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RFP - CM Services

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702 KAR 4:160





School District: Christian County

Consolidated High School
November 19, 2021
RFP Date:


1. Announcement………………………………….. Page 2

2. Instructions to Proposers………………………. Page 3

3. Project Description……………………………… Page 5

4. Tentative Project Schedule……………………. Page 5

5. Goals for the Construction Manager…………. Page 6

6. CM Definition..………………………………….. Page 6

7. CM Qualifications………………………………. Page 6

8. Pre Construction Phase Services Required… Page 7

9. Construction Phase Services Required…….. Page 10

10. Response to Request for Proposals………... Page 15

2012 – Kentucky Department of Education Construction Management RFP - Page 1

A. The Christian County Board of Education will receive Proposals from qualified
Construction Managers (CMs) for both Pre construction Phase services and
Construction Phase services.

B. The intended Project is:

Construction of a new 2,500 student capacity consolidated high school.
Consolidation consists of Christian County High School, Hopkinsville High
School, and Gateway Academy. The consolidation will integrate general
education with career education within the same building. An academy
model of education is proposed. The project will be constructed on a green
field site. Site development will include drives, parking, athletic fields, and
master planning for future developments.

C. Interested and qualified CMs can receive a copy of the official Request for
Proposal (RFP) by submitting a one-page letter of interest to:

Christian County Board of Education

Attn: Jessica Darnell
PO Box 609
200 Glass Avenue
Hopkinsville, KY 42240

D. An authorized representative of the Board of Education will receive CM proposals

until 10:00 a.m. on December 10, 2021. Proposals received after this date
will not be accepted.

E. Proposals shall be submitted only on the form as received from the soliciting
Board of Education.

F. Proposals shall be enclosed in envelopes which clearly indicate a Proposal for

Construction Management services.

G. Responding CMs will be required to meet 702 KAR 4:160 and certain
qualifications set out in the RFP and which include the following:

1. CM Experience
2. Payment and Performance Bonds
3. Professional Liability Insurance
4. Ability to Provide Experienced Office and Field Staff
(Owner to Add Other Specific Project Qualifications Required)

H. Questions concerning Request for Proposals or the project should be addressed

to: Josh Hunt, Assistant Superintendent, 270-887-7000
2012 – Kentucky Department of Education Construction Management RFP - Page 2
I. This Request for Proposals is subject to KRS 45A.455 prohibition against conflict
of interest, and gratuities and kickbacks.

A. Preparation of Proposals:

1. The respondent is expected to comply with all specifications, terms,

conditions, and instructions contained in this Request for Proposals
(RFP). Failure to do so will be cause for rejection.

2. The proposal should be prepared simply and economically, providing a

straightforward concise description of the respondent’s capabilities to
satisfy the requirements of this RFP. Emphasis should be on
completeness and clarity of content. Each copy of the proposal, and all
documentation submitted with the RFP, should be bound in a single
volume where practical. The Owner will not be responsible for any costs
incurred by the respondent in preparing or presenting the RFP.

3. Any exceptions taken to the terms and conditions of this RFP shall be
clearly identified. If no exceptions are listed it will be concluded that the
respondent will meet, in every detail, the conditions stipulated in this RFP.

B. Fee:

Fee and schedule for this project shall be negotiated at the completion of the
selection process utilizing KDE CM Fee Guidelines for CM services.

C. Submission of Proposal:

The responding CM shall complete a proposal which includes responses to this


Proposals shall be addressed to:

Christian County Board of Education
Attn: Jessica Darnell
PO Box 609
200 Glass Avenue
Hopkinsville, KY 42240

D. Number of Copies:

The respondent shall furnish six (6) copies.

E. Form of Agreement:

2012 – Kentucky Department of Education Construction Management RFP - Page 3
The form of agreement to be used shall be the current American Institute of
Architects (AIA) document(s) required by 702 KAR 4:160.

F. Conditions:

1. The selected CM shall furnish all utilities required for the CM's on-site
office and/or operations for the duration of the contract. The temporary
project utilities shall not be used by the Construction Manager for CM

2. The selected CM shall furnish a Payment and Performance Bond, in an

amount equal to 100% of the proposal price as surety for the faithful
performance of this contract. Bonds shall be kept in force for the duration
of the contract; and, executed by a resident agent of the Commonwealth
of Kentucky; and, be in compliance with Kentucky Revised Statutes.

