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Choir Handbook 2022-2023

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August 15, 2022

Dear Students, Guardians, and Supporters of Choir at EMS,

Happy New School Year! I hope you had a restful and fun summer. I cannot wait
to start our year together — we are certainly in for an exciting 2022-2023! This year, we
will continue to have three large grade-level choirs, as well as Tiger Lily Select Treble
Choir and Vox Obsidian Baritone Choir for 7th and 8th grade choir students, and Wells &
Main A Cappella Choir for 8th grade students. Students will also have the opportunity
to represent our community at optional events, like Erie Country Christmas, festivals,
and honor choirs. Our students are so talented, and I know they’ll excel with the
challenging music we’ve selected for this year. It is my goal that students who take
three years of Choir will be exposed to at least 10 different languages and cultures, and
we will continue that tradition with this year’s music.

If you are new to the program, welcome! My name is Abby Martinez. In my

twelve years at Erie, it has been my goal to expose students to authentic and diverse
music while teaching healthy vocal technique and music theory -- all while being a little
crazy and having fun. I am very active in the choral music community as a clinician and
judge across the state, as well as the Chair Emerita of the Colorado Middle All State
Choir. In my free time, I like to run, paddle board, travel, visit with family and friends,
and hang out with my husband, Jeremiah, 6 year old daughter, Charlotte, and three
year old son, Asher. We are proud to have lived in Erie for the last five years.

I am thrilled to welcome back Mr. Scott Hamlin, our accompanist and

collaborative pianist at EMS. Mr. Hamlin comes to us with a wealth of knowledge and
experience, as he has been accompanying in SVVSD for the past 17 years. He received
his Bachelor of Music degree from Biola University and his Masters of Music in Choral
Conducting from UNC. Mr. Hamlin brings a unique perspective with his choir directing
background, and his positive energy and enthusiasm are infectious.

This year, all information will be available online at our choir website at or a physical copy can be provided
upon request. Please read through the handbook in its entirety for information on
concert and classroom attendance, attire, and expectations for the year. You’ll also be
able to see this information as well as all assignments, assessments, and other events on
our class Schoology page. With your student, using the website above please complete
and sign the agreement on the back of this page and return it by Friday, August 26th.

I value your insight and opinions, and am available to answer any questions.
Please feel free to call, email, or make an appointment to chat in person. I look forward
to seeing each of you and getting to know you better as we work together for another
incredible year!


Abby Martinez
Vocal Music Teacher
303-828-3391 ext. 34518

Scan for important Links!

Erie Middle School Choir Handbook
2021-2022 School Year

Friedrich Nietzshe once stated "Out of chaos comes order." Stephen Sondheim, the
brilliant composer and lyricist of several Broadway shows including Sweeney Todd and West
Side Story, played on this quote: "Art is, in itself, an attempt to bring order out of chaos." The
EMS choral classroom will be just that - one of structured chaos, opportunities to chat and
express ourselves, and lots of laughter, resulting in not only successful, but flourishing art.
The framework of a prosperous choir develops from a sense of community that can only be
achieved through high standards, opportunity, and mutual respect among students and
among singers and director. The voice is a vulnerable instrument, and singers cannot reach
their highest potential unless they are in a safe environment that allows and encourages them
to take risks that, at times, may generate mistakes.
Music is fundamental to lifestyles in almost every society. It has been used in rituals
and traditions, ceremonies, worship services, celebrations, and political appointments. Music
is everywhere and in every media: we hear it on the radio, television, a passing car, or a
humming passerby. It encourages intellectual, creative, emotional, behavioral, personal, and
social development. If for no other reason, one should never underestimate music’s splendor
and the innate human need to cultivate and experience beauty through music. As a music
educator, it is my responsibility to provide students with diverse and quality experiences
through opportunity for performance, academic study, exploration, and self-expression. It is
unlikely that most students will become professional musicians, but every single one is and
will continue to be a consumer of music. I hope that this program will not only produce
talented, intelligent musicians, but also more critical and appreciative music listeners.

Colorado Music Standards

1. Expression - Students will demonstrate human thought and emotion through the
medium of performance.
2. Creation - Students will demonstrate learned skills in the composition, improvisation,
and arranging of music.
3. Theory - Students will demonstrate an understanding of the distinctive language,
conventions, mechanics, and structure of organized sound.
4. Aesthetic Value - Students will demonstrate the knowledge needed to make a scholarly
and an individual judgment and critique of a musical piece for its beauty, heart, and
Expectations - What It Means to ROAR in Choir

- Honor yourself, each other, property and the value of our ensemble
- Avoid gum, food, and drinks (except water)
Respect - Contribute positively to the classroom atmosphere
- Refrain from talking during rehearsals and performances

- Come to class prepared - bring music, charged iPad, extra paper, a

pencil, and a water bottle to every rehearsal
- Be on time to class, rehearsals, and concerts
Organization - Be kind to your music! Tape any rips and write only in pencil
- Write any and all important information into music. This includes
dynamics, translations, breath marks, and special directions.

