This tariff applies to all policies issued to Employers to provide compensation to their Employees in respect of accidents and diseases of occupation, whether or not such employees come within the scope of the Workmens Compensation Act, 1923, and subsequent amendments thereto. Any risk, or any part thereof, for which a rate is not provided in the tariff, must be submitted to appropriate Reg.Offices who fix the Tariff rate for such risks.
Liability covered 2. The Tariff provides for two forms of insurance viz :-
Table A - Indemnity against legal liability to all employees (whether or not coming within the definition of the term Workmen) under the W.C.Act 1923 and subsequent amendment to the said Act prior to the date of issue of the policy, the Fatal Accidents Act, 1855 and at Common Law. Table B - Indemnity against legal liability under the Fatal Accidents Act, 1855 and Common Law. (Table B policies may not be issued to cover employees who fall within the definition of Workmen under the Workmens Compensation Act, 1923 as amended). No Policy is to be issued to cover liability in excess of that provided by the Tariff forms of Policies and Endorsements unless specifically authorised. 3. (a) No policy is to be issued which covers only a portion of the legal liability except in the case of Insurances (i) to cover fatal accidents only in Coal Mines; (ii) in respect of risks situated in Karnataka State whereunder no liability is to be assumed in respect of Miners Phthisis or Silicosis under the
All Employees to be included: (b) When table A policy is issued all employees coming within the provision of the WC Act 1923 and subsequent amendments by the said Act must be included. In the case of employees in Private employee a policy may be issued covering any class of servants for which separate rates are fixed provided that class are included in the policy.
N.B.1 In the case of public Bodies and/or Muncipalities, it is, however, permissible to insure complete Sections or Units thereof separately as individual risks, such as Power Houses, Water Works, Gas Works, Transport Service, Sewage, etc. provided all the employees who are entitled to the benefits of the Workmens Compensation Act, 1923, of the Department or Unit concerned are included under the terms of any Policy issued in respect thereof. N.B.2 In the case of risk coming under the purview of the Employees State Insurance Act 1948 it is however permissible to issue separate Table B Workmens Compensation Policies covering those members of the staff, who are not employees within the meaning of that Act, provided all such employees in the Insureds service are included therein. Note 1:The above Regulation does not however, prohibit the issue of joint or separate policies by two or more Insurers sharing the insurance of a risk as Co-Insurers, provided alwasys that the entire legal liability in respect of the risk is fully covered, reimbursement by the insurers being limited to their agreed proportions, and the period of cover under the joint or different policies is concurrent. Note 2:In the event of non-renewal of any of the policies, or alteration in the terms of cover granted under any of the policies all insurers sharing the risk must be advised by the leading Office.
Terms of Insurance: 4. (a) All policies are to be issued for 12 months except that; (1) Policies may be issued for a period in excess of 12 months where an additional odd period is required to make a policy renewable on a particular date to meet the convenience of the Insured. (2) Policies may be issued for a period less than 12 months in cases of specific contracts or work which will be completed in less than 12 months provided policies be written for the full period involved. All premiums must be paid in advance for the full term of the Policy. Accepting or agreeing to accept of premiums by instalments is not permitted. Cancellation: (b) No refund may be granted for the cancelment of annual Policies unless the policies are cancelled by the Company as provided under Policy Condition No.7
(This Regulation does not affect the provision in Policy Condition No.6 for adjustment of premium at the normal termination of any period of insurance or at the termination of the work which was the subject of Insurance.)
5. The rate quoted in this Tariff are in rupees per mille except in certain cases which are rated per capita and apply to Table A policies. Except in cases which are rated per capita the premium must be calculated at the book rate on the total earnings (see Regulation No.7 ) upto Rs.12000/-per annum and for the excess amount premium shall be calculated at 61/4% of the book rate subject to minimum rate of Rs.2/- per mille per annum or if not engaged in manual labour and provided all such employees are included at a minimum rate of 1.20 per mille per annum.. The rates in this tariff are based on the benefits of the Ordinances and Common Law Damages in this country. Tariff Insurers, when dealing with the rating of risks where because of the nationality of the employers or the employees Common Law claims may be brought in countries other than that to which the Tariff relates, should have regard to the amount of damages likely to be awarded in those countries and to the costs involved in handling such extra territorial claims. Occupational diseases listed in Part C schedule III to W.C. Amendment Bill 1989 may also be covered under the W.C. Policy at an additional premium of 50% of the book rate. Minimum Premiums 6. Except in the case of Domestic Servants insurances for which the minimum premium is Rs.10/- and except where otherwise provided, no Policy is to be issued at premium less than Rs.20/- or the rate per mille or the particular risk, whichever is the greater, provided that :(a) In the case of a risk including more than one rate, for the trade (or where more than one trade is carried on the rate for the more highly rated trade) is to be the minimum premium but in no case shall such minimum premium be less than Rs.30/-. In all trade where wood working machinery is used the minimum premium is to be the rate per mille for wood-working machinists or the rate for the trade, whichever is the higher.
The minimum premiums apply to a year or any less period for which the insurance is granted, and when a policy is issued for a minimum premium the fact must be expressed on the face of the Policy or by Endorsement.
Earnings, Wages and Salaries 7. The terms Earnings, Wages and Salaries shall mean the employees total remuneration paid or fallen due for payment including overtime, value of board and/or lodging, housing accommodation bonuses and all other perquisites privileges or benefits in kind or money, received by the employees from the employer in connection with their employment which are capable of being estimated in money. These terms do not however include any travelling allowance or the value of any travelling concession or a contribution paid by the employer of a workman towards any pension or provident fund or a sum paid to a workman to cover any special expenses entitled on him by the nature of his employment. No deductions shall be made in respect of any contributions paid by employees in connection with pension or provident funds or of income tax deducted at source. Board and lodging When provided by the employer board and lodging must be assessed at its fair value but at not less than 20% of the basic pay plus dearness allowance, bonus and other allowances excluding overtime wages, unless specially authorised by the Committee. Board only or lodging only must be assessed at its fair value but at not less than 10 percent of the basic pay plus dearness allowance bonus and other allowances excluding overtime wages, unless specially authoriesed by the Committee. Clerical Staff and Commercial Travellers 9. Clerical staff and Commercial Travellers risks are to be extracted from the general trade risk and rated according to Tariff.
Wages Adjustment. 10. It is not permissible to agree to forego declaration of wages upon the Tariff wages, Adjustment Statement due at the end of each period of insurance for the purpose of premium adjustment. All-round Rates: 11. The mark + signifies that rate is an all-round one to be applied to the earnings of employees except the following who are to be rated at their book rates instead of at the trade rate:Clerical Staff - See also regulation No.9 Commercial Travellers - See also Regulation No.9 Woodworking Machinists - See also Regultion No.13 Lift Attendants: Employees engaged in Delivery i.e. employees engaged in delivering by hand, hand craft, cycle horse, horsedriven vehicle or motor vehicle of any description but excluding loading and unloading craft or vessles; and Motor Drivers as provided for by Regulation No.15 N.B. It is most important that employees in the occupations mentioned above be rated as provided for. If Insurers are of the opinion that Woodworking Machinists, Lift Attendants, Commercial Travellers or employees engaged in Delivery may be employed and the Insured has not made separate provision for them, Endorsmenet 5,9, 10 or 11 (as the case may be) should be inserted in policies. Occupations comprising more than one risk 12. For occupations marked * comprising more than one risk for which separate rates are fixed, each carried on by separate staff in separate building or separate portions of the same building the wages may be stated separately, and each
portion of the risk rated according to schedule, otherwise the highest rate applicable must be charged on the total wages. In such cases, however, where this ruling cannot be applied on account of the temporary character of the work, and the employer will make a separate estimate and will undertake to keep a separate account of the wages paid in respect of any special class of work not usually undertaken by him, the premium may be calculated upon such special of Wages at the Tariff rate. Wood Working Machinists 13. In every description of risk. where Wood-working Machinists are employed the Tariff rate of Rs.30.15 per mille for such employees must be applied, where or not there is a Wood-working Machinists rating in the Rate Book for the trade in question and such rate must be applied amended vide TAC Circular WC/GEN-1 dt.20.3.55 all employees whether wholly or partially engaged with wood-working machinery. The term Wood-working Machinists means and their labourers engaged in connection with wood working machinery driven by steam, gas water electricity or other mechanical power. 14. Deleted.
Drivers and Attendants of Private Cars, Commercial Motors Vehicles & Motor Cycles 15. Where not otherwise provided for in the Tariff, Drivers and Attendants of Private Cars, Commercial Motor Vehicles and Motor Vehicles are to be rated at the general rate for the trade (see also regulation No.11) Insureds liability for Contractors Employees 16. It is permissible to include the risk of the Insured in respect of the employees of Contractors at a premium calculated at the Tariff rate for the work contracted for and charged. i) In cases in which the contract is for labour only, upon the total
amount of the contract; ii) In cases in which the contract is for labour and material upon a percentage of the full contract price to be determined upon the merits of the case, such percentage in no case to be less than 75 per cent of such contract price; In cases in which the contract is for labour material and equipment upon a percentage of the full contract price to be determined upon the merits of the case, such percentage in non case to be less than 50 percent of such contract price.
but where the insured is able to furnish a return of the actual wages Endorsement No.179 must be used in these cases. N.B.Tariff insurers must submit detail of contracts falling under (iii) above to the Sub Committee for consideration.
Joint Policies: 17. Joint Policies may be issued indemnifying more than one person or firm in respect of the same employees engaged upon a particular job for an additional premium of 25% which may be modified or waived in the following circumstances:(a) Where an Insurance is required in the names of a Parent Company and its subsidiary and/or Associated Companies, a Joint Policy may be issued without additional premium. Where one of the parties is a Public Authority or Governement Department, a Joint Policy may be issued without additional
Indemnity to Principals 18. Insurances may be extended in terms of Endorsement No.140 without additional charge. Warehouses 19. Where a warehouse or godown forms part of the premises in which manufacturing processes are carried on by the Insured, the rate for the manufacturing risk must be applied also to his warehouse employees unless otherwise provided for in the Tariff. In connection with warehouse risks subject to Endorsement No.131 or 230 whre it is warranted by the Insured that no vessel are or will be loaded or unloaded by his employees at his warehouse situated at ....... the words and/or on dock quayside or whraf in these Endorsments may be deleted. Endorsement No.333 must be used in thse cases.
Endorsements 20 The endorsements indicated against the printed rate must be placed on all Policies issued at the rate. Occassional Domestic Labour 21. Common Law Liability for accidents to occasional domestic labour in connection with the house, garden or stable (but not stables or motor cars unless permanent employees in connection therewith are insured) may be covered for an
additional premium of 25 per cent, of the premium charged for the per manent servants. If the risk of occassional labour in connection with motor cars is excluded from the policy the additional premium may be based on the premium charged for the permanent servants excluding those employed in connection with motor cars. When no permanent servants are employed the charge for occasional domestic labour as above described must be a minimum of Rs.10/- to cover legal liability only. Occasional domestic labour shall not be deemed to include a person employed regularly for more than two days a week or persons employed continously for more than two months. Servants regularly employed more frequently than twice per week although for only a portion of the day, must be charged for as permanent servants. Endorsement No.248 must be used in these cases. Workpeople, engaged in repairing and maintaining property must not be included in domestic Servants Policies. Additions to permanent Domestic Staffs 23. A special rate either above 500000 or below the normal Tariff rate may be fixed by the Sub.Committee in respect of any risk the wages of which are estimated to exceed Rs.50,000/- per annum, or in respect of any individual contract for which a separate insurance is required in which the wages are estimated to exceed Rs.50,000. Any special rates so fixed may be revised or cancelled by the Sub-Committee at any time for reasons they may deem sufficient. The conditions governing special rating are defined in the Special Rating Rules contained in this Tariff. N.B. 1. The word risk as used above may be defined as one peoprietorship. For the purpose of special rating it is not permissible to combine
the wages for two or more works or premises under the same proprietorship unless such works or premises are carrying on the same trades or process ancillary to such trade. 24.2.95 The facility of special rates sanctioned on the basis of Insureds Co. for existing unit can be extended to a new writ of the same Insured under a fresh policy provided the new unit is not more hazardous then the existing unit enjoy sp.rate.
Medical Expenses: 24. Table A Policies may be extended on the following scale to provide for the payment of medical surgical and hospital expenses (including cost of transport to Hospitals), incurred by the Insured:Limit Rs. 80 per case 12.1/2% 120 15% 160 171/2% 400 20% 800 25% 1600 35% 2400 45% additional premium
1. Matters concerning special ratings may be dealt with at the regular meetings of the Miscellaneous Committee, or at special meetings convened for the purpose at the discretion of the Chairman. 2. The submitting Insurer or any Insurer directly interested shall be entitlted to attend the Committee meeting at which an application for special rating is considered but shall not be entitled to vote thereof. Eligibility for special rating 3. A risk may be submitted for special rating in terms of Regulation No.23 provided that :(a) The risk has been upon the books of the submitting Insurer for a peirod of atleast nine months prior to the application, or (b) Specially vouched for by proposer in any case where the risk has not been insured by a Insurer during the period in question. (c) The risk has not been upon the books of submitting Insurer or any other Insurer for a period of at least nine months prior to the application. Particulars to be furnished 4. Applications for special rating must be made on the form drawn up for the purpose by the Committee accompanied by a fully completed form signed by the proposer, as well as a copy thereof, the latter to be retained by the Committee for record purpose. Where any portion of the experience shown in the application is not that of the submitting Insurer it must be either :(a) Confirmed by the Insurer or Insurers writing the business during the period under review, or (b) Specially vouched for by the proposer in any case where the risk has not been insured by a Insurer during the period of quesiton.
Where full details of the experience, as required on the application and proposal forms, are not supplied the Committee shall have discretion to grant a special rate provided that the information furnished complies with this rule is substance though not in form. 5. Deleted Risks rated on estimated wages
6. In the case of a new undertaking or in any other case where the wages for the previous twelve months did not exceed Rs.50,000 and the application is made for a rate on estimated wages for the ensuring twelve months, the Committee must be satisfied that there is good reason for anticipating that such Wages will be excess of Rs.50,000 for such period, and if a rate is fixed, the risk shall be subject to review at the first renewal thereafter when particulars of the actual wages must be furnished. Extension to allied risk 7. Where an Insured for whom a specific risk has been specially rated owns or subsequently takes over under his own control a business of the same description and not more hazardous than that for which the special rate has already been fixed, but where the wages are less than Rs.50,000 per annum, the Committee may, on the application of any Insurer holding the insurance of either or both the risks, extend the special rate to such smaller risk or fix such other rate as they may consider appropriate.Due notice of the application must be given by the submitting Insurer to any other Insurer or Insurers holding the insurance of any portions of the risk. All risks specially rated under this Rule must be submitted for reconsideration when the rate for the original risk is being reconsidered.
