.J ,liffna,li_ulc in a
11eighbo,hood rifthepoints x • x0,)' • Yo rtsp«tfocly, uhtref(x0) 9' O,g(J,0) 9' 0.
Tht11 t/1t solutio11 P rif equation (2) subject to the condition P(x0) • .lo uuts
a,/ is
u11iqu1t ;,, a ne,'gl1borhood of/ht poinl x • x0, and 1a1i.sfas the rtlatiM

fJ ••• J(() f''1 •• drt

J,. g( t/).

Proof. To construct a solution, consider the system (1). By Theorem 4.1,

there exists a unique solution of ( 1) satisfying the initial condition .,(,0) =
(xo,J'ol, given by the formula
f' d{ l f' dtf
J,.f({ ) = t - = J,.g(tf)

in some neighborhood of the point I = 10• As shown above, the correspond­

ing phase curve is the graph or the solution Forequation (2) subjttt to the
initial condition F(x0) = J'o• Hence the solution F exists and satisfies (3).
The uniqueness is also a simple consequence of the relation between tqua•
tions ( 1) and (2). I
Problem J. C:u t-)' oul 1h e uniqueness proof.
/>rohlem 2. Inves1igate the case where 1(.10) • 0 .
Pu;blan 3 .$,1,1dy ,he diffcre,uial cqu.atioo

"" .
d, = kl

of the form (2) in the domain x > 0, .1 > 0 .

Hinl.The solution F satisfying 1hc inii condition F(x0) .- :,0 is dcinrd b- .all • > 0
and is gi\�O by the formula
F(x) - Cx', C-= YoXO'·

t In the that any CYl'O solutions coi11cide Yl'hcrc lhcy are dc6.ncd.
30 Chop. I &s,c Concepts

Sre Fig,. 2:1-27.

Prtbl11n �. Oraw gr•ph1 or 1hc a.olu1iol'lt o( uch o( tht dift"trf'ntia.1 tqua1io,-.
£ ••JI•,•, ff. - ,In
:t - ,in,

In the domain where the right-hand 1idt l, dcAnfd.

5.2. Eq..atlon• with variable coefflclenta. Let v be • difl'en,ntiab�
mapping ofa domain U in an(• + 1)-dimcnsional Euclidean space with
coordinutes t, x1 , •••• x,, into an n•dimcnsional Euclidean sp.1.ce with�
ordinates v11 , , • , v11• Such a mapping determines a l'ttlorfidiv•J>Dttlutt•
the time I and a corresponding nonautonomotts di.fftrtntial tqMatio,e or tqw•tiM witA
variable co,ffici,ntJ
x - v(I, x) (◄)
or, in more detail,
d�, (
- • UI /;X II ,,, 1X,i t ) ,.t, ... ,n.
Ex.amp(, I. The diff' n(2) �Jong, to this class, ,,.,;th an •ious mane"' ol
nota1ion (here n = I).
Difrnition. Let ,p; I - R• be a differentiable mapping defined on some
interval / of the /-axis and taking values in the n.dimcnsiooal Euclidan
space R" with coordinates x1 , ••• • x,,, such that the graph of• lies in 1M
domail'I U and
tp • v(r, ,p(r))
d I '•'
for every re I. Then ,p is called a solution or the differential eq..ation(4).
IfI is interpreted as the time and the space{"} i., called phase space, then
v can be regar-ded as a ,ime-var-ying phase velocity field in phase spac�. In
this language, a solution tp is the motion o fa point in phase space such that
the velocity ofthe point al every in.slanl oftime equals the val�ofthe phase
velocity vector at the point occupied by the moving point at the given
Difrnition. A solution tp is said to satisfy thL initial condition y,(10) ; "o if 1he
points I and 1( 0, x0) belong to/ and Urespectively, and if the ,-a!uc or" at
the point 10 equals s:0•
·r·hc solutions of a nonautot1omous equa,ion can be con��nicntly repre­
sented geometrically in the extended phase space U c RI x R• (Fig. 31).
Just as in the autonomous case, the right-hand side v determines a direction
field in the domain U (if n = I, vis the tangent of the angle ofinclinalion
Sec. 5 Nonnutonomo1u Equations 31

.-ig. 31 Intcgr�I curvn or 1ht tqu;nion t -v(•. t) in the tirntndtd ph;uc-ap.u U.

with the positive I-axis).

Finding the solution satisfying the initial condition 1/'(lo) •••is Njuiva­
len1 10 drawing a curve through the point (10, a0) of the domain U whose
u1ngen1 a, <very point (1, • - fl'(/)) has a giv<n direction. Thii cu� (the
graph of1he solution) is called an integral,.,,.,._
RtmMk. Ordinarily the laws of nature do not vary with time, and equations
like (4) with ti 1imc-dependen1 right-hand side arise most often in the
following situation. Su1>posc we consider some part I ofa physical system
I + 11. Then, ahhough 1he law of evolu1ion of the whole S)-Stcm docs not
vary with time, the influence of part 11 on part I may cause the law of n'Olu­
tion of part I to be time-dependent. For example, the inAucnce ofthe moon
on the earth produces tides, and 1his inAucnoe i s expressed J'Da,lhcmatically
by the fact that the magnitude of the acceleration due lO gravity figuring i n
the equation of motion of terrestrial objccu becomes variable. In suchsi , ua ­
tions, we say that the isolated part I is ,umaulonomous, which cxpbins d�
term nonautonomous system as applied 10 (4). Of course, equations ofthe form
(4) can occur in other situations as well, for example, in going from the J>iiir
of equations (I) 10 cqua1ion (2) with separa1cd variables.
Problem/ . Fi,,d the solu1ion • or the diff(renti al cqua.tion
X - v(r)
1a1 isfying 1he ini1ial condition •{10) = ••·
A1t.1. I t was co solve this problem that Newton introduc«I intqration:
•{I)=•o + ft v(t) dt.
Probkm 2 . Pl'Qve that 1he phase curVQ of 1he aut0nomOuS syicem
X=v{•), seUcR• ,
whtte • = (xa, ... , x.), v = {u u ... , u.) , �. -,,.. 0 are gnpbs of ch,c, dulions of the
nonautonomous system
dx1 _ u1(x) i-1, ...,n-l,
and convttsely.
32 C:hap. I Ba,ic Concepi.

5.3. Remark8 on integration of dHTerential equadoos. A, <ho"'n

nbO\IC, 1lle �olution, of the �implc41t ordinary differential cquatiom ran be
found hy uJing the opcn:uion of i1Hcgration. t-'or thi, rca'On, the- pn,c.n�or
fiuding itolu1io11;i oJ: differential cquolion, in �ncral i, \OllXhJ'nN nlkd
i111cgrn1ici11. Tl1crc arc a numbc,·of mcthnd< for inccgra1i11g ,p..-ial kind,of
dif1Crc1ui"I equnlion�, nod li 1u � or
thc41c t"qua1io1n and the Mff�pondin,t
method< can be found in the literature. t Anybody can enlarge the catalog of
integrable differeutial equations by the �irnplc device of makin..g various
sub�titution, in c<1uations that have already been solved. Experts in integn•
tiou ordiffcrential cquatio1H (likcJ arobi) have io tl1is way been \."try suc-ccss-­
fu I i n solving spcriric applied problem�.
1 lowcvcr, nil rnc1hods of integration have two fundamental shc>rt·
comings, In thefir�l place, a\ shown by Liouvillc, man, diffn-mlu1/ 'fl"'""'"
cnn110I be Jofotd in explidljtJrm. For c"amplt, c:vrn a �imple cquatK>n like

cannot be i;olved by quadralurcs," i.e., ,he solution be cxprcssc:d as
a finite combination of elementary functions ot algcbtaic functions and
iruegtal� of �uch f1,utc1ion.!l.t Secondly, a complicated formula gi\�ing an
explicit solution often turns out 10 be less useful than a o;impk approximate
formula. For c"amplr, the cqua1ion x 3 - 3x 2a can be explicitly solved
by Cardano•s fo 1 m· ula:

.< = Va + Ja2 - I + Va - Ja - I.
Howevc1· ifwc want to solve the equation for o =
0.01, it is useful t o no{C
that it has tlae root x ;::;- -- Jo for small a. a fact which is hardly ob\-ious from
Cardano'sformula. In just the same way, the pendulum equation i + sin x
� 0 can b e solved in explicit form by using (elliptic) integrals, but most
proble,ns involving the behavior of a pendulum arc more easily 10lvcd by
startingfro,n theapproximatccquationi + x Oforsmatloscillationsand
from qualitative consideraciorlS which do nor in,•olvc an explicic formula
(see Sec. 12).
t Sec e.g., A . F. Fili pp o\', c.tlution of P,obk11u .,, Difftmrli#l Eqlldieaf (in Russian).
Moscow (1961) and f: . Kamke. Dijf,rc1ttfol £9uatW/ffJ, Al,tltods •f SoltthM aJ s.,:.,_..., I .
Ordimu:, Oij/t,tntiol Equations (in Cerman). Lcipz.ig (19:S6). the Jann- conlaini:ng ,omr
1.6 X IOl cquali ora.
l The r•roof of •his fact rnt"rnblcs the proof or the nonsolv.abi:lity of equations oldeg;itt S
in 1crn1S of radicals (Ruffini•Abc:J.Calois), and is deduced from the not'IIOh-..btlity oi a gl"()vp. Unlike ordi nary Galois theory, we arc con('Cfflcd here •;th .a. DOftSOlk--a.bk
L iegrou1) ra1hcr than a nonsolvablc finitegroup. The b ranch of mathemaucsdealing:•ith
these prob lem:. is C.'l lled diffiuntial algthra.
Sec.6 The Tangent S }acc 33

1 :, ,1 u,,1ion111u�ct' 1>tlblt' 10 f'KMl t0lu1l on 11.r't' o0t'n u nampl", untt lh(-y IIOl'M'­
tirne, ohlbh brh,1vlor which orcur, l n mor t' comi)Jl('llf'd ttin u w.dt. FOi' n..1m:pl,t.
1hl-' 1, tror of ,o-olkd "1c-lf-, l mll1u t0lut loni" of a numbrt off'qu..t,on. ol 1N1thmutteal
physlc-1 , Mnm:tvrr , rinding an rnC'lly aol vabl(' problrm ah,.,1y. Of)t't\t lhr po-.abJ1ty of
MJl vl11g ndghbo ri1 1.g r•rohl t'tnJ appro.--imatdy, by ptrlurb.111on th f'Of")', wy '"' �- 9.
1ro........\'f'r It ii d:rngc •rou, 10 r.w1rnd rr,ult1 obtnint'd by ••udr,ng an nacdr ,oh.1bk prot>
ltm to ndghborlng 1>rob1..-m11 of a grn.-rnl form, In (,ut, an f'1tU'tly lnt(lrabk fq"-IIIOI\
I� of1rn ln11•grilblr prtt!M-ly b«aW<' lu solutions•� rnott ,Lmply bth.nnt � ... 1.ho.t o/
11tighborin8 no11i rutgrnbk J)l'Oblt'tt\ll,

6. The Tangent Space

In investigating various kinds of mathematical obje"lS, it is alwa)"S irnpor­

ian1 10 examine how the objects behave under mappings. A kq • role is
played in the study of ordinary differential equations by changes of vari­
ables, i.c. 1 l,y choice or a suitaUlc coordinate system.Thus \'\"C must explain
how the form ofa differential equation changes under a diffcttntiab� rna�
ping, and since a differential equation is specified by a vector field, thcc -on ­
rcpts of vector field and vcloci,y vector be analyzed.
Suppo!.C we think of the velocity vector naively as an arrow made up of
spatial points.Then under a mapping the arrow becomes cu� and is no
longer a vector. Uelow we will define a linear space wl-\ow: clements are
velocity vectors ofcurves going through a given point x of a domain U . This
linear space is called the tan,�tn/ spact 10 U at the point x and is denoted by
TU,.Let/: U - V be a differentiable mapping. Then we will alsoddill<' a
linear 1r1appirlg of tangent spaces
J.I,: TU, ➔ TVJ( ,i•
cal l ed the derivatiot of the mapping/ at the point x .
All the theorems in this section are c::s.scntia11y contained in a courx on
analysis, the only novelty being the fact that our terminology is D"lOR
6.1. Definition of the tangent vector. Le:t Ube a domain in .n-dirt'lell•
sional Euclidean space with coordinates xi: U - R, i = I, ... , a, and let
Cf>: I ➔ Ube a differentiable mapping of an open interval of the I-axis into
U such that q.,(O) =
x E U . Then we say thalllren,rc, q., ltaC<s tb,J,wll ,c.f
The vtwcily vector of /he curve q., at t/,e point x in 1M syst,m oJ-diMta "• is
specified by its tomponents

v, = -d (..-,.q.,), r=l, ...,n, (I)

dt ,so
t More exactly, ., l eaves the point x at the li me l - 0 . Ofcou.rsc, t = 0 an bt rqibccd b y
t-=- 10 by making appropriate changes in all the fonnu.las..
34 Chap. I Basic Conttpcs

Fig, 32 1'angem rutvts.

where (x, • ,p)(t) • x 1(,p(t)) is the composite mapping / � U !AR .�

no1ation v1 • X,1,.0 is also useful.

Dtfi11ition. Two curves <p1 , ,p,: 1- U (Fig. 32) leaving the same point
.< • ,p, (0) • ,p2 (0) arc said to be tang,nt (to each other) ;r the dis�nce
between the points ,p 1 (1) and ,p,(t) is o(t), t - 0,t
Problem I. Prove that 1wo curve, arc 1angcnt •••point x ifand only iftheir
velocity vector!C at the point x are the same.

The set ofall tangent vectors of curves )caving xis an n--dimcnsional real
linear space (with addition and multiplication b y numbcn being carried
out componcn1 by component), called the tangent spau.
No1e 1hat the coordinate system plays a role in this definition. and the
resulting space seems at fir.a glance 10 depend on the coordinate system.
Thus we would now like to give an invariant definition ofthcvdocityvec«>r
and the tangent space, which docs not depend on the system ofcoordinates�
Definition. A system ofcoordinatesy1: U -R, i = I,... ," in a domain U
ofEuclidean space R• is said to be admissibu ifthe mapping
y:U-R", y(x) • y, (x)e 1 + · · · + y0(x)e.
(with basis vectors e1 in R") is a diffeomorphism.
Problem 2 . Prove that the curvesy • <p1 andy • ,p2 leaving the point7(x) arc:
tangent if and only if the curves q, 1 and q,2 leaving the point x arc tangent
(Fig, 33), so that tangency of curv,s is a gtt!m<ln< co�,pt, ind,pa,dau oftk <>
ordinat, syst,m.
Definition. By 1he velotity vtttor v ofa curve <p: / - U leaving a point x E Uis
meant the class of equivalent Cul"Ves leaving x and tangent to ,p (Fig. 34); in
V - ,p(O),
V = ;,l,..-
f Waroing: The '""I" ofthe mapp ings•, and •-i can be: lines pcrpcndiculv .a:lz.. say.
Sec. 6 The ·rangent Sr;•cc ss


FiR, 33 Prctetvation o( tangency under' a ditft0m0rphilm.

fig. 3'1 Class or c urves tangent al a poin l x.

P,obltm 3. Prove that tangency is an equivalence rclalion, i.e., chat I)

� ~ �. 2) � ~ 'I => 'I ~ {, 3) � ~ 'I ~ C => � ~ {, where ~ means "is
tangent to, atx.u
Remark. The coordinate system plays no I"olc in our definition ofthe \•docity
vector, but th, tlass of admusibt, coordinau sysu,ru in U docs play a role. This
class is called adi/ftrtntiablt structure in U . \Vithout specifying a diffcrcnti.tblc
struc1ure in U, one cannot define the concepts or tangency of curves or
of the velocity vector of a curve q,.
6.2. Definition of the tangent space.
Definition. By the tangtnl Sfxut to a domain U at a pointxis meant the set ofall
velocity vectors ofthe curves leaving x(Fig. 35). The elements ofthis set att
called tangent vectors. The tangent space to Uat the point xis denoted by TU.
(Tfor "tangen<"). t
LctxJ : u- R,i = l, ... ,nbean admissibJcsystcmofcoordinatcsinU.
Then the velocity vector of a curve q,: I - U leaving the point x e Uhas
well-defined components•• e R, i I, ... , n, given by formub (1) (,cc

Problem I). Thus the system of coordinates x, dc1crmincs a mapping

X: TUx - R• ofthe tangent space to U at t.hc point xinto thea-dimension.a.I
f If the rC'adcr i.s accu,tomcd to regard the \ e' Jocity \'tttor ofa cun-e: as 1)-iag in the same
space as th e curve iuc:lf, the n th e disti,�ctio o be� a tangient spatt to a lirw::ars:patt a.od
the linear space it.self may lead tocc,rtain psychological difficulties. In th.cue, it ifhdp(ul
to repeat the preceding co nsiderations with U thought of as the surface ola spbae. Then
TU,. is th e ordi n ary ta ngent plan e.
36 Chop. I Buie Con«pu


Fig. SS The ,anscnl spac:c to a domain U a, a point • ·

real space R• ofvectors (•1, ••• , •.); the mapping Xassociates the numbcn
v11 • , , , v" with the velocity vector ofthe curve q,.

TIIEOR£M I. Tht mapping X: ru - R· giutn formula (1)

• ., is • -­
mappit ,g of TU, onto R•.
Proof According to Problem I, the tangent vector {i.e., the clllSS h•} of
curves tp: / - U which arc tangent to each other) is uniqudy defined by
the components of the velocity vector in the system of coordinates x,.h
remains to show that every vector {v1 , ... , 11.) e R• i s the �locity ,-eaor of
some curve.To show this, we need only ch00$C the curve q, dctaminttl by
the conditions (x 1 • tp){t) a x1(x) o1t. I
Thus in a fixed coordinate system our abstract definitions of1M: tangent
vector and the 1angent space coincide with the naive definitions bucd on
visualizing little arrows in the Euclidean space containing U .
So far our tangent space ru, i s simply a SCI which is nOt endowed with
any further strucwrc. We now equip TU� with ,he slructu:reora real Ji.near
space. Fixing a syslcm of coordinates x;, w e can add langc.nt ,-ccton and
multiply them by numbers by using the prccc:ding theorem to identify than
wilh arrows (v p ... • u,.). h turns oul that the resulting operations arc
independent o four choice of admissible coordinate sys,cm.

Definition. Let { e TU,, 'I e TU,. -< e R . Then the linear combination
{ + -<'1 e TU, is defined as
{ + ..,, = x-•<x{ + ix,,,
in terms of the one-to-one mapping X: TU, - R• detennincd by the
admissible system of cootdinatcs xi• In other words, we carry O\."Cr into TU,.
the linear structure ofR•, identifying these sets with the hdp ofthe onc•to­
onc mapping X .

THEOREM 2. The linear combination { + ;_,, iJ ind,pc,dmt of th, odmwibl.e

coordinate sysumfiguring in its definition, and d,pauis anly on {, 'I, a,,di..
Sec. 6 The Tnngcnc s,iacc 37

Proof. Let ;1 : U - R, i • I, , , . , n be another admi "iblc ')'tcm of co­

ordinates, ond let Y: TU, - R• be the corres1>0nding ""'pp,ng of the
tnngcnt Sf}nce to U at the r,ointx into the11-dimcn1ional real sp;>ee R• of
vccton1 (w1 , , • • , ,v.). The mapping )1 associates the numbers

w, - di!!.I••O c,,. "''· ;.1, ... ,11 (2)

with the class of the curve q,, and is one-to-one by Theorem L \Ve mus1
show that the mapping yx- I ; R· - R· i.s an i.somorphism ortincar spa.ccs.
It is already known that this mapping i s one-to-one. Let 9,: / - Ube a
curve whose velocity vector in the system of coordinates x, has components
x1• \'le now find the components), ofthe velocity vector of this curve in the
system of eoordinate11;,. The coordinates.1, can be expressed in terms ofthe
coord inatax1 as Cunctions.1, (x1, • • • , x.).B)• the rule for differentiation ofa
composite function, we have
. I0 • �
I- il.1
.t.JI o,
J• I X} X

or, more concise Iy,

. = a, .
iJ,,x. (3)

Equation (3) gives the explicit form ofthe mapping yx-•, and this ""'P­
ping is a linear transformation. Thus the operations intn>duccd al,o..-c
indeed e<juip TU:x with the structure of a real n-dimcns.ional linear spa«:
indef)tndenl/y �fthe thoict ofadmissible toordiMlt 17sttm. I
Rtmark. The coordinates x1 and j1 arc fixed i n the domain spacr R• • {x}
and th, range space R• e {y}.According to (3), the matrix of the mapping
yx- • in these coordinate systems isjust ohcjacobian matrix(� il.r).
6.3.The derivative ofa mapping.Let/: U - Vbc a dilferrntiablc map­
ping of a domain of n�dimensional Euclidean space with coordinates
x 1: u- R,i = 1, ... ,ninto adomain Vofm..cfimcn.sionalEuclidcanspacc:
with cootdinatesy1 : v- R,j = I, ... ,m. Lctxbca point ofthe domain
U, and lety = f(x) e V be its image (Fig. 36).
Definition. By the derivative of1h, mapping/ at th,point xis meant tht mapping
J.I,: TU, - TV1<••
of the 1angent space to U at the pointx into the tangent space to Vat the
point/(x)which carrit11 the velocity vector�leaving the pointxofthecurve
38 Chop. I 8a1ic C.onttpts



Pig. 36 Oefioilion 0(1hc duiva1ive ofa mappan1/a1 a point K,

,p; I-+ U into the velocity vector leaving the point /(x) of th<: curve
/o t.p: / - V, i.e.,

). (4)
J.1.(��l,.0) • � •·• ( f• ,p
THEOREM. Formula (4) dtjitus a linear mappinif ol, oftlw tangOtl s/>OC< TU, utll>
/ht tangent space Tl'Jt••·
Proof We must verify first that the right-hand side of (4) is independent of
the choice of the n:prcscntativc q, of the class of tangent curves at x, and
secondly that the mapping.f.l,is linear. Let i1 denote the components ofth<:
velocity vector X of the curve ((J at the point x, andJ, the componmts ofthe
velocity vector y oft he curve/• ,pat the point/(x). By the rule lordifl'erenti­
ation of a composite Cunction, we have

JJ. -
i• I i)xl

whcrey1(x1 , , • • , x,, ),j: 1, ... , m arc the functions specifying Lhc: map-­
pingfin the coordinates x,,:,l' But both assertions o fthe theorem arc con•
tained in ( 5). I
In addition, (5) implies the following

Rtm<Jrk. Suppose that in TU� and TV/(.r) we introduce the componmts i,:,
j1 of the tangent vectors in the coordinate systems x,,:,1 rcspccti\."cly. lne.n
the rnatrix ofthe linear rnapping/.lx: TU$ - TV,.($) is the Jacobian macriJc
(ily/ilx). It should be emphasized that 1/u mappingf.l, indLpmdmJ �1M u
eoo,dinate system, the coordinates being used only to prove the theorem.
Probum J. find the deriV21ivc at x = 0 of the M3pping/: R - R given by the formub
y • xl,
Sec. 6 1'hc Tangen, Space 39

llig, 37 A ll'1ttl>Plrlg which 1, ,- diffeomo,ph l� lo• ot: ighborhood of awy point �y

not t,e OllC•CO-One.

A11s,/.lo is 1hc mappi ng o f the 1inc TR0 into the line TR., carrying the whok: line ,nto0.
P,ol,/m1 2 , Lei/: U - V, 1: V- W be: diffcrcnti•bJc mappinp. Pro\c t.lY1 the aom­
posite mllppi,,g Ii -I•/ : U - Wis differcnliablc a,,d that Jli dtti\•.ttiw a, the- pow,#
equa l.s
"·'· -,.1,,�1 .,.1...
Prol,J,m J. Lei/: U - V be a Pro\·t tNt the mapping/.L.: TU. - nr,1a,
ia an iwmorphism or spaces. Civc an cumplc showi t\g 1ha1 .., ,_,,,,, u fU
(•« Vig. 37).
ProMm, ii. J..N/: R' - R' be the map 1>ing gh·cn by the ro,mula ( .-, -4 tr,>' ,, + i,,.
i = ✓-:-J, Show thatf.l. (x r;. 0) preserves angles (the Euclidean structutts ffl Tll!, Tll!
are spcc.•ified b y qu adra tic (omu .if + .tj and jf + jf ra.pcc1i,'Cly).
6.4.. The inverse function theorem. Lei/: U - V be a diffcren1iable
mapping from one domain in Euclidean space to another, and let x0 be a
point of U .
TH£0Rt�M. Ifthe dtrivatiu�
J.lxo : TUXo - rv,.,xo•
is an i.somorphism of lintar tran.sJormalions, tlun tltne exists a nngltl»r1-d IV•flk
point x0 .su,h that the rutriction

fl w: W -f(�V)
Jlo W is a dijfeomorphism.
P,oof t The dim<;1l.SiOM or the tang�1H spaces ru.._ and rv,t-.,, and hentt t he dimcru;ions
or ,he dom ,1i,u U and V, are thC' same. L ei x1, •••• •• be admW:ible coon.:luu.ccs i n U.
and y1 ,.,., ;, ad mi ssible coordi nates in V . Thie mapping/ is specified by functio,ft,s
y, •/, (x,., .• , x,.), i = 1,• .• , n . Let

F1(_.1> •.• , x,.,y,•... ,:,,.) = Jt -f,(x1, ••• , x,.).

8y hypothc-sis, rhc dt:term inan1 or 1hc Jacobian matrix (�/Ox,)I.... i s � i.e., 1ht:

1 The inverse fonction th eorem i.s t'a.sily deduced from the i.mplicit function tbcottm,, a.nd
vice vctsa. Hc-tc we deri ve the fovcr'$C func-t.ion theottm from the implicit function
since the l atter always figures i n coursc-son a nalysis while rhc formtt isusually left umt.1.tcd..
For a proorwhi<'h i.s i ndependent of the ;mpl icit function theorem, sec, e.g...Sec.31.9.
◄0 Chap. I &sic Conccpu

dttcrmln,1nl or (81',/8..,1)1,., ,1.,1 i11 ooorcro, Appl)'lf\l tht 1mpl1C'it fun<hon tM'Ort'M '°
tllt' 1y.1ttm orrunftlom P., i I,.,•, 'fin 1' rK'IJhbomood o(tht' potnl ....... Jr.••,,. •r
flod 1h111
I) In 111uf1lcicntly ,m11II nti3hho1hood F. oftht po1ntJ• ft'-♦) t�� ""'" runc,-om
A'1 .,1 (J".,, ,,Y.-) "uch 1h:.1 P(.-(,1),)) 0:
2) Tht' •>•11ro1 F(A',l) O.)'• R h :n no 01hc-r toluhOfll X nnr ••;
!) Thl' vulucw the ru11nlo ,u .-1()) 41,1 thr 1hr coord,natn of thit point -.,
and th e 1111 ar c co11tlm1ovily diff(rtoilable the ilfflC' numbt'r ol tl mct ti 1M fuM,,;,,,.,.,./,
111 th e oeighl>o�hond F. o f thf point y0 (F' ig, 38), The (u.nctioru •• dt'tffffllnt a diflnm.
1iablc: mappi ne .,, or 1he ne ighborhood E of thc point,. Ax.) into a nrighborhood of
the-po int x., such 1hM/•• iJ the ide,uity m aJlJ>i"I· 1..(,1• £'),. W. � ah<- mapp.ttg1
/l w: 111 - £ \llld .,: F. -W art mutually in\'crK d1ff�nliable mappnp.. and hmtt
diffc:Ol'no r1>hi.nni, I
Probl,,n J , Prove thnl t1(E) it a ndghborhood of th e point ..-., i.e., ,on&.1.tM .JI poinu of
the do m ain U whi(h aufflcirnlly near the poio1 ••·

6.5. Action ofa difl'eomorpbi1m on a vector 6eld, L<l Ube a domain

of Euclidean ,pace, and let v be a vector field in U. lf.r is a poinl of1hc do­
main U, then v(,\') is a tangent vector;
v(.<) e TU,.
Let/: U - Vbc a diffeomorphism.
Definition. By the image ofthe uu:/orfield v under th, diff,omorphisa/(F"tg. 39) i s
meant the vector ficld/.v whose vec1ors arc obtained from the vcc1orsv(x)
by applying the derivative/.!,:

(/.v)11,1 9 /.1,v(x) e T"f,,1•


Fig. 38 Th e invcn.c function.


F ig. 39 Ac1 ion of 3 diffc:omorphism/ on a vector- field v .

Ser. G The Tangent Space ◄I

,,.ablm1 /, Prove 1h11 i( the field v I, dlfttrcnh•blir (u�, i, d«-tcrnmwd by ,.(old oc:,e..
1i 11uou,ly cllfftrtn1l11blc funnion•,,(.-,. , . , , x,.) ,n th,r •y t,ttmo (coord1natn .-,).thim th,
r.rld /.v ,, 11l10 dlfTcrrn1l1bk (�•i1h tht anme ,, if th,r d,fl"tol'n0f'ph1�m/ • ofct .. (;9• '>­
/U,,,. Stt rnrmuln (,'\).
Tt1 RORV.,, /.et/: U - Vbtadiflto111orphi1m. ThtnthtdifltrrntialtfWIIIM

I: • v(.v), x 11 U (6)
witii phase spau U dtltrmintd bythe lite/orfirld vis tqufoaltntlo /ht,,,_.,;..,

j - (f.v)(y), 7)
1Litl1pl1ast spate V dt1trmi11td bythtvtctorfieldf.v, i.t., q,: 1- Uu• JM•ti•ef(6
ifando11/yif/•<fJ' t - Visasolutio110J(1).

Proof Obvious. I
In other word-., let.,;/- Ube a wlu1ion of equation (G), .and let ti r) - •,...,... t).
If •(10) • ,,0, thM � lc.1\'t1 x0 aod J.. • le 1wC1-''• /(,c0l. It fol�-. from thit ckfinic..ion
or/. tha1
d1di,.,.f•• 4-1
ar ••0f•• f.1�4-1
ar 1.0

f.l., ;I
d ,.,.
- (f.v)(,10),

Therefore:/.. ., i.s .t soluti on or equation (7). To compl,ctC' the proor, ""'""C' appl.v- this: ttsuh
10 the n\'Crst diffeomorphis.m/-
': V- U.

6.6. Examples. The above 1hcorem allows us 10 invcs1ig.,1c and solve a

great ,·ariety of differential equations. In fact, we: need only take: an cqua•
lion 1ha1 has already been solved and 1hcn apply a difTromorphism. thereby
solving the new equation as well.

= -�2,
Example I. Consider 1he sySlcm

{ =
Xz Xi ,

plane (•, = x,,o,

de1crmincd b y a vector field in 1 h s -
= x,; F,g.40,. u,
/ : R' - R' be 1he mapping carrying 1he poin1 (x,. x,) into the point
(y.,y2), wherey 1 = x1 + x2,y2 = x1 - x2• This linear mapping/is a
diffeomorphism, and its derivative/.!... has the matrix

Hence 1he new vec1or field (f.v)(.r) has componen1s w, = _r,, "'z = -.1,.
and our system is equivalen, to the system

{!• ==
42 Chap. I BaJic Con«pu

f ig. 41 Th e phase pl ane or 1hc new sy51cm.

Fig , .f2 The ph ase pane

l or the original system.

Fig. 43 A pendulum near itS upper equilibrium position.

Sec. 6 The Tangent Space ◄S

This system, which is a direct product or onc-dimensinn•I S)'lterm, has

nlrcndy been studied and solved, The srstem hos• saddle point (hg ◄I)
and n solution or the form

.Yt •)',(0),', .,, - .1,(0),-'.

Usingj- 0 to return 10 the original system, we get• rotat<d .addle point
(Fig. 42) and the solution
x 1 (t) • x 1 (0) cosh I+ x2 (0) sinh I,
x,(t) • x,(O) ,inh I+ x2(0) cosh I.
R,mark. Let x be the angle or.mall deviation from the vcrticatoran invttt<d
plane pendulum (Fig. 43). The equation or motion or the pendulum takes
the forrtt i • x in an appropriate system or unit.s.f Let x • .r1, i1 = .r1•
Then the pendulum equation takes the form (8) for small deviations from
the vertical equilibrium pmition.
P,HJ,m I. To whid1 motion, of 1he peodulun, do the v:ariou.s pha.K cun-u i:n F"•- 41
correspond ?
Example 2. The equation x • -x for small oscillation, of a pendulum nar
its lower equilibrium position reduces lo the S)'SICm
1 • Xz,
{� (9)
Xz = -x,
irwe write x, • x, x2 • ic. The form of the vector field (Fig. 4'1) suggt:slS
the utility of polar coordinates
XI = T COS 0, x2 = rsin O .
'- /
Fig, 44 The vec.tor flcld or1hc pendulum equations (9}.
t Actually!c - sin x, wh ic h anbeapproximated byl = xrorsnullxandS4 l'Mdiffctt:ntt
in signs orthe right-ha ,1d sidC!I o(thie �ndulum equation nea.r its upper a.ndlc,,wcr cquih"l>
ri un, positions is explained as (ol lows. In a n,ejghborhood olthc upp,:-r �'briu.m position
th ie momcnr or the (oroc of grsvlty (the weight) moves the pmdulum ia tit iil«tia -fib
indinatil.m and hence !c = +x. In a neighborhood of'the l�·u equilibrium position chc
moment or the (orcc ofgravity movo the pendul um UI t4t diuc.hllft fl/>l»ak • ils iedi-tw
and hence i = -x.
Ch•p. I B.i•ic Concq,1t

.- r Zrr
0 r
fig. 1 15 Polar "coordinat«,"
2rt� - · --_.,-·

Fig. ◄6 Phase c:urvcs o( the 1k'ndulum c:quuion1
1 in potar coordina1e1..

These form11las give a differentiable mapping of the half-plane, > 0 onto

the plane{,<,, x2) minus the point O (Fig. 45). This mapping is not a diffco­
morphisrn. However for the domain V we can choose the planc{.r1 ,.r1) minus
any ray, say the ray x, > 0, while for the domain Uwe can choose, the hair­
strip O < 0 < 2,r in the half-plane, > 0 . Thcnf: U - Vis a diffcomor­
phism. and the system (9) in V is equivalent to a system in U, namcl)•

{ ;=
(Fig. 46)

() = 0,
The solution of this system is ofthe form
r(I) = r(O), 0(1) = 0(0) - I,

= ,0
and hence the original system (9) has the solution
x,(1) • ,0 cos (00 - 1), x2 (1) sin (00 - 1).
PT<NJl,m 2. Vcriry Lhal thc:sc forrnul.u gi\'C all the sohalioru of the-SJ$10ll (9) b :all,. •nd
no, just for (x., xJ) « V .
Problon J . Prove th:11 1hc ph:ai1c cul"\'ct att circlies (Fig. 47)� and lh:u thie t�:ach--ancc- m.l �
pings g' form a onc-paramcu:r group of linear o ( lhc pb..ot. •illltrc6' is a
rOlation 1hrough angl e I with a matrix of th e form
c �/ sin/
( -smt cost )·
Returning to the pendulum equation X = -x, ,,·c find that thependulum
Sec. 6 The Tongcnc Space


l�ig. 47 Ph:ut' cun·c:s or 1ht' pendulum NfUatiom in c-oord,natn.

:r, X3

.1; ' I

1-'ig. •IA lmcgral cur\'cs or tht' pc:ndulum cqu:: uiom.

executes harmonic oscillations (x = ,0 cos (00 - 1)) whose pttM>d �ual• 2,r
and docs not depend on the initial conditions.
P,oblem -I.What arc the integral cur\'cs o( 1hc system (9)�
Ans , Hel ices p itch T = 2,r with common x1 a x1 = 0, wh,ett the- a.xis is a.l:so an
inttgt: i l CUI'\'(; (F ig. 48).

Example 3 .Con s id e r th e syucm
.ti = :c, r x,(I - :cf - Af),
:f1 - -x 1 + x1( I - xf - xi),
obtained from the sysicm
I '�Jl,),
6= -1
by g oi n g O\'C-r to tte&aogular coordinates .r1 = , cos (J, x1 =,sin().Actu:aDy, the-q,,usn
( 11) is tquiv aknt (with 1hc usual s1ipula1j&ns in\-olving th e nonuniqucnas of p,obr
eoordin.:i.tcs) to 1hc system

.i 1 -x1 /(r),- 1 +xJ>
X, - Jt,/tr),- 1 - Xi,
which r educes to (10) if/tr)• r{I - r1).
Thus we must invtstigate the syst em ( 11) with f(r) r( I - ,1 ). Finl � com-du lM
integr al curves of the <'quation ; - -Jtr) i n the half-pb nc (t, r),, • 0 {F11g. -49r � noting that
o ..
lht v ee tor field on th e li 1, e v =/{,) has three singula r poin ts , - %. I. ,..--b,c,rc th< 6dd
is dirtttcd toward the poi nts , ± I and away from the poi:m , O. The phnc- <.'UJ"-U
in 1he i.lne (,, IJ),,.,.,. 0 a� obtai ned by n-..a.k.i:ng a .-OC.&tion (sintt 8 = 8• - , , .
Rcturniug 10 rectangul ar coordimues. we g e t t he shown i n f"'ag. .50 . The cu:n."C
x 1 = x1 = 0 is the on ly si n gular point. Th e phase curves startin g near dais point fflO'lo"'C
46 Chap. I Baiic Conccpu

1:ig. ◄9 Jotegral Ctit\'a or,he e<)u.i1io n f- ,{I - , 1) and ph.ate cun.'ff o/lhcl)'ltan(IO)
in polar coordinrttcs,

Fig. 50 Phase curves or the sys1em (10). A limit cycle.

, Wildcats
10" '
,' ''• ,', ,
,, ••• '' Hares
/!JOOt90.; 81/l l!llf !!to 1!25 /JJ/J/9JJ
f ig. 51 Oscillatiom of the wildca1 ar,d hare pc,pulations i n C...n.ada.
Sec. 6 The 'l'angc111 Space 47

1iwny rroo1 it ru , i nuc;uc, a,ul wi nd around th,c ti rdc .rf xf I from the ,�
iu t - I oo. Thi, drclc i, itJC:lr • ,,hue curv«', called • h••' Ql'l.t, ICo-n�,, 11 the: uwtal
po l n1 lic-1 ouuldc Ille did, xf t xj < I, the n the 1>tuue rur,e wi ncb 41r0Mfld the lm,11 cydt
from the Oub i dt' 111 t , too "nd (Jotl off 10 inflnoy for nq:111h·c ,.
Limit ryda dtt(ribt 1hr 1111b lc 1>crlodie rq:imn of the n101ion of at'I 1u1onomou.
sy,uc ,n. For tic,uuplc', ., 1 11nd A, ml3l11 dr notc the dtH11ion1 of the m,,nbtt of ._,a«kau
11nd 1lie nu,nlwr or harC'1 rrom thdr cquiM>f"ium ,·a.lUC" (the C'orrnf)Oftdn'I «°'°"°'I
cqu�lio,, I, not exactly or the form ( I0>, bu1 has um,lu propuues). "nac:11 the lam11 cyck
corre1pond1 10 the 1�r iodic 011c1ll :uions o( the wild cat and hare popu1atiioim_ ""kich att

field, whh the oscill :11io," in the oumhc-r w,ldnu laggin.g bthind
,omtwha1 ahirtcd in phue with ro1>«1 10 Ol'lt' another. This is ac obland i.n the:
01hcr e,ci,mpl ct the orc"rrrn� or ,ta ble periodic- oteilla11on:1 undct' sta�ry a •

ternal condhions art" afforded by f'lockJ, iteam rng in es, c-:lec-trk bdls, tht human hon,
v., c uum 1ubt- CMcillators gcner.-uing radio wa\'t:Si and variable- sears of the: Crphod 1ypc::
the opcm1ion ortue'h or thne mecha nisnu i s dCl(ribcd by a limn c,·tlc ,nan app,op,i..k
ph.iuc apace. However, it would be wrong 10 think th�t a. U mc,U�t()f'J prottt10, att d,e.
ndb<"d by liinit cydet, and in fart rnut-h rno� complK.tttd brhu>ior o( phurt cun+o es
pauihlr in :a multidimco1ion11I ph aJC" s1>.1cc. Ji, 1h i:1 rt'g.ard, we ntc tht prtt� of1)...-&­
s('opt,, cite mot ion of p lancu and a rtificial satell ites, 1n clud1ng thc-:ir t'OUl.lOnl about WU'
aiu: s (the 0011 :H"r odkity orthCK motion. , r<"!lponsab c-
1 i i ror
l the compln111y ol lM caJ.Nrcbr
: u,d the t.liffi ·
., uhy ir, t>rtdk1ing tides), a, well as lhc motion ofcharged putic.ks in a mac ­
ne1ic firld (r esponsible for th t' O<'c-urr<'n ce of the Au rora Bornlis). Stt a.ho Stts. 24 and
2 Baile Theorems

In 1hltt drnp1t..·1 · WC' formul..uc· 1he haii;k rc-,uh, of tl1r 1l1<"ory of ordm.ary
diffi·r<•n1inl c·,pm1 iou,, df'nli11k with 1lu· r-<i!itrntr and uniquC"n"" of iOlu•
1in11< and nffir.i i11t<'g1·al,, and ..,;,1, 1hr drj><•ndrnrr nf'<llu11on, on 11111,al
data rrnd pnrnmc•tc•r,c, \Vt• l>Mlf>nnr tlw proor, u1111I (:hap.4.confimngour•
!WlvcJ al 1hi� poinl to 3 di,C"u,,ion c1f ho\,1 thr ,·arinu, u·iuh• .art rTlau·d to
one.· anollu·r.

7. The Vector Field near a Nonsingular Point

(:On�idcr the diffcrcntial equation

x a v(x), X € (/,

dc•tcl'minrd hy a smooth vr<·tor fit•ld v in a n 11-dimrnttional phlit' Jpa<"C' {• •

Lei "o e I,· be a non,in�ular 1>oin1 of 1ht vc-ctor fic.-ld, '-() 1h�1 v x0) � 0
(Fig. 52).
7.1. The basic theorem of the theory of ordinary dilrttHltial equa­
tions. Tlte uutotfitld v ii difftomorphic lo a tolls/antfit.Id eI i• �Ct]' R,JiLwllllJ
small nei_�ltl>orhood of a ,1on1ingulat point ..\fort txa(I/.J. t"4rt ttisl.s oMiltl,«,-.,J
V of 1/ie poi111 x,, a11d a dijf,omorpl1ism f; I' - 11' of 1/ie nei.,h"'1ri...l I' .nl• •
domain IV of Eudidean spa« R" (Fi(. , 53) such thatf.v = e1 (r.clicre e, ts Ilic
firJ/ basis uu/or of R"). I v is a fitld of da,s C'. I < r < oo, IN• J is•

dijftomorphism of class C,. 1.dtl, tl,e same,.

Lee y1; R" - R 1, i = I, ... 1 11 Ix rectangular coordin.a,.cs in the Eu•


Fig. 52 �onsingular poinl x0 ofa \ '('C'lOr field v .

:,;, !I,

fig. 53 Rtc1ific:uion ora vector field by a diffeomorphismf.

Sec. 7 Vector Field Near a Nnn,ingulor Point 49

clirlc:rn Apace rcmtaining 1hc domain ,v, so that 1hc vrrtor e1 h.a1 compo,­
ncnl9 I, 0, ... , 0. According 10 Sec. 6, the l:"uic theorem can�formulated
n, rnllows:
T/r, 1/ij/ert11lial ,qua1io11 (I), eonsidtrtd in a s•.ffititnllJsmall nntU..1-#
110,,sr'rt1J11/(1r poi,11 o is tquiraltnl lo lht parlttulo,1.f 1implt tq110IIM

ye W, (2
;.e. IO tl,e SJJltnt

j, = I, =j. - 0 (31
i,, lltt ,l mai,, l•V.
The following is still another equivalent formulation orthcb,uic tMC>rcm:
/11 a suificie11tly small neighborhood V ofa non,ingular point "o, - ca c!w.M ""
admi1sible eoordi11ate system (y,, ... , J'.) such that tquotion (I),,,. w u.riltm i• 14'
sta11dnrdfom1 (3) i11 thtse coordinates.
The basic thcorern is an assertion orthr same character as tM th4!ort'.m of
linear algebra on reduction of quadratic forms or matrices of<>p('n.ton to
normal form. It gives an exhaustive description of the local beha,·ior of a
vector field and orthe differential equation (I) in a neighbo<hood of a non­
singular point x0, rcdutingcvcry,hing to the case o f the trivial equation (2
The proof ofthe basic theorem will be given in Sec. 32.
7.2. Examples. The hasic theorem might be called the r«lifaoh• ,,-,,.,,
since the phase curves and integral curves orequation (2) a.-., straight lines.
Fig. 54 shows the level lincsyi = const of the "rectifying coordinates.. for
the pendulum equations.
P,obltm I. Arc 1he rc:c-tifying «iordin :uc:s )', untquc-ly dtfin<d? Pro
'C" tlwrit in tht cue:
,, = I tlw mol'di', is defined 10 within an aflint trandormation.f 9 ..,_ 6.
Prol>lr,n 1. Skccch level lints of rcc:1ifyi ng cool'dinata fOl'" och o( the follo---ing ,--uior- fidds
in the domain U:
a) v =- x,e, + bie,. U.,. (x.,x1 :x, >0}:
b) v = e1 + sill x1e:, U = RJ;

c) v - x1e 1 + ( I - ,\'f)e,, LJ (\' ,X :-1< ..,<t}.

--- --- ---

i 1

-- ----
!11 !It

-- •
!IJ !Ir
(al CbJ
Fig. 54 Rcctiti.cuj(ul
: or the pendulum cquatiottS.
50 Chap. 2 Throttm,

Fig. 55 A f.'ln1ily or curvtt which is nonr«tifiablc in 1t.e whole plane.

•P,obltm 3 , S uppose th,·u in R" we are given a (diffcr-c.ntiable) fie.kl ofu.ncm1 pl; R.1 .
Can th i, fleld a l\.\.• ays be rectified (i.e., mmsformcd int0 a field o( paralld plana) 1n a
n e ghborhood or A po nt with the help <If a suita.blc difficomorphtlm ?
i i
Hinl. If ,he field or planes i, rcclifiable. then it is a 6dd of plana tangu,1 to the family
or 1urfocn.
AnJ , No. Con sider for example the field orplancup«i'Md by the fi.cld o(nof'Mah..2e1 +e .,
in R'. There docs not a surface with thi..s d irtttion as lhc normal at each poin.L
•Pro6/1-m f. Suppose a vector field v has no singular points in a domain U . (;aft on,c then
rectify the field in the .,..•holc domain U, i.e., is tht basic th�cm true •·1th V = U?
Hinl. Construe, the field in the plane \.\.'hose phuc curves arc of the form abio--n in Fig. )S.
3. The existence theorem. The basic theorem immcd.iatdy implies

COROLLARY I. T/,er, txiJts a solution oftquation (I) satis#nt ti;, imti,,J C#ditiM
,p(to) • xo .
Pr(}(Jf If v(x0 ) =
0, kt ,p(t) • x0, while if v(Xo) t, 0, then, by the basic
theorem, equation (I) is equivalent t o equation (2) in a �ghborhood of
the point x0 . But (2) has a solution,; (which?) satisfying the initial condition
,j,(10) = y0 = f(x0 ). Hence equation (I), which is equivalent to (2), has a
solutioo satisfyiog the initial condi,ion ',0(10) x0. = I
7.f. The local uniqueness theorem. The basic thcor-cm also immediately

COROLLARY 2. ltl 'P o : /1 - U, ,p2: /2 - U bt tu.v solutions ef <f"ali"" (I)

satis/Jing the same initial C()ndition
v(x.o) 'F O.

Then there exists all inttrval 11 containing 1 on wh.i,h. c,1

0 = tp2•
Pr(}(Jj. This i s obvious for equation (2). But equation (I) is equivaknt to
equation (2) in a sufficiently small neighborhood ofthe point "o- I
Sec. 7 Vector Field Ncnr a Noruingular Point SI

/11m11rk. We will soon sec thnt the restriction v(x0) ,< Ocan be dropped For
11 • I thl, lias alrcndy been proved in Sec. 2.

7,5, Local pha1e flow,. I.ct v be• vector field in the pha-K space U, and
let x0 be a point or U.
D,ji11itio11, Ry n local pha11jlow determined b ythe v ector fidd v in a nnghbor•
hood of the point x0 we mean a triple(/, V0, 1), consisting ofan interv.>I
I • {I e R: Ill < c} of the real I-axis, a 11cighborhood V0 ofthc point x0,and
a mapping g: / x V0 - U, which satisfies the following thrtt conditions:
I) For fixed / e / the mapping g': V0 - U defined by I'• - 1(1, x) ii a
2) For fixed x e V0 the mapping ,p: I - Udcfincd by \1'(10) • ,'x ii a
,olution of equation (I) satisfying the initial condition l'(O) - x;
3) Tire group property g'• 'x - g'(g'x) hold, for all x, s, and I such that
lhc r'ight-hand side is defined, where for every point x e V0 1hctt aisu a
neighborhood V, x e V c V0 and a numbcrcS > Osuch that the right-hand
side is defined for Isl < cS,Ill < cS and all x e V.
Example /. Consider the vector field v = e1 in a domain U of Euclidean
space R", and construct the following local phase flow in a neighborhood of
a point x0 e U . Start with a cube of side 4e centered at x0 (Fig. 56). For
sufficiently small e this cube is entirelycontained in U. Lc1 J.'0 d�tc the
interior orthe smal ler cube of side 2e (one hairthat ofthe original cube) and
the same center,and let I be the interval Ill < •· Then define the mapping
gbytheformulag(t,x) • x + e,1.
P,oblt,n I. Veri(y 1hat condi1ions l), 2), and 3) :11tt satisfied (or thlScx.:unpk.

Another immediate consequence of the basic theorem is the folJo"';ng

COROLLARY 3. Th, wctorfield v dettrmints a /«al phaujlow in a nnzl,l,o,/roodofa
nonsingular point x0(v(x 0) "' 0).
Proof. This has already bectt proved for equation (2). But, according to t�


i . . 56 Local phase Row of the equation i1

Fg - c1•
52 Chap. 2 lb<ic Th,oren,1

Fig. .i7 The local l)h1!hc flow(/, Y 0, -) lat ob1alo� ftOM 1hc local phaw ft.ow, I. W•• A)
of the rectil'led cc.1vuion
: b)' ap1>lying the diffeomOf'J)hn.rn / '.

basic thcorcm, equation (I) is equivalent 10 equation (2) in a sufficiently

small neighborhood or the point "•· I
In mOrt detail, 1(:1 (/, 11'0, 4) be i. local phatc flowolthc fidd ••in• ftfChbOr'hood W
of the ll0 io1 y0 - /(x0), where/: V - W i.s 1hc diffcomorphism figurine ,n thr t...lic
1hrorcm, Then the de11ired phaic flow i.s (/, V0,1}, when· v. 1-•• "'• and
t J·' • h' •/(l'ig. 57).
Remark I. In particular, Corollary 3 asserts that
1) There exists an interval Ill <con which a solution of equation (1) is
defined satisfying any initial condition sufficiently near x0 :
2) The value or this solution ,p(t) depend• on I and x both continuously
and difl'crcntiably (of class C' if the field v is of clas.1 C').
Remark 2. We will soon sec that the re'ltriction v(x0) 'F O can be dropped.
Problem 2. Prove that the val ue •(l) or 1hc solution • s:uisfying 1hc initial condi1ion
.,.(10) ..- x6 i .s differentiable wilh resp«I 10 t0, x.o, and t for �uJrtcicntly sma..11 a, - i.,I.
7.6. The theor-em on continuous dependence- and diff'tte-ntiability
with respect to a param.eter. The preceding theorem immffliatdy


x v(x, ,x), XE LJ (IJ

fid,is v•J
be afamily ef differential equations determined in tlrL pitas, space Ult7lli!dlTf
class C' a11d depending di./Jtrtntiably (efclassC') on a param,u," e A, u;/,a, A is•
domain in Euclidtan spau. Suppou v(x 0, "o) 'F 0 . TlrLn the oalw •J1M s«•liM
,p{I) of,qua1io11 (I,) satisfying th, initial conditwn 'l'(O) x d,po,J, difamlialt/7
(ofclass C') on t, x, and rxfar sufficitnl/y small Ill, I• - :,;01, and i,x - "ol•
Proof. Herc a little ingenuity helps. Coruidcr Lhc vector field (v(x, 2), 0) in
the direct product U x A (Fig. 58) and the corresponding system of e q ua ­

{ � ==
v(x, ,x),
IX 0. (4)
Sec, 7 Vcc1or Field Near• Nonsi11gular Poin1


C:.:::-- .:�
P ig. 58 ·n.e rh :u� spac� o(th� extended Sytlcm j - v(•. •). 4i 0

By the preceding theorem, the solution o((4) depend• difTerentiably on I,

x, and «0 for sufficiently small !ti, Ix - "ol, and I« - «01, But th< solution
of (4) satisfying the initial condition (x, «) i• (ff,«), where • i• the solution
of equation (1,) satisfying the initial condition ff(10) • x. �relor< .-(1)
also dcpc11ds diffcrentiably on 1, x, and"· I
Remark, The condition v(x0 , «0) ,f, Ocan be dropped, aswill l,.,shown later.

7.7. The extension tb.eorem. Let v be a vector fit-Id in a domain U. and

let x0 be a point of U .

Defi11ition. I f t here exists a solution cpof equation (I) ,atisfyiog the initial con•
dition q,(10) � t . 0 defined for all I e R,we say that tN,ol•tiMca lNutauhd
i11definit,t.,. If there exists a solution defined for all 1 ;i. 1 0 (or all I.;; 10),we
say I hat th, solution can bt extend,dforward (orbackward) indtjiniut:,.
Let r be a subset o f the domain U. I f there c,c.ists a solution ., of equation
(I) satisfying the initial condition q,(10) • x0 and defined on the interval
10 ,;; I <;. T and if cp( T) belongs to r,
we say that t/r, so/111;.,. ,..,. IN ,xu,u/,,/
forward upto r. Extension backward uptor is defined similarly.
Let F be a compact subset of a domain U containjng a point Xo� and let r
denote 1he boundary of F (i.e., the set of poinlS x e Fsuch that c--cry �igh­
borhood of x contains points of the compkmentary set U,F). Suppose, the
vector field v in the domain Uhas no singular points. Then i, i$ no, hard l o
s e e thal 1he basic theotem implies

COROLLAR v 5. The solution <p equation (I) can bt ,xt,mhdforward (..-bad.uard)
eithtt indefinittl., or up to tht boundary F. This extmsion is uttiqw in INmu, IM1
any two .tolutions sati.ifying tlte same initial condition coincidt on tlt.e in.UTs«tit11t .jUtt
inlervals ofdefinition.
P1Hf, First we prO\'C lhe uniqueness. l..(-t T belhe least upper bound of1ht$C.t
t tor wh ch the solutions•• and •., coincide for a.II tin theinter,.·a.l '• !fit t 'i: r (r..g. 59).
Sup� T i.s an interior point of both intervals of definition. Then •,CT) - •1(7)
because of the continuity o( •• and • • By the- local uniqueness theorem., •1 <Oincida
54 Chap. 2 Bue 1hcorcmt

Fig. !,9 Th e u nic:1u«·ncss or 1h.- txu·ruio n folJows from the local u:niqm tl.«llit.m.

F ig , Go Coo.s1ruc1ion of th«" txtc-,uion.

f"ig, 61 txi11encc of the rxtcnsioo up 10 time T i.nclusi" "

" ·

with • .1 io a ncighbothood oftht' poi 1,1 T, so 1ha1 Tcann ot be 1hit leas1 upper bound+
Hence T rnw1 ht the end poi ,H of one o f 1hc in1cn-als ofdiefinition, and 1hr t•--o soh.uiom
coi ncide on the par1 of the intcrsttlion of thc:K i nu:n-als for ••,-;hjch , ;;a, c.,. The" OM
t 10 i.s treauxl .sim ilarly.
We now comt r uC'l tht' extension. lf thc twosolutiom coinct<lc on the inlO"tlttlion oltbr
intervals ofdefinition, then 1hcy can be C'.'Offlhin.ed t o form a solution ddinrd on \be u:nioa
of these interva ls {Fig. 60). LA:1 T be tht" upper bound of 1hr tfor wbirh tbett csisu
a so u1io,, ., of equat oo (I) sat .sfyi ng the initial condition •(t0) = .. a .ad a.ho thr am ­
< < :.
l i i
dition •(t) E F for all t, t0 t Ry hypothesis,. t0 < T < oo . If T co� lM $Ol!ution
cao he cx1cnd«l indefini1dy fOl"'\"ard. Suppok T < co. Thrn. a� ,,,r t nnw shoil-•, tbttt
exists a solut i0 1l • ddlned f°" all t, lo Ct I (; T . such •Cn � r. In fact,. it rouo..-s
from Corollary 3 tha1 every poini llo f' Uhas a neighborhood V0(-.) ;1..nd ;1. corrcspondi:ng
nunlbcr c:(x0) > 0 such th a1 for all x f V0( x0) 1hc:r c nisu a solution • ytisfying the- in:iti31
condition •(1 0) = x a11d defined for It • lol < c (namely•= ,,-r.s,. SinttFis com­
pact, We can choose a finite covc-rirlg of 1hr set F fr0m thctt nc:ighborhonds ol the-points
x0 f F. U1 1: > 0 be 1he ,smallcs1 of the finite numbc:T of NW"rMponcUng n:umbcn -1-. .
Since T i.s a leas t uJ)pcr boun d, there exists a r bc-twttn T - I! and T such t}gt •it) f' F
for all/ in 1hc: i,uerval 10 < t ._; r. In par1icular •Cr)� F, i e. . ? th<- poin.1 • r) isc�·aat
b y one of the Mighborhoocb of the finite 00,"<:ring. He� there cxisu a tolu:ticwt •'
ia1 is-fyi ng the initial condit ion •'(t) = •Ct) and dcfin ied for it - rl < • (F"� 61). By UlC"
uniqueness theorem, •' coincides with • on the whole intersection of the inten-als of
Sec. 7 Vector Field Near a Non,ingular Point

lo t

F ig. 62 T'he w!u1io,,, or the tqu.-1ion f - x1 + I <annot be atc-ndcd 1nck6nitdyntbrr

forward or backward.


Fi g. 63 The so lutioo of the pend ulum cqtatiofls C'al\ be01c-ndnl inddinitdy. "'--hilt tt­
mainin g in the di .sk P ,

defi nition, Henn· ¾'C t an use• a n d•· to OOflStruet a sol u tio n•" defintd re.- ,. < t < t + L
lil p artic;ular, •"'(r) cxlsu.
Finally, we thow ,hat •"(O) f F if t0 < 8 < T . In (ac� n·ay sol ut.oft • satisfyinc th<
in iti.alcondit ion •(t0) - •o an dddincdfor t0 < t < 8mw:1coincick"'ith•"'(uniqumc.).
rr•"(O) .aa •(O) did not belong 10 F, th en T would not bC' the lcu1 upper bound o/lhC'1< 1
tr: •(t) • F for t0 < t < t}. Morro\•t'f',•"( T) � r. I n fact •"( T) e F, bring lim.d ofa
«-quencc orpoint s•"(O,) e F, 0, -. T . On the other hand, n-cry intO"\-al with T as its k(t,.
ha nd end poin t oo n ta i ns poin ts I such lh at •"(t) docs not bdon;g 10 F, siott otba--.'"ltit all
the points •"{t) wou ld bel ong to F for all I in $0fflC nci.ghborhood of T.and then T •"Ollld
not be the least u ppe r boun d . This prO\'CS the th(OrC:ffl for cxtmsion fclnq,d, The cut
I < 10 is 1rca1ed .s mil arly. If
Remark. �Ve will soon see that the restriction v(s) # 0 for alls e Ucu, be
£:cnmplc I. E\'en io the case wher-e U is the whol e Euclida.n spa ee , the solution. ca.tl1'0t
alw a)'S b.: exttridtd indefinitel y, e.g.• when n = I , v(x) = xl + I (Fig.6'2. ) .
£.,ur,npk 2 . <.:oos ider the J)('ndulum cqu:u:ioiu :i-1 = xJ.J:J = -x1• Let U ht tbt pbAie
(x., x2) mi nus th e origi n of coordi nates, and kt Fbe the disk lx111 + lxJ IJ '( 2 ."Incn the
s o ution satisfying the in t a l condition x1,0 - I, XJ.o - 0 ca n be exec-nckd inddinildy
l ii
(f;g, 63).

t As always in pro\'ing obvious th«>rems, it is easier to carryout the proolofthccctcQsion

thcoran than co read through i t .
5G Chop. 2 lb,ic Theorrnn

Ptobl,nt /, For whiu inhl11I C'Oodh lo,u can tht IOlullon or ((IU;ahon, ""ith • htnh c-yck
(Sc:c. O.G, Ex�m,)lc S) be u1c,1drd lndrRnltfly1
Probltm 2 . Su1)po1c: t\'t1 •ylOlu1ion ofequ111lon (I) nn httllltndtd ,ndrfiNldy bod!ro,,..�rd
1rnd '" l.>lu:kwnrd, t,4:11 dc-nott 1hc ,,adWt.n<'C' m1t.ppin1 Currying ('\C'f'Y poan1 oil��

11 1>M C' U l,Ho 1hc: valut •(I) of the t10lutlon ..,tlll(ylng 1ht innh,t <'ondahon •0
Prove 1h,t1 f1'J I, fl onc-1 :wrnunt1tr 1roup ordiflf'<lmOrphi,nu o( U.

8. Applications to the Nonautonomous Case

We now consider the nonautonomou.s equation

ic • v(I, x), (I)
whose right-hand side is specified in a domain U or theuu,..,,, ph= •�cr
R••• •R x R',leR,xeR"(f'ig.64).
8.1. The basic theorem (or the nonautonomous case. Lei (10, x0) be a
point orthe domain U. Then the basic theorem easily implies
COROLLARY 6. Tloere exisu a neighborhood Veftht point (10, x0)"' U mid• d,fn­
morphismf: V - W of/ht nei11hborhood V onto a domain IV in Ew:litkan (• + 1 ) ­
dimtnsional space wilh c oordinalts 1,)1 1 , ••• ,;,,. s11Ch tlr.alequation (I) i,, J
lent lo the par tiru/arly simpleequation
= 0' y = (y,, .. ' .y.) (2)

in W .
Thus the diffeomorph ismf carries ohe point (1, x) into the point (1, y)
while leaving t unchanged. The equivalence means that q,: / - Vis a .solution
ofequation (I) if and only iff• ,p: I - IVis a solution orequation (2).
'The above corollary is eq1,1ivalcnt to the ba."-iC thc-orcm. A direct proofof
the corollary will he given in Sec. 32.
Pro6ltm I , OeduC'c Coro ll ary 6 from the lxuiC' throran.
P,obltm 2 . l)t;ducc· th e ))a_,.i«_, th('Or('m from Corollary 6,

t t
f-'ig. 64 R<..-..·tili< ::nion of integral C'U(\"O by a d iffcomorph"'m/of otc-ndnt plQsc"Pt«·
Sec. 8 A1,plicacio11s co che Nonauconomous Ca�

8,2. The existence theorem. Corol lary 6obvinudy impli�

COROLLARY 7. J:o, sujfitit11tl,Ysmall II - r0( that «110 • solut1• •f tfMliM (I)
satiifli,111 the i11itit,/ ro11d11ion <,t(l0 ) • x0 & U.
8.3. The uniqueneoo theorem,Annchrr immediate con<cqucnceofCorol­
lary G is given by
COROLLARY 8. Ar!)' two solutions of,quotion (I) satis/Ji•g tlu samri,utioltMditiM
toi,uide on 11,e i11tersution ofth, intervals on u.hi<h tAe:, art tkfintd.
Proof We need nnly noce chac chi, is obviously true for equation (2 . I
Rtmark. Applying Corollary 6 en rhe case where v in ( I) i, independent of/,
w e sec thac chc rcquiremenc v(x0) ,t, 0 can be dropped in C'.orollary 2 of
Sec. 7 .4.
8.4. The differentiability theorem. Lee v • v(r, x) be a •�tor field in a
domain U of excended phase <pace. In the nonautonomous case, the,.
advance mappings do nm form a onc..paramc:1c:r group or 1ransfonna1ions.
However we can define "(t 1,/l)..advancc mappings" as follows:
Dtfini1io11. Byo /ocolfomi!J oftran.sformations t.: dtkrmintd /Jythtfa/dv(t, • in a
neighborhood ofa point (10, x 0) is meant a criple (/, 1'0,g) consisting ofan
interval /of the- r<'al axil containing 1 0, a neighborhood V0of•hcpoin• s0 in
phasespaco,and a mappingg: Ix Ix V0 - U,such that
I) Forfixl'dl 1 ,1 1 e/1hc mappingg;::(1'0 x 1,)- U definedby_t:(x,1 1)
= g(t,, t,. s)is a diffeomorphism (on part ofthe plane I - ,, ;
2) For fix,·d x E J'0, 1 1 E /the mapping ,p defined by (<,t(I), I = g(t, 1 1 ,,. IS
a solution of equation (J) saci,fying che initial condition <,t(11 = s:
3) The prnperry
.i:::(x, 1,) = g;;g!!(x, ,,)
analogous 10 the group property (Fig. 65) holds for all '"• 11, ,,, and 13 for
which the right-hand side is dt"fined, where for every point x E VO •here

Fig.G.3 A 10<':IIfamily of t1·ansfonn:ui01\$ .

