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TS 4001: Lecture Summary 8: Marine Gas Turbines

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TS 4001: Lecture Summary 8

Marine Gas Turbines


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Marine Gas Turbines
 Advantages
 Much higher power-to-weight ratio than steam or diesel plants
 Much higher power density (power/volume) than steam or diesel plants
 Short time from start-up to full power
 Highly responsive in tactical maneuvering
 Fuel efficient at rated power
 Ease of operation and maintenance
 Extremely reliable
 Quiet
 Modular installation and replacement
 Disadvantages
 Large intake and uptake volumes
 Poor fuel efficiency at light loading
 High exhaust temperature (IR signature)

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Ideal Gas Turbine Cycle

 Simple open cycle based on ideal Brayton cycle

 Isentropic (constant entropy) compression ( - ‚)
 Adiabatic (constant pressure) heat addition (‚ - ƒ)
 Isentropic expansion (ƒ - „)
 Adiabatic cooling („ - )

 Real cycle is non-isentropic due to compressor and turbine losses

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Simple Open Cycle Gas Turbine


Power Turbine

Compressor Turbine Gas Generator Shaft Output Shaft

HP Turbine


 Intake air is compressed by compressor turbine

 Compressed air enters combustor where it mixes with fuel and the mixture is burned,
adding heat to the system
 Combustion gasses enter high pressure turbine, which turns gas generator shaft, which
powers the compressor turbine
 Combustion gasses then enter power turbine, which turns output shaft, and then are

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Gas Turbine Cycles

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Simple …

Air Intake

Gas Generator

Turbine Fuel

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… and ICR Cycles

Air Intake

Gas Generator


Fuel Regenerator Intercooler

Cooling Water

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Gas Turbine Shaft Types

 Single Shaft
 One shaft drives both the compressor and the load
 Harder to start since entire engine is mechanically connected to the drive train
 Split Shaft
 Compressor and gas-generator turbine share a common shaft
 Power turbine is decoupled and drives output shaft independently
 Gas generator section not affected by changes in propeller loading
 LM-2500 and Marine Spey Series are split shaft engines
 Twin-Spool
 Two stage compressor, each stage driven by separate turbine
 Gas generator shaft is actually a low pressure shaft turning inside a hollow
high-pressure shaft
 More complex and larger than split shaft engine
 USCG Hamilton class uses Pratt Whitney FT-4 twin-spool engines

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Compressor Types

 Centrifugal
 Single entry or dual-entry impellers
 Air accelerates radially outward from the hub to the diffuser
 Rugged, simple in design, relatively light weight
 Large frontal area, lower efficiency, hard to use more than one stage
 Axial Flow
 Uses several stages of rotor and stator pairs, with decreasing diameter from front to
 Easy to vary compression ratio by adding or removing stages
 Stators can be fixed or variable pitch
 Most commonly used type for propulsion gas turbines

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Axial Flow Compressor

Simple-cycle, two-shaft design.

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Combustion Chamber Types
 Can
 Each fuel nozzle mounted inside an individual chamber or “can”
 Cans are mounted around axis of engine
 Used on engines with centrifugal compressors
 Annular
 Fuel nozzels mounted in single liner around engine
 Holes and slots admit combustion and cooling air
 Very efficient and more compact
 Used on engines with axial compressors
 Can-Annular
 Small annular cans placed around axis of engine
 Outer can contains smaller cans
 Each inner can admits fuel and combustion air
 Greater structural strength, minimal pressure drop due to shorter length
 Used with twin-spool compressors

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Annular Combustor Liner

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Fuel Consumption

 SFC about 0.38 to 0.40 lb/hp-hr at full rated power, but rises rapidly below
10,000 BHP
 SFC “map” graphs BHP and SFC vs. power turbine speed (NPT)
 SFC must be corrected to account for intake and exhaust duct losses and inlet
temperature and pressure

22 February Marine Gas Turbines 14

Commonly Used Gas Turbines

 General Electric LM2500

 First used by US Navy on Spruance class destroyers
 Now used in FFG-7, DD-993, CG-47, DDG-51, AOE-6
 Currently rated by the Navy at 29,500 HP
 LM2500-30, LM2500-20, LM500, LM1600, LM5000, LM6000
 Rolls-Royce Marine Spey Series
 Used in UK, Dutch, Japanese navies
 SM-1 rated at about 26,000 bhp
 Allison 570-K/571-K and 501-K
 Used in Navy ship service gas turbine generators
 8,200 bhp for 571-K, up to 7,400 hp for 501-K
 Pratt-Whitney
 FT-4 used in USCG Hamilton class

22 February Marine Gas Turbines 15

LM2500 Marine Gas Turbines
 LM2500 most commonly used marine gas turbine
 Almost 500 USN and four commercial US shipboard installations
 Over 350 foreign shipboard installations
 Simple Cycle
 29,500 HP at 3,600 rpm (USN rating @ 100° F and 4/6 inches H20)
 16-stage axial flow compressor, 17:1 pressure ratios
 Variable stators in first six stages
 Split-shaft design
 Annular combustor
 Two-stage HP turbine and six-stage power turbine
 Mounted in enclosure
 Shock, blast, noise, temperature isolation
 Pre-wired, pre-piped, factory tested
 Total weight 44,000 lbs (dry) including enclosure
 312” long x 96” wide x 108” high (1,872 cuft)

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LM 2500

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LM 2500+

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LM 6000

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LM2500 Characteristics


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LM2500 Characteristics (cont.)

Corrections to specific fuel

consumption for duct losses

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LM2500 Characteristics (cont.)

Corrections for ambient


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LM2500 Characteristics (cont.)

Corrections to rating
for duct losses

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Special Cycle Gas Turbines
 Recuperated (Regenerative) Cycle
 Compressed air is ducted through heat exchanger with exhaust, capturing heat
energy which would otherwise be lost, before entering combustor
 Increases thermal efficiency of cycle


Gas Generator Shaft Output Shaft

HP Turbine Power Turbine

 Intercooled Recuperative (ICR) Cycle

 Adds intercooler between low and high pressure compressors
 Fuel rate can approach that of a diesel engine

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Westinghouse WR-21 ICR Engine

 Development
 Navy-funded development program
 Heavy lobbying effort against from GE
 Recuperator troubles have caused delays
 Keystone of Integrated Power System
 Characteristics
 29,050 BHP maximum
 315” long x 104” wide x 180” high (3,413 cuft)
 Recuperator 156” long x 104 “ wide x 76” high and 35,000 lbs
 109,750 lbs (dry) total weight including enclosure and recuperator
 Predicted SFC 17% to 40% lower than simple cycle
 Higher acquisition cost than LM2500

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GE LM2500R Recuperative
 Development
 Joint GE/USN development from 1991-1992
 GE continued independently since 1993
 NAVSEA DDG-51/CG-47 LM2500R installation study 1994
 Characteristics
 29,500 BHP maximum @ 3,600 rpm
 Predicted SFC 23% to 37% lower than LM2500
 No changes to compressor
 LM6000 combustor
 Rebladed HP and power turbines
 Variable area fuel nozzles
 Modified casing
 Two-core Solar Primary Surface Recuperator (already 100 in service)
 Recuperator 150” long x 120” wide x 54” high and 25,000 lbs
 69,000 lbs (dry) total weight including enclosure and recuperator

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Additional Reading

 1.8.1 DD 963 Power Plant (D. A. Rains).

 1.8.2 Fuel Saving Warship Drives (S. Ashley).

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