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Comprehensive Agrarian Law

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Republic Act No.

(Index By Section of the Comparative Text of R.A. No. 6657 vis-à-vis R.A. No. 97
(As amended by RA 7881, 7905, 8532 and 9700)
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:
Preliminary Chapter
Section 1. Title. -
This Act shall be known as the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law of 1988.
Section 2. Declaration of Principles and Policies. -
It is the policy of the State to pursue a   It is the policy of the State to pursue a
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP). Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP).
The welfare of the landless farmers and farmworkers The welfare of the landless farmers and farmworkers
will receive the highest consideration to promote will receive the highest consideration to promote
social justice and to move the nation toward sound social justice and to move the nation toward sound
rural development and industrialization, and the rural development and industrialization, and the
establishment of owner cultivatorship of economic- establishment of owner cultivatorship of economic-
size farms as the basis of Philippine agriculture. size farms as the basis of Philippine agriculture.
To this end, a more equitable distribution and The State shall promote industrialization and full
ownership of land, with due regard to the rights of employment based on sound agricultural
landowners to just compensation and to the development and agrarian reform, through industries
ecological needs of the nation, shall be undertaken that make full and efficient use of human and natural
to provide farmers and farmworkers with the resources, and which are competitive in both
opportunity to enhance their dignity and improve the domestic and foreign markets:  Provided, That the
quality of their lives through greater productivity of conversion of agricultural lands into industrial,
agricultural lands. commercial or residential lands shall take into
account, tillers' rights and national food
The agrarian reform program is founded on the right
security.Further, the State shall protect Filipino
of farmers and regular farmworkers, who are
enterprises against unfair foreign competition and
landless, to own directly or collectively the lands they
trade practices.
till or, in the case of other farm workers, to receive a
just share of the fruits thereof. To this end, the State The State recognizes that there is not enough
shall encourage and undertake the just distribution of agricultural land to be divided and distributed to each
all agricultural lands, subject to the priorities and farmer and regular farmworker so that each one can
retention limits set forth in this Act, having taken into own his/her economic-size family farm. This being
account ecological, developmental, and equity the case, a meaningful agrarian reform program to
considerations, and subject to the payment of just uplift the lives and economic status of the farmer and
compensation. The State shall respect the right of his/her children can only be achieved through
small landowners, and shall provide incentives for simultaneous industrialization aimed at developing a
voluntary land-sharing. self-reliant and independent national economy
effectively controlled by Filipinos.
The State shall recognize the right of farmers,
farmworkers and landowners, as well as To this end, the State may, in the interest of national
cooperatives and other independent farmers' welfare or defense, establish and operate vital
organizations, to participate in the planning, industries.
organization, and management of the program, and
shall provide support to agriculture through A more equitable distribution and ownership of land,
appropriate technology and research, and adequate with due regard to the rights of landowners to just
compensation, retention rights under Section 6 of
financial production, marketing and other support
services. Republic Act No. 6657, as amended, and to the
ecological needs of the nation, shall be undertaken
The State shall apply the principles of agrarian to provide farmers and farmworkers with the
reform, or stewardship, whenever applicable, in opportunity to enhance their dignity and improve the
accordance with law, in the disposition or utilization quality of their lives through greater productivity of
of other natural resources, including lands of the agricultural lands.
public domain, under lease or concession, suitable to
agriculture, subject to prior rights, homestead rights The agrarian reform program is founded on the right
of small settlers and the rights of indigenous of farmers and regular farmworkers, who are
communities to their ancestral lands. landless, to own directly or collectively the lands they
till or, in the case of other farmworkers, to receive a
The State may resettle landless farmers and just share of the fruits thereof. To this end, the State
receive a just share from their labor in the utilization shall provide support to agriculture through
of marine and fishing resources. appropriate technology and research, and adequate
financial, production, marketing and other support
The State shall be guided by the principles that land services.
has a social function and land ownership has a social
responsibility. Owners of agricultural lands have the The State shall recognize and enforce, consistent
obligation to cultivate directly or through labor with existing laws, the rights of rural women to own
administration the lands they own and thereby make and control land, taking into consideration the
the land productive. substantive equality between men and women as
qualified beneficiaries, to receive a just share of the
The State shall provide incentives to landowners to fruits thereof, and to be represented in advisory or
invest the proceeds of the agrarian reform program appropriate decision-making bodies. These rights
to promote industrialization, employment and shall be independent of their male relatives and of
privatization of public sector enterprises. Financial
their civil status.
instruments used as payment for lands shall contain
features that shall enhance negotiability and The State shall apply the principles of agrarian
acceptability in the marketplace. reform, or stewardship, whenever applicable, in
accordance with law, in the disposition or utilization
The State may lease undeveloped lands of the public of other natural resources, including lands of the
domain to qualified entities for the development of public domain, under lease or concession, suitable to
capital-intensive farms, and traditional and agriculture, subject to prior rights, homestead rights
pioneering crops especially those for exports subject
of small settlers and the rights of indigenous
to the prior rights of the beneficiaries under this Act. communities to their ancestral lands.
  The State may resettle landless farmers and farm
workers in its own agricultural estates, which shall be
distributed to them in the manner provided by law.
By means of appropriate incentives, the State shall
encourage the formation and maintenance of
economic-size family farms to be constituted by
individual beneficiaries and small landowners.
The State shall protect the rights of subsistence
fishermen, especially of local communities, to the
preferential use of communal marine and fishing
resources, both inland and offshore. It shall provide
support to such fishermen through appropriate
technology and research, adequate financial,
production and marketing assistance and other
services. The State shall also protect, develop and
conserve such resources. The protection shall
extend to offshore fishing grounds of subsistence
fishermen against foreign intrusion. Fishworkers shall
receive a just share from their labor in the utilization
of marine and fishing resources.
The State shall be guided by the principles that land
has a social function and land ownership has a social
responsibility. Owners of agricultural land have the
obligation to cultivate directly or through labor
administration the lands they own and thereby make
the land productive.
The State shall provide incentives to landowners to
invest the proceeds of the agrarian reform program
to promote industrialization, employment and
privatization of public sector enterprises. Financial
instruments used as payment for lands shall contain
features that shall enhance negotiability and
acceptability in the marketplace.
The State may lease undeveloped lands of the public
domain to qualified entities for the development of
capital-intensive farms, and traditional and
pioneering crops especially those for exports subject
to the prior rights of the beneficiaries under this Act.
(as amended by Section 1, RA 9700)
Subject:  Accreditation of NGOs Involved in DAR Program
A.     O. No. 1  -  December 27, 1988
Subject:  Participation of NGO/Private Voluntary Organization (PVO) in the Implementation of Agrarian Reform 
A.O. No.  1  -  January 09, 1997 (Effectivity Date – January 24, 1997)
Subject: Revised AO No. 7, S. ’95 on the Dev’t. and Strengthening of POs Pursuant to the Constitution,
RA 6657, and Other Pertinent Laws
A.O. No. 7  -  July 21, 1995 (Effectivity Date – August 6, 1995)
Subject: Development and Strengthening of POs Pursuant to the Constitution, RA 6657, & Other
Pertinent Laws
A.O. No. 1  -  December 27, 1988
Subject:  Participation of NGO/Private Voluntary Organization (PVO) in the Implementation of Agrarian Reform
A.O. No. 01 – July 19, 2011 (Effectivity Date - July 23, 2011)
Subject:   Guidelines Governing Gender Equality in the Implementation of Agrarian Reform Laws
and Mainstreaming Gender and Development in the Department of Agrarian Reform
M.C. No. 05 – March 26, 2009
Subject:  Addendum to Memorandum Circular No. 03 Dated February 27, 2009 
Re:   Re-Constitution and Strengthening of the Gender and Development (GAD) Focal Points
M.C. No. 03 – February 27, 2009
Subject:  Addendum to Memorandum Circular No. 02 Dated January 16, 2008 Reconstitution and
Strengthening of the Gender and Development (GAD) Focal Points
M.C. No. 02 – January 16, 2008
Subject:   Reconstitution and Strengthening of the Gender and Development (GAD) Focal Points
M.C. No. 01 – April 11, 2005
Subject:   Reconstitution and Strengthening of the Gender and Development (GAD) Focal Point
M.C. No.  05  -   January 24, 2001
Subject:   Guidelines for the Establishment and Operation of DAR Women’s Desk
A. O. No.  1   -   January 9, 2001 (Effectivity Date – January 28, 2001)
Subject:    Guidelines Governing the Non-Gender Biased Implementation of Agrarian Laws 
Gen. M.C. No.  01   June 14, 1999
Subject:   Reconstitution and Strengthening of the Gender and Development (GAD) Focal Point
M.C. No. 18  -  August 08, 1996 (Effectivity  Date – August 25, 1996)
Subject: Clarificatory Guidelines in the Manner of Generating and Issuing Emancipation 
Patents/Certificates of Land Ownership Award (EPs/CLOAs) to Qualified Agrarian 
Reform Beneficiaries and their Spouses Pursuant to R.A. No. 7192
M. C. No.  04  -  August 27, 1992
Subject:  Defining the DAR Policy/Program Framework in the Recognition of the Role of 
Women on Development and in Addressing their Concerns: “Implementing Rules 
and Regulations to Build Mechanisms to Integrate Women
and Pursue a Non-bias Gender Consciousness Implementation for CARP
R.A. 7192  -  February 12, 1992
Subject:   An Act Promoting the Integration of Women as Full and Equal Partners of Men in
Development and Nation Building and for Other Purposes
Section 3. Definitions. 
For the purpose of this Act, unless the context indicates otherwise:
(a) Agrarian Reform means redistribution of lands, regardless of crops or fruits produced, to farmers and
regular farmworkers who are landless, irrespective of tenurial arrangement, to include the totality of factors
and support services designed to lift the economic status of the beneficiaries and all other arrangements
Subject:  An Act Amending Certain Provisions of R.A. No. 6657 [Section 3(b), 10, 11, 32, 65 and 73] 
M.C. No. 32  -  Series of  1997 
Subject:  Lifting the Suspension of the Implementation of R.A. No. 7881 and its Implementing 
Rule, A. O. No. 3, S. 1985
M.C. No. 27  -  November 20, 1995
Subject:  Suspension of the Implementation of RA 7881, Its Implementing Rule, AO No. 3, 
Series of 1995, Per Supreme Court Resolution dated Nov. 13, 1995.

(c) Agricultural Land refers to land devoted to agricultural activity as defined in this Act and not classified as
mineral, forest, residential, commercial or industrial land.

A.O. No. 07 – September 03, 2008 (Effectivity Date – September 19, 2008)
Subject: Guidelines Relative  to the Supreme Court Ruling on the Sutton Case    Regarding Lands
which are Actually, Directly and Exclusively Used for Livestock Raising 
A.O. No. 01 – August 16, 2004 (Effectivity Date – September 13, 2004)
Subject:  Exclusion of Agricultural Lands Used for Cattle Raising from the Coverage of the
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program [Amends pertinent provisions
of DAR A.O. No. 9, Series of 1993]  
M.C. No. 08 – May 06, 2004
Subject:  Clarificatory Guidelines on DAR Memorandum Circular No. 5, S. 2004 (Moratorium on the
             Processing and Grant  o Applications for Conversion and Exemption of All Lands Devoted to
              or Suitable for Agriculture)
 M.C. No. 05 – March 03, 2004
Subject:  Moratorium on the Processing and Grant of Applications for Conversion and Exemption
              of All Lands Devoted to or Suitable for Agriculture 
A.O. No. 04 – January 16, 2003 (Effectivity Date – February 9, 2003)
Subject:  2003 Rules on Exemption of Lands from CARP Coverage Under Section 3 (c ) of
Republic Act No. 6657 and Department of Justice (DOJ) Opinion No. 44, series of 1990 
M.C. No.  07  -   August 08, 2001
Subject: Inventory and Regular Monitoring of Land Use Conversion and Exemption/Exclusions
A.O. No.  6  -  May 27, 1994 (Effectivity Date – June 23, 1994)
Subject:  Issuance of Exemption Clearances Based on Sec. 3 (c) of RA 6657 and DOJ
Opinion No. 44, S. 1990
            S.O. No. 832 – November 03, 2003
Subject:  Addendum to the Special Order No. 823 Reconstituting Center for Land Use Policy, Planning and
Implementation (CLUPPI) Secretariat 
S.O. No. 823 – October 27, 2003
Subject:  Reconstitution of Center for Land Use Policy, Planning and Implementation (CLUPPI) Secretariat
A.O. No. 02  -   May 21, 2002 (Effectivity Date – June 6, 2002)
            Subject:  Institutionalization of the Center for Land Use Policy, Planning and Implementation (CLUPPI)
            A.O. No. 14  -  December 06,  1994 (Effectivity Date – December 30, 1994)
            Subject:  Creating a Center for Land Use Policy, Planning and Implementation  (CLUPPI)
CLUPs (COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLANS), Preparation and Completion and/or Updating of
M.C. No. 08  -   October 15, 2001
Subject:  Issuance of DAR Certification and Extending Full Support and Cooperation to Local Government
Units in the Preparation/Completion and/or Updating of Their Comprehensive Land Use Plans 
M.C. No. 11 – July 06, 2000
Subject: Directing All Municipal Agrarian Reform Officers (MAROs), Provincial Agrarian Reform Officers
(PAROs), and Regional Directors (RDs) to Extend Full Support and Cooperation to All
Concerned Local Government Units (LGUs) in the Preparation and Completion of
Their Comprehensive Land Use Plans (CLUPs) 
M C No 07 A g st 08 2001
 MONITORING (Conversion/Exemptions/Exclusions)
M.C. No.  07  -   August 08, 2001
Subject: Inventory and Regular Monitoring of Land Use Conversion and Exemption/Exclusions
            M.C. No. 16  -  July 18, 1996
Subject: Prescribing the Revised Guidelines in the Performance of the Regular Functions of the Regional
Planning Divisions (RPDs) and Provincial Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Units (PMEUs)
MORATORIUM (Conversion and Exemption)
M.C. No. 08 – May 06, 2004
Subject:  Clarificatory Guidelines on DAR Memorandum Circular No. 5, S. 2004 (Moratorium on the Processin
               and Grant of Applications for Conversion and Exemption of All Lands Devoted to or Suitable for Agriculture
M.C. No. 05 – March 03, 2004
Subject: Moratorium on the Processing and Grant of Applications for Conversion and Exemption of All 
Lands Devoted to or Suitable for Agriculture
           DAR M.C. No. 07 – March 29, 2004          
Subject: Clarificatory Guidelines on the Effect of Declarations of General Areas in the 
Country as “Tourist Zones” to the Coverage of Lands Devoted to or Suitable for 
Agriculture Within Said Areas Under the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP)

(d) Agrarian Dispute refers to any controversy relating to tenurial arrangements, whether leasehold, tenancy,
stewardship or otherwise, over lands devoted to 0agriculture, including disputes concerning farmworkers'
associations or representation of persons in negotiating, fixing, maintaining, changing, or seeking to arrange
terms or conditions of such tenurial arrangements.
It includes any controversy relating to compensation of lands acquired under this Act and other terms and
conditions of transfer of ownership from landowners to farmworkers, tenants and other agrarian reform
beneficiaries, whether the disputants stand in the proximate relation of farm operator and beneficiary,
landowner and tenant, or lessor and lessee.

            DAR A.O. No. 8  -  August 30, 1994 (Effectivity Date – September 17, 1994)
            Subject:  Mediation/Conciliation of Agrarian Disputes by BARC
DARAB Rules        
2009 Department of Agrarian Reform Adjudication Board (DARAB) Rules 
of Procedure – September 01, 2009
2003 Department of Agrarian Reform Adjudication Board (DARAB) Rules 
of Procedure – January 17, 2003
M.C. No. 1  -  January 05, 1995
Subject:  Authority of the Adjudication Board to Conduct Summary Administrative 
Proceedings for the Preliminary Determination of Just Compensation 
            DARAB New Rules of Procedure (1994)
M.C. No.  6  -  September 14, 1992
Subject:  Signing Authority on Travel Orders of DARAB Officials and Personnel
M.C. No.  7  -  September 30, 1991
Subject: Scope of Jurisdiction of DARAB, RARADs and PARADs Over Orders/Decisions of the Secretary

(e) Idle or Abandoned Land refers to any agricultural land not cultivated, tilled or developed to produce any
crop nor devoted to any specific economic purpose continuously for a period of three (3) years immediately
prior to the receipt of notice of acquisition by the government as provided under this Act, but does not include
land that has become permanently or regularly devoted to non-agricultural purposes. It does not include land
which has become unproductive by reason of force majeure or any other fortuitous event: Provided, that prior
to such event, such land was previously used for agricultural or other economic purpose.

basis. The term includes an individual whose work has ceased as a consequence of, or in connection with, a
pending agrarian dispute and who has not obtained a substantially equivalent and regular farm employment.
(h) Regular Farmworker is a natural person who is employed on a permanent basis by an agricultural
enterprise or farm.
(i) Seasonal Farmworker is a natural person who is employed on a recurrent, periodic or intermittent basis by
an agricultural enterprise or farm, whether as a permanent or a non-permanent laborer, such as "dumaan",
"sacada", and the like.
(j) Other Farmworker is a farmworker who does not fall under paragraphs (g), (h) and (i).
(k) Cooperatives shall refer to organizations composed primarily of small agricultural producers, farmers,
farmworkers, or other agrarian reform beneficiaries who voluntarily organize themselves for the purpose of
pooling land, human, technological, financial or other economic resources, and operated on the principle of
one member, one vote. A juridical person may be a member of a cooperative, with the same rights and duties
as a natural person.

(l) Rural women refer to women who are engaged directly or indirectly in farming and/or fishing as their
source of livelihood, whether paid or unpaid, regular or seasonal, or in food preparation, managing the
household, caring for the children, and other similar activities. (as added by Section 2, RA 9700)

A.O. No. 01 – July 19, 2011 (Effectivity Date - July 23, 2011)
Subject:   Guidelines Governing Gender Equality in the Implementation of Agrarian Reform Laws and
Mainstreaming Gender and Development in the Department of Agrarian Reform
M.C. No. 05 – March 26, 2009
Subject:  Addendum to Memorandum Circular No. 03 Dated February 27, 2009 Re:   Re-Constitution
and Strengthening of the Gender and Development (GAD)Focal Points
M.C. No. 03 – February 27, 2009
Subject:  Addendum to Memorandum Circular No. 02 Dated January 16, 2008 Reconstitution and
Strengthening of the Gender and Development (GAD) Focal Points
M.C. No. 02 – January 16, 2008
Subject:   Reconstitution and Strengthening of the Gender and Development (GAD) Focal Points
M.C. No. 01 – April 11, 2005
Subject:   Reconstitution and Strengthening of the Gender and Development (GAD) Focal Point
M.C. No.  05  -   January 24, 2001
Subject:   Guidelines for the Establishment and Operation of DAR Women’s Desk
A. O. No.  1   -   January 9, 2001 (Effectivity Date – January 28, 2001)
Subject:    Guidelines Governing the Non-Gender Biased Implementation of Agrarian Laws 
Gen. M.C. No.  01   June 14, 1999
Subject:   Reconstitution and Strengthening of the Gender and Development (GAD) Focal Point
M.C. No. 18  -  August 08, 1996 (Effectivity  Date – August 25, 1996)
Subject: Clarificatory Guidelines in the Manner of Generating and Issuing Emancipation Patents/Certificates
of Land Ownership Award (EPs/CLOAs) to Qualified Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries and their
Spouses Pursuant to R.A. No. 7192
M. C. No.  04  -  August 27, 1992
Subject:  Defining the DAR Policy/Program Framework in the Recognition of the Role of Women on
Development and in Addressing their Concerns: “Implementing Rules and Regulations to
Build Mechanisms to Integrate Women and Pursue a Non-bias Gender Consciousness
Implementation for CARP 
R.A. 7192  -  February 12, 1992
Subject:   An Act Promoting the Integration of Women as Full and Equal Partners of Men in
Development and Nation Building and for Other Purposes 

considerations, shall have determined by law, the Congress, taking into account ecological,
specific limits of the public domain. developmental and equity considerations, shall
have determined by law, the specific limits of
  the public domain;

A & D Lands of the Public Domain  (Jurisdiction of DAR and DENR)
               Joint DENR-DAR M.C. No. 2003-1
           (Reaffirming Joint DAR-DENR MC Nos. 14 and 19, 1997)
DENR M.C. No.  99-22
Subject: DENR Jurisdiction Over All Alienable and Disposable (A & D) Lands of the Public Domain
Joint DAR-DENR M.C. No. 19  -  May 21, 1997
Subject: Guidelines to Implement the Joint DAR-DENR Memorandum Circular No. 14, Series of 1997
Regarding Untitled Private Agricultural Lands
Joint DAR-DENR M. C. No. 14  -  March 31, 1997
Subject:  Clarifying the Jurisdiction of the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) and the Department of
Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) on the Disposition of Untitled Privately Claimed 
Agricultural Lands
Joint DAR-DENR M.C. No. 9  -  June 07, 1995
Subject:  Clarifying and Restating the Jurisdiction and Authority of DAR and DENR Over Certain Types
of Lands of the Public Domain Covered by the CARP
Joint DAR-DENR A.O. No. 7, Series of 1991
Subject:  Amending Joint DAR-DENR AO 2, S. ’87  Re:  Guidelines for the Implementation of
Sec. 15, EO 229 on Joint DAR-DENR Certification on Public Lands
M.C. No. 4  -  May  10, 1991
Subject:  Agricultural Lands Covered by Homestead Patents Pursuant to Public Land Act  (CA No. 141)
Joint DAR-DENR A.O. No. 2, Series of 1988
Subject:  Implementation of Sec. 15, EO 229, on Joint DAR-DENR Certification on Public Lands
A.O. No. 98, Series of 1988
Subject:  AR in Public Lands – Program D of the CARP
M.C. No. 15  -  October 25, 1983
Subject:  Disposition and Issuance of Patents Over Public Lands Under the Custody and 
Administration of the MAR
(b) All lands of the public domain in excess of the (b) All lands of the public domain in excess of
specific limits as determined by Congress in the the specific limits as determined by Congress
preceding paragraph; in the preceding paragraph;

(c) All other lands owned by the Government (c) All other lands owned by the Government
devoted to or suitable for agriculture; and devoted to or suitable for agriculture; and
(d) All private lands devoted to or suitable for (d) All private lands devoted to or suitable for
agriculture regardless of the agricultural products agriculture regardless of the agricultural
raised or that can be raised thereon. products raised or that can be raised thereon.
Joint DAR-DENR M.C. No. 2003-1
(Reaffirming Joint DAR-DENR MC Nos. 14 and 19, 1997)
Joint DAR-DENR M.C. No. 19  -  May 21, 1997
Subject:  Guidelines to Implement the Joint DAR-DENR Memorandum Circular No. 14, Series of 1997
Regarding Untitled Private Agricultural Lands
Joint DAR-DENR M. C. No. 14  -  March 31, 1997
Subject: Revised  Rules  and Procedures Governing the Acquisition and Distribution of Private
Agricultural Lands Under Republic Act (R.A.) No. 6657, As Amended
A.O. No. 02 – October 15, 2009 (Effectivity Date – July 1, 2009)
Subject:   Acquisition and Distribution of Agricultural Lands Under R.A. No. 6657, as amended by
R.A. No. 9700
M.C. No. 13 – August 11, 2003
Subject:  Guidelines in the Inventory of the CARP Scope (ICS)
Section 5. Schedule of Implementation. -

The distribution of all lands covered by this Act shall be implemented immediately and completed within ten
(10) years from the effectivity thereof.

A.O. No. 07 – September 30, 2011 (Effectivity Date – October 15, 2011) – Sections 5 & 6
Subject:  Revised Rules and Procedures Governing the Acquisition and Distribution of Private
Agricultural Lands Under Republic Act (R.A.) No. 6657, As Amended
M.C. No. 06 – July 15, 2011
Subject:  Clarificatory Guidelines on the Implementation of the Land Acquisition and Distribution
Phasing Under Republic Act No. 9700
M.C. No. 8 – October 27, 2010
Subject: Guidelines  in the  Treatment, Use  and  Updating  of  the PARC Execom-Approved CARPER
Land Acquisition and Distribution (LAD) Balance
M.C. No. 06 – June 24, 2010
Subject:  Clarificatory Guidelines on the Transitory Provisions of DAR A.O. No. 2, Series of 2009 
PARC Executive A.O. No. 01 – November 16, 2009
Subject:  Guidelines   Governing    Declaration    of    Certain Provinces as Priority Land Reform
Areas Pursuant to Section 5 of R.A. No. 9700 
A.O. No. 02 – October 15, 2009 (Effectivity Date – July 1, 2009)
Subject:   Acquisition and Distribution of Agricultural Lands Under R.A. No. 6657, as amended by 
R.A. No. 9700
A.O. No. 05 – July 15, 2008 (Effectivity Date – July 28, 2008)
Subject:  Amendment to DAR A.O. No. 2, Series of 2005, Entitled, Acquisition of Agricultural Lands Subject
of VOS  and CA and Those Covered Under E.O. No. 407[Amends A.O. No. 2, Series of 2005]
A.O. No. 04 – March 27, 2007 (Effectivity Date – April 14, 2007)
Subject:  Amendment to DAR A.O. No. 2, Series of 2005, Entitled, Acquisition of Agricultural 
Lands Subject of VOS  and CA and Those Covered Under E.O. No. 407 [Amends Item IV 
of A.O. No. 2, Series of 2005]
A.O. No. 07 – September 8, 2006 (Effectivity Date – September 26, 2006)
Subject:  Amendment to DAR A.O. No. 2, Series of 2005, Entitled, Acquisition of Agricultural Lands Subject
of VOS  and CA and Those Covered Under E.O. No. 407[Amends A.O. No. 2, Series of 2005]
A.O. No. 04 – August 2, 2005 (Effectivity Date – August 14, 2005)
Subject: Revised Rules Governing the Issuance of Notice of Coverage in the Acquisition of Agricultural
Lands Under R.A. No. 6657 [Revise DAR A.O. No. 1, Series of 2003]
A.O. No. 02 – May 12, 2005 (Effectivity Date – May 26, 2005)
Subject:  Acquisition of Agricultural Lands Subject of VOS and CA and Those Covered Under
E. O. No. 407 [Repeals A.O. No. 2, Series of 1996;  A.O. No. 1, Series of 1998; and
A.O. No. 4, Series of 2000;  Amends A.O. No. 1, Series of 2003 and
A.O. No. 7, Series of 2003]
A.O. No. 01  -  January 16, 2003 (Effectivity Date – February 6, 2003)
               Subject:  Notice of Coverage and Acquisition of Agricultural Lands Under R.A. No. 6657
           [Amend DAR A.O. No. 2, Series of 1996 and A.O. No. 1, Series of 1998]
A.O. No. 07 – September 30, 2011 (Effectivity Date – October 15, 2011) – Sections 27 to 41
Subject:  Revised Rules and Procedures Governing the Acquisition and Distribution of Private
Agricultural Lands Under Republic Act (R.A.) No. 6657, As Amended
A.O. No. 02 – October 15, 2009 (Effectivity Date – July 1, 2009 pursuant to Section 31 of R.A. No. 
9700) – (Item IV-B) 
Subject:   Acquisition and Distribution of Agricultural Lands Under R.A. No. 6657, 
as amended by R.A. No. 9700
A.O. No. 02  -  January 16, 2003 (Effectivity Date – February 7, 2003)
Subject:  2003 Rules and Procedures Governing Landowner Retention Rights
A.O. No. 05  -  August 30, 2000 (Effectivity Date – September 17, 2000)
Subject:   Revised Rules and Procedures for the Exercise of Retention Right by Landowners 
M.C. No.  12  -   August 14, 1998
Subject:  Retention Rights of Landowners and Award to Their Qualified Children
A.O. No. 4  -  April 26, 1991
Subject:  Supplemental Guidelines Governing the Exercise of Retention Rights by Landowners 
Under PD 27
A.O. No. 11  -  August 30, 1990
Subject:  Exercise of Retention Rights by Landowners and Award to Children Under 
Section 6 of RA 6657 
            Ministry A.O.  No. 01  -   February 27, 1985
                Subject:   Providing for a Cut-Off Date for Landowners to Apply for Retention and/or Protest the
                Coverage of their Landholdings Under Operation Land Transfer Pursuant to P.D. No. 27
AGRARIAN REFORM BENEFICIARIES, Identification, Screening and Selection of
A.O. No. 04 – June 16, 2008 (Effectivity Date – June 29, 2008)
Subject:  Supplemental Guidelines to DAR A.O. No. 7, Series of 2003 on the Identification, Screening
and Selection of, and Distribution to ARBs of Private Agricultural Lands Under R.A. No. 6657
           A.O. No. 07 – December 18, 2003 (Effectivity Date – January 8, 2004)
            Subject: Identification, Screening and Selection of, and Distribution to Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries
(ARBs) of Private Agricultural Lands Under Republic Act (R.A.) No. 6657 
[Repeals A.O. No. 10, Series of 1990] [Amends/Repeals inconsistent provision 
of A.O. No. 6, S. 1998 and A.O. No. 9, S. 1998]
A.O. No. 07 – September 30, 2011 (Effectivity Date – October 15, 2011)
Subject:  Revised Rules and Procedures Governing the Acquisition and Distribution of Private
Agricultural Lands Under Republic Act (R.A.) No. 6657, As Amended 
A.O. No. 02 – October 15, 2009 (Effectivity Date – July 1, 2009)
Subject:   Acquisition and Distribution of Agricultural Lands Under R.A. No. 6657, as 
amended by R.A. No. 9700
            A.O. No. 6 – September 6, 2006  (Effectivity Date – September 21, 2006)
Subject: Revised Guidelines on Award to Children of Landowners Pursuant to Sections 6
and 22 of Republic Act No. 6657
           M.C. No. 12  -  August 14, 1998
            Subject:   Retention Rights of Landowners and Award to Their Qualified Children 
            M.C. No.  4  -  March 11, 1994 (Effectivity  Date – March 22, 1994)
            Subject:  Award to Children Under Sec. 6 & 22 of RA 6657
M.C. No. 04 – March 2, 2009
Subject:  Clarifying the Reckoning date of the 5-year Prohibitory Period of Encumbering/Alienating
Lands Acquired Through Free Patent and Homestead Patent
M.C. No. 4  -  May  10, 1991
Subject:  Agricultural Lands Covered by Homestead Patents Pursuant to Public Land Act  (CA No. 141)

The right to choose the area to be retained, which shall be compact or contiguous, shall pertain to the
lando ner pro ided ho e er that in case the area selected for retention b the lando ner is tenanted the

No. 08 – September 30, 2011 (Effectivity Date – October 16, 2011)
Subject:    Rules for the Coverage of CARP-Covered Lands Subject to Unauthorized Transfers or
M.C. No. 18 – August 18, 2004
Subject:  Clarificatory Guidelines on the Coverage, Acquisition and Distribution of Agricultural
Lands Subject of Conveyance Executed in Violation of Sec. 6. Par. 4 of R. A. No. 6657
M.C. No.  02   -   January 9, 2001 (Effectivity Date – January 22, 2001)
Subject:  Guidelines on Annulment of Deeds of Conveyance of Lands Covered by the Comprehensive
Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) Executed in Violation of Section 6, paragraph 4
of Republic Act (RA) No.  6657 


M.C. No.  02   -   January 9, 2001 (Effectivity Date – January 22, 2001)

