ELEMENTARY SB 1-Skompresowany
ELEMENTARY SB 1-Skompresowany
ELEMENTARY SB 1-Skompresowany
4 A My name's Hannah, not Anna Verb be E, subject pronoun5: days ofthe Week, numbers 0-20, Vowelsounds, Word
l, you, elc. greetings stress
6 B All over the world verb be E and E the Woltd, numbers 21-100 lal, h,.|'l, lJ:l, lLBl:
sentence stress
8 C open your books, please Po5ses5iVe adjectiVe5: ctassroom Ian8ua8e /cU/, /u:/, /o:/; the
my, your,eŁc. aLphabet
7A B stars and stripes adjectiVes coLours, adjectiVes, modif iers: Lon8 and short VoWeI
quite / very / really soUnds
20 A Things llove about Britain present simple E and E Verb phrase5 third person 5
2a A ls she his wife or hiśsister? Whose.,,? possessiVe'5 famiLy /^/, the letter o
30 B What a life! prepositions of time (at, in, on) and eVeryday actiVities [inkin8 and sentence
ptace (at, in, to] stress
32 c short life, tong tife? po5ition of adverbs and adverb5 and eXpressions of the Letter h
expre55ions of f reqUency frequency
36 A Do you have the x Factor? can / can't Verb phrases: buy a new1paper, eŁc. 5entence stress
3B B Love your neighbours present continuous verb phrases h]|
40 c sun andth€ city present simpLe or Present the weather and seasons places in London
42 PRAcTlcAL ENGLlsH Epi5ode 3 ln a clothes shop
44 A Reading in Engtish object Pronouns: me, you, him,eŁc. phone language /a,hl,a|dli,!
46 B Times we love like+ {Verb + -ing) the date; ordinal nUmbels consonant clusters;
5ayin8 the ddte
A At the Nationat Portrait Galtery pastsimpLeofbe| was/were Word fo.mation: pdint ) pdinter senlence stress
54 B chelsea girls past simp[e: regUlar verbs past time expressionS -ed endings
56 C A night to remember pa5t 5impLe: irregular Verbs 8o, have, get sentence stress
58 PRAcTlcAL ENGLlsH Episode 4 Gettin8 tost
60 A A murder story past simple: regular and irre8uLar irre8u[ar Verbs past simp[e Verbs
62 B A house With a history there is/ there are, some/ any + the house /eó/ and /lc/, sentence
p[uraLnoun5 stress
64 c A night in a haunted hotel there was/ there were prepositions: pIace and moVement silent letters
66 REVlsE AND cHEcK 7&8
76 A The most dangerous road... 5uperLatiVe adjectives place5 and buitdings consonant 8roups
7B B couchsurf round the world! be soing to (pLans), future time hotidays sentence stless
80 c What's 8oing to happen? be 8oing to (predictions] Verb phrases the letters oo
REVlsE AND cHEcK 9&10
84 A First impressions adVerb5 (m€nner and modifiers) common adverbs Word 5tre5s
86 B What do you Want to do? Verbs+to+infinitive verbs that take the infinitive sentence stless
B8 c Men, women, and the internet articles the internet word stress
90 PRAcTlcAL ENGLl5H Episode 6 Goin8home
92 A Books and films pre5ent perfect irreguLar past participtes 5entence 5tle5s
94 B l've never been there! present perfect or past simp[e? more irre8ular past participles irre8uLar pdst particip[es
96 c The English File questionnaire reVision: qUestion formation revision: Word groups revisionIsounds
98 REVlsE AND cHEcK ll&12
a t Z)) Look at the pictures. Listen and number then 1-4.
b Listen again and complete the gaps. c Conplete the gaps with a word frolr-l the list.
B Goodbye.
1 3 ))) Listęn arrd repeat somę phrases fronr the dialogue.
Copy the rhytlrrn.
3A 5_._, Mum, This is Hannah.
B 6 . Nice to meet you.
r ł)) In groups ofthree, practise the dialogues witl-r tlre
Nice to 7
sound effects. Change roles.
c you, Anna.
B 8__ name's Hannah. Introduce yourself to other students.
c Sorry, Hannah.