Re-submission 8. All risks specially rated under these Rules must be submitted to the Committee for reconsideration at least 15 clear days prior to every renewal but where the wages of any specially rated risk prove upon adjustment to have been less than Rs.50,000 for the past year, it shall be obligatory upon the holding Insurer to bring the case again before the Committee at least 15 clear days prior to any subsequent renewal, and the Committee shall cancel the special rate unless satisfied that the fall in wages is due to temporary and special circumstances. In all cases where permission to continue in such amount of wages at present being paid, together with the Insureds reasons for anticipating that the fall in wages is likely to be only of a temporary character. Duty to other Insurers
9. An Insurer holding a risk eligible for special rating shall at the request of any other Insurer who has been asked in writing by the proposer to quote for risk intimate to the Insurer at least fourteen clear days before the renewal date of the Policy or if such request is not received in time to enable the holding Insurer to give such Intimation 14 clear days before the renewal date, then within seven days from the date of receipt of such request, whether it is intended to invite renewal of the Policy or to apply for a special rate or for the revision of any special rate recorded by the Committee for such risk. Failing such intimation from the Insurer on request, the Committee, if satisfied that the withholding of the intimation is deliberate, shall be empowered to proceed to the consideration of a special rate or revision of an existing special rate and in such case no special rate shall be granted or revised except with the consent of the enquiring Insurer. Time from which rate operates
10. Unless otherwise authorised by the Sub-Committee a rate shall not operate prior to the renewal date as indicated in the application for such rate or, in the case of a risk not on the books of any Insurer, the date of the proposal form.
Release of rate 11. No special rates shall be acted upon or communicated to anyone until Official notification thereof has been received in writing from the Regional Committee. The name of every risk specially rated, together with the date of sanction or alteration and the actual special rate sanctioned therefor shall be published for the information of Insurers. This will, however, be done only after all formalities like approval of the special rate by the Tariff Advisory Committee are over. One Policy to be issued 12. In the event of a special rate being granted it is not permissible, unless specially authorised by the Committee, to issue other than one policy on the basis of the wages stated on the schedule of the Special Rating Application form. Advice to Regional Secretary 13. Insurers must advise the Regional Secretary of all risks rated under these rules which are placed upon their books and of any such risks which cease to be upon their books. Cancellation and retention of rates
Where a risk for which special rate has been fixed :(i) does not come on the books of an Insurer within six months of the date on which the rate is made, or has ceased to be on the books of any Insurer for six months
the rate for such risk shall be cancelled, subject to the following provisions :(a) A rate may be cancelled by the Committee prior to the expiration of the period of six months mentioned in (i) or (ii) above at the request of an Insurer and with the assent of all Insurer to whom the rate has been furnished by the Regional Secretary.
A rate above Tariff may, at the discretion of the Committee, be retained upon the books of the Committee for a period of five years.
If re-instatement of a cancelled rate is desired the risk must be re-submitted in accordance with these Rules.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES Rate Rs. EndorseClassificPer Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Advertisement Contractors Bill Posters and Distributors 12.15 1 Agricultural Farms Aerated Water Manufacturers Aircraft Manufacture of a) Pilots and employees who may at any time fly b) Wood-working machinists excl. travelling in Aircraft c) All employees excl. travelling in Aircraft Aluminium Goods Manufacture Foundry hands, incl. Stampers All other employees Aluminium Powder and Paste Manufacturers 752 Analytical Chemists Animal (wild) Catching, keeping, training or working 60.80 6 36.50 15.10 72.95 7.80 5 3 4 121.60 30.15 21.40 15 8 16A 5.85 15.10 715 2 TRADE OR BUSINESS
287 5;287
Antimony Smelters and/or Extractors Architects Artificial Stone Makers Hands engaged on Buildings All others Asbestos Cement Manufacturers If Application work is done If no Application work is done
30.15 5.85
699 766
30.15 12.15
661 662
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES Rate Rs. EndorseClassificPer Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Athletic, Fishing, Gymnastic, Cricket and Golf Goods Manufacturers Wood working machinists All others employees Auctioneers Surveying and inventory making clerks Others clerks Porters and assistants excl. risk connection with horses and livestock Porters and assistants for horses and livestock Aviation Companies of Firms engaged in flying only and where no manufacture is carried on Pilots and employees who may at any time fly 97.30 15 5.85 2.45 18.50 60.80 10 11 12 13 30.15 36.50 8 9 TRADE OR BUSINESS
210 6;12
All other employees Badami Compressed Coal Manufactures 747 Bakelite and Bakelite Goods Makers (as separate trade) Bakeries and Biscuit Factories Employees engaged with Machinery All Employees not engaged with Machinery Bamboo and Bentwood Furniture Makers Woodworking machinists All other employees Barge, Boat, Launch and Yatch only Builders Woodworking machinists All other employees 18
12.15 5.85
659 660
30.15 12.15
8 17
30.15 18.50
14 5;14
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES Rate Rs. EndorseClassificPer Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Barometer Hydrometer, Thermometer, Mathematical, Nautical and Surgical Instruments and Appliance Makers, Watchmakers and Opticians All Employees Basket Makers Osier and willow cutting Woodworking machinists All other employees 18.50 30.15 9.25 5 5;15 20 8 21 5.85 19 TRADE OR BUSINESS
Battery Service Station All employees excl. batteries makers and erectors Bedding and Mattress Manufacturers Excl. wire risk Wire mattresses : Woodworking machinists All other employees incl. wire risk Bedstead Manufacturers (Metal) Belting Manufacturers Bedding and Mattress Manufacturers Billiard Makers and Billiard Saloons Billiard Tables Makers Woodworking machinists All other employees Billposters and Distributor Bitumen Lined Paper Manufacturers All other employees Bitumen refineries Blacking and Boot, Metal and furniture polish Mfgrs Blacksmiths and Farriers 30.15 54.50 15.10 18.50 753 29 30 31 30.15 12.15 30.15 8 27 28 9.25 30.15 18.50 15.10 12.15 9.25 16 5 5 22 8 23 24 25 26 15.10 757
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES Rate Rs. EndorseClassificPer Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Blast Furnaces (iron production) 67.10 32 Bobbin and Shuttle Makers, Wooden Woodworking machinists Bobbin and Shuttle Makers, Wooden All other employees 30.15 18.50 8 711 TRADE OR BUSINESS
Boiler Makers and Repairers Incl. Erection Boiler scalers 36.50 72.95 33 34
Bone mills Incl. Anthrax Excl. Anthrax Bookbinder (with or without machinery) Boot & Shoe Manufacturers and Factories (Wholesale) Boot & Shoe Dealers, Makers and Repairers (Retail) Brass Founders, Workers and Finishers Foundry hands All other employees Brewers incl. coopers & all processes incidental to the trade and maintenance staff Brick and Tile Makers Where no machinery is used; excl. clay or blaes getting below 6 metres Where any machinery is used; excl. clay or blaes getting below 6 metres All employees engaged in clay or blaes-getting below 6 metres excl. pit or mine 24.30 12.15 9.25 39 40 41 27.25 21.40 9.25 18.50 5.85 35 36 37 38 706
22;206 22
42 43 677
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES Rate Rs. EndorseClassificPer Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Brush Manufacturers Wood-working machinists All other employees (excl. Anthrax) Brush Manufacturers 30.15 5.85 8 44 TRADE OR BUSINESS
All other employees (incl. Anthrax) Builders All employees engaged in shop or yard or in construction/ demolition of buildings and other civil construction like dams, bridges etc. incl. excavation Excl. blasting and tunneling Incl. blasting and tunneling Steeple, Tower and chimney shaft builders or repairers
46 239 48
Builders, Material and Stone, Slate and Pottery Dealers Employees engaged in loading and unloading vessels All other employees Button, Buckle, Hook and Eye Manufacturers Metal Other than Metal Cabinet Makers Woodworking machinists All other employees Candle Manufacturers and Tallow Candlers Canneries Tin making All other employees 53 30.15 18.50 8 30.15 9.25 24.30 8 51 733 6.25 14.85 28 703 704 97.30 24.30 27 6 49 50
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES TRADE OR BUSINESS Rate Rs. Per Mille Endorsement No. ClassificAtion No.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Canvas and webbing equipments manufacturers Where carried on as a separate trade Where carried on in a Cotton jute mill Canvassers Card, Cardboard, Strawboard and Millboard Makers Cardboard Box and Paper Box Manufacturers Machinists All other employees Caretakers Durwans, Chowkidars and Gatekeepers (except in classifications for which an all-round rate is to be applied under regulation II) Carman and Cartage and Contractors Incl. Motor Transport companies (not passenger carrying) 42.80 58 15.10 12.15 55 56 24.30 7.80 3.90 30.15 700 701 54 718
Carbon Papers, Typewriter Ribbons, Inks and Stamp Pad Mfgrs. Woodworking machinist All other employees Carpenters and joiners - who only undertake contracts for woodwork Woodworking machinist All other employees Carpet and Rug Mfgtrs. Sorters Incl. Anthrax 24.30 60 Excl. Anthrax 12.15 68 61 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES 30.15 9.25 8 59 30.15 18.50 8 754
Rate Rs. EndorseClassificPer Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------All other employees, hand work only 12.15 339 62 All other employees, engaged in machinery 24.30 339 63 Carriage Gharry and/or Livery Stable Proprietors Not undertaking carriage contracts Note: Where cartage contract work is undertaken the rate for carmen and Cartage Contractors must be applied to the whole of the wages Carvers in Stone, Masons and Monumental Masons where carried on as a separate trade On Buildings All Others Employees on board vessels off-shore Plat forms and/or Rigs engaged solely upon catering duties Celluloid and Celluloid goods makers Cement Hollow Block Mfgrs.Where no machinery is used Where any machinery is used Cement Works Excl. Quarry or Mining Risk (Quarry and Mining Risks to be rated Separately) Chair Makers Woodworking machinists All other employees 30.15 12.15 8 67 12.15 21.40 739 740 Rate as Builders 24.30 313 30.15 64
72.95 48.65
763 726
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES Rate Rs. EndorseClassificPer Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chemical Works Incl. acid, Alizarine, alkali, alum, ammonia, aniline, arsenic bichromate of potash, borax, sheep dip and soda works Chemists and Druggists (Manufacturing) and Patent Medicine Mfgrs. Christmas Cracker Makers Cinchona Estates Employees on Factory Register Domestic Servants whose names appear on the Factory or garden register who are paid wholly by estate All other employees Cinematograph Theaters and Exhibitors All employees incl. clerical and managers but excl. film production Cinematograph Film Producers To be submitted for special rating Circus, Fair Pleasure Ground Proprietors All employees Clerical Staff Engaged in trade on mercantile employment 60.80 75 5.85 2.90 2.90 71 TRADE OR BUSINESS
7.80 18.50
69 70
73 74
(Duties strictly limited to indoor clerical work) Clothing & Underclothing Mfgrs.(Wholesale)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES Rate Rs. EndorseClassificPer Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Club Servants All employees incl. Waiters Coach, Carriage, Bus Body and Wagon Builders and Wheelwrights Excl. Railway Coach and Railway Wagon Building and Repairing Woodworking machinists All other employees Coal Merchants & Dealers Employees engaged in loading and discharging vessels Carters and all other employees Cocoa Fibre Works, Mat and Matting Makers 97.30 45.70 5.85 80 81 82 4.35 78 TRADE OR BUSINESS
30.15 15.10
8 79
Coffee Curing works Where carried on as a separate trade Employees engaged inside the factory Woodworking machinists Employees engaged outside the factory Coffee Estate Domestic Servants whose names appear on the Factory or garden register who are paid wholly by estate All other employees Coffee Roasters and Essence Mfgrs. Coir Presses 5.85 30.15 2.90 665 8 666
15.10 5.85
85 86
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES Rate Rs. EndorseClassificPer Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cold Storage Warehouses 18.50 89 Collieries Whole Risk (Fiery) Pits Inclines & Levels (Minimum premium Rs. 800) Collieries Fatal Only (Fiery) Pits Inclines & Levels (Minimum of Rs. 480) Minimum premium Rs. 480 Commercial Travellers Employees using Motor Cycles/Scooters All other employees 98 Condiment Mfgrs. ConfectionersEmployees engaged with machinery Employees not engaged with machinery 12.15 5.85 100 101 18.25 3.90 258 357 98A 54.50 45.70 3;337A 3;337 337A 94 95 TRADE OR BUSINESS
72.95 60.80
3 3;337
90 91
Container Manufacture where no mechanically drives machines and/or chemical is used Coopers & Vat Makers Woodworking machinists All other employees Copper T Manufacture Cordial (Fruit) and Canned Fruit Mfgrs. Employees engaged in agricultural work on Fruit Farm
8 102
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES Rate Rs. EndorseClassificPer Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------All other Employees engaged in the manufacture of Fruit Cordial and Canned Fruit If aerated waters are manufactured If no aerated waters are manufactured Coal and Geological Drilling On land On River Beds Corn and Flour Millers See Flour Mills Cotton Mills All process incl. Mill Godowns N.B. Weaving & Printing of cloth by hand power Cotton Ginning and pressing Factories and Presses Calcutta and Delhi Region 27.75 105 7.80 104 15.10 36.50 742 743 15.10 12.15 2 716 TRADE OR BUSINESS
Other Regions Cotton Godowns and Warehouses Cotton Bales, loading and unloading into Railway Wagons, incl. delivery (where delivery undertaken by an Independent Contractor, the rate for "Carmen and Cartage Contractors" to apply) Cotton Wadding Mfgrs.Cotton Waste Merchants All employees