Subject:  Guidelines on Annulment of Deeds of Conveyance of Lands Covered by the Comprehensive
Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) Executed in Violation of Section 6,
paragraph 4 of Republic Act (RA) No.  6657
A.O. No. 6  -  November 21, 1996 (Effectivity Date – December 9, 1996)
Subject:  Supplemental Guidelines to A.O. No. 8, Series of 1995  Re Transferability of Awarded
Lands Awarded to ARBs Pursuant to PD 27/EO No. 228 and RA 6657
A.O. No. 8  -  December 18, 1995 (Effectivity Date – January 5, 1996)
Subject:  Transferability of Lands Awarded to ARBs Pursuant to PD 27 as Amended by EO No. 228 and RA 665
LRA Circular No. 54  -  June 09, 1993
Subject:  Revised Guidelines on the Registration of Transactions Under the CARP
A.O. No. 1  -  January 03, 1989
Subject:  Rules and Procedures Governing Land Transactions
Ministry M.C. No. 6  -  May 28, 1986
Subject: Amending  Item 1, Par. B, Sec. III of Ministry MC No. 19-’81 by Providing
Additional Guidelines in Effecting Land Transfer Compensation Claims
Section 6-A. Exception to Retention Limits. –  Provincial, city and municipal government, units acquiring
private agricultural lands by expropriation or other modes of acquisition to be used for actual, direct and
exclusive public purposes, such as roads and bridges, public markets, school sites, resettlement sites, local
government facilities, public parks and barangay plazas or squares, consistent with the  approved local
comprehensive land use plan, shall not be subject to the five (5)-hectare retention limit under this Section
and Sections 70 and 73(a) of Republic Act No. 6657, as amended: Provided, That lands subject to CARP
shall first undergo the land acquisition and distribution process of the program: Provided, further, That when
these lands have been subjected to expropriation, the agrarian reform beneficiaries therein shall be paid just
compensation. (as added by Section 4, RA 9700)
Section 6-B. Review of Limits of Land Size. – Within six (6) months from the effectivity of this Act, the
DAR shall submit a comprehensive study on the land size appropriate for each type of crop to Congress for
a possible review of limits of land sizes provided in this Act. (as added by Section 4, RA 9700)

Section 7. Priorities. —
The Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) in The DAR, in coordination with the Presidential
coordination with the Presidential Agrarian Reform Agrarian Reform Council (PARC) shall plan and
Council (PARC) shall plan and program the program the  final acquisition and distribution of
acquisition and distribution of all agricultural lands all  remaining unacquired and
through a period of ten (10) years from the effectivity undistributedagricultural lands from the
of this Act. Lands shall be acquired and distributed effectivity of this Act until June 30, 2014. Lands
as follows: shall be acquired and distributed as follows:
  Phase One:  During the five (5)-year extension
period hereafter all remaining  lands above fifty (50)
Phase One: Rice and corn lands under Presidential
h h ll b d f f i
  6657, as amended, and Republic Act No. 3844, as
amended, only farmers (tenants or lessees) and
  regular farmworkers actually tilling the lands, as
  certified under oath by the Barangay Agrarian
Reform Council (BARC) and attested under oath by
  the landowners, are the qualified beneficiaries. The
  intended beneficiary shall state under oath before
the judge of the city or municipal court that he/she is
  willing to work on the land to make it productive and
  to assume the obligation of paying the amortization
for the compensation of the land and the land taxes
  thereon; all lands foreclosed by government financial
institutions; all lands acquired by the Presidential
Commission on  Good Government (PCGG); and all
other lands owned by the government devoted to or
suitable for agriculture, which shall be acquired and
distributed immediately upon the effectivity of this
Act, with the implementation to be completed by
June 30, 2012;
A.O. No. 07 – September 30, 2011 
(Effectivity Date – October 15, 2011)
Subject: Revised  Rules  and Procedures Governing the Acquisition and Distribution of Private Agricultural
Lands Under Republic Act (R.A.) No. 6657, As Amended
A.O. No. 02 – October 15, 2009 (Effectivity Date – July 1, 2009)
Subject:   Acquisition and Distribution of Agricultural Lands Under R.A. No. 6657, as amended by 
R.A. No. 9700
Phase Two:  All alienable and disposable public Phase Two: (a) Lands twenty-four (24) hectares up to
agricultural lands; all arable public agricultural lands fifty (50) hectares shall likewise be covered for
under agro-forest, pasture and agricultural leases purposes of agrarian reform upon the effectivity of this
already cultivated and planted to crops in accordance Act. All alienable and disposable public agricultural
with Section 6, Article XIII of the Constitution; all lands; all arable public agricultural lands under agro-
public agricultural lands which are to be opened for forest, pasture and agricultural leases already
new development and resettlement; and all private cultivated and planted to crops in accordance with
agricultural lands in excess of fifty (50) hectares, Section 6, Article XIII of the Constitution; all public
insofar as the excess hectarage is concerned, to agricultural lands which are to be opened for new
implement principally the rights of farmers and regular development and resettlement: and all private
farmworkers, who are the landless, to own directly or agricultural lands of landowners with aggregate
collectively the lands they till, which shall be landholdings above twenty-four (24) hectares up to
distributed immediately upon the effectivity of this Act, fifty (50) hectares which have already been subjected
with the implementation to be completed within a to a notice of coverage issued on or before December
period of not more than four (4) years. 1O, 2008, to implement principally the rights of
farmers and regular farmworkers, who are landless, to
own directly or collectively the lands they till, which
shall be distributed immediately upon the effectivity of
this Act, with the implementation to be completed by
June 30, 2012; and
(b) All remaining private agricultural lands of
landowners with aggregate landholdings in excess
of twenty-four (24) hectares, regardless as to
whether  these have been subjected to notices of
coverage or not, with the implementation to begin
on July 1, 2012 and to be completed by June 30,

Phase Three:  All other private agricultural lands Phase Three:  All other private agricultural lands
commencing with large landholdings and proceeding commencing with large landholdings and proceeding
to medium and small landholdings under the following to medium and small landholdings under the following
schedule: schedule:
(a) Landholdings above twenty-four (24) hectares up (a) Lands of landowners with aggregate
which shall be provided in the implementing rules to which shall be provided in the implementing rules to
be prepared by the Presidential Agrarian Reform be prepared by the PARC, taking into consideration
Council (PARC), taking into consideration the the following:  the landholdings wherein the farmers
following; the need to distribute land to the tillers at are organized and understand, the meaning and
the earliest practicable time; the need to enhance obligations of farmland ownership; the distribution of
agricultural productivity; and the availability of funds lands to the tillers at the earliest practicable time; the
and resources to implement and support the program. enhancement of agricultural productivity; and the
availability of funds and resources to implement and
In any case, the PARC, upon recommendation by the support the program:  Provided, That the PARC shall
Provincial Agrarian Reform Coordinating Committee
design and conduct seminars, symposia, information
(PARCCOM), may declare certain provinces or region campaigns, and other similar programs for farmers
as priority land reform areas, in which the acquisition who are not organized or not covered by any
and distribution of private agricultural lands therein
landholdings. Completion by these farmers of the
may be implemented ahead of the above schedules. aforementioned seminars, symposia, and other
  similar programs shall be encouraged in the
implementation of this Act particularly the provisions
In effecting the transfer within these guidelines, of this Section.
priority must be given to lands that are tenanted.
Land acquisition and distribution shall be completed
  by June 30, 2014 on a province-by- province basis. In
The PARC shall establish guidelines to implement the any case, the PARC or the PARC Executive
above priorities and distribution scheme, including the Committee (PARC EXCOM), upon recommendation
determination of who are qualified beneficiaries: by the Provincial Agrarian Reform Coordinating
provided, that an owner-tiller may be a beneficiary of Committee (PARCCOM), may declare certain
the land he does not own but is actually cultivating to provinces as priority land reform areas, in which case
the extent of the difference between the area of the the acquisition and distribution of private agricultural
land he owns and the award ceiling of three (3) lands therein  under advanced phases may be
hectares. implemented ahead of the above schedules on the
condition that prior phases in these provinces have
  been completed: Provided, That notwithstanding the
above schedules, phase three (b) shall not be
implemented in a particular province until at least
ninety percent (90%) of the provincial balance of that
particular province as of January 1, 2009 under
Phase One, Phase Two (a), Phase Two (b),,and
Phase Three (a), excluding lands under the
jurisdiction of the Department of Environment and
Natural Resources (DENR), have been successfully
The PARC shall establish guidelines to implement the
above priorities and distribution scheme, including the
determination of who are qualified beneficiaries:
Provided, That an owner-tiller may be a beneficiary of
the land he/she does not own but is actually
cultivating to the extent of the difference between the
area of the land he/she owns and the award ceiling of
three (3) hectares:  Provided, further, That collective
ownership by the farmer beneficiaries shall be subject
to Section 25 of Republic Act No. 6657, as amended:
Provided, furthermore, That rural women shall be
given the opportunity t o participate in the
development planning and implementation of this Act:
Provided, finally, That in no case should the agrarian
reform beneficiaries' sex, economic, religious, social,
cultural and political attributes adversely affect the
distribution of lands.  (as amended,  Section 5, RA
A.O. No. 07 – September 30, 2011  (Effectivity Date – October 15, 2011)
Subject: Revised  Rules  and Procedures Governing the Acquisition and Distribution of Private Agricultural
Lands Under Republic Act (R.A.) No. 6657, As Amended
A.O. No. 02 – October 15, 2009 (Effectivity Date – July 1, 2009)
Subject:   Acquisition and Distribution of Agricultural Lands Under R.A. No. 6657, as amended by 
R.A. No. 9700 
Subject:  Guidelines   Governing    Declaration    of    Certain Provinces as Priority
Land Reform Areas Pursuant to Section 5 of R.A. No. 9700 
A.O. No. 02 – October 15, 2009 (Effectivity Date – July 1, 2009)
Subject:   Acquisition and Distribution of Agricultural Lands Under R.A. No. 6657, as amended 
by R.A. No. 9700
A.O. No. 05 – July 15, 2008 (Effectivity Date – July 28, 2008)
Subject:  Amendment to DAR A.O. No. 2, Series of 2005, Entitled, Acquisition of Agricultural Lands
Subject of VOS  and CA and Those Covered Under E.O. No. 407 
[Amends A.O. No. 2, Series of 2005]
A.O. No. 04 – March 27, 2007 (Effectivity Date – April 14, 2007)
Subject:  Amendment to DAR A.O. No. 2, Series of 2005, Entitled, Acquisition of Agricultural Lands
Subject of VOS  and CA and Those Covered Under E.O. No. 407 
[Amends Item IV of A.O. No. 2, Series of 2005]
A.O. No. 07 – September 8, 2006 (Effectivity Date – September 26, 2006)
Subject:  Amendment to DAR A.O. No. 2, Series of 2005, Entitled, Acquisition of Agricultural Lands
Subject of VOS  and CA and Those Covered Under E.O. No. 407 
[Amends A.O. No. 2, Series of 2005]
A.O. No. 04 – August 2, 2005 (Effectivity Date – August 14, 2005)
Subject: Revised Rules Governing the Issuance of Notice of Coverage in the Acquisition of Agricultural
Lands Under R.A. No. 6657 [Revise DAR A.O. No. 1, Series of 2003] 
A.O. No. 02 – May 12, 2005 (Effectivity Date – May 26, 2005)
Subject:  Acquisition of Agricultural Lands Subject of VOS and CA and Those Covered Under
E. O. No. 407 [Repeals A.O. No. 2, Series of 1996;  A.O. No. 1, Series of 1998;
and A.O. No. 4, Series of 2000;  Amends A.O. No. 1, Series of 2003 
and A.O. No. 7, Series of 2003]
A.O. No. 01  -  January 16, 2003 (Effectivity Date – February 6, 2003)
           Subject:  Notice of Coverage and Acquisition of Agricultural Lands Under R.A. No. 6657
                [Amend DAR A.O. No. 2, Series of 1996 and A.O. No. 1, Series of 1998] 
A.O. No. 04  -  August 29, 2000 (Effectivity Date – September 14, 2000)
Subject:   Acquisition of Agricultural Lands Subject of Voluntary Offer to Sell (VOS) and Compulsory
Acquisition (CA) [Amends A.O. No. 2, Series of 1996]; [A.O. No. 10, Series of 1998]
Section 8. Multinational Corporations. -
All lands of the public domain leased, held or possessed by multinational corporations or associations, and
other lands owned by the government or by government-owned or controlled corporations, associations,
institutions, or entities, devoted to existing and operational agri-business or agro-industrial enterprises,
operated by multinational corporations and associations, shall be programmed for acquisition and distribution
immediately upon the effectivity of this Act, with the implementation to be completed within three (3) years.
Lands covered by the paragraph immediately preceding, under lease, management, grower or service
contracts, and the like, shall be disposed of as follows:
(a) Lease, management, grower or service contracts covering such lands covering an aggregate area
in excess of 1,000 hectares, leased or held by foreign individuals in excess of 500 hectares are
deemed amended to conform with the limits set forth in Section 3 of Article XII of the Constitution.
(b) Contracts covering areas not in excess of 1,000 hectares in the case of such corporations and
associations, and 500 hectares, in the case of such individuals, shall be allowed to continue under
their original terms and conditions but not beyond August 29, 1992, or their valid termination,
whichever comes sooner, after which, such agreements shall continue only when confirmed by the
appropriate government agency. Such contracts shall likewise continue even after the lands has been
transferred to beneficiaries or awardees thereof, which transfer shall be immediately commenced and
implemented and completed within the period of three (3) years mentioned in the first paragraph
(c) In no case will such leases and other agreements now being implemented extend beyond August
29, 1992, when all lands subject hereof shall have been distributed completely to qualified
beneficiaries or awardees.
Such agreements can continue thereafter only under a new contract between the government or qualified
beneficiaries or awardees, on the one hand, and said enterprises, on the other.
Lands leased, held or possessed by multinational corporations, owned by private individuals and private non-
governmental corporations associations institutions and entities citizens of the Philippines shall be subject
During the transition period, the new owners shall be assisted in their efforts to learn modern technology in
production. Enterprises which show a willingness and commitment and good-faith efforts to impart voluntarily
such advanced technology will be given preferential treatment where feasible.
In no case shall a foreign corporation, association, entity or individual enjoy any rights or privileges better
than those enjoyed by a domestic corporation, association, entity or individual.


A.O. No. 11  -  August 16, 1988(Effectivity Date – Septemb

Subject:  Multinational Corporations Under Sec. 8 of RA 6657 Known as the CARL of 1988
Section 9. Ancestral Lands. -
For purposes of this Act, ancestral lands of each indigenous cultural community shall include, but not be
limited to, lands in the actual, continuous and open possession and occupation of the community and its
members: provided that the Torrens Systems shall be respected.
The right of these communities to their ancestral lands shall be protected to ensure their economic, social and
cultural well-being. In line with the principles of self-determination and autonomy, the systems of land
ownership, land use, and the modes of settling land disputes of all these communities must be recognized
and respected.
Any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding, the PARC may suspend the implementation of this Act
with respect to ancestral lands for the purpose of identifying and delineating such lands: provided, that in the
autonomous regions, the respective legislatures may enact their own laws on ancestral domain subject to the
provisions of the Constitution and the principles enunciated in this Act and other national laws.


            Joint DAR-NCIP Memorandum Circular No. 15 – October 29, 2003
                Subject: Temporary Suspension of Land Acquisition and Distribution (LAD), and Ancestral
                  Domain/Ancestral Land (AD/AL) Titling Activities in Contentious Areas
            A.O. No.  4  -  August 20, 1996 (Effectivity Date – September 8, 1996)
            Subject: Issuance of CBCs to Indigenous Cultural Communities and Peoples Pursuant to Sec. 9 of RA 6657
            A.O. No.  11  -  October 2, 1991
            Subject:  Issuance of CARP Beneficiary Certificates
Joint DAR-DENR-LRA-NCIP M.C. No. 01 – January 10, 2011
Subject: Creation of a Joint Task Force Which Shall Determine Policy Direction in Order to Address
Jurisdictional and Operational Issues Between the DAR, DENR, LRA and NCIP Over
Agricultural, Public, and/or Ancestral Lands 
Joint DAR-DENR-LRA-NCIP M.C. No. 05 – May 03, 2011
Subject: Extension  of   Time  for  the  DAR-DENR-LRA-NCIP  Task Force   to Formulate the
Joint Administrative Order in Addressing Conflicting Jurisdiction
Joint DAR-NCIP Memorandum Circular No. 15 – October 29, 2003
            Subject: Temporary Suspension of Land Acquisition and Distribution (LAD), and Ancestral
              Domain/Ancestral Land (AD/AL) Titling Activities in Contentious Areas 
A.O. No.  4  -  August 20,  1996 (Effectivity Date – September 8, 1996)
Subject:  Issuance of CARP Beneficiary Certificates (CBCs) to Indigenous Cultural
Communities and Peoples Pursuant to Section 9 of  RA No. 6657
R.A. No.  8371   -   An Act to Recognize, Protect and Promote the Rights of Indigenous Cultural
Communities/Indigenous Peoples, Creating a National Commission on Indigenous Peoples,
Establishing Implementing Mechanisms, Appropriating Funds Therefor, and for Other Purposes 
            DAR Opinion No. 28  (October 16, 2000)
Section 10. Exemptions and Exclusions. —
Lands actually, directly and exclusively used and (a)  Lands actually, directly and exclusively used for
found to be necessary for parks, wildlife, forest parks, wildlife, forest reserves, reforestation, fish
f t ti fi h t i d b di t i d b di d t h d d
In cases where the fishponds or prawn farms have
been subjected to the Comprehensive Agrarian
Reform Law, by voluntary offer to sell, or commercial
farms deferment or notices of compulsory acquisition,
a simple and absolute majority of the actual regular
workers or tenants must consent to the exemption
within one (1) year from the effectivity of this
Act. When the workers or tenants do not agree to this
exemption, the fishponds or prawn farms shall be
distributed collectively to the worker-beneficiaries or
tenants who shall form a cooperative or association
to manage the same.
In cases where the fishponds or prawn farms have
not been subjected to the Comprehensive Agrarian
Reform Law, the consent of the farm workers shall no
longer be necessary, however, the  provision of
Section 32-A hereof on incentives shall apply.
(c)  Lands actually, directly and exclusively used and
found to be necessary for national defense, school
sites and campuses, including experimental farm
stations operated by public or private schools for
educational purposes, seeds and seedling research
and pilot production center, church sites and
convents appurtenant thereto, mosque sites and
Islamic centers appurtenant thereto, communal burial
grounds and cemeteries, penal colonies and penal
farms actually worked by the inmates, government
and private research and quarantine centers and all
lands with eighteen percent (18%) slope and over,
except those already developed, shall be exempt
from the coverage of this Act.  (as amended
by,Section 2, RA 7881)
EXEMPTION, CERTIFICATE OF (Found Unsuitable for Agricultural Purposes)
M.C. No.  34  -   December 10, 1997  
Subject:   Issuance of Certificate of Exemption for Lands Subject of VOS and CA and
Found Unsuitable for Agricultural Purposes 
A.O. No. 07 – September 30, 2011 (Effectivity Date – October 15, 2011)
Subject:  Revised Rules and Procedures Governing the Acquisition and Distribution of Private
Agricultural Lands Under Republic Act (R.A.) No. 6657, As Amended
A.O. No. 07 – September 03, 2008 (Effectivity Date – September 19, 2008)
Subject:  Guidelines Relative  to the Supreme Court Ruling on the Sutton Case      Regarding Lands
which are Actually, Directly and Exclusively Used for Livestock Raising
A.O. No. 01 – August 16, 2004 (Effectivity Date – September 13, 2004)
Subject:  2004 Rules and Regulations Governing the Exclusion of Agricultural Lands Used for Cattle
Raising from the Coverage of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program  
            Subject   :  Lifting of Moratorium on Conversion and Exemption Applications 
S.O. No. 453 – June 28, 2004
Subject: Modifying Special Orders Nos. 823 and 832 and Providing Guidelines for Rationalizing the
Disposition of Applications for Conversion, Exemption, Exclusion and Other Agrarian Law
Implementation (ALI) Cases and For Purposes of Ensuring the Integrity of Case Records
M.C. No. 10 – June 15, 2004 (Effectivity Date – June 25, 2004)
Subject:  Clarificatory Guidelines on Non-Acceptance of Application for Exemption, Exclusion, Protest,
Opposition or Petition for Lifting of CARP Coverage 
M.C. No. 08 – May 06, 2004
Subject:  Clarificatory Guidelines on DAR Memorandum Circular No. 5, S. 2004 (Moratorium on the
Processing and Grant of Applications for Conversion and Exemption of All Lands Devoted to or Suitable for Agriculture)
M.C. No. 05 – March 03, 2004
Subject: Moratorium on the Processing and Grant of Applications for Conversion and Exemption of All
L d D t dt S it bl f A i lt
A.O. No. 06  -  August 30, 2000 (Effectivity Date – September 15, 2000)
Subject:   Rules of Procedure for Agrarian Law Implementation (ALI) Cases
M.C. No. 16  -   August 10, 1999
Subject:   Strict  Compliance  to  the Guidelines on the Processing of Applications for
                 Exemption/Exclusion (ALI Cases)                            
            M.C. No.  11  -  July 22, 1998
Subject:  Amendment to M.C. No. 9, S. 1997 Entitled:  “Recalling the Authority to
Approve/Disapprove/Act on Protest Cases of Regional Directors (RDs) in Certain
Provinces in Regions III and IV Granted Under A.O. Nos. 9,10 and 12, S. 1994
and A.O. No. 5, Series of 1992
            M.C. No.  6  -  March 11, 1998
Subject:  Amendment to M.C. No. 9, S. 1997 Entitled:  “Recalling the Authority to
Approve/Disapprove/Act on Protest Cases of Regional Directors (RDs) in Certain
Provinces in Regions III and IV Granted Under A.O. No. 9 and 12, S. 1994
and A.O. No. 5, Series of 1992
M.C. No.  34  -   December 10, 1997 (Effectivity  Date – January 1, 1998)  
Subject:  Issuance of Certificate of Exemption for Lands Subject of VOS and
CA and Found Unsuitable for Agricultural Purposes
M.C. No. 32  -   Series of 1997
Subject:  Lifting Suspension of the Implementation of R.A. 7881 and its Implementing Rule
M.C. No.  23  -  June 02, 1997
Subject:  Amending MC 4, s. 1996, Designating a SHOPC Officer with Authority to
Approve/Disapprove Applications for Conversion/Exemption Thru the SHOPC 
Per EO 184  S. 1994
            M. C. No. 9  -  March 13, 1997
Subject:  Recalling the Authority to Approve/Disapprove/Act on Protest Cases of RDs in
Certain Provinces in Regions III & IV Per AOs 9,10, and 12 S. ’94 & AO 5, S. 1992 
M.C. No.  4  -  April 22, 1996
Subject:  Expedited Processing of Applications for Conversion & Exemption Thru the SHOPC 
Per EO 184 S. ’94
A.O. No.  3  -  May 10, 1995 (Effectivity Date – May 26, 1995)
Subject: Exemption/Exclusion of Fishpond and Prawn Farms from CARP Coverage 
Pursuant to RA 6657
A.O. No.  10  -  August 30, 1994 (Effectivity Date – September 30, 1994)
Subject:  Amending AO 13, S. 1990 Entitled:  Rules and Procedures Re:  Exemption of
Lands from CARP Under Sec. 10  RA 6657, to Authorize All RDs to Hear and Decide
Applications for Exemptions for All Land Sizes
A.O. No. 9  -  December 27, 1993
Subject: Exclusion of Agricultural Lands Used for Livestock Poultry & Swine
Raising from CARP Coverage
Joint M.C. DAR-LBP-DENR-DA  -  January 27, 1992
Subject: Clarificatory Guidelines on Land Acquisition Pursuant to NIACIT Resolution No. 91-7-2
NIACIT Resolution No. 91-7-2
Subject: Resolution Clarifying the Guidelines on Land Acquisition to Fast Tract CARP Implementation 
A.O. No.  13  -  August 30, 1990
Subject:  Exemption of Lands from CARP Coverage Under Section 10, RA 6657
EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE  (Unsuitable for Agriculture)
M.C.   No. 34   -  December 10,  1997 (Effectivity  Date – January 1, 1998)  
Subject:  Issuance of Certificate of Exemption for Lands Subject of VOS and CA Found
Unsuitable for Agricultural Purposes
M.C. No. 32  -   Series of 1997
S bj t Lifti th S i f th I l t ti f R A N 7881
Subject:  Lifting the Suspension of the Implementation of R.A. No. 7881 and its Implementing 
Rule, A. O. No. 3, S. 1985
M.C. No. 27  -  November 20, 1995
Subject:  Suspension of the Implementation of RA 7881, Its Implementing Rule, AO No. 3,
Series of 1995, Per Supreme Court Resolution dated Nov. 13, 1995
Section 11. Commercial Farming. —
Commercial farms, which are private agricultural Commercial farms, which are private agricultural
lands devoted to commercial livestock, poultry and lands devoted to  [REMOVES: “commercial
swine raising, and aquaculture including saltbeds, livestock, poultry and swine raising, and
fishponds and prawn ponds, fruit farms, orchards, aquaculture including”]  saltbeds, fruit farms,
vegetable and cut-flower farms, and cacao, coffee orchards, vegetable and cut-flower farms, and cacao,
and rubber plantations, shall be subject to immediate coffee and rubber plantations, shall be subject to
compulsory acquisition and distribution after (10) immediate compulsory acquisition and distribution
years from the effectivity of the Act. In the case of after ten (10) years from the effectivity of this Act. In
new farms, the ten-year period shall begin from the the case of new farms, the ten-year period shall
first year of commercial production and operation, as begin from the first year of commercial production
determined by the DAR. During the ten-year period, and operation, as determined by the DAR. During the
the government shall initiate the steps necessary to ten-year period, the Government shall initiate steps
acquire these lands, upon payment of just necessary to acquire these lands, upon payment of
compensation for the land and the improvements just compensation for the land and the improvements
thereon, preferably in favor of organized cooperatives thereon, preferably in favor of organized
or associations, which shall hereafter manage the cooperatives or associations which shall thereafter
said lands for the worker-beneficiaries. manage the said lands for the workers-beneficiaries.
   [REMOVES: If the DAR determines that the
purposes for which this deferment is granted no
If the DAR determines that the purposes for which longer exist, such areas shall automatically be
this deferment is granted no longer exist, such areas subject to redistribution.
shall automatically be subject to redistribution.
The provisions of Section 32 of the Act, with
The provisions of Section 32 of the Act, with regard regard to production-and income-sharing, shall
to production-and income-sharing, shall apply to apply to commercial farms.”]  (as amended
commercial farms. bySection 3, RA 7881)

A. O. No.  9   -   December 23, 1998 (Effectivity Date – January 4, 1999)
Subject: Acquisition, Valuation, Compensation and Distribution of Deferred Commercial Farms
A.O. No. 6  -  May 4, 1998 (Effectivity Date – May 25, 1998)
Subject:  Acquisition and Distribution of Commercials Under Deferment 
M.C. No. 32  -   Series of 1997
Subject:   Lifting the Suspension of the Implementation of R.A. No. 7881
            M.C. No. 5  -  April 18, 1996
          Subject:  Guidelines Clarifying Section 3 and 6 of R.A. 7881 Relative to Applications for Commercial
Farms Deferment and the Turn-over to DAR of Foreclosed Assets of Government 
Financial Institutions, Respectively
            A.O. No. 16  -  January 03, 1989 (Effectivity Date – January 21, 1989)
            Subject:  Implementing CARL Sec. 11 on Commercial Farming 
EXCLUSION (Livestock/Cattle Raising)
A.O. No. 07 – September 03, 2008 (Effectivity Date – September 19, 2008)
Subject: Guidelines Relative  to the Supreme Court Ruling on the Sutton Case    Regarding Lands
which are Actually, Directly and Exclusively Used for Livestock Raising 
A.O. No. 01 – August 16, 2004 (Effectivity Date – September 13, 2004)
Subject:  Exclusion of Agricultural Lands Used for Cattle Raising from the Coverage of the Comprehensive
Agrarian Reform Program [Amends pertinent provisions of DAR A.O. No. 9, Series of 1993]  
A.O. No. 9  -  December 27, 1993
Subject: Exclusion of Agricultural Lands Used for Livestock Poultry & Swine Raising from CARP Coverage
MORATORIUM (Conversion and Exemption)
M.C. No. 08 – May 06, 2004
Subject:  Clarificatory Guidelines on DAR Memorandum Circular No. 5, S. 2004 (Moratorium 
            on the Processing and Grant of Applications for Conversion and Exemption of All Lands 
Devoted to or Suitable for Agriculture) 
M.C. No. 05 – March 03, 2004
Subject: Moratorium on the Processing and Grant of Applications for Conversion and Exemption
of All Lands Devoted to or Suitable for Agriculture


M.C. No. 32  -   Series of 1997

Subject:   Lifting the Suspension of the Implementation of R.A. No. 7881
A.O. No. 1  -  February 02, 1996 (Effectivity Date – July 15, 1996)
Subject:  Conversion of Public Agricultural Lands to Fishponds/Prawn Farms Pursuant to 
RA 6657 as Amended
A.O. No.  3  -  May 10, 1995 (Effectivity Date – May 26, 1995)
Subject:  Exemption/Exclusion of Fishpond and Prawn Farms from CARP Coverage 
Pursuant to RA 6657 

R.A. 7881

R.A. No. 7881 – February 20, 1995

Subject:  An Act Amending Certain Provisions of R.A. No. 6657 [Section 3(b), 10, 11, 32, 65 and 73]   
M.C. No. 32  -  Series of  1997 
Subject:  Lifting the Suspension of the Implementation of R.A. No. 7881 and its
Implementing Rule, A. O. No. 3, S. 1985 
M.C. No. 27  -  November 20, 1995
Subject:  Suspension of the Implementation of RA 7881, Its Implementing Rule, AO No. 3,
Series of 1995, Per Supreme Court Resolution dated Nov. 13, 1995
Improvement of Tenurial and Labor Relations
Section 12. Determination of Lease Rentals. -
In order to protect and improve the tenurial and economic status of the farmers in tenanted lands under the
retention limit and lands not yet acquired under this Act, the DAR is mandated to determine and fix immediately
the lease rentals thereof in accordance with Section 34 of Republic Act No. 3844, as amended: provided, that
the DAR shall immediately and periodically review and adjust the rental structure for different crops, including
rice and corn, or different regions in order to improve progressively the conditions of the farmer, tenant or

A.O. No. 2 – March 15, 2006 (Effectivity Date – March 28, 2006)

Subject:  Revised Rules and Procedures Governing Leasehold Implementation in Tenanted Agricultural Lands
A.O. No. 6 – December 18, 2003 (Effectivity Date – January 3, 2004)
Subject: Rules and Procedures Governing Leasehold Implementation on Tenanted Agricultural Lands
A.O.  No. 5  -  March 21, 1997 (Effectivity Date – April 6, 1997)
Subject:  Lease of Lands Planted to Palm Oil Trees and the Determination of Lease Rental Under Lease
Arrangement, Amending AO No. 11, Series of 1989 
A.O. No. 4  -  February 07, 1997 (Effectivity Date – March 3, 1997)
Subject:  Guidelines on the Withdrawal of FBs’ Lease Rental/Amortization Payments Deposited With the LBP 
M.C. No. 11  -  July 12, 1994 (Effectivity  Date – July 22, 1994) 
A.O. No. 02 – June 16, 2008
            Subject:  Guidelines Governing Lease of Lands Under Agribusiness Venture Arrangement (AVA)
in Agrarian Reform Areas and the Determination of Lease Rental Thereof
A.O. 5  -  March 21,  1997 (Effectivity Date – April 6, 1997)
Subject:  Lease of Lands Planted to Palm Oil Trees and the Determination of Lease Rental
Under Lease Arrangement, Amending A. O. No. 11, Series of 1988
A.O. No. 4  -  April 06, 1992
Subject:  Leasehold Operations in Tenanted Sugarcane Lands
A. O. No. 4  -  February 7, 1997 (Effectivity Date – March 3, 1997)
Subject:  Guidelines on the Withdrawal of Farmer-Beneficiaries’ Lease Rental/Amortization
Payments Deposited with the Land Bank of the Philippines
Section 13. Production-Sharing Plan.  -

Any enterprise adopting the scheme provided for in Section 32 or operating under a production venture, lease,
management contract or other similar arrangement and any farm covered by Sections 8 and 11 hereof is
hereby mandated to execute within ninety (90) days from the effectivity of this Act, a production-sharing plan,
under guidelines prescribed by the appropriate government agency.
Nothing herein shall be construed to sanction the diminution of any benefits such as salaries, bonuses, leaves
and working conditions granted to the employee-beneficiaries under existing laws, agreements, and voluntary
practice by the enterprise, nor shall the enterprise and its employee-beneficiaries be prevented from entering
into any agreement with terms more favorable to the latter.


