Concentracion Por Jigs
Concentracion Por Jigs
Concentracion Por Jigs
Jigging: A Review of Fundamentals and
Future Directions
Weslei M. Ambrós
Mineral Processing Laboratory, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, 9500 Bento Gonçalves Avenue,
Porto Alegre 91501-970, Brazil;
Received: 19 October 2020; Accepted: 9 November 2020; Published: 10 November 2020
Abstract: For centuries, jigging has been a workhorse of the mineral processing industry. Recently,
it has also found its way into the recycling industry, and the increasing concerns related to water
usage has led to a renewed interest in dry jigging. However, the current scenario of increasing
ore complexity and the advent of smart sensor technologies, such as sensor-based sorting (SBS),
has established increasingly challenging levels for traditional concentration methods, such as jigging.
Against this background, the current review attempts to summarize and refresh the key aspects and
concepts about jigging available in the literature. The configuration, operational features, applications,
types, and theoretical models of jigging are comprehensively reviewed. Three promising paths for
future research are presented: (1) using and adapting concepts from granular physics in fundamental
studies about the stratification phenomena in jigs; (2) implementing advanced control functions by
using machine vision and multivariate data analysis and; (3) further studies to unlock the potential of
dry jigs. Pursuing these and other innovations are becoming increasingly essential to keep the role of
jigging as a valuable tool in future industry.
1. Introduction
Jigging is one of the oldest methods of ore treatment and remains one of the workhorses of the
mining industry. Until recently, it was, together with dense medium separation (DMS), the main
(when not the only) choice for pre-concentration and concentration of coarse-sized ores and coals.
Jigging has also currently exceeded the limits of mineral processing, having found applications in
different recycling industries, and growing concern related to water usage has led to a renewed interest
in the use of dry jigging.
On the other hand, the current scenario of decreasing ore grades and the recent developments in
sensor-based sorting (SBS) technologies have established increasingly challenging levels of operational
efficiency. With compact installation units, dry operation, and the ability to deal with ores of complex
mineralogy, like rare earth bearing minerals [1], SBS technology has the potential to replace jigs in
many of its traditional applications, particularly those involving coarse particle treatment. The scenario
is in some ways analogous to the beginning of the 20th century when the advent of magnetic
separation and froth flotation partially replaced gravity concentration processes. Breakthroughs and
innovations in the understanding, design, and optimization of jigs should be sought in order to keep
the technique competitive.
The present paper provides an up to date review of the fundamentals of jigging operation and
outlines some avenues for future research and developments. The configuration, operational principles,
and main applications of different jig types have been comprehensively reviewed. A description of the
main theoretical approaches used is presented, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses. Finally,
suggestions for upgrading jigging technology through new conceptual approaches are made.
Paper Structure
Although the current paper does not consist of a systematic review, some ordinary criteria were
considered when gathering and evaluating the available literature. Many of the referenced articles
have been obtained after an extensive search in the databases Scopus® , Web of Science® , and Google
Scholar® by using the keywords “jigging” or “jig”. Some publications, especially older textbooks and
proceedings, were available only in their print versions. The majority of the literature covered is in
English, with some few exceptions.
The paper is structured as follows: Section 1 outlines the purpose of the review and describes
its structure and approach. Section 2 provides a comprehensive overview of jigging principles,
basic configurations, types, and applications; in this section, by considering the previous review by
Lyman [2] as a landmark, preference has been given to data published in the last three decades. Section 3
reviews the main theoretical approaches used to describe the complex mechanisms of pulsation and
stratification in jigs; purely empirical models, such as statistical models, have not been included here.
Section 4 discusses the various operational aspects affecting jigging. In Section 5, some research gaps,
potential upgrades, and new conceptual frameworks are identified and discussed. Finally, Section 6
synthesizes the main conclusions and future possibilities.
In the case of continuous operation, particles of varied composition (like non-beneficiated ores)
are fed at one end of the jig tank and distributed over the screen, which is slightly inclined towards the
outlet end (see Figure 2). As particles pass through the equipment, they are subject to successive cycles
of expansion and compaction that promote the stratification action. When reaching the discharge end,
the particle bed must be separated into two distinct zones: a layer of light material, located in the upper
portion of the bed; and a layer of dense particles concentrated in the lower fraction. The target content
and yield of the desired product will define the height (“cut point” or “cut height”) in which the stratified
bed should be split at the discharge end. In hydraulic jigs, most of the water is withdrawn from the jig
with the products, so that replacement water (“hutch water”) is regularly pumped into the jig vessel.
The differences among the various types of industrial jig are associated with a plethora of factors,
including vessel geometry, pulsation mechanism, bed transport, discharge system, and separation
control scheme. In this sense, Sampaio and Tavares [8] have proposed a broad classification of jigging
devices based on three main aspects: (a) condition of the jig sieve (fixed or mobile), (b) method of
extraction of the heavy product, and (c) bed pulsation mechanism.
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In the most common fixed-sieve jigs, the water moves through a sieve that remains immobile
inside the separation chamber, as previously mentioned. In some jigs, however, the bed motion is
produced through the mechanical displacement of the jig sieve within a stationary fluid. Versions of
this type of jig were developed in the 19th century, as exemplified by the already obsolete Hancock and
James jigs [9]. Current jig models in this category include the ROMJIG [10] and the InLine Pressure
Jig [11]. In both, the jig screen is cyclically moved up and down by a hydraulic servo system connected
to the screen.