106 107
30.15 24.30
108 681
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES Rate Rs. EndorseClassificPer Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Crane Drivers 36.50 768 Crews of Country Craft plying between coastal Ports Cycle and Motor Cycles Makers, and Repairers, and Cycle Components and accessories makers with or without machinery Dairies Wholesale 15.10 Shop Risks 7.80 457b Delivery by hand, handcraft, Cycle or tricycle 9.25 Otherwise, but excl. loading and unloading of craft or vessels 18.50 11;13 457a 121.60 758 TRADE OR BUSINESS
12 43
596a 596b
Dentists With or without Mechanics N.B. All risks entailing the use of radium, radio-active substances or X-ray apparatus must be submitted to the Committee for Special Rating Die Cutters and/or Sinkers Incl. Engraving Disinfectant Mfgrs. Excl. Dyewood Grinders Distilleries 12.15 12.15 39 113 114 21.40 111 9.25 110
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES Rate Rs. EndorseClassificPer Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Divers 170.25 177 115 Docks Dock service under takings (Excl. Stevedores) Dock Pier and Wharf construction maintenance and/or repairs Maintenance and/or repairs Construction (excl. blasting ) 118 Employees engaged in blasting 36.50 48.65 97.30 177 351 117 177&219 119 36.50 43 116 TRADE OR BUSINESS
Domestic Servants In private residences or in personal service of employer Residence in boarding house club or hotel (not in employee Of proprietors Bearers, Khitmatgars, Hamals, Cooks, Sweepers and Mehters Mali Syce (Horse) Motor Car Driver, Cleaners and attendants Doctors' Dispensers, Assistants and Locum Tenens Dry Ice Mfgrs. Dyers, Dressers and Mercerisers Dyewood Grinders Dye Grinding and Mixing Works (Not Dyewood grinding but only dye substances powdered and subsequently mixed) Educational Training Institutions, Schools and College Staff (Excl. Veterinary Colleges)
per capita
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES Rate Rs. EndorseClassificPer Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Clerical Staff 2.45 76 Masters, Mistresses and male and female assistants 2.90 128 All other employees 4.35 129 Electricity Light and/or Power Supply TRADE OR BUSINESS
All employees inside and out Electrical Engineers (not manufacturers) Installation and repair of plant, fittings and Appartus incl. wireless, telephone and telegraph:Work on ships and underground in mines and quarries Work in generating stations, cinemas, factories, theaters, music halls, public halls and similar buildings and roofs of railway station over 9 metres height or where any unit is handled exceeding 12.7 Kilogram in weight Work other buildings and roofs of railway station over 9 metres height or where any unit is handled exceeding 12.7 Kilogram in weight Electrical Engineers (manufacturers)
Makers of fittings and appartus incl. wireless, telephone and telegraph T.V. and Radio cum Recorder Manufacturers' and Computer Companies manufacturing: Shop and yard risk onlya) Where any unit is handled exceeding 12.7 Kilograms in weight when completed for use 18.50 b) Where no unit is handled exceeding 12.7 Kilograms in weight when completed for use 12.15
238 238:241
671 672
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES Rate Rs. EndorseClassificPer Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Work away from Shop and yard Rate as Electrical Engineers (not manufacturers) Batteries Accumulator and storage batteries makers and erectors Dry Battery and portable electric and torch makers, 18.50 663 TRADE OR BUSINESS
button cell Mfgrs. Electric Cables, Makers and suppliers of incl. Cablelaying, installation and Erection work Shop or yard risk only incl. Carrying All work away from shop or yard Electric Lights and Telephone Wire Coverers Electric Sign Makers Erection All other work Electric Refrigerators and Air Conditioners Assembling, Installation Maintenance and Repairs (a) Domestic purposes :(i) Service men using motor cycles (ii) All other employees (b) Commercial purposes Electro-Silver and Nickel Plate Manufacturers and Metal Polishers and Platers Telephone Operators Wireless Engineers See Electrical Engineers (not manufacturers) Wireless Schools Tuition and demonstration
15.10 60.80
8 177
134 135
72.95 18.50
675 676
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES Rate Rs. EndorseClassificPer Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TRADE OR BUSINESS
Elephants - catching, training keeping or working To be submitted special rating Embroidery Mills All other employees Emery Cloth, Glass and sand Paper and cleaning Powder Mfgrs.Enamellers and Japanners Where carried on as separate tradeMetal only All other materials Engineers Bridge building (i) Brick, stone, timber and concrete upto 6 metres in height from road or water level at low tide (ii) Brick, stone, timber and concrete over 6 metres in height from road or water level at low tide (iii) Column and Girder (a) Shop or yard risk (b) Erection away from shop or yard Colliery and Mining Machinery Shop or Yard risk only, incl. Carting 21.40 Fixing, repairing, excl. sinking add chimney shaft erecting 24.30 Cranes Shop or yard risk only All work away from Shop or yard 36.50 60.80 8 32 148 149 8 147 146 147 18.50 30.15 323 140 141 7.80 694
Gasometers and Tanks (see Regulation No 12) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES
Rate Rs. EndorseClassificPer Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Shop or yard risk only, incl. Carting 36.50 8 150 All work away from Shop or yard 72.95 32 151 Hydraulic Machinery excl. Lift and Crane making and erecting ( see Regulation page 12) Shop or yard risk only Erecting away from Shop or yard Lifts ( see Regulation page 12) Shop or yard risk only Work away from Shop or yard excl. shaft sinking Shaft sinking (Note : The aforementioned rates are applicable to Lightest risk only. It is advisable that each Risk be rated according to the nature of the work) 36.50 24.30 246;8 246 152 153
8;155 155
Engineers not otherwise classified Incl. work away from shop or yard upto 9 mtrs height Incl. work away from shop or yard exceeding 9 mts high Excavation, Earth Removal and Filling and Reclamation (not for Sewers and Roads) Excl. use of explosives blasting, Tunnelling and quarrying 30.00 Incl. blasting and tunelling 72.95 Explosives Manufacturers Nitroglycerine based Explosives Non- Nitroglycerine based Explosives Slurry Explosives 75.00 60.00 60.00 158 158 291 759 760 27.25 60.80 237 157 157A
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES Rate Rs. EndorseClassificPer Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ferry & Launch Owners (excl. Towing) Mechanically propelled and 50 tons net tonnage or over Ferry & Launch Owners (excl. towing) Mechanically propelled and under 50 tons net tonnage Otherwise than Mechanically Propelled Fire Brigades(on total sums paid) Fire Extinguishing Appliances Makers Fire Loss Assessors Fire Work Mfgrs. Where hand power only is used Where any mechanically driven machinery is used Fish Dehydrating Flag, Banner and Bunting Makers Excl. erection, decoration tents and mosques Incl. Erection Floorcloth Linoleum Mfgrs. Flour and Dal Mills Forge Masters Forwarding and Shipping Agent's Receiving Offices, Depots and Godowns 12.15 24.30 30.15 15.10 30.15 55 167 168 725 169 170 97.30 121.60 24.30 166 761 717 72.95 24.30 24.30 164 767 165 30.15 48.65 72.95 160 161 162 TRADE OR BUSINESS
Frozen Food Mfgrs. 18.50 89 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES Rate Rs. EndorseClassificPer Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Furniture Dealers and Removers and Depository Proprietors Retail Shop and Excl. Delivery and Cartage Removers and Depository hands Furniture Mfgrs. other than machine hand moulded/plastic to be included Sheet Metal Other than Sheet Metal:Woodworking machinists All other employees Furriers Retail Shop risk Wholesale dealers: Excl. handling of raw skins Incl. handling of raw skins Galvanising Where carried on as separate trade Gas mantle (incandescent) makers Gas Mfgrs Coal All Employees incl. Fitters, meter readers, collectors, inspectors but all excl. gasometer erection painting and repairing demolishers Oxygen-and other gases Gasometer painting and repairing 30.15 9.25 182 732 7.80 10.70 15.10 12 12;60 12 177 179 180 30.15 30.15 9.25 750 8 176 12.15 36.50 11 172 175 TRADE OR BUSINESS
61 61
Gas proofing of material when carried on as a separate Trade Gelatins, Glue, Size and Isinglass Mfgrs Ghee Mfgrs(Tine and steel plate and sheet metal workers To be rated separately under that head)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES Rate Rs. EndorseClassificPer Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Glass Mfgrs StainedExcl. erection and lead poisoning Incl. erection and lead poisoning Domestic articles such as glasses and decanters Bottle Sheet and Plate Bevellers and Silverers Embossers, Gliders, Decorators and Glass Sign writers incl. Erection Glaziers Residences, offices and shops Other risks Gliding Association - Non flying employees Godwons ( See Warehouses) Gold and Silver Thread Lametta & Lace Mfgrs. Golf Clubs (see Regulation No 8) All employees incl. stewards servants and Caddies 5.85 196 15.10 195 21.40 24.30 24.30 62 287 193 194 755 10.70 21.40 10.70 9.25 12.15 15.10 15.10 215 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 TRADE OR BUSINESS
Caddies only, per member on total membership (Note: This rate is to be charged on the maximum Membership during the period of Insurance ) Individual players, against caddies risk on any links per players Visitors liability in respect of caddies, per visitor (Minimum premium Rs. 10/-)
198 199
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES Rate Rs. EndorseClassificPer Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Grain Elevator Employees Corn, Flour, Hay, Straw, Fodder, Seed and Grain merchants and Forage Contractors Where no mechanically driven machinery is used, excl. loading and discharging vessels and carting and delivery other than by hand or cart 60.80 200 TRADE OR BUSINESS
206 12;43
Where machinery is used, excl. loading and discharging vessels and carting and delivery other than by hand or cart 21.40 All Employees engaged in loading and discharging vessels 97.30 Grain Godown and Warehouse Employees Gramophone Record Makers Grease Mfgrs. Grindstone & Millstone Makers Not in 24.30 18.50 12.15
Connection with quarries(Quarry risks to be rated as quarries) Groundnut Decorticating All employees Gun Makers Excl. ordnance work Workmen engaged in testing and catridge loading All other employees Hackle Makers
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES Rate Rs. EndorseClassificPer Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Harness and Saddle Makers Wood working machinists All other employees Hat and Topee Works All descriptions incl. Ladies' Frames and Shapes Heald and Reed Makers Wood working machinists All other employees Heat treatment shops (excl. Forging) Hide and Skin Merchants and Dealers Incl. Anthrax Excl. Anthrax 36.50 15.10 215 215A 30.15 7.80 18.50 8 214 214A 7.80 213 30.15 12.15 8 212 TRADE OR BUSINESS
Hiking Clubs Sherpas employed for carrying loads in the mountains: Wages upto 200/- P.M Wages upto 300/- P.M. Wages exceeding 300/- P.M.
per Capita
Notes:- 1) The above rates are for a period not exceeding 2 months. Where the period exceeds 2 months but does not exceeds 8 months 25% extra should Be charged. For period exceeding 8 months 50% extra should be charged. 2) The above rates are applicable where no Rope and Tackle are used but loaded by 25% when Sherpas use Rope and Tackle in order to take care of greater hazards involved.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES Rate Rs. EndorseClassificPer Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hollow Ware Mfgrs. (Metal) Domestic - Utensils incl. stamping and enamelling Horse Hair Mfgrs Incl. Anthrax Excl. Anthrax Horse Breeders Trainers and Jokeys Hosiery Factories Hospitals24.30 12.15 60.80 5.85 217 218 219 220 24.30 216 TRADE OR BUSINESS
Asylums, Nursing, Mission or training Homes Reformatories, Public, Benevolent and Charitable, I institutions, inebriate and similar homes Clerical and salaried office staff Wood-working machinists Nurses keepers and attendants on Lunatics All other employees Construction, alteration, demolition or repair of buildings must be rated according to the Tariff for Builders, and the corresponding endorsements must be applied. N.B. All risks entailing the use of radium radio-active substances or X-ray apparatus must be submitted to the Committee for special rating Hotels(Residential Commercial and Temperance) Hydropathic Establishments, boarding and lodging houses, residential Chambers, coffee tea and refreshment rooms and restaurants Excluding public houses, beer shops and taverns ( see Regulation Nos. 7 and 8) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES Rate Rs. EndorseClassificPer Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indoor 4.35 19 221 Outdoor and maintenance staff, incl. lift attendants 18.50 24 222 Hurricane Lantern Mfgrs Ice Dealers and Mfgrs Excluding Dry Ice Manufacturers (see Dry Ice Mfgrs) Import and Export Merchants Sircars Superintending only loading and unloading 24.30 24.30 748 223 TRADE OR BUSINESS 2.45 30.15 9.25 5.85 76 8 307 306
of freightAll employees Ice Cream Mfgrs/India Rubber- (see Regulation No 12) Gutta percha, vulcanite and India rubber goods, belting ebonite, ebonestos and water proof material Mfgrs. Water proof garment makers Stamp makers Tyre Mfgrs. Waste workers and re-claimers Indigo Mfgrs. Inland Water Transport Companies Ink Mfgrs. Insurance Companies Insecticides/Pesticide Insecticides/Pesticide spraying Intra-uterine contraceptives devices Mfgrs. 30.15 12.15 224 100
24.30 5.85 10.70 24.30 42.80 24.30 30.15 5.85 2.90 30.15 24.30 5.85
225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 236 765A 765
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES Rate Rs. EndorseClassificPer Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ivory, Bone and Tortoiseshell goods Makers, and Pearl cutters Where the materials handled are solely ivory and/or tortoiseshell and/or pearl Where the materials handled are not solely ivory and/or tortoiseshell and/or pearl TRADE OR BUSINESS
18.50 36.50
240 241
Jacquard Harness makersJam and provision preservers and packers Jelly and Powder (table) Mfgrs Jewelers, Goldsmith and Silversmith Retail only Wholesale and Mfgr. Tower, Turret, and Railway Clock fixing, repairing and winding Jute Bales Loading and unloading into Railway wagons Jute Godowns and Warehouses Handling Jute, loose and in pucca or kucha bales Jute Mills All processes incl. mill godowns Jute PressesAll employees in pucca baling presses All employees in Kutcha baling presses .