A.O. No. 8  -  September 30, 1988 (Effectivity Date – January 12, 1989)
Subject:  Production and Profit Sharing Under RA 6657
A.O. No. 9  -  September 30, 1988 (Effectivity Date – January 12, 1989)
Subject:  Production Sharing Under EO No. 229
Section 14. Registration of Landowners. -

Within one hundred eighty (180) days from the effectivity of this Act, all persons, natural or juridical, including
government entities, that own or claim to own agricultural lands, whether in their names or in the name of
others, except those who have already registered pursuant to Executive Order No. 229, who shall be entitled
to such incentives as may be provided for the PARC, shall file a sworn statement in the proper assessor's
office in the form to be prescribed by the DAR, stating the following information:
(a)   the description and area of the property;
(b)   the average gross income from the property for at least three (3) years;
(c)   the names of all tenants and farmworkers therein;
(d)   the crops planted in the property and the area covered by each crop as of June 1, 1987;
(e)   the terms of mortgages, lease, and management contracts subsisting as of June 1, 1987, and
(f) the latest declared market value of the land as determined by the city or provincial assessor.

Section 15. Registration of Beneficiaries. -

The DAR in coordination with the Barangay Agrarian Reform Committee (BARC) as organized in this Act,
shall register all agricultural lessees, tenants and farmworkers who are qualified to be beneficiaries of the
CARP. These potential beneficiaries with the assistance of the BARC and the DAR shall provide the following
A.O. No. 02 – October 15, 2009 (Effectivity Date – July 1, 2009)
Subject:    Rules and Procedures Governing the Acquisition and Distribution of Agricultural
Lands Under R.A. No. 6657, as amended by R.A. No. 9700
A.O. No. 04 – June 16, 2008 (Effectivity Date – June 29, 2008)
            Subject:  Supplemental Guidelines to DAR Administrative Order No. 7, Series of 2003 on the
Identification, Screening and Selection of, and Distribution to Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries
(ARBs) of Private Agricultural Lands Under Republic Act No. 6657
            A.O. No. 07 – December 18, 2003 (Effectivity Date – January 8, 2004)
            Subject: CY 2003 Guidelines on the Identification, Screening and Selection of, and Distribution
to Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries (ARBs) of Private Agricultural Lands Under Republic
Act (R.A.) No. 6657
            A.O. No. 10  -  May 03, 1989
            Subject:  Registration of Beneficiaries 
A.O. No. 03 – June 16, 2008 (Effectivity Date – June 29, 2008)
            Subject:  Guidelines Governing the ARB Carding and Identification System and Its Mainstreaming
in the Land Acquisition and Distribution Process
M.C. No. 04 – September 20, 2006
Subject:    Guidelines Implementing the Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Carding and Identification
System for ARBs Covered Under LAD Targets in CY 2006 
A.O. No.  4  -   March  4, 1998 (Effectivity Date – March 22, 1998)
Subject:  Revision of A.O. No. 5, Series of 1996,  Re:  Rules and Procedures Governing the
Issuance of Identification Cards (IDs) to All Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries  (ARBs)
M.C. No. 3  -  January 15, 1997
Subject:  Workplan for the Implementation of AO 5, S. ’96
A.O. No.  5  -  August 28, 1996 (Effectivity Date – September 15, 1996)
Subject:  Issuance of IDs to ARBs with Registered EP, CLOA, Homestead Patent & Leasehold Contract
DOF M.C. No. 5  -  September 30, 1988
Subject:  LISTASAKA II ( Compulsory Registration of  Agricultural La
Land Acquisition
Section 16.  Procedure for Acquisition of Private Section 16. Procedure for Acquisition and
Lands. Distribution of Private Lands. (title amended
bySection 6, RA 9700)

For purposes of acquisition of private lands, the following procedures shall be followed:
(a) After having identified the land, the landowners and the beneficiaries, the DAR shall send its notice
to acquire the land to the owners thereof, by personal delivery or registered mail, and post the same
in a conspicuous place in the municipal building and barangay hall of the place where the property is
located. Said notice shall contain the offer of the DAR to pay a corresponding value in accordance
with the valuation set forth in Sections 17, 18, and other pertinent provisions hereof.
(b) Within thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of written notice by personal delivery or registered mail, the
landowner, his administrator or representative shall inform the DAR of his acceptance or rejection of the offer.
(c) If the landowner accepts the offer of the DAR, the Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) shall pay the
landowner the purchase price of the land within thirty (30) days after he executes and delivers a deed
of transfer in favor of the government and surrenders the Certificate of Title and other muniments of title.
(d) In case of rejection or failure to reply, the DAR shall conduct summary administrative proceedings
to determine the compensation for the land requiring the landowner, the LBP and other interested
parties to submit evidence as to the just compensation for the land, within fifteen (15) days from
the receipt of the notice. After the expiration of the above period, the matter is deemed submitted
for decision. The DAR shall decide the case within thirty (30) days after it is submitted for decision.

Subject:  Amendment to AO No. 8, s. 1991:  Amendments to AO No. 2, Series of 1991, on
Summary Administrative Proceedings on Land Compensation
A.O. No. 8  -  July 31, 1991
Subject:  Amendments to AO No. 2, Series of 1991, Entitled “Rules and Regulations on
Summary Administrative Proceedings on Land Compensation
A.O. No. 2  -  February 15, 1991
Subject:  Summary Administrative Proceedings on Land Compensation 
A.O. No. 13  -  November 08, 1989
Subject: Summary Proceedings for the Final Administrative Determination of Compensation in CA of Land

(e) Upon receipt by the landowner of the corresponding payment or, in case of rejection or no response from
the landowner, upon the deposit with an accessible bank designated by the DAR of the compensation in cash
or in LBP bonds in accordance with this Act, the DAR shall take immediate possession of the land and shall
request the proper Register of Deeds to issue a Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) in the name of the Republic
of the Philippines. The DAR shall thereafter proceed with the redistribution of the land to the qualified
(f) Any party who disagrees with the decision may bring the matter to the court of proper jurisdiction for
final determination of just compensation.

A.O. No. 07 – September 30, 2011 (Effectivity Date – October 15, 2011)
Subject:  Revised Rules and Procedures Governing the Acquisition and Distribution of Private
Agricultural Lands Under Republic Act (R.A.) No. 6657, As Amended 
A.O. No. 02 – October 15, 2009 (Effectivity Date – July 1, 2009)
Subject:   Rules and Procedures Governing the Acquisition and Distribution of Agricultural
Lands Under R.A. No. 6657, as amended by R.A. No. 9700
A.O. No. 05 – July 15, 2008 (Effectivity Date – July 28, 2008)
Subject:  Amendment to DAR Administrative Order No. 2, Series of 2005, Entitled, Rules
and Procedures Governing the Acquisition of Agricultural Lands Subject of Voluntary
Offer to Sell and Compulsory Acquisition and Those Covered Under Executive Order No. 407
A.O. No. 04 – March 27, 2007 (Effectivity Date – April 14, 2007)
Subject:  Amendment to DAR Administrative Order No. 2, Series of 2005, Entitled, Rules and
Procedures Governing the Acquisition of Agricultural Lands Subject of Voluntary Offer to
Sell and Compulsory Acquisition and Those Covered Under Executive Order No. 407 
A.O. No. 07 – September 8, 2006 (Effectivity Date – September 26, 2006)
Subject:  Amendment to DAR Administrative Order No. 2, Series of 2005, Entitled, Rules and
Procedures Governing the Acquisition of Agricultural Lands Subject of Voluntary Offer to
Sell and Compulsory Acquisition and Those Covered Under Executive Order No. 407
A.O. No. 02 – May 12, 2005 (Effectivity Date – May 26, 2005)
Subject:  Rules and Procedures Governing the Acquisition of Agricultural Lands Subject of
Voluntary Offer to Sell and Compulsory Acquisition and Those Covered Under Executive Order No. 4
A.O. No. 04  -  August 29, 2000 (Effectivity Date – September 14, 2000)
Subject:  Revising  Administrative  Order  No. 02,  Series  of  1996 Entitled:  “Revised
Rules and Procedures Governing the Acquisition of Agricultural Lands Subject of Voluntary
Offer to Sell and Compulsory Acquisition Pursuant to Republic Act No. 6657”,
as Amended by Administrative Order No. 01, series of 1998.
A.O. No. 03  -  August 29, 2000 (Effectivity Date – September 17, 2000)
Subject:  Amending DAR Administrative Order No. 9, Series of 1997, “Revised Rules and
Regulations on A.O. No. 3, Series of 1996, Re: Reconveyance of Properties Turned
Over to DAR Pursuant to E.O. No. 407, as Amended, and Lands Voluntarily Offered
Under Section 19 of R.A. No. 6657 But Found to be Outside the Coverage of CARP
A.O. No. 5  -  April 15, 1998 (Effectivity Date – May 11, 1998)
Subject:  Valuation of Lands Voluntarily Offered or Compulsorily Acquired Pursuant to RA No. 6657
A.O. No.  01  -  February 5, 1998 (Effectivity Date – February 21, 1998)
Subject:  Amendments to A. O. No. 02, Series of 1996, Entitled: “Revised Rules and
Subject: Reconveyance of Properties Turned-Over to DAR Pursuant to EO No. 407/448 and
Lands Voluntarily Offered Under Sec. 19 of RA 6657 but Found to be Outside the Coverage of CARP
A.O. No. 2  -  August 6, 1996 (Effectivity Date – August 25, 1996)
Subject:  Acquisition of Agricultural Lands Subject of VOS and CA Pursuant to RA 6657 
Joint DAR-LBP M.C. No. 17  -  July 12, 1995
Subject:  Supplementary Instructions to Facilitate the Acquisition and Distribution of Sugar
Estates & Other Agricultural Areas Subject of VOS/CA Per RA 6657 
A.O. No. 11  -  September 13, 1994 (Effectivity Date – October 3, 1994)
Subject:  Valuation of Lands Voluntarily Offered or Compulsorily Acquired Under AO No. 6, S. 1992
M.C. No. 12  -  August 18, 1994
Subject:  Manner of Certification Required in DAR A.O. No. 1, Series of 1993, Annex “A”, Section C-6 
A.O. No. 1  -  March 18, 1993
Subject:  An Order Amending Certain Provisions of AO No. 9, Series of 1990, Entitled
“Revised Rules and Procedures Governing the Acquisition of Agricultural Lands
Subject of VOS and CA Pursuant to RA 6657
A.O. No. 5  -  April 06, 1992
Subject:  Clarificatory Guidelines and Amendments to A.O. No. 9, Series of 1990
A.O. No. 10  -  September 03, 1991
Subject:  Amending AO No. 9, Series of 1990:  Revised Rules Re: Acquisition of Agricultural
Lands Subject of VOS and CA to Fast-Track Land Acquisition in the Strategic Operation Provinces
A.O. No. 9  -  August 30, 1990
Subject:  Revised Rules  Re:  Acquisition of Agricultural  Lands Subject of VOS/CA Pursuant to RA 6657
A. O. No. 19  -  November 6, 1989
Subject:  Revised Rules and Procedures Governing VOS Transactions and Providing a
Deadline for the Filing Thereof
A. O. No. 14-A  -  November 8, 1989
Subject:  Amendments to A.O. No. 3, series of 1989, Governing VOS Transactions and
Providing a Deadline for the Filing Thereof 
A.O. No. 13  -  November 08, 1989
Subject: Summary Proceedings for the Final Administrative Determination of Compensation in CA of Land
A.O. No. 12  -  July 26, 1989
Subject:  CA of Agricultural Lands Under RA 6657
A. O. No.  3  -  February 20, 1989 (Effectivity Date – March 9, 1989)
Subject:  Rules and Procedures Governing Voluntary Offer to Sell Lands Under the CARP
A.O. No. 2  -  January 04, 1989 (Effectivity Date – February 9, 1989)
Subject:  CA of Private and Government-owned Agricultural Lands Under RA 6657
M.C. No. 11  -  December 6, 1988
Subject: Clarifying Memorandum Circular No. 8-88, Series of 1988 Re:  Valuation of Agricultural Lands
Voluntarily Offered for Sale by Landowners Pursuant to R.A. 6657 
M. C. No.  8  -  October 14, 1988
Subject:  Amending Memorandum Circular No. 6, Series of 1988 on the Land Valuation of
Agricultural Lands Voluntarily Offered for Sale by Landowners Pursuant to RA 6657
Joint DAR-LRA M.C. No. 20  -  May 21, 1997
Subject:  Registration of EP/CLOA and CARP Monitoring and Reporting System
Joint DAR-LRA M.C. No.  09  -  June  14, 1996
Subject: Adoption of a Joint DAR-LRA Operations Manual on Land T
             and Distribution Under the CARP
LRA Circular No. 54  -  June 09, 1993
Subject:  Revised Guidelines on the Registration of Transactions Under the CARP
M C No 7 May 26 1993 (Effectivity Date June 5 1993)
Subject:  Standing Crops on Lands Acquired by the Government Pursuant to Sections
16(e) and 28 of R.A. No. 6657
M.C. No. 03 – September 20, 2005
Subject:   Supplemental/Clarificatory Guidelines  on DAR Memorandum Circular No. 2, Series
of 2005 (Full Implementation and  Continuation of  the Land Acquisition and Distribution
Process Pursuant to the Provisions of DAR Memorandum Circular Nos. 6 and 9, Series
of 2004 and the Supreme Court Ruling in the Cuenca Case) 
M.C. No. 02 – September 16, 2005
Subject:  Full Implementation and Continuation of the Land Acquisition and Distribution Process
Pursuant to the Provisions of DAR Memorandum Circular Nos. 6 and 9, Series of 2004
and the Supreme Court Ruling in the Cuenca Case 
M.C. No. 06 – March 03, 2004
Subject: Clarificatory Guidelines on the Effect of Injunctions and Temporary Restraining Orders
Issued by the Regular Courts on Acquisition and Distribution of Lands Under the
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) 


Joint DAR-LBP M.C. No. 03  -   April 11, 1995

Subject:  Acquisition, Distribution and Compensation of Patches or Portions of Agricultural
Lands not Actually Planted to Any Crop and Lands Subject to Legal Easements
            M.C. No. 02 – February 2, 2010
Subject:  Amendments to Memorandum Circular No. 5, Series of 2007, entitled “Guidelines and
Procedures for the Disposal/Lease of Foreclosed Properties/Assets”
M.C. No. 05 – May 23, 2007
Subject: Guidelines  and  Procedures  for  the Disposal/Lease  of Foreclosed Properties/Assets
A.O. No.  01  -   May 31, 2000 (Effectivity Date – June 16, 2000)
Subject:  Revised Rules and Regulations on the Acquisition of Agricultural Lands Subject
of Mortgage or Foreclosure
A.O.  No. 2  -  February 11,  1997 (Effectivity Date – February 28, 1997)
Subject:  Acquisition of Private Agricultural Lands Subject of Mortgage or Foreclosure of Mortgage
M.C. No.  5  -  April 18, 1996
Subject:  Guidelines Clarifying Sections 3 and 6 of RA 78
Applications for
         Commercial Farm Deferment and the Turn-Over to DAR
         Assets of Government Financial Institutions, Respectiv
A.O. No. 2  -  January 04, 1989 (Effectivity Date – February 9, 1989)
Subject: Compulsory Acquisition of Private and Government-Owned Agricultural Lands Under RA 6657 
           Joint DAR-LBP M.C. No. 04  -   January 16, 2001
Subject:  Guidelines in the Processing and Payment of Idle Lands With Slopes of Below
Eighteen Percent (18%)
A.O. No.  12  -   August 30, 1990
Subject:  Identification and Acquisition of Idle or Abandoned Lands
A.O. No. 04 (Amendment to A.O. No. 2, 2009 Re:  Installation of ARBs with Registered CLOAs
A.O. No.  01  -   May 31, 2000
Subject:  Revised Rules and Regulations on the Acquisition of Agricultural Lands Subject of Mortgage or Fore
A.O. No.  2  -    February 11, 1997 (Effectivity Date – February 28, 1997)
S bj A i ii fP i A i l l d S bj fM F l f M
Joint DAR-LBP M.C. No. 17  -  July 12, 1995
Subject:  Instructions to Facilitate the Acquisition/Distribution of Sugar Estates &
Other Agricultural Areas Subject of VOS/CA Pursuant to RA 6657 
            M.C. No. 1  -  February 13, 1996
Subject: The Use of Internal Control Forms for Land Survey Project Management System 
Joint DAR-DENR M.C. No. 24  -  October 16, 1995
Subject:  Adopting Common Monitoring Report on Surveys, Inspection, Verification & Approval Under ARF
M.C. No. 18  -  July 21, 1995
Subject:  Bidding and Award of CARP Survey Projects 
M.C. No.  6  -  May 21, 1993 (Effectivity  Date – May 31, 1993)
Subject:  Pre-qualification, Public Raffle and Award of CARP Module Survey Projects 
Joint DAR-DENR M.C. No.  6  -  July 24, 1991
Subject:  Undertaking Surveys on PAL Covered the CARP
SURVEY SERVICES,  Requisition, Approval and Monitoring of

A.O. No. 09 – October 14, 2011 (Effectivity Date - October 28, 2011)

Subject: Rules for the Survey and/or Field Investigation of Landholdings Where the
Department of Agrarian Reform and the Land Bank of the Philippines are Denied Entry Thereto  
Section 17. Determination of Just Compensation. —
In determining just compensation, the cost of   In determining just compensation, the cost of
acquisition of the land, the current value of the like acquisition of the land, the value of the standing
properties, its nature, actual use and income, the crop, the current: value of like properties, its nature,
sworn valuation by the owner, the tax declarations, actual use and income, the sworn valuation by the
and the assessment made by government assessors owner, the tax declarations, the assessment made by
shall be considered. The social and economic government assessors,  [ADDS “and seventy
benefits contributed by the farmers and the percent (70%) of the zonal valuation of the
farmworkers and by the Government to the property Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), translated into
as well as the non-payment of taxes or loans a basic formula by the DAR shall be considered,
secured from any government financing institution on subject to the final decision of the proper
the said land shall be considered as additional court.]The social and economic benefits contributed
factors to determine its valuation. by the farmers and the farmworkers and by the
Government to the property as well as the
  nonpayment of taxes or loans secured from any
government financing institution on the said land
shall be considered as additional factors to
determine its valuation. (as amended by Section 7,
RA 9700)
A.O. No. 07 – September 30, 2011 (Effectivity Date – October 15, 2011)
Subject: Revised  Rules  and Procedures Governing the Acquisition and Distribution of Private Agricultural
Lands Under Republic Act (R.A.) No. 6657, As Amended
A.O. No. 01 – February 12, 2010 (Effectivity Date – February 28, 2010)
            Subject: Valuation and Landowners Compensation Involving Tenanted Rice and Corn Lands Under
P.D. No. 27 and E.O. No. 228 
A.O. No. 06 – July 28, 2008 (Effectivity Date – August 9, 2008)
Subject:    Amendment to DAR Administrative Order No. 2, S. 2004 On the Grant of Increment of
Six Percent (6%) Yearly Interest Compounded Annually on Lands Covered by
Presidential Decree (PD) No. 27 and Executive Order (EO) No. 228 
A.O. No. 02 – November 04, 2004 (Effectivity Date – December 4, 2004)
Subject:  Amendment of Administrative Order No. 13, Series of 1994 Entitled “Rules and
Regulations Governing the Grant of Increment of Six Percent (6%) Yearly Interest
Compounded Annually on Lands Covered by Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 27
and Executive Order (E.O.) No. 228”
Joint DAR-DENR-LBP M.C. No. 22 – October 28, 2004 (Effectivity Date – November 9, 2004)
Subject: Acquisition, Compensation and Distribution Under the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform
Program (CARP) of Private Agricultural Lands Bordering Rivers and Other Natural Bodies of Water,
Including the Legal Easements/20-Meter Riverbank Protection;  Exclusion of Legal Easements/20-Meter
Subject:   Acquisition, Distribution and Compensation of Patches or Portions of Agricultural
Lands not Actually Planted to Any Crop and Lands Subject to Legal Easements
            M.C. No. 1  -  January 5, 1995
Subject: Authority of the Adjudication Board to Conduct Summary Administrative Proceedings
for the Preliminary Determination of Just Compensation
A.O. No. 13  -  October 27, 1994 (Effectivity Date – October 14, 1994)
Subject:  Grant of Increment of 6% Yearly Interest Compounded Annually on Lands Under PD 27/EO 228
A.O. No. 11  -  September 13, 1994 (Effectivity Date – October 23, 1994)
Subject: Revising the Rules and Regulations Covering the Valuation of Lands Voluntarily Offered
or Compulsorily Acquired as Embodied in Administrative Order No. 06, Series of 1992
A.O. No. 8  -  October 05, 1993 (Effectivity Date – October 24, 1993)
Subject:  Amendment to AO No. 8, s. 1991:  Amendments to AO No. 2, Series of 1991, on
Summary Administrative Proceedings on Land Compensation
A.O. No. 6  -  October 30, 1992
Subject:  Rules and Regulations Amending the Valuation of Lands Voluntarily Offered and
Compulsorily Acquired as Provided for Under Administrative Order No. 17, Series of
1989, as Amended, Issued Pursuant to Republic Act No. 6657
A.O. No. 8  -  July 31, 1991
Subject:  Amendments to AO No. 2, Series of 1991, Entitled “Rules and Regulations on Summary
Administrative Proceedings on Land Compensation
A.O. No. 3  -  April 25, 1991
Subject:  Rules and Regulations Amending Certain Provisions of AO 17 Which Governs the
Valuation of Lands Voluntarily Offered Pursuant to EO 229 and RA 6657 and
Compulsorily Acquired Pursuant to RA 6657
A.O. No. 2  -  February 15, 1991
Subject:  Summary Administrative Proceedings on Land Compensation
A. O. No. 17  -  Series of 1989
Subject:  Rules and Regulations Amending Valuation of Lands Voluntary Offered Pursuant
to EO 229 and R.A. 6657 and Those Compulsorily Acquired Pursuant  to R.A. 6657 
A.O. No. 13  -  November 08, 1989
Subject: Summary Proceedings for the Final Administrative Determination of 
Compensation in CA of Land
A. O. No. 6  -  March 8, 1989 (Effectivity Date – March 23, 1989)
Subject:  Rules and Procedures on Land Valuation and Just Compensation
M.C. No. 11  -  December 6, 1988
Subject: Clarifying Memorandum Circular No. 8-88, Series of 1988 Re:  Valuation
of Agricultural Lands Voluntarily Offered for Sale by Landowners Pursuant to R.A. 6657 
M. C. No.  8  -  October 14, 1988
Subject:  Amending Memorandum Circular No. 6, Series of 1988 on the Land Valuation
of Agricultural Lands Voluntarily Offered for Sale by Landowners Pursuant to RA 6657
A.O. No.  6  -  March 08, 1989 (Effectivity Date – March 23, 1989)
Subject:  Land Valuation and Just Compensation
            M.C. No.  8   -   April 15, 1999 (Effectivity  Date – May 4, 1999)  
Subject:   Guidelines in the Valuation of Rubber Lands Covered by DARAB’s Order to Recompute 
           Joint DAR-LBP  M.C. No.  7   -   April 15, 1999 (Effectivity  Date – April 30, 1999)
           Subject:   Revised Valuation Guidelines for Rubber Plantations
M.C. No. 12  -  July 23, 1993
Subject: Organization of a Joint DAR-LBP Field Task Force on Unpaid Distributed Lands Under CARP
            Joint DAR-LBP M.C. No. 06 – June 22, 2007
S bj t G id li i th D t i ti f V l ti I t f L dh ldi Pl t d t C di h B
lands percent lands percent lands percent
above fifty (25%) above (30%) twenty- (35%)
(50) cash, the twenty- cash, the four (24) cash, the
hectares, balance to four (24) balance to hectares balance to
insofar as be paid in hectares be paid in and be paid in
the excess government and up government below. government
hectarage financial to fifty financial financial
is instruments (50) instruments instruments
concerned. negotiable hectares. negotiable negotiable
at any time. at any time. at any time.


(2) Shares of stock in government-owned or controlled corporations, LBP preferred shares, physical
assets or other qualified investments in accordance with guidelines set by the PARC;
(3) Tax credits which can be used against any tax liability;
(4) LBP bonds, which shall have the following features:
(a) Market interest rates aligned with 91-day Treasury bill rates. Ten percent (10%) of the face
value of the bonds shall mature every year from the date of issuance until the tenth (10th) year:
provided, that should the landowner choose to forego the cash portion, whether in full or in part,
he shall be paid correspondingly in LBP bonds;
(b) Transferability and negotiability. Such LBP bonds may be used by the landowner, his
successors in interest or his assigns, up to the amount of their face value, for any of the
(i) Acquisition of land or other real properties of the government, including assets under
the Asset Privatization Program and other assets foreclosed by government financial
institutions in the same province or region where the lands for which the bonds were paid
are situated;
(ii) Acquisition of shares of stock of government-owned or -controlled corporations or
shares of stocks owned by the government in private corporations;
(iii) Substitution for surety or bail bonds for the provisional release of accused persons, or
performance bonds;
(iv) Security for loans with any government financial institution, provided the proceeds of
the loans shall be invested in an economic enterprise, preferably in a small-and medium-
scale industry, in the same province or region as the land for which the bonds are paid;
(v) Payment for various taxes and fees to government; provided, that the use of these
bonds for these purposes will be limited to a certain percentage of the outstanding
balance of the financial instruments: provided, further, that the PARC shall determine the
percentage mentioned above;
(vi) Payment for tuition fees of the immediate family of the original bondholder in
government universities, colleges, trade schools, and other institutions;
(vii) Payment for fees of the immediate family of the original bondholder in government
hospitals; and
(viii) Such other uses as the PARC may from time to time allow.
In case of extraordinary inflation, the PARC shall take appropriate measures to protect the economy.

Section 19. Incentives for Voluntary Offers for Sales. -

Landowners, other than banks and other financial institutions, who voluntarily offer their lands for sale shall be
entitled to an additional five percent (5%) cash payment.

(Almost All Guidelines on CA & VOS are Incorporated Together)
A.O. No. 07 – September 30, 2011 (Effectivity Date – October 15, 2011)
Subject: Revised  Rules  and Procedures Governing the Acquisition and Distribution of
Private Agricultural Lands Under Republic Act (R.A.) No. 6657, As Amended 
A.O. No. 02 – October 15, 2009 (Effectivity Date – July 1, 2009)
Subject:   Rules and Procedures Governing the Acquisition and Distribution of Agricultural
Lands Under R A No 6657 as amended by R A No 9700
Under E.O. No. 407 [Amends DAR A.O. No. 2, Series of 2005 is amended]
A.O. No. 04 – August 2, 2005 (Effectivity Date – August 14, 2005)
Subject: Revised Rules Governing the Issuance of Notice of Coverage in the
Acquisition of Agricultural Lands Under
R.A. No. 6657 [Supersedes DAR A.O. No. 1, Series of 2003]
A.O. No. 02 – May 12, 2005 (Effectivity Date – May 26, 2005)
Subject:   Rules and Procedures Governing the Acquisition of Agricultural Lands
Subject of VOS and CA and Those Covered Under
E. O. No. 407 [Repeal A.O. No. 2, Series of 1996; A.O. No. 1, Series of 1998; 
A.O. No. 100-4, Series of 2000
and amends A.O. No. 1, Series of 2003;  A.O. No. 7, Series of 2003]
A.O. No. 01  -  January 16, 2003 (Effectivity Date – February 6, 2003)
Subject: 2003 Rules Governing Issuance of Notice of Coverage and Acquisition
            of Agricultural Lands Under R.A. No. 6657 [Amends
             DAR A.O. No. 2, Series of 1996 and   A.O. No. 1, Series of 1998]
A.O. No. 04  -  August 29, 2000 (Effectivity Date – September 14, 2000)
Subject:   Revising Administrative Order No. 02, Series of 196 Entitled:  “Revised
Rules and Procedures Governing the Acquisition of Agricultural Lands Subject of
Voluntary Offer to Sell and Compulsory Acquisition Pursuant to Republic Act
No. 6657”, as Amended by Administrative Order No. 01, series of 1998. 
A.O. No. 03  -  August 29, 2000 (Effectivity Date – September 17, 2000)
Subject:  Amending DAR Administrative Order No. 9, Series of 1997, “Revised
Rules and Regulations on A.O. No. 3, Series of 1996, Re: Reconveyance of Properties
Turned Over to DAR Pursuant to E.O. No. 407, as Amended, and Lands
Voluntarily Offered Under Section 19 of R.A. No. 6657 But Found
to be Outside the Coverage of CARP
A. O. No.  5  -  April 15, 1998 (Effectivity Date – May 11, 1998)
Subject: Revised Rules and Regulations Governing the Valuation of Lands Voluntarily
Offered or Compulsorily Acquired Pursuant to Republic Act No. 6657
A.O. No.  01  -  February 5, 1998 (Effectivity Date – February 21, 1998)
Subject:  Amendments to A. O. No. 02, Series of 1996, Entitled: “Revised Rules and
Regulations on the Acquisition of Agricultural Lands Subject of
VOS and CA Pursuant to RA No. 6657
M.C. No.  2  -  February 5, 1998
Subject: Compulsory Acquisition (CA) of Landholdings Covered by Voluntary Offer to Sell (VOS)
A.O. No. 9  -  December  10, 1997 (Effectivity Date – December 29, 1997)
Subject:  Revised Rules and Regulations on A.O. No. 3, Series of 1996,  Re:  Reconveyance
of Properties Turned-over to DAR Pursuant to E.O. No. 407, as Amended, and Lands
Voluntarily Offered under Section 19 of R.A. No. 6657 but Found to be Outside the Coverage of CAR
M.C. No. 34  -  December 10, 1997
Subject:  Issuance of Certificate of Exemption for Lands Subject of Voluntary Offer to
Sell (VOS) and Compulsory Acquisition (CA) Found Unsuitable for Agricultural Purposes
A.O. No.  6  -  August 26, 1997 (Effectivity Date – February 12, 1997)
Subject:  Revision of  A. O. No. 5, Series of 1992, Entitled: “Clarificatory Guidelines
and Amendments to A. O. No. 09, Series of 1990
A.O. No. 3  -  August 08, 1996 (Effectivity Date – August 31, 1996)
Subject: Reconveyance of Properties Turned-Over to DAR Pursuant to EO No. 407/448 and Lands
Voluntarily Offered Under Sec. 19 of RA 6657 but Found to be Outside the Coverage of CARP 
A.O. No.  2  -  August  06, 1996 (Effectivity Date – August 25, 1996)
Subject: Revised Rules and Procedures Governing the Acquisition of Agricultural Lands Subject
of Voluntary Offer to Sell and Compulsory Acquisition Pursuant to Republic Act No. 6657
Joint DAR-LBP M.C. No. 17  -  July 12, 1995
Subject:  Supplementary Instructions to Facilitate the Acquisition and Distribution of Sugar
Estates and Other Agricultural Areas Therein Subject of Voluntary Offer to Sell  (VOS)
and Compulsory Acquisition (CA) Pursuant to R.A. No. 6657
A.O. No. 9  -  August 30, 1990
Subject:  Revised Rules Governing the Acquisition of Agricultural Lands Subject of 
VOS and CA Pursuant to RA 6657
A.O. No. 19  -  November 6, 1989
Subject:  Revised Rules and Procedures Governing VOS Transactions and Providing a
Deadline for the Filing Thereof 
A.O. No. 14-A  -  November 8, 1989
Subject:  Amendments to A.O. No. 3, series of 1989, Governing VOS Transactions and Providing
a Deadline for the Filing Thereof
A.O. No.  3  -  February 20, 1989 (Effectivity Date – March 9, 1989)
Subject:  Rules and Procedures Governing Voluntary Offer to Sell Lands Under the CARP
M.C. No. 11  -  December 6, 1988
Subject: Clarifying Memorandum Circular No. 8-88, Series of 1988 Re:  Valuation of Agricultural 
Lands Voluntarily Offered for Sale by Landowners Pursuant to R.A. 6657 
M.C. No.  8  -  October 14, 1988
Subject:  Amending Memorandum Circular No. 6, Series of 1988 on the Land Valuation of Agricultural
Lands Voluntarily Offered for Sale by Landowners Pursuant to RA 6657
A.O. No. 6  -  August  26, 1997 (Effectivity Date – February 12, 1997)
Subject: Revision of A. O. No. 5, S. ’92, Entitled:  “Clarificatory Guidelines and
Amendments to A. O. No. 9, S. ‘90
A. O. No. 5  -  April 06, 1992
Subject:  Clarificatory Guidelines and Amendments to A. O. 9, S. ‘90
A.O. No. 9  -  August 30, 1990
Subject:  Revised Rules Governing the Acquisition of Agricultural Lands Subject of
VOS and CA Pursuant to RA 6657
Section 20. Voluntary Land Transfer. -

Landowners of agricultural lands subject to acquisition under this Act may enter into a voluntary arrangement
for direct transfer of their lands to qualified beneficiaries subject to the following guidelines:
(a) All notices for voluntary land transfer must be submitted to the DAR within the first year of the
implementation of the CARP. Negotiations between the landowners and qualified beneficiaries
covering any voluntary land transfer which remain unresolved after one (1) year shall not be
recognized and such land shall instead be acquired by the government and transferred pursuant to
this Act.
(b) The terms and conditions of such transfer shall not be less favorable to the transferee than those of
the government's standing offer to purchase from the landowner and to resell to the beneficiaries, if
such offers have been made and are fully known to both parties.
(c) The voluntary agreement shall include sanctions for non-compliance by either party and shall be
duly recorded and its implementation monitored by the DAR.


