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HPSC AP Physics 2016

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lLccruitmcnt lcst for thc posts of'Assistant Prof'cssors (Collcgc Cadrc) - 2016

Subjcct: Physics Codc: 39 Qucstion Ilooklct Scrics: [$

Name : Rol1No.:
OMR Shcct No.:
t I o ue lilca rl.: CrnAlarr"l

'l'imc Allorved : 2 IIours

!Iax. )Iarks : 100

Numbcr of Pages in this Booklct : 28 Numbcr of Qucstions in this Booklct : 100

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f4r$ ron dI Zfa; $t\ orsse oqr{, nq-gq cv< d qn,r} ,} G1'qil sfi gRnfiT qcrqr i} t qfteTI sq{B gq trqt-R al frfft dl
Rrmr{rd qq Ffiqq =r€l f+q qrg{Tr l

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4. Thcre are FOUR options to cach question. Darkcn only onc to which you think is thc right answcr. Thcrc will be
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q-ct-ocrq d en fr-oe t< .rC t r {iie-o1 onq s€} uirq qrqi t, d {a{ dra r-o Tfl o) [fr nr6 Ti I Tm( \rd{ d ftc o}i 3ro
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qR iF){ rq ord e\ a} s-E' syi gkmT d orf, t fu t
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8. Write the BOOKLET SERIES in the space provided in the answer sheet, by darkening the corresponding
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@oo@ @6C@ @ c @@ @ d o@ @ o o@

9. Regarding incorrect questions or answers etc. Candidates kindly see NOTE at the last page of the Question
rrdd !.sq sT s-rn {srR S fu sdf{qri s-eII sv;i 5Rffi S 3{frq Yrd q"r F< ,Tc q}z oi id t

10.In casc of any discrcpancy in English and llindi vcrsion, thc English vcrsion will bc takcn as f,rnal.
qR 3rffi gq fffi fa--q*i"r i tht{ f}'ffi E} rn Br}S fa-{i!T srfrq qrfl \frlYrT l
[] When a thin film of thickness r is (a) 10*a Joule (qo)
placed in the path of light wave emerging
out of 51 then increases in the length of (b) 10-3 qo
optical path will be
(c) 10-2 qa
(d) 10-tqo
(c) pr
[3] V2u : - 4np represents
(a) Maxwell's equation
[] oe 16 qilft tu-n, ftm-frffi r t, dr Sr
t onft g$ u-oru il{.r d cq t Ti*r qnr t dr (b) Laplac's equation'

q-o.rats vu t g{ qffi ffi CFt

(c) Poisson's equation

(d) None of these

(b)(p+1)r : - 4npsrsRfd Erdr t
[3] V2u

(c) ttt (a) We ir,fi-6.rur

(d|ptt (b) dviTrs Eq-qrrur

(c) vru-*fn srfi-m-iur

[2] A beam of unpolarised light having

(d) E-,rn t dr$ Te
flux 103 watt fails normally on a polarizer
of cross sectional area3 x l0-a m2. The
polarizer rotates with an angular frequency [a] The energy of electromagnetic wave in
of 31.4 rad / s. The energy of light passing vacuum is given by relation
through the polarizer per revolution will be
(a) (E2l2e()) + (B2DV;)
(a) l0-a Joule
(b) (1/2)eeE2 + 1l/21stsB2
(b) l0-3 Joule
(c) 10-2 Joule
(d) (l/2)e6r2 + 1B2tlps1
(d) l0-lJoule
[4] Ye-d gq-dm f,w d ffid t s-si 6r qrq--q I
[2] q-o oTtrftq c-silcr gq fusol rF?FKr (wrfl 103
(a) (82/2es) + (B2Dpo)
de t, vo drcmrE-"fr fusor oTe-e-oen fa 3 x
lO-a m2. t w Se) oTrcfud dtfi t +d-{sw !-o. (b) (1/2)eeE2 + (U2)psB2

ddr+ eiTgfu 31.4 tfuqq cfr to t qrar t rr* (c)(E'+Bltc

gs ssD w qrd-{{sr t Tqti qrdt q-6rci (d) (l/2)e6F2 + (Bzt}trts)

d dqt or qn dr.n
AP/2017/0039 Series-D Page | 1
t5l A magnetic dipole of dipole [6] wr ftqqf, sTfrcr otx uRqI6qdr e) tgo
moment z is placed in a non-uniform'
magnetic field B. If the position vector of
gq-frq st' t s-{ftid o-t qot t?
the dipole is Z the torque acting on the O(;, ):3xyz-4tand At r ):(2x-
dipole about the origin is o!i+ rS,,_22)i + (z _2ei,u\i.,q-d ro

(a) i 1 *. E1 \'tr ft{dlzF t t

(b) i * v < *. bl (a) ei'qd-q')-s i
@)(mx\) (c) a ue ar: 0 dr cq
@)(;"b!+i* v ( *. B) (d),re

[5] q-o E$ftq gwo futor srgqrd dr+€

zl t o\ vo 3r{rffiI gE-6s f: B t rqr [7] An infinite conducting sheet in the x-y
plane carries a surlace current density K
along the y-axis' The magnetic field B for
qrar t r qR Eus 6T wrFr ac-c{ ; t dr srgdq Z>0is
d d-< d qR) e-tw. orri tnf,T qq em*t wr dr.n (a) B : 0

ixf 6)B:ttoKktz

(b) 7* 11m.b1 (c)B:1tsKi/2
@)( mx D (d)B:FoKJ l(x2+22)o5

@(; "b1+i * v ( *.b [7]so3ffi<Iqrc4?rfi-ed x-yfrciiy-

eTe d qrti tr{rr \16' ETM fu{r6r q+aq K t qo €
tn-c Z > 0 Sfrtc gq-6s et B ?DT qrtc+tdr.TI

[6] Can the following scalar and vector (a) B : 0

potentials describe an electromagnetic
0( t):3xyz-4tand A( a t):(2x
att)i+ (y-24i + Q-zei\i.,where atisa (d) B : FoKJ I (x2 + zz)}5

(a) Yes, rn the Coulomb gauge

(b) Yes, in the Lorentz gauge
(c) Yes, provided o:0
(d) No

Series-D Page | 2
[8] The vector potential due to cument [10] The electric field inside the sphere at
distribution is: a distance d from the centre is

(a) A: (1tsl 4nr)lPl -

-kdz o
(a) Es,

(b) A: (polsll 4xr) -D

-kra ^
A: (b)
(c) (l/4ne6)[P] ="r
-kd2 o
(d) None of these
[8] *rTiT A ft-iliur d onq qfus ftqq dr,n
-kE} *
A: (d) 6
(a) (y,sl 4nr)lPl ="
(b) A: (W)bll 4xr) [10] ro.H d oret dq q d $ w fuo *e
(c) A: (1/4ne s)[P] OI qlq EITI

