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Interactive Effect of Caste and Disability: An Analysis

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International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences

Vol-7, Issue-4; Jul-Aug, 2022

Journal Home Page Available:

Journal DOI: 10.22161/ijels

Interactive Effect of Caste and Disability: An Analysis

Neelaksh Pithauria1, Dr Susmita Singh2

1 Research Scholar, Department of sociology, Banaras Hindu University, India

2 Assistant Professor, Department of sociology, Banaras Hindu University, India

Email :

Received: 19 Jul 2022; Received in revised form: 11 Aug 2022; Accepted: 16 Aug 2022; Available online: 21 Aug 2022
©2022 The Author(s). Published by Infogain Publication. This is an open access article under the CC BY license

Abstract— When Disability theory was formulated, the thinkers hadn’t imagined that their idea would
intersect with multiple other concepts and themes; for example, Racial theory, then Feminism, Queer and
LGTB. The disability theory originated on the western frontier, but its application requires
contextualization and localization. This is the reason why, in the case of India, as a third-world country,
needs multiple focus lenses for the applicability of disabled discourse; Dalit discourse is one such lens on
which disability discourse can be tested, extended, and improvised. We here try to link "Dalit" as an
identity with a disability, to understand its cumulative effect on the Dalit person with a disability. We
believe that by taking this approach, we can raise the missing questions and assist the disability discourse
in addressing the marginalised and neglected issues. In our analysis, we would first define the Disability
and Dalit as distinct entities, and highlight the ordeal and discrimination they face. Then, we would take a
look at the life of a Dalit person in India living with a disability, as we have described their situation as
doubly disadvantageous and miserable, with particular mention of women with disabilities. We examined
Indian laws related to, and addressed the problems of, both identities, and the intersection they forget. In
conclusion, we would try to justify the need to look into the intersection of the Dalit identity with a
disability, to address the raised concern regarding policy formulation and awareness in civil society and
Keywords— Intersectionality, Dalit with Disabilities, minority, exclusion, Dalit women with disabilities.

I. INTRODUCTION The bedrock of disability pedagogy is laid by western

According to the World Bank's 2011 report, around 15 scholars and activists like Tom Shakespeare, Vic
per cent of the world’s population has, with varying Finkelstein, Collin Barnes, Mike Oliver, and Ken Davis, to
severity, faced certain kinds of disability (WHO, 2011). In name a few. The “ableist” research attempt of Miller and
India, as per the 2011 census, 26.8 million people – 2 per Gwynee in 1972 – A Life Apart: A Pilot Study Of
cent – are experiencing disability (CoI, 2011). Other Residential Institution For The Physically Handicapped
Indian data, such as NSSO's, reported a 1.83 per cent And The Young Chronic Sick (Watson, 2012); Paul Hunt
disability rate (NSSO, 2002). But it is contested that the and his colleagues released the discussion on "The
actual rate or number of people with disability is much Fundamental Principles of Disability" on the platform of
higher than reported by every Indian data attempt. One of the "Union of The Physically Impaired Against
the reasons for these pointed fallacies is the definition used Segregation" (UPIAS), 1976. It is from their effort and
in the survey for disability, sample size, and model on hardship that they successfully shifted the general
which the framework depends for validating the condition understanding of disability from the medical model to the
of the person with respect to impairment. social model.

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Pithauria Interactive Effect of Caste and Disability: An Analysis

