ToK PPF - en Final Essay, Final
ToK PPF - en Final Essay, Final
ToK PPF - en Final Essay, Final
Chrome users should save the form, then reopen and complete with Adobe reader.
For use from May/November 2017
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Candidate This form must be completed during the planning and progress of your essay. It is a record of three interactions
with your teacher. The first interaction should focus on discussing the prescribed titles and choosing the title for your essay. In
your second interaction you should discuss the development of your ideas in relation to your chosen title, and you may present
to your teacher an exploration of those ideas in some written form. This will allow you to create a plan for the structure of your
essay. For your final interaction you are encouraged to present to your teacher a full draft of your essay. The teacher is
permitted to provide written comments on your draft, but will not mark or edit your draft.
Teacher You must have at least three interactions with each candidate; one early on in the process to discuss the prescribed
titles, an interim session to discuss progress and a final session at which the candidate should present a full draft. Other
interactions are permitted, but only these three should be recorded on this form.
Prescribed title:
First interaction:
Second interaction:
Third interaction:
Teacher's comments:
Completed declarations:
I confirm that my comments above are accurate
Candidate's name: