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Từ vựng TOEIC bản cập nhật 1 5 2022

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Bài 1

1. Due to the uneven terrain of the Chilman 6. Pratt Automotive is developing a large
Trail, proper hiking footwear is------- number of electric cars to ------- the growing
recommended. demand for eco-friendly vehicles.
(A) closely (A) validate
(B) highly (B) accommodate
(C) nearly (C) estimate
(D) roughly (D) conform

2. The Labor Relations Commission is 7. Former seasonal employees seeking to be

conducting thorough_____ into claims that rehired must ______a new application.
some employees at the Hartford Company are (A) observe
being treated unfairly. (B) submit
(A) investigations (C) familiarize
(B) interpretations (D) inform
(C) conditions
(D) interactions 8. After a six-month probationary period, city
employees are ------- to take vacation days.
(A) beneficial
3. All ------- candidates for the marketing
position should submit a cover letter and (B) eligible
résumé. (C) convenient
(A) increasing (D) relevant
(B) qualified
(C) beneficial 9. Hasin Fariz turned a study on the -------
effects of sleep into a best-selling book.
(D) modified
(A) favorable
(B) favor
4. For safety reasons, the kitchen ------- on
(C) favors
display in the showroom are not kept plugged
in. (D) favorably
(A) utensils
10. Glideline Technologies _____in archiving
(B) appliances
records and retrieving lost data.
(C) tiles
(A) consists
(D) counters
(B) interests
(C) inspects
5. Mr. Raul is seeking ------- teachers who
(D) specializes
can work at his language institute on a
long-term basis. 11.. Navarro wants to fill the administrative
(A) promised assistant ------- as soon as possible.
(B) promising (A) worker
(C) promise (B) employment
(D) promises . (C) position
(D) experience

12. Anyone who was unable to ------- 14. To handle the increase in sales, the human
yesterday's budget meeting may contact Mr. resources department_____to recruit a number
Kwon for his notes. of new employees.
(A) recognize (A) joins
(B) achieve (B) intends
(C) attend (C) attend
(D) inform (D) invent

13. Norvo Financial has built an ------- client 15. Each year, Manu Corp. chooses a team to
base in a short period of time. be honored for their outstanding______ in
(A) impressive product development.
(B) impress (A) achievements
(C) impressively (B) achieve
(D) impresses (C) achieving
(D) achievable

Bài 2
1. All patrons of the Vanceville Public Library 6. The office manager held a last-minute
must agree to ------- by the library's rules and meeting ------- the sudden resignation of the
regulations. company's president.
(A) conform (A) concerning
(B) accompany (B) whereas
(C) establish (C) until
(D) abide (D) within

2. Before the computers leave the factory, they 7. Although the board has given its final____ to
are ------- thoroughly to ensure they have no the firm, neither party will sign the contract
defects. until a price is agreed upon.
(A) selected (A) achievement
(B) inspected (B) contemplation
(C) attached (C) approval
(D) managed (D) supervision

3. ------- to the exercise room is included with 8. Complaints about its new line of kitchen
your stay at the Bayland Hotel. appliances led Loxevo, Inc., to adopt higher ----
(A) Access --- for assessing quality.
(B) Accessed (A) standards
(C) Accessing (B) features
(D) Accessible (C) risks
(D) institutions
4. The------- contract reflects the figures that
we negotiated during the second meeting. 9. As stated in the company guidelines, sales
(A) revised representatives receive _______for time spent
(B) revising traveling to meet with clients.
(C) revision (A) interpretation
(D) revise (B) succession
(C) fluctuation
5. We ------- all employees to wear formal (D) compensation
business attire when meeting with clients in the
office. 10. ------- company regulations, the manager
(A) monitor will assign a daily task to each intern.
(B) require (A) Except for
(C) confirm (B) As well as
(D) include (C) According to
(D) Rather than