While the light product is invariably removed by overflowing, the dense product leaves the jig in
two distinct manners: “through the screen” and “over the screen”. In the first case, used for finer-sized
feeds, heavier particles pass through the screen to be drawn off as the dense product, collected into
the bottom of the jig compartment and removed through a spigot. In these jigs, a layer of heavy,
coarse material (called “ragging”) is placed on the screen onto which the feed is introduced. Thus only
particles of high density can penetrate through the ragging and then reach the jig screen.
When jigging “over the screen” is used, a discharge device equipped with sensor systems controls
the withdrawal of the heavy product. The most utilized methods of discharge include the regulation of
opening of a mobile gate or the adjustment of the rotation speed of a rotary discharge valve. In order to
maintain an accurate cut-point, the thickness of the heavy material layer is continuously measured by
sensors, and the immersed float method is still used. In this, a float calibrated with weights to exhibit
an apparent density equal to the separation density is used to adjust the height in which the bed will be
split [2]. Electromagnetic or ultrasonic displacement sensors measure the position of the float, which is
the input of proportional–integral–derivative PID controllers that drive the discharge device. Floats are
eventually subject to inaccuracies due to their invasive nature and the harsh environment inside a
jig bed. Radiometric density sensors have been pointed out as a more accurate option by allowing
tracking changes in density over the bed pulsation cycle and have been recently used to validate a
dynamic model of discharge in a coal jig [12].
Jigs can also be divided concerning the pulse generation mechanism into piston-type jigs,
diaphragm-type jigs, air-pulsated jigs, and mobile-sieve jigs (described above). One of the first
mechanical jigs is the Harz jig [3]. This consists of a two-chamber tank, as illustrated in Figure 1,
equipped with a piston linked to a connecting rod and crank system, thus resulting in a harmonic
movement. Although it has simple mechanical design and operation, water leakage is a recurring
concern when operating this jig due to the difficulty of maintaining the seal between the piston and the
housing walls.
A solution to prevent water leakage through the flanks of the plunger is to replace the piston with
a rubber diaphragm connected to an eccentric vertical shaft, such as in the Denver jig [4]. With a layout
nearly similar to the Harz jig, the Denver jig has a rotary valve operating in synchrony with the plunger,
which avoids the input of hutch water during the suction stroke and allows more precise control of the
jigging cycle. Variations in tank design and the position of the plunger in the chamber have originated
many other models of diaphragm-pulsated jigs, such as the Bendelari jig, the Pan-American jig, and the
Yuba jig [8]. Figure 3 depicts a basic scheme of these types of equipment.
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Figure 3. Scheme of some piston and diaphragm-type jigs (adapted from Sampaio and Tavares [8]).
The use of compressed air instead of mechanical devices for pulsating the jig water appeared
at the end of the 19th century with the development of the Baum jig [13]. Since then, air-pulsated
jigs have been universally applied in mineral processing, especially coal beneficiation, due to their
high capacity and versatility compared to the piston and diaphragm-type jigs [14]. The decisive factor
for the success of air-pulsated jigs is the use of electronically controlled air valves of quick actuation
for controlling the water movement, thus allowing a wide variation of the pulse shape. The Baum
jig works by forcing air under pressure (up to 17 kPa) into an air chamber located on one side of a
U-shaped jig vessel (similar to that displayed in Figure 1) to pulsate the jig water [15]. Electrically
driven rotary-piston valves control the timing of air admission and exhaustion inside the jig chamber,
allowing precise control of pulse duration and intensity. When combined with automatic control
systems of discharge of the heavy product, Baum jigs results in a more flexible and robust option in
comparison to mechanically pulsated jigs.
To maintain a uniform distribution of water velocity across the bed is one major difficulty of
side-pulsed jigs like the Baum jig, which in turn limits the jig bed width (and so feed capacity).
Thus, the TACUB and then the BATAC jigs addressed this limitation by using multiple air chambers
positioned under the jig sieve equipped with individual electronic valves for controlling air input and
exhaust [16]. This new design provided a more uniform flow across the bed, enabling the construction
of larger jigs (up to 7 m wide along) able to achieve high separation densities [10]. Some BATAC and
Baum jigs have the longitudinal section of the vessel segmented into multiple compartments, each one
having independent control of the pulsating wave. For practical purposes, such equipment can be
considered as the conjugation of numerous jigs in series operation.
Table 1 summarizes the classification of different jigs according to the criteria mentioned previously.
It is worth noting that some types of jig, particularly diaphragm-pulsated types, are more likely to be
used for ores, in which the target is the denser constituent. The contrary occurs for coal, in which other
pulsating mechanisms and the “over the screen” discharge are most common. Also, the operating
flexibility of air-pulsated jigs makes them applicable for different uses. A more detailed discussion
about jigging applications is found in Section 2.3.
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Table 1. Types of jig according to the classification proposed by Sampaio and Tavares [8].
Screen Type Heavy Product Discharge Pulsation Mechanism Jig Equipment Common Applications
Piston Harz Coal
Jeffrey Coal
Over the screen Diaphragm
Bendelari Ores
Baum Coal and ores
Batac/Tacub Coal and ores
Fixed screen
Denver Ores
Wemco/Remer Ores
Through the screen
Yuba Ores
Pan-American Ores
IHC radial jig Ores
Air-pulsated Baum/Batac Coal and ores
Over the screen Mechanic ROMJIG Coal
Mobile screen
Through the screen Mechanic InLine Pressure Jig Ores
similar densities but different surface wettability after a pretreatment step. The issue of separating
plastics lighter than water was settled by conceiving of the Reverse jig prototype [26]. In this, a second
screen installed at the top of the RETAC jig container allows separating plastics based on differences in
levitation velocity. Improvements in the scheme of product extraction were subsequently made for
the RETAC [27] and hybrid [28] jigs. Recently, the separation of metal wires and plastics was tested
with relative success in the RETAC jig [29]. Although tailored to the recycling context, undiscovered
benefits could result from the adaptation of some concepts involved in the design and operation of
such jigs to the framework of mineral processing (e.g., the use of under-screen aeration to change the
apparent density of particles, as in the hybrid jig).