- Challenge yourself to learn and improve musical skills daily

- Give only your best effort and be an active participant
Achievement - Attend rehearsals regularly
- Attend ALL performances, and set an example of good concert
etiquette for the entire audience

- Choose to say only positive comments unless called upon for

constructive feedback
- Allow others to learn
Relationships - Be kind, considerate, and encouraging of others
- Consider others your teammates, not just your classmates. We will
celebrate each others’ successes and cheer for each other during

Other information regarding expectations:

• The Student Code of Conduct as it relates to ROARing, safety, dress code,

attendance, etc., will be in effect at all times - both in school and when students are
representing EMS in the community.
• Music can be very expensive; as such, students will be responsible for the cost of
replacing any lost or damaged music when borrowed. Music that is marked with
pens will be considered damaged.
• All music MUST be deleted off iPads at the end of the quarter per copyright

Attendance Policy
The prompt, punctual, and consistent attendance of each member at all rehearsals
and performances is essential to the overall success of the choral ensemble. Absenteeism
or a detracting attitude from any individual may negatively impact the performing
standard of the group. With this in mind, all choral classes will adhere to the EMS
attendance policy, as well as the following:

• Students are expected to bring their iPad, music, and pencil to class every day.
Students are also welcome to keep a water bottle at their seat.
• If a student misses any written or performance work, it is his/her responsibility
to make it up within two school days.
• Warm-ups at the beginning of class are crucial to good vocal health. Therefore,
unexcused tardiness will result in a deduction of daily points. Three unexcused
tardies will be counted as one unexcused absence.
• Excused vs. Unexcused absences and tardies will be determined by school policy.

• Concerts are a direct reflection of the values of Erie Middle School, and as such,
students will be expected to behave appropriately at all times. Poor behavior,
including disrespect to teachers, chaperones, audience members, or performers,
will result in a grade deduction.
• Missing a concert is comparable to missing a final exam; all concerts are a
culmination of many hours of hard work and preparation. Students will be
expected to attend ALL concerts. Any unexcused performance absence will
result in a major grade deduction.
• A live performance experience cannot be made-up, but excused absences only will
be given the opportunity to make-up point loss through a written or performance
assignment given by Mrs. Martinez, as per school policy.
• Unexcused concert absences will be given an opportunity to make up 75% of the
concert assessment score through a written or performance assignment given by
Mrs. Martinez, as per school policy.
• Excused vs. Unexcused absences will be determined by school policy; student
must inform Mrs. Martinez of foreseen absences as soon as possible, but AT

**** Please be sure to inform Mrs. Martinez of any conflicts with

concerts or other events as soon as a conflict is known. We can
often work out a compromise so students can participate in all of
their activities! Don’t forget to check your sports schedules and
other after-school commitments! ****
The choir grading policy will be based on district policy:
70% Assessments
Concerts (attendance and professionalism as a performer and
audience member), combined rehearsals, theory/sight-singing
quizzes, various singing assessments (major/minor scales, small
passages from music, etc.)
30% Learning Activities
Professionalism, daily sight-singing/dictation, theory, “World Music
Wednesday” assignments, Life Skills assignments, etc.

Important Dates
Bold Dates are MANDATORY*, but support your music department by attending other
events! Please enter these dates into your calendar ASAP -- make them a priority!
• October 4, 6, 10, 12, 3:15-7:30 pm ----- Parent Teacher Conferences
★ October 26, 6:00 pm* — 6th Grade Choir Concert @ EHS Auditorium
★ October 26, 6:45 pm* — 7th Grade Choir Concert @ EHS Auditorium
★ October 26, 7:30 pm* — 8th Grade Choir Concert (with Tiger Lily, Vox Obsidian,
and Wells & Main A Cappella Choir @ EHS Auditorium
• November 3, 6:00 pm — EMS Open House featuring Wells & Main
• November 17, 9 am-2 pm ----- Erie Men’s Festival with Vox Obsidian
• December 2, Time TBA ---- Erie Country Christmas on Briggs Street
• January 12, 6-8 pm — SVVSD Middle School Honor Choir Rehearsal @ EMS
• January 17, All Day ----- SVVSD Middle School Honor Choir @ Niwot HS
★ February 2, 4:30 pm* —— Erie Choral Festival, 8th Grade ONLY
• February 13 & 15, 3:15-7:30 pm ----- Parent Teacher Conferences
★ February 23, 6:00 pm* ----- 8th Grade Choir Concert @ EHS Auditorium
★ February 23, 6:45 pm* ----- 7th Grade Choir Concert @ EHS Auditorium
★ February 23, 7:30 pm* ----- 6th Grade, Tiger Lily, Vox Obsidian, and WAM Choir
Concert @ EHS Auditorium
• March 9-10, All Day & Overnight ----- Colorado Middle School All State Choir
★ March 15, 8:30-2:30* -- SVVSD Choral Fest., 8th Grade ONLY, location TBD
★ May 7, 3 pm - Celtic Collaboration Concert with Longmont Chorale, location TBD.
★ May 17, 6:30 pm* — 6th Grade Choir Pops Concert @ EHS Auditorium
★ May 18, 6:00 pm* — 7th Grade Choir Pops Concert @ EHS Auditorium
★ May 18, 7:15 pm* — 8th Grade Choir Concert (with Tiger Lily, Vox Obsidian, and
Wells & Main A Cappella Choir @ EHS Auditorium