A.O. No. 07 – September 30, 2011 (Effectivity Date – October 15, 2011) – Section 26
Subject: Revised  Rules  and Procedures Governing the Acquisition and Distribution of Private
Agricultural Lands Under Republic Act (R.A.) No. 6657, As Amended
A.O. No. 02 – October 15, 2009 (Effectivity Date – July 1, 2009)
Subject:   Acquisition and Distribution of Agricultural Lands Under R.A. No. 6657, as amended by R.A. No. 97
A.O. No. 08 – December 23, 2003 (Effectivity Date – January 10, 2004)
Subject: 2003 Guidelines on the Acquisition and Distribution of Compensable Agricultural
Lands Under Voluntary Land Transfer/Direct Payment Scheme (VLT/DPS)
A.O. No. 08  -  December 10, 1997 (Effectivity Date – December 28, 1997)
Subject: Revised Guidelines on the Acquisition and Distribution of Compensable Agricultural
Land Redistribution

Section 22.  Qualified Beneficiaries.  — The lands covered by the CARP shall be distributed as much as
possible to landless residents of the same barangay, or in the absence thereof, landless residents of the same
municipality in the following order of priority:
(a) agricultural lessees and share tenants;
(b) regular farmworkers;
(c) seasonal farmworkers;
(d) other farmworkers;
(e) actual tillers or occupants of public lands;
(f) collectives or cooperatives of the above beneficiaries; and
(g) others directly working on the land.
Provided, however, that the children of landowners who are qualified under Section 6 of this Act shall be given
preference in the distribution of the land of their parents: and provided, further, that actual tenant-tillers in the
landholdings shall not be ejected or removed therefrom.

Beneficiaries under Presidential Decree No. 27 who have culpably sold, disposed of, or abandoned their land are
disqualified to become beneficiaries under this Program.
A basic qualification of a beneficiary shall be his willingness, aptitude, and ability to cultivate and make the land
as productive as possible. The DAR shall adopt a system of monitoring the record or performance of each
beneficiary, so that any beneficiary guilty of negligence or misuse of the land or any support extended to him
shall forfeit his right to continue as such beneficiary. The DAR shall submit periodic reports on the performance
of the beneficiaries to the PARC.
If, due to the landowner's retention rights or to the number of tenants, lessees, or workers on the land, there is
not enough land to accommodate any or some of them, they may be granted ownership of other lands available
for distribution under this Act, at the option of the beneficiaries.
Farmers already in place and those not accommodated in the distribution of privately-owned lands will be given
preferential rights in the distribution of lands from the public domain.

AGRARIAN REFORM BENEFICIARIES, Identification, Screening and Selection of

A.O. No. 07 – September 30, 2011 (Effectivity Date – October 15, 2011) – Sections 43 to 60
Subject: Revised  Rules  and Procedures Governing the Acquisition and Distribution of Private
Agricultural Lands Under Republic Act (R.A.) No. 6657, As Amended
A.O. No. 02 – October 15, 2009 (Effectivity Date – July 1, 2009)
Subject:   Acquisition and Distribution of Agricultural Lands Under R.A. No. 6657, as amended by R.A. No. 97
A.O. No. 04 – June 16, 2008 (Effectivity Date – June 29, 2008)
Subject:  Supplemental Guidelines to DAR A.O. No. 7, Series of 2003 on the Identification,
Screening and Selection of, and Distribution to ARBs of Private Agricultural Lands Under R.A. No. 6
            A.O. No. 07 – December 18, 2003 (Effectivity Date – January 8, 2004)
            Subject: Identification, Screening and Selection of, and Distribution to Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries
(ARBs) of Private Agricultural Lands Under Republic Act (R.A.) No. 6657
[Repeals A.O. No. 10, Series of 1990] [Amends/Repeals inconsistent provision
of A.O. No. 6, S. 1998 and A.O. No. 9, S. 1998]
            A.O. No. 10  -  May 03, 1989
            Subject:  Registration of Beneficiaries
A.O. No. 07 – September 30, 2011 (Effectivity Date – October 15, 2011) – Section 46
Subject: Revised  Rules  and Procedures Governing the Acquisition and Distribution of Private
Agricultural Lands Under Republic Act (R.A.) No. 6657, As Amended
A.O. No. 02 – October 15, 2009 (Effectivity Date – July 1, 2009)
Subject:   Acquisition and Distribution of Agricultural Lands Under R.A. No. 6657, as amended by R.A. No. 97
            A.O. No. 6 – September 6, 2006 (Effectivity Date – September 21, 2006)
Subject: Revised Guidelines on Award to Children of Landowners Pursuant to Sections
6 and 22 of Republic Act No. 6657
            M.C. No. 12  -  August 14, 1998
A.O. No.  5  -  August 28, 1996 (Effectivity Date – September 15, 1996)
Subject:  Issuance of IDs to ARBs with Registered EP, CLOA, Homestead Patent & Leasehold Contract 
M.C. No. 19  -  August 8, 1996  (Effectivity  Date – August 26, 1996)
Subject:  Guidelines and Procedures Governing the Monitoring of Violations or Circumventions
Committed by the Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries (ARBs), Providing Sanctions Therefor
and Filing of Appropriate Administrative, Quasi-Judicial and/or Criminal Actions

A.O. No. 2  -  March 07, 1994

Subject:  Correction and Cancellation of Registered/Unregistered EPs, and CLOAs Due
to Unlawful Acts and Omissions or Breach of  Obligations of ARBs
Section 22-A.  Order of Priority. - A landholding of a landowner shall be distributed first to qualified
beneficiaries under Section 22, subparagraphs (a) and (b) of that same landholding up to a maximum of
three (3) hectares each. Only when these beneficiaries have all received three (3) hectares each, shall the
remaining portion of the landholding, if any, be distributed to other beneficiaries under Section 22,
subparagraphs (c), (d), (e), (f), and (g). (as added by Section 8, RA 9700)

  Section 23. Distribution Limit. -

No qualified beneficiary may own more than three (3) hectares of agricultural land.


A.O. No. 07 – September 30, 2011 (Effectivity Date – October 15, 2011) – Sections 91 to 107
Subject: Revised  Rules  and Procedures Governing the Acquisition and Distribution of Private
Agricultural Lands Under Republic Act (R.A.) No. 6657, As Amended
A.O. No. 02 – October 15, 2009 (Effectivity Date – July 1, 2009)
Subject:   Acquisition and Distribution of Agricultural Lands Under R.A. No. 6657, as amended
by R.A. No. 9700
Joint DAR-DENR-LBP M.C. No. 22 – October 28, 2004 (Effectivity Date – November 9, 2004)
Subject: Acquisition, Compensation and Distribution Under the Comprehensive Agrarian
Reform Program (CARP) of Private Agricultural Lands Bordering Rivers and Other
Natural Bodies of Water, Including the Legal Easements/20-Meter Riverbank Protection;
Exclusion of Legal Easements/20-Meter Riverbank Protection in the Distribution
of DAR-Administered Public Land Bordering Such Rivers and Natural Bodies of Water 
M.C. No. 03 – September 20, 2005
Subject:   Supplemental/Clarificatory Guidelines  on DAR Memorandum Circular No. 2, Series
of 2005 (Full Implementation and  Continuation of  the Land Acquisition and Distribution
Process Pursuant to the Provisions of DAR Memorandum Circular Nos. 6 and 9, Series
of 2004 and the Supreme Court Ruling in the Cuenca Case) 
M.C. No. 02 – September 16, 2005
Subject:  Full Implementation and Continuation of the Land Acquisition and Distribution Process
Pursuant to the Provisions of DAR Memorandum Circular Nos. 6 and 9, Series of 2004
and the Supreme Court Ruling in the Cuenca Case 
M.C. No. 06 – March 03, 2004
Subject: Clarificatory Guidelines on the Effect of Injunctions and Temporary Restraining Orders
Issued by the Regular Courts on Acquisition and Distribution of Lands Under the
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP)
A.O. No.  9   -   December 23, 1998 (Effectivity Date – January 4, 1999)
Subject: Acquisition, Valuation, Compensation and Distribution of Deferred Commercial Farms
A.O. No. 6  -  May  4, 1998 (Effectivity Date – May 25, 1998)
Subject:  Acquisition and Distribution of Commercial Farms Under Deferment 
A.O. No.  8   -  December 10, 1997 (Effectivity Date – December 28, 1997)
Subject: Acquisition and Distribution of Compensable Agricultural Lands Under Voluntary
            Land Transfer/Direct Payment Scheme  (VLT/DPS)
Joint DAR-LBP M.C. No. 30  -  October 21, 1997
            Subject:  Land Distribution and Information Schedule
Joint DAR-LRA M.C. No.  09  -  June  14, 1996
S bj t Ad ti f J i t DAR LRA O ti M l L d Titli
A.O. No.  2  -  April 16, 1993
Subject: Supplemental Guidelines on AO 10, S. 1990, and Other Issuances on the Rights of Farmworkers
A.O. No. 12  -  November 21, 1991
Subject:  Acquisition/Distribution of Homelots Under CARP
Joint DAR-DA A.O. No. 5  -  June  1991
Subject: Distribution of Cancelled or Expired FLAs Under EO 407 as Amended by EO 448
A.O. No. 10  -  August 30, 1990
Subject:  Distribution of Private Agricultural Lands to Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Under RA 6657 


DAR-LRA Joint M.C.  -  March 11, 1993

Subject: Monitoring of Emancipation Patents (EP) and Certificate of Land Ownership Awards’
(CLOA) Registration and Distribution           
M.C. No.  7  -  May 26, 1993  (Effectivity  Date – June 5, 1993)
Subject:  Distribution and Titling of Public Agricultural Lands Turned Over by the NLSF to the
DAR for Distribution Under CARP Pursuant to EO 407, S. 1990, as Amended by 448,
S. 1991 & Clarified Under Memorandum Order No. 107 of the President
of the Philippines dated March 23, 1993
EXCESS AREA, Disposition of
            A.O. No. 07 – December 18, 2003 (Effectivity Date – January 8, 2004)
            Subject: CY 2003 Guidelines on the Identification, Screening and Selection of, and Distribution
to Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries (ARBs) of Private Agricultural Lands Under Republic Act (R.A.) No.
Ministry M.C. No. 4  -  May 07, 1986
Subject:  Disposition of Excess Areas Under AO No. 3-’85 
A.O. No.  3  -  July 24, 1985
Subject:  Disposition of Farmlots Containing Areas in Excess of That Prescribed for Economic Family-Size Farm
M.C. No. 12  -  July 23, 1993
Subject: Organization of a Joint DAR-LBP Field Task Force on Unpaid Distributed Lands Under CARP
Section 24. Award to Beneficiaries. —
The rights and responsibilities of the beneficiary shall The rights and responsibilities of the beneficiaries
commence from the time the DAR makes an award shall commence from  their receipt of a duly
of the land to him, which award shall be completed registered emancipation patent or certificate of land
within one hundred eighty (180) days from the time ownership award and their actual physical
the DAR takes actual possession of the land. possession of the awarded land. Such award shall be
Ownership of the beneficiary shall be evidenced by a completed in not more than one hundred eighty (180)
Certificate of Land Ownership Award, which shall days from the date of registration of the title in the
contain the restrictions and conditions provided for in name of the Republic of the Philippines:  Provided,
this Act, and shall be recorded in the Register of That the emancipation patents, the certificates of
Deeds concerned and annotated on the Certificate of land ownership award, and other titles issued under
Title. any agrarian reform program shall be indefeasible
and imprescriptible after one (1) year from its
  registration with the Office of the Registry of Deeds,
subject to the conditions, limitations and
qualifications of this Act, the property registration
decree, and other pertinent laws. The emancipation
patents or the certificates of land ownership award
being titles brought under the operation of the
Torrens system, are conferred with the same
indefeasibility and security afforded to all titles under
the said system, as provided for by Presidential
Decree No. 1529, as amended by Republic Act No.
It is the ministerial duty of the Registry of Deeds to
register the title of the land in the name of the
Republic of the Philippines after the Land Bank of
jurisdiction of the Secretary of the DAR. (as amended
by Section 9, RA 9700)


M.C. No. 19  -  August 8, 1996  (Effectivity  Date – August 26, 1996)

Subject:  Guidelines and Procedures Governing the Monitoring of Violations or Circumventions

Committed by the Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries (ARBs), Providing Sanctions

Therefor and Filing of Appropriate Administrative, Quasi-Judicial and/or Criminal Actions  

A.O. No. 2  -  March 07, 1994

Subject:  Correction and Cancellation of Registered/Unregistered EPs, and CLOAs Due
to Unlawful Acts and Omissions or Breach of  Obligations of ARBs 
            Memorandum from the Undersecretary of LAO No. 308 – October 7, 2011

          Subject:  Further Clarification on the Revised Cancellation Rules


            M.C. No. 12 – October 5, 2011 (Effectivity Date – October 6, 2011)

Subject:  Case Control Number System for Cancellation Cases
            Memorandum from the Undersecretary of LAO No. 302  - October 5, 2011
Subject:  Transitional  Issues  and  Clarifications  on  the  2011 Revised  Rules and Procedures
Governing the Cancellation of Registered Emancipation Patents (EPs), Certificates
of Landownership Award (CLOAs), and Other Titles Issued Under Any Agrarian Reform Program
            M.C. No. 11 – October 3, 2011 (Effectivity Date – October 6, 2011)
Subject:  Suspension of Certain Provisions of Administrative Order No. 06, Series of 2011
for the Purposes of Transitioning from the Old Cancellation Rules to the New One
            Memorandum from the LAO Undersecretary No. 288 – September 28, 2011
            Subject:  Regarding  the 2011 Revised  Rules and Procedures Governing the
Cancellation of Registered EPs, CLOAs and Other Titles Issued Under Any Agrarian Reform Program
            A.O. No. 06 – September 21, 2011 (Effectivity Date – October 6, 2011)
Subject:    The 2011 Revised Rules and Procedures Governing the Cancellation of Registered
Emancipation Patents (EPs), Certificates of Landownership Award (CLOAs),
and Other Titles Issued Under Any Agrarian Reform Program
            A.O. No. 3 – October 15, 2009 (Effectivity Date – July 1, 2009)
Subject:    Cancellation of Registered Certificates of Land Ownership Award (CLOAs),
Emancipation Patents (EPs), and Other Titles Issued Under Any Agrarian Reform Program 
            Joint DAR-LBP M.C. No. 11, Series of 2008
            Subject:  Turn-Over of Original Owner’s Duplicate Copy (ODC) of CLOA or EP Title to LBP 
M.C. No. 19 – August 16, 2004
Subject:  Reaffirming the Indefeasibility of Emancipation Patents (EPs) and Certificate of
Land Ownership Awards (CLOAs) as Titles Under the Torrens System 
M.C. No. 16 – December 12, 2003
Subject: 2003 Systems and Procedures for the Requisition, Issuance, Utilization and
Accounting of EP/CLOA Judicial Forms and the Utilization and Control of
Signing and Sealing Machines
M.C. No. 20  -   May 21, 1997
Subject:  DAR-LRA Operational Guidelines on the Registration of EP/CLOA and
CARP Monitoring & Reporting System
M C N 24 O b 11 1996
A.O. No.  3  -  April 16, 1993
Subject:  Issuance of Collective CLOAs and Subsequent Issuance of Individual Titles to Co-owners
DAR-LRA Joint M.C.  -  March  11, 1993
Subject:  EP Monitoring & Registration/Distribution of CLOA
          M.C. No.  24  -  October 11, 1996
            Subject:  Amendment to M.C. No. 14, S. 1994:  “Additional Measures to be Observed
in the Preparation of Collective Certificates of Land Ownership Awards Described
in DAR Administrative Order No. 3, Series of 1993”
          M.C. No.  14  -  August 30, 1994
            Subject:  Additional Measures to be Observed in the Preparation of Collective CLOAs as
Described in DAR AO No. 3, Series of 1993
            A.O. No. 3  -  April 16, 1993
            Subject:  Issuance of Collective CLOAs and Subsequent Issuance of Individual Titles to Co-owners
M.C. No. 19  -  August 08, 1996
Subject: Monitoring of Violations or Circumventions Committed by the ARBs, Providing
Sanctions and Filing  of Appropriate Administrative/Criminal Actions
A.O. No. 2  -  March 07, 1994
Subject: Correction and Cancellation of Registered/Unregistered EPs, and CLOAs
Due to Unlawful Acts and Omissions or Breach of Obligations of ARBs 

EP/CLOA Registration/Distribution,  Monitoring of

            M.C. No. 16 – December 12, 2003

Subject: 2003 Systems and Procedures for the Requisition, Issuance, Utilization and
Accounting of EP/CLOA Judicial Forms and the Utilization and Control of Signing and Sealing Machin
DAR-LRA Joint M.C.  -  March 11, 1993
Subject: Monitoring of Emancipation Patents (EP) and Certificate of Land Ownership
Awards’ (CLOA) Registration and Distribution
Joint DAR-LRA M.C. No. 20  -  May 21, 1997
Subject:  Registration of EP/CLOA and CARP Monitoring and Reporting System
Joint DAR-LRA M.C. No.  09  -  June  14, 1996
Subject: Adoption of a Joint DAR-LRA Operations Manual on Land Titling,
            Registration and Distribution Under the CARP
DAR-LRA Joint M.C.  -  March 11, 1993
Subject: Monitoring of Emancipation Patents (EP) and Certificate of Land
Ownership Awards’ (CLOA) Registration and Distribution
M.C. NLTDRA  -  September 07, 1988
Subject:  Dispensing With the Tax Clearance Certificate and Copy of Polyethylene
Film in EPs Registration 


Joint DAR-LRA M.C. No.  09  -  June  14, 1996
Subject: Adoption of a Joint DAR-LRA Operations Manual on Land Titling,
              Registration and Distribution Under the CARP
LRA Circular No. 54  -  June 09, 1993
Subject:  Revised Guidelines on the Registration of Transactions Under the CARP 


M C No 16 – December 12 2003
contiguous tract of land or several parcels of land contiguous tract of land or several parcels of land
cumulated up to the prescribed award limits. cumulated up to the prescribed award limits.  The
determination of the size of the land for
  distribution shall consider crop type, soil type,
  weather patterns and other pertinent variables or
factors which are deemed critical for the success
  of the beneficiaries.
For purposes of this Act, a landless beneficiary is
one who owns less than three (3) hectares of For purposes of this Act, a landless beneficiary is
agricultural land. one who owns less than three (3) hectares of
The beneficiaries may opt for collective ownership, agricultural land.
such as co-ownership or farmers cooperative or
Whenever appropriate, the DAR shall encourage the
some other form of collective organization: provided,
agrarian reform beneficiaries to form or join farmers'
that the total area that may be awarded shall not cooperatives for purposes of affiliating with existing
exceed the total number of co-owners or member of
cooperative banks in their respective provinces or
the cooperative or collective organization multiplied
localities, as well as forming blocs of agrarian reform
by the award limit above prescribed, except in beneficiaries, corporations, and partnerships and
meritorious cases as determined by the PARC. Title
joining other farmers' collective organizations,
to the property shall be issued in the name of the co-
including irrigators' associations: Provided, That the
owners or the cooperative or collective organization agrarian reform beneficiaries shall be assured of
as the case may be.
corresponding shares in the corporation, seats in the
  board of directors, and an equitable share in the
In general, the land awarded to a farmer- beneficiary
should be in the form of an individual title, covering
one (1)contiguous tract or several parcels of land
cumulated up to a maximum of three (3) hectares.
The beneficiaries may opt for collective ownership,
such as co-workers or farmers cooperative or some
other form of collective organization and for the
issuance of collective ownership titles: Provided,
That the total area that may be awarded shall not
exceed the total number of co-owners or members of
the cooperative or collective organization multiplied
by the award limit above prescribed, except in
meritorious cases as determined by the PARC.
The conditions for the issuance of collective titles are
as follows:
(a) The current farm management system of
the land covered by CARP will not be
appropriate for individual farming of farm
(b) The farm labor system is specialized,
where the farmworkers are organized by
functions and not by specific parcels such as
spraying, weeding, packing and other similar
(c) The potential beneficiaries are currently not
farming individual parcels but collectively work
on large contiguous areas; and
(d) The farm consists of multiple crops being
farmed in an integrated manner or includes
non - crop production areas that are
necessary for the viability of farm operations,
such as packing plants, storage areas, dikes,
and other similar facilities that cannot be
subdivided or assigned to individual farmers.
For idle and abandoned lands or underdeveloped
agricultural lands to be covered by CARP, collective
ownership shall be allowed only if the beneficiaries
opt for it and there is a clear development plan that
outlined above. The DAR shall conduct a review and
redocumentation of all the collective certificates of
land ownership award. The DAR shall prepare a
prioritized list of certificates of land ownership award
to be parcelized. The parcelization shall commence
immediately upon approval of this Act and shall not
exceed a period of three (3) years. Only those
existing certificates of land ownership award that are
collectively farmed or are operated in an integrated
manner shall remain as collective.  (as amended
bySection 10, RA 9700)

Joint DAR-CDA-DA A.O. No. 09  -  September 04, 2008 (Effectivity Date – October 17, 2008)
Subject:   Revised Rules and Regulations on ARB Membership Status and Valuation and/or
Transfer of Paid-up Share Capital in Agrarian Reform Plantation-Based Cooperatives
Joint DAR-CDA-DA A.O. No. 2  -  April 09, 1997
Subject: Membership Issues/Concerns of Farmworkers and Employee Beneficiaries in
Agrarian Reform Plantation-Based Cooperatives
Joint DAR-CDA A.O. No. 2  -  November 29, 1995
Subject: Membership Issues/Concerns of Farmworkers and Employee-Beneficiaries in
AR Plantation-Based Coops
A.O. No. 6  -  June 15, 1990
Subject:  Promotion of & Support to Coops and Other Self-Help Organizations for CARP Beneficiaries
EXCESS AREA, Disposition of
            A.O. No. 07 – December 18, 2003 (Effectivity Date – January 8, 2004)
            Subject: CY 2003 Guidelines on the Identification, Screening and Selection of, and
Distribution to Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries (ARBs) of Private Agricultural Lands
Under Republic Act (R.A.) No. 6657
Ministry M.C. No. 4  -  May 07, 1986
Subject:  Disposition of Excess Areas Under AO No. 3-’85
A.O. No.  3  -  July 24, 1985
Subject:  Disposition of Farmlots Containing Areas in Excess of That Prescribed for Economic Family-Size Farm
A.O. No. 02 – June 16, 2008 (Effectivity Date – June 29, 2008)
Subject: Lease of Lands Under Agribusiness Venture Arrangement (AVA) in Agrarian
Reform Areas and the Determination of Lease Rental Thereof 
A.O. No. 09 – December 08, 2006 (Effectivity Date – December 23, 2006)
Subject:  Agribusiness Venture Arrangements (AVAs) in Agrarian Reform Areas
  [Amends A.O. No. 2, Series of 1999] 
Gen. M.C. No.  01   -   January 31, 2000
Subject:  Operational Planning and Procedural Guidelines for Magkasaka Programme Implementors 
            A.O. No.  02   -   October 01, 1999
   Subject: Rules and Regulations Governing Joint Economic Enterprises in Agrarian Reform Areas
PARC Policy Order No. 1  -   August 18, 1997
Subject:  Joint Venture Agreements Between DAR and Other Interested Parties and on the
Processing of Applications for Lease Back Arrangements, Joint- Venture Agreements
and Other Schemes that may be Recommended by the PARCCOM to the PARC
R.A. 7905  -  February 23, 1995
Subject: An Act to Strengthen the Implementation of the Comprehensive
Agrarian Reform Program, and For Other Purposes
A.O. 5  -  March 21,  1997 (Effectivity Date – April 6, 1997)
Subject:  Lease of Lands Planted to Palm Oil Trees and the Determination
of Lease Rental Under Lease Arrangement, Amending A. O. No. 11, Series of 1988 
the failure to produce accordingly is not due to the as established by the PARC: Provided, That the first
beneficiary's fault, the LBP may reduce the interest five (5) annual payments may not be more than five
rate or reduce the principal obligations to make the percent (5%) of the value of the annual gross
repayment affordable. production as established by the DAR. Should the
scheduled annual payments after the fifth (5th) year
exceed ten percent (10%) of the annual gross
  production and the failure to produce accordingly is
not due to the beneficiary's fault, the LBP shall
  reduce the interest rate and/or reduce the principal
  obligation to make the repayment affordable.  (As
amended by Section 11, RA 9700)
The LBP shall have a lien by way of mortgage on the  
land awarded to the beneficiary; and this mortgage The LBP shall have a lien by way of mortgage on the
may be foreclosed by the LBP for non-payment of an land awarded to the beneficiary; and this mortgage
aggregate of three (3) annual amortizations. The may be foreclosed by the LBP for non-payment of an
LBP shall advise the DAR of such proceedings and aggregate of three (3) annual amortizations. The
the latter shall subsequently award the forfeited LBP shall advise the DAR of such proceedings and
landholdings to other qualified beneficiaries. A the latter shall subsequently award the forfeited
beneficiary whose land, as provided herein, has landholding to other qualified beneficiaries. A
been foreclosed shall thereafter be permanently beneficiary whose land, as provided herein, has
disqualified from becoming a beneficiary under this been foreclosed shall thereafter be permanently
Act. disqualified from becoming a beneficiary under this

A.O. No. 07 – September 30, 2011 (Effectivity Date – October 15, 2011) – Section 102
Subject: Revised  Rules  and Procedures Governing the Acquisition and Distribution of Private
Agricultural Lands Under Republic Act (R.A.) No. 6657, As Amended
A.O. No. 02 – October 15, 2009 (Effectivity Date – July 1, 2009)
Subject:   Acquisition and Distribution of Agricultural Lands Under R.A. No. 6657,
as amended by R.A. No. 9700
A.O. No. 2  -  February 5, 1998 (Effectivity Date – February 22, 1998)
Subject:  Payment of Land Amortization by ARBs for Lands Covered Under
E. O. No. 229 and R.A. No. 6657
A.O. No.  4  -  February 07,  1997 (Effectivity Date – March 3, 1997)
Subject:  Withdrawal of Farmer Beneficiaries’ Lease/Rental Amortization
Payments Deposited With the LBP
A.O. No.  6  -  August 24, 1993
Subject:  Revised Implementing Guidelines and Procedures Governing
Payment of Land Amortization by ARBs
A.O. No.  3  -  March  11,  1992
Subject:  Payment of Land Amortization by FBs Pursuant to Section 26 of RA 6657
Ministry M.C. No.  7  -  June 13, 1986
Subject: Condonation of Accrued Interests on Overdue Amortization
Payments/ Rentals of ARBs in Landed Estates 

INTEREST, Condonation of

              Ministry of M.C. No. 7  -  June 13, 1986

              Subject: Condonation of Accrued Interests on Overdue Amortization
  Payments/Rentals in Landed Estates 
M.C. No. 19  -  August 8, 1996 (Effectivity  Date – August 26, 1996)
Subject:  Guidelines and Procedures Governing the Monitoring of Violations or
Circumventions Committed by the Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries (ARBs),
Providing Sanctions Therefor and Filing of Appropriate Administrative,
Quasi-Judicial and/or Criminal Actions
Barangay Agrarian Reform Committee (BARC) of the Due notice of the availability of the land shall be
barangay where the land is situated. The Provincial given by the LBP to the BARC of the barangay
Agrarian Reform Coordinating Committee where the land is situated. The PARCCOM, as
(PARCCOM) as herein provided, shall, in turn, be herein provided, shall, in turn, be given due notice
given due notice thereof by the BARC. thereof by the BARC.
  The title of the land awarded under the agrarian
reform must indicate that it is an emancipation
patent or a certificate of land ownership award
  and the subsequent transfer title must also
indicate that it is an emancipation patent or a
  certificate of land ownership award
If the land has not yet been fully paid by the If the land has not yet been fully paid by the
beneficiary, the rights to the land may be transferred beneficiary, the rights to the land may be
or conveyed, with prior approval of the DAR, to any transferred or conveyed, with prior approval of the
heir of the beneficiary or to any other beneficiary who, DAR, to any heir of the beneficiary or to any other
as a condition for such transfer or conveyance, shall beneficiary who, as a condition for such transfer or
cultivate the land himself. Failing compliance herewith, conveyance, shall cultivate the
the land shall be transferred to the LBP which shall landhimself/herself.  Failing compliance herewith,
give due notice of the availability of the land in the the land shall be transferred to the LBP which shall
manner specified in the immediately preceding give due notice of the availability of the land in the
paragraph. manner specified in the immediately preceding
In the event of such transfer to the LBP, the latter shall In the event of such transfer to the LBP, the latter
compensate the beneficiary in one lump sum for the shall compensate the beneficiary in one lump sum
amounts the latter has already paid, together with the for the amounts the latter has already paid, together
value of improvements he has made on the land. with the value of improvements he/she has made
  on the land.  (as amended by  Section 12, RA
M.C. No.  02   -   January 9, 2001 (Effectivity Date – January 22, 2001)
Subject:  Guidelines on Annulment of Deeds of Conveyance of Lands Covered by the Comprehensive
Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) Executed in Violation of Section 6, paragraph 4 of Republic Act (R
            A.O. No. 6  -  November 21, 1996 (Effectivity Date – December 9, 1996)
Subject:  Supplemental Guidelines to A.O. No. 8, Series of 1995  Re Transferability of
Awarded Lands Awarded to ARBs Pursuant to PD 27/EO No. 228 and RA 6657
            A.O. No. 8  -  December 18, 1995 (Effectivity Date – January 5, 1996)
  Subject:  Transferability of Lands Awarded to ARBs Pursuant to PD 27
    as Amended by EO No. 228 and RA 6657
LRA Circular No. 54  -  June 09, 1993
Subject:  Revised Guidelines on the Registration of Transactions Under the CARP
A.O. No. 1  -  January 03, 1989
Subject:  Rules and Procedures Governing Land Transactions
TRANSFER ACTION (By Reason of Abandonment, Waiver of Rights and Illegal Transactions) 
Ministry M. C. No. 4  -  April 18, 1983
Subject:  Supplemental Guidelines to Govern Transfer Action of Areas Concerned Covered by
P.D. 27 by Reason of Abandonment, Waiver of Rights and Illegal Transactions   
Section 28. Standing Crops at the Time of Acquisition. —

The landowner shall retain his share of any standing crops unharvested at the time the DAR shall take
possession of the land under Section 16 of the Act, and shall be given a reasonable time to harvest the same.

