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Recomendation System

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Artificial Intelligence Review

Recommendation system based on deep learning methods:

a systematic review and new directions

Aminu Da’u1,2   · Naomie Salim1

© Springer Nature B.V. 2019

These days, many recommender systems (RS) are utilized for solving information overload
problem in areas such as e-commerce, entertainment, and social media. Although classi-
cal methods of RS have achieved remarkable successes in providing item recommenda-
tions, they still suffer from many issues such as cold start and data sparsity. With the recent
achievements of deep learning in various applications such as Natural Language Process-
ing (NLP) and image processing, more efforts have been made by the researchers to exploit
deep learning methods for improving the performance of RS. However, despite the several
research works on deep learning based RS, very few secondary studies were conducted
in the field. Therefore, this study aims to provide a systematic literature review (SLR) of
deep learning based RSs that can guide researchers and practitioners to better understand
the new trends and challenges in the field. This paper is the first SLR specifically on the
deep learning based RS to summarize and analyze the existing studies based on the best
quality research publications. The paper particularly adopts an SLR approach based on the
standard guidelines of the SLR designed by Kitchemen-ham which uses selection method
and provides detail analysis of the research publications. Several publications were gath-
ered and after inclusion/exclusion criteria and the quality assessment, the selected papers
were finally used for the review. The results of the review indicated that autoencoder (AE)
models are the most widely exploited deep learning architectures for RS followed by the
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and the Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) mod-
els. Also, the results showed that Movie Lenses is the most popularly used datasets for the
deep learning-based RS evaluation followed by the Amazon review datasets. Based on the
results, the movie and e-commerce have been indicated as the most common domains for
RS and that precision and Root Mean Squared Error are the most commonly used metrics
for evaluating the performance of the deep leaning based RSs.

Keywords  Recommender system · Collaborative filtering · Deep learning · Systematic

literature review · Survey

* Aminu Da’u
Faculty of Engineering, School of Computing, Univerti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru,
Hassan Usman Katsina Polytechnic, Katsina, Katsina State, Nigeria

A. Da’u, N. Salim

1 Introduction

Recommender systems (RS) is a tool that assists users by presenting services or products
that are most likely of their interest (Khanian and Mohd 2016). Nowadays, the roles of RS
in both academia and industries cannot be overemphasized. Many companies use RS in
their sales promotion using various platforms. For example, the majority of the watched
movies on YouTube and other online video databases come from the RS (Covington et al.
With the recent achievements of deep learning in various applications such as Natu-
ral Languages Processing (NLP) (Poria et al. 2016), machine translation (Costa-jussà et al.
2017) and image processing (Goceri and Goceri 2017), deep learning models have been
exploited for RSs thereby bringing more capabilities by addressing various challenges of
the traditional RS models (Kunaver and Požrl 2017). Leveraging deep learning techniques
for RS has become more popular due to a number of remarkable successes recorded in
providing high-quality recommendations (Yao et  al. 2017). Compared to the traditional
recommendation architectures (Lu et al. 2015), deep learning based RS models provides a
better representation learning of the user/item interactions (Zheng et al. 2017). Thus, devel-
oping a personalized deep learning-based RSs became a promising trend.
In recent times, different companies have exploited deep learning methods for further
improving the diversity and performance of their RSs (Cheng et  al. 2016; Okura et  al.
2017). For example, Cheng et al. (2016) introduced a wide and deep architecture for google
play recommendation. Covington et al. (2016b) proposed a deep learning-based method for
the movie recommendation. Okura et al. (2017) used an RNN for news recommendation.
All these approaches have shown remarkable successes and proved better performances
over the classical RS methods.
With the many achievements of the deep learning-based RSs, the number of research
works in the field has become exponentially increased. This leads to organizing various
academic workshops and conferences by different related bodies so as to further provide
an in-depth research awareness of the field in the research community. Hence the need
for a comprehensive review and summarization of the successive research works to bet-
ter understand the underlying opportunities and challenges of these techniques for helping
the researchers in both the academia and industries. In other words, despite the several
research works proposed to investigate deep learning based RSs, very few secondary stud-
ies were formally published to review existing works and analyze the open research issues
on the field (Batmaz et al. 2018; Betru et al. 2017; Yao et al. 2017; Zhang et al. 2018).
Although the above studies have great influence and provide insights on the state of
the art methods of deep learning based RS to some extent, no one among these existing
secondary studies have particularly applied standard SLR approach which has been shown
as the best method of presenting unbiased reviews (Kitchenham 2007; Kitchenham et al.
2009). Therefore, this paper presents an SLR method to better review, summarize and
examine the trends of the published articles as a synthesis of best quality publications on
the deep learning-based RS thereby providing insight and future direction for the research-
ers and practitioners in the field. Our SLR was conducted based on the guidelines described
in Kitchenham (2007), Kitchenham et al. 2009). SLR has been shown as the best method
of providing unbiased review of the state-of-the-art studies which use a systematic selec-
tion strategy of the published articles involving exclusion and inclusion criteria. SLR is an
approach for evidence-based software engineering that aggregates evidence for providing

Recommendation system based on deep learning methods: a…

the best insights for researchers and practitioners (Kitchenham et al. 2009). The main con-
tributions of this SLR can be highlighted in the following:

• We present an SLR of the existing deep learning-based RS models. This will serve
as guidance for the researchers and practitioners in the field to better understand the
emerging trends and identify techniques for tackling unresolved issues.
• We also present detail descriptions of the open issues and challenges at stake and iden-
tify future roadmap in the area of deep learning-based RS.
• We provide quantitative analysis on the state-of-the-art deep learning-based RS which
include the application domains, datasets and different metrics used for evaluating the
performance of the deep learning-based RS approaches.

The rest of the paper is arranged as follows: Sect. 2 presents the related studies on the
deep learning-based RS surveys. Section  3 presents the background of the study which
covers overviews of the traditional RS and deep learning architectures. Section 4 describes
the methodology used in the SLR. Section 5 reports the results of the SLR, Sects. 6 and 7
presents the limitations and conclusion of the paper respectively.

2 Related studies

In the past few years, different studies were conducted to review and survey the classical
RS. One of the early significant works includes the work of Su and Khoshgoftaar (2009)
who introduced a review on the collaborative filtering (CF) methods for RS. The authors
analyze various recommendation approaches and made a comparison of the approaches in
terms of their advantages and limitations. Many other secondary studies on the classical
RS were also presented. For example, Burke (2002) introduced a qualitative survey of the
hybrid RS. The author discussed the advantages and disadvantages of various recommen-
dation methods and presented a taxonomy to classify different combination approaches for
hybrid RS. A method in Véras et al. (2015) have been introduced to present a systematic
review for classifying RSs in the television domain. The authors conducted an analysis of
the different development and research perspective including algorithms, approaches, out-
put devices, recommended items, and user profile.
Dehghani et al. (2015) introduced an SLR to survey the scholar context-aware RS. The
authors identified the methods based on the contextual information used for developing
various recommendation frameworks in digital libraries. The review was carried out based
on the Kitchenham systematic review guidelines and comprised publications from 2001
to 2013. Alencar and Cowan (2018), used an SLR method to analyze the utilization of
machine learning methods and their application domain for RS. The authors presented dif-
ferent alternative evaluation measures and identify new research directions for RS utilizing
machine learning methods. Alejandra et al. (2018) employed an SLR approach to review
the existing methods on the CF method that utilizes social network data for addressing
cold start problem. The review was conducted based on the published papers between 2011
and 2017. Damaged et  al. (2017) introduced a review based on the SLR to survey cross
domain RSs by identifying the most popularly used building block definitions for Cross-
domain RS and classifying current research in the scope of the identified definitions. Kha-
nian and Mohd (2016) presented an SLR to review the state of the art methods of the CF

A. Da’u, N. Salim

models with the goal of understanding the trends of the recommendation system based on
the implicit feedbacks by analyzing the published papers.
With the remarkable success of deep learning techniques in handling complex prob-
lems such as decision making (Betru et  al. 2017) and visual understanding (Guo et  al.
2016), deep learning methods have been exploited in building RS thereby providing a more
improved recommendation with high accuracy. Despite the fact that several research works
have been conducted on the deep learning based RS, very few secondary studies were
formally published (Batmaz et  al. 2018; Betru et  al. 2017; Yao et  al. 2017; Zhang et  al.
2018) in the field. For example, Betru et al. (2017) presented a review of the state-of-the-
art approaches on deep learning based RSs. However, this review typically focused on only
three models of deep learning architectures. Therefore it is not comprehensive enough in
the scope. Liu et al. (2017a, b) introduced a review and classification method of deep learn-
ing based RS. This study was particularly conducted based on only 13 publications as such
the study is limited and cannot provide deep insight into the emerging approaches.
Recently Zhang et al. (2018) presented a review on the deep learning based RS models.
The studies analyzed and classified over 100 publications. Despite the great influence of
these studies in the research field, yet these studies are limited in that they particularly
focused on the structural classification of the state-of-the approaches and ignore diving into
the implementation details when examing the publication in the field. To further explore
the state-of-art deep learning based RS methods, another recent survey was conducted by
Batmaz et  al. (2018) which presents a comprehensive review to identify challenges and
remedies on the deep learning based RS. The authors review various challenges of the
state-of-the-art approaches with the solutions to each of the challenges. Although, these
studies comprehensively reviewed quite a number of the-state-of-art related publications,
however, no one among all the existing secondary studies has yet adopted a standard SLR
approach to systematically provide a methodology and search criteria for validating their
research. Hence, in this paper, we have adopted the SLR method for our review based on
the structured method with search strategy and selection criteria, following the guide-
lines used in Khanian and Mohd (2016), Kitchenham (2007), Kitchenham et al. (2009) for
standard SLR.