* Students are required to stay only through the end of their grade level concert -- one concert each in
October, February, and May. (Eighth grade choir members have additional performances.)
Students are not required to stay for other concerts.

Concert Attire
While choral performance is primarily an aural art, visual presentation is extremely
important for the professionalism and initial impression of the choir. An ensemble can
expect to be taken only as seriously as it presents itself. Please pay special attention to the
requirement of each choir, as you will notice differences between choirs:

• 6th Grade Choir -- Any combination of black and white dress clothes. For example,
student may wear a black and white polka-dot top with black slacks or skirt, or
black dress shirt and slacks with a white tie, etc.
• 7 Grade Choir -- Long-sleeve or 3/4 length all-white, button-up, collared shirt.
Students should wear all black from the waist-down: black slacks (not jeans) or
skirts, and black dress shoes with black socks or tights. Students will receive a tie
or scarf before concerts. Students must return ties and scarves at the end of each
concert to ensure that the choir will have enough for the next performance.
• 8th Grade Choir -- Students will "rent" a school-owned dress or three-piece tie/shirt/
slacks ensemble at the beginning of the year during class time. Students will be
required to hem their dress/slacks at the beginning of the year and will be
responsible for removing the hem at the end of the year. All attire (except ties)
will be machine washable -- however, if student damages the uniform in any
way, they will be financially responsible for its timely replacement. Students will
provide their own black FLAT dress shoes.

- Skirts and slacks must be knee-length or longer; no shorts. Close-toed dress shoes
are strongly recommended and preferred, but not required.
- Tank tops, sleeveless tops, or tops baring the midriff should be avoided.
- Please wear black socks with black dress shoes.

A few notes regarding concert dress:

• No student will be penalized due to financial constraints. If there is difficulty in
purchasing part of the uniform, please contact the director in writing and
arrangements will be made to assist the student.
• Shoes for performance should be comfortable enough for extended periods of
standing and occasional stage movement. Keep shoe styles simple and plain. Flats
are suggested for women.
• Elaborate jewelry and hair accessories are to be avoided as they detract from the
uniformity of the choir.
• All singers should refrain from wearing any perfume, aftershave, or other
fragrances during performance. However, a shower and a little unscented
deodorant will make the atmosphere more tolerable for everyone!
Student/Guardian Agreement and Handbook Worksheet
Please return to Mrs. Martinez by Friday, August 26th.
All students who wish to participate in choir must sign this contract.

Student Name ______________________________________________ 6th Grade Choir

(Please Print)

For the Parent/Guardian (please initial):

______ I have read 2022-2023 Erie Middle School Choir Handbook at (See QR) I understand that a physical
copy of the handbook can be provided upon request.

______ I have read the performance schedule and noted these dates and required concert
attire (see QRs). I understand that the three Choir concerts are a required event and are a part
of my student’s choir grade. Additionally, I understand that choir is an academic
curricular priority and agree to make every effort in helping my student attend all

______ I agree to support my child’s efforts in choir by:

• Encouraging my child to commit to choir for the entire year.
• Helping my student succeed in choir by avoiding vacations during school days
• Returning forms, permission slips, and time sheets on time.
• Attending my child’s performances when possible

______________________________________________________ _________________
(Parent/Guardian Signature) (Date)

For the Student:

• I have read 2022-2023 Erie Middle School Choir Handbook at

info.html. I understand that a physical copy of the handbook can be provided upon request.

• I have read the performance schedule and noted these dates. My normal grade-level performances will be on:
★ October 26, 6:00 pm ----- 6th Grade Choir Concert @ EHS Auditorium
★ February 23, 7:30 pm ----- 6th Grade Choir Concert @ EHS Auditorium
★ May 17, 6:30 pm ----- 6th Grade Choir Pops Concert @ EHS Auditorium
If I am unable to attend any of these performances, I must let Mrs. Martinez know AT LEAST 2
WEEKS BEFORE THE PERFORMANCE date. I understand that choir is an academic class, and will
make every effort to attend concerts as my assessments. I will communicate any transportation needs
with the necessary adults well in advance of these dates.

