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Design and Analysis of Disc Brake System in High Speed Vehicles

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Int. J. Simul. Multidisci. Des. Optim.

12, 19 (2021)
© A. Babu Seelam et al., Published by EDP Sciences, 2021
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Design and analysis of disc brake system in high speed vehicles

Anil Babu Seelam, Nabil Ahmed Zakir Hussain, and Sachidananda Hassan Krishanmurthy*
School of Engineering and IT, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Dubai 345050, UAE

Received: 19 April 2021 / Accepted: 10 August 2021

Abstract. Brakes are the most important component of any automobile. Brakes provide the ability to reduce or
bring automobile to a complete stop. The process of braking is usually achieved by applying pressure to the brake
discs. The main objective of this research paper is to propose an appropriate design and to perform analysis of a
suitable brake rotor to enhance the performance of the high-speed car. The design of the brake disc is modelled
using Solid works and the analysis is carried out using Ansys software. The analysis has been conducted by
considering stainless steel and grey cast iron using same brake rotor design so that optimal choice of brake disc
can be considered. The analysis considered involves static structural analysis and steady state thermal analysis
considering specific parameters on brake rotor to increase the life of brake rotor. From the analysis it is found
that the performance and life of disc brake depends upon heat dissipation. From the analysis results it can be
concluded that grey cast iron has performed better as compared to stainless steel as this material has anti-fade
properties which improves the life of the brake rotor.
Keywords: Disc brake system / high speed / static analysis / thermal analysis / deformation

1 Introduction element analysis. They concluded by giving the maximum

displacement diagrams for both cast iron and stainless-
Disc brakes are commonly used in automobile applications steel. Dhir [10] have studied temperature distribution in
[1] and it uses calipers to apply pressure against a disc or case of disc brake system at time of braking to study
rotor to create friction [2–4]. They can stop the vehicle in durability of the disc using finite element method. They
descending roads without wheel lockup and is considered concluded by performing durability studies considering
better than other types of brakes [5]. Using rotor size, it is thermo-mechanical cyclic stresses to study fatigue factor of
possible to adjust braking power as per the requirement. safety. Belhocine and Bouchetara [11] have studied
So, in this research paper, design and selection of proper temperature and thermal stress disc brake using grey cast
material has been studied to select brake setup by changing iron material. They studied thermo-structural analysis and
the rim size from 16 inch to 17 inch. Some of the literature von mises stresses in the disc using ANSYS. They
review has been referred on the disc brakes and presented concluded by comparing the results obtained from previous
as follows. Subhasis et al. [6] have studied temperature studies. Nouby et al. [12] have studied disc brake materials
distribution using FEA in case of disc brake. Their main considering heavy duty performance which is commonly
objective was to study distribution of temperature of rotor used in racing cars. Wheel hub and steering knuckle have
disc and to identify critical temperature considering been studied considering FE model and validated using
convection and radiation parameters for Asbestos, AMMC experimental modal analysis. They concluded that pad
(Aluminum metal matrix composites) and GCI (Grey cast friction material contributes more to the system instability
iron) materials. They concluded that heat generation is less of the racing cars. Bhat and Lee [13] have studied
in case of AMMC material as compared to GCI. AMCC optimization of the disc brake system to improve the heat
material can be used as a suitable alternative material dissipation. They used Taguchi method for various
because of its lower density and higher thermal conductiv- ventilation parameters considering rotor hole diameter,
ity [7,8]. Dakhil et al. [9] have studied performance of disc number of slots and no of rotor holes. They arrived at
brake system by considering cast iron and stainless-steel optimal design based on Taguchi method considering the
material. They studied the temperature distribution, above parameters and they concluded that number of
stresses, and deformation in case of disc brake using finite ventilation slots played a major role in heat dissipation
performance of the disc brake system. Vidiya and Singh
[14] have studied formula racing car design brake system.
* e-mail: They studied thermal analysis considering conversion of