12;343 343
18.50 18.50
245 246
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES Rate Rs. EndorseClassificPer Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lamp Makers TRADE OR BUSINESS
Land Drainage ServiceExcl. blasting and tunnelling Incl. blasting and tunnelling Lapidaries and precious stone cuttersExcl. Lead poisoning Incl. Lead poisoning Laundries Incl. receiving office employees Where machinery is used Where no machinery is used Lead pencil Makers (see Regulation No. 13) Lead smelters and/or extractors Leather Dresser and Dyers Leather Goods Mfgrs.Excl. Belting LGP Bottling Plant Passengers Lift attendants in Offices, Residential Premises, Shops, Hospitals, Nursling Homes and Educational Institutions Lift Repairing Machinists (Upkeep of Insured 's own property only) 21.40 259 15.10 30.15 257 7.80 18.50 297 250 251 30.15 97.30 291 177 248 249
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES TRADE OR BUSINESS Rate Rs. Per Mille Endorsement No. ClassificAtion No.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lighthouse Keepers145.90 261 Lime Works and KilnsExcl. Quarry or Mining Risks Linen Finishers Liquified Petroleum Gas Dealers All employees incl. those engaged in the delivery of Gas Cylinders by hand, handcart and mechanically propelled vehicles Lock Makers Live Stock Farm Machinery and Metal Buyers, salesmen and show room assistants Warehouse Second-hand Machinery and scrap Metal Dealers excl. dismantling breaking up and demolition Dismantling breaking up and demolition 268 Maltsters Manure and Fertiliser Mfgrs.Marble and granite Works, Dressing and polishing, not in connection with Quarries Margarine Mfgrs.Match Mfgrs12.15 24.30 54.50 170.25 230 78 78 265 266 267 30.15 12.15 217 262 263
12.15 18.50
269 270
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES Rate Rs. EndorseClassificPer Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Meat Market Salesman only Assistants, incl. cutting up Porters Messengers (Office) and Bill Collectors 12.15 4.35 690 664 5.85 21.40 27.25 81 82 274 275 276 TRADE OR BUSINESS
Using Cycles Not Using Cycles Metal Workers Bell Founders Metal Spinners Metal Makers Pewterers Stereotypes Tin Refiners Typefounders Maker of Aeroplane small parts (Metal) Cotton Gin Machinery parts Electric Light Fittings Hinges Gas Fittings German Silver, Solder, and Spelter Goods Motor Vehicle small parts (metal) 749a Valves Water fitting (excl. Meters) Flexible Metallic Tubing Metal Workers -
12.15 18.50 12.15 24.30 12.15 12.15 15.10 12.15 12.15 12.15
Workers in Zinc, not smelting or rolling Where no work away from the shop or yard is done 15.10 Where any work away from the shop or yard is done 18.50 285 296 295
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES Rate Rs. EndorseClassificPer Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mechanical Appliances Like Tractors, Harvesters and Ploughers etc. 36.50 302 Mica Cutters Milk Mfgrs., Condensed and Sterilised Mines The following rates must be applied to all employees of every description, incl. employees engaged in loading, unloading, carting and all other operations incidental to the work at, in or about the mine Asbestos (open cast) Barytes Chromite Copper 366 Gold Graphite Iron Ore Lead Manganese Mica Ochre Salt Silver Tin Wolfram Motor Cycle and Cycle Patrols (Automobile 42.80 36.50 54.50 48.65 97.30 42.80 97.30 48.65 54.50 42.80 42.80 42.80 48.65 48.65 48.65 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 367 368 749 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 756 365 771 9.25 27.25 297 702 TRADE OR BUSINESS
Association or Clubs) All Employees Motor Race Drivers per car per race 42.80 121.60 258 697 299
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES Rate Rs. EndorseClassificPer Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Motor Garages, Showrooms and Assemblers of Motor Vehicles Woodworking machinists All other employees incl. salesman drivers all mechanics Motor Tractors Owners (Land cultivation only) Myrobalan Extract Manufacturing Nail Makers Where no mechanically is used Where machinery is used Nurse Not attending on lunatics Attending on lunatics Nut and Bolt Makers (Iron and Steel) Where no mechanically driven machinery is used Where machinery is used 18.50 24.30 206 308 309 5.85 9.25 79 306 307 18.50 24.30 206 304 305 36.50 15.10 302 303 30.15 15.10 8 301 TRADE OR BUSINESS
Oakum Mfgrs. Oil Companies, importing in bulk for retail Distribution All employees Oil Mills (not mineral oils) and Oilcake Mfgrs Oil skin and Tarpaulin Mfgrs -
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES Rate Rs. EndorseClassificPer Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Oil Well Proprietors and Mineral Oil Refiners Employees engaged in drilling and pumping erection, repair and demolition of riggs telegraph or telephone lines or overhead electric cable All other employees Omnibus and Motor Bus Proprietors Open Cast Coal-Getting (incl. use of explosives) Ore Importers and Exporters where carried on as a separate trade incl. Godown and Loading and Unloading Vessels Oyster Cultivators Oil expeller and oil expeller spare parts mfgrs. Paint Colour and Enamal Mfgrs.Where no red or white lead manufactured Where red or white lead manufactured TRADE OR BUSINESS
12.15 18.50
321 322
Painters and Decorators where carried on as separate trade, not Builders (See Regulation No 12) All risks incl. ship painters, scrapers and scalers Excl. churches, chapals, cinemas, theaters, music halls, public halls, gtasometers towers, bridges, viaducts or blast furnaces, the painting, scraping or scaling of ships of any work in connection with the roofs of railway stations or railway platform awnings Palm Trees Tapping or Picking 48.65 684 145.90 323
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES Rate Rs. EndorseClassificPer Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Paper Mfgrs.Hand made only Machine made Waxed Paper Paper Patern Makers Paper Waxing (where carried on as a separate Trade) Paper Mache Decorators Inside work only Parcel Delivery Agents, Carriers & Carters Parquet Floor Cutting 15.10 36.50 94 329 330 12.15 30.15 18.50 12.15 18.50 222A 93 326 327 713 328 714 TRADE OR BUSINESS
Wood work machinists All other employees Parquet Floor Laying Patent Fuel and Firelighter Mfgrs. Patent Card Makers Perfume Mfgrs. Pest Control and Fumigation Petro Pump Stations (Not connected with garages) Delivery (see Classification 596a and 596b) All other Works Petrochemical Industry Photo Block and Process Block Mfgrs.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES Rate Rs. EndorseClassificPer Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Photographers and Photographic Appliances Dealers Shop and studio 7.80 Operators and assistants engaged partly or wholly outside 12.15 Picture & Picture Frame Makers, Dealers and Gilders Retail Shop risk Wood work machinists All other employees Picture Frame Moulding Makers Wood working machinists All other employees 30.15 15.15 8 342 12.15 30.15 12.15 5;12 340 8 341 12;97 337 338 TRADE OR BUSINESS
Pile Drivers Where carried on as a separate trade Pit Prop cutting where carried on as a separate Trade Planing and Moulding Mills Plasterers and Plaster and Fibrous Plaster Modellers and Moulders where carried on separate Trade All Risks Excl. churches, chapals, cinemas, exhibitions, music halls, public halls and theaters Plastic Goods Mfgrs. Plumber, Hotwater and Sanitary Engineers where carried on as separate TradeRetail Shop risk 9.25 12.129 348 97.30 30.15 16.50 327 346 347 737 54.70 48.65 48.65 177 343 344 345
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES Rate Rs. EndorseClassificPer Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mechanics:Excl. well sinking and any work in any connection with wells exceeding 6 meters Work connection with wells exceeding 6 meters in depth but excl. Sinking Ship furnishing Well sinking (other than artesian and tube wells q.v.) Polo Clubs TRADE OR BUSINESS
72 178 177
Stable hands and employees engaged in ridding All other employees Porters (Station) for carrying passengers' luggage per Capita Potato Dehydrating Where no mechanically driven machinery is used Where mechanically driven machinery is used Potteries and Pottery Decorators a) Excl. Manufacture of Flooring, Roofing and Terakotta Tiles; Excl. Clay getting and Mining also excl. Lead Poisoning b) Incl. Lead poisoning - above rate plus c) Tile Mfgrs., i.e. rough unglazed tiled for flooring and roofing and terakotta tiles- rate as bricks and tile Makers d) Clay-getting excl. work below 6 meters (fireclay mining - rate as collieries) e) Clay-getting below 6 meters excl. pit or mine Poultry and HatcheryWhere no electrical appliances are involved Where electrical appliances are used
60.80 15.10
352 353
9.25 18.50
705 710
12.15 36.50
355 356
3.05 6.10
778 779
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES Rate Rs. EndorseClassificPer Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Printers and Lithographers (Excl. paper mfgrs.) Excl. printing of daily news papers excel. lead poisoning Printing of daily news papers excl. lead poisoning Incl. lead poisoning - above rates plus Quarries 5.85 9.25 36.50 222;297 89;297 360 361 362 TRADE OR BUSINESS
The following rates must be applied to all employees of every description incl. employees engaged in loading, unloading, carting and all other operation incidental to the work at, in or about quarry. Where no blasting is done Where any blasting is done Racecourse EmployeesGrooms, Jockeys and Stable hands All other employees Radium All risks entailing the use of radium and radio active Substances must be submitted to the committee For special rating Rag and Waste Dealers, Rag Pickers and Marine Store Dealers Breaking up, dismantling and demolition All employees in loading and discharging vessels All other employees Railway Coach and Wagon Works Railway Construction and alterationExcl. blasting and tunnelling Incl. blasting and tunnelling 36.50 72.95 353 177 384 383 170.25 97.30 36.50 42.80 379 380 381 382 60.80 12.15 377 378 30.15 97.30 219 363 364
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES Rate Rs. EndorseClassificPer Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tunnelling, incl. Blasting (when carried as a separate TRADE OR BUSINESS
Contract) Railway up-keep and Running Excl. Construction: Light Railways for passengers only Light Railways for goods and passengers Electric Railways Other Railways Labour employed in loading and unloading wagons Railway Station Refreshment Rooms' Private Contractor Controlling Employees who travel regularly by train i.e. ice and dining car attendants Waiters who serve meals in refreshment rooms and to passengers in trains, i.e. chota hazri and tea who will occasionally travel short distance by train. Butlers, cooks and waiters who are always employed in the refreshment room and never travel by train Rayon Mills Refuse Heaps Getting material from Remound depots Resin mfgrs. Rice Millers All other employees
Per Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rifle Clubs All other employees incl. makers, instructors and care takers Rivet Makers Making copper rivet for tin work All other employees Road Paving, Tarring and Road Making Roofing and Flooring Makers and/or Layers (not slaters or tilers) Hands in shop or yard Wood working machinists All other employees Rope (Excl. Wire Rope) Cord and Twine Where no mechanically driven machinery is used Where any mechanically driven machinery is used Cotton yarn onlyWhere no mechanically driven machinery is used excl. repairing and spinning Where any mechanically driven machinery is used excl. repairing and spinning Rubber Factories See India Rubber Rubber Plantations Domestic servants whose names appears on the factory or garden register and who are paid wholly by the estate All other employees 12.15 24.30 118;206 118 404 405 30.15 18.50 8 403 12.15 24.30 30.15 117 400 401 402
7.80 18.50
119;206 119
406 407
2.90 2.90
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES Rate Rs. EndorseClassificPer Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sack Makers ( Sewing only when carried on as a separate trade)10.70 409 Safety Razor Blades Mfgrs. Sail Makers only, excl. Riggers Riggers Salt Merchants and Dealers Hands in Warehouse receiving and delivering from or to vessels. and/or no Dock, Quayside or wharf and lightermen (excl. Stevedores) All other Employees Salt Works Excl. Mining Salvage Corps Employees solely engaged upon premises of the crops in handling and treating salvaged goods All other employees Sand Removal sea by dredgers All employees Sauce Mfgrs. Sausage & Sausage skin Mfgrs. Saw Mill and Timber Merchants All Employees 30.15 420 24.30 415 12.15 10.70 97.30 120 741 410 411 TRADE OR BUSINESS
72.95 18.15
43 131
412 414
30.15 30.15
416 417
Screw Mfgrs.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES Rate Rs. EndorseClassificPer Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sewer and Road Contractors Open trench work only where no blasting and tunnelling is done and where the depth in no part exceeds 3 meters Open trench work only where no blasting and tunnelling is done and where the depth in no part exceeds 3 meters All risks where and /or blasting and tunnelling is done Sewing Machine Makers. Fitters and Repairers Sheet Lead Rollers and Lead Pipe MakersExcl. Lead poisoning Incl. Lead poisoning Shellac Mfgrs. Ship Breakers Ship Builders, Iron, Steel and ConcreteWhere barges hoppers, dredgers, tugs, yatches, passengers and cargo vessels pilot boats not exceeding 1000 tons gross measurement are built Where such vessels are repaired only Where torpedo boats destroyers, steam trawlers and shallow draught river gunboats not exceeding 500 tons displacement and similar vessels as in class (a ) over 1000 tons but not exceeding 2000 tons gross measurement are built 48.65 60.80 21.40 97.30 297 428 429 430 431 TRADE OR BUSINESS
291 177
30.15 42.80
186 224
432 433
Where such vessels are repaired only Where war ship, passenger, cargo and other vessels not incl. in (a) or (b) are built Where such vessels are repaired only Pontoon Builders and repairers
232 225
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES Rate Rs. EndorseClassificPer Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ship Chandlers and Ship StoresFixing and rigging All other employees Ship Painters Exclusively engaged in Painting VesselsWithout the use of stagings or slings Shipsmiths (jobbing) where carried on as a separate trade 97.30 18.50 439 440 TRADE OR BUSINESS
60.80 48.65
Shipwrights (jobbing) where carried on as a separate trade 109.45 Shop Fitters Wood working machinists All other employees Shop Risk -(see Regulation No 6) Class A Art, bric-a-brac and curio and art needle works Bakers Barometer, Hydrometer, Thermometer and Mathematical Instruments Biscuits Book Shop Risk Boot and shoe, excl. makers and repairs 4.90 4.90 4.90 4.90 4.90 4.90 2;12 30.15 24.30
8 444
12 11 12 12
Chemists 4.90 12 452 China and glass 4.90 12 453 Confectioners 4.90 11 455 Cutlery 4.90 12;13 456 Diaries 4.90 11;13 457 Drapers 4.90 12 458 Dress Maskers 4.90 12 459 Fancy goods 4.90 12 460 Shop Risk Floorist and seedsmen 4.90 12 461 Furriers 4.90 12 463 Haberdashers 4.90 12 464 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES Rate Rs. EndorseClassificPer Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hatters 4.90 12 465 Hoosiers 4.90 12 466 Leather Goods 4.90 12 468 Milliners 4.90 12 469 Wholesale 4.90 470 Musical instruments (Salesmen only) 4.90 84;85 471 Naturalists not taxidermists 4.90 12;87 472 Nautical instruments and appliances 4.90 12 473 Newsagents 4.90 11 474 Opticians 4.90 12 475 Photographic Records 4.90 12 476 Photographic appliances 4.90 12 477 Photographers 4.90 12;97 478 Stationers 4.90 11 480 Surgical instrument and appliances 4.90 12 481 Tailors, Clothiers and outfitters 4.90 12 482 Toys 4.90 12 483 Tobacconists 4.90 12 484 Wall papers 4.90 12 485 Watch Makers 4.90 12;343 486 Shop Risk Class B TRADE OR BUSINESS
Fruiterers Greengrocers 488 Groceries and provisions - no licence and no machinery All other employees Ironmongers excl. Mechanics Italian warehouse men Oil and colour Sticks and umbrellas, incl. Finishing mounting and Repairing
7.80 7.80
12 12
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES Rate Rs. EndorseClassificPer Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Shop Risk Class C Chandlers (not ship chandlers) Cheesemongers Cooked Meat or cooked fish Corn Chandlers, Dealers and Merchants retail only Using no machinery driven by mechanical power and excl. Delivery Corn Chandlers, Dealers and Merchants retail only Using machinery but excl. delivery Furniture Electrical items excl. delivery by hand, handcraft and otherwise Grocery and provisions Off licence where no bottling buy machinery is doneAll other employees 9.25 9.25 9.25 12;208 12 12 494 495 496 TRADE OR BUSINESS
12;206 58 12;302 11
12;108 226
Hair Dressers Pawnbrokers Perambulators Picture and Picture Frame Dealers excl. Machinery Sewing and Washing machines Wine, spirit and beer dealers Off licence where no bottling by machinery is done All other employees Class DGroceries ProvisionsOff licence where bottling by machinery is done All other employees Gunsmiths Wine Spirit and Beer dealersOff licence only where bottling by machinery is done All other Employees
12 12 12 5;12 12
12;108 226
12.15 12.15
12;226 12
508 509
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES Rate Rs. EndorseClassificPer Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Class E Butchers Fishmongers Furniture removers (see Classification No 175) Groceries and Provisions - (Full licence) All employees engaged partially or wholly in serving drink All other employees where no bottling by machinery is done excl. delivery by hand or otherwise All other employees where bottling by machinery is done excl. delivery by hand or otherwise Poulterers Publicans 18.50 18.50 511 512 TRADE OR BUSINESS
Wine Spirit & Beer dealers-Ful-LicenceAll employees Short Mfgrs. Sign Writers Not glassExcl. Erection Incl. Erection Silk Artificial Yarn Production Weaving and process subsequent to yarn production Doubling All Processes Winding (as separate trade) Silk Spinners and/or weavers Sinking:- Pit or Mine opening up or driving levels or slants Slag Crushers and Removers
18.50 24.30
519 520
15.10 36.50
521 522
340 340
170.25 60.80
525 526
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES Rate Rs. EndorseClassificPer Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Slaters and Tilers (Roofs) where carried on as a separate tradeWork on roof; not exceeding 9 meters in height Exceeding 9 meters in height Slaughtermen Small Arm FactoriesExcl. testing and cartridge loading 15.10 529 36.50 60.80 48.65 252 527 527A 528 TRADE OR BUSINESS
Testing and cartridge loading Small Wear Mfgrs. ( Braid, Laces other Leather, Tassels & Cords) Snuff Manufacturing Factories All other employees Soap Makers, melters and boilers Soap Makers, (toilet) where remelting and perfuming only are done Solvent Extraction PlantsAutomatic Non-automatic or batch type Spice Mfgrs.Incl. nut grinding and shelling Spring and Axle makers Stampers and piercers Where carried on as a separate trade Starch and Blue Mfgrs.