Joint DAR-CDA-DA A.O. No. 09  -  September 04, 2008 (Effectivity Date – October 17, 2008)
Subject:   Revised Rules and Regulations on ARB Membership Status and
Valuation and/or Transfer of Paid-up Share Capital in
Agrarian Reform Plantation-Based Cooperatives
Joint DAR-CDA-DA A.O. No. 2  -  April 09, 1997
Subject: Membership Issues/Concerns of Farmworkers and Employee Beneficiaries
in Agrarian Reform Plantation-Based Cooperatives
Joint DAR-CDA A.O. No. 2  -  November 29, 1995
Subject: Membership Issues/Concerns of Farmworkers and Employee-Beneficiaries
in AR Plantation-Based Coops 
A.O. No. 6  -  June 15, 1990
Subject:  Promotion of & Support to Coops and Other Self-Help Organizations for CARP Beneficiaries 
A.O. No. 02 – June 16, 2008 (Effectivity Date – June 29, 2008)
Subject: Lease of Lands Under Agribusiness Venture Arrangement (AVA) in
Agrarian Reform Areas and the Determination of Lease Rental Thereof 
A.O. No. 09 – December 08, 2006 (Effectivity Date – December 23, 2006)
Subject:  Agribusiness Venture Arrangements (AVAs) in Agrarian Reform
Areas  [Amends A.O. No. 2, Series of 1999] 
A. O. No.  02   -   October 01, 1999
Subject: Rules and Regulations Governing Joint Economic Enterprises in Agrarian Reform Areas
PARC Policy Order No. 1  -   August 18, 1997
Subject:  Joint Venture Agreements Between DAR and Other Interested Parties and
on the Processing of Applications for Lease Back Arrangements, Joint-Venture
Agreements and Other Schemes that may be Recommended by the PARCCOM to the PARC
R.A. 7905  -  February 23, 1995
Subject: An Act to Strengthen the Implementation of the Comprehensive
Agrarian Reform Program, and For Other Purposes
A.O. 5  -  March 21,  1997 (Effectivity Date – April 6, 1997)
Subject:  Lease of Lands Planted to Palm Oil Trees and the Determination of
Lease Rental Under Lease Arrangement, Amending A. O. No. 11, Series of 1988 


            M.C. No.  8   -   April 15, 1999 (Effectivity  Date – May 4, 1999)

   Subject:   Guidelines in the Valuation of Rubber Lands Covered by DARAB’s Order to Recompute 
            Joint DAR-LBP  M.C. No.  7   -   April 15, 1999 (Effectivity  Date – April 30, 1999)
   Subject:   Revised Valuation Guidelines for Rubber Plantations
Section 30. Homelots and Farmlots for Members of Cooperatives. —
The individual members of the cooperatives or corporations mentioned in the preceding section shall be
provided with homelots and small farmlots for their family use, to be taken from the land owned by the
cooperative or corporation.

A.O. No. 01  -  January 07, 1992
Subject:  Revised Rules and Procedures Governing the Disposition of Homelots
and Other Lots in Barangay Sites and Residential, Commercial, and Industrial
Lots in Townsites Within DAR Settlement Projects and Similar Other areas Under DAR Jurisdiction
A.O. No. 12  -  November 21, 1991
Subject:  Acquisition/Distribution of Homelots Under CARP
Ministry M.C. No. 3  -  February 24, 1986
Subject:  Disposition of Homelots & Residential Lots in Settlement Areas to Qualified Non-Settlers
M.C. 23  -  October  24,  1978   
Subject:  Implementing Guidelines of  LOI No.  705
the provisions of the Act: provided, that the following conditions are complied with:
a) In order to safeguard the right of beneficiaries who own shares of stocks to dividends and other
financial benefits, the books of the corporation or association shall be subject to periodic audit by
certified public accountants chosen by the beneficiaries;
b) Irrespective of the value of their equity in the corporation or association, the beneficiaries shall be
assured of at least one (1) representative in the board of directors, or in a management or executive
committee, if one exists, of the corporation or association; and
c) Any shares acquired by such workers and beneficiaries shall have the same rights and features as all
other shares.
d) Any transfer of shares of stocks by the original beneficiaries shall be void ab initio unless said
transaction is in favor of a qualified and registered beneficiary within the same corporation.
If within two (2) years from the approval of this Act, the land or stock transfer envisioned above is not made or
realized or the plan for such stock distribution approved by the PARC within the same period, the agricultural
land of the corporate owners or corporation shall be subject to the compulsory coverage of this Act.


A.O. No. 1 – January 26, 2006 (Effectivity Date – February 9, 2006)
Subject:  Supplemental Guidelines in the Implementation and Monitoring of Approved Stock
Distribution Option (SDO) Plans
A.O. No.  1  -  January 30, 1991
Subject:  Amendment of Section 5 (f) of AO No. 10, S. ’88 Entitled “Guidelines and
Procedures for Corporate LOs Desiring to Avail Themselves of the Stock 
Distribution Plan Under Section 31 of RA 6657 and Superseding DAR AO No. 48-87”
A.O. No.  10  -  October 13, 1988 (Effectivity Date – October 27, 1998)
Subject:  Corporate LOs Desiring to Avail Themselves of the Stock Distribution Plan
Section 32. Production-Sharing. —
Pending final land transfer, individuals or entities owning, or operating under lease or management contract,
agricultural lands are hereby mandated to execute a production-sharing plan with their farm workers or
farmworkers' reorganization, if any, whereby three percent (3%)  of the gross sales from the production of
such lands are distributed within sixty (60) days of the end of the fiscal year as compensation to regular and
other farmworkers in such lands over and above the compensation they currently receive: provided, that
these individuals or entities realize gross sales in excess of five million pesos per annum unless the DAR,
upon proper application, determines a lower ceiling.
In the event that the individual or entity realizes a profit, an additional ten percent (10%) of the net profit after
tax shall be distributed to said regular and other farmworkers within ninety (90) days of the end of the fiscal
To forestall any disruption in the normal operation of lands to be turned over to the farmworker-beneficiaries
mentioned above, a transitory period, the length of which shall be determined by the DAR, shall be
During this transitory period, at least one percent (1%) of the gross sales of the entity shall be distributed to
the managerial, supervisory and technical group in place at the time of the effectivity of this Act, as
compensation for such transitory managerial and technical functions as it will perform, pursuant to an
agreement that the farmworker-beneficiaries and the managerial, supervisory and technical group may
conclude, subject to the approval of the DAR.


A.O. No. 8  -  September 30, 1988 (Effectivity Date – January 12, 1989)
Subject:  Production and Profit Sharing Under RA 6657
A.O. No. 9  -  September 30, 1988 (Effectivity Date – January 12, 1989)
Subject:  Production Sharing Under EO No. 229
Section 32-A.  Incentives. — Individuals or entities owning or operating fishponds and prawn farms are
hereby mandated to execute within six (6) months from the effectivity of this Act an incentive plan with their
regular fishpond or prawn farmworkers or fishpond or prawn farm workers' organization, if any, whereby
seven point five percent (7.5%) of their net profit before tax from the operation of the fishpond or prawn farms
are distributed within sixty (60) days at the end of the fiscal year as compensation to regular and other pond
Section 34. Valuation of Lands. —

A valuation scheme for the land shall be formulated by the PARC, taking into account the factors enumerated
in Section 17, in addition to the need to stimulate the growth of cooperatives and the objective of fostering
responsible participation of the workers-beneficiaries in the creation of wealth.
In the determination of price that is just not only to the individuals but to society as well, the PARC shall consult
closely with the landowner and the workers-beneficiaries.
In case of disagreement, the price as determined by the PARC, if accepted by the workers-beneficiaries, shall
be followed, without prejudice to the landowner's right to petition the Special Agrarian Court to resolve the
issue of valuation.

Support Services
Section 35. Creation of Support Services Office. —
There is hereby created the Office of Support There is hereby created the Office of Support
Services under the DAR to be headed by an Services under the DAR to be headed by an
Undersecretary. Undersecretary. 

The Office shall provide general support and The Office shall provide general support and
coordinative services in the implementation of the
coordinative services in the implementation of the
program particularly in carrying out the provisions of
program, particularly in carrying out the provisions of
the following services to farmer-beneficiaries and the following services to farmer beneficiaries and
affected landowners:
affected landowners:
1) Irrigation facilities, especially second crop or dry (1)  Irrigation facilities, especially second crop or dry
season irrigation facilities; season irrigation facilities;
2) Infrastructure development and public works (2)  Infrastructure development and public works
projects in areas and settlements that come under projects in areas and settlements that come under
agrarian reform, and for this purpose, the agrarian reform, and for this purpose, the preparation
preparation of the physical development plan of of the physical development plan of such settlements
such settlements providing suitable barangay sites, providing suitable barangay sites, potable water and
potable water and power resources, irrigation power resources, irrigation systems,  seeds and
systems and other facilities for a sound agricultural seedling banks, post harvest facilities,  and other
development plan; facilities for a sound agricultural development
plan.For the purpose of providing the aforecited
infrastructure and facilities, the DAR is authorized to
enter into contracts with interested private parties on
long term basis or through joint-venture agreements
or build-operate-transfer scheme;
3) Government subsidies for the use of irrigation (3)  Government subsidies for the use of irrigation
facilities; facilities;
4) Price support and guarantee for all agricultural (4)  Price support and guarantee for all agricultural
produce; produce;
5) Extending to small landowners, farmers' (5)  Extending to small landowners,  farmers  and
organizations the necessary credit, like farmers' organizations the necessary credit, like
concessional and collateral-free loans, for agro- concessional and collateral-free loans, for agro-
industrialization based on social collaterals like the industrialization based on social collaterals like the
guarantees of farmers' organization: guarantees of farmers' organizations;
6) Promoting, developing and extending financial (6)  Promoting, developing and extending financial
assistance to small-and medium-scale industries in assistance to small and medium-scale industries in
agrarian reform areas; agrarian reform areas;
7) Assigning sufficient numbers of agricultural (7)  Assigning sufficient numbers of agricultural
extension workers to farmers' organizations; extension workers to farmers' organizations;
8) Undertake research, development and (8)  Undertake research, development and
dissemination of information on agrarian reform and dissemination of information on agrarian
low-cost and ecologically sound farm inputs and reform,plants and crops best suited for cultivation and
technologies to minimize reliance on expensive and marketing, and low-cost and ecologically sound farm
imported agricultural inputs; inputs and technologies to minimize reliance on
including pilot projects and models related to agrarian
reform as developed by the DAR.  (as amended
bySection 1, RA 7905)


Joint DAR-LBP M.C. No. 05 – Series of 2008
Subject:  Amendment of the Joint DAR-LANDBANK Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 07, Series of
2006: Guidelines in the Implementation of Credit Assistance Program for Program 
Beneficiaries Development Window III (CAP-PBD) WINDOW III
Joint DAR-LBP M.C. No. 07 – November 15, 2006
Subject:  Guidelines in the Implementation of Credit Assistance Program for Program Beneficiaries
Development Window III (CAP-PBD WINDOW III)
M.C. No. 23  -  September 29, 1995
Subject:  Clarifying Roles and Activities for the Beneficiaries Development Program
M.C. No. 21  -  August 23, 1995
Subject:  Creation of the Program Beneficiaries Development Coordinating Unit Under the
Office of the Undersecretary for Field Operation/Support Services and the
Operationalization of the PBD/SS Management Team 
PARC ExeCom Policy Order No. 1 – August 18, 1997
Subject:  Policy Guidelines on Joint Venture Agreement/Leaseback Arrangements
A.O. No.  5  -  June 09, 1995 (Effectivity Date – June 29, 1995)
Subject:  Strengthening the Implementation of the CARP Pursuant to RA 7905
Amending Certain Provisions of RA 6657 and Other Pertinent Laws
R.A. No.  7905  -  February  23,  1995
Subject:  An Act to Strengthen the Implementation of the CARP and for Other Purposes
            M.C. No. 15  -  September 07, 1994
            Subject:  Deployment of ARC DFs 
            Dept. M.C. No.  5  -  April  22, 1988 (Effectivity  Date – April 29, 1988)
            Subject:  Establishing a Farmers Service Center in BARBD      
                 M.C. No. 10   -   May 17, 1999
Subject:  Framework of the Information and Education Program for Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries

            M.C. No. 01  -  January 16, 2003
Subject: Development Framework for Bayan-Anihan Agrarian Reform Zones (BARZones)
 M.C. No. 04 – April 03, 2003
           Subject: Operationalizing the Development of Kapit-Bisig Laban sa Kahirapan
Agrarian Reform Zones (KALAHI ARZones)
M.C. No. 3  -  February 27, 1987
Subject:  DAR-Coordinating Secretariat for the National Reconciliation
                 and Development Program  (NRDP) 
Gen. Memo Order No. 4  -  March 12, 1991
Subject:  Project Management of the NRDP Bayanihan Resettlement Community Project 


A.O. No. 5  -  Series of 1990

Subject:  SOP on CARP Research and Development Project
M C No 02 - February 1 2000
all appropriations for agrarian of all appropriations for agrarian appropriations for agrarian reform
reform shall be immediately set reform shall be immediately set during the five (5) year extension
aside and made available for this aside and made available for period shall be immediately set
purpose. In addition, the DAR this purpose: Provided, That for aside and made available for this
shall be authorized to package the next five (5) years, a purpose:  Provided, That the DAR
proposals and receive grants, aid minimum of one (1) Agrarian shall pursue integrated land
and other forms of financial Reform Community (ARC) shall acquisition and distribution and
assistance from any source. be established by the DAR, in support services strategy requiring
coordination with the local a plan to be developed parallel to
government units, non- the land acquisition and
governmental organizations distribution process. The planning
and people organizations in and implementation for land
each legislative district with a acquisition and distribution shall
predominant agricultural be hand-in-hand with support
population: Provided, further, services delivery:
That the areas in which the
ARCs are to be established  
shall have been fully subjected  
under this law.
For this purpose, an Agrarian Provided,  further, That  for the next
Reform Community shall be five (5) years, as far as practicable, a
defined as a barangay or a minimum of two (2) Agrarian Reform
cluster of barangays primarily Communities (ARCs) shall be
composed and managed by established by the DAR, in
Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries coordination with the local
who shall be willing to be government units, non-governmental
organized and undertake the organizations,  'community-based
integrated development of an cooperatives  and people's
area and/or their organizations in each legislative
organizations/cooperative. In district with a predominant agricultural
each community, the DAR, population:  Provided,  furthermore,
together with the agencies and That the areas in which the ARCS are
organizations abovementioned, to be established shall have
shall identify the farmers beensubstantially covered under
association, cooperative or their the provisions of this Act and other
respective federation approved agrarian or land reform
by the farmers-beneficiaries laws:Provided,  finally, That a
that shall take the lead in the complementary support services
agricultural development of the delivery strategy for existing
area. In addition, the DAR shall agrarian reform beneficiaries that
be authorized to package are not in barangays within the
proposals and receive grants, ARCs shall be adopted by the DAR.
aid and other forms of financial  
assistance from any source. (as
amended by  Section 2, RA  
For this purpose, an Agrarian
  Reform Community is composed
and managed by agrarian reform
beneficiaries who shall be willing
to be organized and to undertake
the integrated development of an
area and/or their organizations/
cooperatives. In each community,
the DAR, together with the
agencies and organizations
abovementioned, shall identify the
farmers' association, cooperative
or their respective federations
approved by the farmers-
beneficiaries that shall take the
lead in the agricultural
development of the area. In
addition, the DAR, in close
coordination with the
congressional oversight committee
d h i ih d i
(a) Land surveys and titling; (a) Land surveys and titling;
(b) Liberalized terms on credit facilities and (b) Socialized terms on agricultural credit facilities;
production loans;
Thirty percent (30%) of all appropriations
  for support services referred to in Section
36 of Republic Act No. 6657, as amended,
  shall be immediately set aside and made
  available for agricultural credit
facilities:Provided, That one-third (1/3) of
  this segregated appropriation shall be
  specifically allocated for subsidies to
support the initial capitalization for
  agricultural production to new agrarian
  reform beneficiaries upon the awarding of
the emancipation patent or the certificate of
  land ownership award and the remaining
two-thirds (2/3) shall be allocated to provide
access to socialized credit to existing
  agrarian reform beneficiaries, including the
leaseholders:  Provided,  further, the LBP
and other concerned government financial
  institutions, accredited  savings and credit
cooperatives, financial service cooperatives
  and accredited cooperative banks shall
  provide the delivery system for
disbursement of the above financial
  assistance to individual agrarian reform
  beneficiaries, holders of collective titles and
For this purpose, all financing institutions
  may accept as collateral for loans the
purchase orders, marketing agreements or
expected harvests:  Provided, That loans
  obtained shall be used in the improvement
or development of the farm holding of the
agrarian reform beneficiary or the
  establishment of facilities which shall
enhance production or marketing of
  agricultural products of increase farm
  income therefrom: Provided, further, That of
the remaining seventy percent (70%) for
  the support services, fifteen percent (15%)
  shall be earmarked for farm inputs as
requested by the duly accredited agrarian
  reform beneficiaries' organizations, such
as, but not limited to: (1) seeds, seedlings
(c) Extension services by way of planting, cropping,
and/or planting materials; (2) organic
production and post-harvest technology transfer, as
well as marketing and management assistance and fertilizers; (3) pesticides; (4)herbicides; and
(5) farm animals, implements/'machineries;
support to cooperatives and farmers' organizations;
and five percent (5%) for seminars,
(d) Infrastructure such as access trails, mini-dams, trainings and the like to help empower
public utilities, marketing and storage facilities; and agrarian reform beneficiaries.
(e) Research, production and use of organic (c) Extension services by way of planting,
fertilizers and other local substances necessary in cropping, production and post-harvest technology
farming and cultivation. transfer, as well as marketing and management
assistance and support to cooperatives and
farmers' organizations;
  (d) Infrastructure such as, but not limited to,
  access trails, mini-dams, public utilities, marketing
and storage facilities;
(e) Research, production and use of organic
  fertilizers and other local substances necessary in
  farming and cultivation; and
  (f) Direct and active DAR assistance in the
d i d i i f l d i l
applicable and existing funds, personnel, properties, shall be provided at all stages of the program
equipment and records. implementation with the concurrence of the
concerned agrarian reform beneficiaries.
Misuse or diversion of the financial and support
services herein provided shall result in sanctions The PARC shall likewise adopt, implement, and
against the beneficiary guilty thereof, including the monitor policies and  programs to ensure the
forfeiture of the land transferred to him or lesser fundamental equality of women and men in the
sanctions as may be provided by the PARC, without agrarian reform program as well as respect for the
prejudice to criminal prosecution. human rights, social protection, and decent working
conditions of both paid and unpaid men and women
The  Bagong Kilusang Kabuhayan sa
Kaunlaran(BKKK) Secretariat shall be transferred
and attached to the LBP, for its supervision including
all its applicable and existing funds, personnel,
properties, equipment and records.
Misuse or diversion of the financial and support
services herein provided shall result in sanctions
against the beneficiary guilty thereof, including the
forfeiture of the land transferred to him/her or lesser
sanctions as may be provided by the PARC, without
prejudice to criminal prosecution.  (as amended
bySection 14, RA 9700)
M.C. No. 10 – September 30, 2011
Subject: Transforming  the  ARB  Agribusiness  Entrepreneurship Development Program (AREDP)
Office to National ARCCESS Program Coordinating Office (NAPCO) and Installing
ARCCESS Implementing Structure at All Levels 
M.C. No. 02 – January 30, 2009
Subject :   Addendum to Memorandum Circular No. 9, Series of 2007“Harmonizing the
Implementation of Agribusiness Development Programs and Initiatives in the Department” 
M.C. No. 09 – November 23, 2007
Subject  :  Harmonizing  the  Implementation  of  Agribusiness Development Programs 
and Initiatives in the Department 
ALDA (assessment on the level of development of arcs)
M.C. No. 13 – October 3, 2011
Subject:  Interim Guidelines Governing the Integration of Agrarian Reform Communities
Monitoring and Tracking System (ARC MTS) and ARC Level of Development
Assessment (ALDA) in the DAR’s Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (PME)
System During the Transition Period
Memorandum No. 252 of the Policy, Planning and External Affairs Office (PPEAO)
Undersecretary – August 16, 2011
Subject:  Operational Directives on the Conduct of ARC Level of
Development Assessment (ALDA) for CY 2011
Memorandum of the Secretary No. 147 – May 04, 2011
Subject:       Integrating ALDA and ARC-MTS in the Department’s
Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation System (PMES)
M.C. No. 09 – November 5, 2010
Subject:  Clarificatory Guidelines on the Conduct of ARC Level of
Development Assessment (ALDA) for CY 2010
M.C. No. 06 – June 20, 2001
Subject:   Thresholds for ARCs Level of Development Assessment
[Amends Sec. VI.3 of M.C. No. 3, Series of 2001]
M.C. No.  03   -   January 10, 2001
Subject:   Amendments to Memorandum Circular No. 01, series of 1998, Entitled
Revised Guidelines and Procedures on the Assessment of the Level
of Development (ALDA) of Agrarian Reform Communities
ARC CLUSTERS, Development of
M C No 13 September 14 2009
M.C. No. 02 -  Series of 2006
Subject: Implementing Guidelines on Operation and Maintenance of
Completed Rural Infrastructure Sub-Projects of the DAR-ADB
Agrarian Reform Communities Project (ARCP)
M.C. No. 06 – October 25, 2006
Subject:  Revised Implementing Policies and Guidelines on the “ARB
Agribusiness Entrepreneurship Development Program (AREDP)”                       
M.C. No. 05 – December 13, 2005
Subject: Implementing  Polices  and  Guidelines  on the “ARB Agribusiness
Entrepreneurship Development Program (AREDP) 


Communities  (ALDA)
M.C. No.  06   -   June 20, 2001
Subject:  Revised  Thresholds for ARCs Level of Development Assessment
(Amending Memorandum Circular No. 03, series of 2001)
M.C. No.  03   -   January 10, 2001
Subject:   Amendments to Memorandum Circular No. 01, series of 1998, Entitled 
Revised Guidelines and Procedures on the Assessment of the Level of 
Development (ALDA) of Agrarian Reform Communities
M. C. No. 1  -  January 21, 1998
Subject:  Assessment of the Level of Development of Agrarian Reform Communities  (ALDA)
            M. C. No. 1  -  December 23, 1997 (Effectivity  Date – January 1, 1997)
            Subject:  Assessment of the Level of Development of ARCs
 Bayan-Anihan Agrarian Reform Zones (BARZones)
M.C. No. 01  -  January 16, 2003
Subject: Development Framework for Bayan-Anihan Agrarian Reform Zones (BARZones) 


M. C. No. 19  -  August 8, 1996 (Effectivity  Date – August 26, 1996)

Subject:  Guidelines and Procedures Governing the Monitoring of Violations or Circumventions
Committed by the Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries (ARBs), Providing
Sanctions Therefor and Filing of Appropriate Administrative,
Quasi-Judicial and/or Criminal Actions
A.O. No. 2  -  March 07, 1994
Subject:  Correction and Cancellation of Registered/Unregistered EPs,
and CLOAs Due to Unlawful Acts and Omissions or Breach of  Obligations of ARBs 
M.C. No. 03  -   January 10, 2003
Subject:   Amending M.C. No. 26, Series of 1996 and M.C. No. 29, Series of
1997 on the Composition of CAP-PBD Implementing Structures at Different Levels
Joint DAR-LBP M.C. No. 4 – March 24, 2000
Subject:  Re-Availment of Loans Granted Under the Credit Assistance Program
for Program Beneficiaries Development (CAP-PBD) 
Joint DAR-LBP M.C. No. 05 – Series of 2008
Subject:  Amendment of the Joint DAR-LANDBANK Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 07,
Series of 2006: Guidelines in the Implementation of Credit Assistance
Program for Program Beneficiaries Development Window III (CAP-PBD WINDOW III)
Joint DAR-LBP M.C. No. 07 – November 15, 2006
Subject:  Guidelines in the Implementation of Credit Assistance Program
for Program Beneficiaries Development Window III (CAP-PBD WINDOW III) 
CARE-RD, Creation of
            M.C. No. 06 – May 20, 2003
            Subject: Creation of the Center for Agrarian Reform Enterprise and Rural Development (CARE-RD)
Joint DAR-LBP M.C. No. 03 – January 10, 2003
            Subject:  Amending Memorandum Circular No. 26, Series of 1996 and Memorandum
Circular No. 29, Series of 1997 pm the Composition of CAP-PBD
Implementing Structures at Different Levels
Joint DAR-ETF M.C. No. 09  -   May 19, 2000
Subject: Revised Implementing Policies and Guidelines for the
Joint DAR-ETF Livelihood Credit Assistance Program
            Joint DAR-LBP M.C. No. 04  -   March 24, 2000
Subject:  Re-Availment of Loans Granted Under the Credit Assistance
Program for Program Beneficiaries Development (CAP-PBD)
Joint DAR-LBP M.C. No. 13  -   June 22, 1999
Subject: Restructuring and/or Refinancing of Loans Granted Under the Credit
Assistance Program for Program Beneficiaries Development
Joint DAR-LBP M.C. No. 12  -   June 22, 1999
Subject: Supplemental Guidelines on the DAR-LBP Joint Financing for Rubber
Replanting Under the Credit Assistance Program for Program Beneficiaries Development (CAP-PBD
M.C. No.  7  -  March 25, 1998
Subject: LBP-DAR Joint Financing for Rubber Replanting Under the
              Credit Assistance Program for Program Beneficiaries Development  (CAP-PBD)
Joint DAR-LBP M.C. No. 29  -  September 04, 1997
Subject: Supplemental Guidelines on the Implementation of Credit Assistance
             Program for Program Beneficiaries Development  (CAP-PBD) 
  Joint DAR-NLSF M.C. No. 26  -  July  22, 1997
  Subject:  Joint DAR-NLSF Livelihood Credit Assistance Program for ARCs 


M.C. No. 04 – May 18, 2011
Subject:  Implementing Guidelines to Access Funds, Implement and
Monitor Projects Under the DAR-PBD Partnership Support Fund
Joint DAR-LBP M.C. No. 03  - Series of 2011
Subject: Microfinance Capacity  Development Program in Agrarian Reform Areas (MicroFin_CAP@ARAs) 
CREDIT BY ARBs, Liberalization of Access to
A.O. No. 03 – June 24, 2010 (Effectivity Date – July 12, 2010)
Subject:  IRR on the Provisions of Agricultural Support to and Liberalization
of Access to Credit of ARBs under R.A. No. 9700 
M.C. No. 07  -  September 26, 2002
Subject:  Establishment of Farmers’ Bayanihan Center for Rural Development (FBCRD)
            E.O.  No.  151  -   September 27, 1999
Subject: Establishing the Farmers Trust Development Program and
Providing Institutional Reforms and Fund Mechanisms for Mobilizing
Long Term Private Sector Capital for Rural Development
M.C. No. 8  -  June 03, 1998
Subject: Application of the Farming System Development (FSD)
Approach in the Development of Agrarian Reform Communities  (ARCs) 
FOREIGN-ASSISTED PROJECTS,  Creation of the Policy Governing Committee for
A.O. No. 3  -   June 26, 2002
Subject:  Creation of the Policy Governing Committee for Foreign-Assisted Projects  
M.C. No. 13  -   September 07, 2000
Subject:  Rationalizing Non-Government Organizations (NGOs)
Involvement in the DAR’s Foreign-Assisted Projects

M.C. No. 08  -   September 27, 2002

Subject: Decentralized Implementation of the DAR-NLSF Livelihood Credit Assistance
Program (LCAP) [Supersedes Joint DAR-ETF M.C. No. 9, Series of 2000]
Joint DAR-ETF M.C. No. 09  -   May 19, 2000
Subject: Revised Implementing Policies and Guidelines for the Joint DAR-ETF Livelihood
Credit Assistance Program [Supersedes Joint DAR-NLSF M.C. No. 26, Series of 1997] 
Joint DAR-LANDBANK M.C. No. 01 – January 7, 2009
            Subject:  Grassroots Microfinance in Agrarian Reform Areas (GMFA) 


Joint DAR-LBP M.C. No. 03  - Series of 2011

Subject: Microfinance Capacity Development Program in Agrarian Reform Areas (MicroFin_CAP@ARAs) 
M.C. No. 17 – December 30, 2003
Subject: Microfinance Policy Framework for Agrarian Reform Areas 
M.C. No. 10 – September 30, 2011
Subject: Transforming the ARB Agribusiness Entrepreneurship Development Program
(AREDP) Office to National ARCCESS Program Coordinating Office (NAPCO) 
and Installing ARCCESS Implementing Structure at All Levels
NLSF  -  (National Livelihood Support Fund)
M.C. No. 08  -   September 27, 2002
Subject: Decentralized Implementation of the DAR-NLSF Livelihood Credit 
Assistance Program (LCAP)
Joint DAR-ETF M.C. No. 09  -   May 19, 2000
Subject: Revised Implementing Policies and Guidelines for the Joint DAR-ETF
Livelihood Credit Assistance Program

  Joint DAR-NLSF M.C. No. 26  -  July  22, 1997

  Subject:  Joint DAR-NLSF Livelihood Credit Assistance Program for ARCs  

PBD ACCOMPLISHMENT, Submission of Support Lists for

M.C. No. 07 – April 01, 2009

Subject:  Addendum to M.C. No. 12, Series of 2008, on the Submission of Support 
Lists for PBD Accomplishment 
M.C. No. 12, Series of 2008
Subject:  Submission of Support Lists on Program Beneficiary Development (PBD) Accomplishment 