Hel]o, lmAntonio, \ _
4A Hi,9 You're early|
. wnat's vour name? / ( Cdrld. Nice to meei you.
B Hetlo, MrS Archer. HoW are 10 ^-( )---
c |'m very we[l, 11 you, Anna. And you?
A |t's Hannah, Mum,
2 GRAMMAR verb beE, subject pronouns 4 VOCABULARY
a Complete tlle,cntcncęswirh are, is.or ant. days of the week, numbers 0-20
It's 7894 132 456. Tt 7894 132 .+56,
p.124 Grammar Bank 1A. Learrr rnore about verb
E and subiect pronouns, and practise them.
71 -\
1 6)) Listen and repeat tl]e pronouDs and contractions,
lr_ }/ /
d 17,) Lisrell,Sa; tlle contructio". -11tan
-{r\ ,/,{
G verb be E and E
V the world, numbers 21-100 Where are
P la/,lt!, /.rl, b3L,sentence stress you from?
/dH\ compurer scotland
American Argc,ntinian
r 21)) Listen and repeat the sound pictures 1 18 ))) What national anthem
and sentences. Practise with a partner. is it? Write the nationality.
ld ć/1
shower She's Polish or Russian.
I'm not sure.
Write a-d in the boxes.
! Turkish ! Russian
! Chin"r" ! lrisrr (caeLic)
""#" jazz We're Gęrman and
they're Iapanese,
> p.166 Sound Bank. Look at the example The word for a language is usually the same as the
words and spellings for the sounds in a and b. nationatity adjectiVe, e.8. in ltaly the tangua8e iS lta[ian,
1 22)) Covel the dialogues. Listen to three interviews sentence stress
in Lorrdon. Whiclr countries are tlre pcople fronr?
sentence stress
Read tlre dialogues. Conplctc rvith I'm, l'n ult, are, ln sentences We stTess the important words,
ąren't, is, or islt't. from? She's fron China,
1A Are you Eng[ish? a 1 25 )) Listen and repe at. Copy the rlrytlrn.
B No, EngLish, A Where "." 1nu
Scottish. B lin f ronr Pgblin.
A Where _ you from A Arc vou A4crican?
in scotland? B No, l,'" not. l'nr Au6l1ąlian,
B _ from GLasgoW,
Practisc tlre dialogues in 3 rvith a partner,
2A Where you
from? 5 VOCABULARY numbers 21-100
B from AustraIia,
from DarWin. a Look at the signs. Can yort
sav thc nunrbers?
A Where's DarWin?
it near sydney?
B No, it _ . lt'S in the
A t ni.e?
B Yes, it , |t's
a 1 28))) Listen and rePeat the PaiIS
ofllttIllher., \\ h.rr's rhę diflęręnce?
c Listen and clreck.
l a 13 b 30 _5 a 17 b 70
d > p,124 Grammar Bank 18. Lealn n]ore about 2a1,{ b.l0 6 a18 b80
verb bc ? arrd :l, and practisc it, 3 a 15 b _50 7 a 19 b 90
1 Zł)) Lister-r and respond with a slrclrt answel. 4 a 16 b 60
') s Srdney Lhe capital of Ąustrdlia? ( ło,;risn't, 1 29,) Wh]cIl nrrIIrhcrdolotl lrclr?
). Lisren andQlcP.r or h above,
With a partner, writc three qrrestit,llrs beginrring /s. . , ?
or Arc...? \sk rlręnl todllotherpair, Play Bin11o.
classroom [anguage
Look at the picture ofa classroom.
Match the words and pictures.
! board /hrlcl;
! chair ł]tor
E complter /l(.m p.iullJi
l ] desk lLlcski
! doolilrll
! preture 'prkt.|ol i
E qble i'rclb]i
! wall llł rll,'
! gladow / u,rncloil
t st )) Listen and check.
EmaiI Idbezerra@ma
4 GRAMMAR possessive
adjectives: my, your, etc,
Phone number 55
Complete the gap swlth I,1ou, m1, or 1our.