This is how disability activism made disability a social and personal space, and living without the basic
personal, political, and social issue and helped or forced needs required for self-development. However, in order to
international organizations, governments, and understand why disability as a term is used to denote a
policymakers to rethink how they think about the world person with a disability, we must first examine the intrinsic
and how to make it accessible, affordable, liveable, and meaning attached to it–
sustainable for everyone. From the United Nations (UN), UPIAS (1976) states "disability" is an imposed
the World Bank (WB), the World Health Organization position, a social disadvantage condition where
(WHO), the International Labour Organization (ILO), the physically (visible or invisible) impaired people are
Disability Act of the United Kingdom, to the United States excluded and isolated from participating fully in
of America, and, most recently, India, all parties have mainstream social activities, taking no account of their
acknowledged the existence and importance of the existence.
disability issue.
Also, WHO provided an international classification
In India, it is quite evident that there is a lack of framework for coding and standardising health and
concentrated effort on the part of the government’s healthcare-related information for multi-disciplines
development agendas and mainstream politics. In and science, i.e., the International Classification of
comparison to their western counterparts, Indian disabled Functioning, Disabilities, and Health (ICF model). It
people are among the most neglected, shamed, is based on the idea of human functioning. It combines
stigmatized, rejected, and pushed to the margins of almost the medical model and the social model of disability.
every social, economic, political, and even personal aspect It highlighted and focused on the negative aspects of
of human life. Their marginalisation is aggravated by the impairment, including activity limitation, participation
constant denial of their right to live a dignified and healthy restriction, contextual barriers, and personal factors.
The Social Model of Disability, in contrast to the
However, Indian disability academic discourse ignored "Medical Model", which first focuses on the
the intersectionality, in which identifying solely as impairment as the cause of disability as being unable
disabled diminishes other social identities that a person to access or participate fully in society, develops the
with a disability may have held. Disability is not a link between the social space and the person with
homogenous category; it does have diversity in terms of impairment (temporary or permanent nature). It states
severity, type of impairment, class, gender, caste, sex, that the person with impairment faces restrictions,
religion and geography. (Mehrotra, 2013) inaccessibility, barriers, and obstructions not only
To our analysis, the Indian case is different from the because of his or her biological condition and
western perspective when it comes to the diverse and limitations, but also because of the conditionality
complex social system. The caste system is unique to the imposed by the social system and social space,
Indian subcontinent and has been in practice for hundreds denying them basic human rights; it produces and
of centuries. It is an almost immitigable part of the Indian makes the person with impairment disabled (Barnes,
social system, social psyche, and social behaviour—which Mercer, & Shakespeare, 1999). The social model of
finds no end in the coming future, despite it having been disability is far more needed than the medical model
considered the most inhumane, segregated, and of disability because medical science has vested
discriminatory practice in recorded history. power in medical professionals to define, measure,
Both Dalit and disabled people are discriminated and validate disability, and corrective scientific
against, denied, mocked, and taunted grossly over their technology is used to bring impaired people from an
basic human rights to live with autonomy, respect, dignity, "abnormal state" back to a "normal" state so that they
and quality. When we combine a person with Dalit identity can integrate back into society. This notion is strongly
and disability, it brings forward the invisible dimension of supported by many early sociologists, such as Talcott
the Indian social context, which needs to be discussed and Parson’s sick role (1951) and Émile Durkheim’s
addressed. deviance (1963).
But the medical model detached the subjective
experience of disability and gave more importance to
biological facts and scientific validity regarding
A disabled person is either born with impairment or disability. On the other hand, the social model of
acquires it over time, resulting in social stigma, disability puts the onus on the social factor for the
infantilization, restriction and hindrance in accessing cause of disablement; it highlights the issue of