3. Existence of insurance required hereunder shall be established by the

furnishing of a Certificate of Insurance issued by insurers duly licensed
within the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Insurance shall be in force on the
date of execution of the Contract and continued for a period equal to the
duration of the project.

4. Insurance shall include coverage as stated in the AIA Document

C132-2009, Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and
Construction Manager as Adviser – KDE Version required by 702 KAR

5. CM shall hold harmless and indemnify the Owner, the Architect, and other
design consultants against all claims, suits, actions, costs, council fees,
expenses, damages and/or judgement in decrees by reason of persons or
property being damaged or injured by the CM or any of the CM
employees/subcontractors in any capacity during the progress of the
work, whether by negligence or otherwise.

6. All contracts for construction will be between the Owner and the
successful bidding Contractors.

7. CM shall maintain Professional Liability Insurance with minimum

coverage as stated in the AIA Document C132-2009, Standard Form of
Agreement Between Owner and Construction Manager as Adviser – KDE
Version required by 702 KAR 4:160.

G. Late Proposal, Modification, or Withdrawal:

1. Proposals received after the designated date will not be accepted.

2. Proposals may be modified or withdrawn by written notice received prior

to deadline for receipt of the RFP. A proposal also may be withdrawn in
2012 – Kentucky Department of Education Construction Management RFP - Page 4
person by a respondent or his authorized representative, provided his
identity is made known and he signs a receipt for the proposal, but only if
the withdrawal is made prior to the deadline set for receipt of the RFP.

H. Compliance with State Laws:

Any contracts resulting from this solicitation shall be governed under the laws of
the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

Construction of a new 2,500 student capacity consolidated high school. Consolidation
consists of Christian County High School, Hopkinsville High School, and Gateway
Academy. The consolidation will integrate general education with career education
within the same building. An academy model of education is proposed. The project will
be constructed on a green field site. Site development will include drives, parking,
athletic fields, and master planning for future developments.




Done Select Architect 6/2/2021 6/4/2021

Working Funding Sources 6/4/2021 6/4/2021

Done Hire Fiscal Agent 6/4/2021

Done Possible Sites 6/4/2021 6/11/2021

Done Hire Surveyor 6/4/2021 6/14/2021

Done Hire Soils Engineer 6/4/2021 6/14/2021

Working Hire Environmental Engr 6/4/2021 6/14/2021

done Education Program 6/4/2021 6/18/2021

Done Probable Site 6/4/2021 6/18/2021

Done Site Evaluation Contract 6/4/2021 6/22/2021

2012 – Kentucky Department of Education Construction Management RFP - Page 5
Pending Facility Plan Approved 6/4/2021 8/31/2021

Done BG-1 6/4/2021 9/1/2021

Architect - Owner Agreement 6/4/2021 9/1/2021

DONE KDE Site Approval 6/4/2021 9/9/2021

DONE Site Purchase 6/4/2021 9/30/2021

DONE KY DOT Permitting 6/18/2021 10/7/2021

Future Approval to Bid Site Grading 10/5/2021 10/15/2021

Future Bid Site Grading Package 10/18/2021 11/2/2021

Future Award Site Grading Package 11/2/2021 11/15/2021

Future Utility Tap Fee Agreements 9/24/2021 12/1/2021

Future Approval to Bid Foundation 2/23/2022 3/9/2022

Future Bid Foundation Package 3/10/2022 3/29/2022

Future Award Foundation Package 4/5/2022

Future Final Design Complete 6/4/2021 4/5/2022

Future Approval to Bid Full Building 4/5/2022 5/5/2022

Future Bid Full Building 5/5/2022 6/8/2022

Future Bond Sale 6/8/2022 6/29/2022

Future Award Full Bldg Contract 6/29/2022

Future Bid Furnishings 1/12/2024 2/7/2024

Future Award Furnishings 2/9/2024


DELAY Ed Program Meeting(s) 6/4/2021 6/18/2021

2012 – Kentucky Department of Education Construction Management RFP - Page 6
DELAY Building Space Program 6/21/2021 6/25/2021