2.3. Applications
The various types of hydraulic jig find vast application in mineral processing, ranging from
minerals as dense as native gold (19 g/cm3 ) to vitrinite (up to 1.3 g/cm3 ) [8]. It is par excellence
a traditional item in coal processing plants [30–32] while typical examples of using jigging for ore
processing include beneficiation of iron ore [33–35], alluvial gold concentration [36], beneficiation of
chalcedonite [37], pre-concentration of tungsten ores [38], cleaning of phosphate ores [39], as well as the
concentration of tin and copper ores [4]. Dry jigs, otherwise, are mostly used in coal processing [40–42].
In recent decades, jigging has surpassed the limits of mineral processing, being currently utilized
in a variety of sectors. As noticed by Turner [43], jigs have found applications as peculiar as in the
separation of bones and cartilages for chewing gum production. Most notably, jigging has found
particularly fertile ground in recycling and waste processing. As mentioned earlier, recycling of plastics
like polyethylene, polycarbonate, and polyvinyl chloride PVC has even been boosting the development
of new jigging devices, particularly in Japan [25,27,28]. In the case of metals recycling, jigging has been
used to recover ferrous and non-ferrous metals from different sources, such as automobile scrap [44,45],
steelmaking slag [46], and electric cable wastes [47].
Dry jigs, in particular, have been described as a promising method for recycling and upgrading
the quality of coarse aggregates from construction and demolition wastes (CDW) [48,49]. The results
obtained by Sampaio et al. [20] showed it to be possible to obtain recycled aggregates of composition
that meet the minimum standards of quality of many countries. On the other hand, dry jigs showed a
relatively high unit energy consumption (of the same order of crushers) in the economic analysis of a
CDW plant performed by Coelho and Brito [50].
jigging as a process of repeated fluidization and de-fluidization of a bed in which the upward fluid
velocity continuously varies along the operating cycle [51,52]. Therefore, similar to what occurs in
fluidized beds, the upward fluid velocity (water or air, the last in the case of dry jigging) must reach a
minimum threshold to enable the elevation of the jigging bed. This minimum velocity is a function of
the flow regime and the pressure drop caused by the passage of the fluid through the particle bed.
The first can be obtained from the Reynolds number for packed beds [53]:
U f ρ f dp
Re = (1)
µ(1 − ε)
where U f , ρ f , and µ are the superficial velocity, the density, and the viscosity of the fluid, respectively;
ε is the bed porosity, and dp is the average diameter of the bed particles, for the case of spherical particles.
Equation (1) is valid for fluid flow through the jig bed at rest only (before fluidization). For Re < 10,
the flow is laminar and the pressure drop of the fluid can be predicted using the Carman–Kozeny
(−∆p) −180µ (1 − ε)2
= Uf (2)
L d2p ε3
where L is the bed thickness. The minimum fluidization velocity occurs when the drag force (represented
by the pressure drop) is equal to the apparent weight of the bed:
− ∆P = (1 − ε) ρs − ρ f Lg (3)
in which ρs and ρ f are the densities of the bed-forming solid and the fluid medium, respectively, and g
is the acceleration of gravity (g = 9.81 m/s2 ). The expression contained on the right side of the equation
represents the apparent force-weight per unit area of the bed (kN/m2 ). By replacing Equation (3)
in Equation (2) for the minimum fluidization velocity, the following is obtained:
ε ρs − p f gd2p
U f , mín = (4)
(1 − ε) 180µ
Correlations for the case of non-laminar flow regime, such as the Ergun correlation, can be found
in the specialized literature [53]. A close observation of Equation. (4) reveals that the minimum fluid
flow required to raise the bed (Qmín = Uf,mín x A, where A is the cross-sectional area of the jig bed)
decreases as the density and viscosity of the medium increases. Since liquids are considerably denser
and more viscous than gases under the same conditions, it is expected the upward fluid flow used to
raise the bed will be much lower in hydraulic jigs than those used in dry jigging. Similarly, Uf,mín varies
with the square of the average diameter of the bed-forming particles. As discussed later, both factors
have an important limiting effect on the maximum particle size range of the jig feed, particularly for the
case of dry jigging. Bed elevation constitutes only one of the phases of particle motion during jigging.
Due to the cyclic pulsating stroke, the jigging bed describes an oscillatory movement characterized by
pulses of amplitude A and frequency f (pulses or cycles per minute). A jigging cycle can be defined
based on how the bed moves when subjected to pulses of amplitude A and frequency f. Figure 5
illustrates the bed and fluid displacement patterns for the simplest jigging cycle, a sinusoidal harmonic
vertical motion, characteristic of piston-type jigs [3,8], that can be described by the following equation:
where U is the superficial velocity of water and Umax = π f A is the maximum velocity.
Minerals 2020, 10, 998 10 of 31
Figure 5. Illustration of (a) fluid velocity and (b) fluid and bed motion along a sinusoidal pulsation
cycle in a jig. The points A to F represent the behavior of the jig bed at different moments within the
cycle (see Figure 6).
