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Shorinji Kempo Curriculum For Kyu Kenshi April 2022

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The key takeaways are establishing goals for training, following the established sequence, mastering fundamentals, understanding principles, and practicing movements repeatedly while balancing training according to one's physical condition.

The objectives for each Kyu rank focus on gaining an understanding of the philosophy and principles of Shorinji Kempo, mastering fundamental techniques and stances, and developing proper attitudes toward training.

The examination prerequisites specify the minimum practice time required after passing the previous rank, typically 16-24 days over 2-3 months, as well as completing the curriculum for that rank.

Shorinji Kempo Curriculum

for Kyu Kenshi

(Primary Ranks)

World Shorinji Kempo Organization

● The sequence listed in the curriculum is a guideline and may be changed due to
the training structure at each dojo or the level of individuals.

● Also, practice sessions without any specified techniques in the curriculum should
be used for review and repetition.

● In particular, the period preceding the Kyu and Dan examinations should be used
for additional review and repetition to be well prepared for the examinations.

● As a "Gyo to complete as a human being", each individual should focus to train in

Shorinji Kempo to improve one's own "technique and spirit" as if climbing a set of
stairs one step at a time. It is important not to compare technical mastery or speed of
rank promotion with others

Key Attitudes Toward Training

1. Establish goals for training.

2. Follow the established sequence of technical training.
3. Master kihon.
4. Understand the principles.
5. Practice movements repeatedly.
6. Balance your training.
7. Train according to physical condition.
8. Never give up.

Table of Contents
〇 6th Kyu Objectives ……………………………………………..……… 3
〇 6th Kyu Curriculum …………………………………………..……..… 4
〇 5th Kyu Objectives……………………………………………..………. 6
〇 5th Kyu Curriculum………………………………………….………… 7
〇 4th Kyu Objectives…………………………………………..……….… 9
〇 4th Kyu Curriculum………………………………….………………… 10
〇 3rd Kyu Objectives…………………………………………………...… 12
〇 3rd Kyu Curriculum………………………………………………….… 13
〇 2nd Kyu Objectives……………………………………………….……. 15
〇 2nd Kyu Curriculum……………………………………………............ 16
〇 1st Kyu Objectives……………………………………………………... 19
〇 1st Kyu Curriculum …………………………………………...……….. 20
〇 1st Dan Objectives……………………………………………………... 23
〇 1st Dan Curriculum…………………………………………………….. 24
〇 Summary of Technical Curriculum by Week………………….……….. 25
〇 Summary of Techniques by Rank and Family………………...………. 27
〇 APPENDIX 1 Referential Materials of Shorinji Kempo Techniques….. 30
Stances: Byakuren Hachi-jin …………………………………... 31
Stances: Giwa Kyu-jin …………………………………………. 34
Grabs to the Wrist…………………………………………...…. 37
Tan’en Kihon Hokei…………………………………………..... 38
〇 APPENDIX 2 Contents of Shorinji Kempo Grading Examinations…. 42
6th Kyu Examination Contents……………………………….... 43
5th Kyu Examination Contents……………………………….... 45
4th Kyu Examination Contents…………...…………...……….. 47
3rd Kyu Examination Contents…………...…………...……….. 49
2nd Kyu Examination Contents…………...…………......…….. 51
1st Kyu Examination Contents…………...…………...……….. 53
1st Dan Examination Contents…………...…………...……….. 55
Supervised Essay Examinations and Homework Assignments... 57
Summary of Examination Prerequisites…………...………..….. 58
Compulsory Paired Embu for Kyu and Dan Examinations..…. 59

6th Kyu Objectives

◎ Philosophy
Start by gaining an understanding of how and why Shorinji Kempo was founded. Then, learn
what the key attitudes in the dojo are as one goes on about training "as if newly born into this

1. Motivation and Goals for the Founding of Shorinji Kempo

2. Key Attitudes for the Dojo

◎ Techniques
The goal is to learn the manners and the basic movements. Emphasize the training on manners
toward the instructors, seniors, and peers, as well as the technical foundations of Shorinji

[Tan'en Kihon Hokei]

Tenchi Ken Dai-ikkei (solo form)
Ryu’o Ken Dai-ikkei (solo form)

[Kihon Hokei]
Nio Ken: Hokei focusing on attacks and defenses against jodan
ryusui geri (ushiro), uwa uke zuki (omote, ura), uchi uke zuki (ura),
tenshin geri
Ryu’o Ken: Basics of juho defense skills consisting mainly of hand releases
kote nuki
Kongo Ken: Pins and arrests
ude juji gatame

6th Kyu Curriculum
Week Basic Practice Kihon Hokei Shifting / Stance Offense/ Defense/ Katame / Atemi page

- entrance ceremony, manners

(kyakka shoko, gassho rei, samu,
clothing, attitude, word use)
- how to sit down, how to stand up,
various stances
1 - chosoku ho, eye movement, sokui ho

- shifting (sei tai, tai, hiraki)

- urate uchi (me uchi), kinteki geri
- furiko zuki, keri age
- de ashi, hiki ashi, yoko ashi, ryusui geri tai gamae, 170
ryusui uke (ushiro) hiraki gamae
<Nio Ken> (O) chudan gamae jodan gyaku zuki
- hikimi, irimi (D) ichiji gamae ryusui uke, chudan geri,
juji ashi sagari or kumo ashi sagari

- jun zuki, gyaku zuki, jun geri, gyaku geri

- uwa uke, uchi uke, shita uke

- offense and defense techniques

(jodan zuki, ryusui uke)
- pressure points of the face, chest
and stomach
- uchi uke zuki (sei tai gamae) uchi uke zuki tai gamae 173
- offense and defense techniques (ura) (O) chudan gamae jodan gyaku zuki
(jodan zuki, uchi uke) <Nio Ken> (D) ichiji gamae uchi uke, chudan gyaku zuki
3 - do zuki, do geri

- mae ukemi
- ushiro ukemi
- daisharin ude juji gatame tai gamae 284
- zen tenkan, han tenkan <Kongo Ken> (O) chudan gamae ude juji gatame, renko
(D) chudan gamae
- Practice kagi zuki (various types)
4 harai uke, uchi harai uke

- oten yori okiagari

(roll and stand up)
- pressure points of the hands and arms
- principles of nuki te kote nuki tai gamae, 213
(inner wrist in jun te) <Ryu’o Ken> hiraki gamae
- uraken uchi (O) chudan gamae grab the inner wrist in jun te and pull it
- pressure points of the head and face (D) chudan gamae kagite shuho, uraken chudan zuki
- sashikae irimi, chidori irimi
5 - hiraki sagari, jun sagari

- offenses while moving (jun zuki,

gyaku zuki, jun geri, gyaku geri)
- defenses while moving
(uwa uke, uchi uke, shita uke)

6th Kyu Curriculum
Week Basic Practice Kihon Hokei Shifting / Stance Offense/ Defense/ Katame / Atemi page

- Tenchi Ken Dai-ikkei (solo form) tenshin geri tai gamae, 176
- do zuki, do geri <Nio Ken> hiraki gamae
- keri age, keri komi (O) chudan gamae jodan choku zuki
- offenses and defenses while moving (D) ichiji gamae yoko tenshin and chudan keri age
6 (jodan zuki and uchi uke, chudan zuki
and shita uke, chudan geri and
uchi harai uke)

- uwa uke zuki (sei tai gamae) uwa uke zuki tai gamae 171
-sashikae irimi, chidori irimi (omote) (O) chudan gamae shuto uchi
<Nio Ken> (D) ichiji gamae uwa uke, chudan zuki, kumade zuki
- offenses and defenses while moving uwa uke zuki tai gamae 171
(shuto uchi, uwa uke) (ura) (O) chudan gamae shuto uchi
7 <Nio Ken> (D) ichiji gamae uwa uke and chudan zuki
- pressure points of the head and

- ni ren ko of tsuki and keri

- Ryu’o Ken Dai-ikkei (solo form)

and Review, preparation for the examination

5th Kyu Objectives

◎ Philosophy

The curriculums of Shorinji Kempo consist of techniques and philosophy. The training
is to be well balanced between the two. At this Kyu level, kenshi learns the
significances of the techniques and the philosophy.

1. How to Study the Technical and Philosophical Teachings

2. Systems of the Training of Shorinji Kempo

◎ Techniques

Based on the basic movements learned in the 6th Kyu, the range of movement is
broadened. Repeat the movements until the body learns them.

[Tan'en Kihon Hokei]

Giwa Ken Dai-ikkei (solo form)
Ryu’o Ken Dai-ikkei (paired form)
Tenchi Ken Dai-ikkei (paired form)

[Kihon Hokei]
Nio Ken: Hokei focusing on attacks and defenses against jodan
ryusui geri (mae), uwa uke geri (omote, ura)
Sango Ken: Hokei consisting mainly of offense to chudan, and defending with arms and
countering with legs
shita uke geri, shita uke jun geri
Ryu’o Ken: Basics of juho defense skills consisting mainly of hand releases
katate yori nuki, maki nuki (katate)
Ryuka Ken: Twists and throws against grabs to the hands and arms
gyaku gote
Kongo Ken: Pins and arrests
mae yubi gatame

5th Kyu Curriculum
Week Basic Practice Kihon Hokei Shifting / Stance Offense / Defense/ Katame / Atemi page Check
- keri age, keri komi ryusui geri tai gamae 170
- ryusui uke, keri age / keri komi (mae) (O) chudan gamae jodan gyaku zuki
<Nio Ken> (D) ichiji gamae ryusui uke, chudan geri,
- byakuren chudan gamae juji ashi sagari or kumo ashi sagari
1 (kaisoku chudan gamae),
continued to jo chu ni ren zuki
randori (goho) Responses against jodan zuki (single attacks)
- offenses and defenses while uwa uke geri tai gamae 172
moving (omote) (O) chudan gamae shuto uchi
(hiraki sagari and keri) <Nio Ken> (D) ichiji gamae uwa uke and keri komi,
(hiraki sagari, uwa uke and keri) juji ashi sagari, kumo ashi sagari
uwa uke geri tai gamae 172
2 - do zuki and do geri (ura) (O) chudan gamae shuto uchi
<Nio Ken> (D) ichiji gamae uwa uke, chudan geri
juji ashi sagari or kumo ashi sagari
randori (goho) Responses against shuto uchi

- shuto giri, yorimi katate yori nuki hiraki gamae 210

- principles of nuki te <Ryu’o Ken> (O) chudan gamae Grab and pull the outer wrist in jun te
(outer wrist in jun te) (D) chudan gamae kagite shuho, kumade zuki

3 - Tenchi Ken Dai-ikkei (paired form)

- pressure points of the neck
randori (juho) nuki waza against sei tai gamae (outer wrist in jun te)
- sashikomi ashi and jun geri maki nuki hiraki gamae 221
/mawashi geri (katate) (O) chudan gamae outer wrist in jun te
- juji uke <Ryu'o Ken> (D) chudan gamae kagite shuho, uraken uchi,
chudan zuki
4 - Ryu’o Ken Dai-ikkei (paired
- jo chu ni ren zuki
(kaisoku chudan gamae) randori (juho) nuki waza against sei tai gamae (outer wrist in jun te)
- various types of tai gamae shita uke geri tai gamae 182
- offenses and defenses while moving <Sango Ken> (O) ichiji gamae chudan gyaku zuki
(chudan zuki and shita uke) (D) hasso gamae shita uke, gyaku geri
- jo chu ni ren zuki (chudan gamae)
5 - Giwa Ken Dai-ikkei (solo form)
randori (juho) nuki waza against grabs to inner write in jun te

5th Kyu Curriculum
Week Basic Practice Kihon Hokei Shifting/ Stance Offense / Defense/ Katame / Atemi page
- jun zuki, gyaku zuki, jun geri, shita uke jun geri tai gamae chudan jun zuki 182
gyaku geri <Sango Ken> (O) ichiji gamae shita uke (rear hand), jun geri
(D) hasso gamae
- sashikae ashi,
6 keri age / sokuto geri

randori (goho) Responses against chudan zuki (single attack)

- uchi geri gyaku gote tai gamae / 239
- gedan zuki <Ryuka Ken> hiraki gamae 286
(O) chudan gamae Grab and pull the inner wrist in jun te
(D) chudan gamae uchi geri, mae yubi gatame,
gedan zuki
7 randori (goho) Responses against single attacks to jodan or chudan
randori (juho) nuki waza against grabs to inner or outer wrist in jun te

and Review, preparation for the examination

4th Kyu Objectives

◎ Philosophy
At this Kyu level, the purpose for practicing Shorinji Kempo are reaffirmed. Then, the
kenshi learns the human qualities sought through the practice of Shorinji Kempo, and the
key attitudes.