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
2 A. Babu Seelam et al.: Int. J. Simul. Multidisci. Des. Optim. 12, 19 (2021)

kinetic energy into brake’s heat energy. They concluded The maximum kinetic energy attained by the vehicle is
that simulation data and reading taken from the car testing given by
was accurate and reliable. Chopade and Valavade [15] have
studied experimentally thermal performance of a disc brake K:E ¼ 0:5mV2 ¼ 848290:19 J: ð2Þ
rotor using CFD. They studied mass flow rate and heat
dissipation of a brake rotor. They concluded that Deacceleration of the vehicle is given as
maximum deviation of the numerical results and experi-
mentally results were small. Yevtushenko and Kuciej [16]  2 
v  u2 m
have studied a two-element model of a braking system a¼ ¼ 11:34 2 : ð3Þ
consisting of a pad sliding with time dependent velocity. 2S S
They investigated temperature and thermal stresses of a
ceramic metal strip. They concluded that their results can Braking force F is given by considering work done
be used in modelling thermal cracking of the element used W = wd and work done W = 0.5 mV2 = 12474 N.
in braking system. Grzes [17] have studied maximum Stopping time or braking time is given as
temperature in brake disc under repeated braking
applications. They studied braking system using heat v  u
dynamics equations of friction and wear. He concluded that t¼ ¼ 2:44 s: ð4Þ
flash temperature was high at the beginning and then
gradually decreased. Gijan [18] have studied brake disc Power generated in one rotor p = Q/t = 347659.914
design by parametric evaluation for heavy vehicles. They Watts since Q = kinetic energy.
studied thermomechanical performances using simulation Heat flux generated f [24] is given by
approach to increase the fatigue life of the bearing. They
concluded that instead of straight vanes if the pillar 
arrangement was made then it is possible to increase the 4P O:D2  I:D2 Watt
∅¼ ¼ 0:0218477 : ð5Þ
fatigue life of the brakes. Yevtushenko and Grzes [19,20] p mm2
have studied disc brake using spatial computational model.
They studied temperature dependent coefficient of friction The heat generation and heat dissipation in case of disc
by considering contact temperature and vehicle velocity. brake arises due to change of kinetic energy into thermal
They concluded by giving optimal design for a brake pad energy which in turn results in heating of the disc brake and
material. Garcia-leon and Florez-solano [21] have studied the braking power of the disc brake fades at temperature of
disc brake system to analyze dynamics and kinematics of 600 K. Hence, the film temperature is calculated consider-
the brake system to simulate using FEA. They concluded ing warping temperature and ambient temperature divided
that using geometry it is possible to optimize the system by two in this analysis.
which will be great helpful to automotive industries. Reynold’s number Re is given by
Nguyen et al. [22] have studied energy dissipation by
friction in case of braking system. They studied strategy of rV D
storing in steady state using thermal processing discrete Re ¼ ¼ 159955:2: ð6Þ
element method. They concluded by giving experimental m
and empirical data by comparing from various literature
review. From this literature review it is observed that many Nusselt’s Number, Nu is given by:
researchers have analyzed the brake drum from various
material point of view. So, in this research work an attempt Nu ¼ 0:0266  Re0:805  P 0:333
r ¼ 363:95: ð7Þ
have been made to study brake rotor considering
martensitic stainless steel and grey cast iron. Grey cast Forced convective heat transfer coefficient, h is given
iron is commonly used in light weight vehicles, and it by
will continue as a choice for brake discs in near future
also [23]. ðNu:kÞ W
h¼ ¼ 66:596 2 K: ð8Þ
d m
2 Methodology
Before proceeding with the brake rotor design, the
To perform the analysis, the following data have been crucial brake requirements such as brakes must be strong
collected such as mass (m) of the vehicle 1000 kg, enough to retard the motion within a minimum brake
Maximum velocity (u) and minimum velocity (v) of the system, should have anti fade properties so that they
vehicle considered is 100 km/h and 0 km/h, inner diameter should be effective, and the material selection are made to
of the brake rotor as 0.240 m, outer diameter of the brake able to withstand mechanical properties and chemical
rotor as 0.327 m, coefficient of friction m as 0.4 and stopping composition must be retained to prevent fading. So, in this
distance of the vehicle as 34 m. research paper, the Static Structural Analysis and Steady
Maximum frictional force is calculated using the State Thermal Analysis will be performed on the designed
following formulae brake rotor. This analysis has been carried out using two
different materials considering above brake rotor proper-
F ¼ mmg ¼ 4316:4 N: ð1Þ ties, Martensitic Stainless Steel and Grey Cast Iron. Both
A. Babu Seelam et al.: Int. J. Simul. Multidisci. Des. Optim. 12, 19 (2021) 3

