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Supply Chain Fit: Constituents and Performance Outcomes

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Constituents and Performance Outcomes

Inaugural Dissertation for Obtainment of the Degree

Doctor rerum politicarum (DR. RER. POL.)

Written by:
Pan Theo Grosse-Ruyken
Schürbungert 9, 8057 Zurich, Switzerland

Submitted to:
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management

Prof. Dr. Stephan M. Wagner
Chair of Logistics Management
Department of Management, Technology, and Economics
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich

Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Jürgen Weber
Institute of Management Accounting and Control (IMC)
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management

Zurich, December 2009


Contents ........................................................................................................................... i 

List of Figures ......................................................................................................................... v 

List of Tables ......................................................................................................................... vi 

List of Abbreviations ........................................................................................................... vii 

Chapter I  Introduction and Research Overview .......................................................... 1 

1.  Introduction .................................................................................................................... 1 

2.  Supply chain management, challenges and fit constituents ........................................... 6 

2.1.  Supply chain management .................................................................................... 8 

2.1.1.  The objective of supply chain management ............................................ 10 

2.1.2.  Supply chain drivers ................................................................................ 12 

2.2.  Supply chain challenges ...................................................................................... 13 

2.2.1.  Core challenges ....................................................................................... 14 

2.2.2.  Additional stresses .................................................................................. 17 

2.3.  Strategic fit .......................................................................................................... 20 

2.3.1.  Demand and supply uncertainty spectrum .............................................. 21 

2.3.2.  Supply chain capabilities......................................................................... 23 

2.3.3.  Zone of strategic fit ................................................................................. 25 

2.3.4.  Obstacles ................................................................................................. 28 

3.  Research questions ....................................................................................................... 29 

3.1.  Research question I ............................................................................................. 30 

3.2.  Research question II ............................................................................................ 32 

3.3.  Research question III........................................................................................... 34 

4.  Empirical basis ............................................................................................................. 36 

4.1.  Studies I and II .................................................................................................... 38 

4.1.1.  Data collection procedure ....................................................................... 38 

4.1.2.  Sample characteristics ............................................................................. 40 

4.1.3.  Data examination .................................................................................... 41 

4.2.  Study III .............................................................................................................. 42 

4.2.1.  Data collection procedure ....................................................................... 42 

4.2.2.  Sample characteristics ............................................................................. 42 

4.2.3.  Data examination .................................................................................... 44 

Chapter II  The Bottom Line Impact of Supply Chain Management ......................... 46 

1.  Theoretical background and hypotheses ...................................................................... 46 

1.1.  Configurational approach .................................................................................... 47 

1.2.  Supply chain fit ................................................................................................... 48 

1.3.  Consequences of a supply chain fit ..................................................................... 52 

2.  Methodology ................................................................................................................ 54 

2.1.  Data sample and procedure ................................................................................. 54 

2.2.  Measures ............................................................................................................. 54 

3.  Statistical analysis and results ...................................................................................... 59 

3.1.  Reliability and validity ........................................................................................ 59 

3.2.  Regression model estimation and hypotheses testing ......................................... 62 

3.3.  Post-hoc analysis ................................................................................................. 63 

4.  Discussion and implications ......................................................................................... 66 

Chapter III  Supply Chain Design Efficiency: Benchmarking Supply Chains in

Manufacturing Firms ................................................................................... 69 

1.  Theoretical background ................................................................................................ 69 

1.1.  Configurational approach .................................................................................... 70 

1.2.  Supply chain design spectrum ............................................................................. 70 

1.3.  Data Envelopment Analysis as a benchmarking tool .......................................... 72 

2.  Methodology ................................................................................................................ 74 

2.1.  Data sample and procedure ................................................................................. 74 

2.2.  Measures ............................................................................................................. 75 

3.  Statistical analysis and results ...................................................................................... 77 

3.1.  Reliability and validity ........................................................................................ 77 

3.2.  Data Envelopment Analysis results .................................................................... 79 

4.  Discussion and implications ......................................................................................... 82 

Chapter IV  Exploring Sourcing Flexibility, Supply Chain Performance and

Product Performance ................................................................................... 86 

1.  Theoretical background and hypotheses ...................................................................... 86 

1.1.  Sourcing flexibility.............................................................................................. 86 

1.2.  Conceptual framework ........................................................................................ 88 

2.  Methodology ................................................................................................................ 92 

2.1.  Data sample and procedure ................................................................................. 92 

2.2.  Measures ............................................................................................................. 92 

3.  Statistical analysis and results ...................................................................................... 97 

3.1.  Reliability and validity ........................................................................................ 97 

3.2.  Structural model estimation and hypotheses testing ......................................... 101 

4.  Discussion and implications ....................................................................................... 103 

Chapter V  Summary, Limitations, and Outlook ........................................................ 105 

1.  Summary and review of the research questions ......................................................... 105 

1.1.  Research question I ........................................................................................... 107 

1.2.  Research question II .......................................................................................... 108 

1.3.  Research question III......................................................................................... 110 

2.  Major academic contributions .................................................................................... 112 

3.  Major implications for practice .................................................................................. 113 

4.  Limitations.................................................................................................................. 115 

4.1.  Data gathering and statistical analysis .............................................................. 116 

4.2.  Conceptual frameworks .................................................................................... 118 

5.  Directions for future research ..................................................................................... 119 

5.1.  Model extensions and alternative underpinnings .............................................. 119 

5.2.  Cross-country effects ........................................................................................ 123 

5.3.  Longitudinal research design ............................................................................ 124 

6.  Outlook ....................................................................................................................... 124 

References ...................................................................................................................... 126 

Appendix ...................................................................................................................... 140 

List of Figures
Figure 1: Supply chain decision-making framework 7 

Figure 2: Supply chain management framework and its components 10 

Figure 3: Pictorial of hierarchy of supply chain challenges 14 

Figure 4: Fit and misfit matrix 25 

Figure 5: Zone of strategic fit 27 

Figure 6: Overview of research questions 30 

Figure 7: Empirical basis of research questions 38 

Figure 8: Achieving a fit in the supply chain 51 

Figure 9: Conceptual framework I 52 

Figure 10: Overview of fit and misfit firms 64 

Figure 11: Financial performance of fit firms and misfit counterparts 65 

Figure 12: Conceptual framework II 74 

Figure 13: DEA supply chain design efficiency frontier line 81 

Figure 14: SCDE and ROCE 82 

Figure 15: Conceptual framework III 89 

List of Tables
Table 1: Generic product profiles 22 

Table 2: Generic supply chain design profiles 24 

Table 3: Breakdown of sample I composition 40 

Table 4: Respondent work experience of sample I 41 

Table 5: Breakdown of sample II composition 43 

Table 6: Respondent work experience of sample II 44 

Table 7: Measures of constructs I 55 

Table 8: Factor analysis results and measurement statistics I 60 

Table 9: Inter-construct correlations and AVE I 61 

Table 10: Results of model estimation I (OLS regression) 63 

Table 11: Measures of constructs II 75 

Table 12: Factor analysis results and measurement statistics II 78 

Table 13: Inter-construct correlations and AVE II 79 

Table 14: Results of model estimation II (DEA) 80 

Table 15: Measures of constructs III 93 

Table 16: Factor analysis results and measurement statistics III a 98 

Table 17: Inter-construct correlations and AVE III 99 

Table 18: Factor analysis results and measurement statistics III b 100 

Table 19: Results of model estimation III a (SEM) 101 

Table 20: Results of model estimation III b (SEM) 103 

List of Abbreviations
A Austria
ANOVA Analysis of variance
AVE Average variance extracted
CCC Cash conversion cycle
CFA Confirmatory factor analysis
CFI Comparative fit index
CFO Chief financial officer
CH Switzerland
DEA Data envelopment analysis
df Degrees of freedom
DMU Decision making unit
EBIT Earnings before interest and tax
ERP Enterprise resource planning
F France
G Germany
GFI Goodness of fit index
IR Indicator reliability
IT Information technology
KPI Key performance indicators
M Mean ( x )
MANOVA Multivariate analysis of variance
ML Maximum likelihood
NNFI Non-normed fit index (also TLI)
OEM Original equipment manufacturer
OLS Ordinary least squares
RMSEA Root mean square error of approximation
ROA Return on assets
ROCE Return on capital employed
SCDE Supply chain design efficiency
SCF Supply chain fit
SCM Supply chain management
SD Standard deviation (sx)
SE Standard error
SEM Structural equation modeling
SG Sales growth
TLI Tucker-Lewis Index (also NNFI)
UK United Kingdom
US United States (of America)
USA United States of America
VIF Variance inflation factor

Cues to abbreviations of items and constructs are provided in the Appendix.

Chapter I: Introduction and Research Overview 1

Chapter I Introduction and Research Overview

1. Introduction
Increasing recognition is being placed, both in academia and in industry, on effective supply

chain management. A famous quote from the work of Charles Darwin notes that “it is not the

strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to

change”. Viewing effective supply chain management in light of this perspective, what does

“most responsive” mean? Academics and practitioners agree that functional products are best

delivered via physically-efficient supply chains, while innovative products are best delivered

via market responsive supply chains. However, to date, only a few firms have systematically

adjusted their supply chain strategies according to this argument. Instead of carrying only one

product line, firms deliver a number of both functional and innovative products in parallel

complicating the alignment of supply chain portfolios with product portfolios. Furthermore,

as firms adopt new product lines, enter new markets, build new warehouses and production

plants, and lose the protection of traditional industry barriers, formulating the right supply

chain strategy is the utmost challenge. First, more competition means price and margin

pressure due to the increased commoditization of products and services. Second, there is

more variation in customer needs. The competitive mandate is to serve customers faster,

better, and at lower cost. Hence, one of the major leverage factors to effective supply chain

management is the “fit” between supply chain strategy and supply chain design variables
Chapter I: Introduction and Research Overview 2

(Grosse-Ruyken and Wagner, 2009a; 2009b; Chopra and Meindl, 2009; Wagner and Grosse-

Ruyken, 2008; Lee 2002; Fisher, 1997).

Cash is the lifeblood of every business (Pike and Neale, 1999) and successful supply

chain management comes down to the ability to create shareholder value (Wagner and

Locker, 2009; Pohlen and Coleman, 2005; Lambert and Pohlen, 2001). Several recent studies

have found a direct link between excellent supply chain management and profitability (e.g.,

Dehning et al., 2007; Hendricks and Singhal, 2005; Droge et al., 2004; D’Avanzo et al.,

2003; Vickery et al., 2003; Timme and Williams-Timme, 2000). Nonetheless, supply chain

metrics are not explicitly linked to shareholder value (Hartley-Urquhart, 2006; Ketchen and

Giunipero, 2004; Ellram and Liu, 2002; Stemmler, 2002). Whereas numerous concepts and

technologies have been applied to optimize and to improve the supply chain (e.g., Ellram and

Cousins, 2007; Hausmann, 2003; Cooper et al., 1997; Ellram, 1991), analysis of the match

between product types and the employed supply chain strategies has so far not been sufficient

to assist decision-making in supply chain management (Grosse-Ruyken and Wagner, 2009b;

Selldin and Olhager, 2007; Ketchen and Giunipero, 2004). Until today, researchers in the

field of supply chain management, procurement, and finance have focused on the efficient

configuration of operational processes and allocation of scarce resources by relying on the

assumptions of neoclassical or new institutional economic theory. However, insights from all

three disciplines have not been systematically integrated. Few firms structure their supply

chain drivers effectively and achieve a fit between product types and supply chain strategies

(Li and Brien, 2001; Stock et al., 2000; Doty et al., 1993). Furthermore, failure to categorize

products in relation to supply chain management strategies is still not unusual in various

industries. Even more important, the financial impact of theoretically ideal supply chain
Chapter I: Introduction and Research Overview 3

management frameworks (Chopra and Meindl, 2009; Lee, 2002; Fisher, 1997), or in other

words, the bottom line impact of supply chain management, has not been sufficiently

investigated. This presents an open field for research. In order to fill this research gap, this

dissertation is built on three research questions:

First, from a strategic perspective, we look at the bottom line impact of supply chain

management, i.e., the impact of a fit in the supply chain on a firm’s financial success. The

impact of a supply chain fit, so far, has neither been quantified by firms nor documented in

the literature. Configurational theory suggests that higher performance can be realized if a

firm achieves a perfect “fit.” As such, supply chain fit, i.e., strategic consistencies between

demand aspects of the underlying product and supply chain design, is a major leverage factor

in a firm’s financial success. However, many firms struggle to achieve the ideal supply chain

fit. Increased uncertainty of implied demand is often not served by sufficient supply chain


Second, from a tactical perspective, we investigate how supply chain designs perform in

terms of Return on Capital Employed (ROCE). When designing supply chains, firms face the

competing demands of increased physically-efficiency and improved market responsiveness.

As a result, an optimal supply chain design will serve as a lever in making or breaking firms.

Benchmarking supply chain designs enables firms to evaluate the potential of their supply

chain and become best-in-class. Despite many studies on supply chain improvement and

optimization, there is little research on integrated finance-supply chain management. We fill

this gap by using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to benchmark supply chain designs in

terms of ROCE.
Chapter I: Introduction and Research Overview 4

Third, from an operational perspective, we explore the required level of sourcing

flexibility, i.e., the capability of a firm’s procurement processes to respond or react rapidly to

changing supply requirements, which is one of the building blocks of supply chain

responsiveness. In today’s decentralized supply chains, firms depend on their suppliers to

create a large share of the value of their products. For this reason, understanding the causes

and consequences of sourcing flexibility is critical. We show that supplier selection and

information systems at the buyer-supplier interface positively influence sourcing flexibility.

Sourcing flexibility, in turn, is curvilinearly (U-shaped) related to supply chain performance.

Firms with either low or high levels of sourcing flexibility exhibit high supply chain

performance, whereas medium levels of sourcing flexibility hinder that performance. In other

words, the “stuck in the middle” phenomenon, which is frequently observed in areas of

strategy and organization, is also evident in procurement decisions. Finally, sourcing

flexibility positively influences the business performance of a product (“product

performance”), such as its sales growth rate, market share, and profitability. The strong and

positive relationship between sourcing flexibility and supply chain and product performances

underscores that sourcing flexibility merits procurement managers’ attention in supplier

selection and procurement decisions. However, a mismatch between sourcing flexibility and

product and supply chain characteristics can be detrimental to performance. A clear

understanding of these factors is therefore crucial.

In summary, an effective supply chain management supports a business in both good

times and bad. Increasing implied uncertainty from customers and supply sources is best

served by increasing responsiveness from the supply chain. Hereby, firms should align their

competitive strategy (and resulting implied uncertainty) and supply chain strategy (and
Chapter I: Introduction and Research Overview 5

resulting responsiveness) as closely as possible (Chopra and Meindl, 2009). Lee and

Billington (1993) identify three sources of uncertainty: demand (volume and mix), process

(yield, machine downtimes, transportation reliabilities), and supply (part quality, delivery

reliability). Clearly, cost, time and uncertainty are important in different degrees to all supply

chains. However, if one aspect dominates, this helps to simplify the complex challenge of

developing appropriate strategies for supply chain design. This dissertation focuses on the

design of supply chains in which demand uncertainty is key challenge.

It is important to understand that the desired level of responsiveness required across the

supply chain may be attained by assigning different levels of responsiveness and efficiency to

each stage of the supply chain. High-performing supply chains have four distinguishing

characteristics (Chopra and Meindl. 2009; Stock et al., 2000; Lee and Billington, 1993):

 They support, enhance, and are an integral part of a firm’s competitive business


 They leverage a distinctive supply chain operating model/strategy to sustain


 They execute well against a balanced set of operational performance objectives and

metrics to attain the optimal responsiveness.

 They focus on logistics (facilities, inventory, and transportation) and cross-functional

(information, sourcing, and pricing) drivers that reinforce one another to support the

operating model and best achieve operational objectives.

This dissertation takes these issues into consideration and addresses the constituents and

performance outcomes of effective supply chain management. The purpose of this

dissertation is to further the impact of the phenomenon of supply chain fit.

Chapter I: Introduction and Research Overview 6

The remainder of this dissertation is structured as follows. The subsequent sections of this

chapter offer an overview of the understanding of supply chain management, its current

challenges and fit constituents. Then, the three core research questions of this dissertation are

outlined. The research design and methodology used to investigate the delineated research

questions are then presented. Chapter II focuses on the impact of a fit in the supply chain on a

firm’s financial success (research question I). Chapter III sheds light on supply chain design

efficiency (research question II). Chapter IV investigates the relationship among sourcing

flexibility, supply chain performance and product performance (research question III).

Finally, Chapter V brings together the results of the previous chapters, summarizes the

research results, and puts special emphasis on key academic and practically relevant findings.

2. Supply chain management, challenges and fit constituents

The past decades have seen an increasing recognition of the importance of supply chain

management. Nevertheless, there is still no commonly agreed-upon terminology. As a

consistent use of terms is essential, this section presents a short overview of supply chain

management and its constituents as well as defines the terms which constitute the basis of this

dissertation. Figure 1 illustrates the nomenclature and how these terms are connected.
Chapter I: Introduction and Research Overview 7

Figure 1: Supply chain decision-making framework

Strategic Fit
Competitive Strategy

Supply Chain Fit

Supply Chain Strategy

Efficiency Supply Chain Design Responsiveness

Facilities Inventory Transportation

Logistical Drivers

Cross Functional
Information Sourcing Pricing

Note. Framework adapted from Chopra and Meindl (2009).

Supply chain strategy attempts to achieve an optimal balance between efficiency and

responsiveness that fits the competitive strategy of the manufacturing firm and meets

customer needs. To reach that goal, the right combination of logistical and cross-functional

drivers is required. For each driver, supply chain executives have to make a trade-off between

efficiency and responsiveness based on interaction with the other drivers of the supply chain.

The combined impact of these drivers, i.e., the supply chain design, determines the

responsiveness and the profits of the entire supply chain. The responsiveness trade-offs must

be solved depending on the characteristics of the underlying product, so that the right supply

chain is designed for the product (Fisher, 1997). If firms strike the right balance between

efficiency and responsiveness that match the demand aspects of the product, supply chain fit

is achieved. Furthermore, is the supply chain strategy aligned to the competitive strategy, a
Chapter I: Introduction and Research Overview 8

firm executes strategic fit. In the following, these terms will be derived from the pertinent

literature, discussed, and defined.

2.1. Supply chain management

Supply chain management, with its emphasis on linkages among value-adding activities in

the chain, is perhaps the most significant development in business management since the

early 1980s when U.S. firms began adopting the just-in-time concept. The understanding of

supply chain management has developed over time and evolved differently across countries.

The idea of supply chain management is anchored in the USA with the transfer of logistic

principles from military to business operations. Secretary of War Elihu Root observed that for

Americans the difficulties of making war lay not in the raising of soldiers, but in equipping,

supplying, and transporting them. The evolution of modern warfare since 1898 amply

demonstrates the truth of Root’s observation. The scale and scope of modern wars, rapidly

changing technology, and new military doctrines involving the rapid movement of large

forces over great distances have made logistics the key to modern warfare. The development

of modern technology and the necessity of worldwide operations after 1898 thrust logisticians

into a new era of specialization, which lasted roughly until the end of World War II. The

relatively simple logistical tasks and organizations that had met the needs of earlier times

became much more complex, requiring more and better trained personnel, larger and more

diverse logistical organizations, and greater management and control. The era of

specialization overlapped with the last phase, the era of integration, which began before

World War II and continues today. In this phase, the quantity of equipment is not the key

success factor; getting the right equipment in the right quantity to the right place at the right

time is indeed. But in order to manage these processes efficiently, it is necessary to take a
Chapter I: Introduction and Research Overview 9

holistic perspective along the supply chain, by integrating both internal functions (e.g.,

procurement, production, and marketing) and external actors (e.g., suppliers and customers)

through collaboration and relationship management (Weber, 2002).

Weber (2002) notes that the development of logistics towards supply chain management

is based on a four-phase approach whereby the logistics know-how and the path-dependency

increase from phase to phase. Hereby the first two phases are mainly determined by

efficiency optimizations of logistics processes in terms of specialization and coordination of

material flows; in the next two upcoming phases, logistics breaks out of its operational

borders and focuses additionally (Weber, 1999) on holistic leadership functions by managing

the whole supply chain flows – our modern understanding of supply chain management

(Weber, 2002; Weber and Kummer, 1998).

Numerous definitions of a supply chain exist, and while they may differ in terminology,

they are reasonably consistent in meaning. Following Mentzer (2001), supply chain

management is defined as “the systemic, strategic coordination of the traditional business

functions within a particular firm and across businesses within the supply chain, for the

purposes of improving the long-term performance of the individual firms and the supply

chain as a whole” (Mentzer, 2001, p. 18). The supply chain consists of all parties involved,

directly or indirectly, in fulfilling a customer (consumer) request through the manufacturer’s

(OEM’s) goods and services that are created in the SCM processes (Figure 2). It is important

to note that supply chains are dynamic and require the constant flow of information, product,

and funds.
Chapter I: Introduction and Research Overview 10

Figure 2: Supply chain management framework and its components

Competitive and Supply Chain Strategies
Supplier Manufacturing firm (OEM) Customer
(Tier n) LSP LSP (Consumer)
Purchasing Marketing & Sales

Production Finance

Management of Customer Relationships and Customer Service

Management of Supplier Relationships

SCM Processes

Management of Demand and Order Fulfillment

Management of Manufacturing Flows

Management of Innovation and Product Development

Management of Logistics Services

Management of Returns

Supply Chain Performance Measurement

Note. Framework adapted from Cooper, Lambert, and Pagh (1997).

Because of its primary focus on key process integration throughout the supply chain

(Weber, 2002), supply chain management leads to a balance between customer requirements

and supply chain capabilities that best meets demand and supply. Furthermore, the optimized

use of internal and external supplier capabilities and technologies is enhanced by supply

chain management which improves the firm’s performance by bringing trading partners along

the supply chain in the interests of efficiency, responsiveness, and customer satisfaction.

Benefits of supply chain management occur therefore across the extended firm that is

engaged in improving shareholder value in at least one of four areas: revenue enhancement,

operating expense reduction, working capital and fixed capital efficiency.

2.1.1. The objective of supply chain management

The objective of supply chain management is to maximize the value generated. The value a

supply chain generates is the difference between what the final product is worth to the

customer and the effort the supply chain expends in filling the customer’s request. The value
Chapter I: Introduction and Research Overview 11

for most commercial supply chains will be strongly correlated with supply chain profitability,

the difference between revenue generated from the customer and the overall costs across the

supply chain. Supply chain profitability is the total profit to be shared across all supply chain

stages. It is clear, but noteworthy that for any supply chain, there is only one source of

revenue: the customer. All flows of information, product, or funds generate costs within the

supply chain. Therefore the appropriate management of these flows is a key to supply chain

success, reducing system-wide costs while maintaining required service levels (e.g., Mentzer

et al., 2001; Simchi-Levi et al., 2000; Lee and Billington, 1993).

Successful supply chain management requires many decisions which fall into three

categories or phases, depending on the frequency of each decision and on the time frame over

which a decision phase has an impact:

 Supply chain strategy and design. In this phase, a firm decides how to design the

supply chain over the next several years, what the chain’s configurations will be, how

resources will be allocated, and what processes will be performed in each stage

 Supply chain planning. In this phase, the supply chain’s configurations, determined

in the strategy phase, establish constraints within which planning must be done. The

planning phase starts with a forecast for the upcoming year

 Supply chain operations. During this phase, firms make daily decisions regarding

how best to handle incoming customer orders.

All three phases have a strong impact on the profitability and success of a manufacturing

firm. As supply chain decisions play a significant role in the success or failure of a firm, the

best supply chains are not just fast and cost-effective, they are also agile, adaptable, and they

ensure that all their firms’ interests remain in alignment (Lee, 2004).
Chapter I: Introduction and Research Overview 12

2.1.2. Supply chain drivers

In reaching the balance between efficiency and responsiveness that best meets the needs of

the firm’s competitive strategy, logistical and cross-functional drivers of supply chain

management (facilities, inventory, transportation, information, sourcing, and pricing) must be

aligned and adapted, as they interact with each other (see Figure 1). As a result, the structure

of these drivers, which constitutes the underlying supply chain design of a manufacturing

firm, determines if and how effective supply chain management is achieved across the supply

chain. It is important to emphasize that the logistical and cross-functional drivers interact

with each other determining the performance of the supply chain (Chopra and Meindl, 2009):

 Facilities. Facilities are the actual physical locations, production and/or storage sites,

in the supply chain network where decisions regarding role, location, capacity, and

flexibility of facilities have a significant impact on the performance of the supply


 Inventory. Inventory includes all raw materials, work in process, and finished goods

within a supply chain. Decisions about inventory levels can dramatically alter the

supply chain’s efficiency and responsiveness.

