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Assertive Communication Quiz

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Directions: Circle the answer that describes how you communicate most often.
P=Passive, Ag=Aggressive, P/A=Passive Aggressive, and As: Assertive

1. My friends would call me:

P: shy
Ag: loud
P/A: sarcastic
As: confident

2. I usually:
P: don’t share my opinions even though I have them.
Ag: share my opinions in a demanding way.
P/A: have opinions but don’t share them and then become angry towards everyone
As: have opinions and share them with others while being open and respectful to the
opinions of others.

3. I feel:
P: that the opinions of others matter more than my own.
Ag: that my opinions matter more than the opinions of others.
P/A: that I will follow the opinions and ideas of others but talk badly about them
behind their backs.
As: that my needs are important and so are the needs of others.

4. When walking into a crowded room:

P: I want to hide my face.
Ag: I don’t mind pushing my way through the crowd.
P/A: I may push someone out of my way and then blame it on someone else.
As: I smile and say “hi” to others and respect other people’s space.

5. I often:
P: ignore problems.
Ag: cause problems.
P/A: hide problems.
As: solve problems.
Scoring: For each letter, add up your total number and write it below.


P=_______________ Ag=________________P/A=_______________ As=________________

What communication style do you use the most? ______________________________________

NOW PRACTICE: How should you communicate in each situation below? Circle the
Assertive communication method and see if you can identify the other methods of
communication too.

1. In class:
A. I’m too afraid to raise my hand even though I know the answer.
B. I shout the answer because I always know them and no one else ever does.
C. I know the answer but never participate and then get angry at other people who do.
D. I raise my hand when I know the answer and give others the opportunity to do the

2. I am:
A. bossy and intimidating towards others.
B. afraid to state what I really feel because I don’t want others to judge me.
C. understanding of my limits and I don’t allow anyone to push me beyond them.
D. two-faced: I come across as pleasant and friendly, but actually I am very angry
and resentful.

3. You got a bad grade on a test and you’re not sure why. What do you do?
A. You ask the teacher to talk after class. You respectfully explain your confusion
about your grade and ask what you can do differently next time.
B. You get angry at the teacher and shout how horrible he/she is.
C. You don’t say anything but you talk badly about the teacher behind his/her back.
D. You don’t say anything. It’s not a big deal.

4. Someone cuts in front of you in line…

A. Say nothing, but glare at them and "accidentally" push them a little.
B. Say nothing and do nothing.
C. Assume they didn't know you were in line; gently explain that you waiting before
D. Yell at them and shout for them to return to their place.
5. Someone called you a bad name…
A. You believe what they say and feel badly about yourself.
B. You call them a bad name right back.
C. You walk away and then write them a mean, anonymous note.
D. You gently tell them that you don’t appreciate nor deserve being called that name
and walk away.

How did you do? CHECK YOUR ANSWERS: The Assertive communication answers are: 1.
D, 2. C, 3. A, 4. C, 5. D

In what ways can you be more assertive?


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