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Structural Design of Offshore Ships: Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C102

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APRIL 2004


DET NORSKE VERITAS (DNV) is an autonomous and independent foundation with the objectives of safeguarding life, prop-
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DNV Offshore Codes consist of a three level hierarchy of documents:
— Offshore Service Specifications. Provide principles and procedures of DNV classification, certification, verification and con-
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— Offshore Standards. Provide technical provisions and acceptance criteria for general use by the offshore industry as well as
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B) Materials Technology
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H) Marine Operations

Amendments and Corrections

This document is valid until superseded by a new revision. Minor amendments and corrections will be published in a separate
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Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C102, April 2004
Changes – Page 3

Main changes C101, DNV-OS-C103 and DNV-OS-C104, as well as the

fabrication standard DNV-OS-C401.
• General — Definition and application of design temperature and serv-
The present edition supersedes the October 2000 edition. ice temperature have been updated and aligned with DNV
OS-C101, DNV-OS-C103 and DNV-OS-C104.
• Main changes — Structural elements listed in the material categorisation ta-
The main changes are: bles have been revised.
— Wave loads based on 10 years return period for FPSO/
— A new Ch.0 has been introduced, providing an introduc- FSO's in the transit condition has been allowed.
tion including terms and definitions used in the two other
chapters. In addition, terms and definitions have generally
been harmonised with other offshore standards. Corrections and clarifications
— The standard has been aligned with the other relevant
structural standards (i.e. references, terminology, defini- In addition to the above mentioned changes, a number of cor-
tions, etc.). The relevant object standards are DNV-OS- rections and clarifications have been made to the existing text.


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C102, April 2004
Page 4 – Changes


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C102, April 2004
Contents – Page 5


CH. 0 INTRODUCTION TO THIS STANDARD........ 7 E 200 Wave induced loads........................................................ 20

E 300 Mooring loads................................................................. 21
Sec. 1 Introduction........................................................... 9 E 400 Sloshing loads in tanks ................................................... 21
E 500 Green water..................................................................... 21
A. General.................................................................................... 9 E 600 Strengthening against bottom slamming ........................ 22
A 100 Organisation of this standard ........................................... 9 E 700 Strengthening against bow impact.................................. 22
A 200 Objectives ......................................................................... 9
A 300 Classification .................................................................... 9 F. Deformation Loads ...............................................................22
F 100 General............................................................................ 22
B. Assumptions and applications ................................................ 9
B 100 General.............................................................................. 9 G. Accidental Loads ..................................................................22
B 200 World-wide operation ...................................................... 9 G 100 General............................................................................ 22
B 300 Benign waters .................................................................. 9 G 200 Safety assessment ........................................................... 22
B 400 Decision criteria for world-wide and benign waters....... 10
H. Fatigue Loads........................................................................23
C. Definitions ............................................................................ 10 H 100 General............................................................................ 23
C 100 Verbal forms ................................................................... 10
C 200 C 200 Terms.................................................................... 10 Sec. 5 Structural Analyses for Capacity Checks ........ 24
C 300 Symbols .......................................................................... 11
C 400 Abbreviations.................................................................. 11 A. Introduction...........................................................................24
A 100 General requirements...................................................... 24
D. References ............................................................................ 11
D 100 DNV Offshore Standards, Rules and B. Longitudinal Stresses............................................................24
Classification Notes ........................................................ 11 B 100 General............................................................................ 24

CH. 1 WORLD-WIDE OPERATION ......................... 13 C. Transverse Stresses...............................................................24

C 100 General............................................................................ 24
Sec. 1 Introduction ........................................................ 15 C 200 Global shear stresses....................................................... 24

A. General.................................................................................. 15 Sec. 6 Ultimate Limit States (ULS).............................. 25

A 100 Assumptions and applications ........................................ 15
A. Introduction...........................................................................25
Sec. 2 Structural Categorisation, Material Selection A 100 General............................................................................ 25
and Inspection Principles.................................... 16
B. Hull Girder Longitudinal Strength........................................25
A. Selection of Material ............................................................ 16 B 100 Hull girder bending and shear checks............................. 25
A 100 General............................................................................ 16 B 200 Hull girder yield check ................................................... 25
A 200 Structural categorisation ................................................. 16 B 300 Hull girder buckling capacity ......................................... 26
A 300 Special category - typical locations ................................ 16 B 400 Hull girder shear capacity............................................... 26
A 400 Primary category - typical locations ............................... 16
A 500 Service temperatures....................................................... 16 C. Transverse Structural Strength .............................................26
C 100 General............................................................................ 26
B. Inspection Principles............................................................. 16
B 100 General............................................................................ 16 D. Turret and Moonpool Areas..................................................26
D 100 General............................................................................ 26
Sec. 3 Design Basis and Principles ............................... 18 D 200 Structure in way of moonpool opening .......................... 26
D 300 Turret structure ............................................................... 26
A. Design Basis ......................................................................... 18
A 100 Operational modes .......................................................... 18 E. Topside Facilities Structural Support ...................................27
A 200 Still water load conditions .............................................. 18 E 100 General............................................................................ 27
A 300 Environmental loads ....................................................... 18 E 200 Partial load coefficients .................................................. 27
A 400 Prolonged survey periods................................................ 18
F. Fore and Aft Ship..................................................................27
B. Strength Assessment............................................................. 18 F 100 General............................................................................ 27
B 100 Compliance with main class requirements ..................... 18
B 200 Global strength................................................................ 18 Sec. 7 Fatigue Limit States (FLS) ................................ 28
B 300 Local strength assessment............................................... 18
A. Introduction...........................................................................28
C. Fatigue Assessment .............................................................. 19 A 100 General............................................................................ 28
C 100 General principles ........................................................... 19
B. Design Fatigue Factors .........................................................28
Sec. 4 Design Loads ....................................................... 20 B 100 General............................................................................ 28

A. Introduction .......................................................................... 20 C. Structural Details and Stress Concentration Factors ............28

A 100 General............................................................................ 20 C 100 General............................................................................ 28

B. Design Loads for Minimum Structural Capacity ................. 20 D. Design Loads and Calculation of Stress Ranges ..................28
B 100 General principles ........................................................... 20 D 100 Load factors .................................................................... 28
D 200 Fatigue loads................................................................... 28
C. Design Loads for Global Hull Girder Capacity Assessment 20 D 300 Topside structures ........................................................... 29
C 100 Application...................................................................... 20 D 400 Turret structure, bow recess and moonpool area ............ 29
D 500 Calculation of global dynamic stress ranges .................. 29
D. Still Water Loads .................................................................. 20 D 600 Calculation of local dynamic stress ranges..................... 29
D 100 General............................................................................ 20 D 700 Combination of stress components................................. 29
E. Environmental Loads............................................................ 20 E. Calculation of Fatigue Damage ............................................29
E 100 General............................................................................ 20 E 100 Environmental loads ....................................................... 29


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C102, April 2004
Page 6 – Contents

E 200 Methodology ...................................................................29 Sec. 3 Design Basis and Principles............................... 39

E 300 Applicable S-N-curves ....................................................30
A. Design Basis .........................................................................39
Sec. 8 Accidental Limit States (ALS)........................... 31 A 100 Operational modes ..........................................................39
A 200 Still water load conditions...............................................39
A. Introduction .......................................................................... 31 A 300 Environmental loads .......................................................39
A 100 General ............................................................................31 A 400 Prolonged survey periods................................................39
B. Dropped Objects ................................................................... 31 B. Strength Assessment Principles ............................................39
B 100 General ............................................................................31 B 100 Alternative design procedure ..........................................39
B 200 Longitudinal strength ......................................................40
C. Fire........................................................................................ 31 B 300 Transverse strength .........................................................40
C 100 General ............................................................................31 B 400 Local strength assessment...............................................40
D. Explosion .............................................................................. 31 C. Fatigue Assessment ..............................................................40
D 100 General ............................................................................31 C 100 General ............................................................................40
E. Loss of Heading Control....................................................... 31 Sec. 4 Design Loads....................................................... 41
E 100 General ............................................................................31
A. Introduction...........................................................................41
F. Collision and Accidental Flooding ....................................... 31 A 100 General ............................................................................41
F 100 General ............................................................................31
B. Still Water Loads ..................................................................41
Sec. 9 Special Considerations ....................................... 32 B 100 General ............................................................................41

A. Structural Details .................................................................. 32 C. Environmental Loads............................................................41

A 100 General ............................................................................32 C 100 General ............................................................................41
C 200 Wave induced loads ........................................................41
B. Bilge Keels ........................................................................... 32 C 300 Mooring loads .................................................................41
B 100 General ............................................................................32 C 400 Sloshing loads in tanks....................................................41
C 500 Green water .....................................................................41
C. Structure in Way of a Fixed Mooring System...................... 32
C 100 General ............................................................................32 D. Accidental Loads ..................................................................41
D 100 General ............................................................................41
D. Loading Instrument............................................................... 32
D 100 General ............................................................................32 E. Fatigue Loads........................................................................41
E 100 General ............................................................................41
E. Corrosion Protection............................................................. 32
E 100 General ............................................................................32 Sec. 5 Structural Analyses for Capacity Checks........ 42
F. Support of Mooring Equipment, Towing brackets etc. ........ 32 A. Introduction...........................................................................42
F 100 General ............................................................................32 A 100 General requirements ......................................................42

Sec. 10 Welding and Weld Connections ........................ 33 B. Longitudinal Stresses............................................................42

B 100 General ............................................................................42
A. Introduction .......................................................................... 33
A 100 General requirements ......................................................33 C. Transverse Stresses ...............................................................42
C 100 General ............................................................................42
B. Size of Welds........................................................................ 33 C 200 Global shear stresses .......................................................42
B 100 Direct calculations...........................................................33
B 200 Double continuous fillet welds .......................................33 Sec. 6 Structural Capacity............................................ 43
B 300 Fillet welds and deep penetration welds subject to
high tensile stresses .........................................................33 A. General..................................................................................43
B 400 Full penetration welds .....................................................33 A 100 General ............................................................................43

CH. 2 BENIGN WATERS............................................ 35 B. Longitudinal Strength ...........................................................43

B 100 Alternative 1 - Complying with the main class
Sec. 1 Introduction ....................................................... 37 B 200 Alternative 2 - Hull girder capacity based on direct
calculations of wave loads ..............................................43
A. General.................................................................................. 37
A 100 Assumptions and applications.........................................37 C. Transverse Structural Strength .............................................43
A 200 Assumptions....................................................................37 C 100 General ............................................................................43
B. Definitions ............................................................................ 37 App. A Permanently Installed Units.............................. 44
B 100 Benign waters..................................................................37
A. Introduction...........................................................................44
Sec. 2 Selection of Material and Extent of A 100 General ............................................................................44
Inspection............................................................. 38
B. Inspection and Maintenance .................................................44
A. Selection of Material ............................................................ 38 B 100 Facilities for inspection on location ................................44
A 100 General ............................................................................38
A 200 Material classes ...............................................................38 C. Corrosion Protection............................................................. 44
A 300 Service temperatures .......................................................38 C 100 Maintenance program .....................................................44
B. Inspection Principles............................................................. 38 D. Fatigue ..................................................................................44
B 100 General ............................................................................38 D 100 Design fatigue factors .....................................................44






Sec. 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 9


Veritasveien 1, NO-1322 Høvik, Norway Tel.: +47 67 57 99 00 Fax: +47 67 57 99 11
Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C102, April 2004
Ch.0 Sec.1 – Page 9