 Transportation. Transportation entails moving inventory from point to point in the

supply chain. This can be done in many combinations of modes and routes, each with

its own performance characteristics and hence affecting the supply chain’s efficiency

and responsiveness.

 Information. Information sharing and coordination is one of the biggest performance

drivers within the supply chain because it directly affects each of the other drivers.

Information consists of data and analysis regarding the logistic driver’s facilities,
Chapter I: Introduction and Research Overview 13

inventory, and transportation as well as of prices, costs, and customers throughout the

supply chain.

 Sourcing. At the strategic level, sourcing decisions determine what function a firm

performs in-house and what functions it outsources. Sourcing entails deciding who

will perform a particular supply chain activity such as production, storage,

transportation, or information management.

 Pricing. Pricing fixes the price levels of the goods and services that a firm makes

available in the supply chain. Pricing has a strong impact on consumer behavior, thus

affecting the supply chain performance.

Excellent supply chain design and operation takes advantage of the interaction of the

supply chain drivers and makes the appropriate trade-offs to deliver the desired level of

responsiveness. The supply chain drivers are key leverage factors for supply chain

management to master demand and supply uncertainty.

2.2. Supply chain challenges

An effective way to handle uncertainty is to develop effective demand and supply chain

management capabilities. More firms are recognizing that a well-designed supply chain is a

key component of commercial success. As a result, there is strong interest in identifying the

trends that are shaping the future of supply chains. Wagner, Erhun, and Grosse-Ruyken

(2009) identified, based on the empirical data set of sample I (see subchapter 4.1), demand

planning and forecasting improvements, cost reductions, sourcing optimization and inventory

reductions as the four major supply chain challenges in the next two years. The picture has

slightly changed since 2006. Whereas cost reduction had been the top item in the agenda back

then, followed by sourcing optimization and demand planning and forecasting improvement,
Chapter I: Introduction and Research Overview 14

the latter one is now regarded as a top priority for manufacturing firms. Figure 3 gives an

overview of current challenges in supply chain management.

Figure 3: Pictorial of hierarchy of supply chain challenges

Demand Planning & Forecasting Improvement 48%

Cost Reduction 46%

Sourcing Optimization 42%

Inventory Reduction 40%

Customer Service Improvement 33%

Network Optimization 31%

Inbound Transportation Optimization 27%

Outbound Transportation Optimization 26%

Consolidation of Facilities 24%

Know-how Enhancement of Employees 22%

Reverse Logistics Optimization 7%

Others 8%

Note. Multiple nominations were possible. N = 259.

2.2.1. Core challenges

Supply chain executives identified four core supply chain challenges which are described in

the following.

Demand planning and forecasting improvement. Aligning demand and supply in

today’s complex and dynamic manufacturing environment remains challenging at best. As

sources and capacities for manufacturing have increased, many firms have moved away from

focusing solely on plant-level production planning. They adopt demand-driven approaches so

that they can cope with changing customer demand more efficiently. Still, many

manufacturing firms spend an inordinate amount of time and resources for better demand

prediction. Yet, in spite of the significant investment, static forecasts are often out of date

within hours of creation, questioning the real value of traditional planning tools as it relates to

near-term demand volatility. Not surprisingly, 48% of the 259 respondents identified demand

planning and forecasting improvement as the top priority in 2009 and 2010 for manufacturing
Chapter I: Introduction and Research Overview 15

firms. The most common method of dealing with uncertainty is building up inventory in the

supply chain. Departments buffer against their lack of confidence in the forecast with safety

stocks. As each link in the chain creates its own buffers, inventories skyrocket. More accurate

demand planning and forecasting improvements are needed for managers to predict shortened

market visibility in uncertain environments. A key capability for manufacturers is to be able

to respond rapidly to what is happening at the moment. As such, manufacturers need to

transition from a supply chain driven strictly by forecasts to a demand-driven one.

Rationalizing and optimizing what firms are best at selling, making and delivering – and

aligning the sales force with that mindset – helps a manufacturing firm to create a more

customer-focused mindset without sacrificing operational efficiency. Ultimately a demand-

focused approach to planning can significantly improve demand planning and management

efforts and help overall costs and customer service efforts.

Cost reduction. More than 46% of the respondents identified cost reduction as the most

powerful way to increase profit margins. Many firms like Rolls-Royce, L’Oreal, Lego or

Chrysler currently improve their supply chain operations by cutting costs. Chrysler, for

example, vows to cut its costs by 25% in the next three years. Other cost reduction efforts in

the field of supply chain management would add value and bring new business benefits. First,

process efficiencies drive costs down as teams find best practices and streamline the end-to-

end system of supply and delivery, taking cost out wherever possible. Second, shorter cycle

times and visibility across the supply chain increase responsiveness and customer

satisfaction, reduce customer turnover and help to retain valuable customers. Third, lean

techniques reduce waste and non-value-adding steps, assuring best processing across the

enterprise. Fourth, asset utilization and elimination of unnecessary assets reduces the need for
Chapter I: Introduction and Research Overview 16

working capital. Finally, lower inventory levels that more closely meet the actual demand

will reduce working capital needs and minimize carrying costs.

Sourcing optimization. As many firms step back and examine their core competencies,

they realize that outsourcing non-core products and activities to suppliers creates synergies

that can reduce costs, shorten lead-time or improve service. Although significant economic

benefits can be realized from outsourcing all or parts of the supply chain processes, without

the right systems, processes and supplier management competencies, such efforts bear very

high risk (Wagner and Bode, 2008). In a heavily outsourced environment, manufacturing

firms need to put more systems in place to compensate for the fact that they can no longer

control the entire operations inside the firm boundaries. In an outsourced supply chain

environment, the need for excellent inter-firm and intra-firm information flows (e.g., between

the firm and its suppliers) becomes a high priority. Over 100,000 new product introductions

per year which the German sportswear giant Adidas delivers worldwide, is a good example of

how complex and challenging purchasing decisions are to handle such volumes through the

supply chains.

Inventory reduction. As demand and supply in the value chain do not match perfectly

per se, inventories are needed as buffers between supply chain stages. Inventory can be

essential for maintaining a steady flow of production and high capacity utilization. The

amount of time required to convert purchased materials and parts into finished products

depends on the magnitude of these inventories. But with the widespread use of just-in-time or

just-in-sequence deliveries and vendor-managed inventories as well as just-in-time or just-in-

sequence production, firms can operate with minimal levels of inventory. This made supply

chain and operations managers aware that inventories prevent the discovery of problems in
Chapter I: Introduction and Research Overview 17

the supply chain and on the shop floor and can be detrimental to productivity. As a

consequence, these managers commonly take inventory levels as indicators for process

capability and efficiency. Inventory reductions can significantly reduce costs, however they

also expose defects in the manufacturing process, forcing managers and workers to eliminate

(rather than accommodate) sources of process variability. Inventory reductions can also result

in productivity gains, and might serve as an indicator that process variability has been

reduced and that less buffer stock is required. A 10% reduction in inventory leads for

example with a lag of about one year to an average labor productivity gain of about 1%

(Lieberman and Demeester, 1999). In combination, inventory reduction will remain a

challenging task in the upcoming years, as 40% of the respondents approve.

2.2.2. Additional stresses

Challenges in supply chain management are manifold. Besides the four top challenges

described above, manufacturing firms pay close attention to a number of other issues.

Customer service improvement. Customer service efforts were approved by 33% of the

respondents. Logistics is concerned with the timely and accurate flow of finished goods from

the production line to the customers. Customer service levels directly depend on the

performance of the logistics system of the firm. Customer service may also represent the best

opportunity for a firm to increase its market penetration and profitability. Therefore, excellent

customer service helps to achieve a close interaction with customers to fulfill specific

requirements and in reverse to be able to penetrate higher margins and achieve higher

customer loyalty.

Network optimization. More than ever, value creation occurs in networks consisting of

suppliers, manufacturing sites and logistic service facilities. As a consequence, a precise

Chapter I: Introduction and Research Overview 18

management of the global supply chain network is a prerequisite for a timely market

introduction of new products, smooth product ramp-ups, high delivery capability and quick

response to customer demand. However, as firms grow over time and expand their supply

chain network, it might happen one day that the network is not optimal anymore. To avoid

bottlenecks, redundancies and other suboptimal structures that decrease the overall

performance, 31% of the respondents will further focus on network optimization.

Consolidation of facilities as well as inbound and outbound optimization. Closely

related to network optimization is the consolidation of facilities as well as the inbound and

the outbound transportation optimization. Typical business drivers for facility consolidation

are changes in volumes required by the customers in regional markets, product line

extensions, mergers, acquisitions or divestiture of product lines. In order to ameliorate

suboptimal network systems, consolidation of facilities helps. In that context, new network

nodes emerge, for example, through the implementation of lead production facilities or

regional distribution centers that optimize inbound and outbound transportation. Inbound

transportation optimization is designed to create optimal inbound material shipments and

loads to assembly and component facilities. Optimal plans must be created considering

potential supply chain constraints. Outbound transportation and logistics is at the other side of

the process of managing and optimizing the outbound shipment of vehicles from assembly

plants through consolidation hubs to distributors or customers.

Know-how enhancement of employees. The right employee training, development and

education provides significant payoffs for the employer. Hence the hiring, training and

retention of qualified employee is high on the agenda of many firms. In the coming years,

22% of the firms plan to enhance the “supply chain knowledge” of their employees. Better
Chapter I: Introduction and Research Overview 19

and well-trained employees – blue- and white-collar alike – are the basis for supply chain

innovations, increasing process efficiencies, the ability to adapt to new technologies, and last

but not least, higher job satisfaction, employee motivation and reduced employee turnover.

Qualified people who understand the business of running supply chains are scarce.

Reverse logistics optimization. In many countries, new laws require firms to implement

reverse logistics systems, for example, for electronic equipment. Since the reverse supply

chain consists of three separate entities – the assembly plant, the disassembly plant and the

recycling plant – operations have to be planned from a larger perspective that comprises those

three entities. From the supply of products to collection, dismantling and reuse, the inventory

of products and components must be properly maintained and inventory policies in reverse

supply chains must be altered in terms of the level and location of buffer stocks. Since

reverse logistics optimization is seen by a relatively small number of the respondents as a key

supply chain driver, firms still seem to react to fulfill the required reverse logistics activities,

but to a lesser degree see reverse logistics as a means for differentiation or cost reduction.

Others. Finally, value creation through “other” improvement initiatives, such as

consolidation of outbound distribution networks or ERP system implementations, were also

considered as a challenge supply chain and operations managers will tackle in the next two


Developing, selling, manufacturing and delivering customized products can be a

challenge for the best organizations. Customers will only be satisfied and buy again if service

and price are aligned with their expectations. Supply chain management plays a crucial role

in meeting these expectations. An inefficient and poorly functioning supply chain can

negatively impact every aspect of an organization, jeopardizing the long-term performance

Chapter I: Introduction and Research Overview 20

and success of a business. Manufacturing firms that re-evaluate how the current supply chain

strategies and structures – including infrastructure, technologies, processes and organizational

structures – support their business must continuously adapt to changing customer preferences

and competitive environments. In the end, business strategy and supply chain strategy must

match and support each other to achieve a high supply chain performance.

2.3. Strategic fit

For any firm to be successful, its supply chain strategy must be aligned with its competitive

strategy. Strategic fit refers to consistency between the customer priorities which the

competitive strategy hopes to satisfy and the supply chain capabilities which the supply chain

strategy aims to build. Few tasks are more difficult for the top management of a firm than

achieving supply chain fit, i.e., the job of aligning the supply chain design to the specific

demand aspects of the underlying product which implies achieving supply chain fit and to

make sure that all core functionalities are in line with the overall competitive strategy

(“strategic fit”). If an alignment between supply chain strategy and its supply chain design is

not achieved, supply chain misfit occurs. It results in different functions within the firm and

stages across the supply chain targeting different customer priorities. The question is how the

supply chain drivers should be designed to achieve supply chain fit. In other words, what

does a firm need to do to achieve that all-important supply chain fit?

A competitive strategy will implicitly or explicitly specify one or more customer

segments that a firm hopes to satisfy with its product. To achieve supply chain fit, a firm

must ensure that its supply chain capabilities (supply chain design) support its ability to

satisfy with its product(s) the targeted customer segments. To achieve a fit, the following

three steps are crucial.

Chapter I: Introduction and Research Overview 21

2.3.1. Demand and supply uncertainty spectrum

Firms must understand the customer needs for each targeted segment and the uncertainty that

the supply chain faces in satisfying these needs. A powerful but simple way to characterize a

product, when seeking to devise the right supply chain strategy, is to look into its underlying

uncertainty spectrum. It specifies the two key uncertainties: demand and supply. Demand

uncertainty is linked to the predictability of the demand for the product. Fisher (1997)

categorizes products as functional (standardized), with predictable demand, or innovative

(individualized, customized, or fashionable), with unpredictable demand. Product

characteristics vary in terms of demand predictability, life-cycle length, product variety,

service, lead-times and specific market requirements. Fashion apparel, high-end laptops, the

latest integrated circuits, and mass customized goods are examples of innovative products;

consumable household items, food, oil and gas, and everyday clothing are examples of

functional products. Functional products have less variety than innovative products, where

variety is implicit in the fashion-oriented nature of the product or the rapid introduction of

new product launches due to advancements in technology. Demand for functional products is

much easier to forecast than the demand for innovative products. Due to the differences in

product life-cycle and the nature of the product, functional products tend to have lower

product profit margins, but the cost of obsolescence is low; innovative products tend to have

higher product profit margins, but the cost of obsolescence is high. The demand aspects of a

product listed by Fisher (1997) as shown in Table 1 point out that implied demand

uncertainty is often correlated with other aspects of demand.

Chapter I: Introduction and Research Overview 22

Table 1: Generic product profiles

Functional products Innovative products
Aspects of demand (product characteristics) (predictable demand) (unpredictable demand)
Product life-cycle more than 2 years 3 months to 1 year
Contribution margin 5%-20% 20%-60%
Product variety Low (10-20 variants per High (often millions of
category) variables per category)
Average margin of error in the forecast at the 10% 40%-100%
time production is committed
Average stock-out rate 1%-2% 10%-40%
Average forced end-of-season mark down as 0% 10%-25%
percentage of full price
Lead-time required for made-to-order products 6 months to 1 year 1 day to 2 weeks
Note. Demand aspects adapted from Fisher (1997). The contribution margin equals price minus variable cost
divided by price and is described as a percentage.

First, products with uncertain demand are often less mature and have less direct

competition; this allows higher margins. Second, increased implied uncertainty leads to

increased complexity in matching demand and supply. This leads either to higher inventory

levels (oversupply) and to markdowns (if it is a failure) or to higher stock-out rates (if it is a

success). Finally, forecasting is much tougher and less accurate when demand uncertainty is

high. As a result, different supply chain strategies are required for functional than for

innovative products.

Lee (2002) points out that along with demand uncertainty, it is important to consider

supply uncertainty, resulting from the capability of the supply chain. Several characteristics

of supply sources, like frequent breakdowns (Wagner and Bode, 2008), inflexible or limited

supply capacity, low, unpredictable yields or evolving product processes affect supply

uncertainty. Furthermore, supply uncertainty is triggered by the life-cycle position.

Innovative products, introduced to the market, have higher supply uncertainty in contrast to

mature (functional) products because designs and production processes are still evolving.

Demand and supply uncertainties can be used as a framework to devise the right supply

chain strategy (Lee, 2002; Fisher, 1997). For this reason, firms should combine the

uncertainty from the customers and the supply chain and map them on the implied
Chapter I: Introduction and Research Overview 23

uncertainty spectrum of the underlying product. This helps the firm to identify the extent of

the unpredictability of demand, disruption, and delay that for which the supply chain must be

prepared. Based on that result, the firm can design its supply chain drivers accordingly to

provide the optimal supply chain capabilities to best meet demand in that uncertain


2.3.2. Supply chain capabilities

Supply chains have many characteristics that affect their physically-efficiency and market

responsiveness. The supply chain drivers, which build supply chain capability, are the design

tools for the supply chain structure to deliver the product through the chain in an optimal

manner. The responsiveness spectrum of a supply chain includes the ability of a supply chain

to fill a wide range of quantities, to meet requested, often very tight lead-times and/or high

service levels, handle large varieties of products to create innovative products. As

responsiveness is unfortunately not free (e.g., a wider range of varieties and/or quantities

demanded increases capacity and complexity increases costs), firms have to focus on supply

chain efficiency. For every strategic choice to increase responsiveness, additional costs which

lower efficiency are incurred. As a consequence, with respect to the product which is

supplied through the chain, an effective supply chain has to be designed. Depending on the

underlying product or main product line of a manufacturing firm which is transformed

through the value chain, either a physically-efficient supply chain or a market responsive

supply chain is required with respect to its resource and inventory strategy as well as overall

objectives. Both generic supply chain designs listed by Fisher (1997) are shown in Table 2.
Chapter I: Introduction and Research Overview 24

Table 2: Generic supply chain design profiles

Physically-efficiency Market responsiveness
Primary purpose Supply predictable demand Respond quickly to unpredictable
efficiently at the lowest possible demand in order to minimize stock-
cost outs, forced markdown, and obsolete
Manufacturing focus Maintain high average utilization Deploy excess buffer capacity
Inventory strategy Generate high turns and minimize Deploy significant stocks of parts or
inventory throughout the chain finished goods

Lead-time focus Shorten lead-time for cost and Invest aggressively in ways to reduce
quality lead-time
Approach to choosing Select primary for cost and quality Select primary for speed, flexibility
suppliers and quality
Product-design strategy Maximize performance and Use modular design in order to
minimize cost postpone product differentiation for as
long as possible
Note. Generic supply chain designs profiles adapted from Fisher (1997).

Chopra and Meindl (2009) note that the lowest possible cost for a given level of

responsiveness can be shown by the cost-responsiveness efficient frontier. The efficient

frontier line represents the cost-responsiveness performance of the best supply chains. We

address this issue in detail in Chapter III. A firm which is not on that efficient frontier line

can improve both its costs and its responsiveness by moving towards the efficient frontier.

However if a firm is already on the efficient frontier line, it can improve its responsiveness

only by increasing costs and becoming less efficient. Such a firm will have to make a trade-

off between efficiency and responsiveness. Clearly, firms on the efficient frontier line are

continuously improving their operations and changing technology to shift the efficient

frontier itself. Given the trade-off between cost and responsiveness, a key strategic choice for

any supply chain is to design a supply chain that provides the level of responsiveness it needs

to provide to match the product characteristics.

Having determined the nature of the products and their supply chain priorities, a matrix for

the ideal supply chain strategy can be formulated. Fisher (1997) identifies two ideal types of

organization: 1) those in which functional products are embedded in physically-efficient

Chapter I: Introduction and Research Overview 25

supply chains with a strong focus on cost minimization, high inventory turnovers and high

average utilization rates; and 2) organizations where innovative (customized) products (which

sell often for a single season) are supplied through market responsive supply chains with

extra buffer inventory capacity, high flexibility requirements and a capability for market

processing information. The two other types are “mismatch” or “misfit.” The four types are

depicted in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Fit and misfit matrix

Product profiles
Functional Innovative
product product
Supply chain design profiles

Fit Misfit

Misfit Fit

Note. Framework adapted from Fisher (1997).

2.3.3. Zone of strategic fit

As customer preferences and product demand aspects are always in flux, creating a supply

chain fit can only be temporary. Managers must be aware that supply chain fit is a dynamic

concept, not a static optimization project. In many firms, different departments devise

competitive and functional strategies. Without proper communication, i.e. information

sharing and coordination, between the departments and coordination by C-level executives,

these strategies are not likely to achieve supply chain fit. For many firms, the failure to
Chapter I: Introduction and Research Overview 26

achieve supply chain fit is a key reason for their inability to succeed as they lack strategic fit

(Chopra and Meindl, 2009).

To achieve strategic fit, firms must take three steps. First, they need to understand the

demand and supply uncertainty of their underlying product(s); second, they need to build a

supply chain with the right capabilities, and third they need to ensure that the degree of

supply chain responsiveness is consistent with the implied uncertainty and aligned with the

overall competitive strategy. The goal is to “target high responsiveness for a supply chain

facing high implied uncertainty, and efficiency for a supply chain facing low implied

uncertainty” (Chopra and Meindl, 2009, p. 32). This relationship is represented by the zone of

strategic fit illustrated in Figure 5.

Chapter I: Introduction and Research Overview 27

Figure 5: Zone of strategic fit

supply chain


supply chain

Functional products Implied uncertainty Innovative products

(predictable demand) spectrum (unpredictable demand)
Note. Framework adopted from Chopra and Meindl (2009).

Strategic fit is achieved if the ideal consistency among the multiple dimensions of the

demand aspects of a firm’s product and its embedded supply chain design, i.e., supply chain

fit, is reached, and aligned with the overall competitive strategy. Our definition of supply

chain fit extends the generic framework of Fisher (1997) in two dimensions. First, there is not

always an either-or-strategy, but rather a mixed strategy which reflects the major stake of

supply chains (Selldin and Olhager, 2007). Second, most products are neither clearly

functional (standardized) nor innovative (customized), for example, automotive or apparel

products, mastering cost effectiveness on one hand and on the other hand dealing with high

product variety. As a result, there are multiple ideal supply chain fit constellations along the

efficient frontier line, depending on the business model and the competitive strategy.
Chapter I: Introduction and Research Overview 28

2.3.4. Obstacles
A firm’s ability to find the balance between physically-efficiency and market responsiveness

that best matches the customer needs is key to achieve supply chain fit. In deciding where

this balance should be located on the responsiveness spectrum, firms face tremendous supply

chain challenges (Wagner et al., 2010a; Wagner et al., 2009) and numerous obstacles

(Chopra and Meindl, 2009):

 Strategy execution. Creating a successful supply chain strategy is not easy; executing

it difficulties even less so. Toyota’s production system, which is a supply chain

strategy, has been known and understood, but it has been a competitive advantage for

more than two decades (Lee et al., 2005). Its brilliant strategy has been figured out by

its competitors; however those firms had difficulty in replicating this strategy. Many

high-potentials at all levels of the organization are needed to build and carry out a

successful supply chain strategy.

 Global supply chain management. The benefits of global supply chains are evident,

such as the ability to source suppliers worldwide and to obtain better or less expensive

goods. The drawbacks, however, are longer distances as facilities within the supply

chain are father apart, making coordination much harder and increased competition,

as once-protected firms have to compete worldwide, thus forcing firms to put more

strain on supply chains and thus more precisely balancing out their trade-offs.

 Customer demand. Customers today demand faster fulfillment, better quality and

sophisticated design, and better performing products for the same price than they did

years ago. The remarkable growth in customer demands urges supply chains to

provide more and to perform better to maintain their business.

Chapter I: Introduction and Research Overview 29

 Product life-cycles. Shorter product life-cycles makes the job of achieving supply

chain fit much harder as the supply chain must constantly adapt to produce and

deliver new customized products while coping with these products’ demand

uncertainty. Shorter life-cycles and increased uncertainty, combined with a smaller

window of opportunity within the supply chain to achieve supply chain fit has put

additional pressure on supply chains to coordinate and match supply to demand.

 Variety of products. The increase in product variety complicates the accuracy of

demand and forecast planning, which often tends to raise uncertainty; uncertainty

frequently results in increased costs and decreased responsiveness within the supply


 Supply chain ownership. Most firms are less vertically integrated than they were

decades ago, taking advantage of supplier and customer competencies. However, this

has made managing the supply chain more difficult as different interests and policies

of supply chain partners increase the complexity of coordination, thus reducing the

profitability of the overall supply chain and the chance to achieve strategic fit..

Those obstacles described above make it clear that achieving strategic fit is a major

challenge. Supply chain management plays hereby a major factor in the success or failure of

firms (e.g., Wagner et al., 2010a; Wagner et al., 2009; Chopra and Meindl, 2009; Mentzer,

2001; Lee, 2002; Simchi-Levi et al., 2000).

3. Research questions
This dissertation consists of three chapters (Chapter II, Chapter III, and Chapter IV) each of

which answers a particular research question. Top management must commit to

Chapter I: Introduction and Research Overview 30

understanding the effects of supply chain management on financial performance. The three

conceptual frameworks developed and tested in each of these chapters take unique

perspectives on the theme of this dissertation: the phenomenon of supply chain fit, its

constituents and performance outcomes and their relevance to the research on supply chain

management. Figure 6 illustrates the three core research questions under investigation and

their relationship with each other.