(d) a-{q t oti i-e ,

-kdx ^
t9l A Michelson interferometer is &)='r^
illuminated with
monochromatic light.
-kdr r
When one of the mirrors is moved through (c)+u
a distance of 25.3,92 fringes pass through
the crosswire. The wavelength of the -kRE *
monochromatic light is
(d) E" E

(a) 500 nm An electron gains energy so that its

[1 1]
mass becomes 2ms. Its speed is
(b) 550 nm
(a) t(r/:)/zlc
(c) 600 nm
@) (3/a)c
(d) 650 nm
(c) (3t2)c
[9] qo qr{m-f,s{ E€i6-ift-i{ q{ t'6 quT rmryr
(d) {t(3/2)cl
q-.s-dr t ra-q o'r$ qo q{rr 25.3, {ft qta-or t ac

d-s{r{i t 92 fr i g.qrft t t 1'o-ffi y6p,

[ 1] ro qd-rifr s-qi crw o-rcr t ftmd o"r<vr
{s-6T lrqqH 2-n dr rnar t t gsfr qfr eqr dFt
fr n-{Gd t
(a) t(r/:)/zlc
(a) 500 nm
0) (3/a)c
(b) 550 nm
(c) (3t2)c
(c) 600 nm
(d) vt(3/2)cl
(d) 650 nm

APl20r7l0039 Series-D Page i 3

[12] In an electromagnetic field, which one (b) ala
of the following remains invariant under
L orcntz tran s formati on?
(c) (2a)lat

ExE (d) al(Aat)


@) B - c'B'
(c) B' [14] What are charge density and the total
charge of the system which gives rise to
@)tr the electric field E(x):[(qe"')/r3] i?

[2] ro tgd g<-6q ei, t frq q t drt dtq (a) o

Frrnrd-rqddrin er-+a / erqffinroort (b) +r

@)Exb (c) -1

(b\ E - c'B' (d) rr

(c) B' t14l Bgd eta E(x):[(qe*)lfltBcE @-{i

@)t S ftc cund or silivr q=t<r dqT q-o uriv dr.n t

(a) o

[13] The dispersion relation for (b) +1

electromagnetic wave in a certain medium
is given by ,' : ak, where a is a constant, (c) -1
ro the frequency and k the magnitude of the
(d) 11
wave vector. The velocity of energy
propagation in this medium is:

(a) al(2uo)

(b) ala

(c) (za)la

@) at(a)
[13] ro frRa-d qreqq d tgd g<-drq a-r'.r A ftc
S-ds / M'q stq-.q 6y2 = ak, t, qd

a fl-r+oio i.', rrl eflEfu olrt f HT.r

i-su{6l qRunq ttqrurq t s-stA

r-+tq 6 n6 X'

(a) al(2at)

APl20t7/0039 Page | 4
[15] The photoelectric threshold of tl7l A beam of light of wavelength I with
tungsten is 230040. The energy of the iilumination Z falls on a clean surface of
electrons ejected from the surface by Sodium. If N photoelectrons are emitted
ultraviolet light of wavelength 180040 is: each with kinetic energy E, then:

(a) 0.15 eV (a) N a L and E oc L

6)Nat.and Equ)"
(c)l5eV (c)Nal. andEocl
(d) o'30 ev (d) N .. u). and,E oc L

[15] ene{ o't FDT.T tgd w 2300A0'

] q-6.M gq ffi
trqsrffiq-orvrffiiltq Sd 1800A0 L^'r
[17] r-o i-{Gd ), stri ffi /
t fr cffi6 g ffi E_d-+qrq dr g-qi cnt
r qE$i€rq z t, drBqq d err sd6 c{ oncft-f,

(a) 0.15 eV Crft t r qR N €rgr t drffi+qiq ffi t otR

(b) 01.5 eV Errr-s rrft-qs-sl E tac
(c) 15eV (a)NaLoelTEocL
(d) o.3o ev 0) N a L oen E q. U)"
(c)Noc1, oetTEocL
[6] An electron with rest mass tno, n
(d) N o. l/)' eqr E oc L
with a speed of 0.g c. what will be ,rlo'"t
present mass is:

(a) mo [18] Bragg's equation will have no

solution if
(b) m, / 6
(c) 5 m,l 3 @) )"> Za

(d) 3m, I 5 $) )'' <2d

]' < d
[16] roEtWqftrsorfrertqqqrq rn, t slm @)
0.8 c. rrfr t {frqn t t gs-6, q$flq qd{flq
(d) },,: d
wrcFn t18l hrstro-rqorottsorr€tcrrnsR
(a) m, @) ?u> 2d
(d) 3m, I 5
(d) ?u: d

AP/201710039 geries-D page 5

[19] The wavelength associated with a constructive interference is observed at 0
gold ball weighing 2009 and moving at a equal to:
speed of 5m/h is of the order of: (h: 6.626 (a) (nt6)
*10-34 Js)
0) (n/a)
(a) 10-1om
(c) (n/8)
(b) 10-20 m
(d) (n/3)
(c) 10*30 m
[2 1] ro fr-€-d q or-ddrrq {fr t t qR sTI €
(d) 10-ao m
{e-f,{=ii S qrq slrt r p : hld, dr s-6r h qrfi
llel fr{rffo t oelr eTrt'r r{rqffid A-{ t e drq e-{rdr
\'fi dri d e{-d fuq-ol t stri dl
qcn 2o 0 TTo d dr o-*-qft-is Ez{frrqtq d ftc e 6'r qrc drn
5m/h 6 rfr t Tfrnq t, vs d-n t W dFrdd (a) (nt6)
ffidffi (h:6.626 r10-34 Js)
(a) 10-1om
$) @/a)
(c) (n/8)
(b) 10-20 m
(d) (n/3)
(c) 10-30 m
(d) 10-ao m [22] Which one of the following is
accompanied by the characteristic X - ray
[20] Compton's scattering experiment (a) Flelium nucleus emission
seems to indicate that radiation has
(b) Electron emission
(a) Wave-like properties
(c) Positron emission
(b) Particle-like pruperties
(c) Both wave and particle-like properties
(d) Neither wave-like nor particle-like ftqftfur t t dH str-td lsrq
properties gffiffi-d drdr V
(a) Rfuqq rTlfuo o"r BG-f{
otq-cq ffiq or ydrr <qtdr t fu frfoqq d qrs (b) e-d-ftf{ or vcqrd-c

(a) a-r,r fr nrc gu
'trkqq or vsd-c
(b) oq dr aro X"r t
(c) dr=ii, m;.r 3tn 6ur fr are gvr t
(d) t fr f,r.r fr <-w etn q €r Eur 6 aro X"r t

[21] The interplanar separation in a crystal

is d. If the incoming electrons have a
momentum P : Wd, h being the planck's
constant and the momentum makes an
angle 0 with the reflecting planes, the