> communication what's his / her real
name? A p.700B p._l06, Find out if some
actors'arrd singers'names are their real
nal-lles or not.
} p.111 Writing Completing a form.
Complete an application for a student visa
and write a paragraph about you.
Arriving in London
you tlear You say
dQuble room Can l have your passport, please? JUSI a 5econd.,.Here you are.
f|oor. Begin u,ith G ood ruorninll sir I mdtlam. c 1 a9)) Read the infolnlation in the l]ox. Listen and repeat tlre
B (book c|oscd) You arlive at the hotel, Usc Would 1ou likc. . .? plrrases and the rcsponses. Practise ofTering
vour nanlc and surnane, drinks and resporrdir-rg.
f 1 Roleplaythedialogue.Thenswaproles.
Q Would you like.,,?
g L 47l) Look at thc infornlatioll in the box, Would you like a coffee? yes, plea5e.
Listen anc1 repeat tlre Calt, , . ? phrases. Would you like another tea? No, thanks,
We use Would you like.,,? to offe r so mebody somethin8.
O Canyou...?= Ptease do it We respond yes, please or No, thank5,
Can you sign here?
Can you spelLthat? d Look at tlre Social English phrases. Wlro says tlrem: fennv,
can I have.,,? = Please 8iVe me (yoUr passport, Rob. or the waitress?
Can ]have your passport, plea;e? socialEnglish phrases
Can ] have my key, pLea;e? |'m here [on business], This is [Rob. Rob Watker],
]'m frorn [New York]. What about you? That'5 perfect,
h You are in a hotel, Horv do you ask thc No prob[em, lt's time for bed,
receptionist to giYe you...? ls that Uennifer]?
. yrrur kev . yourpasspott 1 5o)) Watch oI listen irnd check. Do you knorł,rvhat thev are in
. amapoflondon . apen vour language?
Can you...?
l check into a hoteland speltyour name
a Look at a photo ofRoald Dahl,
the author of many famous children's
books and stories for adults,
,'H: ffi
Do you know any ofhis books?
[] a lanp
! o .o-p.,t..
! a chair
! pencils
[ ] photcls
I a u,indou,
] a printer
a phor-re
! pieces ofpaper
Final -es after ce, ch, sh, s, ge, and x = hzl, e.8. Watches,
8las5e5, pur5es
> p.126 Grammar Bank 2A part 1.
Learn nore about a /arr and plurals, and practise thenr. l classes 3lreadphones 5 pieces 7 pages
2 files 4 boxes 6 tissues 8 mobi]es
a } Communication What's on the table? p.700. a 1 58))) Listen and repeat the words and sounds.
acomputer/alaptop 1 59)) LiSten and TePeat the phIases. Practise sal,ing thenr.
trtrtr 2 rllirty-thlee
a lamp
tr!tr 5
a dictionary ] hese arc rlle kevs,
t] t] L] 6
a diary What are tllose thirrgs thcre?
!L]] 7
photoS [in thitty-Lhree this Tllursday.
pieces oi paper
Wolk in pairs, Put four ofvour things on your table (singular or
.- fl _]
plura1). Ask yorrr partner,
vour eyes. B give things to your partncr and
,askWhątis it? Wlląt ąre tlrc)?
this / that / these / those ,l /a
fih@ E
co[ours, adjectives, modifiers: quite / very / really
tong and short vowelsounds
attractive? /Z
Yes. She's very ta[[,
with red hair.
ffir l
c Prirctisę rł.itlr tlre flłgs, Ask arrd irr-l
calour is it?
2 GRAMMAR adjectives
a What are they? Labelthe pictures in tlre
USA quiz using an adjective and a noul 3 Ha,ve a,
ch"k,G ióth,
' .:.,j"}';i:,"""d
. Adjectives go before IaJter a novn.
. Adjectives c/rctrl e I dol't chaltye b,:
bcfbre a pluraJ noun, |.}
> p.126 Grammar Bank 2B, Learn nrore
about adjectives ancl practise thenr.
",,,/ l
Il] ., lIll
i :+|,
śJ Who are
" they?^ "'rl!
lrtrrse He's a famous American actor.
