Air Cooled Screw Chillers ALS
Air Cooled Screw Chillers ALS
Air Cooled Screw Chillers ALS
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ALS F air cooled screw chillers
McQuay air cooled ALS F units are equipped with the last generation of McQuay StarGate Frame 4 single
screw compressors. They are manufactured by McQuay to satisfy the requirements of the consultants and
the end user. McQuay ALS F units are designed to minimize energy costs while maximizing the refrigeration
capacities. Once again McQuay has developed a line of chillers unsurpassed in performance and quality that
will meet the most stringent requirements of comfort cooling, ice storage and process applications.
McQuay’s chiller design experience combined with outstanding features makes the ALS F chiller unmatched
in the industry.
Code requirements
All ALS F units are designed and manufactured in accordance with applicable selections of the following
which are equivalent to American Air-conditioning industry applicable codes:
Rating of chillers: EN 12055.
Construction of pressure vessel: TUV Standards (on request).
Electrical codes: IEC 204-1 CEI 44-5 Elect. & Safety Codes
Safety Codes: CEI-EN 60204–1 Codes.
Manufacturing Quality Stds: ISO 9001:2000.
8 different lines
ALS F line is available with two different efficiencies in order to satisfy every kind of requirements.
Acoustic flexibility down to 65 dBA thanks to different noise level versions:
• SE Standard Efficiency with COP up to 3,15 (nominal conditions and only compressor power input).
ST Standard noise – 79,0 ÷ 80,0 dBA
LN Low noise – 73,5 ÷ 76,5 dBA
XN Extra low noise – 71,5 ÷ 73,0 dBA
XXN Super quiet – 65,0 ÷ 66,5 dBA
• XE High Efficiency with COP up to 3,70 (nominal conditions and only compressor power input).
Also suitable for all high ambient application.
ST Standard noise – 79,0 ÷ 80,0 dBA
LN Low noise – 73,5 ÷ 76,5 dBA
XN Extra low noise – 71,5 ÷ 73,0 dBA
XXN Super quiet – 65,0 ÷ 66,5 dBA
ST – Standard version with additional base frame for compressors and oil separators installed on rubber
isolators to eliminate the vibrations.
Unmatched serviceability
Field serviceability has not been sacrificed. Inspection covers allows visual inspection of the main screw and
General characteristics
Cabinet and structure
The cabinet of ALS F units is made of galvanized steel sheet and painted to provide a high resistance to
corrosion. The unit base frame has holes to lift the unit with ropes for an easy installation. The weight is
uniformly distributed along the profiles of the base and this facilitates the arrangement of the unit. For the
units XN & XXN the compressors and the oil separators are located inside a cabinet that is sound insulated
in order to reduce their noise.
Screw compressors
The Stargate single-screw compressor has a well-balanced compression mechanism that cancels the
screw rotor load in both the radial and axial directions. Inherent to the basic single-screw compressor design
is the virtually load-free operation, that gives main bearing design life of 3-4 times greater than twin-screws,
and eliminates expensive and complicated thrust balancing schemes. The two exactly opposed gaterotors
create two exactly opposed compression cycles. Compression is made at the lower and upper parts of the
screw rotor at the same time, thus canceling the radial loads. Also, both ends of the screw rotor are
subjected to suction pressure only, which cancels the axial loads and eliminates the huge thrust loads
inherent in twin-screw compressors.
Oil injection is used for these compressors in order to get high COP at high condensing pressure. ALS F
units are provided with a high efficiency oil separator to maximize oil extraction. Compressors have an
infinitely variable capacity control down to 25% of its total capacity. This control is made by means of
capacity slides controlled by microprocessors.
Standard start is star-delta type; Soft start type is available (as option) in order to have lower inrush current.
The units are supplied with optimised counter-flow evaporator single refrigerant pass. It is direct expansion
(2 evaporators for units with 4 compressors) with refrigerant inside the tubes and water outside (shell side)
with carbon steel tube sheets, with straight copper tubes that are spirally wound internally for higher
efficiencies, expanded on the tube plates. The external shell is linked with an electrical heater to prevent
freezing to -28 C ambient temperature, commanded by a thermostat and is covered with a closed cell
Condenser coils
ALS F units are constructed with internally enhanced seamless copper tubes arranged in a staggered row
pattern and mechanically expanded into McQuay lanced and rippled aluminum condenser fins with full fin
collars. An integral sub-cooler circuit provides sub-cooling to effectively eliminate liquid flashing and
increases in cooling capacity without increasing the power input.
All the ALS F units are CE marked (89/392). McQuay Italia obtained ISO 9001:2000.