APl20t7/0439 Series-D Page | 6

[23] An electron of mass 'm' and charge fzslr,w d eTrt r or s.nfi-{qn wr dr.n, furn-o.r
'e' initially at rest gets accelerated by a
6sq qc.ffi s(x) : *"#* ikx I
constant electric field E. The rate of charge
of de-Broglie wavelength of this electron
(a) trk
at time r, ignoring relativistic effects, is (b) (hk)ta
(a)l-ht@Ehl (c) o
(b) f-eht t E) (d) (,h)/(a2)
(d) [-ht(eE)) [26] For the rigid sphere of radius a,the
scattering cross section at low energies is
[23] q-o Ed-{fiq fusol qaFrFr 'rn ' str onqu 'e'
given as:
t ernfYosqii frnqr+*enii trsoftq-f,Ed e?
(a) 2na2
E d EM dRH drdr t r r qryq t
{@.{ * gq de-
Broglie i-G{ d e-{di d <wr Crfr, (b) xa2
cntfFo-dr d qqrs fi nqrq wrdl (c) 3xa2
(a) l-ht@Efil (d) 4na2
(b) f-eht / fl [26] a fuqr + gq'H d ft\,6q s-ql q-r
(c) f-mht@Efi) S-cftroTq-+rcn t
(d) l-ht(efl) (a) 2xa2

(b) na2
palThe energy of a particle in a box is (c) 3na2
given by:
(d) 4xa2
(a) Continuous energy spectrum

(b) [(n2r2h'ltqzmr'y
[27] Which of the following is not a Boson?
(c) 11n2n\t(2mt2n2)) (a) Neutral helium atom
(d) [(nh)/(2n)] (b) u particles
[24] v-o tr{q t o"r dr s-qi q-ffi ffi t (c) Photon
(a) eGE s-qt q+qg
(d) Muons
(b) [(n2n2h'1t1zmr'11
lz7lfrq t t dH ffi{ T€it?
(c111n2n\t(2mt2n2)1 (a) ile*?i frfr?rq qg
(d) [(nh)/(2r)] (b) oror (a) - oq
[25] The expectations value of momentum (c) +Hr
of a particle whose wave function is
_-3 (d) qutrc
g(x): Nr#* ikx, is given as:

(a) trk
(b) (hk)tu
(c) o
(d) (ih)t(a2)
APt20t7/0039 Series-D Page | 7
[28] If the oscillator is in its normal state, pl: iil, tdr [.r', p] oran dr.n
[30] qfr lx,
then the probability of finding the particle
outside the classical limits
approximately: &) -2i[x'
(a) t6% (c) -3iflr'
(b)24% (d) +3inrl
@) a8%
(d) 84% [31] The time - independent Schrodinger
equation of a system represents the
[28] qR drfrr* oTci slqr;q er+s?ir d t dl
wrfuo-o ftqr d qre{ 6q d qtc qri dt conservation of the
qqgil Of e.f.Trr CH t (a) total binding energy of the system
(a) 16%
(b) total potential energy of the system
(c) total kinetic energy of the system
@) a8%
(d) total energy of the system
(d) 84%
[31] v-o cunfr 6'r qryq wff{ 4rE R

[29] Which one of the following relations

(Schrodinger) vfi-o-qq waq A ftrn ftqq dr
is true for Pauli matrices ox,6y and cr?
rqo orar t
(a) oror: oro*
(a) rrnd d ew s-qt dr
(b) o*or: o, Xot

(b) sunfi A Xd RerFrq igqt dr

(c) o*or: io,
(c) rwd d qlf qmo s-qi dr
(d) o*o', :6yo"
(d) curffi A Ed s-qt dr
[29] qNA (Pauli) msq <rx, Gy dsrl oz
+frc ftr{ q t df{ w {eq rnq t-
(a) o'*or:610*

(b) o*or: o,
(c) o,or: io,
(d) o*o, : cyo,

[30] If [x,p] : in, the value of [x', p] is

(a) 2iflr'
(b) -2iilx'
(c) -3iflx'
(d) +3iflx'

AP/201710039 Page | 8
[32] The normalized wave functions qr [34] For nitrogen Cp - C,= x and for argon
and correspond to the ground state and
<pz C, - C, : y. The relation between a andb
the first excited state of a particle in a is given by
potential. You are given the information (a) *: y
that the operator i acts on the 'wave (b) x:74
functions u, f : gt : tFz and i : #z : (c) :7
9r. Which of the following are eigen (d) x: (Ilz)y
functions of A2 ?
[34] il{dd.t etri oTr,lq d ftq rq$, Co - Cu: x
(a) q, and <p2
deTI Cp C, : y. d nt a oiri b
(b) qz and not <p1 d qeq ii se-+t drqr
(c) qr and not 92 (a) x: y

(d) Neither
{p1 nor e2
(c) y:7
[32] w ftqs t qrflq-E-d a-rrr s-irfi {p1 and <p2

our d qmrq offirceTr elr cQ.Tq sifud er+*Qn d

(d) x: (rlz)y
ergu+tt3ilqo)Em tfu qaq q-€-diw ffizq
.{': qL: flcoalf : r4z: th. [35] A reversible and an irreversible
fr ars or{ o-ror t frrc t t drq,42 o.1 qr{t{
r engine are operating between the two same
wcot? temperatures. The efficiency of
(a) ,p, fr q, (a) Both the engine will be 100 %

(b) qz ft q, o& (b) Reversible engine will be 100 %

(c) Irreversible engine will be 100 %
(c) qr ft q, t&
(d) Reversible engine will be greater
[35] A qqn flqf,Sid qeq so cffi sin
[33] If the particle is in the first excited so slcRs.ff vq-c 6.rd ra dr dr gr-A errar aft
state, then the probability of finding the (a) <lir qs=i d error 100 % d'ft
particle is maximum at (b) cffi d qror 100 % dFt
(a) x: (L/6)
(c) emffi Esq A eTrnr 100 % dFt
(b) x: (L/2)
(d) cffi qq{ fi eTT{r srfY6 d-fr
(c) x: (L/3)
(d) x: (Ll4) and(3L14)
[33] qR oq qqq vtfud er+en t t ile 6"r d
qK, qri dt €rrm{r oTfYo.dq dr,t

(a) x: (L/6)
(b) x: (L/2)
(c) x: (L/3)
(d) x: (L/4) aw (3L14)

Series-D Page | 9
t t36l The ideal black body is [38] Vander-Waal's equation predicts that
(a) Lump of charcoal heated to a high the critical coefficient of a gas
temperature [(RT")/(P"V")] has the value
(a) 8/3
(b) Metal coated with a black dye
(c) Glass surface coated with coalta r
b) 2

@) 413
(d) Hollow enclosure blackend inside and
(d) 3/8
having a smallhole
[38] arcr-oi'o sfi-o-{ur Er €rEqr{ t fo +rs or
[36] w ern:i w fte t
rrfr-fi. Wno. [(RT")/(P"V")] or en t
(a) ua dr35-q irs'rrd gur an-dro or t-< (a) 8/3
(b) ord sd t r,t S€ ,rrg
.o) 2
(c) otoon t gfr silti d sff6
@) a/3
(d) ot-q-i fr aqw o.rdr r+-drq-f,r .hor ffi \,fi (d) 3/S
drcr frq dr