Figure 6: Overview of research questions

Strategic Fit
Competitive Strategy

Supply Chain Fit

Supply Chain Strategy
Question I

Efficiency Supply Chain Design Responsiveness

Question II

Facilities Inventory Transportation

Logistical Drivers

Question III Cross Functional

Information Sourcing Pricing

Note. The supply chain strategy must be aligned to the competitive strategy to achieve strategic fit. Supply
chain fit is defined as the ideal strategic consistency among the multiple dimensions of the demand
aspects of a firm’s product and its embedded supply chain design and is a prerequisite for obtaining
strategic fit.

3.1. Research question I

Supply chain fit, i.e., strategic consistencies between demand aspects of the underlying

product and the underlying supply chain design, is a major leverage factor in a firm’s success

and is receiving increased attention from both academia and business. However, managing

dynamic supply chains either with functional products or with innovative products is difficult
Chapter I: Introduction and Research Overview 31

(Slone et al., 2007), i.e., increased implied demand uncertainty is often not served by

sufficient supply chain responsiveness (Chopra and Meindl, 2009; Thonemann et al., 2007).

For instance, a lack of supply chain fit among carmakers and parts suppliers in the U.S.

automotive industry costs more than USD 10 billion each year. If the entire industry reached

a supply chain fit, it could save USD 8 billion (Hensley and Knupf, 2005). Indicators of a

lack of supply chain fit are manifold, and include degraded customer service, excessive

inventory, escalating costs, and declining profitability. For instance, despite heavy

investments in supply chain technology, Cisco Systems had to write off over USD 2 billion in

excess inventory in 2001 (Bailen, 2001) due to a clear lack of supply chain fit, estimated

costs of markdowns in US department stores are oftentimes up to 40%, and stock-outs

account for 30% of retail sales (Hausman and Thorbeck, 2007). In other words, getting the

right (new) product to the right (new) place at the right time at the right price, the traditional

touchstones of supply chain success, remains a challenging, cost-intensive, and frequently

multi-faceted goal (Fisher et al., 2000).

Operational measures such as speed, cost, quality, innovativeness and flexibility are often

the dependent variables of choice in supply chain studies (e.g., McKone et al., 2001).

“Scholars often argue that supply chain management has “bottom line” impact via such

metrics, but the case for such relationships is based largely on assertion rather than

demonstration. Thus, there is a great need for research establishing how and to what extent

supply chain activities directly and indirectly shape firm profits and stock price.” (Ketchen

and Giunipero, 2004, p. 54).

Although it is intuitive that a supply chain fit is likely to have a positive impact on

profitability, there is little systematic analysis and documentation of the magnitude of this
Chapter I: Introduction and Research Overview 32

impact in the literature. Most of the evidence that we have seen in literature is either

anecdotal or based on case studies. Only some initial research has emerged, among others

Vickery, Jayaram, Droge, and Calantone (2003) who investigate the link between supply

chain integration and financial performance due to an improved customer service, Droge,

Jayaram, and Vickery (2004) who indicate that an overall firm performance can be increased

by integrating practices leading to a better time-based performance, or Dehning, Richardson,

and Zmud (2007) who argue that excellent IT-based supply chain management systems

increase process efficiency and hence the financial performance effects. In response to this

call, we investigate in Chapter II the link between supply chain fit and firm’s financial

success. This leads to research question I:

Question I: Does supply chain fit have a significant impact on a firm’s financial

success and if so, which supply chain fit constituents are of relevance?

3.2. Research question II

Designing supply chain is one of the most strategic and challenging tasks of supply chain

management (Delfmann and Klaas-Wissing, 2007). Excellent supply chain designs, among

others at Zara, Procter & Gamble, Wal-Mart or Toyota, serve as competitive weapons.

However, many firms still struggle with the design of efficient supply chains. For instance,

supply chain design problems have contributed to a two-year delay at Boeing, the largest U.S.

manufacturer of commercial jetliners and military aircraft. However, it is still not clear

whether the breakdown of the “Dreamliner design” and its manufacturing was a matter of

communication, execution or something else (Smock, 2009). Many other recent publications

have highlighted the importance of supply chain design. For example, Danone was able to

boost its sales growth by 8% to 12% by improving its quality, service, availability and
Chapter I: Introduction and Research Overview 33

freshness (“market responsiveness”) (Loderhose, 2008). Chrysler aims to improve its supply

chain operations to cut supply chain costs (“physically-efficiency”) by 25% in the next three

years (Gupta and Orlofsky, 2008). Typically, firms producing and selling standardized

(functional) products operate in mature industry segments in which pressure on profit

margins is strong and competitive intensity is high. In contrast, customized (innovative)

products are made in an environment of lower competitive intensity, on the basis of

innovation and product variety (Lee, 2002; Christopher and Towill, 2000; Fisher, 1997). As

supply chain inefficiencies harm the competitiveness of firms through effects on both cost

(physical-efficiency) and time (market responsiveness), the design of the supply chain is of

utmost importance. Although many studies have captured the importance of supply chain

decisions about design and capabilities (Lee, 2004; Lee, 2002; Christopher and Towill, 2000;

Fisher, 1997), far less attention has been given to its impact on profitability (Hausman and

Thorbeck, 2007; Thonemann et al., 2007; Hendricks and Singhal, 2005).

So far, supply chain design efficiency has not been benchmarked either in the literature or

in practice. As a result, it is unknown how firms succeed in striking the right balance between

physically-efficiency and market responsiveness of their supply chains in terms of

profitability. Chapter III fills this gap by using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to

integrate supply chain design into an overall benchmark of financial profitability in terms of

ROCE. This leads to research question II:

Question II: How do supply chain designs perform in terms of Return on Capital

Employed, and which supply chain design types are of relevance?

Chapter I: Introduction and Research Overview 34

3.3. Research question III

As explained in the previous section, logistics and cross-functional drivers should be

designed so that a requested flexibility within the supply chain can meet customer demands.

Flexibility is often seen as a firm’s ability to match production to stochastic market demand

and uncertainty. It is also closely linked to the firm’s ability to provide customized (niche or

innovative) products to the consumer. There is no formal definition of the specific

dimensions which are needed to measure flexibility (D’Souza and Williams, 2000; Koste and

Malhotra, 1999; Upton, 1994; Gupta and Somers, 1992; Sethi and Sethi, 1990; Slack, 1987;

1983). Flexibility can be exhibited in different ways. A firm that has a higher output than

another firm, given limited time and resources, exhibits a higher (manufacturing) flexibility.

A firm that delivers its products more quickly to its downstream partners, for example by

aircraft, might exhibit higher (logistics) flexibility. A firm which can rely on a supplier

portfolio allowing changing delivery frequencies, order sizes or frequent changes of volume

allocation among them might exhibit a higher (sourcing) flexibility. In other words, flexibility

consists of a supply chain’s agility, adaptability, and responsiveness to the needs of its users

(Youndt et al., 1996). Slack (1983) defines flexibility as ‘‘the range of states a system can

adopt, the cost of moving from one state to another, and the time which is necessary to move

from one state to another’’ and extends it later (1987) to ”the ease (in terms of cost, time, or

both) with which changes can be made within the capability envelope”. Products which are

delivered more quickly will be more expensive and vice versa. Hence flexibility can be

composed of two dimensions: range and adaptability in which firms can change or react with

little penalty in time, cost or both providing the requested performance to its partners (Koste

and Malhotra, 1999; Upton, 1994). The first dimension of flexibility is the number of
Chapter I: Introduction and Research Overview 35

different states (range) which a firm can exercise (Upton, 1994; Slack, 1983) based on

existing resources which exclude the option that “range can be increased by simply investing

additional resources, in which case it would be a transient attribute” (Swafford et al., 2006,

pp. 173-174). The second dimension of flexibility is adaptability (Koste and Malhotra, 1999;

Bordoloi et al., 1999), which is the ability of a firm to shift from one state to another state in

a timely and cost effective manner in order to modify supply network to strategies,

technologies, and products as well as to adjust the supply chain’s design (Lee, 2004).

Manufacturing firms increasingly outsource many of their production activities to their

suppliers. As a result, the average cost of purchased materials, components, and services

across all manufacturing firms frequently exceeds 60% to 70% of the total cost of operations

(Leenders et al., 2006; Wagner, 2006). In such an environment, sourcing flexibility, i.e., “the

availability of a range of options and the ability of the purchasing process to effectively

exploit them so as to respond to changing requirements related to the supply of purchased

components” (Swafford et al., 2006, p. 174), is central to the success of firms that face

environmental or market uncertainties. Firms can save millions of dollars by adapting the

responsiveness of their supply chains through sourcing flexibility to reduce stock-outs and

inventory in their supply chains, shorten lead-times, and improve the quality of their

products. For example, by practicing sourcing flexibility, Zara, the Spanish fashion retailer, is

able to limit its sales at markdown prices to 15%–20% of the total sales, compared to 30%–

40% for its European peers (Cachon and Swinney, 2009; Ghemawat and Nueno, 2003). As

such, sourcing flexibility is one of the fundamental characteristics of an agile supply chain.

However, as important as it is, the link between sourcing flexibility and a firm’s product and

supply chain success has not yet been established. More and Babu (2008, p. 40) state that, in
Chapter I: Introduction and Research Overview 36

the literature, “the empirical justification of the benefits of implementing flexible supply

chains is rare and in-depth empirical studies are lacking.” Consequently, such knowledge

would support better supply chain design decision making.

In response to this call, in Chapter IV we investigate the impact of sourcing flexibility on

supply chain and product performance. In this context, the composition of a firm’s supplier

portfolio is essential to achieving the sourcing flexibility that is desirable in terms of

efficiency (cost) and responsiveness (agility). A high degree of sourcing flexibility in the

supply chain enables greater supply chain agility. However, sourcing flexibility comes at a

cost and therefore does not automatically result in higher profitability due to increased

responsiveness. This trade-off needs to be explored to reach definitive conclusions on the

relationship between sourcing flexibility and performance. In summary, the research question

III is:

Question III: Does sourcing flexibility have a significant impact on supply chain

and product performance and if so, which degree of sourcing

flexibility sources is required for high supply chain performance and

product performance?

4. Empirical basis
In order to investigate these research questions, theory-driven models were hypothesized

which were subsequently tested on a broad empirical basis. Hence, for Studies I, II and III,

large-scale data collection was conducted. Considerable attention was paid to the design of

the survey instrument, the ease of use, the burden on the respondents, and the maintenance of

the respondents’ interest until the survey was completed (Dillman, 2007). Therefore, a
Chapter I: Introduction and Research Overview 37

preliminary questionnaire was drafted with measurement scales and indexes which were

based on existing research. Furthermore, we ensured general ease of understanding for

respondents and construct validity. Therefore, the survey instrument was pre-tested with

executives and managers who were asked to review the questionnaire for readability,

ambiguity and completeness (Dillman, 2007). Several academics were asked to review the

survey items for ambiguity and clarity, and to evaluate whether individual items appeared to

be appropriate measures of their respective constructs (DeVellis, 2003). Several minor

changes were made to the survey instrument based on the pretest. Moreover, the survey

instrument incorporated the recommendations of Podsakoff, MacKenzie, Lee, and Podsakoff

(2003) for reducing common method bias. Accordingly, the respondents were offered

anonymity and confidentiality to reduce the chances of responses that are socially desirable,

lenient, or consistent with how respondents believe researchers want them to respond. In

addition, the respondents were informed that there are no correct or incorrect answers and to

respond as honestly as possible to reduce evaluation apprehension.

All three studies were conducted by means of an internet-based survey. The internet-

based survey was sent out three times, first to the USA and the UK, second to the German-

speaking countries Germany, Austria and Switzerland, and third to France. Therefore, the

English questionnaire was translated into German and French by two native speakers and

then was back translated into English by two other people. Any differences that emerged

were reconciled by these translators.

After these changes were completed, the survey was finalized and mailed. We mailed the

survey only to targeted key professionals in the area of logistics and supply chain

management. We focused on the largest firms in the USA and Europe. With the support of
Chapter I: Introduction and Research Overview 38

Stanford alumni and a service provider, 1,834 contact details were obtained. Figure 7 depicts

the data collection efforts which reflect our empirical basis.

Figure 7: Empirical basis of research questions

• Empirical basis for research question I

• N = 259 (sample I)
• Response rate = 14.12% (259/1834)
Study I • USA, UK, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and France

• Empirical basis for research question II

• N = 259 (sample I)
• Response rate = 14.12% (259/1834)
Study II • USA, UK, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and France

• Empirical basis for research question III

• N = 336 (sample II)
• Response rate = 18.32% (336/1834)
Study III • USA, UK, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and France

All three studies are out of the same cross-sectional sample, however while Studies I and

II were examined on the basis of sample I (259 manufacturing firms), Study III was

investigated on the basis of sample II (336 manufacturing firms). The reason is that out of the

cross-sectional sample we could only obtain secondary data from Bloomberg and Thomson

Reuters for 259 manufacturing firms listed on the stock exchanges in the USA and/or Europe.

4.1. Studies I and II

4.1.1. Data collection procedure
Research questions I and II and hence Studies I and II are based on sample I: on the cross-

sectional sample of 1,834 firms which was conducted in the USA, the UK, Germany, Austria,

Switzerland and France during September 2007 and April 2008. The sample, with 336 usable
Chapter I: Introduction and Research Overview 39

responses, was used and could be split into 77 private and 259 public manufacturing firms.

All contact addresses from public firms which were obtained from Stanford alumni,

Department of Management Science and Engineering and with the help of a service provider

who contacted the biggest manufacturing firms in the USA and Europe to get in contact with

business, supply chain, logistics and procurement executives were screened for key

performance indicators. The unit of analysis in Studies I and II is the main product line,

defined as the current sales (revenue) driver of the firm and its underlying supply chain.

Studies I and II targeted single well-informed respondents (Kumar et al., 1993; Phillips,

1981), i.e., senior managers in the purchasing or supply chain department, who are likely to

have an overarching, boundary-spanning view of their firms’ supply networks and supplier

activities (Hallenbeck et al., 1999).

The invitations to participate in the survey were sent by personalized emails containing a

link to the internet-based survey. On average, the questionnaire in Studies I and II took 20.7

minutes to complete. Considerable efforts were made to achieve a good response rate. A

composite summary of the results was offered in addition to participation in a lottery.

Following Dillman’s Total Design Method (Dillman, 2007), initial mailings were followed

by reminders, with follow-up phone calls or second mailings, as necessary. Survey

respondents were asked to answer each question using a 5-point Likert scale (1—low, 5—

high) based on the characteristics of their business unit relative to their major competitors.

The mailing and two follow-ups generated 400 responses (21.81%) in September 2007 and

April 2008, which is above the recommended rule-of-thumb baseline minimum of 20% for

empirical studies (Malhotra and Grover, 1998) even though several other studies subscribe to

the philosophy that there is no generally accepted minimum response rate (Fowler, 1993).
Chapter I: Introduction and Research Overview 40

However out of our sample, we could only obtain secondary data for 259 firms, i.e., all key

performance indicators (KPIs) which we requested to calculate among others ROCE, sales or

margin averages, yielding an effective response rate of 14.12% (259/1834). Hence, sample I

covers 259 manufacturing firms from a wide range of industries listed on the stock exchange

in the USA and/or Europe.

4.1.2. Sample characteristics

Approximately 61% of respondents were C-level executives, vice presidents, directors or

department heads, mainly in supply chain management (41%), logistics (19%), production

and procurement (17%), general management (10%) and closely related logistics fields

(13%). These respondents are likely to possess an overarching, boundary-spanning view of

their firms’ upstream and downstream activities pertaining to their firms’ main product lines.

A detailed breakdown is provided in Table 3.

Table 3: Breakdown of sample I composition

Industry Sector N % Number of Employees N %
Aerospace & Defense 24 9.27 < 100 3 1.16
Automotive & Parts 29 11.20 100-499 20 7.72
Chemicals 16 6.18 500-999 17 6.56
Construction & Materials 14 5.41 1,000-4,999 52 20.08
Electricity 4 1.54 5,000-9,999 40 15.44
Electronic & Electrical Equipment 28 10.81 > 10,000 127 49.04
Food & Beverages 19 7.34 Respondent Job Title N %
Forestry & Paper 5 1.93 CxO/Vice President 37 14.29
Household Goods & Personal Goods 26 10.04 Director/Department Head 122 47.10
Industrial Metals 10 3.86 Manager 64 24.71
Machinery & Plant Engineering 24 9.27 Team Leader 18 6.95
Medical Equipment 10 3.86 Others 18 6.95
Mining 4 1.54 Respondent Function N %
Oil & Gas 6 2.32 Supply Chain Management 106 40.93
Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology 12 4.63 General Management 27 10.42
Technology Hardware & Equipment 17 6.56 Logistics 48 18.53
Textiles 11 4.25 Purchasing 24 9.27
Production/Manufacturing 20 7.72
TOTAL 259 Others 34 13.13
Chapter I: Introduction and Research Overview 41

On average, the respondents have worked in the fields of procurement, logistics, supply

chain, production, or related fields for 13.2 years, have been in their position for 3.9 years,

and have been with the firm for 9.9 years (see Table 4), yielding a very good knowledge of

the underlying main product line, its structure and supplier base.

Table 4: Respondent work experience of sample I

Seniority Position Function
Work Experience N % N % N %
0 years - 4 years 90 34.75 191 73.75 44 16.99
5 years - 9 years 72 27.80 43 16.60 55 21.24
10 years - 14 years 32 12.36 14 5.41 44 16.99
15 years - 19 years 25 9.65 6 2.32 47 18.15
> 20 years 40 15.44 5 1.93 69 26.64

The firms’ annual sales range from EUR 14.1 million to EUR 170.5 billion; 65.3% of the

firms’ annual sales are above EUR 1 billion (mean = EUR 15.32 billion); the number of

employees ranges from less than 100 to 398,200 (mean = 52,031), thus yielding a

heterogeneous sample of mainly American and European firms. Given the range and size of

the firms studied and the diversity of industries, any systematic bias in the results can be


4.1.3. Data examination

The data were thoroughly screened and examined for possible problems and inconsistencies.

The univariate distributions of the manifest variables were examined for both skewness and

kurtosis and found to be within acceptable ranges (skewness below |2.0| and kurtosis below

|7.0|). No obvious univariate or multivariate outliers were detected by means of visual

inspection and the examination of the Mahalanobis distances (p < 0.001) (Cohen et al., 2003).

Two approaches were used to check whether non-response bias is a potential threat to the

representativeness of the sample and thus the validity of the findings. First, a wave analysis
Chapter I: Introduction and Research Overview 42

was conducted, based on the assumption that late respondents are similar to non-respondents

(Armstrong and Overton, 1977). t-tests at the 5% level yielded no statistically significant

differences among the responses from early (initial invitation email wave) versus late (second

and third reminder email wave) respondents on all 38 items as well as on a few key

demographic variables. Second, the sample of respondents was compared to a sample of 100

randomly selected non-responding firms drawn from the initial sample (N = 1,834) in terms

of annual sales and employees in 2006 (Wagner and Kemmerling, 2010). The data were

gathered from Bloomberg and Thomson Reuters. For both variables, no mean differences

between respondents and non-respondents were found to be significant according to the

performed t-tests (p < 0.05). In sum, although these results do not rule out the possibility of

non-response bias, they suggest that non-response bias may not be a problem. Thus, we

conclude that non-response bias is not present and preceded the data analysis as described in

subsequent sections.

4.2. Study III

4.2.1. Data collection procedure
The data collection procedure of Study III is the same as for Studies I and II. The mailing and

two follow-ups generated in total 336 usable responses, yielding an effective response rate of

18.32% (336/1834).

4.2.2. Sample characteristics

Approximately 64% of respondents are C-level executives, vice presidents, directors, or

department heads, primarily in supply chain management (38%), general management (26%),

logistics (18%), purchasing (10%), and production (8%). These respondents are likely to
Chapter I: Introduction and Research Overview 43

possess an overarching, boundary-spanning view of their respective firms’ upstream and

downstream activities pertaining to their firms’ main product lines. A detailed breakdown of

the sample II can be found in Table 5.

Table 5: Breakdown of sample II composition

Industry Sector N % Number of Employees N %
Aerospace & Defense 25 7.4 < 100 29 8.6
Automotive & Parts 33 9.8 100-499 42 12.5
Chemicals 24 7.1 500-999 27 8.0
Construction & Materials 20 6.0 1,000-4,999 60 17.9
Electricity 5 1.5 5,000-9,999 43 12.8
Electronic & Electrical Equipment 29 8.6 > 10,000 133 39.6
Food & Beverages 25 7.4 N/A 2 0.6
Forestry & Paper 7 2.1 Respondent Job Title N %
Household Goods & Personal Goods 31 9.2 CxO/Vice President 62 18.4
Industrial Metals 13 3.9 Director/Department Head 154 45.8
Machinery & Plant Engineering 28 8.3 Manager 96 28.6
Medical Equipment 11 3.3 Team Leader 19 5.7
Mining 4 1.2 Others 5 1.5
Oil & Gas 8 2.4 Respondent Function N %
Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology 12 3.6 Supply Chain Management 124 36.9
Technology Hardware & Equipment 21 6.2 General Management 89 26.5
Textiles 14 4.2 Logistics 59 17.6
Others 8 2.4 Purchasing 32 9.5
N/A 18 5.4 Production/Manufacturing 27 8.0
TOTAL 336 Others 5 1.5

On average, the respondents have worked in the field of purchasing, logistics, supply

chain, production, or related fields for 13.4 years, have been in their current positions for 4.4

years and have been with their firms for 10 years (see Table 6). They demonstrate superior

knowledge of the underlying main product lines, including the structure and supplier base of

those product lines.

Chapter I: Introduction and Research Overview 44

Table 6: Respondent work experience of sample II

Seniority Position Function
Work Experience N % N % N %
0 years - 4 years 121 36.01 239 71.13 59 17.56
5 years - 9 years 84 25.00 57 16.96 68 20.24
10 years - 14 years 48 14.29 24 7.14 62 18.45
15 years - 19 years 30 8.93 7 2.08 60 17.86
> 20 years 53 15.77 9 2.68 87 25.89

The firms’ annual sales range from 14.06 million EUR to 170.49 billion EUR, with 51%

of the firms’ annual sales in excess of 1 billion EUR (mean 15.59 billion EUR). The number

of employees ranges from less than 100 to 398,200 (mean 41,438). In terms of annual sales

and retained employees, the sample is thus heterogeneous. The range and size of the included

firms and the diversity of industries represented suggest that any systematic bias can be

excluded. Given the range and size of the firms studied and the diversity of industries, as well

as the informant competence and experience with regard to the topic of this study, the sample

characteristics provide an optimal basis for analysis.

4.2.3. Data examination

Again, the data were thoroughly screened and analyzed for possible problems and

inconsistencies. The univariate distributions of the manifest variables were examined for both

skewness and kurtosis and found to be within acceptable ranges (skewness below |2.0| and

kurtosis below |7.0|). No obvious univariate or multivariate outliers were detected by means

of visual inspection and the examination of the Mahalanobis distances (p < 0.001) (Cohen et

al., 2003).

To address non-response bias in Study III, we first applied the procedure suggested by

Armstrong and Overton (1977). We organized the data set into two groups of equal size, one

group consisting of earlier respondents and one group consisting of later respondents. To
Chapter I: Introduction and Research Overview 45

identify potential statistically significant differences between the two groups, we performed t-

tests on the groups’ responses. The t-tests (p < 0.05) yielded no statistically significant mean

differences among all items used in our models. In addition, we tested for significant

differences between firm size and industry clusters. Again, no statistically significant

differences were identified. Second, we sampled from the population that did not respond to

the original survey (non-respondents), contacted that sample by phone, and asked them to

complete the survey (Wagner and Kemmerling, 2010; Mentzer and Flint, 1997). The

responses from 52 non-respondents were compared to the data of respondents; t-test results

did not reveal statistically significant differences. These tests suggest that non-response bias

is not a problem in our study.

Chapter II: The Bottom Line Impact of Supply Chain Management 46

Chapter II The Bottom Line Impact of Supply

Chain Management

This chapter investigates the bottom line impact of supply chain management, in particular

the link between supply chain fit and a firm’s financial success. In this chapter, the bottom

line impact of supply chain management is restricted to the phenomenon of supply chain fit, a

fit between demand aspects of a product and its supply chain design profile as described in

Chapter I. The ideas posited in this research have support from the configurational literature

(in a supply chain context), from the generic product and supply chain design profiles of

Fisher (1997) as well as from the strategic fit concept of Chopra and Meindl (2009).

It is organized as follows: In Section 1, we begin by introducing the theoretical

development of the conceptual framework and develop the constructs and core hypotheses

within this framework. We then present in Sections 2 the psychometric development of the

constructs, followed by regression analyses in Section 3. We discuss in Section 4 ensuing

results as well as managerial and research implications.