Chip. 2 Baiic Thco<<m•

c·xi,i, a neighborhood V, •a V c: V0 and a number 6 > 0 such that the

right-hand side is defined for It, - 101 < 6, i • I, 2, 3 and all•• V.
The l;:1slc theorem now immediately implirs
COROLLARY 9. 'r/11 u«torfi,ld v(t, a) d1ttrmi1<,s o /o,o/fomit.,ef1,.,.,fa,,,.•t,.,., i,,
a 11,iglthorl,ood oft/11 point (10, •ol,
PrO<Jj. Similar to that of Corollary 3. I
H,rnark. Identifying every plane I • t0 in ext<ndcd pha.c space with phase
space, we can regard she mapping,:: as a diffcomorphism of a domain of
pha,e space into a domain of phase space. In the special case,.here equation
(I) i, autonomous and v(t, x) • v(x) i• independent of I, ti,., difft0mor-
1>hi,m g:: depend, only on the difference 1, - 1 1 and coincides with the
(1, - 11)-advance mapping g"·••, (Thi, follows from ti,., uniqucnns
theorem and from the fact that if x • '1(1) is a solution oft!,., autonomous
equation, then so i, x • ,p(I + C).)
Thus Corollary 9 contains Corollary 3 as a special case, OMI u.�tlwMt tlu
rtslrietion v(a) ,/, 0.
P,ol,/u11 I. Prove th:u ,;: depends on just 11 - t, itaDd only i fv(t, •) is ind,cpm,cknt ofL

8.5. Dependence on a para.meter. The follo"1ing proposition ii also an

easy consequence ofthe basic theorem:
COROLLARY 10. /fv a v(I, x, C<) i, a Vttlorfald tkJMndint C'-di_ff,,-a,liol,I., M ti
poramet,r" (a, well as on t and x), then th,..,,,,. ,p(t) ofth, ,olulNlf oftltt <f""IUHI
x = v(I, x, C<)
satiif)ing t/,e initial condition cp(t0) = x0 d,p,nds C'-diffu,ntiul7 M lo, Xo, "•
and t.
Proof. Similar to that of Corollary 4. I
Note that {',0rollary 10 is applicable independently of whc1l,.,r or no, v
vanishes. Therefore C-orollary 4 has now been proved withou1 lh<: restric­
tion v ,/, O.

8.6. The extension theorem. Let v = v(t, x) bca vcc.torfidd in a domain

U ofextended phase space, let (t0,x0) be a point of U,and let Fbca ,ompact
set containing this point (Fig. 66). Then the basic theorem immcdiatdy
COROLLARY 11. T/1< 10/ution ,p of ,quation (I) satisfying tlu utitilll a,,u/itioa
,p(t0) = x0 can bt ,.,t<ndtd batkward andforwardup to 1/u boundm],ofF. A-'!)' two
Sec. 9 /\pplicn1lon, 10 Equa1ions or Ilighcr Order

Fig. 66 Extension or a solut ion up to the bound.ary or a comp:1ct I/ti F 1n otlNM'kd
llhtue sp,.1.c:e.
sofotio11s satisfyi11g the same initial ,011dition coincide on tht inttrs«tiM -JIM utl.rrw,ls
•f d,fi11itio11.
Proof. Si111ilar 10 that or C'.orollary 5. I
P,46l11t1 I . Prove that Corollary 5 is \1 .:tlid even i(the f�ld v,.lu poinlJ.

P,001,m 2 . Suppose e\•ery t0lu1ion ofnt_ua1 ion (1) can be atendtd inddinitdvforward or
b.u:kwal'd, Prove 1h :u ita diffroinorphi"n ofpha� SP-ICt onto i�lt
Probln1t 3 . Sui:,posc, in addition, that the ,,ec,or field vis pcnodic in hrrK\totluit v't + T. •)
.., v(t, x) for all I and x . Prove that the diffcomorphwns ftO'} (" an intqu) form a group..
g;r = A•
where A • t(, Which of the following two rc-lations is true:
t"., • • ,(QA•?

9. Applications to Equations of Higher Order

By a differential equation eforder nwe mean an equation of1hc form

- dx d'x'
- F (I x, -, �.' '.' d•-•x)'
-� (I)
di" ' "
di dt 1
where F(u0, u11 • • • , u11) is a differentiable function (of class C', r :.,c I)
defined in a domain U .
9.1. Equivalence ofan equation of order ntoa syste,m of n&rst�:rder
equations. Sy a solution ofequation (I) we mean a c•-mapping ,p: I - fl
ofanintcrvala < 1 < b(whcrc -oo �a< b � +oo}ofthcrcalaxisinto
the real axis such that
I) The point wi1h coordina1cs

U;z -
= d,p ,.-1
. . . ' u,. = d•-1
di ,. l 'I t-i

belongs to the domain U for every t e: /;

60 Chap. 2 Ba,ic T'h<ottms

2) For every t a I,
d'tp d,p d•- •,p
- - F(t, tp(t), Jl )
dI•-I ,.,
I• • • I
di" ,., u t ,.,
For example, the runctions ,p(t) • sin t and ,p(t) • cos I•� both solu­
tions or the equation
d 1x
- - -x' x,; R
for the small oscillations of a pendulum.
The phase space of the pendulum equation is the plane (.r, i), as in Sec.
l.61 Example 5. We now consider the question of the dimer,s;onality of the
phase space cor�sponding to the ,uh-order equation ( I).
THEOReM. Equation ( l) is equivalmt lo the s.,stem

x. = F(I, X a
,. .. , x,.)

of nfirst-order equations in tlu stnst that if ,pis a solution of ,quaJio• (1), IAnl t/o,
u,etor (II', </J, tj,, ... , ,p1•- •>) made up of tlu dtrioativts of tp is a sol■n- ofIN
systtm (2), while if(tp 1 , • • • , tp,) is a solution oftlu s.,st,m (2), thta tp , isa�
o f{I).
P,0-0f. Obvious. I
Thus the phase space of any process described by a differcnoialequation
of order n is ofdimension n. The whole course: ofthe process 9 is determined
by specifying n numbers at time t0, namely the values at 10of thcdcrivat.ivcs
of ,p oforder less than n .
&a,nplt I . The �ndu lum equation LS equivalen t lO the- system
l jl -xl,
jJ - -Xu
already invcsdgated in Secs. 1.6 and 6.6.
£xampl1 2 . The e q ua tion i - 0 i. s equi valent to the system
*1 - x:,
I 'J - 0 ,
wh ose solution is easily found to be K1(t) - x1(0) - C. x1 (t) • s.{O) +CL.Thus �'tty
solu tio n of the equ ation i • 0 is a polynomial of the fir,t dcgrtt in ,.
Probltm I . Prove that the «jua tion d"x/dt• = 0 is satis6cd by a.JI oCdcgTtt kss
1han n and o nl y by f.he54: pol ynomials .
Sec, 9 Applications 10 Equations or Highrr Order 61

9.2. The eid■tence and u.nlquenel■ theore.m■, Throrcm 9 I and Corol­

lr1rks 7 and 8to 1111' ba,ic tl11'orem immrdiatrly imply
COROLLARV. Ciw,1 n point 11 • (u0, u 1, ••• , u.) of o domain U, IM #111tiM .j
,quntiu11 (I) sntit/)'i111 th, i11i1iol ,011Ji1ion1
d'- I q,
q, (•ol a u" -d-,, -�-1 I•••• • ..
• (3)

exists and is unique (in the ttns, that a'!}' two sol•tions sotis/J·in1 (3) ,.;,,,;1, M t/w
i11ltrSt(lio11 ofthe int,rvals of definition).
We can wrilc the inilial conditions (3) more: condsdy a.t

..., :1-·-,, - ..,..

£.,u,mpl, I. 1'hc soll,u ion of1he pt�odulum «1u1i11on R -x (Fig. 67) Ptisfrvc lM initW
I -0 , • 0, jl)
i.s., ai O . lf1heinitial c-onditioruarc
0, X • 0, UB
then 11(1) = sin t, while if1hcy att
l • 0, " - I, ' - o. 111
then .,(1) • cost,
P,o6lt m I. Find the solu1ions of1he equatioo i .,.. .. of the i:n\'cn� pn,dulum F"c. 68,,
satisfyi ng th<" in itial conditions (I). (II), (111), and

I - 0, • I, * t, 1\1
I ..., 0, " - I, .t = , I. \')
\Vhat an• the motions of the p,4:nd ulum cormpondm,g lo these folutiom?
Counternample /, Consider the equation 2x = l1X and the initi:a.l conditions
I= 0,, = 0, .t = 0 (Fig. 69). Then many solutions satisfy thcs,, conditions,
for examp le, q,(1) ::: 0 and q,(1) = 12 . The point is tha11hccqua1ion in ques­
tion is not oft he foni, (I).


I Ill

Fig. 67 Th.-cc: spc:c:ial solutions of the pendul um equation.

62 Chap. 2 &Jic Theottms

Fi,g. 68 Five special .1e>l utiom of the cqualion of,� im·a-1«1 �ndulwn.

.2, ·

Fig. 69 Noriuniqucneu of .a sol ution satisfyi ng the inj1i:al concUtion" • i, O.

9.3. The differentiabilit·y and extension theorem.a.

Probum I. Staoe and prove the theorem on continuous and differentiable
dependence on the initial conditions and on parameters, and also thccxlcn•
sion theorem, for the case of a differential equation of order«.
9.4. Systems of equations. By a syJlm, ofdiffu,ntial ,qua1i,,,u we mean a
system of equations ofthe form
- = Fi(,, x, ... ), i=l, ... ,n (4)
involving n unknown functions X;, where the arguments ofthe functions F,
include the independent variable,, the unknown fonctions.ri1andthcdcriv­
ativcs ofthe xI of order less than rt1 (j = L, ... , n). Solutions oflhe: system
(4) are defined as in Sec.9.1. It should be emphasized that a solutionofthe
system is a vector function ('Pu .•. , <p.) defined on an intC'l'Va.l. Thus
(q,11 ••• ,�..) i1 a single solution and nol n saluli.ons, an observation which ap­
plies with equal force to systems ofa gebraic
l cquationsand S)-stcmsof diflcr­
ential equations.
Sec. 9 A flplica1ion, 10 Equations or Higher Order

Fir11 or all, we explain the nature or,he pha,c, space corroponcling 10 the
sy11em (4).
, 11EOll8M. Th, l)'Sltm (4) is ,quil!(J/tnt to• l)'sttm of ••

N • 1: 11 1
I• I

first-order dij}ermlial tqualions. In other words, tlu dimnuiDn oftluJJMksj>«toftit,

S.)'Slem (4) equals N.
Proof. As in Sec. 9.1, in1roduce the deriva,ivcsor1hex1 of ord,crlcs, than •,as
the coordinates in phasc,pace. I
For example, ,uppo,c n • n, • n1 • 2 . Then the system (4) is of th<c
N1 F1 (t,x,,x2,X,,X2),

i2 :a F1(1, x,, x21 X., X,2 )1

and is equivalent to the system offour equations
i, s F1(1, x),

Example I. In mechanic, the system or Newton's equations

.. iJ U
mjql = - iJq, I i=l, ... ,n (5)

(where Vis the potential energy and the m1 > Oare mJWCS) is equivalent to
the system of2n Ham.iiton equations
. iJH . iJH
q,=-J p,:;;; --, i:;l,... ,n.
op, o q,
where P, ;;;: m;<i,,
" _n2 11 ,,2
T= L5!J.=
L �.
l=I 2m,

and H = T + Uis the total energy. Thus the dimension ohhc phascspaoc
or (5) equals 2n.
Pro/Jinn I. State and prove 1hc theorems on cx.istcncc, uniqucnca;, continuous and diKer-,
cntiab lc dependence on initial conditions, and also t.he a-tension c.hcorcm,, b tbc SJS,tcm.
C:llap. 2 Buie Th<orcms

9.5. Remark, The equation of variallon,. The 1hco,..m on d,ffcrc,n1,.

abili1y with 11:spcct 10 pararnc1crs is not only or thcorrcical ontemt, but ,s
also a powerful compu1aiional tool.t For rxampk, supJ>OS<' "c can solve a
system of dlffcrcrui•I cqu•tlons for a cer1ain value of the parameter rt,cn
we can fond approximate solutioru for neighboring valuc,s orthe parameter
'l'o do this, we need only calcula1e the derivative of 1he solution ""h rc,<p«t
10 1hc pararnc1cr (for 1he fixed value or the parame1er for which "-e can
solve 1hc syS1crn). Then i1 is easy 10 sec 1ha1 th is dcriva1ivc, regarded u a
function of time, is itself a solution o f a certain differential cqu:attOt'l, called
the tq11atfon ofr,a,iations. The cqualion of variations can often be solwd "';th•
out solving the original equation, since it i s a (nonhomogcncous) /i,wr
equation. The effect of all kinds of small perturbations is invati�ted in
various branches of science in this way (by invoking the "mc:chod ofs:ma.11
for example, oonsidcr the equation
x - v(x, c)
involving a small parameter e, where v � v0 + cv, + O(i.1), c - 0 . By
the theorem on differentiability with respect to a parameter, the solution
with fixed initial condition can be \-\•ritten in the form
x(I) = x0(1) + ty(I) + O(t 2),
where x.0 is the solution of the "unperturbed" equation
x • v(x, 0)
and y is the derivative of the solution with respect to the parame.tcr £ at
£ = 0. Substituting x(I) in10 the original differential equation. "-e gcct

*o + £)' = vo(•ol + cv, (xo) + £ °;_ 0

y + O(t2),
a rcla1ion valid for all small,. Therefore the derivatives of both sides ofthe
equation with respec1 t o t at t ;.;. 0 are equal, i.e.,
y = A(t)y + b(1)

T The theol'em on differcntiatfon with rcs�t to tM' initial eonditions can thus t,c, med IO
approximate abundle ofsolut.ionswith initialc ondition,:near 0tt1ainuunpcnurbccr• nNCJ
for whi ch the sol ution is known.
t Since
v0(s) = v0("<,) + •i.'I-.y+ O(e')
for small� .
Sec. 9 Applka1lons 10 l':quaiions or Higher Order


A(t) - av.I
bx " ll>
' b{t) • v 1 (a0(t)).
Thit is the de!i red equation or variacion.t.Note Ihat yalso sa1Ufics th� in,1ial
c·ondi1ion y(O) • 0, since 1hc ini1ial condhion for a is 1hc sa= lorall ,.
In solving problem, it is easier to derive the equation of varia1ions as
needed, ratherthan attempt ro mcmori�c tl.
P,oblrm I, A body fnlli �r,ir;,ll y in :1 rncdium w11h 1-1'1\all rcsileancc dq,,rndi.o,: on both
�ition :11111 velod1y:
I -A r ,,f'(x, i), '< I.
Calculate the effecl of 1hc rnioancc on 1hc ,nooon,
SoJ11tion. In the :a�cncc of rni11anre (, O). thct;olu1ion is kn�n:
,,(1) - ,(0> ► ,,, - 'I"ll '
A«otding 10 1hc 1hcol'cm on difTcrcn1iu ; ion wi1hropctt 10 a p;ar-amc-ta. lM' tolut,on an
� wri u«•n in the form
K Mo r <)'(I) + 0(,')
( Of" s1n:ill c , where., is che deri"·:uivc- or 1hc soh.i1ion with ra:pu:·t lo th< pua.mctu, for
t ..., 0 . Suo.1-tituting 1his aprcnion into 1he original difl'crcnti.21 <q;U21ion. <"q'A•
cion for)'. In fact,
3nd sin� 1his l'Cl:11ion holds for all ,mall ,. chc codnc:icnt or.any power o/� i, the- t.amt in
both sides of the «(uatio n. In pu1icular1 lhi.sgi,·cs th< rou�;ng c-uilysoh--cd �m.tion o/
j F(x0(1), .i0(1)), .1(0) = j(O) = 0 .
.<ns. ,(1) • ,,(1) + ,J: J: F(, ({). x ({)) d{d t + O(c').
0 0

Warning. Strictly speaking, our argument is valid only for .sufficiently small
I, bu1 in fact i1 i$ easily jus1ificd for anyjinit, time in1crval (II � T,procidd
that t do,s not extttd some quantity dep,nding on T (th, «nslanl impliat in tk tm,,
writlen as 0(1:2) ,'ncrtases with T). 1t i s extremely risky to extm.d the results
ob,ained i n this way to an ,'nfinite time interval: One cannot interchange
the limits as I -+ co and e -+ 0 .
Example I. Coruidcr a bucket of water whooc bouom has a small hole of
radius t (f;g, 70). Given any T, there exislS a value of• so mall that the
bucket remains almost rull during 1hc ti=/ < T. However, forcvtt) ' fixed
t - 0, the bucke1 becomes empty as the time approaches infinity.
Probltm 2 . As is well known. a body of m.a.u m mO\:ing rcb.ti,-c 10 the- earth with ,-dociry •
66 Chap. 2 lbsi<: n.eortrm

, _.,,
Fig. 70 1'he A,ym1>101ic bch.,vtor or 11\e per1urbed tql,lalio,, a. • -0 and a., t - •·

Fi g. 71 Oellec1ion of a (alling body from the wrtical.

is subject to a Coriolis for<lc F -2mv x O. whttc O i, the angular "flOClty \'tt'IOt olt.hc
earth. Astone is dropped (without initial \/elocity) i ntoa m.iM olckpth250 niia118C btitudc
or Leningrad (l - GO•). How ru from the \/,er1tCal is the ,cone deflccred by tbt- Coriolis
force (Fig. 71)?
Solution. Here we arc dealing with the dilTerential equation
li - g + 2X X 0)
d epending O(I the e arth', angul ar vt'.loc ity O - 7.3 x 10-• xc· • as a puamieta. It ca.a
be predic1cd in ad..,ance that tht-CorioUsforce LS5m3.IJ com�rul: lo tbt •---right. a..nd httlu
0 can be regarded as a llftOII parameter . According to theditft":rcntiability thcoum, •c· U�"'t:
,. = "• + Oy + O(Cl')
for am.all O., where
•• --(0) +•y·
Substituting this exp�ion for a into th e differential cqua.tion, we gn the Uf!W.tioo ot
y = 2,, x 11, Yo(O) = y0(0) = 0,
and hence
y - g X Cl I> -l°
21 h X Cl, I>

Th crt"forc the stone i.s defl ected to the cast by

2t JhJ O co,.!"' 2,
T 7 •250· 7• • •- I m"' 4 c,n.
3 J I 10
Other examples of the application of the theorems on differentiability
with respect to parameters and initial conditions are given in Secs. 12.10
and 26.7.
Sec, 9 Applic111ions 10 l':quatioru of Higher Order 67

9.6, Remark• on terminology. Equa1ions of 1he form ( I) and S)'ttcms or

1hc form (4) are some1imes said 10 be i• no,maljo,m, or to be,,..,, 1L1IA
r,sp,rt tot,,. l,iRh,st deri1H1tiws. Since 1hcsc are 1hc only kind olcqua11ons and
systems considered in this book, the 1crm 171/ttnofd,ffe,t•tial tpallo,u al"'&)'t
dcnotua system in normal form or a system cquivalc111101 S)'tlcm ,n normal
form (like the sys1em (5) of Newton's equations),
We also note that the function appearing in 1he right-hand ,ick of the
system (4) can be specified in various ways, e.g., explicitly, implicitly,
parametrically, etc.
Exan,pl, I, The formula
j:l - X a 0

is shorthand for two differtnl differential cqualions X - Ji and i = -Ji,

each with 1he half-line x > 0 a, its phase space, Thoe equations arc deter­
mined by two differentvector fields, both differentiable for .r > 0 (Fig. 72).
When an equation is given implicitly, the right-hand side mus, be,1rca1cd
carefully, with a vicv
• to determining its domain of definition a.nd ii\-oiding
ambiguous notation.
Example 2 . Let x1 = ,cos q,, x 2 = , sin 'P· Then 1hc formula.si1 = ,,iz a u;,
do not specify any sy,aem of diffcrcn1ial equations in the plane (.r1, .r,). The
same formulas, regarded in any domain ofthe plane (.r., .r,) which docs not
contain the origin of coordinates, lead to infinitely man.1systems ofdiffcrcntia.l
equations, corresponding to the infinitely many "branches" orthe multiple­
valued function q,.
Examplt 3. Hy a Ciairaut tquation is mean, a differcn1ial equation of the form
x - xt + f(x).
The Clairaut equation

= XI. - X-2
X (6)


f. t
Fig. 72 Integral curves ofthe two differcntia.l tqua.tions oompris,ed in the-singleformula
jl = x .
68 Chap. 2 Buie Theorems

' t

,., ,.
.. 13 l1l1tgl'al curves of the tWO«juation1 written t�1Mr as theClaanut ftlu.Ation 6J.

is shor1hand ror two dilfercnl dilfcren1ial equations defined in the: domain

x .s; 11/2, each satisrying the condilions or the existence and uniqueness
1heorcms in the domain x < 11/2 under 1he parabola (Fig. 73). lncrc arc
1wo 1angents 10 the parabola through each point or1hi1 domain, and each
1angent consist, or two tangen1 rays. Each or the tangent rays is an integral
curve of one of the two cquation.s given by formula (6).
Pro6/tm I. ln..,atigiuc tkc Clairaut «au.\l ioo i - l.t - 1.1.

10. Phase Curves of Autonomous System.s

We now return to the autonomous case and consider some properties of

solutions of autonomous systems and the corresponding phax: curves,
beginning v.•ith 1he following example.
10.J. Time shifts. Consider the equation
x<"> = F(x, X, X, •. .• x<"-1•), (I)
where Fis a dilfercmiable function on the phase space R•.
Problem I. Suppose ,r e sin I is a solution o f equation (1). Prove that
x = cost is also a solution.
This is an immediate consequence of the following
THEOREM. Lei <p: R - U b, tk solution oftk aulonomDuSdijfnauiol ,q,,aJi,,,.
= v(x) (2)

determined by a vectorfaldv in tkphase spau U, and kt Ir': R - RI,, th, sl,;.fi l,ys
carrying the point t e R into tk poinll + J e R . Thm ,p • Ir': R - Uis o,o/,,J;a
of (2) for arbitrDI') ' s. In othn words, ifx = ,p(I) is a solution of (2), lnDI so is
X = <p(I + J).
Sec. 10 Phase Curves of Autonomoui Syst<ms 69

Proef . An obvious consequence of the fact that

d,p(I + J)I - d,p(t) • v(,p(10 + s)) • v(.,(1 + s))I, ,.
dt , ,, dt ,.,.t ..
for arbitrary 10 a R, s • R. I
Remark. The theorem im,ncdiaccly implies chc analogous UK:nion ror
au1ono,nous .s;•sltm1 and in particular for equation {I). Fo..-1 - ,cf2 we- gee
the solution ofthe problem posed above.
COROLLARV. 1'htre is on• and onlj, one phaJe """ of th, autono-, ,,,..,tiMt (2)
going tlirou., h ,aeh point ofphnse spaee. t
Proof Let 'I',: R - U, ,p2: R - Ube two solutions and let '1'(11) •
,p(t1) • "· Then the solutions ,p1 and 'I') • 'I', •Jo'• - '' satisfy the same
initial condition ,p2(11) • 'l',(t1) • x, and hence coincide by the unique­
ness theorem: q,2 - cp 1 • 1,,,-,,. But the mapping," a.nd ¥ •Ir': ll - U
have lhc sair1c image, since chc mapping It: R - R is onc•co-onc. Thc:rc•
fore ,p,(R) • ,p2(R). I
Rtmark. The phase curves ofa nonautonomous equation can intcncct �;th•
out coinciding. Therefore the solutions of nonautonomous cquatioos
best followed along integral curves.
P,..l,m 2 . Suppose: one and onJy one ph.aK cu.rvc: goes through each pou,1 ol llH: phase
space o f the niu a tion X • v(t, •). Docs ht is imply that the equation aur�

that v(t , a) is indep e nd e nt o( t i me?

An.,, No.
10,2. Closed phase curves. \Ve already know that diltinct plasc: curves
of the autonomous equation (2) do not int<rscct. We now examine whether
a single phase cuivc can intersect itself.
Let ,p0: / ➔ U (fig. 74) be a solution of equation (2) taking the same
value,p0(11) = ,p 0(t2) a11wopointsl 1 < 12 e / .
THEOREM. A solution 'l'o such that,p0(1 1) = ,p0(1 2) eon bt extmJd ..U. th, u:1-k
t•axis1 andthe1tsultingsolutionq,: R - Uu.-illluz.wlkpniod T = t1 - 11,i..1..1
,p(t + T) = ,p(t)Jor all t.
Proef. Every I e R can be uniquely represented i n the form I = "T + <,
0 <;; t < T. Let ,p(t) = ,p0(1, + T). Then 'I' is obviously a periodic fuoc­
t Here we have inmi n d maximal phase curves. By a lffll/,A,.#cv,w ismeant the�
o f them.'lpping •: I - U wh ere • is a50lution which ca.nnot be extended onto any b.rgcr
interva1 /containingI (for xe a mple, because Iis thewhole line (so that chnolutioais already
e:ictendcd indefinitdy) or because •(') approaches the bounda ry of the domain U as t
a ppro.i.chcs the boundar y of the interval /}.
70 Chap. 2 Suk Th<Offnu

Fig. 7◄ A dose d ph ase curve and lhc: COf'rcsponding incqtal CUr\.e.

tion with period T. To sec that q, is a solution, we no1c that• coincides in a

neighborhood of everypoint Ie R with a translate of the solution f'o (1his is
obvious for points where t > 0 and follows from the facl tha1 f'o(l1 ) •
,p0(t,) for points where t - 0). Hcnoe ,pis a solution, by Theorem 1 0 . t,
and the proofis complcte, since ,p(l 1) • q,0(1 1). I

We now consider the set of all p,,riods of 1hc resulting con1inuous func­
tion q,,

LEMMA I . The s,t ofall pnio<bof th, contin.,,usf•"'tion ,p: R - Uisac'4ud ,v/,­
group of th, group of r,a/ numbers R.

Proof lf,p(t + T,) ii ,p(I) and ,p(t + T,) ii ,p(I), 1hcn,p(I + T 1 ±T,) s
,p(t + T,) =,p(I), where :;= indicale< identical cquali1y in I . :\forco.-er,
if T, -+ T. then

,p(I + T) ,. Jim ,p(I + T1) ,. lim ,p(I) ii ,p(I),

r-oo ,... .,
by1 hc continuityof,p. I
LEMMA 2. E�ry closed subgroup C of th,group of r,al numbers Ris ,ill,a Ror {O}
or a s,t {kT 0, k e Z} ofall inugral multiples ofsome number T 0 e R.

Proof If C ,t, {OJ, then there exjst positive clements in C (if I < 0, then
-t > 0). Let
To = inf{I: IE C, t > 0).

ObviouslyO .;; T0 < oo. Suppose T0 > 0 . Then T0 belongs 10 C, since C i s

closed. The integral multiples of T0 also belong t o C, since Cis a subgroup.
Moreover. C contains no o1hcr point.s.. In fact, the pointskT0 divide the line
RintointervalskT0 <I< (k + l)T 0 (Fig. 75). lfthe groupChadancxtra
clement, the elemenl would fall in an interval of the indicated type and then
C would con1ain an clement I - kT0 such that O < I - kT0 < T 0, con-
Sec, 10 Pha,c Curve, of Autonomous Sysirrns 71

• �lg
• I( •
I (A•I/Tg
• •
f.'lg. 75 A •ubgroup or 1he lint.


,%' I
Pig. 7G A subg:roup or the plane:.

fig . '11 A l imit cycle.

trary 10 the definition of T0 as a least upper bound. Hence: T0 > 0 implies

C = (kT0 : keZ}.
We must still oonsider the case T0 = 0. In this ca.c, given any• > 0, C
contains an element It O < J < e and hence all points kt, k e Z. 'Ibc- poinu
kt divideR into intervals oflength less than£, and hence there arc poinisofC
i n every neighborhood of any point ofR. But then C = R, since:Cisacloscd
se t. I
•Problttn I. Find all dosed subgroupsofthe plane RJ (Fig. 76), the spac:c R.•. and thegroup
ofthe c i rcle
s• - 1,.c,1,1- 11.
Returning to periodic functions, we sec that th, st/ ofpniods ,ith,a maw 11/J
the whole lint (in which case the function is oonstant) or ,ls, CMSists of all
integral multiples ofth, smallest period T0• Thus a self-intersecting phase cur,,,e
is either a s1ationary point or a closed curve which first becomes dosed at
time T0, as in the case of a limit cycle (Fig. 77).
Probkm 2 . Prove that a closed phase curve lS difrcomo.rphic to a circle/ uolc.. the c.un "'\°
l"roucn to a poi nt .

t The dcfinicjon of a difl"eornorphic mapping of one c.vri.-t onto another is gi,.� r..:. ex•
ample, in Sec. 33.6.
72 Chap. 2 Basic fheon:ms

I/Int, 'the 1fiffcomol'phl,m ..-an I� tlr,C'rl brd by the (ormula

•Ct) - (('OJ 21ft

T;. fill r. .
, 211,)

Noncloscd phase curves c•n wind around each other in a c:omplicattd

way, 1,hhough they cnnnot intersect ,·ach other.
P,ob/,,n 3 . Plncl the cloeutc1 of lhc phax curVC:ll o( the- .. Joubl< J)ie't'dutu:rn":
R, x1, I:, - -2.\:,,
A,u, A po in1, circles. and 1oti S' x S' {.cc Stea. 24 and 2�.G).
•JJ,obf,,n 4 . t.c1 •: R - U ht a ,olution of (2) corresponding co a nondm,cd phut cun-c-.
80 thM •(1 1) '/; •<',) ir,, .;, ,,. ·rhcn the mappi ng• oftht line- R onlO ck phaX' cvn�
r - •CR) is one-to -one, with invc:rsc •• I; r - R.
sI .,-•ncc::n,arily continuous�
/lint. Sec the pn�cafing proble m . II can h.appcntha.1

' ..
lim •(t,) • r, lim 11
• ••
- co.

11. The Directional Derivative. First Integrals

Many geometric concepts can be described in two ways., cithcT in the b.n­
guage of J><>int.s in space or with the help offunctions defined on th<: space, a
duality often found 10 be useful i n various branches of ma1h<:ma1ics. In
particular, vector fields can be described not only by using curves, but also
in terms of dijfertnJiation offunctions . The b.uic theorems can 1hcn befonnu­
lated in terms offirst inttgra/s.

11.1 . The derivative in the direction ofa vector. Let U� a domain in

Euclidean space, x a point of U, and v a tangent vector, v e TU, (fig. 78).
Let/: U ➔ R be a differentiable function, and let ,p: / ➔ Ube any curve
leaving x with velocity v, ,p(O) = x . Then the interval / is m..ppcd into •he
real axis by the composite fonction

f•,p: I ➔ R, (/• q,)(1) = /(,p(I)),

Fig. 78 Dc:rivativ<' ofthc function/in the dirtttion of the \.'C'Ctor v .

Sec. 11 Directional Derivative. First lntcgrab ''

which is a real function or i:, real variable.

Defi11i1ion. By the d,rivntit� of1h1fu11aio11 J,n th, d111U1on of1/w mt•• v u """"'
th, number
t./1, • -d J• q,,
I '• o
To jus1ify this definilion, we must vcri(y that the number in question doc:s
not depend on the choice of the curve 'I', but only on the �locity �•or v.
This follows, for example� from 1he expression for 1he derivati� in 1cnns o(
the coordinaces. By 1hc rule for differentiation ora composite function, �c

d " of
t./1. a - I: - .,, (I)
di ,. 0/•"' -
,., iJx, �

whcrex1 : u- R is a systcmof coordinatcsin the domain Uand thc••att

1he componen1s of 1he vec1or v in 1hi, system (which arc independen1 or1he
choice of tp).
11.2. The directional derivative ofa vector field. Now let v Ix a vector
field in a domain U, so that there is a tangent vector v(x) e TU. at C\.-cry
pointx fi: U. If/: U - Risa differentiable function, we can fonn its deriva•
live in 1he direc1ion of v(x). This gives a number L../1, a, c--ery poin, or U.
Defi11ilion. By 1hc derivalivt ofth,functionf; U - R in th,dir«I•ofllvfaldv i s
meant the new function l.,f: U ➔ R whose value at xcquab the derivative
of/in 1he direc1ion of v(x).
£x4,nfH� I. U1 e, be paralld lo the first basjsvectoroft.hcsundard b.uisof"£udoea.n•·"•
i.t"., the vCCIOI' wi1h compoticnts I, 0, . .. , 0 in a system o(coordina1a z,.•,••••• .r. ,in U.
Then dearly

L•.f = -If.
h follows from (I) tha1 if 1he function/and 1he fidd v arc ofclusC, then
the func1ion L,Jis of class c·- 1 •
11.3. Properties of the directional derivative. Le, Fdenote theset ofall
infinitely differen1iable func1ions /: U - R. This sci has 1he na1ural
structure of a real linear space (since addition of functions pttSCnres difTcr-­
entiabili1y) and even of a ring (since a produc1 or differentiable Functions is
differcn1iable). Let v be an infinitely differentiable vector field. Then 1he
derivative L.J of 1hc function/eFin the direction of vis again an clement
ofF (1he infinite differen1iabili1y is csscn1ial here!). Thus differentiation in
74 Chap. 2 Buie Th,orc,m,

the direction of the fodd vb a mapping L.: F- Fofthc ring of infinitely

difTcrc111iablc functions into luclr.
Probl,m I. Prove the following properties or the operator/,, (cx«pt rorone
of1hc propcrtlrs whichbraise):
I)/,.(/+ g) • t./ + l.g;
2) L.(/g) • fl.g + gl.f;
3) L.+v • L-. + L.;
4) l10 •fl.;
5) l0l. • t.L•.
(Hcrcf.g arc sufficiently smooth functions, and u, v arc sufficicnlly smooth
vector fields.)
11.4. Remark• on terminology. Algcbrai,u apply the term iifamfi•t••
to any mapping oran arbitrary (commutative) ring Finto itselfwhich satis­
fies properties I) and 2) of the mapping l•. The set or all diffcrtntiationsofa
ring forms a module over the ring.
Thus the vector fields in U form a module over the ring F of infinitely
differentiable functions defined in U . Properties 3) and 4) mean that the
operation l carrying the vector field v into the differentiation L. is a homo­
morphism of F-modules. Property 5) means that the differcntiat.ions L. and
L. commute (and in general they do not),
•Pto6ttm 2 . Is the homomorphism Lan Lsomotphism?

Analyst.s call the mapping L.: F - F a linear /wmog-, diffamli41

op,ratoroftkfirst order. This designation is explained by the fact that p r o per ­
ties I ) and 2) imply 1ha1 the mapping L.: F - Fis an R-lincaroperator. In
the local coordinates x1, • • • , x,. 1his opcr-ator takes the form
l• �•,-+ ···
(sec formula (I)).
I 1.5. Lie algebras of vector 6.elds.
Probl,m 3. Prove that the differential operator l.L,, - l•L• is not of the:
second order (as it appears 10 be at firSt glance), but rather ofthc: first O<der,

where e is a vector field depending on the fields a and b .

Sec. 11 Direc1ional Derivative. Firso ln1cgr-�ls 75

Comm,nt. The licld c, denoted by fa, b], is calll"d the ,omm"4ti.r or Pow.
braek;t oft he fields a and b.
Probltm 4. Prove 11,e following three properties of1he commuiator:
a) [a, b + Ac] • fa, b] + Afa, c], A e R (linearhy);
b) fa, b] + fb, a] • 0 (antisymmetry);
c) f[a, b], c) + fib, c], a] + ([c, a), b] • 0 (Jacobi's idc,ntity).
Comm,111. A linear space equipped wi1h a binary operation satisfying the:
above three conditions is called a Li, al�bra. Thu, vc:ctor field,, 1aken with
the operation of commutation, form Lie algebras. Other examples of Lie
algebras arc the following:
I) T hree-dimensional space equipped wi1h the operation of vc:ctor
2) The space of all n x n matrices with the operation carrying A, B into
AB - BA.
Problem 5 . Starting from the oomponenu of the fields a and bin tome c,o.
ordinate system, find the components of com.mutator.

Ans. fa, bII i... (•r, - br,- ) .

ob, o••
J• 1 ux, ux 1
•P,oJ,l�m 6 . Le t t' be the phase Row c:ktcnnin<'d by the ,:rteor field a a.nd Jr- the- flow
de termined by the field b , Pro ve that the Rows commute C,'k' • lr".r') �and only if the­
commutator or the fidd.s ,0ani1hn.
11.6. First integrals. Lei v be a vcclor field in a dorl\ilin U, aod let
f: U - R be a differentiable function.
D,fa,ition. The function/is said 10 be afast integralt of the diffettn1ial equa­
x� v(x), xe U (2)
if its derivative in the direction of the vcc.tor field v vanishes:
L.J = 0. (3)
The following 1wo properties are obviously equivalent 10 tqUiltion (3)
and can be 1akcn as the definition of a firs, integral:
I) Tlufw,etionf iJ tOllJlanl along every solution q,: / - U, i.e., if9 is a solution,
then every func 1ion/o q,: 1- Risa constant;
t Th estrange tumfirst inlrpali.s a rclic of th e ti tM-when mathonatic:i:lnss:tall triedcoSOh�
all differential equations by integratio n. In those days, the term incc:gral (« parcicub.r
in ,egral) was used to designate what we now call a soJution .
76 Chap. 2 B;uic Thcottms

F ig. 79 A 1>h:ttc cur� lio entirely on one lcwl •uM.acc of I.he fint intqraL

fig. 80 A tystem without noncorutant fint intqral.L

(a) (b) �)
Fig, 81 Which 0(1hetc sys1cms have nonc:onua.n, fin.1 iniqnh?

2) Every phastcurw btlon�s w one andonly om k.,,/ stlf oftlufrmdi,,,,f(Fig. 79).

Example I. Consider the following system whose phase space is the whole
plane (Fig. 80):

This system has no first integrals different from a consrant. In fact, any 6nt
integral is continuous in the whole plane and constant on e�ry raye:rranat­
ing from the origin, and hence is a constant.
Problem I. Show that evc:ry first intcg-r-al is com.tant in a neighborhood ol a limit q,dc:
(F;g. 81a) orequai;on (2).

t By the s,t ofl,ttUCofa fu.n cti onf: U - R ismantthefull prcimagcofthc pointC • �i..c:.,
the sc i / - 1C C U .
Sec. 11 Dircc1ional Derivative. l'irs1 ln1cgrals 77

hnve a nonco1111an1 firtl in1�1ral (F il••81b, c, d)?

Nonconstan1 Orsi integrals arc rarely cncoun1crcd. Ilence in 1hosc: CAKS
where they exist nnd can be round, they arc o(grc3.l interest.
Example 2 . Lei H he a differcn1iable (r ;;. 2 1imes) func1ion o(2,e variables
p1, • • • , p,., (J1, • • • , q,.. Then by Hamilton'J canonical t:q11alio,uf we mean the
sys1cm of2,1 cquation.s
i/H i!H
f,, - - -,
q, - -, t•l, ...• n.

THEOREM (Law of con1ervatJon ofenergy). Tluf•nction H: R,. - R is•

first integral oftht system of(anoni(al eq11ations (4).
Proof. h followsfrom(l) and (4) 1hat

L fl

= ,.f, [off (- ?!:!.) + oq,?!:!_?!:f.]
op, oq, op,
= 0. I
11.7. Local first integrals. The absence of nonconstan, firs1 in1cgrals is
rcla1cd 10 1he 1opological struc1ure of 1he collection of phase cw-vu. In
general, the phase cur�.sof a system of differential equa1ions do nor all s1.ay
on 1he family of level surfaces of any func1ion, and hence there is no non­
constant first integral. However, the phase: curves do have a simple
/O(ally, in a neighborhood of any nonsingular poin1, and nonconstanl fint
in1egrals do exist locally.
Lei Ube a domain in n-dirnensional Euclidean spaoe, let v be a differ­
entiable vector field in U, and let x b e a nonsingular point (v(.r) ,;. 0).
THEOREM. There exists a neighborhood V of thepoint Xe u su,:h IMJ ,,pu,lio,t (2)
has n - I functionally indtp,rukntt first integrals f,, ... ,J._, ia V _ A-for-,,
any.first integral ef(2) in Vis afunction off ,, .•.
Proof. The theorem is obvious for the standard equation
j1 • •• • a: j.,. a Q (5)
t It was shown by Hamilton the differential equations ofa great ,--ancty ofp.obkt.ns
cncountcTed in mechanics, opti� c alculus ofvariation� and olhcr brandwsoltc:ic:n«-ca..o
be written in lhc form (4),
t It wtll be recalled from calculus the functioos/1y
•••• f.: U - R. arc fuoclion;al.Jy
indepc1,dcn1 in a n eighborhood of a point x • Uiflhc rankofthcdcri,-a.b,"C/.L.oicbcma;p-­
pi ng/: U -R• determined by the functions/11 ••••/. cqulls
: •·
78 Chap. 2 Baiic Thmrcms


Fig.82 The coordinate J,. is a fil"lt integral.

in R' (l'ig.82). In fact, the firs, intcgrab arc arbitrary differtntiablc func­
tions of the coordina1csy 2, ... ,y,., and the coordinatcsy2, ... ,7. give us
n - I runctionally independent first intcgrab.Thcs.amc i, I.rue roraiuation
(5) in any convex domain �1' of the space R'.t By the basic tMC>rem (Sec.
7.1 ), equation (2) is of the form (5) in some neighborhood ofthe point x in
suitable coordinatcs.1, and this neighborhood can be regarded as• convex
domain in the coordinates)' (otherwise replace it by a smaller convex neigh­
borhood). It remains only to note that the property of a function being a
first integral and the property of functional indcpcndcncc arc both i n ­
dependent of the coordinate system. I
11.8. Tirnc-clcpeodcot first integrals. Lctf: R x U - R be a differ­
entiable function in the extended phase space of the equation
x = v(t, x), l ER, XE U, (6)
which is in general nonautonomous (the right-hand side v(t, x) is as,umcd
to be differentiable). Then the functionfis said to be a 1i--,kp,,,Ja,Jfo11
integral if i t is a first integral of the autonomous system obtained from (6) by
adjoining the equation i = I:
X = V(X), XeR x U, X = (t, x), V(t, x) = (I, v).
In other words, eve'.1 integral curve ofequation (6) /us entiret., o,ro,u 1-1scioflM
fun&tionf (Fig. 83).
The vector field V dOC$ not vanish.It follows from the preceding theorem
that equ ation (6) has n functionalf)I imkpmdmt (timL-tkpmdnil) first iaugrols
f,, ... ,f, in some neighborhoodof evny point (t, x) (IJld t!UJI every (tim,-tkpmd,ttl)
first integral of (6) can be expressedin t.trmsoff,, ... J, in this nnglJ#n-1-d.
In particular, the autonomous equation (2) with an n-dimensional phase

t A domain in R" �s 5c-. id to be un«x ifwhen ever it contains t""-o poin ts.. ir USOcon.a.ins the
li ne segmentjoining the two poinu . Giv example ofa first intqral ol(S) .tud:adocsnot
rcduoc to a functio n of,1:• ..., �.. in a nooconvcx domain Wof the R•.
Sec. 12 Con.1ervu1ive Sys1cms 79

Fig, 83 I nttgral cur\!c, on a level surface ora umc-dq,cndC'nt 6nt intqn.L

space has 11 1imc,dcpcndcnt functionally independent first integrals in the

neighborhood ofnt!l (not necessarily nontingular) point.
P,oM,m I. Suppose every solution o(equ:uion (6) C'an bt txtcndcd onto W whok l•axis­
ProvC' th.11 cquiuioo {G) thco hasn runc11on.111ly independent (1 imt--d("f)ffldm.1) fin,,niqnh
in the whole extended ph.a1c1pacc. in ccrnuo(whi,ch we can expte. C\,U, uffi(",,O(pc:ocknt)
first in1i:-gral.

By a firsl integral of• differential equation (or ofa system ofdiffcrcntilll

equations) of a1·bi trary order is me.ant a hrs, integral of the equival�nt sys­
tem of first-order equations.

12. Conservative Systems with One Degree of Frcedo,n

As an example of the application of first integrals 10 the invcstig;ttion of

differential equations, we now consider a frictionless mechanical S)-S:tc:m
with one degree of freedom.
12.1. Oe6nidons. By a conseroaliL� syslem u:ilhone degreeojfr•IR is meant a
system described by the differential equation
x • F(x), (I)
where F is a differentiable function defined on an interval / of the relll
x-axis. Equation ( I) is equivalent 10 the system

(x 1,x2)e/xR. (2)

The following terminology is customary in mechanics:

/ the configuration space;
x, = x the coordinate;
x2 .;:; i the velocity;
X the acceleration;
I x R 1he phase space;
80 Chap. 2 Basic Th<o"'ms

(I) Ncw1on'1 cqualion;

F 11,e force field;
F(x) 1hc force.
We also consider 1he rollowing runction1 defined on phaS<C spa«:
r - l,f 2
- 1,\': the Ainetie ,,,,rv;
u - -r:. F(O d� the f,oltnlial tntrgy;
E - T + U the total mtthanital tritrg,.
Obviously F(x) = -i!U/i!x, so that tht f>oltnlio/ tntrlJ d,1,,,..i,,u tlk q,,-.
Example I. For the pendulum (Sec. 1.6), we have
R • -sin x,
where xis the angle ordeviation, so that
F(x) • -sin x, U(x) a -cos x
(Fig. 84). Moreover

X = -x, F(x) = -x, U(x) • ix',

forsmall oscillations orthe pendulum, while
X = x, F(x) a x, U(x) s -¼x'
for small oscillations orthe inverted pendulum (Fig. 85).


Fig. 84 Po1cnti al cne1'gyor 1hc pcrtdulum.


fig. 8S Potent
i.aIenergyof thependul um neartheJo- cr
· and uppercquilitwiumpoaitiom...
Sec, 12 C',on,ervntive System, 81

12,2, The law of eon1ervatlon of eneray.

·r,tiOREM, 1111 total ttllfll.J Eis afirll i11l1grol ,if/ht IJJ/tm (2).

Proof. We need only note that

:i[�xl(t) + U(x,(1))] • x1x1 + U'x, • x1 F(x,) - F(x1 )x 1 • 0, I

With the help o fthis theorem, an equation of the form (1), for cu.mple
the pendulum equation, can be invC$tigatcd and explicitly solved "in

12.3. Level curve, of the energy. Turning 10 the pha,e curves o( the
system (2), w e note that each such curve lies entirely on one level set o( the
energy. We now study these level sets.

THEOREM, 111< /t11tl st/ 'If/ht t11<rgJ

{(x,. x 2): !xl + U(x,) • E)
is a smooth wrue in a n1i11.hb01hood of <a<h ofill poii,11, u.-i//1 /� ccupbot1 .jtlu
equilibrium /H>sitions, i.e., tht points (x1, x2) u.•here

F(x,) = 0, x, = 0.
Proof We use the implicit function theorem, observing that

ox, =

Ifone of these derivatives is nonvanishing, then the set oflevd £is thcgnph
of a differentiable function of 1hc form x1 • x 1 (x 2) or x2 = x2(x1) in a
neighborhood of the point i n question. I

Note that the exceptional points (x 1, x2) figuring in the theorem, where
F(x,) = Oandx2 =
O,arcjustthe stationarypoints (equilibrium positions)
ofthe system (2) as well as the singular points ofthe vector field ofthe pha,e
velocity. Moreover, the same points arc the critical points ofthe total energy
E(x,,x,), while the points where F(x,) 0 arc the critical pointst o(1hc
potential energy U.
To draw the level curves of the energy, it is useful to think o( a bad
sliding in a " potential well" U (Fig. 86).
Suppose the total energy has a fixed value £ . Since the potential�
cannot exceed the total energy, the projec1ion onto configuration spa«-
t By acritUalpqint of a function ismesnt a point .tt which the 1012) diffcrcntialolthc(UJ'K:tion
vani shes. The YJluc of the (uncti on at such a point is caJJul a aiti4=ol Nt1--.
82 Chap. 2 8as,c Theorems




fig. 86 A bc-:.d in 3 pou:ntial well and the corro:ponding phax cun"t

(thcx,•axis) ofthe level curve of energy£lies in the�• {x1 e /: U(x1 ) ,;; £}

of1,oints at which the value of the potential energy docs not exceed £ (the
bead cannot go higher than the level £ in the potential well). �1orcovcr,
the larger the velocity(in absolute value), the smaller the potmtial cncrgy,
since lx,1 = J2(E - U(x,)), i.e., the bead picks up vc.locity as it falb into
the well and loses velocity as it rises from the bottom of the wc.11. Note that
the velocity vanishes at the "turning points/' where U(x1) £. =
1 t follows from the evenness of the energy with rc:spcct to x2 that the level
curve of the energy is symmetric with respect to the x,-axu (the bead
traverses each point twice in opposite ditt:c1ions with the same spttd}.
These simple considerations suffice t o aJlow us to sketch ltvd curves or
the energy for systems with various potentials U. First we consider the sim•
ple,;1 case (an infinitely deep potential well wi1h one auractive center{),
where F(x) decreases monotonically: F({) • 0, / • R (Fig. 86).
If the value£, of the total energy is smaller than 1he minimum £, of the
potential energy, the set oflevc.l£ £1 is empty (the motion ofthe bead is
physically impossible). The set of lcvc.1 £ = £, then consists of the single
point({, 0)(the bead rats at the bouom ofthe well).
If 1he value £3 of the 101al energy is larger 1han the critical value £2 =
U({}, the set oflevel£ = £3 is a _s ymmetri c smooth closed curve surround­
ing the equilibrium position{{, 0) i n the ph= plane {the bead slides back­
ward and forward in the wclJ, rising to the height £,, at which 1imc 1he
velocity vanishes, then falling back into the well and going through({, 0),
at which time the vc1ocity is maximum, afterwards rising again on the other
side, and so on).
To study more complicated cases, we proceed in the same way, i.e .., wc
progressively increase the values ofthe total energ y£, stopping at the values
Sec. 12 Conservative Sy11em1 83

£6 I

d o
� I I 1I I
� I ,{t• I I fl
II o
II 0
11 I


f'ig. 87 l,t\cl rvr'-''-'' of1ht <'ntrgy for a with tvi,· o wtll.t• •

r r
Fig, 88 What is Lh<" appearance- of the lc,·d cun--n ofthe- c-mrgy ror ra<'h ol mc,.t

of£ equal 10 the critical valuesof the potential energy U(whe.., U'({) 0) =
and in each case examining the curves with values of£ a little smaller and
a little larger than the critical value.
Example I. Sup1=e the potential energy U ha1 three critical pomu, a
minimum� 11 a local maximum { 2, and a local minimum (3• Then f""wg. 87
shows the level curves corresponding 10 the values £ 1 U({,), U({,) < =
£, < U({,). E, C U({,), U({,) < E. < U(c!,), £, U(c!,), £. > U({,). =
Prob/r m I. Ske tch )C"\'d curvn o(lhc energy for the p(:ndul um <"qUa.tionX -sin xand b
the J)C'nduh.un c:q1.Jatio 1,s ntar the lower and uppc-r equilibrium posJUOM X = -Jt and
i - x}.
P,06/tm 2 . SkctC'h le\'d curvn of the C'nergy for lhC' Kt:J,ln ,ottfllWt
U---+ t (.'
X :,

and for thc potl!'nti a ls shown in Fig. 88.

t Th e ch ange in d; stanc,c-)x1wcien a pfa.ncl (or comet) andth,t$un is dacnlxd by Xn.o""Ulft•s
equation with this pot«itlal.
11'1 C:hap. 2 &,ic �•ms

12.4, Level curve• of tho energy near a 1ingular point. In llud),n,t the
behavior orlevel curves ncnr a rri1icnl valut' orth<: tntrgy, ii II uK(ul to kttp
1hc rollowin11 foci, in mind:
R,111ark /, Ift/11 pot,illial ""'II) is a q11ndra11cform (/ • Jk<1, 1/,m IN/,.,,/ n,,,�,
of tlr, llttrgy ,,,, St.f'oud-ord,r """", 2,�· • \� + Ax!,
1 n 1hc a11rnc1iv� ra11;r1 wr havr A > 0 and thrtriuc-al point O i1a m,mmum
or the po1en1ial energy (Fig. 89). The level curves of the energy arc then
homothe1ic ellipses cen1ercd at 0.
In ll1e repulsive case, we havck < 0 and the cri1ical pointOis a maximum
or the po1cntial energy (Fig. 90). The lcvd curves of 1hc energy are then
homo1hetic hyperbolas ccn1ered a1 0, 1ogcthcr with 1hc pair of aspnptotes
x1 • ± JTcx,. These asymptotes arc also called sq,arolrius, sin« they sep;t•
rate hypcrl,olas ordilfen·rn 1ypes rrom one ano1hcr.

F ig . 89 Lc\•cl curvn o f the: energy for an allr.t.cLiw: quadratic potential


Fi g. 90 Levd cur\'ff of thc rncrgy fo r a repulsi\•c quadr atic potential

Sec. 12 Con11Crva1ive Sy11c1111

ll,mnrk 2 . T/11 i11crtmtnl qfnfu11ctio11f(x) is a q•ad,aticform i• • ""titHri..d,j•

t1011d1g,,1ero11 eriticol poi nt, provi,lttl 011/y thnt coordi•atts ar, s•ital,/J,,-_,
Mrrc WC assume lhM /(0) • 0 and 1ha1 lhC dcrivalivc:s /'(O) andr(O)
c•i11. Thrpoln10i1acri1lcal point o(Jir/'(O) • O,and 1hecri11calpoin1 O
is 11,en said 10 be 11om/1gtt1t1at, ir/"(0) " 0 .
LEMMA I (Mor■e). Ino 11,ighborhood of a nondtt<Mrat, critical,..,., 0, IN,..
ordi,111/ey cnn be chosen in such a UNl.1 JJ,ot
c • sgn/"(0).
Of course,y • sgn xJ l/(x)I is such a coordinale, and 1hc assertion consislS
in showing lhat the correspondence x ..... :, is diffcomorphic in a neighbor•
hood of 0.
In proving Mor11C's lemma, we make use of 1hc following proposition:
LEMMA 2 (Hadamard).t /..,// be a differtnliabkf11nction (ofcw, C') _,, IMI
both/and its dtriuativef' uanishollhtpoint x • 0. ThLnf(x) • x1(x), u./rntI is•
differe11tioblefunctio11 (of class C' _, in o neithborhood of the poi•I x • 0).

Proof We need merely nole 1ha1

= d/(tx)
f =x
/(x) .=....,,- ...c. dt = f'(tx)x dt f'(tx) di,
o dt oI o

g(x) = J:J'(tx) dt

i, a fune1ion of class c·- 1• I

Applying Hadamard's lemma twice to the function/figuring in 1',1orsc's
lemma, we find tha1 f = .t2,p(x), where 2,p(O) • /"(OJ ,t. 0 . HmttJ •
xJl,p(x)l and Morse's lemma is proved, since the function ✓111{.rr)I is differ­
entiable (r - 2 times if/is ofclass C') in a neighborhood of!he point x = 0.


Fi g . 91 Tangents to the �paratriccs of a repulsive si.ngub.r point.

t Both lemmas can be exte nded to the cue orru:nctions o(IC"·cral variables..
06 Chap. 2 Buie Thec,rc,m,

Thus Inn neighborhood o f a nondcgenerate critical point the ltvcl eurvu

of the energy become either ellipses or hypcrbolu under a difl'comorphic
chnnge of the system of ooordinates (x 1, x1).
P,061,m I, Fmd1he tangent. 10 the ,irpara.1rlcfj or a rc-puJ.uve .tn,ular point((/'" (() < 0).
A.,.•• • .t: ✓IV'(!)I (,, - () (t'l3. 91),
12.5. Extenalon of 1olutlon1 of Newton'• equations. Suppooe the
potential energy is defined on the whole x-axis. Then the law ofco=rvation
of energy immediately implies the following
THEOReM. Ifthe potential 1,urgy U is positiu tct,yu:Jw,,t then,-,..iwi111t of11,,
R- -­ (I')
ean be extended indefinitely.
Exompl, / , Ir U • -ix', the sol ution x • 1/(t - I) cannot be «:tdldcd u.p 10 I• I.
First we prove the fo)lowing ''a priori estimatt:0 :

LEMMA. Ifa solution existsfor Ill < r, then it satisfi,s tht inequaliti.u

lx(t)I .;; J'Ir., lx(t) - x(O)I < J'Ir. ltl,

E0 = ¼x'(O) + U(x(O)}
is the initial value of the energy.
Proof. According to the law of conservation of energy,
tx'(t) + U(x(t)) = £0,
and since U > 0, the first inequality is proved. The second inequality fo l ­
lows from the first, since

x(t) -- x(O) = I� x(9) d9. I

Proofoft/,e thtor<m. Let Tbc a n arbitrary positive number, and let n (Fig.
92) be the rectangle
lx 1 - x 1(0)1 .;; 2..J'[r. T, lx11 .;; 2.,/2Eo

f Naturally, changing the potential c:ncrgy Uby a constant docs noc changecquatioa, ( 1 1 .
Hcrtcc it is onl y essential that Ube bounded from below.
Sec. 12 Conservative Sy11r.rn1 87

Fig. 92 The rectangle which 1he point cannot leave in time T.

0 b X

F ig. 93 The sc, or poinu K where U(x) < E (Ea noncritical enc.rgy ln-d).

i n the phase plane. Consider the parallelepiped Ill :!;; T, (x,:x,) en in the
extended phase space (x,, x,, 1). By the extension theorem, the solution can
be extended up to the boundary of the parallelepiped. It follow. from the
lemma that the solution can leave the parallelepiped only through those
faces on which Ill =
T . Hence the solution can be extended up toarbiuary
I =+ T, and hence can be extended indefinitcly. I
Prove the ponibtlily of indefinitely tbt: solutiom ol l.M: .ys-1cm ol
Probltm I .
Newton's ions

'";,o•:i - .... au ,· .. 1 , ... , N'

... �. 111,> O• -•
.. R"
in \he case or positivc potential energy ( U > 0).
12,6. Noncritical level curves of the energy. Suppose the potmtial
energy U is defined on the whole x-axis, and let£be a noncritical value o f
the energy, i.e., let Ebe different from any ofthe values ofthe function U at
its critical points. Consider the set ofpoints{x: U(x) <£} where the value
of Uis less than£ . Since U is continuous, this set (Fig. 93) consistsol'a finite
or countable number of intervals (two o f these intervals nta)' extend to
infinity). A1 the end points of the intervals U(x) = £, and hencr U'(x) # 0
since£is a noncritical value. Every point of the set {x: U(x) = E) is for this
reason the end point ofprecisely one interval in which U(x) < E. Therefore
1he whole set {x: U(x) < £} is either the entire x-axis or the union of no
more than countably many pairwise disjoint cloocd intervals, possibly
together with one or two rays extending to infinity. In the following
88 Chap. 2 Basic TMortcmJ

f'ig. 94 A ph.uc curve dirf�morphic to a cird�.

Fig. 95 A pha� curve diffeomorphic to a Ii�.

theorem, we consider one or these intervals a � x < I, (Fig. 94), where

U(a) s U(b) = £and U(x) <£fora< x< b.
THEOREM. The equation
-!xi + U(x 1 = E,

determines a Jmooth turue, in the plarte (x1, x l). This is dijfeomorplw IIJ a circle
a11di. a phase curut of the system (2). Simi/art:,, th, ray a .;; x< a, (o, - co< x
.;;b),where U(x) < £,is the proje<1io11 01110 the x1 -axis ofa phtue cvmem.ff,o_,pi,u
to a straight li11t (Fi?, 95). Finally, i11 the case where U(x) < EM ti,, tt:lw/., lint,
the set oflevel E tousistJ oftwo phase ,urr,es
-'2 = +J2(£ - U(x,)).
Thus the set of level £, where 1he energy£is noncritical, consists of a
finite orcountable numberofsmooth phase curves.
12.7. Proof ofTheorem 12-6. The law or conservation ofmcrgy allows us
to solve !\ewton's equation explicitly. In facl, for a fixed value of the total
Sec. 12 Conscrvaoivc Sy11em1 89


Pig. 90 The ph 1ue point 1raverte1 half the pha)t cunc (fro.n • 10 6) 1n a fwwtc UlM
T/2•t1 -t,.

.. ..
e, to '
f f
Fi g, 97 Uae of reflection 10 extend the 1olu1i0n (J( Newton's cqu.-tioa.

energy£, the magnitude ( but no1 the sign) o(thc velocityii is<ktaminal by
the position x, since
x• ± ✓2(£ - U(x)), (3)
and we already know how to solve this one-dimensional equation�
Lei (x 1,x2) be a point of our level set,whcrex2 > 0 (Fig. 96). 1'1akiog use
of (3), we look for a solution ,p o f equation ( I) satisfying the initial condition
<P(10) = x 1 ,rp(10) =x 2,obtaining

1 - 10 =
J•<•1 d�
,, ✓2(£ - U({)) (4)

forI near 10• \',/e now observe that the integral
T d{
2 = • ✓ 2(£ - U({ll
converges, since U'(a) ,' 0, U'(b) ,' 0. Therefore (4) defines a cootinuoUI
function <Pon some interval 11 .;; I .;; 1, with ,p(1 1 ) = a, ,p(l2) =•·This
function satisfies Newton's equation everywhere (Fig. 97).
The interval (11, 12) is of length T/2. \Ve now extend <Ponto the next
interval of lenglh T/2 by using symmetry considerations: <P(I2 + t) =
,p(12 - t}, 0.;; t .;; T/2, further extending <P by periodicity: q,(t + T) .,
,p(I). The resulting function, defined o n the whole line, sati.sfio Newton's
equation everywhere,and moreover cp(t0) = x1 , 4>(10) = x2• Thus1A--e: ha�
constructed a solution of the system (2) satisfying the initial condition
(x., x2), which turns out to be periodic "'1th period T . The concspondiog
90 Chap. 2 Basic Theorems

£ \. --
b • &
(1 Q

.r, .r,
' r, r, ._..
{a) (bl (c)
Fi.g, 98 D«-omp01hion ora critical level curve olthe cnffJY into phut cvrva.

closed phase curve is just 1hc part ofthe set oflcvcl £lying ov,:r the int<'.rval
a ,;; x ,;; b. This curve is diffcomorphic 10 a circle, like every cloocd phase
curve (sec Sec. 10).
The case where Lhc interval extends to infinity (in one direction or the
other) is simpler than 1hc case just oonJidered, and is left as an exercise. I
12.8, Critical level curve,. The structure of critical level curves can be
more complicated. Note that such curves contain fixed poinr.s (x1, x2)
(where U'(x,) = 0, x 2 = 0), each of which is itself a ph.lK curve. If
U(x) < E everywhere on the interval• ,;; x ,;; b, except for U(a) • U(i)
• E, and if both end points arc critical points, so that U'(•) • U'(i) = 0,
then both open arcs
x2 = ±J2(E - U(x,)), • < x, < b
(Fig. 98a) are phase curves. The time taken by the phase point to traverse
such an arc is infinite (Theorem 12.5 + uniqueness).
If U'(a) = 0, U'(b) ,t, 0 (Fig.98b), the equation
ixl + U(x,) • E,
determines a noncloscd phase curve.Finally, if U'(a) ,t, 0, U'(i) ,t, 0 (Fig.
98c), then the part of the critical level set lying over the interval a ,;; x ,;; 6
i sa closed phase curvc,just as in the case ofa noncritical lcvd £ .

12.9. Example. The above considerations w;n now be applied to the pen·
dulum equation
X = -sinx,
with potential energy U(x) = -cos x (Fig.99) and critical pointsx1 = ta,
k = 0, ± I, ...The closed phase curves r,scmble ellipses near the point
x1 - 0, x 1 a: 0, and these curves correspond to small oscillations of the
pendulum. The period T of the oscillations depends only slightly on the
amplitude, as long as the amplitude is small.For larger valucsof the cna-gy
Sec. 12 Conserva live Sy 11enu
1 91



Fig, 99 Pha,.e curves or the pendulum equat ion i - -tin .r.

Fig. 100 Cyli,ldrical phase space or the pendulum.

constant, we get larger closed curves, until the energy reaches a critica.J
value equal 10 the po1<n1ial energy of the pendulum in the upside-down
position. The period of the oscillations then increases (sin« the time of
motion along the: scparatriccs making up the critical kvd set is infinite).
For larger values of the energy we get nonclosed curves on which x1 docs
not change sign, i.e., the pendulum rotates rather than oscillates, achiNing
the largest value of its ve1ocity at the lower position and the smalltst value
al the upper position. Note that values ofx, differing by 2.b< concspond to
identical positions of the pendulum. Therefore it is natural 10 choose the
cylinder (x I mod 2n, x2) rather than the plane (x,, x1) as the phase space of
the pendulum (Fig. 100).
Taking the picture already drawn in the plane and wrapping it around
the cylinder, we get the phase curves of the pendulum on thcsuriacc of the
cylinder. They arc all closed smooth curves, except for two fixed pojnts
A, B (the lower and upper equilibrium positions) and two ,epantriccs
Prohlnn. I . Draw graphs or the funetions x1 (t) a.nd x2(t) f0r tht solutioft wilt-. entJS:t aeu
but iomewhat below the critical energy in the upper po5,itioa\.
92 Chap. 2 lbiic Th�m,

1,---, '
r, I

Fl,g, 101 'n1e angl e or de\'lation o r the pendulum and 1he vf'IM1ty ol 1b fflObOn r«
amplitudes neat n.