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marginalisation of disabled people, which leads to rights, opportunities, and resources accordingly to the
their social exclusion from social participation and social position of the castes—validated by the religious
integration. (Barnes C. , 2012) texts (Hindu idea of Karma from a past life) (Mehrotra,
People with disabilities face denial of basic human 2013) and social-cultural practices. Dalits are
rights and opportunities that are otherwise available to marginalized, vulnerable, and powerless as a result of their
non-disabled people easily. They have been labelled as limited access to and opportunities for self-development.
useless, burdensome, and shameful, and are sometimes This discriminatory practice is cross-sectional in nature,
subjected to violence (physical and psychological) - this not sparing any religion, gender, region or ethnicity in
occurs regardless of culture, caste, creed, gender, religion, India.
or nation. The attitude of considering Dalits as lesser humans
Attitudes toward people with disabilities and how they perpetuate violence in many forms. There is not even a
are treated, including prejudices and stereotypes, shaped single day when crime and violence against the Dalit
their experience of stigma. Misconceptions about the person does not occur – There are more than 200 million
causes of disabilities often include the misdeeds of Scheduled Castes (the official term for Hindu, Sikh and
previous lives, punishment of god, and immoral karma, to Buddhist Dalits) in India as per the 2011 census; however,
name a few. There is also a misconception regarding the this doesn’t include Dalits from Muslim and Christian
nature and abilities of people with disabilities that they are religion due to the respective religion’s core value
non-performers, asexual, and dependent. Lack of (, 2013). Nearly 139,045 cases of crime against
awareness and knowledge regarding disabilities among the Dalits have been registered in different states between
general public is not helping or changing the situation at 2018 and 2020 (ET Bureau, 2021), or increased by 6 per
the pace it needs, which is requiring much-needed cent from 2009 to 2018 (The Hindu, 2020).
intervention from legislators and policymakers aimed to Even so, since the introduction of the constitution with
address disability stigma. fundamental rights and protection measures, the conditions
of Dalits (inequality and discrimination) have improved
considerably. Elective democracy and the 'one person, one
vote, one value' rule created a political space that gave
suppressed groups a voice. Caste politicisation has resulted
If you are born into a Hindu family in India, you are in the formation of caste associations, (Kothari R. , 1970)
automatically assigned a caste identity. if you are born into which has brought sub-castes within caste categories
a Dalit community, you are then untouchable, a lesser closer (Hiwrale, 2020). Also, urbanisation and the forming
human. Caste is entrenched in almost every aspect of life, of a political-middle class have also diluted casteism.
such as marriages (endogamy), occupation (graded), food, However, all these developments have merely given a
social intercourse (refusal and denial), religious or civil scratch to the caste system.
(duties and rights), dress and customs (Ghurye, 1957)
In India, disability literature mainly focused on the
(Srinivas, 1962). The idea of purity and pollution is the
experiences of disabled people in the context of
main driving force for sustaining the caste system.
accessibility to social space, education, healthcare,
Ambedkar termed the caste system as an enclosed class
employment, economic conditions, and rural/urban
(Ambedkar, 1917).
dichotomies, but completely ignored caste. Dalit studies
A Dalit person faces caste-based stereotypes, economic are also seen as distinct on their own.
and social exclusion, segregation, oppression,
However, when caste and disability, and in some cases
discrimination, and violence. They have been denied, by
gender and class, intersect, Dalit people with disabilities or
the ‘upper caste or caste of higher status', basic human
Dalit women with disabilities face a slew of
rights and have been forced to live a dishonourable life
discrimination, increasing their chances of living in
with no hope and no future. Unfortunately, Indian
poverty for the rest of their lives.
society, even after many attempts to reform or eradicate
casteism as an evil practice of discrimination and Kimberle Crenshaw, in her work, "Mapping the
oppression, has not been able to tame the beast within Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence
itself. (Subedi, 2016) against Women of Color’ (1991), pointed out that when the
intersection of two or more identities happens, a complex
The Indian system is based on a hierarchy where Dalits
and aggravated form of discrimination develops, which
(SCs) and scheduled tribes (STs) are placed at the bottom
needs to be acknowledged, analysed, and addressed. As
of the social ladder. This social "control" system allocates
per her idea, we could provide that Dalit people, or any