3 Theoretical background

For a better understanding of the concepts, in this section, we present the theoretical back-
ground of the deep learning-based RS. This includes brief overviews of the traditional RS
and the deep learning architectures used for RS.

3.1 Traditional recommender system

RSs are generally regarded as the software techniques that provide suggestions for items
that are most likely of user’s preference (Lu et  al. 2015). The suggestions include vari-
ous decision-making processes in real-world applications such as entertainment (Lee et al.
2018), e-commerce and social networks (Li et al. 2016). RSs have also been regarded as
information filtering systems which attempt to solve the problem of information overload
using information filtering techniques based on the user’s relationship to the item (Wang
et  al. 2012). Depending on the information they used and the type of recommendation
they provide, various approaches have been used to classify the RS techniques. The most

Recommendation system based on deep learning methods: a…

commonly used classification (Adomavicius and Tuzhilin 2005a, b; Lu et al. 2015) includes
collaborative filtering (CF), content-based (CB) and hybrid recommender technique.

3.1.1 Collaborative filtering methods

CF methods have been shown as the most widely used methods for RS (Wang et al. 2014).
They generally rely on the previous user-item interaction to predict the user’s preferences
on items. Thus, they use collaborative powers of the ratings provided by several related
users to make a recommendation. In practice, CF techniques generate recommendation
by leveraging the relationship of either inter-user or inter-item (Yang et  al. 2014). Some
techniques use both types of relationships (Beel et al. 2016). Moreover, some techniques
utilize optimization methods to creates a training model in a similar way classifiers used
to create training models from the marked data. Basically, there are two types of the CF
approaches, namely, the memory-based approach (Sharma et  al. 2017) and model-based
approach (Zheng et al. 2017b).
Pros and Cons of CF techniques CF methods are the most commonly used techniques
for RS compared to the CB methods. One of the benefits of the CF models over CB
approaches is the ability to work in a domain where the content associated items are insuf-
ficiently available and in a situation where contents are difficult to process such as opinions
(Isinkaye et  al. 2015). Another advantage of the collaborative technique is its ability to
provide serendipitous recommendations.
Despite numerous advantages of the CF filtering methods over the CB methods, they
have some potential drawbacks which are stated in the following.
Cold-start problem, which generally occurs when there is no adequate information
about an item or a user in order to make relevant predictions (Kunaver and Požrl 2017).
This typically reduces the performance of the RS. In practice, the profile of the new user or
new item will be empty since there is no rating with the system, as a result, his preference
can’t be recognized by the system.
Data sparsity is a problem generally affects CF methods which occur as a result of
insufficient information in the system (Kotkov et al. 2016). This is when the total number
of the items rated by the user in the database is relatively few. This generally results in a
sparse user-item matrix (Kunaver and Požrl 2017). It also leads to the inability to locate
successful neighbors and eventually poor recommendation process.
Scalability is another issue associated with RS (Kotkov et al. 2016). Generally, as the
volume of dataset increased, it will be difficult for the recommender technique that is ini-
tially designed to deal with the only limited volume of a dataset. Thus, it is very important
to use recommendation techniques capable of scaling up in a successful manner as the vol-
ume of dataset increases in a database.

3.1.2 Content‑based methods

CB filtering techniques basically rely on user/item descriptions for providing item recom-
mendation (Wang and Wang 2014). For generating the related user/item data, information
retrieval or web search mining is generally used (Ebesu and Fang 2017b). CB technique
generally filters items according to the similarity of the contents the user is interested in
Lu et al. (2015). Latent semantic indexing and vector space model are two commonly used
methods to present these terms as a vector in a multidimensional space (Krishnamurthy

A. Da’u, N. Salim

et al. 2016). Different learning techniques such as a neural network (Deng 2014b), SVM
and Bayesian classifiers (Kim et al. 2016) are generally used to learn a user profile.
Cons and pros of CB filtering CB filtering methods can be applied to address many of
the drawbacks experienced in CF methods. Some of the advantages of the CB techniques
over the CF method are given in the following.
User independence In the CB technique, ratings provided by the active user are usually
exploited solely to build his own profile. As opposed to the CF approach which depends on
the neighborhood ratings.
Transparency This is clear description of how the explicitly listing content features pro-
vide recommendation processes. Those features are yardsticks to measure in deciding the
reliability of recommendation. Converse to the collaborative systems which are the black-
boxes since the only description for an item recommendation is that unknown users with
common tastes liked that item;
New item Unlike CF, CB methods are powerful in providing a recommendation for the
items not previously rated by any user. As a consequence, CB filtering methods do not have
a first-rater problem. This problem is usually suffered by the CF methods.
However, CB recommendation techniques also suffer from the many problems which
are stated in the following.
CB filtering approaches usually provide obvious recommendations since they make use
of content description (Lu et al. 2015). For instance, if users have never used items with
particular keywords, there is no chance for that item to recommend. This is because the
designed method is always unique to the user at hand. Thus the community experience
from like users is not utilized. This tends to decrease the diversity of the items to be recom-
mended which is not ideal.
Another major challenge of the CB techniques is that they are not good for the new
user’s recommendation, even though they are good for the recommendation of newly avail-
able items (Adomavicius and Tuzhilin 2005a, b). This follows due to the fact, that rating
history is required to be in training the model for the target user (Lu et al. 2015). Hence, it
is generally important, for a robust prediction to have an adequate rating for the target user.
Thus, CB filtering approaches have many trade-offs from CF methods.

3.1.3 Hybrid recommendation approach

Hybrid RS approaches exploit the combination of two or more RS approaches (e.g. CF and
CB) for generating an enhanced recommendation (Kunaver and Požrl 2017). The basic idea
behind the hybrid recommendation techniques is that integrating different RS methods will
improve and provide more enhanced recommendation than applying a single technique.
Combining different techniques can suppress the drawbacks of an individual technique.
Different methods can be used to achieve hybridization of RS (Adomavicius and Tuzhilin
2005a, b). This includes feature combination, feature augmentation (Aslanian et al. 2016),
cascading and switching method (Paradarami et al. 2017).

3.2 Overviews of deep learning architecture

Deep learning concept was originally coined from the field of artificial neural network,
hence, some times referred to as “new-generation neural networks” (Deng 2014a). Deep
learning is regarded as a class of machine learning technique, that is used for representa-
tion learning (Liu et al. 2017b) by exploiting many layers of information-processing stages

Recommendation system based on deep learning methods: a…

in hierarchical architectures. With the emergence of the deep neural network, there has
been a remarkable achievement in many application fields such as computer visions (Sain-
ath et al. 2013), NLP (Poria et al. 2016), image processing (Goceri and Goceri 2017) and
RSs (Batmaz et al. 2018; Yao and Sun 2017). Researchers have been working tirelessly in a
pursuit to exploit deep neural network to a wider range of applications. Depending on how
the architectures are applied, generally deep learning architectures can be broadly catego-
rized into three major classes, namely, generative, discriminative and hybrid deep architec-
tures (Deng et al. 2014). However in all these deep learning methods a batch size should be
choosen carefully for optimum parformance (Goceri and Gooya 2018) Fig. 1 and Table 1
shows the classification and comparison of the deep learning architectures respectively.

3.2.1 Generative deep architectures

These classes of architectures attempt to characterize the high order correlation proper-
ties of the visible data for pattern synthesis (Deng 2014a). Generative deep architectures
are essentially applied for unsupervised learning methods (Schmidhuber 2015). The idea
here is that specific supervisory information such as target class labels are not usually used
during the learning process. Most of the deep network in this class typically uses the net-
work to generate samples and are thus generative models. Typical examples of such models
include Autoencoders (AEs), Restricted-Boltzmann-Machines (RBMs), Deep Believe Net-
works (DBNs), Deep-Boltzmann-Machines (DBMs) and the recently introduced Genera-
tive Advaserial Network (GAN).
Deep autoencoders Deep AE is specifically used for the unsupervised learning process
(Deng 2014a). It is typically trained in copying its inputs to its outputs (Suzuki and Ozaki
2017). An AE is thus, a feedforward network, which tends to learn a distributed representa-
tion of data (Schmidhuber 2015). It is specifically used for learning dimensionality reduc-
tion of the set (Nweke et al. 2018). An AE essentially posses one hidden layer between the
input and output layer with the more compact representation of hidden layers than input
and output layers (Wu et  al. 2016b). In the AE model, input and output layers typically
have an exact same setting. This essentially allows an AE to be trained with the exact data

Deep Learning Technique

Generative Discriminative LSTM Hybrid

Sparse AE


Fig. 1  Classification of deep learning architecture


Table 1  Comparisons of different deep learning mlodels
Learning scenario Description Strength Weakness Main applications in RS