P (kW)
(1) Q = 35,83 X
Q = minimum water content per unit expressed in litres
P = minimum cooling capacity of the unit expressed in kW
∆T = evaporator entering / leaving water temperature difference expressed in °C
For more accurate determination of quantity of water, it is advisable to contact the designer of the plant.
Regulation type
Proportional + integral + derivative regulation on the input probe of the evaporator water leaving
The condensation can be carried out according to temperature or pressure. The fans can be managed
according to ON/OFF mode or with a 0/10 V modulating signal.
Solution for: tele-maintenance and supervisory systems
MicroTech II C Plus can be monitored locally or via modem by MicroPlant supervision program that runs
on PC systems under Windows ’95 – ’98.
MicroPlant is the best solution:
• To centralize all the information in just one local and/or remote PC
• To check all the parameters for each unit connected
• Data logging of temperature - pressure
• Printouts of alarms, parameters and graphs
• To control several plants located in different geographical areas from a central station
• To manage the Service centers
MicroPlant allows:
• Visualization of all working conditions for each controller
• Visualization of their graphics
• Display, print-out of the actual alarms
• Connection between local and remote computer via telephone line (Modem)
• Units ON / OFF
• Set point change.
MicroTech II C Plus remote control
Compatibility with supervisory systems is becoming increasingly important in HVAC. MicroTech II C Plus
allows easy interfacing with BMS (Building Management Systems), the external world that can be:
Note: spring type isolators (usually used with reciprocating chillers) are not recommended for the ALS F
chiller because McQuay Frame 4 screw compressors do not generate low frequency vibrations.
Installation notes
Care should be taken to avoid rough handling or shock due to dropping the unit. Do not push or pull the unit
from anything other than the base, and block the pushing vehicle away from the unit to prevent damage to
the cabinet. Never allow the unit fall during unloading or moving as this may result in serious damage. To lift
the unit, holes are provided in the base of the unit. Spreader bar and cables should be arranged to prevent
damage to the condenser coil or unit cabinet.
The ALS F units are produced for outside installation on roofs, floors or below ground level on condition that
the area is free from obstacles for the passage of the condenser air. The unit should be positioned on solid
foundations and perfectly level; in the case of installation on roofs or floors, it may be advisable to arrange
the use of suitable weight distribution beams. When the units are installed on the ground, a concrete base at
least 250 mm wider and longer than the unit’s footprint should be laid. Furthermore, this base should
withstand the unit weight mentioned in the technical data table. When the units are positioned in areas which
are easily accessible by persons or animals, it is advisable to fit guards to protect the condenser coil guards
and, when necessary, also guards to protect the evaporator area.
Space requirements
The ALS F units are air-cooled; hence it is important to observe the minimum distances that guarantee the
best ventilation of the condenser coils. Limitations of space reducing the air flow could cause significant
reductions in cooling capacity and an increase in electricity consumption.
To determinate unit placement, careful consideration must be given to assure a sufficient air flow across the
condenser heat transfer surface. Two conditions must be avoided to achieve the best performance: warm air
re-circulation and coil starvation.
Acoustic protection
The low noise levels of the ALS units means that they meet the most restrictive regulations, thanks to the
availability of four versions with different sound levels. When the noise level must meet special requirements
it will be necessary to pay the maximum attention to ensure the perfect insulation of the unit from the support
base by applying appropriate vibration-dampening devices, applying vibration-dampening mounts on the
water pipes and on the electrical connections.
Acoustic protection
The low noise levels of the ALS F units means that they meet the most restrictive regulations, thanks to the
availability of four versions with different sound levels. When the noise level must meet special requirements
it will be necessary to pay the maximum attention to ensure the perfect insulation of the unit from the support
base by applying appropriate vibration-dampening devices, applying vibration-dampening mounts on the
water pipes and on the electrical connections.
F Release
SE Standard Efficiency
XE High Efficiency
3 N°of compressors
ST Standard version
LN Low noise version
XN Extra low noise version
XXN Super quiet
Notes: Power input is for compressor only; cooling cap. and power input are referred to evap. fouling factor=0,0176m2 °C/kW.
(*) For cooling capacity in the middle of 241.2 and 279.3 range, select XE unit.
Notes: Power input is for compressor only; cooling cap. and power input are referred to evap. fouling factor=0,0176m2 °C/kW.
(*) For cooling capacity in the middle of 241.2 and 279.3 range, select XE unit.
Notes: Power input is for compressor only; cooling cap. and power input are referred to evap. fouling factor=0,0176m2 °C/kW.
(*) When air temperature is higher then +32°C, fan speed control device sets up fan speed, increasing cooling capacity.
Notes: Power input is for compressor only; cooling cap. and power input are referred to evap. fouling factor=0,0176m2 °C/kW.