1. Theoretical background and hypotheses

Based on the nomenclature outlined in the previous chapter, the relevant literature, selected

theories, a conceptual framework, and hypotheses are developed in the following. Three basic

premises underlie the proposed conceptual framework. The first is that certain supply chain

design configurations are drivers of supply chain responsiveness. Second, products can be
Chapter II: The Bottom Line Impact of Supply Chain Management 47

classified mainly into two groups: functional products with predictable demand and hence a

low implied demand uncertainty and innovative products with unpredictable demand and

hence a high implied demand uncertainty. And the third is that there is a relationship between

these drivers which impact in the financial performance of a firm.

1.1. Configurational approach

A basic element of supply chain management is the holistic or system view. Following this

perspective, especially on a strategic level, supply chain management has to analyze the

supply chain as a whole. The configurational approach is one method for realizing this

(Neher, 2005). Configuration theory considers holistic configurations, or gestalts, of design

elements (Miles and Snow, 1978). Hence it extends the traditional approach in strategic

management research which strictly divides the concept of strategy between “how strategy is

formed” (process) and “which decisions are taken” (content). In particular for supply chain

management, in addition to content and process, the internal and external environmental

context of the organization plays an important role for decision-making and should therefore

be incorporated (Ketchen et al., 1996).

The increased effectiveness is attributed to the internal consistency, or fit, among

strategic, structural, and contextual patterns. Two well-known examples of configurational

theories are Mintzberg’s (1983; 1979) theory of organizational structure and Miles and

Snow’s theory (1978) of strategy, structure, and process. Both examples posit that a firm that

approximates one of its ideal types is hypothesized to be more effective; an “ideal type”

(McKinney, 1966) is a theoretical construct to represent a holistic configuration of

organizational factors. Miles and Snow (1978) identify four ideal types of firm: the defender,

the prospector, the analyzer, and the reactor. Each of these types is a unique configuration of
Chapter II: The Bottom Line Impact of Supply Chain Management 48

contextual, structural, and strategic factors. Miles and Snow’s typology, which was

transferred to the supply chain context (Hult et al., 2006) posits that at least three of these

ideal types – prospector, defender and analyzer – represent effective forms of firms.

For the purpose of this research, configuration theory is used as theoretical support for the

underlying assumption that a firm with supply chain fit will achieve higher firm performance,

i.e., supply chain management has a bottom line impact on firm’s financial success. As

configurations are constellations of design elements that occur together because their

interdependence makes them fall into patterns (Meyer et al., 1993a), strategic consistencies

between demand aspects of the underlying product and its supply chain design posits that

high organizational efficiency and performance result when firms consider the context in

which strategy is crafted and implemented. Hence, the better a supply chain matches an ideal

configuration, the better the financial performance.

1.2. Supply chain fit

Following the reasoning of Chopra and Meindl (2009), we define, as indicated earlier, supply

chain fit as the ideal strategic consistency between the multiple dimensions of the

innovativeness of a firm’s product (product demand aspect) and its embedded supply chain

responsiveness (supply chain design aspect), which, in turn, must be aligned with the overall

competitive strategy. Appropriateness of a firm’s strategy can be defined in terms of its fit,

match, or congruence with the environmental contingencies facing the firm (Andrews, 1971).

A competitive strategy will implicitly or explicitly specify one or more customer segments

that a firm hopes to satisfy with its product(s). To avoid supply chain misfits, a firm must

ensure that its competitive strategy is aligned to its supply chain strategy (Chopra and

Meindl, 2009; Presutti and Mawhinney, 2007; Lee, 2004) and that its supply chain
Chapter II: The Bottom Line Impact of Supply Chain Management 49

capabilities support its ability to satisfy the targeted customer segments. As customer

preferences and consequently demand aspects of products are always in flux, any supply

chain fit can only be temporary, i.e., supply chain fit is a dynamic concept. If inconsistencies

between demand aspects of the product and the supply chain design occur, and if necessary

adaptations do not take place or are not executed on time, a firm will likely exhibit a lack of

supply chain fit and lose its competitive edge over time. Failure to achieve supply chain fit is

a key reason for the failure of many firms (Chopra and Meindl, 2009). In contrast, Toyota’s

production system (TPS) for example has been a competitive advantage for more than two

decades (Lee et al., 2005). Its brilliant supply chain strategy has been figured out by all

competitors, but they failed to emulate such a fit. The core of this strategic approach is

mainly based on a fit between their product and supply chain configurations as much as (and

this might be different from competitors) to which extend those configurations are managed

and aligned to the overall competitive strategy, i.e., supply chain management at Toyota and

their unorthodox manufacturing system TPS works continuously in tandem (Shook, 2009;

Takeuchi et al., 2008).

When organizational configurations fit or are similar to the ideal type, effectiveness is at

its highest because of the greatest possible fit among contextual, structural, and strategic

factors (Meyer et al., 1993b). Fisher (1997) describes optimal configurations in terms of

demand aspects of a product (determining the implied uncertainty spectrum) and

differentiates between functional products, with predictable demand, and innovative products,

with unpredictable demand. Demand aspects of a product vary in terms of demand

predictability, life-cycle length, product variety, service, lead-times and specific market

requirements. With a predictable demand environment (low implied uncertainty), a supply

Chapter II: The Bottom Line Impact of Supply Chain Management 50

chain configuration focusing on a physically-efficient supply chain is considered as most

appropriate, whereas in case of an unpredictable demand environment (high implied

uncertainty), a market responsive supply chain with extra buffer inventory capacity, high

flexibility requirements and a capability for market processing information fits better. The

generic product and supply chain design portfolios listed by Fisher (1997) are included in

Tables 1 and 2.

In acknowledging that there is more than one way to succeed in each type of setting, the

configurational approach accommodates the important concept of equifinality. A supply

chain fit can hence also be achieved by following a mixed strategy in the underlying supply

chain design. This extends Fisher’s (1997) framework, because the diametrical request of a

match or fit is given up. Since not all products are clearly functional or innovative, mastering

cost effectiveness and dealing with high product variety are both required. A mixed strategy

reflects also the majority of supply chains (Selldin and Olhager, 2007). Pursuing either a

technological innovation or a niche strategy with an innovative product and a responsive

strategy could enable a firm to succeed in an environment with high implied demand

uncertainty. However, neither strategic approach will work unless it is embedded in a pattern

of coherent organizational processes and structures (Meyer et al., 1993a; Meyer et al.,

1993b). Key is to ensure that the degree of supply chain responsiveness is consistent with the

implied uncertainty and aligned to the overall competitive strategy.

Chapter II: The Bottom Line Impact of Supply Chain Management 51

Figure 8: Achieving a fit in the supply chain

supply chain

Misfit Fit


Fit Misfit

supply chain

Functional products Implied uncertainty Innovative products

(predictable demand) spectrum (unpredictable demand)
Note. Framework adapted from Chopra and Meindl (2009) and Fisher (1997).
Chapter II: The Bottom Line Impact of Supply Chain Management 52

1.3. Consequences of a supply chain fit

To explore the consequences of a supply chain fit on a firm’s financial success, we develop a

conceptual framework, displayed in Figure 9.

Figure 9: Conceptual framework I


H1 I (+)

H2 I (+)
Supply Chain
Fit H3 I (+)
Sales Growth

H4 I (+)

EBIT Margin

Note. (+) indicates a positive relationship. H1I represents the hypothesized positive relationship between
supply chain fit and ROCE, H2I between supply chain fit and ROA, H3I between supply chain fit and
Sales Growth, and H4I represents the hypothesized positive relationship between supply chain fit and
EBIT Margin.

The concept of fit, a core concept in normative models of strategy formulation, has

traditionally been viewed as having desirable performance implications (Ginsberg and

Venkatraman, 1985). In this context, supply chain fits are likely to positively affect the firm’s

short- and long-term revenue, cost and asset streams, i.e., its ROCE, ROA, Sales Growth as

well as EBIT Margin (Chopra and Meindl, 2009; Selldin and Olhager, 2007; Thonemann et

al., 2007; Simchi-Levi et al., 2000; Fisher, 1997; Van de Ven and Darzin, 1985).

On the revenue side, supply chain fit helps firms capitalizing on strong market demand

due to low stock-outs avoiding loss in net sales and market share, influencing directly Sales

Growth. Furthermore, the availability of products and higher logistics service-levels due to

fits will generate as a consequence higher EBIT Margins, higher customer satisfaction and

customer loyalty, and higher reputation of the manufacturing firm.

Chapter II: The Bottom Line Impact of Supply Chain Management 53

On the cost side, the decreased costs associated with supply chain fit derive from higher

inventory turnovers, higher utilization rates, and shorter lead-times impacting ROCE and

ROA. Costs associated with expediting, premium freight, obsolete inventory, additional

marketing expenses, and penalties paid to the customer to recover loyalty can be avoided,

increasing the firm’s profitability.

On the asset side, the degree of centralization of the manufacturing footprint and logistics

network has an impact on the asset base of a firm, which directly influences ROA. The

inventory management, allocation and turnover affect its working capital. It is impossible to

assess profits or profit growth accurately without relating them to the amount of funds

(capital) that were employed in making profits. If a firm manages to achieve a ROA with

fewer assets, the productivity of the supply chain increases since less capital is required to

achieve the same output. With strategic decisions on the supply chain, firms have a direct

influence on the productivity of a firm’s asset base (asset turn) and the EBIT Margin.

As supply chain fit affects revenues, costs, and asset utilization of manufacturing firms,

i.e., the key drivers of short- and long-term profitability in terms of ROCE, ROA, Sales

Growth and EBIT Margin, we hypothesize that:

Hypothesis H1I: Supply Chain Fit will be positively associated with ROCE

Hypothesis H2I: Supply Chain Fit will be positively associated with ROA

Hypothesis H3I: Supply Chain Fit will be positively associated with Sales


Hypothesis H4I: Supply Chain Fit will be positively associated with EBIT

Chapter II: The Bottom Line Impact of Supply Chain Management 54

2. Methodology

2.1. Data sample and procedure

The proposed hypotheses were tested on a broad-empirical basis using the data from sample

I. The data collection procedure, the sample characteristics, as well as the statistical data

examination are described in detail in Chapter I.

2.2. Measures
Respondents were asked to indicate (1) the underlying product or product line; when it was

introduced to the market and when a new version/update will be implemented; (2) the

characteristics of the underlying product; and (3) how their supply chains were structured.

These aspects represent a proxy for the (in)consistency between product innovativeness and

supply chain responsiveness. Survey respondents were also asked to answer each question

using a 5-point scale (1—low, 5—high) based on the characteristics of their business unit

relative to their major competitors (Rensis, 1932). All items were scored so that higher

numbers reflect increases in the underlying constructs. Translations of the individual scale

items, response cues for each measure, and descriptive statistics are listed in Table 7.
Chapter II: The Bottom Line Impact of Supply Chain Management 55

Table 7: Measures of constructs I

Constructs and Items (scale 1-5) Mean SD
Product Innovativeness (PI) 2.45 0.83
Please evaluate the following characteristics for the main product line…
PI1* How long is the average life-cycle of the products in the main product line? 1.95 1.27
< 6 months ago 6 - 12 months ago 1 - 2 years ago 2 - 5 years ago > 5 years ago
PI2 How many different variants are available for the main product line? 2.79 1.32
< 20 20 - 49 50 - 99 100 - 999 > 1000 or more
PI3 What is the average margin of error in the forecast based on units at the time production is
committed? 2.59 1.01
0% - 9% 10% - 19% 20% - 39% 40% - 59% 60% - 100%
PI4 What is the number of sales locations for the main product line? 2.39 1.43
< 100 100 - 499 500 - 999 1000 - 1499 1500 or more
PI5 What is the frequency of change in order content for the main product line? 2.56 0.94
extremely low low medium high extremely high
Supply Chain Responsiveness (SCR) 3.40 0.61
Please indicate the strategic supply chain priorities for the main product line…
(1: not important at all – 5: extremely important)
SCR1 Improve delivery reliability 3.91 0.84
SCR2 Maintain buffer inventory of parts or finished goods 3.34 0.87
SCR3 Retain buffer capacity in manufacturing 3.17 0.92
SCR4 Respond quickly to unpredictable demand 3.56 0.88
SCR5 Increase frequency of new product introductions 3.05 0.86
Competition Intensity (CI) 3.48 0.75
Please indicate the competitive intensity of your main product line…
(1: strongly disagree – 5: strongly agree)
CI1 Cutthroat competition 3.73 1.00
CI2 Anything that one competitor can offer, others can match readily 3.03 1.11
CI3 Price competition is a hallmark of your industry 3.28 1.12
CI4* Relatively weak competitors 3.90 0.96
Note. All items were measured on five-point rating scales (Likert-type). Construct mean is calculated as
(arithmetic) mean of all scale scores. SD refers to standard deviation. Unit of analysis is the main
product (line) defined as the current sales (revenue) driver of the firm. Control variables are
competition intensity as indicated as well as firm size and country effects.
* Item scale was reverse-scored.

Doty, Glick, and Huber (1993) point out that the conceptualization of fit, which is most

consistent with logical arguments of configurational theories, is the systems approach to fit,

which Van de Ven and Darzin (1985) identified as the most complex and promising for

future research. The systems approach defines fit in terms of consistency across multiple

dimensions of organizational design and context. Accordingly, supply chain fit is high to the

extent that a supply chain of a firm is similar to an ideal type along multiple dimensions of
Chapter II: The Bottom Line Impact of Supply Chain Management 56

the underlying product. Assessing lack of supply chain fit as conceptualized in the systems

approach requires measuring the deviations of the supply chain of a real firm from the supply

chain of one or more ideal-type firms. The ideal types are represented by multivariate ideal

profiles that provide the correspondence between the verbal descriptions of the ideal types

and the measures used to assess real firms. Real firms’ deviations from ideal types of supply

chains can be assessed with analysis of the underlying product innovativeness and of the

corresponding supply chain responsiveness (Lee, 2002; Fisher, 1997). The numerical

examples for our product innovativeness and supply chain responsiveness measures listed by

Fisher (1997) were transformed into five-step Likert scales where the specific numerical

targets appeared at the respective endpoints of the five-step scale (Selldin and Olhager,


Supply chain fit (SCF) is calculated as the difference between the standardized product

innovativeness (PI) and the standardized supply chain responsiveness (SCR). Similar

procedures were already applied, for example by Siguaw, Brown, and Widing (1994) who

measured the influence of the market orientation of a firm on sales force behavior and

attitudes. Certainly, this proxy for supply chain fit does not measure the exact current amount

of supply chain fit a firm achieves due to consistencies between its supply chain design and

the underlying product (which is arguably almost impossible to obtain), but it may serve as an

acceptable approximation. The product innovativeness (PI) measure consists of five items

(Fisher, 1997) that capture the demand aspects of the product. The product life-cycle (PI1) is

the length of time between the introduction of the product to the market and its removal from

the market. For firms it is often necessary to stretch the product line into a “product family”

of a significant number of variants (PI2) with respect to changing customer requirements and
Chapter II: The Bottom Line Impact of Supply Chain Management 57

market segmentation. The average forecast error (PI3) of the main product line is defined as

the deviation of the forecasted quantity (units) from the actual quantity needed at the time

production is committed: Forecast Error = absolute value of (Actual – Forecast). Next, sales

locations (PI4) are trading platforms in which goods and/or services reach customers and

potential customers. It is assumed that the higher the number of sales locations, the better the

firm’s ability to provide widespread and/or intensive sales (and distribution) coverage.

Changes in order content (PI5) take place if the order is changed in terms of content, size,

delivery time or other patterns. The supply chain responsiveness (SCR) measure also consists

of five items that capture the supply chain design (Fisher, 1997): delivery reliability (SCR1),

buffer inventory of parts or finished goods (SCR2), buffer capacity in manufacturing (SCR3),

quick response to unpredictable demand (SCR4) and frequency of new product introductions

(SCR5). Respondents were hereby asked to indicate the strategic supply chain priority of

their supply chain design. We defined the strategic supply chain priority as the primary

purpose of the firm in designing the supply chain with regard to the needs of the main

product (line).

Profitability was measured by four key performance indicators (KPIs): ROCE, ROA,

Sales Growth, and EBIT Margin. ROCE is an excellent measure for the returns that a firm is

realizing from its capital employed. The ratio can be seen as representing the efficiency with

which capital is being utilized to generate revenue. It is commonly used as a measure for

comparing the performance between businesses and for assessing whether a business is

generating enough returns to pay for its cost of capital. We define ROCE as follows: ROCE =

EBIT / Capital employed. Capital employed is herein defined as: Net fixed assets + Current

assets – Current liabilities. Goodwill and intangible assets are excluded. ROA shows how
Chapter II: The Bottom Line Impact of Supply Chain Management 58

effectively a firm utilized its assets in generating profits. ROA is defined as: ROA = Net

income / Total assets. ROA gives an idea as to how efficient management is at using its assets

to generate earnings. In other words, the ROA percentage shows how profitable a firm’s

assets are in generating revenue. Sales Growth indicates how fast and how strong a

manufacturing firm increases in sales over a specific period. It was calculated as follows:

Sales Growth = [(sales in 2006 – sales in 2004) / sales in 2004]. EBIT Margin helps

evaluating how a firm has grown over time. It is defined as: EBIT Margin = EBIT / net

revenue. Secondary data for all KPIs were obtained from Bloomberg and Thomson Reuters.

To eliminate undesirable sources of variance, we included control variables which may

influence and confound the relationships of the key variables in our model. First, firm size is

an important structural variable. Larger firms might have more market penetration power

than smaller ones and thus be more profitable. Smaller firms, in contrast, might be more

innovative, and therefore more profitable. Firm size was measured by a single item asking

respondents for the number of employees at their firm; this was double-checked against

secondary data. Second, competitive intensity, the extent to which a firm perceives its

competition to be intense and the extent to which it competes to retain its market share, is

another important structural variable with potential impact on profitability. It was captured by

four items asking respondents for the intensity of rivalry among firms in the industry. We

employed the scale used by Jaworski and Kohli (1993). Third, we eliminated country effects.

Economic, political, and cultural differences influence the strategic and operational

possibilities of firms and therefore might influence profitability. Following the procedure

suggested by Cohen, Cohen, West, and Aiken (2003, pp. 303-307), the responses from the

UK were coded as the variable “Country UK”, responses from France were coded as the
Chapter II: The Bottom Line Impact of Supply Chain Management 59

variable “Country France”, and responses from the German-speaking countries were coded as

the variable “Country Germany”. Finally, responses from the U.S. were used as the baseline.

3. Statistical analysis and results

3.1. Reliability and validity

Before testing our core hypotheses, we first assessed the reliability and validity of the

reflective constructs and the underlying items, followed by the assessment of the structural

relationships, i.e., the relationships among the constructs. This ensures reliable and valid

measures of constructs before attempting to draw conclusions about the nature of the

construct relationships (Anderson and Gerbing, 1988). The independent variable supply chain

fit is building on two reflective constructs (product innovativeness and supply chain

responsiveness). We assessed the reliability and validity of the reflective constructs using

confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) (Bagozzi et al., 1991). Hereby product innovativeness,

supply chain responsiveness and the control variable (competitive intensity) were included

into one three-factor CFA model. As there were no indications of the presence of multivariate

non-normality (normalized Mardia coefficient estimate of 1.32), the model was estimated

with Amos 16.0 using the maximum likelihood estimation method.

Chapter II: The Bottom Line Impact of Supply Chain Management 60

Table 8: Factor analysis results and measurement statistics I

Constructs and Cronbach Total Commun- Item-to- Composite AVE Factor t- SE IR
items alpha variance alities total reliability loading value
(scale 1-5) explained correlation
(PI) 0.718 0.482 0.860 0.566
PI1 0.385 0.424 0.621 -a -b 0.457
PI2 0.364 0.398 0.603 5.373 0.178 0.395
PI3 0.511 0.524 0.715 6.357 0.147 0.667
PI4 0.630 0.573 0.794 6.186 0.278 0.628
PI5 0.523 0.518 0.723 5.805 0.171 0.748
Supply Chain
(SCR) 0.744 0.499 0.874 0.597
SCR1 0.253 0.329 0.503 -a -b 0.269
SCR2 0.521 0.516 0.722 4.862 0.382 0.624
SCR3 0.654 0.622 0.809 5.035 0.475 0.726
SCR4 0.580 0.575 0.762 5.075 0.377 0.647
SCR5 0.487 0.500 0.698 4.841 0.344 0.553
Intensity (CI) 0.686 0.518 0.810 0.536
CI1 0.553 0.497 0.847 -a -b 0.52
CI2 0.613 0.533 0.931 7.024 0.200 0.598
CI3 0.616 0.541 0.404 6.887 0.219 0.576
CI4 0.289 0.312 0.904 4.709 0.134 0.298
Note. All items were measured on five-point rating scales (Likert-type). SE refers to standard error from the
unstandardized solution, AVE refers to average variance extracted, and IR refers to indicator
reliability (Fornell and Larcker, 1981).
t-values are from the unstandardized solution; all are significant at the 0.001 level (two-tailed).
Factor loading was fixed at 1.0 for identification purposes.

The CFA results depicted in Table 8 indicate acceptable psychometric properties for all

constructs. Composite reliabilities and average variances extracted for all constructs reach the

common cut-off values of 0.70 (Nunnally and Bernstein, 1994) and 0.50 (Bagozzi and Yi,

1988; Fornell and Larcker, 1981), indicating construct validity. Without exception, each item

loaded on its hypothesized construct with large loadings, significant at the 99% confidence

interval, which represents a high level of item validity. This high level of item reliability

implies that the items are strongly influenced by the construct they are measuring and

indicates that sets of items used to capture the construct are unidimensional.
Chapter II: The Bottom Line Impact of Supply Chain Management 61

Overall, the results demonstrate acceptable levels of fit for all reflective constructs (Hair

et al., 2006): Chi-square 2/df = 1.998 (2(74) = 147.860, p < 0.001), CFI (Comparative Fit

Index) = 0.907, NNFI (TLI) (Non-Normed Fit Index also known as Tucker-Lewis Index) =

0.886, GFI (Goodness of Fit Index) = 0.922, and RMSEA (Root Mean Square Error of

Approximation) = 0.062 (90% confidence interval = [0.047, 0.077]). For CFI, values above

0.95 indicate a good fit; acceptable values for NNFI and GFI are above 0.9 and for RMSEA

below 0.07 (Steiger, 2007; Hair et al., 2006).

The estimates of the CFA model also allow us to assess convergent and discriminant

validity. Inter-construct correlations and squared correlations are provided in Table 9. All the

results are within acceptable ranges, indicating convergent and discriminant validity of our

reflective constructs as measured by their items (Fornell and Larcker, 1981). As the

dependent variable is based on objective secondary data, the concern regarding common

method bias can be discarded.