Deep AE Unsupervised A neural network trained to It is capable of learning more Less scalability to high dimen- Learning lower dimensional feature
reconstruct their inputs under complex feature representation sional data representations from text review
some constraints via an unsupervised learning Rely on numerical optimization
scheme and high parameter tuning
DBM Unsupervised Deep neural network with an Provides more robust feature High computational time due to Ensemble models
undirected connection at every extraction via unsupervised the large parameter tuning
layer training
DBN Unsupervised Consists of a directed connec- Powerful for extraction of hidden Difficult to train due to the Audio and video based recom-
tion at the lower layer and and useful features from audio extenstive parameter initializa- mendation
undirected connection at two data tion process
topmost layer
RBM Unsupervised Bipartite, undirected graph Suitable for low-rank representa- Not tractable as such the contras- Group-based recommendation
comprising of the visible and tion learning tive divergence can be used to
hidden layer learn the parameters
GAN Unsupervised/ Deep neural network consisting Suitable for unified supervised Unstable learning process Dif- Descriminative and generative
Supervised descriminator and generator and unsupervised learning ficulty in convergence information retrieval
CNN Supervised Interconnected architecture Powerful for feature extraction Require high parameterization Feature representation learning
inspired by biological visual with contextual information tuning from multiple sources: Audio,
cortex text, image, video, etc
MLP Supervised Modelling data with simple cor- Nonlinear transformation High complexity and slow con- Feature representation learning
relation vergence from audio, video and textual
A. Da’u, N. Salim
Recommendation system based on deep learning methods: a…

that has fed into the input layer. The training process is quite similar to that of the tradi-
tional neural network with backpropagation (Guo et al. 2016). It only differs in the error
computed by comparing the output to the data itself. Recently, different variants of the AE
such as sparsed-autoencoder (Strub et al. 2016a, b), denoising-autoencoder (Li et al. 2015)
and stacked-autoencoder (Suzuki and Ozaki 2017) have been introduced to provide robust
feature representation for various applications.
AE algorithm is very powerful in dealing with noisy data to learn the complex and hier-
archical structure from the input data (Wei et al. 2017). Generally, the AE model can be
utilized for building RS by filling the blanks of the interaction matrix directly in the con-
struction layer or by learning lower dimensional features at the outer layer. However, the
major issue of deep AE model is that they are not capable of searching for an optimal solu-
tion (Nweke et al. 2018). In addition, the training process of the AE model involves high
computation time because of the high parameter tuning (Deng 2014a). Figure 2 illustrates
the simple structure of the AE model.
Sparsed-autoencoder was basically developed for sparse feature representation from
inputs-data by forcefully taking the sparsity term-model-loss function close to zero (Liu
et al. 2017b). This model is typically applied in tasks where the analysis of highs complex-
data such as videos and images is required. Essentially, using sparsed-autoencoder models
ensure robust feature representation and learning applications. Therefore, sparse-autoen-
coder techniques are very effective for low dimensional feature extraction from input data
using supervised-learning method (Strub et al. 2016b).
Denoising-autoencoder model generally uses a corrupted version of data to stochasti-
cally learns feature-representations using partial destruction of the raw input data (Nweke
et al. 2018). Like other unsupervised deep-learning-methods, denoising AE is trained using
layers initialization in which each layer is used to generate input data of the next layer pres-
entation (Prieto et al. 2016). This allows the efficient capturing of the observed statistical-
dependencies about inputs of data distribution. Furthermore, denoising-AE can be stacked
to reduce the processing errors and was recently used for building complex tasks such as
RS (Suzuki and Ozaki 2017).
Deep Boltzmann machines DBM is another typical example of deep unsupervised mod-
els that are generative in nature (Deng et al. 2014; Nweke et al. 2018). DBM consists of
many layers of hidden-variables with nos direct connections-between then variables of
the same-layers (Ng et al. 2015). DBM is a special variant of BM (Boltzmann-Machine).
It is a network symmetrically-connected based on the stochastics mechanism. Generally,

Fig. 2  Autor Encoder

Encoder Decoder

A. Da’u, N. Salim

Boltzmann Machines are very slow to train and also very complex to study, although their
learning algorithm seems to be simple (Pacheco et al. 2018). DBM has the advantage of
learning complex internal representations which are very important in solving object and
speech recognition problems (Deng et al. 2014). When the number of DBM hidden layers
is reduced to one, this will result in the RBM (Restricted Boltzmann Machine) model. Fig-
ure 3b shows an illustration of simple DBM model.
Restricted Boltzmann machine RBM is an undirected generative-models that serve as a
building block in greedy-layer by layers features modeling (Pacheco et al. 2018). It is typi-
cally composed of two different layers of visible and hidden layers consisting of input vari-
ables and hidden variables respectively (Liu et al. 2017b). Therefore, weights-connecting
the neurons between visible-units and hidden units are conditionally independents without
visible–visible connections. As shown in Fig. 3a, the neurons are restricted to form a bipar-
tite graph. There is a full connection between the visible units and the hidden ones, while
no link exists between units from the same layer. The models are trained with contrastive-
divergences (CD) (Fischer and Igel 2014; Nweke et al. 2018) to provide unbiased-estimates
of maximum likelihoods learning. RBM models are robust for automatically processing
unsupervised information into feature vector leveraging unlabelled data by using layer-wise
training. Nevertheless, RBM model experience major shortcomings which include high
parameterization that makes it computationally expensive to train (Pacheco et al. 2018). On
the other hand, one of the good qualities of RBM is that it helps in learning many hidden
layers using the feature activations as the training data for the next layer (Hassan 2017).
This leads to the emergence of deep belief network (DBN).
Deep belief network Traditional neural networks tend to have problems of optimization
(Pacheco et al. 2018) which consequently leads to the poor performance of the network. In
addition, they often do not utilize what is plenty. To address these issues, DBN networks
were introduced (Schmidhuber 2015). DBN uses a deep architecture that cannot learn a
representation of features from labeled and unlabeled data (Luo et  al. 2018). DBN typi-
cally integrates both supervised and unsupervised learning steps to build a more robust and
efficient model optimization (Pacheco et al. 2018). The unsupervised step can be used in
learning the distribution of data without a prior knowledge, while the supervised step can

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 3  a–c illustrate the RBM, DBM and DBN respectively

Recommendation system based on deep learning methods: a…

be used to execute a local search to get an optimized result (Deng 2014b). The DBN struc-
ture is shown in Fig. 3c.
Generative Adversarial Network GAN is a recently introduced deep learning method
initially presented in Goodfellow et  al. (2014). GAN provides an alternative method for
the maximum likelihood of the estimation technique. It uses both unsupervised and super-
vised learning method where two neural networks interact in a zero-sum game. It specifi-
cally attempts to train a generative model which seek to estimate the target data distribu-
tion from the training data. It also uses the discriminative model that approximates the
probability that a sample data comes from real training data rather than the output (Wang
et al. 2017a). The training procedure of the GAN is highly sensitive to the learning rate and
other parameters including the model structure. To attain effective convergence, numerous
Ad hoc tricks are often required for improving the fidelity of the data generated. Figure 4
shows an illustration of the GAN structure.
To alleviate the difficulty and achieve better convergence in the training process, several
extension of the GAN methods were introduced. This includes Loss Sensitive Generative
Adversarial Network (LSGAN) and Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Network (WGAN)
(Bentur et  al. 2006). However, researches on the GAN remains shallow. Recently, some
studies indicated that GAN can be utilized for supervised learning. Utilizing the unsuper-
vised learning capability of GAN is promising in terms of the information retrieval and
recommender system (Wang et al. 2018).

3.2.2 Discriminative architectures

This class of deep architectures is specifically used for providing a discriminative function
for pattern classification (Wang and Raj 2015). They usually attempt to characterize the
posterior distributions of classes conditioned on the visible data (Deng et al. 2014). Dis-
criminative deep architectures are specifically applied for supervised deep learning (Nweke
et al. 2018). Popular examples of such architectures include RNN, CNN, and MLP.
Convolutional-Neural-Network The CNN is a subtype of discriminative deep architec-
ture which uses perceptrons in dealing with high dimensional data (Liu et al. 2017b).The
idea of CNN was initially inspired by the visual cortex organization in animals (Lecun

Fig. 4  An overview of the GAN model

A. Da’u, N. Salim

et al. 2015). In CNN, each module comprises of a pooling and convolutional layer which
are usually stacked up with one on top of another to form a deep architecture (Guo et al.
2016; Nweke et  al. 2018). The convolutional layer often shares multiple weights, while
the pooling layer sub-samples the output of the convolutional layer (Liu et al. 2017b). The
pooling layers together with the shared weight in the convolutional layer provide the CNNs
with-some invariance properties such as translation-invariances (Guo et al. 2016). Differ-
ent pooling operations such as max polling, stochastic poolings, and average poolings have
been applied for CNN models implementation in various applications including NLP (Kim
2014) and RSs (Zheng et al. 2017b). Figure 5 illustrates the general overview of the CNN
CNN models are very efficient in learning deep features from user textual review for
modeling user and item latent factors (Zheng et al. 2017b). The key advantages of CNN
model are the ability to use pooling operation for reducing training data dimensions and
making it transitional invariant to changes and distortion. CNN models have been used
for feature extraction to better model user and item representation for RS (Catherine and
Cohen 2017; Kim et al. 2016, 2017). CNN model has been also shown very effective in
image processing. As such many approaches have exploited the model to utilize image
descriptions for building RSs.
Despite many success of the CNN model, however, it has one major drawback in that
it requires a large number of hyperparameter tuning in achieving optimal features (Deng
et al. 2014). In addition, it is challenging in supporting effective complex activity details
(Nweke et al. 2018).
Recurrent Neural Network RNN is specifically used to model sequential data by simply
incorporating temporal layers to capture sequential information (Liu et al. 2017b). As such,
it generally becomes a suitable way to deal with the temporal dynamics of user behaviors
as well as the sequential data. Unlike feedforward networks, RNN has memories and loops
for remembering former processings (Nweke et al. 2018). RNN typically uses hidden units
of the recurrent cell to learn complex changes. The hidden units can change according to
information in the network to reflects the current status of the network. RNNs use the next
hidden-states activation of the previously hidden state to process the current hidden-state.
However RNN modelss suffer from the exploding or vanishing gradient which makes
it difficult to train (Prieto et al. 2016). This limits its performance in modelling long time
activity and temporal dependency. Variations of RNN such as GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit)
(Bansal et al. 2016) network and LSTM (Long Short Term Memory) (Zhou et al. 2018) are
often used to address the issue of the vanishing gradient. They typically integrate different
memories and gates to capture sequential activities. Recently, variants of the LSTM such
as BiLSM (Yoon and Kim 2017) have been introduced to provide better performances.

