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Green Green Platter Platter: Food Sustainability For Students (13 - 15yrs)

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PLATTER for Students
(13 - 15yrs)

Sustainability is the
Hello and new cool! How so?
welcome to your The sustainability movement is
foolproof Guide to about Protection & Reconciliation.
becoming a Concerns about environmental
impact of human activities that began
Food Warrior! in Renaissance & the time of heavy
industry & Industrial Revolution birthed
In this guide you will learn the sustainability movement in the 21st
all about food century. Today, even online activism
sustainability for today's can support green political parties &
world! affect change in real lifestyles too!

The Problem?
The Solution? Climate Change
You! Climate change is a direct threat to
The objective of this module is to human existence. In 2018, 15-year-old
build awareness & sensitivity about Greta Thunberg protested inaction on
food sustainability from production climate crisis outside Sweden's
to consumption, transport,
packaging & disposal. Together we parliament. So began "Fridays for Future"
can create an ecosystem of led by school students. Thunberg was
knowledge in our classrooms & nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. Other
become aware citizens of tomorrow! climate activists are Vanessa Nakate &
Aditya Mukarji.

Leading with Knowledge Did you know?

Did you know that knowledge can
create further knowledge? You can
inspire your peer groups, family and
relatives about food sustainable
lifestyle practices & help them
imbibe individual responsibility in
making this world a better and
greener place! Lets start!
PLATTER for Students
(13 - 15yrs)

THEME 1: ORGANICS Activity 1.b Waste

Activity: 1.a Management
Food Based Dyes
Onions, Flowers, Haldi, Tea If the 1.03 billion tons of wasted
Leaves, Coffee) Bring an old T- food all over the world were to be
Shirt, paintbrush & a cup to collected, it would be equal to a
school. country that causes the 3rd highest
Watch the video on our website amount of Green House Gases
to make your own food paint! (GHGs) on the planet today.
Paint your own T-shirts on the
topic: Healthy Eating Habits Watch: Video 2: Recycling Makes Cents

Theme 2: Masterchefs Activity: 1.c Food Miles

Activity 2.a Healthy
Desserts Use to find
out how far food usually travels
Divide into teams of 5 amongst countries.
Each team will pick a theme from Find out how far your food
Fruits, Healthy Muffins, Milk, travels from your community.
Healthy Mithai, Chocolates, In Teams of 4
Icecream or Biscuits show this distance
Students can work at home or in in a chart and put it
class to create a healthy version up on your class
of their favourite desserts! board.

Activity 2.c
Activity 2.b Soft Drinks, Hard Facts!
Classroom Garden
Drinking 1 can of soda is only OK if
Adopt 3-6 herbs in you don't touch sugar in the rest of
your class, the day. Otherwise? Overdose.
Care for them and Drinking soda will make you feel sad
learn about their later.
benefits. Soda affects the heart.
At the end of the Soda causes dehydration.
year, the section Soda steals the nutrients meant
will the best kept for your teeth & bones.
plants can be
felicitated! Make your own fresh juice, smoothie or nut
milk using our resource section!
PLATTER for Students
(13 - 15yrs)

Theme 3: Healthy Habits Activity 3.b Health

Activity 3.a Body Image & Cuisines
Healthy Fats
Do you enjoy Chinese food? Or can
Watch the video on Body Image you never say no to a little Punjabi
provided in this manual. Afterwords, food? Make a note about your
discuss your understanding of the pros favourite cuisine. Share the reasons
cons and best practices to make the why you love it with the class. Tell
most of healthy fats your friends what are the healthiest
Watch our second video on Body or most sustainable aspects of your
Positivity & discuss your understanding chosen cuisine.
of it in class as well..

Theme 4: Water
Activity 3.c Superfoods
Activity 4.a Good Habits
for Superspecies
Ask yourself if you have done this
everyday: Do you know what elephants eat?
Ever wondered what food is best for
Brushed teeth twice your pet dog? What about the best
Turned off the tap when not foods for exam time?
Washed your hands after Lets take a look at some foods that
flushing make us and our fellow animals
Thrown toilet paper in a recycle perform at their best.
Eaten rinsed fruits & vegetables Watch our video by the same name!

Activity 4.b Efficient Activity 4.c Agriculture

Dishwashing and Rain Water Harvesting

Did you know, the way you wash Ever wondered how many glasses of
dishes can save the planet rain have fell in the last rainfall?
gallons of water!
Watch our tutorial to know more! Learn about how to harvest your own
rainwater with this cool tutorial!
PLATTER for Students
(13 - 15yrs)

Videos Books
Nutrition Chew On This : With good and eye opening stories of
Recycling Makes Cents junk food among youngsters
The History of Chocolate The Intuitive Eating Workbook
"Perfect" Farm For Teens:
With physical, mental & emotional development, young adults go through
Body Positivity crucial changes.
Permission To Eat:
Toolbox to fight eating disorders through
school and college life

Are You a Monster Or A

With metaphors & puns, explaining
science behind caffeine

India's First Zero Waste Store Savor- Mindful Eating, Mindful
Healthy Eating Hacks Life : Not torturing ourselves but taking care of
our body and well being
Take Out Creates Lots Of Trash. It Doesn't
Have To Green Kitchen At Home:
Diet That Helps Fight Climate Change A book capturing recipes that are good for a busy week and a healthy body
Plant-based Diets Myths Debunked Love Real Food:
Sustainable Food Facts Book focusing on real aka whole foods; diving in nutrition, veganism and even dog
Using Kitchen Scraps food
Eco- Friendly Grocery Shopping The Forest Feast:
A cookbook for kids where you can get
your child to cook healthy yet tasty meals
PLATTER for Students
(13 - 15yrs)

Brands to make a purchase from:

DIY Gardening Products at Sow and Grow

Seed Paper

Big Blue Marble: Bamboo toothbrush

Slurrp Farm : Organic food for kids

Gaukriti : Biodegradable papers

Goli Soda : Sustainable toiletries

21 fools : Plantable stationery

Bioq : Plantable gifts

The Second Life: Impactful accessories

Toolbox Notes on the Manual

Paper Instructors can arrange the
Projector suggested student material
Airy classroom according to how they best see
Laptop/Computer fit based on.
Connecting cables age/flow/discussion/questions &
Internet connectivity add more relevant data too.
A school camera for Reading material can be shared in
documentation the start of the class.
Parents can be e-mailed the
resources meant for them

Good Luck !

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