Table 9: Inter-construct correlations and AVE I

Mean SD (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
(1) ROCE 0.20 0.21 1.000 0.490 0.030 0.430 0.020 0.010 0.000 0.000 0.010 0.010
(2) ROA 0.08 0.07 0.70** 1.000 0.100 0.600 0.030 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.010
(3) SG 0.09 0.11 0.17** 0.31** 1.000 0.070 0.020 0.010 0.000 0.000 0.010 0.010
(4) EBIT-M 0.08 0.07 0.66** 0.78** 0.26** 1.000 0.020 0.050 0.010 0.010 0.020 0.020
(5) SCF 0.00 1.00 0.14* 0.18** 0.14* 0.14* 1.000 0.010 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.010
(6) FS 52,031 88,308 0.090 0.050 -0.080 0.22** 0.110 1.000 0.040 0.110 0.000 0.040
(7) C-F N/A N/A 0.070 0.020 0.030 0.120 -0.040 0.19** 1.000 0.020 0.170 0.000
(8) C-UK N/A N/A -0.070 -0.050 -0.030 -0.100 0.000 -0.33** -0.12* 1.000 0.050 0.010
(9) C-G N/A N/A -0.100 -0.13* -0.100 -0.15* -0.070 -0.060 -0.42** -0.22** 1.000 0.010
(10) CI 3.49 0.76 -0.100 -0.100 -0.110 -0.13* 0.120 0.19** 0.030 -0.100 -0.070 1.000
Note. Pearson correlation coefficients are below the diagonal, and squared correlations (shared variance) are
above the diagonal; N/A = not applicable; SD refers to standard deviation. AVE of single items is 1.
For discriminant validity above-diagonal elements should be smaller than on-diagonal elements.
** Significant at the 0.01 level (two-tailed).
* Significant at the 0.05 level (two-tailed).
Abbreviations: ROCE: Return on Capital Employed, ROA: Return on Assets, SG: Sales Growth,
EBIT-M: EBIT Margin, SCF: Supply Chain Fit, FS: Firm Size, C-F: Country France, C-UK: Country
UK, C-G: German speaking countries, CI: Competition Intensity.
Chapter II: The Bottom Line Impact of Supply Chain Management 62

3.2. Regression model estimation and hypotheses testing

In order to test our developed hypotheses, four linear models were estimated by means of

ordinary least square (OLS) regression models as follows:

H 1 I: ROCE = α + β1FS + β2F + β3UK + β4G + β5CI + β6SCF + e

H 2 I: ROA = α + β1FS + β2F + β3UK + β4G + β5CI + β6SCF + e

H 3 I: EBIT Margin = α + β1FS + β2F + β3UK + β4G + β5CI + β6SCF + e

H 4 I: Sales Growth = α + β1FS + β2F + β3UK + β4G + β5CI + β6SCF + e

Performance variables were first regressed on control variables and then the independent

variable SCF was entered. The critical assumptions underlying OLS regression analysis were

checked, i.e., (1) the residuals are normally distributed; (2) the residuals are of constant

variance (homoscedasticitiy) over sets of values of the independent construct; and (3)

multicollinearity of the independent construct is within an acceptable range (Cohen et al.,

2003). To this end, the regression model was subjected to a visual residual analysis using

normal Q-Q plots: No obvious outliers were detected and residuals appeared to be

approximately normally distributed. Homoscedasticity was checked using the Breusch-Pagan

test (sum of explained squares = 47.91, LM = 17.95, p = 0.00053) which did not indicate a

serious problem with heteroscedasticity. The bivariate correlations between the independent

variables as well as variance inflation factors (VIF) were within acceptable ranges (i.e.,

bivariate correlation < 0.70 and VIF < 10). The largest VIF was 1.35, thus indicating that

multicollinearity did not pose a serious problem to the regression analysis. In summary, the

conducted tests provided no grounds to assume the inappropriateness of the chosen method.
Chapter II: The Bottom Line Impact of Supply Chain Management 63

All hypotheses (H1I, H2I, H3I, and H4I) are supported. Our results indicate that supply

chain fit has a significant positive impact on a firm’s financial success, i.e., on ROCE (β =

0.143; R2 change = 0.020**), on ROA (β = 0.175; R2 change = 0.030***), on Sales Growth

(β = 0.157; R2 change = 0.024**) and on EBIT Margin (β = 0.132; R2 change = 0.017**).

Table 10 reports the results of the regression analysis with standardized parameter estimates.

Table 10: Results of model estimation I (OLS regression)

Independent variables Dependent variables
ROCE ROA Sales Growth EBIT Margin
Model 1 Model 2 Model 1 Model 2 Model 1 Model 2 Model 1 Model 2
Control variables
Firm Size 0.087 0.069 0.042 0.022 -0.105 -0.120* 0.213*** 0.201***
Country France -0.008 0.009 -0.076 -0.057 -0.02 -0.004 0.002 0.017
Country UK -0.079 -0.081 -0.102 -0.103 -0.115 -0.115 -0.079 -0.079
Country Germany -0.123* -0.109 -0.188*** -0.171** -0.143* -0.125* -0.163** -0.149**
Competition -0.136** -0.149** -0.126** -0.142** -0.112* -0.127** -0.191*** -0.204***
Predictor variable .
Supply Chain Fit 0.143** 0.175*** 0.157** 0.132**
R2 0.038 0.058 0.043 0.073 0.038 0.062 0.103 0.120
R2 change 0.020** 0.030*** 0.024** 0.017**
F 1.963* 2.519** 2.218* 3.225*** 1.929* 2.670** 5.713*** 5.613***
Note. Beta refers to standardized OLS regression estimates.
*** Significant at the 0.01 level (one-tailed).
** Significant at the 0.05 level (one-tailed).
* Significant at the 0.1 level (one-tailed).

3.3. Post-hoc analysis

In order to derive additional insight, we conducted a post-hoc analysis to be able to

differentiate between firms with a supply chain fit and firms without a supply chain fit and to

investigate the performance outcomes of both groups. First, the data sample was split into

two groups with respect to supply chain responsiveness. The first group (“fit firms”)

comprised all cases with +/- one standard deviation (0.61) around the arithmetic mean (N =

163). The second group (“misfit firms”) constitutes of the remaining data points (N = 96). In
Chapter II: The Bottom Line Impact of Supply Chain Management 64

a second step, we categorized both groups (fit firms and misfit firms) into functional (N =

200) and innovative product lines (N = 59) by following the classification provided by Fisher

(1997), see Tables 1 and Table 2. Furthermore we double-checked issuing results with the

descriptions of the main product line (“what is the main product line of your firm”), with the

indicated product life-cycle length and “when an updated version or new product (line) will

be implemented”. Finally, an external expert team validated the sample of supply chain fit

firms and their counterparts. An overview is shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10: Overview of fit and misfit firms

Product profiles
Functional Innovative
product product
Supply chain design profiles

127 23 ∑ = 150
(Fit) (Misfit )

73 36 ∑ = 109
Responsive (Misfit) (Fit)

∑ = 200 ∑ = 59 ∑ ∑ = 259

The results are evident: Firms adapting their supply chain to the demand aspects of the

product achieve superior profitability, i.e., up to 100% higher profits. Our results indicate that

their Return on Assets (ROA) is 5 percentage points higher for firms with functional products

and 4 percentage points higher for firms with innovative products compared to those firms

without supply chain fit. Fit firms achieve also with functional products 12 percentage points

higher Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) results, 16 percentage points higher with

innovative products compared to their misfit counterparts. Moreover fit firms outperform
Chapter II: The Bottom Line Impact of Supply Chain Management 65

misfit firms with 4 percentage points higher Sales Growth rates for both product types and

with 4 percentage points higher EBIT Margins for fit firms with functional products and 2

percentage points higher EBIT Margins for fit firms with innovative products. A summary in

presented in Figure 11.

Figure 11: Financial performance of fit firms and misfit counterparts

Functional products
25% 24%


15% 12%
10% 10%
7% 6%

ROCE ROA Sales Growth EBIT Margin

Fit Misfit

25% Innovative products


15% 14%
9% 10%
10% 8% 8%

ROCE ROA Sales Growth EBIT Margin

Fit Misfit

Note. Average KPIs (2004-2006) of functional products (N = 200) and innovative

products (N = 59).

Nevertheless, the benefits of supply chain fit have still not yet reached about 37% of firms

with functional products and 39% of firms with innovative products. A cross-country

comparison among major industrial countries shows that firms in the U.S. are well ahead of
Chapter II: The Bottom Line Impact of Supply Chain Management 66

their European counterparts by a 15% higher share of firms with a better understanding of

supply chain fit. Firms headquartered in the U.S. show with 73% the highest share of fit

firms, probably as the development of supply chain management had its origin here and in

contrast to the U.S., Europe is culturally much more fragmented. Hence European firms have

to catch up with only 58% of fit firms on average, among which firms based in the UK are

closest to their U.S. counterparts with 71%.

4. Discussion and implications

Results indicate that supply chain management has a significant bottom line impact on a

firm’s financial success. Firms that achieve a supply chain fit outperform in terms of

profitability in all industries their counterparts, indicating that supply chain fit is a huge

financial leverage factor. True, supply chain fit explains a rather small portion of the variance

in the dependent variable but this is not surprisingly a clear indication that beyond the scope

of the estimated regression model (which represents partial models) there are more factors

that drive financial success. From the perspective of operational management, the benefits of

a fit in the supply chain can hardly be quantified and are oftentimes indispensable: A fit

prevents firms from reputation and credibility damages including further negative

downstream impacts in terms of lead-times, service levels, innovativeness, and quality


Firms have to realize that the impact of supply chain management is much bigger than its

impact beyond the “classical” logistics performance indicators, like delivery performance.

Several managerial implications can be deducted from mastering supply chain challenges and

managing the supply chain towards profitability:

Chapter II: The Bottom Line Impact of Supply Chain Management 67

Supply chain management must be anchored in the top management. The financial

potential of supply chain fit makes a strong case for the identification and investigation of the

underlying factors in achieving supply chain fit. Maintaining a supply chain fit affects

revenues, costs and assets. A supply chain fitting the respective demand aspects of the

product will result in perfect order fulfillment, providing goods on time and in full.

Customers can be adequately satisfied at any time and revenues can be increased. A supply

chain fit also affects a firm’s cost base. An optimum production and warehouse footprint in

combination with lean distribution processes keep logistics and supply chain administration

costs at a minimum level assure the required service levels. Therefore, supply chain managers

should make sure that the top management realizes the impact of operational decisions on a

firm’s financial success. As a consequence, supply chain management merits to be anchored

in the top-management of manufacturing firms.

Firms need to understand the demand and the supply chain design aspects of the business

model they are operating. As the degree of supply chain fit determines financial performance,

firms need to assess their products (and competitive strategy) and devise the supply chain

strategy accordingly. The best supply chains are not only fast and cost-effective, but also

agile and adaptable enough to ensure that all of a firms’ interests stay aligned. A common

source of error: in many industries the degree of the diversity of product portfolios has

considerably increased. Firms that used to manufacture few product variants in large-scale

productions, nowadays manufacture numerous variants in increasingly smaller batches. In

many cases however, the supply chain has not been adapted to the changed requirements and

is still tailored towards mass production. The necessary responsiveness is often generated by

a too high level of inventories. Firms with innovative products that do not achieve supply
Chapter II: The Bottom Line Impact of Supply Chain Management 68

chain fit, focus more on physically-efficient supply chain design characteristics. They are too

cost-oriented in their supply chain design with a low focus on responsiveness. Firms need to

realize that a lack of supply chain fit will not only significantly decrease profitability, but it

also gives away the “value of alignment” which might further affect the reliability and

robustness of a supply chain. Therefore, firms need to understand clearly the demand and the

supply chain design aspects of the business model (cost-oriented versus differentiation-

oriented) they are operating.

Supply chain fit is a dynamic concept. Customer preferences are always in a state of flux

and continuously bring up new requirements for delivery lead-times, service and product

demand. Their expectations must be on the watch list of supply chain managers. Firms will

master these challenges successfully when their supply chains can keep up with the alternated

market conditions. Thus a major guiding principle is responsiveness in the supply chain

design tracking and fitting to dynamically alternating demand aspects of the product and

supporting the business model along the product life-cycle. As a consequence, firms need to

continuously adapt their dynamic supply chains. Radical and regular transformations occur

which change the current setting of the firm and as a hence the current supply chain fit. As

the interdependence makes them fall into patterns, new configurations arise. Supply chain

managers need to consider continuously occurring transformations, even the smallest ones,

and adapt the design elements of the supply chain to the new constellations. By doing so, the

consistency between supply chain and product aspects stay aligned and inconsistencies can be

avoided safeguarding supply chain fit. Unfortunately, as indicated, up to 39% of firms do

simply not master transformations in supply chains to an optimal level in terms of physicalyl-

efficiency and market responsiveness and stuck as a result oftentimes in supply chain misfits.
Chapter III: Supply Chain Design Efficiency: Benchmarking Supply Chains in Manufacturing Firms 69

Chapter III Supply Chain Design Efficiency:

Benchmarking Supply Chains in
Manufacturing Firms

Based on the data gathered in sample I, this chapter investigates using the benchmarking tool

Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) supply chain design efficiency, an optimal combination of

physically-efficient and market responsive supply chain designs profiles aiming to achieve

high ROCE results.

In Section 1, we present the theoretical background, followed by the methodology

including the psychometric development of the constructs in Section 2. In Section 3, the

statistics analysis as well as the DEA results is provided. A discussion of the ensuing results

as well as managerial implications is presented in Section 4.

1. Theoretical background
In line with the reasoning of configuration theory, we introduce the concept of supply chain

design efficiency of a manufacturing firm. We define supply chain design efficiency as the

optimal configuration in a supply chain between physically-efficient and market responsive

design patterns to increase profitability in terms of ROCE. Following Fine (1998), we

evaluated supply chain designs for their effectiveness in improving ROCE.

Chapter III: Supply Chain Design Efficiency: Benchmarking Supply Chains in Manufacturing Firms 70

1.1. Configurational approach

As we already described in Chapter II, the configurational approach considers holistic

configurations, or gestalts, of design elements (Miles and Snow, 1978). Hence it extends, as

mentioned above, the traditional approach in strategic management research which strictly

divides the concept of strategy between “how strategy is formed” (process) and “which

decisions are taken” (content). In particular for supply chain management, in addition to

content and process, the internal and external environmental context of the organization plays

an important role for decision-making and should therefore be incorporated (Ketchen et al.,

1996). The increased effectiveness is attributed to the internal consistency, or fit, among

strategic, structural, and contextual patterns.

For the purpose of this research, the configurational approach is used as theoretical

support for the underlying assumption that different supply chain design types emerge which

display a common profile, i.e., configuration. Hence, the closer a supply chain design

matches an ideal constellation, the better the financial performance.

1.2. Supply chain design spectrum

Our supply chain design spectrum is rooted in the understanding that supply chains ought to

not only be fast and cost-effective; but they must also be “triple-A” supply chains, i.e., they

must be agile, adaptable, and aligned (Lee, 2004). To build triple-A supply chains and to

generate competitive advantages, the design of supply chains in today’s competitive

environment are one of the most important and difficult challenges faced by managers (Reeve

and Srinivasan, 2005; Tagras and Lee, 1992). A competitive strategy will implicitly, or

explicitly, specify one or more customer segments that a firm hopes to satisfy with its
Chapter III: Supply Chain Design Efficiency: Benchmarking Supply Chains in Manufacturing Firms 71

product(s) and its supply chain design(s). Therefore, there is no “one size fits all” model;

rather, each supply chain is unique in its supply chain design needs.

In stressing the need to distinguish between conflicting supply chain designs, Fisher

(1997) categorized products into functional products, with predictable demand, and

innovative products, with unpredictable demand. Product characteristics vary in terms of

demand predictability, life-cycle length, product variety, service, lead-times and specific

market requirements. With respect to the product supplied through the chain, an effective

supply chain has to be designed. Depending on the underlying product, either a physically-

efficient supply chain, or a market responsive supply chain, is required with respect to its

resource and inventory strategy, as well as the overall objectives.

Having determined the nature of the products and their supply chain priorities, a matrix

for the ideal supply chain strategy can be formulated. Two ideal types (“fit”) can be

identified. The first type is organizations in which functional (standardized) products are

embedded in physically-efficient supply chains with a strong focus on cost minimization,

high inventory turnovers and high average utilization rates. The second type is firms where

innovative (customized) products (which sell often for a single season) are supplied through

market responsive supply chains with extra buffer inventory capacity, high flexibility

requirements and a capability for market processing information. All other types are less

effective (Fisher, 1997) whereas those with functional products and a responsive supply chain

and vice versa, innovative products with a physicalyl-efficient supply chain are regarded as

mismatches (“misfit”). Other supply chain classifications which differentiate for example

between built-to-stock, configure-to-order, build-to-order, and engineered-to-order supply

chains (Reeve and Srinivasan, 2005) can be respectively adapted into Figure 4 which
Chapter III: Supply Chain Design Efficiency: Benchmarking Supply Chains in Manufacturing Firms 72

provides a breakdown of fit and misfit constellations between supply chain design and

demand aspects of a product (product characteristics).

Nowadays however, a mixed (leagile, hybrid) strategy reflects the major stake of supply

chains (Selldin and Olhager, 2007; Goldsby et al., 2006), rather than an “either-or-strategy”

and hence, as described in Chapter I, there are a multiple of ideal supply chain design

constellations along the efficient frontier line, depending on the business model and the

overall competitive strategy.

1.3. Data Envelopment Analysis as a benchmarking tool

Supply chain strategy strikes to achieve an optimal balance between physically-efficiency

(cost effectiveness) and market responsiveness that fits with the competitive strategy of the

manufacturing firm. Balancing physical-efficiency and market responsiveness in supply

chains represents a strategic decision. While some supply chain executives place more

emphasis on physically-efficiency, others focus on market responsiveness. As a consequence,

we need to take this trade-off into account when assessing supply chain designs.

We employ Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), also referred to as the CCR model, after

Charnes, Cooper, and Rhodes (1978), for benchmarking supply chain designs. DEA has been

frequently used in the supply chain management and marketing literature (e.g., Eggert et al.,

2009; Yu and Lin, 2008; Humphreys et al., 2005; Metters et al., 1999; Schefcyzk, 1993).

DEA lends itself particularly to contexts where researchers assess efficiency by way of

benchmarking managerial actions against a best-in-class standard. In our research, we

compared supply chain designs against a best-in-class benchmark. The enveloped data all

differ with respect to the degree of physically-efficiency and the degree of market

responsiveness in the given supply chain design of a manufacturing firm.

Chapter III: Supply Chain Design Efficiency: Benchmarking Supply Chains in Manufacturing Firms 73

The benchmarking methodology DEA, which measures the relative efficiency of

Decision Making Units (DMU), is based on linear programming. It is a non-parametric

programming approach to frontier estimation which cannot provide absolute efficiencies,

only efficiencies relative to the data considered. The DEA does not require the existence of a

particular function to specify the relationships, or trade-offs, among the performance

measures in the computation of efficiency (Eggert et al., 2009; Wong and Wong, 2007;

Steward, 1996).

DEA identifies peer groups of firms that follow a similar supply chain design

constellation. Data points in the efficient frontier are not dominated by relationships

following the same strategy. These data points form an efficiency frontier together, extended

to both axes. Consequently, those points are considered 100% efficient with regard to the

respective supply chain design. Although they follow different supply chain design strategies,

they are each considered to be best-in-class. All other constellations not situated on the

efficient frontier are not Pareto-optimal. A firm which is not on that efficient frontier line can

improve both its physicalyl-efficiency and its market responsiveness by moving towards the

efficient frontier achieving highest ROCE results (see Figure 12). However, a firm on the

efficient frontier line can improve its responsiveness by increasing costs and becoming less

efficient, unless it succeeds to improve its operations and change technology to shift the

efficient frontier itself. Due to the linear program formulation, the efficiency scores ranges

from 0% to 100%.
Chapter III: Supply Chain Design Efficiency: Benchmarking Supply Chains in Manufacturing Firms 74

Figure 12: Conceptual framework II

Output ROCE per unit of input RSC

Output ROCE per unit of input ESC

Note. The DEA supply chain design efficiency frontier line is based on firms
with the highest ROCE, and an optimal combination of physically-
efficiency (ESC) and market responsiveness (RSC).

In summary, the DEA integrates physically-efficiency and market responsiveness into a

common efficiency measure (SCDE), while accounting for different supply chain design

constellations. Relying on the constructed DEA-measure prevents us from comparing

“oranges with lemons”. Instead, we benchmark specific supply chain designs against an

efficient frontier. This allows us to empirically investigate the efficiency of the implemented

supply chain designs of manufacturing firms.

2. Methodology

2.1. Data sample and procedure

The proposed hypotheses were tested on a broad-empirical basis using the data from sample

I. The data collection procedure, the sample characteristics, as well as the statistical data

examination are described in detail in Chapter I.

Chapter III: Supply Chain Design Efficiency: Benchmarking Supply Chains in Manufacturing Firms 75

2.2. Measures
To generate our constructs and facilitate our analysis, survey respondents were asked to

answer each question using a 5-point Likert scale (1—low, 5—high), based on the

characteristics of their business unit relative to their major competitors and indicate the

strategic supply chain priorities for the main product line illustrating the implemented degree

of supply chain responsiveness. All items were scored (1—not important at all, 5—extremely

important), such that higher scale points reflected increases in the underlying constructs (see

Table 11).

Table 11: Measures of constructs II

Constructs and Items (scale 1-5) Mean SD
Efficient Supply Chain (ESC) 3.84 0.82
Please indicate the strategic supply chain priorities for the main product line…
ESC1 Minimize total supply chain costs 4.07 0.96
ESC2 Generate high turns and minimize inventory throughout the supply chain 3.88 0.97
ESC3 Maintain high average utilization rate in the supply chain 3.60 0.96
Responsive Supply Chain (RSC) 3.28 0.67
Please indicate the strategic supply chain priorities for the main product line…
RSC1 Maintain buffer inventory of parts or finished goods 3.34 0.88
RSC2 Retain buffer capacity in manufacturing 3.17 0.92
RSC3 Respond quickly to unpredictable demand 3.56 0.88
RSC4 Increase frequency of new product introductions 3.06 0.87
Note. SD refers to standard deviation.

We relied on existing supply chain management constructs to measure both supply chain

design types, proposed by Selldin and Olhager (2007). Both measures permit us to see, to

what extent firms view both specific supply chain design types as alternatives (mutually

exclusive) or if they regard these as complementary.

The efficient supply chain measure consists of three indicators that capture the degree of

physically-efficiency of the supply chain design: minimal supply chain costs (ESC1), a high

inventory turnover and low inventory stocks (ESC2) as well as a high average utilization rate
Chapter III: Supply Chain Design Efficiency: Benchmarking Supply Chains in Manufacturing Firms 76

(ESC3). Respondents were asked to indicate the strategic supply chain priority of their supply

chain structure which we defined as the primary purpose of the firm in structuring the supply

chain with regards to the needs of the main product line.

The responsive supply chain measure consists of four indicators that capture the degree of

market responsiveness of the supply chain structure: maintain the buffer inventory of parts or

finished goods (RSC1), retain the buffer capacity in manufacturing (RSC2), response quickly

to unpredictable demand (RSC3), and increase frequency of new product introductions

(RSC4). In contexts where demand is volatile and the customer requirement for variety is

high, a much higher level of responsiveness, or agility, is required (Christopher and Towill,


The ROCE measure is an excellent measure for the returns that a firm is realizing from its

capital employed. The ratio can be seen as representing the efficiency with which capital is

being utilized to generate revenue. It is commonly used as a measure for comparing the

performance between businesses and for assessing whether a business generates enough

returns to pay for its cost of capital. We define ROCE as follows: ROCE = EBIT / Capital

employed. Capital employed is hereby defined as: Net fixed assets + Current assets – Current

liabilities. Assets are not considering goodwill and intangible assets. Note that ROCE should

always be higher than the rate at which the firm borrows; otherwise, any increase in

borrowing will reduce shareholders' earnings. Objective secondary data for our ROCE

calculation were obtained from Bloomberg and Thomson Reuters.

Chapter III: Supply Chain Design Efficiency: Benchmarking Supply Chains in Manufacturing Firms 77

3. Statistical analysis and results

3.1. Reliability and validity

We assessed the reliability and validity of both reflective constructs using a covariance-based

confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) (Bagozzi et al., 1991). As there were no indications of the

presence of multivariate non-normality, the model was estimated with Amos 16.0 using the

maximum likelihood estimation method.

The CFA results, depicted in Table 12, indicate adequate psychometric properties for both

constructs. The Cronbach alpha and average variances extracted (AVE) for all constructs

reach the common cut-off values of 0.70 (Nunnally and Bernstein, 1994) and 0.50 (Bagozzi

and Yi, 1988; Fornell and Larcker, 1981), indicating construct validity. Without exception,

each item loaded on its hypothesized construct with large loadings, significant at the 99%

confidence interval, representing a high level of item validity. This high level of item validity

implies that the items are strongly influenced by the construct they are measuring and

indicates that sets of items used to capture the construct are uni-dimensional.

Overall, the results demonstrate adequate levels of fit for both constructs (Hair et al.,

2006). Chi-square 2/df = 1.290 (2(13) = 16.76; p insignificant at 0.210), CFI (Comparative

Fit Index) = 0.993, NNFI (TLI) (Non-Normed Fit Index, also known as Tucker-Lewis Index)

= 0.988, GFI (Goodness of Fit Index) = 0.982, and the RMSEA (Root Mean Square Error of

Approximation) = 0.034. For the CFI, values above 0.95 indicate a good fit; acceptable

values for NNFI and GFI are above 0.9 and for RMSEA below 0.05 (Hair et al., 2006).
Chapter III: Supply Chain Design Efficiency: Benchmarking Supply Chains in Manufacturing Firms 78

Table 12: Factor analysis results and measurement statistics II

Constructs Cronbach Total Commun- Item-to- Composite AVE Factor t- SE IR
and items alpha variance alities total reliability loading value
(scale 1-5) explained correlation
(ESC) 0.814 0.728 0.810 0.587
ESC1 0.735 0.670 0.813 -a -b 0.481
ESC2 0.751 0.685 0.839 10.693 0.980 0.523
ESC3 0.701 0.639 0.808 10.435 0.890 1.000
(RSC) 0.760 0.581 0.834 0.563
RSC1 0.565 0.542 0.667 -a -b 0.452
RSC2 0.691 0.647 0.780 9.056 0.144 0.619
RSC3 0.571 0.548 0.654 7.817 0.128 0.460
RSC4 0.499 0.495 0.589 7.171 0.119 1.000
Note. All items were measured on five-point rating scales (Likert-type). SE refers to standard error from the
unstandardized solution, AVE refers to average variance extracted, and IR refers to indicator
reliability (Fornell and Larcker, 1981).
t-values are from the unstandardized solution; all are significant at the 0.001 level (two-tailed).
Factor loading was fixed at 1.0 for identification purposes.