Feature Maps Feature Maps Feature Maps Feature Maps Output

Convoluon Pooling Convoluon Pooling Fully connected

Fig. 5  The structure of the CNN architecture

Recommendation system based on deep learning methods: a…

Fig. 6  A simple RNN structure

Fig. 7  A structural representa-

tion of the MLP model with two
hidden layers

Figure 6 illustrates a typical structure of the RNN model. However, one major drawback
of the RNN models especially LSTM is the high computation time due to the high number
of parameter tuning. Different strategies such as high throughput parameter update method
can be used to tackle the computation time (Nweke et al. 2018).
Multilayer Perceptron MLP is a feed-forward neural network model that has one or
more layer and nonlinear activations. MLP is regarded as the simplest deep learning archi-
tecture (Deng et  al. 2014). It is made up of at least one hidden layer which is intercon-
nected in a feed-forward direction. It is basically the building blocks of the majority of the
deep learning architectures. MLP can be used to transform the linear method of the RS into
the nonlinear models for neural performance. As such they have been used in many appli-
cations including the RS approaches (Cheng et al. 2016; Guo et al. 2017; Lian and Chen
2018). A typical structure of the MLP model is show in Fig. 7.

4 SLR methodology

This section presents the methodology used in our SLR which is mainly based on the
guidelines used in Kitchenham (2007) and Kitchenham et  al. (2009). It consists of well-
defined steps to analyze and evaluate the research papers in order to identify gaps in the
existing research as well as to review their contributions to the RQs for drawing a conclu-
sion. The SLR process basically comprises three steps: review planning, conducting the
review and documenting of the review. Figure 8 shows the different components of each
phase and outlines the outcomes of each phase. Each phase is described in the following

A. Da’u, N. Salim

Fig. 8  Phases of the systematic literature review method

4.1 Review planning

The Review planning phase particularly involves preparation of the research work which
includes identifying the need for the review, specifying the research questions and iden-
tifying the relevant online bibliographic databases.

4.1.1 Identifying the need for the review

As noted earlier, with the increasing number of the primary studies on deep learning-
based RS, very few secondary studies were conducted in the field and that all of the
existing studies were simply based on the classical survey and review of the state-of-the
studies. Hence the need for conducting the SLR which has been indicated as the most
suitable for presenting comprehensive and unbiased review of published studies. Our
SLR is introduced with the aim of addressing the following research questions (RQs):

• RQ1 What are the deep learning methods exploited for building the RS?
• RQ2 What are the metrics used for evaluating the performance of deep learning-
based RS?
• RQ3 What are the application domains and the datasets used for evaluating deep
learning-based RS?
• RQ4 What are the open issues and the future research directions for the deep learn-
ing-based RS?

4.1.2 Identification of the bibliographic database

To gather the relevant publications for this review, an automatic search was conducted
on the major digital libraries which include ACM (Association of computing machine)
digital library, IEEE explores, ScienceDirect, Springer, and Web of Science. Other simi-
lar sources were not considered as they mainly index data from the primary sources.
These libraries were chosen because of their popularity and being the rich source of
research articles related to our RQs. As the first deep learning based RS is believed to
have been introduced in 2007 (Salakhutdinov et al. 2007a), therefore 2007 was chosen
to be the starting point of this review. This study covers related papers published from
2007 until 2018.

Recommendation system based on deep learning methods: a…

Search process The search strings were carefully designed considering the specified
RQs. In this way, different search strings with different combinations of terms were applied
while searching the relevant articles. The following keywords and synonyms for the
research were used: Recommendersystem , RecommendationSystem , CollaborativeFiltering ,
Deeplearning , NeuralNetwork . After identifying the keywords and synonyms, the search
strings will be applied to the above online digital libraries.

4.2 Conducting the review

The second stage of the SLR involves the selection of the primary studies by applying
query strings for executing searches based on the identified inclusion/exclusion criteria in
Table 2. The selected primary studies are validated through the quality assessment criteria
and the data information is then extracted from each of the selected studies.

4.2.1 Paper selection

After identifying the relevant bibliographic databases and specifying the search strings, we
applied the specified search strings in the search engines of the selected online databases
and finally discovered 1480 publications as illustrated in Fig. 9. The databases return a dif-
ferent number of publications because of the different strategies they used in their search
To select the most relevant studies for our focus research, we first remove the unrelated
studies by examining the titles and reviewing the abstracts. If the abstract did not provide
the necessary information, we proceed to the conclusion part. As a result, we obtained 275
papers. We then filtered the remaining articles by applying the inclusion/exclusion criteria,
and we retained a list of 105 papers. The entire steps are summarized and illustrated in
Fig. 9.

4.2.2 Quality assessment

To validate the accepted publication in term of quality, we apply standard quality check-
list questions designed in Kitchenham (2007) as given in Table 3. To this end, following
(Genc-nayebi and Abran 2017), we selected the studies that provide a ‘yes’ answer to at
least seven questions. The quality assessment will be considered concurrently with the data

Table 2  Inclusion/exclusion criteria
Inclusion strategy Exclusion strategy

Peer-reviewed and published studies that are written Duplicate reports of the same studies are excluded
in the English language only
Studies that are directly related to the deep Books, thesis, notes, tutorial and studies that are not
learning-based RSs related to the RQs are excluded in the review
Publication from conference and journal only Papers that do not sufficiently describe an experiment
study are excluded in this review
Papers published from 2007 to 2018 only The publications that cannot be accessed by the
authors are not included in this review

A. Da’u, N. Salim

Search Strings

ACM (329) ScienceDirect IEEE IEEE Web of

(329) (329) (329) Science (52)

Retrieved Papers
(1480 )
Removing the unrelated and
duplicate studies by scanning
the tle and abstracts
Pre-selected Papers
(275 )

Inclusion and exclusion

criteria and quality
( 54)
Selected Papers
(105 )

Fig. 9  The paper selection process

Table 3  Quality Checklist No. Quality question

(Kitchenham 2007)
1 Are the aims of the research stated clearly?
2 Is reporting coherent and clear?
3 Has the context of diversity been explored?
4 Is there any link between data, interpretation, and conclusion?
5 Are the findings of the study credible?
6 If credible, are they important?
7 Could the study be replicated?
8 Is the research process adequately documented?
9 Are the data collection method clearly described?
10 Is the reporting clear and coherent

Recommendation system based on deep learning methods: a…

extraction to ensure the findings contribute significantly to the review (Kitchenham et al.

5 Results

This section presents the results of the SLR in order to respond to the specified RQs
described in Sect.  3. The section is further divided into five subsections: The first sub-
section presents the search results analyzing the selected studies. The second subsection
reports the various deep learning techniques used for RS. The third subsection identifies
different datasets and the domains that deep learning based RS are applied. The fourth
subsection reports different evaluation metrics used for measuring the accuracy of the deep
learning-based RS and finally, the fifth subsection identifies the open issues and future
directions for the deep learning-based RS.

5.1 Selected studies

This subsection presents the distribution of the selected publications considered in this
study. Following the selection criteria described in Sect. 3 and after the quality assessment
protocol, we finally selected 99 studies to be used for further processing. This particularly
covers the journals and conference proceedings published from 2007 to 2018. The distribu-
tion of the studies and the year of publication are illustrated in Fig. 10.
It can be observed form the Fig.  10 that since the earliest remarkable study on deep
learning base RS was introduced, there has been an increasing growth of the number of
studies that used deep learning for RS. It can also be observed that most of the deep learn-
ing-based RS we identified were published in the last 6 years.

5.2 Deep learning methods for RS

This section addresses the RQ1 which aims to identify the deep learning-based RS stud-
ies included in this research. Table 4 presents the distribution of the deep learning meth-
ods for RS we identified from the selected studies considered for this SLR. We also






2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020

Fig. 10  Distribution of the selected studies and the years


Table 4  Distribution of the deep learning-based RS
Model Description Advantages No of studies References

CNN Uses convolution and pooling operations for Allows feature extraction with contextual 13 Tang and Wang (2018), Kim et al. (2016,
feature extraction information 2017), Seo et al. (2017), Zheng et al.
(2017b), Wang et al. (2017b), He and McAu-
ley (2015), He (2016), Yu et al. (2018),
Zheng et al. (2017a), Tuan (2017), Hu et al.
(2018) and Tuan (2017)
RNN consists of loops and memories for remem- Capture temporal dependencies and sequen- 20 Christakopoulou et al. (2018), Tan et al.
bering previous computations. Different tial information of words (2016), Wu et al. (2016a), Quadrana et al.
versions of RNN include LSTM and GRU (2017), Hidasi et al. (2016a), Smirnova
models (2017), Wu et al. (2017), Christakopoulou
et al. (2018), Donkers et al. (2017), Dai
et al. (2016), Lu et al. (2018), Jing and
Smola (2017), Chen et al. (2018, Hidasi
et al. (2016b), Bansal et al. (2016), Jannach
and Ludewig (2017), Ludewig and Jannach
(2018), Li et al. (2017), Smirnova (2017) and
Soh et al. (2017)
MLP A feedforward deep network that uses set of Transforms the linear into the nonlinear 12 He et al. (2017) 73 Cheng et al. (2016), Guo
input to generate a set of output models for neural performance et al. (2017), Lian and Chen (2018), Chen
and He (2017), Alashkar et al. (2017), Cov-
ington et al. (2016a), He and Chua (2017),
Song et al. (2018) and Tay et al. (2018a, b)
AE The generative model that reconstructs its Suitable for feature dimensionality reduction 16 Dong et al. (2017), Unger et al. (2016), Wei
input data in the output layer and extraction of hierarchical features et al. (2016, 2017), Sedhain et al. (2015), Wu
et al. (2016c), Bai et al. (2017), Wang et al.
(2014), Strub et al. (2016, Jian et al. (2016),
Li and She 2017), Zuo et al. (2016), Cao
and Yang (2017), Jhamb and Ebesu (2018),
Liang et al. (2018) and Loyola et al. (2017)
A. Da’u, N. Salim
Table 4  (continued)
Model Description Advantages No of studies References