1. What is True Strength?

2. Key Attitudes Toward Training

◎ Techniques
Goho up through the 4th Kyu consists of single attacks, and juho mainly consists of
hokei that are defense and responses against grabs to a single hand. At this Kyu level, the
goal is to learn hokei that form the basis for those techniques.

[Tan'en Kihon Hokei]

Tenchi Ken Dai-nikei (solo form)
[Kihon Hokei]
Nio Ken: Hokei focusing on attacks and defenses against jodan
uchi age zuki (ura, omote), uchi age geri (ura, omote),
.soto uke zuki (ura, omote), soto uke geri (ura, omote)
Ryu’o Ken: Basics of juho defense skills consisting mainly of nuki te (hand releases)
tsuki nuki (soto, uchi), kiri nuki (soto, uchi)
Ryuka Ken: Twists and throws against grabs to hands and arms
katate okuri gote, okuri maki tembin
Kongo Ken: Pins and arrests
okuri gatame

4th Kyu Curriculum
Week Basic Practice Kihon Hokei Shifting / Stance Offense / Defense/ Katame / Atemi page

- jun zuki (mae chidori ashi, soto uke zuki tai gamae, 174
sashikae ashi) (ura,omote) hiraki gamae
- soto uke <Nio Ken> (O) chudan gamae jodan zuki
(D) ichiji gamae soto uke, chudan zuki
1 - Giwa Ken Dai-ikkei (solo form)
- jo chu ni ren zuki (chudan gamae)
randori (goho) Responses against jodan zuki (single attacks)
- offense and defense techniques soto uke geri tai gamae, 175
(jodan zuki and soto uke) (ura,omote) hiraki gamae jodan zuki
<Nio Ken> (O) chudan gamae soto uke, chudan geri
- various types of ukemi
(D) ichiji gamae

2 - offenses and defenses while moving

(ren, consecutive)
randori (goho) Responses against chudan zuki (single attacks)

- various types of umpo ho katate okuri gote hiraki gamae 245

- various types of tai sabaki <Ryuka Ken> (O) chudan gamae outer wrist in jun te 285
(D) chudan gamae kagite shuho, okuri gatame
3 - various types of furi zuki
- various types of kagi zuki
randori (juho) Responses against grab to the outer wrist in jun te
- furi zuki, chudan zuki (ni ren ko) okuri maki tembin hiraki gamae 249
<Ryuka Ken> (O) chudan gamae outer wrist in jun te
(D) chudan gamae okuri gote attempted and changed
4 - offenses and defenses while moving
(kagi zuki and uchi harai uke,
mawashi geri and uchi harai uke) randori (juho) Responses against grab to inner wrist in jun te
- soto uke and uchi age uke uchi age zuki tai gamae, 172
(ura, omote) hiraki gamae
- offense and defense skills <Nio Ken> (O) chudan gamae jodan zuki
(jodan zuki and uchi age uke) (D) ichiji gamae uchi age uke, chudan zuki
5 - Tenchi Ken Dai-nikei (solo form) uchi age geri tai gamae, 173
(ura, omote) hiraki gamae jodan zuki
<Nio Ken> (O) chudan gamae uchi age uke, chudan geri
(D) ichiji gamae
randori (goho)
Responses against single attacks to jodan or chudan
- ni ren ko kiri nuki hiraki gamae Grab and pull the outer wrist in 223
(jo jo zuki, jo chu zuki) (soto) (O) chudan gamae gyaku te
- principles of nuki te <Ryu’o Ken> (D) chudan gamae Front fist held high, chudan gyaku zuki
(gyaku te, inner wrist / outer wrist)
kiri nuki tai gamae 223
- ni ren ko (uchi) (O) chudan gamae Grab and pull inner wrist in gyaku te
(uraken and chudan zuki, <Ryu’o Ken> (D) chudan gamae Front fist held high, chudan gyaku zuki
shuto giri and chudan zuki) randori (joho) Responses against grabs to inner or outer wrist in
review gyaku

4th Kyu Curriculum
Week Basic Practice Kihon Hokei Shifting / Stance Offense / Defense/ Katame / Atemi page Check
- urate uchi (kinteki uchi) tsuki nuki hiraki gamae 220
- shoken uchi (soto) (O) chudan gamae Hold down the defender's kagite.
(suigetsu, yoko zanmai, <Ryu’o Ken> (D) chudan gamae tsuitate shuho, urate uchi
mikazuki) or shoken uchi
tsuki nuki tai gamae 220
7 (uchi) (O) chudan gamae Hold down the defender's kagite.
<Ryu’o Ken> (D) chudan gamae tsuitate shuho, urate uchi
or shoken uchi
randori (goho) Responses against single attacks to jodan or chudan
randori (juho) Responses against grabs to inner or outer wrist in
review jun te

and Review, preparation for the examination

3rd Kyu Objectives

◎ Philosophy
At this Kyu level, kenshi learn the characteristics of Shorinji Kempo and hte knowledge
necessary for improving the technical skills.
1. Shorinji Kempo is a Discipline that Develops Individuals
2. Distinguishing Characteristics of Shorinji Kempo (Ken Zen Ichinyo, Riki Ai Funi)
3. The Five Elements of Atemi
4. Kinds of Kihon in Shorinji Kempo

◎ Techniques
For goho, arc strikes and combination attacks are added. For juho, defenses and
responses for grabs to both hands (ryote), are added. Also, from the 3rd Kyu, un'yoho
(application) and paired embu (kumi embu) are evaluated. Un'yoho practice includes the
skills learned to this level to be applied for responses. Kumi embu practice aims to show
accurately the basic motions with an opponent in paired form.

[Tan'en Kihon Hokei]

Tenchi Ken Dai-sankei (solo form), Tenchi Ken Dai-yonkei (solo form)
Giwa Ken Dai-nikei (solo form), Giwa Ken Dai-ikkei (paired form)

[Kihon Hokei]
Nio Ken: Hokei focusing on attacks and defenses against jodan
uchi uke geri (ura, omote), soto oshi uke zuki, uchi oshi uke zuki
Sango Ken: Hokei consisting mainly of offenses to chudan, and defending with arms
and countering with legs
juji uke geri
Ten’o Ken: Basic forms of combination offenses that starts from the jodan
tsuki ten ichi
Ryu’o Ken: Basics of juho defense skills consisting mainly of hand releases
ryote yori nuki, tsuki nuki (ryote), maki nuki (ryote), juji nuki (katate),
nidan nuki, hiji nuki continued to mae tembin
Ryuka Ken: Twists and throws against grabs to hands and arms
gyaku gote, continued to ura gaeshi nage, juji gote (katate)
Kongo Ken: Pins and arrests
ura gatame, juji gatame, ude juji gatame, tate gassho gatame

3rd Kyu Curriculum
Week Basic Practice Kihon Hokei Shifting / Stance Offense / Defense/ Katame / Atemi page
- san ren ko ude juji gatame tai gamae 284
(jo chu jo tsuki, jo chu keri) continued to (O) chudan gamae gedan geri 291
- Tenchi Ken Dai-sankei (solo form) tate gassho gatame (D) chudan gamae
- Tenchi Ken Dai-yonkei (solo form) <Kongo Ken>
- ren geri (jun geri, gyaku geri randori (goho) Responses against chudan zuki (single attack)
and gyaku geri, jun geri)
- tobi ren geri
- various types of dan zuki (me ryote yori nuki tai gamae 218
uchi and chudan zuki, jo jo dan <Ryu’o Ken> (O) chudan gamae Grab and pull outer wrists in jun te
zuki, jo chu dan zuki) (D) chudan gamae me uchi, chudan zuki,
kumade zuki or jodan zuki
- ren uke practice maki nuki tai gamae 221
2 (ryote) (O) chudan gamae outer wrists in jun te
<Ryu’o Ken> (D) chudan gamae uraken uchi
randori(juho) Responses against grabs to both outer wrists (ryote)
- sokuto geri uchi uke geri tai gamae 174
(ura) (O) chudan gamae jodan gyaku zuki
- offenses and defenses while <Nio Ken> (D) ichiji gamae uchi uke, sokuto geri
moving uchi uke geri hiraki gamae jodan gyaku zuki 174
(jodan zuki and uchi uke)
3 (omote) (O) chudan gamae uchi uke, sokuto geri
<Nio Ken> (D) ichiji gamae
randori (goho) Responses against jodan zuki (single attack)
- various types of hiji ate juji nuki hiraki gamae 224
- ni ren ko (katate) (O) chudan gamae Grab and push outer wrist in gyaku te
(jo jo tsuki, jo chu tsuki) <Ryu’o Ken> (D) front hand high kagite shuho, uraken uchi,
- ni ren ko chudan zuki
(shuto giri and chudan zuki) juji gote hiraki gamae 257
- ni ren ko (katate) (O) chudan gamae Grab and push outer wrist in gyaku te 290
(uraken uchi and chudan zuki) <Ryuka Ken> (D) front hand high kagite shuho, juji gatame
- do zuki, do geri randori (juho) nuki waza against grabs to outer wrist in gyaku te
- Giwa Ken Dai-nikei (solo form) nidan nuki tai gamae 225
<Ryu’o Ken> (O) chudan gamae Prevent partner from doing ryote yori nuki
- san ren ko (jo chu choku geri, (D) chudan gamae nidan nuki, shuto giri, yori nuki
jo chu mawashi geri)
randori (juho) nuki waza against grabs to inner wrist in gyaku te
- furi zuki soto oshi uke zuki 175
(single and ren attacks) <Nio Ken> (O) chudan gamae jodan furi zuki
(D) ichiji gamae soto oshi uke, chudan zuki
- offenses and defenses uchi oshi uke zuki 175
6 <Nio Ken> (O) chudan gamae jodan furi zuki
(furi zuki and soto oshi uke) (D) ichiji gamae uchi oshi uke, chudan zuki
- offenses and defenses randori (goho) Responses against furi zuki (single attacks)
(furi zuki and uchi oshi uke) embu

3rd Kyu Curriculum
Week Basic Practice Kihon Hokei Shifting / Stance Offense / Defense/ Katame / Atemi page
- various types of umpo ho tsuki nuki tai gamae 220
(ryote) (O) chudan gamae Hold down the defender's kagite.
- various types of ukemi <Ryu’o Ken> (D) chudan gamae tsuki nuki, urate uchi or shoken uchi

randori (juho) nuki waza against grabs to both outer wrists (ryote)
- Giwa Ken Dai-ikkei (paired form) tsuki ten ichi hiraki gamae 185
<Ten’o Ken> (O) chudan gamae jo chu ni ren zuki
- offenses and defenses while moving (D) ichiji gamae ren uke, doji geri
(ni ren zuki and ren uke)
randori (goho) Responses against shuto uchi or furi zuki
- shoken uchi (mikazuki, suigetsu) hiji nuki, tai gamae 225
continued to
(O) chudan gamae Pull one hand, push another.
mae tembin (D) chudan gamae
<Ryu’o Ken>

randori (juho) nuki waza from chudan gamae (katate, ryote)

- Ryu’o Ken Dai-ikkei (solo form)* gyaku gote, tai gamae 243
- Ryu’o Ken Dai-ikkei (paired from)* ura gaeshi nage, (O) chudan gamae 288
ura gamate (D) chudan gamae ura gatame
<Ryuka Ken>

nuki waza (katate, ryote) from chudan gamae

* repeated appearance (fist in high position)
- sashikomi ashi, mawashi geri juji uke geri tai gamae 183
- harai uke and yoko juji uke <Sango Ken> (O) ichiji gamae sashikomi mawashi geri
(D) ichiji gamae juji uke, keri kaeshi
- offenses and defenses while moving
11 (mawashi geri and uchi harai uke)
- offenses and defenses while moving randori (goho) Responses against choku zuki or furi zuki to jodan
(mawashi geri and juji uke) embu

Review, preparation for the examination

2nd Kyu Objectives

◎ Philosophy
At this Kyu level, kenshi learn more knowledge necessary for improving the technical

1. Distinguishing Characteristics of Shorinji Kempo (Shushu Koju, Fusatsu Katsujin)

2. On Chinkon Practice
3. Technical Classifications of Shorinji Kempo
4. Ma'ai and Opportunity for Offense and Defense
5. On mind, Ki, and Strength
6. History and Founding of Shorinji Kempo

◎ Techniques
For goho, in addition to a continuous motion from defense to counterattack, a
characteristic of Shorinji Kempo, "ren han ko" is practiced. Also, in juho, protective
and defensive skills against additional types of attacks are learned.