He's quite tall and he's Very
attractive. He has long hair and
brown eyes. l think he's about 50.
ls it a man ar a womuĘ)
An old photo Qy*o."r.
1 66)) Listen and check. Practise s:wing the /s she American? ) (2-ves,sher,.
G imperativeS. let's
v feelings
P understanding connected speech
Don't Worry.
,1 ' '-!
hungrv ! sad bored
hot ! thirsty lruppy
] angry l ] cold stressed
] tired l worried
]se be + hungry, thirsty, hot, etc.,
e.g_ l'm very hungry.
NoT / ha Vevery+UĘfy.
Mum Let's stop at that Service station,
Dad oK. (l rr,
Tim GiVe me my iPod,
suzy This is my iPod!
Dad Be quiet!
Tim Are We there yet? l'm bored.
Dad lt's not far now. only 80 kilometres, §
Tim Can you turn the radio on pLease,
e Cover the list and look at the pictures. Can you remember the
Mum oK.
Ddd oh no!
} Communication What's the matter? A p.707 B p,706.
Roleplay dialogues.
(CirclJ a_ b. or c. a Complete with ąt,from,in, ofJ or to.
1 Hello. _ your name? 1 I'm |apan.
a what b what are c what's 2 Nice _ meet you,
2 Maria is German. _a student. 3 What'sboĄout English?
a She's b Hę's c It's 4 Look the board.
3A Where _ from? 5 Please tuln r our rnobile ohone.
the same, but different
British and American peop[e speak the same [anguage
- English, but with some sma[L differences.
Her name is _.
some Words are different in American English, for examp[e a cecilia b cecil c cecile
Americans say zip code, nol postcode, vocation, not holiday, Andy's from Newcastle in the ofEngland.
and ceII phone, not mobile phone.some Words have djfferent a North East b North West c South East
meanings, for exampte in BritiSh English a purse is a
thing Where Women have their money and credjt cards. In
3 David is
American Engtish a purse is a Woman's bag. a Italian b French c Spanish
4 Her name is
Colour,fovour, and other Words that end in -our in British a Ąrya b Aria c Arja
Eng[ish end With -or in American English, e.g, colo/:/ovoi: 5 Karin is
centre, theatre, and other words that end in -tre in British a Swiss b Brazilian c Hungarian
EngliSh end With łer in Amerjcan English, e.g, center, theoter
American grammar is Very simi[ar to Britjsh grammar, but cAN YoU sAY THls IN ENGLISH?
With some smatt differences, e5pecia[[y prepositions. For
Do the tasks with a partner. Tick (/) the box ifyou can
examp[e, Americans say See you Fridoy, but British peop[e
do them.
say see you on Friday.
The most important difference between American and l ! count from 0-20
Britjsh Eng[i5h is pronunciation. American accents and 2! count from 20-100 (20,30, etc.)
Britjsh accents are quite different, and When an American
starts speaking British peopłe knoW he or she is American, 3! say the days ofthe week
and vjce versa. 4! give three instructions: two Ę and one E
5! introduce yourselfand another person
b Look at the highlighted words in the text and guess their 6! arrswer the questions below
meaning. . What's your first name /surname?
. How do you spell it?
c Read the article again. Mark the sentences T (true) or . Where are you from?
F (false).
1 American English and British English are very E short fitms HoIlyWood. Los All8eles
Watch ard enjoy a filrr on ilutor.
Holida1 and postcode are the same in Blitish and
American English.
Parse has different meanings in American and British
4 Kilometer is British spelling.
5 British and American grammar ate not very different.
6 It's difficult to know from their accent ifa person is
English or American.
G oresent simoLe [ł and [J
v verb phrases
P third person -5
M 11,1.,",Tiiff iii]3iTil
livcs in LtlIiclrlll. sars tlrc UK's trllt
(]lremists in tlic UK at,c u,ondcrftrl, lricncllv shops and
corrpleteiv dilferent lronr US phalmzrcies, Boots sclls
jrrst ()K it's 1liil-1rclisc, These are cYcrvtIiing l tlu rvaIrtj not jLlst medi(,inc, ancl t}rc sirop
sorne ofhis reasons.,. assistants girr: yclu good advicc.