Working Initial Design Concepts 6/4/2021 6/25/2021

DELAY Concept Approval Mtg 7/2/2021

Complete Soils Investigation-Init 6/18/2021 7/2/2021

complete Envior Assessment- Init 6/18/2021 7/2/2021

Working Site Survey w/ Topo 6/18/2021 7/2/2021

DELAY SD Approval Mtg 9/1/2021 9/10/2021

DELAY Schematic Design 6/18/2021 9/10/2021

DELAY SD Approval 9/10/2021 9/24/2021

Future BG-2 9/10/2021 9/24/2021

On Schedule Soils Investigation-Final 9/30/2021 10/21/2021

Future Envior Assessment Final 9/30/2021 10/21/2021

Future Design Site Grading Package 6/18/2021 10/5/2021

Future HBC Site/Foundation 10/5/2021 10/15/2021


Future DD Review Meetings 9/22/2021 12/2/2021

Future DD Design Development 9/9/2021 12/16/2021

Future DD Approvals 12/2/2021 12/16/2021

Future DD BG-1 Revisions 12/2/2021 12/16/2021

Future BG-3 12/2/2021 12/16/2021

Future Design Foundation Package 6/18/2021 2/23/2022

Future BG-2 12/2/2021 12/16/2021

Future BG-3 12/2/2021 12/16/2021

2012 – Kentucky Department of Education Construction Management RFP - Page 7
Future Conditional Use Permit 6/18/2021 9/23/2021

Future Planning Zoning Approval 6/18/2021 10/15/2021

Future CD Construction Documents 9/9/2021 4/5/2022

Future CD Review Meetings 9/9/2021 4/5/2022

Future CD Approvals 4/5/2022 5/5/2022

Future HBC Approval - Final 4/5/2022 5/5/2022

Future CD BG-1 Revision 6/8/2022 6/29/2022

Future Construct Site Grading 11/15/2021 4/5/2022


Future Construct Foundation 4/5/2022 6/29/2022


Future General Construction 6/29/2022 7/5/2024

Future Furnishing Installation 6/8/2024 7/13/2024

Future Owner Move-IN 6/21/2024 8/1/2024

Future BG-4 3/4/2025

Future BG-5 4/3/2025


A. To participate as a responsible, cooperative and contributing member of the
design and construction team.

B. To manage and complete the Project within the defined time schedule, approved
budget and the quality guidelines.

C. To represent the best interests of the Owner in the performance of services

toward the expeditious and efficient completion of the project.

2012 – Kentucky Department of Education Construction Management RFP - Page 8
A Construction Manager means a qualified and experienced contracting organization
which provides the services of construction management and possesses a general
trades workforce, staff and equipment, financial base, insurance coverage, bonding
capability, a minimum of three (3) years construction management experience on
projects of $2,000,000 or more, and the ability to provide the services required.


A. Knowledgeable of current applicable statutes, regulations and codes related to

educational building projects in Kentucky.

B. Knowledgeable of current Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) construction

management contract requirements.

C. Ability to provide Performance and Payment Bonds for 100% of the construction
management contract amount from a bonding company licensed to conduct
business in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

D. Ability to list successful completion of construction management services within

the last three (3) years for work of a comparable nature; and, a total accumulative
dollar value of these projects which is not less than the projected construction
cost of this project.

E. Ability to provide experienced office and field staff. Both the Project Manager
and the Superintendent shall exhibit a minimum of four (4) years experience on
similar size projects.

F. Ability, through demonstration of past projects or written plan, to generate

multiple bids for each required bid package.

G. Ability to provide expertise in the services of conceptual estimating and budget

control, constructability reviews, contractibility reviews, and value engineering
including life cycle costing analysis.

H. Ability to prepare and maintain critical path method (CPM) or bar chart project
schedules and update project schedules, as needed.

I. Ability to prepare and submit for approval, to KDE, all required documents in
proper form and in a timely manner.

J. Willingness to sign a non-collusion disclosure affidavit as presented by KDE.

2012 – Kentucky Department of Education Construction Management RFP - Page 9
The Architect/Engineering team has developed the project through the schematic
design phase at the time of the issuance of this RFP without the Owner hiring a
Construction Manager. The Owner may authorize the Architect/Engineering
team to continue the design into the design development phase prior to the hiring
of a Construction Manager.