A ,u. See Fig. 10I. The functi ons x1 (I) a,,d ,.:,(I) can be cxptaKd i n tcrmt. o/J;ft and Cl'I (lhe
c-ll ipti c ai ne a n d elli 1nfc CO!ine). Ai E approachts the lower c rfocal valw. the OM'ilht,ona
or the pe:1,dulum bt:come apprOXimatdy h ar monic, with s.n and en eoinc in:to 11.n and <'OI.
PrtJhlm, 2 . Al wh at rate docs the period o(the'.llatioru of apendulum app,oach infinity.
as the ener gy E a1>pr0.tcho the upper crilical val ue £1 !
A1'J , At a logarithmic rate (- CIn (£ - E)).
Hi,i l, See formul a (4).

12.10. Small perturbadons of a conservative 1y1tem. Having i n ­

vcsligatcd the motions ofa conservativesyst<:m, we can nowust tM th('Ol'cm
o n differentiability with respect to a paramc«r (Stt. 9.5) to study noghbor•
ing systems ofa general form. In doing so. wie encounter a qualitativdy n�
phenomenon of great importance in the applica1ions, i. e ., �llaJio,u
or selj-txtittdostillatio,u.

P,obltm I . Invcst ig ate the phase curvts or the system

.ti - Xi + tJ1 (x1, xa)t

I;tJ - -x,
+ tf1 (1t.. 1t1),
differ in g onl y
slightly from the system o ( equa tions for small osc:iRa.tions ofa pendulum.
Solution, Fort - 0 we get the equations (o r small oscillations o( a pendulum.By the theottm.
o n diffcrc nfia bility with respect to a paramet er. 1hc solution (on a finite time
differs by a cor rec ti on or order e fro m the harmonic oscillations
x1 = . ◄ COS (t - t0), 1ta = -.◄ si n (t - 10).
p rov ided c is small. Hen «, ror sufficientl y small c - c( T). t he p � poiftt stays near the:
c i. rclc or radius A dur i ng the interval T .
Unlike the co �rvative case {t - 0), the phuc curve is not ncceuarilyc:lmcd fc. • fl 0.
and it may have the form or a sp i ral (Fig. I02), with a .small distance (ofonScr c) bet�
,,eighbori n g tu r ns. To determi ne whether the phase cu� approaches th,c origin. ol a,..
ordinates or recedes from thc ori,gi n , w c consid crthc incremcntoftheenc:rgy£ • W +
afte r o n e circuit ar ound the or gi n . \Ve a re partic ularly i n terested in the sign o( this
i n crement, whic h is positi ve On tht expandi ng (unwinding) spin.I, ncpt:ive on lhc coo.
t racti n g (tighteni n g) spiral, and ze,o on 1he Jimjt �yclc itself. We now dcdtK"C an a�
p r oxima1c exprcui on, namely formula {6), for the <"'ncrgy inaement.
The deri v ative of the e ne rgy in the directjon of ou r vector field is c�y �ua.tcd . net
i proporti onal to e :
E(x,, x,) • <(x,.f, + x,f,). (SJ
Sec. 12 Con,crvalivc Systems 93

.�i g, 102 Phase cmvo of 1he van dcr Pol equalion and th e i.nercmfflil of mttSY aftitr
one circui1 arou nd the origin.

To calcul at e th e c� rgy increment after one circuit, this (unc'tioo shoukl be in.tqntcd
along a tu r n of th� 1rajettory, but 1hc l.atte r is unrortu.natdy not known. Bue., n
altt.ady C)l'plaincd, the 1ur11 it close to a circle. and ht"ncc, 10 within an at<'llnl(y o(O,-I),
th e integ ra l can be t ake n along ,h e circl e S or radju1 A:

a, - ,-J:" t(A cos 1, -A sin t) dt ➔ O(, ), J

Substituting (5) into thi1 (ol'mula, we gett

t>.E = ,F(A) � O(,') (6)

F(A) -
f /, ,1,, -I, ,1,,
(the integral U tak en alo ng a circle o f radius A lr-a\-cncd in the councadockwile di r « ­
t ion).
Onc,e havi ng calculat� the func1jon F(A), w e can in"�tigatc lM bma,io, of'thc phatt
curves, Ir th e function F i s positive, the en ergy increment 6£ after one circuit is aho
positive (for small )>Ol'litivc f"), In this, the phuc cun·e is an un�;ndingspin.I. and lhc
sys1 em executes inrre�ing oscill ations, On the othu h and. f F < 0 , lhcn � < 0 Ji.nd
th e phase sp it a l is co ntracting . In the- latter ca.sic. the o,c:ilbtionsdamp ouL
It can happen that th e functi on F(A) chang,cs sign (Fil, 102). Suppo1C F .-t) hu a
simple zero A0• The n for small , the equal.ion
O.£(x.. x1) =0

issa1i sficd by .t dosed curve r in the phase pl a ne, near the circle of radius .... (U'lis l"ollows
from the impl icit function thcottm). Obviously r is a closed plusc c:vn�. i.t, a limit
cycle of o ur system,
The lljgn of th e de ri v a tive
p dFI
• dA ......
d e 1crmines whether n eighboring phase curves wind onto the limit cycle or unwiftd from
it. T he cyrle is unstabl, if�P" > 0 and st.ablt if�P" < 0 . In fact, in the fiffl cue die ,energy
inc rea se afte r one ci r cuit is gr eater than zero if the phase cu.n-c lies outside the- cyde a nd
l es., tha n i f it lies inMde the cycle � h ence th e phase cu.n-c a l wa)"S mG\.-U awayfrom the

t Hett we u se 1hc fact 1h a1 tbr1 = x1 dt, d:c1 -= -x1 dtalong S .

94 Chap. 2 Ba.ic Thcon:ms

tyclc. However. In the i,econd CII\C', 1he phHe wrva approuh the cy'('k both (,om lhe
irHldc 11nd from 1he out\ldc• .u In ►�ig. 102.
Exampl, I. Considrr the equation
/I • -x + ex(I - x'),
culled the va11 dtr Pol ,quation. Evaluating the integral (6) with/, • 0,
/, - x,( I - x/), we get

F(A) • "(A' -�•)·

This function has a simple zero A0 a 2 (Fig. 102), and is positi,� fOC'smallcr
A and negative for larger A. Therefore for small t the van dcr Pol .-quation
has a stable limit cycle, close to the circle x' + .i'' s 4 in 1hc phase plane.
Suppose we compare the rnotlon or the original ooruavati\.� system
(t • 0) wi1h wha1 happens fort ,I, O . In 1he oorucrva1ivc sys1cm, there can
occur oscillation, of arbitrary amplitude (all the phase curva arc dosed),
wi1h 1he am11litude determined only by 1hc ini1ial condi1ions. In the non­
conservative system (t ,I, 0), qualitativdy diffcrcn1 phcnomcna are pos­
sible, for- example, a stable limit cycle. In this-case, very different initial con­
di1ions lead 10 1hc establishment ofa periodic oscillation ofooe and thesamt
comple1ely de1ermined amplitude. The rcsul1ing steady-slate regime is
said to be auto-oscitlato,y.
•P,ol,/urt 2 , Investigate th� auto-oscillatory mo1jons of .a pend ul um ,.,:th sma.l {rictioft
subject co the act ion or a constarH 1orque /11:
i + sin x + d - /if.
Hi11t. Thi's problem is anal ytcd in detail for al"bitrary c .and A1in A . A . Anclronov? A . A .
Vitt, aiod S. f : . Khailtin, Thto7ofO,cillnlionJ (in, MOKOw (19.>9). Chap. 7 .
3 Linear Sy1tcm•

Linear systems arc alma.I 1hr only large clan o f differential equauo,u ror
which there exists a definitive theory. This theory i , =entiall) a brant'h o(
linear olgcbra, and allows u, 10 solve oll autonomous linear equations.
The theory or linear cquo1ion• is al,o useful as a first approximation 10
the study or nonlinear probl<m,. For example, it allows us 10 invntigatc the
stability or equilibrium 1 >osi1ion, and the 1opoloSic•I rlauifieauon ol•i"8u•
tar points of vector fields in the nondcgcncratc cases.

13. Linear Problems

We begin by considering two examples of siluation.s i n which linear cqua•

tions arise.

13.1. Example: Linearl&atlon. C'.onsidcr the differential equation deter•

mined by a vector field in phase space. \\le already know that the field has a
simple structure in a neighborhood ora non,ingular point (v .;, 0), i.e., i t ii
rectified by a diffcomorphism. We now consider thcstructu�of,hc6cld i n a
neighborhood or a singular point, namely a point where the field vector
vanishes. Such a point x0 is a stationary point ofour equation. lfth< tqua•
tion describes some physical process, then x0 is a stationary state ofthe pro­
cess1 namely its ''equilibrium position.11 Therefore studying a nrighbochood
ofthe singular poi nt means studying how the process evolves. when its initial
conditions deviate slightly from their equilibrium values (consider, for e x ­
ample, the upper and lower equilibrium positions of the pendulum).
To irwcstigate the vector field in a neighborhood or a point.r0 where the
field vector vaniShC$, it is nalural to make a Taylor series expansion of the
field in the g iven neighborhood. The first term or the Tayloe series ii linear,
and the process of dropping the remaining terms is called 1;,.,,,,,;u,1io,r. The
linearized vector field can be regarded as an example of a vector field";,h a
singular point x0• On the other hand, it might b eexpected that the bchavioc
of the linearized equation is close to that of the original �uation (sin«
small quantities of higher order arc dropped in making the lincariu.rion).
Of course, the problem of the relation bctwttn the solutions of the originaJ
equation and those of the lineari zed equation rcquirns-pecial investigation�
This investigation is based on a detailed analy sis of the linear �ua.tioo, a
topic which will be our first concern.
Problem J. Show that linton';:.otion is 010: in.vorio"J �•Jio,,.. i.,.• •• optr•ti•---' i · ttl..,..,_,,_
of lJK (00,dinal< SJSl<m.
�lore•ly, suppose the field Y in the domain U isgi"·cn in thic system o(�tcs
x1 by components t 1• (x), and let the s ingular point ha\·e coordinates x1 - 0. so tha1
lt1(x) = 0, i =· I, ... • n . 11,cn 1hc original cqu.:u.ion ta.ltcs the ronn or a sysu:m

i, ..,. 11,(x), i= l, ...• n .

96 Chap, 3 Linear S)'Stcrm

The linu.ulud 19un1io,. 1, now dtfi1H d

� •• 1ht « 1u.ahon
�1 - 'i; 01,(1,
i I, , , . , "• 11,1
ih1 ...
�1 .
Co,uldct the mngr nl Ytttor ( • Tl/0 whh c:oo,pol'ltn1• (,. I 1, •• , -. Thc-n ttk ltnnr
cc1utulo11 con be writlt'n ln 1ht (orrn
t - A(,
whcl'e A is 1hc linear map 1>ing A: TU0 - TU• 11>«1fitd by tht matruc: (•1,1. h II tlOW
:1mr1 ed ,h at 1/11 '1wppin1, A d«J tt0t d.,p,1td on tJt.t l)Jlt• -.J,..,,1i..,,_, •,fi.,._, .. w •.J-it.wa.
P,Hlrm 2. 1.ineariit lht J>('ndulurn equatio n J
x0 - hr, .to - 0.
13.2. Examplet One-parameter groups ofliaear traasformatioos or
R•, Another problem leading at once 10 linear differential cquatiom ii the
problem of describing one-parameter groups of linear transformations of
the linear space R".
First we note that ii is not11rol lo identif., tltL lafl,(t•I spa,, to tit, ti,.,or s,-U R"
nt any poi111 wit/, the lin,ar space ilSelf. In fact, we identify the elem<nt ,> of the
tangent space TRZ, whose representative is the curve fP: / - R•.. •CO • x,
with the vector

v = lim q>(I) - X E R"

,-o I
of the space R" itself(the correspondence v - cp is one-teronc).
This identification depends on the structure of the linear spa.ct R" and
is 1101 preserved under diffcomorphisrns. However, in the linear probl.:ms
which wiII now concern us (for example, in the problem or one-par.ameter
groups of linear transformations), the structure ofthe linear space in R" is
fixed once and for all. Therefore we now mah IN idrntifeation TR; = R" IUllil
such lime as wt retur,1 to nonlinear problems.
Let {g', I e R) be a one-parameter group oflincar 1ranslorma1ions, and
consider the trajectory (fJ: R - R" of a point x0 e R".
Pro/Jkm I. Pr<wc 1h :u •(t) is :a solu1ion or 1hc cqu.a1ion
x; = .-1•
satis(ying 1he ioitial condition •(O) = a, where . .f:R• - R• linn.r optntot

(a= an R. -eodomoi-phism) ddincd by 1he formub

Ax � di g' x vx cR•.
df ••O
Hint. Sec Sec. 3.3.
Equation (I) is ••id 10 be linear. Thus, to describe all one-parameter
groups oflinear transformations, w e need only investigate the solutions or
the linear equation (1).
Sec. 14, The Exponential of an 01><rator 97

We will sec Inter that the eorrcs1>0ndcncc between one-paramet<T groups

{g'} of linear transformations and linear equation, ofthe type ( I 11 onc-to­
onc. Thus every 01>crator A: R' - R' spcciRcs • one-parameter group (t'},
Hxn,.,Jtl, I, l.t•1 11 I, and 1.-t A 1k multl1>htahon by tM num�f' A, 1Mn 1' "aft ,.U.Wd
J-,<tb/tm 2. t,'hld tlte "rlotity Orld or p,olirn. o( :ii ng:td body rotating ...,,th a.ngub.t ,.dorll)
u, about an axis goin g 1hrough the orig ni ,
13.3. L!.neal" equation•. Let A: R" - R"' be a linear opcr-ator in the•
dimensional real space R".
Dtfi11;1iq11. Hy a fortar tqu.ntion is meant an equation , i1h
.. phase space R•
determined b)' a velocity field v(x) • Ax:
X • Ax. (I
The full descri 1>1ion of equation (I) is "a system of n homogeneous linear
differential equations of the first order with constant real coefficients."
Let xr, i • I n be a fixed system of(lincar) coordinates in R•. Then
1 • • , 1

equation (I) can be written as a system of II cquatioru

i = I, , .. , n, (I')
where (a,1) is the matrix ofthe operator A in the given coordinate systtm.
This mairix is called the mat,i.< oftht S)'>i<m (I').
For n = I the solution of equation (I) satisf)' ing the initial condition
,p(O) = x0 is given by the exponential
,p(t) = ,''"•·
It turns out that the solution is still given by the same formula in tM"gcncral
case, provided we explain what is meant by thcexponemialofa linear oper­
ator. \IVr- now turn our attention to this problem.

14. The Exponential of an Operator

The function eA, A e R can be defined in either oftwo equivalent W3)'S:
A' A'
,, = E + A + - + - + (I)
2! 3!

,, = ..lim
(£ + ::!It)' (2)

(where £denotes unity).

Now let A: R" - a• be a linear operator. To define eA., we must first
98 C:haJ>, 3 uncar Systmu

def,nc the concc1>t ofthe Iimit ofa sequencc orlincar 01,c,raton.

14,1. The norm ofan operator. Let ( ·, ·) be: a Kalar prod..ct in R", and
lrt l•I • J(x, x) be the norm of the vector x • R•, i.e., the square root o f
the scalar 1 >rodurt ofx with itself.
Deji11i1ion. Uy the 11orm ofa linear o1,crator A: R" - R"is meant the number
IAI • sup-.
••• l•I
Ccometrically IAI is just the larges, "expansion cocfficicn1" of the 1ransfor­
ma1ion A.
Prohltm /, Prove that O < 1,11 .,.. oo.
Hi'nt . IA I sup IA•I. the sphc«- is C'ornpact� and tM runction IAaJ " t"Onllnuout..
l•t. I
Pr"'ltm 2 . Prove chat
l.lAI • lllJAI, IA +Bl.; IAI + 181, 1.481 .; IAJIBI,
wh ere A, 8: R• - R• arc li nc;u- op(r11 1or1 and A.• Risa num btr.
P,obltm 3. �• (o,1) be th e m:a,rix or th e opcratOf' A in a n orthonorrrul bun. Proff l}g,1
m:x 1t •1, < 1-•I' < l;; lai,11•
Hinl. Sec C. £. Shilo v, An ln1roducti0tt to tM TN-, .J l..ut.r Sp,ou.s (translated by R.A.
Si l verman ), Do ver , New York ( 1974), Sec. S3,.

14.2. The metric space of operators. The ,c, L of all linear opcraton
A: R"' - R" i s itselfa linear space over th� fidd of real numbers (by defini­
tion, (A + .lB)x = Ax + .lBx).
P,M>Jtm I. What is 1he di,nensi on or1hc linear spa« L?
Ans. n1 •
Hint. A n opc-rato r is spe cified by i1s matrix.

We now define the distance between two operators as the norm of the
difl'crcncc A - B:
p(A, B) = IA - Bl . (3)
1·HeOREM. TM space oflinear operators witlt the metric pis acompkk -tu sp«,.t

t By a mttrit Jf>or.e is meant a pair consisting of a sc-1 �f and a fUJ'Ktion p: ·" , .\I - R.
called the mtt,it. such 1h a1
l ) p(x,y) 0 V x,y • Af, p(x,y) = 0 if and ooJy itx =:,;
2) p(x,y) a: p(;,, x) Vx,y • /&1�
3) p(x,y) < p(x, z) + p(z,J) V x,J, O< M .
Ascqucnec x, or poi nts of a metric spac,c .1'1 t:Sca llrd a c.-',SflfW'IC'irV , > 0:) X: p(z,.z,)
< , V i,j > N . A se quence x, is said 10 tML>n� tO a poin t x if V,: > 0:i N:,<� x,) < •
"Ii > N . The spaec Mis said 10 be compt,u if every Cauchy scqucnec is eonvapL
Sec. 14 The Ex1 >oncnoial oran Operator 99

Pr�/. II follow, from 1hc dcfini1ion (3) chat p > 0 iC A ,. 8, p(A, A) • 0,

11(1), A) • p(A, I)). The 1rianglc inequality
11(A, C) Ci p(A, 8) + p(8, C)
is an immcdiMc consequence oCthc Inequality IX+ YI Ci 1XI + IYI (S«.
14.1,Problem2)iCwc,ctX • A - 8, Y • B -C.Thuspisamctric,and
the space lcquippcd with pi, a metric space. The completenessorlis easily
proved (sec below). I
14.3, Proo£ or complet�n."•· l..1e A, be a Cawchy.equen«. i.e., s:uppc:.c th.At (or �
r > 0, 1here i, an N{,) > 0 1uch 1hat p(A., A.) < t if•, l > N. Civitft any•• R•, rom,
1he sequroce of po in11 •• • R•, •, - A.-:. 1'hen s, LI a Cauchy leql,t(n«:"' tht spatt R•
e<1uip 1>cd wi1h the Eudidcan metric p(•, y) - I• - y,J In r11ct, by dw ckfiNbaft of tlw
,, orm or an opctator,
I•. - ••1 < p(A., A,>l•I < •1•1
fot m, k > N. Sioce l•I is a fixed number (ind�ndcnt of"' and .l), it � -. II a
Cauchy aequtnce. The ,pace R• i s complet e, and httL-« the limit
' .•
y- lim •• • R•
exis ts . Note that I•, - Y < t • for .t > N(1:), whc:r-c N(c) is t he same numbt:r indq,cnc:l-­
I l I
ent or• u ab ove. The poin t y d C'pcn ds li nea rly on th< point :a (1hc limit ola wm
thC' sum of thC' limita). Thi1 giv e, a li ,, opcra1or .-t: R• - R•. A.s = y. A• L But
p(A., A) = IA, - Al - sup 1••1 rl < •
• , t> 1•
for .t > N(t). There fore

an d the spa«- L is complC'tc. I

P,o6ltm J. Prove th a t a sequence of operators A, converges if and only if the .acq:uencw: ol
thC"i r matrices in a fixed basis co nvc-rges. UK this 10 givC' another proof o/compldftliCS.
14.of. Series, Lei M be a real linear space, provided with a metric p such
that 1he distance between two points of 1\1 depends only on the diffettntt
beeween the points and
p(lx, 0) = lllp(x, 0), XEM, le R.
Suppose also that M, taken with this metric, is a complete metric space.
Then Mis said to be a normed linear space, and the fonction p(x, 0) is called
1he norm or x and is denoted by lxl.
£xflmpl.e /, Euelidea,, space ,\1 = R• with the mc1ric:
p(x,y) - I• - YI = J(• -Y, • - y).
Examplt 2 . The space l of linear operators .-t, 8: R• - R• with the metric
p(A, 8) = 1 ◄- - 8j.
100 Chap. 3 Linc,ar Systems

The di•tance l,e1wec11 clements A, 8 II A1 will be dcnolcd by IA - Bl,

Since the clements of A1 can be added and mul1iplicd bynumbers and ainc,c
Cauchy1<:<111cncc1 in M have limits, the 1hcoryofacricaof1h<, form

A1 e A1
is literally the s:1mc ,11 the theory o fnumerical aeries. The 1hcoryofscrio of
functions can also be carried over a t once to the casc offonctions with values
in M.

Problem I. Prove the following 1wo theorems:

Wl!,IJ!.RSTRASS' Tl•�$T. ljlht Jtri,s

' -'
r.1, (4)

offunctions/ ; X - �{is majoriud b)' o com..

�,,,nt nutMrical se,US, i.t., if

11,1 < .,, L "r < co,

I• I

1/i,n the serie, (4) is absolutely and uniformly conv,rgenl on X .

01"fERENTIATION OfSERIES. /Jlhe series (4) of

Junaionsf;: R - Af u-,""
·attd ifthe .rtrie1 of derivatives

J• I dl

is uniformly conuergent, then the series (4) can be dijftrmlialtd i,,.. 67 Ina (1 i., IN
coordi11alt 011 the line R):

!_ f
dt ,. 1J, a f df,.
,• I dt
Hint. The proof for the case M = R is given in advanced calculus and can
be carried over word for word to the general case.
lf.5. Definition oftbe exponential t". Lei A: R• ➔ R• be a linear o pe r ­

Definition. By ,he exponentiate• of the opera/Qr A ismeant the liocar opcrator

Al «> At
t• =E+A+-+ ··· =r.- '· •
2,· t•O k

where£ is the identity operator (Ex = x).

THEOREM. Given any A, the .series tA is unifarml.y conz:ogml • cay .11.J X =
{A: IAI ,;; a}, a e R.
Sec. M The F.xponential of an Operator 101

l'r0<1j. I fllll < a, the series•• is majorizcd by the numerical scrks

l+a+ ,,, +
which converges 10 t'. It follows from \' tnt that the series,• i,
uniformly convergent for 1111 4- a. I
Problem I. C:alculatc the matrix,,,. if the ma1rix A is or the form
(0 I 0)
b) (� �); d) 0 0 I .
0 0 0
14.6. Example. (',onsider the set of all polynomials of degree las than a in a
variable x with real coefficients. This set has the natural structure o f a rc;ol
linear space, since polynomials can be added and multiplied by numbers.
Probl,m I , Find 1hc dimtmion o( the 11 ,acc of all polyno,mals of dcgrtt kit th.a.n -.
Anl, n; ro, example, I, x, x1, • , • , x--' i.1 a ba11s.
\Ve will denote che space of all polynomials of dcgree las than a by R".t
The derivative of a polynomial pordegree l as than n is itselfa polynomial of
degree less than n. This gives rise to the mapping
A:R"➔R", IIJ> -.
= dp
Pro '1ltm 2 . Prove that A i .s a linear operator, and find its kernel a.nd imag,c.
A ns. Ker A= R Im A= R•-1

On the other hand, let N' (t e R) denote the operator of shift by I, cart) ' •
ing the polynomial p(x) into p(x + 1).
Problt,n :J . Prove that II': R• - R• is a linear operator, and find its kttnd. and image.
Ans. Ker/-/'= 0, Im H'= R".
Finally we form Lhe operalort u.
THEOREM. IfA is th,.optrator (6), thtn
e'11 = J/1 ,

Proof. This is just Taylor's formula for polynomials

I dp 12 d 2p
p(x + t) � p(x) +
l!d< + 2 !.t<' +
(familiar from calculus). I
t Thus we idcnti(y the space otpolynomi.als. equipped 111,'lth the basisindi::ltcd ita Problem
1, with the isomorphic coordinate spac e R•.
102 Chap. 3 Linear Sy.terns

14.7. The exponential of a dJagooal OJHrator. Sup� 1he ma1rix or

the opcra1or A is diagonal, with diagonal clements A,. ..• , .i.•• 'Olc:n i1 ii
easy 10 sec tha1 1hc matrix orthe opcra1or ,• ls obo diagonal, wi1h diagonal
clc1 ncnts,"' 1,,,. ,,""
D,ji11i1io11. An 0 1x:ra1or A: R" - R" i J said 10 be: dilllonal ;r its matrix i1
diagonal In some basis. Such a basis i, called an 111m&a1u.
P,ol,/,,,. I. Giv e 11n example: of a n ondi ag open.tor,
ProJ,J,,n 2 . Prow: th.a t the e:igcnva lun of a di agona.l open tor A arc rcat
Prohlrm 3. Prove thal if all" cigenvalutt ofan opc:rator A: R• -R• are r('lll and Mlinct.
1hcn A is diago nal,

ul A be a diagonal of>trawr. Th,n ,• is mo11 ,aniJtolculat,d io.,. ,;,,.�.

Enr11pl, /, S up1>0Se the operator A a mJ.trix of the form

G :)
in II b.uis •u e1• Sint-c the cigc,walutt l, 2, 11 0 are rc;al a nd dillti_na. the �n*
A it diago nal with cigcn b.uis 11 = e 1 + e 1, 11 = e 1 - e,. The matrix o/A in this basis
is ju st

(� �)-
Hence the m a tr ix of th e o pera tor,.. i n the dgcnbuis is

(,,0 0)I '

Th ch m tri or the operator ,
us c a x
1(,1. + I ,1 - ')
2t1 - I r1 + I
in th e origjnaf basis.

14.8. The exponential of a nilpotent OJHr&tor.

D,jinilion. An operator A: R" - R• is said 10 be ni/polmt ifsom,, powu ofA
equals 0.
Pl'oblt,n I. Prove the operator with matrix

i:s nilpotent. Mol'C gcnc:rally, prove that if all the clcmentt of the matru: of an operator
on and below the mai n diagonal :lire �cro, then the operator is nilpocenr.
Ptooltm 2 . Prove th a t the djffcrenti:uion opcr:.tor d/h in the sp3c:e oL au polyftOl'l'liaJs ol
degree lcu than n is nilpote nt.
Sec. 14 The E,poncmial of an Opcr.uor 103

If/111 op,,,,,or A is 11;/pott,11, 1h,n tht s,,i11 r4 1,rminat11, i.t., rtJ.wu t• •fouu
Probl,m , . (!hlcuh11e r'A (t • R) whc:re A: R• - R• 11 the: optn&or whh Matn.a:

(: · .. �)
(I o\•c:r the main diagonal and O c:lsewhc:re),
Jl{,rt, One way or ,olving this problem is co utit Taylor's rormuJa fo r polynombk. l'M­
diffcrcntial 01�ra1or d/rlx ha� 11 muriK of the indkatfti typ,t: in tome bun (wllich Ofte?°.l,
For furihcr' dcmils, 1cc $«. 25,
14,9, Q.ua1l-polynornlal1, Let l be a fixed real number."J'Mn b)' a p,u; .
poly11omia/ with expo11t11t l is meant a product of the form e1'p(.s) whcrcp is a
pol,-nomial. The degree ofpis called the tkxru o( the quasi-polynomial.
l'robl,,,, I . Prove ,hat tht" 1c1 of all quasi•1)0lynomial1 with cxpoM:nt A oldc:crtt kll than
n is a liocar spaC'c.What i, the dim ens.ion of this t.patt?'
Ans. n: for example,,"•, ,uh , .... ,t" · ,,..... is a basis.
Remade. There is a certain ambiguity implicit in the con�pt of a quasi•
polynomial,just as in the case of a polynomial. A (quasi-) polynomial can be
regarded as an exp1tssio11 made up of signs and le11en, i n which cas-e the solu•
tion ofthe preceding problem is obvious. O n the other hand,�� can regard
a (quasi-) polynomial as afunllio11, i.e., as a mapping/: R - R. ActuaUy
both conceptS are equivalent (when the coefficients of the polp,omials arc
real or compie• numbcrst).
P,obl,m ? . Prove that C\'C'ry function/: ll - ll which an be writtt".n as a.quui-polynomial
has a uniqne rcprc1cnlation as a quasi-polynomial.
flint. \\'c n<"cd only note that if ,0p(x) = 0, then thie cod6ciients ol the polynomial,�)
all \'anish.
The 11-dimcnsional linear space of quasi-polynomials of degrtt less than"
with exponent ,l will be denoted by R•.
TH�ORtM. The differential op,rator d/dx is a lin,ar opnaiorfrom RA u, R• swJt tllJJJ
e''"" = fl' (7)
for every t e R, where H': R" ➔ R" is the operator ofshift bJ t, i.e., (H'l)(x) =
f{x + t).
Proof. Proving first that the derivative and shift of a quasi-polp101niaJ of
t We will $(l()n c-0nsidcr (quasi-) polynomials with real coefficients.
104 Chap. 3 Linear Sys1em,

degree less thnn II is itself a qunsi-polynomial ofdcgr« less than•• we note


!!. (," (x)) • J.,"p(x) + i'p'(x),

dx p
,;i,+ ' 1p(x + t) • ,'••''p(x + I),
Moreover, ,he linearity ofboth the dcrivativr and the shift i,ap�rent. Note
also ,hat the Taylor series of a quasi-polynomial u absolutelyconv,,rgent on
the whole real line (since the Taylor serie,of,,, andp(x) arc absolutely con­
vergent), Comparing the Taylor series

f(x + I) • r., f''• (x)

... o 11!
and the expansion
,,.. - L _,.,
., A'
11•0 ,,!
we get (7). I
(; l::-
P,fllll,m 3. Ca l cul ate: 1hc: matrix of the operato r �,,. if the: matrix ofA � of the form

:) ·;
(,l on lhc: main diagonal, I O\'cr 1hc main diagonaJ. 0 clKWMff). for aampk:, nkubtir

exp ( � : ).

Hint. Thi s is prc('i�y

l the form of the matrix of the di ffcrmlUtion opera.tor in the- spai«
o fqua,i-po yno mi ab
l (i n which ba!J:i:J?). Fo r fur1hcr details, sec s«. 2 5 .

15. Pro�rties of the Exponential

We now establish a numberofproperticsoftheopcratore": R" - R•. These

properties allow us to use,,. to solve linear differential equations-
15.1. Tb" group prop.,rty. Let A: R" - R' be a linear operator.
1'H£0REM, Thefamily oflinear operalots ,,A: R" - R", I€ Risa ML--p,artunda
group of/in,ar transformations of R•.
Ptoof. Since it i s already known thate'A is a linear operator-, we need only
verify that
Sec. 15 Propcr1ic, of 1he Exponc111ial IOS

and 1h"1 •" depend , dilTerentiably on 1 . In fac1, "cwill sho,- 1ha1

tf IA - A

as ,n ight be experted ofan exponcn1ial. To prove 1hcgroup property (I), ,.e

nrst 11111l1iply 1hc scric, in power, of A formally, obtaining

(J;;+ IA + 1
; 11 1 + .. ·)(e + sA + s; A' + · · ·)
- E + (1 + s)A + (�+ts + �)A' +
The coellicienl of A' in the product cquab (I + s)1/L!, since formula (l)
holds in the case of numerical series (A e R). The lcgi1imacyofthe tcrm-by­
tcrm 11111ltiplica1io11 i.s proved in the same way as the lcgi1imacyor1hc term•
by-term multiplicati01\ orabsolutely convergent numerical series {the series
for e'" and �" arc absolutely convergent, since the series ror eJ•I• and ,l•I•
where a • IA I arc convergent).
To prove (2), we di/Tcrcnciatc the series fore"' with rcspccc 10 I formally,
obtaining a series of derivatives:
., d • ., t'
1: _!...11• •AL -A'.
••o dt k! ••o kt
This series converges absolucely and uniformly in any domain IAI .;; ••
Iii ,;; T,just like the original series. Hence che derivative ofche sum of the
series exists and equals the sum of the series orderivatives. I
\Ve can also pl"(lve (I) b y reducing the proofdirectl y to the numerical c::uc. af1er fi:nt
Pl'O\!ir\g the followin g
U!iMMA, let pc Rl= u ..• • = .... J h, o polJ·nomial in tJw Hriah/1! =., ... , :... IC'itA -ra:­
t.oqfi�itnts , ond ltt A 1 , • • • , A,... : R• - R• 6� lintar op,Yo. tor s. 71ttit
IP(A.,.,,, A.)I.;; p(IA,1,,••,IA,1),
Proof. An immediate con sequence ofSee. 14.1, Problem 2 , I
Proofoffarmula ( I). Lott S.{A) denote the partial ,um of the series for rA:
• A'
S.(A) = !: -
,-o k! .
Then S. is a polynornfa.l in A with nonncgati\-C coc.fficien1s.. \\'e mun. J,,o,w that the
di ffctt:oce
a. = S0(tA)S0(sA) - $0((1 + s)A)
c:onverga to O ,u m - oo. Note that A. is a polynomial in sA and rA with�
'-"f.ffititnts. In fact, the terms in the product serieso fdegree: no higher lhan • in .d arc: all
obta.incd by multiply ing the te:rms in the factor series of dqr-cc no higher than• in •◄ .
106 Chap. 3 U...-a, Syst<ms

Moreover, S.((J � 1)A) I, a pullal ,um o rtht produe1 11trtt"l, and hfflft A-• tht- ,vm
or all lernu i11 1hc 1•roduc:t S.(1A)S.(,A) or df'lrtt h•ghu than"" in A lu·t a.SI 1,W. cotfl.
cltnh or 1'1>toduc:1 or1>0lynoml1l1 whh llOIHlC'llh\'C' Cotfficknt:t att �lt'C',
11 (o llow• fro 10 the ltrnma 1h11
141.(tA, 1A)I < 41.(ltAI, l•AI),
l.e1 r and a de110 1e 1he oonotg ,11ive numbt,, IIAI a,\d l1Al1 ,o that
41.(r, <1) - s.(r)S.(o) - s.(r + <1).
Since t't• - ,,•", 1he righ1.ha ,,d 1ide approacht'I O :1.1 • - oo. Thua

lim A.{tA, ul) 0,

and formula (I) i i p,oved. I

P-,ol,J,,,, I . h i1 true 1h:u ,,. • • - ,,.,•.
Prol,l,m 2 . P rove thatd et ,,. ;. O .
I/fol,,._.• (t-')· 1•
P,ol,/,,,. 3 . Prove that Ir A is an ant i11ymmctr.c opcr-uor in Euclid�n .paor. then th,,t,
operator,• 11 orthog onal.
15.2. The basic theorem of the theory of linear equations with COD.•
stant coefficients. Theorem I5.1 immcdia1dy implies a formula for 1hc
solution of the differential equation

X • Ax, XE R". (3)

THEOR£>t. Th, solution ofequation (3) satiifying IM initial conditio,, t'(O) • "o u

t ER. (4)

Pr1X1f Accol'ding to 1he ditrcrcn1ia1ion formula (2),

'; = A,"x 0 = A,p(t),
so 1ha1 <pis a solu1ion. Moreover ,0 = £, ,p(O) = x0• This prm-.s the theo­
rem, since by the uniqueness theorem every solution coincides�.;Lh (4) in its
domain of definition. I
15.3. The general form of one-paramete.r oflia.ea.r tra.a.sfor­
mations o fthe spaceR".

THEOREM. Let g': R" - a•

be a one-paramet" g,..,p of linear trasf-1i,,,u.
The11 thtrt txiJiS a lintar operator A: R" - R• such 1Jtat g' = ," •

Proof. Lei

d ' g' E
- lim -
dt ,=o ,-o I
Se c. 15 Properiies or 1hc t•:xponen1lol 107

We hove already proved (sec Se c. 3.2 ond Problem I, p. 96) that the, tnj«-
1ory ,p(I) • g'x0 i, • solu1ion orcqua1ion (3) satisfying the initial cond1tion
,p(O) • x0 . Ou1 g'x0 • ,"x0 because or(◄). I
The operator A i, called the i1!Ji11i111imall<•ttato, or1hc group (I)
JJ,al>lnn /, l'rO\ft 1hiu 1he infinht-'•lrnal gener11or 1� unk1ut.Jy d(:tumiMd by th� Jf'OUP­
lltmark. Thus there is a onc-to--onc correspondence bctwcm linear differ•
cntial equations orthe form (3) and their phase llOW$ (,'), when: each phase
flow consists oflincar diffco morphisms.
15.f, Another definition of the exponential.
THEOREM, ifA; R" � R" is a lintor operator, lhtn

= ,..-GO ' A)
I'1m (/•. + -
eA (5)

Proof Consider the difference

•• - (E + A)
= ., (7I - :=l:-
m ,.o k.. m
where the series converges since the series fore" converges and

is a polynomial. The coefficients in the righ1-hand side arc nonncgati�


-k!I ;;. -''---'---'-----"- -k! .

m(m - I)··· (m - + I) I
m·m· ··m

Therefore, se11ing IAI = a, we get

( A)m ., ( I CM)
m ,-o k! m
- F. + - .; L -.:- -¼ .. = ,. - I + - '
where the expression on the right approaches zero as m - co. I
15.5. Example: Euler's formula fort'. Let C be the complex line:. \,\'e
can regard C as the real plane R2 and multiplication by a complex number
z as a linear operator A: R2 - R 2. The opcra1or A is then a rotation
through the angle arg z together with a Jz)-fold expansion.
P,ol,/tm I. Find the matrix of multipJicati0rt by z. = • + U, in lhc basis e1 = I, e1 = i..

A JtS .
(u -•)
D u ·
108 Chap. 3 Linc:ar s,-.1trm


Fig. 103 11,c romJ)lcx nvmber I + (:{M).

\Ve now find ,•. According to formula (S), we must first form the opu­
ator 1;; + (A/m) corresponding to multiplication by l + (•/•), i.e.,
rotation through the angle arg(l + (z/m)) together with cxpaniion by a
factor of I l + (z/m)I (Fig. 103).
Problem 2 . Prove that

arg (1 + .:)-
"' Im;+ o(1),
l+­z • I + Re!.+ o(�) (6)
m m m
as m ➔ oo.
The operator· (F. + (A/m))• is a rotation through the angk •
arg(l + (z/m)) together with an expansion by a factor of II + (z/•)i-.
Using (6), we find that the angle of rotation and the �ff,cient of ex ­
pansion have the limiting values

lim m arg ( I + :.) = Im z,

"" ... (IQ ,n
limll +:.•=tac :_
"'-«> m
TH£0R£M. Ltt z =
u + iv be a compkx numbu and A: R2 - R2 tit, �a!J>• •f
multiplication by z. Then ,• is the operator ofmultiplication by IN C41#/'la umw
t'(cos v + i sin v).
Proof. An immediate consequence of (7). I
Definition. The complex number

t'(cos u + i sin v) = lim

11t- GO
(1 + •)•

is called the,xpon,nlialofthe complex number z = • + iuand isdCJ>Otcd by

t1 = ff(cos v + i sin u). (8)
Sec. 15 Properties or the E•ponential 109

Remark. 1rwe identiry the comple• numbcr t with the oixration of mul­
tiplicotion i>y z, the dcAnition reduce, to a theorem, since the exponential
ofan operator has already been defined.
JJ►ol>lt,H :J . 1:1nd ,o, ,•, ,•, ,••, ,,.,,
p,,,1>111H ./, J>rO\'C th.,t ,,, • •• t' •,•• whcr(l 11, 11 • C.
Remark. Since the exponential is also defined by a series, we halve
•' •l+z+21+ zeC (9)

{the series is absolutely and uniformly convergent in every disk lzl 4- • ).

ProM,m 5. Comp:1ring th iir,crie, with Eu1cr's formul� (8),deduce the T.ayt« wrio olsin.,
: uld C'O, v .
R,mark. Conversely, from a knowledge or the Taylor series of sin•• cos•• and
,', we can prove formula (8), taking (9) as the definition or,'.
15.6. Euler lines. Combining formulas (4) and (5), we get a method fo, ap­
proximate solution o fthe differential equation (3), known as the -/Jwd •f
Euler lint,S.
Consider the differential equation with linearphase space R"dc,cnnincd
by a vector field v . To find the solution ,p ofthe equation x = v(s), s e R"
satisrying the initial condition s0, we proceed as follows (Fig. 104). The
velocity at the poin, x 0 is known and is just v(x0). Suppose we lcavc,..and
move with velocity v(s0) for a time interval 61 = t(N. Then we arrive at lhc
point x1 = x0 + v(,.0)61. �Ve then move with velocity v(,.,) lor another
time interval 61, and so on:
k a 0, I, ... , N - l.
The last point"• will be denoted byX.(1). 1'ote that the graph rccprcsccnting
lhe motion with piecewise-constant velocity is a polygonal cun.-c {line) c on -

x ,.,

.J.. lJ Jt t R
fig. 104 An Euler line.
110 Chap. 3 Linear Sys1cms

,iuing of Nscgme,111 in 1he ex1cndcd phase space R >< R•. 11,i, polygonal
curve i� known ns an F.ultr /i,,,. I c iJ na1Ural co cx�c• tha1 as N - ao thr
sequence of Euler lines will converge to an integral curve, so 1ha1 fo,- large
N the last point x.(1) will be close 10 1he value of 1he solution" al time t
,01i,fying the inhial condition 11'(0) • •o·
'fHP.OREM. For /ht li11tar tquatio11 (3),

lim X.(1) • ,p(I).

Proof. II follows from 1he conS1ruc1ion 0(1he Euler line for v(x) • Ax thal

x. - (E + %)" ••·
lim x.(1) • •"•o•
by (5), which implies (JO), by (4). I
Prohltm J . Prove 1hat 001 only docs thc c od poim o( the Euler line �h •fl. bu•
also the whole �c<1ucncc o(pittewise•lincar func1N>ns ••: 1- R•. wl1h 1hc Euler fines u
1hcir graphs, converges uniformly to the solution • on the intcn-al 10. t).
Remark. In 1hc general case (where 1he vcc1or field v deptnds on " .. ,,.
lintady), the Euler line can also be wriucn in the form

x. = (E+ tA)" "•·


where A i s the nonlinear operator carrying the point x into the point v(x).
We shall sec later (Sec. 31.9) tha1 even in this case the sequcntt of Euler
lines converges 10 a solu1ion, at least for sufficiently small 111, Thus the a­
pression (4), in which the exponential is defined by formula (5), gives t he
solu1ion of all differential equations qui1e generally.t
The Eulerian 1heory of the exponential (which is csscn1ially the same in
all its variants), from the definition of the number t and ,he Euler and
Taylor formulas for,, up 10 formula (4) for the solution of linear equations
and 1hc me1hod of Euler lines, has many other applications going bc}-ood
1he scope of this course.
t In prac1icc, 1hc wt: of Euler Jina i.s no1 a con"-cnic:n: wayorsolving diffcrcn1i:alequarions
approximately, since 10 ob1ain high -accuracy ""'C mw:1 choote a very ,nu.U ,-aluc of the
"ite p"O. t . More ofl cn one uses various rc-fincmcnts ofth e Eu ler m ethod. in which the inte­
gra.1 cun•ci.sapproximatcd not bya line segment. but rat.hcr byanan:Ja puabobolsomc
deg ree or other. The most frcqucndy u.sed m ethods att those: of A�, and
Runge, discussed in books on appr0xima.1c computations.
Sc,,• 16 Oe1crminan1 or the "xponential 111

16. The Determinant or the Exponential

Suppose the operator A i, specified by itJ matrix, Then length) alculationJ

111ay b,· rc·quircd 1 0 find the matrix of the operator t". 110...
�r, as.,..., will
Moon sec, the dc1crminan1 of the matrix or," be calculated vuy raJily.
16.1. The determinant of an operator.

Dtfi11itio11, lly 1hedelermina11t ofa li11earop,rator A: R" - R",denoted bydct A,

is incant the determinant or1hc matrix or A i n any basi.1 e 1, ..•• e•.

The determinant of the matrix of the operator A dOCJ not dcp,:nd on the
basis. (n fact, if (A) i s the matrix of the operator A in the buts e 1, • • • , e.n
then the matrix of A in another basis is or1he rorm (B}(A)(B- 1). But dearly

dct (Bl(A)(B- ') - dct (A).

The determina111 of a matrix is the orienltd vo/um, of the paralu.kJ,ipdt

tdgts are giwn b.JI /he columns of/ht matrix,
For exaniple, for 11 = 2 (l'ig. 105) the determinant

x, x,
.,, .,,
is the area or1he parallelogram spanned by the vectors {1 (x,,.11) and =
{, e (x2,y 2), taken with the plus sign ir the ordered pair orvectors ({ 1• {2)
specifies the same orientation ofR2 as the pair of basis vcc1ors {e1, e2) and

with the minus sign otherwise.
The ith column in the matrix of the operator A in the basis e,••..•e. is

r, B1

.�ig. 10.) The dc1ctminan1 of a matrix equals the oricnced aria of the panlldogr.un
sp�nncd by the colurnm of the rnatr-ix.
t The paralltll/>i/ud with edges (,•..• • (. e R• is the subset of R• ronsistingola.I point. of
thc ormx,( 1 + ···+x.(•• O<:x,< l,i= 1.2•...••. For11. =2tbcp.u-a.Oc:kpipcdis
ealled a pa,allelog ram. Startin g from a ny definition of ,Uumc:. we ca.o e:uily J>l'°''C tht
italkiud assertion. Otherwise the assertion ca n be: ta.kC11. as the d,fonrioa ol &he ,--olwnt: ofa
paral lelepiped.
I 12 Chap. 3 Lu>ear S)-.1<ms

made up of1hc componenis of1he image Ae1ofthe rth basis ,tttor ••· Hen«
ef ef
th,d1t11mi,umt t/11 optrntor A is th, ori,r1ttd uil•mtoftlw 1ma11 tlil 11111/ n,H (14,
pnralltltpip,d witl1tdgt1 •,. .•. , •.l 1111dtr ti,, mapp,fll A.
Prob/1111 I. Let n be a parallelepiped wi1h linearly independent tdgc-c Prov<
tlrn1 1he '"'io of1hc (oriented) volume ofthe image An ofthe parallclepiptd
under the mappin g A 10 the (oriented) volume of n i, independentof n and
equal, cle1 A.

Rtmark. The reader familiar with the theory of measureme nt ofvolufflCI i n

R" will no1c that n can be replaced by an y other figure wi1h ,-olumc.
ThlL, th, delermir,ant of an operator A 1/w cotjfirunl of ,.,,,.1U1.., of.,,,,.,,_
,,./ume in t/11 stnse th11/ tlworitnted,,./um,of•11Jfig•r1ut:cpandtd bJ •f«IM,jdct A
u11der 11/!f,/iration of A. Geometri cally, i1 i, far from obvious that the volume
cxpan:tion i:s the same for all figures (even in the plan ar case,, since a linear
1ran,forma1ion can drastically change the shape ofa figure.

16.2. The trace of an operator. lly the /rac,ofa matrix A - (•,,·, dcnottd
by Tr A,t is rueant the sum ofiu diagonal clements

Tr A • L
I• I
0 11.

The trace ofthe matrix ofan operator A ; R" - R"' docs not dcptnd on the
bash,, but only on the operator itself.
P,obl,m I. Prove 1ha1 1hc Ir ace ofa matri l'I �u.tls the- sum of .111 11 o(iu �,-,run. •-hilr
lhc dc1crminant equal.s the produ(t or 1he cigcm--alun.
Hin!. App ly 1hc fonnula
(,l - x,) ••• (,l - x.) = ).• - (x, + .. · + ,.),1•-• + ·•· + (-t)••, ... .._
10 the p0lynomial
de, (A - ,le) - ( -).)• I ( -,l)• - I
·-.t .,. +
Since the eigenvalues arc independent of,he, we ha'\'C the follo"A-ing

D,ji11ition. By ,he tract of an opnator Ai, meant the trace ofits matrix in any
(and hence i n every) basis .

16.3. Relation between the determ.ina.ot and the trace.

THEOREM. IfA: R" ➔ R" is a linear operator andca real numbu. tlta
det(E + tA) = I + cTr A + O(t2)
asc ➔ 0.
t The t race of A is somctima denoted by Sp A (from 1.hcGcmun �-orct -spur-).
Sec, 16 Determinant or the Exponential 113

l'irst proef. The dc1crminant or the operator F. + cA equal, the p<'Oduct ol

the eigenvalues or the operator. llut the eigenvalues or F. + cA (with due
regard ror m11ltipliei1y) equal I + ,;,, where 1he ;, arc t� cigcnvaluet ol
A. II follows chat
• •
dee (F. + cA) • L (I + cl,) • I + c L •1 + O(c1), I
I• I I I

S«o"d p,oof, Clt:"atl y •C«) dc1(E + ,A) is a polynomial in , iu("h, • O I. \\*c
must d1ow 1h11t •'(O) Tr A. �noting 1hc dtmC"r'ltJ o( 1hc maltl'C £ + ,A by x1,. �

t I
I a" It-,,
7i •O - ;,J• 1 ax,,
<!!Ji '
wher'e A i� 1he dc:tc:tlt'l inant of £ + ,A (x,,). B)' definition. the pa.rtul dffi ntfr�-
8A/ax,Jlc e<1v1tls
11 n �-o
dct (/, ➔ hr, 1),
whctc (,11) i• the: 1na1r-ix whmc only non•cro element is a I in 1hc ith row andjlh column..
dct (£ + ht,1) • 1 + n• if i-j,
if i � j ,
and hence
a1> I
o ;r ; ,;. j,
lxu I,: = I if i =j .
Jc follows tha 1
d,I - I:• -yU
- }:• au =- Tr A. I
Q t, & •() l•I (1' l•I

Incidentally, we have again proved that the trace is independent olthc

COROLLARY. Suppose small thangts are made in tire tdg,s of• poroluufnpd . T1ro
the main tontribution lo the thonge in volume oftheparolltltpiptd is tlw to th, dumg,
ofeach tdgt in its own dirttlion, thangts in tire di,ution oftire other <,/g<s � Ml.7
a Sttond•()rderto111ribulion to theth.a11ge in volumt.
For example, the area or the parallelogram shown in Fig. 106, which is
close to being a square, differs from the area orthe shaded rectangle only by
infinitesimals of the second order.
This corollary can also be deduced from elementary geometrical consid•
erations, leading to a purely geometric proof or.he above theorem.
16.4. The determinant of the operator t".

THEOREM. For Q'!)' linear operator A: R" - R•,

detttt =t ,
111 Chap. 3 Linear S)'Sttms

f'ig. 106 A1 ,proxim:uedctcnnination of the aru oh puallcJog-rarn "'hkh ifclotc 10

being a 11qui.rt.

P,oef. According t o the second definition of the exponential,

dct ,• • dct lim

"'... «>
(£ m "'--ao
+ �)• = lim dct (£+ )•,
since the determinant of a matrix is a polynomial (and hence COf\tinuous) in
its clcmcnls, Moreover, by Theorem 16.3,

dct (£ + ;)• =[ dct (£ + ;)]• =[ I + � Tr A + 0 (�)]•,., - a,.

It only remains to note that

lim [1 + � + o(�)]• =
m m ti'


for any a ER, in particular for a Tr A . I

COROLLARY I. TiuopetalottA i.t nons;ngular.

COROLLARY 2. Tiu operator•• preseru,s tlu onmtalion oJR• (i.e., de1 ,- > 0).
COROl.l.ARY 3 (Liouville's fc,rmula). Tiu t-adlJallet moppi•t t' eftJ,, luwu
X = Ax. (1)
multiplies tlu IJ()/umt ofanyfigure by tlufa<tort"', wlurt a = Tr A.

Praoj. Note 1ha1

dct g1 = dct ,,,. = , T, ,,. = t1 Tr .. .
In particular, this implies
Sec. 17 Case of Oi,iinc1 Real Eigenvalues 11S

A•O /1>/J

1- i' g , 107 Oduwior of arc:. undt:r tr:rnsformuiom of lhc pha,c flow of the pmd:ulwn
C(fU.'\tion with cocllkicnt of friction -.t.

COROLLARY 4, /fthe trauofA tqua/$ 0, thenthe pltastjlowoj,quoJior< (I) pa,n,u

vo/1m1t, i.e., g' earri,s tvt,Y /l(lra/1,lepip,d into a para/1,upip,doftf11'U• -- ·
Proof �lcrcly note 1ha1 •• - I. I
Example I . Consider 1he equation
JI - -x + kx
of a pendulum wilh coellicien1 offric1ion -k, equivalcnl 10 1hc sys1cm

{ x,�· + kx,
with matrix

( _ � �)
(Fig. 107). The 1race of 1his ma1rix equals k. Lei {g'} be 1hc ph2Jc Row
defined by 1he above system. Then if k < 0 the transformation l' carries
every domain of1he phase plane into a domain of smaller area. On thcotha
hand, in a syslem wilh negative friction (k > 0), the area of the domain
g'U, I > 0 is larger 1han 1ha1 of U . Finally, ifthere is no friction (.t : OJ, the
phase flow preserves area. This is hardly surprising, since in this last case,
as we know from Sec. 6.6, g' is a rotation th.rough the angle,.
Probltm I. Suppose the real p:aru of all the dgcnvalucs o/ A att neg:aln� Show \b.a.t tbt
tf':\mform,ui ons g' of the p!1.:ue flow or equatiOt\ ( I) thett dec:rcaK ,-01.:tamir (t > 0).
PrQbltm t. Prove that the cigen\•alucs of the opc:ruor r' �ua.l �,....wbett lhc l. M't tht:
e igenvalues or the opcralor A. U5C this 10 pro1.-c Theorem 16.4.

17. The Case of Distinct Real Eigenvalues

In practical problems involving differential equations, the matrix of the

operator A is given in some basis and ,-.,c must explicitly ca.Jcub1t the matrix
116 C:hap. 3 Linear Sy11em,

of 1he 01,cratnr ,• in 1he same basis. \Ve bt,gin by solving 1his problem in 1hc
pnr1 i c11larly simple ca,c where A has di11inc1 real eigenvalues
17.1. Diagonal operator■, Consider 1he linear difTeren1ial equahon
xoR", (I)
where A: R' - R' is a diagonal operator. The matrix of 1he opcratO<' A"of

1hc form

0 "·

in i1s eigcnbasis,t where 1he .I., arc 1hc eigenvalues of A. The matrix of1h<:

(••·• . . o)
operator eA ha.s the form

0 ,..,,

in 1he same basis. Thus the solution ,p of equation (I) satisf);ng th<: initial
condition ,p(O) = (x10, ... , x.0 ) has components
k=l, ... ,n

in this basis.
If then eigenvectors of the operator A arc real and distinct, then A is
diagonal (R' decomposes into a direct sum of one-dimensional subspaces
invariant under A). The procedure for solving (I) in this case goes a s
I) Form the ehara,teristic (or ,ceu/ar) ,quation
det (A - -lE) = O;
2) Find the roots J.,, .•. , J., of this equation (the J., arc assumed to be real
and distinct);
3) Find the eigenvectors { ,, ... , {, satisfying 1hc linear equations
.:.t #,: 0, k • l, ... , n;
4) Expand the initial condition with respect to the cigenvcaon:

t \Ve first go over to an cigcnbasis irthc matrix olthc �rat0r . .f

isorigiu.llygn'Cft .b'l an-­
other basis.
Sec. 17 Case or Disiinct Real Eigenvalues 117

5) Wri1e 1hc a,nwcr

In particular, we have the rollowing

COROLLARY. let A bt a diago11al op,rotor. Tiu• tlu tltmtn/S •f tlv .,.,,uc ,••
(1 e R) ;,, a,!)' basis art li11,a, ,ombi11ations ofth, ,xpon,•tiols , ..
,, re/mt t.lrt � .,,
lhe eig,11valu,s of the mattix A.

17.2. Example. C'.onsider the pendulum with friction

X2 - -x, - kx2•
The mairix or1he operator A is then

so that

Tr A a -k, det A = I.
The corresponding characteristic cqua1ion

) 1 + k) + I = 0

has distinct real roots if its discriminant is positive, i.e., ift!t > 2. Thus 1hc
operator A is diagonal if the coefficient o f friction k is sufficiently large (in
absolute value).
Now suppose k > 2. Then both roots .1.1, ).2 arc negative, aod � equ.a•
tion takes the form

{ �·
), < o.
i, < 0
in the cigcnbasis. Therefore, as in Sec. 4, we get the solution

J',(1) = •'•'y,(0),
y2(1) = •'"y2(0),
and the phase curves have a node as in f i g . 108. Ast - +
oo all �solutions
approach 0, and almost all the integral curves become tangent to 1�.1,-axis
iflJ.2 1 > ll,1 (y2 then approaches O faster than,1 1). The picture int� plane
(x,. x2) is obtained from that in the plane (y,,.1,) by making a liocar trans·
118 Chap. 3 Llnc,ar Sys1em1

Fig. JOA Pha!IC cur� of the pendulum eq uat ion wi1h strong friction lft tht actnbai.t1t,.

I II Ill


Fig. 109 curvn of the pendu lu m c-qu:uion with ,1r0ng friction in the wu:al buiL

For example, suppose k = 10/3, so that ).1 = -1/3, l1 = -3. To find

the eigenvector ( 11 we use the condition x1 = -3x1, obtaining (1 =
e 2 - 3e 1• Similarly, we get �, • e, - 3e1. Since ll,1 < f).1(, the phase
curves have the form shown in Fig. 1 09 . Studying Fig. 109, we come lo the
following remarkable conclusion: If the coefficient offnction I. is sufficiently
large (k > 2), the pendulum does not execute damped oscillations, but
rather goes directly into its equilibriurn position; in fact, its ,"elocit)• x1
changes sign no more than once.
P,oblLm J . find the moti ons of 1hc pcndu.Jum corresponding 10 the phMc aanu I. II.�
I JI in Fig, 109. Omw a typ ical graph orx(l).
Prob/1m 2 . l1h�t i g:11e the mot ion of the inverted pc-ndulu.rn with fric1ion:
j - X - kk.

17.3. The discrete case. All that has been said about ,he cxponcn1ial ,''­
with a con1inuousargumcn1 t applies equally well to thc exJX>llCDtial A•with
the discrete argument n . In particular, ifA is a diagonal operator� A• i.s most
Sc•c. 18 C:0111plrxificr11ion and Oc·compl ...,.ification 119

ro11w·nit-n1ly calc11lr11<-d by going over 10 a diagonal basi,.

Pmb/,,., I. Tiu• l•'l boor-.c-('1 U"{f\H'"n<'f'
0, I, I, 2, 9, 'i, 8, 13,,,.
I, dr'1uf'<I by 1hr eomlhlotu,
,1'41 0, ,, I' ,,
1'- i" nd iu1 t"xpli<'i1 formula for••· Pro\r- 1h :u x. fl:"°""'t like a 1romf"m<" PrOI"""°"• and fi.nd
• • • n.

(, - (1. 0), c. - A(•• I• A

'rhett'fo 1't' x. i1 thr fin11 t'Omponr,u or the we,or A•- 1(1 •

1 1
+2 ut1��,-...luno (A .
An1,a In VS2 , x. ?30.1-J.l),wher""A1., -

Commt,tl. The s.:w1C' "rgurnenl rt'duco th e 1tud y of any ,Hw,mt UfWM� ,f•4n l, ddirwd
by II rtl.1tion

logC'du-r with lht first k tanu x0,x1, ..• , x._ 1.f 1 0 lh(' 11udy oflh«= cxpcnm.ual functioft
A• , whr-re .-1: R' - R4 is 3 li nt:ar optt:uor. Tbffd'or" lc,no-;,.•in.g how 1 0 nkvlatc- tM
m1ttr·i)( or an C';c.ponC'nl ial cn.:1blts U.i 10 C':tiltulat� rr-tul'rt'fll M"qU('ntts.

Re1utniog lO the general problem of calculating ·we note 1ha1 1hc ,,A,
roots oftloc charactcri<tic cqua1ion dct (A - i.E) = 0 maybecomplu. To
study thi" case, we first consider linear equations with a complex phase
space c·.

18. Complexification and Decomple:nficatioa

8efotc sludying compl ex differential equations, we introduce: the concepts

orcomplcxifitati<>n of a real space and decomplcxification of a complex

18.1. Decomplexi6cation. Let C" denote an n•dimcnsional linear space

over 1he field of complex numbers C . Then by the d«ompknfoatio• of tlv
1pa.ce C" is meant the real linear space which coincides with C- as a group
and in which multiplication by real numbers is defined in the same ,,.-ay as

t Th e fact 1h at the defi niti on of a ttc-urrcnt scqumcc orord� .t 1tquir-cs know-lNlgc oflhc­
finl k h:rm 11 of the.- scquc:ntc is intim a1dy connttkd with the fact that �_sp, of2
diffen-ntial c:quatio no fonkrk is o f dimension k. This coooectioo bccoma 2ppattnt ift he
diffen:n1i al cqu :uion i$ writte n as a lim it of diffe�nc:e equations..
120 Chap. 3 Lu,rar Systtnu

In C', while 111ultiplica1ion hy Ce>tnJ>lcx numb<,,.. is no1 drfin«I a, all. (In

oilier worth, 10 decomplexiry C" mean, 10 forge, abou1 1he Slr>Klun, of •h<
C-rnodule while prrscrving Ihe s1ruc1urr or1hr R-modulc.)
I Ii, ea,y 10 sec 1ha1 11,c decc>1111>lrxinea1ion or1hr space C' is a 2"-d,mcn­
sional real linenr space Ri.. Wr will dcno1e dcromplrxifica1ion by a sup,r•
$C"ript R cm 1hc 1rn. Thu,, for�xnmplt, •c • Rl.
l(e,,, .. , e" i.s a basis in C", then e,, ... , e., ie., ... , re. is a ha.tis in
Relf _ a211.
Let A: CM - C• be a C-linear operator. Then by the d,u,.pluifa•t••tt•/
tlteop,rau,r A is 1t1cant chc R.linearopcrator •A: llC- - �which roincida
with A pointwise::.
l'rohltm I . Le, e1 ,, ..• •.. and r..... , t. be baJt'I in 1� apa«s C- and C- raprcu,-dy.

and Ice (A) b e I he malr-i x of1hc operator A.F'ind thf' matrix ofth('decomp&tx1.6td optnlOf'

A,o, (; -!)• whcl'C (A) (h) + i(p),

J-a,MJJnn 2 . Prove: tha 1
R(,t + II) - RA + RII, R(,111) � R,CR8,

18,2. Complexi6.cation. L�t R" be an n•dim("nsional rn.l li�ar space.

Then by the tompltxiji,ation oftht spate R" is meant then-dimensional com•
plex linear space, denoted by CJt•, which i, corutructrd as rollows. The
points of CR• are pairs ({, If) with { e R", If e R". Dcno1ing such pain
({, lfl by { + ;,,, we define the operations oraddition and multiplication by
complex numbers i n the usual way:
({, + ;,,,) + ({, + ;,,,) = ({, + {,) + i(11, + ,,,,,
(u + iu)({ + ilf) � (u{ - Vlf) + i(v{ + ulf).
JI is ea\ily verified that the resulting C-module: is an n--dimcnsional complex
linear space C'a" = C". If eu ..., e,. is a basis i n R•, then tM vectors
e1 + iO, .., , e" + iO form a C-basis i n C' = cR". The v«ton ( + iO
are denoted briefly by {.
Let A: RM - R' be an R-lincar opera1or. Then by the�-•/
the op,rator A is meant the C -lincar operator cA: CJt• - cit� dcfin<ed by the
A({ + ilf) s A{ + iA If·
P,obl,m I. Lee eJt •• ,, �.. a.nd t,, ... , t. be b:ts,cs i.n chc s�cics R• Jl• �--dy.
and 1cc (A) be rhc matrlx o(thc opcracor A. fjnd chc ma1rix of chc c::o.mpkxi6cd opaaeor
A•s. (CA) = (A).
Sec. 18 Complcxific•tion ond Occomplrxifkation 121

Prol,I,,,. 2. l'rovt 1h.11

O(A I /1) CA I CIJ, O(A8) CAOIJ,

H,111ark 011 t,rminology. The 01>rrn1ions of complexific41io11 and d«omplr,ifi•

cation arc delined hooh for spaces and for mappingJ, Algrbniiu eall such
opera tionsf,mc/ors.
18.3 . The complex conjugate. Consider ,he 2n-dimensional real linear
space R2' = R CR', obtained from R• by complcxification followed by dc­
complcxification. Thisspace concains an n-dimtn$ional subspa« ofvectors
of ohc form { + iO, C e R', called the rtul plan, R• c= R••. The subs patt of
vectors of the form O + iC, Ce R' is called the im•1•••ry p/4M iR" c= R2 ".
The whole space R2" is the direct sum o(cheK- twon-dimcnsional subspactt4
The operntor i£ of multiplication by i in C' - "R• is transformed af«r
dccomplcxificaoion into an R-linear operator 11{i£) • /: R'-- - R'-- (Fig.
110). This 01>erator /mapsohe real plane i,omorphically into the imagjn;ory
plane and vice versa. The square of the operator/ equals - £.
P,obltm / . Lel c-1 ,,.,. e., be a ba�i in R• Jand e1 ,., •• �-� ie1, •••• it-:., ab.tis tn ai.. -
RC. R•. Find the matrix or the operator/ in this basis.
Ans. ( / ) - (06 - 6)
O .
Let ,,: R2" - R2' {Fig, I11) denote the operator of taking tlx complex
conjugaoc,sothata(( + i 11) = ( - ;,,, Thcactionofaisoftendcnoccdby
an ovcrbar. The opcra1or a coincides with £i n the real plane and "·ith -E
in the imaginary plane. Note that a is inoolu.tory: t12 = E.

