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Cultivation of Oyster Mushroom Using Different Substrates

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org © 2018 IJCRT | Volume 6, Issue 1 January 2018 | ISSN: 2320-2882


R. Nithyatharani1, U.S. Kavitha2
Assistant Professor, 2PG Student
Department of Microbiology
Cauvery College for Women, Trichy, India- 620 018

Abstract: Mushroom is an edible macro fungus which is cultivated in many countries by using agricultural
wastes. The cultivation of Mushroom is a bioconversion process of agro based ligno cellulosic wates and
residues. Mushroom cultivation resembles with Sustainable farming as they use agro wastes for their growth.
The objective of the present study is to produce spawns from different substrates like Sorghum, Pearl Millet and
Wheat grains and to cultivate Oyster mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus using various substrates such as Paddy
straw, Corn straw, Corn cob and Sugarcane bagasses. The amount of spawn produced from sorghum is more
when compared with pearl millet and wheat grains. The mushroom produced from sugarcane bagasses showed
faster growth followed by paddy straw, corn cob and corn straw.

Key words- Mushroom, Nutritional content, Pleurotus ostreatus, Spawns, Substrates.

Fungi are the group of organisms which lack the ability to utilize sun rays directly for the production of
food as they lack chlorophyll. They depend on other organisms for food by absorbing nutrients from the
organisms they live. Mushrooms are edible macroscopic fungi which have fleshy fruiting bodies (Alexopoulos
et al., 1996). They are a rich source of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals (Ananbeh, 2003) and are
commonly produced worldwide (Madbouly and Al-Hussainy, 1996). Mushrooms can grow on decayed organic
matters which are rich in lignin, cellulose and other carbohydrates whereas oyster mushroom requires less
nitrogen and more carbon source.
A huge amount of agro based ligno cellulosoic crop residues and byproducts are generated annually. The
production of these wastes can cause environmental and many health problems (Garg and Gupta, 2009). The
need for nutrition rich food and the management of agricultural residues paved the way for mushroom
cultivation. Mushroom cultivation is an appropriate bioconversion of lignocellulosic wastes (Chang and Miles,
1992). Mushrooms provide people with high quality proteins, minerals and vitamins. They are highly nutritious
and can be compared with eggs, milk and meat. They are easily digestible as they have no cholesterol (Oei,
Oyster mushrooms are the group of mushroom belonging to the genus Pleurotus and the family
Pleurotaceae. They possess number of therapeutic properties like anti-inflammatory, immunostimulator and
anticancer activity, immunomodulatory, ribonuclease activity, etc. (Yashvant patel, 2012). The present study is
to prepare spawns from various substrates and to cultivate mushroom from different substrates.


2.1 Pure Culture preparation:
Mushroom culture was grown on Malt Extract Agar medium for 7 days. MEA medium was prepared,
sterilized and allowed to solidify in a slant position. After solidification, a piece of fleshy tissue of Pleurotus

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ostreatus was aseptically transferred to individual MEA slants in laminar airflow chamber. After inoculation,
the cultures were incubated at 25 °C until sufficient growth is obtained. The slant culture were transferred to
perti plates containing MEA medium and incubated at 25 °C for 7 days. After 7 days, the mycelia growth
covers the agar medium and the culture was used for spawn preparation (Girmay, et al., 2016).

2.2 Preparation of spawn:

Different types of spawns are produced from different substrates like Sorghum, Pearl millet, and Wheat.
The grains were thoroughly washed and soaked in water for 24 hours and then sieved (Amuneke, 2011). After
overnight soaking, 5 kg of grain (Sorghum, Pearl millet, and Wheat) were taken in a vessel with 7500 ml of
water respectively. It was boiled for about 15 minutes and allowed to cool for 15 minutes. After that, the
spawns were dried in cotton cloth. 60g of Gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O) was added with 15g of ground limestone
(CaCO3) and mixed well. The grains were packed into polypropylene bags. Each bag contains 300-350 g of the
prepared grain and was packed tighty (Mondal, 2010). The packed bags were then autoclaved at 121°C (Buah,
2010). The autoclaved bags were cooled for 24 hours. Then, the bags were inoculated with pure culture of
Pleurotus ostreatus in laminar air flow chamber (Ayodele and Okhunya, 2007). Once inoculated, the bags were
incubated at 25⁰C for 15 days. After 15 days, the spawns were ready to use (Patil, et al., 2012).