[39] The Joule-Thomson coefficient

1371 Air in a cylinder is suddenly (aTlaP)h for an ideal gas is
compressed by a piston, which is then (a) Less than zero at all temperatures and
maintained at the same position. With the
passage of time
(b) zeto at all temperatures and pressures
(a) The pressure increases
(b) The pressure may increases or (c) Greater than zero at all temperatures
and Pressures
(c) The pressure remains the same
(d) Can have any value depending on
pressures and temperatures'
(d) The pressure decreases
]rs d'ftc qd-silq{
l37l frftrw { eq dr \ d anr [39] sTrqd
XuIr6 (aTlaP)h
ffiBdo.-{dtrcr\rqrreffrq{e-{rcrqitr t
trqq Xq{i d wq
(a) wft nrcirq efr {qrq q{ t oq t
(a) <vrc eltr @) vfi dFr5q eln=-flq o-rcfq t

(b) q-qrq qdqr qa q-o-dr t (c) wft dFrmrr elruqqrq wvxq t orfY6 t
(c) e-qrs Ei=,r fi-*q rkn (d) <-{q slr drwq w ft*tt e-rd gs trt$ ft
(d) <-+ro vbrn
qrq dr rn-6-dr t

AP/201710039 Series-D Page I l0

[a0] Which one of the following properties pzl On the T-S diagram, an isotherm is a
of a body remains constant during a straight line parallel to the entropy axis.
reversible adiabatic process? What does the area under the isotherm
(a) Enthalpy indicate?
(b) Temperature
(a) The work done by the system
(c) Specific heat
(b) The change in internal energy of the
(d) Entropy

[40] cffi cffitro cbqr d A$q ft6rq Er (c) The heat exchanged during the process
(d) The work done on the system
drc rrr Xur ft+a q"ir €dI V Sfi
[42] T-S etts w l-<\ft oTEr d sqFnin
(a) vcdd ts*r \'fr srdrfrq ter tr{s tqsr d eiafo or
(b) orq-oq
&t s-dwrsqffrdo-rort?
(c) frRts v.sqr
(a) nmtt d anr ft'qr.rqr od
(d) c-qft
(b) cund d oridfto s-qi t q{erFr

(c) qfuqr d +t- s'ErT or oflqn-qqn

(d) cunfr w fu-qr .q 6rS
[a1] Which one of the Maxwell's
thermodynamics relations given below
lead to Clausius - Clapeyron equation?
[43] Using second latent heat equation
Cz {r: (dL / dT) - (L lT). Show that the
(a) (?Tl?Y)s: (aPlas)v
specific heat of system is negative:
o) (aTlaP)5: (dvldS)p (a) If L: 800 - 0.7057

(c) (as/apr:
(b) rf L: 800T - 0.070s
@PIAT)v gas at 300K
(c) If L: 800T2 - 0.7057
(d) (as/aP)5: (6Vl6T)p
(d) If L: 800T - 0.705T2

[41] ftq t t dH sr sErT,rffiq or misl t43l ERs UkT sqr Bfi-o-rur Cz -Cr (dL /
dT) - (L I T). or sqdrrr orn gv f{qr{ fu
ftrifuTs sdft-ft uq-fiq fr sim qror t? cunfi fr ftRressqr au6c'rfi drfr:
(a) ()Tt)Y)s: (aPlas)v (a) qR L: 800 0.7057-
(b) qR L: 800T - 0.0705
(b) (arlaP)5: (dvl6s)p
(c) qR L: 800T2 - 0.7057
(c) (as/dv)r: (lPl1T)v 300K qr
(d) qR L: 800T - 0.705T2
(d) (as/aP)5: (6VldT)p

AP/2017t0039 Series-D Page | 11

144)ln statistical physics, the absolute [a6] Which of the following relations
temperature T of a system is related to the between free energy F and the
total number of accessible states C) as: microcanonical partition function z, is true?
(a) KT : (AO"IAE) (a) F: -N(6/dT)log z
(b) KT: (dloga/dE) (b) F : NKT log z
(c) (l/KT) : @alAE) (c) F : NKT2 log z

(d) (l/KT): (6logQ/dE) (d)F:NK(d/6V)logz

[aa] efrfuo-o fifufr t cqrfr fl wq drqsrq T [a6] ffifuo ii drq sr vcu gw v.-qi F
or {eq gau ere-+weiifr rr$ \lwr O t t strq qr{*tffirfu+-d frrT1-q{ v6f z d ftc se V
(a) KT : (AQ/AE) (a) F: -N(d/6T)log z

(b) KT: (6logA/6E) (b) F : NKT log z

(c) (l/Kr) : @ataE) (c) F : NKT2 log z

(d) (l/KT): (0logQ/6E) (d) F: NK(d/dV)log z

[45] In a microcanonical ensemble, a L47) A Wheatstone bridge has ratio anns

system A of fixed volume is in contact of 1000Cl and 100C) resistance; the
with a large reservoir B. Then standard resistance arrn consists of 4
(a) A can exchange only energy with B decade resistance boxes of 1000Q, 100C1,
l0C), lC) steps. The maximum and
(b) A can exchange only particles with B
minimum values of unknown resistance
(c) A can exchange neither energy nor which can be determined with this setup is
particle with B (a) lll100Q, lC)

(d) A can exchange both energy and (b) 11110Q, 10C)

particles with B (c) 1111000Q, 10C,

(d) None of the above

[a5] ql{dr$iltus-d or-i-SEo t ctr frqiftd
errrrcT fr cunfi A c-fr G ftq-qiq-r g + furc
[47) l:o + er-JqTd gursiior wt
rtrrdtdrd: 1000(} 3tK l00O trqrqouffiru goi 4
(a) A d-*o B d qrar t
s-qt er or<rt qqm e-ror qsr6 qftrtrtroqq{i fu{q I000Q, I00O, IOC),
(b) A d-o-f, B d qrq ouiiol crFin eqm o-ror t etr lC) d pq t ft-d-o.-{ qi t r w qq-*en d enr
qrft qri otfr orlf6-rq s qi-ilq orard cmrdi
(c) A, B dqrqnAs'q elncfrsraior
o-r qn dr.n
oilEirq qtin oror t (a) 111100Ct,1C2
(d) A dr+r, s-qi stri o"uiiET efl-qn q-{H B 6 (b) 11110fi,10Q
m'ers{frr t (c) lll10000, 10Ct

(d) sq-tm t dr€ Te

AP/201710039 Series-D Page i 12

directly (d) All of the above.
[48] Planck's constant can be
t50l f{o. Eac-& c'{rfr fttde-{
measured using: q-t