11. Throughout her tenure at LPID Systems, 14. All unauthorized people are______from
Ms. Patterson has ------- at defining complex entering the building unlessescorted by a
concepts in simple terms. member of the film crew.
(A) excelled (A) prohibited
(B) organized (B) prohibiting
(C) instructed (C) prohibits
(D) simplified (D) prohibit

12. Health Yoga has developed a more ------- 15. ______ immediately,the company will no
way to lose weight that no one has ever longer accept applications for medical or sick
imagined before. leave without a certificate from a physician.
(A) effective (A) Effecting
(B) effects (B) Effective
(C) effectively (C) Effects
(D) effect (D) Effected

13. The client asked for------- to the images in

the advertising text.
(A) standards
(B) drawings
(C) revisions
(D) duplications

Bài 3

1. _____hearing the fire alarm, the students 6. Guests of the Marble Hotel are ------- to
evacuated the building via the nearest exit. leave their keys at the reception desk
(A) Upon whenever they go out.
(B) From (A) commented
(C) Within (B) spoken
(D) Besides (C) reminded
(D) insisted
2. Employees must ------- requests for time
off to Ms. Cheung for approval. 7. A good manager knows how to _______
(A) apply authority to his subordinates as well as
(B) submit finding their strengths and utilizing them
for the benefit of the team.
(C) vacate
(A) delegate
(D) oppose
(B) denounce
(C) deprive
3. Upon------- at the port of Haifa, proceed
to Gate 32 for inspection at one of the (D) detect
security stations.
(A) appearance 8. ------- from 10 countries including India,
(B) enrollment Japan, and Thailand will discuss the values
(C) arrival of natural resources in increasing global
energy security.
(D) request
(A) Delegates
(B) Positions
4. A------- of our lemon cake has been sent
(C) Directions
with the price quote for your corporate
event. (D) Manufactures
(A) bargain
(B) trial 9. For a ------- list of our vehicles as well as
(C) number information on our rates, check out our
Web site at
(D) sample
A. full
B. fully
5. The Internet connection will be closely
C. fullness
monitored ------- the source of the
slowdown can be confirmed. D. fuller
(A) why
(B) until 10. Please ------- our travel agents of any
(C) due to changes you would like to make to your
booking at least a week before your
(D) just as
(A) notify
(B) release
(C) discuss
(D) announce

11. To remain on schedule, editors must 15. When Rubicon Bank's growth rate is
submit all______ to the book to the authors announced publicly next week, the
by Friday. information ______ a lot of interest from
(A) ideas stock investors.
(B) essays (A) had attracted
(C) revisions (B) attracted
(D) suggestions (C) attracting
(D) will attract
12. Any requests for time off should be
addressed to the ------- department 16. All our products are thoroughly -------
supervisor. for any defects before being shipped to
(A) urgent customers.
(B) appropriate (A) chosen
(C) subsequent (B) inspected
(D) deliverable (C) enclosed
(D) achieved
13. A retirement party for Mr. Samuel ------
- in the main conference room next Friday. 17. Former seasonal employees seeking to
(A) was held be rehired must______a new application.
(B) to hold (A) observe
(C) holding (B) submit
(D) will be held (C) familiarize
(D) inform
14. The Stoneport Gallery is hosting a -----
-- next week to showcase the works of
sculptor Fabrice Pepin.
(A) scene
(B) society
(C) formality
(D) reception

Bài 4

1. The employee handbook states the 6. Please provide the exact dimensions of
human resources director is_______for the custom fence you would like built, and
reviewing job applications. your quote will be adjusted -------.
(A) reasonable (A) namely
(B) genuine (B) accordingly
(C) responsible (C) frequently
(D) applicable (D) supposedly