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marginalised community or group, (could) exist between the National Sample Survey 2002, which has a large
the intersection of caste-based discrimination and database of people with disabilities and definitions for the
disability, and that the cumulation of both (could) lead to same.
social, economic, and political exclusion.
Disability as a disadvantageous position doesn’t IV. DALIT WITH DISABILITIES
differentiate as it is cross-sectional and penetrates to all
Pal (2010) study estimated that the prevalence rate of
levels; also could say, it is prone to form a bond with other
disability among Dalits is quite higher than the rest of their
discriminatory practices, further worsening the situation of
counterparts (upper caste), which is 2.4 per cent.
already marginalised or suppressed person/ groups.
Intellectual disability (mental retardation), locomotor,
The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment's speech, and hearing disabilities are prevalent among Dalits
Handbook on Social Welfare Statistics, which came out in with disabilities. (Pal, 2010)
September 2018, said that there are about 4.9 million
Dalits are among the poorest community in India, and
Schedule Caste people with disabilities, and 2.1 million are
their poor living conditions put them at higher risk of
Schedule Tribe (STs) people with disabilities. Even though
disease, which could lead to congenital disability — that’s
caste or Dalit identity and disability are very common in
made them among the highest number of people with
India, they are seen as two different groups that need
disability who have severe forms of impairment issues
different treatment.
(Dalal, 2000). Dalits cannot afford a hygienic and quality
In western disability discourse, there is an intersection healthy lifestyle (property, locality, and food) due to their
of disability with queer/race/women – but in Indian low economic status, and they account for a higher rate of
disability discourse, not just the disability dependence disease or health-related issues and are prone to anaemia,
theory or philanthropist’s welfarism is in practice, but also congenial defect, pneumonia, and malnutrition, which play
there is an uncomfortable silence on the acknowledgement a significant role in causing disability among Dalits.
of the existence of the Dalit or STs or any other (Kowal & Afshar, 2015) (Thapa & et al, 2021).
marginalised groups with disabled identity.
Functional limitation is also a reality for Dalit people
Just as a disabled person faces social exclusion and when they are not allowed to walk through the roads that
violence, stigmatised and alienated, the same pass in front of casteist people's houses or blocks; similar
discrimination happens to a Dalit person on a regular basis, to a disabled person who is either infantilised and
no more but no less. Dalit people are considered impure controlled by excessive care by their family, or shamed
by, and face hostility from, casteist (mostly, forward caste) and uncomfortably gazed at by onlookers, forcing them to
people who forbid them or restrict their access to public confine themselves into the four walls of their
space (wherever possible). This fact doesn’t diminish the homes (Teltumbde, 1997). Also, Dalits have been denied
possibility of ‘double disadvantage conditions,’ which are access to hospital medical facilities or affordable,
present for Dalit people with disabilities, dalit women with accessible, and timely treatments that result in the
disabilities, or any other intersection of suppressed groups acquisition or exacerbation of their disability conditions.
with disabilities. The social practise and behaviour and (Kothari & et al, 2019)
persisting inequality in disabled people’s life chances
Dalits are forcibly denied access to education, limiting
couldn’t be seen separately, or couldn’t focus only on any
their life chances in areas where they could improve their
one dimension; disability without Dalit consideration will
chances of living a decent life and finding work. For
always remain incomplete.
disabled people, the Person with Disability Act (1995),
A Dalit person, like a person with a disability, is provides a disabled-friendly curriculum, special schooling
vulnerable in terms of social capital, economic conditions, and education, and special support for gaining professional
and body health and autonomy. G.C. Pal examined the skills. For Dalits, there are many special schemes and
nature, magnitude, and causes of disabilities, as well as the policies launched for their education and skill
social, health, educational, and employment status of development, such as National Education Policy 2020,
Dalits as a person with disability, in his seminal work, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), and Rashtriya Madhyamik
Dalit with Disabilities: Neglected Dimension of Social Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA), which especially mention SCs
Exclusion, published in 2010. He argues that Dalits with and STs students. But there is no attempt made to think
disabilities are ‘doubly disadvantaged minority," meaning about the intersection between these two situations—
that they face not just deprivation because of their Dalit disability and caste-based discrimination. Disabled people
identity but also their disability status, which amplifies are among the most illiterate—more than half of the total
their ordeal. His research is primarily based on data from disabled population is illiterate—and Dalits with