[Tan'en Kihon Hokei]

Tenchi Ken Dai-nikei (paired form)

[Kihon hokei]
Nio Ken: Hokei focusing on attacks and defenses against jodan
uchi uke zuki (omote), kusshin zuki, kusshin geri, kusshin tsuki keri,
soto oshi uke geri, uchi oshi uke geri
Sango Ken: Hokei consisting mainly of offenses to chudan, and defending with arms
and countering with legs
han tenshin geri, yoko tenshin geri
Ten’o Ken: Basic forms for combination attacks that start with jodan
kon ten ichi
Ryu’o Ken: Basics of juho defense skills consisting mainly of hand releases.
kiri kaeshi nuki (katate, morote), sankaku nuki, juji nuki (ryote),
gassho nuki, johaku nuki (katate, ryote), oshi kiri nuki
Ryuka Ken: Twists and throws against grabs to the hands and arms
ryote okuri gote, okuri dori, okuri yoko tembin, ryote juji gote,
ryaku juji gote, maki juji gote, kiri gote (katate, morote)
Kongo Ken: Pins and arrests
okuri yubi dori
Rakan Ken: Twists and throws against grabs to collars and sleeves
johaku dori (katate, ryote)

2nd Kyu Curriculum
Week Basic Practice Kihon Hokei Shifting / Stance Offense / Defense/ Katame / Atemi page
- ni ren ko gassho nuki tai gamae 225
(shuto giri and chudan zuki) <Ryu’o Ken> (O) chudan gamae Pull outer wrists in gyaku te to force
- ni ren ko defender off balance.
(jodan zuki and chudan zuki) (D) chudan gamae kagite shuho, jo chu ni ren zuki
sankaku nuki tai gamae 228
- various types of hiji ate <Ryu’o Ken> (O) chudan gamae ude ushiro neji age
- study defense against ashi barai (D) chudan gamae sankaku shuho, yoko hiji ate
randori (goho) Responses against tsuki attacks
- various types of hiji ate juji nuki tai gamae 224
(ryote) (O) chudan gamae
- tobikomi geri, tobi geri, <Ryu’o Ken> (D) both hands high juji nuki, hiji ate, and kiri nuki ,
tobi ren geri jodan zuki
ryote juji gote tai gamae 257
2 <Ryuka Ken> (O) chudan gamae Grab and pull outer wrist in gyaku te.
(D) both hands high juji gatame
randori nuki waza against grabs to outer wrist in gyaku te
(juho) (katate)
- various types of furi zuki kusshin zuki tai gamae 176
- kusshin uke kusshin geri (O) chudan gamae jodan furi zuki
<Nio Ken> (D) ichiji gamae kusshin and chudan zuki, kusshin
- offenses and defenses (furi and chudan geri
zuki and kussin uke) ni ren ko kusshin zuki geri
3 <Nio Ken> (O) chudan gamae jodan furi zuki
(D) ichiji gamae kusshin, chudan tsuki keri
- san ren ko
ni ren ko
(jo chu jo, jo chu keri)
randori (goho) Responses against tsuki attacks (jodan or chudan)
- Tenchi Ken Dai-nikei (solo form) kiri kaeshi nuki tai gamae 227
(katate, morote) (O) chudan gamae ude ushiro neji age
- ude ushiro neji age, hammer throw <Ryu’o Ken> (D) gedan gamae kagite shuho, chudan zuki or
kumade zuki
- Tenchi Ken Dai-nikei (paired form) kiri gote tai gamae 258
4 (katate, morote) (O) chudan gamae ude ushiro neji age
<Ryuka Ken> (D) gedan gamae kagite shuho
randori nuki waza against grabs to outer wrists in gyaku te (ryote)
- gyaku geri and yoko tenshin, yoko tenshin geri, tai gamae 183
han tenshin, gyaku tenshin ren han ko (O) ichiji gamae gyaku geri
<Sango Ken> (D) chudan gamae yoko tenshin, uchi harai uke,
- sashikomi ashi, keri ren ko chudan geri
- sashikae ashi, keri ren ko han tenshin geri, hiraki gamae 183
5 ren han ko (O) ichiji gamae gyaku geri
<Sango Ken> (D) chudan gamae han tenshin, uchi harai uke,
chudan geri
randori (goho) Responses against chudan geri (single attacks)

2nd Kyu Curriculum
Week Basic Practice Kihon Hokei Shifting / Stance Offense / Defense/ Katame / Atemi page
- pressure points of the hands and arms johaku nuki 227
- ni ren ko (furi zuki) (katate, ryote) (O) Grab and push upper arms.
<Ryu’o Ken> (D) lure grab to kagite shuho
- practice uchi te the johaku
- tai sabaki of tenshin (yoko, johaku dori 300
6 han, gyaku) and keri (katate, ryote) (O)
<Rakan Ken> (D) When ryote, johaku nuki
continued to johaku dori
randori (juho) chudan gamae, nuki waza (katate, ryote)
- various types of furi zuki soto oshi uke geri, tai gamae
- offense and defense techniques ren han ko (O) chudan gamae jodan furi zuki
(furi zuki and soto oshi uke) <Nio Ken> (D) ichiji gamae soto oshi uke and keri komi
- practice yoko geri uchi oshi uke geri, hiraki gamae
7 - offense and defense techniques ren han ko (O) chudan gamae jodan furi zuki
(furi zuki and uchi oshi uke) <Nio Ken> (D) ichiji gamae uchi oshi uke and sokuto geri
randori (goho) Responses against furi zuki (single attacks)
- ni ren zuki (jun gyaku, gyaku uchi uke zuki hiraki gamae 173
jun) (omote) (O) chudan gamae jodan gyaku zuki
- offenses and defenses while moving ren han ko (D) ichiji gamae uchi uke, chudan zuki
(mawashi geri and uchi harai uke) <Nio Ken>
kon ten ichi hiraki gamae 190
8 - offenses and defenses while moving ren han ko (O) ichiji gamae ni ren ko with yoko furi zuki and
(mawashi geri and juji uke) <Ten’o Ken> gyaku zuki
(D) ichiji gamae soto oshi uke, ren uke, doji geri
- ni ren zuki randori (goho) Responses against chudan zuki, chudan geri (single
(furi zuki and chudan zuki) embu attacks)
oshi uke, ren uke review
- various types of wanto uchi oshi kiri nuki tai gamae 227
<Ryu’o Ken> (O) Prevent johaku nuki
(D) oshi kiri nuki, johaku nuki
- ren attacks (mawashi geri and okuri dori 248
9 jo chu ni ren zuki) <Ryuka Ken> (O)
- ren attacks (sokuto geri and (D) shikake waza
jo chu ni ren zuki)
randori (juho) nuki waza against grabs to both arms
- offense and defense techniques ryote okuri gote tai gamae 246
chudan geri and shita uke, <Ryuka Ken> (O) chudan gamae Grab and pull both outer wrists in jun te 286
chudan geri and uchi otoshi uke (D) chudan gamae okuri yubi dori, renko
ryote okuri gote tai gamae 250
continued to
(O) chudan gamae Grab and pull both outer wrists in jun te
10 - study seoi nage and ashi barai okuri yoko tembin
ura gatame
- pressure points of the hands <Ryuka Ken> (D) chudan gamae
and arms randori (juho) nuki waza from chudan gamae (katate, ryote)

2nd Kyu Curriculum
Kyohan Chec
Week Basic Practice Kihon Hokei Shifting / Stance Offense / Defense/ Katame / Atemi page k
- various types of ukemi ryaku juji gote 257
<Ryuka Ken> (O) Grab and pull outer wrist from the side
(D) sankaku shuho
maki juji gote 258
<Ryuka Ken> (O) Attempt to escape by turning
11 the back to the defender
(D) ryaku juji gote attempted and
randori (goho) Responses against single attacks (tsuki or keri)

and Review, preparation for the examination

1st Kyu Objectives

◎ Philosophy
At this Kyu level kenshi learn the essentials of technical application needed in the training
of Shorinji Kempo.
1. Distinguishing Characteristics of Shorinji Kempo (Go Ju Jttai, Kumite Shutai)
2. Three Teachings of Ken (Shu, Ha, Ri)
3. Kisei and Kiai
4. Shorinji Kempo Related Organizations

◎ Techniques
For goho, learn various ren and dan motions. For juho, learn defensive and counter
techniques against grabs to the sleeve and collar.

[Tan'en Kihon Hokei]

Tenchi Ken Dai-gokei (solo form), Tenchi Ken Dai-rokkei (solo form),
Byakuren Ken Dai-ikkei (solo form)

[Kihon Hokei]
Sango Ken: Hokei consisting mainly of offense to chudan, and defending with the arm
and countering with the leg.
harai uke geri
Ten’o Ken: Basic forms for combination attacks that start with the jodan
furi ten ni, tsuki ten ni, keri ten san, tsuki ten san
Byakuren Ken: Basic forms for dan offense-defense combination, where the blocking hand
is used immediately for the counterattack
tsubame gaeshi, chidori gaeshi
Ryu’o Ken: Basics of juho defense skills consisting mainly of hand releases
morote tsuki nuki, katate oshi nuki, morote juji nuki, morote hiki nuki,
eri nuki, sode nuki
Ryuka Ken: Twists and throws against grabs to the hands and arms
maki gote (katate, morote), morote juji gote
Kongo Ken: Pins and arrests
mae tembin gatame, tembin gatame (ura)
Rakan Ken: Twists and throws against grabs to the collar and sleeve
sode maki, sode dori, sode maki tembin, hiki otoshi,
kata muna otoshi, ude maki, eri juji