2. Bank customers are advised to reset their 7. Patent laws guarantee that Salman's
passwords occasionally to keep their data--- Precision Engineering has _____ rights to
---- the cutting-edge technology it developed
(A) confidential for robotic surgical equipment.
(B) confidentiality (A) crucial
(C) confiding (B) viable
(D) confides (C) manufactured
(D) exclusive
3. If you are not _______with an item,
return it for a full refund within 30 days of 8. Adalet Farm's unique method of
purchase. irrigating vegetables has proved to be -------
(A) satisfied effective.
(B) satisfaction (A) far
(C) satisfy (B) correctly
(D) satisfactory (C) highly
(D) much
4. Information ------- the artwork in the
lobby is available at the reception desk. 9. The Southeast Asia Business Convention
(A) across will feature ------- known and respected
(B) about leaders from countries across the region.
(C) upon (A) widen
(D) except (B) wider
(C) widely
5. The factory is preparing to hire_____ (D) wide
workers for selected manufacturing plants
to meet its quarterly production goals. 10. Mr. Parza will take part in a contract ---
(A) temporary ---- in Singapore to finalize the details of
(B) inspected the acquisition.
(C) sustained (A) negotiate
(D) instructive (B) negotiation
(C) negotiates
(D) negotiator

11. The company’s year-end banquet is a 14. Many of the older buildings in this area
black-tie occasion, so all employees should have been torn down to make room for
wear ------- attire. the_____ of the highway.
(A) responsible (A) width
(B) combined (B) widening
(C) respectful (C) wide
(D) formal (D) widen

12. All of our products undergo ------- 15. When giving a new assignment, please
inspections at our manufacturing facility to provide students_____ descriptions about
ensure they meet high quality standards. the task.
(A) strict (A) clearly
(B) bent (B) clear
(C) aware (C) clearance
(D) vacant (D) clears.

13. The Riddick Corporation provides sales

-------with a competitive compensation
package, which includes travel
(A) profession
(B) personnel
(C) appointment
(D) employment

Bài 5

1. Consumers who tested the Brenshaw (C) promotions

Digital Personal Assistant found it -------, (D) additions
so software designers are trying to make it
easier to use. 7. In Digico Computing’s customer survey,
(A) reliable Brianna Smith received extremely positive -
(B) accurate ----regarding her comprehensive product
(C) complicated knowledge.
(D) revolutionary (A) feedback
(B) experience
2. Sentosa features most of the best tourist (C) location
attractions in Singapore and is easily------- (D) training
by train.
(A) exclusive 8. Be sure to------- the safety regulations
(B) transportable when dealing with toxic chemicals in the
(C) accessible lab.
(D) cooperative (A) make up
(B) announce
3. Sinee's Catering is always ------- to (C) suggest
deliver outstanding food to your special (D) comply with
(A) ready 9. --------- all applicants, only the three
(B) skillful fulfilled all the listed requirements for the
(C) complete position.
(D) delicious (A) In
(B) Of
4. The Memphis School Board------- Mr. (C) At
Yoon's replacement at today's gathering. (D) Out
(A) named
(B) allowed 10. The mayor ------- visited the
(C) decided rehabilitation center and handed out winter
(D) proved coats to people in need.
(A) personally
5. The award-winning film UndetWater (B) almost
Secrets promotes awareness------- ocean (C) comparatively
pollution and its effects on our planet. (D) closely
(A) of
(B) to 11. The owner of Antiques & Art has years
(C) from of ------- in restoring old paintings.
(D) with (A) performance
(B) qualification
6. Mr. Nishio attempts at all times to notify (C) expertise
sales --------- of price changes as soon as (D) possibility
(A) representatives
(B) strategies

12. Comprehensive knowledge of social 14. Beginning in early June, Union College
networking is ------- for advertising will undertake a ------- renovation of the
products to younger customers. Humansia building with the goal of
(A) equal enhancing the educational environment.
(B) essential (A) major
(C) potential (B) majority
(D) rigorous (C) majoring
(D) majors
13. The president of Jensen Ltd, Woo
Young Seong, demonstrated his ongoing --- 15. The office manager hoped to ------- the
--- to this organization by signing the changes to the dress code policy at the
revised partnership agreement. meeting.
(A) assessment (A) clarified
(B) reference (B) clarifies
(C) selection (C) clarifying
(D) commitment (D) clarify


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