Walking No ID Cards
'Jł- ,ń
13t,itiritr isli't a gtxlcl plzrce fór l]r-itirin is olrc o|thc orrly places in thc
rvlllld rr,lrct,c 1lcoplc dcln't har.c Il)
ft cyclists. Brrt ftlr pcclcstl-ians it is
cards. In thc US,vclu necd Il) lrłlen
J , _ lvtlnclcrlill, \\ihcn vou lr,łlk
trltt ilttv a clritlk. 3-o to zr clrrll, rrst:
,,n a l.|lra,11,..illt.,lIl Il|,,
til (ll l\ t,f\ stoP, a credir cirt,d. or takc an iIltclcitv
§ U
"'^,li:'r':,",ii"i,:,?iil|. Stat,lltrcks istl't Britislr, o1' ccltLl-stl,
._: rr,ot.k, not lou. lltrt I prclir thc Stirrllucks
- iIr Br^itain, 'l'hcy are nic,t:.
'l'hr: Bl-itish arc ver,v liicncll1. 1llaccs lr4rcrt:
politc rvhelr thcy 1lctlplc rcad thc llc\vsl)żipcr
zrnd dI,ink g^oocl col1i,tl,
clril,c,'f hcl, clolr'r
-,\Iicl tlrc lr,aitcrs don'1 u,litt:
hoot, iurcl tlrc,.- ar,r:
patictlt rvitlr otht:l vllul,tranlc oIl thc cups I
thcm pass.
a Older the letters to make words for jobs.
2 R o C AT
3 T R lE WA W
b > p.154 Vocabulary Bank Jobs.
c What do you do? Ask five other students in the class,
His job, her job
2 L!sTEN!NG Where? work outside I
a ł4tO,tt) Listen to a garne show called Hisjob,herjob.
in the street !
A team ofthree people ask Wayne questions about inside fl
his job and his wife Tanya's job. Write W next to the in an office [- l
questions they ask Wayne about his iob, and T next to
the questions they ask about Tanya's job.
When? work in the evening f
at night f-l
Listen again. What are Wayne's answers? Write at the weekend f]
/ (yes), X (no), or D (it depends) after each question.
with computers I
Look at the answers. What do you think his job is? with other peopte f]
What do you think her iob is?
tong hours !
btzl)) Listen to the end of the programme. What do
have speciat quaLifications !
Wayne and his wife do?
speak foreign [anguages
travel f l
3 GRAMMAR present simpte E drive f l
,9 r,
' Ur ii: and er usua,ly =
,l, *n"n are slressed. UNlFoRMs
after w usually lal 'n"u
or e.g. work.
Complete the plrrases lvith verb frorn the 1ist.
Three people say what they think...
1_ 0Ur Uniform is 0K, l like the colours, 9rey and red. The only
do (X3J eai 8o listen read use \rćaH( Watch things l don't like are the tie, becaUse it's difficult to put on,
and the skirt, because l Prefer trousers. l think uniforms
are a good idea, Everybody looks the same, and it's easy to
In t|rc rr cck
get dressed in the morning - l don't need to think about
rvalk to lvork / school
what to weat
a conputer at rł,ork / sclrool
in Errglish
2 our uniform is dark trousers and a White nylon top, a bit
like a nurse's uniform. We can't Wear anything over the
in a cafć or restaurant Uniform,5o it's quite cold in the Winter, and it gets dirty
housework Very easily becaUse it's White. l'm not against uniform5, but
At the lvcckclrd my Uniform jUst isn't Practical!
TV irr tlre morrring 3 our uniform is very simple - a dark bluejacket and trousers
to tllusic and a White shirt and tie. l like it, it's nice and comfortable,
spolt oI exelcrse 5o l'm happy to Wear it. And l think it's important that
people can see where We are When they need helP,
to thę cinęma
Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions, then clrange With a partner, say wlrat the highlighted words mean.
ro]es. C heck w irh ;,,u r t eacller or a d ict iona ry,
Word order in queStionS
question Words what kind of fitms
sentence stress do you tike?