M.C. No.  01  -   January 28, 2000

Subject:  Program Beneficiaries Development Directives for CY 2000 


M.C. No. 04 – May 18, 2011

Subject:  Implementing Guidelines to Access Funds, Implement and Monitor 
Projects Under the DAR-PBD Partnership Support Fund 
PEASANT FUND, Availment of
M.C. No. 11  -  June 14, 1999
Subject: Amendment on the Memorandum Circular No. 15, Series of 1997
Re:  Availment of Peasant Fund
M.C. No. 15  -  April 02, 1997
Subject:  Availment of Peasant Fund Per AO No. 1, S. ’97
Subject: Re-Availment of Loans Granted Under the Credit Assistance Program for Program 
Beneficiaries Development (CAP-PBD)
M.C. No.  01  -   January 28, 2000
Subject:  Program Beneficiaries Development Directives for CY 2000
Joint DAR-LBP M.C. No. 13  -   June 22, 1999
Subject: Restructuring and/or Refinancing of Loans Granted Under the Credit Assistance 
Program for Program Beneficiaries Development
Joint DAR-LBP M.C. No. 12  -   June 22, 1999
Subject: Supplemental Guidelines on the DAR-LBP Joint Financing for Rubber Replanting 
Under the Credit Assistance Program for Program Beneficiaries Development (CAP-PBD)
M.C. No.  7  -  March 25, 1998
Subject: LBP-DAR Joint Financing for Rubber Replanting Under the Credit Assistance 
             Program for Program Beneficiaries Development  (CAP-PBD)
Joint DAR-LBP M.C. No. 29  -  September 04, 1997
Subject: Supplemental Guidelines on the Implementation of Credit Assistance Program
                for Program Beneficiaries Development  (CAP-PBD) 
           Joint DAR-NLSF M.C. No. 26  -  July  22, 1997
           Subject:  Joint DAR-NLSF Livelihood Credit Assistance Program for ARCs  
M.C. No. 21  -  August 23, 1995
Subject: Creation of the PBD Coordinating Unit under the Office of the Undersecretary for
Field Operation/Support Services and the Operationalization of the PBD/SS Management Team 


Joint DAR-LBP M.C. No. 12  -   June 22, 1999

Subject:  Supplemental Guidelines on the DAR-LBP Joint Financing for Rubber Replanting
Under the Credit Assistance Program for Program Beneficiaries Development (CAP-PBD) 


M.C. No. 03 – September 5, 2006

Subject:  Intensified Rural Development Through Agrarian Reform Communities (ARCs) Connectivity 
M.C. No. 06 – May 20, 2003
            Subject: Creation of the Center for Agrarian Reform Enterprise and Rural Development (CARE-RD) 

SARC (SPECIAL ARCs), Identification/Selection/Confirmation of

M.C. No. 02 – February 07, 2007

Subject:  Guidelines   Governing    the   Identification/Selection/ Confirmation of Special Agrarian
Reform Communities (SARCs)
            M.C. No. 19   -   November 3, 1999
Subject:  Social Infrastructure and Local Capability Building (ARBs) Framework for Agrarian Reform Beneficia


M.C. No. 04 – May 18, 2011

Subject:   Implementing  Guidelines   to  Access  Funds,  Implement and   Monitor Projects Under the
DAR-PBD Partnership Support Fund
Joint DAR-LBP M.C. No. 03  - Series of 2011
Subject:  Microfinance Capacity Development Program in Agrarian Reform Areas (MicroFin_CAP@ARAs)
Memorandum of the Secretary No. 292 - October 14, 2010
Subject:  LTI/PBD Integration Strategic Focus and Imperatives on Support
Services Delivery for 2011
A.O. No. 03 – June 24, 2010 (Effectivity Date – July 12, 2010)

            M.C. No.  20  -   November 18, 1999

Subject:  General Guidelines on the Use of Stabilizer Materials in WB-ARCDP Sub-Projects
Section 37-A. Equal Support Services for Rural Women. - Support services shall be extended equally to
women and men agrarian reform beneficiaries.
The PARC shall ensure that these support services, as provided for in this Act, integrate the specific needs
and well-being of women farmer- beneficiaries taking into account the specific requirements of female family
members of farmer- beneficiaries.
The PARC shall also ensure that rural women will be able to participate in all community activities. To this
effect, rural women are entitled to self-organization in order to obtain equal access to economic opportunities
and to have access to agricultural credit and loans, marketing facilities and technology, and other support
services, and equal treatment in land reform and resettlement schemes.
The DAR shall establish and maintain a women's desk, which will be primarily responsible for formulating and
implementing programs and activities related to the protection and promotion of women's rights, as well as
providing an avenue where women can register their complaints and grievances principally related t o their
rural activities. (as amended by Section 15, RA 9700)
A.O. No. 01 – July 19, 2011 (Effectivity Date – July 23, 2011)
Subject:   Guidelines Governing Gender Equality in the Implementation of Agrarian Reform Laws
and Mainstreaming Gender and Development in the Department of Agrarian Reform
M.C. No. 05 – March 26, 2009
Subject:  Addendum to Memorandum Circular No. 03 Dated February 27, 2009 
Re:   Re-Constitution and Strengthening of the Gender and Development (GAD)
                 Focal Points
M.C. No. 03 – February 27, 2009
Subject:  Addendum to Memorandum Circular No. 02 Dated January 16, 2008 Reconstitution
and Strengthening of the Gender and Development (GAD)Focal Points
M.C. No. 02 – January 16, 2008
Subject:   Reconstitution and Strengthening of the Gender and Development (GAD) Focal Points
M.C. No. 01 – April 11, 2005
Subject:   Reconstitution and Strengthening of the Gender and Development (GAD) Focal Point
M.C. No.  05  -   January 24, 2001
Subject:   Guidelines for the Establishment and Operation of DAR Women’s Desk
A.O. No.  1   -   January 9, 2001 (Effectivity Date – January 28, 2001)
Subject:    Guidelines Governing the Non-Gender Biased Implementation of Agrarian Laws 
Gen. M.C. No.  01   June 14, 1999
Subject:   Reconstitution and Strengthening of the Gender and Development (GAD) Focal Point
M.C. No. 18  -  August 08, 1996 (Effectivity  Date – August 25, 1996)
Subject: Clarificatory Guidelines in the Manner of Generating and Issuing Emancipation
Patents/Certificates of Land Ownership Award (EPs/CLOAs) to Qualified Agrarian
Reform Beneficiaries and their Spouses Pursuant to R.A. No. 7192
M. C. No.  04  -  August 27, 1992
Subject:  Defining the DAR Policy/Program Framework in the Recognition of the Role of
Women on Development and in Addressing their Concerns: “Implementing Rules and
Regulations to Build Mechanisms to Integrate Women and Pursue a Non-bias Gender
Consciousness Implementation for CARP 
R.A. 7192  -  February 12, 1992
Subject:   An Act Promoting the Integration of Women as Full and Equal Partners of Men
in Development and Nation Building and for Other Purposes
Section 38. Support Services to Landowners. — Section 38. Support Services for Landowners. —
(c) Marketing of LBP bonds, as well as promoting (c) Marketing of agrarian reform bonds, as well as
the marketability of said bonds in traditional and promoting the marketability of said bonds in
non-traditional financial markets and stock traditional and non-traditional financial markets
exchanges; and and stock exchanges: and/or
(d) Other services designed to utilize productively (d) Other services designed to utilize productively
the proceeds of the sale of such lands for rural the proceeds of the sale of such lands for rural
industrialization. industrialization.
A landowner who invests in rural-based industries A landowner who invests in rural-based industries
shall be entitled to the incentives granted to a shall be entitled to the incentives granted to a
registered enterprise engaged in a pioneer or registered enterprise engaged in a pioneer or
preferred area of investment as provided for in the preferred area of investment as provided for in the
Omnibus Investment Code of 1987, or to such other Omnibus Investment Code of 1987, or to such other
incentives as the PARC, the LBP, or other incentives as the PARC, the LBP, or other
government financial institutions may provide. government financial institutions shall provide.
The LBP shall redeem a landowner's LBP bonds at The LBP shall redeem a landowner's  agrarian
face value, provided that the proceeds thereof shall reform bonds  at face value as an incentive:
be invested in a BOI-registered company or in any Provided,  That at least fifty percent  (50%)  of the
agri-business or agro-industrial enterprise in the proceeds thereof shall be invested in a Board of
region where the landowner has previously made Investments (BOI)-registered company or in any
investments, to the extent of thirty percent (30%) of agri-business or agro-industrial enterprise in the
the face value of said LBP bonds, subject to region where the CARP-covered landholding is
guidelines that shall be issued by the LBP. located. An additional incentive of two percent (2%)
in cash shall be paid to a landowner who maintains
his/her enterprise as a going concern for five (5)
years or keeps his/her investments in a BOI-
registered firm for the same period: Provided,
further, That the rights of the agrarian reform
beneficiaries are not, in any way, prejudiced or
impaired thereby.
The DAR, the LBP and the Department of Trade and
Industry shall jointly formulate the program to carry
out these provisions under the supervision of the
PARC: Provided, That in no case shall the
landowners' sex, economic, religious, social, cultural
and political attributes exclude them from accessing
these support services.  (as amended  Section 16,
RA 9700)
 Section 39. Land Consolidation. —

The DAR shall carry out land consolidation projects to promote equal distribution of landholdings, to provide
the needed infrastructures in agriculture, and to conserve soil fertility and prevent erosion.

Special Areas of Concern
Section 40. Special Areas of Concern. —

As an integral part of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program, the following principles in these special
areas of concern shall be observed:
(1) Subsistence Fishing. — Small fisherfolk, including seaweed farmers, shall be assured of greater
access to the utilization of water resources.
(2)  Logging and Mining Concessions. — Subject to the requirement of a balanced ecology and
conservation of water resources, suitable areas, as determined by the Department of Environment
and Natural Resources (DENR), in logging, mining and pasture areas, shall be opened up for
agrarian settlements whose beneficiaries shall be required to undertake reforestation and
conservation production methods. Subject to existing laws, rules and regulations, settlers and
members of tribal communities shall be allowed to enjoy and exploit the products of the forest other
than timer within the logging concessions.
A.O. No.  1  -  January 30, 1995 (Effectivity Date – February 17, 1995)
Subject:  Acquisition/Distribution of All Agricultural Lands Subject of Sequestration/Acquisition
by the PCGG & APT Whose Ownership is Under Court Litigation
(5) Rural Women. — All qualified women members of the agricultural labor force must be guaranteed and
assured equal right to ownership of the land, equal shares of the farm's produce, and representation in
advisory or appropriate decision-making bodies.
WOMEN (Rights, Women’s Desk, Non-Gender Bias and GAD)
A.O. No. 01 – July 19, 2011 (Effectivity Date – July 23, 2011)
Subject:   Guidelines Governing Gender Equality in the Implementation of Agrarian Reform Laws
and Mainstreaming Gender and Development in the Department of Agrarian Reform
M.C. No. 05 – March 26, 2009
Subject:  Addendum to Memorandum Circular No. 03 Dated February 27, 2009 Re:   Re-Constitution
and Strengthening of the Gender and Development (GAD)Focal Points
M.C. No. 03 – February 27, 2009
Subject:  Addendum to Memorandum Circular No. 02 Dated January 16, 2008 Reconstitution and
Strengthening of the Gender and Development (GAD) Focal Points
M.C. No. 02 – January 16, 2008
Subject:   Reconstitution and Strengthening of the Gender and Development (GAD) Focal Points
M.C. No. 01 – April 11, 2005
Subject:   Reconstitution and Strengthening of the Gender and Development (GAD) Focal Point
M.C. No.  05  -   January 24, 2001
Subject:   Guidelines for the Establishment and Operation of DAR Women’s Desk
A.O. No.  1   -   January 9, 2001 (Effectivity Date – January 28, 2001)
Subject:    Guidelines Governing the Non-Gender Biased Implementation of Agrarian Laws  (January 9, 2001)
Gen. M.C. No.  01   June 14, 1999
Subject:   Reconstitution and Strengthening of the Gender and Development (GAD) Focal Point
M.C. No. 18  -  August 08, 1996 (Effectivity  Date – August 25, 1996)         
Subject: Clarificatory Guidelines in the Manner of Generating and Issuing Emancipation
Patents/Certificates of Land Ownership Award (EPs/CLOAs) to Qualified Agrarian Reform
Beneficiaries and their Spouses Pursuant to R.A. No. 7192
M. C. No.  04  -  August 27, 1992
Subject:  Defining the DAR Policy/Program Framework in the Recognition of the Role of Women
on Development and in Addressing their Concerns: “Implementing Rules and Regulations
to Build Mechanisms to Integrate Women and Pursue a Non-bias Gender
Consciousness Implementation for CARP
R.A. 7192  -  February 12, 1992
Subject:   An Act Promoting the Integration of Women as Full and Equal Partners
                 of Men in Development and Nation Building and for Other Purposes

(6) Veterans and Retirees. — In accordance with Section 7 of Article XVI of the Constitution, landless war
veterans and veterans of military campaigns, their surviving spouse and orphans, retirees of the Armed Forces
of the Philippines (AFP) and the Integrated National Police (INP), returnees, surrenderees, and similar
beneficiaries shall be given due consideration in the disposition of agricultural lands of the public domain.
            A.O. No. 3  -  February 7, 1997 (Effectivity Date – March 2, 1997)
            Subject:  Award of Lands of the Public Domain Under the Jurisdiction of DAR to Landless War Veterans
of Military Campaigns, Their Surviving Spouses & Orphans, AFP and INP/PNP Retirees,
Returnees, Surrenderees, Agriculture Graduates of Agricultural Schools & Other Similar Beneficiaries
RETURNEES/SURRENDEREES,  Award of Public Lands to
            A.O. No. 3  -  February 7, 1997 (Effectivity Date – March 2, 1997)
S bj t A d f L d f th P bli D i U d th J i di ti f DAR t L dl W V t
Retirees, Returnees, Surrenderees, Agriculture Graduates of Agricultural Schools
& Other Similar Beneficiaries
Program Implementation
Section 41. The Presidential Agrarian Reform Council. —
The Presidential Agrarian Reform Council (PARC) The Presidential Agrarian Reform Council (PARC)
shall be composed of the President of the Philippines shall be composed of the President of the Philippines
as Chairman, the Secretary of Agrarian Reform as as Chairperson, the Secretary of Agrarian Reform as
Vice-Chairman and the following as members; Vice-Chairperson and the following as members:
Secretaries of the Departments of Agriculture; Secretaries of the Departments of Agriculture;
Environment and Natural Resources; Budget and Environment and Natural Resources; Budget and
Management; Local Government: Public Works and Management;  Interior and  Local Government; Public
Highways; Trade and Industry; Finance; Labor and Works and Highways; Trade and Industry; Finance;
Employment; Director-General of the National and Labor and Employment; Director-General of the
Economic and Development Authority; President, National Economic and Development Authority;
Land Bank of the Philippines; Administrator, National President, Land Bank of the Philippines;
Irrigation Administration; and three (3) representatives Administrator, National Irrigation
of affected landowners to represent Luzon, Visayas Administration;Administrator, Land Registration
and Mindanao; six (6) representatives of agrarian Authority; andsix (6)  representatives of affected
reform beneficiaries, two (2) each from Luzon, landowners to represent  Luzon, Visayas and
Visayas and Mindanao, provided that one of them Mindanao; six (6) representatives of agrarian
shall be from the cultural communities. reform beneficiaries, two (2) each from Luzon,
Visayas and Mindanao:Provided, That at least one
(1) of them shall be from the indigenous
peoples: Provided, further, That at least one (1)of
them shall come from a duly recognized national
organization of rural women or a national
organization of agrarian reform beneficiaries with
a substantial number of women members:
Provided, finally, That at least twenty percent
(20%) of the members of the PARC shall be
women but in no case shall they be less than two
(2). (as amended by Section 17, RA 9700)
Section 42. Executive Committee. — 
There shall be an Executive Committee (EXCOM) of the PARC composed of the Secretary of the DAR as
Chairman, and such other members as the President may designate, taking into account Article XIII, Section 5 of
the Constitution. Unless otherwise directed by PARC, the EXCOM may meet and decide on any and all matters
in between meetings of the PARC: provided, however, that its decisions must be reported to the PARC
immediately and not later than the next meeting.
Section 43. Secretariat. —

A PARC Secretariat is hereby established to provide general support and coordinative services such as inter-
agency linkages; program and project appraisal and evaluation and general operations monitoring for the PARC.
The Secretariat shall be headed by the Secretary of Agrarian Reform who shall be assisted by an
Undersecretary and supported by a staff whose composition shall be determined by the PARC Executive
Committee and whose compensation shall be chargeable against the Agrarian Reform Fund. All officers and
employees of the Secretariat shall be appointed by the Secretary of Agrarian Reform.

 Section 44. Provincial Agrarian Reform Coordinating Committee (PARCCOM). —

A Provincial Agrarian Reform Coordinating Committee A Provincial Agrarian Reform Coordinating Committee
(PARCCOM) is hereby created in each province, is hereby created in each province, composed of a
composed of a Chairman, who shall be appointed by Chairman, who shall be appointed by the President
the President upon the recommendation of the upon the recommendation of the EXCOM, the
EXCOM, the Provincial Agrarian Reform Officer as Provincial Agrarian Reform Officer as Executive
Executive Officer, and one representative each from Officer, and one (1) representative each from the
the Departments of Agriculture, and of Environment Departments of Agriculture, and of Environment and
and Natural Resources and from the LBP, one Natural Resources and from the LBP; one (1)
representative each from existing farmers' representative each from existing farmers'
organizations, agricultural cooperatives and non- organizations, agricultural cooperatives and non-
governmental organizations in the province; two governmental organizations in the province; two (2)
representatives from landowners, at least one of representatives from landowners, at least one (1) of
whom shall be a producer representing the principal whom shall be a producer representing the principal
(1)  Market prices to be used in the determination of
the profit sharing obligation of agricultural entities in
the province;
(2)  Adoption of the direct payment scheme between
the landowner and the farmer and/or farmworker
beneficiary: Provided, that the amount and terms of
payment are not more burdensome to the agrarian
reform beneficiary than under the compulsory
coverage provision of the CARL:  Provided, further,
That the agrarian reform beneficiary agrees to the
amount and terms of payment:  Provided,
furthermore,That the DAR shall act as mediator in
cases of disagreement between the landowner and
the farmer and/or farmworker beneficiary;  Provided,
finally, That the farmer and/or farmer beneficiary shall
be eligible to borrow from the LBP an amount equal to
eighty-five percent (85%) of the selling price of the
land that they have acquired;
(3)  Continuous processing of applications for lease
back arrangements, joint-venture agreements and
other schemes that will optimize the operating size for
agricultural production and also promote both security
of tenure and security of income to farmer
beneficiaries:  Provided,  That lease back
arrangements should be the last resort. (as amended
by Section 3, RA 7905)
PARC Executive Committee M.C. No. 01  -  August 30, 2000
Subject: Designating PARCCOM Representatives as One of the Signatories on the Final Inspection
Team Report Prior to Turn-Over of Completed CARP-Funded Projects
PARC ExeCom Policy Order No. 1 – August 18, 1997
Subject:  Policy Guidelines on Joint Venture Agreement/Leaseback Arrangements
A.O. No.  5  -  June 09, 1995 (Effectivity Date – June 29, 1995)
Subject:  Strengthening the Implementation of the CARP Pursuant to RA 7905 Amending Certain
Provisions of RA 6657 and Other Pertinent Laws
R.A. No.  7905  -  February  23,  1995
Subject:  An Act to Strengthen the Implementation of the CARP and for Other Purposes
PARC Executive Committee M.C. No. 01  -  August 30, 2000
Subject:  Designating PARCCOM Representatives as One of the Signatories on the Final Inspection 
Team Report Prior to Turn-Over of Completed CARP-Funded Projects

A.O. No. 6  -  June 15, 1995 (Effectivity Date – July 2, 1995)

Subject: Supplemental Guidelines to AO No. 7, S. ’94,  Re:  New Implementing Guidelines Strengthening the
Formation, Organization and Operation of the PARCCOM
M.C. No. 16  -  July 04, 1995
Subject:  Financial Support for the PARCCOM  Operations
M.C. No. 14  -  June 20, 1995
Subject: Operationalizing/Strengthening the Operations of the PARCCOM Nationwide
A.O. No. 7  -  August 30, 1994 (Effectivity Date – September 17, 1994)
Subject:  New Guidelines Strengthening the Formation, Organization and Operation of the PARCCOM 
A.O. No.  5  -  March 03, 1989 (Effectivity Date – March 16, 1989)
Subject:  Organization of the PARCCOM and the BARC
Section 45. Province-by-Province Implementation. —
The PARC shall provide the guidelines for a province- The PARC shall provide the guidelines for the
by-province implementation of the CARP. The ten- province-by-province implementation of the
PARC ExeCom Policy Order No. 1 – August 18, 1997
Subject:  Policy Guidelines on Joint Venture Agreement/Leaseback Arrangements
A.O. No.  5  -  June 09, 1995 (Effectivity Date – June 29, 1995)
Subject:  Strengthening the Implementation of the CARP Pursuant to RA 7905 Amending Certain Provisions
of RA 6657 and Other Pertinent Laws
R.A. No.  7905  -  February  23,  1995
Subject:  An Act to Strengthen the Implementation of the CARP and for Other Purposes
Section 46. Barangay Agrarian Reform Committee (BARC). —

Unless otherwise provided in this Act, the provisions of Executive Order No. 229 regarding the organization of the
Barangay Agrarian Reform Committee (BARC) shall be in effect.


                 M.C. No. 05 – Series of 2010
Subject:  Updated Guidelines on Formation, Organization, Operationalization and Strengthening of Barangay 
Agrarian Reform Council (BARC)
            A.O. No. 8  -  August 30, 1994 (Effectivity Date – September 17, 1994)
            Subject:  Mediation/Conciliation of Agrarian Disputes by BARC
           A.O. No.  14  -  August 03, 1990
            Subject:  Formation, Organization & Operation of the BARC
            A.O. No.  5  -  March 03, 1989 (Effectivity Date – March 16, 1989)
            Subject:  Organization of the PARCCOM and the BARC 

BARC, Philhealth Coverage for Members of 

M.C. No. 19 – December 30, 2003

Subject: Prioritizing PhilHealth Coverage for Members of the Barangay Agrarian Reform Committee (BARC)
Section 47. Functions of the BARC. —

In addition to those provided in Executive Order No. 229, the BARC shall have the following functions:
(a) Mediate and conciliate between parties involved in an agrarian dispute including matters related to
tenurial and financial arrangements;
(b) Assist in the identification of qualified beneficiaries and landowners within the barangay;
(c) Attest to the accuracy of the initial parcellary mapping of the beneficiary's tillage;
(d) Assist qualified beneficiaries in obtaining credit from lending institutions;
(e) Assist in the initial determination of the value of the land;
(f) Assist the DAR representatives in the preparation of periodic reports on the CARP implementation for
submission to the DAR;
(g) Coordinate the delivery of support services to beneficiaries; and
(h) Perform such other functions as may be assigned by the DAR.

(2) The BARC shall endeavor to mediate, conciliate and settle agrarian disputes lodged before it within thirty (30)
days from its taking cognizance thereof. If after the lapse of the thirty day period, it is unable to settle the dispute,
it shall issue a certificate of its proceedings and shall furnish a copy thereof upon the parties within seven (7)
days after the expiration of the thirty-day period.

           DAR A.O. No. 8  -  August 30, 1994 (Effectivity Date – September 17, 1994)
            Subject:  Mediation/Conciliation of Agrarian Disputes by BARC 
M C No 05 – Series of 2010 (Effectivity Date – March 24 2010)
       DAR M.C. No. 9  -  May 26, 1994
      Subject:  Authority of DAR Lawyers to Appear as Counsel for the DAR Secretary or Other DAR
        Officials Who May Be Sued in Their Official Capacity 
Administrative Code of 1987  (Executive Order No. 292)
      Subject:  Bureau of Agrarian Legal Assistance (BALA) – no. 8, Section 13, Chapter 4 of Title XI 
M.C. No. 12 – September 15, 2009
Subject:  DAR Manual on Legal Assistance
Section 49. Rules and Regulations. —

The PARC and the DAR shall have the power to issue rules and regulations, whether substantive or procedural,
to carry out the objects and purposes of this Act. Said rules shall take effect ten (10) days after publication in
two (2) national newspapers of general circulation.
ALI RULES (Rules on Agrarian Law Implementation Cases)
A.O. No. 03  -  January 16, 2003 (Effectivity Date – February 8, 2003)
Subject:   2003 Rules for Agrarian Law Implementation Cases 
            A.O. No. 06  -  August 30, 2000 (Effectivity Date – September 15, 2000)
            Subject:   Rules of Procedure for Agrarian Law Implementation (ALI) Cases 
APPEAL  PROCESS  (RD to the Secretary)
            A.O. No.  09  -  August 30, 1994 (Effectivity Date – September 26, 1994)
Subject:  Authorizing RDs to Hear or Decide Protests Involving Coverage Under 
RA 6657/PD 27 & Defining the Appeal Process from the RDs to the Secretary
M.C. No. 14 – August 29, 2003
Subject:  Amending Memorandum Circular No. 9, Series of 1997 as Amended by
MC No. 6, Series of 1998, Restoring the Authority to Approve/Disapprove/Act
on Protest Cases of Regional Directors (RDs) in Certain Provinces in Region IV Granted
Under Administrative Order No. 9, 10 and 12, Series of 1994 and
Administrative Order No. 5, Series of 1992
A.O. No.  06  -  August 30, 2000 (Effectivity Date – September 15, 2000)
Subject:   Rules of Procedure for Agrarian Law Implementation (ALI) Cases
M.C. No.  11  -  July 22, 1998
Subject: Amendment  to M.C. No. 9, S. 1997  Entitled:  “Recalling the  Authority
to Approve/Disapprove/Act on Protest Cases of Regional Directors (RDs) in Certain
Provinces in Regions III and IV Granted Under A.O. Nos. 9,10
and 12, S. 1994 and A.O. No. 5, Series of 1992
M.C. No.  6  -  March 11, 1998
Subject:  Amendment to M.C. No. 9, S. 1997 Entitled:  “Recalling the Authority to
Approve/Disapprove/Act on Protest Cases of Regional Directors (RDs) in Certain
Provinces in Regions III and IV Granted Under A.O. No. 9 and 12, S. 1994
and A.O. No. 5, Series of 1992
M.C. No. 18  -  May 07, 1997
Subject:  Amending Certain Provisions in MC No. 9, S. 1997
M.C. No. 9  -  March 13, 1997
Subject: Recalling the Authority to Approve/Disapprove/Act on Protest Cases of RDs in Certain
Provinces in Regions III & IV Per AOs 9,10, and 12 S. ’94 & AO 5, S. 1992
A.O. No. 10  -  August 30, 1994 (Effectivity Date – September 30, 1994)
Subject: Amending AO 13, S. 1990:  “Rules and Procedures Governing Exemption of Lands
from CARP Under Sec. 10 of RA 6657,”  to Authorize All RDs to
Hear & Decide Application for Exemption
A.O. No. 9  -  August 30, 1994 (Effectivity Date – September 26, 1994)
Subject:  Authorizing All RDs to Hear & Decide All Protests Involving Coverage Under
RA 6657 or PD 27 and Defining the Process from the RDs to the Secretary 
            A.O. 14  -  October 28, 1988
            Subject:  Authorizing the Heirs of Deceased Beneficiary to Acquire and Register in the
Name of the Heirs Lands Acquired Under the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program
Subject: Measures to Uphold the Integrity and Confidentiality of Inter-Office
Communications Involving AR Law Implementation and Personnel Discipline
M.C. No. 5  -  April 03, 1995
Subject: Rules on the Docketing of Agrarian Law Implementation and Personnel Discipline Cases
            M.C. No. 21 – October 25, 2004
Subject:  Revision of MC No. 11, Series of 2004, Re:  Release of Decisions, Resolutions, 
or Orders in Agrarian Law Implementation Cases and Personnel Discipline Cases 
M.C. No. 11 – June 18, 2004
Subject:  Release of DAR Central Office Decisions, Resolutions, or Orders in Agrarian 
Law Implementation Cases and Personnel Discipline Cases
M.C. No. 5  -  April 03, 1995
Subject:  Rules on the Docketing of Agrarian Law Implementation and Personnel Discipline Cases
M.C. No. 02 – March 25, 2011 (Effectivity Date – April 10, 2011)
Subject:  Revised Rates of Fees and Charges 
M.C. No.  15   -   December 21, 2000 (Effectivity Date – December 31, 2000)
Subject:   Revised Rates of Fees and Charges 
            M.C. No. 10  -   May 18, 2000
            Subject:   Revised Rates of Fees and Charges
MAR M.C. No. 12  -  August  22, 1983
Subject:  1983 MAR Revised Rates of Fees and Charges
M.C. No.  13  -  March 31, 1997
Subject:  Providing Mechanism for the Resolution of Flashpoint Cases 
M.C. No. 10  -  March 13, 1997
Subject:  Guidelines on the Rendition of Legal Opinions 