The estimates of the CFA model allow us to assess convergent and discriminant validity.

Results of inter-construct correlations, average variances extracted (AVE), and squared

correlations, were within the appropriate ranges. Each construct extracted a variance that is

larger than the highest variance it shares with the other construct, indicating support for the

convergent and discriminant validity of both constructs, as measured by their items (Fornell

and Larcker, 1981). Multicollinearity for our constructs was not a serious hindrance to the

study’s validity, because none of the relevant checks (eigenvalues, variance inflation factor,

or the condition index) suggested multicollinearity (Hair et al., 2006). Nor was there any

evidence of heteroscedasticity detected. Finally, the outlier analysis did not indicate extreme

values. As the dependent variable is based on objective secondary data, the concern regarding

common method bias can be discarded. Inter-construct correlations and AVE are presented in

Table 13.
Chapter III: Supply Chain Design Efficiency: Benchmarking Supply Chains in Manufacturing Firms 79

Table 13: Inter-construct correlations and AVE II

Mean SD (1) (2) (3)
(1) ESC 3.84 0.82 0.587 0.024 0.007
(2) RSC 3.28 0.67 -0.156* 0.563 0.002
(3) ROCE 0.20 0.21 0.081 0.045 1.000
Note. Pearson correlation coefficients are below the diagonal, and squared correlations (shared variance) are
above the diagonal. SD refers to standard deviation; ESC refers to a physically-efficient supply chain
and RSC to a market responsive supply chain design. Average variance extracted (AVE) is on-
diagonal. AVE of single items is 1. For discriminant validity above-diagonal elements should be
smaller than on-diagonal elements.
* Significant at the 0.05 level (two-tailed).

3.2. Data Envelopment Analysis results

The average supply chain design efficiency obtained in our sample was 46.83%, with a

standard deviation of 15.28%. Supply chain design efficiency scores displayed high levels of

variations. Firms on the efficient frontier line achieved the highest ROCE for their given level

of inputs, i.e., largest ROCE/RSC, largest ROCE/EFC or largest convex combinations of

ROCE/RSC and ROCE/EFC. Only four manufacturing firms, i.e., less than 2% of our

sample, were evaluated as fully efficient (see Table 14). The 25 percentile is 37.18, the 50

percentile is 43.87 and 75 percentile is 53.

Chapter III: Supply Chain Design Efficiency: Benchmarking Supply Chains in Manufacturing Firms 80

Table 14: Results of model estimation II (DEA)

DMU Inputs Output Efficiency
1 4.000 1.250 0.800 1.000
2 3.000 3.000 1.530 1.000
3 1.670 4.750 1.530 1.000
4 4.330 2.500 1.520 1.000
5 4.330 2.750 1.520 0.942
6 2.330 3.750 1.400 0.933
7 4.000 2.250 1.230 0.898
8 3.330 1.250 0.700 0.891
9 3.670 1.500 0.780 0.834


251 4.330 3.750 0.460 0.231

252 4.000 4.000 0.470 0.230
253 3.670 3.750 0.420 0.222
254 4.330 2.250 0.300 0.218
255 4.000 3.000 0.360 0.216
256 4.330 2.750 0.290 0.180
257 3.670 3.500 0.300 0.166
258 3.670 3.750 0.300 0.159
259 2.670 2.750 0.000 0.000
Note. Input variables represent the physically-efficiency and market responsiveness of the underlying supply
chain design of the Decision Making Unit (DMU). Output variable is ROCE. Efficiency (DEA results)
is shown by the supply chain design efficiency score (SCDE). N = 259.

Results indicate that the majority of the underlying manufacturing firms did not attain an

optimal supply chain design combination of the characteristics from both supply chain design

types while maintaining an excellent ROCE; they reach either higher physically-efficiency

(ESC) elements or higher market responsiveness (RSC), or both, in their supply chain design,

however, at the expense of lower ROCE results. In contrast, firms on the efficient frontier

line achieve an extreme well fit in their supply chain design: Either they have very low

attributes of physically-efficient supply chain design elements (ESC) and high attributes of

market responsive supply chain design elements (RSC), for example data point U198 (ESC is

in average 1.6 and RSC is in average 4.7), or vice versa, i.e., data point U48 (ESC is in

average 4.0 and RSC is in average 1.25) or U238 (ESC is in average 4.3 and RSC is in
Chapter III: Supply Chain Design Efficiency: Benchmarking Supply Chains in Manufacturing Firms 81

average 2.5); or physically-efficient supply chain design elements and market responsive

supply chain design elements are balanced out, for example data point U128 (both ESC and

RSC are in average 3.0). The efficient frontier line SCDE is displayed in Figure 13.

Figure 13: DEA supply chain design efficiency frontier line

Degree of market responsive supply chain

Degree of physically-efficient supply chain

Note. The DEA supply chain design efficiency frontier line is based on firms
with the highest ROCE, and an optimal combination of physically-
efficiency and market responsiveness. The X-axis and Y-axis represent
CCR results based on quotients of output to inputs (ROCE/ESC and
ROCE/RSC or combinations of both). N = 259.

Our results indicate that the ROCE of a manufacturing firm increases significantly with

higher supply chain design efficiency (SCDE). This is indicated in Figure 14. The top 25%

SCDE firms achieve on average a ROCE of 44.81% compared to the worst 25% SCDE firms

with a ROCE of 2.67%, i.e., a ROCE increase of 15.78.

Chapter III: Supply Chain Design Efficiency: Benchmarking Supply Chains in Manufacturing Firms 82

Figure 14: SCDE and ROCE

Note. SCDE refers to supply chain design efficiency. N = 259.

4. Discussion and implications

Achieving supply chain excellence requires firms to concentrate their resources on what they

do best and on what provides them with the highest ROCE. As mentioned previously, firms

are struggling to improve their supply chain operations, recognizing the increasing

importance of finding the best process and supply chain for their products (Chopra and

Meindl, 2009; Selldin and Olhager, 2007). While the merits of an excellent supply chain

design are straightforward, it was still unknown how well the evidence correlates with actual

performance. Against this background, our research offers several interesting contributions.

First, by adopting the firm’s perspective and drawing upon configuration theory, we

introduced the concept of supply chain design efficiency as a combination of two supply

chain design types: physically-efficiency and market responsiveness. We demonstrated how

supply chain design efficiency may not only be conceptually described, but also empirically
Chapter III: Supply Chain Design Efficiency: Benchmarking Supply Chains in Manufacturing Firms 83

measured. To this end, we introduced DEA as an appropriate methodology to operationalize

the construct (Charnes et al., 1978). Second, our study revealed that supply chain design

efficiency provides an interesting metric for assisting managers in their decision-making

process. Instead of comparing the supply chains of manufacturing across the board, our

approach provides a basis for comparing supply chain designs against their best-in-class

benchmark, i.e., to investigate supply chains within their specific design context. By

calculating an efficiency score between 0% and 100%, our measure allows managers to

evaluate the potential for improvement of any given supply chain design. Finally, results

suggest that many supply chains display a potential for increasing efficiency. The mean score

of supply chain design efficiency was 46.83%, however, less than 2% of the supply chain

designs we investigated were fully efficient. Hence, from a managerial perspective, the

findings suggest that a vast majority of supply chains still offer avenues for further improving

existing supply chain designs, from which several managerial implications can be deduced:

Supply chain design is a strategic weapon. In contrast to products, design and processes

are tough to imitate. Toyota’s production system, which is a supply chain design strategy, has

been known and understood, but it has been a competitive advantage for over two decades for

Toyota (Lee et al., 2005). Competitors have learned about its brilliant strategy, but they have

failed to achieve it. As a result, Toyota’s supply chain design strategy served as an excellent

strategic weapon. Today, the best supply chains are not only physically-efficient (cost-

effective) and market responsive (fast), but also agile and adaptable to ensure that all firms’

interests stay aligned (Lee, 2004). Therefore, firms need to understand which supply chain

designs are required regarding the environment in which they are operating to best meet

supply and demand. A manufacturing firm has multiple strategic choices; it can emphasize
Chapter III: Supply Chain Design Efficiency: Benchmarking Supply Chains in Manufacturing Firms 84

physically-efficiency in the supply chain design, market responsiveness, or seek

improvements in both. The latter improvement is not subject to a trade-off; rather, the

attributes are simultaneously attainable (Selldin and Olhager, 2007). Similar approaches on

how to optimize perceived trade-offs between product ranges and costs, or between

productivity and flexibility, are described by Schmenner and Swink (1998), Grubbströn and

Olhager (1997) or Hayes and Pisano (1996). The product range, or flexibility dimension,

corresponds to the market responsive supply chain, whereas costs or productivity dimensions

correspond to the physically-efficient supply chain. Excellent supply chains are likely to have

attributes that support both strong physically-efficient functions in delivering goods and a

strong market mediation function for conveying information.

Supply chain design is a financial leverage factor. It is impossible to assess profits or

profit growth properly without relating them to the amount of funds (capital) that were

employed in making profits. With strategic decisions on the supply chain design, firms

directly influence the two main drivers for ROCE improvement: the productivity of a firm’s

asset base (asset turn) and the EBIT Margin. On the one hand, as indicated, the degree of

centralization of the manufacturing footprint and logistics network has an impact on the asset

base of a firm, which directly influences ROCE. The inventory management and inventory

allocation of the manufacturing impacts its working capital. On the other hand, an optimized

cost structure for supply chain processes and an optimum logistics service-level will increase

the EBIT Margin. Therefore, supply chain design efficiency is a financial leveraging factor.

The four top supply chains on the efficient frontier line outperform their counterparts by 3.87

higher ROCE results.

Chapter III: Supply Chain Design Efficiency: Benchmarking Supply Chains in Manufacturing Firms 85

Supply chain design is a holistic challenge. Our results indicate that the supply chain

design efficiency is 46.83%. This leaves a vast room for improvement. Benchmarking supply

chain designs enables firms to evaluate the potential of their supply chain. Nevertheless,

supply chain management must incorporate a holistic stance. Manufacturing firms may not

always experience the opportunity or the resources to create an optimal supply chain design

for their products. Oftentimes, firms have to manage within existing supply chain designs or

other upstream/downstream parties that dominate the supply chain. As a result, not all firms

may be capable of designing supply chains of their choice. However, only if supply chains

are designed in an optimally efficient mode, a supply chain design will deliver high financial

performance. Hence, all supply chain parties must optimize their operations from a holistic

stance and design the supply chain using unique patterns fitting the overall competitive

strategy to become leaders in their industries by shedding millions of dollars of inefficiencies

from their supply chains.

Chapter IV: Exploring Sourcing Flexibility, Supply Chain Performance and Product Performance 86

Chapter IV Exploring Sourcing Flexibility,

Supply Chain Performance and
Product Performance

This chapter presents research that examines the relationship among sourcing flexibility,

supply chain performance and product performance. In Section 1, we develop the conceptual

framework and the hypotheses. In Section 2, we discuss shortly the process of data collection

and detail the measures and control variables used in the survey. In Section 3, reliability and

validity of constructs are examined, followed by a multivariate statistical analysis and a

discussion of the ensuing results in Section 4.

1. Theoretical background and hypotheses

1.1. Sourcing flexibility

As described in research question III, manufacturing firms increasingly outsource many of

their production activities to their suppliers. As a result, the average cost of purchased

materials, components, and services across all manufacturing firms frequently exceeds 60%

to 70% of the total cost of operations (Leenders et al., 2006; Wagner, 2006). In such an

environment, sourcing flexibility, i.e., “the availability of a range of options and the ability of

the purchasing process to effectively exploit them so as to respond to changing requirements

related to the supply of purchased components” (Swafford et al., 2006, p. 174), is central to

the success of firms that face environmental or market uncertainties. Firms can save millions
Chapter IV: Exploring Sourcing Flexibility, Supply Chain Performance and Product Performance 87

of dollars by adapting the responsiveness of their supply chains through sourcing flexibility

to reduce stock-outs and inventory in their supply chains, shorten lead-times, increase quality

of their products, etc. For example, by practicing sourcing flexibility, Zara, the Spanish

fashion retailer, is able to limit its sales at markdown prices to 15%–20% of the total sales,

compared to 30%–40% for its European peers (Cachon and Swinney, 2009; Ghemawat and

Nueno, 2003). As such, sourcing flexibility is one of the fundamental characteristics of an

agile supply chain. However, as important as it is, the link between sourcing flexibility and a

firm’s product and supply chain success has not yet been established.

Research question III is the first attempt to empirically investigate the impact of sourcing

flexibility on supply chain performance and the business performance of the product (which

we call “product performance” in the rest of the paper). Although many studies have captured

the importance of flexibility, in particular manufacturing flexibility (Vokurka and O’Leary-

Kelly, 2000; Koste and Malhotra, 1999; Burgess, 1994; Upton, 1994; Youssef, 1994; Gerwin,

1993; 1987; Slack, 1987; 1983), far less attention has been given to sourcing flexibility

(Swafford et al., 2006; Sharifi and Zhang, 1999; Goldman et al., 1994). In the literature on

flexibility and uncertainty, the notion “the greater the flexibility, the better the performance”

(Swamidass and Newell, 1987, p. 512) often stems from intuitive expectations. Nevertheless,

prior studies have been unable to find conclusive results on the link between various building

blocks of supply chain flexibility and performance (Fantazy et al., 2009; Pagell and Krause,

2004). As such, More and Babu (2008, p. 40) state that, in the literature, “the empirical

justification of the benefits of implementing flexible supply chains is rare and in-depth

empirical studies are lacking.”

Chapter IV: Exploring Sourcing Flexibility, Supply Chain Performance and Product Performance 88

In response to this call, we perform a survey-based empirical study of the impact of

sourcing flexibility on supply chain and product performance. Sourcing flexibility must

match a buyer’s requirements with respect to product quantities, product mix, delivery

schedules, etc., and must ultimately support a firm’s supply chain strategy (Yazlali and

Erhun, 2007; Childerhouse et al., 2002; Christopher and Towill, 2001; Li and O’Brien, 2001;

Fisher, 1997). A commonly accepted principle for product–supply chain match states that

standardized (functional) products with stable demands should be supplied by a physically-

efficient supply chain, while customized (innovative) products with stochastic demands in

uncertain environments and markets should be supplied by a market responsive or agile

supply chain (Lee, 2002; Christopher and Towill, 2000; Fisher, 1997). While supply chain

agility has many diverse components, we focus on sourcing flexibility. In this context, the

composition of a firm’s supplier portfolio is essential to achieving the sourcing flexibility that

is desirable in terms of physically-efficiency (cost) and market responsiveness (agility). A

high degree of sourcing flexibility in the supply chain enables greater supply chain agility.

However, sourcing flexibility comes at a cost and therefore does not automatically result in

higher profitability due to increased responsiveness. This trade-off needs to be investigated in

order to reach definitive conclusions concerning the relationship between sourcing flexibility

and performance.

1.2. Conceptual framework

To explore this relationship, we develop a conceptual framework, displayed in Figure 15. For

the effective management of buyer-supplier relationships, firms need to choose the

appropriate level of cooperation (from arm’s length to coordinated relationships) and adapt

suitable management practices (Bensaou, 1999; Lambert et al., 1996; Anderson and Narus,
Chapter IV: Exploring Sourcing Flexibility, Supply Chain Performance and Product Performance 89

1990). Furthermore, technologies such as information systems are needed to support

boundary-spanning activities associated with the effective management of buyer-supplier

relationships. We explain how the criteria for the evaluation and selection of suppliers as well

as the strategic supply chain priorities of manufacturing firms related to their information

systems determine a firm’s sourcing flexibility. We subsequently consider the relationship

between sourcing flexibility and supply chain performance, probing the trade-offs we

highlighted above. Finally, we look into the relationship between a firm’s sourcing flexibility

and its product performance, such as its sales growth rate, market share, and profitability.

Figure 15: Conceptual framework III

H1 II (+)
Sourcing H3 II (U) Product
chain H4 II (+)
flexibility performance
H2 II (+)

Note. (+) indicates a positive relationship and (U) refers to a curvilinear (U-shaped) relationship.
H1II represents the hypothesized positive structural relationship between supplier selection and
sourcing flexibility, H2II between information systems and sourcing flexibility, and H4II between
supply chain performance and product performance. H3II represents the hypothesized curvilinear
relationship between sourcing flexibility and supply chain performance.

Supplier Selection and Sourcing Flexibility. Our conceptual framework is rooted in the

understanding that supply chains should not only be fast and cost-effective; but they must

also be “triple-A” supply chains, i.e., they must be agile, adaptable, and aligned (Lee, 2004).

To build triple-A supply chains and to generate competitive advantages, “one of the most

important aspects that firms must incorporate into their strategic management processes” is

supplier selection decisions (González et al., 2004, p. 492), which constitute a multi-criteria

decision-making problem along several price and non-price attributes (Chen-Ritzo et al.,
Chapter IV: Exploring Sourcing Flexibility, Supply Chain Performance and Product Performance 90

2005; Ghodsypour and O’Brien, 1998). Our first hypothesis posits that supplier selection

positively impacts agility:

Hypothesis H1II: Supplier selection is positively associated with sourcing


Information Systems and Sourcing Flexibility. The integration of information systems

across organizational boundaries at multiple process and functional levels can allow firms to

increase flexibility and reduce costs (Hill and Scudder, 2002; Frohlich and Westbrook, 2001;

Holland and Lockett, 1997). For example, increased visibility through point-of-sales data can

help suppliers to predict demand. As such, the availability of precise and timely information

can help firms align production schedules with actual usage rather than sales or shipments.

On one hand, this alignment of information provides comparative efficiency through lower

inventory and coordination costs, and shorter, more reliable response times (Dai and

Kauffman, 2002; Clemons et al., 1993). On the other hand, information systems can enable

firms to establish one-to-many linkages and to enhance sourcing leverage by altering search-

related costs (Choudhury, 1997; Bakos and Brynjolfsson, 1993). Both are key in enabling a

firm to act and react quickly and more efficiently, and thus decrease demand distortion,

reduce lead-times, and increase sourcing flexibility (Lee et al., 1997). A suitable information

system is therefore not only necessary to ensure smooth flows of materials along the value

chain, but the corresponding strong information links with suppliers in the firm’s portfolio

improve sourcing flexibility. Therefore, we hypothesize:

Hypothesis H2II: Information systems are positively associated with sourcing

Chapter IV: Exploring Sourcing Flexibility, Supply Chain Performance and Product Performance 91

Sourcing Flexibility and Supply Chain Performance. Supply chain performance is a

result of the supply chain’s ability to respond quickly and effectively to a changing

marketplace (Chopra and Meindl, 2009). The effects of demand variability can be mitigated

either by increasing capacity or increasing the (sourcing) flexibility of available capacity

(Iravani et al., 2005). We investigate how sourcing flexibility affects supply chain

performance. Sourcing flexibility improves an organization’s responsiveness and customer

satisfaction by enabling the procurement managers to adapt the product mix, product

quantities, delivery schedules, etc. to short-term requirements for the manufacturing

operations or from outside customers (Narasimhan et al., 2001). However, extant research

posits that the relationship between supply chain flexibility and performance is not linear

(Tang and Tomlin, 2008). Firms tend to emphasize sourcing flexibility to best meet customer

requirements in environments with high uncertainty. In contrast, firms operating in

predictable environments might exercise less sourcing flexibility to minimize total costs.

Firms in both situations can achieve high supply performance. Therefore, we hypothesize:

Hypothesis H3II: Sourcing flexibility has a curvilinear (U-shaped) relationship

with supply chain performance

Supply Chain Performance and Product Performance. The better the supply chain

performance, the better the involved products will penetrate the market. We therefore posit

that supply chain performance positively affects product performance in terms of sales

growth, market share, and profitability. Thus, we hypothesize that:

Hypothesis H4 II: Supply chain performance is positively associated with product

Chapter IV: Exploring Sourcing Flexibility, Supply Chain Performance and Product Performance 92

To test these hypotheses, which form the backbone of our conceptual framework, we

contacted executives in manufacturing firms in the U.S. and Europe via a survey.

2. Methodology

2.1. Data sample and procedure

The proposed hypotheses were tested on a broad-empirical basis using the data from sample

II. The data collection procedure, the sample characteristics, as well as the statistical data

examination including non-response bias concerns are described in detail in Chapter I.

2.2. Measures
To generate our constructs and facilitate our analysis, we employ six measures: supplier

selection, information systems, sourcing flexibility, supply chain performance, product

performance as well as the control variable competition intensity (see Table 15).
Chapter IV: Exploring Sourcing Flexibility, Supply Chain Performance and Product Performance 93

Table 15: Measures of constructs III

Constructs and Items (scale 1-5) Mean SD
Supplier Selection (SS) 3.97 0.58
Please indicate the importance of the following criteria for the evaluation and selection
of suppliers for the main product line…
SS1 Cost 4.08 0.82
SS2 Quality 4.52 0.70
SS3 Service 3.93 0.88
SS4 Innovativeness 3.34 1.02
Information Systems (IS) 3.69 0.75
Please indicate the information system-related strategic supply chain priorities for the
main product line...
IS1 Share intra-firm information and data access 3.95 0.90
IS2 Integrate operating and planning databases across applications 3.81 0.95
IS3 Share inter-firm information and data access 3.39 0.91
IS4 Maintain integrated database and access method to facilitate information sharing 3.59 0.97
Sourcing Flexibility (SF) 2.97 0.60
Please indicate the sourcing-related strategic supply chain priorities for the main
product line…
SF1 Broad range of supplier delivery frequencies (weekly, daily, etc.)… 3.11 0.98
SF2 High flexibility within supplier contracts 3.07 0.89
SF3 Broad range of possible order sizes from suppliers 3.06 0.91
SF4 Frequent change of volume allocation among existing suppliers 2.69 0.89
SF5 Frequent change of suppliers’ order quantities 3.30 0.92
SF6 Change of delivery times for orders placed with suppliers on a short notice 2.90 0.92
Supply Chain Performance (SCP) 3.52 0.59
Relative to the comparable products of your main competitor, please indicate the supply
chain performance of the main product line…
SCP1 Customer order lead-time 3.35 0.73
SCP2 Customer order fill rate 3.44 0.75
SCP3 Customer delivery reliability 3.51 0.80
SCP4 Customer satisfaction 3.63 0.74
Product Performance (PP) 3.47 0.69
Relative to the comparable products of your main competitor, please indicate the
performance of your main product line…
PP1 Sales growth rate 3.48 0.80
PP2 Market share 3.56 0.97
PP3 Profitability 3.37 0.85
Competition Intensity (CI) 3.32 0.89
Please indicate the competitive intensity of your main product line…
CI1 Cutthroat competition 3.73 1.00
CI2 Anything that one competitor can offer, others can match readily 3.04 1.11
CI3 Price competition is a hallmark of your industry 3.28 1.13
Note. All items were measured on five-point rating scales (Likert-type). Construct mean is calculated as
(arithmetic) mean of all scale scores. SD refers to standard deviation. Unit of analysis is the main
product (line) defined as the current sales (revenue) driver of the firm.
Chapter IV: Exploring Sourcing Flexibility, Supply Chain Performance and Product Performance 94

The selection of suppliers is a multi-criteria decision-making problem along several price

and non-price attributes (Wagner and Friedl, 2007; Chen-Ritzo et al., 2005; Ghodsypour and

O’Brien, 1998). It is impossible to list all the criteria that are applicable during the selection

process; many of these criteria cannot even easily be quantified. However, some key

indicators, such as cost, quality, service, and innovativeness, help buyers configure their

supplier base to achieve the desired sourcing flexibility.

The supplier selection measure consists of these four items. The primary purpose of

efficient firms is to supply at the lowest possible cost (Fisher, 1997). Thus, the supplier’s

price (i.e., the cost for the buyer) is a critical criterion for supplier selection. The quality of

the products is of utmost importance in building strategic buyer-supplier partnerships (Hsu et

al., 2006; Kannan and Tan, 2002; Ellram, 1990) and in satisfying buyer requirements. The

service the supplier provides in terms of delivery reliability, quantity, lead-times, flexibility,

and speed to cover the firm’s total requirements is yet another factor in supplier selection.

Finally, innovativeness increasingly becomes a key capability of suppliers. No firm can

develop all important new technologies in-house, and firms need to manage their suppliers so

as to ensure vital technology transfers (Ulrich and Ellison, 2005).