(a) Millikan's oil droP exPeriment (a) v.aor t eiitu Q o\Riiru engfr e-'di w
(b) Photoelectric effect experiment caar t
(c) AC Josephson effect experiment (b) u-cor t ditu Q ottut{ urgfr ea-i w
(d) Michelson - Moreley experiment q.aar t
t48l fu-smr Bqdrrr o--{& qro nq-aro d ftt} dR
(c) Q otfutq d drqrft d onur 3Tr{ft n qqn
c{sHIqrq+ar t
(a) ftftro< 6l i-.T {s sdFr
d eroql ste sqn t
(d) sv-trm sfi
(b) u-orvr figo utrio u-dn
(c) AC drsw-s{ q.rtqrdlrr
t51l Two resistances 100+5Cl and
d€ 150+150 are connected in series' If the
(C) qrE-o-e-wq - qdrrl

deviations are standard deviations, the

resultant resistance can be expressed as
[49] Hall effect is useful in determining:
(a) The number density of charge carriers (a) 250+204

and also their tYPe. (b) 2s0+10C)

(b) Neither the number density of charge (c) 250+15.84

carriers nor their tYPe. (d) 2s0+10.6C)

(c) The number density of charge carriers

but not their tY.oe. t51l drqRrtrq 100+5Q dsl 150+15C)

n\fi t g$ -gv t ruR ft{tr{, qro ft-d6{ dr dl
(d) Not the number of charge carriers but
qM smq or qrc drn
their tyPe. (a) 250+20C)
[49] e+r sn ori d ftc ti-d qqrq BqdFrl t' (b) 2s0+10o
(a) enau qrro fr sqr q-{G etn ssm'r Esrr
(c) 250+15.8Q
(b) a fi enisr qr6-6 dr sdqr sq<{ q A €s'6r q-or{
(d) 2s0+10.6C)
(c) entn errfi fi qqi q+o dfu-q sssr q6R T&
(d) orliti qla+. dr e-Eqr q{d q& qrg swfil qo-R

[50] The effective reactance

inductive coil:
(a) Increases because ofstray capacitances

as the frequencY increases'

(b) Decreases because of straY

capacitances as the frequency increases'

(c) Remains the same irrespective of the

increased in frequency even if stray

capacitances are Present'
Page | 13
[52] The effective resistance of a coil at t54l *fts-{ erft-"qk
high frequencies is more than its D.C
1 A+ny (A+ aX a+ $ dr e-{d dfrc
resistance on account of (a) (A+B) a
(a) Skin effect
(b) Proximity effect
(b) (A+ el e
(c) Eddy current losses 1c;1 A+n1 e
(d) All of the above
(d) fli * et$ =ra

sa wgft w Br€-fr or sqrft cfoqlq [55] Which one of the following electronic
transitions in Neon is NOT responsible for
{s-S D.C cmq fr gorr t ftq qs6 t
LASER action in a helium-neon laser?
srlso. dFr
(a) 6s -+ 5p
(a) fu,-< vwo
(b) 5s -> 4p
(b) rtrfrvfrer wra
(c) 5s -+ 3p
(c) ,fq-t errn
(d) as -+ 3p
(d) w-tr*o vfi
[55] &frq-{-ftdq aw t ft'rtutuo { t
drc qr E-e+dfro u-f,qoT ftm-{ q
[53] A neutron passing through a detector
is detected because of dq{ (LASER) fr-qr d ftu mq=o oE *
(a) the ionization it produces (a) 6s -+ 5p
(b) ss + 4p
(b) the scintillation light it produces
(c) 5s -+ 3p
(c) the electron-hole pairs it produces
(d) the secondary particles produced in a (d) as -+ 3p

nuclear reaction in the detector medium

[53]fu}+-cr t Tqrt v+rrr w g1ic o.r qdr t

qditu "?rdr

(a) qe errrffE-rq vqq o-nn t

(b) q-e uTrmrr utDMsiqq o_{f,rt
(c) qs grq 3-qq o-ror t
(d) E} qeuq g q6 TrfY6=q frqr d fqm (Er*r)

&-Aq-o. o"r tEr o-ror t

[54] The Boolean expression

1 ar n) fA+ eX B+ e) simptifies to:
(a) (A+B) a

(b) (A+ nl e
1c;1 A+n) c
(d) None of these

Page | 14
[56] When an intense beam of (b) 2
monochromatic light is scattered by a
(c) 3
liquid the spectrum of the scattered
radiations contains line whose (d) 4
wavelengths are longer and shorter than [58] qellryo (CH3CH2OH) or NMn *feqq
the incident radiation. This effect is linown d-rEd tqreii fr fr-{ Tdi t ft-dnt qff drft t r

CH2 wqi t mifta x-o t $r<o tqrstidr s€Tr
(a) Seebeck effect tu-rft drfr
(b) Doppler effect (a) I
(c) Stark effect (b)2
(d) Raman effect (c) 3

[56] we \.o-{tr s-s.M d freroT gq w rs d enr (d) 4

.lffi t nq qrw qr6$-q *+fq t oTrqfud frfurq

d drq-dd d {s-t qq ofr drer il{$ d^r

[59] The degeneracy of the spectral term
tqr{ drft t r gq c'Trs dr fu"s cH t ,.ilrri t? 1- .
--h ls
(a) ftSo vw+
(a) 7
(b) <ft-or uurc
(b) e
(c) wrd uuro (c) ls
(d) wr vnn (d)2r
3F qq
[59] irrr oi-qfu fr eiq-o{ ffi tz
[57] The hyperfine structure of Na(32p372) (a) 7
with nuclear spin I :3/2has
(b) e
(a) I state
(c) ls
(b) 2 states
(d) 2t
(c) 3 states
(d) 4 states
[60] The de-Broglie wavelength associated
[57] nfMq fu{ I : 3lZ & wer Na(32p372) with neutrons in thermal equilibrium with
fr ergq{wfi wa-qr g matter at 300K is
(a) C-o. er++en (state) (a) t7e0 A
(b) A el-a$?n( (b) t7e A
(c) ftc ar-{srtr{ (c) t7.e A
(d) sTt or-{rrrn, (d) r.7e A
[60] 300K crrrErQi d qrq vffq q-ge-{ d g1to
[58] The NMR spectrum of ethanol d werWg-dm-fre-r.r$dt
(CH:CHzOH) comprises of three bunches (a) 1790,4
of spectral lines. The number of spectral (b) r7e A
lines in the bunch corresponding to CH2
group is
(c) t7.e A
(a) 1 (d) t.7e A

AP/20t7t0039 Series-D Page | 15

[61] If 50 kV is the applied potential in an (c) t's d d-< t eXv
X-ray tube, then the minimum wavelength (d) t sdeNAft-qrc*unso
of X-ray produced is
(a) 0.2 nm
(b) 2 nm [64] The energy of a ferromagnet as a
function of magnetization M is given by
@) 0.2 A
F(M): Fo + 2(T -T")M'+M4, Fo > 0. The
(ilZ A number of minima in the function F(M) for

t [6 ] ro 1'ev-t Tfu6r qa ?Flrfi rr{r


frrrs 50 kvdr dr stq-q dri qrfr cffi-t

(a) o

fr =qrm ar.r*S drfr, (b) 1

(a) 0.2 nm (c) 3

(b) 2 nm (d) 4
@) 0.2 A
[64] ro dru 3-e-o fr s-qt gq#npr M d
@)24 o-co d sv t F(M) : Fo * 2(T -T"1M2 +M1,
Fo > 0. tt T > T" dftc Ers saFD F(M) tffi
qrar iin?
[62] Which transition is not possible? (a) o
(u)'F r,r-)zDsn
(b) 1
(c) 3
(c) 2D:rz+rSvz
(d) 4

[62] dH qr-dirqq nqs r& t?