A. General Class structural Requirements’.

103 This standard is in principle applicable to all types of
A 100 Organisation of this standard offshore ships of conventional ship shape including, but not
101 This standard provides requirements and guidance to the limited to, the following variants:
structural design of offshore ships constructed in steel.
— Floating production units (FPU)
— Ch.1. ‘World Wide Operation’ is applicable to any defined — Floating storage and offloading units (FSO)
environmental condition, whereas — Floating production, storage and offloading units (FPSO)
— Ch.2. ‘Benign Waters’ provides alternative requirements — Floating production, drilling, storage and offloading units
to units intended for operation under restricted environ- (FPDSO)
mental condition. — LNG/LPG Floating Production and Storage units
— Drilling vessels
102 This standard refers to relevant parts of the general — Well stimulation or intervention vessels.
standard DNV-OS-C101 ‘Design of Offshore Steel Structures,
General’ (LRFD Method). In case of deviating requirements The above objects (vessels, installations or units) listed above
between this standard and DNV-OS-C101, this standard over- are collectively referred to as “units”.
rules the general standard.
104 This standard is intended to cover several variations
103 Costal State requirements may include requirements in with respect to conceptual solutions as listed below:
excess of the provisions of this standard depending on size,
type, location and intended service of the offshore object. — units intended for production normally equipped with top-
side structures to support the production facilities
A 200 Objectives — units intended for storage in the hull tanks with facilities
201 The objectives of this standard are to: for offloading to shuttle tankers
— units intended for drilling or well preservations. The units
— provide an internationally acceptable standard for design are typically kept in position by thrusters
of ship-shaped offshore structures — units designed with a internal turret for mooring and riser
— serve as a technical reference document in contractual connections. Internal turret may, dependent on location, be
matters between purchaser and manufacturer of significant size and will affect the distribution of hull
— serve as a guideline for designers, purchaser, contractors girder bending and shear stresses.
and regulators. — units designed with a submerged dis-connectable turret
— specify procedures and requirements for units and installa- (buoy) normally located in the foreship or bow region
tions subject to DNV verification and classification serv- — units designed with external turret forward of the bow,
ices. spread mooring system or similar solutions. Such designs
are typical for operation in benign environments.
A 300 Classification
301 Classification principles related to classification of off- 105 Requirements concerning mooring and riser systems
shore units are given the DNV Offshore Service Specifications other than the interfaces with the structure of the units are not
given in Table A1. explicitly considered in this standard.
106 In addition to the hull structure, this standard is also ap-
Table A1 DNV Offshore Service Specifications plicable to turret structures and supporting structure for topside
Reference Title facilities.
DNV-OSS-101 Rules for Classification of Offshore Drilling and
Support Units B 200 World-wide operation
DNV-OSS-102 Rules for Classification of Floating Production 201 Ch.1 of this standard is based on the LRFD method em-
and Storage Units ploying a defined scatter diagram for determination of wave
DNV-OSS-103 Rules for Classification of LNG/LPG Floating bending moments, shear forces, motions and accelerations.
Production and Storage Units or Installations 202 For units, such as Drilling Vessels, operating on a given
302 Documentation requirements for classification are giv- location for a limited period of time, the North Atlantic scatter
en by DNV-RP-A202. diagram as defined in DNV Classification Note 30.5 is consid-
ered sufficient for non-restricted operations.
303 Technical requirements given in DNV-OS-C101, sec-
tion 8, related to Serviceability Limit States, are not required 203 For units, such as FPSOs, operating on a location for
to be fulfilled as part of classification. long period of time a specific scatter diagram shall be defined
as basis for the design.
204 Ch.1 of this standard shall be used when the require-
ment to hull girder capacity according to the LRFD method at
B. Assumptions and applications a given geographical area is higher than the minimum section
modulus according to the ‘Main Class Requirements’.
B 100 General
101 It is assumed that the units will comply with the require- B 300 Benign waters
ment for retention of the Class as defined in the DNV-OSS-, 301 Ch.2 of this standard may be used when the requirement
DNV-OSS-102 or DNV-OSS-103. Units intended to stay on to hull girder capacity according to the LRFD method at a giv-
location for prolonged periods shall also comply with the re- en geographical area is less than the minimum section modulus
quirements given in Appendix A. according to the ‘Main Class Requirements’.
102 This standard is regarded as supplementary to the ‘Main


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C102, April 2004
Page 10 – Ch.0 Sec.1

302 The hull of conventional ships intended for conversion course of action is preferred or particularly suitable. Alterna-
to an offshore unit comply with the requirements to structural tive courses of action are allowable under the standard where
strength, welds and material qualities provided the hull comply agreed between contracting parties but shall be justified and
with the ‘Main Class Requirements’ and satisfy the criteria for documented.
Benign Water according to 401. 103 May: Indicates a permission, or an option, which is per-
B 400 Decision criteria for world-wide and benign mitted as part of conformance with the standard.
waters C 200 C 200 Terms
401 Benign Waters is defined by: 201 Standard terms are given in DNV-OS-C101.
MWB γfi γnc ≤ 1.17 ΜWR + 0.17MS 202 Transit conditions: All unit movements from one geo-
and worldwide operation is defined by: graphical location to another.
MWB γfi γnc > 1.17 ΜWR + 0.17MS 203 Floating production and offloading unit: A unit used for
where the production of oil with arrangement for offloading to a shut-
tle tanker. The units normally consist of a hull, with turret or
MWB= linear wave bending moment at an annual probability spread mooring arrangement, and production facilities above
of exceedance 10-2 (100 years return period) the main deck. The unit can be relocated, but is generally lo-
γfi = partial load coefficient = 1.15 cated on the same location for a prolonged period of time.
γnc = non-linear correction factor 1.1 in sagging and 0.9 in 204 Floating storage and offloading unit: A unit used for
hogging condition unless otherwise documented 1) storage of oil with arrangement for offloading to a shuttle tank-
ΜWR= absolute value of wave bending moment as given in the er. The units normally consist of a hull, with turret or spread
Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1 mooring system. The unit is equipped for crude oil storage.
MS = absolute value of maximum still water bending mo- The unit can be relocated, but is generally located on the same
ment. location for a prolonged period of time.
1) The default values given are for ships of conven- 205 Floating production, storage and offloading unit: A
tional hull form. The non-linear correction factors for unit used for the production and storage of oil with arrange-
unconventional hull forms shall be documented by di- ment for offloading to a shuttle tanker. The unit is equipped for
rect calculations. crude oil storage. The units normally consist of a hull, with tur-
ret or spread mooring arrangement, and production facilities
Guidance note: above the main deck. The unit can be relocated, but is general-
Applicable chapter of this standard for worldwide and benign ly located on the same location for a prolonged period of time.
waters is illustrated as guidelines in Fig.1.
206 Floating production, drilling, storage and offloading
unit: A unit used for drilling, storage and production of oil with
arrangement for offloading to a shuttle tanker. The unit is
equipped for crude oil storage.
C-102 Part I. 207 Drilling vessel: A unit used for drilling in connection
Significant wave height (m)

World wide with exploration and/or exploitation of oil and gas. The unit is
11 operation generally operating on the same location for a limited period of
(above curve) time and is normally equipped with dynamic positioning sys-
tem with several thrusters. The unit follows the normal class
(100 yrs)

survey program.
C-102 Part II.
208 Well stimulation vessel or well intervention vessel: A
8 Benign waters
unit equipped for performing wireline intervention (without
(below curve) riser) of subsea wells and or coiled tubing of subsea. The unit
7 is generally operating on the same location for a limited period
of time and is normally equipped with dynamic positioning
6 system with several thrusters. The unit follows the normal
100 150 200 250
Lpp (m)
300 350 class survey program.
209 LNG/LPG Floating Production and Storage units: A
Figure 1 unit with facilities for oil and gas producing and storage. The
Applicable chapter of DNV-OS-C102 unit is typically permanently moored. Due to the complexity of
the unit more comprehensive safety assessment are typically
carried out. The unit is normally equipped with solutions for
---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- quick disconnection of mooring lines between the shuttle tank-
er and the oil and gas producing and storage unit.
402 If the significant wave height is less than 8.5 m for a 210 Turret: A device providing a connection point between
probability of exceedance of 10-2 (100 years return period), be- the unit and the combined riser- and mooring- systems, allow-
nign waters can be assumed without further calculation. ing the unit to freely rotate (weather vane) without twisting the
risers and mooring lines.
211 Main Class Requirements: Provisions and requirements
C. Definitions given in DNV Rules for Classification of Steel Ships Pt.3. Ch.1
or Ch.2.
C 100 Verbal forms 212 Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD): Method
101 Shall: Indicates a mandatory requirement to be fol- for design where uncertainties in loads are represented with a
lowed for fulfilment or compliance with the present standard. load factor and uncertainties in resistance are represented with
Deviations are not permitted unless formally and rigorously a material factor.
justified, and accepted by all relevant contracting parties. 213 Benign Waters: Environments at which the required to
102 Should: Indicates a recommendation that a certain hull girder capacity calculated according to the LRFD method


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C102, April 2004
Ch.0 Sec.1 – Page 11

is less than the minimum section modulus according to the C 400 Abbreviations
‘Main Class Requirements’. 401 The abbreviations given in Table C3 are used in this
standard. Definitions are otherwise given in DNV-OS-C101
C 300 Symbols ‘Design of Offshore Steel Structures, General’ (LRFD meth-
301 The following Latin characters are used in this standard: od)

Table C1 Latin characters used Table C3 Abbreviations

V speed in knots Abbreviation In full
CW wave coefficient as given in Rules for Classification of ALS Accidental limit states
Ships Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.4 DFF Design fatigue factor
Pdp design load on weather deck FLS Fatigue limit states
h0 vertical distance from the waterline at draught T to the LRFD Load and resistance factor design
load point (m) NDT Non-destructive testing
Z vertical distance from the baseline to the load point (m) SCF Stress concentration factors
Y horizontal distance from the centre line to the load SLS Service limit states
point (m)
ULS Ultimate limit states
F vertical distance from the waterline to the top of the
side of the unit at transverse section considered (m)
b1 breadth of deckhouse at position considered
B1 maximum breadth of the unit at the weather deck at po- D. References
sition considered
Hs significant wave height D 100 DNV Offshore Standards, Rules and
Classification Notes
Mg characteristic bending moment resistance of the hull
girder 101 The offshore standards and rules given in Table D1 are
MS characteristic design still water bending moment of the referred to in this standard.
hull girder based on actual cargo and ballast conditions
MW characteristic wave bending moment of the hull girder Table D1 DNV Offshore Standards, Rules, Classification Notes
based on an annual probability of exceedance of 10-2 and Recommended Practice
Qg characteristic shear resistance of a longitudinal shear Reference Title
element in the hull girder DNV-OS-C101 Design of Offshore Steel Structures, General
QS characteristic design still water shear force in the lon- (LRFD method)
gitudinal shear element based on actual cargo and bal- DNV-OS-C401 Fabrication and Testing of Offshore Structures
last conditions
DNV-OS-B101 Metallic Materials
QW characteristic wave shear force in the longitudinal
shear element based on an annual probability of ex- DNV-RP-102 Structural Design of Offshore Ships
ceedance of 10-2 DNV-RP-C201 Buckling Strength of Plated Structures
Classification Note Environmental Conditions and Environmental
302 The following Greek characters are used in this stand- 30.5 Loads
ard: Classification Note Fatigue Assessment of Ship Structures
Table C2 Greek characters used DNV-RP-C203 Fatigue Strength Analysis of Offshore Steel
γM material factor Structures
γf,G,Q partial load factor for functional and variable loads Rules Classification of Ships - Pt.3 Ch.1 or Pt.3 Ch.2
γw environmental load factor
Αps area of panel (plate and stiffeners)
z distance from panel to plastic neutral axis
σcr characteristic longitudinal stress on the compression side
corresponding to critical buckling capacity of the panel
σf characteristic yield stress of panel on the tension side
Αp area of panel (plate area only)
τcr characteristic shear stress in panel


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C102, April 2004
Page 12 – Ch.0 Sec.1






Sec. 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 15
Sec. 2 Structural Categorisation, Material Selection and Inspection Principles ................................. 16
Sec. 3 Design Basis and Principles ..................................................................................................... 18
Sec. 4 Design Loads............................................................................................................................ 20
Sec. 5 Structural Analyses for Capacity Checks................................................................................. 24
Sec. 6 Ultimate Limit States (ULS) .................................................................................................... 25
Sec. 7 Fatigue Limit States (FLS)....................................................................................................... 28
Sec. 8 Accidental Limit States (ALS)................................................................................................. 31
Sec. 9 Special Considerations ............................................................................................................. 32
Sec. 10 Welding and Weld Connections............................................................................................... 33


Veritasveien 1, NO-1322 Høvik, Norway Tel.: +47 67 57 99 00 Fax: +47 67 57 99 11
Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C102, April 2004
Ch.1 Sec.1 – Page 15


A. General
A 100 Assumptions and applications
104 The requirements given in this chapter are supplementa-
101 This chapter provides requirements and guidance to the ry to the “main class requirements” This implies that the unit
structural design of offshore ships constructed in steel for any
defined environmental condition. Reference is made to Ch.0 of shall comply with the “main class requirements” for the mid-
this standard for detailed description of the area of application. ship section modulus. These requirements are based on the
wave bending moments for the North Atlantic at an annual
102 The hull girder capacity is based on the principles of the probability of 10-1.3 (20 year return period).
Load and Resistance Factor Design method, referred to as
LRFD method, and is described in DNV-OS-C101. 105 The standard has been written for general world-wide
103 The design wave bending moments and shear forces at application. Costal State requirements may include require-
an annual probability of 10-2 (100 year return period) are de- ments in excess of the provisions of this standard depending on
termined by means of direct calculations based on a site specif- size, type, location and intended service of the offshore unit or
ic wave scatter diagram. installation.