RBM A Two-layer network with a visible and Allows cross-correlation feature extraction 08 Salakhutdinov et al. (2007b, 2016), Georgiev
hidden layer which can easily be stacked to for innate feature representation (2013), Wang and Kawagoe (2017, 2018),
form a deep network Yedder et al. (2017), Du et al. (2017) and Liu
et al. (2015)
GAN Generative semi-supervised deep learning Allows both generative and discriminative 04 Cai et al. (2017), Wang et al. (2017a), He et al.
method information retrieval (2018) and Wang et al. (2018)
CNN and RNN Integrate CNN and RNN models for better Capture both semantic and sequential infor- 04 Lee et al. (2016), Zhang et al. (2016), Ebesu
predictive performance mation of words and Fang (2017a) and Tran et al. (2018)
CNN and AE Combines CNN and AE for better feature Allow probabilistic treatment for improving 2 Zhang et al. (2016), Lin et al. (2015)
representation learning the performance of the RSs
RNN and AE Integrates RNN and AE to better model Jointly models user/item factors while 1 Wang et al. (2016a)
latent features for robust model perfor- extracting the implicit relationship between
mance them
RNN and DBN Combines DBN and RNN method for mining Highly effective for the cold start problem 1 Yuan et al. (2017)
important comments
Recommendation system based on deep learning methods: a…

A. Da’u, N. Salim

present a brief explanation, the main advantages and the number of studies identified for
each deep learning method in the table.
Autoencoder methods AEs are unsupervised dimensionality reduction models
via nonlinear transformation (Liu et  al. 2017b). Generally, AE model can be applied
to build an RS either by learning a low dimensional representation of features or by
directly providing the missing entries of rating matrix in the construction layer (Bokde
et al. 2015). In this SLR we identified several studies that basically utilize AE models
for RS. Table 4 shows different studies that used AE for RS considered for this review.
One of the primitive approaches that used AE for RS was proposed by Sedhain et  al.
(2015). The study aims to generate a vector for the users by taking their partial vectors
into a low dimensional vector. This approach was later extended by incorporating side
information, item description and user profile to address the problem of cold start (Strub
et al. 2016a; Wu et al. 2016b, c).
AE has been shown to be powerful in feature representation learning (Zuo et al. 2016).
As such several authors have utilized the model to better learn the item and user represen-
tation for improving the performance of the RS. Bai et al. (Wang et al. 2015), Jian et al.
(2016) and Cao and Yan (2017) exploit stacked denoising AE (SDAE) to better learn fea-
ture representation for RS. For example, (Wang et al. 2015) develop a hierarchical Bayes-
ian method which utilized SDAE and probabilistic matrix factorization for improving the
performance of rating prediction. The authors first presented a Bayesian setting of a deep
learning method and finally developed a collaborative deep learning approach by tightly
integrating deep representation learning and CF method for the content information and
rating matrix respectively. The model typically allows two-way interaction between the
two. A similar method was introduced in Li and She (2017) to better learn probabilistic
latent variables for content information and easily incorporate side information from mul-
timedia source for RS. Li et (2015) designed a general deep learning method called deep
CF which combines matrix factorization and deep representation learning by modeling
the mappings between the latent factors used in CF and latent layers in deep models. The
authors presented a natural instantiation of the proposed model by using the probabilistic
matrix factorization. Loyola et  al. (2017), Liang et  al. (2018) and Zhuang et  al. (2017)
used AE to simultaneously learn the user/item latent factors and minimize the derivation of
training data using the learned factor.
Deep belief network methods DBN is a multilayer structure that utilizes a stack RBMs
for extracting deep feature representation of data (Hongliang and Xiaona 2015). DBN can
be used for dimensionality reduction and high-level feature extraction from sparse data for
solving cold start problem (Hu et al. 2014). As such many studies in the literature exploit
the DBN for RS. For example, Wang and Wang (2014) use the DBN model to extract hid-
den useful features from the audio content for hybrid RS. The author first designed a con-
tent-based method for simultaneously extracting features from audio contents and person-
alized recommendation. To integrate CF and audio content information, the authors used
automatically learned audio features. For the content based method, the model particularly
utilizes probabilistic graphical approach and the DBN model designed by the deep learning
community (Deng et al. 2014). DBN model has been exploited for a video RS by integrat-
ing the DBN with CF algorithm to alleviate the cold start problem (Hongliang and Xiaona
2015). The DBN method is specifically exploited to simply figure out the user profile and
additionally find the neighborhood relationship. User-Based CF is utilized to compute
the missing data and generate the recommended items. The parameters of the model are
typically determined by training data sets. Oh et  al. (2014) utilized the DBN model for
analyzing user preferences for news recommendation. The model characterizes the user

Recommendation system based on deep learning methods: a…

preferences by extracting the interest keywords from the different news documents inter-
acted by that user in the past.
Restricted-Boltzmann-machine methods RBMs is a two-layer neural-networks consist-
ing of hidden and visible layers which can easily be stacked to a deep network and spe-
cifically used to extract higher-level features from the raw input data (Liu et  al. 2017b;
Salakhutdinov et  al. 2007b). Similar to other deep learning models, RBM can also be
exploited for improving the RS. For example, Salakhutdinov et al. (2016) proposed RBM-
CF (Restricted Boltzmann Machine CF) where the rating scores are typically represented
using a one-hot-vector. The author used a two-layer undirected graphical architecture to
model tabular data. The authors showed that efficient learning can be performed by fol-
lowing an approximation to a different objective function. Georgiev et al. (2013) proposed
a combined user-based and item-based RBM-CFs in a unified framework. The model was
based on the RBM architecture and an extension of the previous RBM based methods.
The authors additionally used real values in the visible layer as opposed to multi nominal
variables, thus exploit the natural order of the user/item ratings. They then finally explored
the potential of integrating the data provided by the RBM-based method and the origi-
nal data in a bootstrapping fashion. Wang and Kawagoe (2018) exploited RBM model for
web page-based RS where users can be provided with the most interesting items predicted
by the system based on the user/item past interaction. Wang and Kawagoe (2017) imple-
mented an Ukiyo-e RS using RBM model. The authors particularly use the model for rec-
ommending Ukiyo-e prints to Ukiyo-e novices. Yedder et  al. (2017) employed RBM to
propose the neighborhood conditional RBM based on the similarity scores for CF recom-
mendation system. Du et al. (2017) and Liu et al. (2015) utilized RBM method based on
the multi-layer network architecture for better feature extraction to address cold start prob-
lem. The authors developed a model called Item Category aware Conditional Restricted
Boltzmann Machine Frame model (IC-CRBMF) by integrating item category information
as the conditional layer for optimizing the model parameters and improving the accuracy
of the recommendation performance. The model typically comprises two different com-
ponents based on the difference in the visible layer’s presentation: IC-CRBMF item based
and IC-CRBMF user based. IC-CRBMF item-based component uses item’s rating vectors
and the conditional layer is the item category. Unlike the IC-CRBMF user based which is
just the given item’s genre feature vector. As such the major distinction between the two
components is the conditional layer and about genre feature vector while their modeling
method is same and interrelated.
Generative adversarial neural network With the introduction of the GAN model (Good-
fellow et  al. 2014), many studies have proposed to exploit the model for developing and
improving recommendation systems. Cai et al. (2017) exploited GAN to introduce a deep
network model that combines vertex content and network structure into a unified archi-
tecture for personalized citation RS. It represents different types of vertices in the hetero-
geneous network in a continuous vector space. The distributed representation obtained in
turn for calculating similarity scores. The model consists of two main components: con-
tent2vec which aims to learn an effective feature representation for preserving both the
network structure and vertex content information, and generative adversarial bibliographic
for preserving the network structure information. (Wang et al. 2017a) exploit GAN to pro-
pose a model for information retrieval task named IRGAN (Information Retrieval GAN).
The author showed the capability of the model in three different information retrieval
tasks, which include, question answering, web search, and recommendation. The model
aimed to combine both generative and discriminative process into a unified method thereby
making them play a minimax game similar to the discriminator and generator in GAN.