Figure 6. Jig bed motion over a pulsation cycle. The displacement of the particle colored in black
represents the variation in the position of a dense particle within a bed of light particles.
An extensive analysis of the bed motion during jigging was performed by Kirchberg and
Hentzschel [51], who used a diaphragm jig with harmonic pulsations containing a bed of spherical
particles, widely varying bed properties and pulsation conditions. Initially, the basic bed displacement
was carefully recorded for the simplest possible case, i.e., for a bed formed by particles of the same
composition and uniform size (Figure 6).
In the beginning, the bed is at rest and the velocity of the pulsating water is zero (A). Then, just after
the upward flow starts, the drag force exerted by the fluid equals the apparent weight of the bed,
raising it as a rigid body (A to B). Soon after, a high porosity zone is formed below the bed as the
particles start settling (B to C). As the upward water flow passes through the bed, the bed porosity
increases when a dispersion wave propagates from the base of the bed. As the fluid flow approaches
its maximum value, the dispersion layer expands to a point where it covers the entire bed volume
(C to D). As the upward water velocity decreases, conditions for sedimentation of the particles begin to
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prevail as the dispersion wave dissipates through the bed (D to E). Finally, the bed is once again static
on the jig sieve while the suction phase begins.
Later studies, such as those of Kawashima et al. [54], Jinnouchi et al. [55], and Rong and Lyman [56],
recognized that the porosity of the jigging bed (or, more precisely, the loosening of the bed) is a key
parameter for describing stratification during jigging. In this sense, the work of Witteveen [57]
provided great insights by modeling the porosity distribution as a function of time and height in a
jig bed composed of uniform particles (same density, shape and size). Two of its interesting findings
include: (a) loosening of the bed takes place during both parts of the stroke (upward and downward),
and (b) the higher the position of the particle in the bed, the shorter the time it remains fluidized.
More recent studies, such as those conducted by Xia et al. [58] and Viduka et al. [59], have applied the
principles of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to calculate the fluid motion during pulsation by
directly solving the Navier–Stokes equations. The fluid flow and porosity distribution can thus be
simulated in detail, allowing the capture of detailed features of the bed motion.
where Vp is the volume of the particle and equal to Vp = (1/6)πd3p for a spherical particle. Unlike
dense medium separation, in jigging the particles are denser than the working fluid (i.e., ρs > ρf) for the
vast majority of cases, being the main exception the use of reverse jigging for plastic separation [26].
The drag force exerted on the particle depends on several factors, including its size, shape, inclination,
as well as the flow conditions. All these elements are embodied in a drag coefficient, CD , from which
the drag force can be determined according to the expression:
1 2
Fa = CD ρ f U∞ Ap (8)
Figure 7. (a) Forces acting on a spherical particle in a fluid; (b) drag curve for motion of a sphere in a
fluid. The curve was plotted based on the model of Haider and Levenspiel [61], see Equation (9).
The drag coefficient is related to the Reynolds number, Re = U f dp ρ f /µ, which represents the
ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces within the medium, in the form of standard drag curves,
as illustrated in Figure 7b. Four zones are identified according to the flow regime [53,60]: the so-called
Stokes’ law region (Re < 0.3), where viscous forces are largely dominant; Newton’s law zone (500 < Re
< 2 x 105) in which inertial forces are predominant; an intermediary region between the Stokes and
Newton regions (0.3 < Re < 500); and a turbulent region (Re > 2 x 105) in which the domain of inertial
forces is such that the flow becomes unstable and phenomena like boundary layer detachment take
place. The most common jigging conditions occur in the intermediate and Newton flow regime [8].
The determination of CD in the intermediary region is usually undertaken by empirical correlation
since there is no analytical solution of the Navier–Stokes equations in this range. Some correlations
have been proposed for the entire range of Re, such as that of Haider and Levenspiel [61]:
24 0.6459
CD = 1 + 0.1806 Re +
Re 1 + 6880.95
which was the expression used to plot the curve shown in Figure 7b.
A condition of interest occurs when the particle acceleration is zero ( dt = 0 in Equation (6)) and a
force balance is achieved so that the relative velocity of the particle is maximum. This velocity is known
as the terminal velocity. By substituting Equations (7) and (8) in Equation (6), rearranging the terms,
and considering Newton’s law region, the terminal velocity is expressed as follows:
3gdp ρs − ρ f 2
U∞ = (10)
Equation (10) reveals that the terminal velocity depends on the particle size and density as well as
the density of the fluid medium. To evaluate the influence of each of these quantities, Rittinger [62]
considered the situation of a binary mixture composed of spherical particles of a light material,
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with diameter dl and density ρl , with a dense material with diameter dd and density ρd . The condition
in which both particles have the same terminal velocity is given by:
1 1
3gdl ρl − ρ f 2 3gdd ρd − ρ f 2
= (11)
ρf ρf
dUp ρf
= 1− g (13)
dt ρs
That is, the initial acceleration of particles depends only on the differential densities of solids
and the fluid and is independent of the size. Thus, during the brief moments in which particle
acceleration is null and the direction of movement changes (like at the very end of the expansion stroke),
the difference in densities becomes the only driven force controlling stratification. If these moments
occupy a significant portion over time, the final separation would be greater than that predicted based
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uniquely on the hindered-settling mechanism. This mechanism may be intensified by using high
pulsing frequencies and low pulse amplitudes.