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C102, April 2004
Page 16 – Ch.1 Sec.2


A. Selection of Material Guidance note:

If the stresses induced by environmental loads small, and the per-
A 100 General manent and variable functional loads cause compression stresses,
the materials can be considered as primary category.
101 A material specification shall be established for all
structural materials. The materials shall be suitable for their in- 1) Highly stressed elements are elements utilised more than 85
tended purpose and have adequate properties in all relevant de- % of the allowable structural capacity (ULS yield and buck-
sign conditions. ling).
102 Selection of steel grade is based on the principles and re- ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
quirements given in DNV-OS-C101.
103 In structural cross-joints where high tensile stresses are A 400 Primary category - typical locations
acting perpendicular to the plane of the plate, the plate material
shall be tested to prove the ability to resist lamellar tearing (Z- 401 The following locations are considered primary catego-
quality). ry:
104 The steel grades selected for structural components are — non-highly-stressed elements given in A301
to be related to weldability and requirements to toughness — topside support stools
properties and are to be in compliance with the requirements — gantry structure
given in the DNV-OS-B101. — turret structure
105 For stiffeners, the grade of material may be determined — pipe rack stanchions
based on the thickness of the web. — drillfloor substructure
106 Structural elements used only in temporary conditions, — helicopter deck substructure
like fabrication, are not considered in this standard. — flare supporting structure.

A 200 Structural categorisation A 500 Service temperatures

201 According to DNV-OS-C101 material shall be catego- 501 The service temperature for external structures above
rised into a special, primary or secondary category. With ref- the lowest ballast waterline shall be set equal to the lowest dai-
erence to the application of material classes as given in the ly mean temperature for the area(s) in which the unit is speci-
Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1 or Pt.3 Ch.2 the re- fied to operate.
lationship between the material classes and structural catego- 502 The service temperature for external structures below
ries is as given in Table A1. the lowest ballast waterline needs normally not to be set lower
than 0°C.
Table A1 Relationship between material classes
and structural categories 503 The service temperature for internal structures in way of
Material class Structural category permanently heated rooms needs normally not to be set lower
than 0 °C. Crude oil tanks may be considered to be permanent-
I, II Secondary ly heated.
III, IV Primary
V Special 504 The service temperature for internal structures in oil
storage tanks in FPSOs/FSUs needs normally not to be set low-
For stiffened plates, the plates are considered as primary cate- er than 0°C except for the upper strake in longitudinal bulk-
gory whilst the stiffeners are considered as secondary catego- heads and top wing tanks.
202 Typical elements for offshore ships, which are not given
in the Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1 or Pt.3 Ch.2, B. Inspection Principles
are given in 300 and 400.
B 100 General
A 300 Special category - typical locations
101 The extent of non-destructive testing during fabrication
301 The following locations are considered special category: shall be in accordance with the requirements for the appropri-
ate inspection category as defined in DNV-OS-C101, Sec.4.
— highly stressed 1) elements in way of moonpool such as
corner plates in rectangular moonpools 102 Requirements for type and extent of inspection are given
in DNV-OS-C401, dependent on assigned inspection category
— highly stressed 1) elements in way of support structure for for the welds. The requirements are based on the consideration
turret of fatigue damage and general fabrication quality.
— highly stressed 1) elements in way of main supporting
structures of heavy substructures and equipment e.g. top- More detailed description of a typical extent of inspection is
side support structure, support of chain stoppers, support given in the Recommended Practice DNV-RP-C102 “Structur-
of offloading riser fairleads, anchor line fairleads, support- al Design of Offshore Ships”.
ing structure for winches, crane pedestals, flare boom, 103 The inspection category for units covered by this stand-
davits, hawser brackets for shuttle tanker, towing brackets ard shall relate to the structural category as shown in Table B1.


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C102, April 2004
Ch.1 Sec.2 – Page 17

104 When determining the locations of required non-de-

structive testing (NDT), consideration should be given to rele-
Table B1 Inspection categories vant fabrication parameters including; location of block
Inspection category Structural category (section) joints, manual versus automatic welding, start and
I Special stop of weld etc.
II Primary
III Secondary


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C102, April 2004
Page 18 – Ch.1 Sec.3


A. Design Basis 106 Hull structural elements with less importance for overall
structural integrity such as deckhouses, elements within the
A 100 Operational modes fore and aft unit structure, may be assessed according to the
main class requirements unless otherwise noted. See also Sec.6
101 A unit shall be designed for all relevant modes of oper- B303.
ation. Typically, the assessment of the unit shall be based on
the following operational modes: Guidance note:
Fore and aft unit is normally areas outside 0.4 L amidships or the
— all operating conditions, intact and damaged, at the design cargo area whichever is the larger.
— all transit conditions
— docking condition afloat
— dry-docking condition. B 200 Global strength
201 For the intact and damage operating conditions, the hull
A 200 Still water load conditions girder capacity shall be based on the LRFD method as defined
201 All relevant still water loading conditions shall be con- in DNV-OS-C101. The hull girder will typically comprise the
sidered to determine the limit curves for maximum permissible following stiffened panels in:
bending moments and shear forces.
— deck and bottom
A 300 Environmental loads — longitudinal bulkheads
301 Environmental loads shall in principle be based on site — sides and inner sides
specific data representative for the areas in which the unit is to — inner bottom
operate. For units, such as FPSOs, operating on a location for — longitudinal stringers and girders.
long period of time, the specified scatter diagram will govern
the areas of operation for the unit. 202 The structural capacity of the hull girder shall comply
with the ULS and ALS requirements given in the respective
302 For units, such as drilling vessels, operating on a given sections in this standard.
location for a limited period of time, the North Atlantic scatter
diagram as defined in DNV Classification Note 30.5 is consid- 203 The strength of the hull girder shall be assessed based on
ered sufficient for non-restricted operations, and shall be used the load conditions that result in maximum longitudinal ten-
as basis for assessment of the ULS and FLS. sion and compression stresses in deck and bottom plating. This
will normally be the extreme full load and ballast condition.
A 400 Prolonged survey periods The effect of topside facilities shall be included in the hull
girder assessment for these load conditions.
401 Units intended to stay on location for a prolonged survey
period, i.e. without dry-docking, shall also comply with the re- 204 The effect of large openings in the hull (e.g. moonpool)
quirements in Appendix A. which affect the distribution of global stresses shall be consid-
ered accounting for three dimensional effects.
B 300 Local strength assessment
B. Strength Assessment 301 Local strength assessment shall be carried out for typical
elements like:
B 100 Compliance with main class requirements
101 The requirements given in this standard are supplemen- — supporting structure for topside structure
tary to the requirements for main class. — supporting structure for thrusters
— turret
102 The main class requirements for plates and stiffeners ex- — crane pedestals
posed to local loads ensure sufficient safety level for local ca-
pacity, and need no further assessment unless otherwise noted. — bow recess area for submerged type of turrets.
103 Non-operating conditions like transit conditions, dock- 302 The supporting structure for topside structure (e.g. top-
ing condition afloat and dry-docking condition, are considered side modules, derrick, flare etc.) shall be assessed according to
to be covered by the main class requirements. the LRFD format. The extent of the supporting structure is lim-
ited to the structural members affected by the local loads from
104 In the transit condition, the design values of global ac- the topside structure. Structural capacity of the supporting
celerations for assessment of topside facilities and supporting structure shall be assessed according to DNV-OS-C101.
structure may be taken from the wave load analysis provided
the assessment is in accordance with 302. The wave load anal- 303 Supporting structure for thrusters are normally consid-
ysis shall in such cases be based on an annual probability of ex- ered for a specified thrust using the acceptance criteria given in
ceedance of 10-1.3 (20 year return period). the Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1.
For units which are intended to operate on a specific location 304 The turret shall be analysed according to the LRFD for-
for the main part of the design life, wave loads can be based on mat based on the specific loads from the mooring system in the
the actual transit route and season at an annual probability of operational mode. Both global and local response of the turret
exceedance of 10-1.0 (10 year return period), or on the Rules shall be considered. In addition the local structure shall be con-
from a recognised Marine Warranty. sidered for the special load cases as defined in Sec.8 C101.
105 The main class requirements for plates and stiffeners on 305 The supporting structure for the turret shall be assessed
transverse bulkheads are considered to provide sufficient based on the LRFD format. Hull deformations shall be consid-
structural capacity. ered.


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C102, April 2004
Ch.1 Sec.3 – Page 19

C. Fatigue Assessment 102 The fatigue capacity is calculated assuming that the lin-
ear accumulated damage (Palmgren – Miner rule). The differ-
C 100 General principles ent methods given in Classification Note 30.7 are used at
101 Fatigue capacity shall be carried out according to Clas- different stages in the design loop. Applicable method can also
sification Note 30.7 or DNV-RP-C203. be selected depending on the results from a screening process
to identify fatigue critical details.


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C102, April 2004
Page 20 – Ch.1 Sec.4


A. Introduction — ballast water

— fuel oil
A 100 General — consumables
101 The loads shall in general be determined according to — personnel
the principles in DNV-OS-C101 for all structural elements as- — general cargo
sessed in compliance with the LRFD format. — riser tension.
102 Design load criteria given by operational requirements 105 The variable functional loads utilised in structural de-
shall be fully considered. Examples of such requirements may sign should normally be taken as either the lower or upper de-
be: sign value, whichever gives the more unfavourable effect.
— drilling, production, workover and combination thereof 106 Variations in operational mass distributions (including
— consumable re-supply procedures and frequency variations in tank filling conditions) shall be adequately ac-
— maintenance procedures and frequency counted for in the structural design.
— possible load changes in extreme conditions. 107 All relevant still water load conditions shall be defined
and limit curves for hull girder bending moment and shear
forces shall be established. The shear force limit curves shall
be corrected for actual load condition and structural arrange-
B. Design Loads for Minimum Structural ment as given in the Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1
Capacity Sec.5 D.
108 The shape of the limit curves for the still water bending
B 100 General principles moments and shear forces are defined in the Rules for Classi-
101 To define the minimum design basis, the design sea fication of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1. If the extreme still water bending
pressures and pressures from liquid in tanks according to the moment and/or shear exceed the main class minimum values,
Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1 shall be used for as- the limit curve should be based on all relevant load combina-
sessment of elements like plates and stiffeners, girders, frames, tions.
web frames and stringers. The acceptance criteria for these el- 109 Limit curves for the still water loading conditions shall
ements shall be as given in the Rules for Classification of Ships be presented for operational and transit mode separately.
Pt.3 Ch.1.