A. Da’u, N. Salim

The discriminative retrieval attempts to differentiate relevant documents and non-relevant

documents while the generative aspect tries to approximate true relevant distribution. He
et al. (2018) introduced an adversarial personalized ranking method which uses adversarial
training for improving the Bayesian personalized ranking. The model is capable of playing
a minimax game between the original BPR loss and the adversary which add permutation
for maximizing the BPF function. Wang et al. (2018) exploited GAN to propose a model
which generate negative samples for the memory network-based streaming recommender.
The authors demonstrated that the model performance can be improved by the GAN based
Convolutional neural network methods CNN model is a feed-forward network which
uses convolutions and other additional layers such as pooling and softMax layer for fea-
ture extraction (Liu et  al. 2017b). Following its successful applications in areas such as
NLP (Li et  al. 2016) and image classification (Chen et  al. 2015), several methods have
been introduced to exploit CNN model for RS. Most of the CNN based RS approaches
particularly use CNN model for feature extraction (Seo et al. 2017a; Zheng et al. 2017b;
Kim et al. 2016, 2017). For example (Zheng et al. 2017b) used two parallel CNN archi-
tectures for better modeling the user and item latent features from the user textual content.
This approach addresses the cold start problem and improves the model interpretability by
utilizing semantic information of word from the user text review. The model particularly
uses the word embedding method for mapping the textual content into a lower dimensional
semantic space as well as keeping the word contextual information. The extracted features
are then convolved by the convolutional layer with different kernels and then passed to
polling layer and fully connected layer consecutively. The output of the two parallel net-
works is then finally concatenated and used as input for the prediction layer where the fac-
torization machine is used to estimate the user ratings on items. (Seo et al. 2017a) exploited
CNN model to propose an interpretable network model which uses dual local and global
attention for better accuracy of the personalized recommendation. The local attention helps
the CNN to the better model user/item features. The global attention enables the model to
better learn the semantic information of words from the user textual contents. Thus, the
combination of the local and global attention typically allows the model to better learn
interpretable item/user representation. Kim et al. (2016) developed a convolutional matrix
factorization model by integrating the CNN model and matrix factorization to address the
issue of the data sparsity for improving the performance of RS. The model is like the CDL
model which uses the AE model for a recommendation. However, unlike the CDL model
which specifically utilizes auto encoder for learning the item representation, the ConvMF
uses CNN model for the feature representation learning. The major advantage of the MF
over the CDL model is that the CNN model can capture contextual information using word
embeddings and convolutional filters. This method was later extended by allowing the
CNN model to better learn the document context of the item and users for better predictive
performance (Kim et al. 2017).
Some studies identified in the review exploited CNN models for image extraction to
improve the performance of RS. For example, Wang et al. (2017b) used CNN model to
extract image features to build a visual content enhanced Point of Interest (VPOI) RS.
The recommendation framework is designed based on the probabilistic matrix factoriza-
tion by utilizing the interactions between visual content and latent location as well as
the visual content and latent user factor. McAuley (He and McAuley 2015) introduced a
visual-Bayesian-personalized ranking (VBPR)s model by incorporating visual features
learned using CNN into MF. This model was later extended in He (2016) with exploring
user’s awareness and the visual-features that user considers when choosing an item. Yu

Recommendation system based on deep learning methods: a…

et al. (2018) exploit CNN model for learning image features using coupled MF and ten-
sor factorization for clothing recommendation. A similar method was proposed in Tang
and Wang (2018) to embed sequential patterns using convolutional filters for image rec-
ommendation. Lee et al. (2018a) used CNN model to extract audio and musical features
for improving the performance of RS. Zheng et al. (2017a) used a memory based CNN
model to model the user’s interest for the dynamic recommendation. Hu et  al. (2018)
designed a three-way neural interaction model using CNN model by incorporating
meta-path-based context. Tuan (2017) introduced a CNN based model using character
level encoding for session-based RS. The model combines session clicks and content
information such as item category for improving the accuracy of the recommendation
system. It exploited the 3-dimensional CNN technique with character level encoding of
the input data. While the CNN model helps in capturing the spatiotemporal patterns, the
character level network enables the model to learn various data type based on their raw
textual information thereby simplifying the feature engineering effort.
Multilayer perceptron method MLP is another version of the feed-forward neural net-
work which is regarded as the simplest deep learning architecture (Deng et  al. 2014).
MLP can be used to transform the linear method of the RS into the nonlinear models for
neural performance. As such they have been used in many existing RS approaches. As
shown in Table 4, several studies have been identified in this review to exploit MLP for
RS. One of the primitive MLP approaches to exploit MLP for RS was proposed in He
et al. (2017). The model uses a dual network for modeling the item and user information
with regard to their relationship. The authors showed that MF can be given as instantia-
tion of NCF and used a multi-layer perceptron to improve the NFC modeling with a high
level of non-linearities. To allow the full neural combination with CF, the author’s uti-
lized multilayer perceptron for modeling user and item latent features. Where the input
of one layer is generated from the output of the subsequent layer. The bottom input layer
comprises of the user and item feature vectors which can be customized to support a
wide range of modeling user and item such as context-based or context-aware. As the
model is purely based on the collaborative settings, the author’s utilized user and item
identity as the input features, forming a binarized sparse vector with one hot encoding.
This has been shown to effectively alleviate the problem of the cold start by exploiting
content features to represent user/items. This method was later extended by Lian et al.
(2017), and Wang et al. (2017) to the cross-domain recommendation.
In order to model the high order feature interactions, some studies integrated the
MLP model and Factorization machine (MF) (Cheng et al. 2016; Guo et al. 2017; Lian
and Chen 2018). The factorization machine particularly used inner products operation
to captures the pairwise-operation between the features. (Chen and He 2017) introduced
an attentive CF model using an attention mechanism integrated into the latent factor
framework. The attention method is made up of an MLP which consists of component
level and item-level neural attentions. Alashkar et  al. (2017) used two identical MLPs
model for makeup recommendation. The main rationale behind the model is to label
expert rules. Covington et al. (2016a) exploit a multilayer perceptron (MLP) for a rec-
ommendation in YouTube based on the candidate ranking and candidate generation. He
and Chua (2017, Song et al. (2018) integrated MLP with Factorization Machine to bet-
ter model feature interaction and non-linearity of neural network RS. Tay et al. (2018a)
introduced a latent relational model that uses MLP to model user/item interaction
based on the latent relation vectors. Tay et al. (2018b) exploited MLP for multi-point-
ers learnings schemes that learn to combine multiple-views of user-item interaction.
The model is a multi-hierarchical in nature. The pointer setting of the model extracts

A. Da’u, N. Salim

the named reviews for direct review to review matching for learning of the item/user
Recurrent neural network methods RNN is basically designed for sequential data pro-
cessing (Liu et al. 2017b). Thus, they become an ideal choice for dealing with sequential
user behavior and temporal dynamic of user/item interaction (Christakopoulou et al. 2018).
In this research, we identified many studies that basically use the RNN model for RS. Most
of the RNN based RS method particularly exploit the RNN model for a session-based rec-
ommendation (Tan et al. 2016; Wu et al. 2016b; Quadrana et al. 2017; Hidasi et al. 2016a).
For example, Tan et al. (2016) exploit RNN architecture for improving session based rec-
ommendation by examining and adapting different techniques. These techniques include
data augmentation using sequence preprocessing and embedding dropout for enhancing
training and reducing overfitting issue. Others include model pretraining and distillation to
learn from small datasets. (Wu et al. 2016b) developed a deep RNN model for improving
recommendation in e-commerce system via tracking how users browse the website using
multiple layers. Each layer of the network determines how the websites are accessed and
in what manner. The authors further integrate the RNN with feedforward network which
represents the user/item relationship for improving the prediction performance. Quadrana
et al. (2017) introduced a deep learning based RS based on the RNN model for the session-
aware recommendation. The model specifically uses hierarchical RNN where the hidden
state of a lower -level RNN at end of one user session is passed as an input to higher level
RNN for prediction of the next session of the user. Hidasi et  al. (2016a) proposed deep
recurrent algorithm for a feature-rich session-based recommendation. The model uses the
RNN architecture specifically for extracting high-quality features from visual information
and modeling the sessions. The parallel RNN model comprises multiple RNN units, one
for each representation of the item. The hidden states of the RNN are merged to generate
the scores for all items. In this model, individual user sessions can be seen as a sequence of
clicks. Unlike session-based RS where user-identifiers are not used, in this review, we also
identified several studies that use RNN model with known user identifications (Christako-
poulou et al. 2018; Wu et al. 2017; Donkers et al. 2017) for RS.
Some studies use RNNs model for feature representation learning to build RS. For
example, Dai et al. (2016), Lu et al. (2018) introduced a coevolutionary latent model for
capturing the coevolution of the user/item latent features for improving the performance
of RS. Jing and Smo (2017) used LSTM models for multitasking learning to simultane-
ously predict the returning times of user and recommend-items. The model uses tools from
survival analysis for return time prediction for future activity analysis. Chen et al. (2018)
introduced a model using LSTM called Behavior-Intensive Neural Network (BINN) to bet-
ter learn the discriminative behavior and item embedding for the sequential recommenda-
tion by combining user past preferences and current consumption motivation. In particular,
the model consists of two main parts, namely, neural item embedding and discriminative
behavior learning. To obtain a unified item representation, an item embedding method
based on user interaction is designed. With the item embedding and the interactive behav-
iors, the model enables better learning of the historical preferences and present motivations
of the target users. A similar method was proposed in Suglia et  al. (2017) by exploiting
the RNN model for top-N item recommendation. In particular, the authors used LSTM
networks for jointly learning item and user representations for better item recommendation.
Hidasi et al. (2016b), Bansal et al. (2016), Jannach and Ludewig (2017) and Ludewig and
Jannach (2018) exploited RNN architecture to better extract features for the user’s immedi-
ate next actions recommendation. Wu et al. (2016) introduced an RNN based method for
predicting the probability that the user will access an item based on the time-heterogeneous

Recommendation system based on deep learning methods: a…

feedback recommendation. The system uses different kinds of feedback signals and the
associated timestamps deciding which items the user may be interested in and generate a
recommendation. In this model, different feedbacks are represented by vectors making it
able to treat diverse feedback in a balanced manner. A similar method was proposed in Soh
et al. (2017) to exploit RNN model for the sequential recommendation. Li et al. (2017a)
introduced a deep learning based method called Neural Rating Regression with Abstractive
Tips (NRT). The model specifically utilizes a GRU model and is capable of rating predic-
tion and generating abstractive tips with linguistic quality. The GRU architecture helps the
model to better capture contextual information for translating user/item latent factors into
a concise sentence. All the latent features and the neural parameters for the user/items are
learned via multitasking learning method in an end to end training pattern.
Hybrid deep-learning-methods To further improves the performances of the RSs, sev-
eral approaches have been proposed to use deep hybrid methods by combining different
deep learning techniques. In this study, we identified many papers that use deep hybrid
method for RS as shown in Table 4. For example, Zhang et al. (2016a) and Lin et al. (2015)
integrated AE with CNN to extract visual and textual contents using the word embedding
approach for better representation learning to improve the predictive performance of RS.
Lee et  al. (2016) combined CNN and RNN for quote RS. The model uses CNN model
to learn semantics from tweets information and map them to a vector representation and
LSTM to determine the target quotes for a given dialogue. Zhang et al. (2016b) proposed
a deep hybrid model For hashtag recommendation based on a tweet with corresponding
images. Ebesu and Fang et  al. (2017a) integrated CNN and RNN models in an encoder
framework to better capture the long dependencies of textual contents for citation rec-
ommendation. Tran et al. (2018) integrated CNN and RNN to address the sparsity prob-
lem using regularized matrix factorization., Wang et  al. (2016a) utilized a combination
of Denoising AE and RNN model for RS. The authors used the robust recurrent network
to design a hierarchical Bayesian recommendation model named collaborative recurrent
autoencoder (CRAE). Yuan et al. (2017) proposed a parallel deep neural network (DNNs)
for users and items modeling by integrating the DBN and RNN to mine the valuable com-
ments for building RS. Rating prediction is achieved using a shared layer. The authors
showed that the model outperforms the traditional method in terms of rating prediction.