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disabilities account for 64% of that, trailing only STs with women with disabilities. They face more regressive social
disabilities (69%). The social stigma of imperfect beings, exclusion and violence (physically in most cases). Though
internalised shame, disability-induced inaccessibility and the prevalence rate of disability is much higher in men; the
lack of facilities, economic reasons, and the over- social suppression of will and agency is more severe for
protective nature of the disabled person’s family are women with disability. Married to Dalit disabled women,
among the main discouraging factors for a disabled child just by the fact that they are Dalits, the intensity of
to join or attend or continue education. Only a meagre discrimination, apathy, and violence increased
number of Dalits and the disabled reached higher automatically, powered by the casteist and patriarchal
education, which also holds true for disabled Dalits. The mentality. For Dalit Disabled women getting married
condition and education level of Dalit disabled children are outside of the caste category is restricted by the centuries-
quite better in urban settings than in rural areas. (Pal, old practice of endogamy. It is also being doubted that in
2010) some cases, married disabled women are married for their
Their educational level has an impact on their usefulness in terms of their contribution to house caring,
employability. Only one-fourth of people with disabilities agricultural work, reproducer of lineage, or for lucrative
have some kind of economic activity, mostly working in matrimonial deals. (Pal, 2010) (Mehrotra, 2013)
unorganised sectors due to a lack of basic skills. They have The situation for disabled women in the organised
not been able to use the 3 per cent reservation in public sector is abysmally low, with approximately 10 per cent of
sector jobs (in India) for the same reason that they lack the female workforce. But, when job opportunities are
skills and minimum eligibility criteria, failed to produce a reported, the gender bias is reported as being preferable for
disability certificate, or even failed to qualify for the disabled men over disabled women. If disabled women
benchmark disability required for applying for public were employed, they would face wage inequality (low
sector jobs. wage), and be considered for specific positions only
Engaging in some sort of economic activity has a (reception counter or hospitality), part-time jobs, or
positive impact on one's self-development and self- contractual jobs. (Fawcett, 2000)
confidence. But when Dalit employees are attached to Due to the abovementioned conditions of disabled
disability, this proportion could be higher because of the women and disabled Dalit women, in particular, they
social boycott and rejection of Dalits from the mainstream suffer from poor health, are denied education, see no scope
market, mostly dominated by forward castes. Prior to the for economic independence, have limited employment
advent of constitutional protection and rights, the Indian opportunities, face physical and mental abuse or violence,
caste system maintained and regulated the division of or are forced into prostitution.
labour into watertight compartments--who will do what Women with disabilities face health discrimination
and who will not--with no room for capacity development when their health needs and support, such as maternal
(Pal, 2010) (Hiwrale, 2020). But, the interference of civil health services, are ignored or neglected by family
society and government, urbanization, and globalisation members or spouses; high medical costs, poverty, and
dilute the caste-based division of labour; on the other hand, patriarchal attitudes toward women in general, and
these factors that weaken graded occupations also increase disabilities in particular, may all be factors for uncaring
or exacerbate caste competition and prejudices, behaviour. Instances of Dalit women with disabilities
strengthening caste community bonds (Teltumbde, 1997). being discriminated against or refused access to health
But still, Dalits are facing restrictions and discrimination services (at non-state health centres) (BARU & et al, 2010)
in labour, rental and land markets, consumer goods and (Thapa & et al, 2021)
services, and agriculture sectors. (Thorat & Madheswaran,
Pal (2010) also highlighted the living conditions of
Dalits with disabilities, who are living in even worse
Disabled people are more deprived of having their own conditions as they have no source of income because of no
family (which is a part of human social nature and a sense work opportunities. This makes them rely heavily on
of belonging) - they have fewer chances of getting NGOs and the government for support and aid assistance;
married. But, for women with disability chances of getting sometimes they have to spend from their pocket for their
married is better than male disabled (Mohit & et al, 2006). disability-related needs (Mohit & et al, 2006). Both non-
Also, women with disabilities are more prone to divorce disabled Dalits and disabled Dalits are mostly engaged in
situations, separation, or widowhood (WHO, 2011). hazardous occupations, such as sewage cleaning and
But, Pal (2010) pointed out another ‘minority among working with chemical-based items for factories. Due to
the minority', i.e., Dalit women with disabilities, within their exposure to these unsafe occupations, even non-