The Construction Manager’s duties will begin in the middle of a project that has
already proceeded through the schematic design phase. While the Construction
Manager will be permitted to review aspects of the schematic design and other
work already completed by the Architect/Engineering team and to make
suggestions with respect to design work already completed and the Owner will
expect the Architect/Engineering team to work with the Construction Manager in
that regard, the Owner may reject and/or overrule any suggestions in the interest
of not making the Architect/Engineering team have to unnecessarily redo work
already completed or make redesigns already drawn.

The CM shall provide pre construction phase services as stated in the AIA Document
C132-2009, Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Construction Manager as
Adviser – KDE Version, including, but not limited to, the following:

A. Assist in preparation of BG-3.

B. Participate and assist in program/planning meetings, except to the extent as have

already occurred..

C. Except as otherwise provided, prepare and maintain CPM or bar chart schedules
which include each phase of pre construction and construction; and, which show
milestone dates for each phase of the project. Coordinate schedule generation
with Owner and Architect.

D. To the extent not otherwise already performed by the Architect/Engineering team,

provide dependable conceptual estimates from Schematic Design drawings and
detailed estimates from Design Development drawings and from 50% completed
Construction Documents.

E. To the extent not otherwise already performed by the Architect/Engineering team,

provide constructability and contractibility reviews at each phase of design.

F. Conduct a value engineering review, including Life Cycle Cost evaluations, for
alternate materials and systems prior to the beginning of the Construction
Documents phase.

G. Coordinate materials ordering and delivery, including long lead materials.

2012 – Kentucky Department of Education Construction Management RFP - Page 10
H. Provide assistance and recommendations to the Owner for obtaining any
necessary specialty professional services or studies, if required.

I. Assist the A/E in obtaining approvals of design from the Kentucky

Department of Education.

J. Assist the Owner in obtaining required permits.

K. Prepare and submit cash flow analysis to Owner prior to bond sale, if applicable.

L. Review design documents for clarity and completeness and make appropriate

M. Write the general conditions, supplementary/special conditions, the bid

documents, and division 1 of the specifications for inclusion in joint or separate
project manuals.

N. Provide the proper construction management language for contract documents

and bid packages in accordance with KDE procedures.

O. Separate construction work into appropriate bid packages, done in such a

manner that all work categories can be bid using a single compiled set of
Construction Documents.

P. Prepare bid documents and forms and distribute to potential bidders.

Q. Review qualifications of potential bidders, generate interest, advertise, and

solicit competitive bids for the Owner.

R. Conduct pre-bid conference and assist in pre-construction meetings.

S. Conduct public bid openings. Assist in reviewing and evaluating bids and making
recommendations to the Owner.

T. Provide KDE with the bid tabulations, proposal forms, bid securities, proposed
contracts, not less than ten (10) working days prior to scheduled bond sale.

U. Collect executed contracts, purchase orders, affidavits of assurance, insurance

certificates, and performance and payment bonds and distribute copies to
Owner, A/E, contractors, and KDE.

2012 – Kentucky Department of Education Construction Management RFP - Page 11
Provided by Provided Provided Provided
Kentucky Department of Education Construction by Other by by
Construction Manager Manager Contractor Owner Architect/
Scope of Services Checklist Engineer


Educational Specifications ●
Financial Plan ●
Program/Planning Meetings ▲ ●
Design Documents ●
Construction Documents ▲ ●
General/Special Conditions ● ▲
Division 1 Specifications ● ▲
Scheduling ● ▲
Estimating ● ▲
Value Engineering ● ▲
Constructability Reviews ● ▲
Contractibility Reviews ● ▲
Pre-bid Conference ● ▲
Pre Construction Meeting ● ▲

● Primary Responsibility
▲ Assists in Task
Diagram 8.1

2012 – Kentucky Department of Education Construction Management RFP - Page 12
The CM shall provide construction phase services as stated in the AIA Document
C132-2009, Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Construction Manager as
Adviser – KDE Version, including, but not limited to, the following:

A. Mobilization of job site - Provide and maintain a fully equipped project office
facility on-site to perform all required CM duties and meetings and coordination of
on-site temporary facilities.