5.3 Evaluation metrics

Quality and high performance are the ultimate goals of any RS. To evaluate the perfor-
mance of the RS, a different set of metrics have been introduced and used in different
approaches. In this section, we present the various metrics used for evaluation of the deep
learning based RS identified in this review. Table 5 shows the distribution of the reviewed
studies w.r.t the prediction metrics.
Rating prediction metrics The main idea of the rating prediction metrics is to meas-
ure the extent at which the RS can predict the rating of users towards items (Carrera and
La 2012). On the other hand, using rating predictive metrics, one can make a comparison
between different algorithms to assess the one with fewer errors. These evaluation meas-
ures determine the correctness of the recommendation in terms of their error. The three
metrics we discovered in the reviewed studies include MSE (Mean Squared Error), RMSE
(Root Mean Squared Error), and MAE (Mean Absolute Error). These metrics compute the
difference between the predicted and real ratings. So, lower values of the metrics indicate a
higher accuracy.


Table 5  Distribution of the evaluation metrics
Category Metrics No. of studies Studies

Classification Precision 18 Cao and Yang (2017), Wu et al. (2016) Wu et al. (2016c, d, Zuo et al. (2016), Deng et al. (2017), Quadrana
et al. (2017), Hu et al. (2018), Jhamb and Ebesu (2018), Wu et al. (2017), Lee et al. (2016), Tang and
Wang (2018), Niu et al. (2018), Wang et al. (2017b), Yu et al. (2018), Jing and Smola (2017), Shen et al.
(2016) and Zhang et al. (2016a)
Recall 31 (Cao and Yang 2017), Bai et al. (2017), Bansal et al. (2016), Hidasi et al. (2016b), Wu et al. (2016a, c), Zuo
et al. (2016), Deng et al. (2017), Ebesu and Fang (2017a), Quadrana et al. (2017), Hidasi et al. (2016b),
Hu et al. (2018), Jhamb and Ebesu (2018), Wu et al. (2017), Tang and Wang (2018), Zheng et al. (2017a),
Tuan (2017), Chen et al. (2018), Liang et al. (2018), Loyola et al. (2017), Niu et al. (2018), Smirnova
(2017), Tan et al. (2016), Wang et al. (2017b), Yu et al. (2018), Hidasi et al. (2016b), Smirnova (2017),
Donkers et al. (2017), Jing and Smola (2017), Wang et al. (2015) and Zhang et al. s(2016a)
F1 score 03 Wu et al. (2016), Deng et al. (2017) and Suglia et al. (2017)
AUC​ 06 Guo et al. (2017), Jia et al. (2015, 2016), Lian and Chen (2018), He (2016) and Hu et al. (2014)
Rating prediction MSE 07 Li and She (2017), Liu et al. (2015), Seo et al. (2017), Tay et al. (2018b), Zheng et al. (2017b), Lu et al.
(2018), Shen et al. (2016) and Hongliang and Xiaona (2015)
RMSE 20 Zhuang et al. (2017), Deng et al. (2017), He and Chua (2017), Kim et al. (2016, 2017), Li et al. (2015),
(2017a), Li and She (2017), Liu et al. (2015), Jian et al. (2016), Sedhain et al. (2015), Suzuki and Ozaki
(2017), Dong et al. (2017), Unger et al. (2016), Wei et al. (2016, 2017), Strub et al. (2016), Hongliang and
Xiaona (2015), Wang and Wang (2014) and Yuan et al. (2017)
MAE 04 Cao and Yang (2017), Zhuang et al. (2017), Georgiev (2013) and (Li et al. 2017a)
A. Da’u, N. Salim
Table 5  (continued)
Category Metrics No. of studies Studies

Ranking NDGC 09 Ebesu and Fang (2017a), He et al. (2017), Hu et al. (2018) Jhamb and Ebesu (2018), Lee et al. (2016,
2018b), Liang et al. (2018), Song et al. (2018) and Tay et al. (2018a)
MRR 15 Hidasi et al. (2016b), Jannach and Ludewig (2017), Ebesu and Fang (2017a), Quadrana et al. (2017), Hidasi
et al. (2016b), Wu et al. (2017), Lee et al. (2016), Tuan (2017), Chen et al. (2018), Loyola et al. (2017),
Ludewig and Jannach (2018), Tan et al. (2016) Hidasi et al. (2016b), Donkers et al. 2017) and Jing and
Smola (2017)
HR 08 Jannach and Ludewig (2017), He et al. (2017), Jhamb and Ebesu (2018), Lee et al. (2016), Ludewig and
Jannach (2018), Song et al. (2018), Tay et al. (2018a) and Unger et al. (2016)
MAP 10 Covington et al. (2016b), Wu et al. (2016a), b, Ebesu and Fang (2017a), Jhamb and Ebesu (2018), Jia et al.
(2016), Lee et al. (2018b), Tang and Wang (2018), Christakopoulou et al. (2018), Hu et al. (2014) and
Zhang et al. (2016a)
Others 10 Salakhutdinov et al. (2007b), Soh et al. (2017), He and McAuley (2015), Tan et al. (2016), Lian et al.
(2017), Covington et al. (2016b), Strub et al. (2016b), Oh et al. (2014), Wang et al. (2016b) and Guo et al.
Recommendation system based on deep learning methods: a…

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Classification accuracy metrics Another category of the metric used to measure the
accuracy of the RS is the classification metrics which simply assess the extent at which
the RS correctly classify items based on the user’s interest. In these metrics, the magni-
tude of the defect of the users rating prediction is usually neglected. The commonly used
evaluation metrics in this scenario include recall, precision, F1 score and AUC (Area under
the curve). Recall simply depict the proportion of the user preferred items that are obtain-
able. The precision simply describes the user’s favorite items. F-Measure is a conciliation
between the recall and precision. AUC simply measures the variations between the true
positive/negative rate.
Ranking metrics Another type of accuracy metric is the ranking metric which measures
the performance of RS in providing a recommendation of an ordered list of items to users
in the case where the order of the items on the list is significant. The following are the
ranking metrics for the deep learning-based RS evaluation included in the reviewed arti-
cles: Normalized-discounted-cumulative gains (NDCG)s which considers that highly rele-
vant-items give more satisfaction than poorly ranked ones. Hit ratio (HR) which measures
whether a user’s target choice appears in the top-K recommendation list. Mean Reciprocals
Ranks (MRR) which evaluate the ranking position of user’s target choice in the recommen-
dation list and Mean average precision (MAP)s which considers the precisions of the first
K-recommended ranked items.

5.4 Datasets and domain

Table 6 presents the 16 datasets and the domains that we discovered in the included stud-
ies. For each dataset, we indicate the domain and the studies that applied it. The identified
studies applied at least one dataset. In some cases, a study applies more than one dataset.
Many of the data sets are rarely used. As such we put them under the others category.
It can be observed from Table 6 that the Movie Lens dataset appeared to be the most
popularly used datasets based on the selected papers while the Last FM and Amazon have
been identified as the second and third most popularly used datasets respectively. In addi-
tion, it can be seen from the table that many different publicly accessible datasets were
applied for the deep learning-based RS evaluation. In conclusion, over 15 datasets were
used in the selected papers whereas most of the researchers focused on popular datasets

5.5 Open issues and future research direction

This section addresses the RQ4 which aims to identify the open issues based on the state-
of-the-art approaches and the future research direction of the deep learning-based RS. The
section is categorized into two subsections: open issues and future research direction.

5.5.1 Open issues

State of the art approaches of deep learning architectures appeared to be substantial in pro-
viding a solid platform for improving RS. As the number of deep learning research para-
digm is continuously trending toward RS. There is a tendency of architectural adjustment
from the traditional RS to deep learning-based recommender techniques. In the following,
we identify some emerging research trends which we believe are critical to the existing
state of the field.