1st Kyu Curriculum
Week Basic Practice Kihon Hokei Shifting / Stance Offense / Defense/ Katame / Atemi page Check
- Tenchi Ken Dai-gokei (solo form) morote tsuki nuki hiraki gamae 221
- Tenchi Ken Dai-rokkei (solo form) <Ryu’o Ken> (O) chudan gamae hold down defender's kagite
(D) chudan gamae tsuitate shuho, urate uchi or
shoken uchi
1 - offense and defense while moving (ren) katate oshi nuki hiraki gamae grab inner wrist in jun te, ushiro 223
(choku geri, mawashi geri, <Ryu’o Ken> (O) chudan gamae neji age
sokuto geri) (D) gedan gamae kagite shuho, kumade zuki or
naiwanto uchi
randori (goho) Responses against keri
- ashi barai grabbing the sleeves and kata muna otoshi 300
defenses against it <Rakan Ken> (O) chudan gamae grab and push upper collar
- ashi barai grabbing the collar and (vertical fist)
sleeve and defenses against it (D)
- flipping (daisharin) from seoi nage eri juji 303
<Rakan Ken> (O) chudan gamae grab and push upper collar
(horizonal fist)
randori (juho) Responses against grabs in the chest area
- dan hangeki tsubame gaeshi, hiraki gamae 192
(uchi uke, soto uke, uchi age uke) ren han ko (O) chudan gamae jodan gyaku zuki
- Byakuren Ken Dai-ikkei (solo form) <Byakuren Ken > (D) taiki gamae uchi uke, dan hangeki with
- dan han ko practice shuto giri
(uchi uke and shuto giri, uchi uke chidori gaeshi, tai gamae l 93
3 and me uchi)
kari ashi, (O) chudan gamae sashikae jodan jun zuki
- practice dan offenses ren han ko (D) taiki gamae uchi uke, dan hangeki with
(jo jo dan zuki, jo chu dan zuki) <Byakuren Ken > urate uchi
- various types of kari ashi
randori (goho) Responses against ren attacks
- Study defenses against seoi nage, sode nuki 229
ashi barai <Ryu’o Ken> (O) chudan gamae grab and pull upper sleeve
- seoi nage and daisharin (D) gyaku gedan uraken uchi and chudan zuki
sode dori 297
4 - sashikomi ashi choku geri,
mawashi geri <Rakan Ken> (O) chudan gamae grab and pull upper sleeve
- sashikae ashi choku geri, (D) gyaku gedan
mawashi geri
randori (juho) Responses against grabs to the sleeve
- dan uke practice hiki otoshi 300
(uchi uke and uchi harai uke, <Rakan Ken> (O) chudan gamae resist with tension and push
uchi age uke and uchi otoshi uke) (D) lure to the sode dori or johaku dori
upper arm attempted and changed
5 - offense and defense skills harai uke geri , hiraki gamae 180
(mawashi geri and uchi harai uke) ren han ko (O) ichiji gamae sashikomi mawashi geri
<Sango Ken> (D) ichiji gamae uchi harai uke, keri komi
randori (goho) Responses against ken

1st Kyu Curriculum
Week Basic Practice Kihon Hokei Shifting / Stance Offense / Defense/ Katame / Atemi Kyohan

- perform mae ukemi, ushiro ukemi sode maki 296

and daisharin as combined <Rakan Ken> (O) chudan gamae Grab and pull back sleeve
sequence (D) gyaku gedan
- tobikomi geri, tobi geri, tobi ren geri sode maki tembin 298
6 - mawashi geri, sokuto geri, <Rakan Ken> (O) chudan gamae Escape sode maki or sode dori
(D) gyaku gedan
ushiro geri
randori (juho) Attacks to sleeves and collars and defenses against
embu them
- dan uke (uchi age uke and uchi tsuki ten ni , hiraki gamae 188
otoshi uke) ren han ko (O) chudan gamae jo jo ren zuki
- offense and defense while <Ten’o Ken> (D) ichiji gamae dan uke with uchi age uke and
moving (ren zuki and ren uke) uchi otoshi uke, doji geri
- dan uke (soto oshi uke and furi ten ni, hiraki gamae 188
uchi oshi uke) ren han ko (O) ichiji gamae ni ren ko (yoko furi zuki, uwa
7 - offense and defense while <Ten’o Ken> furi zuki)
moving (furi zuki and dan uke) (D) ichiji gamae dan uke with soto oshi uke
and uchi otoshi uke, and
sokuto geri (doji geri)
randori (goho) Reponses against ren ko bo (tsuki)
- ren attacks (mawashi geri and eri nuki 229
jo chu ni ren zuki) <Ryu’o Ken> (O) chudan gamae Grab and pull lower collar.
(D) gyaku gedan gamae uraken uchi, chudan zuki
- ren attacks (sokuto geri and
jo chu ni ren zuki) ude maki 302
8 - ni ren ko (furi zuki) <Rakan Ken> (O) chudan gamae Grab and pull lower collar.
(D) gyaku gedan gamae
randori (juho) Responses against grabs to the sleeve and collar
- ni ren ko (tsuki and keri) morote juji nuki 224
- ni ren zuki (jun and gyaku, <Ryu’o Ken> (O) chudan gamae Grab one wrist with both hands in
gyaku and jun) gyaku te. Push it or ude gyaku dori.
(D) Keep the front yoko hiji ate or uraken uchi,
hand high chudan zuki
morote juji gote 258
9 <Ryuka Ken> (O) chudan gamae Grab one wrist with both hands in
gyaku te. Push it or ude gyaku dori.
(D) Keep the front juji gatame
hand high
randori (juho) Responses from chudan gamae (fist slightly high)
- san ren ko (jo chu jo san ren zuki) tsuki ten san hiraki gamae 189
- ren uke, dan uke practice ren han ko (O) chudan gamae jo chu jo san ren zuki
<Ten’o Ken> (D) ichiji gamae ren uke, uwa uke, doji geri
- san ren ko (jo chu choku geri, keri ten san hiraki gamae 189
jo chu mawashi geri) ren han ko (O) chudan gamae san ren ko with jo chu ni ren zuki
- offenses and defenses while <Ten’o Ken> and keri
moving (ni ren ko, san ren ko) (D) ichiji gamae ren uke, juji uke, doji geri
randori (goho) Responses against ren attacks (tsuki, keri)

1st Kyu Curriculum
Week Basic Practice Kihon Hokei Shifting / Stance Offense / Defense/ Katame / Atemi page

- various types of ni ren ko morote hiki nuki tai gamae 226

- various types of san ren ko <Ryu’o Ken> (O) chudan gamae ude gyaku dori
(D) front hand shuto giri, chudan zuki
maki gote tai gamae 242
(katate, morote) (O) chudan gamae (katate) Grab the inner wrist in
11 <Ryuka Ken> gyaku te (morote) ude gyaku dori
(D) front hand tembin gatame (ura) or mae
high tembin or ura gatame
randori(juho) Responses from chudan gamae (fist slightly high)

and Review, preparation for the examination

1st Dan Objectives

◎ Philosophy
Study the various principles needed for the technical skills. Learn the details of the
each line in the "Dokun" that is recited during Chinkon gyo.

1. Meditation (Seiku), Oath (Seigan), Creed (Shinjo)

2. The Ranking System of Shorinji Kempo
3. Principle used in Shorinji Kempo
4. On Sen
5. Shorinji Kempo Symbols and Activities

◎ Techniques
There are not many new techniques at this level, however, the 1st Dan should be
approached as a review of everything learned up to this point. Learn precise basic
movements and be able to move with large accurate motions.

[Tan'en Kihon Hokei]

Review of everything up to this point

[Kihon Hokei]
Sango Ken: Hokei consisting mainly of offenses to chudan, and defending with arm
and countering with leg.
gedan gaeshi, gyaku tenshin geri

Kakuritsu Ken: Techniques consisting mainly of defenses and counterattacks with leg,
starting with a hiza uke while standing on the other leg and delivering a
kickback in haro kyakugeki.
kinteki geri hiza uke nami gaeshi, gyaku geri hiza uke nami gaeshi

Ryu’o Ken: Basics of juho defense skills consisting mainly of hand releases.
morote maki nuki, morote oshi nuki, morote wa nuki

Ryuka Ken: Twists and throws against grabs to the hands and arms
oshi gote (katate, ryote), kote maki gaeshi

Goka Ken: Primarily throws of Go Ju Ittai

gyaku tembin

Kongo Ken: Pins and arrests

kannuki gatame

1st Dan Curriculum
Week Basic Practice Kihon Hokei Shifting / Stance Offense / Defense/ Katame / Atemi page
- offenses and defenses while moving gedan gaeshi , hiraki gamae 180
(mawashi geri and uchi harai ren han ko (O) ichiji gamae sashikomi mawashi geri
uke, sashikae jun zuki and <Sango Ken> (D) ichiji gamae
shita uke) gyaku tenshin geri, hiraki gamae 183
1 han tenshin and gyaku tenshin ren han ko
- (O) ichiji gamae sashikae chudan jun zuki
<Sango Ken> (D) hasso gamae gyaku tenshin, shita uke
- offenses and defenses while moving randori
(jodan zuki and han tenshin, embu
gyaku tenshin) review
- various types of hiji ate gyaku tembin tai gamae 277
<Goka Ken> (O) chudan gamae
- various types of wanto uchi (D) chudan gamae
morote oshi nuki tai gamae 223
2 - various types of ren attacks <Ryu’o Ken> (O) chudan gamae gyaku tembin
(D) chudan gamae kagite shuho, nai wanto uchi
- haro kyakugeki kinteki geri hiza uke tai gamae 200
nami gaeshi,
hiza uke and kinteki geri (O) ichiji gamae kinteki geri (jun)
ren han ko (D) ichiji gamae hiza uke, kinteki keri kaeshi
<Kakuritsu Ken>
- offense and defense techniques gyaku geri hiza uke hiraki gamae 200
kinteki geri and hiza uke nami gaeshi,
(O) ichiji gamae kinteki geri (gyaku)
ren han ko (D) ichiji gamae hiza uke and juji uke, kinteki keri kaeshi
<Kakuritsu Ken>
- various types of juji uke randori
- pressure points of the arm and hand oshi gote 253
(katate, ryote) (O) chudan gamae Grab outer wrist in jun te 254
<Ryuka Ken> (D) chudan gamae kannuki gatame 289
kote maki gaeshi tai gamae 254
<Ryuka Ken> (O) chudan gamae
4 (D) gyaku gedan kannuki gatame
- ippon se nage morote wa nuki hiraki gamae 226
- flipping from seoi nage <Ryu’o Ken> (O) chudan gamae ippon se nage
(D) chudan gamae
- various types of ukemi
morote maki nuki hiraki gamae 222
5 <Ryu’o Ken> (O) chudan gamae ippon se nage
(D) chudan gamae

6 Review, preparation for the examination

Summary of Technical Curriculum by Week I
Week 6th Kyu 5th Kyu 4th Kyu
- ryusui geri (mae) - soto uke zuki (ura, omote)

- ryusui geri (ushiro) - uwa uke geri (omote) - soto uke geri (ura, omote)
- uwa uke geri (ura)
- uchi uke zuki (ura) - katate yori nuki - katate okuri gote,
3 okuri gatame

- ude juji gatame - maki nuki (katate) - okuri maki tembin


- kote nuki - shita uke geri - uchi age zuki (ura, omote)
- uchi age geri (ura, omote)
- tenshin geri - shita uke jun geri - kiri nuki (soto)
- kiri nuki (uchi)
- uwa uke zuki (omote) - gyaku gote, continued to - tsuki nuki (soto)
7 mae yubi gatame
- uwa uke zuki (ura) - tsuki nuki (uchi)

Review, Preparation for Review, Preparation for Review, Preparation for the
the Examination the Examination Examination



3rd Kyu 2nd Kyu 1st Kyu 1st Dan
- ude juji gatame, - gassho nuki - morote tsuki nuki - gedan gaeshi
1 tate gassho gatame
- sankaku nuki - katate oshi nuki - gyaku tenshin geri

- ryote yori nuki - juji nuki (ryote) - kata muna otoshi - gyaku tembin
- maki nuki (ryote) - ryote juji gote - eri juji - morote oshi nuki

- uchi uke geri (ura) - kusshin zuki, kusshin geri - tsubame gaeshi - kinteki geri hiza uke
3 nami gaeshi
- uchi uke geri (omote) - kusshin zuki geri - chidori gaeshi kari ashi - gyaku geri hiza uke
nami gaeshi
- juji nuki (katate) - kiri kaeshi nuki - sode nuki - oshi gote (katate,
- juji gote (katate), (katate, morote) ryote), kannuki gatame
continued to - kiri gote (katate, - kote maki gaeshi,
- sode dori
juji gatame morote) kannuki gatame
- nidan nuki - yoko tenshin geri - hiki otoshi - morote wa nuki
- han tenshin geri - harai uke geri - morote maki nuki