[65] For a three-dimensional crystal
having N primitive unit cells with a basis
(b)'Dr,r-)2Pvz ofp atoms, the number of optical branches
(a) 3
(d)'P,,, -+2Svz
[63] The effective mass of an electron in a (d)3-3p
semiconductor can be
(a) Negative near the bottom of the band [65] frt snqrfi fr-e-o d ftc tusn p rwrgeii
d d qrq N oTrFqcr {o.r$ e-d t dt strfuo-d
(b) A scalar quantity with a small
X"diA q@r fr-rft dr,t
magnitude (a) 3
(c) Zerc at the center of the band (b) 3p
(d) Negative near the top of the band (c)3p-3
t [63] (d)3-3p
\'6 oTefrnd-o t d-+qi{ or crTrfr qqqn dr qoar t:
(a)il.edaodqSq gu66-qn

(b) qo dre qRqM d srq cnevr {rRI

AP/2017t0039 Series-D Page I 16

[66] Consider the atomic packing factor [67] d-s 6r q{qrg qK 207 .l amu elnq+e
(APF) of the following crystal structures: 11.35 gm cm-3 ttqfrAstfttr.rscds-qi
P - Simple Cubic 0.55 eV/ u-r+rg dr dr 500K .m ftht-difr sqr
Q - Body-Centred Cubic q{ qc *&fre{ frmfi er.f r

(a) 3.2 1016

R - Face Centred Cubic '
(b) 3.2
S - Diamond " 1013
T - Hexagonal Close Packed (c) 9.5 * 101e

Which two of the above structures have (d) 9.5 ,< l016
equal APF?
(a) P and Q
[68] The powder diffraction pattem of a
(b) S and T body-centred cubic crystal is recorded by
(c) R and S using Cu K" X-rays of wavelenglh 1.54 A,
(d) R and T If (002) planes diffract at 600, then lattice
parameter is
[66] fuq fite-iT \ry{q-flqt or ctqrg tfuT gun-o.
(a) 2.67 ,4
(APF) o) e+s q 1*
P- sreE$-o.
(b) 3.08 d
(c) 3.56 ,4
Q -qi$dF<-dqqR-n
(d) s34.4
R - +-sdP{dqR-6

S-&{r [68] vrfti dFa qr fu-€-d sT qrss{ frq-&{ H

dr Cu K, \'ffi*t fusfr i-i.rdd 1.54 A X
T - ifit rid drq t-rs d rm <d frrqr rrqr tqR (002) dr 600 w
sc-trffi fu-{ dr or APF qrrcn t? ft-{Hd drdr td afrv qrr{s wr drn?
(a)PawQ (a) 2.67 A

(b)SnwT (b) 3.08,4

(c)RowS (c) 3.s6,4

(d)RawT (d)5s4 A

[67] Lead has atomic weight of 207.1 amu

and density of 11.35 g* cm-t.If the
energy of vacancy formation in lead is
0.55 eV/atom, the number of
vacancies/cm3 at 500K is
(a) 3.2 * 1016

(b) 3.2 * 1013

(c) 9.5 * lOre

(d) 9.5 * 1016

AP/2017/0039 Series-D Page I 17


[69] The total energy of an ionic solid is (b) Neutron

givenbyU: -l(aez)l4nesr)+(Blre). (c) Proton
Where cr is Madelung constant, r is the
(d) Ao
distance between the nearest neighbuour in
the crystal. If 16 is the equilibrium [7 l] frq {fr t t qu nizft rrqT srd oq dr
separation then the constant B is given by gi:
(a) (ae212s'11(36nes) (a) qtg.frT
(b) (2ae2r2s)/(9ne6) (b) W{
(c) (ue2rlos)/(36neo) (c) nnfr

(d) -(a e2 rto6)/(3 6zr e s) (d) Ao

[69] ro ertqfi-o drq fr [ri s-qi

g : -l(ae2)l4ne srl+(B/re). wa o lT2lThe nucleus of the atom
qs61 ftqolo, r fr-{Tf, q fto-ddq of
qd-rfrd d drq fr qft t r uR rp vgcr (a) 13 up quarks and 13 down quarks
MIE (tEcH) Br dr ft{di6 B ftq (b) 13 up quarks and 14 down quarks
tt aqrdr.n
(c) la up quarks and 13 down quarks
(a) (ae212s)l(36nes)
(d) 14 up quarks and 14 down quarks
(b) (2ae2l6)/(9nes)
t72l c{qlg'BCo or qrfY+. fuiro-r efl t
(c) (ae2rtos)I(36neo)
(a) 13 up ssrfrl otr 13 down ffir+1*
(d) -(uez rtoe)/( 3 6m e 6)
(b) 13 up wr+l oilY 14 down wrolq
(c) la up 6ffi etm 13 down Eqr+1q
[70] The isospin and the strangeness of Q- (d) 14 up qqrol oln 14 down wrol s
baryon are
(a) 1, -3

(b) 0, -3 [73] Which one of the following reactions

is possible?
(c) 1,3 (u)'aN, -+ '3cu r F* + v"
(d) 0, 3
(b) "N, -+ 13Co + B* + v"
[70] O- M-{ fr orT{drfu{ efrc{Hs (") t'N, -> 13c6 + B*
tutrftt? (d) "N, ->"c, * 0* + v.
(a) 1, -3
t73l ftq t t dH fr fuur €rs t
(b) 0, -3 (u) 'oN, -+ + B* + v.
(c) 1,3 (b) "N, -+ "Cu + B* + v"
(d) 0,3 (.) t'N, -+ r3cu + B-
(d) "N, -+ "C, * P* + v"
[71] Choose the particle with zero Baryon
number from the list given below.
(a) Pion

AP/2017/0039 Series-D Page I 18

[74]The value of lim*_,3 [(*, _ 27)/(xz _
9)l is equal to :
[0 -1
[76] The matrix 11 o
t00 il
(a) 213
(a) Orthogonal
(b) et2
(b) Hermitian
(c) 9/4
(c) Symmetric
(d) 3t4
(d) anti-Symmetric
[74] Sqr *-r [(x3 _27)/$2 _r]
irr qFr wmt [0 -1
[76] q-o ieffi l1 0
(a) 2t3
t00 il-
(a) eilelt in-m
(b) et2
(b) 6{Rrqq
(c) e/4
(c) w+ft-o
(d) 3/4
(d) crt,qtud