48.65 60.80
772 773
18.50 15.10
534 535
30.15 30.15
536 707
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES Rate Rs. EndorseClassificPer Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stationers Retail shop risk Manufacturing and/or wholesale Steel or Iron Founders 5.85 12.15 11 537 539 TRADE OR BUSINESS
Where the heaviest casting does not exceed 1 ton Where the heaviest casting exceeds 1 ton Steel or Iron Rolling Mills Steel work (Steel Making ) Stevedors loading or unloading Cargo or Coal Stone and dressing and stone breaking Yards All employees Whose duties take them at any time to quarry where b lasting is done All other employees Sugar cane Plantation Sugar, Saccharine and Glucose Refiners and/or Mfgrs. incl. sugarcane crushing Factories engaged in preparing Jagree Sugar Sweet mfgrs. Tally Clerks Tanners, Carriers and Fellomongers Tar Spraying Roads Taxidermists Excl. Anthrax Taxidermists Incl. Anthrax
546 691
24.30 36.50
553 553A
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES Rate Rs. EndorseClassificPer Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tea Gardens 2.45 554 Domestic servants on Tea-Estate - Servants TRADE OR BUSINESS
(excl. private motor car drivers, attendants and/or cleaners) whose names appear on the factory or garden register and whih are paid wholly by the estate 2.45 Tea Packing Factories Wood working machinists All other employees Telephone Operators Tent and Marque Makers Erecting only Thatchers of Buildings Theater Artists Bandsmen and Permanent Staff Tilers (not roofing) and Mosaic and Tressellated Pavers Floor and, excl. clay getting Timber Raftmen Tin Dredgers Tin & Steel and Steel Metal Workers (incl. metal boxes and drums) Where no mechanically driven machinery is used (incl. Smelting) Where any mechanically driven machinery is used The Ore Getting from open Workings and Machine Crushing Tin Ore Getting from open Workings where no Machinery is used 15.10 91.45 24.30 30.15 9.25 5.85 15.10 48.65 36.50 12.15
as on page 28
8 555 558
18.50 27.25
566 567
60.80 30.15
568 569
Per Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Transmiths Excl. Ship work Ship work Tobacco, Cigar and Cigarette and Bidi Mfgrs. and Dealers Retailed shop risk Tobacco, Cigar and Cigarette and Bidi Mfgrs. and Dealers Godwon Manufacturing Where no mechanically driven machinery is used Where any mechanically driven machinery is used Tools and Machine Tools Mfgrs.Machine tools other than wood-working machinery Wood-working machinery Tools for use in machine tools Tools and Machine Tools Mfgrs.All other tools incl. garden tools Toy Makers Mfg. of all classes of toys incl. celluloid toys Mfg. of all classes of toys excl. celluloid toys Mfg. of all classes of toys excl. celluloid toys and excl. the use of machinery Tramway ConstructionIncl. all incidental work on through-fares or elesewhere Tramway upkeep and running Tube Drawers 60.80 36.50 12.15 227 577 578 579 54.50 27.25 15.10 734 735 736 24.30 27.25 15.10 12.15 720 721 722 723 7.80 5.85 7.80 7.80 12 12 206 573 574 575 576 30.15 24.30 205 571 572
5;344 206;344
WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES Rate Rs. EndorseClassificPer Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tug Owners Where carried on as a separate trade Tunnelling incl. Blasting (when carried on as a separate trade) T.V. Picture Tube Mfgrs Typwriting Machine Makers, Dealers and Repairers and Typewriting Suppliers Retail shop risk All other employees Tyre Retreading and Resolving Tyre Vulcanisers when carried as a separate trade Umbrella Mfgrs. Where hand power is used Where any mechanically driven machinery is used Undertaker Shop Wood working machinists Outside and stable Upholsterers Varnish Japan & Laquer Mfgrs.Vener Mfgrs other than wood working machinists where carried on as separate trade Wood-working machinists 30.15 8 15.10 30.15 30.15 9.25 15.10 5;310 5 584 8 585 586 587 9.25 12.15 583 745 7.80 12.15 18.50 15.10 12 537 581 744 582 54.50 580 TRADE OR BUSINESS
97.30 15.10
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES Rate Rs. EndorseClassificPer Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Veterinary Colleges Lecturers engaged indoors All other employees Veterinary Surgeons and Attendants and Grooms in employ of Veterinary Surgeons Warehouse (Godwons) Hands in warehouse receiving or delivering from or to vessels and/or on dock, quayside or wharf, and lightmen and Bargemen (excl. Stevedors) Warehouse (Godwons) Group I Art, Bric-a-Brac, Curio Biscuit Bonded Warhouses - Incl. hand bottling China Glass and earthware Colour, Dyes and Chemicals Drug Drysalters 592f Flax India Rubber Linen Oil and Italian Goods Publishers and Booksellers Sack and Bag Shellac 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.25 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 592g 592h 592i 592j 592k 592l 592m 592 592a 592b 592c 592d 592e 5.85 24.30 589 590 TRADE OR BUSINESS
Smallware (Braid, laces not leather, tussles and cords) Soft goods (textile) not Packers & Makers up as separate trade and not Forwarding and Shipping Agents Where no packing is done by mechanical power Sugar Tea and Coffee Wholesale Grocery and provision incl. salesmen
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES Rate Rs. EndorseClassificPer Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Group II Bath Brick and Salt Merchants Bone incl. Anthrax Bottle Carpet, rug and linoleum Furniture Hardware and Ironmongery Leather and Leather Goods Molasses - Incl. filling by hand Packers and Makers up as trade Paper Public (general storing) Warhouses Soft goods (textile) not Packers and Makers up as a trade and not Forwarding and Shipping Agents Where any packing is done by mechanical power Wool incl. Anthrax Group III Branded Warehouses (on machine bottling wages only) Group IV Machinery, Iron and Steel girders and heavy ironware incl. delivery by any vehicle mechanical or otherwise Waterworks and Pumping Stations 30.15 230 594 12.15 12.15 12.15 12.15 12.15 12.15 12.15 12.15 12.15 12.15 12.15 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 593 593a 593b 593c 593d 593e 593f 593g 593h 593i 593j TRADE OR BUSINESS
12.15 12.15
131 131
593k 593l
Excl. construction, alteration maintenance or repair work, the sinking or digging of wells and the use of Explosives Construction, alteration maintenance or repair work excl. Use of explosives Construction, alteration maintenance or repair work incl. use of explosives Tunnelling incl. blasting (when carried out as a separate contract)
42.80 97.30
38;177 177
630 631
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES Rate Rs. EndorseClassificPer Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Weaving and Printing of Cloth by Hand Power 6.10 769 Welders, where carried on as a separate trade Welders at a height not exceeding 60 feet Well Sinking Artesian or Tube Other Wells Whiting and Pipeclay Mfgrs.Excl. Mining Quarry Window Cleaners Wire Drawers and Wire Ropes Mfgrs Gold and Silver Wire Drawers Brass and Copper Wire Drawers Steel and Iron Wire Drawers and wire Ropes Mfgrs. Wire Goods Makers 9.25 12.15 36.60 21.40 138 139 636 637 638 639 18.50 97.30 37 634 635 30.15 121.60 177 177 632 633 36.50 60.80 731 149 TRADE OR BUSINESS
Wireless Schools Tuition and Demonstration Wood Ware Mfgrs. and Turners Wood-working machinists All other employees Woodmen and Foresters engaged in Treefelling Sawing and Carting and/or Forest Fire Fighting 30.15 24.30 42.80 8 645 646 30.15 642
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORKMEN COMPENSATION TARIFF - RATES Rate Rs. EndorseClassificPer Mille ment No. Ation No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Woolen and Worsted Wool-combing Incl. Anthrax Excl. Anthrax Spinning Weaving, Bleaching, Dyeing and all Processes other than Wool-combing incidental to the trade carried on in or about the premises Flock, Mungo and Shoddy Wool Sorter and/or Wool Waste merchants Incl. Anthrax Excl. Anthrax Wool Scourers and Carbonizers Where no wool-combing is done Incl. Anthrax Excl. Anthrax Where any wool-combing is done 24.30 15.10 331 68;331 653 654 24.30 12.15 651 652 36.50 15.10 647 648 TRADE OR BUSINESS
15.10 24.30
649 650
Incl. Anthrax Excl. Anthrax Writing Slate Mfgrs. Yarn and Trade Bleachers and/or DyersWith or without machinery where yarn and trade only are handled (and where no bleaching or dyeing of any other materials is done) Yeast Mfgrs.Zinc Smelters and/or Extractors
68 5
WORKMENS COMPENSATION TARIFF 1. 2. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with making and/or repairing of picture frames is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 3. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with the sinking of shafts and the opening up or driving of levels or slants other than by the Insureds or sub-contractors employees ordinarily engaged in coal raising is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. Note: As this endorsement also applies to risks other than coal mines it will be necessary to substitute for the words coal raising words suitable to each particular risk. 4. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with the making or repairing or any unit exceeding 50.80 kg. in weight is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy.
5. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with woodworking machinery driven by steam gas, water, electricity or other mechanical power is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 6. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with horses and/or live stock is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 7. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with the carting removal or delivery of goods other than by hand is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 8. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with erecting or repair away from the shop or yard of the Insured is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 9. This policy does not indemnity the Insured in respect of any claim arising in connection with Lift Attendants. 10. This Policy does not indemnify the Insured in respect of any claim arising in connection with Commercial Travellers. 11. This Policy does not indemnify the Insured in respect of any claim arising in connection with the delivery or cartage of goods whether by handcart or otherwise. 12. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with the delivery or cartage of goods other than by hand, handcart, cycle or bicycle is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy 13. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with the use of machinery driven by steam gas, water electricity or other mechanical power is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy
14. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with the building of craft of other material than wood and all sea risks are expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy 15. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with osier and willow cutting from growth is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 16. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with the manufacture of wire mattresses is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy 17. 18. It is a condition of this Policy that the indemnity granted is in respect of indoor domestic servants only. 19. It is a condition of this Policy that the indemnity granted is in respect of indoor servants only, excluding Lift Attendants. 20. 21. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with claygetting from any quarry or pit, or clay mining operations or the construction repair or demolition of kiln chimneys is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy 22. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with claygetting or bales-getting below 6 Metres in depth from surface level or the construction repair or demolition of kiln chimneys is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy 23. 24.
25. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with the demolition or pulling down of buildings over 9 Metres in height the erection, repair or demolition of towers steeples, blast furnaces, chimney shafts, viaducts or bridges or quarrying or any work connected with the construction ,alteration or repair of wells over 6 Metres in depth from surface docks, railways canals tunnels or blasting operations is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy 26. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with slating tiling dismantling breaking up or demolition of building works, plant or machinery of any description or any work in connection with the loading and discharging of vessels is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy 27. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with slating tiling dismantling breaking up or demolition of buildings works, plant or machinery of any description is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 28. This Policy does not indemnify the Insured in respect of any claim arising in connection with the manufacture of articles of material other than metal. 29. This Policy is issued on the express understanding and condition that soap is not manufactured on the premises described in the within Policy. 30............... 31............... 32................. 33................ 34................... 35...................... 36........................
37. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with quarrying or mining is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 38. It is hereby understood and agreed that all risks arising out of or in connection with the handling or use of explosives are expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 39. It is hereby understood and agreed that all risks in connection with deywood grinding are expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 40. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with airship hangers bridges, blast furnaces, colliery overhead winding gear, gasometers steeples, towers and viaducts, or any work in connection with roofs of railway stations and aeroplane sheds exceeding 9 Metres in height from the ground level, is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 41..................... 42.................... 43. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with the loading and discharging of vessels is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 44. It is hereby understood and agreed that all risks in connection with work away from land is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 45. ..................
46......................... 47........................
48. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with spinning and all processes preparatory thereto is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 49. ....................
50........................... 51............................ 52. It is hereby understood and agreed that the indemnity granted under this Policy does not extend to any description of employment other than specified in the following schedule. 53................................ 54................................ 55. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with the erection of flags, decorations, tents or marquees is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 56................................ 57................................ 58................................ 59................................ 60. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with the handling and treatment of raw skins or hides is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 61. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with the erection, painting, or demolition of gasometers is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy.
