BSRM Steel Limited
BSRM Steel Limited
BSRM Steel Limited
Finance Cost
Finance Income
Net Profit Before Tax and WPPF and Welfare Fund
Contribution to WPPF and Welfare Fund
237,876,679 297,973,028 151,791,502
2,308,532,431 2,338,262,107 1,825,705,164
-3,392.07 -1,517,336
1,797,403,492 8,425,548,581 740,759,286
1,797,403,492 740,759,286 740,759,286
Non-Current ASSETS:
Property, plant and equipment
Right of use Asset
Intangible Assets
Capital work-in-progress
Investment in associates
Total Non-Current Assets
Current Assets
Trade & Other Receivables
Due from related companies
Share capital
Revaluation Reserve
Retained Earning
Total Equity
Non-Current Liabilities:
Long term loans
Defined benefit obligations-Gratuity
Finance lease obligation-Non current position
Deferred tax liabilities
Total Non-Current Liabilities
Current Liabilities:
Trade payable
Short term loan
Current portion of long term loans
Current account with related companies
Finance lease obligations-current position
Due related Companies
Liabilities for expenses
Current tax liabilites
Provision for Income tax
Provision for WPPF and Welfare Fund
Other liabilities
Contract Liabilities
Total Current Liabilities
Total Liabilities
Total Equity & Liabilities
For the year 2
1,540,077,748 4,924,790,194 822,902,651
461,123,854 1,011,064,184 1,063,799,629
Dividend paid
Receipt/(Re-payment) of long term loan
Receipt/(Re-payment) of short term loan
Loan received from/(paid to) affiliated companies and others
Decrease in Non-controlling interest
Net cash provided by/(used in) Financing activities