- soto oshi uke zuki - johaku nuki - sode maki

(katate, ryote)
- johaku dori
- uchi oshi uke zuki (katate, ryote) - sode maki tembin
- tsuki nuki (ryote) - soto oshi uke geri - tsuki ten ni
- uchi oshi uke geri - furi ten ni
- tsuki ten ichi - uchi uke zuki (omote) - eri nuki
- kon ten ichi - ude maki
- hiji nuki, continued to - oshi kiri nuki - morote juji nuki
9 mae tembin Review, Preparation
- okuri dori - morote juji gote for the Examination

- gyaku gote, continued to - ryote okuri gote, continued to - tsuki ten san
okuri yubi dori, renko
10 ura gaeshi nage, - ryote okuri gote, continued to
ura gatame okuri yoko tembin, - keri ten san
ura gatame
- juji uke geri - ryaku juji gote - morote hiki nuki
11 - maki gote (katate, morote),
tembin gatame (ura) / mae
- maki juji gote tembin gatame / ura gatame
Review, Preparation Review, Preparation Review, Preparation
12 for the Examination for the Examination for the Examination

Summary of Techniques by Rank and Family
6th Kyu 5th Kyu 4th Kyu
Tenchi Ken Dai-ikkei (solo form) Giwa Ken Dai-ikkei (solo form) Tenchi Ken Dai-nikei (solo form)
Ryu’o Ken Dai-ikkei (solo form) Ryu’o Ken Dai-ikkei (paired form)
Tan'en Kihon Hokei Tenchi Ken Dai-ikkei (paired form)

◆Nio Ken ◆Nio Ken ◆Nio Ken

ryusui geri (ushiro) ryusui geri (mae) uchi age zuki (ura, omote)
uwa uke zuki (omote, ura) uwa uke geri (omote, ura) uchi age geri (ura, omote)
uchi uke zuki (ura) soto uke zuki (ura, omote)
tenshin geri soto uke geri (ura, omote)

◆Sango Ken
shita uke geri
shita uke jun geri

◆Ryu’o Ken ◆Ryu’o Ken ◆Ryu’o Ken

kote nuki katate yori nuki tsuki nuki (soto, uchi)
Kihon Hokei maki nuki (katate) kiri nuki (soto, uchi)

◆Ryuka Ken ◆Ryuka Ken

gyaku gote katate okuri gote
okuri maki tembin

◆Kongo Ken ◆Kongo Ken ◆Kongo Ken

ude juji gatame mae yubi gatame okuri gatame

Summary of Techniques by Rank and Family

3rd Kyu 2nd Kyu 1st Kvu 1st Dan
Tenchi Ken Dai-sankei (solo form) Tenchi Ken Dai-nikei (paired from) Tenchi Ken Dai-gokei (solo form)
Tenchi Ken Dai-yonkei (solo form) Tenchi Ken Dai-rokkei (solo form)
Giwa ken Dai-nikkei (solo form) Byakuren Ken Dai-ikkei (solo form)
Giwa Ken Dai-ikkei (paired from)

◆Nio Ken ◆Nio Ken

uchi uke geri (ura, omote) uchi uke zuki (omote)
soto oshi uke zuki kusshin zuki
uchi oshi uke zuki kusshin geri
kusshin tsuki keri
soto oshi uke geri
uchi oshi uke geri

◆Sango Ken ◆Sango Ken ◆Sango Ken ◆Sango Ken

juji uke geri han tenshin geri harai uke geri gedan gaeshi
yoko tenshin geri gyaku tenshin geri
◆Ten’o Ken ◆Ten’o Ken ◆Ten’o Ken
tsuki ten ichi kon ten ichi furi ten ni
tsuki ten ni
keri ten san
tsuki ten san

◆Byakuren Ken ◆Kakuritsu Ken

tsubame gaeshi kinteki geri hiza uke nami gaeshi
chidori gaeshi gyaku geri hiza uke nami gaeshi

◆Ryu’o Ken ◆Ryu’o Ken ◆Ryu’o Ken ◆Ryu’o Ken

ryote yori nuki morote tsuki nuki
kiri kaeshi nuki (katate, ryote) morote maki nuki
tsuki nuki (ryote) sankaku nuki katate oshi nuki morote oshi nuki
maki nuki (ryote) juji nuki (ryote) morote juji nuki morote wa nuki
juji nuki (katate) gassho nuki morote hiki nuki
nidan nuki johaku nuki (katate, ryote) eri nuki
hiji nuki, continued to oshi kiri nuki sode nuki
mae tembin

◆Ryuka Ken ◆Ryuka Ken ◆Ryuka Ken ◆Ryuka Ken

gyaku gote continued to ryote okuri gote maki gote (katate, morote) oshi gote (katate, ryote)
ura gaeshi nage okuri dori morote juji gote kote maki gaeshi
juji gote (katate) okuri yoko tembin
ryote juji gote
ryaku juji gote
maki juji gote ◆Goka Ken
kiri gote (katate, morote) gyaku tembin
◆Kongo Ken ◆Kongo Ken ◆Kongo Ken ◆Kongo Ken
ura gatame okuri yubi dori mae tembin gatame kannuki gatame
juji gatame tembin gatame (ura)
tate gassho gatame
◆Rakan Ken ◆Rakan Ken
johaku dori (katate, ryote) sode maki
sode dori
sode maki tembin
hiki otoshi
kata muna otoshi
ude maki
eri juji



Reference Material of
Shorinji Kempo Techniques

Stances: Byakuren Hachi-jin (8 Byakuren stances)

gassho gamae

manji gamae -hidari (left)

midare gamae -hidari (left)

hasso gamae -hidari (left)

taiki gamae -hidari (left)

gyaku taiki gamae -hidari (left)

aiki gamae -hidari (left)

byakuren chudan gamae (kaisoku chudan gamae)

Stances: Giwa Kyu-jin (9 Giwa stances)
kesshu gamae

ichiji gamae -hidari (left)

nio gamae -hidari (left)

chudan gamae -hidari (left)

gedan gamae -hidari (left)

gyaku gedan gamae -hidari (left)

fukko gamae (ushiro fukko) -hidari (left)

tate muso gamae -hidari (left)

yoko muso gamae -hidari (left)

Grabs to the Wrist
jun te (inner wrist) jun te (outer wrist)

gyaku te (inner wrist) gyaku te (outer wrist)

Tan'en Kihon Hokei

● Tenchi Ken Dai-ikkei

Preparation: Kesshu dachi, chosoku, happo moku. Draw the right foot back in hiki ashi to assume hidari chudan
"ichi!" 1, Step forward in hidari mae chidori, and deliver hidari jodan choku zuki. Right fist remains in
front of chest.
"ni!” 2, Draw right foot forward slightly with migi yose, and deliver migi chudan gyaku zuki. Left fist back
in front of chest.
“san!” 3, Bring left foot forward to assume heima dachi, executing migi soto uke while delivering hidari
yoko kagi zuki.
“shi!” 4, Step back with hidari hiraki sagari, and execute migi uwa uke. Left fist in front of chest.
“go!” 5, Draw in right foot slightly with migi ushiro yose ashi. Perform migi uchi uke and hidari shita uke
nearly simultaneously.
“roku!” 6, Pull in abdomen with hikimi while simultaneously executing migi uchi harai uke and hidari soto
“shichi!” 7, Migi keri age. Return right leg to original position immediately upon completion of kick.
“hachi!” 8, Step back with migi hiraki sagari. Left hand performs hidari shita uke and then takes its place in
hidari ichiji gamae. Zanshin.
“ku!” 9, Draw back leg in with migi mae yose ashi. Assume kesshu dachi while maintaining happo moku
and re-establishing chosoku.

● Tenchi Ken Dai-nikei

Preparation: Kesshu dachi, chosoku, happo moku. Draw back right foot in hiki ashi; assume hidari ichiji gamae.
"ichi!" 1,2, (1) Left mae chidori, left hand delivers jodan yoko furi zuki. Right hand in front of chest.
"ni!” (2) Continuing the motion, right chudan gyaku zuki. Left fist in front of chest.
“san!” 3, (3) Stepping forward slightly with the left foot, assume heima dachi while executing right uchi age
uke, and follow in one motion with left yoko kagi zuki.
“shi!” 4,5, (4) Right leg forward in sashikae ashi and right fist delivers jodan choku zuki straight from uchi
“go!” age uke. Left fist in front of chest.
(5) Continuing, left fist delivers chudan gyaku zuki. Right fist in front of chest.
“roku!” 6,7, (6) Step back with left jun sagari while left hand executes soto uke and the right hand executes
“shichi!” uchi uke and uchi otoshi uke to make nio uke.
(7) Remaining in nio gamae, deliver keri age with right leg and return it to its original position.
“hachi!” 8, Stepping back with the right foot in hiraki sagari, left hand performs shita uke and then assumes
hidari ichiji gamae position. Zanshin.
“ku!” 9, Bring right leg in mae yose ashi. Kesshu dachi, chosoku, happo moku.

● Tenchi Ken Dai-sankei

Preparation: Kesshu dachi, chosoku, happo moku. Draw right foot back in hiki ashi; assume ichiji gamae.
"ichi!" 1,2,3, (1) Left foot forward with mae chidori, left fist delivers jodan yoko furi zuki directly ahead.
"ni!” (2) Right fist delivers chudan gyaku zuki 30 degrees to the right. Left hand in front of chest.
“san!” (3) Right leg delivers mawashi geri 60 degrees to the right; bring foot down on a line 90 degrees (a
quarter turn) from original facing, and whole body turns to face 90 degrees.
“shi!” 4,5, (4) Stepping forward with right mae chidori, right hand delivers shuto giri. Left hand in front of
“go!” chest.
“roku!” 6,7, (5) Left fist delivers chudan gyaku zuki. Right hand in front of chest.
“shichi!” (6) Stepping back with left jun sagari, shita uke with right hand.
“hachi!” 8, (7) Right leg delivers keri age and returns to original position.
Turn head to look in the opposite direction; then step across with right yoko kagi ashi and execute
“ku!” 9, zen tenkan. Assume hidari ichji gamae. Zanshin.
Bring in right foot with mae yose ashi. Kesshu dachi, chosoku, happo moku.

● Tenchi Ken Dai-yonkei

Preparation: Kesshu dachi, chosoku, happo moku. Draw back right foot in hiki ashi and assume hidari ichiji gamae.
"ichi!" 1,2, (1) Shifting weight to the left foot, jump while delivering right gyaku geri.
"ni!” (2) Tobi geri with left leg to complete tobi niren geri (done while remaining in ichiji gamae).
“san!” 3,4, (3) Immediately upon landing, deliver shuto giri with the left hand. Right fist in front of the chest.
“shi!” (4) Right fist delivers chudan gyaku zuki to complete the sequence. Left fist in front of chest.
“go!” 5,6, (5) Stepping back with right jun sagari, shita uke with left hand. Right hand in front of the chest.
“roku!” (6) Left leg delivers keri age and immediately returns to original position.
“shichi!” 7, Turn head to the right and draw out left foot to perform migi han tenkan. Assume migi ichiji gamae.
“hachi!” 8, Bring left foot forward with mae yose ashi. Kesshu dachi. Chosoku, happo moku.