French fiLms.
Kevin and Samantha want to meet a partner on the intelnet. d 2 18r) Look at the highlighted phrases in
Read their profiles and 1ook at their photos, Then cover them and the conyersatiot-l. Listen and repeat them.
say what you can remember. Do you think tlrey are a good match? Practise the conversation with a partner,
( revin is Z8. He lives in South l ondon...
shoWing interest
When you have a conversation, react to What
your partner says. Use Me too. Really? Haw
intere'tinł! What about you? eŁc.
Age: 28 2 19r) Listen to the second part ofthe
Lives in: SoUth London
conversation. Do you think they Want to
Likes: films, mUSic
Doesn't like: foolball meet again?
3 vocABULARY & PRoNUNclATloN Imagine you meet a new friend online, and you go out
question Words; Sentence streSS for coffee together, Look at the pronpts and write
eiglrt qrrestions.
2 21)) Listen and repeat the question words and
Where do 1ouwołk?
phrases. How is Wh- pronounced in Who? How is it Who is 1ourfavourite singet?
pronounced in the other question words?
2 zs)) Watcl-r ol listen to wlrat lrappens wlren Rob and
|enny rneet. What do they decide to do?
drinks ond Gqke§
Espresso singIe 2.45 doubIe 2.8O
Americono regulor 3.15 |orge 3.95
Lqlle regulor 3.45 Iorge 3.ó5
Coppuccino reguIor 3.45 Iorge 3.ó5
Teo regulor 2.ó5 lorge 3.10
Brownie 3.oo
croissonl 3.o0
2 26))) Watclr or listen to Rob and ,|cnny brrving coffee. B FlRsT DAY lN THE oFFlcE
Answer the questions.
2 28))) Watch oI listen ancl ansrvcr tlle questiolls.
1 What kind of cof fee do Rob and |cl-tny have?
2 What do t}rey have to cat?
l Wlrat's Karen's job?
o cutturat note
barista = d person Who Works in a coffee shop
a can you...?
Who are
3. Whose,,.?, possessive 3
a How interested are people irr your country in tlre private lives
of ce]ebrities? What kind of celebrities? Nunber the people
they with?
1 3 (3 - very interę5lgd, f = quite interested, l =notvely
oat,raa n royalty
! nrusicians t] TV stars /prescnters
I sports players J politiciarrs
! ] others (sav ivhat)
a } p.J.55 Vocabutary Bank The family.
E ttnclc c<lLtsin
2 35))) Listen to lsabel shorving a EEEEm
friend phclttls on her phone,
Who are the pcople in tlre photos
in relation to IsabeI?
G prepositionS of time (at, in, on] and ptace [at, in, to)
V everyday activities What do you do
P linking and sentence stress in the evening?
l have dinner
and Watch TV
E g., up
Read the article again. Guess the meaning ofthe highlighted
rvords and ohrases. Then underline words and ohrases connecred
! have breakfast rvith restaurants, e.g. cheJ
! have a shower
! go to work sclrool
} Communication Nico's day A p.701B p.107.
A Ask B questions.
[_111 have a coffee B Find tlre answers in the text. Then change roles.
What order dolotr do tlrese things in the What time does Nico get up? rle gets up
) C
rnorning? Tell your partner.
( First l łet up, then l..,
> p.156 Vocabulary Bank Everyday
[inking and sentence stress
a 2 38r) Listen and write five sentences. §]ii3$ get up and make breakfast for the children, Then l have
breakfast - a coffee and cereal - and l read the sports
section of the pa per.
2 ij;, i;; l go to the market to buy fruit and vegetables for the
3 restaura nt.
1 i.]i] 4.t1 When l get to the restaurant l check the reservations and
my emails, and plan the special menu of the day. l have my
second cup of coffee.
2 Listen and repeat the sentences.
39 ))) ']]-ł':l
.] l Start cooking. The radio is on, and we are busy With
coov rhe rhvrhm. breakfast orders, but We also have to prepare the food
for nch.
I get upjt
!],.,ri,i l check the tables, and have my third coffee.
t have_a shower.