B. Maintain full time on-site construction supervision to provide daily inspections,

quality control, monitoring, coordination of the various trades, provide record
drawings, and provide a daily work log. Also, assign any Owner purchased

C. Conduct monthly job progress meetings following a CM generated agenda with

the Architect and all trades, and follow-up with distribution of minutes to all

D. Conduct a minimum of bimonthly on-site meeting to review safety and to insure

schedule conformance as related to delivery schedules. Provide plan of
maintaining original completion date with CPM scheduling updates to all parties.

E. Provide general safety signage and posting for project and see that each
Contractor prepares and submits an adequate safety program and monitoring
throughout the project.

F. Provide Owner with a monthly review of cash flow to allow investment of funds

G. Review change order proposals to verify validity, purpose and cost. Review with
the Architect and Owner and process change order requests as required.

H. Review shop drawings for conformance to construction documents and, if

presentable, forward to Architect for approval.

I. Monitor certificate of insurance for expiration from all contractors and confirm
Owner's builder's risk policy.

J. Compile payment requests, verify correctness and forward to Architect for

approval. CM to sign cover sheet stating that application has been reviewed and
is recommended for payment.

K. Provide Architect and Owner with a monthly analysis of all bid packages
indicating amount of contract completed and remaining, monies paid, retained,
and owed.

2012 – Kentucky Department of Education Construction Management RFP - Page 13
L. Assist Architect in preparation of BG-4, conducting final inspections, approvals
and Certificates of Occupancy.

M. Assemble close-out documents required and forward to Architect for approval

(i.e., as-built documents, maintenance manuals, surety releases, keys,
warranties, guarantees, record drawings, and lien waivers.)

N. Coordinate any training specified for Owner's personnel in learning to operate

equipment and systems.

O. Provide assistance to Owner throughout warranty periods.

P. Perform services and duties in compliance with contract between Owner and CM.

2012 – Kentucky Department of Education Construction Management RFP - Page 14
Provided by Provided Provided Provided by
Kentucky Department of Education Construction by Other by Architect/E
Construction Manager Manager Contractor Owner ngineer
Scope of Services Checklist

CM Field Office and Utilities ●
Temporary Toilets ●
Temporary Heat ●
Temporary Electric Power ●
Temporary Water ●
Temporary Barricades & Rails ●
Temporary Fencing ●
Periodical Cleanup ●
Rubbish Removal ●
Water Removal ●
Building Trade Permits ●
Testing ●
Weather Protection ●
Coordination with Utility Companies ●
Jobsite Signs ●
Watchman - Security ●
Building Permit ▲ ●
Certificate of Occupancy ● ▲
Builder's Risk Insurance ▲ ●
Progress Photographs ●

● Primary Responsibility
▲ Assists in Task
Diagram 9.1

2012 – Kentucky Department of Education Construction Management RFP - Page 15
Provided by Provided Provided Provided
Kentucky Department of Education Construction by Other by Owner by
Construction Manager Manager Contractor Architect/
Scope of Services Checklist Engineer

CM Superintendent Services ●
Trade Superintendent Services ●
Trades Coordination ●
Scheduling ● ▲
Field Engineering ▲ ●
Time Keeping ●
Shop Drwg. Reference File ● ▲ ▲
Record Drawings ● ▲ ▲
Safety Program ▲ ●
Independent Surveyor ●

● Primary Responsibility
▲ Assists in Task
Diagram 9.2

2012 – Kentucky Department of Education Construction Management RFP - Page 16
Provided by Provided Provided Provided
Kentucky Department of Education Construction by Other by Owner by
Construction Manager Manager Contractor Architect/
Scope of Services Checklist Engineer

Principal in Charge ●
Project Management ●
Labor Relations Coordination ●
Scheduling ● ▲
Direct Purchase Orders ● ▲
Accounting ●
Expediting ● ▲
Change Order Review ▲ ● ▲ ▲
Shop Drwg. Submittal ▲ ●
Shop Drwg. Review ▲ ● ●

● Primary Responsibility
▲ Assists in Task
Diagram 9.3

All items below should be included in the response in the same order and in similar
format. Include the Certification and signature at the end of this section.

Note: If more than one firm is involved in a joint-venture, a complete response from

2012 – Kentucky Department of Education Construction Management RFP - Page 17
each firm is required.