E. Environmental Loads
C. Design Loads for Global Hull Girder
Capacity Assessment E 100 General
C 100 Application 101 Environmental loads are loads caused by environmental
phenomena. The characteristic value of an environmental load
101 The design loads given in D and E are used to assess the is the maximum or minimum value (whichever is the most un-
hull girder capacity (global). Loads used in the global check favourable) corresponding to a load effect with a prescribed
shall be consistent. This implies that the longitudinal stresses probability of exceedance.
based on global load conditions in D and E shall be combined
with transverse stresses based on sea pressures and tank pres- 102 The long-term variation of environmental phenomena
sures as defined in DNV-OS-C101. such as wind, waves and current shall be described by recog-
nised statistical distributions relevant to the environmental pa-
rameter considered, see DNV-OS-C101. Information on the
joint probability of the various environmental loads may be
D. Still Water Loads taken into account if such information is available and can be
adequately documented.
D 100 General 103 Consideration shall be given to responses resulting from
101 With reference to DNV-OS-C101, the still water loads the following listed environmental loads:
consist of the permanent and variable functional loads.
— wave induced loads
102 Permanent functional loads relevant for offshore units — wind loads
are: — current loads
— snow and ice loads
— mass of the steel of the unit including permanently in- — sloshing in tanks
stalled modules and equipment, such as accommodation, — green water on deck
helicopter deck, cranes, drilling equipment, flare and pro- — slamming (e.g. on bow and bottom in fore and aft ship)
duction equipment. — vortex induced vibrations (e.g. resulting from wind loads
— mass of mooring lines and risers. on structural elements in a flare tower).
103 Variable functional loads are loads that may vary in E 200 Wave induced loads
magnitude, position and direction during the period under con-
sideration. 201 The wave loads shall be determined by methods giving
adequate description of the kinematics of the liquid, reflecting
104 Typical variable functional loads are: the site specific environment in which the unit is intended to
— hydrostatic pressures resulting from buoyancy operate, see DNV-OS-C101 and Classification Note 30.5.
— crude oil 202 Global linear wave induced loads such as bending mo-


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C102, April 2004
Ch.1 Sec.4 – Page 21

ments and shear forces shall be calculated by using either strip These methods may include several different types of station-
theory or three dimensional sink source (diffraction) formula- keeping systems such as internal and submerged turret sys-
tion. tems, external turret, buoy, fixed spread mooring and dynamic
203 Linear wave induced loads are normally calculated by positioning. Each mooring system configuration will impose
3D sink-source theory. Strip theory may be used provided: loads on the hull structure. These loads shall be considered in
the structural design of the unit, and combined with other rele-
L pp vant load components.
- ≥ 3.0
B E 400 Sloshing loads in tanks
Guidance note: 401 In partly filled tanks sloshing occurs when the natural
Three-dimensional effects in fore and aft ship will reduce the periods of the tank fluid is close to the periods of the motions
drag force compared to a strip theory approach. of the unit. Factors governing the occurrence of sloshing are:
— tank dimensions
204 When a 3-D diffraction program is used, due considera- — tank filling level
tion shall be given to the analytical model to determine the hull — structural arrangements inside the tank (wash bulkheads,
response with sufficient accuracy. web frames etc.)
205 The following wave induced linear responses shall be — transverse and longitudinal metacentric height (GM)
calculated: — draught
— natural periods of unit and cargo in roll (transverse) and
— motions in six degrees of freedom pitch (longitudinal) modes.
— vertical bending moment at a sufficient number of posi-
tions along the hull. The positions shall include the areas 402 The pressures generated by sloshing of the cargo or bal-
where the maximum vertical bending moment and shear last liquid shall be considered according to the requirements
force occur and at the turret position. The vertical wave in- given in the Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.4
duced bending moment shall be calculated with respect to C300.
the section’s neutral axis
— horizontal bending moment Guidance note:
— torsional moment if relevant The Rules for Classification of Ships differentiate between ordi-
— accelerations nary sloshing loads (non-impact) and sloshing impact loads.
— axial forces ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
— external sea pressure distribution.
206 The mass model shall be made sufficiently detailed to E 500 Green water
give centre of gravity, roll radius of inertia and mass distribu- 501 The green water is the overtopping by water in severe
tion as correct as practically possible. wave conditions. The forward part of the deck and areas aft of
207 Non-linear effects such as slamming, water on deck and midship will be particularly exposed to green water. Short
bow flare forces shall be considered with respect to local and wave periods are normally the most critical.
global consequences. 502 Appropriate measures shall be considered to avoid or
208 The midship bending moments and shear forces shall be minimise the green water effects on the hull structure, accom-
calculated considering the weather vaning characteristics of modation, deckhouses and topside equipment. These measures
the unit. E.g. for turret moored units, the calculations are nor- include bow shape design, bow flare, bulwarks and other pro-
mally carried out for head seas. tective structure. Adequate drainage arrangements shall be
209 Torsional moments may be of interest depending on the provided.
structural design. 503 Structural members exposed to green water shall be de-
210 The wave shear forces shall be determined at a sufficient signed to withstand the induced loads. Green sea loads is con-
number of sections along the hull to fully describe the limit sidered as local loads, but shall be combined with the effect
curve for the maximum value. from global response.
211 If roll resonance occurs within the range of wave periods 504 In lack of more exact information, for example from
likely to be encountered, the effect of non-linear viscous roll model testing, the design pressure acting on weather deck shall
damping shall be taken into account. be:
212 Viscous effects, such as eddies around the hull, act 2
mainly as a damping mechanism, especially at large roll an- p = ab ( p dp – ( 4 + 0.2k s )h 0 ) ( kN ⁄ m )
gles, and these effects shall be included.
213 The effects from roll damping devices, like bilge keels, Minimum pressure is 5.0 kN/m2.
shall be evaluated. The roll damping shall be evaluated for the The design pressure on topside support structure, unprotected
return period in question. bulkheads of deck houses and superstructures located forward
of 0.15 L from F.P. shall be calculated according to the pres-
E 300 Mooring loads sures given in Table E1, whichever is the greatest for the posi-
301 A unit may be kept on location by various methods. tion in question.


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C102, April 2004
Page 22 – Ch.1 Sec.4

Guidance note:
Table E1 Design pressure for topside supports, deckhouses and Note that the speed V = 8 knots should also be used as minimum
superstructure for moored or dynamically positioned units to ensure sufficient
minimum pressure.
Structure Pressure kN/m2
p1 = 5.7 khs (2 +L/120)(kw Cw – h0) c ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
Unprotected p2 = 3.4 (2 + L/120)[(hs/8.5)0.25 1.07 kw Cw – h0] c 505 The required local scantlings shall be according to the
front bulkheads p = 12.5 + 0.05 L for first 4 m above the forecastle
3 Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1 using the design
deck p3 = 6.25 + 0.025 L elsewhere pressure as given in 504.
Unprotected p4 = Pdp – (4 + 0.2ks) h0 minimum p3
sides and top- 506 Glass thickness of windows in unprotected front bulk-
side supports heads as well as the design of the fastening arrangement to the
Unprotected aft p5 = 0.85 p4 minimum p3
bulkheads shall be considered using the design pressures given
end bulkheads in Table E1.
507 Topside members located in the midship or aft area of
a = 1.0 for weather decks forward of 0.15 L from F.P., the unit shall be based on p4 in Table E1.
or forward of deckhouse front, whichever is the Guidance note:
foremost position
It is advised that provisions are made during model testing for
= 0.8 for weather decks elsewhere suitable measurements to determine design pressures for local
b = 1.5 at unit's side and 1.75 at the centre line. Linear structural design. This implies that model tests should be per-
interpolation shall be used for intermediate loca- formed at design draught, for sea states with a spectrum peak pe-
tions riod approximately 70 to 100% of the pitch resonance period of
y 2 the unit. The unit model should be equipped with load cells on
Pdp = P l + 135 ---------------- – 1.2 ( T – z ) (kN/m ) the weather deck at positions of critical structural members or
B + 75 critical topside equipment.
Pl = ks Cw + kf ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
= ( k s C w + k f ) 0.8 + 0.15 ---------- if ---------- > 1.5 E 600 Strengthening against bottom slamming
L1 L1
601 When lacking more exact information, for example from
V = speed in knots, minimum 8 model testing, relevant requirements to strengthening against
CB = block coefficient bottom slamming in the bow region are given in the Rules for
2.5 Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.6 H200. The bow region
ks = 3 C B + ----------- at A.P. and aft
CB is normally to be taken as the region forward of a position 0.1 L
= 2.0 between 0.2 L and 0.7 L from aft aft of F.P. and above the summer load waterline.
602 The bottom aft of the unit may be strengthened against
4.0 bottom slamming according to the Rules for Classification of
= 3 C B + -------- at F.P. and forward
CB Ships Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.6 H200 dependent on draught, hull shape,
environment, heading and relative velocity of the unit.
Between specified areas, ks shall be varied linearly.
Z = vertical distance from the baseline to the load E 700 Strengthening against bow impact
point, maximum T (m) 701 The design of the bow structure exposed to impact loads
Y = horizontal distance from the centre line to the load shall be carried out according to Rules for Classification of
point, minimum B/4 (m) Ships Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.7 E300. The speed V in knots shall not be
kf = the smallest of T and f less than 8.0.
F = vertical distance from the waterline to the top of
the unit's side at transverse section considered,
maximum 0.8 CW (m)
F. Deformation Loads
L1 = unit length, need not be taken greater than 300 m
C = 0.3 + 0.7(b1/B1) For unprotected parts of machin- F 100 General
ery casings, C is not to be taken less than 1.0 101 Relevant deformation loads for units covered by this
b1 = breadth of deckhouse at position considered standard shall be considered according to the principles given
B1 = maximum breadth of unit on the weather deck at in DNV-OS-C101.
position considered(b1/B1) not to be taken less
than 0.25
khs = – 0.016 h 2 + 0.62 h – 3.15 maximum 1.8 G. Accidental Loads
s s
hs = significant wave height minimum 8.5 m G 100 General
x x 101 Accidental loads are loads related to abnormal operation
kw = 1.3 – 0.6 --- for --- ≤ 0.5
L L or technical failure.
x x
= 0.3 + 1.4 --- for --- > 0.5 102 Attention shall be given to layout and arrangements of
L L facilities and equipment in order to minimise the adverse ef-
x = longitudinal distance in m from A.P. to the load fects of accidental events.
point. G 200 Safety assessment
201 Accidental events that will be a basis for the design shall
be stated in the design brief. Such events are normally identi-
fied in a risk analysis. Typical events are:


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C102, April 2004
Ch.1 Sec.4 – Page 23

— dropped objects (e.g. from crane handling) — wave induced loads

— fire — wind loads (especially when vortex induced vibration may
— explosion. occur)
— loads on crane pedestals
— variation of filling level in cargo tanks (low cycle).
H. Fatigue Loads 102 The effects of both local and global dynamic response
shall be properly accounted for when determining response
H 100 General distributions of repetitive load effects.
101 Repetitive loads, which may lead to possible significant 103 Hull vibration is not covered by this standard.
fatigue damage, shall be considered. Such loads may comprise
the following:


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C102, April 2004
Page 24 – Ch.1 Sec.5


A. Introduction lated by a finite element analysis. Typical extent of the model

may be three cargo tanks.
A 100 General requirements 102 For units with moonpool or turret, a finite element anal-
101 The structural response shall be determined by recog- ysis shall be carried out to describe the stress distribution in
nised analytical methods. Computer programs used shall have way of the openings, in particular in deck and bottom, and at
documented test results. termination of longitudinal strength elements.
102 The required types of analyses will depend on the struc-
tural design, but in general the following is required:
— finite element analysis for global hull girder strength as- C. Transverse Stresses
— finite element analyses for strength assessment of local ar- C 100 General
eas where the structural response cannot be adequately de- 101 Transverse stresses shall normally be determined based
termined by the global analysis on a 3-dimensional finite element analysis. The transverse
— finite element analyses to determine stress concentration stresses are normally derived from the same 3-cargo tank mod-
factors. el as described in B101.
C 200 Global shear stresses
201 Global shear stresses shall be calculated considering the
B. Longitudinal Stresses vertical shear force at the transverse section in question as well
as the actual shear flow distribution in the section. The shear
B 100 General force shall be corrected according to the Rules for Classifica-
101 Global longitudinal stresses should normally be calcu- tion of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.5 D.