,i-;:i."1 suddenly everyone arrives at the same time and the
l go to work. restaUrant is full (on a good day). l start to 5hoUt
l have_a sandwich ro. lunch. instructions at the chefs and waiters. we make lunch for
I get homejt six, 85 people in about an hour and a half.
i ł l !] l come into the restaurant and talk to the customers, and
I make the dinner.
ask if they are happy With the food. l'm really hungry now.
I bedjt ten.
go to
]l,] Fina||y l have lunch. l don't enjoy it Very much because l
'What life! "]
" don't have time to relax.
2 40))) Listeu to Alnelia, Nico's l6-rear-old 4 GRAMMAR prepositions of time
stepdaughter,, talking about l-rcr day, Corrlplete (at, in, on) and place (at, in, to)
the gaps rvith a rvold, a nutr.ber, or a time.
Look at some sentc.nces from Ancli;r's day.
M orn ing Conrplete tlrem wlth in, ()l, ąt, or to.
63L she 8ets Up, 1 I ger up lTalfp;rst six,
she starts school, tlre tllorlling rlc ttsuallv hąve five
She has or [eSso ns, lcssotls. sontetillres si x,
wc havc lunch sc|rool in the cafctcria,
she haS tunch, She onty has
! Vondul . .tl lL| \\'ed nc.d.rr t l So
minUteS for [unch,
She has or lessons,
extra c]asses.
She finishe5 school, 2 41)) Listerr and clreck.
on Mondays and she has extra classes to
prepare for the un]Versity entrance eXarn, > p,].30 Grammar Bank 48. Lcarn nlorę
on Tuesdays and She has practice, about prepositions and practise then.
She does 2 44r) Listcn and sły the tin]c phl.rses \\,itlr
and stud]es untiLdinner,
the right prepositit,lll.
After dinner she 5tudies untit
She goes to bed. l)the weekend ( at ihe weekend
Look back at the text and thę ilrfblmation in d, Whose day do vou
think is rrlore stlessful, Niccl's clr Alr.elia's? Wlrr,? 5 SPEAKING &WRITING
Work in pairs. Interview vour paltnel about
a tvpical rvcekdav rvith the questiot-ls.
After lunch l go back to the kitchen and plan the food for b Wl-ro do yotr think has a more stressful day,
the evening men u, you ot youI paf tner? W]rv?
l go home to be with the fami|y for a couple of hours, The
children do their hornework and l make their dinner. c > p.112 Writing A magazine article, Write
l go back to the restaurant, which is full again, and l check about vour favout,ite dav,
everything is OK.
l go home and have a shower. Then l collapse on the sofa
with a sandwich and a glass of wine,
l go to bed. ready to 5tart a9ain the neXt day.
G position of adverbs and expressions of frequency
V adverbs and expres5ions of frequency How often do
p the letter h you eat fruit?
Every day.
in okinawa in ]apan do not have big mea[s. They u5ua(Ly just
l have vegetabtes and fish, and often eat soya. okjnawans are very
actiVe, and they often Work untiI they are 8o or more. But they also relaX
every day - they see friend5 and they meditate. Ushi, from okinawa, iS
1o7. In the evening she often dances With her daughter and has a g[ass
of soke. '1 Want to have a boyfriend,' 5he says. When journa[ists ask
peop[e from okinawa 'What is your secret?'they answe1 'We are happy,
We are always positjve, and We are never in a hurry.'
8rappa an ltalia11 alcoholic drink
a Japanese alcoholic drink
soya a kind ofbean typical in Asia
(CircIJ a. b. or c. a Complete with at, to, in, on, or up.
cxercise a week. He usually sleeps about seven hours 2l ] say what time you usually get up and go to bed
a rTight. He is not a great cook, but he 8 how to 3l ] say lvhat you do on a typical Monday morning
nrake four dishes, including Spaghetti Bolognese, He 4! ask your partner questions with tlre words below
three cups of tea a day and during his life he . What sPolts.. ,? What languages,,. ?