X af
[75] The value o, { along a square
loop of side L in a uniform field is lTTlThe average value of the function i(x)
:4x2 inthe interval of I to 3 is
(a) o
(a) ls
(b) 20
(c) aLA
(c) a0
(d) L2A
(d) 80
t75l $ * q,t1d t tusor qr.r L [77]vaol1*; : 4x2 qt e}so qn I t3
t etn vo vqrq ela { rrlr t. ?n qrq d er;o-srq { t
(a) o
(a) 15

(b) 2LA
(b) 20
(c) 4LA
(c) a0
(d) L2.,\
(d) 80

Page | 19
[78] The maximum value of (log x) / x is b) atl2
(a) I (c) (saA)

(b) 2le (d) None of these

(c) e
[80] c-s nd{ fr tfu wr dFt fusol sTfY6-rq

(d) l/e orr{kFT rt-fi rird q v# t fusol fuwr at

[78] (log x) / x or erlq-oilq qH t (a) (2a1.'b)

(a) 1
(b) al"'12
(b)2te (c) (sata)
(c) e
(d) E-{t t dr$ Te
(d) l/e

[81] A body of mass M moves under the

action of a central force with potential V(R)
: L * lstuw* 3 coszx,(o . r a ?)"
: AR3 (A>0). For what kinetic energy will
the orbit be a circle of radius r about the
(a) Min. at x:90o origin?

(b) x: sin 1(1/{3) (a) QArrlS)/z

(c) Min. at x:30o (b)3Amrl2

(d) Max. at x: sin 1(1/3) @) Qnmr4)lz

(d) 3Aml
t7e1 IG) = * Zsinx* 3 coszx,(o a
7 t ?)
t [81] M q-aFFI ?FI w fro-s ftrq-or frrrs

(a) x:99o qn6q V(l?):A-,?3(A>0),d-ftq qo d cqrs t qcor tr

fu-s.rR-q g-q'id ftd frrs d oan Eftq Cr,t fufl
(b) x: sin-'1U./:; orlq-o.-dq frBrilTr+-<t ' 't
(c) x:3Ooqffiq' (a) (lAmr3)12

(d) x = sin 1(l/3;erfY+-+r (b) 3Amrlz

(c) (3tmr4)12

[80] The height of the cylinder of (d) 3Aml

maximum volume that can be inscribed in
a sphere of radius a is

(a) (2a1.'b)

APt20t7/0039 Series-D Page 120


[82] A spring oscillating in water is acted [8a] If a planet revolves round the Sun in a
upon by an external force Bcosar. With circular orbit of radius 'oa" with a period of
the passage of time, the frequency of the revolution T, then (k being a positive
spring tends to be
(a) T:ka2t3
(a) Greater than rrl (b) T:ka3t2
(b) Less than rrr (c) T:kaz
(c) Equal to or (d) 7: ka3
[84] qR s6 .16 qd d ir$rso'g$-+ oen
(d) Decreasing exponentially
frrq-fr Awr "a" t etr "Ri Tf, d ersfU i't, Tq
t sru sd Bcosa/. d'q,Trs t qft k rr-ffcro ftq-drfi dr dr
[82] ro fuil qfr
(a) T:ka2/3
dr6{ o.-{fr t t q'rq g-.l-{i d qrq fti.r dt eflgft
(b) T: ka3/2

c{errcqrs dFrt (c) T:ka2

(a) rD t eq
(d) T:ka3

(b) or t oq
[85] A sound wave of frequency f
(c) or dwr*r propagating through air with a velocity c,
is reflected from a surface which is
(d) etTfts sq t oq drft moving away from the source with a
constant speed v: the frequency of the
reflected wave, measured by the observer
[83] Two tuning forks when sounded at the position of the source is
together produce 3 beats per second. On (a)lf@-v)t(c+v)l
loading cne of them with a little wax, 20
beats are heard in 4 second. Its frequency, (b) t/(c + v)t(c - v))
if the frequency of the other is 386 Hz, (c) [/tc + lv)/(6-r v)]
will be
(a) 383 Hz (d) [/(c + v)t(c -2v)]

[85] ro tafr dr.t ffi

(b) 389 Hz .flgft /.rfr c t erg
(c) 392H2 t f-srft t etr* r'o wae o\ rd'rd t \o. fu{d .rfr
v t $ qr € t, t tr{rqfttd drfr t dr qirqft-d
(d) 406 Hz ssfr fr eqfr en dFt dr drd d reTH qr td gc

[83] gqftq ottra-e 16 Hrer qqt t dt ve-q

dr ffie-oder*rqrfiiilrft t
eafr e cfr to fr dr6t t t fuffi 1'6 oit w (b)t/(c-vl(c+v)l
ciEr dlq t
vdr-i ea'B 2 s cfr a to (b) t/(c + v)t(c * v)l
d dr qrfr t, {s-fi urgft lnrr dFt qfr \16 EfU
dr sTtEfr 386 Hz dr (c) [/(c + 2v)t(c + v)]
(a) 383 Hz
(d) t/(c + v)t(c - 2v))
(b) 389 Hz
(c) 392H2
(d) 406H2

APl20l7/0039 Series-D Pagel2

[86] The force which is always directed [88] The orbit is sSnnmetric about the
away or towards a fixed centre and
magnitude of which is a function only of direction of periapsis, the scattering angle
the distance from the fixed centre, known is given by
(a) Coriolis force (a)0:n- 2q

(b) Centripetal force 0)e:n+29

(c) Centrifugal force (c)0:2n-q
(d) Central force (d)e:2n+rp

[86] fu qts s6 ftk{d d-q m oft

ea siT-dr [88] qR tffis fr eirc oen qqft-o dr dr
o.ror t etn fusol qfunq frtrrrf, +-q t
Eft or q.
e-ot, dr B-qtls dpr IrERld dr.r
qrqr qror t
(a) drfurfue eo
(a)0:n- 2q

(b) +<f\e e-o (b)e:n+29

(c) ufH+vq
(d) ffiae-6

[89] Normal frequency for free vibration

[87] The clifference vector xp, is space like of the parallel pendulum is given as

if the two word points are separated such (a) {1k/4 - ektm)l
that (b; r/1(g/4 + eHm)l
(a) I'I- ii l' > c' (t, - t )2 (c) Vt(dD - @/2k)l
(b) il- ii l, c2 -
t 7t1 t212 to)-r/tkz) + (m/2k)l
(c) ii- ii l', c2 (tr -b)2
[89] gef, qtqrq E-{ t} qq1qliT +trq, fr qFnar
(d) ;i- ii l' . c'1t, -t 1'