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C102, April 2004
Ch.1 Sec.6 – Page 25


A. Introduction bal capacity, are given in Table B1.

A 100 General Table B1 Partial coefficients for the Ultimate Limit States
Load category
101 According to the LRFD format, see DNV-OS-C101, two Combination
sets of partial coefficient combinations shall be analysed. Still water loads Environmental loads
These combinations are referred to as the a) and b) combina- a) 1.2 0.7
tions. b) 1.0 1.15
102 The material factor to be used in the ULS assessment of 103 The environmental loads for hull girder global response
the hull girder is 1.15. are mainly wave induced loads. Other environmental loads can
103 The capacity assessment in the ULS condition shall in- normally be neglected.
clude buckling and yield checks. 104 The dimensioning condition for different Mw/Ms ratios
104 Buckling capacity checks shall be performed in accord- is shown in Figure 1. Offshore units also complying with the
ance with DNV-OS-C101 Sec.5. main class requirements will typically have Mw/Ms ratios of
1.4 to 1.6. In such cases the b) combination is dimensioning.
105 Gross scantlings may be utilised in the calculation of the
buckling capacity of the hull structural elements, provided a 105 Combination a) need not be assessed for the hull girder
corrosion protection system in accordance with DNV-OS- capacity if:
C101 is maintained. M W ≥ 0.44 M s
Guidance note:
Note that the Ms in the equations given above include the global
B. Hull Girder Longitudinal Strength effect of top side loads.
B 100 Hull girder bending and shear checks ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---

101 The hull girder bending and shear capacity in the oper-
ating conditions shall be checked according to B200 and B300.
The capacity checks are based on the two equations below:

γ f, G , Q M s + γ f, E M w ≤ M g ⁄ γ m

γ f, G , Q Q s + γ f, E Q w ≤ Q g ⁄ γ m

Mg = characteristic bending moment resistance of

the hull girder
MS = characteristic design still water bending mo-
ment based on actual cargo and ballast condi-
Mw = characteristic wave bending moment based on
an annual probability of exceedance of 10-2
Qg = characteristic shear resistance of a longitudinal
shear element in the hull girder
Figure 1
QS = characteristic design still water shear force in Dimensioning combination
the longitudinal shear element based on actual
cargo and ballast conditions
QW = characteristic wave shear force in the longitu- B 200 Hull girder yield check
dinal shear element based on an annual proba- 201 The global hull and main girder system nominal stresses
bility of exceedance of 10-2 derived from direct strength calculations shall comply with the
γm = material factor yield criteria given below:
γf,G,Q = partial load factor for still water loads (perma- 1
nent + variable functional loads) σ e ≤ ------ f y for operating conditions (100 years return pe-
γm riod for environmental loads)
γf,E = partial load factor for environmental loads.
Guidance note: σe = nominal equivalent stress
Typical longitudinal shear elements are unit's side, inner side and γm = material factor = 1.15
longitudinal bulkheads that contribute to the global shear capac-
ity of the hull girder. Each of such elements should be considered fy = yield stress of the material
separately subjected to the shear force in the element.
202 Local peak stresses in areas with pronounced geometri-
---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- cal changes, such as in moonpool corners, frame corners etc.,
may exceed the yield stress criterion in 201 provided plastic
102 The ULS partial load coefficients for assessment of glo- mechanisms are not developed in the adjacent structural parts.


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C102, April 2004
Page 26 – Ch.1 Sec.6

Guidance note: fy The number of panels in each longitudinal shear element

Linear peak stress (von Mises) of 400 ------------- N/mm should be sufficient to describe the shear distribution in the el-
f yNS ement and to account for plate thickness variation.
is generally acceptable. fyNS and fy are the yield stresses for mild 403 The characteristic still water shear forces used in the
steel and the actual material, respectively. shear capacity checks shall not be less than the permissible
shear force curves (limit curves) at the transverse section con-
---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- sidered.
404 The value of the still water bending moment used in the
B 300 Hull girder buckling capacity buckling calculations shall not be less than the bending mo-
301 Hull girder buckling capacity shall be determined for all ment for the load condition with the governing shear force at
main longitudinal members such as: the section considered.
— continuous decks, bottom and inner bottom
— side, inner side and longitudinal bulkheads
— longitudinal stringers and longitudinal girders.1) C. Transverse Structural Strength
1) Longitudinal stringers and longitudinal girders may be omitted from the C 100 General
ULS buckling assessment provided they are excluded from the longitu-
dinal stress calculations. 101 Transverse strength refers the strength of main trans-
verse members such as transverse bulkheads and web frames.
302 ULS capacity assessment is not limited to 0.4 L amid- The transverse strength should be evaluated using a finite ele-
ships for the longitudinal elements given in 301. ment model, and the effects of process equipment deck loads
303 The hull girder buckling capacity of the main longitudi- should be included. The transverse strength shall meet the re-
nal members are determined by assessment of each stiffened quirements given in the Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.3
panel of the main member when exposed to longitudinal, trans- Ch.1 Sec.13.
verse and shear design stresses as well as design lateral pres-
304 The characteristic still water bending moments used in D. Turret and Moonpool Areas
the buckling calculations shall not be less than the permissible
bending moment curves (limit curves) at the transverse section D 100 General
101 The following areas shall be considered as relevant, with
305 The value of the still water shear forces used in the buck- respect to structural response from the mooring loads, com-
ling calculations shall not be less than the shear force for the bined with other relevant loads:
load condition with the governing bending moment at the sec-
tion considered. — structure in way of moonpool opening
306 The transverse stresses shall be based on consistent — turret structure including support
loads using actual internal and external pressures correspond- — structure in way of loading buoy support
ing to the worst combination of still water loads and wave po- — gantry structure including support.
D 200 Structure in way of moonpool opening
307 All stresses and pressure shall be based on an annual
probability of exceedance of 10-2. 201 The structural strength shall be evaluated considering all
relevant, realistic load conditions and combinations, see Sec.4.
308 The buckling capacity of each panel shall be determined In particular load combinations due to the following shall be
according to DNV-RP-C201 Buckling Strength Analysis. accounted for in the design:
B 400 Hull girder shear capacity — loads from the turret bearings
401 The characteristic ultimate shear capacity of each longi- — overall hull bending moments and shear forces
tudinal shear element shall be determined according to 402. — internal and external pressure, covering the intended range
The characteristic ultimate shear stress for each panel in 402 of draughts and load conditions, including non-symmetric
corresponds to the buckling capacity of the panel when ex- cases as applicable
posed to design longitudinal and transverse stresses and lateral — ovalisation of moonpool.
pressure. The longitudinal and transverse stresses shall be
based on consistent loads using actual internal and external 202 Particular attention shall be given to critical interfaces
pressures corresponding to the worst combination of still water between the hull and the turret structure.
loads and wave position. All stresses and pressure shall be 203 Continuity of primary longitudinal structural elements
based on an annual probability of exceedance of 10-2. The should be maintained as far as practicable in way of the turret
buckling capacity of each panel shall be determined according opening. Reductions in hull section modulus shall be kept at a
to DNV-RP-C201 Buckling Strength Analysis. minimum and compensation shall be made where necessary.
402 The global shear is calculated as follows: D 300 Turret structure
Qg = ∑ τcr Apj j
301 The ULS is checked according to the requirements in
j DNV-OS-C101.
302 A finite element analysis of the turret structure shall be
Ap = area of panel in the shear element (plate area on- performed, see Sec.3, demonstrating that the structural
ly) strength of the turret is acceptable. The structural strength shall
τcr = characteristic ultimate shear stress in panel cor- be evaluated considering all relevant, realistic load conditions
responding to buckling capacity according to and combinations, see Sec.4. Boundary conditions for the
Classification Note 30.1 model shall reflect the actual configuration of the interface
j = includes all panels in the longitudinal shear ele- with the hull girder.
ment. 303 Local analyses shall be performed for structural areas,


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C102, April 2004
Ch.1 Sec.6 – Page 27

which are critical for the structural integrity of the turret. The — longitudinal strain of upper deck due to global bending.
following list contains typical areas which should be consid-
ered: E 200 Partial load coefficients
— structure in vicinity of riser connection(s) 201 The partial load coefficients to be used are given in Ta-
— riser hang-off structure ble E1.
— structure in way of fairleads
— hang-off structure for mooring line Table E1 Partial coefficients for the Ultimate Limit States
— local structure transferring bearing reactions Combination Load category
— chain lockers G Q E
— pipe supports (single supports and complex structures) a) 1.2 1) 1.2 1) 0.7
— equipment supports
— foundation for transfer system (especially for swivel solu- b) 1.0 1.0 1.3 2)
tions) Load categories are:
— lifting appliances and pad-eyes including structure in way G = permanent load
of these. Q = variable functional load
E = environmental loads

1) To be 1.3 if the loads can not be determined with a high accuracy. Tank
E. Topside Facilities Structural Support loads and topside modules with documented weight better than 10% ac-
curacy can use a load factor of 1.2.
E 100 General 2) A factor of 1.15 can be used for inertia loads caused by hull accelera-
101 The supporting structure is defined as the area where the
stress pattern in the structural elements is significantly affected 202 The ULS assessment shall be carried out according to
by the topside loads. the requirements in DNV-OS-C101. Both a) and b) combina-
102 The strength of the supporting structure for the topside tions shall be considered.
facilities shall be evaluated considering all relevant operational
load conditions and combinations. For loads in transit condi-
tions, see Sec.3 B103.
103 The following loads shall be considered: F. Fore and Aft Ship
— permanent loads (weight of structures, process and drilling F 100 General
equipment, piping etc.) 101 The local requirements for the structural members in the
— variable loads (equipment functional loads related to liq- fore and aft ship including deck houses and accommodation
uid, machinery, piping reaction forces, helicopter, cranes shall comply with the technical requirements given in the
etc.) Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1, see also Sec.3
— wave loads B100.
— wave accelerations (inertia loads)
— hull girder vertical deflections 102 The main longitudinal structural members needed for
— wind on topside facilities the global continuity and hull integrity shall be assessed ac-
— snow and ice cording to B200. For evaluation of slamming, sloshing and
— green water green water effects, see Sec.4.