A. Firm Identification: Please provide the following information about your firm:

● Name
● Address
● City/State/Zip
● Telephone Number
● Principal-In-Charge Name
● Principal-In-Charge Email Address
● Designated Contact Name
● Designated Contact Email Address
● Type of Organization (Sole Proprietorship, Professional
Corporation/Association, Corporation, Partnership, Joint Venture*, Other*
- If Joint Venture or Other provide details)
● Number of years firm has been in business
● Location of any branch offices

B. Personnel:

1. Provide firm organization chart. Include names of all officers.

2. List firm's total number of personnel by skill group (i.e., cost control,
scheduling, superintendents, etc.)

C. Sub-Consultants:

If outside consultants are utilized to perform any of your CM services, list firms
and the services they will provide on your behalf. See Firm Identification in
Section (A) above.


State when the firm was founded, how it is organized, and its operating philosophy.


Provide the following information on completed projects of a comparable nature over the
past three (3) years. (Maximum of ten projects).

● Name of Project
● Location by city and state
● Brief description of the project
● Construction cost and year project was completed
● Project Manager and Superintendent Name
● Name of owner's representative with address and telephone number
● Names and addresses of architects, consultants, and general trades
contractor for project
2012 – Kentucky Department of Education Construction Management RFP - Page 18

Choose not more than five projects listed above, that are most similar to this project and
provide the following additional information:

● Owner's Initial Construction Budget

● CM's Final Construction Estimate
● Total Number of Bid Packages
● Total Project Cost (Contracts and Purchase Orders)
● CM scheduled months for construction activities
● Actual months for construction activities
● Other demonstrated ability to procure quality contractors, maximum
productivity and workmanship within budget and schedule guidelines


Please provide the following information regarding your proposed project organization
for this project:

A. Organization chart, identifying all project staff members by project titles,

and showing how each interacts with other staff members assigned to this
project. Specifically include principal-in-charge, and project manager.

B. Explain how you plan to provide back-up staffing to insure continuity if key
staff members leave the project.


A. Describe your in-house capabilities in the following areas:

● Cost Estimating
● Value Engineering
● Life Cycle Cost Analysis
● Energy Conservation and Energy Budgeting
● Building Systems
● Specification Writing / Coordination Experience

B. Discuss your plans for fulfilling the requirements for construction management
services during the pre-construction phases of this project.

C. Discuss your plans for fulfilling the requirements for construction management
services during the bid and construction phases of this project.
D. Describe your proposed method of scheduling and phasing for this project.

E. Describe the estimating and cost control methods you propose to utilize on this
2012 – Kentucky Department of Education Construction Management RFP - Page 19

F. In this type of project, what would your recommendation be for field supervision
during construction (i.e., number of persons, qualifications and percent of time on
the job, etc.)?

G. Discuss your methods of value engineering and life cycle costing for architectural
and mechanical/electrical work on this project.

H. Discuss the criteria utilized in preparing bid packages for a project like this one.
How will the packages fit the construction phasing?

I. Describe how you intend to work as the Owner's representative with the project
architects and other design team members.

J. Describe your team's method of coordinating the efforts of the various trade
contractors. How will you maximize the use of local area contractors/suppliers?

K. Cite three examples of how, as CM, you have initiated corrective action when
deviations from standards of quality, time or budget occurred.


Describe your experience working with the Kentucky Department of Education staff and
how you view their role in the design and construction process.


Generally describe your understanding of the funding sources that drive decisions made
on Kentucky school construction projects.


List not more than ten (10) client references of similar projects. Provide Owner name,
contact name, address and telephone number.


Provide a summary statement, of not more than one page, which summarizes the
reasons you feel your firm is best qualified for this project.

2012 – Kentucky Department of Education Construction Management RFP - Page 20

The following documents will be utilized to execute a contract.

A. AIA Document C132-2009, Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and

Construction Manager as Adviser – KDE Version

B. KDE Construction Manager Fee Guidelines

C. KDE Non-Collusion Affidavit


The information provided herein is accurate to the best of my knowledge and can be
accepted by the recipient as a true representation of:

Firm Name: ___________________________________________

Signed: ___________________________________________

Principal-in-Charge: ___________________________________________

Date: ___________________________________________

2012 – Kentucky Department of Education Construction Management RFP - Page 21

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