As discussed before, in a jigging bed composed of particles of different densities and sizes,
the larger ones will tend to sink faster than the smaller ones. However, whereas large particles
remain immobile on the jigging screen, fine particles may continue to move through the large particles’
interstices. Such a condition describes the mechanism of consolidation trickling. Unlike the other
two, the consolidation trickling mechanism engenders reverse segregation concerning the particle size,
since it induces fine, dense particles towards the bottom of the bed. It is particularly strengthened
by using long suction strokes in hydraulic jigs, which increase the mass yield of fine particles in the
heavy product.
From the qualitative point of view, the theory developed by Gaudin satisfactorily describes
some general phenomena occurring during stratification in jigs. More importantly, it allows the
establishment of a circumstantial relationship between stratification profiles and operating parameters
(e.g., increasing the concentration of fine material in the dense product by making the suction stroke
longer). Nevertheless, it does not provide sufficient means for a quantitative description of jigging.
Taking advantage of the ongoing advances in computing power, the use of discrete element
methods (DEM) is becoming increasingly accepted as an effective technique for addressing simulations
in jigging studies. DEM simulations allow tracking the individual motion of thousands of particles at
short time steps taking into account the influence of contact forces among particles in both normal
and shear directions. The initial studies by Beck and Holtham [64] and Mishra and Mehrotra [65]
used two-dimensional DEM models and considered an idealized fluid behavior. Although then
limited by computing requirements, simulation results enable them to found near-optimal pulsation
conditions as long as enough input data of the system (particle features, bed depth, etc.) were specified.
The subsequent work of Viduka et al. [59] performed a combination of CFD to simulate fluid flow and
DEM to simulate particle motion considering a sinusoidal jigging pulse. The results provided detailed
information about the patterns of motion of particles as well as the influence of segregation on the
overall bed movement. Finally, the study by Crespo [66] coupled a DEM model with the bed porosity
distribution model proposed by Witteveen [57], also numerically dividing the elements of the bed into
horizontal strata of finite volume. His model also incorporated stratification and dispersion indexes
which were directly related to the operational parameters of jigging, providing some valuable insights
into the stratification mechanisms.
E I = ( ml + md ) g (14)
where ml and md are the weight of the light and dense constituents, respectively, and H/2 is the vertical
position of the center of gravity SI in the mixed bed. Two distinct centers of gravity take place in the
Minerals 2020, 10, 998 15 of 31
stratified state: one for the light material layer and another for the dense material layer. In this state,
the potential energy of the bed is:
Hl H
EII = ml g + Hd + md g d (15)
2 2
Figure 8. Position of the center of gravity in a binary mixture of particles with different densities.
(I) homogeneous mixture, (II) perfect stratification, (III) lowering of the center of gravity. Adapted from
Mayer [68] and Sampaio and Tavares [8].
Therefore, the difference in potential energy between state I (mixed) and state II (stratified) is given by:
∆E = EI − EII = (m gH − ml gHd ) (16)
2 d l
which is always positive.
The first term in Equation (16) represents the energy of displacement of particles of the dense
material md along the distance Hl /2, that is, from the initial center of gravity SI to the final center of
gravity Sd . The second term represents the work of elevation of the light particles of mass ml by the
dense ones along the distance Hd /2, that is, from the initial center of gravity SI to the final center of
gravity Sl . The overall result is the lowering of the center of mass of the bed, which is expressed by:
∆S = (17)
(ml + md ) g
Mayer also noted that the lowering of the center of mass is related to the increasing degree of
packing of the bed as the stratification process progresses. Since packing density depends not only on
particle density but also on the size and shape of the particles, some stratification should also occur
due to differences in such properties. Thus, for instance, a tabular particle contained inside a mixture
of spherical particles would tend to continuously rise when pulsed until it is expelled from the bed
since the disturbance caused by its presence would generate a low packing zone within the bed.
Mayer [68], aiming at proposing a kinetic model to describe the stratification, assumed that the
potential energy of the non-stratified system is continuously converted into kinetic energy during the
bed rearrangement process. Such kinetic energy would be largely converted into particles’ movement,
whereas a fraction of it would dissipate as friction and heat. Thus, since the available energy decreases
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as the bed segregates, the stratification rate also decreases progressively. This decrease was described
in terms of a first-order kinetic equation as a function of the jigging time:
= −k∆E (18)
in which the constant k represents the stratification evolution rate. By integrating Equation (18)
and replacing ∆E by ∆s , we obtain the following:
Equations (18) and (19) show that as t→∞, that is, for infinite jigging cycles, the potential energy of
the system will eventually reach a minimum value that corresponds to the perfect stratification of the
bed. Embedded in this assumption lies the main limitation in the potential energy theory as originally
proposed by Mayer since the practice proves never to be possible to obtain a perfect stratification.
A significant contribution to Mayer’s theory was made by King [69,70], who addressed the
problem of the impossibility of achieving a perfect separation. His model considers that the final
stratification profile after jigging results from a balance between the minimization of the system’s
potential energy, driving stratification, and a dispersive flow of diffusive nature that tends to remix the
stratified particles. Considering the case of a jigging bed composed of spheres of uniform size in which
one particle changes position (as previously depicted in Figure 2), the potential energy gradient of the
particle with density ρ in the bed of particles with mean density ρ is given by:
= Vp g ( ρ − ρ ) (20)
where H is the bed thickness measured from the jig sieve. The average density ρ of bed thickness H is
given by:
ρ= ρCρ dρ (21)
Therefore, the potential energy gradient describes an upward or downward movement of the
particle depending on the sign of (ρ − ρ). The particle will move down if ρ > ρ or it will move up if
ρ < ρ. The flow of particles of density ρ caused by the potential energy gradient is given by:
ns = −Cρ u = −Cρ uVp g(ρ − ρ) (22)
where Cρ is the volume concentration of particles with density ρ in the bed with average density ρ,
and u is the velocity of penetration of the particle under the action of the potential energy gradient and
in the absence of any dispersive force. The negative sign means that each particle will tend to move in
order to minimize the potential energy of the system.