Fig . 110 The opcr-ator of multiplication by i .


Fig. 111 The compl e x conjugate.

122 Chap. 3 Un�r S..
) tem,

Lei A: 0a� - c a, be• C-line"r operaior. By the tomplu tMJ•1•t• A oftlw

op.rntor A is mean, ''" operator ,i: ca� - Ca• defined by 1he formub
Az•Az Vz11ca�.
Problnn 2, J•rovc lhlH A I,• Cllnc:. 1r ot�rM1or.
/Jtobltm 3, J fO\'(' th1'1 lht' fflltrix or 1he otH"r1110, � "'. ,,./ NJu •• lh,r COfflpk,c:

or 1hc m:utix or A ill the umc bu i!.

P,oblttt1 '1. Ptovc: tha1
A+Ti - A � 71, Ali• A ii ,
Proltltm 5 . Prove that a corn1>lcx linear 01:>erator A: CR• -Crt• is th.t com.pit-x,fica1J(llft
of a re-al opcra1or ir and only i( A - A .
18.4. The exponential, determinant, a.nd trace of a eomple.x ope.r•
ator. The cx1 >0ncn1ial1 dctcrmina,11. and or a complex operatof' att
defined in cxaccly the same way a.sin the real c�, and they have aanly the
same properties a.sin the real case, 1hc only difference lKing that 1hc dttC:f'.
minant is now comp1c:x and hence no1 a volume.
Problem I. Prove 1hc following propertiesoftheocponential:
"(,•) = ,"•,
Problem 2. Prove the following properties of the determinant:
dct "A • ldet Al', dct A • det A, de, CA • de, A.
Probl•m 3 . Prove the following properties or the trace:
Tr"A • Tr A+ Tr A, Tr A• 'FrA, T, cA • Tr A .
Probltm 4, Prove that the formula

con1inucs to hold in 1hc compJcx case.

18.5. The derivative or a curve with complex values'" By a ar,.y ,rill,
complex values is meant a mapping q,: / - C" of an open intcrva.l /ofthe ttal
axis into the complex linear space C'. The dniN.tice of th� cun.� f' a1 a
point 10 e / is defined ln the usual way and i s a vcctor ofthcspact C":
d,p = l irn ,p(10 + h) - ,p(t0).
di ,.,0 111-0 h
Example I. Let 11 = I, ,p(t) = /' (Fig. 112). Then

di ,=,o
= i.
Sec. 18 Complcxifirntion and Drcomplrxil\ration 123


Fig. 112 The dcrivalive or lhc Cul'vc:., - , 11

at th� point O « i.

Examining lhc case n • I in more detail,we note that cuno "'i1h ,alucs
in C can be m11l1iplicd as well as added. since multiplication i, defined i n C:

('I', + '1',)(1) � 'l',(1) + 'l',(1),

('1','1',){I) • '1',(1)'1'2(1), I e I.
Probl,m I. Prove t hac

d 11'1'I d,pI
dt('I', + 'I',) =-+-,
dt dt
d d,p ,
('l','I',) = -'I',
di dt
Comme,it. I n particular, the derivalivc ofa polynomial with complex cor:ffi.
cients is given by 1he same formula a s in the case ofreal c«fficicnts.

If n > I, we cannot multiply 1wo curves with values in C" . Howc,.-er,

since C,. i� a C-module, we can multiply the curve 'I': / - C"' by a function
f: I - C:
(/'1'){1) = /(1)'1'(1).
Problem 2 . Prove that
d C
dt( 'I')
d('I',+ 'I',) - d'I',
-'-�.,....� - + d'I',
di � di dt '
whcrt·, naturally. il is assumed that the derivatives i n question c,cisl.

THF.OREM. I.ti A: C ' - C' be a C-lintar opualor. Thoi lht C.liwar.p,aa.Ulr

from Cit into C' existsfor every t e R .

124 (:hap. 3 Lin,ar System•

Proof. Thi, can be prov<d i11 exactly the same way OJ in the real <AK, but
we can al,o start from the real case. In ract, decomplexiryin,i C", -.e g<1

"(!!_,,,.) • !!."(•'") • f!.,•t"•> • ("A),'

dt 1/t dt
1"" • •(Al''). I

19. Linear Equations with a Complex Phase Space

As oflen happens, 1he complex case is simpler 1han 1he real.-. The com­
plex case is imponanl in its own righ1; moreover. investigation ofchc co m ­
plex case will help us in our study of1he real case.
19.1. Definitiona, Lei A: C" - C' bea C-linearoperator. By a lincarcqua­
cion with space C" is meant an equation
t • Az, z e C". (I)
The full description or (I) is "a system o r homogenrou, lineM diffttcntial
equations oft he first order with constant complex cocfficicnu."
By a solution q, of equation (I) satisrying the initial condition -,(10) = z0,
,0 e R, z0 e C" is meant a mapping q,: I - C" of an interval ofthe real I-axis
into C" such that 10 e I, ,p(t0) = z0 and

for every t e I . In other words, a mapping fP: / - C" is said to� a solution
of (I) if af1er decomplexifying the space C" and the operator A, the mapping
q, i s a solution of the following equation with a real phaK­

19.2. The basic theorem. The following theorem is proved in exactly the
same way as in the real case (sec Theorems 15.2 and 15.3):
THEOREM. Tht solution ,p oftquation (I) satisfying th, initialcoMiJjq,, ,p(O) - z.
is givtn by lht formula q,(t) = t''z0• A1orto1'<r, <ll<TJI o�•P,,,'1Jlldu gTOII/>
{g',1 e R) ofC-lintar transformations oftht spact C" isofth,form
g' a ,..c,
wht,e A : C" ➔ C' i1 a Clinear o/)<ralor.
Our goal is now to investigate and explicitly calculate ,,A.
Sec. 19 Linear Equation, with a C',omplcx Phair S 11acc 125

19.3. The dla1onal ca1e. l,et ,I: c• - C" be aC-linear opc,rator, and con•
)Ider the rharac1cri s1ic- tqu:uion
dr,t (A - AF.) • 0. (2)
TIIKOMtM, Ift/11 n roots A A. 'Iftquation (2) art di11inct, INn C" tl«t,,.,_stS
1, • • • ,
i111011,lirtrl rumC" • c: + ··· + C� nfont-dimtn1ional111b1p,,tt1C:. ,C�
;,warianl untie, A and t'", whtrt in tath one--dimtruional incarioJ trdl/JO<t, J.ll'f
C1, ,,,. rttlutts to mulripHcation by till tompl,x numbt'r t1•'.
Proof. The operator A has n linearly indepc,ndent ci�nlines:t
C" • c: + .. · + C!.
The operator A acts like multiplication b yl, on the lineC), and hcntt the
operator' e'A ac1s like muhiplication bye"''. I
We now consider 1hc one-dimensional case (n • l) i n mon dc1ail.
19.4. Example. Consider the linear equation
:i = Az, z E C, ). e C, I E R, (3)
with the complex line as its phase space. As '-"'c alreadyknow, dx solution of
(3) is just

,p(t) = ,,, z•.

Consider the complc:,c function e4' ; R - Cora real variabl4!' t. Ir..tis real,
the furw1ion ,'• is real (Fig. 113), and the phas,, How ofequation (3) consist>
of expansion by" fa<·tor of i". If A is pur�ly imaginary, so that l = iw,
w ER, ,hen by Euler's formula
e4' = /"u = cos wl + i sin wt.
In 1his case, 1he phase Row of equation (3) is a family {t'} of ro12tions
through the angle wt (Fig. 114). Finally, in 1he general case, A ="' + iw

t t !

Fig. 113 Cra1:>h or,h� run�1ion c:,.., for rc:al , .

t This is ,hr-onl>• plac-e whc:tt th<: ("Ompkx cas,e differs from thf' r<-a.1 CbC. Tht g:ra.ttt
,omplcxilyoflhc r eal case-is due IO the fact tht-fie-Id R is not .a.JgcbniiaD)·doM'd.
126 Chap. 3 Linear Sys1emt


Fig. I 14 Phase and i111cgrat curvt"'\ of the «I U.lHOn i la for purdy � l.

Fig, II� PhascandirHegtal curvaor1he�1uaiioni-.(a.f01'l o+�•<0.@>0.

and muhiplica1ion by," is 1he produc1 o f mu hiplication byt' and multipli­

cation by ,•w•
(see Sec. I 5.5):

The 1ransforma1ion g' of 1he phase How of equation (3) is then an ,''.fold
expansion together with a simuhancous rotation through the angle cot.
\/\ 1e now consider the phase curves in the gc:ncral case. fo,-example, sup­

pose a< O,w > O(Fig.115).Thcnaslincrcascs,1heph..,.,point,,.,z0 a p­

proaches the origin, winding around the origin "in the countttdoc:k-wise
direction," i.e., from l to i. In polar coordinates, with a suitable choicr: of
initial angle, the phase curve has equa1ion

r = �', k = afw

0• In r .

A curve of 1his kind is called a logarithmic ,piral. The phase eun-.s are a lso
logarithmic spirals for other combi nalions of the signs of aand w(rigs. 116,
I I 7). In every case (cxcep1 l = OJ, 1hc point z = 0 is the unique fixed point
of 1he phase Aow (and the unique singular point of the eon-csponding equa-
Sec, 19 Linrar Equation, with a Complr• Pho;, Sparr 127

ot<O 0t<O t11>0 t11>0

w>O __.+_ -1-.::w<O w>O w<O

1tig. I Hi A Mable foe"''·

Fig, 118 A c:cutcr,

°' >O re"'' :r ot<O

t t

Fig. 119 The real p.1rl of,.-. as a fu

nctjon of time.

tion (3) ofthe vector field). This singular point is called af,a,s (we assume
that a 'F 0, w 'F 0). If c, < 0, 1hen ,p(t) - 0 as I - + a:>, and 1he focus is
said 10 be stable, while ifa > 0, 1he focus is said 10 be 11nstal>u. If" = 0,
w #; 0, the phase curves arc circles with the singular point as thdr tmla
(fig. 118).
Choosingthccoordinatez;;; x + iyinC1 ,wcnow invcstigatcthccbange
of 1hc real and imaginary parts x(t) andJ(t) a s the phase point moves. I t
follows from (4) 1ha1

x(t) = re" cos(wt + 0), J(t) • re•' sin(wt + 0),

where the constants rand O are determined by the i11i1ial condit.ions (Fig.
119). Thus the coordina1es x(t) andJ(I) cxccu1e "harmonic oscillations of
frequency w with exponentially increasing amplitude r?-0" if a: > Os and
128 Chap. 3 u....,ar Sy,1e""

da,npcd o,cilla1io11, if« < O. The changr of x or J wilh 1imr can al,o be,
wrluc:11 in the form
A,'' co, wt + 8<'' sin wt,
whcl'e 1he consrn111s A and Bare determined by 1he initial conditions
R,mark I. By studying equation (3) in 1hls way, we have sunuhan<:oU>ly
invcscigaled all one-parame1er groups of C.lincar transformatiom of the
complex line.
Rtmark 2 . At the same lime, we have investigated the system
{ .t •
a.x - C'JV',
orlinear equations in the real plane obtained by dccomplc><ifying cq�tion
Theorems 19.2 and 19.3, 1oge1her with ,he above calcub,tions, immedi­
ately imply an explicit formula for the solutions of equation (I).
19.5. Corollary. Suppost then root, l,, . . . , J.. of1/tl ch4ract,ruliL <q,u,tio• (2)
art distintt. Tl1tn ewr., solution rp oftquation (I) is ofthtform


(1(1) = :E, ,,.,"�·�., (5)

where the (. are conslanl otclcrs independent oflltt initial conditioru IVIIII 1/w ,.. art
compltx con.rt ants depending on the initial condition.1.Fort.vtrytlt.oiuef
formula (5) gives a solution ofequation (I).
Proof. We need only expand the initial condition with rcsixct to the dg,,n ­
rp(O) - C' {' + . . . + ,.{.. I
Hz1 , • • • , z,. is a linear sys1cm of coordinates in C:, then 1M real pare x,
and the imaginary par171 of every component of the solution '1'(1) changes
with time like a linear combination of the functions �•cos°''-' and
., Sin
,. . Wi1 J.C.,

x, = L ,.,�·�'(cos Wi + o.,)
= I:= I A,1:�111 cos w,,t + B ,e-•• sin w 1,
1c 1 (6)
Sec. 20 C'.om1>lexlfieo1ion of n Real Linear Equation 129

where A, • «, + iw1 and 1hr vnr ious,. 0, A, Barr rral coniu1n11deptnding

011 the inl1ial conditions.

20. Comple dficatlon

: of a Real Linear Equation
We now use the results or our study of thr complex equation 10 invntig.ttr
the real case.
20.1. The eomplesifled equation. Let A: R" - R• be a linear operator,
specifying a linear equation
X = Ax, x e R". (I l
The complexification of equation (I) is the equation
with a comp1cx phase space.
LEMMA I. Tl1t so/ulions oftquation (2) wit/r comf)kx conjugal< inili41 a,uiitiMS art
Jhernseluts complex conjugates.
Proof. Ifq, is the solution with initial condition q,(10) = ,0 (Fig. 120), 1h<:n
,p(l0) = z0. Once we show that Ip i s a solution, the lerr ma ,-ill bc pro,.-cd
(because of the uniqueness). But

'!!£.= ;lip = CAq,

dt dt
= CA IP = CA IP, I
R,mark. Instead of equation (2), we migh1 have chosen the more genual
i = F(z, t),

Fig. 120 Corn.plcx oonjugale �utions.
130 Chap, 3 t.i�ar S) 1em1

fig. 121 A M>l ullou with " f(:o1I ioltlal condidon unnot ha.w compla nlua..

whose right-hand side rnkcs co,nplexconjugate values at compltx conjugate

F(i, 1) • F(z, 1).
Forcxnmplc, 1hisCOf'1dilion is satisfied by any polynomial in thecoordin�tcs
z. or 1hc vector z in a real basis whose c�mcicnu arc real fonc1ion1 or,.
COROLLARY. Tht solution of equation (2) u:itlt a r<al 1n111al roltllit- u r<al 11M
Slltisfies equation (I).
Proof IC ip 'F <p (fig. 121), 1he uniqueness theorem would be ,iolated. I
In the next lemma, the linearity ofthe equation is essential.
L£'1MA 2. Thtfunetion z = ,p(t) is a solution efth, compu,ifod,,,.,.,,., (2 ifa,u/
only ifits real an,/ ima_ginar;, parts satisjj, the original tquation (I).

Proef. Since
CA(x + iy) = Ax + iAy,
the dccomplexificd equation (2) decomposes in1oa direct product

{ x • Ax, x eR.11,
y = Ay, ye R". I
le is clear from Lemmas I and 2 chat from a knowledge of the complex
soh11ions of equation (2) we car\ fi11d the real .solution.s of equation {I , and
conversely. In particular,jormu/a (6) of S«, /9.5 gi..., tht txplintf.,,,. of t J,,
solution in the cast where the clioracteri"stic equation no multipU r#ls.
20.2. lnvariant subspaces ofa real o�rator. LN A: R• - R• bca real
linear opera1or, and lei ,! be one of the roocs (in general complex) of the
charac1eristic equation dct(A - ,!£) = 0 .
LEMMA 3. If { e C" CR• is an e(�envtrtor ofthe op,rator CA uidt �• i�
then ( is an eigenvector with ei_�envalue }., 1\1ore01¥1, ). and 1 hare lite ume ,ulti.
Sr.c. 20 (<>m1}lcxifico1ion of a Real Linear Equa1ion 131

• •
• V

f,' lg. 12� l•:1gC"rwatun or a rul 01K'r11tor.

Fig. 123 The rul llart of an cigcnvcnor IKI� to an inv.atUo, real p&.a.,w .

Proof Sin,·e lli! • 0A, 1he equa1ion CA{ • l( i1 cquivalen1 10 CAt • J.t
and the characlcri1tic equation has real coefficients. I
Suppose now that 1he eigenvalues ).1, • • • , A. e= C of chc opcr.uor
A: R' - R" arc dis1inc1 (Fig. 122). Among 1hcsc eigenvalues we ha,·e a
certain number v of real eigenvalues and a certain numberµ of complex
conjugate pairs (where\'+ 21, = n,so 1hat thc parityofthcnumberofrieal
eigenvalues equal, 1hc pari1y of n).
THEOREM. The spae, R" dtt-ompos,s into a dirccl sum ofvonc-dimouiMIII sdspaus

invariant undtr A and )1 two-dimensional subspacu inoorian.t under A.

Proof. To every real eigenvalue there corresponds a ttal cigcn\tttor and

hence a Or)e-dimensional invariam subspace i n R... Let A, ,l be a pair or
complex conjugate eigenvectors. Then to). there correspond5an eigcn\-ector
� e c• a CR' of 1he cornplexified opera1or c A. By �mma 3, the complex
conjugate vector � is also an eigenvector, with eigenvalue A . T'hc complt:x
plane C2 spanned by the eigenvectors C, ( Ls invariant under the open.tor
cA, and th<· real subspace R" c CR" is also invariant under cA. Hentt their
intersection is also lnvariant under CA. We now show that this intersection
is a 1wo-dimensional real plane R' (Fig. 123).
To this end, consider 1he real and imaginary parts of1hc eigcn�tttor {:

x = 2I(�+ {)eR",
Being C-linear combinations of the vectors c! and t the vecton :sandy
belong 10 1he in1e,scc1ion C' I"\ R". The vectors x and y arc C-lincarly
13i Chap.3 Linear Sy>1<n>t

indtpcndent, tincr 1hc C•ir1tkpcndcrH vtc1on ( and� art lint�r romb1na•

tionsorxand y:
� • X + iy, � • X - iy.
Hence every vector ,, or 1hc pl:rnr C1 ha.s a unique rcpttscnta1ion aJ a tom•
pkx II near c"muhi na lion of Iht rrnl vrrl01'1 • and y:
11 = ax + by, a, be C.
Such a vector is rca I (,, = ij) ifand only ifax + by • ax + 6y, i.r., if and
only if a and b arc real. Thus tl,e inltrstctio• C' t"\ R• is tit, tu.Hilli,,.,.._J ,,./
plane ,pa11ned by tlie vtc/ors x and y which ar, tire r,al a•d ima-ti""'7 f»TIJ ofIN
eiauweetor (. Moreover, A and l arc the eigenvalues ofthe restriction of1hc
operacor A co the plane R2• Jo foci, complcxificacioo d� not change cigen•
vah1es. Aflcr complcxifying chc restriction of A to R2, we get the ratriction
of0A to C'.Bui the plane C' is spanned by 1hc cigcnvec1ors of 1hc operator
0A wi1h eigenvalues,! and l Hence• and X are the cigenvalucso1'1hc rcstric•
,ion ofA 10 R1.
1vVc muse siill show chat the one-dimensional and 1werdi�nsional sut>.
spaces ofR"jus1 conS1ruc1ed arc R-linearly indcptndent. But this follows a,
once from I he fact that the n eigenvectors of Ihe operator cA arc C-lincarly
independent and can be expressed linearly i n terms of tht v«ton
(, (k = I, ... , v) and x,, y, (k = I, ... ,µ). I
Thus in /he eaJt whnt all the eigtnualue.s ofthe O/Hfll.tor A: R• - R• on sunp/11
lhe Linear dijftrenlial equal ion
X = Ax, XE R"
decomposes into a direct product of equations wit/r on,-dim,nsioMI 1111d 1-dimm­
rional spaces.
We note that a polynomial with "general" cocfficienl.S has no multiple
roots. Hence, to invcstigace linear differential equations, we must first ofall
consider linear differential equations on the line (as we have already done)
and in the plane.

20.3.Linear rquations in the plane.

THEOREM. Let A: R2 - R2 be a linear opuator with ,omplu t:it,O&Nlau ).., ;. _
Then A is the dtcomplexification ofthe optrator I\: C1 - C' efmaltipliu1-., tltt
compl,x number,!. More exactly, the plane R' C4n b, equipp,d u:ith th,strw:t11r, of
line C', so that R = •c• and A = .,..I\.
Sec, 20 Complexiftcation nr • Real Linear Eq11,iion 133

l'r•ef. The proof �oruisu or " rnther m)'itrriou• ralcul•tion,t �t

x + iy a 0RI be n complex eigenvector orthe oprrator cA ..;th <ig,nv�lur
A. • a + ;w. Thr vrc1ors x;u1d y rorm a hasi., in R1• On the one hand, we­
0A(x + iy) • (ex + iw)(x + iy) • cxx - wy + i(wx � :ry ,
while on the other,
c,l(x + iy) • Ax + iAy,
and hence
Ax• ax - wy, Ay = wx + «y,
i.e., lhc:opcra1or A; R1 - R2 in 1hc basis x, y has the s.amcm;atri.x

asthco 1>era10r RAofmuhiplicationbyl =a+ ,win1hcl>;uisl, -i.Thui

the desired cnmplex structure in R1 is obtained by taking x for I and y for
_,. I
COROLI.ARY ) • !..ti A: R2 -+ R2 ht a li11tar lra,uformation oftM £.Mdidnn,p/llM
with complex eigerwaluts J., J.. Then the traniformation A is a.ffind:, tf!6Mlnl ,. a
IJ.l:f•ld ,.,pa11sion tog,thn with simulta11,ous rotationtltrouglt tit, angl, arg ,I..
COROLLARY 2. T/,e phaujlow ofth, lin,ar tquation (I) in tltt £,,didtan /JUlN R'
with tompltx eigenvalues)., ). � a ± iw is a.ffintl:, ,quit<tltnt to afamil:, of,'' :f«d
expansions u·ith simultaneou.s rotation through. the anilt wt.
In particular. the singular point O is a focus, while the phase curves art"
affine images o f logarithmic spirals approaching the: origin as t - +coin
lhc ease where the real part a orthe eigenvalues A., l isnc:gafr,:c: and mo,.'lng
away from I he origin in the case where a > 0 (Fig. 124).
1 n the case" = 0 (Fig. 125), the phase curves are a family ofconcentric
ellipses. with the singular point a� their unter. In this case, the tnm.fonna•
1ions arc called elliptical r()tations.
20.4. Classification or singular points in the plane. Now let

t ·r·hc ('alt ula1ion ca,, be-T(l)lactd bythe-following argum<nt.U-, l =• - ir:,. a.nddrfint

an o pcra1or /: R' - R 2 by the- C'ondition A --. aE ...._ CJJI. Such .an opaa.t« / aisu. 1UIC('
<Q F Oby hypot.hais. 1'hc-n /2 = - £, s:ince lhc opttalOI' A u.lisfics its own chuac\cristic
equ ation. ·ra ki ng /to be multiplication by r. we- get the ncccuary rompkx structwc in R:-.
134 . ap. 3 Lin,�r S),stem•

e• l24 The af11n e imagr o(a Fig. 12.._ An dfipciul rouuoa.
Joga1i 1hmic iipil'.-1.

Fig. l26 An unslablc focu.s, Fig . 127 AsatLcllc poi:n t .


Fig. 128 An unstable node. Fig. 129 St.lblc foci.

Fi g. 130 Centers. r, g. 131 Uns�bk foci.

Sec. 20 Complexificn1ion or n RenI Linear Equation

be any llncnr equaoion In 1hr 1>lnne, and suppose 1hr roou l1, l, o( ohc
characu:rislic cquntion arr diitinc\, H thr rootJ arr �al and), < AJ, ,h�
«1ua,ion dccomposrs into 1wo one•dirncnsional equiuion1 and \\cgc1 oMor
1hc cn,c, already soudicd in (;hap. I (Fig,. 126, 127, 128).
llerc we 0111i1 ohc boundary cases where l 1 or l, equal, 0. Thew ca.n are
or much lctiJ in1crc:11 1 1incc thty nrc rartly tncountC'rtd and ar'C' no, prc-•
served under an arbitrarily small perturbation; 1hry can be investigated
wlth no difficulty whauocvcr.
Ir ohe roots arc complex, so 1ha1 .l,., • a ± iw, 1hen, depending on 1hc
sign or a, we geo one orohe cases shown in Figs. 129, 130, 131. The ca,e of a
ccncer is exceptional, but is encountered, for rxamplr, in coRKrv.uivr s:ys­
ocms (see Sec. 12). The case of rnuhiple rooo, is also exceptional. As an
exercise, ohe readcr should verify 1ha1 Ihe case shown i n Fig. 126 corre,ponds
10 a Jordan block with ,l 1 • .l2 < 0 (a "degenerate node").
20.S. Example: The pendulum with fricdon. We now applyeverything
said 10 the equation
ii= -x - kx
of small oscillaoions of a pendulum with friction (k is the coefficient of fric­
tion). The equivalent system
X1 sx 2 ,
X1 = -xi - kx 1,
has the matrix

with determinant l and trace -k. The corresponding characlcristic equa­

.l2 + k.l + I = 0
has complex roots iffkl < 2, i.e., if1hc friction is 001 too large.t
The real part of each of the complex rooo,
A,.1 ;;:;: a + foJ
equals -k/2. Hence if the coefficient offriction iJ positive ad l»l t• 1,ug,
(0 < k < 2), t/,e lower ,quilibrium position ofIM pa,dubim (x1 = x2 = 0) iJ a
1tabltf(J(U1. Ask - 0, the focus becomes a et"ntc.r . The smaller dx codliciau
of friction, the slower the phase point approaches the equilibrium position
t The case o (real roots is considered in Sec. I7. 2 .
136 Chap. 3 Linear Sptrms

Fig. 132 Ph 1uc: curve o( a �ndulom with ,mall fnnion,

rt! -ft O<l«Z

0 �Jf<2


' --1.'-­

Fig , 133 The 1r.insi1i o n from damped oscillations 10 nonoscill.ator)' motioaolthcpcod•

lum: Phase curves aod graphs of solutioos for thrtt values of tM' cod6cicn1 olfriction_

F ig. 134 PhaS(: pJa, ,e of 1hc pendulum with small friction. After a anaiJ'I number ol
re\'olutions, the pendulum begins co swillg near LIM: Jo.,-cr equilibrium position..
Sec. 20 Complcxification or a Keal Linear Equation 137

as 1 -+ oo (Fig. 132). Explicit formula, for the change orx, • xwith time
can i;c ob1nincd fr<'>m Corollary 2 of Sec. 20.3 and the formula, ofS«. 19.4.
x(I) • rt'' co,(w1 - 0) • A," en, wl + Bt'' sin wt,
where ohc cocfficicnis r and O (or A and 8) can be determined from the ini­
tial conditions.
Hence the oscillations or the pendulum arc damped, with ,ariabk am­
plitude re" and period 2,r/w. The larger the coefficient of friction, the

J1 -�
faster the amplioude decreascs.t The frequency

w p

decreases as the coefficient of friction k increases. Ask - 2, the frequency

approaclw, 0 and the period approaches oo (Fig. 133). Forsmall .t, \'it ha\'e
W � I -- k - 0.
Thus the friction increases the period only verysljghtly, and its in.8ucnccon
the frequency can be neglected in many calculations.
J>,ol,Jrm I . Draw phase curvts for the nonli ncari:t.ed pendulum with friction
X - -sinx •-kt
(f' ig. 134).
flint. Cal,·u l;i1c the derivative or 1he U)1al energy along the pl\ut c,un�
70.6. General solution of the linear equation in the case of simple
roots of tbe characteristic equation. W e already know that c,,cry sohJ­
tion q, of the complex.ified equation is a lincarcombina1ion

Q>(tl = :E ,,,·•'{,
l• I

of exponentials (see Sec. I 9.5), where {, is any eigenvector with eigenvalue

J.4; htrt we choose real eigenvectors lht eigerwolves are ua( and annpu:x
eigenvtclor.t ift/11 eigenualut.t au complex conjugau.s. Moreover, wt also know that
the solutions of the real equation arc the solutions o f it:s complcxification
with real initial conditions. A necessary and sufficient condition for the
vector Q>(O) to be real is that


:E ,,{, = :E
k•I l:•I

f Nevertheless, the pend ulum still m.t kcs. inlinitdy many swings for a.t1:y va)QC .t < 2.. lf
k > 2, however, the pendul um changa its direction o(morion no more dattoncc.
138 Chap. 3 Ll�ar Syst<rn,

For I his 10 hold. th,co!.l)ici•ntJ of""' r•tcto,s must b, ttal ••dIM1t ,ftt,,.,,tutM·
J11ga1, ,,«tors m1;JI be compt,x conji(g,,t,s, Nott rur1her that cht II compl-t'C con­
stant� c 1 , , , • , , nrr uniqurly dtu:rrnincd by the solulion of chc «Jmplc'C

cc1un1ion (ror • nxcd d1<Jitc ofcigrnvcc1ors). Thi, proves 1hr follo-.;ng

·1•11go•e>i. r:111,y solu1ion of1/11 rcol •quot ion has a ••iv•• rrp,u,•101,.,. ,Jtlt,f,,,,.
' •••
,p(t) - I:I "•····�. +
II••• I

(for a fix•d cltoict of ,ig•nu«lors), whtr• th, •• are rtal constants Hi tlu ,, lffff/lWC
Formula (3) i, called 1hc gtntral solution of the equation. \\le can also writ<

(3) in 1hc form
.. ..
,p(I) • I; ••••••(, + 2 Re I; ,,,•"(,.
t• I I••+ I

Note cha1 ,he ge neral solu1ion depends on Y + 2µ • 11 �al corutants «1,

Re,,,. and J m '"· The se constants arc uniquely dctcrminro by the inilial
COROLL.-.RV I. L•I ,p = (,p,, ... , ,P.) bt a solution of a JftlOfl ,Jn ,uJ /i,,,,.,
dij/trtnlia/ •qu•lions of Int first ordtr with matrix A, and sufJ/Jost all tlv -11 ,JtJv
thar,uteriJtit equation oflht ma1n'x A art simple. u:hLrt tM rtal r..i.s au dtllllud b:,
J.1 and lht complt.t ,oot.s bya,1c ± iw,. Then ttieryjlll'tltion "'• is a U11aUc.llt.6ina.tW11
Proof. Le, ,p � �,e. + · · · + �.e. be 1hccxpan,ion of1hcgcneraliolu1ion
(3) wilh respec1 10 ,he coordi11atc basis e, •...• e •• lxaring in mind that
,<o: :til!:J1o)' = ,:r '(coswi + i sin w11). I
11 11

1'o solve linear systems in practice, we can the method of undc1t.r•
mined coefficients 10 look forsolutions in the form oflincarcombinatio.nsor
1hc runctions (4).
COROLLARY 2. Lt/ A be a real matrix with real <igerwalU<S ).• ttNI ,.,.,pwc ,iga,­
values «t ± fr»t, all of which are simple. Thm tVt.,Y tltmtnl ofIN ,notrix il a ,,A
linear co mbination of th,fun<lions (4).
ProoJ. Every column of ,he matrix e'"' is made up of components of the
image of a basis vector under the action of ,he phase flo\,· of tM: system of
differential equa,ions wi1h matrix A. I
Sec. 21 Classilica1ion of Singular Points 139

{(,r1111rk. f:vtry1hing s:&id abovr immcdi3tt"ly rarrin ovrr 10 tquations and

,y,1e111, of cqur11ioru or order higher 1han I, inosmuch ms 1hne rt'du« 10
sys1erns or lio,n-order equalions (see Sec. 9).
1•,o1,1,,., I• .,,i11d 111 read •olu1io1n of 1hc c(p..•11on1

21. Classi.fication of Singular Points of Linear Systnns

As shown above. the general real linear sysu�m (wh� charac1cristic �ua-
1ion has no 111ulti1>le roots) reduces 10 a direct product ofOM-di,,,..mion.1,I
aod 1wo -dimensional systems. Since one-dimensional and t�"'
sys1cms have already been studied, we arc now in a position to invatigatc
multidimrn.sional systems.

21.1. Example: Singular points in three-dimensional space. Herc

1he charnc1eris1ic equation is a real cubi c equation. Such an �uation can
have either three real roots or one real and two complex roob, and man)•
different cases can occur, depending on the arrangement oftlx roots J.1• J.11
1, in 1he plane of the complex variable} . . Examining the or<kr and signs of
the real parts ofthe roots, we find that 10 "nondcgenera«" c.ues (Fig. 135)
arc possible, as well as. a number of "degenerate" cases (sec �.g., Fig. 136),

0 0
J) J')
4) 4?

0 0
S) s?
F;g, 135 £igcovalucs ofa re-al opct1t0r A: R.3 - R.>. Nondcgctttt2tt cues.

7/r u>-4
6) $)•••
Fig. 136 Some de generate cases.
140 Chap. S Linear Systems

Fig. 137 Phase apace ofa linear equat ion Fig. 138 The: CUC l, < l.a < 0 < 1.:
in the case A, < A, < A1 < 0 . The phase Contraction jn two dittet.ions and cqM.n
flow at a contraction in all three directions.. lion i n the third.

A, 0
l •
). ). I

F ig. 139 The case Re l i.3 < A., < 0: Fi,g. 140 The caJC )._, < Re 1 1__, < 0:
Contraction i n 1he direc:1fon or(1 a nd rota• Contraction i n the dlr«lionol(1 and rota �
ti on with faster contraction in chc plane or tion with slower contraaioa in tht:pb.oc ol
(1 and(1• (, anc:1(3•

Fig, 141 The c,a,sc Rcl1•2 < 0 < 13: F',g. 142 Equiwlcrtl llc,,,o.
£xpansion in 1hc direct.ion of(1 and rota�
tion with contraction in the plane of (1
and (1 •
Sec, 21 CIMsiflcation or Singular l'ointJ 141

where the real part or one or the roots•• vanishes or equal s the real part of a
root not conjugate to•• (here we do not consider the case or multiple rootJ).
The investigation or the behavior or the phase curves i n each of these cases
presents no difficulty,
Bearing in mind that,,, approaches Oas I - + oo irRc 4 < O (the more
rapidly, the smallerRe 4), we get the ph.lsc curves
,p(t) - Re(,,,'•'{, + ,,r''{, + ,,,'•'C,l
shown in Figs. 1 3 7 1 - 41. Cases l ' ) 5 - ') arc obtained from cases 1 ) -5) by
changing the direction or the 1-a,<is, so that correspondingly we need only
rever1c the direction or all the arrows in Fig,.137-141 .
l"rllhl,m J . Draw phase curve, (or ca.,c, 6)-9) in fig. 136..
21.2. Linear, dlll'erentlable, and topological equlval-«. Each or
lhcsc clM!iAcations is based on some equivalence r�lation. There cxdt at
least three reasonable equivalence relations ror linear systems, corYCSpond­
ing to algebraic, differentiable, and topologjcal mapping,.
Definition. Two phase Aows{f'}, (g'}: R" - R" arc said to be 'f'U«Jout ir
there exists a one-to-one mapping h: R" - R" carrying che flow(/'}into the
flow {g'} such chat h•J' • g' • h for every IE R (Fig.142). (\Ve then say
thac "chc flow {f')is transformed inco the Aow{g'} by the change ofcoordi­
nates h.") Under these conditions, the Aows arc said to be
I} l.inearly equivalent if the mapping h: R" - R" in qucstK>n ;. a liNd,
automorphism i
2) Dijf,rentiablyequivaunl if the mapping h: R" - R" is a diffto-pms11t;
3) Topologi,a/lyequivaltnl ihhe mapping h: R" - R• is a ,.,,_,,.,p!ris,,,, i.e.,
if his onc•to--one and continuous in both directions.
Problem I. Prove chac linear equivalence implies differentiable cquivalcnoc,
while differentiable equivalence implies copologjcal equivalence.
Remark. Note chat the mapping h carries phase curves or the 8ow (/'} inio
phase curves of the flow (g'),
Problem 2 . Docs every linear aucomorphism h E CL(R") carrying phase
curves or chc flow {f'} into phase curves of the flow (g'} establish a linear
equivalence between the flows?
Hint. Let n • l,f'x .- e'x, g'x = e2'x.
t The terms"conjugate" amt ..,imilar" arc sometimes used as synonyms b-..icquivdc:nt"
as defined he,re.
142 C:hap. 3 Unc-ar Systrmt

Probl,m !J . Provr that thr rdation1 or linrar, dilrrrrntiablr, and topological

<•quivalencr arc• actually rquivalrnc.- N"lations, i.r., thal

f~f, I~ I/, II ~ k -I~ k.

In particular, ,·vrrything ,a id is •1>1>licablr to thr phas, flows of linc-ar
�ystrm�. For brrvlty, wr will talk about rquivalrncc- or thf" systt-nu 1�m..
sdvcs. Thus we havr dividtd all linrar systrms in10 rquivaltntt i n
thr'rt wa)'!, corresponding to linear, diffrrrn1iablt, and topological �ujw_..
lt>nctt. We now study thc-sc- clas�s in rnorr drtail.

21.3. The linear cla••l6cadon,

T11£0REM. Lei A, B: R" - R"' be li,tenr opaa1or1 all ofwltou ntt-•colus •rt
simpl,. Th,11 th, syst,rru

i • Ax,
5' - By,
are linearly equivaltr1I ifa11d only ifth, ,ig,ntvzlu,s of th, operators A ad 8 ,,.,.,,k,
Proof A necessary and sufficient condition ror linear t:quiv-akntt of linca.r
systems is that 8 = hAh -1 for some h E GL(ll"), since Ai • hAx = y-
hAh- y (Fig. 143). But the eigenvalues of the oprrators A and AAA- 1 coin•
cidc (here simplici ty of the eigenvalues is unimportant),
Converscly 1 suppose the eigenvalues or A arc simple and coincide ";th
the eigenvalues o f 8. Then, according 10 &c. 20, A and 8 dtt0mpo5<" into
direct products of identical (linearly equivalent) one..,dimcnsioml and two-­
dimensional systems. Therefore A and 8 arr linearly cquivalcnL I
Probl,m I .Sho w lhat the sy.ucms
.t, = .... + ..,.
I l: =X 1

arc not linearly equival e111, cvel'I 1hough their eigen"'"21ua coincide.

21.4. The diff'erentiahle cbssi6cation. Our next th<Orcm is almost


Fi g. 143 Linearly equiv alent systems.
Src. 22 Topological C:lauification or Singular Points 143

·111eOR£M, Two ti,ttnr IJlltttll

* • /Jx, x ell'

"" 1lifj,r,11tinb/J ,quiual,nt if011d011/y ifthtJ art /in,a,IJ ,quwalmt.t

Proof Leth: ll" - ll' IJ<" a diffro,11orphisrn carrying the ptu.s,, Row ol'thc­
S)"tcm A into the phase flow or the ,ystem 8. The point x • 0 is a fixed
point or the phase flow or the S)'5trm A. Thrrrfore It carrin O into°"" of'the­
fixed points e or the phasr flow or the ,ystrm B, ><> that Be = 0 Thc-difTco­
moq>hi"n 6: ll" - ll" or shin by c (.Sx x - c) carrin the- p� Row of'
B into i1sc·lf1 since

:!.. (x - c) • x • Bx • B(x - c),

whilr the diffeomorphism

h1 • �oh: R" - R"

carriesthclloworA intothcllow orBandleav<'50fixed:h1(0 = 0.

Now kt/I: R" - R" be the derivative of 1he diff�morphisrn k, at 0, so
that//= "•lo E Gl(ll'), The diffcomorphi,msh 1 ••"and coincide r••••
for cv,:ry I, and hcnC"c so do their derivativn at s = 0:
Ht'A is e'"H. I

22. Topological Classification of Singular Points

Consider two linear sys1cms

X:;:;; Ax. X;:;: Bx, XE R"'.

all ofwhose eigenvalues have nonzero real parts. Let m _ denote the number
ofeigenvalues wi1h a negative real para and m ,. the number 1A;th a positivie
real part, so that m _ + m • = n.

22.1. Theorem. A necessary and suffimnt condition/or topob,gial 'fm""laa of

two li,re(lr systems, all ofwhose eigenvalues hoc, non zero rulparts, is tltat tM narmba
of tigenuoluts with ntgativt (andhtnce positii'<) r,a/parts I,, thesam, ia lto//r,pUltU:
m_(A) = m.(B), m.(A) = m,(B).
t II in1.1st not be 1hough1 tha1 C\'ery diffcomorphism aublishing the eqlln--alcooc oft.he
systems is linear (for example, lc:t A = 8 = 0).
144 Chap. 3 Lin�, s,-s1ems

Pig, 14◄ 'rof..cil oglcally cqulvaltnt and nonntu1\illent iy,tcmr..

Fig. 145 Top0logical �uivaltnce ofa system and of111 lineariu1.ion.

For exa1111>lc, 1his 1hcor<m assens 1hau1able nodes and foci (Fig. I«) are
1opologically cquivalcn1 10 each 01hcr (m_ = 2) but not topologically
equivalenl to a saddle point (m_ = m + = 2).
Jus1 like 1hc index of iner1ia of a nondegeneratc quadratic fonn, the
,,umber m_ (or m •) is the unique topoJogicaJ invaria.nt of a lin�ar S)"
Remark. A similar rcsuh holds locally (in a ndghborhood ofa fiMd poin1) lor
nonli,1ear systems whose linc-ar part.s havr no purely imaginary eigenvalues.
In panicular, in a neighborhood ofa fixed poin1 such a system iJ iopologi­
cally cquivalcn1 10 ils linear pan (Fig. 145). Herc we will not go into t!K
proof of this proposition, of great importan� in the stud)• of nonlinta.r
22.2. Reduction to th" cas" m _ = 0. The topological cqui,'lllcncc of
linear systems with identical values o fm_ and m + is a conseqllfflCC of the
following three lemmas:
t-£MMA I. Direet prodru:ts oftopologu:ally equwalou 17sunu are wpohgiull:,• fllU'<l ·
lent. More ,xaetly, ift!IL sysum, sj)«ifad by th, opnawn
A J ' Bl ·• R"'• ➔ R••'
are carried into each ollur by the homtomo,phisms
hi : R"' • - R"'•,
tlun there exists a homeomorphism
S,c. 22 1'01,ological Clauificacion or Singulilr Poincs 14S

«m')i,ig 1h, ph111, flow of1h, produ(I 1y1t;m

X 1 • A 1x 1 ,
into 1/11 ph1111flo1u ofth; produ(I syst,111

* I • 8 1X 11
Proof. Simply Ice
h(x., x2) � (h,(x 1), h 2 (x2)). I
The ntxl lemma i.s familiar from a course i n linea.r algebra.
LEMMA 2. If th, operator A; R• - R' has NJ puuly imagina1,1 ,.,,,.,.1.,_,, 1Jo,,, IN
space R" decomposes inlo 1M dirttl sum R• - R•- + R•· oftw.n,6sf>oUS i a ­
vnrinnl under /he opera/or A, such that all th, rigmr,altlil ofIM ustri<tio,,efA I• R•·
hav, negnti,� real parts and all th; eigenualun of tit, ,at,i(lion efA u R•· l,,,c,
positive real parts ( Fig. 146).
Proof. This rollows, for example, from the ch,orem on the Jonan normal
form. I
Lemmas I and 2 reduce che proororcopological equivalence to the l'ollow­
ir\g special case:
LEMMA 3. LetA: R" - R" be a lintar operator all ofwltostrigmrohta Mttponli«
rtal parts. Then the 1ys1,m
i = Ax, XE R"

i, topologically ,quivaltnl lo th, llandard sysllm (Fig. 147)

X • x, x e R".
Pr(}()f The lemma is almost obvious in the one-dimensional cast and in th�
case ofa focus in the plane, and hence, by Lemma I, in any system without
multiple roots. The proor or Lemma 3 i n thc general CaS<' "'ill � given
lacer. I


-1-- -
Fig. 146 Invariant subspaces of an operator with no purdy imaginaryciguavalucs..
146 Chap. 3 Llnnr Systtms

~ ----•---

J, �i g. 147
All uni1able nodes are lopolQSieally tqu.inl(:nt.

Fig, 148 L(vtl surface or the ..

lya punov func1ion..

22.3. The Lyapuaov Cuactioa. The proofof Lemma 3 is ba>cdon the c on ­

struction ofa special quadratic form, calltd the Lyapunoof.-ioa.
THEOREM, l,t A; R" - R" be a /in,ar opua/JJT all afw!,tn, ,ig..,.,Jrus l«zr,p.,i ­
tivt r,al part..s. Then thert txists a Eudidtan stru.cturt in R" SU<la Utot thl IJ«I« As
makes an acute angl.e with the radius vector x ot tvetypoint x ,#: 0.
In other words:
Th,r, txiJts a posilivtdefiniu quadraticform ,2 in R" nu/r tliat iJs dcmzti«;. tit,
direction of the v,ctorfald Ax is positive;
L••,, > 0 V x ,;, 0. (I)
Or alternatively:
Th,re exists an ellipsoid in R" witlr c,nler Osuch tliat th,.,,,., Ax is du,etdn t ­
ward at ev,ry point x afth, ellipsoid (Fig. 148).
The equivalence ofall three formulations is easily verified. \Ve will prove
(and subsequently use) the theorem in the second formulation. The proofis
most convenient i n the complex case;
Suppose all th, eig,noo/ues .i, ofth, op,,ator A; C" - C' /iac, p.sitir, ,auparts.
Th,n th,re exists a positive definite quadratic farm r2 ; "C" - R r,:/w, tkri,,oti"
alongth,direction efthe uecwrfald "Az is aposiJiv, d,finiuquadraticJ.,.,
L"••'' > 0 V z ,;, O. (2)
Applying the inequality (2) in the case where the operator .-f is the eo m ­
plexification ofa real operator and z belongs to a real subspaa- (Fig. 149),
we get the real theorem (I).
S..c. 22 Topological Clas,ificaiion or Singular Poi nu 147

f'ig. 149 L c\'cl aurfa<'e of the Lyap1.1nov funct'°" '" C-.

Fig. 150 POOtivc dcf1n11cncss of the form (4) in 1he U.'¢ " • I.

22.4. Construction or the Lyapuaov £aactioa. \Ve ,..;n c� th,,

Lyapunov function r2 to be the sum of the squares orthe moduli of the co­
ordinates in a suitable complex basis:

,, = (z, zl =
i: ,,,,.
1 n a fixed basis we can identify the vector z with a set of numbtn z1, • • • , z.
and the operator A; C' --+ C' with a matrix (a.,). A calculation now shows
that lhe derivative is a quadraticform:
l1t,.(z, i) = (Az, i) + (z, Az) = 2 Rt (Az, i). (3)
Ift,;, basis is an tigenbasis, lhi,function isposiliD< �jinilL (Fig. 150). In !act, we
then have

2 Re (Az, z) a 2
.. •
L, Re l,lz,1 2 .

But all the real parts or the eigenvalues _., arc positive, by hypo,hcsis, and

hence the form (4) is positive definite.

lf 1he operator A has no dgcnbasis, 1hcn it has an ualmos1 proper" basis
\,•hich can be used with equal success to construct the Lyapunov func1ion.
!vfore exactly. we have
LEMMA 4. let A: C' --+ C' tu a Clintar operator and l,t t > 0 . Tr.nt a l>asu
{" ..., {. can bt ehosen in C' in whit!, tht matrixefAhas"upper-1ria11gulm"f-
148 Chap, 3 Lrnrar S)'llrnu

f, c•

F ig , I.SI Comtruc1ion ofa basis iJl which th('matrnc ol'1he opuuo, K tnangul.a,.

with all ,i,m,r1tsabo,,, th, mai11 diagonal of modulus /us Wn t:

(A) • (.l., . • <

0 1,
Proof. The cxis1,ncc of a basis in which thr matrix is up�r-triangular
follows, for example, from the theorem o n the Jordan canonic:al form.
\\fe ca n t"asil y construct such a basis by induct:M>n in 11, u,:ing only tht bet t.lut nuy
linear operator A: c• - C• ha s an eigenvector. ut (1 be this ttetor (f'"ig. ISi). a..nd con­
s ide r 1hc facto r space C"/C<1 =i c-- '. Then rhe <>pttator A detttminics a.n operator
A: c-- 1 - c-- 1 on the (actor space. Lee 'h, •..• •• be a ha.sis in c-· • in •hida the­
matri x or1hc operato r A is uppe r-triangula r, and let{,.... , (.. be a ny f'q>lt'st:nuti,-u o/
the cla.sso 11,, •.. , "• in C" . Then { i , C,, ... , {.tithe desired baJn.

Now suppose the matrix of the o�ralor A is upJXr-triangular in th� basis

{,. ... ,{•. Then t/r,tkmtnts abov, the main diagonal can bt ma4,,u6itran/Jsmall
bJ replaci11g the basis 11tcwrs bJ proportional lltC/ors. In fact, l<t •u br the dc�u
oftheoperatorAinthebasis{,,sothata., = Oifk > I.Thcn thcdcmrnuof
the matrix of,1 in the basis {; = N'{, arc just

But l•,,I < t for all-I > kif N is sufficiently large. I

The sum of the squares of the moduli in thi• "t-almost proper" basis wiU
be chosen as the Lyapunov function (for sufficiently small c).
Consider the set of all quadratic forms in R'. This set has the natural
structure of a linear space R"'<"'• 1>12 • Our next result is almost obvious:
LEMMA 5. Th, Stl of pcsitiut definite qundratkforms in R• isopo, i,, R--<•• 11".I•

ollrtr wor,4, ifaform

= L a1,x._x1
A,I• J
S,•c. 22 Topological Clas;ificacion ofSingular Poinu 149

is positi111 d,jinit,, th,n th,r, ,xists ant > 0 Sll(h th,,/ l<'<'Jf••mo(x) + 6(x) u_/vr,
lb.,! < t (for all k, I, I < k, I < rn) is also positiw dtfo,it,.
Proof The form n(x) is t>OSitivr at all poi nu oft hr unit sphrrc-

..' x:
L - I,

Thr sphere is compact 1 and thr form is continuous. Thcrr-10� tM grc-attst

lowrr bound is achieved, so that a(x) ;i, 11 > 0 <verywhe,... on th<, spll<'rc-.
lf!b.,! < c, then

lb(x)I .;; I; !b.,I < m't

11,I • I

on the splwre. Tlwrefore the form a(x) + b(x) is posi<ivr on 1h<, sph<,,... if
c < «/m , a,,d hr,,ce i.s positive- dthnitc. I

Remark. Our argument also implif'S that rvery positive dcfi.nit� quadnuic
form a(x) satisfies the inequality
al•! 1 .;; a(x) ,,; Plxl', (5)
cvcryw here.
Problem I. Prove that the set ofnondegcncrate quadratic forms with a gi"·en
sigoature i:( open.
Exampk I. The space of quadratic forms ax'+ 2bx,1 + 91 i n twovariabks
is a three-dimensional space with coordinares a, b, < (fig. 152). Tll<' case
b2 • aesepara1es this space into three o�n parts accordingtot�signatu�.
22.5. ProofofTheorem 22.3. Consider th<' derivative along th<, dir<etion
of 1he vec1or field RAz of the sum of th<' squares of the moduli of 11,,, co­
ordinates in the "e•almost proper" baslS chosen in Lemma 4 . Acconiing ro
(3), this derivative is a quadra1ic form in th<' real and imaginary paresofth<,
coordina1cs '• = x, + &,,. Separating th<' terms in (3) corresponding 10 1h<,


F.ig. 152 Thespace ofquadratic forms.

150 Ch•p. 3 Linc,1r Syst,nu

rlemenll o( tlu- matrix (A) on the main diagonal from thost 00rrnpondong
10 1h,· ,lt'nwnu o( (A) above the main diagonal, wr grt

L�_..,1 • p + Q.,
wht• rr
Q= 2 Re L o.,z,z
,., 1

Since the diagonal tlemtnts o( 1hr triangular matrix (A) arr jun 1hr ngrn•

values 1, o(thc operator A, Int quodrolicform

P - 2 Re L, 1,(xl + J'l)
in Int oariables x,, y, is p,,sitiv, definite and ind,pmd,nl ofIN ct.«, efksu.t I1
fol lows from Lemma 5 that for sufficiently small t, the (orm P + Q.(which
is close to P ) is also positivr definite. In fact, for sufficiently small c, tht
corfficients of 1hr variables x,,Y, in 1hr form Q. b,,come arbitrarily small
(since l•.,I <c fork</). But this implies (2) and hence (1). I
Rtmatk. Since L,."r 2 is a positive definite quadratic form, it satisfies a n
inequality of the type (5):

0 < " < p. (5')

The followingseries orproblem, le<ids 10 another-proof o("J'nc.ottm 2.3.
P,obltm 2 . Prove thae diffe re ntiati on i n 1he dir«tion ofthe ,.-cctor fidd A.• in R--p-u a
l i near o perator L,.; R••• • i,;;i - R•1• • 1112 from tht: spa.« of quadn.tK bms on&• llMO
P,obltm 3 . From a knowledge or che eigt..'Tlvalucs l, orthe opuator A, 6ncl 1hc eigcn"--a.lua
of 1hc- op(ra1or l,.,

Ans. ,t, + 11, I <: i,j <: " ·

HU'tl, Suppose A has an eigen basis, The n lhc eigcm.·ccton of L,. consist ol tlM: quadr2tic
forms eq ual lO pl'oclucu o(p a in of li nea r forms which a r eeige nvectors ol1ht opttatcwd\Ul
10 A .

Prohlt.m 4 , Pro"'c tha1 the opel'lltOI' L,. l$ a n isomorphism if A h as no pafr ofcigul,-alua

1, ,, such th at 1 = -,,. In p art i cu lar , pr o\/e tha 1 i(lM real pans of ,all the c,p,-a.iucs o f
the op erator A arc ofthe same sign, thcn e,·e ry quadrat ic rorm on R• is the dc:rn.1.ti,"T ofa
qua d ra 1jc fo rm in the dir �ti on of the \'CCtOf' fidd Ax.
P,oblem 5 . Pro \' e 1ha1 if the r ea l parts of all the eigcn\-al ucs of a n opcn.lOt A att pmi�-c­
and if 1he derivativ e of a quadtatic farm i n th e di rection ofthe field As ispositi,,-Tdc6nitt..
then th e form is i1.sclfp(l5ilive ddini1e (and henc esatisfies all the rcquittmcnts ol"'l1lcorem
t It should be: n oted th at the tMP/Jing RC--R spccincd by 1hc (o,m P-, dlfltWIc:m the
choic e of basis..
St'c. 22 To1lological Clwillcation of Singular Points 151

Fi1, l!>3 Construc1ion or the hotneotnorphi.srn Ai,

Hint. Rcpre5cn l the fom, as the inlqral or its dcriVllltiff along the phut cvn--a.

22,6. Conotructlon ofthe homeomorpl,lsm /r, In order toprovr Ltmma

3,we now construct a homeomorph ism II: R" - R• carrying tM phase Row
(/') of the equation • - Ax (Rr .I, > 0) into th< phasr Row (,'} of the
equation x • x. Ltt SI)(' the sphtre (or rllipsoid)
S • (xeR": r1(x) • I},

where,, is the Lyapunov function ofS..C. 22.3, and let/r i,., such that
i) The points ofS arc inval'ianl under h;
ii) If x0 is a point of S, then Ir carries thc- point f'"o of thc- p� tnajc-ctory
of the equation x • Ax into the point g'x0 of the pha,c tnaj<etory of the
equation• • x (Fig. 153):
h(f'x.0) = g'x0 V I E R, x0 E S,
{ (6)
/r(O) = 0.
We must now verify the following facts, whose proofs arc almost obvious:
I) Formula (6) uniquely defines the value of/r at every point x ER";
2) The mapping h: R" - R" is one-to-one and continuous i n both dir«­
3) h •f' = g' • Jr.
22.7, Proof of 3 . fin.t we prove
Ul ,MMA 6. Ltt •= R!' - k" lu on.1 soluti01t ofIN 1ptt.OOII Ai = _. i"isliM.tfi- �. -'J,,ra
th, r,al fundi<»t
p(t) - In,'(•(<))
efth, ru,I ,;oriol,/1 t. Thm th, mltf!Pinzp: R - R is • t6ff� tutd

... �.;/1. (7)

Proof. By che uniqueness theorem, we have

,'(,(t)) # 0 Vt• R.
152 Chap. 3 Unnr Systtmt


111t ldie1 the c,1lru!Hfl (7) bttau'le o((:;'), I
COMOll,Al4Y I, ,.�,.,
.. polNI • 'I O '"" 61 U/JffJtnttl Ut dvfeM
1 (ll
• •/ •0,
1 • o •$,I• Rand (F) istAt pJ,a.>#Jlow of tJv ,._,- j_ As.
P,oef_ Cotui der the solution .,. wi1h initial condioon .,(O) •· By l.mlm.a6. ,'(•<d) I
forsomct, The point•G •<r) bcio.1g, to lhtsp�S. Se-tting/ -r•.-cCd, ■ -r-.. I
COkOU,MtY 2• .,.,., ,,,,,,j,,
1 8
( ) is ""i9w.
Proof, The phase Cu I've lc--.-vin,g • ( Fig. 153) is un.iqu<' and intenttb t� sphttc-tn a •nck
poin t ■0, by Lem nm G . The uniquc nCJs oft foUows f,om the- monoc0niclty of,<1). acun
by L.emma G . I
nus w c have cons1ruc1ed a onc,to,.one mappin,g of the d 1rce1 product of thrt-lent
the sphere on10 t:uc- lid(".&n apace min us a 1in gle p0in1:
F: R )( s-- I - a�,o. F(t, •ol -/'•o•
Jc follows from the th�cm on the d ep cn dcncir- of tbt so,luuon on tht uutQ..f condHions
tha t F, as ...,,en all th e in verse mapping F- 1, lS c on tinuous (and C\'("n a di.fl"eomorphism).
We now no ie �ha l

f or the sta nda rd equat ion X • a.. Hence the rN.pping
C( t , "o) - , . ,._

lS 11ls o one--to·or-.e a nd contin uous in bo1h dirtttions.. According 10 lhc definition (6).
the mappingh coi ncides with the mappin g G •F - 1: R•,o-R•,o n-p---y--iattr accpt
a t thc p0 n t O. Thus we have proved that It.: R• - R• is .a ()O('oto-one rm.pping.
The continuity oth an d It-' e.. , erywhere C":itCe-pl at the" poi n 1 0 fOilto,,..., from theeonlinuity
or F , F-' an d C, c-' ; actually It i.s a diffcomorph.ism C\'ctyWhcr-c except at the polfn O
( f 'ig. 154). The continuity ofIt and Jr-1 a t O follows trom Lffluna 6 . nu. nscn
a llows us t o obta in a n expl cit estimat e for r1{ -'(•)) i n tcnns of, 1(• ). <: I:
(,'(s))"• <; ,2 (h(s)) <; ,
( 2(s))'"·
In fact, le t•= F(I,ao). t ( 0 . Then /JI< ln, 1(a) < ol and ln,1.
( (\ a)) = 2'� M�"ff,
for x :;, 0 we: hav e: • ,.Pao, and hcn ee
(h•f'J(s) •h(f'(./"'o)) •h(f"'><o) • t""'o
( ' •h)(s),
• g'(t"'o) • t'(h(s)) • g

fig. 154 The homeomotphism. Ir is a diffcomo,ptusm n·crywhctt except at O.

Sec, 22 To1>ological ClaSJifaca1ion of Singular Polnu

Fig. l55 The uandard saddle:.

while for • - 0 we alto lu\.'C {It•(')(•) - Ct' • A)(a). Thus 1M vaLchty of aaenioM
I )-3) orSec:. 22.Ci has finall y �en atabli.shcd, and lhc proofo/Lc:mrm, 3 •nowcomfkk-1

22.8. Proof of Theorem 22,l, It follows from Lemmas I, 2, and 3 that

every linear systrm X • As, whf"rc the o�rator A: R" - R• has no puttly
imaginary eigrnvalu,., i, topologically equivalent 10 the siandanl multi•
dimcnsiona1 "saddle0

(Fig. 155). Hence two ,uch systems with identical numb,;rs •-and•• are
topologically equivalent (to each other). Note that 1he subspatts Jt•· and
R "' • are invariant under the phase flow {g"}. Ast C\;cry point of
Jt•- approaches 0,
Problem I. Prove 1ha1 g's - 0 as t - + 00 if and only ifs ea•-.
Therefore Jt•· is called the incoming strand ofthe saddle. In just the same
way, a•· is called the outgoing strand, defined by the conditjoo .(s - 0 a s
l � - CO.
We now prove the second part ofThcorem 22.1, namely, i-"1pol.�J
equiualtnl systems have the same numbtr u,·ithn.tgatiw· This
number isjust the dimension m_ ofthe incoming strand.and hen�wt nttd
only show that tht dimensionsof tn, incoming strands oftwo toj!ol•tialiJ,quiMuxt
saddlts art idtnti,al.
First we note that every homeomorphism h carrying the phase flow ofone
saddle into the phase Aow of another must cany the incomjng strand of one
saddle into the incoming strand ofthe other (since approach toOast - + 00
is preserved under a homeomorphism). Hence the homeomorphism /t abo
establishes a homeomorphic mapping of the incoming strand ofone saddle
onto the incoming strand of the other.
151 Chap. 3 Lin�ar Sy,te""

Thr fact that the strands have thr s: .unr dimension now follows from ch�
following key proposition of topology:
Tht dime11sio11 of the spnt,t R• is a topolo1ical inoariant. i,,.1 , 11 ••
h: R.. ➔ R" ca11 exist only btlwe.en spaeesoflhe same dimtn.sion.f
Although this proposition seems "obvious/• its proof is not as)' and will
not be given here.
P,oblun 2 . Pro� that the 4 nddlcs with a thrtt--dimcmi«w phur spa« such
(m_, m.) � (3, 0), (2, I), (I, 2), (0, 3) >o'C 1opologfllly noncqui..knl <wi1hou1 u,i,-,g<he
unpr-ove<, topological proposition).
Hinl. I\ one-d imensional atra.nd,5 of three pha.,,e curves, ""+.ilc a IDW.c:icli:rnrmioM.1
strand consists or infinitely many pha.s(" curves (Fig, 156).
Thus for R1 , R2 , Rl we have complei<ly proved 1he topological dassi6-
c ation of linear systcm.s whose eigenvalues ha� nonzrro real parts_ How­
ever for R"', n > 3 we are compt:Jled to rdcr to thc aboVC": unpro..-ed proposi­
tion on the topological invariance of dim("nsion. I
Prolll-tm 3. Carr y out the copo lo gieal clauifica1i0n oflinear opcr.uon A: R --- -R• with no
cige1w3lucs of modulus I. Show that the unique topological invariant is W number al
eigenvalues of moduJus less than I.

23. Stability of Equilibriurn Positions

The problem of stability of an equilibrium position of a nonlinear system is

solved in 1he same way as for a linearized system, provjdcd the latter has no
eigenvalues on the imaginary axis.
t However there exist mappings R• - R•. as"'-ell as continuous mappings ol
R"' onto R• with m < n (for example R' -Rl') .
Sc•c, 23 Srnbilily of Equilibrium Positions 155

23.1, Lyapunov 01ablU1y, C",0nsidrr 1hr rquacion

k • v(x), x au c: R•, (I)

whrro· vi, a vc·ccor firld diffrrrntiablr, > 2 timrs in 1hr domain U. Suppol<'
rquation (I) ha, an ,·quilibrium posh ion (Fig. 157), and ch-eootdinatn
x1 such tho11hr rquilibrium 1>01itio11 is oc 1hr origin: v(O) • O. Thr solution
with initial condition tp(t0) - 0 is just-,• 0, and we at"t" int�rn•Nl int�
behavior of solutions with nrighborirlg initial conditions.

D,fi11itio11. An rquilibrium 1>01ition x • 0 or,quation {I) is said to Ix ,t,o61,

(in l.,rapu11ov's sens,) i( givrn any t > 0, chrrr rxisCJ a 6 > 0 (drp,nding only
on c and not on I, about which morr later) such chat for ,vrry "o for which
l•ol < 6, 1hr solution ,p or (I) wich initial condition fl'(O) • x., can Ix
rxcrndrd onlO 1hr wholt half-line I > 0 and sacisfirs thr inrquality ,.c,)t <t
for all I> O(Fig. 1 58).
P,ol,l,m I. lnva1iga1e 1hc Lyapunov sta bility of tM' �uilibrium po1ittON oft� follo-,nc
b) * - x;

l -- " II

...... \ - '
t -- \ 1-: \
_ ,, I
Fig. 157 Oo 1hc phuc : curvesstaninginasuffic.c'n:tlysma.Uneighborhoodofancquiltl:ri­

uin posilion stay near the cqui1ibrium posi1 ion?

, t

Fig. 158 Difference in behavior or integral tun-u ror i:tab� and unisuhlie �dibriwn
156 Chap. 3 Lin.-ar Sys1rm1

vtO/ t

P ig. I �9 I ntcgml curve, ror all 1uymp1odC'ally n.ible cqul1,br11,1m polloOft

Fig. 160 Phase curves o(cqu:uions (1) and (2).

Proldt m 2 , Pro ve 1ha1 the abo..,e definition iscorrect. i-c:., that 1he s1abil1iry o( the: irquiHb­
r ium posili on is independent o( the 1ystcrn of cO<>rd,�ta figu ring in tbt ckfiniOOII.
Probl,,,, 3 . Suppose it i .s known that for any N > o. c > 0, thctt Wm a dution • ol
cqualion (I) such that 1•(0)1 <•and 1•(1)1 > Nl•(OJI for som< I> 0 . Do<S llus imply
that the equilibrium pos.i1ion • -0 is unstable?
23.2. Asymptotic stability.