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disabled Dalits are prone to chronic health-related issues. But, it could be argued that discrimination and
Without proper support in terms of medical facilities, the violence based on body type happened throughout world
life expectancy of Dalits (both disabled and non-disabled) history (see, for example, the eugenic practices of Nazi
is lower than the national average. Their earnings are low Germany or the violent attack on the disabled in Japan),
because of the nature of their (insecure) jobs and their and today it is still an issue throughout the world. It could
lower level of literacy. Thus, poverty and disability leave be argued that the term "corporeal" should be mentioned
Dalits with disabilities in a vicious cycle of endless alongside other prohibited grounds of discrimination,
suffering. making the state obligated to protect the disabled person.
However, disability was mentioned in Article 15(2) as a
condition that can impede a person's accessibility [to
state/community resources].
PROVISIONS • Article 16 provides reservations for SCs and STs
in public services. The PWD Act 1995 provided a
Recently, India ratified the United Nations Convention
3 per cent reservation in public service, which
on the Rights of People with Disabilities. This will ensure
increased to 4 per cent in the RPWD Act
the government to provide the basic human rights for
provides. This is the only area where the
disabled people, as well as their inclusion in societal and
intersection is noticed and addressed because the
economic activities. With this effect, the Indian
posts are reserved horizontally and vertically,
government amended the previous ‘People with Disability
allowing the interlocking with SCs/STs.
(Equal Opportunities, Protection and Full Participation)
Act 1995’ to the new ‘Rights of Persons with Disabilities • Persons with disabilities are also entitled to
Act 2016 (RPWD Act)’ in December 2016. Even though certain income tax concessions.
this change to the Act tried to address disability in the • There is a separate law to address the violence
sections on social security, housing and employment, against SCs and STs, i.e., the Scheduled Caste
protection, and legal remedies, it does not mention Dalits and Scheduled Tribe (Prevention of Atrocities)
with disabilities (or other intersectionalities) and the Act, 1989. This act punishes sexual crimes
discrimination they face in Indian society through special against women, but doesn’t address the
provisions. intersection of caste and disability, or Dalit
The Indian constitution does not discriminate. Though women with disabilities.
it did not specifically mention all the vulnerable sections The Nirbhaya rape case event of 2012 unfolded some
of Indian society, it actually served the real purpose of women's protection laws and schemes or funds afterwards,
constitution making, which was to reach the poorest of the but most of them did not address women with disabilities
poor sections of society, as Mahatma Gandhi had hoped. It or Dalit women with disabilities and the violence they
gave dignity, life, and protection under fundamental rights; faced.
political freedom; the right to vote; and the right to
• Article 21a by the Eighty-sixth Constitutional
constitutional remedies to address their grievances.
Amendment Act (2002) provides for the free and
Indian constitution addressed disability issue indirectly compulsory education of all children from the age
through- group of six to fourteen years, as a fundamental
• Part IV of the constitution, Directive Principle of right. It is made into The Right of Children to
State Policy (DPSP), Article 41, has explicitly Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (RTE
mentioned "Disablement" as a condition that the Act), which has special reference to children with
state has to address and provide assistance to the disabilities and children from depressed
needy. communities (SCs/STs) in sections 3 and 4,
respectively. But this act too missed the
• Article 15, part of the section on Fundamental
intersection between the two.
Rights, protects citizens from discrimination by
the state on the basis of religion, race, caste, sex, Indian law does not specifically address the
or place of birth, or any combination of these intersection of caste and disability; rather, it addresses both
factors. It forces the state to consider (not to separately, missing the critical intersection of changing
discriminate against) the accessible environment trends and rising concern about depressed minorities with
and healthcare services. disabilities.