● Tenchi Ken Dai-gokei

Preparation: Kesshu dachi, chosoku, happo moku. Draw back left foot in hiki ashi and assume migi ichiji gamae.
"ichi!" 1,2, (1) Turn left foot sideways, execute uchi harai uke with right hand. Left fist in front of chest.
"ni!” (2) Right leg delivers keri age and returns to original position.
“san!” 3,4, (3) Turn right foot in mae kagi ashi dachi and execute uchi harai with left hand. Right fist in front
“shi!” of chest.
(4) While assuming ichiji gamae, deliver taka geri with left leg and bring leg down with a stepping
forward and slightly sideways motion (fumi komi).
“go!” 5,6, (5) Turn left foot in mae kagi ashi dachi and execute uchi haraiwith right hand. Left fist in front of
“roku!” chest.
(6) Deliver right sokuto geri to the fore and immediately pull leg back in to assume kakusoku dachi.
Use the motion to turn to face left.
“shichi!” 7,8, (7) Put right foot down forward and sideways to assume the stance for jodan choku zuki, and
“hachi!” deliver it with right hand. Left hand in front of chest.
(8) Execute soto uke with right fist and bring it in front of the chest. Left fist delivers chudan gyaku
“ku!” 9, Shifting the weight to the back foot, execute a wide uchi harai with closed right fist, and assume
gedan gamae.
“ju!” 10, Stepping across in right yoko kagi ashi, turn head to the rear. Execute uchi harai with open left
hand and perform zen tenkan. Assume hidari ichiji gamae. Zanshin.
“ju-ichi!” 11, Bring in right foot with mae yose ashi. Kesshu dachi, chosoku, happo moku.

● Tenchi Ken Dai-rokkei

Preparation: Kesshu dachi, chosoku, happo moku. Draw right foot back in hiki ashi and assume hidari ichiji gamae.
"ichi!" 1,2, (1) Draw right foot in with mae yose ashi, and execute uchi harai with left hand.
"ni!” (2) Left leg delivers yoko geri to the left. Right hand in front of chest. Left hand maintains ichiji
“san!” 3,4, (3) Cross left leg in front of right in juji ashi, and execute uchi harai with right hand. Execute soto
“shi!” uke with left fist.
(4) Deliver yoko geri with right leg, pulling it back in immediately to assume kakusoku dachi.
“go!” 5,6,7, (5) Set foot down in a roughly diagonal motion to assume stance for jodan choku zuki, and deliver
“roku!” it with right fist.
“shichi!” (6) Left fist delivers chudan gyaku zuki.
(7) Deliver right jodan modori zuki.
“hachi!” 8, Deliver right keri age and return foot immediately to its original position.
“ku!” 9, Drawing out the right foot, turn to the left with han tenkan while executing uchi harai with left
“ju!” 10, Assume hidari ichiji gamae. Zanshin.
Draw right leg in with mae yose ashi. Kesshu dachi, chosoku, happo moku.

● Ryu’o Ken Dai-ikkei

Preparation: Kesshu dachi, chosoku, happo moku. Draw the left foot back in hiki ashi and assume migi chudan gamae.
"ichi!" 1,2, (1) Step in with sashikae ashi and execute kagite shuho with the right hand. Left hand remains in
"ni!” chudan gamae.
(2) Deliver me uchi with left hand and return hand to its original position.
“san!” 3,4, (3) Bring the right foot forward in mae yose ashi, and execute kote nuki with the right hand.
“shi!” (4) Form the point of release of right hand, deliver ura ken uchi to sango. Left fist remains in front
of the chest.
“go!” 5, (5) Stepping to the right with kani ashi, deliver left chudan choku zuki. Right hand in front of chest.
“roku!” 6,7, (6) While dodging with left yoko furimi, deliver right jodan choku zuki. Left hand in front of chest
“shichi!” (7) Assume migi ichiji gamae and deliver keri age with right leg to jodan or chudan.
Retract leg immediately to front.
“hachi!” 8, Step back in hiraki sagari to assume hidari ichiji gamae while executing hidari shita uke.
“ku!” 9, Hidari ichiji gamae. Zanshin.
Draw in right foot with mae yose ashi. Kesshu dachi, chosoku, happo moku. Gassho rei.

● Giwa Ken Dai-ikkei

Preparation: Kesshu dachi, chosoku, happo moku. Draw right foot back in hiki ashi and assume hidari chudan gamae.
"ichi!" 1,2, (1) Stepping forward with left mae chidori, deliver left jodan choku zuki. Right fist in front of
"ni!” chest.
(2) Right fist delivers chudan gyaku zuki. Left hand in front of chest.
“san!” 3,4, (3) Stepping back with right jun sagari, execute soto uke with right fist and uchi uke followed by
“shi!” uchi otoshi uke with left hand to complete nio uke.
(4) Remaining in nio gamae, deliver left keri age and swiftly return leg to original position.
Assume ichiji gamae. Zanshin.
“go!” 5,6, (5) Turn head to face the rear. Stepping across in left yoko kagi ashi, perform zen tenkan.
“roku!” (6) Completing the turn, change from gedan gamae to chudan gamae.
Going through these six steps again from the right side, finish the full sequence by drawing in the
rear leg with mae yose ashi. Kesshu dachi, chosoku, happo moku.

● Giwa Ken Dai-nikei

Preparation: Kesshu dachi, chosoku, happo moku. Draw back right foot in hiki ashi and assume hidari chudan gamae.
"ichi!" 1,2,3, (1) Step forward with left chidori ashi and execute left uchi uke. Right fist in front of chest.
"ni!” (2) Deliver right chudan gyaku zuki. Left hand in front of chest
“san!” (3) Deliver right gyaku geri and immediately return the leg to its original position
“shi!” 4,5, (4) Stepping back with jun sagari execute left shita uke. Right fist in front of chest.
“go!” (5) Deliver left keri age and return the leg immediately to its original position. Assume hidari ichiji
gamae. Zanshin.
“roku!” 6,7, (6) Turn head to face right. Drawing out the left foot, execute han tenkan to face right.
“shichi!” (7) Immediately assume chudan gamae.
Continue the same pattern from the right stance, each time finishing with a right turn. When you
return to the original facing, draw your left leg forward in mae yose ashi. Kesshu dachi, chosoku,
happo moku.

● Byakuren Ken Dai-ikkei

Preparation: Kesshu dachi, chosoku, happo moku. Draw back right foot in hiki ashi and assume taiki gamae.
"ichi!" 1,2,3, (1) Step in with left chidori and execute left uchi uke. Right fist in front of chest.
"ni!” (2) Immediately deliver left shuto giri to complete the combined defense and counter-attack.
“san!” (3) Right chudan choku zuki. Left hand in front of chest.
“shi!” 4,5, (4) Stepping back with right jun sagari, execute left shita uke.
“go!” (5) Left keri age, immediately returning foot to its original position.
“roku!” 6,7, (6) Turn head to face the rear. Stepping across with left yoko kagi ashi, execute zen tenkan.
“shichi!” (7) Assume migi taiki gamae.
Repeat the pattern from the right side. However, finish with hidari ichiji gamae rather than taiki

● Ko Manji Ken (Manji No Kata)

Preparation: Kesshu dachi, chosoku, happo moku. While drawing the left foot back in hiki ashi, execute a wide uchi
otoshi with closed right fist. Assume migi gedan gamae.
"ichi!" 1,2,3, (1) Stepping in with left sashi kae ashi, execute right soto uke and simultaneously deliver left jodan
"ni!” zuki.
“san!” (2) Right chudan choku zuki. Zenkutsu dachi.
(3) Shifting the weight back to the right foot, execute left shita uke. Assume ichiji gamae. Kokutsu
“shi!” 4,5,6, (4) Stepping forward slightly with the left foot, execute left uchi uke.
“go!” (5) Maintaining left hand in uchi uke position on right side of the face, deliver right chudan gyaku
“roku!” zuki.
(6) Without changing the upper body kamae, deliver gyaku geri with the right leg and return the foot
immediately to its original position.
“shichi!” 7,8, (7) Assume kokutsu dachi and execute left shita uke.
“hachi!” (8) Remaining in hidari ichiji gamae, bring down your center of gravity (lower your hips) and execute
migi ken uke.
“ku!” 9, (9) Turn head to face right. Stepping out with left yoko kagi ashi, execute migi han tenkan and migi
uchi otoshi (closed fist). Assume migi gedan gamae. Zanshin.
Ko manji ken is preformed in all four directions before finishing. It is also performed with Ryu’o
Ken or a tan'en embu of one of the Ryu-kei techniques inserted on the second and fourth turns.

● Ryu No Kata

Do the tan'en form of gyaku gote.


Contents of
Shorinji Kempo Grading Examinations


6th Kyu Examination Contents

◎ Philosophy Examination
- Homework assignments to be completed prior to examination
(1) Motivation and Goals for the Founding of Shorinji Kempo
(2) Key Attitudes for the Dojo

◎ Technical Examination
1. Techniques I (100 points)
(1) Manners (60 points)
These are evaluated throughout the examination, however, verify these with
specific commands as necessary.
a) Shugo, seiretsu, how to sit down, how to stand up, kesshu, gassho rei
b) Chosoku, happo moku, clothing, attitude, replies, word use
(2) Tai gamae, shifting (10 points)
chudan gamae, ichiji gamae, tai gamae, hiraki gamae
(3) Zen tenkan, han tenkan (10 points)
(4) Umpo ho (10 points)
chidori ashi, kani ashi, juji ashi, kumo ashi
(5) Ukemi (10 points)
mae ukemi, ushiro ukemi, daisharin, oten yori okiagari

2. Techniques II (100 points)

(1) Basic offense techniques (20 points)
(kaisoku dachi) me uchi, kinteki geri, furiko zuki, keri age
(right/left chudan gamae) jun zuki, gyaku zuki, jun geri, gyaku geri
(2) Basic defense techniques (20 points)
(kaisoku dachi) uwa uke, uchi uke, shita uke, uchi harai uke
(3) Offenses while moving (10 points)
zenshin zuki (jun, gyaku), zenshin geri (jun, gyaku)
(4) Do zuki, do geri (10 points)
Perform before or after hokei while the examinee is wearing protective
(kaisoku dachi) furiko zuki, keri age
(right/left chudan gamae) jun zuki, gyaku zuki, jun geri, gyaku geri
(5) Tenchi Ken Dai-ikkei (solo form, left and right) (20 points)
(6) Ryu’o Ken Dai-ikkei (solo form, left and right) (20 points)
Perform solo form from both left and right sides.
Each side is allocated 10 points.

3. Hokei (100 points)
Perform both left and right sides with 10 points each allocated for evaluation.
Use protective equipment (Do).

(1) Ryusui geri (ushiro, left and right) (20 points)

(2) Uchi uke zuki (ura, left and right) (20 points)
(3) Tenshin geri (left and right) (20 points)
(4) Uwa uke zuki (omote, left and right) (20 points)
(5) Kote nuki (left and right) (20 points)

5th Kyu Examination Contents

◎ Philosophy Examination
- Homework assignments to be completed prior to examination
(1) How to Study the Technical and Philosophical Teachings
(2) Systems of the Training of Shorinji Kempo

◎ Technical Examination
1. Techniques I (100 points)
(1) Manners (20 points)
These are evaluated throughout the examination. Confirmed with specific
commands as necessary.
a) Shugo, seiretsu, how to sit down, how to stand up, kesshu, gassho rei
b) Chosoku, happo moku, clothing, attitude, replies, word use
(2) Tai gamae (20 points)
chudan gamae, hasso gamae, ichiji gamae
(3) Zen tenkan, han tenkan, hiraki sagari, jun sagari (20 points)
(4) Umpo ho (20 points)
chidori ashi, kani ashi, juji ashi, kumo ashi
(5) Ukemi (20 points)
mae ukemi, ushiro ukemi, daisharin, oten yori okiagari

2. Techniques II (100 points)

(1) Basic offense techniques 1 (10 points)
(kaisoku dachi) me uchi, kinteki geri, furiko zuki, gedan zuki, shuto uchi,
keri age, jo chu ni ren zuki
(2) Basic offense techniques 2 (10 points)
(left and right) jun zuki, gyaku zuki, jun geri, gyaku geri,
sashikomi mawashi geri
(3) Basic defense techniques (10 points)
(kaisoku dachi) uwa uke, uchi uke, shita uke, uchi harai uke
(4) Offense while moving (10 points)
zenshin zuki (jun, gyaku), zenshin geri (jun, gyaku), hiraki sagari and jun geri
(5) Do zuki, do geri (10 points)
Perform before or after hokei while the examinee is wearing protective
(kaisoku dachi) furiko zuki, keri age
(left and right) jun zuki, gyaku zuki, jun geri, gyaku geri
(6) Tenchi Ken Dai-ikkei (solo form, left and right) (20 points)
Perform from both the left and right sides. Each side is allocated 10 points.
(7) Ryu’o Ken Dai-ikkei (solo form, left and right) (20 points)
Perform from both the left and right sides. Each side is allocated 10 points
(8) Giwa Ken Dai-ikkei (solo form) (10 points)