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C102, April 2004
Page 28 – Ch.1 Sec.7


A. Introduction and repair. A design fatigue factor of 1.0 may therefore, be ap-
plied to all structural elements.
A 100 General
101 The general requirements and guidance concerning fa-
tigue criteria are given in DNV-OS-C101 Sec.7. The fatigue C. Structural Details and Stress Concentration
capacity shall be determined according to Classification Note
30.7 or DNV-RP–C203. Evaluation of the fatigue limit state Factors
shall include consideration of all significant loads contributing
to fatigue damage. C 100 General
102 The required fatigue life of new units shall be minimum 101 Fatigue sensitive details in the hull shall be documented
20 years. The effect of mean stresses should normally be ig- to have sufficient fatigue strength. Particular attention should
nored. be given to the following details:
103 The fatigue capacity of converted units will be consid- — main deck, including deck penetrations, bottom structure
ered on a case-by-case basis, and is a function of the following and side shell
parameters: — hull longitudinal stiffener connections to transverse
frames and bulkheads
— results and findings form surveys and assessment of criti- — hopper tank knuckles and other relevant discontinuities
cal details — attachments, foundations, supports etc. to main deck and
— service history of the unit and estimated remaining fatigue bottom structure
life. — topside and hull connections
Guidance note: — hull and turret connections
New structural steel in converted units older than 10 years, may — fairleads and supporting structure
normally be accepted with minimum 15 years documented fa- — openings and penetrations in longitudinal members
tigue life from the time of conversion. — transverse frames
---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- — submerged turret and supporting structure
— flare tower
104 The fatigue life shall be calculated considering the com- — riser interfaces
bined effects of global and local structural response. The ex- — major process equipment foundations.
pected dynamic load history shall be the basis for the
calculations. 102 Calculations of stress concentration factors of local de-
tails may be undertaken in accordance with Classification Note
105 Local effects, due to: 30.7. For details not covered by Classification Note 30.7, or
documented in other recognised publications, detailed finite
— slamming element analysis should be carried out for determination of
— sloshing SCFs, according to the procedure given in Classification Note
— vortex shedding 30.7.
— dynamic pressures
— mooring and riser systems 103 Intersection between unit's side longitudinals and trans-
verse bulkheads shall be fitted with double sided brackets.
shall be considered in the fatigue damage assessment, if rele- Guidance note:
vant. In order to cover typical unit structural details, the design should
106 Calculations carried out in connection with the fatigue allow for the following stress concentration factors:
limit state may be based on gross thicknesses (i.e. without de- - the deck should at least be designed for KgKw ≥ 2.5. Openings
ducting the corrosion additions), provided a corrosion protec- may require higher values of SCF
tion system in accordance with DNV-OS-C101 is maintained. - brackets on side longitudinals have typical KgKw of 1.8 to 2.4.
107 In the assessment of fatigue life, consideration shall be ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
given to the stress concentration factors including those due to:
— large openings affecting the global stress distribution
— fabrication tolerances, including due regard to tolerances
— openings and penetrations D. Design Loads and Calculation of Stress
— local effects at connections or attachment of structural el- Ranges
ements, e.g. scallops, brackets etc.
D 100 Load factors
101 In the fatigue calculations, a load factor of 1.0 shall be
used on all dynamic loads.
B. Design Fatigue Factors
D 200 Fatigue loads
B 100 General 201 An overview of fatigue loads is given in Sec.4. Site spe-
101 Units covered by this standard have considerable redun- cific environmental data shall be used for calculation of long
dancy. All elements can therefore be classified as, “without term stress range distribution. Units intended for multi field
substantial consequences for total structural failure”. Offshore developments shall base the fatigue life on the expected dura-
units covered by this standard have regular dry-docking for in- tion on each location employing the scatter diagram for each
spection and repair, and the term “splash” zone has no signifi- field. The most severe environmental loads may be applied for
cance. It implies that all elements are accessible for inspection the complete lifetime of the unit, as a conservative approach.


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C102, April 2004
Ch.1 Sec.7 – Page 29

202 A representative range of load conditions shall be con- topside and other environmental loads resulting in local stress-
sidered. It is generally acceptable to consider the ballast and es in parts of the structure.
the fully loaded condition with appropriate amount of time in 602 Dynamic pressures shall be calculated by means of the
each condition. hydrodynamic model. The transfer function for the dynamic
Guidance note: pressure can be used to calculate local stress transfer functions.
60% in full load and 40% in ballast for the two conditions may As a minimum, the following dynamic local stress components
be used unless otherwise documented, ref. DNV-RP-C102 Struc- shall be considered:
tural Design of Offshore Ships.
— double hull stresses due to bending of double hull sections
between bulkheads
203 An appropriate range of wave directions and wave ener- — panel stresses due to bending of stiffened plate panels
gy spreading shall be considered. — plate bending stresses due to local plate bending
— deflection induced stresses.
Guidance note:
For weather waning units, and in lack of more detailed documen- 603 Further details regarding calculation of local stress com-
tation, head sea direction may be considered with cos2 wave en- ponents is given in Classification Note 30.7.
ergy spreading.
---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- D 700 Combination of stress components
701 Global and local stresses shall be combined to give the
The following dynamic loads shall be included in a FLS anal- total stress range for the detail in question. In general, the glo-
ysis as relevant: bal and the local stress components differ in amplitude and
phase. The method of combining these stresses for the fatigue
— global wave bending moments damage calculation will depend on the location of the structur-
— external dynamic pressure due to wave and unit motion al detail. A method for combination of loads is given in Clas-
— internal dynamic pressure due to unit motion sification Note 30.7.
— sloshing pressures due to fluid motion in tanks for units
with long or wide tanks
— loads from equipment and topside due to unit motion and
acceleration. E. Calculation of Fatigue Damage
D 300 Topside structures E 100 Environmental loads
301 The following loads shall be considered for the topside 101 Fatigue analyses shall be based on the site specific envi-
structure: ronmental data and, take appropriate consideration of both glo-
— vertical and horizontal hull deformations due to wave bal and local (e.g. pressure fluctuation) dynamic responses.
bending moment acting on the hull Guidance note:
— wave induced accelerations (inertia loads) These responses do not necessarily have to be evaluated in the
— vortex induced vibrations from wind same model but the cumulative damage from all relevant effects
— vibrations caused by operation of topside equipment should be considered when evaluating the total fatigue damage.
— external dynamic pressure due to wave and unit motion. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
302 Additionally, the following low cycle loads should be
considered where relevant for the topside structure: E 200 Methodology
201 The long term stress range distribution required for the
— hull deformations due to temperature differences fatigue analysis can either be established based on spectral
— hull deformations due to change in filling condition e.g. methods or on a postulated form of the long-term stress range
ballasting or deballasting. distribution defined by a maximum stress amplitude and a
D 400 Turret structure, bow recess and moonpool area Weibull shape parameter.
401 The following loads shall be considered for the fatigue 202 Principal stresses should be used as basis for fatigue life
design of turret structures: calculations. Local plate surface stresses due to plate bending
shall be used in the calculations.
— dynamic loads of mooring lines 203 Simplified fatigue life calculations based on a Weibull
— dynamic loads (tension and bending moment) from risers shape distribution of the long term response is acceptable for
— varying hydrodynamic pressure due to wave load well defined structural details, i.e. with known stress concen-
— varying hydrodynamic pressure due to unit accelerations, tration factors, primarily exposed to hull global bending stress-
including added mass effects es, provided ample fatigue life is documented.
— bearing reactions loads
— inertia loads due to accelerations of the unit 204 Fatigue life calculations based on spectral methods are
— fluctuating reactions in pipe supports due to thermal and either employing component stochastic or full stochastic anal-
pressure induced pipe deflections. ysis, see Classification Note 30.7. A component based stochas-
tic analysis implies that non linear effects can be applied to the
D 500 Calculation of global dynamic stress ranges relevant load component.
501 Global stress ranges shall be determined from the global 205 Local, detailed finite element analysis (e.g. unconven-
hull bending stresses, axial stresses and torsional stresses. Tor- tional details with insufficient knowledge about typical stress
sional stresses may be relevant for structures with extremely distribution) should be undertaken in order to identify local
large deck openings. If applicable, both vertical and horizontal stress distributions, appropriate SCFs, and/or extrapolated
bending moments shall be included. Shear lag effects and stresses to be utilised in the fatigue evaluation, see Classifica-
stress concentrations shall be considered. tion Note 30.7 for further details. Dynamic stress variations
through the plate thickness may have to be considered in such
D 600 Calculation of local dynamic stress ranges evaluations.
601 Local stress ranges are determined from dynamic pres- 206 Explicit account shall be taken for local details such as
sures acting on panels, accelerations acting on equipment and access openings, cut-outs and penetrations.


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C102, April 2004
Page 30 – Ch.1 Sec.7

E 300 Applicable S-N-curves 302 Fatigue calculations for conversions of old tankers to
301 The S-N curves, as defined in Classification Note 30.7, production or storage units shall be based on the stresses from
to be used in the fatigue calculation are given in Table E1. the actual scantlings.

Table E1 Applicable S-N curves

Elements S-N curve for air or ca- S-N curve for corrosive S-N curve for air or ca-
thodic protection environment thodic protection, one
slope curve
Void spaces, external dry areas x x
Ballast or cargo tanks with acceptable corrosion protection x x
system 1)
Unprotected surfaces in tanks x 2)
Shell plating below ballast waterline with acceptable cor- x x
rosion protection system 1)
1) Corrosion protection system according to requirements in DNV-OS-C101
2) The stresses shall be based on net thicknesses


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C102, April 2004
Ch.1 Sec.8 – Page 31


A. Introduction — ensure that the probability of explosion is reduced to a lev-

el where it is not required to be considered as a relevant de-
A 100 General sign load
101 The assessment of the structural capacity shall be based — ensure that hazardous locations are located in unconfined
on the principles given in DNV-OS-C101. Relevant loads shall (open) locations and that sufficient shielding mechanisms
be determined based on DNV-OS-A101 unless otherwise doc- (e.g. blast walls) are installed
umented in a risk analysis. — locate hazardous areas in partially confined locations and
design utilising the resulting relatively small overpres-
— locate hazardous areas in enclosed locations and install
B. Dropped Objects pressure relief mechanisms (e.g. blast panels) and design
for the resulting overpressure.
B 100 General
101 The possibility of dropped objects impacting on the 102 Structural design accounting for large plate field rupture
structural components of the unit shall be considered in design. resulting from explosion loads should be avoided.
Resistance to dropped objects may be accounted for by indirect
means, such as, using redundant framing configurations, or by 103 Structural support of the blast walls and the transmission
using materials with sufficient toughness in affected areas. of the blast load into main structural members shall be evalu-
102 The masses of the dropped objects from crane operation
to be considered for design of the units are normally based on
operational hook loads of the platform crane. Critical areas of
dropped objects are to be determined based on crane operation E. Loss of Heading Control
sectors, crane reach and actual movement of slings assuming a
drop direction within an angle to the vertical direction of 5 º in E 100 General
air and 15 º in water.
101 For units normally operated with heading control, either
by weather vaning or by thruster assistance, the effect of loss
of the heading control shall be evaluated.
C. Fire
102 The loss of heading control condition shall be consid-
C 100 General ered in the topside and turret structure design.
101 General guidance and requirements concerning acciden-
tal limit state events involving fire are given DNV-OS-A101.
F. Collision and Accidental Flooding

D. Explosion F 100 General

101 Collision with a typical supply boat is normally not af-
D 100 General fecting the structural integrity as long as the unit comply with
101 In respect to design considering loads resulting from ex- stability requirements from national or international bodies.
plosions one, or a combination of the following main design Collision with supply boat and accidental flooding are thus not
philosophies are relevant: considered in this standard.