2.3 Processing of Substrate and preparation of mushroom bed:

Different substrates like paddy straw, corn straw, corn cob and sugarcane bagasses were taken. They
were dried under sunlight for 10-12 days. After drying, the substrates were subjected to overnight soaking.
Then, the substrates were drained off and autoclaved for 1 hour. After sterilization, they were shade dried. Then
the substrates were packed in polypropylene bags and spawns were added correspondingly. Later, it was
pressed gently, and the bags were sealed for spawn development. Then, small holes were made into the bags for
respiration of the mycelium. Spawned bags were placed in closed position with the temperature of about 25⁰-
35⁰C and humidity was maintained by spraying water twice in a day (Oei, 2003). Maintaining adequate
moisture content favours mushroom growth (Abdul, 2011). The mycelia start to develop after inoculation.

2.4 Data collection and analysis

The growth and development of mushroom were monitored daily. The number of days required from
inoculation to the formation of mycelium, and time required till the first round harvesting were recorded.
Growth parameters like stipe length (cm), stipe diameter (cm), pileus diameter (cm), and pileus thickness (cm)
were recorded with a slide caliper before each harvest. Yield parameters, such as number of fruiting bodies per
bunch, and total fresh weight (g) of mushroom were also recorded at harvest time. Matured fruiting bodies
(white in color, with up curved pileus) were harvested with a sharp blade. Two rounds of mushroom harvests
were made across all substrate types in the course of the experiment. Yield and biological efficiency were
calculated to evaluate the growth performance of mushroom on different substrates. Accordingly, biological
yield (g) was determined by weighing the whole cluster of fruiting bodies without removing the base of stalks,
and economic yield (g) was determined by weighing all the fruiting bodies on a substrate after removing the
base of stalks. Finally, Biological efficiency was calculated by

IJCRT1705051 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) 333 © 2018 IJCRT | Volume 6, Issue 1 January 2018 | ISSN: 2320-2882

Where BE refers to Biological efficiency, FWm is the total fresh weight (g), DWs is the substrate dry weight


Results from mycelia running, pin head formation and the maturation of fruit bodies are illustrated as
follows (Table 1, Table 2, and Table 3). The mycelial growth was faster on Sugarcane bagasses and paddy
straw than corn cob and corn straw in all the spawned substrates. Pin head formation occurred quickly in
Sugarcane bagasses followed by Paddy straw, Corn cob and corn straw in all the spawned substrates. Among
various spawns, Sorghum showed faster growth. The maturation period of fruiting bodies ranges from 26 days
(Sugarcane bagasses) to 38 days (Corn straw).

Table 1. Growth of mushroom in Sorghum spawned substrates.

Growth Sugarcane Paddy Corn Cob Corn straw

bagasses straw
Mycelial growth 14 days 14 days 16 days 19 days
Pin head formation 16 days 17 days 24 days 26 days
Maturation of fruiting bodies 26 days 28 days 36 days 38 days

Table 2. Growth of mushroom in pearl millet spawned substrates.

Growth Sugarcane Paddy Corn Cob Corn straw

bagasses straw
Mycelial growth 16 days 16 days 17 days 20 days
Pin head formation 18 days 19 days 26 days 28 days
Maturation of fruiting bodies 28 days 30 days 38 days 41 days

Table 3. Growth of mushroom in Wheat grains spawned substrates.

Growth Sugarcane Paddy Corn Cob Corn straw

bagasses straw
Mycelial growth 17 days 17 days 20 days 22 days
Pin head formation 20 days 22 days 29 days 32 days
Maturation of fruiting bodies 32 days 34 days 40 days 44 days

Results of Yield components of each spawned substrate are illuatrated as follows (Table 4, Table 5, and
Table 6). It was found that Sugarcane bagasses showed better yield components than other substrates.

Table 4. Results of yield components of Sorghum spawned substrate

Parameters Sugarcane Paddy Corn cob Corn

bagasses straw straw
No. Of fruiting bodies 33.00 30.12 27.34 26.26
Pileus diameter (cm) 7.85 6.95 5.48 5.02
Pileus thickness (cm) 1.67 1.32 1.05 0.98
Stripe diameter (cm) 5.87 5.23 4.85 4.07
Stripe length (cm) 3.81 2.98 2.09 1.98

Table 5. Results of yield components of Pearl millet spawned substrate

Parameters Sugarcane Paddy Corn cob Corn

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bagasses straw straw

No. Of fruiting bodies 30.00 28.50 23.04 22.16
Pileus diameter (cm) 6.52 5.85 4.38 4.22
Pileus thickness (cm) 1.27 1.02 0.08 0.04
Stripe diameter (cm) 5.67 5.03 4.65 4.27
Stripe length (cm) 2.81 2.08 1.89 1.68

Table 6. Results of yield components of Wheat spawned substrate

Parameters Sugarcane Paddy Corn cob Corn

bagasses straw straw
No. Of fruiting bodies 28.50 26.32 24.34 23.26
Pileus diameter (cm) 6.05 5.75 4.48 4.02
Pileus thickness (cm) 0.67 0.52 0.35 0.08
Stripe diameter (cm) 4.87 4.73 3.65 3.07
Stripe length (cm) 2.07 1.88 1.09 0.98

The matured fruit bodies are harvested and weighed for calculating biological yield and economic yield.
The results are tabulated as follows (Table 7, Table 8 and Table 9). The Sorghum spawned sugarcane bagasses
showed more weight when compared with other substrates.