Opposed to the potential energy lowering flux, there is a diffusive flux caused by particle–particle
and fluid–particle interactions. This flux is described as a typical Fickian diffusion process of the type:
nD = −D (23)
in which the diffusion coefficient D depends on the particle size and shape and the bed expansion
mechanism. In this case, the negative sign indicates that particles will tend to move in order to
minimize differences in concentration over the bed height. A dynamic equilibrium is established when
nD = −ns , so that:
dCρ uVp g
=− Cρ (ρ − ρ) (24)
dH D
Minerals 2020, 10, 998 17 of 31
which can be rewritten in terms of the relative bed height h = H/Hb , where Hb is the total bed depth,
and in terms of a specific stratification index, given by:
uVp gHb
α= (25)
So that:
= −αCρ [ρ − ρ(h)] (26)
Thus, α is independent of the density of the particles and, consequently, of the bed composition.
It is a unique parameter used to describe the stratification process as a whole. This way, in a bed
consisting of spherical particles of uniform sizes, all particles have the same value of the stratification
index α. The solution of Equation (26) provides the vertical concentration profile of particles with
density ρ along the bed after reaching the equilibrium stratification. This solution should satisfy the
following conditions:
Cρ dh = Cρ f or all ρ (27)
Cρ dρ = 1 0 ≤ h ≤ 1 (28)
where Cρis the density distribution by volume of the feed, which can be determined by sink-and-float
analysis. The different density ranges thus obtained can then be used to discretize Equation (26),
expressing it in the form:
dCi (h)
= −αCi (h)[ρi − ρ(h)] i = 1, 2, . . . , n (29)
The system of equations thus obtained must be solved taking into account the following conditions:
X n
X Z1
ρ(h) = Ci (h)ρi , Ci (h) = 1 and Ci = Ci (h)dh (30)
i=1 i=1 0
An analytical solution for the particular case of binary mixtures tested in discontinuous jigs (n = 2)
was presented in the early work developed by King [69]. The use of the model for multi-component
systems, in which the analytical solution is not possible, was later addressed by Tavares and King [71],
together with the development of the model for the case of continuous jigs. In that study, the predictive
capacity of the model was successfully tested based on separation data measured for several Baum and
Batac jigs operating with different types of coal. A more recent model validation study was conducted
by Woollacott et al. [72], which demonstrated good accordance between experimental and simulated
data. However, the stratification index α was not necessarily independent of the density distribution
in the system as the ratio α/Hb varied, to some extent, with the number of constituents in the system,
although this finding has not been conclusive.
One of the main limitations of King’s model is that it does not account for systems containing
multi-sized or multi-shaped particles. In an attempt to extend the model applicability, Rao [73]
has incorporated the effect of multi-size systems by considering that α and the particle diameter di
could be related by a power law as follows:
α = A(di )b (31)
Minerals 2020, 10, 998 18 of 31
where A and b are parameters related to the stratification. Substituting this value of α in Equation (29)
we obtain:
dCij (h)
= −A(di )b Cij (h)[ρi − ρ(h)] i, j = 1, 2, . . . , n (32)
where Cij (h) is the concentration profile of the species of density i and size j.
Unfortunately, despite some interesting results obtained by simulations (such as the lower degree
of density stratification for finer particles), his proposed extension of King’s model was not validated
with experimental data. More recently, the size dependency proposed by Rao was analyzed in detail
by Woollacott [74], who found that the stratification index seems to be not significantly dependent on
particle size. In particular, it has been proposed the existence of a “compositional region” where particle
size has little or no influence on the final stratification profile predicted by King’s model.
The contributions to the potential energy theory proposed by King [69,70] and Tavares and
King [71] are of great value since they allow estimation of the stratification profile at equilibrium and
thus predict the assay and recovery of products for a given cut point. An advantage in comparison
to empirical models based on partition curves is that one parameter only, the stratification index α,
provides an immediate indication about jigging efficiency. Notwithstanding this, similar to Mayer’s
theory it is limited only at predicting the equilibrium stratification and does not constitute a kinetic
model of jigging. Also, it seems unable to establish a link with operating parameters of jigging, such as
bed pulsation frequency and amplitude, which undoubtedly influence the final stratification extent.
Finally, the very fundamental basis in which the thermodynamic models of jigging rely was
recently challenged. By using X-ray computing tomography to measure the packing density after
size segregation in a laboratory jig, Woollacott [75] demonstrated some compelling evidence that
contradicts the potential energy theory. Reported results showed an unexpected decrease in packing
density near the bed bottom after stratification, whereas the most packed zone was detected near an
intermediate mixed zone. Despite being limited only to size segregation at quite limited conditions,
such outcomes reinforce the fact that alternative approaches may need to be considered to obtain an
integral description of the mechanisms behind stratification in jigs.
Figure 9. Typical pulsation diagrams of different jigs. (a) sinusoidal, (b) trapezoidal, (c) “saw-tooth”
with rapid upward, and (d) “saw-tooth” with rapid downward.
In air-pulsated jigs, like the Baum and Batac jigs, the cycle can be widely varied by controlling
the opening and exhausting period of the air valves connected to the jig hutch [35]. In these models,
the trapezoidal shape cycle (Figure 9b) is quite used, especially in coal processing. Its purpose is to
maintain the bed “opened” as long as possible to maximize hindered settling conditions, which is
desirable for concentrating coarse, dense particles.