3r-{fu Cr,ft
[87] u<-* i-e-ct rpr tern dil ara Cii qR ?r vraq

@) tltk.rl - ektm))
fuS !-o. {st t ft-q q-6n ormrr Er
0) {tklD + ektm))
(a) t ,i- ii l'> c2 (t1 - t2)2 tcl {ttgrO - @/2k)j
0) t;I-dlr=c2(tr_b)2 (d) {tklD + @t2k)l
(c) I .i- ii l', c2 7t, - t212
(d) I ;i- Vi t'. c' (t, - t ),

AP/2017/0039 Series-D Page 122


[90] In a shunted ammeter, only 10% of [92] An electron is revolving around a

current passes through the Galvanometer protori in a circular path of diameter 0.1nm.
of resistance G. The resistance of the shunt It produces a magnetic field 14 tesla at a

is proton. Then the angular speed of the

(a) 9G electron is
(b) 10G (a) 8.8 * l0i6 rad s-r
(c) Gte (b) 4.4, 1016 rad s-r

(d) c/l0 (c)2.2, 1016 rad s-r

(d) l.l * 1016 rad s-l
[90] ro crc fus gv enrct t ffiffir-t A

cmrq G t 10% unr Xwre t dr vre cmreT [92] ro \A-qiq ffi{ S qti aw gfru oet ii

or qH dr-r[
qffiT erq-rdr t fuq-o.r qrs 0. I nm * ffi or<q

(a) eG ffic tr{ 14 tffir or g<-ff+ ta vsq dr qrm t

(b) 10G
dq cffi-{ fr @Mrq.rfr erdrft
(c) Gte
(d) G/l0 (a) 8.8 x 1016 rad s-r

(b) 4.4 t 1016 rad s-r

[91] A particle moving in a magnetic field
(c)2.2, 1016 rad s-r
has increase in its velocity, then its radius
(d) i.1 , 1016 rad s-r
of the circle

(a) decrease
(b) increase
(c) remains the same
(d) becomes half

[91] ro ow gwdv et t tfrflq t ftnq-d o.ror

ir€-6 rrfr q-6-fr t dr vs-d gfu fr fuqr wr drft

(a) utt
0) q.afi

(c) w+n sfi €,t

(d) ut* dr q6',t

APl20t7l0039 Series-D Pagel2

[93] In order to convert a milli_ammeter of
[94] c-o rW{ efs ro s13i-{ q6 w+n gw#+
range 1.0 mA and resistance
1.0 ohm jnto a ei{ t 900 d drur qr \ro qqn rrR-q
v-qf d
voltmeter of range l0V resistance wrer yicr o-G t I sfld
of how TSq cq st Bwr
many ohm shouldbe connected r. elrt ro, t me
with it and
(a) r. -- rp
what manner?
(b) r. > rp
(a) 999 C) in series
(c) r. < rp
(b) 999e in parallel
(c) 9,999 e in series
(d) w gw-d-o et{ qi frw c-r ft*tr oror t fu. r.
(d) 9,999 C) in parallel
ro fr or drqr qr ort$o.

M ffq 1.0 mA
[93] ro ffiefficy
oer cmq l.A ohm t d t 0V [95] The orbital speed of electron orbiting
ftfl d.
around a nucleus in a circular
orbit of
\-fr ffiey t e-6qt d m,q t tffi eirq or radius 50pm is 2.2 x 706 ms-\.
Then the
qmst fu-s'ilr6t e.n+r magnetic dipole moment of
an electron is
(a) 1.6 x lO-re Am2
(a) eee C! Afi q
(b) 5.3 x 10-2r Am2

(b) 99v O sqrd( n (c) 8.8 :< 10-24 Am2

(d) 8.8 x 10-26Am2

(c) e,eee C) *fi q
[95] ro E-e+il{ dr fr-cTfy6. d qrti eiru vo
(d) 9,999 C) sqrnr fr
gfi-q oeil t fu{ffi B-qy 5gp. t oetq .ft 2.2
[94] An electron and a proton enter a x 106 ms-| t q, ro, t oe E-&trfr+ or gw#c
region of uniform magnetic field
in a sr{qrddrh€t
direction at right angles to the
field with (a) 1.6 x lg-re Am2
the same kinetic energy. They
circular path of radius re and (b) 5.3 * l0-2rAm2
respectively then
(c) 8.8 x 70-24 Am2
(a) r. = ro
(d) 8.8 x t0-26Am2
(b) r, > rp
(c) r" < rp
(d) r" may be less than or greater
than ro
depending on the direction of
the magnetic

Page | 24
[96] Curies law states that [97] we A.c fi .rTgfu dr[ft q-r fr qrc dr L-c-
R qRqq s'r qsus
(a) Magnetic susceptibility is inversely
proportional to the absolute temperature. (a) urw dr+t

(b) Magnetic susceptibility is inversely +;a 6*

proportional to the square root of the
(c) q.bq1
absolute temperature.
(d) qt'n
(c) Magnetic susceptibility is directly
proportional to the absolute temperature. [98] At resonance, in a series LCR circuit,
(d) Magnetic susceptibility is directly which relation does not hold?

proportional to the square root of the (a) ro : l(LC)

absolute ternperature.
(b) ro : r/1r4r_c;1

t96l qft S ftqq or oen t fr (c) Lrrr : l/(Cro)

(a) ge-fto irt<_6"- tnq arqtrq d (d) Cor : l/(Lrrl)

^ ^ \^\6
.nxer,qrgqrn 6rcil
{ eryn dt ReTfu t dH
[gg] LCR sut cRcq
(b) g<-6s HMIanT qrq drqqrq d s{Td 11r r6q rA drrn

+ or-XmqEqT-ft Cr& tr (a) : l(LC)


(c) g<-frq HA-fiftiTf,T q{q drqqrq d ffigqTft :

15) r,r r/1f 4I,Cy1

cr&tt (c) Lor: l/(cro)

(d) g*-6s qi-c-{*qfl qw drqqrq o wfur d (d) cor : l/(Lro)
sqqcrfr drfr t
[97] When the frequency of A.C is
doubled, the impedance of an L-C-R

(a) Is halved

(b) Is doubled.

(c) Increases

(d) Decreases

AP/2017t0039 Series-D Page

[99] By capturing an electron, #Mnrn
transforms into lfCrio rcalizing
^; (a) a neutrino
(b) an antineutrino
:a (c) an o -particle
(d) a positron

[99) fiuno
c-6 Ed-eiq d"cqr oli d en !f Cr,ro
d vq6 qmr t otr* wr ftor-fdr t?
(a) ro qffn

(b) c-6 t€qtrit

(c) vo oreFr o.ur

(d) c-6 crkTr

00] The srrange baryon

[1 I* has the
quark structure
(a) uds
(b) uud
(c) uus

(d)u s

[100] ro rfq M{ X*d qqrd $-{rmr t:

(a) uds
(b) uud
(c) uus

(d)u i

Series-D Page | 26

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