Table 6  Distribution of the dataset and the application domains
Datasets Domain No of studies Studies

Movie lense Movie 24 Wu et al. (2016), Zhuang et al. (2017), Wu et al. (2016b, c), Georgiev (2013), He et al. (2017), He and Chua
(2017), Hu et al. (2018), Jhamb and Ebesu (2018), Kim et al. (2016), Kim et al. (2017), Lee et al. (2018),
Tang and Wang (2018) Li et al. (2015), Li and She (2017), Liang et al. (2018), Liu et al. (2015), Sedhain
et al. (2015), Song et al. (2018), Suglia et al. (2017), Tay et al. (2018a), Donkers et al. (2017), Dong et al.
(2017), Strub et al. (2016) and Zhang et al. (2016a)
Last FM Movie 08 Wu et al. (2016), Zuo et al. (2016), Hu et al. (2018), Donkers et al. (2017), Wu et al. (2017), Li and She
(2017), Tay et al. (2018a) and Jing and Smola (2017)
Netflix Movie 06 Cao and Yang (2017), Wu et al. (2016) Liang et al. (2018), Wei et al. (2016) Wang et al. (2015) and Hongli-
ang and Xiaona (2015)
Movie Movie 03 Hu et al. (2018), Jian et al. (2016) and Wei et al. (2017)
Delicious Restaurant 02 Zuo et al. (2016), Li and She (2017)
Yelp E-commerce 07 Dai et al. (2016), Wu et al. (2016), Li et al. (2017), Seo et al. (2017), Tay et al. (2018b), Lu et al. (2018) and
Yuan et al. (2017)
Amazon E-commerce 08 Kim et al. (2017), Zheng, et al. (2017), Tuan (2017), Li et al. (2017), S. Seo et al. (2017), Tay et al. (2018b),
Yu et al. (2018) and Lu et al. (2018)
Recommendation system based on deep learning methods: a…

Video Video 04 Covington et al. (2016b), Quadrana et al. (2017), Hidasi et al. (2016b) and Christakopoulou et al. (2018)
Douban 03 Zhuang et al. (2017), Suglia et al. (2017) and Strub et al. (2016)
twitter 01 Lee et al. (2016)
Epinion 01 Deng et al. (2017)
Flixter 01 Deng et al. (2017)
TMall 03 Jannach and Ludewig (2017), Jannach and Ludewig (2017) and Tang and Wang (2018)
Flickr 01 Niu et al. (2018)
IMDB Movie 02 Tay et al. (2018a), Yuan et al. (2017)


Table 6  (continued)
Datasets Domain No of studies Studies
Others 32 Bai et al. (2017), Bansal et al. (2016), Hidasi et al. (2016b), Ebesu and Fang (2017a), Guo et al. (2017),

Jia et al. (2016), Salakhutdinov et al. (2007b), Jia et al. (2015), Chen et al. (2018), Loyola et al. (2017),
Ludewig and Jannach 2018), Smirnova (2017), Soh et al. (2017), Suzuki and Ozaki (2017), Tan et al.
(2016), Wang et al. (2017), He and McAuley (2015), He (2016), Tan et al. (2016), Hidasi et al. (2016b),
Song et al. (2018), [58 Lian et al. (2017), Covington et al. (2016b) (Strub et al. 2016b), Unger et al.
(2016), Shen et al. (2016), Hu et al. (2014), Wang and Wang (2014), Oh et al. (2014), Lin et al. (2015)
and Wang et al. (2016b)
A. Da’u, N. Salim
Recommendation system based on deep learning methods: a…

Cross Domain Recommendation In practice, single domain RS exclusively deals with

a particular domain while overlooks the user’s interest in the areas, which also exacerbate
cold start and sparsity challenges (Seo et  al. 2017). Solutions to such a problem can be
provided by cross-domain recommendation which typically exploits the knowledge learned
from the domains and generates the target recommendation. Transfer learning (Osia et al.
2017) which uses knowledge derived from one domain to assist in improving learning tasks
in the domain is a typical example of the most popularly investigated topics in the cross-
domain recommendation. The capability of deep learning in learning high-level abstraction
makes it efficient to be used in transfer learning. Many various states of the art approaches
(Elkahky et  al. 2015; Ebesu and Fang 2017a; Rawat and Kankanhalli 2016; Wang et  al.
2017c) prove the effectiveness of deep learning in tackling the generalization across vari-
ous domains and providing better recommendation performance on cross-domain systems.
Although very few works (Elkahky et al. 2015; Ebesu and Fang 2017a; Rawat and Kankan-
halli 2016; Wang et  al. 2017c) were conducted, however due to its promising potentials,
more studies worth to be explored.
Multi-Task Learning Various works were carried out to investigate the efficacy of multi-
tasking on RS (Elkahky et al. 2015; Wu et al. 2018) based on the deep learning methods
which proved better performance compared to the single task learning. One of the advan-
tages of utilizing multi-task learning in a deep neural network includes its ability to reduce
the data sparsity problem through implicit data augmentation (Li et  al. 2017). It is also
important to point out that traditional recommender system can utilize multi-task (Ebadi
and Krzyzak 2016) and be integrated into a tighter fashion using deep learning. Another
advantage is that learning many tasks at a time can tackle overfitting by simplifying the
shared hidden representation. These show the promising potentials of the deep learning
methods for the multitasking RS.
Neural Attention Neural attention or attention mechanism is a technique that enables
a neural network to focus on a subset of features by selecting a specific input (Tay et al.
2018b). It is a mechanism that can be intuitively applied to many deep learning architec-
tures such as CNN and RNN. The main purpose of the attention technique is to provide a
solution by allowing the network to better memorize inputs (Chen et al. 2017). For exam-
ple, attention techniques when applied to CNN model help the model to capture the most
informative input elements (Seo et  al. 2017a). Attention-based RNN model enables the
model to process noisy inputs. It also helps the LSTM to memorize input elements when
dealing with the long-range dependencies (Lu et al. 2018) and could be leveraged in an RS
to select the most representative elements and filter out the uninformative elements while
providing better interpretability. This further motivates the usage of deep learning for RS.
Thus, designating a better attentional model to the level of providing explain ability for RS
is a promising direction to explore.

5.5.2 Future research direction

This subsection presents the potential future research opportunities to the deep learning RS
identified in the reviewed studies. From each study, we identified and analyzed the chal-
lenges that authors sated as worthy of future work to explore. The future research direction
of the deep learning-based RS we identified in the reviewed studies can be arranged into
three categories: Incorporating more information, deeper architecture and optimization.
Incorporating more information Researchers have discovered that using additional side
information of the user and item improves the performance of many RS models. As such

A. Da’u, N. Salim

many authors intend to incorporate more information as for a future direction to improve the
performance of the RS model. These include user profiles information (Soh et al. 2017), social
connections (Bai et al. 2017; Wu et al. 2016; Dai et al. 2016; Yu et al. 2018) and additional
session based information (Jannach and Ludewig 2017; Wu et  al. 2017; Liang et  al. 2018;
Deng et al. 2017). Others include external information by introducing additional regulariza-
tion (Zhuang et  al. 2017; Liang et  al. 2018; Suglia et  al. 2017), user behavior (Chen et  al.
2018), contextual information (Smirnova 2017) and auxiliary information (He et  al. 2017)
such as knowledge base and temporal signals.
Deeper architecture Existing deep learning-based RS models basically depend on the neu-
ral architecture for the model performance. As such Many researchers are seeking to apply
more deep architectures to user’s data to explore additional multitask learning. For example,
Bansal et al. (2016), Soh et al. (2017) and Strub et al. (2016), explore to apply deeper archi-
tectures by adding more layers as their future direction. Jhamb and Ebesu (2018), Kim et al.
(2016) and Lee et al. (2018b) intended to use more attention network (Quadrana et al. 2017)
as their future research. Another way to extend many deep learning-based models is to stack
additional hidden layer. Therefore as the future research direction, some authors intend to
stack additional hidden layers on top of the independent item- based and user-based feature
detectors (Georgiev 2013). Other authors explore some strategies such as introducing pooling
layers (Guo et al. 2017; Lian and Chen 2018) to strengthen the ability to learn the most useful
higher order interaction.
Optimization As a future direction, Many authors intend to use distributed optimization
algorithms to further reduce the computational costs of their method algorithms (Li et  al.
2015). Some authors have found that more optimization can be achieved by exploring more
system configurations and parameters setting (Jian et  al. 2016), the sequence to sequence
learning (Donkers et al. 2017; Smirnova 2017) and expansion of the datasets (Zuo et al. 2016).

6 Limitations

This study has been conducted as an SLR to review and analyze the primary studies on deep
learning-based RS. Different factors may influence the validity of the study. In this section, we
identify some limitations of the study which are highlighted as follows:

• One major limitation of this SLR is in the data extraction method. Although the data
gathered is relatively sufficient, however, it was based on the perspective of the specified
research questions. Hence there is every possibility that the readers can discover some
attributes that were not covered in this review and can contribute significantly for better
research trends.
• Although five bibliographic databases (as described in Sect. 3) were considered for retriev-
ing the relevant studies, however, they are not exhaustive and as such, they may limit the
validity of the study.

7 Conclusion

In this paper, we presented an SLR to summarize and analyze the state-of-the-art

approaches on the deep learning-based RS, strictly based on the publications conducted
from 2007 to 2018. The study was conducted with the goal of providing and helping the

Recommendation system based on deep learning methods: a…

researchers and practitioners in the relevant fields to acquire an in-depth understanding of

the deep learning-based RS. The study was based on the five major bibliographic databases
which include IEEE explore, Science direct, ACM digital library, Springer and Web of Sci-
ence databases. The main results of the study discovered various deep learning methods
used for recommender systems, different datasets, and metrics popularly used for evaluat-
ing the performance of the deep learning-based RS. The paper also identified the most
common domains that are used for the deep learning-based RS, the future research direc-
tions as well as the open issues for the deep learning-based RS. In this study, we identified
many future research directions for the deep learning-based RS. These include incorpo-
rating more additional side information, developing a deeper architecture to improve the
performance of the RS. These were directly derived as suggested by the authors in the
included papers for the future study. Using more datasets was another possible work direc-
tion identified in the related studies.

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