Saw-tooth shape pulses are typical of jigs with movable screens. Figure 9c illustrates the saw-tooth
pulse typical of an InLine Pressure Jig [11]. In this, the fast upward stroke avoids the loss of fine,
dense product to the light product, whereas the slow downward stroke facilitates its percolation
trickling through the bed, giving them more time to be recovered in the heavy product. Thus, this pulse
shape is more appropriate for “through the screen” jigging, and when the target product is in finer size
ranges than the light gangue (up to 60 µm), as in the recovery of free gold, diamonds, and sulfides [4].
Conversely, the saw-tooth pulse with a rapid downward stroke and slow upward stroke shown in
Figure 9d is the pulse shape regularly used in the ROMJIG [10]. In this case, the feed consists of
coarse-sized material (350–40 mm) that tends to stick to the jig screen if the lowering of the hydraulic
arm (that moves the bed) is not rapid enough. Hence, a sudden downward stroke must be employed
to ensure a sufficient detachment of the jig bed.
Besides the pulse waveform, the amplitude and frequency of the pulses are key factors on
stratification. Its influence on bed dispersion was studied in-depth by Kirchberg and Hentzschel [51].
As a result, it was found that while low amplitudes (or low water superficial velocities) may not allow
sufficient dispersion of the bed, too high amplitudes suffer excessive interference from the counterflow
of water produced before the end of the upward motion of particles. Similarly, low frequencies are
generally associated with low water superficial velocities, whereas too high frequencies interfere in
the dispersion wave propagation throughout the bed due to the rapid change in the flow direction.
From this, it follows that larger particles require higher pulse amplitudes while finer particles require
higher pulse frequencies for a successful stratification. Similar trends were observed in the subsequent
studies of Mukherjee and Mishra [52] and Hori et al. [23].
The residence time of particles inside the jig (or the number of pulsing cycles applied under fixed
jigging conditions) has a cumulative effect on stratification: the longer the jigging time, the closer the
Minerals 2020, 10, 998 20 of 31
bed comes to the equilibrium stratification profile. Rong and Lyman [56] observed that the stratification
of density tracers (1.3 <ρs < 2.0 g/cm3 ) in Baum jigs evolved rapidly until an operating time of 180 s.
From this point on, the stratification rate progressed more slowly to t = 300 s, when a state closer to the
equilibrium was reached. Longer times were necessary to achieve the equilibrium stratification when
particles finer than 8 mm were tested, suggesting that segregation kinetics is slower for finer particles.
Similar behavior for the stratification of aggregates in a dry jig was reported by Sampaio et al. [20]
but with even faster kinetics. In this case, most of the stratification occurred when t < 30 s whereas
no significant variation was observed for t > 120 s. As highlighted by the authors, stratification is
expected to be faster in dry jigs since particles move more rapidly in the air than in water.
varying the size ratio on size stratification in a batch hydraulic jig. The results revealed the occurrence
of four distinct stratification pattern types, thus suggesting the degree of complexity that can be
involved if the combined effect of density segregation is considered.
Studies on the effect of particle size and size distribution on stratification for the case of dry jigging
are much less numerous. By analyzing historical and current data of dry jigs’ performance in coal
beneficiation plants, Weinstein and Snoby [17] observed that the ones operating with finer feed particle
sizes showed a lower performance. On the other hand, a recent study by the author [83] indicated
that the stratification of aggregates (concrete, brick, and gypsum) in a pilot-scale dry jig was enhanced
when using finer sizes or wider size distributions (within the limit of 19.1 to 4.75 mm). However, there
is still no complete evidence to identify general patterns regarding the effect of particle size variations
on dry jigging, since the reported studies considered only specific, context-based processes and did not
isolate the influence of other properties as particle shape and pulsating conditions.
Figure 10. Observed horizontal segregation patterns after stratification tests with ternary mixtures of
aggregates (concrete, brick, and gypsum) in batch jigs. (a) Baum jig (top surface of the bed); (b) dry jig
(bottom layer).
To better understand the formation of the pattern described, a relatively simple test was outlined:
a 25 mm thin layer of gypsum (1.8 g/cm3 ) was positioned on the dry jig screen and covered with a
125 mm thick layer of concrete (2.4 g/cm3 ). This layout was defined to inspect the distribution of
gypsum particles over the top surface during its upward motion. Figure 11 shows video snapshots
capturing the progression of the test. As can be noted, the first gypsum particles erupted near the center
of the container and spread over the bed surface toward the outer edges. What is more interesting is
that gypsum particles filling the bed top were continually transported and pushed toward the sidewalls
by a circular motion maintained by the lower layer of concrete. This slow, orderly motion in which
particles move upward in the center and down along the sidewalls has been extensively reported in
the literature as a typical pattern defining the occurrence of granular convection [90–94]. In vertically
vibrated systems, its origin has been related to the frictional effects caused by lateral walls and its
intensity depends mainly on the amplitude and frequency in which the bed oscillates [95]. Not by
coincidence, the same factors characterizing the bed displacement in jigs. Most importantly, granular
convection influences stratification by density, inducing the concentration of dense particles in the
central portion of the bed while light particles concentrate nearer the sidewalls [96], a pattern similar
to that displayed in Figure 10. Tests similar to the previously mentioned were performed using tracers
in a batch Baum jig, which seems to reinforce the possibility of occurring convective patterns in jigs.