3. Hokei (100 points)
Perform from both the left and right sides for overall evaluation. Use protective
equipment (Do).
(1) Tenchi Ken Dai-ikkei (paired form, left and right) (10 points)
(2) Ryu’o Ken Dai-ikkei (paired form, left and right) (10 points)
(3) Ryusui geri (mae, left and right) (10 points)
(4) Uwa uke zuki (ura, left and right) (10 points)
(5) Uwa uke geri (omote and ura, left and right) (10 points)
(6) Shita uke geri (left and right) (10 points)
(7) Shita uke jun geri (left and right) (10 points)
(8) Katate yori nuki (left and right) (10 points)
(9) Maki nuki (katate) (left and right) (10 points)
(10) Gyaku gote continued to mae yubi gatame (left and right) (10 points)

4th Kyu Examination Contents

◎ Philosophy Examination
- Homework assignments to be completed prior to examination
(1) What is True Strength?
(2) Key Attitudes Toward Training

◎ Technical Examination
1. Techniques I (100 points)
(1) Manners (20 points)
These are evaluated throughout the examination. Confirmed with specific
commands as necessary.
a) Shugo, seiretsu, how to sit down, how to stand up, kesshu, gassho rei
b) Chosoku, happo moku, clothing, attitude, word use
(2) Tai gamae (20 points)
chudan gamae, hasso gamae, ichiji gamae
(3) Zen tenkan, han tenkan, hiraki sagari, jun sagari (20 points)
(4) Umpo ho (20 points)
chidori ashi, kani ashi, juji ashi, kumo ashi
(5) Ukemi (20 points)
mae ukemi, ushiro ukemi, daisharin, oten yori okiagari

2. Technique II (100 points)

(1) Basic offense techniques 1 (10 points)
(kaisoku dachi) me uchi, kinteki geri, furiko zuki, gedan zuki, shuto uchi,
keri age, jo chu ni ren zuki
(2) Basic offense techniques 2 (10 points)
(left and right) jun zuki, gyaku zuki, jun geri, gyaku geri,
sashikomi mawashi geri, sashikae sokuto geri
(3) Basic defense techniques (10 points)
(kaisoku dachi) uwa uke, uchi uke, shita uke, soto uke, uchi age uke,
uchi harai uke
(4) Offense while moving (10 points)
zenshin zuki (jun, gyaku), zenshin geri (jun, gyaku),
hiraki sagari and jun geri
(5) Offense and defense while moving (paired forms) (10 points)
chudan zuki and shita uke, jo chu ni ren zuki and ren uke
(6) Tenchi Ken Dai-ikkei, Dai-nikei (solo form, left and right) (10 points)
(7) Tenchi Ken Dai-ikkei (paired form, left and right) (10 points)
(8) Ryu’o Ken Dai-ikkei (solo form, left and right) (10 points)

(9) Ryu’o Ken Dai-ikkei (paired form, left and right) (10 points)
(10) Giwa Ken Dai-ikkei (solo form) (10 points)

3. Hokei (100 points)

Perform both left and right sides for overall evaluation.
Use protective equipment (Do).
(1) Soto uke zuki (ura and omote, left and right) (10 points)
(2) Soto uke geri (ura and omote, left and right) (10 points)
(3) Uchi age zuki (ura and omote, left and right) (10 points)
(4) Uchi age geri (ura and omote, left and right) (10 points)
(5) Tsuki nuki (soto, left and right) (10 points)
(6) Tsuki nuki (uchi, left and right) (10 points)
(7) Kiri nuki (soto, left and right) (10 points)
(8) Kiri nuki (uchi, left and right) (10 points)
(9) Katate okuri gote, continued to okuri gatame (left and right) (10 points)
(10) Okuri maki tembin (left and right) (10 points)

3rd Kyu Examination Contents

◎ Philosophy Examination
- Homework assignments to be completed prior to the examination
(1) Shorinji Kempo is a Discipline that Develops Individuals
(2) Distinguishing characteristics of Shorinji Kempo (Ken Zen Ichinyo, Riki Ai Funi)
(3) The Five Elements of Atemi
(4) Kinds of Kihon in Shorinji Kempo

◎ Technical Examination
1. Basic techniques (100 points)
(1) Tai gamae, tai sabaki, umpo ho (10 points)
chudan gamae, hasso gamae, ichiji gamae
zen tenkan, han tenkan, jun sagari, hiraki sagari
chidori ashi, kani ashi, juji ashi, kumo ashi
(2) Ukemi (10 points)
mae ukemi, ushiro ukemi, daisharin, oten yori okiagari
(3) Basic offense techniques (10 points)
(kaisoku dachi) furiko zuki, shuto uchi, kumade zuki, keri age
(left and right stances) jo chu ni ren zuki, jo chu mawashi geri,
sashikomi mawashi geri, sashikae sokuto geri
(4) Basic defense techniques (10 points)
Kaisoku dachi, include counter responses denoted in ( ).
uwa uke (tsuki), uchi uke (tsuki), shita uke (keri), soto uke (tsuki),
uchi age uke (keri), u chi harai uke (keri)
(5) Offense while moving (10 points)
zenshin zuki (jun, gyaku), zenshin geri (jun, gyaku), hiraki sagari and jun geri
(6) Tan'en kihon hokei (40 points)
Tenchi Ken Dai-ikkei through Dai-yonkei (left and right),
Ryu’o Ken Dai-ikkei (left and right), Giwa Ken Dai-nikei
(7) Tan'en kihon hokei (paired form) (10 points)
Tenchi Ken Dai-ikkei, Giwa Ken Dai-ikkei

2. Selected techniques (100 points)
Five goho techniques (50 points) and five juho techniques (50 points) will be chosen out
of all techniques up to 3rd Kyu. At least 3 techniques of both goho and juho are to be
from the 3rd Kyu curriculum.
Embu techniques in the Section 3 below can be included.
Perform both left and right sides for overall evaluation.

3. Paired embu (100 points)

One examinee defends for (1), (3), (5) and the other defends for (2), (4), (6).
Follow the examiner's instruction on which side to perform.
(1) Tenchi Ken Dai-ikkei (paired form)
(2) Ryusui geri (ushiro)
(3) Ryote yori nuki
(4) Ryu’o Ken Dai-ikkei (paired form)
(5) Uwa uke zuki (omote)
(6) Gyaku gote continued to mae yubi gatame

4. Un'yoho (Application) (100 points)

Use protective equipment. Designate offender and defender. Evaluation is whether
proper defenses and counterattacks are performed against the attacks.
Mandatory up to age 49. Optional for age 50 and above.
(1) Goho un'yoho (50 points)
Offense: Single choku zuki to jodan and chudan
Defense: Any counterattack
(2) Juho un'yoho (50 points)
Offense: Attack with grabs to one wrist (katate)
Defense: Defend and counterattack with Ryu’o Ken and Ryuka Ken

2nd Kyu Examination Contents

◎ Philosophy Examination
- Homework assignments to be completed prior to the examination
(1) Distinguishing characteristics of Shorinji Kempo (Shushu Koju, Fusatsu katsujin)
(2) On Chinkon Practice
(3) On mind, Ki, and Strength
(4) History and Foundation of Shorinji Kempo

◎ Technical Examination
1. Basic techniques (100 points)
(1) Tai gamae, tai sabaki, umpo ho (10 points)
chudan gamae, hasso gamae, ichiji gamae,
zen tenkan, han tenkan, jun sagari, hiraki sagari,
chidori ashi, kani ashi, juji ashi, kumo ashi
(2) Ukemi (10 points)
mae ukemi, ushiro ukemi, daisharin, oten yori okiagari
(3) Basic offense techniques (10 points)
(kaisoku dachi) furiko zuki, shuto uchi, kumade zuki, keri age
(left and right stances) jo chu ni ren zuki, jo chu mawashi geri, ren geri,
sashikae sokuto geri
(4) Basic defense techniques (10 points)
From kaisoku dachi, include counter responses denoted in ( ).
uwa uke (tsuki), uchi uke (tsuki), shita uke (keri), soto uke (tsuki),
uchi age uke (keri), uchi harai uke (keri)
(5) Offenses and defenses while moving (10 points)
zenshin zuki (jun, gyaku), zenshin geri (jun, gyaku), hiraki sagari and
jun geri, chudan zuki and shita uke,
jo chu ni ren zuki and ren uke (paired form)
(6) Tan'en kihon hokei (20 points)
Tenchi Ken Dai-ikkei through Dai-yonkei (left and right),
Ryu’o Ken Dai-ikkei (left and right), Giwa Ken Dai-ikkei and Dai-nikei
(7) Tan'en kihon hokei (Paired from) (30 points)
Tenchi Ken Dai-nikei, Giwa Ken Dai-ikkei, Ryu’o Ken Dai-ikkei

2. Selected techniques (100 points)
Five goho techniques (50 points) and five juho techniques (50 points) will be chosen out
of all techniques up through 2nd Kyu. At least 3 techniques are to be from the 2nd Kyu
curriculum. Embu techniques in Section 3 below can be included.
Perform both left and right sides for overall evaluation.

3. Paired embu (100 points)

One examinee defends for (1), (3), (5) and the other defends for (2), (4), (6). Follow
the examiner's instruction on which side to perform.
(1) Tsuki ten ichi, ren han ko
(2) Han tenshin geri, ren han ko
(3) Katate okuri gote, okuri yoko tembin, ura gatame
(4) Kiri gote (katate)
(5) Tenchi Ken Dai-nikei (paired form)
(6) Johaku dori (ryote)

4. Un'yoho (Application) (100 points)

Use protective equipment. Offender and defender will be designated. Evaluation is
on whether proper defenses and counterattacks are done against the attacks.
Mandatory up to age 49. Optional for age 50 and above.
(1) Goho un'yoho (50 points)
Offense: Single or double (ni ren) attacks using punches and kicks to jodan and
Defense: Any counterattack
(2) Juho un'yoho (50 points)
Offense: Attack with grabs to the wrist(s) and upper arm(s) (katate, ryote).
Defense: Defend and counterattack with Ryu’o Ken, Ryuka Ken, and Rakan Ken.

1st Kyu Examination Contents

◎ Philosophy Examination
- Homework assignments to be completed prior to examination
(1) Distinguishing characteristics of Shorinji Kempo (Go Ju Ittai, Kumite Shutai)
(2) The Three Teachings of Ken (Shu, Ha, Ri)
(3) Kisei and Kiai
(4) Shorinji Kempo Related Organizations

◎ Techniques Examination
1. Basic items (100 points)
(1) Tai gamae, tai sabaki, umpo ho (10 points)
chudan gamae, hasso gamae, ichiji gamae
zen tenkan, han tenkan, jun sagari, hiraki sagari
chidori ashi, kani ashi, juji ashi, kumo ashi
(2) Ukemi (10 points)
mae ukemi, ushiro ukemi, daisharin, oten yori okiagari
(3) Basic offense techniques (10 points)
(kaisoku dachi) furiko zuki, shuto uchi, kumade zuki, keri age
(left and right) jo chu ni ren zuki, jo chu mawashi geri,
ren geri, sashikae sokuto geri
(4) Basic defense techniques (10 points)
From kaisoku dachi, include counter responses denoted in ( ).
uwa uke (tsuki), uchi uke (tsuki), shita uke (keri), soto uke (tsuki),
uchi age uke (keri), uchi harai uke (keri)
(5) Offenses and defenses while moving (10 points)
zenshin tsuki keri (jo chu ni ren zuki, jo chu mawashi geri),
hiraki sagari and ren uke
(6) Tan'en kihon hokei (30 points)
Tenchi Ken Dai-ikkei through Dai-rokkei (left and right),
Giwa Ken Dai-ikkei and Dai-nikei, Byakuren Ken Dai-ikkei
(7) Tan'en kihon hokei (paired form) (20 points)
Tenchi Ken Dai-nikei, Giwa Ken Dai-ikkei

2. Selected techniques (100 points)

Five goho techniques (50 points) and five juho techniques (50 points) will be chosen
out of all techniques up to 1st Kyu. At least 3 techniques are chosen from the 1st
Kyu curriculum. Embu techniques in Section 3 below can be included.
Perform both left and right sides for overall evaluation.