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C102, April 2004
Page 32 – Ch.1 Sec.9


A. Structural Details forces shall be determined separately. The transfer functions

shall be combined in the cumulative damage calculations.
A 100 General
101 For the design of structural details consideration should
be given to the following:
C. Structure in Way of a Fixed Mooring System
— the thickness of internal structure in locations susceptible
to excessive corrosion C 100 General
— the design of structural details, such as those noted below, 101 Local structure in way of fairleads, winches, etc. form-
against the detrimental effects of stress concentrations and ing part of the position mooring system is, as a minimum, to be
notches: capable of withstanding forces equivalent to 1.25 times the
— details of the ends and intersections of members and breaking strength of any individual mooring line. The strength
associated brackets evaluation should be undertaken utilising the most unfavoura-
— shape and location of air, drainage, and lightening ble operational direction of the anchor line. In the evaluation of
holes the most unfavourable direction, account shall be taken of rel-
— shape and reinforcement of slots and cut-outs for in- ative angular motion of the unit in addition to possible line lead
spection directions. The material factor γ m is 1.0 in this special case.
— elimination or closing of weld scallops in way of
butts, “softening” bracket toes, reducing abrupt
changes of section or structural discontinuities.
D. Loading Instrument
— proportions and thickness of structural members to reduce
fatigue damage due to engine, propeller or wave-induced D 100 General
cyclic stresses, particularly for higher strength steel mem- 101 The loading instrument used to monitor the still water
bers. bending moments and shear forces as well as the stability of
the unit shall be in compliance with the requirements of the
Rules for Classification of Ships.
B. Bilge Keels 102 The limitations for still water bending moments and
shear forces shall be in accordance with maximum allowable
B 100 General still water bending moments and shear forces specified in the
101 The requirements for design of bilge keels apply to turret operating manual.
moored units and to spread moored units.
Guidance note:
The bilge keel should normally be welded directly onto the shell
plate without doubling plates. Adequate transverse supporting E. Corrosion Protection
brackets, or an equivalent arrangement, are to be provided.
E 100 General
101 The corrosion protection arrangements shall be consist-
102 The loads due to ship motions shall be determined from ent with DNV-OS-C101.
the wave load analysis employing a viscous damping coeffi-
cient representative for seastates which contribute most to fa-
tigue damage. The damping coefficient used in fatigue
capacity assessment should be determined at 10-2 probability F. Support of Mooring Equipment, Towing
of exceedance. brackets etc.
103 Fatigue calculations should be carried out by means of a
spectral analysis. A component stochastic analysis as de- F 100 General
scribed in Classification Notes 30.7 is acceptable. 101 Structure supporting mooring equipment such as fair-
104 For bilge keels of a closed type design, both ULS and leads and winches, towing brackets etc. shall be designed for
FLS shall be considered. The transfer functions for stress re- the loads and acceptance criteria specified in DNV-OS-E301,
sponses from the wave dynamics and motion induced drag Ch.2 Sec.4.


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C102, April 2004
Ch.1 Sec.10 – Page 33


A. Introduction B 300 Fillet welds and deep penetration welds subject to

high tensile stresses
A 100 General requirements 301 Dimensioning of such welds are referred to Rules for
101 The technical requirements for the welding and weld Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.12 C200. Examples of
welds in this category are:
connections shall, as a minimum, comply with the Rules for
Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.12. — transverse bulkhead connection to the double bottom
— vertical corrugated bulkhead connection to the top of
102 The extent and means of inspection during fabrication is stooltank or directly to the inner bottom
defined in DNV-OS-C401. — stooltanks to inner bottom and hopper tank
— structural elements in double bottom below bulkheads and
— transverse girders in centre tanks to longitudinal bulk-
B. Size of Welds heads
— side shell, inner side and longitudinal bulkheads to double
B 100 Direct calculations bottom.
101 As an alternative to the weld size according to this sec- B 400 Full penetration welds
tion, the welds may be designed according to the principles 401 In addition to the full penetration welds required for
given in DNV-OS-C101 Sec.9 C600. joint specified by the Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.3
Ch.1 Sec.12, full penetration welds shall be used for the fol-
B 200 Double continuous fillet welds lowing connections:
201 Dimensioning of double continuous fillet welds are re- — crane pedestal to deck plating
ferred to the Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.12 — topside support stools to main deck flare to hull structure
Table C1. This table has been extended to include typical — drillfloor support structure to main deck 1)
structural members for units covered by this standard. The C — turret bearing support structure to main deck.
factors to be used are given in Table B1. 1) Deep penetration weld are acceptable in areas where the design load is
primarily static. As a guide, if the static compression stress constitutes
Table B1 Weld factor C more than 35% of the yield stress, deep penetration welds may be used.
Item 60% of At ends
Local buckling stiffeners 0.14 0.14
Stiffeners, frames, beams or longitudinals to 0.16 0.26
shell, deck, oil tight or water tight girders or
bulkhead plating, except in after peaks.
Secondary stiffeners in turret.
Web plates of non-watertight girders except in 0.20 0.32
after peak.
Girder webs and floors in double bottom. 0.26 0.43
Stiffeners and girders in after peaks.
Main girder system and decks in turret. Figure 1
Horizontal stringers on transverse bulkheads. Deck and bottom penetrations
Watertight centre line girder to bottom and in-
ner bottom plating.
Boundary connection of ballast and liquid car-
go bulkhead:
— longitudinal bulkheads
— transverse bulkheads. 0.52
Hatch coamings at corners and transverse
hatch end brackets to deck.
Top horizontal profile to coaming.
Strength deck plating to shell scuppers and
discharges to deck.
Shell plating of turret.
Fillet welds subject to compressive stresses 0.25
All other welds not specified above. 0.43


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C102, April 2004
Page 34 – Ch.1 Sec.10






Sec. 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 37
Sec. 2 Selection of Material and Extent of Inspection........................................................................ 38
Sec. 3 Design Basis and Principles ..................................................................................................... 39
Sec. 4 Design Loads............................................................................................................................ 41
Sec. 5 Structural Analyses for Capacity Checks................................................................................. 42
Sec. 6 Structural Capacity................................................................................................................... 43
App. A Permanently Installed Units ..................................................................................................... 44


Veritasveien 1, NO-1322 Høvik, Norway Tel.: +47 67 57 99 00 Fax: +47 67 57 99 11
Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C102, April 2004
Ch.2 Sec.1 – Page 37


A. General B. Definitions
A 100 Assumptions and applications B 100 Benign waters
101 This Chapter provides requirements and guidance for 101 Benign waters is defined as the environments where re-
offshore ships constructed in steel restricted to operate in “be- quired hull girder capacity calculated according to the LRFD
nign waters”. method is less than the minimum section modulus calculated
102 Ch.2 is also applicable to conversions of old tankers to according to the “main class requirements”.
production or storage units. See Ch.0 of this standard for further explanations.
A 200 Assumptions
201 In addition to the requirements given in Ch.2 of this
standard Ch.1 Sec.9 and Ch.1 Sec.10 shall be complied with.


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C102, April 2004
Page 38 – Ch.2 Sec.2


A. Selection of Material Guidance note:

If the stresses induced by environmental loads small, and the per-
A 100 General manent and variable functional loads cause compression stresses,
the materials can be considered as primary category.
101 Material specifications shall be established for all struc- ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
tural materials. The materials shall be suitable for their intend-
ed purpose and have adequate properties in all relevant design A 300 Service temperatures
301 The service temperature for external structures above
102 For design temperatures higher than, or equal to -15°C, the lowest ballast waterline shall be set equal to the lowest dai-
selection of steel grade may be based on the principles and re- ly mean temperature for the area(s) in which the unit is speci-
quirements given by the main class or Ch.1 Sec.2. For temper- fied to operate.
atures lower than -15°C, the material shall be selected 302 The service temperature for external structures below
according to Ch.1 Sec.2. the lowest ballast waterline needs normally not to be set lower
than 0°C.
103 In structural cross-joints where high tensile stresses are
acting perpendicular to the plane of the plate, the plate material 303 The service temperature for external structures below
the lowest ballast waterline needs normally not to be set lower
shall be tested to prove the ability to resist lamellar tearing (Z- than 0°C.
304 The service temperature for internal structures in way of
104 Structural elements used only in temporary conditions, permanently heated rooms needs normally not to be set lower
like fabrication, are not considered. than 0 °C. Crude oil tanks may be considered to be permanent-
ly heated.
A 200 Material classes 305 The service temperature for internal structures in oil
201 In addition to the structural elements given in Rules for storage tanks in FPSOs/FSUs needs normally not to be set low-
Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.2 Table B1 and Table B2 er than 0°C except for the upper strake in longitudinal bulk-
heads and top wing tanks.
respectively, Table A1 gives requirements for materials for
some other structural elements.

Table A1 Application of material classes B. Inspection Principles

Within Outside
Structural member 0.4 L 0.4 L B 100 General
amidships amidships 101 The extent of non-destructive testing during fabrication
— highly stressed 1) elements in way of shall be in accordance with the requirements for the appropri-
moonpool such as corner plates in ate inspection category as defined in DNV-OS-C101, Sec.4.
rectangular moonpools
— highly stressed 1) elements in way of 102 Requirements for type and extent of inspection are given
support structure for turret in DNV-OS-C401, dependent on assigned inspection category
— highly stressed 1) elements in way of for the welds. The requirements are based on the consideration
main supporting structures of heavy of fatigue damage and general fabrication quality.
substructures and equipment e.g. V2) V2)
topside support structure, support of More detailed description of a typical extent of inspection is
chain stoppers, support of offloading given in the DNV Recommended Practice DNV-RP-C102
riser fairleads, anchor line fairleads, Structural Design of Offshore Ships.
supporting structure for winches,
crane pedestals, flare boom, davits, 103 The inspection category for units covered by this stand-
hawser brackets for shuttle tanker, ard shall relate to the material class as shown in Table B1.
towing brackets etc.
— non-highly-stressed group V ele- Table B1 Inspection categories
ments given above Inspection category Material class
— topside support stools I V
— gantry structure
— turret structure III III II III and IV
— pipe rack stanchions III I
— drillfloor substructure
— helicopter deck substructure 104 When determining the locations of required non-de-
— flare supporting structure. structive testing (NDT), consideration should be given to rele-
1) Highly stressed elements are elements utilised more than 85% of the al- vant fabrication parameters including; location of block
lowable structural capacity. (section) joints, manual versus automatic welding, start and
2) Not to be less than grade D/DH. stop of weld etc.


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C102, April 2004
Ch.2 Sec.3 – Page 39


A. Design Basis requirements”.

102 For the operational load conditions, the accelerations for
A 100 Operational modes
topside design and interface to hull may be based on direct cal-
101 A unit shall be designed for all relevant modes of oper- culations for the two alternative design principles. Optionally
ation. Typically, the assessment of the unit shall be based on the accelerations may be based on the ship rules Pt.3 Ch.1 or
the following operational modes: Ch.2. In both cases the structural capacity of topside and hull
— all operating conditions, intact and damaged, at the design supporting structure shall be based on the LRFD principles as
location(s) given in Ch.1
— all transit conditions 103 Non-operating conditions like transit conditions, dock-
— docking condition afloat ing condition afloat and dry-docking condition are considered
— dry-docking condition. to be covered by the “main class requirements”.
A 200 Still water load conditions 104 In the transit condition, the design values of global ac-
201 All relevant still water loading conditions shall be con- celerations for assessment of topside facilities and supporting
sidered to determine the limit curves for maximum permissible structure may alternatively be derived from wave load analysis
bending moments and shear forces. provided the structural capacity is assessment is in accordance
with Ch.1 Sec.6. The wave load analysis shall in such cases be
A 300 Environmental loads based on an annual probability of exceedance of 10-1.3 (20 year
301 Environmental loads shall in principle be based on site return period).
specific data which is representative for the areas in which the 105 For units which are intended to operate on a specific lo-
unit is to operate. However, the ”main class requirements” to cation for the main part of the design life, wave loads in transit
the midship section modulus are by definition more stringent
than the design principles based on the LRFD method applied can be based on the actual transit route and season at an annual
to “benign waters”. Provided the “main class requirements” to probability of exceedance of 10-1.0 (10 year return period) pro-
minimum midship section modulus and moment of inertia are vided the structural capacity is assessment is in accordance
complied with, the wave bending moments and shear forces with Ch.1 Sec.6, or on the rules from a recognised Marine
may be based on the “main class requirements”. No direct cal- Warranty.
culations of wave bending moments and shear forces are re-
quired in such cases. 106 When design Alternative 2, LRFD method, is applied,
the minimum midship section modulus according to the ”main
302 When the hull is designed according to the LRFD meth- class requirements” may be reduced by maximum 25%.
od (see B below), the wave loads shall be derived from direct
calculations based on the dimensioning scatter diagram for the 107 The two different alternative design principles are fur-
areas in which the unit is to operate. Individual environmental ther describes in Table B1 and Table B2.
loads shall be based on an annual probability of exceedance
equal to 10-2 (100 years return period) for hull girder structural Table B1 Hull design principles
response calculations. Hull design
303 The environmental loads for assessment of fatigue life Design basis Operating Transit
may be based on the actual scatter diagrams for the areas in Alt. 1 Alt. 2 Alt. 1 Alt. 2
which the unit is to operate. Alternatively the worst scatter di- Z20 x x x
agram can be used as basis for calculation of fatigue life.
I20 x x x
A 400 Prolonged survey periods Z100 x
I100 x
401 Units intended to stay on location for a prolonged survey
period, i.e. without dry-docking, shall also comply with the re- a20 x x x
quirements in Appendix A. a100 x
Mw20 x x x
Mw100 x
Qw20 x x x
B. Strength Assessment Principles
Qw100 x
B 100 Alternative design procedure Z20 = minimum section modulus according to main class re-
101 Structural design of offshore units in “benign waters” I20 = minimum moment of inertia according to main class re-
accept two alternative design principles: quirements
Z100 = resulting section modulus according to Ch.1
Alternative 1 - Ship Rules I100 = resulting moment of inertia according to Ch.1
The hull scantlings are based on the “main class require- a20 = accelerations according to main class requirements
ments”. No direct calculations of wave bending moments and a100 = accelerations according to Ch.1 (direct calculations)
shear forces are required. Mw20 = wave bending moment according to main class require-
Alternative 2 - LRFD method Mw100 = wave bending moment according to Ch.1 (direct calcu-
The hull is designed according to the principles given in Ch.1. Qw20 = wave shear force according to main class requirements
The midship section modulus may be less than the ”main class Qw100 = wave shear force according to Ch.1 (direct calculations)