62. It is hereby understood and agreed that any glazing work in connection with:a) Roofs of railway stations; b) Any building of more than one floor in which the maximum height at which the work has to be done is more than 9 Metres from the ground level. c) Any building of one floor only in which the maximum height at which the work has to be done is more than 9 Metres from the ground level. is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 63. It is hereby understood and agreed that this Policy is issued on the express understanding and condition that no sale of wines, spirits or beer is carried on. 64. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with the testing or loading of fire-arms or cartridges is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 65. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with the painting and decorating of airship hangars, bridges, blast furnaces, colliery, overhead winding gear gasometers steeples, towers and viaducts the painting scraping of ships, or any work in connection with the roofs of railway stations and aeroplane sheds exceeding 9 Metres in height from the ground level is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 66. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with the painting or decorating of churches, chapels cinemas, theaters, music halls, public halls, airship bridges furnaces, colliery, overhead winding gear gasometers steeples, towers and viaducts the painting scraping of ships, or any work in connection with the roofs of railway stations and aeroplane sheds exceeding 9 Metres in height from the ground level is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 67............................
68. It is hereby understood and agreed that this Policy is issued on the express understanding and condition that all risks in connection with death or disablement by anthrax are expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 69. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with treefeeling is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 70.......................... 71. It is hereby understood and agreed that this Policy is issued on the express understanding and condition that no manufacturing process is carried on. 72. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with wells exceeding a depth of 6 Meters from the surface or in connection with the sinking or digging of wells is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 73. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with building construction, alteration demolition or repair is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 74. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with the sinking or digging of wells to a greater depth than 6 Meters from the surface is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 75......................... 76........................ 77. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with the manufacture or belting is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 78. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with the dismantling breaking up or demolition of buildings, works plant machinery of any description is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy.
79. It is hereby understood and agreed that all risks in connection with attendance on lunatics are excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 80.......................
81. It is hereby understood and agreed that all risks in connection with employees engaged in cutting up meat, and meat carriers and porters are expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 82. It is hereby understood and agreed that all risks in connection with meat carriers and porters are expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 83..................... 84. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with piano tuning is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 85. It is hereby understood and agreed that all risks in connection with the employment of porters, packers and carters engaged in connection with the removal or delivery of musical instruments are expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 86. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with the manufacture of repairs of pianos organs and harmoniums is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 87. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with the occupation of a taxidermist is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 88. It is hereby understood and agreed that this Policy is issued on the express understanding and condition that no paper is manufactured and that no printing is carried on other than the printing of newspapers or periodicals published otherwise than daily.
89. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with the manufacture of paper is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 90. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with the production or refinement of mineral oils is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 91...................... 92. It is hereby understood and agreed that this Policy is issued on the express understanding and condition that no manufacture of red or white leads is carried on. 93. It is hereby understood and agreed that this Policy is issued on the express understanding and condition that no manufacture of machine made paper, tracing cloth tracing paper, or waxed papers is carried on. 94. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with papier mache decoration other than work inside buildings is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 95. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with the manufacture of firelighters or in connection with the loading or discharging of vessels is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 96..................... 97. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work away from shop or studio is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 98. It is hereby understood and agreed that the indemnity granted by the within Policy does not extend to indemnify the Insured in respect of accidents arising out of any work of construction, alteration, decoration or repair. 99.....................
100. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with the fixing or plaster or fibrous plaster or in connection with work in buildings in course of construction alteration or repairs is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 101............................ 102. It is hereby understood and agreed that stable hands and employees engaged in riding are expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 103. It is hereby understood and agreed that the indemnity granted by the within Policy does not extend, to lead poisoning and that any work in connection with the manufacture of flooring, roofing and terra cotta tiles or in connection with clay getting in any quarry or pit or in connection with clay mining or in connection with the construction, repair or demolition of kiln chimneys or in connection with the fixing of tiles is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 104.......................... 105.......................... 106. It is hereby understood and agreed that grooms, jokeys and stable hands are expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 107. It is hereby understood and agreed that this Policy is issued on the express understanding and condition that no work is undertaken in connection with the application of asbestos millboard or steam packing to boilers pipes or otherwise. 108. It is hereby understood and agreed that this Policy is issued on the express understanding and condition that no bottling by mechanically driven machinery is carried on. 109. It is hereby understood and agreed that this Policy is issued on the express understanding and condition that no printing work is carried on.
110. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with the filling of projectiles or the manufacture handling or use of explosives is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 111. to 114....................deleted. 115. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with the dismantling breaking up or demolition of buildings, works, plant, machinery or metal of any description or in connection with the loading and discharging of vessels is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 116..................... 117. It is hereby understood and agreed that the indemnity granted by the within Policy relates only to the risk of manufacturing small rivers used in connection with tin and copper work. 118. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with the manufacture of wire ropes is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 119. It is hereby understood and agreed that this Policy is issued on the express understanding and condition that the Insured only makes rope, cord and twine from cotton yarn and does not engage in any work connected with the preparing and spinning of cotton. 120. It is hereby understood and agreed that the indemnity granted by the within Policy does not extend to indemnify the Insured in respect of accidents arising to employees engaged in the occupation of riggers. 121. It is hereby understood and agreed that the indemnity granted by the within Policy does not extend to indemnify the Insured in respect of accidents arising out of yacht-racing. 122......................... 123.........................
124. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with the use of explosives or in connection with the construction of sewers exceeding in any part a depth of 3 Metres from the surface or in connection with tunnelling is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 125. to 128 ..............deleted. 129. It is hereby understood and agreed that mechanics are expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 130. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with the cutting of sticks from growth is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 131. It is hereby understood and agreed that the indemnity granted under the within Policy does not extend to indemnify the Insured in respect of accidents to :a) Hands in warehouse receiving or delivering from or to vessels and/or on dock, quayside or wharf. b) Stevedores or lightermen c) Employees engaged in delivery by any form of vehicle mechanical or otherwise, except by hand or by hand cart. 132. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with roof and ceiling work or in connection with clay-getting from any quary or pit or claymining is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 133. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with smelting ore is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 134................
135. It is hereby understood and agreed that any risk in connection with the use of machinery driven by steam, gas, water, electricity or other mechanical power (except lifts) is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 136..................... 137..................... 138. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with wiredrawing of any other metal than gold or silver is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 139. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with wiredrawing of any other metal than gold or silver brass or copper is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 140. It is hereby understood and agreed that in the event of any workman employed by the within named insured or any dependant of such workman bringing or making a claim under Section 12 of the Workmens Compensation Act, 1923, and subsequent amendments of the said Act against...for personal injury or disease sustained whilst at work on any contract covered by the terms and conditions of the within policy which the Insured may be carrying out for the said .........the Company will indemnify the said .........against such claim and/or any costs, charges and expenses in respect thereof Provided always that the Company shall not be liable hereunder unless the Company have the sole conduct and control of all claims covered by this endorsement. Nothing in this endorsement shall be construed as affecting the Insureds title to recover damages under any other Section of the said Act. Subject otherwise to the terms, provisions and conditions of the within Policy. 141. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with spinning and all processes preparatory thereto is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 142.................
143................. 144. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with the making, fitting or repairing of any single part of unit exceeding 1524.00 Kilogram or any erecting or fixing away from the shop or yard of the Insured is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 145. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with the making fitting or repairing of any single part or unit exceeding 508.00 kilogram or any erecting or fixing away from the shop or yard of the Insured is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 146. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with the filling of catridges is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 147. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with pit sinking or the construction, alteration, or repair of chimney shafts is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 148. It is hereby understood and agreed that any erecting or fixing away from the shop or yard of the Insured where any single part or unit exceeds 1524.00 Kilogram in weight is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 149. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with the making fitting or repairing of gas or oil engines which exceeds 20 break-horse power is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 150.to 153 ..........deleted. 154. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with erecting or repairing lifts which exceed 101.60 kilogram lifting capacity or in connection with shaft or lift well sinking is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy.
155. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with shaft or lift-well sinking is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 156............. 157. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work which requires stagings or ladders is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 158. to 165.........deleted. 166. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with castings, exceeding 12.7 kilogram in weight is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 167. ......... 168. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with castings exceeding 1 ton in weight is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 169. to 176......deleted. 177. The within policy does not indemnify the Insured in respect of any death due solely and directly to working in or being released from compressed air or disablement of any kind arising from caisson disease otherwise called compressed air sickness. 178. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with the sinking or digging of wells is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 179. It is hereby understood and agreed that the indemnity herein granted is extended to cover the legal liability of the Insured to workmen in the employment of Contractors performing work for the Insured while engaged in the business and occupations in respect of which the within Policy is granted, but only so far as regard claims under the Workmens Compensation Act, 1923, and subsequent
amendments of said Act prior to the date of the issue of this Policy, the premium in respect of such extended insurance to be calculated. at the rate of ( % on ) the total sums paid to such Contractors by the ( % on ..% of )Insured in respect of work executed during each period of insurance. Subject to otherwise to the terms, provisions and conditions of the within Policy. 180.to 185............deleted.
186. It is hereby understood and agreed that this Policy is issued on the express understanding and condition that the Insured is indemnified only in respect of accidents arising out of the building of Barges Hoppers Dredgers Tugs Yatches Pilot Boats Passenger Vessels Cargo Vessels
not exceeding 1,000 tons gross measurement. 187. It is hereby understood and agreed that this Policy is issued on the express understanding and condition that the Insured is indemnified only in respect of accidents arising out of the building of Barges Hoppers Dredgers Tugs Yatches Pilot Boats Passenger Vessels Cargo Vessels
not exceeding 2,000 tons gross measurement; or the building of Torpedo Boats, Destroyers, steam Trawlers, Shallow-draught River Gunboats, not exceeding 500 tons displacement. 188. to 194.........deleted.
195. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with forgings which exceed 12.7 kilogram in weight is expressly from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 196............ 197. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with forgings which exceed 1 ton in weight is expressly from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 198. to 200.........deleted. 201. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connecting with the cleaning of windows is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 202. to 204..........deleted. 205. It is hereby understood and agreed that the indemnity granted under this Policy does not extend to indemnify the Insured in respect of accidents arising out of work on board ships. 206. It is hereby understood and agreed that no liability attaches to the Company if the Insured has or uses any machinery (other than cranes, hoists or lifts) driven by the steam, gas, water, electricity or other mechanical power. 207. ................ 208. It is hereby understood and agreed that the indemnity granted under this Policy does not extend to indemnify the Insured in respect of accidents arising out of the occupation of ship chandler. 209...................... 210. It is hereby understood and agreed that the indemnity granted under this Policy does not extend to indemnify the Insured in respect of accidents arising to employees whilst engaged in surveying or in inventory making.
211. It is hereby understood and agreed that the indemnity granted under this Policy does not extend to indemnify the Insured in respect of accidents arising to employees whilst engaged on ships, docks, quays or wharves. 212. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with the building or repair of railway coaches or railway wagons is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 213.............. 214................. 215. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with the erection fixing or repair of stained glass away from the shop or yard of the Insured and any liability to employees arising from lead poisoning are expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 216. ............. 217. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with quarrying or mining or in connection with loading, unloading, carting and all other operations incidental to quarry work are expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 218. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with fixing and rigging is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 219. It is hereby understood and agreed that this Policy is issued on the express understanding and condition that no blasting is done. 220. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with the manufacture of fireclay goods other than spur or stilt manufacture, or any work in connection with clay-getting from any quarry or pit or clay-mining operations or the construction repair or demolition of kiln chimneys is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy.
221................. 222. It is hereby understood and agreed that this Policy is issued on the express understanding and condition that no printing of daily newspapers or manufacture of paper is carried on. 223. It is hereby understood and agreed that the indemnity granted under this Policy is in respect of open workings only. 224. It is hereby understood and agreed that this Policy is issued on the express understanding and condition that the Insured is indemnified only in respect of accidents arising out of the repairing of Barges Dredgers Yatches Passenger Vessels Hoppers Tugs Pilot Boats Cargo Vessels not exceeding 1,000 tons gross measurement. 225. It is hereby understood and agreed that this Policy is issued on the express understanding and condition that the Insured is indemnified only in respect of accidents arising out of the repairing of Barges Hoppers Dredgers Tugs Yatches Passenger Vessels Pilot Boats Cargo Vessels
not exceeding 2,000 tons gross measurement, or of Torpedo Boats, Destroyers, Steam Trawlers, Shallow-draught River Gunboats exceeding 500 tons displacement or of warships, is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 226. It is hereby understood and agreed that this Policy is issued on the express understanding and condition that the insured holds an off-licence only. 227. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work connection with demolition or pulling down of buildings, over 9 Metres in height or any work in connection with the fitting of generating stations is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy.
228. It is hereby understood and agreed that this Policy is issued on the express understanding and condition that no cleaning work is undertaken other than in respect of the interiors of buildings. 229......... 230. It is hereby understood and agreed that the indemnity granted under the within Policy does not extend to indemnify the Insured in respect of accidents to a) Hands in warehouse receiving or delivering from or to vessels and/or on dock, quayside or wharf. b) Stevedores or lightermen 231. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with bottling by mechanically driven machinery is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 232. It is hereby understood and agreed that this Policy is issued on the express understanding and condition that the Insured is indemnified only in respect of accidents arising out of the repairing of Barges Hoppers Dredgers Tugs Yatches Passenger Vessels Pilot Boats Cargo Vessels
not exceeding 2,000 tons gross measurement, or of Torpedo Boats, Destroyers, Steam Trawlers, Shallow-draught River Gunboats exceeding 500 tons displacement. 233........ 234. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work on buildings is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy.
235. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work outside the shop or yard of the Insured, other than delivery or cartage is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 236. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with erection of generating and storage plant is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 237. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with the erection fitting up or repair of plant or installations in generating stations, cinemas coilieries, factories, mines quarries, ships theaters music halls, public halls and on the roofs, of railway stations over 9 Metres in height is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 238. It is hereby understood and agreed that any claim arising out of work on ships or underground in collieries, mines and quarries is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 239. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with the construction or repair of any article, Part or unit which exceeds 12.7 kilogram in weight when completed for use, and any erecting fitting or repair in generating stations, cinemas, collieries factories, mines, quarries, ships theaters music halls, public halls and on roofs of railway stations over 9 Metres in height is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 240. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with the construction or repair of any article, Part or unit which exceeds 5 tons in weight when completed for use, and any erecting fitting or repair in generating stations, cinemas, collieries factories, mines, quarries, ships theaters music halls, public halls and on roofs of railway stations over 9 Metres in height is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 241. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with the manufacture or handling of any unit exceeding 12.7 kilogram in weight when completed for use is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy.