Dtjinitio11. An equilibrium position s a O o f equation (I) is said to be

a,ymptotically stab/, ifit is stable in Lyapunov's S<enS<e and if
Jim ,p(t) =0
,- + 00
for every solution ,p(t) with an initial condition c,(O) lying in a sufficiently
small neighborhood of zero (Fig. 159).
P,ol,lt m I . Jn vatigatc the as ymptotic stabifoy o( th e �ui!ibrium positions ol the f allow ­
i ng equati ons:
a) X = O;
b) i = x;
Probltm l . Svppose every sohation approaches the equil ibriu m pOsitioo u , _ +00.
1)o(s th s imply Ly:i.p unov $t abili1y ofthe cq_ui1ibriurn position?
23.3. Stability in terms of the behavior oftbe first approximation.
Together with equation (I). we now consider the l.incariz.ed equation
(Fig. 160)

A: R" - R•. (2)

Then v = v + v • where
1 2

v,(x) = As, v2 = O(lsl ).

Sec. 23 Stahili1y of l·:quilil,rium Position, IS7


Fig. IG2 l.(' wl surfoC'C" oflht' Lyapunov fu nction.

1 IIEOREM. Suppose a/11/i, ,ig,r1va/u,s J., of1/o, op,,alor A /,e ,n 1/t, /ifl Wf-JJJ••
Re,!< 0 (Fig. 161). Thm lht equilibrium po1i11on" • 0 of ,p,,,.•
(I u
aS)•mptulira/{v Slab/,.
Probltm I. Ghc an t'Xomplt' of an unstable- <-qui:iibrium pos.itiou (in thit sn,s,tolLyapu"'°'
oft"quat ion (1) for '-''hich a ll Re l4 .;; 0.
Commtnl. It c.m b\" shown 1ha1 if the rt'al p a r •· of ,1.1 ont c:ig,enoJu,,- ti ,-,sil:itt, Ihm
the equilibri um pOiit ion is u1ts1abk. II\ 1ht' raSt" ol�NO re-al paru,,, thir subllit)' ckpu..ds
o n terms of ,he Taylor SC"rin of ordt'r hi gher ,ha.n 1.

Pn >bfrm 2 . Is 1hc ze ro equilibri um posi tion of 1he 1)'$1,r-m

I 'i' = x,.
�J = -.l'j
11.ib lt" (both in L.yapuoov's sc-1uc- :and asymp101k.-U y)?
• 's SC'ow), whil ir if II is odd, it iJ Nbk in
.-1,u. If n i, eH:-n, i1 ls unstabJc (in L yap uoo
Ly aptmov•� \Wtl$t" bu1 not asymp101ically.

23.4. Proof of Theorem 23.3. According to Sec. 22.3, 1hcn, cxisu a

Lyapunov function, i.e., a positive definite quadratic form ,1 whose deriva­
tive in the direction of the linear field v1 is negative definite, so tha.t
L" r' ,;:
1 ....:

where y is a positive conscan1 (Fig. 162).

LEMMA, The dtrivatiu, of1/o,LJ•apunovfun,litm in the dirutionoftlo, •oliNarfaldv
sali.rjies /ht in,qualil)'
L.,, 2 :s;; -y,2

in a sl/lficienlly small neighborhood oflht poinl x = 0 .

158 Chap. 3 l..innr S)-st,m•

Proof. Clearly


l.;1 • 0(,3), (4)

so that the second term is much smaller than the first if, iJ small. In fact,

l.J• f•• I -
iJJ u1
0X I

for any firld u and any function/, where i n out case u a v ,/ zs ,2, •• as
0(, 1) and iJ.fliJx, - 0(,) (why'), which implies (4).
Thus there exist constanu C > 0, a > 0 such that

ll., 'I, ,;; Cir'(x)l '11

for all x with l•I < 11 . The right-hand side is no larger than .,,• lor ,uJ!i.
cicntly small !xi, and henc,,

L.,, 2 � -2y, 2 + y,2 = - ,2

in a neighborhood of the point x = 0. I
Proof of Theorem 23.3. Let ,p be a nonzero solution of equation {I)
satisfying the initial condition x =
0 in a sufficiently small ndghborhood of
the point x • 0, and consider the following fonction of timt':

p(I} = In r 1
(,p(t)), I ;;> 0.
By the uniqueness theorem r1 (,p(t)) ,;, 0, so that the function ,pis defined
and differentiable. According to the inequality (3), we ha,·e

• I -rd 2 L.,,2
p = r'ot;pdl • 'P =
� -y .

It follows 1hat r1 (,p(t)) decreases mono1onically and approaches O as

,_ +ex>:
p(t) � p(O) yt,
r 1 (,p(t)) � r2 (,p(O)),-,, -+ 0. I (5)

Problem I. Find 1he gap in 1his proof.

Ans. We did not prove thal the solution ,p can be extend<-d indefinitely
S,c. 23 Stability or Equilibrium PositionJ IY.l

Yo� ,••

Compt,1io11 ef/ht proof. Let a > 0 Ix such that the in,quality (3) holds ror
lxl < a, and consider the compact set
F = (x, I: r2 (x) ,s;; a, ltl ,,; T)
in extended phase space (Fig. 163), L<t 'I' Ix the solution with initial C'.Otldi­
tion ,p(O), wl,cn- r 2( 'l'(O)) < a. By the extension theorem, we can extend .,
forward up 10 the boundary or the cylinder F. But the deri,-.ui,..- of the
function r 2,p(1) is negative as long as the point (1, .,(1)) belongs toF. Thcr�
fore the solution cannot leave the lateral surface or the cylinder F (where
,, • a2), and hence it can Ix extended up to the end race or 11M, cylinder
(where I = T). Therefore, since Tis arbitrary (and independent of a), the
solution 'I' can be extended indefinitely forward. Moreover. ,'(9'(1)) < tr1
and the inequality (3) holds ror all I ,i, 0 . I
Remark I. Actually we have proved more than the asymptotic ,rability or
the equilibrium position. In fact, it is clear from the in,quality (5) that the
convergence fP(l) - 0 is uniform (with respect t o initial condicions So
sufficiently close 10 0). tvloreover, (5) shows the rate or convergence (namcl)'
In essence, Thcor,m 23.3 asserts that the uniform convergence 100ofthe
solutions or the linear equation (2) is not destroyed by a nonlinear �tur­
bation v2 (x) • 0(1>< 2) of the right-hand side or the ,quation. A similar
assertion is valid for various perturbations or a more general natutt. for
example, we might consider a nonautonomou.s perturbation v2(x. I) such
that lv2 (x, 1)1 ,,; ip(lxl) where ,J,(lxl) = o(lxl) as x - 0.
l',00/t m 2 . Pro1,•c th a1 under- thit col'Kliti ons o( the lMOJ'cm, equations (I) fl) a.rit
lopol ogically equivalent in a ncighborhood or the cquilibrium position..
Remark 2 . Theorem 23.3 leads to the following algebraic problem, known
a s the Routh-Hurwilz probltm: Dtttrmint whttlrtr or not all tit, ZLTN ef• p,a
pof;-nomia/ Ii, in th, lift half-plan,. This problem can Ix solved by a finite
number o farithmetic operations on the cocffici�nts oft he pol)'llOmiaL 1nc
appropriate algorithms are described in courses on algebra (HUf°\'itz.'s
criterion, Sturm' s method) and complex analysis {the argument principle,
160 C:hap. 3 Lin,ar S)-.t•nu

, he method• or Vyshnrgradski, 1'yq11i>1, and 1\1ikhailov),t \V, "ill return to

the Rou1h-l l11rwil1. prol;lrm in Src. 36.4.

24. The Case of Purely Imaginary Eigenvalue•

Linear c�qu,uio11s with no purely imaginar)• r-igcnvalues have bttn invcsti­

gaoed in deoail (Secs. 21 and 22), and their phax curves behave rather
simply, e<hibiting a saddle (Sec. 22.8). \Ve now tum to the c:ax of linear
equatio,u wi1h purely imaginary cigc-nvaluc:3, whose phax cul"�a offer
examples of more complicated behavior. Such �quations are t-ncountcrnl,
for c,ample, in the theory of oscilla,ions orconservative S)-.tems (stt See.

24,1. Topological classlflcadon, Supp<>se all th• eig,nvalun l,. ... ,.t.,
of the linear cqualior\
X • Ax. x e R", A: R" - R11 (I)
are purely imaginary. Then under what conditions arc two such equations
topologically equivalent? The answer to this question is not known, and
evidently the problem cannot b e solved by presently availabk mat&mati­
cal methods.
P,oblem J , Prove fhat in 1he casc ofthe plane (n • 2, l,.1 • f-irt> � O)• .tgdwaic�,--.­
lc.ncc (i.e., cquali1y of cigc.nvalucs} i s a nttcssar')' and su.ffioc.m conditMIO for t.opologia.l
equ ivalcr,«.
24.2. Example. Consider the cqua1ion
*, = w1 x 1
*, =

-W 1X1 ,
A.'.2 - +iw 1,
xJ =
*· - ;.J,4 = +iw2

in R4• The space R4 decomposes into a direct sum R" = R 1•1 + R>.•· of
owo planes (Fig. 164), and correspondingly the system (2) decomposes into
two independent systems

t Sec e.g., A.G . Kurosh, A. UH/rst lit, Alg,lmi (in RussQn). MOIP)W (1968). Chap. 9;
M.A. Lavrcntcv and B . V. Sh aba1, A1ttlr6d1eftN n°'?-.JFrmc:ti4,u ffa CifCn Yaridlt f111
Rus..1ian), Moscow (1958), Chap. 5; N. C . Chcbotattv 2nd N. N. Mctma.n, 71w Jt..dt..
Hu1'U,Jl·t1, Prohltmfo, Poly,.,,,ia/J and &tirt Funtti..s (in Russian). Trvdy M.a.L lnu.. �.
MOS<OW (1949), No. XXVI.
Sec. 24 t:asc or Purdy Imagi nary £i g envalur< 161


Fig. lf-,,4 l' spau of the S)'Sltm (2).

Fig. IG.i A 1on.1s .

= Cl) X ,
{ x,
1 z

*, - -w,x,. (3)
:: WzX 4,
(x3, x4) e R3_4.
{ -�, � -W X ,
.\'4 2 3

tn each of these planes, the phase curves arc circles, say

S' = {xeR,,2:x/ + xj • C > O}
or points (C: = 0), and the phase flow consists or rotations {through angles
w,t and w21 respectively).
Every phase curve of equation (2) belongs to the direct product oftM
phase curves in the planes R 1 ,2 and R3•4• Suppose chc two curves
circles. with the direct product
T2 =S 1
x S' = {x E R4 � xf + xi = C, xi + x! = D},
called a t w odinun1itmal
- torus. To bcttervisualiie the torus T2, we can proceed
as follows. Consider the surface ofthe doughnut in R3 (Fig. 165) obwn<:d by
ro1a1ing a circle about an axis \•1.,hich lies in its plane bu1 docs not intersect
it.A point ofthissurfacc is specified by1woangularcoordina1es91,92mod2i,,
called the ltmgitudt and the lalitude for a reason which is apparent from the
figure.The coordinates 01 and 02 give a diffcomorphism ofth<:surfattofth<'
162 Chap. 3 Ll�ar S1-strms

doughnut nnd the direct product 7'1 ofthr two circles.

'f'hr square O < O, < 2n, 0 < 01 < 2n in thr planr ofthr coordina1n
O,, 0 1 cnn ur rrgardrd as a mnp ofthr torus T1 (Fig, 166) ir,.,e "pule
wgc1htr" rvery pair ofpoinu (0 1 , 0) nnd (01 , 211) a, wdl a. rveri paaor or
poini, (0, 01) nnd (2n, 01). Tlor wloolr planr can abo be "'!t•rd<du the
mn1}, bu1 1hcn rvrry poin1 or the tor11, l,u infini1rly m•n) 1m•ttr1 on the
The 1oru1 T1 c R" ii invariant under the phase floworcqmuion (2),and
the l}ha,e curves of(2) lie on the surfaor T'. If0, i. the pol•r angle in the
plane R, ,2 rnca.!ured from the di rec lion or x2 to that orx 1, ,hen, according
t o (3), 0, • w 1 • Simi larly, mcaJuring 01 from x, to x1, \,·c �• 01 • w1.
Thu, tit, ph,u, /raj,C1orit1 of tlt,flow (2) •• 1/u su,Jau T' 10111,b /J,, �§nn,li•l
so 1hat the longi1ude and latitoode ofthe phue point both change unifonnl).
This motion corresponds to 1ha1 or a point "winding" around 1hc torus
(Fig. 167), represented by a straigh, line on the map or the torus.
24,3, Phase curves ofequation (4) on the torus. Two numbers w1 and
w2 are said 10 b e rationally indtpendmt if
(k., k2 integral)


Fi g, 166 A map of the torus.


-+- +--+-+
- _,
Fig. 167 A point winding around 1he torus.
Sec, 24 C:n<t of Purely Imaginary Eigenvalue• 163

im1>liej k 1 • A 1 • 0, For example, J2 and J8 arc rationally dcpcnden1,

b111 not �IG and JS.
, t1£0R8M, lfw, a11d tu1 ar, T11tio1111//y dtfx"dtnl, t rl no «t17plroMntrw,f,,,,..iiMt
(4) 011 lht toru, is ,loJtd, llow,wr, if 10, ••d w1 Ort ra/lana//y ,,J,,.,,.,ln,1, ,A,.
,r11ry plu111 roirvt ofequatio11 (4) i, eiw,;ywhtrt dnos,t on tlrt tom T' (Fog. 168).
In other word.1, 1v 1>po1t 1ha1 every square or an Infinite chaaboud • occuped by a
,i,�glc (idcociC'ally placed) rabbi1, and 1uppo,,,c a hu nitt thoou in a dlrttllOft W-. angle
of i nrli n:ui<in with the li nes of the chessboard hat an irratM>AAI tan1cn1.. Til,cn the hvnt.u
will hll a1 lciut one rabb it. (It is cfar if the tangent of the angle ol ,.ndtnauon •
r�11iona\, 1hcn we ca n place sufficiently 1mal I rabbit.I on the chcuboard in tudt a wa11hat
the hunter will mi".)
L£MMA. Suppose th,<ircl,S' is ro/oltd through•• anglta.wlriclr is;-ui,
with 2n (Fig. 169), Thtn tht imagts
0, 0 + a., 0 + 2«, 0 + 3a, . . . (mod 21t) ($)
of poi111 on tilt <irclt undtr rtptaltd opplicotion •fthe rotationJ- sd rdutJi is •
twry•whtrt dense on the circle.
Proef. The theorem can be deduced from the structure of the closed sub-

Fig. )68 An everywher e dense curve on the torus.

0•1« 8-<¥

8,kf • 8
(J,4c& 8•Ja
F ig. 169 Imagcs ofa poi nt of the circle u nder rq,caced a.pplica.1.-0n of a rotation th.rough
che angle CJ.
r A sc.t A is $aid to be #ot.,yw&,# dmk in a space B if thcr-c is at least OtM": poitit o/A. .ift a.a
arbitrarily small ne ighborhood every point B . or

11ro11p, or 1hr linr (••• See. 10), but wr will prov• ii rrorn ,c�1ch, "an,ng
from 1hr ,implr combinatorial rac1 1h01 i/4 + I ob;«ts art pl««l 1• k ult,,
then 111 ltaJI one ttll tonlain1 ,rrort than one ob;ttl ("Dirirh1ct•i c-t-11 pnncipl,0

S11ppo8c wt divide 1hr cirdr into k rqual halr-oixn in1<rvab orlmgth 211 t
Then nrnong the Orn A + I poinc, or 1hr srqurnrt (�). 1htre are 1wo pomc.
in 1hr <nme halr-oprn interval. Lrt 1h,,e poinc, b, 0 + Jt7. and O + ,2
(p > q), and lei s • p - q . Then 1hc angle of rotation si differs rrom a
rnuhiplc of 2n by le,, than 2n/k, and any two consecutive poinis of 1he
0, 0 + sor, 0 + 2sor, 0 + 3sor, . . . (mod 2Jt) (6)
(Fig. 170) arc the same distance d apart, where d < 2Jt/A:. Hence any ,.
neighborhood of any point of S1 contains points of the sequence (6),
provided only that we choose k large enough to make 2Jt/k < , . I
Rtmork. We did r-.01 use the fact that i i1 incommensurable with 2•, but ii
is obvious that the lemma is false if� i.! commt:n.surablc with 2a.
Problem I. Find and eliminate 1he gap in 1hc proof of the theorem.
Proofofth, th,ortm. The solution of equation (4) is of the form
0,(1) � 01 (0) + w,t, 02 (1) = 02 (0) + w,1. (7)
Suppose w1 arld w 2 arc ta1ionally de�ndcnt, !oO that

Then the equations in T

w, T = 2nk 2, w2 = -2nk,

are compatible, and their solution gives the period or 1he closed phase cun.'<'.
(7). On the other hand, suppose w, and w, arc rationally indq,mden,.
Then w1 /w2 is an irrational number. C',onsider the consccuti..-e points of
intersection o f the phase curve (7) with the meridian O, � 0 (mod 211). The
latitudes of ,he poin,s arc
O,. = 020 + 2n"' 2k (mod 2n)
(Fig. 171). By the lemma, the set nf points or intersection is csuywhett
dense on the me.-.idian. But ifLis a s,raight line in the plane and if we draw
straight lines through a set of points everywhere dense in /. i n a din:ction
different from 1he direc1ion of L, rhen 1hc lines form a set which is �·Cf)··
where dense in the plane. It follows thar the imagct
t Herc (xJ dcnote"S tht: illkgral pa.rt ofx . i.�·.. chc largest integer <. x .
Sec. 24 C:nsc or Purrly Imaginary �:igenvalurs 16�

' ..


Fig. 170 The poin1110 1-- 1u«,,, I, 2, .. ,

0, .
� .,...
Zrtk 0

Fig, 171 H.cduc1ion 0(1hr 1h�rcm 10 the lemma.

iJ,(1) = 0 1(1) - 2n[0;�']•

112(1) = O,(t) [0,(1)]
- 2n �

or the phase curve (7) on the square O ,;; iJ, < 2n, 0 ,;; O, < 2,. is every­
where dense. Therefore the phase curve or equation (-l), and hence of
equation (2), is everywhere dense on the roru,. I
Th e foll owi ng probl em s gi ve a nu m ber of s impl e implications o(Theorcm. U outl.idc-
1hc 1h cory of or din ar)' diffcre:n1fal equation�.
Prohltm I . Co nsider 1hc sequence
I, 2. 41 8, I, 3, 6, I, 2, 5, I, 2, 4, 8, ...
of fint digits of c.:onsccuiivc powers of 2. Ooa a 7 C\.'tt appear in thil .seq,,ientt? �fc:i«:
generally, docs 2� begin wilh an arbitrary combination of digitJ?
PYoblrnt 2. Prove 1hat
s up (cos 1 •r sin v'2I) =2 .

Proble m 3. Find all elMcd subgroups of the group s• o f complex num ben of modQlus I•
.'Ins. I , sl, l ;rn.
24.4. The 01ultidimensional case. Suppose the eigenvalue, ofequation
(I) in R2• arc all simple, or the form
i. == +iw 1 , +iw1, ..• , ±iw•.
166 Chap. 3 L,., S)'lt�rm

fig. 172 A ph1uc curve of the 1y11cm d - I, , ✓2, I - ./! is cvff'f""'--hcr-C ck-Mt- on
1hc thrtc-dimrns ional tonu.

Then, arguing as in Sec. 24.2, we can show that the pha.Jc au,·es lie on the
m-dimensiooal torus
r· - S' x ··· x S' • ((0., ... , O.) mod 2n} ; R·,z·
and satisfy the equations
0I • WII {Jl • W 1, , • • ' ()• • OJ,..

The numbel'S w 1, • • • , co.,. are said to be ,ationolly intkpn,datt if

k 1w1 + · · · + k..w. • 0 {k., ... , k. integral)
implies k, = · · · = k. = 0 .
•P,obl.em I. PtO\'C that if chc: freque ncies w1, • • • , (&)• rationally indc:pffldalt_ thm
every phase: cu rv e of equation (I) lying on the 10r\.ls r• ti c:,rcrywhcrc dcmt io r-.
Corollary, Suppose: a heme makes j,unps ( ..;�• .,/3) on .a field where corn il plaatcd in the
pattern of a squ:i.rc g rid (Fig. 172). Then the hon<: is a:r1.ain to knock down at kasi one

2t.5. Uniform clistribution. The everywhere dense curva considcrro

above have the remarkable property of being "uniformly dis1ribu1cd" on
the surface of a torus. We now formulate the appropriate tbmtt.m in tM'
simplest case. A sequence ofpoints O,. 02, ••• on thecircle S' (8mod2a} =
is said 10 be uniformly distributtd if given any arc � c
1M' numbers•,
N(t,., k) of points of the 14initial sc<:tion O O ••• , Ol of the sequence which
bdong to i s asympto1ically proporoional 10 ohe length of i.. c., if a,
N(!J., k) = l!J.I.
,_., k 2n
•Probwn I . Prove the seqvencc O, O + a, Q + 2a is uniformly dis:tn"bu.tcd on s• il
th e angle a i.s incommensurable with 2x.
Corolla,:,. The numbers 2'" begi n more ofte n with 7 than wilh 8. Suppose A 1'" (.t) of the
numbe rs I, 2, 4,.,., 2• b egin with 7, while N.(.t) begin with 8 . Thm &ht limit
•·• N,(k)
Sec, 25 Cnsr or Mulciplc F.igrnvnlun 167

P,,./,JH 2. find thl, llrnll 111\d 1how 1h11t h 1-. gttaltt than I.
Co"1111,,.,. Thf' inili11I ,rction of 1hr 1-N)Uf'nff' (�t. 2◄.3, Prob. I) ind ,a� 1M1 t�rt' .,..
rrwel' ,rvrrh. 'l'ht11 1- due 10 •ht r,c, that tht irn1ion.ail numbtr l<>s1 -2 0.,010 • "
\'try cl011.- 10 ,he r.11i on;il r'I\Hn�r 3/10.

25. The Case of Muldple Eigenvalues

The sohuion or
a linear cqua1ion with constant coefficinus f'rou«s to
calculation of the matrix t'A • ,..,,The explicit form ofr4' i.s gi\.--en in Seu.
19.5 and 20.Gfor chc ca,e where che eigenvalues orche macrix are all distincc.
We now use the Jordan normal form t o find t'" in the cast of multiple

25,1. Calculation of,•• where A 11 aJordan block. One way orca l -

culacing •••, where A is a Jordan block
l I
: R" - R",

was indicaced in Sec. 14.9 (ic will be recalled chac chc diffcrcntia1ion
operator in the space of quasi-polynomia1se1'P -c.(t) ha.s the mauix A in the
basis,,= 1',''/k!,O '- k < n). In far1,according10Tayloc'sfonnula,the
matrix 11' • ," i, 1hc matrix or
the ,hifc opcra,or /{1) ~f's + t) in 1hc
indica1ed hasis. Thus
.,,.,, (t + s)'
, = '('
i.., h"'(s)e,,
where the clements hu(s) or the matrix.H• arc found by using the binomial
theorem and turn out to be quas.i-po1ynomia1s in s wilh expo�nts .i. or
degree less 1han n.
Another way or calculating eA' is based on the following

LEMMA. If Jlte lint(lr opt1C1lor1 A, 8: R" - R• commut,, JtJ I.Ital .lfB -; BA,
then e" •8 = eAt8.

Prwf Compare 1he formal series

,•,• = (E + A + �: + · · ·)(E + 8 + :: + · · ·)

= E+ + l(A2 + 2AB + 8 1) + · · ·,
(A + 8)
,••• = E + {A + 8) + l(A + 8) 1 + · · ·
= E(A + 8) + l(A' + AB + BA + 81) +
168 C:hap. 3 Li��• Sy,1erm

The scric• coincide If All • IJA, ,Ince,••' • ,.,, for x,, • R. Bu, 1!,en
,r14111 • e14 1 •, since thr �rit� are absolutely cnnvtrgr:nt. I
Suppose we reprC:4'('111 A in 1hr form
A • it:+ 6,

0 I
6• I

i� a nilpo1cn1Jorclan Ulock. Since AR commu1cs with any optra1or. "� hav�

Tllf:OREM. Tltt maftices ,&• m,d t'° nrt gitvrt b..1

I 11/2 ... 1•-1/(11 - I)!

,., = I I
I 1'/2

•'' te'·' i·'/(1' - I) I



, = (I)
Prmif. Since /l operate'> on the basis e 1, ••• , e,. like a shift O - ,., -
• • • _. e , t,. acts like a shiCl hy k places and has the matrix
t2 .-.

0 ...

, ' • E + lJ.t + ._ +
[\ ,, ' +
{l\" = 0).
2 (11 - I)!

The calculations go through without change 111 the: complex case

(J. e c, A: c· - c·i. 1
Sec. 25 t:n,r of Nl111ti1>lr Eigrnvalun 169

25,2, lmpllcadono, l'ori1111la (I) immrdia1dy implic,

COROLLARV I. /,,1A: C' - C" bta lin,arop,rator w1thttgmoolw1 .1.1, ••• , ;_,
of mu/tipliti/J' ,, 1, , • , , •• rtJptttivtiJ, TMn nvrJ tltmtnl of tltt M•lnx of IN
op.,ator ,'', I e I\ (i11 '"V' fottd ba1i1) is• s•m of 9•asi•J141.1nom,ob ,n t, tLNrt 1M
Ith q11n1i-poiJ110111ilil h111 ,xpon,nt .1.1 1md is ofdttrtt l,11 than ,,.
Proof. C:onsidcr the matrix of the operator ,-., in the basis i n "hich the
mairix or A has.Jordan form. The 1hco�m 1hcn follows from (l),sincc 1hc
elemen1s oft he matrix of,,,. ' in any 01 her ba.sis arc linear combinations (with
constano coefficienu) of the clcmrnts of th< matrix of r" in the indicated
basis. I
COROLLARY 2. /,ti Ip bt • 10/ution of th, differmtiol tquation
X • Ax, x e C", A: C' - C".
r1,,,, ,.,.,., tolll/)(Jlltnt 'P1 of the
Utt/Of Ip (in.,,_, fixed bui,) ;, •, .... of f"Ji­
pof;momia/J i11 t, whtrt tht Ith qua,i,pol)•nomiol p1, hos ,xponmt .1.1 a,ul u ofJtgu,
less than \1 ;

,pj(t) = L e''' P11 (I).
I• I

Proof. Merely note that ,p(t) = ,'',p(O). I

COROLLARY 3. lti A: R" - R" bt a Jin.tor operoJor with rtal DtDIDlllllll l, ef
multiplicity, ,, (I .. I .. k) and compltx ,igmval.u a, ± i{/0 of-ltipliag µ1
( I ,;; I ,;; 111). Thtn tlltfJ tltment of th, matrix ofe'' and <«TJ UnrpMU>tl of tit,
solution ofth.t tquation X = Ax, x ER• is a him oft.ompltx fllaSi-p,,,ly..miaJ.s u:itJ,
,xpon,11/f .1.1, cc, ± iw,. whtrt th, d,gre, ofthe quasi•J141.Jnomial rritlt ex,,.,.,., ).1 is
ltJJ than,, , and that of the quati-polynomial with uponmt er, ± io,1 is kn tJwu, Pt:
Proof. An immediate consequence of Corollaries I and 2. I
The sum figuring in Corollary 3 can also be wrinc.n in the less convcnieru
• •
<P;(t) = L ,,,, P;,(t) L t"'(9;1 (1) cos w,t + ';,{1) sin w,i),
I• I
I• I

where p1,, q1,, r1, are polynomials with rtal coeffieients of degrtt lt:SS 1han
,,,, ,,,, ,,, respectively. This representation follo,,-s from the faet that
Re u'' = Re ,"(x + (y)(eos wt + i sin wt) = t"'(x cos WI -J sin OJI)
if z = x + f.y,). = a + iw. �loreover, it is clear from these formulas that if
the real parts of all the eigenvalues are ncgativ� then all the solutions
170 Chap. S LiMar S)'Sl<mJ

apr,roach Oas t - + 00 (lls mu,o be 1hr cair, according 10 Sea. 72 and Z3).
25.3. Applica1lon1 co ay,cema ofhlgber-order equaclon._ \Yriting •
sy11ern of higher-order rqua1lo,u a, a l)'Slrm of fir11-ordcr �uation,, "'
reduce 1hr problem 10 the problem con,idcrcd above, which in turn can�
solved by reducing thr matrix to Jordan rorm. In pr.1c1for, ho\o\n<tt, ii is
of1cn more convcnicni 10 proceed dilfcren1ly. Flr11 of all, "' nocc tha1 the
eigenvalues of the cquivalcn1 first•ordcr sy11cm can Ix round without
wfl111"1g down the ma1dx of the system. In fac1, for rvery rigc:nvaluc A. \o\-C­
have an eigenvector and hence a solucion fl'(I) - ,1'.,(0) or the equivalent
firs1-order system. Bui 1hcn ,he original sys1cm has a solution of the form
J/,(1) - e1'J/,(O). Thus, substilu1ing ,; - ,1'{ in10 1hc original S)>Stcm, w e
sec 1hai 1he sys1em has a (nonzero) $Olu1ion ofthe given form if and onlyif l
satisfies a certain algebraic equation, from which 1lx eigenvalues 11 can M
dc1crmined. We can 1hcn look for 1hc solutions 1hemsdvo in the fonn o(
sun1s or quasi•J>olynomials \<1i1h cxponcntS l1 and undctttmincd cor:ffi...
Exnmplt I, Lt1
..-4'"• - x . (2)
Sub.,tiru ting x - r''( in to (2), we gel ,t',-"'( - ,-A'(. l' • I. 11 ,2,.,.,.. = I, -I, i. -i..
Thus cvcty sol ucion of (2) is of the for-m
X - Cit'+ CJt-• + c_, co,'+ c.. sin,.
Exampl,- 2 . Let

= -"•·
Substitu ting x - t...,{ in to (3), wegd 12{, = {2, A.2(J = (1• This J)'lJc.fflollinar cqua -
1io n• in(,, {J has a non1r-ivial s olution ir an<l only if,t• I. Hcnccnuy solutionol(S)
is of the form
... • Cie' + C2,-· + c_, cos I+ c.. sin ,.

x1 = D1t' + DJ1:-• + D_, cost+ D,. sin t,

whic h
D_, = -C3, D,. = -C,.
af1c:r- substituiion into (3).
Example :J . Let
x11 -2x+x=0.
"'' (4)
Su bstitu tjng x :a:,.,..,{ into (4), we gr.1
.!' - 2.!2 + I = 0, .P • I, 1., 2,i., • I, I, -1. -1.
Th u s C\'er-y sol u1ion of (4) is or the form
X • (Cit + C1)t' + (C>t + C,.),.·

Sec, 25 Case of Multiple Eigenvalues 171

P,Hlm, I. t1ind 1he norml'I (Ofm or the fourth,.Ofdc:t m.a1r1x <'orrnpond1nc 10
cquMlon (4),
25,f, Tbe ca1e of a 1lngle equatloa of order •· In general, 1hc
m11hiplici1y of 1hc eigenvalues do,:s nol dcltrminc 1hc sizes of 1hc Jordan
blocks. The 1ir11aiion bc�omc1 1implcr if we arc dealing w11h 1hc hncar
opcra1or A corrc1ponding 10 a single di1Tercn1ial cquaiion of order'"
•• e C. (S)
Then Corollary 2 implies
COROLLARY 4, l:.vt'.)' solution oftquotion (5) is of tlteform

q.,(1) - !; ,'•'p,(t),
I• I

where A 11 • • • 1 A, are lht roots oflht cltarollcn'sti, equation

A." =a,.,1,.•- 1 + ··· +a. (7)
ofmultiplici(I• v1, • , • , v1 rtsputivtly, and t«n p 1 is a polptomial ofd,K'tt us, /MIi
V1 ·

Proof. Equalion (5) has a solution of1hc form ,••e if and only if lis a roo1 of
cqua1ion (7). I
Turning to the equivalent system of first-order equations
0 I
0 I
X = Ax, A = (8)

a, • . • Q

we get
COROLLARY 5. If t/tt operator A: C•-+ C' /tas a matrix oft/teform (8), tit,,, to
tot')' ti,�erwalut). ofA /}i,r, corr,spontf., precisdyonejordan bt«k of
siu <'i""I I# IA<
multiplicity of,t
Proof. According 10 (6), there i s a single cigcndircction corresponding lO
every ,t In fac1, Jc, { be an cigcnvcc1or of the opcra1or A . Then ,he first
component ,'1e 0 of rhc vcc1or ,''{ is one of the solutioru of (6). Bui then 1hc
remaining components are derivatives: Ct = 11(0• Hence l uniquely
determines the direction of(. To complete the proof, we no,c that each
Jordan block has its own cigcndircction. I
P,obl,m I . Is every line:ir combina1ion ofquasi-polynomials (6) a .solutio,n cleqwition (S)?
172 Chap.3 Linear S)'llems

25,5, Recurrent 1equenee1, 0111· study or the exponm1ial r"' "'"h •

continuous nrgum('nc t can ca,ily bt carrittl ovrr to tht> cax o( 1hr C"ICf>O"'
nt•ndAI A" with the di,crrtr nrgum{'nt 11. In particular, wr can 1nvcs1ig;uc­
any rec11rrcn1 scquencr drllned by• relation or1hr rorm
(for example, the sequence 0, I, 2, 5, 12, 29, ...,pec:ifird by the rdation
x,. • 2x ,._ 1 + x,... i and the initial COl'�dition x 0 = 0, .r1 = I}.
COROLLARY 6 . Thenth ltrmofthe rtturrmt r,9,unced,fintdb,1 (9) ,,,,,,..,••lw

x, - t• J.'f>,(t1)
I• I

of qua.ti-poly110111ials in ", whett A,, , ..1 A, au lht n,,nvahus

•I t"'1 ..alrt x
eorr,spo,,ding lo the Jtqutnct, of multipUcity 11 , •••, "• tts/'«-lir:J7, llllllt•d1J,1 u •

polynomial ofdegree /us than v,.

Proof First we note that the matrix in question is the matrix ofthe operator
A: R' - R' carrying the section{,- 1 = (x x._ 1) oflength! ofour
_,, • • • ,

sequence into the next section(,. • (x,._, • 1, ••• , x,.) orICt1gth k:

0 I x,.-t x...... t

A{.- I - 0

= = {•.

•• .. a, , a, x,. - 1 x.

It is important 10 note that the operator A does not depend on•· Hen« x.
i s one of the components ofthe vector A•(, where� is a constant vector and
the matrix ofA is or the form (5).VVc now apply Corollary 5, ttducing the
matrix or A to Jordan form. I
In making the cakulations, there is no need ci1hcr 10 write do-.,•n tM'
matrix or reduce it to normal form. In fact. any c.igc.nva)uc ofthc' operator
A corresponds 10 a solution or equation (9) orthe form x. = i.". Substituting
x, = )." into (9 ), we find that). satisfies the equation
;. • = a i•- + · · · + a.

which, as iseasilyverified, isjust thc characteristic cquation ofthc:opc.rator-ii.

Exampl� I. For the sequence 0, 1, 2, 5 , 12, 29, ... corropondin g 10 the: rcb:tiua
x. = 2x•• 1 + x,._J, (10)
Sec, 25 Case or Multiple F:lgenvalucs 173

we hnvo A' • 2.l I I. A,,J I .t: J2. llenre the .equ�nc�

•• ( I I J2)•, •• (I - ✓ 2)•
: (10), 1rnd 10 do •II ll n tt1r combi1111iom
both ,111bfy
•• <1(1 f ✓2)• �r,(I J2)•
or thN 11e<1uMC'n (1rnd only ,ut . h linnr C'Omb1nadon1), Amoi11 ,� comb..n.attOfta. 11"
e11,y 10find 1he o,,e rol' whkh "• o• .t1 I. In (an,'°'"'"•
tht- r<1.auon.,
,, f· ,, - 0, ./2(t 1 t1) • I,
we find 1 ha1

(I + J2}" - �( 1�..,.✓2�)•
- 2 ✓2 2 ✓�
Comm,nt, As n - «>, the fin1 1enn i nponentaally, whil e 1hit littOftd ttnn d,c,­
creJuc- expo ncn1iall y. Thcre(ott
( + J2)"
•• .. I 2 ✓2
(or large n, and in p.artkuhar .-".,Ix.;::::::- I + J'l.. -rhft g:iYCS usvery good �tiom
IO J2:
J2 =,x.,., -1t.,,,
Choosing-x., - 0, I, 2, .5, 12, 29, , •. , we get
✓2 "' I IO - I' ✓2 "' 5
- 1.5,

✓._12-5 ✓2., 29 - 12
12 - 1.417 .•.
"- 5 - ,.
Thes,e arc 1he same appro:xima1 i ons used to c.akub.te ./2 in a.ncimt � can be
ob1aio«I by expa n di ng ./'1. in :1 con1inuou-1 fnu::1t0n. Mo�·tt (x._ 1 - x.) �. is (ht bat
or all roui onal approximation, 10 ,/'l with denomin aton no1 cxcttd.i ng .-_.

25.6. Small oscillations. In Sec. 25.4 we consid<ercd 1hc case whttc t o

each root ofthe charactcriiuic equation, regardless ofiui mtdtiplicit·y. thctt
cotttsponds a single eigenvcc1or, namely 1hc case of a single equation of
order 11. \-Ve now consider 1he case (which, i n a certain sense, is the opposi1c
or 1he onejust cited) \..,here each toot has a number of eigcnvcccors equal 10
its multiplicity. This i� the case of small oscillations of a conservati�-c
mechanical system.
Let U h e a quadratic form in the Euclidean spau R• givcn by a symmetric
operator A, i.e., let

U(x) = j(Ax, x), XE R", A: R" - R", A � A,


where A' denotes thetranspose ofA) and consider the djffcnntial

: cqua.tionf

x = -grad U, {II)
1 The \'eCt()t field gtad U is ddined by the condition that dl/(() - (gad U. () b n-uy
v,cc-1or � e TR;, where (, • •) de:notn the Eudidnn st'2la.r product. ln (ortboocnn,,al)
rectangular cootdinat�. the fiel d grad U Nii components (U/2x,. ....iU i-z.,.
174 Chap. 3 Linc�r $)-stems

thinking or U as 1he po1rntial energy. In investigating (11), it is uscful 10

imagine o bead sliding down the graph orthe potential energy (1tt S«. 12).
Equation (11) can also be written in the form
i • -Ax,
or as a sy111em of II linrnr srcond•ordrr �uationJ in thf' coordin.a.10 of a.
Following our general rule, we look for a solution or the fom, • - ,''(.
This gives
(A + J.2£)( • 0, dct(A + J.2£) = 0 .
II follows that ,t2 has n real values (why?), and corropondingly that ). has
2n real or purely imaginary values. If these values arc all dilrcttnt, then
every solution or (11) is a linear combination of cxponcntiab. tr thctt arc
muhiple rool.S, we encounter the problem ofJordan bloc.ks.
1'HBORe:.,. If tl1t quadratieform U is nl)ltdrtt,uralt, Uurt ,aeh rit,-Nlw). Ml•
numbtr of lintarly indtptndtnt tig,nuectors equal I• its m•ltipl�ii,,. C."u,-.tli"liJ,
tutry solution ofequation ( 11) ca.n bt wrilltn as a sum of,xpon,nti,,ls:t
,.L ,••.,.,
,p(I) =
.- ' (,EC'.

Proof The form U can be reduced to princip,,1 axts by making an orthogo­


nal transformation, i.e., there exists an orthonormal basis e., ... , e. in

which U becomes

.. ,
= 2 L a:x;,
I •

Since U is nondcgcncratc, none of the numbers a, vanishes. In the indicattd

coordinates, equation (11) becomes
i,. = - a,;c.,
whether or not there are mulliple roots.t Thus our system decomposes in,o
the direct produc, of n "pendulum equations." Each of these equations
{X = -ax) can be solved at once. In fact, if a > 0, then a = c>2 and
x = C 1 cos wt + C2 sin wt,
f It is in 1eres1ingl o no te th at Lagran ge, who6nt i n.·cstig . alcd 1he equation olsma.Ucscilb ­
ti on s (11). i niti ally made a mis takie., thinkj ng th at ••k"'Cu lar·· termsofthe form�(«Jsiao,t
in the real case} were rcquj rcd in th e case or multipie roots., as in tM: earlier� of lM
l Not e that wc havem ade essential usc ofth e orthononnality of the basise,•••••e,... Ifmt were not orth ono rma l, the components ofthe ..·cclQI'"grad i !:¼ ;;iw,U_,�-...., .
Sec. 25 C:ase of M11hi1ile Eigenvahots 17)

Fig, 173 U'vcl curve or 1hc pot('nlial c:n"rli(y and d irttlions of th� �ctffHhc OIC'il·
lat ions.

x, .z;

Fig. I 14 One or the l,i»ajow tigurr, with CtJ

1 - 1. w, 2.

while ir {l < 0, then" - -oc2 a,1d

X = C,cosh at + C2sinh a.I= D1tu + Dzt-111•
In particular, these formulas immediately imply(12). I
If the form Uis positive definite, then the•• are all positive and tM point.r
executes n independent oscillations (called "'normal along the- ,r
mutually perpendicular directions e 1, • • • , e, (Fig. 173). Tix numbers W.,
which satisfy the equation det{A - w'E) = 0, are called tM clt,,raclrristu
(or 11atural) frequmdts. The orajcctory of the point x = '1'(1) in R", when:•
is a soluoion of(! I), lies in ohe parallelepiped J.r,J ,!, x,, I SI. S "• wMtt
X, is the amplitude of the kth charac1eris1ic oscillation. The parallelepiped
reduces to a rectangle if n = 2.
If the frequencies w, and cu2 are commensurable, the 1.rajtttory is a
cl0<ed curve, called a Lissajousfigure (Fig . 174). However, ifw1 and w, are
incommensurable, the trajectory fills the whole rectangle dcnscl).
Problem I. Draw LiMajous figures for w 1 = I, w 2 =3 and c>1 = 3,
w, = I.
Probltm 2. Prove that one of the Lissajous figures with w2 = n(l:)1 is 1M:
graph of the polynomial
T,(x) � cos(n arccos .r)
of degree n, called a Ckbyshev polynomial.
Problem 3. What do the trajectories x = ,p(t) look like if U = x! - .-1?
176 Chap. 3 Lin�ar Sy.ttm,

Problem 4. For which U i, 1hr equilibrium posilinn x • x • Ooftquation

(11) srnblt
(a) In Lyapunov's sr ,.,,: (b) a,ymp101ically?

26. More on Q.ua1I-Polynomlal1

In solving linear equations with constant coefficients, we hav�- ttpeatcdly

encountered quasi-polynomial,. We now e,cplain the rt'&50n for this
phenomenon, and �ivc some further applica1ions or
26,1, The space or in6nitoly dill'orontiablo functions. Lei F be the
sci of all complex-valued infinilcly dilfcrcnliablc func1ions ddined on the
real line R. The s.ct F has the natural structure of a complo linear ,pace,
f, ,/1 EI',
obviously implic, c 1/ 1
+ ,,J, e F.
D,finition. The functionsf,, .. . ,J. e Fa� said 10 be lintarl;, utd,pmdorJ if
they are linearly i1ldependcnt regarded as vcc1ors orthe linear space F, i.e.,
I I "· +cf.=0
" " (c 1 , ••• ,c,.EC)
implies c 1 = · · · = '• = 0.
P,oblcm I. Fot what \•al ues ofa and /Jatc the fun("tionssin cd a nd si n#I lincarf'f dcpcuc:lmt?
Probl,m 2 , Prove thal the functions ,.1,,, ... • el,.J .uc linearly indcpcndau if the' n.umbcn
J.• are disti nct,
l li1tl, This follows from the cxls1c ncc of a linear cqua.cion of order • 'With sclutiom
,.1,,, .., ,,A,,1 (sec $cc. 2G.2).
The space F contains all quasi-polynomials

L ,,,•
G ,,,

\vith exponent). and, more generally, all finite sums

= •=L ,,,, L-o ,,.1•,

l "•- I
f(I) (I)
1 ...

or quasi-polynornials with different cxponertt$.

Problan 3. Ptov<: 1h31 c"·cry functi on which can ht-: rcpccsc nted by a sumof tbc fcwm. I)
has a un ique tcpt<:se n tation of thil. form. In other words.prove- lha.t ifat -(I) 11 ..,
idrn1ic-0ll.,, Ihm t.Jt.,Y a,,Jfi< '•• tqua/J 0 .
Hint. F'ot (>r\c possible solu tion sec the:: corollary below.
Sec.26 More on Q,rn1i-Polynomial1 111

26,2, The 1pace of 1olutloa1 of a Uacar equatloa.

1 '111'.0RE.,, Th, stt X of all solu1io11s of 111t li•tar tpali1H1
x<"> + ,, 1.r'"• 1) + · · · + a,.,i, • 0 2
( )
is 1111 rr-dimtnsio,wl li11eM subsp,u, ofF .
Proof. Consider the operator D: F - F canying every runction into iu
derivative.The operator Dis linear:
D(c,/1 + c2/2 ) • e,Df, + ,,DJ,.
A - a(D) - D' + a,D·· + ... + •.e

be a polynomial in 1he operator D, Then A is a linear oper.uor A: F -F.

The soluoions ofequaoion (2) arc just ohc clements of the kcmd of A, t so
that X • Ker A. But rhc kct1lcl of a linear opcra1or is a linear spa«, and
henceXis a Iinear space.
Nextwe show chatXis isomorphic to C'.Given any q, e X. "� as.sociacc
with q, a set of n numbers, namely the values of the func1ion fP and its fint
n - l derivatives a t the point t = 0:

'Po =( ,p(O), (D,p)(O),, .., (D'- 1 ,p)(O)).

This gives a mapping
B:X-C", B ,p = 'Po,
which is clearly linear. The image of Bis the whole space C', since by the
existence theorem, 1hetc exists a solu1ion ,p € Xwi1h any girtn initial condi­
tions ,p0• �1oreover, the kernel of the mapping B consists of the single dc­
ment 0, since by the uniqueness theorem, the in.itial conditions •o • 0
uniquely determine the solution (,p = 0). Therefore B isan isomorph ism . I
COROLLARY. ltt J.,, . . . , J., bt /ht rools of
tk characlemlic tl(ll<'ti.w a(;.) = 0
of of
tilt dif/trtnlial tquation (2), mullipluity v,, . . . , v, rtJP,ctiJ:J,1. T/,a, aa:,
o f of
solution tqualion (2) ha, a uniqut rtprtsenlalion tkform (I ) ,nu/Wt'7 n,m of
quasi-polynomials oftkfarm (I) salisfas ,quaiion(2).
Proof. Formula (I) gives a mapping 4>: C' - F, associating a function/
with every set of n coefficients,,,.. The mapping Cl> is linear. �loreovtt the
image of 4> contains the space X o f all solutions of equation ( 2), since
according t0 Sec. 25.4, every solution of equation (2) can be: "Tiuen in the
t \Ve already know that all the solutions or cquuiart {2) att infi.njldy dtfl'crcntia.� i..c:,
belong to f' (sec Sec.25. 4 ).
178 Chap. 3 Linear Systems

rorm (I). By 1he above 1hrorrrn, 1he dimension or X ,qualt •· Bui a linear
rr,apping of the s11acr C" onto a spacr X of thr samr dimrn.sion i1 an i,o..
morphl,111. Therrforr <I> rsrnblishrs an isomorphbm bc1wrrn C" and X I
26.3. lnvarlanco under 1hlru.
,·11&0REM, Tit, S/)11'< X ofso/utio111 of tit, dtjft,tnlial t9uatio• (2) is i11NnMI
u11dtr shifls <or')'ing thtfun<1io11 ,p(t) into ,p(I + s).
Proof. The sl1iCt of a solu1ion i s a solution. as in the c� of anyau1onomous
eq11a1ion (Sec. 10.1). 1
The followi ng arc all a:amplo of 1hi(1°invarian1 tubt5Ncn of,� 1pai« F:
l:.'xar,1p/t I. The onc•dimc:nsiooal ,pace fu"').
Exar,1/Jt 2 . The space orquasi•J> (,...,,0(1)) o(di�mion "·
Exar,1p/t 3 . The pl.\nc (r 1 cos wl + ,1 sin wt},
Exar11ft/t ii. The space (/t0(1) cot WI + q0(t) 1m wtl of dimension 2ft .
h can be shown 1hac every finitc-dirncn.sional shirt-invariant subspace or
1he space Fis the space or solu1ions or some differential equa1ion (2). In
other words, such a subspace always decomposes into a direct sum ofspaa:s
or quasi-polynomials. This explain, 1he significance of quasi-polynomials
in the theory of linear differc1uial equations with constant coefficients.
If an equalion i.s invariant under some group of transfonnations, then the
space of functions invariant under the group will play an important role in
solving the equation. This is how various spttial functions ariK: in mathe­
ma1ics. For example, there is a connection bc1wee:n the group ofrocations
of the sphere and the fini1e--dimensional spaces of functions on 1he sphere
f1 sphcrical functions") which are invariant under rotations.
•Pro6t,m I. F ind all linitc•dimcnsional sut»paecs of lhc s�cc of$fflOOlda rWICbelnl on the:
drclc which arc invariant under rotations or the circle.
26.4. Historical remark. The theory of linear differential equations
with cons1an1 cocfficienis was creaied by Euler and Lagrange before the
discovery or 1hcJordan normal form of a matrix.They reasoned as follows:
Let .l1 and l.2 be two roo1s of 1he characteristic c.qua1ion. The solutions:
,.1., and Ai corresponding 10 these roots span a two-dimtttSional plane
{c ,,••• + ,,,,�} in the space F (Fig, 175). Suppose the equation changes in
such a way 1ha1 11 approaches 11 • Then e11' approaches r'1' and th� plane
degenerates imo a line for J.1 = J. 1 • The question now arises of whc1hcr •he
plane has a limiting position as l1 - J..1• If J..1 � l.1� we can choose r'•'�
,A,, - e11' ra1hcr than e,1.1', eAJt as the basis. But
e-Ai' - ,,1.,, � (lz - l1 )t,1,r,
Sec. 26 More on Q, ,asi-Polynoonials 179

Fi&:, 175 Limiting JX>lition o( rhc plane' ,panned by ,A,' and,.¥ in tht-lf>KC'F.

and hence, as A. 2 -+A. 1 , the plane spanned by ,11' and ,1,t - ,,a,,, or tquiva•
lently the plane spanned by ,,,, and (,'•' - ,''')/(A2 - A,), goes in10 tl>c
limlcing plane spanned by e1•' and 1,.' • 11• Therefore it is natural to expect
1ha1 1he solulions of ohe limi1ing equa1ion (with 1he double root l, - 11)
\\'ill lie in the limiting plane {c 1 t111 + ,211'"'1'}, where chc fac1 1ha1 c,,.1., +
c2 tt111 is a solution of the orginal diffcttmial equation can be vcri6ed by
dircc1 subs1itucion. The same tcasoning the appcarantt of the
sohuions t'e" (k < v) in 1he case of a v -fold root.
The above argument can easily be made p,,rfcc1ly rigorom (for example,
with 1he help of the theorem on differcmiable dependence of tl>c solutions
on a parameter),
26.5. Nonhomogeneous equations. Given a linear operatorA: l1 -L2,.
by a salulion of the nonhomogeneous equation
Ax =f
with righ1-hand side/ is meant any prcimage x e L, of the clement/e l2
(Fig. I 76). Every solu1ion of 1he nonhomogencous equation is the sum of a
parlicularsolution x I and the general solution of the: homogmandequation
Ax= 0:
A -'J = x, + KerA.
The nonhomogeneous equation is solvable if and only if/belongs 10 tl>c
linear space Im A = A(L1) c L,.
In particular, consider 1hc differential equation
_.l•> + a,x<•- '' + · · · + a.x = f(t) (3)
(a nonltomogeneous linear equation ef otder n u.;t.Jr. constan.l c«.ffiaDW).
THEOREM. Iftloe riglot-lrand sidef(t) of equation (3) u a sum ofq,uujpolpnti,,b,
then so is every solution of equation (3).
Q.• = (e''P<.(t) )
180 Chap. 3 Linear Sy,ttrm

Ker A A"'f

Q r
,, 0 •-• IIT1A

1-'ig. 17', Kn11cl aod image" ofan npc-r:uor A.

be the space or all qurui-polynomial, or degree lo, than m and ccponent ). .

'The linear operator D (carrying every (unction into its dcri,�tive) carriel
Q.'" ioto il.self, and hence the operator
A= a(D) - I)"+ a,D•-• + ··· + a.E: Q.• - Q.•
is also a linear operator from Q.• into ii,clr. \Ve can now write equation (3)
in the rorm A.r • J , and to investigate the solvability of(3), we must find the
image Im A - il(Q."') ofthe mapping A.
L£MMA I. Suppose) , is 110/ a roo/of/ht characltrlllrc tq•alion, s. tit.I •(l) ,; 0 .
The11 A: Q."' - Q.M is an isomorphism.
Proof. The matrix or the operator I): Q."' - Q.• in a suitable basis is the
Jordan block with) .on the main diagonal. In thc,amc basis, theopcr.uor A
has a triangular mattix with a().) on the main diagonal. Hence
det A = [a(l)J• ,; 0,
and II is a n isomorphism. I
COROLLARY I. Suppose). is""' a rool·of lht dr.aracleriJti, tquaJUlfll., tmd SIJ/ll»M
tq11atio11 (3) has a quasi-poly11omial o/dtgrtt /us than m and apo,w,t). cs iJs ri(lu­
hand sid,. Thm ,q11atio11 (3) has aparticularsolwion which isalso• ,w-J>M.,_..;ol
of degreeIt.JS tha11 m 011d t.> J..
Proef. An immediate consequence of Lemma I. I
LEMMA 2. Suppou). is a t<JOI ofthtthatatttrisliLtquati,mofn111.lliplicity •,.s.1""1
a(z) = (z -).)'b(z), b(l) ,; 0 .
AQ."' = Q.•-•.
Proof. Here
A = a(D) = (D - ).E)'b(D),
where b(D) : Q."' - Q."' is an isomorphism, by Lemma I. I, remains to show
Sec. 26 Mo,·c on Q,rn,i-Polynominls 181

1hn1 (/) - ).E)'Q.• • Q.M -•, llut the matrix or the operator D - )E ,nth<"
e, • -,"'
AI '
i, n 11n ,,01cn1.Jordnn block, i.e. , D - )E acts on the ba,is like a shift.

rlcnce thcoperator (D - ).E)' acts like a shift by v places and map, Q."'onto
Q.•-•. I
COROLLARY 2. u/ ,( bt a r()O/ of mu/liplirilJ v of I� clwr«ttri1tit 19w;.,,
a(,!) • 0, nm/ /,ifE Q.' bt a quaJi-polynomial ofd,g,u ltsJ 1ha11 I:•"" t1tJ»,t<lft l.
The11 equatio11 (3) has a so/11tio11 <fJ e Q.' •• 1Lhith is a ifUOJi•polJ-i•I of«ptt /us
than k + \' tmd ex/xmt111 ).,
Proof. We need only set m • k + v in �mma 2. I
Proof of /1,e theorem. �. I: be the SCI or all p<miblc sums or quasi-poly­
nomial�. 1�hen I is an infinitc•dimcnsional subspace of 1hc spa.a: F . By
Corollary 2, the image A(I:) or the operator
A = a(D): I: - I:
contains all quasi-polynomials. rlcnccA(I:) coincides with r., being a linear
space. Therefore equation (3) has a particular solution which is a sum of
quasi-polrnomials. 1, remains only 10 add the general solution or th<"
homogenc.·ous equalion, which, according to Sec. 25.4, is itself a sum of
quasi-polynomials. I
Remark /, If f = ,••p ..(t), then equation (3) haJ a pa,ticu/a, JMati,,,. of IN
form q, = ("i'tt<11(1). In fact, there exists a particular solution in 1he form of
a quasi-polynomial o f degree less than k + v . But the terms ordcgrtt less
than v satisfy the homogeneous equation (sec Sec. 25.4) and hence can be
Remark 2 . Suppo,;e equation (3) is reaL Then we can look for a s olution in
the form of a real quasi-polynomial if). is real, and in the form
?'(P(l)cos wt + q(t)sin wt]
if). � a + h o . Here the solution ca1 '1 contain a sine function �·en in 1M
case where the right-hand side or (3) consists only ora cosine.
Prob/mt I. Find 1hc rorm of the particubr-solution o( each of the following <qua.tiom.:
a)X±: -r-t1 b)X;tx-,H; c)X.±x=k-'; d)X;tx-t�sint;
c)X ± x =,,,cost; fJ x J:; 2ix •,:,.,sin to d) ,.cw, + 4x = ,:t' cosL
182 Chap. 3 U�ar Systems

26.6. The met.bod of comples ampUtudee. In the case of complex

root!, il is usually 1im1)ler to carry out the calculations as follows. Lc:t
equation (3) be real, and reprcsent/(1) as the real part ofa complex func­
/(1) • Re F(t).
Let <1>(1) be a complex solution of the equation
a(D)<l>(t) - F(t).
Then, taking teal parts, we sec that
a(D)q,(t) -f(t),
where q, • Re <I> (since • - Re a). Thus lo sol., a 114"'--I,_, li,,,111
equation with right-hand sid, f(t), wt n,.d only rtiardf(t) as IN rttU f»rl ef •
tompl,xfu11etion F(t), solv, th, tquation with ri1ht-hond side F(t), ,.,,Jt.u t/v rttU
part of th• solution.
Exomplt I. Let
/(1) = cos wt c Re ,'w•_
The quasi-polynomial F(t) • ,,u, is of degree 0, and hence we can look fora
solution <I> of the form C1,'w•, where C is a complex constant (called the
complex omplitud,) and vis the multiplicity of the root iw. Thettfott
q,(t) = Re (C1•,'w').
If C E rt11, then q,(t) = rl'cos(wl + 9). Thus the complex amplitude C
contains information about both the amplitude rand the phase 8of thc real
Example 2. Consider the behavior o fa pendulum (or of any other oscilla­
tory linear system, for example a weight on a spring or an oscilbtory
electric circuit) under the action ofan external periodic force:
ii + w'x = f(t), /(I) = cos vi = Re /"
(Fig. 177). The characteristic equation ). 2 + w' = 0 has roots l = +i0>.
If v1 '#- o,1, we must look for a particular solution of the form� = Cth '.
SubStituting <I> into the differential equation, we get the quantity
C� 1 (4)
w - yi ,

which can be writtc,-. in trigonometric form as

C = r(v),'f<•>. (5)
Sec. 26 More 011 Qµnsi-Poly110,11inls 183

- r

Fig. 177 Ao os(illa1ory 1y1tcm u ,,dcr 1hc act�n ofan c,111c-rnal lorcc/it) - COJ rl.
r ·I

w \I w "
Fig. 178 The arn 1>itud c and or forcro 0Killa1ions of a frkt onlcn ptndvlum AS
l i
a fun c1ion or thefre quenc yor the external for� .

According to (4), t he amplitude rand th<: phase, 0 hav,: th<: ,,,.Jucs shown i n
Fig. I 78. t The real part of<I> equals r cos(,·t + 0). Henc<: ch<: g,:n<:nl solu­
tion of 1 he nonhomogeneous equation is of the form
x • r cos(vl + 0) + C,cas(wt + O,),
where C, and 0 1 are arbitrary conslants.
Thus the oscillations ofa p,11dulum u11d,r the action ,ifon ext,rulf•ra cPSi,t of
''forcedoscil/atio11s" r cos(vt + 0) with thefrcqw"')l,iftlreexternalfarcetn1d"ftu
osci//a1io,u'' with the naturalfrequen<y w. The dependence o(the ampHtudc, of
the forced oscillatior'ls on the frequency of the a.temal fortt has the
characteristic resonance shape: The nearer the frequency of the external
force to the natural frequency w, the more: the external focce "'rocks0 1JM,;
system. This phenomenon ofresonance, observed when the frequency ofthe
external force coincides with the natural frequency ofthe oscillatorysyste.m.,
is very important in the applications. for example, in all kinds ofcalcula­
tions involvi,, g engineering structures, care must be taken to� that t�
natural frequencies or the strucLUre are not close to the frequencies oft�
external forces which will be experienced by the structure. O�-isc C'\·cn
a small force, acting over a long time interval, will be able to rock tM
structure and destroy it.
t Thcchoiec8 = -n (rather than +A") forv > wisjustincd by Eurnp&,e3bdow.
184 Chap. 3 Linear System,

l t

,� 13, 170 1"he 1u1l\ or '"-O haHn0t1llt whh ni:ighbor1111 frfqUtt)('1f'I (bratt) and 1h l,m,1
in th� c:m� o( rnonan cc ("roding"),

The phase O of1he forced osdlla,ions undergoes ajurnp of - "a,• pane,

lhrough the resonance frequency w. When vis near w, ubcau"' al"C obscrvN'I
(Fig. 179), i.e., 1he amplitude o f the pendulum aherna1cly waxes (when the
rclalion or1he phases or,he pendulum and 1he e.ien,al rorce iisuch that th<e
e,c:1ernal for"CC l"OCk.s 1hc pendulum, communicalingcncrgy •oi1) and "--ana
(when lhc relation between 1hc phases changes in such a w�y 1hat the
ex1ernal force "brakes" 1he pendulum). The closer 1h<e frequencies• and w,
1he more slowly 1he phase relatio11 changes and the larger th<: period of the
bea1.s. As" - w, 1hc period of the beat..s approachcJ infinl1y. At resona1\CC
(v = w) the phase relation is constant and the forttd oscillations can grow
indefinitely. In fact, for v = w we lnok for a particular solution oft.lx: ronn
in accordance with the ge,,eral rule. Subs1i1u1ing (6) i,uo the differential
equation, we get C;;;; I /2iw and hence
I .
X = -sin Wli
so that the forced oscillations grow without limit (Fig. 179).
Exampu 3. Consider the pendulum with rriction:
JI + kx + w'•· = f(I).
The corresponding characteristic equation
). ' + k), + w' =0

has roots

l 1 ,2= -7+in,
Q =
(Fig. 180). Suppose th< coefficient of friction k is posim·<e and SD1'1.IJ
(k' < 4w2), and let the external force be oscillatory:
f(I) = cos vi = Re ,'".
Sec. 26 More on Qu"'i-Polyno111inl• 18.S


. .,


Fig, 180 f.igcnvaluo of the �ua,ion of the 1>t00 ulum with rnc-1,on.

r -9

w " w "
Fi8. 181 The• am 1:>litudr and r>h:uc ofromed ote.llario.u of a p«Klutum with (rictior\ a,
a ru,,c1io11 of the frequen<'y or •he excrroal ron-c.

If the coefficient offriction is different from 0, then iv cannot be a root of th�

characteristic equation (since A. 1 ,? has a non-zc:ro real pan). HttlC� ��
should look for a solution C'lf the form

.,: = Re Ci"'. (7)

Substitution of (7) into the differential equation gives

C=��-- - (8)
w - v + ikv
Suppose we wri1e C io 1hc 1rigor1omc1ric form (5). Then, according to (7)�
the graphs of the amplitude r and phase O of the forced oscillations, as
functions of 1he freque,,cy v of 1he external force, have tM: appcarantt
shown in Fig. 181.
Adding the general solution C,,-"cos(Ot + O,) of th<: homogmeous
equation to tl1e particular solution, we get the general solution

x = r cos(,t• + 0) + C,,-"cos(Ot + 0,)

ofthe nonhomogeneoustt(ua1ion. The second tenn on the right a.pproachcs
0 as t - + ex>, leaving only the forced oscillations x = r cos(Tt + 8).
Comparing the behavior C'lf the fric1ionlcss pendulum (Fig. 178) ";th its
behavior for positive values of the coefficient of friction (fig. 181), we find
that the tjftct of small frictio11 011 th, r,sonam:, is such /Ml th, amplibllk •f IN
ostillations at re.sonante do not lucomt i,ifinitt. bu.I rathL.r inutast # a ,fori.te
186 Chap. 3 Ll�•r S�tcm•

v11lttt w/,i(/1 iJ i1111trs,IJ propo,tio11nl to t/rt totfficit•I qf

frit1ion. In ract, the runc­
tion r(v) cxprc»ing the dc1>cndenrc or the amplitude or the ,teady-•tatc
oscill:11io111 011 the frequency of the cxten,ol fon:c has a sharply defined
maximum near, , • w (Fig. I 8I), and it is clear from (8) that the h<ighc or
this maximum increases like I/Aw ask decrcaJeS.
From n "physical" point or view, lt is easy to predict tM �ct that th�
amplitude of the steady-sutc forced oseilla1io1u is fini1c, by simply alcu­
lating 1hc energy balance. At large ampli1udcs, the energy Jou due to fric­
tion is greater than the energy communicated to the pendulum by the
external force, and hence the amplitude will decrease until a regime iJ
established in which the energy loss due to friction t'<)uals 1he work done b y
1hc ex1ernal force. The si,c of 1hc ampli111dc of 1hc stcady-stacc oscillations
increase$ in inverse pro1>0rtion to the coefficient or friction k ask - 0. The
phase shif1 0 is always negative, i.e., IM for«d oMillolio,u •hL•p 1,tl IN
P,Htl,m J, l�ovc 1h;u ev ery s0Ju1ion or II nonhomoge neow, linear 1yt,t('ffl of cquatioM
whh c:om111n1 cocfficicn11 .1nd a r-igh,.h,rnd t-ide
I = f 1-' 11 � Cu 1•,
cqual 10 a sum or qua.J.i•polynomi.als wi1h vtttor- coefficients,. is i1.sdr a tum of q uasi ­
polynomials with vector cocfficicn,,.,
P,�lw , 2. Show th;u every 1olu1 io n or a nonhomagcncous linear rC'CWTm« relation
A'• - (a1•'•-1 + ·'' + 4ft-T•-•> -/(N)
with a right-hand side equal co a sum of qua.Ji.polynomials is ibclf a sum olq�y­
nomials. find a formula for the general term of th e sequence 0, 2, 7, 18,. ◄I, a&. •••
(x. - 2..-._ + n),

26.7. Application to the calculation of weakly noDlli,ear oKilla­

tions. Jn studying the dependence of the solution of an equation on
parameters, we have to solve a ,1onhomogencous linea, cqua1.i.on, namely
the "equation of variations" {see Sec. 9.5). In pa,ticula,., if th� '"un�r­
turbed" system is linear. the pt0blem often teduces to the solution of a
linear equation with a right-hand side which is a sum of exponentials (or
trigonometric functions) or quasi-polynomials.
Problun I . Find the dependence or the pc:riod of oscillations ofa pendulum dacribcd by
the equation X = -si. n x on the ampUtudc A, assuming that A is sqp.D..
Ans, T - 21t(I + (A1/16) + O{A4 )J. F<ir- exan,-pl� if lhe angle of deriacion O 30•, the
period occccds 1he period ors.maU oscillations by 2 po-c;cnL
Solution. Considu the solutfon or 1he pendulum <qua.lion with initial c:ondilion .c{O) = A.
.t(O)•O as a fu nc1io n of A, This function is smooth, by the thcorcmoodiffcrentiab&e
dependence on the i n itial conditions. Expa nd in g the function i:n Ta.)i« aeries in •.f nc::ar
Sec. 26 More on Q.uasi-Polynomials 187

A 0, we gtt
• Ax,(1) I A1x1 (1) I A1,,(1) I O(A'),
•o 1hu1
J • Al, I A'J, I A'J, I O(A'),
t At, I A'R, I A1 1, I O(A'),
.to x AM1 ._ A1x1 I Al(N1 i"f> • O(A•),

,. - -..- .
The cqu alion I - -si n x holdt for every A, and hence s1, .,.,, "' satitly thc cqu,ion:t
,, - -x,, (9)
The initial condit ion x(O) - A, 1(0) • 0 alto holds KW f'�Y A, and� tlw- <qm.ho•
(9) talltfy the following in itia l condhioru::
x 1 (0) • I, (10)
Solvi ng the:" first two equal.ion, (9) subject co lM conditiont (10), we Id-

so th a1 x, satisfla the equation

,,(O) J,(O) 0. (II)
Sol ving ( 11) b y che method or co1nple x a,nplitudcs, say, ._.e get
x, = a(cos t - cos 3t) + p1,j" ,,
wherc a - 1/192, p • 1/16.