Figure 11. Snapshots of the top surface of a dry jig bed taken at different times during pulsation.
Minerals 2020, 10, 998 24 of 31
Figure 12. Use of image analysis to evaluate the behavior of a jig bed during the pulse stroke in a batch
Baum jig. (a) Pre-processing; (b) Feature extraction; (c) Feature analysis.
Another potential application of machine vision in jigs has been illustrated in the study of Cazacliu
et al. [48]. The authors have used image processing (the type not specified in the study) for analyzing
the evolution of stratification of a target component (in this case, gypsum) based on images captured
through the transparent walls of a batch jig. One such benefit provided in comparison to conventional
sensors is the ability to monitor and analyze the whole vertical distribution of species along the jig bed,
allowing a comprehensive evaluation of the product yield and content for a given cut-height.
One limitation involved in using machine vision techniques in jigs is that only surface information
of the bed is available when using conventional sensors (like CCD cameras) which, considering the
aforementioned influence of jig walls on the process, may harm the acquired data accuracy. A relatively
simple idea to overcome such limitation could be combining the use of density tracers with the concept
of “spy particle” or particle tracing sensor [101]. In this, a micro-three-dimensional acceleration
sensor, a microprocessor, and a data communication interface (like a Bluetooth wireless transceiver)
are encapsulated in a small spherical shell of a few millimeters size [102]. The “spy object” can then be
mixed to the feed of a given unit to track the in situ movement inside the equipment, including its
translational and rotational velocities. In the case of jigging, one useful idea would be to embed sensors
into shells of varying densities, thus producing density tracers that can be tracked. The real-time
motion record could provide unprecedented detail about the influence of jigging operational factors
on the segregation of each density class. Given the relative simplicity and the fact that generating an
external field is not necessary for detection, the use of micro-acceleration sensors seems a safer and
substantially cheaper alternative in comparison to techniques such as X-ray tomography, magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI), and positron emission particle tracking (PEPT).
and operational features (Section 2.2.1) that lead to a singular and yet not well-understood stratification
dynamics. The suction stroke is not present and a continuous airflow keeps the bed sufficiently
opened for receiving the periodic pulse stroke. High air velocities must be used to compensate for
the low density of air, thus making the maintenance of a uniform air distribution over the bed a more
challenging task. The demand for high air flow rates may also imply energy and maintenance costs
higher than expected, as described by Coelho and Brito [50]. All these circumstances have contributed
to making the application of dry jigging rather limited so far.
On the other hand, the distinctive operation of dry jigs enables exploring potentialities not
available for hydraulic jigs. The blower of a commercial pilot-scale dry jig can produce air flows up to
around 170 m3 /min with outlet pressures in the order of 6 kPa [103]. Data obtained by Boylu et al. [40]
have shown that the pressure drop occasioned by the air passing through the jig bed has varied in the
range 0.4–1.4 kPa, depending on the magnitude of air velocity, pulsation frequency, and bed thickness.
This implies that a great part of the energy produced by the blower is not utilized and leaves the system
with the air flowing out. One possibility to make better use of this lost energy could be using thicker
beds, although, after a certain threshold, it can prejudice the separation process (Section 4.2.4). Another
possibility is shown in Figure 13a and consists of simply placing a second jigging bed in the path of the
passing upward airflow. From a practical standpoint, and considering that some degree of stratification
can be achieved in this second bed, it acts to enlarge the jig capacity at no additional energy costs.
Figure 13. (a) Placement of a second bed in the container of a batch dry jig. (b) Snapshot of testing the
removal of organic contaminants from a mixture of aggregates.
The peculiar pulsation conditions also enable dry jigs to work as pneumatic classifiers for the
separation of low-density materials such as wood, paper, and plastics, which is particularly useful
in recycling applications. Moreover, for cases in which these light constituents are mixed with much
denser materials (like rocks and metals), dry jigs have shown the ability to operate as a multi-component
separator, assuming the combined functions of an air classifier and a jig [104]. Figure 13b exemplifies
such a situation for the case of a mixture of aggregates (crushed rocks and bricks) contaminated with
plastics and paper. Once the pulsation begins, virtually all the plastic and paper are swept away by the
air stream while stratification of the stony fraction proceeds as habitual. Suitable adjustments in the jig
container design and the dust collection system, among others, could eventually allow implementing
this multi-separator configuration of jigs in recycling plants.
Minerals 2020, 10, 998 27 of 31
6. Conclusions
For centuries, jigs have been an invaluable tool for coal and ores processing. Nowadays, jigging has
found its way in areas as varied as recycling of printed circuit boards and chewing gum production.
However, the current scenario of increasing ore complexity, lowering of water usage, and rapid
development of sensor-based sorting (SBS) technologies has imposed increasingly challenges on the
traditional concentration operations. The path to a competitive future requires a continuous search for
enhancements and innovations in jigging technology.
In this context, the current review has attempted to summarize the key aspects and concepts
about jigging available in the literature. The design, operational features, applications, equipment
types, and theoretical models have been comprehensively described. Three issues have been identified
as priorities for future studies: (1) improving the existing models of particle separation in jigs by filling
the remaining gaps in the understanding of stratification mechanisms. Embracing some concepts of
granular physics may be valuable in this sense; (2) improving the accuracy and robustness of control
and supervisory systems in jigs by using advanced sensors; (3) exploring the full potentialities of
dry jigging. The more the understanding of the capabilities of jigging, the quicker one can arrive at
solutions to overcome the current challenges, maintaining the role of jigging as a valuable tool in
industry in future.
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