242.ro 244.....deleted. 245. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with the construction and/or repair of any unit which exceeds 3 tons in weight when completed for use, or in connection with lift and crane making and erecting or any fitting, or erecting away from the shop or yard of the Insured is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 246. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with lift and crane making and erecting is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 247.................. 248. In consideration of any additional premium having been paid the within Policy is extended to indemnify the Insured in respect of his legal liability to occasional domestic employees engaged in connection with his house or garden (or stable*) (or in connection with motor cars). The expression occasional domestic employees shall not be deemed to include any person regularly employed for more than two days a week whether for the whole or part of a day, or any person employed continuously for more than two months.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*To be Inserted only when coach man, groom or syce is permanently employed and the necessary premium has been paid. To be inserted only when the additional premium has been based on the total premium paid including the premium paid for a permanent motor driver or drivers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------249.................. 250.................. 251. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with the construction alteration or repair of buildings designed or intended to exceed when
completed 9 Metres in height from the ground level is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 252. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with the construction alteration or repair of roofs on buildings designed or intended to exceed when completed 9 Metres in height from the ground level is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 253. In consideration of premium being paid on the total earnings of the undernoted employees receiving more than Rs. 1000/- per month, it is hereby understood and agreed that the within Policy subject to the terms and conditions thereof is extended to indemnify the insured in respect of his liability at Common Law including the Fatal Accidents Act 1855 for accidents to such employees arising out of and in the course of the employment. 254. to 257..........deleted. 258. It is hereby understood and agreed that the indemnity granted under this Policy does not extend to indemnify the Insured in respect of accidents arising employees while engaged in racing pace making or speed trials. 259. It is hereby understood and agreed that all work in connection with the repair or Motor Cars is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted by this Policy. 260. It is hereby understood and agreed that all work in connection with making fitting or repairing of any single part or unit exceeding 508.00 kgs. is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted by this Policy. 261. to 265 .........deleted. 266. It is hereby understood and agreed that this Policy is issued on the express understanding and condition that no work is undertaken by the Insured requiring the use of stagings or slings. 267.to ...276..........deleted.
277. It is hereby understood and agreed that all liability in connection with hands employed in foundry work is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 278.............. 279. It is hereby understood and agreed that this Policy is issued on the express understanding and condition that the only work carried on by the Insured is the manufacture of crucible and/or blister steel. 280....... 281. It is hereby understood and agreed that this Policy is issued on the express understanding and condition that the only work carried on by the Insured is the making or water fittings, excluding metres. 282. It is hereby understood and agreed that this Policy is issued on the express understanding and condition that the Insured does not undertake work on board ships. 283....................... 284........................ 285. It is hereby understood and agreed that this Policy is issued on the express understanding and condition that no work is done away from the shop or yard of the Insured. 286........................... 287. It is hereby understood and agreed that this Policy does not indemnify the Insured against claims in respect of accidents to employees while travelling in aircraft. 288. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work outside buildings is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy.
289. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work outside buildings other than private dwellings, is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 290. It is hereby understood and agreed that the indemnity granted under this Policy does not extend to indemnify the Insured in respect of any accident arising out of any work in connection with a) The use of explosives; b) The making of sewers and/or other excavations, exceeding in any part a depth of 3 Metres from the surface; c) Quarrying d) Tunnelling 291. It is hereby understood and agreed that this Policy is issued on the express understanding and condition that no work is undertaken in connection with a) The use of explosives; b) Quarrying c) Tunnelling 292. ................. 293 It is hereby understood and agreed that this Policy is issued on the express understanding and condition that the Insured does no bleaching or dyeing other than of yarn and/or thread. 294. It is hereby understood and agreed that this Policy is issued on the express understanding and condition that the Insured does no calico printing. 295. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with woodworking machinery driven by steam, gas, water, electricity or other mechanical power, or in connection with the feeling, sawing and carting of trees is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy.
296................... 297. The within Policy does not indemnify the Insured in respect of claims for lead poisoning. 298. The within Policy indemnifies the Insured only in respect of the making of toilet soaps from manufactured soap, the process carried on being the remelting and perfuming of manufactured soap. 299................ 300. It is hereby understood and agreed that the within Policy does not indemnify the Insured in respect of any claim arising in connection with blasting operations or Timber felling. 301. It is hereby understood and agreed that the within Policy does not indemnify the Insured in respect of any claim arising in connection with sign, erecting. 302. It is hereby understood and agreed that the Company shall not be liable by virtue of this Policy if at any time the Insured carries on any other than a retail business. 303. It is hereby understood and agreed that no liability attaches to the Company if at any time the Insured has or uses any presses driven by steam, gas, water, electricity or other mechanical power. 304. It is hereby understood and agreed that no liability attaches to the Company under this Policy if any bleaching and/or dyeing is done by the Insured. 305................... 306................... 307. It is hereby understood and agreed that this Policy is issued on the express understanding and condition that the Insured does not work a quarry.
308. It is hereby understood and agreed that this Policy is issued on the express understanding and condition that any stone and/or slate Dressing and/or Stone Breaking Yard occupied by the Insured is not situated within one mile of the quarry worked by the Insured. 309. It is hereby understood and agreed that this Policy is issued on the express understanding and condition that the duties of none of the employees at any stone and/or State dressing and/or Stone breaking Yard occupied by the Insured take them at any time to a quarry where any blasting is done. 310. It is hereby understood and agreed that the within Policy does not indemnify the insured in respect of claims made by employees engaged in stables and/or away from the shop or yard of the Insured. 311. It is hereby understood and agreed that the within Policy does not indemnify the insured in respect of claims for accidents arising out of or in connection with cartage of goods. 312. It is hereby understood and agreed that this Policy is issued on the express understanding and condition that the Insured does not handle in the course of his business any other material than ivory and/or tortoiseshell and/or pearl. 313. It is hereby understood and agreed that the within Policy does not indemnify the Insured in respect of claims for accidents arising out of work upon buildings. 314.to 316.............deleted. 317. It is hereby understood and agreed that no liability attaches to the Company if the insured uses celluloid in the course of his business. 318.to 320 ........deleted. 321. It is hereby understood and agreed that this Policy is issued on the express understanding and condition that the Insured does not handle in the course of his business any explosives. 322....................
323. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with the enamelling and Japanning of articles of any other material than metal is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 324. to 326.........deleted. 327. It is hereby understood and agreed that any wok in connection with churches, chapels, cinemas, exhibitions, music halls, public halls and theaters is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 328............... 329. It is hereby understood and agreed that this Policy is issued on the express understanding and condition that the Insured in the course of business does no quarrying or stone-cutting and uses no machinery either power driven or otherwise. 330.............. 331. It is hereby understood and agreed that this Policy is issued on the express understanding and condition that wool-combing is not and will not be carried on by the Insured in the course of business. 332..................... 333. This Policy is issued subject to a warranty by the Insured that no vessels are or will be loaded or unloaded by his employees at his warehouse situated at.................. 334. It is hereby understood and agreed that any claim arising in connection with the use of cycles is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 335. It is hereby understood and agreed that this Policy is issued on the express understanding and condition that the insured does not engage in any work involving the use at any time of ladders, stagings, and/or scaffolding.
336. It is hereby understood and agreed that all risks in connection with the use of motor cycles are expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 337. It is hereby understood and agreed that all works in connection with pits, whether by the Insureds employees or otherwise is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 337A. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary it is hereby understood and agreed that the liability of the Company under the within Policy is restricted to accidents arising out of and in the course of employment which result in death and the Company shall not be liable to reimburse the Insured any compensation payable in respect of non-fatal accidents. 338..................... 339. It is hereby understood and agreed that this Policy does not indemnity the Insured in respect of any claim arising in connection with the employment of wool Sorters. 340. It is hereby understood and agreed that the Company shall not be liable by virtue of this Policy if at any time the Insured engages in yarn production. 341. It is hereby understood and agreed that the Company shall not be liable by virtue of this Policy if at any time the Insured engages in any process other than winding. 342. It is hereby understood and agreed that any liability in connection with manufacture of aerated waters is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 343. It is hereby understood and agreed that this Policy does not indemnity the Insured in respect of any claim arising in connection with fixing repairing or winding tower, turret or railway clocks.
344. It is hereby understood and agreed that this Policy is issued on the express understanding and condition that no manufacture of Celluloid Toys is carried on. 345. In consideration of the payment of an additional premium it is hereby understood and agreed that this Policy subject to its terms provisions and conditions is extended to indemnify the Insured in respect of the reasonable medical surgical and hospital expenses (including cost of conveyance to hospital) incurred by the Insured in connection with any case of injury to which the indemnity granted under this policy applies or would have applied had disablement exceeded three days. Provided always that the liability of the Company under this endorsement shall be limited to Rs..........in respect of any one case of injury. 346. See Residual Liability Tariff sheet 6 347................. 348................. 349. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the within Policy the Insured undertakes to make to the Company within one month of the termination of Insurance a declaration of maximum number of members of the club insured by the within Policy during such Period of Insurance and if the total number so declared shall differ from the number in respect of which premium has been paid, a proportionate additional premium shall be paid to or a proportionate refund of premium be made by the Company as the case may be. 350. It is hereby understood and agreed that the indemnity granted under this Policy does not extend to indemnify the Insured in respect of :a) any accident arising out of any work in connection with :1) the use of explosives; 2) the making of sewers and/or other excavations exceeding in any part a depth of 3 Metres from the surface; 3) Quarrying;
4) Tunnelling; b) any death due solely and directly to working in or being released from compressed air or disablement of any kind arising from caisson disease otherwise called compressed air sickness. 351. It is hereby understood and agreed that the indemnity granted under this Policy does not extend to indemnify the Insured in respect of :a) any accident arising in connection with :1) any work other than of maintenance and/or repair 2) water diversion, pile driving dam construction or work within or behind dams; 3) the removal or fixing of dock gates; 4) the employment of drivers or the use of explosives. b) any death due solely and directly to working in or being released from compressed air or disablement of any kind arising from caisson disease otherwise called compressed air sickness. 352. It is hereby understood and agreed that the indemnity granted under this Policy does not extend to indemnify the Insured in respect of :a) any accident arising out of any work in connection with the construction of bridges exceeding or designed to exceed any part when completed 6 Metres in height from road or water level at low tide or in connection with the construction of bridges built of other material than brick stone, timber or concrete. b) any death solely and directly to working in or being released from compressed air or disablement of any kind arising from caisson disease otherwise called compressed air sickness.
352A. It is hereby understood and agreed that the indemnity granted under this Policy does not extend to indemnify the Insured in respect of :a) any accident arising out of any work in connection with the construction of bridges built of other material than brick stone timber or concrete. b) any death due solely and directly to working in or being released from compressed air or disablement of any kind arising from caisson disease otherwise called compressed air sickness. 353. It is hereby understood and agreed that the indemnity granted under this Policy does not extend to indemnify the Insured in respect of :a) any accident arising out of any work in connection with :1. the use of explosives 2. quarrying 3. tunnelling. b) any death due solely and directly to working in or being released from compressed air or disablement of any kind arising from caisson disease otherwise called compressed air sickness. 354. It is hereby understood and agreed that the indemnity granted under this Policy does not extend to indemnify the Insured in respect of :a) any accident arising out of any work in connection, with the construction, alteration or demolition of buildings, the construction alteration, maintenance or repair of pumping stations, reservoirs, filter beds and softening tanks, the sinking and digging of wells and the handling and use of explosives. b) any death due solely and directly to working in or being released from compressed air or disablement of any kind arising from caisson
disease otherwise called compressed air sickness. 355. It is hereby understood and agreed that any work in connection with the sinking of shafts in connection with underground operations is expressly excluded from the indemnity granted under this Policy. 356............... 357. It is hereby understood and agreed that this Policy is issued on the express understanding and condition that commercial Travellers covered under item .........of the schedule are prohibited from using Motor Cycles, Scooters in course of their employment. workmen/archana-d
WORKMENS COMPENSATION TARIFF TARIFF POLICY FORM -TABLES A and B Notes for the guidance of Tariff Insurers:1. When Table A Policy is to be issued insert the following in the column for Law(s) in the Schedule of the Policy :Workmens Compensation Act, 1923 and subsequent amendments of the said Act prior to the date of the issue of the Policy provided that the Insurance granted hereunder is not extended to include: i) any interest and/or penalty imposed on the Insured on account of his/their failure to comply with the requirements laid down under the W.C. Act, 1923. 2. When a Table B Policy is to be issued, insert the following in the Column for Law(s) in the Schedule to the Policy. The Fatal Accidents Act, 1855. 3. Occupational diseases listed in part C of the schedule III to the W.C. Amendment Act, 1984 may also be covered under the W.C. Policy at an additional premium of 50% of the book rate. 4. Compressed Air Disease listed part A of the schedule III to the W.C. Amendment Act, 1984 may also be covered under the W.C. Policy at an additional premium of 25% of the book rate.
WORKMENS COMPENSATION POLICY WHEREAS the Insured carrying on the Business described the Schedule and no other for the purpose of this insurance by a proposal and declaration which shall be the basis of this contract and is deemed to be incorporated herein has applied to the Company for the insurance hereinafter contained and has paid or agreed to pay the Premium as consideration for such insurance. NOW THIS POLICY WITNESSETH that if at any time during the period of Insurance any employee in the Insureds immediate service shall sustain personal injury by accident or disease arising out of and in the course of his employment by the Insured in the Business and if the Insured shall be liable to pay compensation for such injury either under : the Law(s) set out in the Schedule or at Common Law then subject to the terms exceptions and conditions contained herein or endorsed hereon the Company will indemnify the Insured against all sums for which the Insured shall be so liable and will in addition be responsible for all costs and expenses incurred with its consent in defending any claim for such compensation. PROVIDED ALWAYS that in the event of any change in the Law(s) or the substitution of other legislation therefor this Policy shall remain in force but the liability of the company shall be limited to such sum as the Company would have been liable to pay if the Law(s) had remained unaltered. EXCEPTION The Company shall not be liable under the Policy in respect of : a) any injury by accident or disease directly attributable to war invasion act of foreign enemy hostilities (whether war be declared or not) civil war mutiny insurrection rebellion revolution or military or usurped power
b) the Insureds liability to employees of contractors to the Insured. c) any liability of the insured which attaches to virtue to an agreement but which would not have attached in the absence of such agreement d) any sum which the Insured would have been entitled to recover from any party but for an agreement between the Insured and such party.