The information systems measure captures the extent to which the information systems of

an organization are integrated, enabling a firm to enhance efficiencies of boundary-spanning

activities. Communication frequency, intensity, and coordination through information

systems build stronger buyer-supplier partnerships, increase channel effectiveness and

efficiency, and ensure that there are no information delays (Anand and Goyal, 2009; Croson

and Donohue, 2003; Mohr and Nevin, 1990). Information systems enable each channel entity

to be informed immediately by providing accurate, thorough, and timely information about

Chapter IV: Exploring Sourcing Flexibility, Supply Chain Performance and Product Performance 95

current and expected conditions. In our survey, we applied the scale used by Rodrigues,

Stank, and Lynch (2004) and considered four items to create the information systems

construct (i.e., whether the firms share intra-firm information and data access; integrate

operating and planning databases across applications; share inter-firm information and data

access; and maintain integrated database and access method to facilitate information sharing).

The sourcing flexibility measure represents the available options for ensuring material

availability to support changing manufacturing needs (range) and reflects the ease with which

the firm can exercise these options (adaptability) (Koste and Malhotra, 1999; Upton, 1994).

First, the options can be described as the extent to which a firm can influence or benefit from

the supplier’s available capacity as well as short and/or variable supplier lead-times. Second,

sourcing flexibility covers the extent to which a firm can tap into suppliers’ ability to deal

with volume requirements, changes in part specifications, and the quantity and timing of

orders in response to the uncertainty in material requirements. We incorporated these factors

into our survey with six questions (on delivery frequency, contract, order size, and volume

allocation flexibility, and flexibility in changing order quantities and delivery times); we

adapted Swafford, Gosh, and Murthy (2006) as well as Narasimhan and Das (1999) to create

the sourcing flexibility construct.

The supply chain performance measure, which we adapted from Beamon (1999) and

Rodrigues, Stank, and Lynch (2004), concerns the extended supply chain’s activities in

meeting end-customer requirements, expressed in customer satisfaction, product availability,

on-time delivery, and inventory and capacity in the supply chain needed to deliver that

performance. Finally, the product performance measure captures the product’s performance
Chapter IV: Exploring Sourcing Flexibility, Supply Chain Performance and Product Performance 96

relative to the main competitor in terms of growth, market share, and profitability (Joshi and

Sharna, 2004).

To eliminate undesirable sources of variance, we included control variables that may

influence and confound the relationships of the key variables in our model. First, firm size is

an important structural variable. Larger firms might have more market penetration power

than smaller ones and thus might be more profitable. Smaller firms, in contrast, might be

more innovative, and therefore more profitable. Firm size was measured by a single item

asking respondents for the number of employees at their firm; this was double-checked

against secondary data. Second, competitive intensity, the extent to which a firm perceives its

competition to be intense and the extent to which it competes to retain its market share, is

another important structural variable with potential impact on profitability. It was captured by

four items asking respondents for the intensity of rivalry among firms in the industry. We

employed the scale used by Jaworski and Kohli (1993). Third, we eliminated country effects.

Economic, political, and cultural differences influence the strategic and operational

possibilities of firms and therefore might influence profitability. Following the procedure

suggested by Cohen, Cohen, West, and Aiken (2003, pp. 303-307), the responses from the

UK were coded as the variable “Country UK”, responses from France were coded as the

variable “Country France”, and responses from the German-speaking countries were coded as

the variable “Country Germany”. Finally, responses from the U.S. were used as the baseline.
Chapter IV: Exploring Sourcing Flexibility, Supply Chain Performance and Product Performance 97

3. Statistical analysis and results

3.1. Reliability and validity

Before testing our core hypotheses, we first assessed the reliability and validity of the

reflective constructs and the underlying items, followed by the assessment of the structural

relationships, i.e., the relationships among the constructs. This ensures reliable and valid

measures of constructs before attempting to draw conclusions about the nature of the

construct relationships (Anderson and Gerbing, 1988). Our model consists of five reflective

constructs (information systems, sourcing flexibility, supply chain performance, product

performance, and competitive intensity) and one formative construct (supplier selection). The

formative construct for supplier selection is appropriate because the performance and

capabilities of a supplier in terms of cost, quality, service, and innovativeness result in an

index that supports the buyer’s supplier selection decision based on various dimensions that

do not necessarily show strong mutual correlations.

Reflective and formative constructs must be validated separately (Diamantopoulos and

Siguaw, 2006; Diamantopoulos and Winklhofer, 2001; Hulland, 1999; Chin, 1998; Fornell

and Cha, 1994). We assessed the reliability and validity of the reflective constructs using

confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) (Bagozzi et al., 1991). All constructs, including the

control variable (competitive intensity), were included in one five-factor CFA model. As

there were no indications of the presence of multivariate non-normality, the model was

estimated with Amos 16.0 using the maximum likelihood estimation method (see Table 16).
Chapter IV: Exploring Sourcing Flexibility, Supply Chain Performance and Product Performance 98

Table 16: Factor analysis results and measurement statistics III a

Constructs and Cronbach Total Commun- Item-to- Composite AVE Factor t- SE IR
items alpha variance alities total reliability loading value
(scale 1-5) explained correlation
Systems (IS) 0.850 0.645 0.899 0.791
IS1 0.658 0.696 0.775 -a -b 0.474
IS2 0.695 0.716 0.805 14.519 0.076 0.475
IS3 0.568 0.651 0.715 12.616 0.750 0.422
IS4 0.660 0.695 0.769 13.242 0.790 1.000
Flexibility (SF) 0.776 0.476 0.843 0.741
SF1 0.359 0.429 0.584 -a -b 0.608
SF2 0.402 0.487 0.533 6.78 0.148 0.619
SF3 0.513 0.545 0.620 7.237 0.168 0.732
SF4 0.530 0.552 0.678 7.344 0.180 0.770
SF5 0.587 0.601 0.721 7.522 0.187 0.747
SF6 0.466 0.516 0.594 7.095 0.165 1.000
Supply Chain
(SCP) 0.778 0.600 0.856 0.680
SCP1 0.511 0.516 0.583 -a -b 0.531
SCP2 0.643 0.619 0.706 9.332 0.131 0.584
SCP3 0.654 0.630 0.737 9.062 0.151 0.694
SCP4 0.593 0.571 0.711 8.453 0.146 1.000
(PP) 0.711 0.624 0.838 0.532
CI1 0.605 0.524 0.663 -a -b 0.335
CI2 0.627 0.522 0.643 8.332 0.139 0.551
CI3 0.643 0.537 0.705 8.243 0.130 1.000
Intensity (CI) 0.728 0.632 0.846 0.585
CI1 0.559 0.515 0.635 -a -b 0.392
CI2 0.683 0.599 0.776 8.371 0.158 0.579
CI3 0.655 0.538 0.656 8.461 0.132 1.000
Note. All items were measured on five-point rating scales (Likert-type). SE refers to standard error, AVE
refers to average variance extracted, and IR refers to indicator reliability (Fornell and Larcker, 1981).
t-values are from the unstandardized solution; all are significant at the 0.001 level (2-tailed).
Factor loading was fixed at 1.0 for identification purposes.

The CFA results depicted in Table 16 indicate acceptable psychometric properties for all

constructs. Composite reliabilities and average variances (AVE) extracted for all constructs

reach the common cut-off values of 0.70 (Nunnally and Bernstein, 1994) and 0.50 (Bagozzi

and Yi, 1988; Fornell and Larcker, 1981), respectively, indicating construct validity. Without

exception, each item loaded on its hypothesized construct with large loadings, significant at

the 99% confidence interval, which represents a high level of item validity. This high level of
Chapter IV: Exploring Sourcing Flexibility, Supply Chain Performance and Product Performance 99

item validity implies that the items are strongly influenced by the construct they are

measuring and indicates that sets of items used to capture the construct are unidimensional.

Overall, the results demonstrate acceptable levels of fit for all reflective constructs (Hair

et al., 2006): Chi-square 2/df = 1.409 (2(160) = 225.376, p < 0.001), CFI (Comparative Fit

Index) = 0.965, NNFI (TLI) (Non-Normed Fit Index also known as Tucker-Lewis Index) =

0.959, GFI (Goodness of Fit Index) = 0.937, and RMSEA (Root Mean Square Error of

Approximation) = 0.035 (90% confidence interval = [0.024, 0.045]). For CFI, values above

0.95 indicate a good fit; acceptable values for NNFI and GFI are above 0.9 and for RMSEA

below 0.05 (Hair et al., 2006).

The estimates of the five-factor CFA model also allow us to assess convergent and

discriminant validity. Inter-construct correlations, average variances extracted (AVE), and

squared correlations are provided in Table 17. All the results are within acceptable ranges,

indicating convergent and discriminant validity of our reflective constructs as measured by

their items (Fornell and Larcker, 1981).

Table 17: Inter-construct correlations and AVE III

Mean SD (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
(1) IS 3.62 0.81 0.791 0.119 0.115 0.000 0.006 0.010 0.014 0.013 0.000 0.019
(2) SS 3.97 0.57 0.345** N/A 0.208 0.002 0.002 0.021 0.000 0.003 0.016 0.008
(3) SF 2.93 0.60 0.340** 0.456** 0.741 0.040 0.001 0.017 0.000 0.001 0.016 0.010
(4) SCP 3.52 0.59 -0.018 -0.046 -0.200** 0.680 0.114 0.044 0.000 0.003 0.042 0.002
(5) PP 3.47 0.71 0.077 0.050 -0.024 0.337** 0.532 0.052 0.003 0.000 0.006 0.000
(6) CI 3.32 0.89 0.099** 0.144 0.132* -0.209* -0.229* 0.585 0.005 0.005 0.002 0.002
(7) FS 41,438 81,196 0.119* -0.002 0.014 0.004 0.057 0.072 1.000 0.006 0.012 0.001
(8) C-UK N/A N/A -0.113* 0.058 -0.023 -0.052 0.003 -0.072 -0.080 1.000 0.010 0.044
(9) C-F N/A N/A 0.008 -0.128* -0.013 -0.205** -0.074 0.047 0.110 -0.102** 1.000 0.141
(10) C-G N/A N/A 0.140** 0.090 0.098 0.049 0.005 -0.042 0.032 -0.209 -0.375** 1.000
Note. Pearson correlation coefficients are below the diagonal, and squared correlations (shared variance) are
above the diagonal; Average variance extracted (AVE) is shown on-diagonal. AVE of single items is
1. N/A = not applicable; SD refers to standard deviation. For discriminant validity above-diagonal
elements should be smaller than on-diagonal elements.
** Significant at the 0.01 level (two-tailed).
* Significant at the 0.05 level (two-tailed).
Abbreviations: IS: Information Systems, SS: Supplier Selection, SF: Sourcing Flexibility, SCP:
Supply Chain Performance, PP: Product Performance, CI: Competitive Intensity, FS: Firm Size, C-
UK: Country UK, C-F: Country France, C-G: German speaking countries.
Chapter IV: Exploring Sourcing Flexibility, Supply Chain Performance and Product Performance 100

As opposed to items measuring reflective constructs that should be highly correlated,

there are no expectations on items in formative constructs; they can have positive, negative,

or zero correlations (Bollen and Lennox, 1991). Therefore, the traditional measures of item

and factor reliability assumption of unidimensionality does not apply (Chin, 1998). A

statistical way to circumvent this problem is to use the latent variable partial least square

(PLS) estimation method to derive “optimal factor weights” for the formative measurement

model (see Table 18). Except for the t-statistics for service indicator (SS3), all test results are

within acceptable limits. In order not to compromise on the generality of our modeling

(including measurement approach), we retain the SS3 even though it does not contribute

substantially to the measurement of supplier selection.

Table 18: Factor analysis results and measurement statistics III b

Construct and items Number of Factor t-values VIF Condition
(scale 1-5) items weights index
Supplier Selection (SS) 4
SS1 Cost 0.762 9.653 1.070 8.477
SS2 Quality 0.272 2.305 1.379 12.030
SS3 Service -0.012 0.142 1.407 16.053
SS4 Innovativeness 0.405 3.463 1.166 21.670
Note. All items were measured on five-point rating scales (Likert-type). Absolute t-values are shown. VIF
refers to variance inflation factor.

Multicollinearity for our constructs was not a serious hindrance to the study’s validity

because none of the relevant checks (eigenvalues, variance inflation factor, condition index)

suggested multicollinearity (Hair et al., 2006). Nor was any evidence of heteroscedasticity

detected. Finally, outlier analysis did not indicate extreme values.

To examine the potential for common method bias, Harman’s one-factor test was applied

(Podsakoff et al., 2003). All 20 items in reflective constructs used in the measurement models

were subjected to a principal component factor analysis using the Kaiser-criterion which

yielded, as hypothesized, five factors with the first factor accounting for a proportion of
Chapter IV: Exploring Sourcing Flexibility, Supply Chain Performance and Product Performance 101

20.4% of the cumulative variance explained by the five factors (60%). This is substantially

below the threshold of 50% proposed by Podsakoff and Organ (1986), thus suggesting the

absence of a significant common method bias effect.

3.2. Structural model estimation and hypotheses testing

We analyzed the hypothesized positive structural relationships between supplier selection and

sourcing flexibility H1II, information systems and sourcing flexibility H2II, and supply chain

performance and product performance H4II; and the hypothesized curvilinear relationship H3II

between sourcing flexibility and supply chain performance. In this section, we provide the

details of our analysis; Table 19 summarizes the results of the hypotheses tests that we


Table 19: Results of model estimation III a (SEM)

Hypothesized relationship Beta t-value f2 R2 Support of
Independent variables Dependent variables hypothesis
Supplier Selection Sourcing Flexibility 0.378*** 7.425 0.141 0.227 H1II: yes
Information Systems Sourcing Flexibility 0.188*** 3.641 0.180 0.138 H2II: yes
(Sourcing Flexibility)2 Supply Chain
Performance 0.433*** 8.667 0.060 0.268 H3II: yes
Supply Chain Product Performance
Performance 0.325*** 6.485 0.022 0.127 H4II: yes
Note. Beta refers to standardized OLS regression estimates. Absolute t-values are shown. f refers to effect
*** Significant at the 0.01 level (one-tailed).

To test H1II, H2II, and H4II, we used variance-based PLS structural equation modeling

because it allows for the inclusion of reflective and formative constructs (Lohnmöller, 1989;

Wold, 1980). Furthermore, in contrast to commonly employed covariance-based structural

equation modeling, in the variance-based structural equation modeling, the independent

variables are approximated as exact linear combinations of dependent variables, which

provides an exact definition of the component scores, avoids the indeterminacy problem, and
Chapter IV: Exploring Sourcing Flexibility, Supply Chain Performance and Product Performance 102

precludes parameter identification problems (Bollen and Lennox, 1991; Fornell and

Bookstein, 1982). However, with the variance-based structural equation modeling (whose

objective is prediction), no overall fit indices can be reported; a price should be paid for the

inclusion of reflective and formative constructs.

The primary objective of PLS analysis is the minimization of error which is equivalent to

the maximization of variance explained in all endogenous constructs. The degree to which

any particular PLS model accomplishes this objective can be determined by examining the

variance explained (R2) values for the dependent (endogenous) constructs. With the effect

size f2 and the change in R2, we evaluated whether the impact of a particular independent

latent variable on a dependent latent variable has substantive impact (Cohen, 1988). We

calculated the statistical significance level of the parameter estimates and the standard errors

using 500 bootstrapping runs. The results in Table 19 show that each of the endogenous

constructs has a significant impact (p < 0.001) on its associated exogenous constructs,

providing support for hypotheses H1II (β = 0.378), H2II (β = 0.188), and H4II (β = 0.325).

Thus, we find empirical support that supplier selection and information exchange among

buyers and suppliers can result in significant sourcing flexibility improvements, and that

supply chain performance positively affects a product’s performance in the market.

Furthermore, R2 values range from 0.127 to 0.227, indicating a high variance explained for

all dependent constructs.

To test H3II, i.e., the quadratic effects of sourcing flexibility on supply chain performance,

we performed hierarchical regression analyses (see Table 20). By adding the squared term of

sourcing flexibility to the hierarchical multiple regression analysis, a significantly higher

variance can be explained (R2 = 0.268). The curvilinear effect demonstrates a U-shaped
Chapter IV: Exploring Sourcing Flexibility, Supply Chain Performance and Product Performance 103

relationship between sourcing flexibility and supply chain performance, supporting H3II (β =

0.433). This relation suggests that firms realize superior performance either with rigid

sourcing structures or with flexible ones. Intermediate sourcing flexibility levels hinder

supply chain performance.

Table 20: Results of model estimation III b (SEM)

Independent variables Dependent variable: Supply Chain Performance
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
Control variables
Country UK -0.100* (-1.803) -0.096* (-1.745) -0.074 (-1.491)
Country France -0.240*** (-4.119) -0.226*** (-3.933) -0.168** (-3.203)
Country Germany -0.062 (-1.043) -0.035 (-0.590) -0.046 (-0.850)
Competitive Intensity -0.118** (-2.204) -0.084 (-1.574) -0.119** (-2.446)
Firm Size -0.027 (0.501) 0.028 (0.530) 0.055 (1.143)
Predictor variables
Sourcing Flexibility -0.184**(-3.436) -0.028 (-0.537)
(Sourcing Flexibility) 0.433*** (8.667)
R2 0.068 0.100 0.268
R change 0.068*** 0.032*** 0.168***
F 4.831*** 6.125*** 17.163***
Note. Beta refers to standardized OLS regression estimates. t-values are shown in bracket.
*** Significant at the 0.01 level (one-tailed).
** Significant at the 0.05 level (one-tailed).
* Significant at the 0.1 level (one-tailed).

4. Discussion and implications

Chapter IV presents empirical validation that sourcing flexibility for a given product is a key

determinant of supply chain performance and product performance. To the best of our

knowledge, this study is the first in the literature that (1) provides evidence that sourcing

flexibility is curvilinearly related to supply chain performance and (2) establishes the link

between sourcing flexibility and product performance. We also extend previous research on

the causes and consequences of sourcing flexibility, which is an important component of

responsive supply chains.

Chapter IV: Exploring Sourcing Flexibility, Supply Chain Performance and Product Performance 104

The curvilinear relation between sourcing flexibility and supply chain performance

suggests that firms can realize high supply chain performance if their sourcing arrangements

(i.e., contracts) with suppliers are either rigid or allow for flexible sourcing of products in

terms of product quantities, product mix, delivery schedules, etc. One reason for this

phenomenon may stem from Fisher’s (1997) distinction between efficient and responsive

supply chains. On one hand, firms in heterogeneous or unpredictable environments that offer

customized products are better positioned for achieving high supply chain and product

performance with more modular or flexible supply chain structures. This is in line with the

results of Schilling and Steensma (2001) and Hitt, Keats, and DeMarie (1998) who suggest

that firms will require strategic flexibility to survive in a global environment. On the other

hand, firms that operate in homogeneous markets and offer standardized products can achieve

a high supply chain performance only if costs are controlled tightly and sourcing flexibility is

limited to a minimum. For firms in between, more flexibility may hinder the supply chain

performance by creating a mismatch between product and supply chain characteristics. This

“stuck in the middle” phenomenon is frequently observed in other areas of strategy and

organization (e.g., Bouquet et al., 2009; Dess and Davis, 1984; Hambrick, 1983), and we

have present in Chapter IV empirical evidence that it is also evident in procurement

Chapter V: Summary, Limitations, and Outlook 105

Chapter V Summary, Limitations, and Outlook

This chapter summarizes the previous chapters and presents the theoretical and managerial

implications of the results and the models, as tested in Chapters II, III, and IV. It begins with

a summary of the main results with regard to the three research questions stated in the

introductory chapter. Next, a delineation of the main academic contributions and the most

relevant managerial implications is provided. Finally, major limitations are listed and

directions for future research are identified.

1. Summary and review of the research questions

As described in Chapter I, scholars and practitioners have put the topic of effective supply

chain strategy and management on their agendas. In recent years, the interest in this issue has

gained momentum, driven by three factors: (1) higher implied demand uncertainty due to

tougher competition, product plurality and globalization of supply chains and markets,

amongst others; (2) prevalence of increasingly complex, tightly coupled and responsive

supply chain design requirements; and (3) inter-, intra-organizational and external challenges,

obstacles and trade-offs within supply chains. Anecdotes, theoretical frameworks and case

studies convey how a fit in the supply chain can have positive consequences for global

operating manufacturing firms. The bulk of supply chain strategy research has relied heavily

on these examples and on case study methodologies, yet often with rhetorical or vague

suggestions that lack quantitative substantiation. Given these circumstances, the purpose of
Chapter V: Summary, Limitations, and Outlook 106

this dissertation was to study the phenomenon of supply chain fit, its constituents and

performance outcomes in more detail in order to enhance the current understanding.

First, the literature was reviewed in Chapter I. Particular emphasis was placed on the

clarification of the terms relevant in the domain of supply chain management, encompassing

the generic product and supply chain design profiles of Fisher (1997) as well as the concepts

of strategic fit, supply chain fit and supply chain design efficiency, all of which were

discussed and defined in the context of the literature. In addition, the traditional classification

of a fit or match in the supply chain (Fisher, 1997) was extended in the way that the

proclaimed diametrical setting was amplified with a multiple portfolio approach of ideal

supply chain fit constellations along the efficient frontier line, depending on the business

model and the overall competitive strategy. The clarification of this nomenclature served as

starting point for the subsequent chapters.

The research presented in this dissertation follows a theory-driven, large-scale empirical

approach and is based on samples I and II. Data were gathered by means of an internet-based

survey of executives in the German-speaking countries of Germany, Switzerland, and

Austria, in addition to the USA, the UK, and France. In Chapter I, research questions I, II and

III were described, with the applied data collection procedures and the characteristics of the

drawn samples. The obtained data sets (sample I: N = 259; sample II: N = 336) constitute a

rich empirical basis for the investigation of the three research questions outlined in Section 3

of Chapter I.

These research questions were investigated in Chapters II, III, and IV. Relying on three

model-based approaches and by applying several major theoretical concepts, this dissertation
Chapter V: Summary, Limitations, and Outlook 107

makes an original contribution to the research. In the following, the major results are


1.1. Research question I

Research question I highlights the strategic role of supply chain management and the bottom

line impact of supply chain management practices on the firm’s performance. In Chapter II,

research question I investigated the following relationship:

Question I: Does supply chain fit have a significant impact on a firm’s financial

success and if so, which supply chain fit constituents are of relevance?

Holistically framed fit-performance relationships involving strategy, firm, and

environment, a conceptualization consistent with many organizational theories, in particular

those that identify a typology of effective organizational configurations (e.g., Mintzberg,

1983; Porter, 1980; Burns and Stalker, 1961) are central to strategic supply chain

management. To answer research question I and to understand the relationship between

product and supply chain profiles as well as among supply chain design, supply chain

strategy, and the competitive strategy of a firm, the research presented in Chapter II draws

from configurational theory: when organizational configurations fit or are similar to the ideal

type, effectiveness is at its highest because of the greatest possible fit among contextual,

structural, and strategic factors (Meyer et al., 1993b). Based on this theory, the central idea

behind the conceptual framework was that a fit in the supply chain leads to higher financial


Following the concept of strategic fit (Chopra and Meindl, 2009), the generic product and

supply chain profiles (Fisher, 1997) were proposed as relevant for achieving fit in the supply
Chapter V: Summary, Limitations, and Outlook 108

chain. Subsequently, hypotheses were formulated that relate supply chain fit to a firm’s

financial success in terms of ROCE, ROA as well as EBIT Margin and Sales Growth. Supply

chain fit was measured by asking the respondents to indicate the demand aspects of the

product as well as accordingly the supply chain design aspects.

With regard to research question I, the findings from the four linear models estimated by

OLS regression support the assumption that a fit in the supply chain affects the financial

success of a firm. Hence, supply chain fit can be conceived as financial driver of a firm. The

results reveal that supply chain fit, building upon the constituents of the demand aspects of a

product and its supply chain design, directly affect ROCE, ROA, EBIT Margin, and Sales

Growth. The conducted post-hoc analysis supports the financial leverage impact of supply

chain fit. Nonetheless, supply chain fit only marginally explained the variance in firm

performance, i.e., ROCE, ROA, EBIT Margin and Sales Growth. This calls for a further

investigation of supply chain fit in the light of a firm’s financial success.

1.2. Research question II

By adopting the firm’s perspective and drawing upon configuration theory, research question

II explored the relationship between supply chain design and a firm’s financial success in

terms of ROCE. Achieving supply chain design efficiency requires firms to concentrate their

resources on what they do best and on what provides them with the highest ROCE. While the

merits of an excellent supply chain design are straightforward, it was still not clear how well

the evidence correlate with actual performance. Hence, research question II was formulated

Chapter V: Summary, Limitations, and Outlook 109

Question II: How do supply chain designs perform in terms of Return on Capital

Employed, and which supply chain design types are of relevance?