• I will take care of all music provided to me. I understand that I share this music with other students, past,
present, and future, and that I will be charged for any damage done to music while in my possession.

• I will use my iPad as a learning tool, and will not use outside apps during class time or rehearsals.
• I will always give my best effort.

______________________________________________________ _________________
(Student Signature) (Date)
Student/Guardian Agreement and Handbook Worksheet
Please return to Mrs. Martinez by Friday, August 26th.
All students who wish to participate in choir must sign this contract.

Student Name ______________________________________________ 7th Grade Choir

(Please Print)

For the Parent/Guardian (please initial):

______ I have read 2022-2023 Erie Middle School Choir Handbook at (See QR) I understand that a physical
copy of the handbook can be provided upon request.

______ I have read the performance schedule and noted these dates and required concert
attire (see QRs). I understand that the three Choir concerts are a required event and are a part
of my student’s choir grade. Additionally, I understand that choir is an academic
curricular priority and agree to make every effort in helping my student attend all

______ I agree to support my child’s efforts in choir by:

• Encouraging my child to commit to choir for the entire year.
• Helping my student succeed in choir by avoiding vacations during school days
• Returning forms, permission slips, and time sheets on time.
• Attending my child’s performances when possible

______________________________________________________ _________________
(Parent/Guardian Signature) (Date)

For the Student:

• I have read 2022-2023 Erie Middle School Choir Handbook at

info.html. I understand that a physical copy of the handbook can be provided upon request.

• I have read the performance schedule and noted these dates. My normal grade-level performances will be on:
★ October 26, 6:45 pm ----- 7th Grade Choir Concert @ EHS Auditorium
★ February 23, 6:45 pm ----- 7th Grade Choir Concert @ EHS Auditorium
★ May 18, 6:00 pm ----- 7h Grade Choir Pops Concert @ EHS Auditorium
If I am unable to attend any of these performances, I must let Mrs. Martinez know AT LEAST 2
WEEKS BEFORE THE PERFORMANCE date. I understand that choir is an academic class, and will
make every effort to attend concerts as my assessments. I will communicate any transportation needs
with the necessary adults well in advance of these dates.

• I will take care of all music provided to me. I understand that I share this music with other students, past,
present, and future, and that I will be charged for any damage done to music while in my possession.

• I will use my iPad as a learning tool, and will not use outside apps during class time or rehearsals.
• I will always give my best effort.

______________________________________________________ _________________
(Student Signature) (Date)
Student/Guardian Agreement and Handbook Worksheet
Please return to Mrs. Martinez by Friday, August 26th.
All students who wish to participate in choir must sign this contract.

Student Name ______________________________________________ 8th Grade Choir

(Please Print)

For the Parent/Guardian (please initial):

______ I have read 2022-2023 Erie Middle School Choir Handbook at (See QR) I understand that a physical
copy of the handbook can be provided upon request.

______ I have read the performance schedule and noted these dates and required concert
attire (see QRs). I understand that the three Choir concerts are a required event and are a part
of my student’s choir grade. Additionally, I understand that choir is an academic
curricular priority and agree to make every effort in helping my student attend all

______ I agree to support my child’s efforts in choir by:

• Encouraging my child to commit to choir for the entire year.
• Helping my student succeed in choir by avoiding vacations during school days
• Returning forms, permission slips, and time sheets on time.
• Attending my child’s performances when possible

______________________________________________________ _________________
(Parent/Guardian Signature) (Date)

For the Student:

• I have read 2022-2023 Erie Middle School Choir Handbook at

info.html. I understand that a physical copy of the handbook can be provided upon request.

• I have read the performance schedule and noted these dates. My normal grade-level performances will be on:
★ October 26, 7:30 pm —- 8th Grade Choir Concert @ EHS Auditorium
★ February 2, 4:30 pm —- Erie Choral Celebration, 8th Grade ONLY @ EHS
★ February 23, 6:00 pm —-8th Grade Choir Concert @ EHS Auditorium
★ May 7, 3:00 pm —- Celtic Collaboration Concert with Longmont Chorale,
location TBD.
★ May 18, 7:15 pm —- 8th Grade Choir Concert @ EHS Auditorium
If I am unable to attend any of these performances, I must let Mrs. Martinez know AT LEAST 2
WEEKS BEFORE THE PERFORMANCE date. I understand that choir is an academic class, and will
make every effort to attend concerts as my assessments. I will communicate any transportation needs
with the necessary adults well in advance of these dates.
• I will take care of all music provided to me. I understand that I share this music with other students, past,
present, and future, and that I will be charged for any damage done to music while in my possession.
• I will use my iPad as a learning tool, and will not use outside apps during class time or rehearsals.
• I will always give my best effort.

______________________________________________________ _________________
(Student Signature) (Date)

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