CONDITIONS 1. This Policy and the Schedule shall be read together as one contract and any word or expression to which a specific meaning has been attached in any part of this Policy or of the Schedule shall bear such specific meaning wherever it may appear. 2. Every notice or communication to be given or made under this Policy shall be delivered in writing to the Company. 3. The Insured shall take reasonable precautions to prevent accidents and disease and shall comply with all statutory obligations. 4. In the event of any occurrence which may give rise to a claim under this Policy the Insured shall as soon as possible give notice thereof to the Company with full particulars. Every letter claim writ summons and process shall be notified or forwarded to the Company immediately on receipt. Notice shall also be given to the company immediately the Insured shall have knowledge of any impending prosecution inquest or fatal enquiry in connection with any such occurrence as aforesaid. 5. No admission offer promise or payment shall be made by or on behalf of the Insured without the consent of the Company which shall be entitled if it so desires to take over and conduct in his name the defence or settlement of any claim or to prosecute in his name for its own benefit any claim for indemnity or damages or otherwise and shall have full descretion in the conduct of any proceedings and in
the settlement of any claim and the Insured shall give all such information and assistance as the Company may require. 6. The first premium and all renewal premiums that may be accepted are to be regulated by the amount of wages and salaries and other earnings paid by the Insured to employees during each Period of Insurance. The name of every employee together with the amount of wages salary and other earnings shall be properly recorded and the Insured shall at all times allow the Company to inspect such records and shall supply the Company with a correct account of all such wages salaries and other earnings paid during any period of Insurance with one month from expiry date of such Period of Insurance. If the amount so paid shall differ from the amount on which premium has been paid the difference in premium shall be met by a further proportionate payment to the Company or by a refund by the Company as the case may be. 7. The Company may cancel this Policy by sending seven days notice by registered letter to the Insured at his last known address and in such event the premium shall be adjusted in accordance with Condition 6. 8. If any difference shall arise as to the quantum to be paid under this Policy, (liability being otherwise admitted) such difference shall independently of all other questions be referred to the decision of an arbitrator, to be appointed in writing by the parties in difference or if they cannot agree upon a single arbitrator to the decision of two disinterested persons as arbitrators of whom one shall be appointed in writing by each of the parties within two calender months after having been required so to do in writing by the other party in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration Act 1940, as amended from time to time and for the time being in force. In case either party shall refuse or fail to appoint arbitrator within two calender months after receipt of notice in writing requiring an appointment, the other party shall be at liberty to appoint sole arbitrator, and in case of disagreement between the arbitrators, the difference shall be referred to the decision of an umpire who shall have been appointed by them in writing before entering on the reference and who shall sit with the arbitrators and preside at their meetings.
It is clearly agreed and understood that no difference or dispute shall be referrable to arbitration as hereinbefore provided, if the Company has disputed or not accepted liability under or in respect of this Policy. It is hereby expressly stipulated and declared that it shall be condition to any right of action or suit upon this Policy that the award by such arbitrator, arbitrators or umpire of the amount of the loss or damage shall be first obtained. It is also hereby further expressly agreed and declared that if the Company shall disclaim liability to the Insured for any claim hereunder and such claim shall not within 12 calender months from the date of such disclaimer have been made the subject matter of a suit in a court of law, then the claim shall for all purposes be deemed to have been abandened and shall not thereafter be recoverable hereunder. 9. The due observance and fulfilment of the terms, conditions and endorsements of this Policy so far as they relate to anything to be done or not to be done by the Insured and the truth of the statements and answers in the Proposal shall be conditions precedent to any liability of the Company to make any payment under this Policy.
WORKMENS COMPENSATION TARIFF SCHEDULE Policy No. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Company -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Insured : Name Address Business: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Period of Insurance: (a) From to (both dates inclusive) (b) Any subsequent period for which the Insured shall pay and the Company shall agree to accept a renewal premium. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Premium: Subject to adjustment in the terms of Conditions 6 The estimated amount of wages salaries and other earnings on which Premium is based.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Estimated Number of Employees Occupation of Employees Estimated Total Salaries Wages and other money earnings Value of Estimated food fuel Total quarters and Earnings other consideratio n in addition to money earnings Place or Places of Employment .
WORKMENS COMPENSATION INSURANCE TARIFF PROPOSAL FORM Indemnity under the Workmens Compensation Act 1923 and subsequent amendments of the said Act prior to the date of the issue of the Policy; the Fatal Accidents Act, 1855; and at Common Law. Proposers names in full ___________________________________________ Proposers business address ________________________________________ Proposers trade or occupation______________________________________ Particulars of work _______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ SCHEDULE ALL PERSONS EMPLOYED MUST BE INCLUDED
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Estimated Annual Wages, Salaries and other Earnings (For Office use only)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description of Employees Estimated Number of Employees 2 Cash Living or other allowances if any)
Clerical Staff Commercia l Travellers Employees engaged with woodworki ng machinery including machinists and machinists labourers The total amount of wages salaries and other earnings paid by me during the past twelve months was Rs................. Do you wish to insure your liability under the Workmens Compensation Act, 1923 and subsequent amendments of the said Act prior to the date of the issue of the Policy to the workmen of contractors? If so please state:Names of Contractors
In cases for which the contract is for labour only, state total amount of contract or wages paid Rs. Rs. Rs.
In case for which In case for which the contract is contract is for for labour and labour materials materials state and equipment, estimated state estimated amount of amount of contract. contract. Rs Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. TOTAL PREMIUM (a) (b)
1. Does the above, schedule include(a) All persons in your service? (b) All your subcontractors? 2. Are your premises a Factory within the meaning of the Factories Act? 3. (a) Have you any circular saws or other machinery driven by steam gas, water electricity or other mechanical power?
If so give full particulars. (b) Are your machinery, plant and ways properly fenced and guarded and otherwise in good order and condition? 4. (a) Is your Boiler registered under the Indian Boiler Act, 1923? (b) If not under what conditions is it exempted from such registration 5. State what acids, gases chemicals or explosives will be used and to what extent? 6. Are you at present insured or have your ever proposed for an insurance in respect of your liability to your employees? If so, please give the name of the Company or Companies. 7. Has any proposal for an insurance in respect of your liability to your employees or renewal thereof even been declined or withdrawn? 8. State the total wages paid and particulars of accidents to your employees during the past three years.
(a) (b)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total Fatal Perm.Disablement Temp.Disablement Wages -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No. Cost. No. Cost. No. Cost. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rs.................................Rs.....................................Rs.........................................Rs.............. Rs.................................Rs.....................................Rs.........................................Rs.............. Rs.................................Rs.....................................Rs.........................................Rs............. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I/We the undersigned this.........day of.............19..........desire to effect an insurance in terms of the Policy to be issued by the Company against my/our Statutory and Common Law liability above mentioned. I/We agree to render, at the end of each period of insurance, a statement in the form required by the Company of all wages actually paid, and to pay premium on any wages paid in excess of the amount estimated above, I/We hereby declare that all the above statements and particulars, which I/We have read over checked, are true that I/We have not suppressed misrepresented or mis-stated any material fact, that I/We have fairly estimated my/our total wages and salaries expenditure and I/We agree that this declaration shall be the basis of the contract between me/us and the ..............Company. Date........................ Signature of Proposer................................
For Insurance Granting Indemnity under the workmens Compensation Act, 1923 and subsequent amendments of the said Act prior to the date of the issue of the Policy; the Fatal Accidents Act, 1855; and at common Law. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Full name of Proposer 2. Title of Firm and/or Limited Liability Company 3. Name of Managing Agents 4. Address of Managing Agents 5. Name of Colliery (in full) .. .. .. .. ..
.. .. Raisings Tons Dispatches Tons 1. Coal 2. Rubble, Dust and Slack 3. Coking Coal
{ 8. Annual Output {
{ {
1 Clerical staff engaged :i) On surface ii )Underground Employees engaged with wood working machinery Remainder of employees; a) Surface employees only b) Underground
3 Rs.
4 Rs.
5 Rs.
employees i) Pits ii) Inclines levels or drifts c) Pitsinking, deepening enlarging or reopening D) Opening out or reopening levels inclines or drifts e) Others a) The total amount of wages, salaries and other earnings paid by me/us during the past twelve months was I) Clerical Staff on surface Rs. ii) Ditto underground Rs. iii) All others Rs. Total Rs. b) Give full details of the nature of the allowances shown under column (4) above. c) Do you provide all your employees with free quarters? If not, what proportion of them receive free quarters? d) Do you wish to insure your liability under the workmens Compensation Act, 1923 and subsequent amendments of the Act prior to the issue of the Policy in respect of the workmen of Contractors? If so, complete details as below :-
Do the above schedules include :a) All persons in your service ? b) All your Contractors or sub-contractors employees? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Section 41 of this Act reads :(1) No person shall allow or offer to allow, either directly or indirectly, as an inducement to any person to take out or renew or continue an insurance in respect of any kind of risk relating to lives or property in India, any rebate of the whole or part of the commission payable or any rebate of the premium shown on
the policy, nor shall any person taking out or renewing or continuing a policy accept any rebate, except such rebate as may be allowed in accordance with the published prospectuses or tables of the insurer. (2) Any person making default in complying with provisions of this Section shall be punishable with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees.
9. Average daily number of employees (a) on surface (a) (b) underground (b) 10. Greatest number employed underground in any one pit, level, incline or drift, etc., at one time. 11. Do the workmen descend or ascend by means of a cage or do they walk in? 12. State Greatest number descending or ascending in cage at any one time. whether colliery consists of pits or inclines, levels or drifts
N.B. By pit is meant a working whether the workmen enter and/or leave the underground by means of case of lift. 14.(a) The number and names of each pit, incline, level and drift (b) The number and names of those being worked 15. Particulars of all Shafts
16. State greatest distance to any face from mouth of incline and/or shaft 17. Of what is the roof composed? 18. At what inclination is each incline driven?
(a) To the rise .....................inches per yard (b) To the dip....................inches per yard.
20 .Is in automatic contrivance in use to prevent over winding of the haulage and the cages? 21. Are employees or is coal wound from up-cast pit? If so, are guards provided to prevent the floating boards being carried up to the sheaves? 22 .What motive power is used underground? 23. Are there any old workings in or adjoining your property? 24. If so, state the nearest point of these to your own workings 25. Are the old workings at a higher or a lower level than your own workings? 26 Is there any accumulation of water in the old workings? 27. If no accumulation of water in the old workings, what quantity of feeder in gallons per minute is made therein and how is same disposed of (a) 28.(a) Has any inundation ever occurred? If so :(b) Give date and (c) State number of persons killed and injured 29. How is the water underground in the existing workings disposed of? 30. Is the colliery, fiery or dusty? (b) (c)
N.B. By fiery or dusty mine is meant on where safety lamps are required to be used under the Indian Mines Act 1923 or any Order made thereunder or any special order of the Inspector of Mines. 31. Has fire damp ever been found in the colliery ? If so, give dates. 32. Has any ignition of fire damp ever taken place? If so :(a) Give date and (b) State number of persons killed and injured 33. Has any other accident occurred involving more than 3 deaths? 34.(a) How is ventilation effected? (b) Number of cubic feet of air per minute passing through the mine. 35. Do you use explosives ? If so state :(a) Description of explosives used (b) Method of firing adopted 36. Are your machinery plant and ways properly fenced and guarded and otherwise good order and condition? 37. (a) Are your boilers, registered under the Indian Boiler Act, 1923? (b) If not under what conditions are they exempted from such registration? (c) When were they last inspected by the Inspector of Boilers? 38. State :(a) What abstracts of the Indian Mines Act are posted at your colliery? (b) What Regulations and Rules are so posted? (c) What Bye-Laws are in force at Colliery? A copy must be attached. 39 .Is there any fire area in the underground workings of the colliery or in adjacent old workings? If so, give full details.
(a) (b)
(a) (b)
(a) (b)
40. What system is adopted in regard to the inspection of the stopping and for localising the fire area? 41. Have you complied with all the provisions of the Coal Mines (Temporary ) Regulations 1936. 42. Has the Chief Inspector, or the Inspector of Mines, issued
any special orders upon the colliery in the last 12 months to (a) prohibit the extraction or reduction of pillars in any part of the mine; (b) provide against any outbreak of fire of fire sealing off or isolation or any part of the colliery, (c) limit of dimensions of any of the galleries that may driven in the colliery, (d) provide against explosion or ignitions, or irrupt ions of or accumulations of water in the colliery and (e) provide for any other circumstances? If so, give full details and state whether orders completed with. 43. Is any method of stowing adopted for filling in the areas whence coal is removed? If so, give details of method adopted. 44. Give the last two dates on which the Chief Inspector, or the Inspector of Mines, Inspected the colliery underground workings, including the fire area. Attach hereto copies of the reports submitted by the Inspector following these two visits and also your replies to those reports.
State the total wages paid and particulars of Accidents to all direct employees and Contractors employees during the past 3 years.
19 Rs........................................................ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Numbers of Claims and Compensation actually paid ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Year Fatal Permanent Disablement Temporary Disablement -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Number Cost. Number Cost. Number Cost ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19 ................ Rs..............................Rs................................................Rs.................... 19 .................Rs..............................Rs................................................Rs.................... 19 .................Rs..............................Rs................................................Rs.................... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Numbers and estimated cost of Claims still unsettled ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19 19 .........................Rs...................................Rs...................................Rs.......................... .........................Rs..................................Rs....................................Rs...........................
19 .........................Rs..................................Rs....................................Rs........................... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------46.(a) Are you at present insured or have you ever proposed for an insurance in respect of your liability to your employees? If so, state name of Company or Companies. (b) Has any such proposal for an insurance in respect of your liability ever been declined or withdrawn? If so, state name of Company. (c) Has any company declined to renew your insurance? If so state name of Company.
I/We the undersigned this.........day of.............19..........desire to effect an insurance in terms of the Policy to be issued by the Company against my/our Statutory and Common Law liability above mentioned. I/We agree to render, at the end of each period of insurance, a statement in the form required by the Company of all wages actually paid, and to pay premium on any wages paid in excess of the amount estimated above, I/We hereby declare that all the above statements and particulars, which I/We have read over checked, are true that I/We have not suppressed misrepresented or mis-stated any material fact, that I/We have fairly estimated my/our total wages and salaries expenditure and I/We agree that this declaration shall be the basis of the contract between me/us and the ..............Company.
WORKMENS COMPENSATION INSURANCE PROSPECTUS The Insurance provides for two forms of cover, namely :Table A: Indemnity against legal liability for accidents to employees under the Workmens Compensation Act, 1923 and subsequent amendments of the said Act prior to the date of the issue of the policy; The Fatal Accidents Act 1855 and at Common Law only. Table B: Indemnity against legal liability under the Fatal Accidents Act, 185 and at Common Law only.