T hus thc dfe<:t of th e n onli neari ty (si n x ,' x) on lhc oscilla tions ol cJac, pendulu m
rc<haca t to 1he presence of an extra term A.,x, + O(A4):
x • A rot t + A [a(cos I - cos 3t) + J1I si
n t] + O(A4),
The �riod Tor th e 05Cillati:on, is just the point at wht<:h x(t) ha, its �um. and i,
near 2it fo r small A. To find 1hii po nt, we we lhe eondition .i(T) = 0:
A{ -,;n T + A'l(P - a),;n T + 3a ,;n 3T + f/T"" TJ + O(A•)I • 0. (12)
To sol vt" (12) .approxiniately for small A, le t T 2• + •· This gi,n
• th,c, «-qua.Lion
,;n • = A1 [2•// + O(u)J + O(A')
ror 11. By 1hc irn pl icit function cheorem,
• = 2nPA' + O(A'),

T= 2•[ I + 1� + o(A')].
wh t"re o(A') ..,. O(A•) 11ince T(A) is even.
t Here it is meful to recall 1he bucket with 1he hok in its bouom (� tbtwarni"I in Stt..
9S). Frorn the pracncc o f the ".secula r'' tcr-m t s:in tin th< foTmul.a for ..,. we an draw no
co ncl usions whal50<':ver about the bt"ha,,ior o rth e pendulum .u t - oo, Out-�lion
is va lid o nl y for a finite 1imcinter-val, a nd the term O(A•) bccomcslargc(or�LT!wsou:r
,o lution ofthc equat ion for 05Cillationsofa pendulum act·uall ymnains bounded (by A}b
a U t, a s ill apparmt from th e law ofconservation ofcnagy.
188 Chap. 3 Linear S)'llffl\1

P,obltm 2. I 1wc:11lg111e 1hc dr1�ndcncc: orthe: 1>trt0d Tof 1M o.t•llat.Onton � amphtW

A for tl10 cquntion
I t- (IJ1Jt I a.x' 6."" 0.

AHJ, .,.

P,ob/1,r,1 J, l)tdure 1hc 1ame r("lult from lht" uphdt formula fol' the- P"'"Od (S«. 12.7).

27. Nonautonomous Linear Equation. s

That part of the theory of linear equations which docs no1 depend on shifl
invatiance can easily be carried over to linear equations and systems whh
variable coefficients.

27,1. Definition. By a (homo_(tt1tous) /in,ar equation u.itA e,,ri�bu co, §, ­

citlllJf is meant an equation of the form

x • A(t)x, x e R', A(t): R" - R', (I)

where I belongs to a n open interval / ofthe real axis (possibly the who!<, real
Geometrically the solutions of equation (I) arc represented by integral
curves in the strip / x R' of extended phase space (Fig. 182)- As usual, we
will assume that the function A(I) is smoo1h.t

/£xompl, I . Consider the pendulum equation ii = -w'x. The: frequency

w is determined by the length of the pendulum, and the oscilbtiom of a

Fig. 182 Jn1qral curves ofa linear cquali on.

Herc we assume that the cocffidc:nts arc rea l. The complex case is compktdy �
! It is actuall y enough 1oassumc that .'l(t) is com.i nuous (1tt Sec- . 32.6l.
Sec. 27 No11n111011omouj Li11car Equation, 189

pendulum ofvnriable length or,• descrilx<l by the onologou• equa1100

N • -w1(t)x.
This equa Iion can be wri11cn in the form (I):
{i·,•x,, l .4 •
( -w0
(t) 1
.,, • -w (1).,,,
Tl,c swing (Fig. 183) is an examp le ora pendulum or variable: lcngth. In
fac1. by varying 1hc position ofher ccn1cr ofgtavity, th<" girl on 1hc '"; ng
ca11 periodically vary the value oft h e parameter w.
27.2. Ex.istence of 1olution1. One solution of equation ( I i• 01>-;ously
the null solution. F'or an arbi1rary initial condition {10, x0 E / x R•. t�
exi'1cm·e of a solution defined in a neighborhood of the point '• follows
from lh<-• general theorems oCChap. 2 . 1-·or a nonlinrar cqua1ion it may n0t
be pos,ibl,· to extend tl,is solution onto the whole interval / (Fig. tat .
However, linear equations have the s�c-ial rcaturc 1ha1 none of their snlv­
cions can hc<.·omc infinitr in a finite 1imc interval.
THEOREM. Evtr)i sol111iort ofequalio,, (I) can bt e.,·tendtd onlo Ilk ,clt,,k Ul.knvJl I .
The idea ofthe proofis tha, Jxl ,;; CJx l for a linear equation. and hcncc
lhe solulion can grow no fastrr than ec'.
To givt- a rigorous proof, we pro<ttd ,u follO\OO-s, A)', nocing finl dut iiI•. •J is a com.
pan inlerval in /, lhc:n th<" nnrrnt o( the opc•rator ..f{I) is bou.ndt-d on(•. •J:
IA(l)I , C C(n, b), (2)

Fi g. 183 The $·wing•


tq I t
Fig. 184 ,\ noncx 1cndablc solution orrhc cqua1ion i = x-2 .
f \\'c assume th at some EucJjdean metric has ben1 chosen in R•.
190 Cl,ap. 3 Lln..-ar Sys1<ms

f lL._..,
-11+-I -� 0---;-1,�•--
► • r
Jllg. 18.5 A lldo,i t1timau: 0(1hc grn�·th o f t ht totution on lhc 1ntcrv.ttf-.61,


1I I
, I

F'i�. 166 F:,oc,uicm ofa solutioo up lo I - 6 .

,1.,, • <
<EMMA, l,I •(I) b<•,o/o,/i,,,eftf.,.li,,,(I) d(/iotd,..IA,i,,Jnr4/[,., 11, .. .. < t<.
{l•..ig. 18S). Tit.tit •(t) satufits Ult II fm'ori tstima.u
l•C•ll < •'" -•••t•(loll, C'l
J>,oef. The csLi r natc is obvi ous for 1hf" null solution, Ir •(i.J -,. 0, 1hcn • t) #, 0 by 1 hc
u1tiqucncu 1hcQrcm. Let r(r) = l•(r)I- Then the funcrion L(r) = In ,..a is ckfinicd Gw
t 0 < r < r. Bur


because or(2), arid hence
l(I) < l(1 ) + 2C(I - 1 ),
0 0

which implies (l). I

Proefoftlu tJr,o,,m. l.c1 l"c:111 = H ..,. 0, and <'Onstdtt the compact set
F,.. {t, x; a< t < •• f•l1 < 2&1"' ...."'I
i 1 t extended phase space (fig. 186). By the extension t�m.. the solurion •"1th ini1ial
<:ondi1tOn •(t0) • Xo < be extended ron..•ard up 10 the bounduy o/ the q--tinckr- F.
The boundaiy of F c0tui.s1s or two end fac:-CJ (t • · t - and a latcnl surface (i.z:11 =
20e2 <=•1-•1). The sol utio n cannot leave ,. � on tM latcnl surface� sin«
l•(t)l 2 i( o,2cv•-•l
b y the lemma. Hence chc solulion can be c.xtcndcd to rhe right up to l = •· Si.milady.
it c-�n be ,hown chac the sol ution can be cxrcndt:d to the left up tot - -. Sance• and t
arc arbi1 rary, the proof is now compktc. I

27.3. The space of solutions of equation (I). Let X be, th<: set of all
solutions ofequation (I), defined on the whole interval/. Sincesolutions
just mappings <p: / ➔ R" with values in the linear phase spaoe R", they can
Sec. 27 Nonau1ono111ous Linear Equaiions 191

be added nnd 111uhiplitd by numbers:

(<,'I', + <1,p1)(1) • c,,p,(1) + <1,p1(1),
TloBOR&M I. Th, s,t :<of all solutions of,quation {I) dtfintd M 011 illlmwl I is•
linear SJHICI.
Proof Obviout, since
+ '1'1'1) • ,,i;, + <1/,01 • c,A,p, + <1A., 1 m A(c,.,, + ,,.,1)- I
THEOREM 2. The linear spau :< ofsolutions ofa lin,ar ,quatiM is is-J>lu< t•
the phase spae, R• ofthe equation.
Proof Let I e I, and oonsidcr the mapping
81 :X-R", 8,,p - ,p(t)
associating with every solution it,c value at time t. Tilc mapping B, is linear,
since the value of a sum of solutio,u equals 1hc sum or their values.. The
image ofB, is the whole phase space R11 since by the cxistena theorem, for
every x0 e R" there exists a solution q, with initial condition 4'(10) = &o·

Finally, the kernel ofB, equals {O}, since the Solution wi1h initial condition
q,(10) = 0 is identically zero, by the uniqueness theorem. I
Thus the mapping B, is an isomorphism of:<onto R•. TI1is is the basic result of
the theory oflinear equations.
Definition. By a fundamental S.)'Sl1m of solutians of equation (I) is meant any
basis of the linear solution space X .
Probl,m I . find a fondamental system ofsolutions of cquatiOn (I) with
Theorem 2 ha.� a number ofimmcdia,c coNCq_ucnccs:
COROLLARY I. Ev,ry equation (I) has a fundtm1mtal 1711- of 11 ,#lrdio,u
'1'11 •''I"'"·
COROLLARY 2. £111,y solution of equation (I)is a /in,a,combinati.of
a fundam,ntal S)'Stem.
COROLLARY 3. Any n + I solutionsoftquatian (!) ar,/ineariJ,d,pacdau.
COROLLARY 4. The (10, I 1)-advan£tmapping
,.,, =
ro •,R" - R·
192 (:hap.3 Linear Systetn1

,, I
Fig . 187 1'he linear transformati(m of phase span-produc-rd by ad, •nn.tlC dw tolubom:
o f a linear NtUalion from t0 lo 11,

is a li11,ar isomorpl1ism (Fig. 187).

27.4. The Wronoklan. Let e,, ... , e. be a ba,is in the phase space Jl• .
The choice of a basis fixes a unit of volume and a n orientation in R•, thttt:by
assigning a definite volume to every parallelepiped in phase space.
Dtjinitio11. By the IVro,ukia1t (dtltr111i11anl) ofa system of vector functions
,p,(1): / ➔ Jl•, k- I, ... , n
i s meant the numerical function �V: / - R whose: \•alue at the point t�uals
the (oriented) volume of the parallelepiped spanned by 1hc ,-ccton
,p 1 (1), ..., ,p.(1) e Jl•.Thus
"'' ,(1) 'l',, (1)
W(t) =
'l',.(1) '1'••(1)
,p,(1) = q,.,(t)e, + · · · + q,._(1)e•.
In particular, let the 'I', be solution, of equation (I). Their images under
the isomorphism B, constructed above are vectors ••<')
ER• in ph�
space.These vectors arc linearly dependent if and only if the \Vronski.m
vanishes at the point/. This implies
COROLLARY 5. A sysumefsolutions,p., ... , ,p.ef,quation (I) uf,uuillmadalif
and only if ill �1'ronskia11 is nonuro at some poinJ.
COROLLARY 6. lftM �1/ronskian efasyslLmefsolutionseftquaJiM (I) oa,w/,,s
al ewn one poinJ, Jhm ii vanishe,s identitallyfor all J .
Problr.m I. Can th e \Vroiukian of a sy,tem of li nearly independent '-"'C'CIOI" functions••
van�h iden1icall y?
Problr.m 2 . Prove thac 1h e \Vronskian of a fundamen tal system ofsol utions is proportional
to the de1ermi n an1 of the (t0, t)-advance mapping:
W(t} = d« (1:,) W(10 ) .
Sec, 27 Nonautonomou• Linear Equation, 193

J/ir,I, Sa Ser, 27.6.

27.5. The cate of a tingle equation of order •• C:on,,d,r the homo­

gc11co 1.1it li11car e(1 w1tio11 of order 11
x'"1 + a 1x'" + • • · + a.x • 0,
• (◄,
with cotfflcient� 11., • o,(I), t e I which are i n general variable.
Some scco11d-ortler differential equations with variable c«ff,denu arc
encountered so often in the applicatio,1:s that thc-y have spttial nam� and
theirsolutions have been "tudicd and tabulated in no less detail than theMne
and ccxint· ft.metion". t
f-:Xtt,,t/JI, I. n,-"'l's tqu111MN1

R + ;l
I + ( I - •')
t' x - 0,

i � (a �p� I)I li I ;r,--n•

1(1 I)
I''..Xampl� 3. ,\-/11tlri1u's equntiM
i + (it + b <'OSt)l .. 0 .
We could write t,quation (4) a• a system ofnfirst-ordcrcquatiomand then
apply the prcrcding considerations. However, we prefer to consider the
space.\' ofsolutions of equation (4) directly. The space Xis a lir.earspattof
functions tp: / ➔ R which is naturally isomorphic to the space of solutions
of the equivalen1 system or it equalions. To specify the: isomorphttm,. wt
assign each (f) the: vector functio 1l.1;

1/J = (q,, ,j,,. ' ' • q,<•-")

made up of the derivatives of q,:

COROLLARY 7. Tht spau .\' of solu1io11s of tquation (4) a uo11111rpluL II tit,pit,,M

spact R" of equatio11 (4) , whtrt the isomorphism can b, sp«ifod assipi•.t u,d,
tp e X the (rec/qr
(q,(tol, ,p(t o), ... , q,< •-••c,oll
made up t?ftl,e dtricrativts of(f) at somt poi11t 10.

Defi11ition. By afu11damt11tal sysltm of so/ulions of equation (4);. meant any

ba�is of the solution space X .
t Se c e.g.• t:. Jah1lkc and F. Emde, Ta.bits ef llit�' 1-'wnt:ti,o,u, sOnh edit� l"C"--iscd by
F. l.&cli, McCraw-Hi11, NCoA· York (1960).
19•1 Chai>, 3 Linear Sy s1<nu

r,111,1,,., I. Ptnd 3 fundamtntal 1ywtt'm or•olullor.1 or<quauon (◄) for dw uw "'"Mn tht
C'Ocflkh�nu ft IHC! com11n1, e.g., for I I u 0.
An.,, tl'•"'I, 0 < , "'- v, where A b a root of muh1phc11y v of th(, c-"3rM1tt-KIIC' eqwihon

{ COIi
111 the t:m: of C1om 1>lu roott A a l, we mu:11 chanC(' ,,,._. 10 ,•• «» flll, t" ..,. fl/II
1 11 ,,articular, for I -+ u • 0 we have
CIJI, tin wt Ir , ro' 0, _-1,

OOlh al, ,inti at if O • -a' < O ,

1,, i f •-0.

Definition. By ,he fVronskion of a system ofnumerical functions

q,,(1): / - R, k=l, ... ,n

i.s meant the uurncrical function �V: I - R. whose value at thepoint tequals
q,,(1) q,,(1)
fV(I) = <P,(1) (1),(1)

In other words, Wis just the Wronskian of the system of vector functions
q,,(1): / - R" ob,aincd from ,he q,, in the usual way:
,p,(t) = (q,,(1), \i>,(1), ... , q,(•- "(1)), k=l, ... ,n.
Everything said about the Wronskian of a system of vector solutions of
equation (I) carries over without change to the \Vronskian of.a system of
solutions of equation (4). In particular, ,,·c have
COROLLARY 8 . /flhe fVronslcianofasysumofsolut�nsofequalitm (4) L'OJtisJraal
even onepoint, then i t vanishes ide.nti.cally.
Probltm 2 . Suppose the \\tronskian of two functions vanishes at th e point, ... Docs it Wlow-
1ha1 the Wronskian vanishes iden tically?
COROLLARY 9 . lftlu 1-Vronskianofasysltm of,ollllionsof,quafD• (4) cuuiwal
e1ien one poinl, th.en Jht solutions are linLa.rly dlpauhnJ.
ProbU.m 3 . Suppose th e \Vro ns.kian of tw o funetions vanish� identically. Does it�
that th e functions are linearly depen dent?
COROLLARY I0 . A S)'Sltm of sollllions q,1, • . • , q,, ofequation (4) isfiu,,lama,!,J
if and on9' ifits Wronskian is nonzero al some poim.
Example 4. Consider 1he sySlcm of functions <'•', ... , ,.._,_ Thc:sc func­
tions form a fundamental system of solutions of a linear cqua.tion of the
form (4) (which one?). Therefore they arc linearly indepcnde,u, so that
Set·, 27 No11A.utonomou1 Liuc:ar t-:qunuons 19S

their Wrouskinn is nouzc:ro. Bui thi, drtrrminant equab

.. . ,,.,.,
l , ,.,.,, ... A• -· . .. ).,
' ,lI I

., .
,1.., ). '
fV • tJ.1 � '" I ,l,.)f

•1t•l.l11 . . . J.:- 1,,...,

A"' - I . .. , t••· I

COROLLARY 11. Tiu Va11der111onde dtltrminanl

). ' J..

is 11011z110 if the mtmbers ).._ nre diJtintl.

Examplt 5 . The pendulum equation R w 1x • 0 has cos wt, sin+ wt as a
fundarne111al sys1crn of solutions. The \\lronskian

COS WI sin wt
Wa aw
-w sin wt W cos WI

is constant. This is hardly surprising, since the phase Aow of the prnduJum
equation preserve> area (sec Sec. 16.4).

27.6. Liouville's theorem. \Ne now examine how the volume of figures
in phase space changes in the genetal case under the action of1M' translor­
rriation g;0 during the time from /0 to I.

Tll£0REM (Liou ville). Tio, fVro111kian ofa sys/rm ofsol•tio,u oftfrlalUJ• (I)
sati.tfits the dijftrenlial tquatio11

IV= a IV, a(t) = Tr A(t), (S)

i11voluin�. th, lrau oftltt op,ra/or A(t}.
I t follows from the theor"Crn, which we '".-ill prove in a mo�t, that

fV(I) = exp { f. a(r) dr} W(t 0) , dct i. = exp { f:<•J dr}. (6)

I n fact, we can easily solve equation (5), obtaining

- � o dt,
In fV - In fj/0 =
o(r) dr.

Incidentally, formula (6) again shows that the Wronskian of a S)..-tcm o f

solutions either vanishes ide,uically or else docs not vanish at alL
P,olJJ,m I. Find the ,•oJumc orthe image 0(1hc cube:0 <: x, <: 1, i = J. � 3, 1ilndc:r-the
196 Chap. 3 Lu�ar Sys1�111•


Fig. 188 Accio n of che 1> flow o n 1he 1>aralldtpiptd II. ,pa.nntd by.a (uncb.m,mt:AI
1ys1cm or solutions.

act i o,1 of 1h e 1ra1t1fonna1ior1 dur-i,1_g t ime t of the ph.atc Row ofthe system
.:t, - 2x, - x2 - x.> ,
,, - x, + Jti + x,.
j.) - x, - JtJ - x,.
A,u. W(t) - t1'W(O) - ,,,, since Tr A 2.

The idea of1he proofofLiouville's 1hc:orem is 1hc following. lrd,�c:ocffi­

cicnts arc cons1am, the theorem reduces to Liouvillc's formula prm·� i n
. "Freezing" the coefficierns A(t), 1.e., equating them to their values
Sec. 1 6 4.
at some fixed instant of time t1 w e can convince oursch•es of the valjdity or
equation (5) for arbitrary t.
Pr oofofLiou :(ille'I tlr,o,,m. U:t

be the (r, r + O).. advan cc mapJ>ing (t-4 ig. 188), where A is s mall. This lanar tramforma.
cior1 of phase 11 >acc canics 1hc value or any solu1ion • of cqu.ation (I) at th,,� r in.In
its value a, the 1i m e r + A. A«o rdi ng 10 (I),
•<• + 6) • •C•l + A(,J•(,)6 + •(�).
g:,. = £ + 6A(t) + o(.6).
Ther c(ore, a ccordi1lg to S ec . 16.J, 1hc coeffic ient of \·.,.umc np.ansion w,dr-r- the tnnc,.
formatio n 1: '"' equals
det g;• 0 - I + 6n + •(6},
wh ere a • Tr A. But W(t') i.s th e volum e or the paralkkpiped n. s:pannittl bylM' ,�ucs
o f our system of s0Ju1ions at the tim e r, and the transformation z: •""
arrics thrsc \---a!UO
into the valuCl or the same system of solution s at the time r..&. 6 . "TIie panlk:kpipcd
n. 4 Sp3 nn cd by the new valu es has vol um e U'(r ..&. .l}. Thiercfott

W(,+.6) = dtt (&; ·•JW(t) = (I + a(,)6 + 0(6)111'(,),

whic;-h implies ( 5). I
It follows from Liouvillc's theorem that the lVronskian of the system of
solutions of equation (4) equals
Sec. 27 Nonru11onnmous Li11c:ar l::quatio,u 197

IV(I) • ex,, {- f. a,(t) dr} fV(1 0).

I !ere 1hc appearance nfthc minu, iig11 strm� from 1hr fact ,ha, in "riting
(4) i11 the form orn •)"Item (I), we 11\1,st iranspmc a,x'• 1 ' ti) the n11ht-hand
side. The inairix oCthc r<'luhing system is

0 I

with -a, as the only nonzcto elemenl nn its main diagonat

Example I. In the case or lhc swing,with equation
R + fl.t)x • 0, (7)
, dw,u, of
/ht tq11ili6riu111 f)osilio11 x - x a O cam, ot 1H asymptotically stobkfor ..
f(t). In fart, consider any basis C, 'I in the plane R' of1hc initial ronditinns
(Fig. 189). Stabilitymeanstha1g:0 c-+ O,g;.,,-+ O,inwhich case IV(t) - 0
for the corresponding Cundamen1al sys1<m. Bu, (7) is cqui,.,,lcnt to the
{.i 1 •X1,
x1 = -f(t)x,,
with matrix

Since Tr A = 0, it follows 1ha1 �V(I) = const, contrary to 1 1 · - 0 .

Ptobltrrt 2 . (:ons i<lcr the sw in_g with fritrion
i + a(l)i + w•(t)x O.
Show 1hat asymptocic stability is impossible if 1hc t"Ot'fficinu of frinioa ft Mp.ln� i+�

Fig. 189 The phase Ao"" ' ofan asymptotica lly stable linear .system.

tr r,(I) • 0 (0 1• all , , h ii lrue 1h.11 ,he· N:fU!llbnum Jl(J'III IOO (0. 0) '" ··••)' t-Otibk ., lk
f{l('llkltotor rrlctloo ,, po,,hlvt?

lly the di11tr,:,nr, or n vcrtor llrld v in the Euclidean spacr R'
with rccrnnKulnr C'oordinn1e1 x1 it meant tht" fonc1ion

❖ Du,
div v • '- , ·
(•I c1X 1

J n particular,for • linear wt/orfield v(x) = Ax, th, di"'''"'' uj•slllw lr«••f

Int o/J<ralor A :

div Ax a Tr II.
The divergence of a vc<"tor field dctrrrnine§ the rate of volume cxpamion
due 10 the corresponding pha..«:: Oow.
Let /J be a domain in the Euclidean ph;uc space of the (not neccssatily
linear) equation x•
v(x), let D(1) denote the image or D under the action
or the phase now, and let V(1) denote the volume of the domain D(I).

•Problem 3 . Prove tl,c following stronger version o flUJuvilU's tJ.on,.,.:

Jom d iv v d. <

(Fig. 190).
COROLLARY I. If div v & 0, lntn Int pJuu,flow prum,,s 11w --- •f OIIJI
Such a phase flow can be thought or as the flow of a n incompressible
uphase fluid" in phase space.

COROLLARY 2. Th, pha,ejlow of1-/amilton's tqualions

' ill-I ' iJ/-1

Pt• --,
qt - -,
k•l, ...,n

ptestrvu volume.

Fig . 190 The phase Row ofa vcc:tor 6t'ld ofdivagcncc- uro presavaa«:aw
Sec. 21J l.l11enr Equa1ion, wilh Periodic C:O.ffiricnu 199

Proef. Merely note Ihot

{IV V • J.
,'!. (
-�- -
1 // 0 2
- 0. I
t. I ilq,O(J, i!(J,i!q,
Thi, fact plays a key role in sta1i'1ical phy,ic..

28. Li.near Equations with Periodic Coefficients

The lhcory or linear cquacions with �riodic coefficients s"°", how to

"pump up" a swing and explains why the upixr equilibrium position ora
pendulun--1, which is usually unstable, bc-comcs s1ablc if 1hc point ofsuspcn•
sion of thl' pendulum executes sufficicrHly rapid oscillations in 1ht \!'Cr1ical
28.1, The period-advance mapping. Consider the difl'crcntial ,qua­
it; • v(x, I), v(x, I + T) = v(x, /), (I)
whose right-hand side depends periodically on time (Fig. 191).
Example /. The motion of a pendulum with periodically ,-arying para·
meters (for example, the motioo of a swing} is described by a sys:tcm of
equations of the form (1):

w(t + T) = w(t). (2)

Vvc will assume that all the solU1ions of equation (I) can � a1end�
indefinitely.Thi.s is certainly true for the linear equations in which wc ar�
par1icularly interested.
The periodicity of the right-hand side of ( I) leads 10 a number ofspecial
properties or the corresponding phase flow.

0 r 21 t
Fig. 191 The: extended phuc spa« of an equation with periodic coefficients.
200 Chap. S Llnc,ar S)'S1tms

LEMMA I. Th, (1,. 1,)-adva11tt mapping r.:: R• - R• ofpltllM ,,-, Htl Ml

thn,1g, wl1tn both 1 1 nnd 1, nrt incrtnstd by ti,,p,riod Tof ti,, ri1ht-MAd 11d, ,j(I).
Proef. We m11s1 show 1hn1 1hc shlfi \lt(t) • .,(, + T) ofa .olu1ion o( 1'(1)
by 1hc 1in1e Ti, i1self • soh11ion. llut a shifl of1he extended ph-spaec by T
along the time axis carries the dlrcc1ion fidd ofcqua1ion (I) in10 iud((tig.
191 ). Therefore au in1cgral curve or (I) shificd by Tis s1ill evcrywh<erc
tangential to the dircc1ion field, and hence rcmain.s an integral curve. h
follows 1hat
g1,+T • g ''
11tT 11' I
In pariicular, consider 1he transforma1ion l� produced by the phai,,
now during one p<:tiod T. This jj pc-riod-advancc" mapping, �•hich we
dcnole by
A • g�: R" -. R111
(fig. 192), will play an irnpor1an1 role in 1hc considera1ions 1ha1 lollow.
Exampt, 2 . For 1hc sysiems

which can be regarded as periodic with any period T, 1hc mapping A is a

rotation and a hyperbolic rotation respectively.
LEMMA 2. Tht tran.ifo,mationJ g•rrform a group
0 -- A''

and moreover
,..,r,s _ g',,,.r
60 - oso ·
Proof. By Lemma I,
_ g•
g11T-ts -
11T o,

Q r l

Fig . l92 The pcriod-3dvancc mapping .

St'r. 211,·nr l•:qua1lor1, wilh Pt·r iodir (:O.llirirnh 201

and h,•,wt•
.,•1'•.i, • .,1tF'•,"1tr • g0...\0
""O "'"T .,. 111T

S1•tting I • r, Wt' grc
gh" • 0r • A1"c{,
and hcnct· ,or - A" by induC'tion. I
To ,v,ry prop<>rly of 1he sol u1ior1s of cqua1ion (I)1h,r, corttsponds an
ana logou, prop1•r1y of 1hr p,·riod-advanrc mapping A.
I) A poi111 "• is ajix,dpoi11t oj1h,mappi11g A(Ax0 • x0) ,Jantl•ttl:,,ftltLJ.t"1iM
wit/1 illitial eo11ditio11 x(O) • x0 is ptriodit u:11/t P,,1od T.
2) A periodic solution x(I) is stable in l:J•ap.nov's """ (as.,,.ptOlir•II:, st•bl,) if
and 011/y ijth,ji,ud poin t x0 '!/tht mapping A is stab/, in L:,apu110,,'1,nu, (.,.,,,.pt.,,­
cally sinbl,).t
3) lftlu .<J•Iltm (I)is li11tar, i.t., i v(x, 1) =
v(t )x is a lintor/1'MbMefx, tl,c,
lht mappi11,e A is linear.
4) if, mureou,r, /ht trau ofthe lintar optrator V(t) ranisltu, In IN maJ>PUll A
to,utrvt.t volumt: drt A • I.
Proof. A,s,rtions l)and2)follow from theronditiong!•• 1oAandfrom =
t h e continuous dependence of the solution on th� ini1ial conditions in the
inlerval ro. Tl. Assertion 3) follows from the fac1 1ha1 a sum ofsolutiomofa
linear sys1em is itself a solution, while ass�rtion 4) follows from Liouvill�"s
theorem. I
28.2. Stability conditions. We now appl)• the above theorem 10 the
mapping A of ,he phase plane (x,. x,) on10 iuelfcorresponding 10 the S) -S ­
tem (2). Since the system (2) is linear and the trace of the matrix of ilS
right-hand side vanishes, we have the following
COROLLARY. The mapping A is lintaranti prum:u ar,a (det A = I). 77r all
solution ofthe sys/em of equations (2) is stable ifandon/:, ifth, maPJ>i•l A is stab/,.
Prohl,m I . Prove thal a rotatjon of the plane is a. stable nupping, •ilik- a. h)pcrbolic:
ro1a 1ion i s unslablc.
W e now make a more detailed study oflinear mappings ofth� plan�onto
itse1f which preserve area.

t A fixed poin1 Ko ofthe ma pping.◄ i 1obcstuk ii; L;,o!Jt.m«;'sscnkifV c > 031 > 0
such that Js - s01 < d implies IA*s - A•aol < c: for a.II• - 1, � .•. M>d c,i1,,.,,.,,.'!7
stahl�if A•• - A•.xo, -O asn - co.
202 Chap. 3 Li., S)'11tms

rrA ,1

t\ I A,


Fig. 193 Eigcnv afuo of the J.>(r-iod a� dvancc mapping.

·rtteoiteM. ,..,, A b, a linear ar,a-presttcill,K mappi•� ef th, p/•ru ••'- ilMIJ

(det ,1 =I}. Th,nlhenrappingAisstabl,iflTrAI < 2a•d•nsta61,iffTrAl>2.
Proof. Lei ,!1 and J, be 1he eigenvalues of A, sa1isfying the characteristic
J 2 -,!TrA+l=0
with real coefficients
,, + ,, = Tr A, J,.;, = det A = I.
The rools .;, and ,!2 of1he eharaeleristic equation att real iffTr Al > 2 and
complex conjugates if !Tr Al < 2 (Fig. 193). In 1he first case, one of the
eigenvalues has absolute value greater than I and lhe olhcr absolute value
less 1han I, so 1hat A is a hyperbolic rotation and hence unstable. In 1hc
second case, the eigenvalues lie on the unit circle:
.. ,i, = ,,J., = IA,1 2
= I.
Hence the mapping A is equivalent to a rotation through the angle2 (whett
A. 1 ,2 = e ± ;111 ), i.e.,A i s a rotation for a suitable choice of a Euclidean $ LruC •
lure in the plane (why?) and hence stable. I
Thus 1he whole question of1hc stabili1y ofthe null solu1ion of1hc sys1cm
(2) reduces 10 calculating the 1raee of 1hc ma1rix A. Unfortuna1dy, lhc
trace can be calculated explicitly only in special cases. The uacccan always
be found approxima1cly by numerical integration of the ,qualion in lhc
interval O � t � r. Jn the important case where w(t) is almost constant�
some simple general considerations arc useful.
Sec. 28 Linear Equa1ion, wilh Periodic Cocfficicnu 203

28,3, Strongly ■table 1y1tem1, Comidcr a linear sysiem (I) wi1h a

1wo-dlrncn•ic)nal 1,ha,c space (i.e., wilh n • 2). Then (I) i, uid 10 � a
Hamiltonim,syst,m If 1he divergence of v vanishes. A, no1ed abo.e, 1he phaic
llow ofa J lamiltonian systt"m consc:rvrs ar,;a.: dct A • I.

Definition. The null solu1ion ora linear llamil1onian ,ys1em i , uid 10 �

stron_f(y stab/, iri1 is s1ablc and Ir the null $Olution or eve')' neighboring hnear
Hamiltonian system is also stable.

The preceding two theorems now imply the rollowing

COROLLARY. Tht null solution is stro�ly stabu iflTr Al < 7.

Pr(J()j. lflTr Al < 2, then ITr Al < 2 for the mapping A eorraponding to
any system "suf11cicntly near" the original system. I
We now apply this rcsuh toa sys1cm wilh almost constant cot:fficiaus.
Considcl', for cxarnplc, the equation

/I - -w2(1 + cn(t)Jx, (3)

+ =
where a(t 2,r} a(I), say a(t) • CO$ I {a pendulum whose frequCllC)' oscil­
la1cs about w with small amplitude and period 2,r).t Every S)'1tcrn (3) can
be represented by a point in 1he plane or the parame1ers wand• {Fig. 19-1).
Obviously the stable system, with ITr Al < 2 form an open se1 in •he pbnc
(w, c) and the same is lruc of the unstable systems wi1h ITr Al > 2, while
the "boundary ofinstabili1y" is the set with cqua1ion ITr Al = 2.
Tl-If.OREM. Et,try point ofJhe w -axis, exctpl tltt points
2, *�0,1,2, ...

with irit,gral and half-integral coordinates, co"uponds to a strongly $/Jlbu spum (3).

Fig. 194 The regi.on of i nstabi:lity for parametric resonance.

t In the case o(t) = cos/, equatjoo (3) lS C3Jled ,\fa/Jtiah �,pu,tion..

204 Chap. 3 Linear Systems

Thus the set of unstable systems can approach the w-axi• only at the
points w k/2.In other words, a swing can be "pumped up" bymaking a
small periodic change in its length only in the case where the period of
change of the length is near an integral numbcrofhalf.pcriodsofthenatural
frequency. a result everybody knows from experiment.
The proof of the theorem is based on the fact tha, fort= 0, equation (3)
has constant coefficients and can easily be solved.
Probf.tnt I, Find the matrix of the period.advance A fc>r the $)'Stan (3, ._ith
i: - 0 in the basis x, i ,

Sol.u.tion.The general solution is

x = CI cos wl + C2 sin wt,
so that
X = COS(l)I, :i = -ws:in wt
is the part icular solu1ion satisfring 1hc init ial <0ndition ,c - I, :i • 0, while
I •
IC - - SJO(;QI• i=cos(l)I

is the parcicular solu1ion $3.lisf}'in.g the initial conditH>n x = 0, X -..� I.

( cos 21w> ;1 sin 21u.v
A- ).
-wsin 2nw <'0!2nw
Proof of tlu thtortm. Note that ITr Al = 12 cos 2nwl <2 if w ,# k:12,
k = 0, 1, . . . I
A more careful analysist shows that quite: generally (and, in particular,
for a(I} =
cos I), the region of instability {the shaded region in F i g . 1�)
approaches the w-axis near the points w /c/2, k = =
I , 2, .__ Thus fo,
certain ratios of the frequency of the change of parameters to the naruraJ
frequency of the swing (w s:: k/2, k = I, 2, ...), the lower equilibrium
position of the idealized swing i s unstable, and it can be.. pumped up0 byan
arbitrari ly small periodic change oflcngth. This phenomenon is known a.
"parametric resonance." The characteristic feature of paramcrric
resonance is that it becomes strongest when the frequency vofchange of the
parameter> (v =1 in equation (3)) is twice a. large as the natural fttquency
Remark. In theory, parametric resonance is observed for infinitely many
ratios w/v ::o k/2, k = 1, 2, ..., but the only cases usually obsoved in
practice are those where k is small (le = I, 2, less often 3). The pointis that
t For example, sec Prob lem 2 solv ed below.
Sec. 26 Linear Equations with Periodic C'.oeffidents

a ) For large k the rrgion o( inSlability •pproachrs the w-••iswitha narrow

conguc, nnd for the resonance frequency ta we havr vrry narro� limits
(~e' for a smooth runction a(t) in (3)).
b) The Instability itsdr is weak for large .t, sinee the qulln1i1y !Tr Al - 2
Is small and 1hc dgenvaluc:s arc near I ror large .t.
c) Even a sligh1 amo11n1 or (ric1ion lr•d• 10 1hc prrscnee ora minimum
value t, or 1hc ampli1udc ncccs,ary for 1hc occurrence o( .tlh-ordtt
parametric rcsonnnce, with the oscilla1ions bdng damped out fot" smaller
values or c,.
Moreover, c,
grows rapidly with k (Fig. 19!'>).
II should also be noled 1ha1 x becomes arbitrarily large (or equation (3) in
1he case o(in.iabili1y. In ac1ual sys1c1ru, 1hc oscillations a11aim only a finite
amplitude, since the linearized cqua1ion (3) itsc:J(bttomes meaningless (or
large x and we ,nust cake account of nonlinear cffcclS.
,,,,.,�,,, 1. find 1h t" rorm of 1fic rtgi on of i n11al).l,1y in 1ht pl.anoc (<&>. I.) few � sys,:aaa
dr.uribed by Ifie cqualion
N - -/(l)x, (4)

/(1) = I., +- ••
w 1:.
0 .. I < •• • < I,
11 < t < 2,r, (41
/(I+ 2n) -/(1 ).
Solution. It foll ows fro ,n 1hc solution of Pmblcm I 1hat A AJ Aa, when

<o1,1 =Nz« .
Hr.hCC the bounda t)' of the zon e of in.stabi lity has the UJuation

jTr Al =- 12,1,1 - (�+ tr),) ,1

w, '"• ,11 2. ())

Since i < I, we ha\'C

tQ-i.w+i :::I .
t.lJ, (JJ - t


fig. 19.) Influcncc ofslight fri cti on on lhc region of ins.tabi1ity.

206 Chap, 3 Linear Sy,tcmt

t..e, /;. be lufh 1hu

!!!! + !:!I 2(1 + C.),
«111 «111
Then an taay rnlcula1icm givo
C. ;:!,,
,. 0(,')+ I, < (6)
Using the formu las
2t1 t1 - cos 2n, cos 2n:w,+
2 ,1,1 - oos 2.1u - cos 21't.V,
we rewri1e cqua1ioo {5) in the fotm
-/;. cot 2,u: + (2 + 6)cos 21u11 - :t:2
cot 2n:w- 2 + C. (0, 2.,
� +A (7)
... 2'""..
2+3 (7')
III the fint cue cos 2, m, � I, and he:nce we wrhc "' - 4 + •• 1•1 < I.
cos 2nw • cos 2no - I -2,.. 1 1
0 + O(o').
Thus, r�dting (7) as
ooo 2nw = I - !
2 6
(I - cos 2nc),
w e have
2,r1o1 + 0(0") =- dtr1 t:1 + O(t'), (I)
Substituting (6) i nto (8), we finally get

• z: :t- •' + o(,•),

w -* ± T
•' + •l•'l
(fig. 196). Solving (7') in the same way, we gc1
w = k + 2I ± n(l •+ I) + o(c)•

fi' g. 196 The region ofinstability for equation (4).

Sec. 28 Linear Ec1ua1ion, with Periodic (:OCfficicntJ 207

Jl,ub/,m 3. (; 1"' the up 1,rr {U\u1Uy umtablr.-) tqUJl1�tum po1,1t..-m of a ptnd:uh,.m b«om,it
.!ltabl«- 1( thr 1Mli1 11 of 1uiJkmion 04C1ll11r, 111 1ht \t'flkal dirttttOn,
An1, Th e U )fl(r ec1 ulllb, lum J>081t lon br.comft uablr fo r •uff"t<'ttnd,- ,,.pad Ol<iH:at"°"'
or l
1hr 1Xll 111 o f au�J'4"ndon.
Solutl11t, I th(' l ngth of 1hr l'.N'ndu m ind • < / 1M amphtudt oldw OIClllaooM
or ,h J>OI orIUiJ)Ct1don. I.rt thr J)(' iodl of IIW' OKUlation1 of hr point oflutpt""'°" bt
A:'t / l)t" r u

th a«lC'l r 1ion or th point or .1.u.sJk:Mlon k «1m1ant and toqu;al eo .,.., dumic

e Ill r I
2 r. wh tre e e a e

cve,-y tual(-axriod (then c 8«/r1), The �uation of m04k>n an Ix •--nlkn ,n tlw form
A - (,QJ J aJ}.r,
whrrc thr sign c:hango aft er du: hm e r and ,,,, 1/1, a1 ,fl. If th e Ol<ibbOM of tM'
point or tUSJk'mion ar e sufficiently, then a• > (;,1·1, wM.-e a• &,Jtr•. As •• tht
prette:ll ng 1>robl c:m, wc hl\'C A A1A,, where

A, (
ca,t, i, } , inh kr). *' a ' -+ w'
.t ai n h ,h cm:h 4r

( c�n, A•;no, ). fl' - a' - w1•
-Cl 5i n O r c os Ch

Hence 1he 11abili1y <:oodi1ion JTr AJ < 2 1altcs 1.hc form

12 cosh .tr , os !lr + (A - ¥) s:inh ,h sin Clrl < 2. (9)

We now sho w 1hal condition holds ror sufficicndy rapid o,cill.-.tiom o/ tw poioc
of suspension, i.e., for , > I (f < I). Introducing dimcnsion.lo.s nriablcs « .a..nd p sudi

! - •' < I •
I '
we have

The r efore the expansions

eosh.h - I + ◄r(I + µ1) + ;c' +

005flr - I - 4,1(1 - µ1) + ;s-6 + ·· ·,
(A -¥) sjnh ,h sin Ch • 16'l-µ 1 + • · •

arc valid ro r small #. and µ with accuracy O(c:' + JI"). Thus the stabaity aoodicioa (9)
2011 ( hap. 3 l,11\<'ar Sy,trm,

,, . ✓�s'
( 2•
r • !7"
1111\ <'omlition HIii be Y.-riHt'H iu 1he r.-.1 111

N •� ,,,i s; 0.2 lli1'1�.

whe� A' l/2r ii 1he frc:-qu.:-ncy of fl!M"ill:11 ion oftht- pomt ofsuspc-mion. For �mplir.
if1hc leng1h o( tht 1lC'nduh11n I,/ 20 fm alld •ht- point of,uspcn)ion 0u•n,1a OKilb·
tions ofam1lli1ude II I nn, thf'n N , 0.2 Hl•,'!'iiii]w 10 qlll, 1 n panwubr. tht uppn
equilibrium l '°'il ion i ,1abl (" ir 1hc· f11.<t1 uN11 y of o,,rfllatHm of 1hc- po.nt of wspnuaon
C"ffec·ch 3f1, 11ay,

29. Variation of Constants

The following mclhod is oncn userul in inv�tigaLing equations nnr

"unpttturl)("J n equations that have alr�ad)r UC'cn �,udiffl. Let, bt a fint
integral of lhc unperturlxd equation. 'fhtn c is no long�r a fint int.tgral of
tht- neighboring " pt-rturbed" cqua1ions. Hnwf"Vf'r, it is on�
pos.,ibk to
recognize (exactly or approximately) how the valuroc(,p(t)) vary with time-,
where({) is the solution of the unpcrturlxd �uation. In particuJar, suppc:IISt
the original equation is linear and homog�neous, ·whilci:- 1M' prnurb<-d
equation is nonhomogrneou�. Then lhis mc1hod le-ads toan aplicic formula
for the solu1ion1 where. because or lhe linr-ari1y. tht- �rturba1ion nttd not
satisfy any "smallness" requirement.
We begin by noting that the particularly simpl, nonhOfll<l8enrous linear

x = f(t), l E /, (I)
corresponding t o the ''simplest'' homogtncous equation

X :;; 0, (2)

can be solved by quadratures:

,p(I) = ,p(t0) + f(t) dt. (3)

29.1. The general case. More generall)', consider the nM�,,.,,us

linear equation

x = A(l)x + h(t), xeR", tel, (4)

Sec. 20 Variation ofConstants 209


Fig. 197 The c,oordinato of the point c ar� fint integrals of the ��uac.ion.

cor"rcsponding to the homogeneous equation

x � A(t)x. (�)
Suppose we know how 10 solve (5) ands • tp(I) i, its solution. Then in the
extended phase space we use coordinates rectifying the intqral curves of
(5), i.e., the point (,p(t), 1) i• ..
signed the coordinates c • .c,.l
and I (Fig.
197). Equation (5) takes the particularly simple form (2) in the new
coordinates, and we can go over to the rec1ifying coorcUnatcs by malting a
tr-an.sformation linear in x. Hence the nonhomogcncous �uation (4) takes
the particularly simple fonn (I) in the new coordinates, and can easily be
29,2, Solution oC equation (4). Suppose we look for a solution of the
nonhomogeneous equation (4) of the form
,p(I) • g'c(t), c: / - R", (6)
where g': R• -+ R" is the linear (10, 1 ) -advance mapping for the homo­
geneous equation (5). Oiffcrcn1ia1ing (6) with respect 10 1, we get
q, = .fc + g'c = Ag'c + g'c = A,p + g'c,
which gives
g'c = b(I)
after subsii1u1ion into (4). This proves the following
THEOREM. Formula(6)gives the solution of<'f"Olion(4) ifandordJifcS4Sisfastlu
c = C(t), (7)
where C(t) = (g')- b(t).

coaot.LAJ<Y. The solution of the nonunear <'f"olion (4) wilh inib4l -,Jjti,,n
210 Chap. S Lin�•• Sy11�ms

,p(t0) • c is giwn by
,p(I) • g'(c + J:. (g')" 1h(t) dt).

Proof Apply forrnula (S) 10 cquoiion (7), which it or 1� particularly

•irnplc form (I). I
Remark. In coordinalc form the theorem goo as follows: Cimt •fiutd••
mtnlol system of solutions of lht homogen,oo,s tfUation (5), tht ,.,.._,,_,
equation (4) con bt solvtd by substituting a lintar combi111ttio11 oful•twas ef IN
Jundomen/o/ sysltm into tht nonhomogtntous •q•alwn and rt1ardi11g IN twjfiLimtJ of
th, linear eombinotion os unknown Junetion.s of timt. Tiu ,,suiting efffliM fa,
dtttrmining /ht coef/ici,nts is then of tht partic.larl:, simpl,form (I).
Probltm J. Solve the equation J + x /(t).
Solution. Form 1hccor«sponding homogeneous S)'llffll

I'•'J •- -x,,

wi1h 1hc known system of fundamental solutiom x1 • cos t, X,1. • I .uid .r1 = sin ,.
x2 - cos I , In accordance with the general r1>k, �-e look for a tolutH)II ohhc rorm
x, • ,1(/) Cott + t,1. (I) sin I,
To dctcnni nt: t1 and t19 ...,,c have the syst em
l' COi t + la sin t = 0, -l1 sin/+ l cost =f(t).

11 = -/(t) s in I, t2 -f<t)cost,
$0 that

,(1) = [•(OJ - tj\,) sin r dr] cos 1 + [,(OJ + f.A•J <OS r dr] ,;n r.
4 Proof• of the Baile Theorems

In lhis chapter we will prove the thcorcnu on oci.11cnc�. uniqtKnns,

conlinuity,and differenliabililyor ordinary differential cquationJ,uwdl :u
the theorems on rcctilinblllt)' o(o vector fieldando(a ficldofdirtttioM. �
proofs abo contain a technique for eonJtru<ting approximate solutioM or
differential cquntlo,u.

30. Contraction Mappings

We now give a method for finding a fixed point of a mapping of a m<:tric

space into itself. This method will be used later to conJtruct solutions of
diffel'cntial equations.
30.1. Definition. Let A: M - M be a mapping of a metric space: ,If
(with metric p) into itself. Then Mis said 10 be a cont,a(lio� ma� ifthcK
exists a constant A. 0 < • < I such that
p(Ax, A_y) ,s;; Ap(x,_y) V x,_y e M. (I)
Exo mpl, I. L<:t A: R - R be a real function ofa rt'!a1. \.-a_riabk (Fig. 198). If &brdtri"�
of A isC"Vcrywhen:: of alnolutc value Ins 1ha1l 1, then A need not be a cont.ra<'bOD mapping.
However A is a contracti on mapp i ng if
IA'I -. ! . < I.
Examp.J, 2 . I.ct A: R.• - R• be a li near oper ator. Jf all the cigc:nvaluc:s o( A lie Rrirtly
in.s:idt: the u n it di sk, the n there uists a Euclidean metric (a Lyapuncw function in t he
se nM"; of Su. 22.3) such ch at A is a contraction m apping.
P,oMm1 I. Which or the followi ng mappings of tht line (with chc onhn:ary mrtric)
itself are contraction mappings:
a).1 = $in ..-; b))' = ✓xl + I; c).1 = arcu.ns?

P,ol,/�m 2. Can < be rep laced by < i n che ineqvali1y (I)?

30,2, The contraction mapping theorvn. A point x e .\f is call<d a

fixedpcint of the mapping A: M - M if Ax = x .


Fig. 198 Fixed point ofa contraction mappin g .

212 Chnp. 4 Proo& or, h• Batie Thc:ottmt

Fig. 19'9 Sequt"rltC': orimaga ofa point II vodtt • mapping A.

TIISOREM. lit A: M ➔ Mb, a contraction mappini ofa compkk m,tnt •J>IIC• i\1
into itstlf. Then A has a uniqu,fix,d point, a;,......,
point x E i\1, ,,., Slf'U'N<

of images ofx under application of the operator A (Fig. 199) ,,_,8" i. tl,,fixed
Proof. If p(x, Ax) = d, 1hcn
p(A"x, A""x) ,;; )."d.
The series

converges, and hence the sequence A•x, ,, = O? J, 2, ... is a Cauchy

sequence. But the space A1 is complete, and he.nee the limit

exists. The point Xis a fixed point or A. Jn fact, since ('\.-Cry contraction
mapping is continuous (choose a = r.), we have
AX:: A lim A"x a: lim A"• 'x = X.
Moreover every fixed point Y coincides with X, since
p(X, Y) = p(AX, AY) ,;; ).p(X, Y),). < I = p(X, Y) • 0. I
R�mark. The points x, Ax, A 2x, ...are called 111cu1.sii� app,oximatimu 10 X .
Scc. 31 F.xi<icncc, Uniqucnt11, and Con1inui1y 213

Let x be an approximation to the fixed point X o f a contraction mapping A.

Then the accuracy of the approximation i.s a.sily cslimatcd in tams of1he
disiance d bc1ween the poinu x and Ax. In fac1
p(x, X) '-
I - A•

d +Ad+ A'd + • ,-d

(fig. 200).

31. The Existence, Uniqu<,ness, and Continuity Theorems

V't/c now construct a contraction mappingof a complete mctric spatt whost­

fixcd point de1ermincs 1he solu1ion of a given differcn1ial equation.
31.1. Successive Picard appro,tl1natl0Ds. Consider th<, differential
equa1ion i = v(x, I} de1crmincd by a vcc1or 6dd v in a domain ofthe ex­
tended phase space R"" (Fig. 201). Then by 1he Picard mapt,i,,i v.-e mean
thcfollowingmappingofthcfunction q,:, _ x into the function A•='- s
defined by

(A,p)(t) = x0 + J' ••
v(,p(,}, ,}d, .

Ccomctrically 1hc 1ransi1ion from ,p to A,p (Fig. 202) means using one
curve q, t o construct a new curve A'P whose tangent at C"-ery point t is
parallel 10 1hc dircc1ion field determined by ,p rather than 10 thefield on the
new curve Aq, itself. Note that q, is a solution satisfyingthe initial condition
,p(t0) = "• if and only if ,p = A,p.
Inspircd by the contraction mapping theorem, we now consider ttK
successive Picard approximalionstp, Atp, A 2 , ... , bcginning,say,�ith ,p= :so-
214 Chap, 4 Proof, or th• Ba,it '"-•ms

1...... •

Fig. 201 An in1.-g,al C\ll'Y( 0(1ht <"qua1 ioo X v(•,I).

(A f!)

t t

f ig . 202 The Picard mappin g .

:::::: :::::

::::: -
ro :s
::::, ::::' 119'
Fi g. 203 Pic ard approximations for the equation :i • l(l),

.z:oe' A2p Aft'

/Ill Ill.1/I /I
f!l!fll 7 71//1
Ill{;, I. /I/Ill

Fi g . 204 Picard approximations (or the cquarion X = •·
Sec. 31 Exi,1c11cc, Uniquenc:u. and C'.on1inui1y 215

t I, I.el j
6KOffJ,/I f(I),
(A•)(•) .. I J''• r(r) dr
(f'ls, 20.ll), Then the flr1t 11e1> lud, 11 once to an uac:t .olution.
l!:xonipl, 2. IICII i •• I Ip O (F ig, 204). In th,� ta� the con,t-rsmtt of the ap--
1,ro,clmatlom fan written down immediately, In rac:t, •t the p(Mnt I �e h.a,e

A• ., •P + J� • dr • Jlo(I + t),

·f J: -.(, + r) dr - •o{I i-•+r,

A 1• - •o
,, ,·
A'• - •• I + I j- '2° + · · · + .I ,

Remark I. Thus the two dcfinicions

I) e' = lim (I + �)•,

,._QD n

2) t' - J + '

of1he exponen1ial correspond 10 two ways ofsolving the particularly simple

difTcrcnlial equation X x, namely the method of Euler
lines and the method of suc�ive Pi card approximations. Historically the
original definiti01\ of the exponential was simply

3) 1' i� the solution of the differential equation X = x satisf)'lng the

ini1ial condiiion x(O) I. =
Rtmark 2. The convergence of the approximations for the equation
i = kx can be shown similarly. The reason for the convagmtt of th�
successive approximations in the general case is juSl that the equation
i a kx is ''the worst/' i.e., the successive approximations for any equation
converge no more slowly than those for some equation of the form i .tx. =
To prove the conveJ"g_cncc ofthe successive approximations, weconstrue.•
a complete metric space in which the Picard mapping i s a contraction
mapping. We begin l,y recalling some facts from a course on analysis.

31.2. Preliminary estimates.

I) Tht norm. The norm of a vector x in the Euclidean spatt R• �ith
scalar produc1 ( ·, ·) will be deno1ed by jxl = J(x, x). The space R• with
216 Chn1>. 4 ProofJ of the Batie TheormtJ

the metric p(x, y) • I• - YI it• complete me1ric spaee. W,: no1e two key
lneq1H1 litie<, 11n111cly the trianglt intqun/ilJ

I• + YI '- lxl + IYI

nncl the Stliwnrz i11rq11nlil)'

I(•, y)I � l•I IYI•

2) The vector intt(rnl. Let f: [a, b] - R' be a vector function with
values in R" which is con1inuous on ra,
b]. Then the vector integral

I• J: f(t) dteR'

is defined i n the usual way (with the help of Riemann sums).


IJ: f(I) dt � IJ: lf(l)I d,1. (1)

Ptoof. Using 1he triangle inoqualily to compare Riemann sums, w e get

IL f(t,)6,1 ,;; L 1rc,,J11a,1. I

3) The 110,m ofan operawr. Let A: R• - R' be a linear op,:rator from one
Euclidean space into another. Then we denote the norm orA by

IAI � sup IA•I.

•<R"',0 lxl
We then have

IA + Bl .;; IAI + 181, IABI .. IAI 181. (2)

1·hc set of linear opc.rators from R• into R• becomes a complct� m�t.ric

space if we set p(A, B) = IA - Bl .

t Let us recall 1h e proofor these incq uali1ics. Draw the 1we>-dimcns�l pbnc through the
veclors • and y of the Euclidean space. This plane i.n..hcrits th eEudidea.lld.nli«uTC(rom R...
Bvt in the f: udidean pl an<" both i ncq uali1ics ar\" known from dancn tary g�. This
prO\ 'CS the i n cqual ili\".s in any Euclidean space, forcxampJ'° in R•. In pMticub.r, •·�h.a,· �
pro\ ,cct wirho ul any C'.tlcu Jations a t all tha. t

I I:• x,.1,1· <; E• xf I:• .Y�,

j •I I• I o• I

and similarly
Sec. 31 l•:xi,1cncr, Uniqurncs,, and Con1inui1y 217

:r A:r

rr:r ,


t;,i- y-z,
r R "'
Fig, 206 The dcrivath·c: ofa mapping f.

31.3. The Lipschitz condition. Let A: 1'11 - 1'1, be a mapping of a

mctl'ic space A1, (wi1h mcctic p 1) in10 a mecric space A11 (with �tric p1},
and let I. he a posilivc real number.
Definition. The mapping A is said to satu.f:J a lipsdritz tontliti«r u.itlt ,_llml
l tand we write A e Lip L) ifit increases the distance between 1·""-oarbitrary
poinu of M1 no more rhan /, rimes (Fig. 205}:
p,(Ax, Ay) E; Lp,(x,y) V x,yE M,.

A mapping A is said to sati,jy a Lipschitz condition ifthr,c exists a constant L

such that A E Lip/,.
P,obltrn I, Wh ich or the following mappings sa1is.fy Lipschi1:z. conditlOnS 1.bc ffle1ric •
F.uc-lidl'an in e:aeh case):
a),Y-1-1 ,,aR; b),IX.x">O; c)J=Jxf+xl,
d)y- Jx? - x1,x:), xi; e:} ) = lxl og x, O <x<;J. f);,•.r',x,C,J.,!.; I�
0, x = Oi
J"rohltm 2 . Prove that tvery cootrac1ion mapping satis6cs a Lipschitz: coodibe)ft, and that
every mapping sati.sfyi1lg a L.i psc hjt.z conditi on is eon.tin uous..
31.4.Difl'erentiahilityandLipschitzconditions. Let r: t: - R"bca
smoorh mapping (ofclass C', r -" I) of a domain Uof the Euclidean spatt
R � into the Euclidean space R" (Fig. 206). The tangent space toa Euclidean
space has the natural Euclidean struclurc al every point, and henct: tht:
£.J. = r..: TR:' _., TR((•>
offa t the point x E U c R"' is a linear operator from one Euclidean space
into another.
218 Chop. 4 Proof, llf 1hc 8.u,c Thfflttm,

R "'

Fik, 207 Co111illuous diO'trt"lllil'bilicy irnpli�• vahdity ofa LlpK"hil.1: ronct.uon.

THEOREM, /,e/ V bt any substt oftl,e domain U u.hid i, both'°""'' •d ,.,,.poct.

Tht11 a eontin11011sly dijftrtnliable mappin,x Csatirfa, • lips<hitz c.111111-.., Vaitlt
con.rlant /, ,q11al lo the ltaJ/ upp,r bound o l•• V:
I, • sup lf,,I.
Proof. Let z(t) = x + l(y - x), 0 .; I .; I be 1he line segmcn1 joining
the poincs x, ye V (Fig. 207). By the fondamcn1al 1hrorcm ofcalculUJ,
= Jo -f(z(t))
f(y) - f(x) dt - r,,,.1t(t) dt,
dt o
and hence

J: f._1,1t(t) dr � J: Lly - •I dr = Lly - xi,

by formulas (I) and (2), since i = y - x. I

Remark. The least upper bound of 1he norm of 1he dcrivati"� If,! on I' is
actually achieved. In fact, f eC' by hypo1hcsis, and hence the derivative£,
is continuous. It follows that If.I achieves its maximum Lon the compact
In undertaking the proof of lhc convergence of the Picard approxima­
tions, \\'C will examlnc the approximations in a smal1 neighborhood of a
given poinl, The following four numbers will b,- US"<I 10 describe this
31.5. The quantities C, L, a', b•. Suppose 1hc right-hand side v of the
differential equation
x = v(x, 1) l3)
is defined and diffcrcnliable (ofclass c·,
r � I) in a domain C a• X R I u
of extended phase space. We fix a Euclidean structure in a• and hcntt in
TR;. Consider an arbi1rary pnint (x0, /0) e C (Fig. 208). The cylinder
r = {x, t: II - t01 � a, I• - x01 � b)
Sec. 91 Existence, Uniqueness, and Continuity 219


J,�ig . 208 The: t.')'li ndcr rand the conc: Ke,


t0 I
Fig , 209 Odlnilion orh(•, I).

lies in the domain U for sufficiently small a and 6 . Let C and L dfflOte the
least upper bounds of the quantities lvl and Iv.I on this cylinder, where here
and subsequently the asterisk denotes the derivative (with rcsixct to s) for
fixC"d t. SirH'C the cylinder is compact, these least uppcrboundsattachit\·cd:
lvl ,.; r., Iv.I ,.; L.
Now let K0 be the cone with vf'rtcx (1 0, x0), 0o·pc-ning"' C. and ahitudc:4',
s o ,hat
Ko = {x, I: 11 - lol .. a'. Ix - •ol .. c11 - 1.1}.
If the number a' is small enough. the cone K0 lies inside the cylinder r.
Moreover, if the numbers a', b' > 0 arc small enough, every cone K_.
obtained from K0 by parallel displaccmcnt of the vertex to the point (lo- x),
where Ix - x01 � b\ also lies inside r. Tht' numbcna"' and•· attassumed
10 be small enough so that K, <= r, and we will look for a solution "of
cqua1ion (2) of1hc form ,p(I) = x + h(s, 1) subject to thc initial condition
,p(1 0) = x (Fig. 209). The corresponding integral curve then lics insidc the
cone Kx.
31.6. The metric space lvl. Consider all possible continuous mappings h
of the cylinder I• - x01 ,;; 6', It - 1 01 ,;; a' into the Euclidean space: a•,
220 Chap.◄ Proof• of the &,,c 1hcorcm,

and let ,W dcnntc tl,r S<'t nf,uch mn 1,pings which -atiify thee<ira roodttoon
lh(•, 1)1 < (.'II - lol (4)
(In par1ic11lt1r, h(•, 10) • 0). WeIntroduce a metri c pin 111, by Klltng
p(h,. h i ) • llh, - hi ll • max lh,(,, I) - hi(x, 1)1.
h •111 <••
·rH£0REM. T/111,1 J\1, tquipJNd with the mtlrit p, is II comp/tit 11t1tri, 1/» u .
Ptoof. A uniformly convergent sequence ofcontinuous functionscon"-crgcs
10 a c.ontinuous function. If the functions satiify the inequality (4) bclocc
passing 10 1hc limit, then chc limit function also 1atisfies (4 with the same
constanl C . I
Note 1ha1 the space 1\1 depends on three positive numtxn •'. 6\ and C.
31.7. The contraction mapping A: /11 - /If, Next we introduce a
mapping A: M - NI defined byt

(Ah){•, 1) = J''• v(• + b(x, t), t) dt. (5)

Because ofthe inequality (4), the point (s + b(s, t), t) belongs 10 thecone
Kx, and hence to the domain ofdefinition of the field v.
THEOREM. If a' is suffici1111/y sma/1,formula (5) d,fin,ts a conlr«liM -M>i•t of
1/tt spact /11 inlo irself .
Proof I) First we show that A carriu 1\1 into itst/f, The function Ab is
continuous, since the integral or a continut)US function depending contin­
uously on a parameter is continuously dependent both on t� pa.ralllC'tcr

If . If .
and on the upper limit. �1.orcovcr, Ah satisfies the incqualhy (4)� since

l(Ab)(s, 1)1 ,;; v(s + b(s, t), t) d,,,;; C dtl,;; Cit - 101,
Therefore AM c NI .
2) Next we show that A iJ a contraction mllpping* i.c.1 that
QAh , - Ah211 ,;; -lllh, - h i ll, 0<-l<I.