these materials are generally used in the automotive 4 Results and analysis
industry because of their high corrosion resistance, ability
to retains their mechanical and chemical properties at 4.1 Static structural analysis of disc brake
high temperatures, thermally and electrically stable and
affordable costs in the market. The static structural analysis has been performed by
applying the following boundary conditions. Fixed sup-
ports have been marked and a frictional force of 4316.4 N
3 Disc brakes has been applied on the outer surface areas of the brake
rotors. This analysis has been carried out for both
3.1 Design of disc brake system using solid works Martensitic Stainless Steel and Grey Cast Iron and the
boundary conditions remains same.
The rotor dimensions considered for the analysis is as The boundary conditions applied is as shown in Figure 2
shown in Table 1 and the corresponding drawing of the and the corresponding equivalent elastic strain, stress,
rotor is shown in Figure 1. The rotor has been modelled shear stress and total deformation analysis have been
using solid works and the corresponding meshed performed. Figure 3 shows the equivalent elastic strain for
geometry (fine mesh) considering 152266 nodes and both stainless steel and grey cast iron. From these figures it
88791 elements. is observed that the maximum strain in case of stainless
steel and grey cast iron is 0.0119 and 0.0131 and the
minimum strain in both the material is 2.039 e–5 and 2.690
Table 1. Rotor dimensions. e–5. The strain observed in case of stainless steel is less as
compared to grey cast iron.
Width (mm) 20.57 Figure 4 shows the equivalent stress for both stainless
Diameter (mm) 325.15 steel and grey cast iron. From these figures it is observed
Vane count (No.) 48 that the maximum stress on the rotor is 2302.8 MPa and
Weight (Kg) 4.26 1429.4 MPa for stainless steel and grey cast iron,
respectively. Also, the minimum equivalent stress is
Rotor bolt circle 222.25
1.983 MPa and 1.642 MPa is observed in case of stainless
Rotor mount hole size 6.37 steel and grey cast iron. From this it is observed that the
Lug ID (mm) 209.57 maximum stress is less in case of grey cast iron as compared
Far side inside diameter (mm) 240.28 to stainless steel and same type of behavior is also observed
in the literature [25–27].

Fig. 1. 2D drawing of Rotor Ventilated disc without bell [24].

4 A. Babu Seelam et al.: Int. J. Simul. Multidisci. Des. Optim. 12, 19 (2021)

Fig. 2. Boundary Conditions for Static Structural.

Fig. 3. Equivalent Elastic Strain for SS and GCI.

Fig. 4. Equivalent Stress for SS and GCI.

A. Babu Seelam et al.: Int. J. Simul. Multidisci. Des. Optim. 12, 19 (2021) 5

Fig. 5. Shear Stress for SS and GCI.

Fig. 6. Total deformation for SS and GCI.