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C102, April 2004
Page 40 – Ch.2 Sec.3

B 400 Local strength assessment

Table B2 Topside and topside support design principles 401 Local strength assessment shall be carried out in accord-
Design basis Topside and topside support structure ance with the principles given in Ch. 1 Sec.3.
Operating Transit Examples of typical local structural capacity assessment are:
a20 x2) 3) — supporting structure for topside structure
a100 x1)
— supporting structure for thrusters
Ch.1 Sec.6 x x — turret
1) Accelerations a20 from the ship rules Pt.3 Ch.1 or Ch.2. may option- — crane pedestals
ally be used. — bilge keels (on turret-moored and spread moored units)
2) Optionally the accelerations may be derived by a wave load analysis — bow recess area for submerged type of turrets.
with an annual probability of exceedance of 10-1.3 (20 year return pe-
riod). 402 Supporting structure for thrusters are normally consid-
3) For units which are intended to operate on a specific location for the ered for a specified thrust using the acceptance criteria given in
main part of the design life, accelerations may optionally be derived Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1.
from a wave loads for the actual transit route and season at an annual
probability of exceedance of 10-1.0 (10 year return period or on the 403 Structural capacity of the turret shall be based on the
Rules from a recognised Marine Warranty. specific loads from the mooring system in the operational
mode. Both global and local response of the turret shall be con-
108 Local requirements for plates and profiles shall be ac- sidered. Hull deformations shall be considered. In addition, the
cording to “main class requirements”. local structure shall be considered for the special load cases as
B 200 Longitudinal strength defined in Sec.4.
201 The effect of large openings in the hull (e.g. moonpool)
which affect the distribution of global stresses, shall be consid-
ered accounting for three dimensional effects. C. Fatigue Assessment
202 For the intact and damage operating conditions, the hull
girder capacity is considered adequate if the main class re- C 100 General
quirements are complied with. 101 The fatigue capacity shall be assessed according to the
principles given in Ch.1 Sec.3 C.
B 300 Transverse strength
102 Fatigue calculations for units converted from old tankers
301 The capacity of the main transverse stiffening system shall account for the load history of the unit and findings from
like transverse bulkheads and transverse web frames shall the inspections. The S-N curves (for air or corrosive environ-
comply with the to main class requirements. ments) used should consider the condition of the unit with re-
spect to corrosion, original corrosion protection system and the
corrosion protection system after the conversion. See Classifi-
cation Note 30.7 for additional guidelines.


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C102, April 2004
Ch.2 Sec.4 – Page 41


A. Introduction C 200 Wave induced loads

A 100 General 201 If the structural assessment is based on direct calculated

wave loads, bending moments, shear forces and accelerations,
101 The loads shall in general be determined according to the wave loads shall be determined according to Ch.1 Sec.4.
the principles in Ch.1 Sec.3.
102 Design load criteria given by operational requirements C 300 Mooring loads
as described in Ch.1 Sec.4 shall be fully considered. 301 Mooring loads are to be determined according to Ch.1
C 400 Sloshing loads in tanks
B. Still Water Loads
401 Sloshing in partly filled tanks is to be considered accord-
B 100 General ing to Ch.1 Sec.4 E400.
101 All relevant still water load conditions shall be defined C 500 Green water
and limit curves for hull girder bending moment and shear
forces shall be established. 501 The effect of green water on weather deck and on deck-
houses shall be considered according to Ch.1 Sec.4 E504.
102 The shape of the limit curves for the still water bending
moments and shear forces are defined in Rules for Classifica-
tion of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1. If the extreme still water bending mo-
ment and/or shear exceed the main class minimum values, the
limit curve should be based on all relevant load combinations. D. Accidental Loads
103 Limit curves for the still water loading conditions shall D 100 General
be presented for operational and transit mode separately.
101 Accidental loads shall be considered according to Ch.1
Sec.4 F.

C. Environmental Loads
C 100 General E. Fatigue Loads
101 Definitions, general considerations and required meth- E 100 General
odology for determination of environmental loads are given in
Ch.1 Sec.4. 101 Fatigue loads shall be considered as in Ch.1 Sec.4.


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C102, April 2004
Page 42 – Ch.2 Sec.5


A. Introduction calculated by a finite element analysis. Typical extent of the

model is three cargo tanks.
A 100 General requirements
102 For units with moonpool or turret, a finite element anal-
101 The structural response shall be determined by recog- ysis shall be carried out to describe the stress distribution in
nised analytical methods. Computer programs used shall have way of the openings, in particular in deck and bottom, and at
documented test results. termination of longitudinal strength elements.
102 The required types of analyses will depend on the struc-
tural design, but in general the following is required:
— finite element analysis for global hull girder strength as- C. Transverse Stresses
— finite element analyses for strength assessment of local ar- C 100 General
eas where the structural response cannot be adequately de-
termined by the global analysis 101 Transverse stresses shall normally be determined based
— finite element analyses to determine stress concentration on a 3-D finite element analysis. The transverse stresses are
factors. normally based on the three cargo tank model.
C 200 Global shear stresses
201 Global shear stresses shall be calculated considering the
B. Longitudinal Stresses vertical shear force at the transverse section in question as well
as the actual shear flow distribution in the section. The shear
B 100 General force shall be corrected according to Rules for Classification of
101 Global longitudinal nominal stresses should normally be Ships Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.5 D.


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C102, April 2004
Ch.2 Sec.6 – Page 43


A. General CB = block coefficient, but not less than 0.6

A 100 General 103 The requirements given in 102 are normally satisfied
101 The capacity of the hull girder can be assessed by alter- when calculated for the midship section only, provided the fol-
native methods as given in Ch.1 Sec.3. The selected design lowing rules for tapering are complied with:
principles shall be consistent. a) Scantlings of all continuous longitudinal strength mem-
102 The turret and turret or moonpool area, topside facilities' bers are to be maintained within 0.4 L amidships. In spe-
structural support and the fore and aft ship shall be assessed ac- cial cases, based on consideration of type of unit, hull form
cording to Ch.1 Sec.6. and loading conditions, the scantlings may be gradually
reduced towards the ends of the 0.4 L amidship part, bear-
ing in mind the desire not to inhibit the unit's loading flex-
B. Longitudinal Strength b) Scantlings outside 0.4 L amidships are gradually reduced
B 100 Alternative 1 - Complying with the main class to the local requirements at the ends, and the same material
requirements strength group is applied over the full length of the unit.
101 If the hull girder capacity is to be based on the main class 104 The hull scantlings are to be based on wave loads and ac-
requirements, the midship section modulus and moment of in- celerations according to the main class requirements.
ertia shall comply with 102.
B 200 Alternative 2 - Hull girder capacity based on
102 The midship section modulus about the transverse neu- direct calculations of wave loads
tral axis is not to be less than:
201 If the hull girder capacity is to be based on calculated
C W0 2 3
wave loads according to the principles given in Ch.1 Sec.3, the
Z 0 = ----------- L ( C B + 0.7 ) ( cm ) midship section modulus and moment of inertia given in 102
f1 can be reduced by maximum 25% provided the hull capacity
The material factor f1 shall be determined according to Rules comply with all of the requirements given in Ch.1 Sec.6 B.
for Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.2 B200.
The midship section moment of inertia about the transverse
neutral axis is not to be less than: C. Transverse Structural Strength
3 4 C 100 General
I = 3C W0 L B ( C B + 0.7 ) ( cm )
101 Transverse strength means the strength of main trans-
verse members such as transverse bulkheads and web frames.
The transverse strength should be evaluated using a finite ele-
3⁄2 ment model. The load effects of process equipment and deck
CW0 = 10.75 – [ ( 300 – L ) ⁄ 100 ] for L < 300
loads shall be included. The transverse strength shall comply
= 10.75 for 300 ≤ L ≤ 350 with the requirements in Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.3
= 10.75 – [ ( L – 350 ) ⁄ 150 ] for L > 350 Ch.1.


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C102, April 2004
Page 44 – Ch.2 App.A


A. Introduction D. Fatigue
A 100 General D 100 Design fatigue factors
101 The requirements and guidance given in this Appendix 101 Design fatigue factors (DFF) are introduced as fatigue
are supplementary requirements for units that are intended to safety factors. DFF shall be applied to structural elements ac-
stay on location for prolonged periods. cording to the principles given in DNV-OS-C101.
102 The requirements apply in principle to all types of off- 102 The DFF applied to the structural detail depend on the
shore ships.| accessibility for inspection and repair.
103 The units can normally be ballasted to different
draughts, and the term “splash” zone has thus no significance.
Sufficient margin in respect to the lowest inspection waterline
B. Inspection and Maintenance should however be considered depending on the expected
wave heights during the inspection periods.
B 100 Facilities for inspection on location Guidance note:
101 Inspections may be carried out on location based on ap- Normally 1-2 m is considered sufficient margin on the lowest in-
proved procedures outlined in a maintenance system and in- spection waterline in world wide operation.
spection arrangement, without interrupting the function of the ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
unit. The following matters should be taken into consideration
to be able to carry out condition monitoring on location: The DFF applied to offshore ships will therefore be dependent
on the accessibility for inspection and repair and the position
— arrangement for underwater inspection of hull, propellers, of the lowest inspection waterline.
thrusters, rudder and openings affecting the units seawor-
thiness 104 Examples of DFF assigned to different structural ele-
— means of blanking of all openings including side thrusters ments according to the principles given above are given in
— use of corrosion resistant materials for shafts, and glands DNV-OS-C101.
for propeller and rudder 105 Substantial consequences other than pure strength con-
— accessibility of all tanks and spaces for inspection siderations may require higher design fatigue factors. Such
— corrosion protection of hull factors should be given in the design brief.
— maintenance and inspection of thrusters 106 When defining the appropriate design fatigue factor for
— ability to gas free and ventilate tanks a specific fatigue sensitive detail, consideration shall be given
— provisions to ensure that all tank inlets are secured during to the following:
— Evaluation of likely crack propagation paths (including di-
— measurement of wear in the propulsion shaft and rudder rection and growth rate related to the inspection interval),
bearings may indicate the use of a higher design fatigue factor, such
— testing facilities of all important machinery. that:
a) Where the likely crack propagation indicates that a fa-
tigue failure affect another detail with a higher design
C. Corrosion Protection fatigue factor.
C 100 Maintenance program b) Where the likely crack propagation is from a location
satisfying the requirement for a given "Access for in-
101 A maintenance program shall be made taking into con- spection and repair" category to a structural element
sideration that no dry-docking is planned for the unit. having another access categorisation.


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