M.C. No. 04 – March 03, 2004                    

Subject: Adopting and Directing an Open Door Policy and Planning Implementing Accessibility
and Transparency in the Department of Agrarian Reform 
POLICY FORMULATION PROCESS, Institutionalizing the
M.C. No. 14 – July 30, 2004
Subject:  Institutionalizing the Policy Formulation Process and Delineating the Responsibilities,
Scope of Work and Accountability of Concerned Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR)
Units Involved In Policy Formulation, and Providing for the Procedures and
Systems for the Approval of Policy Issuances
M.C. No. 10 – June 15, 2004 (Effectivity Date – June 25, 2004)
Subject:  Clarificatory Guidelines on Non-Acceptance of Application for Exemption,
Exclusion, Protest, Opposition or Petition for Lifting of CARP Coverage
M.C. No. 14 – August 29, 2003
Subject:  Amending M.C. No. 9, Series of 1997 as Amended by MC No. 6, Series of 1998,
Restoring the Authority to Approve/Disapprove/Act on Protest Cases of Regional
Directors (RDs) in Certain Provinces in Region IV Granted Under A.O. Nos. 9, 10 and 12,
Series of 1994 and A.O. No. 5, Series of 1992 [AmendingM.C. No. 9, Series of 1997,
as amended by M.C. No. 6, Series of 1998]
M.C. No.  11  -  July 22, 1998
Subject:  Amendment to M.C. No. 9, S. 1997 Entitled:  “Recalling the Authority to
Approve/Disapprove/Act on Protest Cases of Regional Directors (RDs) in Certain
Provinces in Regions III and IV Granted Under A.O. Nos. 9,10 and
12, S. 1994 and A.O. No. 5, Series of 1992
M.C. No. 6  -  March 11, 1998
Subject: Amendment to M.C. No. 9, S. 1997 Entitled: “Recalling the Authority to
Subject:  Guidelines on the Reconstitution of Lost or Destroyed Original Copies of Certificates
of  Title to be Initiated by the DAR Provincial Office
           R.A. 6732  -  July 17, 1989
Subject: An Act Allowing Administrative Reconstitution of Original Copies of Certificates
of Titles Lost or Destroyed Due to Fire, Flood and Other Force Majeure, Amending
for the Purpose Section One Hundred Ten of Presidential Decree Numbered Fifteen
Twenty-Nine and Section Five of Republic Act Numbered Twenty-Six
            LRA Circular No. 13  -  July 26, 1989
Subject: Administrative Reconstitution of Original Copies of Lost or Destroyed Certificate
of Title Pursuant to R.A. 6732
LRA Circular No. 35 – June 13, 1983
Subject: Supplemental Rules and Regulations Governing the Reconstitution of Lost or
Destroyed Land Certificates of Title
R.A. No. 26  -  September 25, 1946
Subject: An Act Providing a Special Procedure for the Reconstitution of Torrens
Certificates of Title Lost of Destroyed 
P.D. 1529  -  Property Registration Decree 
RECONVEYANCE  (Found to be Outside CARP Coverage)
A.O. No. 03  -  August 29, 2000 (Effectivity Date – September 17, 2000)
Subject:  Amending DAR Administrative Order No. 9, Series of 1997, “Revised Rules
and Regulations on A.O. No. 3, Series of 1996, Re: Reconveyance of Properties Turned
Over to DAR Pursuant to E.O. No. 407, as Amended, and Lands Voluntarily Offered Under
Section 19 of R.A. No. 6657 But Found to be Outside the Coverage of CARP
A.O. No. 9  -  December 10, 1997 (Effectivity Date – December 29, 1997)
Subject: Revision on A. O. No. 3, S. 1996,  Re:  “Reconveyance of Properties
Turned-Over to DAR Pursuant to EO 407, as Amended
A.O. No. 3  -  August 08, 1996 (Effectivity Date – August 31, 1996)
Subject:  Reconveyance of Properties Turned-Over to DAR Pursuant to EO No. 407/448 and
Lands Voluntarily Offered Under Sec. 19 of RA 6657 but Found to
be Outside the Coverage of CARP 
A.O. No. 03 – January 16, 2003 (Effectivity Date – February 8, 2003)
Subject:  Agrarian Law Implementation (ALI) Cases [Modifies
and Repeals DAR A.O. No. 6, Series of 2000]
A.O. No.  06  -  August 30, 2000 (Effectivity Date – September 15, 2000)
Subject:   Rules of Procedure for Agrarian Law Implementation (ALI) Cases
M.C. No.  11  -  July 22, 1998
Subject: Amendment to M.C. No. 9, S. 1997 Entitled:  “Recalling the Authority to
Approve/Disapprove/Act on Protest Cases of Regional Directors (RDs) in Certain
Provinces in Regions III and IV Granted Under A.O. Nos. 9,10
and 12, S. 1994 and A.O. No. 5, Series of 1992
M.C. No.  6  -  March 11, 1998
Subject: Amendment to M.C. No. 9, S. 1997 Entitled:  “Recalling the Authority 
to Approve/Disapprove/Act on Protest Cases of Regional Directors (RDs) in Certain
                 Provinces in Regions III and IV Granted Under A.O. No. 9 and 12, S. 1994 
and A.O. No. 5, Series of 1992
M.C. No. 18  -  May 07, 1997
Subject:  Amending Certain Provisions in MC No. 9, S. 1997
            M. C. No. 9  -  March 13, 1997
Subject:  Recalling the Authority to Approve/Disapprove/Act on Protest Cases of RDs in 
Certain Provinces in Regions III & IV Per AOs 9,10, and 12 S. ’94 & AO 5, S. 1992 
A.O. No. 10  -  August 30, 1994 (Effectivity Date – September 30, 1994)
Subject:  Amending AO 13, S. 1990:  “Rules and Procedures Governing Exemption of Lands 
from CARP Under Sec. 10 of RA 6657,”  to Authorize All RDs to Hear & 
Decide Application for Exemption
M.C. No. 3  -  July 24, 1992
Subject: Lecture on the Substantive and Procedural Aspects of the Agrarian Laws, Including the CARL
Administrative Adjudication
Section 50. Quasi-Judicial Powers of the DAR. —
The DAR is hereby vested with the primary The DAR is hereby vested with primary jurisdiction to
jurisdiction to determine and adjudicate agrarian determine and adjudicate agrarian reform matters
reform matters and shall have exclusive original and shall have exclusive original jurisdiction over all
jurisdiction over all matters involving the matters involving the implementation of agrarian
implementation of agrarian reform except those falling reform, except those falling under the exclusive
under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Department of jurisdiction of the Department of Agriculture (DA) and
Agriculture (DA) and the Department of Environment the DENR.
and Natural Resources (DENR).
It shall not be bound by technical rules of procedure  
It shall not be bound by technical rules of procedure
and evidence but shall proceed to hear and decide all
and evidence but shall proceed to hear and decide all
cases, disputes or controversies in a most expeditious
manner, employing all reasonable means to ascertain cases, disputes or controversies in a most
expeditious manner, employing all reasonable means
the facts of every case in accordance with justice and
to ascertain the facts of every case in accordance
equity and the merits of the case. Toward this end, it
shall adopt a uniform rule of procedure to achieve a with justice and equity and the merits of the case.
Toward this end, it shall adopt a uniform rule of
just, expeditious and inexpensive determination for
procedure to achieve a just, expeditious and
every action or proceeding before it.
  inexpensive determination of every action or
proceeding before it.
It shall have the power to summon witnesses,  
administer oaths, take testimony, require submission
of reports, compel the production of books and It shall have the power to summon witnesses,
administer oaths, take testimony, require submission
documents and answers to interrogatories and
of reports, compel the production of books and
issuesubpoena, and  subpoena duces tecum, and
enforce its writs through sheriffs or other duly documents and answers to interrogatories and
issuesubpoena, and  subpoena duces tecum  and to
deputized officers. It shall likewise have the power to
enforce its writs through sheriffs or other duly
punish direct and indirect contempts in the same
manner and subject to the same penalties as deputized officers. It shall likewise have the power to
punish direct and indirect contempts in the same
provided in the Rules of Court.
manner and subject to the same penalties as
  provided in the Rules of Court.
Responsible farmer leaders shall be allowed to  
represent themselves, their fellow farmers, or their
Responsible farmer leaders shall be allowed to
organizations in any proceedings before the DAR:
provided, however, that when there are two or more represent themselves, their fellow farmers, or their
organizations in any proceedings before the DAR
representatives for any individual or group, the
Provided, however, That when there are two or more
representatives should choose only one among
themselves to represent such party or group before representatives for any individual or group, the
representatives should choose only one among
any DAR proceedings.
themselves to represent such party or group before
  any DAR proceedings.
Notwithstanding an appeal to the Court of Appeals,  
the decision of the DAR shall be immediately
Notwithstanding an appeal to the Court of Appeals,
the decision of the DAR shall be immediately
  executory  except a decision or a portion thereof
involving solely the issue of just compensation.
(as amended by Section 18, RA 9700)

            A.O. No. 05 – September 13, 2011
Subject:  2011 Rules on the Administration of Oaths in Pursuance of Section 50 of R.A. No. 6657, as Amende
M.C. No.  7  -  September 30, 1991
Subject: Scope of Jurisdiction of DARAB, RARADs and PARADs Over Orders/Decisions of the Secretary 

PARALEGALS,  Vital Role of Farmer

M.C. No. 15 – August 6, 2004

Subject:  Reaffirming  the  Vital  Roles of Farmer-Paralegals in Facilitating the Delivery of Agrarian
Justice and Providing for the Creation of Agrarian Justice Paralegal Support Fund 


            M.C. No. 1  -  January 5, 1995

Subject: Authority of the Adjudication Board to Conduct Summary Administrative Proceedings
for the Preliminary Determination of Just Compensation
A.O. No. 8  -  October 05, 1993 (Effectivity Date – October 24, 1993)
Subject:  Amendment to AO No. 8, s. 1991:  Amendments to AO No. 2, Series of 1991, on Summary
Administrative Proceedings on Land Compensation
A.O. No. 8  -  July 31, 1991
Subject:  Amendments to AO No. 2, Series of 1991, Entitled “Rules and Regulations on Summary 
Administrative Proceedings on Land Compensation
A.O. No. 2  -  February 15, 1991
Subject:  Summary Administrative Proceedings on Land Compensation 
A.O. No. 13  -  November 08, 1989
Subject: Summary Proceedings for the Final Administrative Determination of Compensation in CA of Land
Section 50-A.  Exclusive Jurisdiction on  Agrarian Dispute. - No court or prosecutor's office
shall take cognizance of cases pertaining to the implementation of the CARP except those
provided under Section 57 of Republic Act No. 6657, as amended. If there is an allegation from
any of the parties that the case is agrarian in nature and one of the parties is a farmer,
farmworker, or tenant, the case shall be automatically referred by the judge or the prosecutor to
the DAR which shall determine and certify within fifteen (15) days from referral whether an
agrarian dispute exists: Provided, That from the determination of the DAR, an aggrieved party
shall have judicial recourse. In cases referred by the municipal trial court and the prosecutor's
office, the appeal shall be with the proper regional trial court, and in cases referred by the
regional trial court, the appeal shall be to the Court of Appeals.
In cases where regular courts or quasi-judicial bodies have competent jurisdiction, agrarian
reform beneficiaries or identified beneficiaries and/or their associations shall have legal standing
and interest to intervene concerning their individual or collective rights and/or interests under the
The fact of non-registration of such associations with the Securities and Exchange Commission,
or Cooperative Development Authority, or any concerned government agency shall not be used
against them to deny the existence of their legal standing and interest in a case filed before such
courts and quasi-judicial bodies. (as added by Section 19, RA 9700)



            A.O. No. 03 – July 19, 2011 (Effectivity Date – July 23, 2011)

Subject:  Revised Rules and Regulations Implementing Section 19 of R.A. No. 9700 (Jurisdiction 
on and Referral of Cases that are Agrarian in Nature)

            DOJ Circular No. 40 – June 10, 2010

Subject:  Guidelines on the Investigation and Referral of Cases to the Department of Agrarian
Reform Pursuant to Section 19 of R.A. No. 9700
            Supreme Court Court Administrator Circular No. 62-2010 – April 28, 2010
Subject:  Implementation of Sections 7 and 50-A of R.A. No. 6657, Also Known as the Comprehensive
Agrarian Reform Law of 1988, as Respectively Amended by Sections 5 and 19 of R.A. No. 9700
(An Act Strengthening the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program [CARP], Extending the 
Acquisition and Distribution of All Agricultural Lands, Instituting Necessary Reforms, Amending 
for the Purpose Certain Provisions of Republic Act No. 6657, Otherwise Known as the 
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law of 1988, as Amended, and Appropriating Funds Therefor)
            A.O. No. 04 – October 15, 2009 (Effectivity Date – July 1, 2009)
Subject: Implementing Section 19 of R A No 9700 (Jurisdiction on and Referral of Agrarian Dispute)
Government Bodies in the Performance of Their Duties, and Creating the
Legal Support Fund for the Purpose 
M.C. No. 06 – March 03, 2004
Subject: Clarificatory Guidelines on the Effect of Injunctions and Temporary Restraining 
Orders Issued by the Regular Courts on Acquisition and Distribution of Lands Under 
the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) 
M.C. No.  1  -  January 5, 1995
Subject: Authority of the Adjudication Board to Conduct Summary Administrative 
Proceedings for the Preliminary Determination of Just Compensation
M.C. No. 7  -  September 30, 1991
Subject: Scope of Jurisdiction of DARAB, RARADs and PARADs Over Orders/Decisions of the Secretary
Section 51. Finality of Determination. —

Any case or controversy before it shall be decided within thirty (30) days after it is submitted for resolution.
Only one (1) motion for reconsideration shall be allowed. Any order, ruling or decision shall be final after the
lapse of fifteen (15) days from receipt of a copy thereof.
A.O. No. 03 – January 16, 2003 (Effectivity Date – February 8, 2003) – Sections 35 and 36
Subject:  Agrarian Law Implementation (ALI) Cases [Modifies
and Repeals DAR A.O. No. 6, Series of 2000]
M.C. No.  10  -  May 28, 1994
Subject:  Procedure in the Issuance of Finality of Orders/Resolution of Cases Arising from
the Administrative Implementation of AR Law Issued by the Secretary
M.C. No.  3  -  February 28, 1994
Subject:  Finality of Decisions/Orders Issued by the DAR Through the Secretary
Section 52. Frivolous Appeals. — 

To discourage frivolous or dilatory appeals from the decisions or orders on the local or provincial levels, the DAR
may impose reasonable penalties, including but not limited to fines or censures upon erring parties.

Section 53. Certification of the BARC. — 

The DAR shall not take cognizance of any agrarian dispute or controversy unless a certification from the BARC
that the dispute has been submitted to it for mediation and conciliation without any success of settlement is
presented: provided, however, that if no certification is issued by the BARC within thirty (30) days after a matter
or issue is submitted to it for mediation or conciliation the case or dispute may be brought before the PARC.

Judicial Review
Section 54. Certiorari. —
Any decision, order, award or ruling of the DAR on any agrarian dispute or on any matter pertaining to the
application, implementation, enforcement, or interpretation of this Act and other pertinent laws on agrarian reform
may be brought to the Court of Appeals by certiorari except as otherwise provided in this Act within fifteen (15)
days from the receipt of a copy thereof.
The findings of fact of the DAR shall be final and conclusive if based on substantial evidence.

Section 55. No Restraining Order or Preliminary Injunction. —

No court in the Philippines shall have jurisdiction to Except for the Supreme Court, no court in the
issue any restraining order or writ of preliminary Philippines shall have jurisdiction to issue any
injunction against the PARC or any of its duly restraining order or writ of preliminary injunction
authorized or designated agencies in any case, dispute against the PARC,  the DAR, or any of its duly
or controversy arising from, necessary to, or in authorized or designated agencies  in any case,
connection with the application, implementation, dispute or controversy arising from, necessary to, or
enforcement, or interpretation of this Act and other in connection with the application, implementation,
pertinent laws on agrarian reform enforcement or interpretation of this Act and other
M.C. No. 06 – March 03, 2004
Subject: Clarificatory Guidelines on the Effect of Injunctions and Temporary Restraining Orders 
Issued by the Regular Courts on Acquisition and Distribution of Lands Under the 
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP)  
Section 56. Special Agrarian Court. —
The Supreme Court shall designate at least one (1) branch of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) within each
province to act as a Special Agrarian Court.
The Supreme Court may designate more branches to constitute such additional Special Agrarian Courts as may
be necessary to cope with the number of agrarian cases in each province. In the designation, the Supreme
Court shall give preference to the Regional Trial Courts which have been assigned to handle agrarian cases or
whose presiding judges were former judges of the defunct Court of Agrarian Relations.
The Regional Trial Court (RTC) judges assigned to said courts shall exercise said special jurisdiction in addition
to the regular jurisdiction of their respective courts.
The Special Agrarian Courts shall have the powers and prerogatives inherent in or belonging to the Regional
Trial Courts.

Section 57. Special Jurisdiction. —

The Special Agrarian Courts shall have original and exclusive jurisdiction over all petitions for the
determination of just compensation to landowners, and the prosecution of all criminal offenses under this Act.
The Rules of Court shall apply to all proceedings before the Special Agrarian Courts, unless modified by this
The Special Agrarian Courts shall decide all appropriate cases under their special jurisdiction within thirty (30)
days from submission of the case for decision.

Section 58. Appointment of Commissioners. —

The Special Agrarian Courts, upon their own initiative or at the instance of any of the parties, may appoint one
or more commissioners to examine, investigate and ascertain facts relevant to the dispute including the
valuation of properties, and to file a written report thereof with the court.

Section 59. Orders of the Special Agrarian Courts. —

No order of the Special Agrarian Courts on any issue, question, matter or incident raised before them shall be
elevated to the appellate courts until the hearing shall have been terminated and the case decided on the

Section 60. Appeals. —
An appeal may be taken from the decision of the Special Agrarian Courts by filing a petition for review with the
Court of Appeals within fifteen (15) days receipt of notice of the decision; otherwise, the decision shall become
An appeal from the decision of the Court of Appeals, or from any order, ruling or decision of the DAR, as the
case may be, shall be by a petition for review with the Supreme Court within a non-extendible period of fifteen
(15) days from receipt of a copy of said decision.


M.C. No. 02 – March 25, 2011

Subject:  Revised Rates of Fees and Charges 
M.C. No. 15  -  December 21, 2000 (Effectivity Date – December 31, 2000)
Subject:   Revised Rates of Fees and Charges
                M. C.  No. 10  -  May 18, 2000
            Subject:  Revised Rates of Fees and Charges
Section 61. Procedure on Review. —
Review by the Court of Appeals or the Supreme Court, as the case may be, shall be governed by the Rules
of Court. The Court of Appeals, however, may require the parties to file simultaneous memoranda within a
period of fifteen (15) days from notice, after which the case is deemed submitted for decision.
Sections 20 and 21 of   laws,shall be funded from the
Executive Order No. 229. Agrarian Reform Fund and  other
funding sources in the amount
  of at least One hundred fifty
  Additional amounts  necessary for billion pesos
this purpose  are hereby (P150,000,000,000.00).
authorized to be appropriated in
Additional amounts are hereby  
excess of the initial
authorized to be appropriated funds,amounting to Fifty billion Additional amounts are hereby
as and when needed to
pesos (P50,000,000,000.00) authorized to be appropriated as
augment the Agrarian Reform
provided under Sections 20 and and when needed to augment the
Fund in order to fully 21 of Executive Order No. 229. Agrarian Reform Fund in order to
implement the provisions of
The additional amount hereby fully implement the provisions of
this Act.
authorized to be appropriated this Act during the five (5)-year
  shall in no case exceed Fifty extension period.
  billion pesos
Sources of funding or  
appropriations shall include the
Sources of funding or Sources of funding or
appropriations shall include the   appropriations shall include the
following: following:
(a) Proceeds of the sales of a) Proceeds of the sales of the (a)  Proceeds of the sales of the
the Assets Privatization Assets Privatization Trust; Privatization and Management
Trust;   Office (PMO);
(b) All receipts from assets b) All receipts from assets b)All receipts from assets
recovered and from sales of recovered and from sales of ill- recovered and from sales of ill-
ill-gotten wealth recovered gotten wealth recovered through gotten wealth recovered through
through the Presidential the Presidential Commission on the PCGG excluding the amount
Commission on Good Good Government; appropriated for compensation to
Government; victims of human rights violations
  under the applicable law;
(c) Proceeds of the c) Proceeds of the disposition of (c) Proceeds of the disposition and
disposition of the properties the properties of the Government development of the properties of
of the Government in foreign in foreign countries,  for the the Government in foreign
countries; specific purposes of financing countries, for the specific purposes
production credits, infrastructure of financing production credits,
and other support services infrastructure and other support
required by this Act; services required by this Act;
  d) All income and collections (d) All income and, collections  of
arising from the agrarian reform whatever form and nature
operations, projects and programs arising  from the agrarian reform
of CARP implementing agencies; operations, projects and
programsof the DAR  and other
CARP implementing agencies;
(d) Portion of amounts e) Portion of amounts accruing to (e) Portion of amounts accruing to
accruing to the Philippines the Philippines from all sources of the Philippines from all sources of
from all sources of official official foreign  aid  grants and official foreign aid grants and
foreign grants and concessional financing from all concessional financing from all
concessional financing from countries, to be used for the countries, to be used for the
all countries, to be used for specific purposes of financing specific purposes of financing
the specific purposes of production, credits, infrastructures, productions, credits,
financing production credits, and other support services infrastructures, and other support
infrastructures, and other required by this Act; services required by this Act;
support services required by
this Act;
  f) Yearly appropriations of no less (f) Yearly appropriations of no less
than  Three billion pesos than Five billion pesos
(P3,000,000,000.00)  from the (P5,000,000,000.00) from the
General Appropriations Act; General Appropriations Act;
shall be included in the annual
General Appropriations
Act:Provided,  further, That all just
compensation payments to
landowners, including execution of
judgments therefore, shall only be
sourced from the Agrarian Reform
Fund: Provided, however, That just
compensation payments that
cannot be covered within the
approved annual budget of the
program shall be chargeable
against the debt service program of
the national government, or any
unprogrammed item in the General
Act: Provided,finally, That after the
completion of the land acquisition
and distribution component of the
CARP, the yearly appropriation
shall be allocated fully to support
services, agrarian justice delivery
and operational requirements of
the DAR and the other CARP
implementing agencies.  (as
amended bySection 21, RA 9700)
Section 64. Financial Intermediary for the CARP. —
The Land Bank of the Philippines shall be the financial intermediary for the CARP, and shall insure that the
social justice objectives of the CARP shall enjoy a preference among its priorities.

General Provisions
Section 65. Conversion of Lands. —
After the lapse of five (5) years from its award, when After the lapse of five (5) years from its award, when
the land ceases to be economically feasible and the land ceases to be economically feasible and
sound for agricultural purposes, or the locality has sound for agricultural purposes, or the locality has
become urbanized and the land will have a greater become urbanized and the land will have a greater
economic value for residential, commercial or economic value for residential, commercial or
industrial purposes, the DAR, upon application of the industrial purposes, the DAR, upon application of the
beneficiary or the landowner, with due notice to the beneficiary or the landowner  with respect only to
affected parties, and subject to existing laws, may his/her retained area which is tenanted, with due
authorize the reclassification or conversion of the land notice to the affected parties, and subject to existing
and its disposition: provided, that the beneficiary shall laws, may authorize the reclassification or conversion
have fully paid his obligation. of the land and its disposition:  Provided,  That if the
applicant is a beneficiary under agrarian laws and the
  land sought to be converted is the land awarded to
him/her or any portion thereof, the applicant, after the
conversion is granted, shall invest at least ten percent
(10%)of the proceeds coming from the conversion in
government securities:  Provided,  further, That the
applicant upon conversion shall fully pay the price of
the land:  Provided,  furthermore, That irrigated and
irrigable lands, shall not be subject to
conversion:Provided,  finally, That the National
Irrigation Administration shall submit a consolidated
data on the location nationwide of all irrigable lands
within one (1)year from the effectivity of this Act.
Failure to implement the conversion plan within five
(5) years from the approval of such conversion plan
or any violation of the conditions of the conversion
order due to the fault of the applicant shall cause the
land to automatically be covered by CARP.  (as
amended by Section 22, RA 9700)
with Conversion Order and Mandating the Immediate Acquisition and Distribution of Lands
Not Developed Despite the Expiration of the Maximum Period for Development 
            Subject   :  Lifting of Moratorium on Conversion and Exemption Applications 
S.O. No. 453 – June 28, 2004
Subject: Modifying Special Orders Nos. 823 and 832 and Providing Guidelines for Rationalizing
the Disposition of Applications for Conversion, Exemption, Exclusion and Other Agrarian 
Law Implementation (ALI) Cases and For Purposes of Ensuring the Integrity of Case Records
M.C. No. 08 – May 06, 2004
Subject:  Clarificatory Guidelines on DAR Memorandum Circular No. 5, S. 2004 (Moratorium on the Processin
                   and Grant of Applications for Conversion and Exemption of All Lands Devoted to or Suitable for Agricultu
M.C. No. 05 – March 03, 2004
Subject:  Moratorium on the Processing and Grant of Applications for Conversion and Exemption
of All Lands Devoted to or Suitable for Agriculture 
S.O. No. 832 – November 03, 2003
Subject:  Addendum to the Special Order No. 823 Reconstituting Center for Land Use Policy, 
Planning and Implementation (CLUPPI) Secretariat 
S.O. No. 823 – October 27, 2003
Subject:  Reconstitution of Center for Land Use Policy, Planning and Implementation (CLUPPI) Secretariat 
A.O. No. 02 -  May 21, 2002 (Effectivity Date – June 6, 2002)
Subject:  Institutionalization of the Center for Land Use Policy, Planning and Implementation (CLUPPI) 
M.C. No. 02  -  May 21, 2002
Subject:   Guidelines for the Processing of Land Use Conversion Applications Pursuant to
Administrative Order No. 1, Series of 2002 Entitled “2002 Comprehensive Rules on Land Use Conv
A.O. No.  01  -   February 28, 2002 (Effectivity Date – May 13, 2002) – Major Guideline
Subject:  2002 Comprehensive Rules on Land Use Conversion
            E.O. No. 45  -  October 24, 2001 
Subject:  Prescribing Time Periods for Issuance of Housing Related Certifications, Clearances
and Permits, and Imposing Sanctions for Failure to observe the Same 
M.C. No.  08  -   October 15, 2001
Subject: Issuance of DAR Certification and Extending Full Support and Cooperation to Local Government
Units in the Preparation/Completion and/or Updating of Their Comprehensive Land Use Plans 
M.C. No.  07  -   August 08, 2001
Subject: Inventory and Regular Monitoring of Land Use Conversion and Exemption/Exclusions
M.C. No.  01   -   January 09, 2001 (Effectivity Date – January 22, 2001)
Subject:  Operational Guidelines for the Posting and Disposition of Cash Bond and Performance Bond
Pursuant to Administrative Order No. 1, series of 1999, Entitled “Revised Rules and Regulations
on the Conversion of Agricultural lands to Non-Agricultural Uses” 
A.O. No.  02  -   August 29, 2000 (Effectivity Date – September 14, 2000)
Subject:   Modified Guidelines on the Conversion of Agricultural Lands for Socialized and Low Cost Housing P
M.C. No. 11 – July 06, 2000
Subject:  Directing All Municipal Agrarian Reform Officers (MAROs), Provincial Agrarian Reform
Officers (PAROs), and Regional Directors (RDs) to Extend Full Support and Cooperation 
to All Concerned Local Government Units (LGUs) in the Preparation and Completion of
Their Comprehensive Land Use Plans (CLUPs)
M.C. No. 17  -   October 26, 1999 (Effectivity  Date – November 8, 1999)
             Subject:  Granting a Final Grace Period for Acceptance of Conversion Applications Under 
DAR Administrative Order No. 1, Series of 1999, Using the Prescribed Forms Under AO 7, Series of
            M.C. No. 9   -   May 15, 1999
            Subject:  Internal/Clarificatory Guidelines for the Processing of Land Use Conversion Applications 
Pursuant to A.O. No. 1, Series of 1999 Entitled “Revised Rules and Regulations on the 
Conversion of Agricultural to Non-Agricultural Uses”                       
A.O. No. 1  -   March 30, 1999
            Subject:   Conversion of Agricultural Lands to Non-Agricultural Uses
M.C. No.  1   -   January  11, 1999
            Subject:   Suspension of Issuance of Land Use Conversion
M.C. No.  3  -  February 6, 1998
Subject: Prescribing Guidelines for the Protection of Areas Non-Negotiable for Conversion and 
Monitoring Compliance with Section 20 of the Local Government Code
M.C. No. 23  -  June 02, 1997
Subject: Amending MC 04, S. 1996, Designating a SHOPC Desk Officer with Authority to 
Approve/Disapprove Applications for Conversion and Exemption Pursuant to EO 184, S. 
1994 & Providing Additional Guidelines
M.C. No. 6  -  January 29, 1997
Subject:  Additional Guidelines on Land Use Conversion Application Processing and Status Reporting 
M.C. No. 4  -  April 22, 1996
Subject:  Expedited Processing of Applications for Conversion/Exemption Thru the SHOPC Per EO 184  S. 19
A.O. No. 1  -  February 02, 1996 (Effectivity Date – July 15, 1996)
Subject:  Conversion of Public Agricultural Lands to Fishponds/Prawn Farms Pursuant to RA 6657 as Amend
A.O. No. 4  -  May 16, 1995
Subject:  Supplemental Guidelines to AO No. 12, Series of 1994 on Conversion of Agricultural Lands 
to Non-agricultural Uses, Pursuant to RA 7881
A.O. No. 12  -  October 24, 1994 (Effectivity Date – November 10, 1994)
Subject: Revised Rules Governing Conversion of Agricultural Lands to Non-Agricultural Uses
Joint DAR-DOJ A.O. No. 5  -  April 22, 1994
Subject:  Amendments to Joint AO No. 4, Series of 1993, on Illegal Conversion of Agricultural Lands
Joint A.O. No. 4  -  May  04, 1993
Subject:  Illegal Conversion of Agricultural Lands 
A.O. No. 20  -  Dec. 07, 1992  (Office of the President)
Subject:  Interim Guidelines on Agricultural Land Use Conversion 
M.C. No. 54  -  June 08, 1993  (Office of the President)
Subject: Prescribing the Guidelines on the LGC  of 1991 Authorizing Cities and Municipalities to Reclassify 
Agricultural Lands into Non-agricultural Uses
E.O.  124  (OP)  -  September  8,  1993
Subject: Establishing Priorities and Procedures in Evaluating Areas Proposed for Land Conversion 
in Regional Agri-Industrial Centers/Regional Industrial Centers, Tourism Development Areas 
and Sites for Socialized Housing
E.O. No.  72  -  March 25, 1993
Subject: Providing for the Preparation and Implementation of the Comprehensive Land Use Plans 
of LGU Pursuant to the LGC 1991 and Other Pertinent Laws
A.O. No.  7  -  November  05, 1992
Subject:  Amendments to AO No. 8, Series of 1990
DA A.O. No. 2  -  February 24, 1992
Subject:  Amending the Guidelines on Certification of  Eligibility for Conversion of Agricultural 
Land to Non-agricultural Uses
A.O. No. 8  -  August 13, 1990
Subject:  Amendments to AO No. 18, Series of 1989 and AO No. 1 and 2, Series of 1990
A.O. No.  2  -  March 22, 1990
Subject:  Processing and Approval of Applications for Land Use Conversion
A.O. No. 1  -  March  22, 1990
Subject: Revised Rules and Regulations on the Conversion on Private Agricultural Lands to Non-agricultural U
A.O. No.  18  -  December  14, 1989
Subject:  Revised Rules and Procedures on Conversion of Private Agricultural Lands to Non-Agricultural Uses
A.O. No. 16  -  November 6, 1989
Subject:  Cutting of Coconut Trees and/or Change in Use of Lands Primarily Devoted to Coconut
A.O. No.  15  -  November 6, 1989
Subject:  Conversion of Untenanted Lands Located Within the Non-agricultural Zones as Embodied 
M.C. No.  4  -  April 22, 1996
Subject:  Expedited Processing of Applications for conversion & Exemption Thru the SHOPC Per EO 184 S. ’

HOUSING, Socialized or Low-Cost (Conversion)

A.O. No.  02  -   August 29, 2000 (Effectivity Date – September 14, 2000)

Subject:  Modified Guidelines on the Conversion of Agricultural Lands for Socialized and Low Cost Housing P
            M.C. No. 23  -  June  02,  1997
            Subject: Designating a SHOPC Desk Officer and Authorizing Him to Approve/ Disapprove Applications for 
Conversion & Exemption Through the Socialized Housing One Stop Processing Center Per EO 185  
E.O. No. 184  -  June 27, 1994
Subject:  Creating Socialized Housing One-Stop Processing Centers to Facilitate the Processing and Issuanc
of Permits, Clearances, Certifications and Licenses Appropriate and Necessary for the Implementatio
of Socialized Housing Projects, and Directing All Government Agencies Concerned to Support the 
Operations of the Said Centers
E.O. No.  124  -   September 8, 1993
Subject:  Establishing Priorities and Procedures in Evaluating Areas Proposed for Land Conversion in Region
Agri-Industrial Centers/Regional Industrial Centers, Tourism Development Areas and
Sites for Socialized Housing
R.A. No.  7279  -  March 24, 1992
Subject:  An Act to Provide for a Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program and Continuing 
Urban Development and Housing Program, Establish the Mechanism for 
Its Implementation, and for Other Purposes 


Joint DAR-DOJ A.O. No. 5  -  April 22, 1994

Subject: Amendment to Joint AO No. 4, Series of 1993 on Illegal Conversion of Agricultural Lands
Joint A.O. No. 4  -  May  04, 1993
Subject:  Illegal Conversion of Agricultural Lands 