(*) When air temperature is higher then +32°C, fan speed control device sets up fan speed, increasing cooling capacity.
Note: Power input is for compressor only; cooling cap. and power input are referred to evap. fouling factor=0,0176m2 °C/kW.
Note: Power input is for compressor only; cooling cap. and power input are referred to evap. fouling factor=0,0176m2 °C/kW.
Note: Power input is for compressor only; cooling cap. and power input are referred to evap. fouling factor=0,0176m2 °C/kW.
Note: Power input is for compressor only; cooling cap. and power input are referred to evap. fouling factor=0,0176m2 °C/kW.
Note: Power input is for compressor only; cooling cap. and power input are referred to evap. fouling factor=0,0176m2 °C/kW.
Note: Power input is for compressor only; cooling cap. and power input are referred to evap. fouling factor=0,0176m2 °C/kW.
Note: Power input is for compressor only; cooling cap. and power input are referred to evap. fouling factor=0,0176m2 °C/kW.
Total hydraulic lift (kPa)
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
355.4 - 460.4
260.3 - 279.3 - 296.3
178.2 - 196.2
212.2 - 229.2
drop (kPa)
di carico
Water flow rate (l/s)
Water flow rate (l/s) OVᤢ
. " ! .
. . ! - / $ ! - % " !
" # !
" !
" % !
" # % !
" 3 !
" " % ! " - " . ! " - " / $ ! " - " # ! " - " . 3 !
% ! "
# $ ! "
! "
drop (kPa)
di carico
7 8 : ; = ; = = @ B C = F E G H J
rate (l/s)
" $ & < / * . <
F 426.4
" $ & , < < . , ? " $ & , @ 1 . , ? " $ & , 2 / . ,
F 327.3
F 312.3
" $ & , ( / . ,
" $ & / 2 * . ,
F 296.3
" $ & / 0 2 . ,
F 279.3
" $ & / / 2 . / ? " $ & / < ( . / ? " $ & / @ 1 . / ? " $ & / * C . , ? " $ & / 0 , . /
229.2 – 241.2 –F258.2 – 260.3 –F 273.2
" $ & / < C . ,
F 240.3
" $ & / ( / . /
F 212.2
" $ & ( 2 * . /
F 196.2
" $ & ( 0 1 . /
F 178.2
" $ & ( * , . /
F 163.2
drop (kPa)
di carico
Water acqua
flow OVᤢ
rate (l/s)
2230 A 40
Length – A Length – A
ALS F SE units ALS F XE units
(mm) (mm)
ALS F SE 178.2 ÷ 196.2 ST, LN, XN 5310 ALS F XE 178.2 ÷ 196.2 ST, LN, XN 6210
ALS F SE 212.2 ÷ 241.2 ST, LN, XN 6210 ALS F XE 212.2 ÷ 241.2 ST, LN, XN 7110
ALS F XE 258.2 ÷ 273.2 ST, LN, XN 8300
ALS F SE 163.2 XXN 5310 ALS F XE 163.2 XXN 6210
ALS F SE 178.2 ÷ 196.2 XXN 6210 ALS F XE 178.2 ÷ 196.2 XXN 7110
ALS F SE 212.2 ÷ 229.2 XXN 7110
Length – A Length – A
ALS F SE units ALS F XE units
(mm) (mm)
ALS F SE 279.3 ST, LN, XN 7400 ALS F XE 279.3 ÷ 296.3 ST, LN, XN 9200
ALS F SE 296.3 ÷ 312.3 ST, LN, XN 8270 ALS F XE 312.3 ÷ 327.3 ST, LN, XN 10100
ALS F SE 327.3 ÷ 358.3 ST, LN, XN 9200 ALS F XE 344.3 ÷ 358.3 ST, LN, XN 11000
ALS F XE 392.3 ST, LN, XN 12800
ALS F SE 240.3 ÷ 260.3 XXN 8300 ALS F XE 240.3 XXN 9200
ALS F SE 279.3 ÷ 296.3 XXN 9200 ALS F XE 260.3 ÷ 279.3 XXN 10100
ALS F SE 312.3 ÷ 327.3 XXN 10100 ALS F XE 296.3 XXN 11000
ALS F SE 344.3 XXN 11000
2230 A 40
Length – A Length – A
ALS F SE units ALS F XE units
(mm) (mm)
ALS F SE 426.4 ST, LN, XN 11000 ALS F XE 426.4 ST, LN, XN 12800
ALS F SE 460.4 ÷ 495.4 ST, LN, XN 11900 ALS F XE 460. 4 ÷ 520.4 ST, LN, XN 13670