Figure 5 shows the shear stress for both stainless steel 4.2 Steady state thermal analysis of disc brake
and grey cast iron. From this figure it is observed that
maximum shear stress in the rotor in case of stainless steel In case of braking system when brakes are applied,
and grey cast iron is 1101.8 MPa and 681.35 MPa, frictional heat is generated in the brake rotor due to
respectively. Also, the minimum shear stress observed is which high temperatures are encountered. This frictional
1085 MPa for stainless steel and 670.83 MPa for grey heat due to high temperature causes non-uniform spatial
cast iron. From this it can be concluded that grey cast iron distribution called as hot spotting which contributes to
has performed better as compared to stainless steel from fatigue and wear and in turn cracks [28,29]. This heat needs
shear stress point of view. to be dissipated across the brake rotor to withstand
Figure 6 shows the total deformation for rotor in case of repetitive braking conditions. So, in steady state thermal
stainless steel and grey cast iron is 0.6967 mm and analysis [30], the overall temperature distribution and total
0.7846 mm. From this it is observed that stainless steel heat flux is calculated. The boundary conditions for steady
has performed better as compared to grey cast iron. It is state thermal analysis [31,32] is as shown in Figure 8. Once
also observed from literature review [26] that stainless steel the boundary conditions are applied then temperature and
total deformation is less as compared to grey cast iron. total heat flux analysis have been performed. The frictional
Figure 7 shows the comparison of equivalent strain, force between the disc and pad have been studied
stress, shear stress and total deformation for both stainless considering steady state thermal analysis [33].
steel and grey cast iron. From this figure it is observed that Figure 9 shows the comparison of temperature
equivalent strain and total deformation in case of grey cast distribution for Stainless steel and Grey cast iron. From
iron is 9.96% and 12.6% higher than martensitic stainless this figure it is observed that the maximum temperature is
steel. Also, it is observed that equivalent stress and shear 300 °C in both the cases of stainless steel and grey cast iron
stress in case of grey cast iron is 38% and 38.1% lower than and the minimum temperature is 244.25 °C and 270.95 °C
martensitic stainless steel. in case of stainless steel and grey cast iron respectively.
6 A. Babu Seelam et al.: Int. J. Simul. Multidisci. Des. Optim. 12, 19 (2021)

Fig. 7. Comparison of Equivalent strain, Equivalent stress, Shear stress and Total deformation for SS and GCI.

Fig. 8. Boundary conditions for steady state thermal analysis.

Figure 10 shows the comparison of total heat flux for Similarly, the minimum total heat flux is 0.0008081 W/mm2
stainless steel and grey cast iron. From this figure it is and 0.00102 W/mm2 for stainless steel and grey cast iron
observed that the total heat flux value is 0.4629 W/mm2 respectively.
and 0.50468 W/mm2 for stainless steel and grey cast iron. Figure 11 shows the comparison of temperature and
From this figure it can be concluded that heat transfer is total heat flux for stainless steel and grey cast iron. From
more in case of grey cast iron as compared to stainless steel. this figure it is observed that minimum temperature in
A. Babu Seelam et al.: Int. J. Simul. Multidisci. Des. Optim. 12, 19 (2021) 7

Fig. 9. Comparison of temperature distribution for SS and GCI.

Fig. 10. Comparison of Total Heat Flux for SS and GCI.

Fig. 11. Comparison of temperature and heat flux for SS and GCI.

case of grey cast iron is 10.9% higher as compared to mechanical behavior [26,34]. The steady state thermal
stainless steel. Whereas total heat flux (amount of analysis of disc brake system indicates that if the
heat dissipation) in case of grey cast iron is 9.02% temperature and friction are higher then the efficiency
higher as compared to stainless steel. Hence it can be of the brake system reduces which has been justified in
concluded that gray cast iron provided good thermal and other references [35].
8 A. Babu Seelam et al.: Int. J. Simul. Multidisci. Des. Optim. 12, 19 (2021)

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Cite this article as: Anil Babu Seelam, Nabil Ahmed Zakir Hussain, Sachidananda Hassan Krishanmurthy, Design and analysis of
disc brake system in high speed vehicles, Int. J. Simul. Multidisci. Des. Optim. 12, 19 (2021)

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