To this end, we estimate Ab, - Ab2 at the point (s, 1), \¥c have {Fig.210)

(Ah, - Ab 2)(x, 1) = (v, - v2) dt,

t In compa ring (S) with thePicard mapping o(Stt.31. 1, itshouldbe:borne:iomind that-.T
ttre now looking for a sol ution of the form" f .b. .
Ser. 31 l•:xi•ucnrc, Uniqueness, and C:Ontinui1y 221

, hz
, h ,
tq t
f'ig, 210 (:umpati10n ofv1 and v,.

v1(t) • v(x + b1 (x, t), t), i - I, 2.
According 10 Theorem 31.4, for fixed t 1hc func1io1\ v(x, t satisfies a
Lipschitz rondition (in the first argument) with constant L1 and hence

lv,(t) - v,(r)I ,;; Llb,(x, t) - b2(x, r)I,;; Lib, - b,l-

Nlorcovcr, according tn Lemma 31.2,

l(Ab, - Ab,)(x , 1)1 -.1r.

Therefore .-ii is a conlrar1ion mapping if l.a'
I.J b I - b, dtl ..
<l. I
La' b I - .., •

31.8. The existence and uniqueness theorems.

COROLLARY. Suppo1r lht ,;ghl•hnnd sidt v of lht dijfumlial tq1111Jff1• (3 is
contimwus(r d[ffereutiable iu a ueigJ,borhood of a point (t0, x0 ) •/ tt"tt:JUltdpJu,.u
,spare. 7·1teu, gi11en m!) poinl x suffidmtl.J• dost to s.0 , thtrt is a ntiiJu,r,,/t#,1•f10 i•
which a s11/111io11 o/(3),atiif.ri11gth, initial conditio11 '1'(10) = xis ufo,td..\/or-,,,
1M, solution defJet1ds;·0 11 lht i11i1ial point x .
Proof. .'\c•f'ording 10 �l· l,rorr-m 30.21 1he con1tac1ion mapp ns;. i I hb a lixcd
point b E .\/, Lei g(x, I/ = x + b(x, 1). Titer>

g(x, 1) = x+ J''•
v(g(x, t), r) dt,

• = v(g(x, I), 1).
I I fi:>llo,\·� 1ha l g ,.ui,fo...,, rquation ('.l I for fix<-d x and ,fw init.ial condition
g(x,/0) = xlort = t0.i\Jon:ov<•rgi�cnn1inuou,,loimt·he.\l. I
Thui. ,,·t· have· p.-ovc-·d tlu..: <'xi trrn· · tlu..··orcinfot t·qua1ion '3
:-. t and �ib.
i1ed a solution which depends <'on1inuoui-lyon 1lw ini1ial f'onditions..
P, ,;bf,m I. 1'1 , 1 \ t · 1lw uniqu c·m� tht..-Ornu.
222 Chap. 4 Proofs or the B.uic Theorems

Solutlo" I. l.r1 6' 0 In 1hc d.-finl1ion of A f . 1'llrn 1hr uniqur n n, o(dw- fixtd point ofth.t
con1racllon rrn,pplng A: Af • /l1 implir, the uniqUC'nn, of 1hr M>luuon wihJ't•"I t,W.
lnhfal condition .,{,o) •o), I
Sol utio1t 2 . I.rt•• and•, be- two ,olut lmn a.11i,(yln1 tM ,.uuf' initbl c:ond111on •• ,., ..
"1(10) •o 1111d dcfintd for It lt l .c. "· MorfO'n- Irr
m••-c, 1•(1)1,
11•11 • I• •1,I
wht1·c O c.: n' < (T. Thcn

,,(1) - ,,(1) • J''· [vC•,(r), r) vC•,(r). r)J ,,.

' sufficien tly smr.11 a· 1hr poin1, {• (r}, r) and C•,(r). r) lit i,. the- cylindn- whim
v • Up t . Thrl'cforc 11• 1 -•,11 < La'll• 1 - •,11, �h.Ch implin •, II O ,r
l t t ' < I. Thus ihr s olu ciou
, •• and"' .;oincidr in ,ont(' llC':ighborhood ol thc- point'• I
i11c l ocal uniqucnc:M thc�m is n ow J.)l'O\'«I,
31.9, Other appUcations of contraction mappinK"••
P,oblr,n I. P, •o \'t' the in\·t� f un nion throrf'm.
/lint. II is 1uniciro1 10 i,wcr1 a C1-map 1>i11g wi1h a um• li,war parl y • + • a ,•h,,rn,
•'(O) - 0 i n a ntighborhood orthe ,>Oin t O• R• (a linar� oha.riabks ttd\Kft the
gc 1wral case to this n,.sc), Suppo,;c wr look for a IOlution of tht- form a • y + ♦ y f .
Then we 8CI 1hc equ:uion
•CY) - •(y t- •Cy))
for•· TherC"fott 1he dn.ittd fonnion ♦ is a foc.N poim of the mapping A ddirwd by tht
formu la

Moreover ,1 i� a contrart ion mappin g (i n a su itable" �tric). s:in,e the" clnn�ti,,-� ol tht
fum·tion ¥ is small i n a n(ighborhood o f the poi nt O(b«au 5C' of the-,ondirion •• 0 01 .
Pmhltm 2 . Pro\',c 1ha1 1hc Eulrr linr appm,U'hts a solutlOR as ill s.1cp approat'hr,. XTO.
&lution. Let IA • t' h4 be tht' Eulc·r line wii..h st e p .l. and in.itia1 cottd.ition C:-£ -.. i.,, - •
(Fig . 211). In 01 her wonh, lr-1
�g.(x,1) ~ v(g.Cx. 1(<)), s(I)),
whcr(' J(/) • 10 t- k.) :ind I. is tht' i111('gral part of( I t0) ·.) . Th� di(iucnct �-"ttn fflC'

4 4
t0 t1 sf(} t t
Fig , 211 The Eulc:r line g4{x,I).
See. 32 The Differentiability Theorem


t�ig, 212 Stran ds of1h e approximation A and itt linc-ar put A• • •

Eult'r line a nd th e solu1ion I � es1im at � by wing the formu la m S«. 30.3:
111. Ill 'llh . - hll < r=.IIAh. - h.11,

(Ah.)(•, 1) - J''• v(s.(•, r), r) dr,

h"(•. t) • J' v(s"(•.s(r)), ,(r)) dr,

a nd as � - 0 th e diffettnC'C bt1w een th e inl�ra.ndJ: approatha un, unironnly t.n r,

J rl < ,,. (because e>f 1he equiron1inuhy of v). Th('rtf0te JI.Ah• "•II -0 as .) - o� and
the Euler li ne ap1 >road1e1 a 10l u 1io n, I
•Probltm :J . 1..c: t A b<" a diffeornorphi sm or a neighborhood o( the point O•R• oato a
n eighbo rhood of th e sa me- po n t ca rrying O i nto 0, and suppo,c the li.ota.r put of A at 0
(i.e., the linear operator Au : Jl• R•) - has no cigcrwalun o( modulus I. Ltt •- ht' lM
numb er of eige nvah.u:s with IJ.I -. . · I and m,. the number of rigcnva.lua with Ill> I.
Then A•• has an invariant subspaceR • - (tht" inroming stn.nd) and a.n in,-aria.nt sub­
spaceR"'• (the ov1goi ng 11 rand), whoec poi nu approach O under aP91-ication of A! ..
where N- +oo fo rR • - an d N- -oo forR•· (F"ig. 212}.
Pro\ · e ,hat 1hc- nonlintar mappillg A also has inv.11, i .1ubmanifolds . \ f • - and .\f•. in
a neighborhood of 1hc poin1 O (i ncomi ng and 01.ngoi. ng strands), tango,1 a1 O IO
subspacesR.,- arldR .... where A"•- 0 for •• , \ f • - as J\'- +oo and A,..s -0 b
•• M•• as N- - oc, .
Hin1. Take any subm an ifo ld r0 o f dime nsion "'· (la ngcnr 10 R•· at O. say). a nd apply a
po wer o( A co r0• US(" the m ethod of contraction mappings to prow: tM con\agm« o/
the r esuhin8 approximati on s r.., = Al'lr0, N- +oo to J\J•••
•P,ohl�m ii . Prove 1h e cxistenee o f incoming a.nd outgoing strands at a noolinea.r s.addk
point X = v(•), v(O) = 0 (it is assumtd that nonC' ol the cigcn\0 alua o/ open.aor
A - v.(O) lies on the imag inary axis).

32. The Differentiability Theorem

J n this section we will eventually prove the rectification theorem.

32.t. The equation of variations. \Vith any differentiable mapping

f: U � V we can associate a linear mapping of tangent spaces at C'\'ery

r••: TU. - TV,<•>·


I IIjusl lhc- same way, we cau associa1r with th<" difft·rcruial C"qua,tOn
X • v(x, 1)1 xcl'c:R' (1)
a sys1cm of di1Tcr-cn1ial c<.1ua1io11s
{ x = v(x, 1), XE Uc R'\ '2)
y• v.(x, 1), y c TU.,

linear in the tangent vector y (Fig. 213). \Ve call (2) tho �rsuaef,.-•li-ef
variations for equation (1). 1'hc asterisk in (2), and in subsequent fonnulas,
denotes the derivative ,-..•i1h respect to x for fixed t. ThlL, v.{x.1 is a linr-a..r
operator from R" into R".
Together with the system (2). i t is convenient to consider the-S)'Stcm
{ x = v(x, I), xe:UcR",
i. • v.(x, t)z, z:: R" _., R",
obtained from (2) by rcplaring the unknown vector y by an unlmo�'ll lincar
transfonnation :.. We will apply the term equation ofi:artatiOl&I to the system
(3) as well.
Rtmatk. In genetal, given a linear equation
y = A(t)y, (2')
it is useful to considct the associated equation
i = A(t)z, z: R" - R•. (3')
involving the linear operator z . From a kno,,•lcdge of one of the equations
(2') and (3'), we can easily find the solution of the 01her (how?.
32.2. The differentiability theorem,
·rHEOREM. Suppose the right-hand sidev ofequation (I) u tu,ia<MJ�:,diffa­
entiab/e in a neighborhood ofthepoint (x0, 10). TirLn tht solution g('JL, t) ef,tp,atit»t
Sec. 32 The Differentiability Theorem

(I) snti,J)·in.� the i11it1nl co11d1tia11 g(x, t0) • x ts a conttn11011slJ rl1/n1•1t•M1ftiN•

tia11 ofth, i11itinl ro111/itio11 x, as x and I"°') in um, ((>oss,bl,sma/1") ,.,,tAkr4-I
afth,poi,11 (•o• t0):
var:• • 1 G r:1
(qftlass (:' 11•i tl1 r11p,ct tax).
Ptoq/, Since v E C1 � v. E C1 , chc <i;yslcm of equations o( \·ariation" (2
saddi,•frri tl1e conditions of Set·. 311 and the �ucncc: of Picard apptOXima­
tions nmvcrgrs '-"'iforrnly ln a <tW>lulion of (3) in a �ufficicntly-small ncigh­
horlloocl ,.r the poin1 /0• Imroducing 1hc initial condition, .,0 - x {iuffi•
cicntly tlC'ar x 0) and tJ,0 h', \\C drnotc the Picard appro.ximatinns by••
(for x) and ,J,, (for z), so that

If',+ 1(x, t) • x + J'•• v(,p,(x, t), r) dt, {4)

,J,,.,(x, t) • E+ f'
v0(,p,(x. t), r),J,,(x. t) dr. {$)

No1ing that 'l'o• • ,J,0, we deduce from (4) and (5) by induction in• that
q,,. • 1• =1/111+ 1 • Thcrtforc the �cqucncc {\f,,.} is the �ucncc of derivatives
of the sequence {,p.}. Hoth sequences (4) and (5) arc uniformly convergent
for sufficirn1ly small It - t01, bt'ing sequences of Picard approximations of
the sys1em (3). Then Lhe sequence { 'P,.} i� uniformly convergent together
with its dtrivatives with r-�pc:ct to x. Hence the limit function
g(x, t) = lim ,p,(x, I)

is uniformly differentiable in x. I
32.3. Remark. At the same time, we havejust proved the following

TH£OR>:M. Th, derivative g. a(the sol•tion oftq•atian (I) u:ith resp«t i. llv i,ritiol
co11dition x sati.sjies the equalion ofvariatiofl.S(3) u...ith lhe initialcontfition ::(10) = £:
-g(x, 1)
= v(g(x, I), 1),
,,-g 0(x, 1)
= v.(g(x, t), t)g.(x, t),
g(x, 10) = x, g.(x, t ) = 1-:.

This theotern explains the meaning of the equations of variations. namely

they describe 1he action o f the (t0, t)-advance transformation on the u.ngcnt
vectors to the phase space (Fig. 214).
226 Chap. 4 Proo(, or 1he Bao,ie ThN>ttms

Jtig. 21◄ Acdo11 or lhc (141, t)-advancc cn.nsform..teon on a curv� in ph.u,ir -'f»tt and on
ii, tangent vcc1.or.

32,4. Higher derivatives with respect to x and 1. Lc:1 , ;;. 2 be: an

1'HEOREM T,. Suppose the right-hand side v of<9•otion (I) is (Olllin._t_, Jrf'rr•
tntiablt r timtJ in • ntighborhood ofa point (x0, 1). Then th, soluti• g( x, 1) •f,,...
lion (I) satisfyi11g till initial condition g(x, 10) • xis an (r - I)-f,1,/,.,.11__,t.,
dijftttnlioblt fiirution of the initial tondition x, OJ x and t r,a,;, i,, Hmt C,,,1s1bl,1
smoller) ntighborhood of the poi11t (x0, 10):
VE C'' => g E c;- t.
Proof Since veC•� v. eC'- 1, 1he •ys•em o(cquatioruofvariations (3)
satisfies the conditions of Theorem T,_ 1• Hence Theorem T,_1 impljcs
Theorem T., r > 2:

• er•
VE C' => V E c,- J =-- g E • l => g e •-- I•
• er
This proves Theorem T,, since Theorem T1is just Theorem 32.2. I
32.5. Derivatives with respect to x and t. Again let, � 2 be an integer.
THeOReM T;. Under the conditions of Thtorcm T., tlr, solution g(x,1) is a difer­
tntiabltfunction ofclass C'- ' with ruJMct to both r,onablts x and t:
VE C' c> g E c;r- •.

The theorem is an obvious consequence of the preceding t..hcoKnL How•

ever, a formal proofgoes as follows:
L.£M.M.A, u,f beof1.1nt1i,m (witJr L'd.lua UI R'") tkfind_,.IN du«1 r.,,,_, �•...... C"!(£s&I,,.,.
1p,au R'"'
ond an int�u,a/ I oft� t-4Xi1:
Omsidn Ille i.nleg,·o/
F(s, 1) - J',. f(s, r) dr, X, C, [lo, I) C I .
T/i'1) IC c�, f C C"- I implies F' C" .
Sec. 32 The Oilfercnliability Theorem Z27

Proefq/ tit,''"'"'"· All)' ,ch pariial deriva1ivc of 1M' ful'K'1ion F with ropttt to •hit nnablcs
x1 and, lnvolvlng dlfff'rtntlatlon with mpect 10 t can bt' "p,rOKd in tffffil oil and 1M'
partll'I d•:rivalivt:, or ,h e func1ion r of order INI than ,, and hcnn i• cononuo,ya.
an y ,11! pa r tlAI dc:r iva1ivc with rnpctt 10 chc v1m11bJn x1 b ('ontln u0ut by h� t
/>,� eftit, tlt,omn, We have

1(•. 1) • • I f',, •(1(•, r), r) dr.

Writing f(11, r) - v(1(•, r). r) and appl ying IM lemma, we find chat
,,o--• n c: ⇒,,o-.
According to Theorem T,, g • c: for p .e. , . Thus we get ,uccasi:vdy
1,eo ⇒,,c• ⇒ ... ⇒ ,,l"- 1

Ou1 I• C0 b y ScC'. Sl.8 (the &0lu1ion depcodJ con1 on a, 1). Thia compkta lh-t
1 >roororTheotem r;, I
P,01>1,m I. Pr ove lha1 if 1he tigh1,hand ,idc of the d iffamtia l c:.qu.ttJOn I it at1.6n1tdy
diffc"1!nliablc:, then th e: solutil>n is alw a n infinitely djffcrm tlablc fu11ttl0ft o/ 1ht 1nmal
v, c• ⇒ 1,c•.
ll�mark, h •·an al so be U1c>wn 1ha t if th e right-h.and side v is ana lyti c (bu a Ta)W taict.
converging to v in a neighborhood of every point), then th e sol ution .I .aho
an al)'tically on• and,. It is nat ur al to stud)' differential equations with anal)"lit right�hand
sides: for both complex values: of 1he unknowns and (ol particular i:mportaJlft) (or C'Offl*
plex V3l ucs o f the time t.f

32.6. The rectification t,h eorem. This thco.-cm is an obvious consequence

of Theorem r:. Before proving it, we rccalJ two simple geometric proposi ­
tions. Let L, and L, be two linear subspaces of a third linear space L (Fig.
215). Then L, and L, arc said 10 be tranJt •<r'l< if their sum is the whole space
L: L, + l1 � L. For example, a line in R3 is transverse to a plane if it
intersects the plane at a nonzero angle.
PROPOSITION I. Ev,ry k-dimmsional subspau R• in R• Ira,an (n - lc)-dvnauWMI
transverse subspace (infatt, at l,ast on, ofthe<:; coordinate planu eft/uspar, R•-•
will be tram,erse to R•).

fig. 215 The line L1 is traruvcne 10 the plane L1 i n the space R'.
t Concuniog this thcor)', sec e.g., V . V . Colubao, l.«bdd.,. tlu Aaal..JIO' 1--,-1'Di f e ­
mlial Equatu>n.s (in Ru ssia n), Moscow (1950).

The f)rooris given in course, on liucaralgcbra (1hc 1hrorcm on 1he nank or

n IIHH,.ix).

rRoro11110, 2. If a /i,ttar mapping A: /, - 1\1 map, an, tu'O ,,_,,, ,.,,,,.,,,

o'1/r, trausv,rsr subs/1aus, IJlfn it maps l 011111 th, u hot, spott A1.
Proof AL • AL, + ,II,, • Id. I
Proof of the rectifitation theorm,: No11au/011omoMJ cas, (s,:c Sec. 8.1). C-.oru.ider 1hc
mapping C of a do1nain of 1hc direct produclR• x R into 1hc extended
phase space of1hc equation

x • v(x, 1) (I)
defined by 1he rormula C(x, 1) - (g(x, I), 1), where g(x, I) is a solu1ion or
(I) satisfying the initial condition g(x, t0) • x. Then, as we, C is
a rectifying diffcomorphism in a neighborhood or1hc poin1 ("o, 10).
a) Tire mappir\f Cu dijfrrentiable (of classC'- 1 if v EC C'), by Theorem T;.
b) T/1t mapping C lraocs I 1111d1a,,grd: C( <, 1) = (g(x, 1), I).
c ) The mapping C0 carriu the standard v,clor fald e (x =
0, I = I) W• ti,,
giuenjield, i.e., G0c =(v, I), since g(x, 1) is a solu1ion of (I).
d) T/1t mapping Cu a diffeomorphum in a ntig/rborlH>ad of llte fJeilll ("o, 10). In
fact, calculating the r-c.sttiction of the. linear operator C.1,..-. • to the trans-­
verse planesR• andR (Fig. 216), we get

The plane R" and the line wi1h dir"C-<:tion v + e arc ,rans\-cne. Thcrcfott
C. is a linear mapping ofR"' 1 onto R" • 1 and hence an i.sornorphism (1hc
Jacobian of c. a, 1hc point (x0, 10) is non,ero). h follow, from the in,-us,,
func1ion I heorcm Lha1 C is a local diffeom<>rphism.

Proof of the rtttification thtorem: Autonomous cast (sec Sec. 7.1). Consider the
aulonomous eqt1alion

X = v(x), XE u c:: R". (6)

R" e

f i g. 21G Ucri\·Mi\·c or 1he mapping C at th<" point (Xo, ,.).

St'c. :12 Tl1t· Difrt·rt•111iabilit)' Th,'Orrnt


\ :�
'I ,,1

L,•1 cite pl,ast· v,·loci,y v0 a, the point x0 bt-diffrrt'nl from O .-ig.217 . Thm
tlwr<· t•xi"1s an (n - I)•dimensional hnM'rplanc R•-1 c R"' passing
lhrough x0 and 1rarhvcrsr 10 v0 (mor<· exartly. a c-orn1 " 1,ondin� plant in 1hf'
tangl•n I space.· T( '•• 1 rau�vc.·r,1· to I lw liucR wi1h dir«tinn v0 . Let G be the-

,napping of chc domain R" 1 x R where R" 1 • {{},R • (I} into ,h,-
do111ai11 R" defined h)' cite formula G({, I) = g({, I) "here, { lin on R•- •
neat x0 and g((.1) i-: 1h<- value of 1hc solution of equation (6 ..atisfyin� thf'
initial c·ondition <?(0) -;;;: � a.1 the time, . Then, as ·wi· no" show, c- • is a
rcc1ifying diffcomorpl1i,1n in a :-.ufficicntly small neighborhood olthc point
({ s x , I e 0).

a) Tltt mnppin. � C is dijftrtntiablt (Ce (.v-1 ifv e C1, lty 1nron-m T ; .

b) The mapping c- 1 ;, retlijj,in�. $incc r.. carric-. the 1,1andard Vt'CIOI" field
e (C = 0, i = I) into c.e = v, bt'C<IUS< g(C, I) :.atisfiN�quation 6,.
c) 11tt mappmg G is o lo«,/ diffeomorplti1m. In fac:1, c-alcula1iog 1ttf" linnr
opcra1or (:.1110,,0 on 11 1(' tran�veNe plane,R• - 1 andR 1, wr grt

Thus ,lie operator c.1.0,fo carrit.'S the pair of tram.tVl'f'Se subspacn r- •

and RI c: Rn into a pair or transverse subspat-.-s. Therefore C.I.,.... is a
linc-a, mapping ofR" ontoR", and hence a n i'ilunorphi::,m. h follows from
the invl·rst· function theorem 1ha1 C is a local diffcomorphiilll (f= c- • m
the notation of Sec. 7).
Remark. Since the differentiation theorem was pmvt'd wi1h the loss of one
derivative (v e C' => g e C'- 1 ), we can only guaranu_:e that th(' rectifying
diffeomorphisms belong 10 the s1noo1hnes.s class l.''- 1. HO\'-C"'tt, as ,,ill bi(,
shown below, the construct«l i� actually ofclauC.
32.7. The last derivative. In proving Th('()rcm 32.2, the field v was as-.
sum<·d 10 be twice continuously diffcrcntiabk·, bu1 actually mtt'C COll­
tinuous diffcrcntiabilit y is sufficicnl.
230 Chai), 4 Proo& ofchc 11.uic Ti-r�m•

·r11EQRE.,, l t/1t ri[1l11-ho11d sidt v(x, 1) oftht d,fftrtnliol tq•oli.,. i • v(x, I u
ro111i1111oust., 1/ijftrt11tiob/1, tht11 t/1t so/111io11 g(x, I) 10111/)11'8 tht 1•1t1•/ tMi111••
g(x, 10 ) • xis a ,0111i1111ou1/y dijftrt11tiab/1/•ntlion ojtltt init10/ <M4111M:

veC' • gaC!, (7)


I) veC' o geC'for,;;. I.
2) I v e C', th, ,u1ijjoi11g dijftomorphism conslr•cled in S«. 32.6 i, ,..,11•...i,1

dij[trt11tia ble, tim,s,

The corollaries arc deduced from (7) by liccral rcpc1i1ion of the mn•
sideracion, ofSecs. 32.4-32.6. However, the proofofchc 1'-tcm (7 i�lf
requires some ingenuity.
P,ooj.,J tht 1/r-t<J,,m, Wr begi n with th.-followi ng confl<kntiom.
I l'.MMA ). lfl
y - A(l)y, (8
bt a linta, tq1u11io, 1 u.llOJt ,i11t1-Aond Jidt iJ a tonli1t.....,//Jtlfd;,.,, •ft. 1lttt tJt,, ..,.,_� 8
ronti, 1140UJI..,, i$ ,miqut/..r Mlmnintd 67 Ult initUfl ,.-h ,UM •ho) y0, Ml/ i1,, ,..-·
ni t y and I .

Proof. Thr proofof th<' clC.isl("n(<', uniqutll4:Sll, and con1inu.ity th�n\S 5'-t-. 31 Uk:S o,n)y
th e difTcr<'n tiabilit)' with rnp..-c1 to x. for fixed t (ae"1ually only � oisc� of.a Lipac:hiu.
c on diti on in x). Th ercror'" the proor r'C'ITiain s \' alid if the dq,,endcnu on , is :11•1:mrrl t o
bt on ly c on1inuous. I
Note th at the .sol u1i on deptond s linearly on Y• and is a t0ntinuoudy d.i:�tiablr f unc ­
tion or t . ' f 1letefo r,· the: s o l uti on bit-l ongs the C' with rcspecl to boc.h Ye and , _

1.1:.MMA 2 . If 1l1t liriea, o�,ato,A in Ummo I ol.H �.,. • /Jdt•..etn • ..,J

A(t, cr) 1'1 amtim,1ou1, thtt1 tlae solutWn i.111 c<N'ltinuotuffllltll;. efY•• I, llNIo:.
P roof. The· s o l ut i on c,1n be <"OnstructN as the limit ofa s,equC'nCc orPteard apprOJtinutiom..
whetc each approximation is a ('O n tinuous function ofYo�'• and a . The t,c_qu,C'n« ofa�
proxi mations is un iformly con,·e rgen t in the variables Y•· 1. and «. :u � b.1:td' "-at'Y in 2
s uffici,·n tly small ne ighborhood of a ny poin t {y0, '•• a0) . Hence the limit is a <'Olltinuou:s
fun ct i on of y0, t . a nd a. I
W , · now appl y Lemma 2 10 the cqua don o f '-'21rialions..
L&MMA 3. The vstern of cquotion,1 of ,vr,iotion1

X "" v(x, t),
Y = v. (x, t)y
has a solutlon wlri,1, is um'qwl)' detmnined b)' it.1 initi•I tMl!itiMs ad dlfit.'flh ,--·•· _.,.J_, • *•
,onditWns, p,<n.idcd on/,1 tlurt the field v i s �clau C'.
P,oof. By the exi sten ce theorem ofS,c,C, 31.8. the 6nt �ua tion ofthe has a tolutioft..
which is uniq1.1d y de iermi n«l by its initial <:onditions Ito· 10 and depends on that a:od:i­
ti ons co ntin uo usl y. Su bstit uting 1hjs sol u ti on inco the St:COnd equation.. •� get a linear
equa tion in y whose right-hand side dc:pcnds continuously on t and also on the inilal
Sec. 32 The OifTcrcntiability Theorem 2SI

condition •·u (regarded a1 • puame1cr) or the IOluhoo of the f'ln, equal.oft. Bue.. by
Lemma 2, 1h l .1 Unc:M equation ha1 a tol\lllon wh.Kh ,_. d ctermul<d by ,tt ,n.,bal cbt.1 Y•
And h II con1lrwom fum:IICN1 o r t, y0, a11d 1he parame ter-.. I
'-"''/"''°"' ,,
11,u, lllt tl/Wllion ef UhVfM, tL'"' ;,. IN UJI • • c•, NCHc- that In atit • • C'
""C pro,·ed that che·e of the talu1ion with rnP«• to •he rnht.AI cbu. Yl•'kt lfw
e,1u11llon or v11riA1iom (S), but 1h11 can no lo1;1t:r
1 be a.1erted, 1-IMt we M.111 do nae know
wlle1her chiJ deriva1lve exi111.
1'o pn>vc.· the <liffetcn 1iability of the so lution v.'t1h l'ftpcct to t.M: inuul �� •-c:
fine c:omidt-r a ,pedal caJC:.
UMMA 4 , Suf,,,.st llit iwto, fit/ti •(•,I) eft.l(ISJ C•--' ill ,l,rrn.,.tt«
' "'• Mil --
• - 0Ju, all I . Tllt1t tltt solution rif1M tqMtJtion 1 ... w(•, t) is iilnmtJM# nil
,,,,,,a,. a,
im'tinl tondl'l'loJU at t/r, Jtfint • .. 0,
P,O()j, Uy hypothoi.J,
I•(•. 1)1 - •0•1)
io a neighborhood of 1he p oint • - O . U,ing 1M formul a of S« . ,0.3 10 cthrNk tht
error of th� approximati on • - � 10 the 1olution • • •<•)
satidyinc 1he concb­
tio,n •(t0) - •o, we find that

I• - "o .; �
l I -A IJ''••("o, r)••I.; K,.<,i(t
max Iv(-., r)I

for sufficiently small IXol and 1, - t01, wh«-:rc the constant Xis inc:kpcndcn.1 ol-.. Tb.,a
f• - •ol - o(lx0I), which impl es chat • is '4ith rapo t to -. at ttr"O. I
\V� rlOW reduce the g eneral case 10 th e speci al of Lemma 4. To do� ,,,.T ftttd
a suitabl e coordi na te a,ystem in exk:ndcd phas,e IJM tt . Fi.m � note �1 the
ooly c h()()$("
s olutio n under c onsideration can always � regudftl as tM null solution:
l.SMMA 5. Ut • - •(I)� o so-iutiOII efl/luquotUm X - v(•. t) .,;,A• ritftt.-.1,i,h'!{d..uC1•
d<fint.d in o dornai.n ofutmdtdpliost JfMK-t R" X R 1. Tltttt. tNu ttisu • C'4u ,-S. '!{
txlt.ndtdpltolt. SJN,�� wl,iJI, prt.Stn'tS ti1N. i.t., (•. I) - (•1 (•. I}, t}••
ndCMTW:s &6, _....., •
inJo •• a:. 0 .
P,ooJ. Since • • C•, we nttd only make the shill a:1 = • - •Cl). I
In the system of cOOf"dinates C•u I}, the right-hand side of our equation cqualsO at tb,c,
p oint •• - 0. We now show tha t che deri\>ath•c ol the right-hand side ,,,.;th rcs.pect co•• also be rnade 10 van is h with the help or a suitable change- of eoordinato ,,,.-hich is
linear in •·
l.J!;MMA 6. Under tlu u.mditions ef I.Ammo 5 , tli, coordinatu (•., l) j,, "-ta ia ,_. •
U.1Q)'tllat tlu equoli.on X = v(s, t) is �ic.okn.t Ii) IM eflldt.lm S.1 = v 1 (a1, t). m6a-,IWJ,eUv1
and its dt.riuatic.v: 0v 1/QX1 l>otll 1.vmisA al Ult {NMt x1 = 0 . Mor«tttr. lluf� a1 (X. t) a-. ,lw,
,lrosm "'bt lin,ar (but not n«usa,ily lio mogtl'ltO'W' } in•·
Accordi n g 10 Lemma 5, w e can aNume that v 1 (0.1) • O.
To pl'ovc Lemma 6, we fi rst consider the fol�irlg: special cue:
UWMA 7, TIie 4USt1tion of 6 ii 4Jalidfor llv /in,:a.r �liM X - A(t}s.
Proof. Vie need only Ch00$,C a1 to be th«-: value of the solu 1ion s;atilfying the initial cond►
tion •C•) - • a1 a fixed time 10• Ac cordi ng to Lemma I. x1 = B(l}• whc:rc B(t): R• - R•
i s a Linc-ar operator of class C1 in, . But our linea.r equation ta..k.cs the fonn i:1 - 0 in the
coordin ates (• .. t). I
232 Chat>· •I Proor, or the a.,,c Throrc,rm

l',IHlfqJ ltN11111 1 6,
t-'lr111 w1• llnr:ol,r 1hc· rqu:uion A \II( ■, t) a, ,rro. 1"" • """ for m 1h--
c·qu1ulon ol' wuiMio,n
• .1(1)•. .i(I) v0(0, I).
lly hy1>01l1MI\ v ,C•, t1nd IWntl" A ,co, Uy l.rmrn.a 7, '°'"
nn c-hcl,ow, C'�t.tw11n
•• /J(t)x 11m h 1hM •hi" Hnt•,.,i,td <,qu1U1011 I, of1tw- for,n t1 0 1n 1k nn.. C'O<Wdu'\11f't­
ll I, t ,• 11y 10 .loe(' 1h i,1 tht' dtcht h111'ld 111idl" o( lht" ot1t11nal non linnr ..-qu,HIOft hat a ttto

11,war 1>1111 In 1h11 monhnatt ,�trm. I n race. IN • ,b. f Q.. a Ca, to that
Q o(lxl), C IJ • ), Making tlw..,. 11ub<11ttutiom in thf' rquation X "• •� �• 1M'
d1ffC'r!'ntial n 1uo1tion for••:
AC•, � Q .
Hut, by th e: ddinilion ofC, 1 ht·fi"t l<'f'tn, ffl1 tl1c- ln'1 and nght (th<" tf'nm lliw-ar 1n a1 an
equal, and hrn,c-

i, c- 1 Q(C•., ,, -<l•,11- 1
Combining 1..A""mm:u fi and <f, Wt" dNiuC'f'
1.�M"" 8. 1'Jr, 1elutN111 4th, dijfn11ttml rqu,ntion X •' •· I) tiutA • ,,-,,.,""'-Js-" .Jtt., c•
drP,ttdJ dtjf,u11t,r,h{, M tlt., ,,.,,;,,,, tMdttior,, n, ,,,,,. tiu .J" ,,,, •.,,. inM ,n,,,rt .. 11w,
,, ,:
ir,iti11I eond,litJr, ,11t,..fin IN IJStm, of'lflHlti(Jlf, ,f 1-w,Ml•u
X: = y(x, I). ' :(10) •c F., R• - R•.
Pux,j. Write 1h(" ..-qu:uin-n in 1hr- t"onrd in:uc 'tf'l('m ofLcmm:1 6 and thc-n �pply Lrmma ◄-1
To pron· cl1 (' th("Or"('m, Wf' now nrt-d only , m · fy tM conlinuJl y o(1hr dtti,.tti,"'C" ofthe
sol u tion with rnpt•c'I 1 0 lh( ini1ial c<>nditinn. /\c-C'Ofdmg to Lnnma 8. th.ii dn-i,,111,,r

exists and .,.-.,i�fo"\ th< · sysu·m or c-quatioo, <>r, ari�1tOM. ft follows from l...cnum. 1 tbr
soh.11 ion� of 1hi:. s�tem dC'pt'n<I cnnhnuously nn x., a.nd , . and the- tbnwrm K fina.Dy
proved. I
5 Dlff'erentlal Equations on Manifolds

111 thl, clrn1)1cr we deflne differentiable manirold,, proving• 111<,ottm on

cxiS1cnce of" f)ha,e llow deu·rmincd by a vtttor field on a manifold Lack ol'
space will no, pc1·111i t ui to go into 1hc· many intcn·sting and dttp rault1 that
have hc•cn obtained in 1he llu•ory ofdiffrrential equation.son manifold, ft.<
p1'<'scn1 cl1ap1cr i� intended rncrcly ns an in1r-n<luc-1,on 10 thti ,ubJ«t. ,,h,ch
lie., ru lht jun<'lion oranalysi5 and 1opolo�•-

33. Diff'erentlable Manifolds

Tloc co11crp1 or a diffcrcniiablc or smooth manirold p lays just a, funda•

mental a rolr in gcornc:try and aualysis as chc concept� of group and liMM
spa,·c play in al gebra.

33.1, Example• of manifolds. Once manifold• arc defined (bc:lo,, l, we

will find Ihat Ihe following ohjec,s an-all manifolds (Fig. 218).
I) Tlw s1 >acc R" llr anr domain (open subset) I' ofR".
2} The splwrc S" defined by the «aualion xf+ ··· + �!.1 • I in t�
Euclidf•an space R"-+ , in par1icular, thc circleS'.

3) The torus T' = S' >< S' (cf. Sec. 24/.

4) The projective space

RP' • {(,0 :x,:, .. ,x,)}.

It will be rccalkd that the points of this space arc straigh1 lines passing
through the origin of coordinatc·s in R" • 1• Such a line is specified b y any or
its 1>0ims (other than 0). The coordinates of this point {x0, .r-1, ••• , x.) in
R"• 1 are <·alkd the homogtntnu.s cootdiualu of the corresponding poin1 o f
projectiv<· space.
The la.s1 example i s particularly useful. In comidcring the ddinitions that
follow, it will be useful to think in terms ofaffine <"00rdina1cs in a projective
space (see Sec. 33.3, Exaonplc 3).

Fig. 218 Exampin ofm:ioi(old s .
234 Chap. 5 Differ<:mial Equa1ions on l\1anirold,

33,2, Definition•. A di/ftrtntiabl, ma11ifold J\'I i1 a JCI ;\1 equipped with a

diffcrcn1inblc 11ruc1ur,:. To equip M wilh a diffn,ntiohl, """'"'" oc- -•Jtld
structurt, we ,peclfy a n atla1 con,isiing ormops which arc ,omp.1,.k.
D,}initio11 I. Dy a map i, meant• domain Uc: R" 1ogcthcr with a one-to-one
mapping 'fl: tV - U of a 1ubsc1 W of the Jet ,W on10 U (f'ig. 219). \Ve call
tp(x) an imatt of the point x@ 11' c: Mon the map U .
Consider two maps

({>,: w, - u.,
(Fig. 220). lf'1hc set• w,
and W1 intersect, 1hcn 1hdr in1crstttioo 11'1 n 11'1
has an image on both maps:

The transformation from one map to another is specified by the following

mapping between subst/J oflintar spaces:

Dtji11ition 2 . Two maps

tp1: W, - U1, ,p1 : W1 - U1

F ig. 219 A nu,p.



Fig. 220 Cornpa1iblc maps.

Sec, 33 Oifl'crcntlablc Manirolds

are called to111/101r'b/, ;r

I) The sr11 U,1 and U1, ore 01)<11 (l'O'sibly empty);
2) The ma 1lpings tp11 and ,p1, (dtnncd ir 1111 r-. 11 11 it noncmp1y arc d1ffeo­
morphh1111) ofclo1nnin� o f R•,
1/emork. Oc1)<11di11g on 1hc smoothness clau or 1hc mappings -,,1, we, gel
diffcrtrtt classes o r manirolds. tr by a diffcomorphism we mean a d,ffeo­
morphism or class C', i 4;; r 4;; oo, 1hcn the manirold (defined by 1hc atlas
giving rise 10 1hc mappings ,p,1} will be called a dijftrtntiobl, ..,.,f,ld ,less ef
C', tr r - 0, so tl1a1 1hc f/JIJ arc only required 10 b e homcomorphi1ms, "c gc1
the definition ora topological 111a11ifold. 1 r w e require the ,p1110 be analytic,t
we gel ana/.Jtlic manifolds.
There al"C 01hcr possibilitics as well. For ex.ample, fixing an orieruation in
R" and requiring 1ha1 the diffcomoq,hisms ,p11 preserve this orientation
(i.e., 1ha1 1hc 'l't) have posi1ivcJacobians a1 every point). "c arrive at the
ddini1ion oran ori,,,1,d manifold.
Definition 3 . By an atlas on ,\1 is meant a set ofmaps q,,: �V, - U,such that
I) Every pair o r maps is compa1iblc;
2) f:vc.-y point x e M has an image on at least one map.

Definition 4. Two atlases on 1W arc said to bc:tquicaltnl if1hcirunion is itsclfan

atlas (i.e., ;r every map or1he first ailas i, compatible with e--cry map ofthe
J t i s easy to see that Dcfinicion 4 actually defines an equivalence relation.
Dejinitio11 5 , 6y a dif/trtnliabl, structure o n /11 is meant a class o{ equivalent
a1 lascs.
Al this poin11 we note two conditions oflcn imposed on manifolds to a"-oid
I} Separability, Any two points x,y e /11 have nonintersccting ncighboc­
hoods (Fig. 221), i.e., either there exist two maps

with nonintcrsecting w, and Wi containing x andy respcclively1 or there:

exists a map o n which both points x andy have images.
If sep.1,rabilicy is no, requ ired, che n the set obtained from ,�-o li.ncs R .- fxt. R • VI
by id entirying poi nts with equal n egative coordinates x and .7 win be� nq_ ni{old . The
theorem on un iq u e Clllct1$ion of50fu1i0t1s of differential cqmtions wiU fail to hold on tliKh
manifo ld.$, although 1he local unique nesstheorem will be I.NC .
t A function iuaid to be an al)·tic ifi1 is the sum of its own Ta)lo..-seriesin a. .oc:igh.boabood
of every point.
236 C:hn1,, 5 OifTcrenciol F.quotion, on ll1amfolch

Fig. 221


Fig. 222 Atlns or a sphf'rl!'. Th<' family or drdN on th.- spher e tang:mt al tbc point N
is r,:,prf:'Sc-nt('(i on the ll)Y.·cr map by a family orparallel linc<1 and on 1h.c- upptT" m.ap by a
ramilyorrnn,gcnl drdcs.

2) CowJlabilil)·. 'fhcrc exists an atlas \

, I with no more a countable
number of maps.
Henceforth the term "manifold'' will mean a differentiable manilold
satisfying the st.•patabili1y and countability cor\ditions.
33.3. Examples of atlases.
l)ThesphereS2 wi1hcqua1ionxi +xi+ xj = I inR3 canlxequippcd
with an alias consisting of two maps, for example Uy using stcn:og;aphic
projec,ion (Fig. 222). Here we have
W, = S'°"-N, U , ;;;: Rf,
w, = S'"'-S, U , = Ri,
P,oblm1 / , \\"rite forn •ulas for the mappin g-. •1.l arKI ,·tt1fy lh«" 1--., arr t"On't­
: uiblt.
Similarly, we can US<' an atla� C'Onsi-.ting of two maps lo define a diffC'r•
emia ble s1 r1..1crnre in S".
2) An atla$ for 1lie 1orus can be constructed by using angularcoordina,c:s,
namely 1he la1i1ude O and ,he longimdc ,/, (Fig. 223). For example,"'< can
Ser. 33 l)iffcrcntlahlc Manifold, 237

Fis. 223 Atlas ofa torus.

', , :r; =:J



Fig. 22•• Affine maps of tht' projccti\'C pla n r .

consider the four maJJ5 obtained when O and tJ, vary i n the intervals

0 < 0 < 2n, -n < 0 < n,

0 < o/, < 2n, n < o/, < n .

3) An alias for 1he projective plane RP' can be made up of1he following

three "affine maps" (Fig. 224):

•o J'1
- X-,
.,, Xx, o
if Xo 'F 0,

xo :x1 :Xz �Z 1
x, ,, =-xx,, if .< I 'F o.
- Xo
"• - x,
-, ., �-x,x, if x, 'F o .

These maps arc compatible. For example, compatibility of ,p0 and "•
means ,hat 1he mapping cp0_1 of1he domain U0. , = {y1,y2:71 # O}ofthe
plane (y.,y2 ) onto the domain U, ,o = {z1, z,: z1 'F O} of the p�
238 C:hap, 5 Differtntial F,qua1lon1 on 111anif'okb

Fig, 226 An open ,llbscl.

{z,. z2) given by the formulas z 1 =.1�•, z2 =y1 y�1 is a diffcomorphism

(F'ig, 225),
Proof. No1c that )' 1 = z�'.y2 = z2z�•. I
Simil a.-ly, we can use an atlas c01lsjs1ing ofn + I affine maps to equip the
projective space RP" with a differentiable structure:.
33.4. Compactness.
Definition. A subset C ofa manifold Mis said t o be open ifi1S image ,p(JI-' r, C)
on every map ,p: W - U is an open subset orthe domain Uof linearspace
(F'ig, 226).
P,obltm /. Pr0\·e that the inlcrsection ortwo and the union of any number ofopen
ro a rnanirold is open.
Definition. A subset Kofa manifold Mis said t o becompact i fc--eryc:o--ering
of the set K by open sets has a finite subeovcring.
P,obl�m 1 . Prove tha t the sphere $'" i.s compac-1. ls the projec1i\·c spacc RP'" (OfflpH'f >
Hint, Usc 1he foJlowing theorem.

THEOREM. Suppose a subset F of a manifold M (Fig. 227) is IN .,,;,. efafo,ilL

Sec . 33 l)ifTeren1iable Manifolds 239

fig. 227 A mmplltl t.ubitt.

!I O Hf,

Fig. 228 A eonncctcd manifold Mand a d i.teorulCC1td manirold ,Ml U ,\f ,.

number ofs,,bitlsF,, tath efwhith has a tompa.t.t imatt onont o[IAL a4/}J F1 c IY,�
cp1: W;- U,,whtrtcpi(F,)isacompactitlinR•. ThtnFiscompoct.

Proof. Let {G1) be an open cove ring ofthesc:t F . Then {q,1 {C1 n IV,)} isan
open cove ring ofthe compact set q, 1 (F1) for every i . Lettingj range ovu the
tesulting finite set ofvalues, we get a finite number ofC1 co,·cring F . I
33.5. Connectedoes• and dlmensi.on.
Defi11itio11. A manifold ,W is said to be coM«l<d (Fig. 228) if given any '""
pointsx,y e ,W, there ex ists a finite chainofmapsq,,: �1'1 - U,such that IV 1
contains x, l4'" containsy, W, n W1+ 1 Vi is nonempty, and U1 is connected.
A disconnected manifold .M decomposes intocon11«/td con,/»lfDW .\I�t
Probl.rm I . Arc lhc mani folds defined by
x1 + ,11 - :.2 - C
, C ,' 0
in R.l (in RPl) connccto:I?
Prol>Um 2 . ·me set of aU matrices of order ,a "";th nonzero determinants has ch,c natur11
structure of a diffel'entiablc: manifold (a domairt in R"..
). How m.i.ny coru,ecud com­
ponent.s does lhis man ifold h�vc?

Ttt£0R£M, Ut A1 be aconnected manifold, an dkt

q,1 : W; � Ur

t I.e., any two points of U, can bejoined by a polygonal curve in U, C R•.

2�0 C:lrnp. 5 DifTrn-n1i.1I Equa1io1>1 on llbnirold,


F ig. 229 A difft:n•n1iablc.-111.11>ping.


r �

Fig, 231 A r-1.11'\'(' oo a enani(�d .\1.

bt its mop1. Tl,en all tht li,uar JfMrtS RII l'011.taini11.t th.t domai11.J t ·, lwtv /ill llllW

Pr()(.!/: t\ conscqm·nfc ofthe fact that a diffcomorphism bct,,·t'Cfl domains of

linear spac<-·s ii. po�!i-iUlc- only ifthe /\pacN havr th<' same dilll<'mion and•�
fact that any two dnmain'i IV; and IVi ofa ronnt'c-lcd manifold .\f can be
joined by a fini1c rhain nfpairwi.s<: intt ..n><"C"lingdnrnaim1. I
The number n figuring in the thc.·on:m i� C'allcd the dilfll!a_fNill of the
manifold .-\I, dcnolc-d hy dim A 1 . For ,:xampl<".

dim R" :;; dim S" = dim T" :;; dim RP" ; n.
A dlscooncrtc-d 1nanifold i.s !-.aid 10 Ix 11-dimcnsional if all its conncc-1cd
componcncs have chc !-an1:c dim.en�ion n.
Src. 3 :J l)irTrre111iahl,· Mn11ift1ld, 2H

Pttbltm 3. l�,,ulp Il1t irt OfH) II II o, th()fCo.u,I m,t 11(n oford,. , ,, ""'1th thr unw,u.-,r of a
dlffr1t"nlfoltlf' 1111rnlfold. llmd ht ronnf"Htd co1ttJ>011f'nl• and ••• d1rnC'•11MOft.
A•s. O(•l ,fO(•) < 21, dim 01•) ,t(N Il
33.6. Differentiable mapping,.
/)efinitiou. Atuappi11M/: ,\I 1 _. .\/1 ofoue(,"-manifold into anotMr dsatd 1n
br d/Der"1tiabl, (ofclass C') if i1 is given by diff,�ntiablr fu1l<'1ions (of
C') io lfw local coordinales on Al I and .\f 1•
In 01lttr w o rds, ltt "• : 11' 1 - l11 hr a map or ,\I,. arting oo a ot1ghbothood o/ a pcMnt
x•Af1,andt11 : IY1-U1 a mapof.\11,actingOfla nr1ghbothoodof11poim/l'"I• It',
{F ig. 229). Tl 1('11 tlir Oli.lpping ofdoru:aiii. of Euclickan ,part .,,, ·/- •i' dffintd in a
ndghborhood of tht 1 >oin1 •1 (x) mwt be diffcrC'nliablC' of..-la• c�.
lixamplt I. Thr projcc1ion o f a <phcrr 01110 1h, plan, (Fig. 230 is a difl' r r·
c·ntiahlc mapping. Note lhal o clifrcrcnciablc mapping nttd no, cafT) a
clifTcrcntialJlc manifold into a dilferen1iablr rnanirold
C'xample 2 . By a eu,v,t on a manifold .\I k•aving the pnint x e .\fat time t0 8
meant a diff f'te1uiable mapping/: / - .\I or an interval/ of 1)1e: ttal /-axis
containing lhc point /0 iruo a manifold .\I such that/\lo) = x .
t-:.ramplt 3 . By a dijfto111orphis111J: ,\1 1 ... .\11 o f a manirold .\11 on1oa mani­
fold �f1 is meant a differen1iablt' mappingf. whose invetw: •:
1- JI1 - .\I 1
exis1s and is cliffcremiable. Two manifolds .\fI and .\I2 arc said co �
dijfoomorphfr if there cxins a diffeomorphism from one on10 the oth(-r. foT
example, the sphere and the ellipsoid arc diffromorphic.

33.7. Remark. II is easy to sec that c\·cry connected O M •dirtKnsional

111a1'lifold is diffeornor-phic to a circle (ir it is compact) or 10 a line (ifit is
Examples oftwo-di1n.ensional manifolds arc the sphere, the torus (diffeo-­
n,orphic to a "sphere with one handle") and the .. sphere \\'lth • handles"
(Fig. 232).

000 ...
f" ig . 232 No ndiffeomorphic ,....
·o,-dime nsional ma,,jfo,lds.
f, a pautntdriud tun�, since on�dimcnsional submanifolc:h (ddincd in
Sec 33.8) o(the 1nanifold Mare som,e1j1nd c:1llcd cun·cs on , M . A p:an.mctrittd ai.n-c
csn h: we po,inL'I ofsel (,intersttti01l, cusps, c1c. (Fig. 231).
2•1 2 Chn11, 5 DifT,n:n1ial F..qua1ion• on !'-1anifold,

I n courat1 on topolflly it i_. 1>rovtd 1h11, cH,-y two-dimtftNOnal compact connttttd

orlcntrd manifold IJ dlff�morphlc 10 • 1phtrt wilh • ;it O handl"'- Uuk • bow'n about
1h 1t:!c-dl , ntll.JOnAI manlroldt. ►�or rx11m1>l t0 11 i, not known whtthtt f'\.ffy <ompa<t Mmpty
conoectedl 1h�re•dlmt1ulonal manlrold It dlfftomOt'ph ic to 1ht 11,)Mff S1 (,-.,r,
lt)f,,1A1,i1) or t'Vtn homr,omorphic: to s•.
Thr dlffrrtntl11blc 111nd topolo8ir:al clanlfin,lloni of manifold• do Mt ,n
hlghrr dl nmuion.1, l•'or uamplr, thtrt u lit prtt,ttl)' 28 1moo4h, alkd ,U"-1, .
, 1/) J t ,�11, homcx,mor1>hic 10 the.- 1phere S', but not d1fff!OfflOl"phi.c to cacll oat.a.
A Mil nor sphere in C1 wilh coordinat es ::1, ••• , :.1 is ddincd by dw 1wo <-qtat.ions
:·tl.. I t- :.J t- :l + :.! � :.: o.
J:,J• I •" � f:,I' I,
1-'or k - I, 2, ..• , 28 we get 28 Milnor spheres.% One ot 1.hnt 28 Mat\ifolcb • �
morphi c to th e sphere S'.

33.8. Submanifolds. The sphere i n R> wi1h equa1ion .r2 +r + z = I 2

is an c,carnple ofa subset ofEuclidea 1'I space inheriting the natural structure
of a differentiable manifold from R>, namely 1he s1ruc1Ure o(a nd11tmfald
ofR>, The general dcflni1ion ofa sub manifold goes as follows:

Definition. A subse1 Vofa manifold ,W (Fig. 233) i s said 10 be a m,,,.,,;fJ,Jif

every point x e V has a neighborhood I V in i\1 and a map'" II' - U,uch
1ha1 <P( �I' n V) is a domain of an affine subspace of1he affincspatt R" co n ­
taining U. The submanifold V itself has the: natural structure ofa manifold
( W' e W n V, U' s <P( �I'')).

The following fundamcn1al fac, is given wi1hou1 proof and will not be
used subsequently:

THeOReM, Euery manifold M" is dijf,omorpnic i,, a JMbmanifo/d ef £,, sJ>ou

ofsufficiently largt dim,nsion Uor examph N > 2n. ILMrt n - dim 1\fj.

Fig. 233 A subman ifold.

t A ma nifoldM i.s sa id to� simpt., �tmn«ILdif�-cry c:lo,cd cu.r,,c i:n 1'1 cat1 bt:cootirt--.sly
$hrun k to a point .
t Sec E. Brieskor-n, B�ispiL.k �"' Diffumtut.ltop,oJo� t'ttlllSUfgJan/4to,., Invcnt. �.f.ath.2( 1966).
1- 14,
Src. 34 'l'anll""' Bundle. V,c1or !'irids on a Manifold 243

Thus 1hc abstract concrpt of• manifold don not actually compri,c, a
larger daH of objects than' k•dimcnsional surfacH in N•di�nsionalspacc. 0

Thr aclva11tagc o fthe abs1rac1 approach i s that it includes 1hok cas,:s "h��
no crnbrdding in Euclidean space is s�ifi«:l in advanc,, and whn-c such a
specificaiion would only l<ad to spuriou, complication, (a, in IM ca5"ol'tM
projrctiv<' space- RP"). 'l'hc situation here is the same as for finjte--<li�n•
sional linearspaces (thry arf" all isomorphic to the coordinattspattofpoints
(x1, ••• 1 x,.) 1 but spr-ciCying coordinates ortcn mcrdy complicatesmattcn
33.9. £sample. 1-'inally we coniidcr 1ht' rono�•r\l fivt- in1ffnting ,natuf.okts (F"1g. 23-4,•
I) 1'ht gror;p M1 ,... SO(S) ef o,tho,onol "lotrictJ flH"-r 3 •-' .,_,,,,.JJ,.., -1. C""l'
mairix or 1 H1 ha, 9 demenls, J\-11 it a sut�e, of the s:pat'e R•. It t1 uiy to titt tbt thK
subset i1 �iclually a svbrn,.ni(old.
2) Tlit Jtl JWz - r,s: ef all vttlors ef fe.11111- I I# 11v sJl!Krt S1 in thr�
Euclidean space. As an cxc.rci�, th e rud er should introcfocc the structure ol a d1ffcr­
cn1i ahl e rnanifold in10 . .\1l (t;'(. Sec. 34).
3) TJtt 1Jt,u-dimmsior,n( proj«tir., spnu ,\f, RP.I.
4) TM cmif,g11rnti1>n spact ,H,._ 11/a ri.iid Hd,1r.u1mcd at a fi.xrd Poin1 0.
,',) Th t subsd M, oJ llt t Jf>tJU RO ..- Rc.1ddtrtni.J 6.,1 t4t ftfW.tiMJ
z� + zj + zJ - 0,
1, ,I' + 1,,1• + 1-,1' - 2.
•P,ol>ftm I . Wl,ich of lh c m.anifold1 M 1,,,., Al, uc diffcomo,rphi c?

34. The Tangent Bundle. Vector Fields on a Manifold

Wi1h every smooth manifold ,'>f there is associated another manifold (or
1wice 1hc dimension), called the 1a11ge111 bundle or ,'>land denoted by TAf.t
The whole theory o f ordinary differential equations can irnm«lfa.tdy be
carried over to manifolds, with t h e help ofthe tangent bundle.

34.1. The tangent space. Given a smoo1h manifold M, by IM c«IM C

ta11gcut to i\1 al tl1t point xis meant the equivalence class ofc:un.-cs 1ea,;ng x,
1wo curves ( Fig. 235)
y,: I ➔ Il l , Yi: I ➔ ,\,f
t Atntljml b,mdlt is :a special case or a"'�' b,mdk; a .i.ti"II more gcncraJ coattp is IN• ofa
b¥ndlt. spau. All these no1 ion, a rc basi c in topology and analysis, but ""-C aJillfux-Ot.U'Mh---cs
here co bvndl cs, wMch arc p:trticularly imponant in lM th e ory of� differ .
cnii:.I cqua1ions.
244 (:hnp. 5 l)jfT,,..ntial Equation, on !llamfold•


,- 9'

Pig. 235 The rnngco1 ,·l"rtor.

f'ig, 236 A t�ngt-OC ,p:11C't".

Ucing equivalerll if their images

1/>Y,: / - U, ¢y2:/-U
on any map arc cquivalcnc.
Note that 1hc concept of equivalence of curves docs noc de:ptnd on the
d,oicc of the map of the atlas (sec S e c . 6): Equivalence on a map c,1 implies
equivalence on any other map q,j, since the traruformation "'i
from one
map to ano1hcr i!t a diffc-ornorpliism.
'f'he set of vectors tangent to ,\1 at x has the- structure ora linear space, a
s1ruc1urc independent of the choice of map (stt Sc,. 6). This linear space is
called 1he ln11gt11/ spa<r to ,Wat x and is denoted by T.\1,. The dimmsion of
TJ\1,c. is the same a" the di rncnsion of.�1.
Example/ . Let M• he a submanifold of the affine space R•·(r,g. 236 . Then
TA1; can be thought of as an 11-dimcnsional plane: in R"' going through x .
Here, however, i t he kept in mind that 1hL JangLnl spaca I• .\1111 lii.J1Ul£1
poinJs.,·a,rdydo11otinlt1stcl: TJ\1x '"' TJ\11 2 0-
34.2. The tangent bundle. Consider the union
T 1\1 e
of the tangcm spaces 10 a manifold Mat all points x" .11. Then the ,ct T.\I
has the natural structure of a smooll, rnanifoJd.
Sec. 34 Tangent Bundle. Vector Fields on • J\1anifold

w M

F ig. 237 < of1hc t:rngcnt \!ttlor.


:r: )-,
Fig. 238 t\ ta ngw1 bundl e.

In fa.ct, ('(HI.sider a ny map on •he nl:mifold �I, .and I -cl (x., . .•• i.): U'- Uc R•
(f ig. 237) he local coordin ates i n a n eighborhood 11' ofth e poin t x sptta(yiag this map.
1-:vcry veccor t ta ngent 10 ,\•! at a p0fo1 x., IV i.s determined by its components ( 1 ••••• (.
in the indicated coordin a te syst<"m. In fact, if 1: I- ,\Ill a cu.n,e le3,-in,g • in 1.h,c d ir « •
t ion of ( at t imt" t0, th en

(r *''
= t ,.,. x,(y(I)).
Thus C:\'UY vector-( tangent to ft1 at a point oftht- dom.a o It' is .1pffifio:I by 2a nu.mbcn
f •
x,, ...• x,., (1,•••• (,.. 1he" coordintitcs of the ..pOint ofta ngency .. a.nd the • -com­
pone nts" {1• Thi s gi\•n a map ofpart of th e set TAI:
f'{() (z,,, ••IX , ( i,•••I(,.),

Oiffcc: n t map s of T,\•f corresponding to diffttcnt nuP' of thie .atJu of .i.U arc com­
patible (ofcla.u c,- • if,\1 i s ofclass C'). In fact, lcty,, ...• J. be anothtt loaJ roord:in.atc
$ys1em on ,W , and let ,,,, ...• ,,,. be the componcnlS ofa v� 1or- in 1his l) "Skffl - Then
)'r•.Y1(x1 ,••·•-",.), llr i:��J (i-l,...,11)

are .smoo1h functio n� of and(,- Thw the S<"I T.lfof all tangenc ,-utors &o .\I a<quira a
smooth ma nifo ld struct ure o f dimension 2n.
Definition. The manifold T,W is called the tang,nt bundk (spa,,) ofthe mani­
fold ,11.
There exist natural mappings i: M-+ TAI {the 1t11ll s«tion) andp: T.\f....\f
(projection) such that i(x) is the zero vector of T.11, and p(() is the point x
a, which� is tangent to ,11 (fig. 238).
246 Chap. 5 l)iffcren1ial F,qua1iont on 1',1anifoldt

P1trallrllu1 h t: and nonpar.tllrlizab t ' m.1nifokh.

l'• l g , 239 l l

1:ig. 2<10 A bundle wh ieh i• 001 a d1rcc1 product.

Pfflblt,n I. Prove that the mappings i and JI arc d1rfcrmt.1ablc. that i '--' a d1ft<Om01phl'lm
or M onto i(M), and that JI .. i: M - J\I is thc identity mapping.

The prtirnages ofthe points x e Munder the mapping p: T.\f - .If arc
callcdjibruofthe bundle TM. Every fibre hasthe structure of a linear space.
The set Mis called the ba,e ofthe bundle TJ\1.
34.3. Remarks on parallelizability. The tangent bundle of th<: affine
space R" or of a domain U c R" has the: structu� of a dittel product:
TU • U x R'. In fact, the 1ange111 vec,or 10 U can be specified by a pair
(x, (), where x e Uand ( is a vector of1he linear space R•, for which 1h<:rc
exists a linear isomorphism with TU, (Fig. 239). This can be expressed
differe111ly by saying that affine space ispara/lL/izablt, i.e., equality isddincd
for tangent vectotS to the dornain Uc R" at different pointsxand,-.
The tangent bundle 10 a manifold M need not be a direct product, and i n
general we cannot give a reasooablc definition or equality for vectors
"attached" 10 different points of M(Fig. 239). The situation h<:rc is the same
as for a Mobius s<rip (Fig. 240), which isa tangent bundle w;th a cin:lc asits
base and straight lines as its fibres, but which is not the direct product ofth<:
circle and a line.
Definition. A manifold Mis said to be paralltli:ud ifits 1ang01t bundle is ex ­
pressed as a di rec, product, i.e., if a difTcomorphism of TAf• � �,1• x R•
carrying T,l;f_, linearly into x x R' is given. A manifold is said to befJtUol­
lelizable ifit can be parallelized.
ExQmplt I . A ny domain in Euclid ean space is naturally pualldizo:i .
Problem I . Pro,·e th :u the tonu T• is parallcli ublc, but not the- Mobius strip.
Src. 34 Tangent 8111,Jle. Vector Fields on a Manifold 247

t-'ls. 24l The hedgeh o g theorC'm.

J.'ig, 2◄2 The dcriv:ilive o( the mapping/at thC' point x.

•nlEOR8M. Only tltrttoftlte splterts S' are paralltluablt, namtlyS', S', wS1• I•
par,;tular, //11 lwo•dimensional sphtre is nonpo,.olltli table:
TS',;, S' X R2.
This implies, for example, that a hedgehog cannot be combed: At
one quill will b e perpendicular to the surface (Fig. 241 ).
The reader who has solved the problem at the end of Sec. 33.9 will find it
easy to prove the nonparallelizability of S1 (Hinl: RP3 1: S' x S1). -n,.,
parallelization of Sl is obvious, while that of S1 is an instructive cxcrclS('
(Hint: S' is a group, namely the group of quaternions of modulus I). A
complete proof of the above theorem requires a rather deep penetration
into 1he iul�ject o f topology; in fact, the theorem was proved only relati\·ely
Analysts arc inclined to regard all bundles as direct products and all
manifolds as parallelized. This miStake should be avoided.
34.4. The tangent mapping. Lctf: .\1 - N be a smooth mapping of a
manifold Minto a manifold N (Fig. 242), and lctf., denote th,, induttd
mapping of the tangent spaces. The mappingf., ( =f.l,) is defined a.sin
Sec. 6.3, and is a linear mapping of one linear- space into another-:
J•• : T1\1• - TAf<x >· (I)
Let x vary over ,11. "then (I) defines a mapping
f.: TM - TN, f.1,.... =f.,
of the tangent bundle of ,11 into the tangent bundle of N. This mapping is
246 Chap . 5 OilTerential Equation• on �tanirolch


Fig. 243 The tangent mapping.

\ '''


---o ---
- M

A ,·r('1nr field.

differentiable (why?) and map< the fil>rn of T.lf linearly into the fibtts of
TN (Fig. 243).
The mapping f., is called the tan.enll mappin.e off (the notation
TJ: T iW -, TN is also u.-d).
Pm/)/tm I. 1�1 /: M - N ancl 1: N - /,,; he �uWWlth nt.apping,.. •;th <'OmpolitlOn
g ..f; :\1 - K . Prove that (t •f). t• .f., i.r•• that

1/\· ⇒ ,.j \··

M-K 'rM --TK.
,., (J• /1.
Co11m1tlft on tmni�lot.r - In :1naly,.. is thi, formula K <'allN 1hc- ,.,_.I(' {ot' dif«-ttfttiatinft nl a
C'Ornposiu • rt1nr1ion, whik iu :.lg,·brn i1 i� ull«I the- .atNn""'1tt)f,mctMi4111y<rltlw: 1n.mition
tn the Ulll8Clll mappin g .
34.5. Vector fields. Let .1\1 be a smooth manifold {of class C .. 1,. ,,;th
tangcm bundle T,11 (Fig. 244).
Dtji11itio11. Hy a u,(lorfit!dt v (ofclass(.'') on .If is mrant a srnooth mapping
v: iW-, T,\I (of class C'} surh that th,· mapping p • v: .\I - .II is the

t The tt"rn1 Jttliou of tkt l0t1tt'II 611.,,dl, l$ also uSC'd.