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VI. CONCLUSION methods (by government and third parties) must be more
The United Nations in 1975 states in Article 3 that broadly aligned with the social model of disability. The
irrespective of origin, nature, and severity of impairment, disability model is an attempt that forces policymakers, the
disabled people always have the same fundamental rights current government, civil society, and society at large to
as their counterparts with non-impairment, i.e. the right to notice people with impairments and their disabled
fully enjoy a decent life. It upholds the idea of universal conditions; it asks them to intervene to build a universally
human accessibility and functioning across multiple accessible social environment because it believes that the
dimensions, which includes the natural and human-built alienating environment is man-made or ableist in nature,
environment; human attitudes, values, and beliefs; and a created by non-disabled people for themselves without
complex socio-political-cultural system. considering the needs of disabled people. The Disability
social model not just talks about, or for, disabled people
Indian social schemes and policies do not address the
(acquired or congenital) but actually puts up a ‘warning
intersection of Dalit identity and disabilities. Also, Indian
sign’ cautioning the ableist world toward its negligence
disability or /and caste atrocities prevention laws, and their
that anyone can become disabled and everyone has to face
implementation also raised serious questions regarding the
a disability of a certain kind at a later stage of life (old
level of awareness of public servants, government
age). But, the social model, though it looks like rejecting
agencies, and legislators regarding knowledge of disability
medical or biological limitations, actually asks us to focus
and its issues. This showcased the ableist attitude in their
on the disabling factors at work in the social space that
approach. The ableist mindset controls the meaning of who
oppress, deprive, and exclude, "othering" disabled people,
could be a disabled person or not; it controls the agency of
making them invisible from the public view.
the disabled body. They failed to provide social
safeguards, prevent atrocities, and proper implementation The government should also adhere to the motto of the
of existing policies and schemes for people with disabled community—"Not About Us, Without Us"—
disabilities and Dalits or marginalised caste groups. The while formulating policies and schemes, where disabled
Accessible India Campaign, or Sugamya Bharat Abhiyan thinkers and activists as representatives should be part of
by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment in the core decision-making committee. The Indian
2015, is such an attempt, but it seems like it is limited to administrative and policing systems should also be
providing accessible public space and revamping existing sensitive regarding dealing with people with disabilities,
structures for the disabled community. and Dalits with disabilities in particular. Accountability for
the proper implementation of disability-related policies
Nilika Mehrotra noted that when it comes to
and schemes, as well as the adequate allocation of
accessibility, people with disabilities in rural areas, and in
budgetary resources for disabled people's wellbeing,
urban areas in general, experience severe crises on the
should be increased. The government should encourage
question of accessing basic facilities such as public
disability research in academic institutions in order to
transport, schools, hospitals, et cetera. Dalits with
generate new momentum and progressive thoughts in an
disabilities in rural areas are living in the worst conditions
attempt to make India universally inclusive and accessible
(Mehrotra, 2013). Only one per cent of total disabled
to all body types with no discrimination, to create a better
people received disability aid, which means Dalits with
understanding, and to collect primary input from disabled
disabilities are at the margins, almost forgotten. (Pal,
people on disability issues and their life concerns. Most
importantly, a social awareness drive should be promoted
On the human resources front, the Indian economy is also to educate people with disabilities regarding their rights,
losing a small but still large population, bigger than some and encourage them to be vocal about their needs through
nations' workforces, which could contribute to it by their political activity.
utilising its capabilities at its best, but disabled people are
It is also worth considering how casteism is ingrained
deprived and excluded from opportunities and resources.
in the mindset of disabled people itself—how someone
To address these problems, we need overarching and with a disability born in an upper caste considers
intersectional laws and policies, under whose umbrella themselves higher in status than others born in a lower
anti-discrimination, employment, empowerment, caste. There is no reciprocity of casteism. Saying that
education, health, and Dalits' or minorities' with casteism is reciprocated from below by identifying as
disabilities’ grievances could be addressed. However, in Dalits/STs, we addressed Dalit questions in response to
order to effect this change, we require comprehensive data unyielding casteism, not the other way around. Questions
on disability, caste/other minorities, and their must ask why haven’t Indian people with a disability put
interconnections; the existing data collection approach and casteism aside and united for the common cause for the

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