A.O. No.  363  -  October 9,  1997  (Office of the President)

Subject:  Prescribing Guidelines for the Protection of Areas Non-negotiable for Conversion 
and Monitoring Compliance with Section 20 of the Local Government Code
M.C. No. 54  -  June 08, 1993  (Office of the President)
Subject:  Prescribing the Guidelines on the LGC  of 1991 Authorizing Cities and Municipalities 
to Reclassify Agricultural Lands into Non-agricultural Uses 
            A.O. No. 20  -  December 07, 1992  (Office of the President)
            Subject:  Interim Guidelines on Agricultural Land Use Conversion
            M.C. No. 23  -  June  02,  1997
            Subject:  Designating a SHOPC Desk Officer and Authorizing Him to
                           Approve/Disapprove Applications for Conversion & Exemption Through the Socialized 
Housing One Stop Processing Center Per EO 185  S. 1994 
            M.C. No.  01   -   January 09, 2001 (Effectivity Date – January 22, 2001)
Subject:  Operational Guidelines for the Posting and Disposition of Cash Bond and Performance 
Bond Pursuant to Administrative Order No. 1, series of 1999, Entitled “Revised Rules 
and Regulations on the Conversion of Agricultural Lands to Non-Agricultural Uses” 

       M.C. No. 06  -  May 21, 1993 (Effectivity  Date – May 31, 1993)
            Subject: Pre-Qualification, Public Raffle and Award of CARP Module Survey Projects

S O No 832 November 03 2003
             Subject:  Granting a Final Grace Period for Acceptance of Conversion Applications Under 
DAR Administrative Order No. 1, Series of 1999, Using the Prescribed 
Forms Under AO 7, Series of 1997 


M.C. No.  07  -   August 08, 2001

Subject: Inventory and Regular Monitoring of Land Use Conversion and Exemption/Exclusions 

LAND USE PLANS, Comprehensive

            M.C. No. 08  -   October 15, 2001

Subject:   Issuance of DAR Certification and Extending Full Support and Cooperation to 
Local Government Units in the Preparation/Completion and/or Updating of 
Their Comprehensive Land Use Plans 

LOW-COST AND SOCIALIZED HOUSING, Conversion of Agricultural Lands for

A.O. No.  02  -   August 29, 2000 (Effectivity Date – September 14, 2000)

Subject:   Conversion of Agricultural Lands for Socialized and Low Cost Housing  

MONITORING (Conversion/Exemptions/Exclusions)

M.C. No.  07  -   August 08, 2001

Subject: Inventory and Regular Monitoring of Land Use Conversion and Exemption/Exclusions
            M.C. No. 16  -  July 18, 1996
Subject: Prescribing the Revised Guidelines in the Performance of the Regular 
Functions of the Regional Planning Divisions (RPDs) and Provincial Planning, 
Monitoring and Evaluation Units (PMEUs)  
M.C. No. 08 – May 06, 2004
Subject:  Clarificatory Guidelines on DAR Memorandum Circular No. 5, S. 2004 
            (Moratorium on the Processing and Grant of Applications for Conversion and Exemption 
            of All Lands Devoted to or Suitable for Agriculture) 
M.C. No. 05 – March 03, 2004
Subject:  Moratorium on the Processing and Grant of Applications for Conversion and 
            Exemption of All Lands Devoted to or Suitable for Agriculture 
A.O. No. 04 – January 16, 2003 (Effectivity Date – February 9, 2003)
Subject:  2003 Rules on Exemption of Lands from CARP Coverage Under Section 3 (c ) 
of Republic Act No. 6657 and Department of Justice (DOJ) Opinion No. 44, series of 1990 
M.C. No.  07  -   August 08, 2001
Subject: Inventory and Regular Monitoring of Land Use Conversion and Exemption/Exclusions 
M.C. No.  01   -   January 09, 2001 (Effectivity Date – January 22, 2001)
Subject:  Operational Guidelines for the Posting and Disposition of Cash Bond and 
Performance Bond Pursuant to Administrative Order No. 1, series of 1999, 
Entitled “Revised Rules and Regulations on the Conversion of Agricultural 
Lands to Non-Agricultural Uses”  

R.A. 7881

R.A. No. 7881 – February 20, 1995

Subject:  An Act Amending Certain Provisions of R.A. No. 6657 [Section 3(b), 10, 11, 32, 65 and 73] 
M.C. No. 32  -  Series of  1997 

Subject:  Lifting the Suspension of the Implementation of R.A. No. 7881 and its Implementing Rule, A. O. No. 3
M.C. No. 27  -  November 20, 1995
Subject:  Suspension of the Implementation of RA 7881, Its Implementing Rule, AO No. 3, Series of
1995 Per Supreme Court Resolution dated Nov 13 1995
Subject:   Modified Guidelines on the Conversion of Agricultural Lands for Socialized 
and Low Cost Housing Purposes
            M.C. No. 23  -  June  02,  1997
            Subject:  Designating a SHOPC Desk Officer and Authorizing Him to Approve/Disapprove 
            Applications for Conversion & Exemption Through the Socialized Housing 
            One Stop Processing Center Per EO 185  S. 1994 
M.C. No. 4  -  April 22, 1996
Subject:  Expedited Processing of Applications for Conversion/Exemption Thru the SHOPC Per EO 184  S. 19
E.O. No. 184  -  June 27, 1994
Subject:  Creating Socialized Housing One-Stop Processing Centers to Facilitate the Processing and 
Issuance of Permits, Clearances, Certifications and Licenses Appropriate and Necessary for the
Implementation of Socialized Housing Projects, and Directing All Government Agencies
Concerned to Support the Operations of the Said Centers
E.O. No.  124  -   September 8, 1993
Subject:  Establishing Priorities and Procedures in Evaluating Areas Proposed for Land Conversion in
Regional Agri-Industrial Centers/Regional Industrial Centers, Tourism Development
Areas and Sites for Socialized Housing
R.A. No.  7279  -  March 24, 1992
Subject:  An Act to Provide for a Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program and Continuing 
Urban Development and Housing Program, Establish the Mechanism for Its 
Implementation, and for Other Purposes 


E.O.  124  (OP)  -  September  8,  1993
Subject: Establishing Priorities and Procedures in Evaluating Areas Proposed for Land 
Conversion in Regional Agri-Industrial Centers/Regional Industrial Centers, Tourism 
Development Areas and Sites for Socialized Housing 


            DAR M.C. No. 07 – March 29, 2004          

Subject: Clarificatory Guidelines on the Effect of Declarations of General Areas in the Country 
as “Tourist Zones” to the Coverage of Lands Devoted to or Suitable for Agriculture Within 
Said Areas Under the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP)
UNTENANTED LANDS,  Conversion of
A.O. No.  15  -  November 6, 1989
Subject:  Conversion of Untenanted Lands Located Within the Non-agricultural Zones as 
Embodied in the Land Use Plans of Cities/Municipalities
Section 65-A. Conversion into Fishpond and Prawn Farms. — No conversion of public agricultural
lands into fishponds and prawn farms shall be made except in situations where the provincial
government with the concurrence of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) declares a
coastal zone as suitable for fishpond development. In such case, the Department of Environment and
Natural Resources (DENR) shall allow the lease and development of such areas: Provided, That the
declaration shall not apply to environmentally critical projects and areas as contained in title (A) sub-
paragraph two, (B-5) and (C-1) and title (B), number eleven (11) of Proclamation No. 2146, entitled
"Proclaiming Certain Areas and Types of Projects as Environmentally Critical and Within the Scope of
the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) System established under Presidential Decree No. 1586," to
ensure the protection of river systems, aquifers and mangrove vegetations from pollution and
environmental degradation:  Provided, further,  That the approval shall be in accordance with a set of
guidelines to be drawn up and promulgated by the DAR and the BFAR:  Provided, furthermore, That
small-farmer cooperatives and organizations shall be given preference in the award of the Fishpond
Lease Agreement (FLAs).
No conversion of more than five (5) hectares of private lands to fishpond and prawn farms shall be
allowed after the passage of this Act, except when the use of the land is more economically feasible
and sound for fishpond and/or prawn farm, as certified by the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic
Resources (BFAR), and a simple and absolute majority of the regular farm workers or tenants agree to
the conversion, the Department of Agrarian Reform, may approve applications for change in the use of
the land: Provided, finally, That no piecemeal conversion to circumvent the provisions of this Act shall
be allo ed In these cases here the change of se is appro ed the pro isions of Section 32 A hereof
of Environment and Natural Resources shall provide the penalties for any violation of this undertaking
as well as the rules for its implementation. (as added by Section 5, RA 7881)
Section 65-D. Change of Crops. — The change of crops to commercial crops or high value crops shall
not be considered as a conversion in the use or nature of the land.  The change in crop should,
however, not prejudice the rights of tenants or leaseholders should there be any and the consent of a
simple and absolute majority of the affected farm workers, if any, shall first be obtained.  (as added
by Section 5, RA 7881)

A.O. No. 02 – July 19, 2011 (Effectivity Date – August 2, 2011)
Subject:   Rules on the Conversion of Agricultural Lands for Government Housing Projects Intended
for Armed Forces of the Philippines and Philippine National Police Personnel Pursuant to 
Office of the President Administrative Order No. 9, Series of 2011 
A.O. No. 05 – August 02, 2007 (Effectivity Date – August 16, 2007)
Subject:   Amendments to the 2002 Comprehensive Rules on Land Use Conversion 
M.C. No. 20 – August 16, 2004        
Subject:   Enjoining  Strict  Compliance with the Pertinent Provisions of DAR A.O. No. 1, S. 2002 
in the Processing of Application for Extension of Time to Conduct Development on Lands 
Issued with Conversion Order and Mandating the Immediate Acquisition and Distribution of 
Lands Not Developed Despite the Expiration of the Maximum Period for Development 
M.C. No. 08 – May 06, 2004
Subject:  Clarificatory Guidelines on DAR Memorandum Circular No. 5, S. 2004 (Moratorium on the 
Processing and Grant of Applications for Conversion and Exemption of All Lands 
Devoted to or Suitable for Agriculture) 
M.C. No. 05 – March 03, 2004
Subject:  Moratorium on the Processing and Grant of Applications for Conversion and Exemption
             of All Lands Devoted to or Suitable for Agriculture
M.C. No. 02  -  May 21, 2002
Subject:  Guidelines for the Processing of Land Use Conversion Applications Pursuant to 
Administrative Order No. 1, Series of 2002, Entitled: “2002 Comprehensive 
Rules on Land Use Conversion” 
A.O. No. 1 – February 28, 2002 (Effectivity Date – May 13, 2002)
Subject:    2002 Comprehensive Rules on Land Use Conversion 
M.C. No.  07  -   August 08, 2001
Subject: Inventory and Regular Monitoring of Land Use Conversion and Exemption/Exclusions
M.C. No.  01   -   January 09, 2001
Subject:    Posting and Disposition of Cash Bond and Performance Bond Pursuant to 
Administrative Order No. 1, series of 1999, Entitled: “Revised Rules and 
Regulations on the Conversion of Agricultural Lands to Non-Agricultural Uses” 
A.O. No.  02  -   August 29, 2000 (Effectivity Date – September 14, 2000)
Subject:   Conversion of Agricultural Lands for Socialized and Low-Cost Housing  

INTERNAL/CLARIFICATORY GUIDELINES, Processing of Conversion Applications

              M.C. No. 9   -   May 15, 1999

            Subject:  Internal/Clarificatory Guidelines for the Processing of Land Use Conversion Applications 
Pursuant to A.O. No. 1, Series of 1999 Entitled “Revised Rules and Regulations on the 
Conversion of Agricultural to Non-Agricultural Uses”
M.C. No.  3  -  February 6, 1998
Subject:  Internal Guidelines for the Processing of Land Use Conversion Applications Under 
A.O. No. 7, S. 1997:  “Omnibus Rules and Procedures Governing Conversion of 
Agricultural Lands to Non-agricultural uses”, and its Amendments
Section 66. Exemptions from Taxes and Fees of Land Transfers. —
Transactions under this Act involving a transfer of ownership, whether from natural or juridical persons, shall be
exempted from taxes arising from capital gains. These transactions shall also be exempted from the payment of
registration fees, and all other taxes and fees for the conveyance or transfer thereof; provided, that all
arrearages in real property taxes, without penalty or interest, shall be deductible from the compensation to
which the owner may be entitled.

Section 67. Free Registration of Patents and Titles. — 

Subject:   Supplemental/Clarificatory Guidelines  on DAR Memorandum Circular No. 2, Series of 2005 
(Full Implementation and  Continuation of  the Land Acquisition and Distribution Process Pursuant
to the Provisions of DAR Memorandum Circular Nos. 6 and 9, Series of 2004 and the Supreme 
Court Ruling in the Cuenca Case) 
M.C. No. 02 – September 16, 2005
Subject:  Full Implementation and Continuation of the Land Acquisition and Distribution Process Pursuant 
to the Provisions of DAR Memorandum Circular Nos. 6 and 9, Series of 2004 and the Supreme 
Court Ruling in the Cuenca Case 
M.C. No. 09  - May 13, 2004
Subject:   Supplemental Guidelines to Memorandum Circular No. 06, Series of 2004, Providing Legal 
Assistance to DAR Officials and Employees Unjustly Charged in Court or Other Government 
Bodies in the Performance of Their Duties, and Creating the Legal Support Fund for the Purpose 
M.C. No. 06 – March 03, 2004
Subject: Clarificatory Guidelines on the Effect of Injunctions and Temporary Restraining Orders Issued by
the Regular Courts on Acquisition and Distribution of Lands Under the 
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP)
Section 69. Assistance of Other Government Entities. —

The PARC, in the exercise of its functions, is hereby authorized to call upon the assistance and support of
other government agencies, bureaus and offices, including government-owned or -controlled corporations.


Joint DAR-DILG-DND Circular No.  05  -   June 10, 2002
Subject:   Law Enforcement of Agrarian Reform Laws and Programs 
            Earlier MOAs: 
            1)   MOA Between DAR-DILG-PNP  (May 3, 1995)
2)   MOA Between DAR-DND  (December 20, 1989) 
Section 70. Disposition of Private Agricultural Lands. —

The sale or disposition of agricultural lands retained by a landowner as a consequence of Section 6 hereof
shall be valid as long as the total landholdings that shall be owned by the transferee thereof inclusive of the
land to be acquired shall not exceed the landholding ceilings provided for in this Act.
Any sale or disposition of agricultural lands after the effectivity of this Act found to be contrary to the provisions
hereof shall be null and void.
Transferees of agricultural lands shall furnish the appropriate Register of Deeds and the BARC an affidavit
attesting that his total landholdings as a result of the said acquisition do not exceed the landholding ceiling.
The Register of Deeds shall not register the transfer of any agricultural land without the submission of this
sworn statement together with proof of service of a copy thereof to the BARC.

CONVEYANCE UNDER SECTIONS 6, 70 AND 73 (a) OF R.A. NO. 6657, Acquisition of Lands Subject of
A.O. No. 08 – September 30, 2011 (Effectivity Date – October 16, 2011)
Subject:    Rules for the Coverage of CARP-Covered Lands Subject to Unauthorized Transfers or Conveyanc
A.O. No. 05 – May 26, 2006 (Effectivity Date – June 10, 2006)
Subject:  Acquisition and Distribution of Agricultural Lands Subject of Conveyance Under Sections 6, 
70 and 73 (a) of R.A. No. 6657 [Repeals/Amends M.C. Nos. 2, Series of 2001 
and 18, Series of 2004 and amends DAR A.O. No. 2, Series of 2003] 
M.C. No. 18 – August 18, 2004
Subject:  Clarificatory Guidelines on the Coverage, Acquisition and Distribution of Agricultural Lands 
Subject of Conveyance Executed in Violation of Sec. 6., Par. 4 of R.A. 
No. 6657 [Modifies M.C. No. 2, Series of 2001] 
M.C. No. 16 – August 10, 2004
Subject:  Strengthening the Safeguards on Transfer or Conveyance of Agricultural Lands 
Covered by CARP Pursuant to RA 6657 
M.C. No.  02   -   January 9, 2001 (Effectivity Date – January 22, 2001)
Subject: Guidelines on Annulment of Deeds of Conveyance of Lands Covered by the Comprehensive 
Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) Executed in Violation of Section 6, 
paragraph 4 of Republic Act (RA) No.  6657
            A.O. No. 6  -  November 21, 1996 (Effectivity Date – December 9, 1996)
Subject:  Supplemental Guidelines to A.O. No. 8, Series of 1995  Re Transferability of 
Awarded Lands Awarded to ARBs Pursuant to PD 27/EO No. 228 and RA 6657
Subject:  2003 Rules and Procedures Governing Landowner Retention Rights
A.O. No. 05  -  August 30, 2000 (Effectivity Date – September 17, 2000)
Subject:   Revised Rules and Procedures for the Exercise of Retention Right by Landowners 
M.C. No.  12  -   August 14, 1998
Subject:  Retention Rights of Landowners and Award to Their Qualified Children
A.O. No. 4  -  April 26, 1991
Subject:  Supplemental Guidelines Governing the Exercise of Retention Rights by Landowners Under PD 27
A.O. No. 11  -  August 30, 1990
Subject:  Exercise of Retention Rights by Landowners and Award to Children Under Section 6 of RA 6657 
            Ministry A.O.  No. 01  -   February 27, 1985
                Subject:   Providing for a Cut-Off Date for Landowners to Apply for Retention and/or Protest the
Coverage of their Landholdings Under Operation Land Transfer Pursuant to P.D. No. 27
M.C. No. 16 – August 10, 2004 (Effectivity Date – August 10, 2004)
Subject:  Strengthening the Safeguards on Transfer or Conveyance of Agricultural Lands 
Covered by CARP Pursuant to RA 6657
Section 71. Bank Mortgages. —
Banks and other financial institutions allowed by law to hold mortgage rights or security interests in agricultural
lands to secure loans and other obligations of borrowers, may acquire title to these mortgaged properties,
regardless of area, subject to existing laws on compulsory transfer of foreclosed assets and acquisition as
prescribed under Section 13 of this Act.

FORECLOSED BY GFIs, Acquisition of Agricultural Lands

            M.C. No. 13 – Series of 2008
Subject: Clarification in  the Acquisition of Agricultural Lands Foreclosed by Government 
Financial Institutions (GFIs) 
            A.O. No.  01  -   May 31, 2000 (Effectivity Date – June 16, 2000)
Subject:  Revised Rules and Regulations on the Acquisition of Agricultural Lands Subject of 
Mortgage or Foreclosure
A.O.  No. 2  -  February 11,  1997 (Effectivity Date – February 28, 1997)
Subject:  Acquisition of Private Agricultural Lands Subject of Mortgage or Foreclosure of Mortgage
M.C. No.  5  -  April 18, 1996
Subject:  Guidelines Clarifying Sections 3 and 6 of RA 7881 Relative to Applications for Commercial 
            Farm Deferment and the Turn-Over to DAR of Foreclosed Assets of Government 
            Financial Institutions, Respectively
Section 72. Lease, Management, Grower or Service Contracts, Mortgages and Other Claims. —
Lands covered by this Act under lease, management, grower or service contracts, and the like shall be
disposed of as follows:
(a) Lease, management, grower or service contracts covering private lands may continue under their
original terms and conditions until the expiration of the same even if such land has, in the meantime,
been transferred to qualified beneficiaries.
(b) Mortgages and other claims registered with the Register of Deeds shall be assumed by the
government up to an amount equivalent to the landowner's compensation value as provided in this Act.

            A.O. No.  01  -   May 31, 2000  (Effectivity Date – June 16, 2000)
Subject:  Revised Rules and Regulations on the Acquisition of Agricultural Lands Subject of 
Mortgage or Foreclosure
A.O.  No. 2  -  February 11,  1997 (Effectivity Date – February 28, 1997)
Subject:  Acquisition of Private Agricultural Lands Subject of Mortgage or Foreclosure of Mortgage
M.C. No.  5  -  April 18, 1996
Subject:  Guidelines Clarifying Sections 3 and 6 of RA 7881 Relative to Applications for 
            Commercial Farm Deferment and the Turn-Over to DAR of Foreclosed Assets of 
            Government Financial Institutions, Respectively
intent to avoid the application of this Act to his use with intent to avoid the application of this Act
landholdings and to dispossess his tenant farmers to  his/herlandholdings and to
of the land tilled by them; dispossess his/her bonafide tenant farmers;
(d) The willful prevention or obstruction by any (d) The  malicious  and willful prevention or
person, association or entity of the implementation obstruction by any person, association or entity of
of the CARP; the implementation of the CARP;
(e) The sale, transfer, conveyance or change of the (e) The sale, transfer, conveyance or change of
nature of lands outside of urban centers and city the nature of lands outside of urban centers and
limits either in whole or in part after the effectivity of city limits either in whole or in part after the
this Act. The date of the registration of the deed of effectivity of this Act, except after final completion
conveyance in the Register of Deeds with respect of the appropriate conversion under Section 65 of
to titled lands and the date of the issuance of the Republic Act No. 6657, as amended. The date of
tax declaration to the transferee of the property with the registration of the deed of conveyance in the
respect to unregistered lands, as the case may be, Register of Deeds with respect to titled lands and
shall be conclusive for the purpose of this Act. the date of the issuance of the tax declaration to
the transferee of the property with respect to
unregistered lands, as the case may be, shall be
(f) The sale, transfer or conveyance by a conclusive for the purpose of this Act;
beneficiary of the right to use or any other
(f) The sale, transfer or conveyance by a
usufructuary right over the land he acquired by
beneficiary of the right to use or any other
virtue of being a beneficiary, in order to circumvent
usufructuary right over the land he/she acquired by
the provisions of this Act.
virtue of being a beneficiary, in order to circumvent
  the provisions of this Act;
(g) The unjustified, willful, and malicious act by a
responsible officer or officers of the government
through the following:
(1) The denial of notice and/or reply to
(2) The deprivation of retention rights;
(3) The undue or inordinate delay in the
preparation of claim folders; or
(4) Any undue delay, refusal or failure in the
payment of just compensation;
(h) The undue delay or unjustified failure of the DAR,
the LBP, the PARC, the PARCCOM, and any
concerned government agency or any government
official or employee to submit the required report,
data and/or other official document involving the
implementation of the provisions of this Act, as
required by the parties or the government, including
the House of Representatives and the Senate of the
Philippines as well as their respective committees,
and the congressional oversight committee created
(i) The undue delay in the compliance with the
obligation to certify or attest and/or falsification of the
certification or attestation as required under Section
7 of Republic Act No. 6657, as amended; and
(j) Any other culpable neglect or willful violations of
the provisions of this Act.
In the case of government officials and employees, a
conviction under this Act is without prejudice to any
civil case and/or appropriate administrative
proceedings under civil service law, rules and
regulations. "Any person convicted under this Act
shall not be entitled to any benefit provided for in any
agrarian reform law or program.  (as amended
bySection 24, RA 9700)
A.O. No. 11  -  August 30, 1990
Subject:  Exercise of Retention Rights by Landowners and Award to Children Under Section 6 of RA 6657 
            Ministry A.O.  No. 01  -   February 27, 1985
                Subject:   Providing for a Cut-Off Date for Landowners to Apply for Retention and/or Protest the Coverage of
their Landholdings Under Operation Land Transfer Pursuant to P.D. No. 27


M.C. No. 19  -  August 8, 1996 (Effectivity Date – August 26, 1996)

Subject:  Guidelines and Procedures Governing the Monitoring of Violations or Circumventions Committed 
by the Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries (ARBs), Providing Sanctions Therefor and Filing of 
Appropriate Administrative, Quasi-Judicial and/or Criminal Actions
A.O. No. 2  -  March 07, 1994
Subject:  Correction and Cancellation of Registered/Unregistered EPs, and CLOAs Due to Unlawful 
Acts and Omissions or Breach of  Obligations of ARBs
M.C. No. 19  -  August 08, 1996 (Effectivity Date – August 26, 1996)
Subject: Monitoring  of  Violations  or Circumventions Committed by the ARBs, Providing Sanctions 
and Filing  of Appropriate Administrative/Criminal Actions
A.O. No. 2  -  March 07, 1994
Subject: Correction and Cancellation of Registered/Unregistered EPs, and CLOAs Due to Unlawful 
Acts and Omissions or Breach of  Obligations of ARBs 
            M.C. No. 10 – December 19, 2007
            Subject:  Code of Conduct for the Officials and Employees of DAR
M.C. No.  02   -   January 9, 2001 (Effectivity Date – January 22, 2001)
Subject:  Guidelines on Annulment of Deeds of Conveyance of Lands Covered by the Comprehensive 
Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) Executed in Violation of Section 6, paragraph 4 of 
Republic Act (RA) No.  6657
            A.O. No. 6  -  November 21, 1996 (Effectivity Date – December 9, 1996)
Subject:  Supplemental Guidelines to A.O. No. 8, Series of 1995  Re Transferability of Awarded 
Lands Awarded to ARBs Pursuant to PD 27/EO No. 228 and RA 6657
            A.O. No. 8  -  December 18, 1995 (Effectivity Date – January 5, 1996)
            Subject:  Transferability of Lands Awarded to ARBs Pursuant to PD 27 as 
            Amended by EO No. 228 and RA 6657
LRA Circular No. 54  -  June 09, 1993
Subject:  Revised Guidelines on the Registration of Transactions Under the CARP
A.O. No. 1  -  January 03, 1989
Subject:  Rules and Procedures Governing Land Transactions


M.C. No. 16 – August 10, 2004
Subject:  Strengthening the Safeguards on Transfer or Conveyance of Agricultural Lands 
Covered by CARP Pursuant to RA 6657
M.C. No. 16 – August 10, 2004
Subject: Strengthening  the  Safeguards on Transfer or Conveyance of Agricultural 
Lands Covered by CARP Pursuant to RA 6657 

R.A. 7881

R.A. No. 7881 – February 20, 1995

Subject:  An Act Amending Certain Provisions of R.A. No. 6657 [Section 3(b), 10, 11, 32, 65 and 73] 
M.C. No. 32  -  Series of  1997 
one thousand pesos (P1,000.00) and not more than One thousand pesos (P1,000.00) and not more
fifteen thousand pesos (P15,000.00), or both, at the than Fifteen thousand pesos (P15,000.00), or
discretion of the court. both, at the discretion of the court: Provided, That
the following corresponding penalties shall be
imposed for the specific violations hereunder:
(a) Imprisonment of three (3) years and one (1)
  day to six (6) years or a fine of not less than Fifty
thousand pesos (P50,000.00)and not more than
  One hundred fifty thousand pesos
  (P150,000.00), or both, at the discretion of the
court upon any person who violates Section 73,
  subparagraphs (a), (b), (f), (g), and (h) of
  Republic Act No. 6657, as amended; and

  (b) Imprisonment of six (6) years and one (1) day

to twelve (12) years or a fine of not less than Two
  hundred thousand pesos (P200,000.00) and not
more than One million pesos (P1,000,000.00), or
both, at the discretion of the court upon any
  person who violates Section 73, subparagraphs
(c), (d), (e), and (i) of Republic Act No. 6657, as
If the offender is a corporation or association, the
officer responsible therefore shall be criminally liable If the offender is a corporation or association, the
officer responsible therefore shall be criminally liable.
(as amended by Section 25, RA 9700)
Section 75. Suppletory Application of Existing Legislation. —

The provisions of Republic Act No. 3844 as amended, Presidential Decree Nos. 27 and 266 as amended,
Executive Order Nos. 228 and 229, both Series of 1987; and other laws not inconsistent with this Act shall have
suppletory effect.

Section 76. Repealing Clause. —

Section 35 of Republic Act No. 3834, Presidential Decree No. 316, the last two paragraphs of Section 12 of
Presidential Decree No. 946, Presidential Decree No. 1038, and all other laws, decrees executive orders, rules
and regulations, issuances or parts thereof inconsistent with this Act are hereby repealed or amended
M.C. No. 7  -  August 25, 1988
Subject:  Disposition of Referral Cases Upon the Effectivity of RA 6657
Section 77. Separability Clause. —

If, for any reason, any section or provision of this Act is declared null and void, no other section, provision, or
part thereof shall be affected and the same shall remain in full force and effect.

ection 78. Effectivity Clause. —

This Act shall take effect immediately after publication in at least two (2) national newspapers of general

Approved: June 10, 1988

New Provisions in RA 9700 which did not repeal, neither amend nor supersede any provision in RA 6657
Section 26. Congressional Oversight Committee. –

A Congressional Oversight Committee on Agrarian Reform (COCAR) is hereby created to oversee and monitor
the implementation of this Act. It shall be composed of the Chairpersons of the Committee on Agrarian Reform of
both Houses of Congress, three (3) Members of the House of Representatives, and three (3) Members of the
Senate of the Philippines, to be designated respectively by the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the
President of the Senate of the Philippines.
The Chairpersons of the Committees on Agrarian Reform of the House of Representatives and of the Senate of
the Philippines shall be the Chairpersons of the COCAR. The Members shall receive no compensation; however,
traveling and other necessary expenses shall be allowed.
I d t t th bj ti f thi A t th COCAR h ll b id d ith th i ti
(e) Secure from the DAR or the LBP quarterly reports on the disbursement of funds for the agrarian reform
(f) Oversee and monitor, in such a manner as it may deem necessary, the actual implementation of the
program and projects by the DAR;
(g) Summon by subpoena any public or private citizen to testify before it, or require by subpoena duces
tecum  to produce before it such records, reports, or other documents as may be necessary in the
performance of its functions;

(h) Engage the services of resource persons from the public and private sectors as well as civil society
including the various agrarian reform groups or organizations in the different regions of the country as may
be needed;
(i) Approve the budget for the work of the Committee and all disbursements therefrom, including
compensation of all personnel;
(j) Organize its staff and hire and appoint such employees and personnel whether temporary, contractual
or on constancy subject to applicable rules; and
(k) Exercise all the powers necessary and incidental to attain the purposes for which it is created.

Section 28. Periodic Reports. –

The COCAR shall submit to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and to the President of the Senate of
the Philippines periodic reports on its findings and recommendations on actions to be undertaken by both Houses
of Congress, the DAR, and the PARC.

Section 29. Access to Information. –

Notwithstanding the provisions of Republic Act No. 1405 and other pertinent laws, information on the amount of
just compensation paid to any landowner under Republic Act No. 6657, as amended, and other agrarian reform
laws shall be deemed public information.

Section 30. Resolution of Case. –

Any case and/or proceeding involving the implementation of the provisions of Republic Act No. 6657, as
amended, which may remain pending on June 30, 2014 shall be allowed to proceed to its finality and be
executed even beyond such date.

Section 31. Implementing Rules and Regulations. –

The PARC and the DAR shall provide the necessary implementing rules and regulations within thirty (30) days
upon the approval of this Act. Such rules and regulations shall take effect on July 1, 2009 and it shall be
published in at least two (2) newspapers of general circulation.
Section 32. Repealing Clause. –

Section 53 of Republic Act No. 3844, otherwise known as the Agricultural Land Reform Code, is hereby repealed
and all other laws, decrees, executive orders, issuances, rules and regulations, or parts thereof inconsistent with
this Act are hereby likewise repealed or amended accordingly.
Section 33. Separability Clause. –

If, for any reason, any section or provision of this Act is declared unconstitutional or invalid, the other sections or
provisions not affected thereby shall remain in full force and effect.

Section 34. Effectivity Clause. –

This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2009 and it shall be published in at least two (2) newspapers of general


Republic Act 6657 June 10, 1988
Republic Act No. 7881 February 20, 1995
Republic Act No 7905 February 23 1995

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