Sec. 34· Tn11ge111 Bundle. Vec1or Field, on a Manirold 249


Fig. 245 A vdochy ritld,

idcntil)' rnappiug Iior equivalentlysuch that the diagram


·/ \·,w
t ·
is commutative, i.c.,p(v(x)) = x .

Remark. If 1\f is a domain of the space R• with coordinates x1, • • • , x.» thi,
definition coincides wi th the old one (Sec. 1.4). However, the prcw:nt
tion involves no special system of coordinates.

Example. C onsider 1he family of rolations g' or 1hc sphere S' through the
angle I abno1 1he axis SN (Fig. 245). Every poin1 or 1he sphere xe S' de­
scribes a curve (a parallel oflatitucle) under 1hc ro1alion, with velocity

& -
di ,.og'x e TS;.
This gives Ihe mapping v: S1 -+ TS1, where obviouslyp v = £, i.e., vis a
vec1or field on S'.
J n general , a one•paramc1cr group of diffcornorphisms g': Jf -- .\I ofthe
manifold /1/ gives rise 10 a vec1or field or1hc phale veloci1yon .If, in precisely
the same way a s in Sec. 1,4. The whole local theoryor (nonlinear ordinary
differential equations can immediately be carried o,rer to manifolds> since
we were careful a t the time (in Sec. 6) to keep our basic concc:pts iJ'li<k...
pendent o f th e coordinate system. In parti<'-ular, the basic local tlxott.m on
rcctifiabili1y o f a vcc1or field and 1he local 1hcoremo on existence, unique-
1'less,continuity,and differentiabilitywith respect to initial conditions carry
over to manifolds. ·rhc specific character of the manifold comes to thc- fott
only in considering nonlocal problems. The simples, or� problffllS
250 Chap. 5 OifTcrcntiol Equations on !11anirolcb

concerns the existence or solutioru or the cxistcncc or a phlHC flow with a

given J>hnsc velocity field.

35. The Pha1e Flow Determined by a Vector Field

The theorem to be proved below is the simplest theorem or the quali�ti,-e
theory of differential equations, giving oonditioru under which i 1 makes
sense to ask about the behavior of solutiom or a differential tquation on an
infinite time interval. In particular, the cheorcm implies 1he con1inuity and
diffcrcn1iabili1y of the solution wi1h rcspcc1 101he inilial data in the large
(i.e., on any fini1c 1ime in1crval). The theorem i, abo mcful as a model or,hc
technique of constructing diffcornorphisrns. For example, we can UJC the
1hcorcm 10 prove 1hat every clo,cd manifold having a smoo1hfunc1ion ,..;,h
only 1wo cri1ical points is homeomorphic 10 a sphere.

35.1. Theorem. lei A1 br a smooth manifold (of c/a,s C•, , ;i, 2), 9' ut
v: 1\,/- T,\,f b r a vr<tor fold (Fig. 246). Afortour, /rt tlw vrclor v(x) k '1furt1t
from th, ,rro V<Clor of T,W, onl., in a compacl subs,t K ofth, manif,ld ,\f. n,,,, 11tu,
exists a one-parameter group of dijfromorphisms g': ,\1 - A1 for u:/uclt v is dupl,as,

= v(g'x). (I)

OORO�I.ARY I. Every vtclor fold v on a compact manifold M is dv pMS4 ttl«iljl

f1tld ofa one-parameter group of difftomorphisms.

In pariicular, under 1hc condi1ions of 1he theorem or 1hoscofCoroll2ry I,

we have

COROLLARY 2. Euerysolution ofthe difl�rential equation

x = v(x), xeM (2)

. . ..
= =
--'= = ::L M

Fi g. 246 A vector field \'antShing out.side a com.pact set X .

Sec. 35 Phase Flo"' Determined by• Vcctor field 251

eon bt ult11dtd i11dtjini1,f)Iforward and batku:a,d, u,,ifh 1/it ,,.,

..oftA, #1111,.,.1'11 •t
lime I dtp1ndi11R Jm()(JtltJJ on t and tlte initial condition x.
R,mark. The compactncs, condition cannot b<, dropricd,
£xnmpl1 I. rr M R. t .,, ( Stt, !J.�).11irt0ludon1 unno1 M r,ornckd i.-:ldi.n,,dy.
1':.Xff1riplt I. M tx: 0 < 1t < If• l • I.
VJc- now proceed to prove the theorem.
35.2, Construction of the• 1' for small t. F., �
poi111 , < e /11 there ,xisIS an open neighborhood U c ,11 anda n•mlNrc > 0 ,wl, tlut
Rivt11 a11y poinl ye IJ and any I wilh Ill < •• the solution 87 of•fUI- (2) satu­
/ying th, inilial condiliony (al I = 0) txists, is uniqut, d,ptnds difftTnt1ia/Jl.1.,. t ••d
.Y, and 1nti,tjit1tht ,ondilion

g'•� • .ll'.lf7
i/111 < c, Isl < •• II + sl < •·
In fact. the poiot x has an image onsome map, and our asse,rtion has btt.n
proved for equations in a domain of affine space (sc:c Chaps. 2 and 4).t
Thus the compact set K is covered by neighborhoods U from ,-hich ""'
can selc<-1 a finite cov«"ring { Vi}. Let tj be the corresponding numbers e:, and
choose to a min c1 > 0. Then for ltl < c0 we can define diffcomorphisms
g': M -, /11 in 1/,e large such that g'x = x for x outside K and i'., = l'I' if
ltl, Isl, II+ sl < c0• In fact, although the solutions of equation (2) with the
initial rondi1ion x (fort • 0) defined by wing different maps arc different
a priori, ,hey coincide for Ill < to because of the choice of�o and the local
uniqueness theorem. l\forcovcr 1 by the local theorem on diffc�tiability,
the point g'x depends differcntiably on I and x, and s.incc ,,�-• = £, the

mapping g': NI ➔ ,\1 is a difTcomorphism. �otc a lso that

di ,=o
g'x = v(x). (3)

35.3. Construction ofgr for arbitrary J. Let I be represented in the form

(n•o/2) + r, where 11 is an integer and O .;; r < to/2 (this rcprcsau:ation
t 1'hc proof ofthe uniqueness requ ires asl gh1 i additional argument: It Mv:Ubc,.--crificd dut
. i nitial
un iqu,· n cs, of th e wl u 1i on with gi .•c:n c:ondi1ions on C'\·cry fiJc«t m.ap impliesutt.iqu<­
ncsson the manifo ld. U n iqut.-ncu may well fail on anonscp;irablc m;uaifold (o:irmda. few
example, the ('(1ua1 i on A = 1,j = I on the manifold obuin«t Cr-om th< lines Ix) � IJI by
identi fyi ng poi nts with cq\lttl ncg:ati\·c coordinates). Howa·cr. ifchc � ,If asscpani•
b lc, 11,c n 11,c \lniqucncssproof of $ct'. 7. 7 gOd through. fine Kpar-abili1y is used 10 pr(ft -e
1he e;oinc-idenec of the va lues or the .rol utions •,(T) :1nd •1{T) at the fust point Tdtcr
whkh ,hey no longer coincide.)
252 Clmp. 5 DifTcttrlli•I Equariorn on �ianilokls

exisc. ,111<1 i� unique). The difrcomn,phi,m, �• ond x' haw alttady l>ttn
dcnnctl. Wriring II' •
(i'G/1)".(, w e get• difrcomoqihisrn or.If onto !of. f'or
ltl < c0/2 1hc new dcr.11i1lo11 .,grec, wirh 1h31 orS«. 35.2. and hence (3)
holtk Moreover, i1 i " rai)' 10 ,cc 1ha1

,t i •- 1.•1.' (I)
ror arbil rn.,·y .t and/.
In foc:1, lc1

' "'� I·/', ' II *� � ,.

1' 1 11:n tlr-1 ld't ,nd
1 right-h:.1-.d �ide, o( (4} hecon1(' Ct•l')'t·' and (1• •" •�.rl'"f",4. T•-o

cu1r.1 ar(' pooible:
l)mln *• p I q •
2)11,ltt k - I, pIq

Dul the difft:0111011,hi�H" .(••"• K"• and t' roo1rnule". �n,t" f;I ,.2. lf1 Thn"•"2..
in,plit" (4) in boil, thr firs• and SCf'Ond caf<C" (1'1'1# ,•z• sin«- J;J. lf'1• :,1 ' -l•
p "9 . � � ,).
We must s1ill vcriry that lhc point .f:'x dcJXnds diffcrcntia.bly on t and x .
This follovv", for example. from the fart tha1 i
= (g' 1�'\'V, while f' 'x dc--­
pencls c.Jiffere 'l1 1iably on t and x rnr �unicie:,uly large N, by S«. 35.2.
Thu1' {i} is a one-parameter group or diffcorttorphisms o(the manifold
1\1, and V is rhc corn,,ponding field or 1hc phase "clocil)'- The pmol' of
Theorem 3:·,. I i� nr,w complc1e. I

3-5.4. Rernark. 11 i-. a 'iimple con,cquC"ncc nrThN>retn 3.:;, 1 d1at em, u h ­

tfo11 of!ht 11011aulont>mous tquothm
x = v(.,,· t), .rE,If, /ER
defi,ud by ti time-dtj)t11dt11I rttt:,rJr<ld v n11 a rampart maui/old .\I l'n IN t.\/l'111id
. J n par1iC"u l ar, thi� cxplaius why w(' can <'Xtl"nd solutions n( the lint2r
X = v(x, 1). v(x, t) = A(t)x, I e R, x e R• (5)
indefinitely. In fart, we will r<'gard R.. as 1hc affioc- par1 of the: projective
spa<·c RP", where the latter i� ol>rnincd from its part by adjoining 1hc
p l an(' at infinity:RP" = R• v RP"- 1• Let v be a linc-ar vcc1or fidd in R•,
so d,a, v(x) = Ax. Then we can <'"a�ily prove 1hc following
Sec. 35 Pha,e Flow Determined by • Vector Field 2S3

Fig, 2i7 Exu:n.sion of:. lint'�r \'tttor fidd onto proj«IJ\t' t.»i«,

'-' I I I
''\ I /
I/ .½

fig. 2•18 Brhwi

: or orthC' t'XIC' on of1he fie-Id Mar•� plaM at infirut,.

LEMMA. "f'ltt 11,c/orfield v on R' ,an be uniqut!Jtxltndtd loa smootl,fa/iv' M RP".

Thefield v' on theplane al infinity RP"- 1 is tanfml lo RP"- 1•
l n particular, suppose that (for everyt) "'e extend the field v(t spttif>;ng
(5) to a field v'{I) on RP". C--.onsider the equation

X • v'(x,1), x e RP", 1eR. (6

Since projective space is compact, every solution of (6) can be extcndal

indefinite!)' (Fig. 24 7). ;\ <Olu tion initially belonging to RP-- 1 always stays
in RP "- 11 since the field v' is 1angem to RP"- 1 . By 1he uniq�ness 1hcorcm,
1hc solutions of the equation with initial conditions in R• remain in R• for
all 1. But equation (6) is ofthe form (5) in R•.Thus every solution of(!>) can
b e extended indefinitely.
Problem. Prove the lemma.
Solution I. Let x 1, • • • , x,.
be affine coordinates i n RP" and.11, • • • ,:,. othCT
affine coordinates such that

k = 2, ..., n .

Then the equalion of RP"- 1 is jusl ;1 1

.: 0 i n th� new coordinates. The­
differential equation (5)

i=l, ... ,n
254 Chai), 5 OifTcrcntial Equations on �ian,folch

iakc.• the form

di - -)', (•11 +
V', •>'EI ...,.),
�, a,.,.,, -Y4 a + 'E 11.1,),
dy ,
dt • 011 + ,;- 11 II k >I
( I> I

i11 the new coordinates (Fig. 248). From thnc formulas, valid for.11 ,t, 0, it is
clear how to complete the definition of the field atJ, - 0. For.,, • 0 we
get dy,/dt • 0, thereby proving the lemma.
Solution 2 . An affi11e transformationcan berrgardcd as a ptojcctive tran.d"or•
mat ion, leaving the plane at infinity (but not its pointJ) fixed. In panicuia.r.
the linear transformations t141 can be extended to diff'cornorphismsof proj«­
tive space leaving the plane at infinity fixed. Thnc difTcomorphisrns form a
one•parnmeter group, with v' as its phase velocity field.

36. The lnde" of a Singular Point of a Vector Field

We now consider a few simple applications of topology to tM Study of
differential equations.
36.1. The index of a curve. \-Ve begin with some intuitive considerations
which will be backed up later by exact definitions and proofs (Stt Sec. 36.6).
Consider a vector field specified in an oriented Euclidean plane. Sup�
\VC are given an oriented dosed curve in the plane, which docs no, go

through any singular points of the field (Fig. 249), and suppose, a point
makes one circuit around the curve in the J>05:ltive dirtttion. Then t.Jx fidd
vector at the point in question will rotate continuously as the point move,;
around the curve.t When the 1>0int returns to its original position, having


fig. 249 A eurvc ofindex I.

t To kttp 1rackof1hC'rcvol utioniofthe vcc-tor,it is co,wMlicnt to tt:fcrd ,.-u10Btoa.single

poi nt 0, follo wi ng the naturaJ p:ua lldiution of the-plane.
Sec. 36 I ndcx or• Singular Point of a Vector Field

Fi g. 250 Curve:, whh various indices.

gone around the curve, the vector also return.s 10 its original position, but in
doing so, it may make several revolutions in one di�ction OI' the other. Tht
number of revolutions made by the field vcc1or in travening thecunc once
is called the index of the curve. Herc the number of revolutions is taken with
the plus sign ifthe vector rotates in the direction specified by the orientation
of the plane (from the first basis vector to the second), and with the minu,
sign otherwise.
Example /, The indices ofthe curves"'• P, 7, and cS in Fig. 250 arc I,0, 2. and
- I respectively.
Example 2 . Let O be a nonsingular point of the fidd. Then the index ofc--ery
curve lying in a sufficicntly small neighborhood ofO equals zero. In fact, the
direction of the field at O is continuous and hence changes by less than 11/2,
say, in a sufficiently small neighborhood of0 .
Problem I. Suppose Wt specify a vector fidd in the plane R' - ac ... ;thout
the point Oby the formula v(z) • r', where n is an intcgtt "•hich is not
necessarily positive. Calculate the index of the circle z = ,,..oriental in the
direction ofincreasing IP (the plane is oriented by the frame I, i).
Am. n.
36.2. Properties of the index and their implications.
PROPERTY I. Tk index of a closed curue do,s not change ,md,r ,� tkf-o­
tion, as long as thecurve dou,u,t go through an)' singular poinl.S.
In fact, the direction of the field vector changes continuously away from
the singular points. Therefore the number of rcvolu1ions also dcpcnch
continuously on the curve, and hence must be constant, being an intcgc.... I
PROPERTY 2. The index'!/a curve does not change U1UUTcon1inuou.stkfomuzti.,.oftk
vtctorfold, provided onry that there au no singular points oftkfold OIit1teaoT<dt,ri,,g
lk wholecourse 'Iftk d<formatio11.
256 Chop, 5 l)ifTcrcn1ial Equa1ions on 1'1anirold•

The,c 1wo propcr1ic11 which arc quite obvious 1ntui1ivcly,t have a

numhcr ordeer> i111pl ication1:

T11ROR6M I. Ch�r, a W<IOrfitld i11 th, plant, It/ D bf• tir<•I•• dulc •-'S111 ...,,,,.
••)'• t/J lht indtx of tht '"""Sis nonuro, tlt,n ,,.,,, is 01 ltoJI .,., 11,w,t,,, ,,...,
i,uidt D.

Proof. If there arc no singular poin1s in D, then Scan be ddorn,cd ron•

1inuously inside D wi1hou1 going through any singular point',"° that aner
the dcforn'latio,, we get a curve arbitrarily close to a point O in D (\o\-c can
even deform S inco the poin1 0). The index of the resulting small curve
equals zero. Bul the index docs not change under deformation, and hence
it musi originally have been equal 10 zero, contrary 10 hypothesis. I
Proltl�m I . Prove th:a1 1he 1�ttm or difTcTentlal �uations
' - • + P(,,)'), J -.r + Q.(•,.r),
where P and Q. 1 m: (unctioM bound«I in the ,.hole plane, hAS llt lt'M• one (quil,brivm
THEOREM 2 (Fundamental theorem of a.lgebn,). Evn:, ,q,uuiM
z" + a,z•- 1 + ·· · + a. =0 (I)
has al Uasl one complex root.

first we prove the following

LftMMA. l,t v b, the vet/orfold in th, plaM of the compux variabk z �,,.,. b:, IN
v(z) = z" + a I z"- r + · · · + n,.,
so that lht singularpoinls ofv arejusl lh, root.of1q,,a1t011 (I). Tit,,, the iadex in th,
fitld v o f a circle ofsujfidtnl/:, lar.�t radius equals n . §

Proof In fact, the formula

v,(z) � ,• + t(a,,•-• + ·· · + a.), 0,;; I,;; I
defines a continuous deformation of the original fidd into the fidd z". If
r > I + •,I + · · · + la.I, 1hcn ,• >
+ · · · + l•.1- Hen« there
are no singulat points on a circle of radiw, during the whole course of'the
deformation. I I follows from Properly 2 that the index ofthis circle is the
t The aee1.1rn1e rorm1.1la t.ion and proof of lhnc a.sstttions 50lnc: IOpOlogic:al tcd>
niq1.11:, namdy 1he u,c ofhomotopid,homologies, or somc1hin, similar(IOthisend,. "'c wi1:
use Green's formv la bel ow). S« e.g., W. C. <,;hinn and N .E. Steenrod, Ftn1 Ca,,u,u I,/
Topol,g)', New Yo,k (1966).
l \\Te can also c onsider the mon-general case whett D tS 2ny plane dol'IUU'I bounded by a
simple closed curve S .
§ Here we use thcs.ame orie ntation n Sec.36.1, Problem I.
Sec. 36 Index or n Singular Point or a Vector Field 257

same in the original field as in the fie ld t". But the index equals• i n the field
•"· I
/>roofof T/1tortm 2 . Let r be the same as in the proof of the lemma. Then, by
Theorem I 31'1d 1he lcr1una1 thcr-c is at lca11 one singular point ofthe v«tor
fie ld, i.e., at least one root of equation (I), inside the disk of radius,. I
l'UEOREM 3 (Fixed point theorem). Etvry s,,.,.11,t mappint f: D - D •f•

cwsed disk into itselfhas al lttul ontfixedpoinl.

/>roof We take the plane of the disk D 10 h<: a linear space, having its ongin at
the center or the disk (Fig. 251). The fixed points of the mapping/arc just
the singular points of the vector field v(x) = f(x) - x . If there arc no
singular points in D, 1hcn there arc none on the circle bounding D . This
circle has index I in the field v .In fact, there exists a continuousddonnation
of the field v inlo the field -x such that there arc n o singular points on the
circle during the whole course of the deformation (ror example, "-c nttd
onlysctv,(x) = 1/(x) - x,O,;; I,;; l).Henoethecircle hasthcsamcinda
in both fields v0 = - x and v 1 • v. But a simple direct calculation shows
that the index of the circle lxl = r in the field -x cquals I. Tocomplctethe
proof, we again use Theorem I t-O deduce that therC is at leas, one singular
point ofthe field v, i.e., at least one fixed point of the mappingf, inside the
disk. I
36.3.Tb-, index ofa singular point. Let O bean isolated singularpoint of
a vector field in the plane, i.e., suppose there are no other singular points in
some neighborhood of 0. Consider a circle of sufficiently small radius
centered at 0. Suppose the plane is oriented and let the orientation of the
circle be positive (as in Sec. 36.1).
THEOREM. The index of a circle of sujficienlly small radius cmlatd 01 tm i,o/01,J
t The: theorem is valid for any continuous m.a.ppingy but here we pro,<c: the tbeo,ran only
under the assumption ofsmoothness (sec S«. 36.6).
258 Chap. 5 Differential Equation• on l\ianirolcb

Fig. 252 The indic:� ohi mpl c singular points �u,il ± I.

singular point O do,s not d,p,nd OIi tlu radius •Itlu ,fr,u, provid,d MCIJ lMl""' ,.,r,.,
is sujft<ient!� small.
Proof Any two such circles can be continuously deformed into each other
without going through singular points. I
Note alJo that im1tead or a circle, we can choose any other curv� going
around O once in the positive dircclion.
Definition. The index of any (and hence every) sufficiently small poouh·ely
oriented circle centered at an isolated singular point ofa vector6e:ld iscalled
the index efthe sin.�ularpoint.
Examplts. Suppose the singular point i s a node, saddle point, or focus (or
center). Then the index of the singular point i s +I, - I, or + I rcpecti,dy
(Fig. 252).
A singular point of a vector field is said to Ix simple ifthe operator ofth<:
linear part of the field at the point is nondcgcneratc. The class ofsingular
point1 in the plane consists of nodes, saddle points, foci, and cxntcn. Thus
the index ofsuch a singular point is always +I.
P,�l,m I . <..:onstruct a \. CC
' IOt field wi1h a singular point o(indcx "- ·

Hint, S«, ror example, th e problem in Sec. 36.1.

Proble,n 2 . Pro11 e that lfle index of a si.ngvl. a r point isindq,cndcnt of thtcboitt:oforicn t 1 -
tion the p lane.
Hint. Changi ng lhe orientation simultan('Ol,l,S(y changes both the p<IUlRT dirtt.tion of
travcning the c ircle and the positive direction o r counting the number of rC"-dvtions.
36.4. Index ofa curve in terms ofindices ofsingular points.. Ltt D be
a compact domain bounded b y a simple curve S in the oriented
Suppose S has the standard orientation ofthe boundary ofD, i.-,., sup�
D lies to the left of an observer traversing Sin the J>O$ilive direction. This
means that the positive orientation of the plane i s given by th<: dihedral
made up of the velocity vector along S and the normal vC'Clor dircacd
inside D.
Sec. 36 Index ora Singular Poi111 ofa Vector f'i<ld 2.S9

Now suppose we arc given a veclor field in 1hc plane, wath no t1n"ul1r
poi1H1 011 the curve: Sand ouly a finite number or singular pornts mqdc the
1 IIV.ORP.M, Th, ir1d,x rif the'""' S ,qua/, th, sum of tll, mdtCtJ ofllw Jl1'l"I••J»t•IJ
of th,j,,ld IJ•i1111 i11,itf, D.
First we prove that the index of a curve hu the followi"'! additivity
u:MMA, Cit.1tn two oriented cun·t.s y I and y2 goin1, 1l11 somt1»i1t1, Ul 71 + 7 1
bt the ntw oritnltd turt't obtained by trat1trsin1fi,st y I ond afl«u:c,ts 71• T1wa tltt
indexrify, + y1 ,qunl,1h,s11mof1/re indicuofy,andy1•
Proof The field vector makes n 1 turns in going around y1 and •1 more ,urns
in going around y2, and hence 11 1 + n 2 turru in all. I
P,oofof//,e th,orem. We 11artition D into parts D1 such that thett i• no mott
1han one singular poin1 of the field imidc each part (Fig. 2.S3), and no
singular point.s at all on the boundaries of Lhc parts. �1orco\·cr, we assign
each of the cutve5 y, boundiog 1he parts Di the orientation appropriate to
1hc boundary (Fig. 253). Then, by the lemma,
ind LY, indS + Eind 61,
I ;
where the closed curve 61 is made Uf) of a part of the boundary ofD1 lying
inside D and i s traversed twice in opposite dircclioos. The index or each
curve 01 equals 0, since 01 can be contracted into a po int ";thout passing
through singular points (sec Sec. 36.2). The index of the cun.·e 71 the
index of the singular point surrounded by y1 (or O if the domain D1 s u r ­
rounded hy y, contains no singular points). I
P,oh/,m I. Lee f>(:) be a pol ynomial of degr« • in a compla: ",aria.hie z. and kt D be a
domain in the z-pla ne bound«! by a curve $ . Suppost there are no un:,,. of the poly.
nomial on S . Prove lhat the number orzeros of the �ynomial inside D (wich multipli­
cities la.ken into accounc) equals the index of the cunre Sin lhe field ,.. = J(z). i...e:, lht


fig . 2�'.3 The index of che curve S equal s t.he wm of the indtCCS ofth e cu.f''CS 7, a.od 7
2 •
260 Chap, 5 Differential F,quatiom on t.lan,foldt

numbt-r 6f' revol ut ioru (wiodlng numl>tr) or 11\(c-urvt Jll(S) around tlw on11n.
Com ,.,, ,.,, Thi, 81 vo II way or .olvlng the Rov1h,Hurw111. pmbltffl ol Stt. tS4: FvJ 14,
n1m6 n. q/ u,us ,ifIIiir:,,11 po(J,, ,m'lfl {,. tA, l(ft ..
1/-;IMt. To thlt- md. cOftMdn-a ha lf •
di,k or 1uffirlt 1ly largt nidlu1 In the lr-0 hatr-plane- with 111 «ntrr at th«- point , 0
1 u o 'At

and lu dl,une1.:r 111011g the irm13in1ry uii. � numbtr of u·roa in th<- l,rt\ haN'•plllM
�1u11I, the indu or 1he boundary So( the hlll(-d11k ( i r 1he radius II largt" <nouch and ,/
chc: polynorn li.l h1 u no purtly Imaginary terot), To nkulatt the lndn o/ 1hir � S.
we nt"t"t'I only find lht' number o( revolu1ioo1 " around 1hc On1in of th(, """I"' ol tk
i ma gi nary axi l (oriented fro,n i 10 +I), J r, rate. it "tas.,ly "'f:rifiNj Wt

"- - indS• v +;.

si nce the image under the mapp ing , or a Kmicirck- of suffic�dy b.� ndius maffl
approximately fl/2 tt\!oludons around the origin ( a number dOKr 10 111;'2:. tk b.rsn dw
/11 pn,ti,11/or, all,,,, UfOJ ,.,4 JIOIJMMitJI q/thrtt It IW ... Ut,t lift 4,,/f-,,_, ,/a/ -', I/ &4,
pointp(il) p,J 11,01,md tlrt o,i1in 1t/2 ti,nlJ {i11tli,dirttt,_f,_, I ..i) a, I Nrinft- -oo at +oo.

36.5. The oum ot the indlcea otalagular points oa a spb�re.

•Problem I. Prove 1hat 1hc index ora singular point ora vector field in IM
plane is invariant under a diffcomorphism.
Thus the index i s a gcomciric concep1 which i s indcpcndmt oftM coo r ­
dinate system. This fact allows us to define the index ora singular point not
only in ,he plane but a l so on any two-dimensional manifold. In fac'l, we
nee. cl only consider the index ofthe singular point on anymap, and the: index
will then be the same on lhe other maps.

Example I. Consider the sphere x' + y' + z' = I in Euclidean three­

dimensional space. The vector field or1he velocity or rotation about th<,
z-axis (X • ,Y.j = -x,
i s 0) has two singular- points., a t th� north and
south poles (Fig. 254), each or index + I .

Fig. 2S4 A vector field on th� sphere withtwo singular points ofinda 1.
Sec. 36 Index oro Singulor Poin1 ora Vec1or Field 261

Suppos,· we ore giv,·n • vec1or field on 1he sphere wilh only otolatcd
singular pflinu. Thrn 1hrrc arc only• Oni1r number of such pomu, .,.,.,� the
sphere- is c·ompncl.
•·ro180•11... Th, s11m efthe indic,s ef•iitht 11•,t•l•rpo,nll ef•jirltl • 11,, sp/tnt 11
i11dep,11d,111 of//11 thoit1 ofth,fald.
his rlcar from 1he above example thatthrss•m tq••b 2.
/d,n efthe proof Consider a map of the sphere covering 1he whole sphere
cxccp1 for one poin1, which we call 1hc pole. Then consider the fitld ol'the
basis vector e 1 in the Euclidean plane of1hi.s map, and carry the field over to
1hc sphere. This gives a field on 1he sphcrc (defined except at the pole) which
we continue 1o dcno1c by e 1 .
Now con,idcr the map of a neighborhood of the pole. In the plane o{this
map wr can also draw 1hr vcc1or field e 1 on thesphen; defined cxttpt atoM
poin1 0. The appearance of this field is shown i n Fig. 255.
, A. Tht i11d1x ofQ cloud turvt RDim: onu aroundtht point O u, t4t Jll•NTfold
juJI eo,utructtd equals 2.
Proof \¥c need only carry out explicitly the operations described abcn�,
choosing for the two maps, for example, maps of the spherc under stereo­
graphic projection (fig. 222). Parallel lines on one map then go into the
circles shown in Fig. 255 on the second map, from which ll is dear that the
index equals 2. I
Completion o f1h, proof Consider a vector field v on 'the sphtte, choosing a
nonsingular point of the field as the pole. Then all the singular pointsofthe
field have images on the map or the complement of the pole.The sum ofthe
indices of all the singular points of the field equals the index of a circle of
sufficiently large radius in the plane or this map (by Theorem 36.4). \\le now
carry this circle over to the sphere, and then from the sphere to the map ofa
neighborhood ofthe pole. The resulting circle on the lauer map has index 0
in the field under consideration, since the pole is a nonsingular point ofthe

Fi g . 255 Thevcc:1or fidd e1,p;lral1cl on onemapofthcsphcre,but drawa ooanother rm;p.

262 (;hap. 5 l)ifTeren1ial f::qua1ion1 on �lanifoldJ

J-'lg , 2-'6 On every Mand 1he a.urn o( the nurnbtt ol' peaks and 1hr nu.mbf,r of valkys b
I grca1e r 1h :rn 1he 11umbtr o(paU("I..

field. S1aying on 1he new map, we can interpret the index or a circle on the
finl map as the 11umbcr or revolutions o f the field v rtlotitw t• tlttfi,tli e1" in

goi ng once a round 1he circle. This num bcr cquals + 2, sinceas �c go around
the circle surrounding the point O on the new map in the positivcdittc-tion
for 1hc first map, the image field e1 o n the n<"w map makrs -2 N:'\'olutions
while 1hc field v rnakcsO revolution,. I
• Prob/,-,1t 2 . l,c:1/: S' , R1 \)(' a 11-noo1 h runc tion on tM aphttc-, all oJ..._.tao., cntinl points
a. re simple (i.e., whoac 1e<ond diffC'rcnti al is a l n·ny ("'nua.J poantJ. Prou·
m0 -m1 + m,: • 2,
where m1 is 1he m.imbcr of' critical poi ,Hs whose Hessian matrix (i;Zf!ZzP,) bu i ncptn-c­
eige nval ues. I11 01 hcr words, tlit numlNr tfrtrini.. ..;- , IN __,. .J.M.r ,,.._, Jll,a di,
numbt, ofmaxi,no alwo)'S tqtMJls 2.
For example, th e 1otal number of mou 1nai11 pctb oo euth plus tbr total nW'l'lbtt of
v al ley s i s 2 greater th an the numbc·r of pa.ssn . If we restrict ou.neh·o to an nh.od or a;
c:on1ioent, i.e., itwe coos.ider rv11c1io ns on " diik with no sil'\gular points on i1:1 boundary�
1h en ni0 - m1 + ,nl ,, 1 (fig. 2:.6).
Hint. Coosider the gradil'flt of the fonc1iooj.
•P,oJ,lmt .1. Prove Eultt's llrlonm on pol;Jrtdra, wh.ich asscru that
a0 -a1 +a,-2
for every bou•�ded (Onvbc p<>lyh«tron with a0 \·cntCes, tr 1 edges., and ol &as..
Hint. ih is problem c an be reduced 10 1he pre«ding problem.
•P,obltm I. P,or.v: that lht sum X of tht indius ef IN sut,pl.dr jHlutlS .j • ttd# JtU • olfll!1
' msiOMI niani/old f! itul,pmdmt of11\tfol.d .
compael two,.dim
The numbei- x in question is call(() 1heEutl r dtoroftnistiic of thf: manifold.. For cumple.
we have ju se s«n th .it 1he Evler ch ar.acreristic z(Sz) of the sphere equals 2.
ProJ,U,n 5 . fi nd th e £uler characteristic: ol 1he torus, o/the pretzel, and oftbr � •-ith
n ha ndles (Fig.232).
An.,. 0, -2, 2 - 2n.
•f>ro61mt 6. Extend the results of Problems 2 and 3 from the sp.hctt to aAY cunpact 1w1>
dime,uion al mao ifold, i.e.• prove 1ha1
m0 - m, + ml • a0 - tr1 + a, = x(M).
Sec. 36 l11dcx of a Singular Poin 1 of a Vec1or Field 26S

36,6, A more rigorous approach. We now give an cxac1 dcfinilion of1hc

number qf r,uolulions or winding numb,r of a vcc1or field. Lc1 v be a smooth
vcc1or field defined in• domain U of 1he plane (.r 1, .r2), with components
u1 (x 1, x,) and u1(x1 , x1), where the system of coordinates x., .r 2 s()CC'iflcs an
orientation and a Euclidean structure in the plane. Lei u• denote 1hc do­
main obrnln cd from U by delc1ing the singular pointi of the field, and kt
J ,u·-s•,
f(x) • lv(.r)I
be a mapping of U' onto a circle. This mappin g u smooth (sinoe singular
points of the field have been excluded). Given any poi nt x e U', we can
in lroducc an angular coordinate cp on a circle in a neighborhood of the
imagef(x) of the point x .This gives a smoo1h real func1ion r,(K1 , ..,) defined
i n a neighborhood ofx . Calculatin g the total differcn 1ial of-,,"� gc1
u v du - u du,
d,p - d arctan -1 • 2 (2)
u, u, + �
} l/2
for v, ,;, 0. The left and righ1-hand sides of (2) arc also equal for•• s 0,
u, ,;, 0. Thus although 1hc func1ion cp is defined on ly locally and only 10
within an integral muhipie of 2,r, 1hc differential of <P is a ,..ell-defined
smooth differential form in the whole domain U\ We denote: this form
by d cp.
Definition. By the index of an orienud cl01td "'"" y: S' - U' we mean the
in1egral ofthe form (2) along y divided by 2,r:
i nd y � - J. dcp (3)
2,r j,
We can now give rigorous proofs of the various theorem, appearing
above. For example, 1he proof ofTheorem 36.4 goes as follo""'
Proof. Let D be 1he domain wi1h boundary S inside which 1hc gi\'cn field v
has only a finite number of singular points, and lcl D' be the domain
ob1ain ed from D by deleting small circular neighborhoods of the singular
points. Then the boundary of D', wi1h oric.ntation taken inro account, is
i!D' I= s - L s,,

where S, is a circle going around the ith singular poinr in the. positi,-c: direc-
1io n (Fig. 257). Applyi ng Green 's formula to the domain lY and the
264 Chap. 5 OlfTcrcn1ial Equa1ions on �lanifolch

fig. 257 The domain 10 whkh Crttn's formul a i.t appl�

in1cgral (3), we gel

The lefi-hand side vanishes, since 1he form (2) is locally a total difl'cnntial.
Bu11henindS - EindS1,becauscof1hedefinition(3). I
•1>,01)/111, J , Pl'ovc thal the indu ora dOltd cun·� i1 an in1qtt.
•Probkrn 2. Give cornplc1e proofs or the aMCt1iOn1 in Stts. 36.1·36.3.

36.7. The multidimensional case. The multidimcru:ionalgcncraliu1iOI"

of 1he concept of the winding number is the dtgrtt ofa mappi,,g, by which is
mean, the number of preimagcs counted with due regard for the signs
delermined by 1he oriema1ions. For example, the degree of LM mapping of
an oriented citdc onto another oriented circle shown in Fig. 258 equals 2,
since the number of prdmagcs of the pointy, with sign taken into accoun�
equals I + I - I + I = 2.
To give a general definition, we proceed as follows. Let/: i\1; - i\1i be a
smooth mapping or one n-dimcnsional oriented manifold onto another such
manifold. A poinl x E M; in the preimagc manifold is called a rtg,d,rrp,,i,,J if
the derivativeofthe mapping/ at the point xis a nonsingular linear operator
f.,.: TM�A - ™2/l•>· For example, the point x in fig. 258 is regular� but
not the point x'.
D,finition. By 1hc dtgr« oftht mapping/at a ugui,,,point xis meant the number
deg,/equal t o + I or -I depending on whether/., carries thcgivm orien­
tation of the space TM;,. into the given orientation of the TA1i,. or
into the opposite orientation.
Problmt I. Pr<wc lh:at 1hc dt"grtt or a lint-ar automorphism A: R• - R"' is c.laie sa.lDC' a.t
all points and cqu31s

= sgn dct A - (- I ) • -,
deg-.., A
where rn_ is th t" number oteigenvalues of the opt"nuor A with a negatn--c real pat'L
Sec. 36 Index ora Singular Point oro Vector Field 26.S

Fig. 258 A mapping or dqrec 2 .

l',ob/,,,, 2 , Ci vt"n a linear automorphi sm A: R• - R• in E...clidan •paC",, � a nuppins
or 1ht" unit •1 >here oruo i t.l(lr by the rormula/(.i) - A(.r)/IAx l, Find the- dqrtt o/ lM
rnapphig/ at tht J)Oint x.
A•1. d<s,f d<s A.
Prt>blrm 3. l.c1/: S•-' - s--• � a mapping carrying� point ot tM s;pbffe lM
diamecrica.lly OJ>J>OSitt" point. Wha1 is tht" dtgrtt ol/at the point,..,
A••· d<s,f � (- t)•.
J>,ol,l,m - I . Let A: C" - C- br "- C•lint"ar automorphism. Fi.nd the dq;rtt o/ its dttom­
pleXifica1ion "A.
AnJ. + I.
Now consider any pointy ofthe image manifold A1;. The pointy e A1; is
said 10 be a regular valut of th, mapping f if all the points o( iu compkte
preimagef- ';•are regular. For example, the pointy in Fig.258 is a r,gular
value. bul not the point;•'.
THEOREM. Ifthe manifolds Mi and M; Ort tompatt mtdconntt.ttd, thnt
I) Rtgular va/u,s txist;
2) Th, numbtr ofpoinlS in tht preimag, of a ugu/4.r Nlut isfinitt;
3) Tht sum ofthe dtgrus ofth, mapping at all th, points oft/re prm,u,g,•f• rtgul,,r
valut d0t1 not depend on the partitular rtgular value ,mt/Lr considnal»II_
The proof of this theorem ls quite complicated, and can be: found in the
literature on topology. t
R,mark I. Actually almost all points o( the manifold A1; att ttgular values,
i.e., che nonregular values forrn a set ofmeasure zero.
R,mark 2 . The compactness condition is e.sential not only for the tttOOd
assertion of the theorem, but also for the third assertion. (For example,
t S« H. I. Levin� SiJt&vlar 1'.tiLs ef Diff,rmtUl.olr t.lll/JIIUt;ts., Math.. Inst. Ul'UY. Bonn (1959}.
Sec. 6.3.
266 Chop. 5 DifTcrc:ntial Equation, on r.tanifolds

con,idcr the embeddingor the ncgotive real axis in the run real axi1.)

Jlunark 3. The number or poin11 In the prc:imagc (without rqp,rd for sign)
con be dilfcrc:nt for difTcrc:nt regularvalues (for example, in fig. 258 thc
valucy ha! of ur such points, whiley" has prc:ciscly two).

Defi11itiori. Dy the dt,trt• efthe mnppi11J:fis mcant the sum of the dcgrttS ol'/at
all the pointsof the preimageora rcgularvalucor/:

deg/• L
x•f • 11

P,obt,m S . J, i n d th e d eg r« of th e mappi ng of th e circle l.zl - I onto itd si'ttft by 1ht
r0tmula/(z:)- r.'\ n • O, ±1, t21 • • ,
Ans . n,
P,ob/,,,, 6. Fi n d 1hc d<"grce or 1he mappi r\g of 1ht' unit ,p� i n Eudido.n � R• cmto
itsdf g i ven by th e formul.- /(,.) Ax/lAxl, whtt'c A: R• - R• is .A nomir.,du Ii.nor
Ans. dt:. g/- sgn dN JI.
Pto6l,m 1 , Fi n d the d e gree o f 1hc mapping of 1hr complex projective liaw CPt onso itsdf
given by 1hc formula
•)/(:) = :•; b)/(:) = ,·•.
Ans. a) 1•1; b) -1•1•
Probttm 8 . Fin d the degrtt ofthe mappi n g ofthe- comple x li ne- CP1 011\o itsdt&""m by ai
polyn omial of d egree n .
•Problnn 9. 1.A:1 f: U' - S1 be th e mappi n g constructed in Stt. 36.6 with lhot hdp of a
\'(ClC)r field v in a domain u·, Ice y: s• - U' bc ack,scdcurve.and let A-/• 7:S' -s•.

Prove th at th e in d ex or y as d efin ed i n S«. 36.6 coinci des with th ie dqrtt o1,:

ind y = deg Ii.

Definition. By the index ofan isolated singular point O or a vector field v defined
in a domain of Euclidean s p a c e R"' containing O i s meant the: degree orthe
mapping h corresponding to the field, i.e.,of the mapping

h:S"- 1 -s--•, s•·• = {xER": !xi= r}

ofa small sphere of radius, centered a t Oonto itsclfgiven by the formula

h(x) = rv(x) .
P,obltm 10. Provi e that if th ie operato r vu or the linear part o/ the 6dd vat a sangubr
poi nt O has an inverse, th en th e indc,c or O equ.ils the dcgr« of•••·
Probl�m II. Find th e in dex of th e singular point O o( th ie field in R.• corrcspoadit1g IO thie
«ruati on i- -Jt.
Ans. (-1)".
Sec·. 36 Indcx or a Singular Point or a Ve, tor field 267

'J'hc ,-o,wcpt or degree allows u, to formulate multldimcn,ional analogues

or t h e 1wo.Jime111ional 1locorcms ,·o,uidercd above. ·n,e proof• ran be
round in book, on topology.
of of
In partil'ular, /ht sum X /ht in,lius 1/o, 1i11-1ulo,points of•""'*'
on• tompot/ m•nifoltl II/nrbi1rory tlimtnsion is ind,p,ndtnl of /it, clt,,.u •/11"fa" a,/
d,p,ntlJ only 011 lht p,op,,1i11 of lht manifold ils,/f. 11,e numb,r xi• �•llcd 1he
Euler tltn,acltri11ic of the manifold. To calculate X, we need onlyinvcstiptc
tloc singular points or any differential cqua1ion defined on the manifold.
Prob/rm I2 . Fiod th e Euler tharac1tl'i.11 ic orthe lt)httt-S-,o(the prc:;uti"e �tt llP'. and
o f the tonu T",
A11,.x(S") • 2x(RJ>") I I ( I)", x(T"J o.
Soltitio11. The1-e i1 a difrertflti;al equa ti on without singular poinu on a tONl o( arbitrary
dimcn1.i0n (�(' e.g., Sec. 2<t..S), and hcncr x(7") - O.
It is c lear th a1 x(S'") 2x(A.P-), In faf't, comider the mapping,: S--R•· • onyinc
every poin t oft� sphcrt' s• c: R• • 1 in to th e line joining lM point to origt.n o(coo,di,,
n.-tN, Th e mapping p i, locally diff cornorphk, wi1h the p.rftm.agc o/ nny poant of
1>rojcc1i"·c 1patt being two diame1rica lly oppowtc points of the 1 pMtt . "l'httdaT n"fl'Y
\'eccor field on RP" de termi nn a field on S- with 1witt as man y iingular poinu., when-tht
ind ex ore:u h of the d iamc1rically oppos: i te singubr points on. 1.he s;phe� it t;afflC' a, th<
i ndex or the torropondi ng poin t in roject ive S Jn « .
To ralcula te x(S-), we ddine a spbrrt' by the ,equuion x i + · · · ,t'a = I in W
Eucli dean ,pace R•• • and et>nside-r the field x•: S- - R.. \\l'c thttt form the d"ifl"crcntial
j gr ad x0
on the sph ere, and i 1h•�1ig a1e i1s points (Fig. 259). Tk .. 'ttl<W
6dd gr.lid ••
va nisht'1 a t 1wo poi,us, the north pole (x 0 I) and the south pol( (x• -1). Linori:z.
i ng 1h e difft' equalion in neighborhocxl:t oftM north and tO\lth paks rcsptt'li,dy.
we gel
� • -�, � • R• • TS';,
,j ... ,,� ,, • R'" = rs;.

Fig. 2$9 Li nea riiat ion of a differe nti a l equatio n on a sphere near its singub..r paints-
268 Chap. 5 OilTen,n1iol Equations on 1',fanifolcb

Hr.nee the: north l)Olt hat indt'x (-1)• tlld 1hc: .ou1h po� hat ;ndu (-t 1)-♦ t0 tM,
x(S-) • I I (-1)".
In p11rlituh1t'. h foll ow, 1h11 mr, f-rctfl /lfld ,_ • rm,,.Ji,,.,,.,..,.,/
"'1,,r, ..... ., ,,_.,, _,
,,,.,,.,,,, polNI,
11,obl,m J!J , Conururt • vc:tlor fidd without Mn1ular poinu on th� odd..4f.VMftMOn.ll
1phert SJ... ',
/lint. Con.sider the scrond-ordc:r diffcrcnth1I «tU�tion R • x , ,r • R.•.
Sample Examination Problem•

An ,rror ef 10-20% is allowtd in all num"kol p,oblt'11J,

I.To ,1op a boa1 a1 a dock, a rope is 1ht0wn rrom 1hc boat which is then
wound around a po,1 auachcd 10 1hc dock. Wha1 is 1hc braking lot-tton the
l >on1 ir 1hc rope makrs 3 10r11s around 1hc po11, irthe coefficient offriction of
1hc rope around 1hc po11 isl, and ir a dockworker pullt at the free end of
1hc ropr with a rorrc orlO kg?
2. Consider 1hc mo1ion
� • 1 + 2 sin x
or a pendulum subject 10 a cons1an1 1orquc. Draw phase cu,,...,. or the
pendulum on 1hc ,urfocc or a cylinder. Which mo1ions of the �ndulum
correspond lO the variou.! kinds of curves?
3. Calculate the matrix,..,. where A is a given matrix oforder2 or 3.
4. Draw 1he image of 1hc square lx,I .;; I, lx,I.;; I and the trajectory of
the phase now or 1hc system
x, - 2x2:,
arter time,.
5. Find 1he number of digi1, required 10 write 1hc hundred1h term of the
sequence I, I, 6, 12, 29, 59, , ..(x,.. = x.- 1 + 2x._ 2 + n, x1 = x2 = I).
6.Draw the phase curve oft he sys1em
X= X - y - z, j = X + )',
going through the point ( 1, 0, 0).
7, Find all a, p, y for which the three functions sin a..t, sin /Jt, sin yt att linearly
8. Draw the trajectory ofa polnt in the plane (x 1 , x2) cxccutingsmalJoscilla­
au U = �(5x/ - 8x 1x 2 + 5-'1),
X; = - Oxr,
subject to the initial conditions
XI = I'
9. A horizontal force of 100 gm lasting I sec acts o n an initially s-uuionary
mathematical pendulum oflength I m and weight I kg.Find the amplitude
(in cm) of the oscillations which result after rhc force ceases 1oacL

270 Sample t:x•mina11on Problcrm

I 0 . I nv1•,1lgn IC the l.)'npu nov <UIbilhy orthe null solution or.� ')'lem
{ (, • x1
x1 • -w 1, r1 ,
( -{
0.4 ror2kn < 1 < (2k + I)•,
0.6 for (2k - l)n < I < 2kn,
k • 0, ±1, ±2, ...
11. Find all the ,ingular points orthcsystem
)' � .r' + 1' - 2).
lnvcstigate the stability and determine th<" type: of <"ach singula, poin1, and
cJraw tlw eorr'cspondi,1g pha-.crurvc�.
12. Find all singular points of the system
j = sin x + sin:,
on 1he toru, (.r mod 2n,.Y mod 2n). Investigate the stability and determine
the type of each singular 1><>in1, and draw the corresponding p� cu,,,cs.
13. It is known from experience that when light is refracted at the iotttfacc
between two media, 1he sin� of the angles formed by the incident and
refracted rays wi1h rhc normal to the interface arc inversely proportional t o
the indices of refr;1ction of the rnc..'1Jia:
sin a 1 n2
sin a: 2 ;;; n, ·
Find 1he form of 1hc light rays in the plane (x,. 1) if the index nfrefraction
is n • n(J).S1udy 1hc case 11(1) • I/)' (the halr,planey 0 with this index
of refraction gives a model of Lobachevskian gcomet,r).
14. Dr-aw the rays emanating in different directions from the origin in a
plane with index ofrcfrac1ionn = n()') = ,• -1' + I.
Commrnl. The solution of this problem explains the phenomaion o( the
mirage. The index of refraction of air over a desert has a maximum at a
certain height, since the air is more rarefied a t higher and low-er (hot) layers
and the index of refraction is inversely proportional to the ,,clocityoflighL
The oscillations of theray near the layer with maximum index of rcfract.K>n
is inlerpreted as a mirage.
Another phenomenon explained by the same kind of ray oscilla,;ons is
that of acoustic channels in the ocean, along which sound cao be propagated
for hundreds ofkilome1ers. The reason for this phenomenon is the interplay
of temperature and pressure leading to the formation of a layer of maximum
index of refraction (i.e., minimum soundvelocity) al a depth ofS00-1000 m.
Sample l':xaminalion l'roblcnu 271

An aco,u1ic channel can be used, for example, 10 give ...,.m,ns o( 1idal

15. Draw gcodc•ics on a 1orus, u,ing Clairau1's 1hcorcm ,..h,ch sta1-,s 1ha1
1hc produr1 of 1hc di,mncc from 1hc axis of rcvolu1ion and 1he i,nc o( 1hc
angle made hy 1hc gcodc,ic wilh a meridian i, COMlant along tVCI')
gcodCJic on a surface of rcvolu1ion.

Bellman, R., Stal>ilit,y 'f'lt,1t1J .J D18nt11ti"I £qt1•lfMJ, MtCraw 1till, Nf"W Vo,k (19").

Olrkhofl', 0,, and a ..c. Roti., O,do•"'l DiJ,m•h•I 1-.:.-,1

..,u, Cmn, 8ouon (t962}.
Coddington, P.. /\,, and N. l..tvir,1001 TJ,,,ry fl O,,
..,, o,Jn,,,l'41 � McCraw•
11111, New York (10��).
H"rtnutn, P., O,d1 ,i' tt1., D(ff,,1ntlt1I /£q1'11tit,.,, \\'1�. Ntw York (1964),
Hurc:wlci, W., LHtmtJ .,. 0,dind'.J DiJ,m,riat .e.-,,-,...,., Ml'r Pra11 C&m�.
( 1958).

� �•tiotl, Wiky (ln�1t1'ltt),

1 11 cc, F.. 1.., O,·di'1t1t')' J)i_ff,,,n,ial Eqt.ali4'ns, Oowa r. Ne w York (1956).
(�fKl 1c:o:, S., Dijfnrr1t1'tJI l::fua1 1'0,11; Gto'1tthit r,.,__,,
New York (1962).
Nt'rnyuki, \'. V., :11,d V .V .Stc:p:rnov, (zyolitnt� TJwr,.jDsJt1t.MtW ErtM•, Pnnttton
Uoivc:rsity Pr eH, P rin(ieton, N.J. (1960).
PNrovski1 I. 0., O,dinar:, Dljftmttial £qt,ari111u (lraMl;1.tcd by R ./\ , Silwrm.&a), Dow.-,
New York (1973).
f'oocryag in, I,. S., O,dina? DiJ1mdiol £fti1oti.-, (trantbttd by L. KM1Nbs and \\t. 8.
Counts). Addis<m-Wnley, R�ading, (1962).
Simmons, <.:. f"., Difftrt•t;,11/ J::t/11nt;o,u witlt Af>l>l�11.WJIU .-d HiJt•iul l'{#f/lN. McCra--ffill.
New York (1972).


Ad1nissible coordinate systern(s), .H

class of, 35

Analytic manifold, 235

Andronov, A. A., 94 n

Asy1nptotic stability, 156, 20 I 11

Atlas(es), 235

equivalent, 235

exa1nples of, 236 238

Auto-oscillations, 22

Auto-oscillatory regi111e, 22

Base of a tangent bundle, 246

Beats, 184

Bessel's equation, 193

Brieskorn, E., 242 n

Bundle space, 243 n

Cardano's formula, 32

Cauchy sequence, 98 n

Center, 127, 133

Characteristic equation, 116

Characteristic frequencies, 175

Chebotarev, N. G., 160 n

Chebyshev polynomial, 175

Chinn, W. G., 256 n

Clairaut equation, 67

Clairaut's theore111, 271

Class er,§

Con1111utator, 75

Co111parison theorern, J.1

Con1plex a,nplitude, 182

Con1plex conjugate operator, 122


of an operator, 120

of a space, 120

Con1plexified equation, 129

Configuration space, 79

Conservative system, with one degree of freedom, 79

Contraction mapping(s), ill, 220

applications of, 222

fixed point of, 212

theore111, 212

Convex do,nain, � n

CorioIis force, 66

Covariant functoriality, 248

Critical point, fil n

Critical value, fil n


with co1nplex values, 122

derivative of, 122

index of, 255

leaving a point, 33, 241

tangent, 34

velocity vector of, 33, 34

co1nponents of, ll

Deco,nplexiIi cation

of an operator, 120

of' a space, ill

Degree of a 111apping, 266

at a regular point, 264


of a curve, 122

i n the direction of a field, 73

in the direction of a vector, 1l

of a mapping, 37

Determinacy, l


of a co1nplex operator, 122

of the exponential of an operator, 113

of a matrix, ill

of an operator, ill

vs. trace, ill

Diagonal operator, I 02, 116

exponential of, 102

Diffeo1norphism, 6

of a manifold, 241

Differentiability, l ,20 11

and Lipschitz conditions, 217

Differentiability theore1n,g

for equation of order n, 62

for nonautono1nous case, 21.

Differentiable function,§

Differentiable n1ani fold(s), §,234-243

of class Cr, 235

co1npact subset of, 238


countability condition for, 236

curve on, 241

diffeo1norphic, 241

diffeomorphism of, 241

differentiable mapping of, 241

differentiable structure on, 235

diJnension of, 240

disconnected, 239

connected co1npooents of, 239

exan1ples of, 233, 243

finite-di1nensional, 6

open subset of, 238

parallelizable, 246

parallelized, 246

separability condition for, 235

sin1ply connected, 242 n

tangent bundle of (see Tangent bundle)

tangent space to, 244

vector field on, 248

vector tangent to, 243

Page 276
Differentiable n1apping, 6, 241

derivative of, 33, 37

Differentiable structure, 35, 234, 235

Differential algebra, 32 n

Differential equation(s)
basic theore1n on, 48

detenn ined by a vector field, 11

direct product of, 24

direction field of, .!1

higher-order, systems of, 170

integral curve of, ll, ll

integration of, 32

linear (see Linear differential equations)

on 1nanifolds, 233-268

nonautonomous,28-33, 56-59

norn1al fonn of, 67

of order n, 59, ill

solution of,�

phase curve of, 1l

phase space of, 1l

extended, 1l

with separable variables, .f2

solution of (see Solutions of a differential equation)

solved with respect to the highest derivative, 67

systern of, 2.f., §1.

with variable coefficients, 30

Differential operator, linear ho1nogeneous, 74

Differentiations as mappings, 74

Direct product

of differential equations, 11.

of sets, 5

Direction field, ll

Directional derivative, 73

Dirichlet's cell principle, 164

Divergence, 198

Eigenbasis, I 02

Eigenvalues of a linear differential equation

distinct, I 37-139

distinct real, ill-119

rnultiple, I 67-176

purely i1naginary, 160-167

Elliptical rotations, 133

Ernde, F ., 193 n


conservation of, TI, fil


level curves of, fil

critical, 90

noncritical, fil

potential, 80


Equation of variations, 64, 186, 223, 224

Equilibriurn position, 2, .!1., 95

asy,nptotic stability of 156

Lyapunov stability of, 155

Euler characteristic, 262, 267

Euler line, 110, 222

Euler formula, 108

Euler's theore1n on polyhedra, 262

Everywhere dense set, 163 n

Existence theore1n, 50

for equation of order n, fil.

for nonautonon1ous case, 57


of a con1plex nu,nber, I 08

of a con1plex operator, 122

of a diagonal operator, I 02

group property of, I 04

of a 11 ilpotent operator, I 03

ofan operator, 21, 100, 107, 167

detenn inant of, ill

Extended phase space, .2., .!l

Extension of a solution, 53

backward, 53

of equation of order n, 62

forward, 53

for nonautonornous case,�

up to a subset, 53

Fibonacci sequence, 119

Filippov, A. F., 3211

Finite-dirnensionality, l

First integral, 75

local, 77

ti1ne-dependent, 78

Fixed point
of a t7ow, 2.

of a mapping, 20 I, ill

asy,nptotically stable, 20 I n

stable, in Lyapunov's sense, 20 I n

theore,n, 257

r-ocus, 127

stable, 127

unstable, 127

Forced oscillations, 183

Free oscillations, 183

Functors, ill

Funda,nental theorem of algebra, 256

Galileo's law, 9

Golubev, V. V., 227 n

Graph of a ,napping, 5

Hadamard's lelllna, 85

Half-life, ].Q

Han1iltonian syste1n, 203

Ha1nilton's equations, 63, 77, 198

Hedgehog theoren1, 247

Hessian n1atrix, 262

Hon1eo1norphisn1, ill

Hon1ogeneous coordinates, 233

I lypergeo1netric equation, 193

hnaginary plane, ill

of an oriented closed curve, 255, 263

properties of, 255-256

of a singular point, 258, 266

Infinitely differentiable functions

linearly independent, 176

space of, 176

lnfinitesi1nal generator, I 07

Initial condition, 12, 30

Integral CLLrve, 5, 12, 31

Integral part, 164 n

Invariant subspaces, ill

Inverse function theore1n, 39

lnvolutory operator, 12 I

Jacobian matrix,�

Jacobi's identity, 75

Jahnke, E., 193 n

Jordan block, 167

nilpotent, 168, ill

Kan1ke, E., 32 n

Kepler potential,�

Khaiki n, S. E., � n

Konstantinov, N. N., l

Kurosh, A.G., 160 n

Lavrentev, M. A., 160 n

Level set, 76

Levine, H. I., 265 n

Lie algebra, 75

Li1nit cycle, 47, 11

stable, 93

unstable, 93

Linear differential equations

basic theore1n on, 106

with co1nplex phase space, 124

basic theorern on, 124

solution of, 124

co111plexified, 129

definition of, 96, 97

general solution of, 138

ho1nogeneous, \.vith constant coefficients, 97

ho1nogeneous, "vith variable coefficients, 188

nonautonomous (see Nonautonomous linear equation)

nonhornogeneous, 179

solution of, 179

with periodic coe!Ticients, 199 208

stability of solutions of, 20 I

in the plane, 132

space of solutions of, 177

invariance of, under shifts, 178

Linear operator(s)
cornplex conjugate of, 122

detenninant of, ill

exponential of, 21, I 00

invariant subspaces of, ill

nonn of,�

space of, 98

trace of, 112

Linear syste1ns, 95-2 I 0

differential equivalence of, 143

linear equivalence of, 142

singular points of, classification of, 139-154

topological equivalence of, 143-145

Linearization, 95

invariance of, 2.2,

Linearized equation, 96

Liouville's forn1ula, ill

Liouville's theoren1, 195

stronger version of, 198

Lipschitz condition,2.1.

with constant /,, 217

Lissajous ligurcs, 175

Local fan1ily of transfonnations, 57

Local phase flow,.ll

Logarith1nic spiral, 126

Losch, F., I 93 n

Lyapunov function, 146

construction of, 147

Lyapu11ov stability,155,201 ll

Manifold structure (see Differentiable structure)

Map(s), 234

compatible, 235
i1nage on a, 234

Mathieu's equation, 193, 203 n

Matrix of a linear system, 97

Mei1nan, N. N., 160 n

Method of co1nplex runplitudes, 182

Method of Euler lines, I 09

Method of s1nall para1neters, M

Metric, 98 n

Metric space,� n

co 1nplete, � n

convergence in, 98 n

Milnor spheres, 242

M6bius strip, 246

Morse's lern1na, �

Mulchenko, Z. M., 1§. n

Nali1nov, V. V ., 1§. n

Natural frequencies, 175

Newton's equation(s), 63, 80

extension of solutions of, 86

Nilpotent operator, 102

exponential of, 103

Node, 25

Nonautono1nous linear equation, 188-189

fundamental system of solutions of, 191

of order n, 193

fundan1ental system of solutions of, 193

space of solutions of, 193

space of solutions of, 191

Nonautono1nous syste1n, 1!.


of an operator, 98, 216

of a vector, 215

Nonnal forn1, fil

Nonnal 1nodcs, 175

Nonned linear space, 2.2.

norn1 of ele1nent of, 2.2.

Null section, 245

Nu1nber of revolutions (see Winding number)

One-para1neter group
of diffeo1norphis1ns, 2., 20

of linear transformations, W, 2§., I 06

of transfonnations, 4

Oriented manifold, 235

forced, 183

weakly nonlinear, 186

Parallelepiped in n-di1nensional space,ill n


Para1netric resonance, 204

Para1netrized curve,241 n

Pendulurn, lQ 1-1,n_, 1d-45, 12, .§Q, �,2.Q.-92, 186-188

under action of external force, 182-186

with friction, I 15,l!.1-118,135-137

with oscillating point of suspension,207 208

of variable length,189,197,205 206

Period-advance ,napping, 200

Phase curve(s),4 ,5, ll

closed,§ 2 72

1naxi1nal, 69 n

Phase tlo,.v(s),I,l, .1

associated with a differential equation,12.

detennined by a vector field on a ,nanifold, 250

equilibriu1n position of,5

equivalent, 141

differentiably, 141

linearly, 141

topologically, 141
fixed point of, 1

integral curve of, 5

on the line, 12.-24

local, iL

in the plane, 24-27

Phase points, 3, 4

1notion of, 4

Phase space, l, 2, 3, 1, 12

cylindrical, 21.

extended, 5, ll

Phase velocity, 1

co,nponents of, 1

Picard approxin1ations, successive, 213

Picard n1apping, 213

Poincare's hypothesis, 242

Poisson bracket, 75


space of, lQl

Taylor' s fonnula for, 101

Potential well, bead sliding in, fil-83

Principal axes, 174

detenninistic, l

differentiable, l

evolutionary, l
finite-di,nensional, l

local law of evolution of, 8

Projective space, 233

atlas for, 237-238

Projection, 245

Quasi-polyno1nial(s), I 03, 176-188

degree of, I 03

exponent of, I 03

space of, I 03

Page 279

Radioactive decay, � 9,
- 1§.

Rationally independent nu,nbers, 162, 166


Real plane, ill

Rectification theorem, 49, 227-229

for nonautono,nous case, 56

Rectifying coordinates, 49

Recurrent sequence(s), 172-173

of order k, 119

Regular point, 264

Regular value, 265

Reproduction of bacteria, 2., .!.§.

Resonance, 183

parametric, 204

Routh-Hurwitz proble1n, 159, 260

Saddle, 153

incoming strand of, 153

outgoing strand of, 153

Saddle point, 25

Schwarz inequality, 216

Secular equation (see Characteristic equation)

Self-excited oscillations, 22.

Scparatrices, 1!i

Series of functions, I 00

differentiation of, I 00

Set of level C, 76 n

Shabat, B. V., 160 n

Shilov, G. E., 98

Silvennan, R. A., 98

Singular point(s), 8

index of, 258, 266

in the plane, 133-135

si1nple, 258

i n space, 139-140
on a sphere, 260

stun of indices of, 261

S1nall oscillations, 173-176

Solutions of a differential equation, 11., 30

continuity and differentiability of, 52, 58, 62, 221, 224-225

existence of, 50, 57, 21, 221

extension of 53, 58, 62

funda,nental syste,n of, ill

higher derivatives of, 226

stationary, ll

uniqueness of, 50, 57, 21, 221

Sphere, 233

atlas f'or, 236

asyn1ptotic, 156, 20 I n

Lyapunov, 155, 20 I n

strong, 203

Steenrod, N. E., 256 n

Strong stability, 203

Subrnanifold, 242

Successive approxirnations, 212

Swing, 189, 197

t-advance ,napping, .1 12.
(I 1, t2)-advance 1napping, 57

Tangent bundle, 243,245

base of, 246

fibres of, 246

section of, 248 n

Tangent mapping,248

Tangent space, IL 34, 1.2., 244

Tangent vectors, 35,243

Titne shift,�

Topological 1nanifold, 235

111-din1ensional, 166,267

two-di1nensional,ill, 233

atlas for, 236

longitude and latitude on, ill

phase curves on, 163

phase trajectories of flow on, 162


of a cotnplex operator, 122

of a matrix,ill

of an operator, ill

Transverse subspaces, 227

Triangle inequality, 99, 2 I 6

Uniformly distributed points, 166

Uniqueness theorem

for equation of order n, fil.

local, 50

for nonautono1nous case, 57

Vandermonde determinant, 195

van der Pol equation, 94

Variation of constants,208-210

Vector bundle, 243 n

Vector field(s)

delinition of, l

dirferential equation detennined by, JJ.

divergence of, 198

exan1ples of, 8-1 I

i1nage of, under a diffeo1norphis1n, 40

on the line, JJ.-19

linearized, 95

on 1nanifolds, 248

singular point of, 8

winding nurnber of, 263


Vector integral, 2I 6

Velocity vector, 33

Vertical fall, 9

deflection fron1, 66

Vitt, A. A., 94 n

Weierstrass' test, I 00

Winding nu1nber, 263,264


of a syste1n of nu1nerical functions, 194

of a syste,n of vector functions, 192

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