3. Paired Embu (100 points)
One examinee defends for (1), (3), (5) and the other defends for (2), (4), (6).
Follow the examiner's instruction on which side to perform.
(1) Tsubame gaeshi, ren han ko
(2) Soto oshi uke zuki, ren han ko
(3) Eri juji
(4) Sode maki
(5) Tsuki ten san, ren han ko
(6) Maki gote (morote), continued to tembin gatame (ura)

4. Un'yoho (Application) (100 points)

Use protective equipment. Offender and defender will be designated. Evaluation
is on whether proper defenses and counterattacks are done against the attacks.
Mandatory up to age 49. Optional for age 50 and above.
(1) Goho un'yoho (50 points)
Offense: Single or double (ni ren) attacks using tsuki and keri to jodan
and chudan.
Defense: Any counterattack
(2) Juho un'yoho (50 points)
Offense: Attack with grabs to wrist(s), upper arm(s), upper sleeve (katate),
and collar (katate)
Defense: Defend and counterattack Ryu’o Ken, Ryuka Ken, and Rakan Ken

1st Dan Examination Contents

◎ Philosophy Examination
1. Homework assignments to be completed prior to examination
(1) What is true Strength?
(2) Your motives for starting Shorinji Kempo and your present state of mind

2. Supervised essay examination (100 points)

Examinees will be asked to write essays on the four subjects chosen from 1) through 8)
below at the examination.
1) Shorinji Kempo is a Discipline that Develops Individuals
2) Six Distinguishing Characteristics of Shorinji Kempo
3) Key Attitudes Toward Training
4) The Five Elements of Atemi
5) Systems of the training
6) Kisei and Kiai
7) Timing and Distance During Offenses and Defenses
8) Discuss about "True Strength"

◎ Techniques examination
1. Basic techniques (100 points)
(1) Tai gamae, tai sabaki, umpo ho (10 points)
chudan gamae, hasso gamae, ichiji gamae
zen tenkan, han tenkan, jun sagari, hiraki sagari
chidori ashi, kani ashi, juji ashi, kumo ashi
(2) Ukemi (10 points)
mae ukemi, ushiro ukemi, daisharin, oten yori okiagari
(3) Basic offense techniques (10 points)
(kaisoku dachi) furiko zuki, shuto uchi, kumade zuki, keri age
(left and right stances) jo chu ni ren zuki, jo chu mawashi geri, ren geri,
sashikae sokuto geri
(4) Basic defense techniques (10 points)
From kaisoku dachi, include counter responses denoted in ( ).
uwa uke (tsuki), uchi uke (tsuki), shita uke (keri), soto uke (tsuki),
uchi age uke (keri), uchi harai uke (keri)
(5) Offenses and defenses while moving (10 points)
zenshin tsuki keri (jo chu ni ren zuki, jo chu mawashi geri),
hiraki sagari and ren uke
(6) Tan'en kihon hokei (20 points)
Tenchi Ken Dai-ikkei through Dai-rokkei (left and right),
Ryu’o Ken Dai-ikkei (left and right), Giwa Ken Dai-ikkei and Dai-nikei,
Byakuren Ken Dai-ikkei
(7) Tan'en kihon hokei (paired form) (30 points)
Tenchi Ken Dai-ikkei and Dai-nikei, Giwa Ken Dai-ikkei, Ryu’o Ken Dai-ikkei

2. Selected techniques (100 points)
Five goho techniques (50 points) and five juho techniques (50 points) will be
chosen out of all techniques up through 1st Dan. Embu techniques in the Section
3 below can be included.
Perform both left and right sides for overall evaluation.

3. Paired Embu (100 points)

One examinee defends for (1), (3), (5) and the other defends for (2), (4), (6).
Follow the examiner's instruction on which side to perform.

(1) Harai uke geri and tsuki ten san

Defender performs harai uke geri and then deliver jo chu jo san ren zuki.
(2) Gyaku geri hiza uke nami gaeshi and tsuki ten ichi
Defender performs gyaku geri hiza uke nami gaeshi and then delivers jo chu
ni ren zuki.
(3) Morote kiri gote
Offense: ude ushiro neji age
(4) Morote oshi nuki
Offense: gyaku tembin
(5) Chidori gaeshi kari ashi
(6) Kote maki gaeshi continued to kannuki gatame

4. Un'yoho (Application) (100 points)

Use protective equipment. Offender and defender will be designated. Evaluation is
on whether proper defenses and counterattacks are done against the attacks.
Mandatory up to age 49. Optional for age 50 and above.
(1) Goho un'yoho (50 points)
Offense: Tsuki and keri to jodan and chudan
Defense: Any counterattack
(2) Juho un'yoho (50 points)
Offense: Attack with grabs to the wrist(s) (katate, ryote, morote), upper arm(s),
upper sleeve (katate), and collar (katate)
Defense: Defend and counterattack with Ryu’o Ken, Ryuka Ken, and Rakan

[Supervised Essay Examination and Homework Assignments]

Rank Philosophy (Gakka) Topics Homework Assignments

Motivation and Goals for the Founding of Motivation and Goals for the Founding of
1 Shorinji Kempo 1 Shorinji Kempo
2 Key Attitudes for the Dojo 2 Key Attitudes for the Dojo
How to Study the Technical and How to Study the Technical and Philosophical
1 Philosophical Teachings 1 Teachings
Kyu Systems of the Training (Kihon, Hokei, Systems of the Training (Kihon, Hokei, Randori,
2 Randori, Embu) 2 Embu)

1 What is True Strength? 1 What is True Strength?

2 Key Attitudes Toward Training 2 Key Attitudes Toward Training
Shorinji Kempo is a Discipline that Shorinji Kempo is a Discipline that Develops
1 Develops Individuals 1 individuals
Distinguishing Characteristics of Shorinji Distinguishing Characteristics of Shorinji Kempo:
2 Kempo: Ken Zen Ichinyo, Riki Ai Funi 2 "Ken Zen Ichinyo, Riki Ai Funi"
3 The Five Elements of Atemi 3 The Five Elements of Atemi

4 Kinds of Kihon in Shorinji Kempo 4 Kinds of Kihon in Shorinji Kempo

Distinguishing Characteristics of Shorinji Kempo Distinguishing Characteristics of Shorinji Kempo
1 "Shushu Koju, Fusatsu Katsujin" 1 "Shushu Koju, Fusatsu Katsujin"

2 On Chinkon Practice 2 On Chinkon Practice

3 Technical Classifications of Shorinji Kempo 3 On Mind, Ki, and Strength

4 Ma'ai and Opportunity for Offense and Defense 4 History and Founding of Shorinji Kempo

5 On Mind, Ki, and Strength

6 History and Founding of Shorinji Kempo

Distinguishing Characteristics of Shorinji Distinguishing Characteristics of
1 1
Kempo "Go Ju lttai, Kumite Shutai" Shorinji Kempo "Go Ju lttai, Kumite Shutai"
2 Three Teachings of Ken (Shu, Ha, Ri) 2 Three Teachings of Ken (Shu, Ha, Ri)
3 On Kisei and Kiai 3 On Kisei and Kiai

4 Shorinji Kempo Related Organizations 4 Shorinji Kempo Related Organizations

Meditation/Seiku, Oath/Seigan,
1 1 What is True Strength?
Your motives in starting Shorinji Kempo
2 The Ranking Systems of Shorinji Kempo 2 and your present state of mind
3 Types of Principle
4 On Sen (Initiative)

5 Shorinji Kempo Symbols and Activities

[Summary of Examination Prerequisites]
Rank Examination Prerequisites

From when membership is accepted, 16 days or more of practice

6th Kyu over at least a 2 months period, and the completion of the entire 6th
Kyu curriculum.

From passing of the 6th Kyu examination, 16 days or more of

5th Kyu practice over at least a 2 months period, and the completion of the
entire 5th Kyu curriculum.

From passing of the 5th Kyu examination, 16 days or more of

4th Kyu practice over at least a 2 months period, and the completion of the
entire 4th Kyu curriculum.

From passing of the 4th Kyu examination, 24 days or more of

3rd Kyu practice over at least a 3 months period, and the completion of the
entire 3td Kyu curriculum.

From passing of the 3rd Kyu examination, 24 days or more of

2nd Kyu practice over at least a 3 months period, and the completion of the
entire 2nd Kyu curriculum.

From passing of the 2nd Kyu examination, 24 days or more of

1st Kyu practice over at least a 3 months period, and the completion of the
entire 1st Kyu curriculum.

From passing of the 1st Kyu examination, 24 days or more of

1st Dan practice over at least a 3 months period, and the completion of the
entire 1st Dan curriculum.

Kyu Examinations
1. The examinee is required to have fulfilled the examination prerequisites.
2. The Examination prerequisites are the minimum requirements. Even if the time duration
has been met, the examination may only be taken with the approval of the examinee's
branch master or coach.
3. Homework assignments are to be submitted to the examinee's branch master.

Dan Examinations
1. The examinee is required to have fulfilled the examination prerequisites.
2. The Examination prerequisites are the minimum requirements. Even if the time duration
has been met, the examination may only be taken with the approval of the examinee's
branch master or coach.
3. Homework assignments are to be submitted to the examinee's branch master.

Compulsory Paired Embu for Kyu and Dan Examinations

One examinee defends for (1), (3), (5) and the other defends for (2), (4), (6). Follow the
examiner's instruction on which side to perform.

3rd Kyu Examination

(1) Tenchi Ken Dai-ikkei (paired form)
(2) Ryusui geri (ushiro)
(3) Ryote yori nuki
(4) Ryu’o Ken Dai-ikkei (paired form)
(5) Uwa uke zuki (omote)
(6) Gyaku gote continued to mae yubi gatame

2nd Kyu Examination

(1) Tsuki ten ichi, ren han ko
(2) Han tenshin geri, ren han ko
(3) Katate okuri gote, continued to okuri yoko tembin, continued to ura gatame
(4) Kiri gote (katate)
(5) Tenchi Ken Dai-nikei (paired form)
(6) Johaku dori (ryote)

1st Kyu Examination

(1) Tsubame gaeshi, ren han ko
(2) Soto oshi uke zuki, ren han ko
(3) Eri juji
(4) Sode maki
(5) Tsuki ten san, ren han ko
(6) Maki gote (morote) continued to tembin gatame (ura)

1st Dan Examination
(1) Harai uke geri and tsuki ten san
Defense: Harai uke geri and then deliver jo chu jo san ren zuki
(2) Gyaku geri hiza uke nami gaeshi and tsuki ten ichi
Defense: gyaku geri hiza uke nami gaeshi and then deliver jo chu ni ren zuki
(3) Morote kiri gote
Offense: ude ushiro neji age
(4) Morote oshi nuki
Offense: gyaku tembin
(5) Chidori gaeshi, kari ashi
(6) Kote maki gaeshi, continued to kannuki gatame

Shorinji Kempo Curriculum for Kyu Kenshi
April 2022
Published by World Shorinji Kempo Organization
3- 1 Hondori, Tadotsu- Cho, Nakatado- Gun, Kagawa 764- 8511 Japan
Phone 0877- 32-2577
Reproduction without explicit permission is prohibited.


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