Table 7. Results of biological and economic yield in Sorghum spawned substrates

Substrates Biological Economic

yield (g) yield (g)
Sugarcane bagasses 398.54 276.24
Paddy straw 350.40 240.16
Corn cob 320.65 220.08
Corn straw 304.87 202.68

Table 8. Results of biological and economic yield in pearl millet spawned substrates

Substrates Biological Economic

yield (g) yield (g)
Sugarcane bagasses 380.44 264.14
Paddy straw 330.30 210.06
Corn cob 310.45 202.12
Corn straw 294.67 190.58

Table 9. Results of biological and economic yield in Wheat spawned substrates

Substrates Biological Economic

yield (g) yield (g)
Sugarcane bagasses 368.44 250.42
Paddy straw 320.30 220.60
Corn cob 300.05 192.98
Corn straw 280.87 187.80

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Biological efficiency of the mushroom was determined as the ratio of Biological yield harvested to the
dry weight of the substrate. The sorghum spawned sugarcane bagasses substrate showed more biological
efficiency followed by paddy straw, corn cob and corn straw. The results are tabulated as follows (Table 10).

Table 10. Results of biological efficiency of oyster mushroom

Spawns Sugarcane Paddy Corn Corn

bagasses straw cob straw
Sorghum 84.68 80.72 77.68 72.80
Pearl millet 78.24 76.65 72.14 68.64
Wheat 72.15 70.23 68.65 64.42

As per the finding of this study, the growth of P. Ostreatus mycelia was relatively faster on Sugarcane
bagasses and paddy straw as compared to the other substrates used (corn straw and corn cob). On an average, it
took about 15 days for the mycelia to run on each substrate. This is comparable with the study of (Onuoha
et al., 2009) who reported the completion of spawn running on paddy straw waste to be 15 days while others
reported it to be between 13 and 16 days using similar substrate (Patra and Pani 1995; Jiskani 1999). The
variation in the number of days taken for a spawn to complete colonization of a given substrate is a function of
the fungal strain, growth conditions and substrate type (Chang and Miles 2004). According to (Oei 1996),
mushroom mycelia require specific nutrients for its growth; the addition of supplements can, thus, increase
mushroom yield through the provision of these specific nutrients.
Pin-head formation (premordium initiation) was observed following the invasion of substrates by
mycelial growth. The time required for the formation of pin-heads is comparable with other studies of (Ahmed,
1998) reported pin-head formation of oyster mushroom cultivated in different substrates to be between 23 and
27 days from spawning, while (Fan et al., 2000) reported it to be 20–23 days. It was evidently observed from
this study that the overall cropping period for oyster mushroom, varied for each of the different substrates used.
According to (Khanna and Garcha, 1981), it may take up-to 104 days to harvest yield from oyster mushroom
grown on paddy straw. These variations in cropping periods were due to the variations in the growing
environment and physiological requirements for mushroom cultivation like the constant temperature, humidity
and light arrangements.
It was observed that the yield components of P. Ostreatus were found to be affected by the use of
different substrates. Sugarcane bagasses resulted in a relatively better growth in terms of diameter and thickness
of pileus, and diameter and length of stipe. The study confirmed that the use of different substrates brought
about a significant effect on yield (biological and economic yield) of oyster mushroom. The largest yield was
harvested from sugarcane bagasses, followed by paddy straw while the least was obtained from corn straw.
Similarly, the biological efficiency also varied among the different substrates. Variable ranges of BE have been
reported when different lignocellulosic materials were used as substrates for cultivation of oyster mushroom
(Liang et al. 2009).

Oyster mushroom is an edible mushroom which can be grown on various substrates like Paddy straw,
wheat straw, sugarcane bagasses, saw dust etc. This study confirmed that the Oyster mushroom, Pleurotus
ostreatus grown well in Sugarcane bagasses when compared with other substrates and also it is confirmed that
the spawn produced from Sorghum have more potential than other spawns. Further studies need to be
conducted on the potentials of various agricultural and industrial wastes on oyster mushroom cultivation, their
economic feasibility and other related issues of mushroom (particularly oyster mushroom) to fully realize the
multiple socio-economic and environmental significances of the mushroom.

IJCRT1705051 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) 336 © 2018 IJCRT | Volume 6, Issue 1 January 2018 | ISSN: 2320-2882


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