To answer this question, we introduced the concept of supply chain design efficiency as a

combination of two supply chain design types: physically-efficiency and market

responsiveness. We demonstrated how supply chain design efficiency may not only be

conceptually described, but also empirically measured. To this end, we used DEA as an

appropriate methodology to operationalize the constructs (Charnes et al., 1978). Instead of

comparing the supply chains of manufacturing across the board, the DEA approach provides

a basis for comparing supply chain designs against their best-in-class benchmark, i.e., to

investigate supply chains within their specific design context. By calculating an efficiency

score between 0% and 100%, our measure allows to evaluate the potential for improvement

of any given supply chain design. Results indicate that many supply chains display a potential

for increasing efficiency. The mean score of supply chain design efficiency was 46.83%,

however, less than 2% of the supply chain designs we investigated were fully efficient. The

task of supply chain management is to design supply chains that fit best to the unique

requirements of the manufacturing firm to best meet demand and supply. As we noted

previously, top management needs to develop an appreciation of how an effectively managed

supply chain design contributes to overall financial performance.

Instead of focusing on how Zara, Wal-Mart, Procter & Gamble, Toyota, or other best-in-

class firms are using their own supply chains to dominate the competition, firms should look

at what all top-performing supply chains have in common on a broader basic level. By

developing an understanding of the traits that underlie high-functioning supply chains, firms

will be well on their way to building their own models for supply chain design efficiency. At
Chapter V: Summary, Limitations, and Outlook 110

the very least, this pattern of results should stimulate some revisions and future research for

the investigated link.

1.3. Research question III

As indicated in Chapter IV, far less attention has been given to sourcing flexibility (Swafford

et al., 2006; Sharifi and Zhang, 1999; Goldman et al., 1994), a key cross-functional driver

(see Chapter I). Prior studies have been unable to find conclusive results on the link between

the building blocks of supply chain responsiveness and performance (Fantazy et al., 2009;

Pagell and Krause, 2004). As such, More and Babu (2008, p. 40) state that, in the literature,

“the empirical justification of the benefits of implementing flexible supply chains is rare and

in-depth empirical studies are lacking.” In response, research question III was formulated as


Question III: Does sourcing flexibility have a significant impact on supply chain

and product performance and if so, which degree of sourcing

flexibility sources is required for superior supply chain and product


A major building block of supply chain responsiveness is sourcing flexibility (Swafford et

al., 2006). This research suggested that sourcing flexibility is stimulated by information

sharing as well as by supplier selection and that sourcing flexibility has an impact on supply

chain performance which in turn affects product performance. Building upon these central

hypotheses, a covariance-based structural equation modeling technique was used to analyze

the model with data from sample II. The results offer several original insights and make

several scholarly and managerial contributions. In detail, the results show that supplier
Chapter V: Summary, Limitations, and Outlook 111

selection has a significant impact on sourcing flexibility. This is critical when a firm facing

with uncertain market conditions relies on its suppliers to adjust material supply in response

to unexpected changes in customer orders for manufactured products. Consequently, firms

requiring higher levels of responsiveness put more emphasis on rigorous supplier selection

along various criteria. Similarly, Swafford, Ghosh, and Murthy (2006) note that within

sourcing flexibility, key determinants of range of flexibility are the extent to which supplier

lead-time can be changed and the extent to which supplier capacity can be influenced when a

firm faces sudden changes in customer demand. Furthermore, results indicate that an

increased information exchange through implemented information systems between buyers

and suppliers on multiple levels can result in significant improvements in sourcing flexibility.

Thus, a greater level of external integration can support better management of collaborative

relationships and enable firms to achieve higher efficiency. This also supports the findings of

Cachon and Fisher (2000) and Krajewski and Wei (2000). Finally, empirical evidence

provides a U-shaped relationship between sourcing flexibility and supply chain performance.

The average cost of purchased materials, components, and services across all

manufacturing firms frequently exceeds 60% or even 70% of the total cost of operations

(Leenders et al., 2006; Wagner, 2006). In light of this enormous amount of business which is

outsourced to suppliers, the results of research question III should urge managers to take

sourcing flexibility into account more frequently when making supplier selection and

sourcing decisions. Sourcing flexibility is a key factor for supply chain and product

performance and merits researchers’ and managers’ attention.

Chapter V: Summary, Limitations, and Outlook 112

2. Major academic contributions

The research presented in this dissertation contributes to the academic discussion in multiple

ways. As the specific findings and research implications have already been extensively

discussed in Chapters II, III and IV, this section focuses on more general aspects. By using

survey data with a large number of respondents, and by developing and testing theory-driven

conceptual models, this dissertation moves beyond the case-based and normative research

that dominates the literature on supply chain fit.

First, we fill a gap in the operations management literature on the bottom line impact of

supply chain management on firm performance. Supply chain management literature has so

far focused more on efficiency improvement and cost reduction in supply chain operations

(e.g., Kopczak and Johnson, 2003; Aviv, 2001), and less on the phenomenon of supply chain

fit. This could be because, in contrast to efficiency, it is much harder to place a value on

supply chain fit. By associating supply chain fit with firm performance, we provide an

estimate of the value of a supply chain fit.

Second, although numerous classifications like the strategic fit concept of Chopra and

Meindl (2009) as well as the generic product and supply chain profiles of Fisher (1997)

which are in line with the reasoning of strategic management literature (Porter, 1980) or

Mintzberg’s (1983; 1979) theory of organizational structure and Miles and Snow’s (1978)

theory of strategy, structure, and process have been proposed, empirical studies have so far

neglected to take the phenomenon of supply chain fit sufficiently into consideration. This

dissertation moves beyond these conceptual classifications and provides evidence that supply

chain management research can benefit from configurational approaches (instead of

Chapter V: Summary, Limitations, and Outlook 113

relationships between single constructs). Chapters II and III provide important contributions

to the academic discussion which may serve as a starting point for further studies.

Finally, the evidence presented in this paper contributes to recent research to quantify the

impact of supply chain management strategies. One core research stream focuses on

mathematical models aiming to understand how alternate ways of managing supply chains

impact capital and operating costs, service, and inventory levels (e.g., Erhun et al., 2008;

Taylor, 2002; Aviv, 2001; Cachon and Fisher, 2000). The second core research stream

empirically examines the relationship between supply chain practice and performance (e.g.,

Frohlich and Westbrook, 2001; Shin et al., 2000; Swamidass and Newell, 1987). Despite

significant research in this field, most of the evidence is based on self-reported data.

Therefore, it is still not clear how well the evidence correlates to actual performance. Here we

extended recent research which has begun to use secondary data (e.g., Hendricks and Singhal,

2005) and link effective supply chain management, i.e., supply chain fit, to a firm’s financial

success. Furthermore, our multi-method approach, i.e., primary subjective data from the

survey and secondary objective financial data helps to overcome methodological problems

(e.g., common method bias) and to establish relevance of supply chain management research

by demonstrating how the research outputs apply to practice which hint numerous directions

for future research.

3. Major implications for practice

The insights from the presented conceptual frameworks provide significant implications for

practitioners. As most of them have already been discussed, only a summary of major and

comprehensive implications is given.

Chapter V: Summary, Limitations, and Outlook 114

Supply chain management. Effective supply chain management comes in line with

achieving supply chain fit, a prerequisite for strategic fit as described in Chapter II. Our

results can be taken as indications that supply chain fit is a relevant contextual variable for

strategic supply chain decision-making. Borrowing from strategic management literature and

configurational theory, this leads to the need to reevaluate the fit between supply chain design

and the demand aspects of the product. A certain supply chain design may perform well at

one stage of the product life-cycle, but probably not (necessarily) during the whole product

life-cycle, as Chapter III indicates. Therefore, supply chain designs should be (re-)assessed in

the light of supply chain fit.

At the heart of this dissertation we claim that firms have to realize the bottom line impact

of supply chain management because the impact of supply chain management is significant

and too substantial in terms of ROCE, ROA, Sales Growth and EBIT Margin than its impact

beyond the “classical” logistics performance indicators, like delivery performance. This

makes a strong support that supply chain management must be anchored in the top

management. Only then, the obstacles, challenges and trade-offs in the supply chains can be

managed in an optimal manner. Therefore, a promising approach might be the creation of a

Chief Supply Chain Officer who not only steers the supply chain management operations and

monitors the firm’s supply chain fit, but who also engages in forming a “fit management


Supply chain fit constituents. As the degree of supply chain fit impacts the financial

performance, firms need to assess their products (and competitive strategy) and devise the

supply chain strategy accordingly. Lee (2002) mentions that the best supply chains are not

only cost-effective (physically-efficient) and fast (market responsive), but also agile and
Chapter V: Summary, Limitations, and Outlook 115

adaptable enough to ensure that all of a firm’s interests stay aligned. The message for

managers is: achieve consistency between demand aspects of your product and your supply

chain design and align it to the competitive strategy. Although this message may appear

rather abstract in research terminology, Chapter II and Chapter III explained how supply

chain fit can be achieved (see also Chapter I) and how supply chain designs can be

benchmarked, a first original approach to get transparency of the own supply chain design

efficiency. While most of the popular supply chain management literature devotes a

significant space to supply chain strategy issues, it provides poor analysis of alternative

supply chain designs in the light of their relative advantages with regard to supply chain fit.

Prioritization of supply chain drivers. Logistics as well as cross-functional drivers are

the engines for designing supply chains. As such, prioritization of supply chain drivers is key

to achieve supply chain fit. As all supply chain drivers work simultaneously and depend on

each other, each driver has to be analyzed in order to balance out and optimize all logistics

and cross-functional drivers from a holistic perspective. Algere, Lapiedra, and Chiva (2006)

note that firms might speed up their execution of options, given limited time and resources,

instead of increasing the range of options at the expense of adaptability. The findings of

Chapter IV should further encourage managers conceive supply chain drivers, for example

sourcing flexibility, as opportunities for improvement and to leverage this potential towards

achieving supply chain fit.

4. Limitations
As with any empirical research, the results of this dissertation have to be assessed in light of

the constraints under which the data was gathered and analyzed.
Chapter V: Summary, Limitations, and Outlook 116

4.1. Data gathering and statistical analysis

First, this dissertation concentrated on a complex area in supply chain management research.

Thus, the constructs developed and validated in this dissertation need to be more rigorously

defined, and their measures tested further for reliability and validity. Solid statistical results

obtained from the estimated confirmatory factor analysis models provide good indications for

the factorial structure. However, the validation of scales is an inexact and iterative process.

Thus, the construct validity can only be accomplished through a series of studies that further

refine and test the measures across populations and settings. A more profound investigation

of the nomological network of the constructs developed in this dissertation, mainly for supply

chain fit (SCF), might yield a more parsimonious set of constructs, i.e., a more sophisticated

proxy for supply chain fit might capture the fit in the supply chain more precisely.

Second, the models should be validated on other samples, if the findings are to be

generalized to the population of firms. For example, the models investigated in Chapters II,

III and IV were tested with data gathered from manufacturing firms in the USA, the UK,

France, Germany, Austria and Switzerland. However, besides these efforts, this raises still the

question whether the model would be validated with samples from other countries and/or

regions, like Asia or South America. Likewise, all three studies focused on manufacturing

firms. Replications with other industries than the herein reported ones, like logistics service

providers or retailers, would be a consequential next step.

Third, we followed the compromise adopted by many researchers (e.g., Swafford et al.,

2006; Pagell and Krause, 2004) and used the same data to purify and validate our measures

and then to test the hypotheses. While this was an important design step keeping the samples

manageable, this includes the threat of a potential single informant bias which cannot
Chapter V: Summary, Limitations, and Outlook 117

completely be ruled out. Hence, the opportunity to survey multiple key informants (Wagner

et al., 2010b) per firm, i.e., to establish inter-rater reliability, was abandoned.

Fourth, another limitation arises from the fact that for the estimated model of research

question III (Chapter IV) both explanatory and outcome variables are based on self-reports.

This raises the problem of common method variance in which the independent and dependent

variables are hardly distinguishable (Bollen and Paxton, 1998; Podsakoff and Organ, 1986;

Phillips, 1981). Despite the encouraging tests reported herein, the problem of common

method variance cannot be completely ruled out. Hence, a bias arising from common method

variance may be a greater problem for the results in Chapter IV were the outcome variable

supply chain performance and product performance may be vulnerable to a subjective

perceptual measurement. In contrast, the results of Chapters II and III are stable against this

issue, since the usage of objective secondary data for the outcome variables eliminates the

concern of common method bias.

Fifth, the response rates of the survey (sample I: 14.12%; sample II: 18.32%) might be a

potential weakness even though many recent studies in the field of supply chain management

have also struggled receiving good response rates (e.g., Bode, 2008; Gibson et al., 2005;

Sinkovics and Roath, 2004) and several other studies subscribe to the philosophy that there is

no generally accepted minimum response rate (Fowler, 1993). Despite encouraging results of

non response bias tests reported herein, the possibility cannot be completely dismissed.

Finally, as this research is cross-sectional, it cannot establish causality among variables.

Although the performed tests did not provide an indication of recall issues, regency bias

might still exist. Only a longitudinal research design could confirm causality or evolutions of

key variables over time.

Chapter V: Summary, Limitations, and Outlook 118

4.2. Conceptual frameworks

Apart from these limitations associated with the empirical approach, the three conceptual

frameworks and their testing exhibit limitations.

In Chapters II and IV, the rather low coefficients of determination (R2) in all the

estimated models indicate that partial models were investigated. Obviously, various factors

hold predictive power for the investigated dependent variables that were omitted in the

conceptual frameworks. This has to be taken under consideration when interpreting the


Furthermore, in Chapter IV, the downstream-oriented supply chain performance

measure from Beamon (1999) and Rodrigues, Stank, and Lynch (2004) was used. For this

reason, this scale cannot perform a more detailed examination of how souring flexibility

affect other elements of supply chain performance. The limitation regarding performance

measurement might be eliminated if a broader performance measurement approach, i.e.,

“adaptability of a firm, market and financial success,” would have been taken under

consideration (Weber and Schäffer, 2006, p. 420).

Chapter II discussed only a selection of product demand aspects which were based on the

generic product and supply chain design profiles of Fisher (1997). The low coefficients of

determination make a strong case for the further exploration of supply chain fit and its

constituents. A more precise operationalization of supply chain design variables which are

relevant to capture the degree of responsiveness together with an investigation of their

relationship to product demand aspects would be of high managerial relevance. A deeper

knowledge of how supply chain design variables increase or decrease supply chain design
Chapter V: Summary, Limitations, and Outlook 119

efficiency and consequently affect supply chain fit would give managers important

information for their decisions about supply chain design.

With regard to the conceptualization of Chapter III, it is noteworthy that the results are

correlated to the limits of DEA, which measures the relative efficiency of Decision Making

Units. This non-parametric programming approach to frontier estimation cannot provide

absolute efficiencies, only efficiencies relative to the data considered.

5. Directions for future research

Apart from tying in with the limitations cited above, several further avenues for future

research seem promising. The following aspects should stimulate research interest and

encourage further research in the field of supply chain management.

5.1. Model extensions and alternative underpinnings

First, the phenomenon of supply chain fit should be applied to other supply chain

management areas. This dissertation focused on the design of a supply chain in which

demand uncertainty is the key challenge. It would be interesting to apply the phenomenon of

supply chain fit to the two other sources of uncertainty: process and supply (Lee and

Billington, 1993). Furthermore, the supply chain fit concept could also be applied in

particular to supply chain finance. An important supply chain management goal is to achieve

an optimized working capital management in order to activate tied capital which is frozen in

account receivables and payables as well as in inventories. The ability to deliver at anytime is

often a top priority for firms and leads to high inventories and stocks, i.e., the tied capital is

not optimized (Grosse-Ruyken et al., 2008) which increases the potential of bankruptcy of
Chapter V: Summary, Limitations, and Outlook 120

supply chains in economic recessions. This domino effect is intensified if a holistic approach

taking the whole supply chain into consideration is missing to release tied-up capital, i.e.,

capital which is for example frozen in inventory. Thus, each working-capital management

decision should consider all upstream and downstream partners within the supply chain,

especially regarding the management of the Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC), which measures

the number of days a firm takes to convert resource inputs into actual cash, a key

measurement of a firm’s performance in this regard. In contrast to current mainstream, the

optimal level of CCC for responsive supply chains could be seen from a holistic “fit stance”

concluding that a strong working-capital system depends on the business model, its specific

supply chain design configurations and risk aspects within the supply chain. Hence, further

investigations of optimal working capital management strategies from a “holistic fit stance”

considering the financial and operational trade-offs in addition to the risk aspects would be of

high relevance.

Second, it is difficult to determine the cause of an observed transformation change, and

whether the response to it is based on learning, such as understanding the relationship of that

response (Fiol and Lyles, 1985) to the experienced (in)consistency of demand aspects of the

product and supply chain design variables. As a lack of supply chain fit does not appear

overnight but evolves over time, there is a constant threat that misfits do not receive sufficient

management attention. Managers generally do not get credit for preventing potential misfits,

especially since the potential consequences are not known in advance. Therefore, it can be

estimated that over the course of time firms simply neglect the supply chain design aspects

and underestimate both the tangible and intangible benefits of achieving supply chain fit.
Chapter V: Summary, Limitations, and Outlook 121

Further investigations are necessary to deepen the knowledge and to monitor better the

supply chain fit along the product life-cycle.

Third, selecting an ideal configuration is a complex balancing act. It would be interesting

to figure out if managers avoid the blandness or chaos of too little configuration while

skirting the obsession of too much. Basically, the appropriate level of configuration depends

on the implied uncertainty spectrum. The more changing and uncertain the environment, the

more loosely coupled the elements of the supply chain of a firm may have to be (Miller,

1993). “Excellent wines have complexity and nuance, blending together different tastes into a

harmonious balance. They avoid clashing cacophonies of flavors as well as the strident

dominance of a single sharp note” (Miller, 1996, p. 511).

Fourth, Fine (1998) and Randall (2001) point out that supply chain decisions are often

more capitally intensive and longer lived than product line decisions, suggesting limitations

for an optimal supply chain design fitting each product iteration. Hence, it would be

interesting to investigate patterns of how supply chain design can dynamically be adapted and

aligned, fitting, to a high degree, to every product iteration, extending the results of Randall,

Morgan, and Morton (2003) to safeguard supply chain fit in each product iteration.

Fifth, collecting data from both sides of the relationship dyad, or even investigating triad-

relationships, would be an interesting and promising task for future research with respect to

supply chain fit. Various factors such as the comparative level of each firm’s dependence can

only be examined by using such dyadic or triadic data.

Sixth, in Chapter IV we restricted ourselves to production-related sourcing flexibility;

other activities may be outsourced for different reasons. In addition, we focused on sourcing

flexibility. However, logistics flexibility and/or manufacturing flexibility might have

Chapter V: Summary, Limitations, and Outlook 122

significant explanatory power in terms of profitability. Further investigations would be


Finally, in all chapters the configuration view was used to underpin the phenomenon of

supply chain fit and its constituents. The configurational theory is based on contingency

theory and strategic choice theory. The contingency approach contends that there is an

association between environmental factors and organizational structure. If the environment

changes, then the organizational structure changes as well (deterministic view of contingency

theory) or should be adapted by decision-makers (strategic choice theory). In any case, a

strategic fit between environmental factors and organizational structure leads to superior

performance. Configuration theory is based on the former theories but addresses successful

organizational patterns as indicated in Chapters II and III. The idea is that, given certain

environmental factors, groups of firms and supply chains emerge that display a common

profile, i.e., configuration, of conceptually independent characteristics. Hence, the closer a

supply chain matches an ideal constellation, the better the performance. However, these

environment-structure-performance configurations have not been investigated before against

a background of supply chain fit. This dissertation provides a first step into that research

direction by adding the fit dimension to supply chain configurations. It would be a promising

research field to elaborate a set of dimensions and variables for the description of

constellations which take all aspects of supply chain management into account, i.e., better

supply chain fit predictors and scales to identify determinants based on specified industry

requirements have to be developed and continuously updated in order to maintain a high level

of supply chain fit. For this reason, a complete set of factors should be included in the

descriptions of ideal types for the respective industry. At minimum, ideal types should be
Chapter V: Summary, Limitations, and Outlook 123

described in terms of the imperatives which drive firms in supply chain management toward

certain configurations (Miller, 1986).

5.2. Cross-country effects

Given globalization and the increasing importance of international business, the

transferability of models, theories, and practices across national borders and national cultures

has become an important issue in the academic and business world. Comparing two or more

data sets is an essential means of discovering peculiarity or universality of methods,

attributes, theories or practices.

Hence, we put tremendous efforts to obtain data from different European countries

(France, UK, Germany, Austria and Switzerland) and the USA. Nevertheless, it is important

to note that the results may not generalize to all countries. Differences in buyer-supplier

relationships or different supply chain management perceptions may vary among countries.

Therefore, for the investigation of supply chain fit, three of Hofstede’s (2003) five

dimensions of cultural difference (power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism

versus collectivism, masculinity versus femininity, long-term versus short-term orientation)

can be expected to be of particular importance in the context of supply chain fit: uncertainty

avoidance, masculinity versus femininity and long-term versus short-term orientation. For

instance, supply chain managers in the USA could be expected to focus differently on supply

chain design because of their short term-orientation, in contrast to more long-term oriented

Japanese counterparts.
Chapter V: Summary, Limitations, and Outlook 124

5.3. Longitudinal research design

All three studies investigating research questions I, II and III are longitudinal and hence

preclude establishing a strong claim of causality in the estimated models. Many of the

investigated aspects and theories are highly dynamic, such as the configurational perspective

on supply chain fit. Such aspects cannot be fully examined in a cross-sectional study, but

should be addressed with a longitudinal approach. Certainly, a longitudinal research design

would enhance the knowledge of how firms adjust over time to maintain a high level of

supply chain fit and how their supply chain designs are adjusted to changes in demand.

Further insights into the trade-offs between physically-efficiency and market responsiveness

could be gathered and assist in understanding the bottom line impact of supply chain

management on firm performance. Similarly, it would be useful to conduct in-depth case

studies of firms over time within a specific industry so as to understand the industry specific

demand aspects and supply chain design processes that lead to supply chain fit.

6. Outlook
This dissertation makes an important contribution to the understanding of the bottom line

impact of effective supply chain management in terms of supply chain fit, its constituents and

performance outcomes. It offers several unique insights into supply chain management and

deepens the knowledge of supply chain fit, and, hence contributes to the academic discussion

in the operational field and offers strong and relevant implications for practitioners from a

strategic, tactical and operational perspective.

Although this dissertation investigated important questions and produced valuable

answers, there is ample room for further research. This dissertation has laid the groundwork
Chapter V: Summary, Limitations, and Outlook 125

for the investigation of appealing and motivating research questions. Further investigating

those questions and to find original answers will be an intriguing and rewarding task for

researchers and mangers alike, following a statement of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe that

being “pleased with one’s limits is a wretched state”, in particular in the dynamic field of

supply chain management.

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Appendix 140

Appendix: Overview of constructs and their abbreviations
Construct Origin Measurement items Item cues
SS Supplier Selection Ellram (1990) and Hsu, SS1, SS2, SS3, SS4 See Table 15
Kannan, and Leong (2006)
IS Information Systems Rodrigues, Stank, and IS1, IS2, IS3, IS4 See Table 15
Lynch (2004)
SF Sourcing Flexibility Swafford, Gosch, and SF1, SF2, SF3, SF4, See Table 15
Murthy (2006) and SF5, SF6
Narasimhan and Das (1999)
SCP Supply Chain Beamon (1999) and SCP1. SCP2, SCP3, See Table 15
Performance Rodrigues, Stank, and SCP4
Lynch (2004)
PP Product Performance Joshi and Sharma (2004) PP1, PP2, PP3 See Table 15
CI Competition Intensity Jaworski and Kohli (1993) CI1, CI2, CI3, (CI4) See Table 15, (7)
PI Product Innovativeness Selldin and Olhager (2007) PI1, PI2, PI3, PI4, PI5 See Table 7
and Fisher (1997)
SCR Supply Chain Seldin and Olhager (2007) SCR1, SCR2, SCR3, See Table 7
Responsiveness and Fisher (1997) SCR4, SCR5
ESC Efficient Supply Chain Fisher (1997) ESC1, ESC2, ESC3, See Table 7
RSC Responsive Supply Fisher (1997) RSC1, RSC2, RSC3, See Table 11
Chain RSC4

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