]] approximately 35,000 biscuits. . What kind ofmusic,..? WhatTV programrnes. , ,?
fhe tvoical British man 1l eishr close lriends
atrd more than eighty contacts on his mobile
E short films a British policeman
phone. He three TVs, a copy of Watch and enjoy a fitm on iTutor
hńń,ial Queen's (}reatest
HirJ, and at least
one of the Harry Potter books. He
13_thirteen hours online evęry
week and forty-five hours a
year waiting 'on hold' on
the phone,
|fifiĘ, ffihW
G Can / Can t
V verb phrases: buy a newspaper, etc. Can she
p sentence stress dance?
Yes, but she
can't sing.
Match sentences 1-4 with a-d. 6.15 l Walk onto the Stage, l can oh no!
see a table and three judges,
1E You carr't sirrg!
-lll You can't park here.
3! Carr you come with me, please?
yrlu can have coffee r]ownstaits.
a It isn't oK.
b [t's possible,
c please do it,
d You dorr't know how.
> p.L32 Grammar Bank 5A. Learrr more Judge What's yoUr Son8?
about canf can't ald practise it. Gary House ofthe Risin8 sun by The Animats.
Judge Sorry, a can you speak up?
Gary House ofthe Rising sun,
Jud8e You can Start when you're ready... can you Start, please?
3 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress
a 2 59l) Listen and repeat the dialogues. FAcToR
coov the rlrvthm.
A can youcome tomorrow?
B Yes, l can come in the !!oj,nin8.
A Can you play a musical instrument?
B YeS, lcan. 'ln the future everyone will be famous
ł What can you p[ay? for fifteen minutes.' Andy Warhol
e t can play the gui!ą.
A can park here?
B No, you cdn't. vou can't park here.
And then? A recordin9 contract
2 60)) Listen. Can you hear the difference? With sony and a number 1with
his first and only single. Later a
1a I can sing, job as a singer on a ferry boat
b I can't sing. between England and 5Pain.
ża She can dance very well. Today? No recordinq contract.
b She carr't dance very well. He gives concerts in PUb5 in
3a He can cook. Britain to 5mall audiences.
b He can't cook.
4a I carr come to the meeting. LEoNA LEW|s
b I carr't come to the meeting.
5a You carr park here. And then? NUmber 1 hits in the
b You carr't park here. UsA and uK and toP ten records
6a l can drive, in many other coUntries. An
b I can't drive. aPPearance at the olympic
opening ceremony and three
2 61)) Listen,ęirclj} or b.
6rammy award5.
And today? she has a new album
4 sPEAKlNG coming soon.
Noisy neighbours
Sometimes it js diffjcu[t to love your nejghbours,
especiatly when they make a lot of noise, These
are Some things people do that caUse probtems
in the UK (not in order),
F;.X t ''l
} '..'
€T§ * LŁ
1 l:il >r
i,| 1,
ł M 12.00. 4 LlsTENlNG
3 7 )) Look at thę photcl and read about Rebecca Flint. Tlrerl
* listerr to her talkirrg about t-loise rules lvherę she liyęs. Does she
l M Peopte in the street. From the party,
} think thev are a good thirrg or a bad tlring?
W What'S ? Why are they ?
§ M lcan't hear
W Are
No, they aren't,
They're goodbye.
EXcuse meI We're tryin8 to steep, lt'S 1,00 The sound of
in the mornin8|
Witzerla nd has Very
M oh no, NoW the baby next door is I
strict anti-noise
What's the t]me? ru les, especia lly for
M lt's 5.00, people who live in flats.
RebeGGa Flint, a British
What are you ? Where are
woman who lives and
you ? works in the swiss town
M l'm up, lcan't Steep With that noise, of chur, tells us about a
life without noise,
c Conplete tlre sentences.
Ę They lraving a party in nurr-rbet 8.
Listen agail and conplete the sentcnces,
tr thev algr.ring?
!] No, tl.ev arguirrg, Tlrey'r,e savirrg During the week
1 Shc can't betrveen 12.30 and 2.00 p,m-
d Read rhę rule.rndĘlc.]Prhe righr rrord. 2 She cau't witlrout headphones
Wc use the present continuous (bć + velb+ -i,l8) oI alter l0 p.nl,
1n 1o1| 2§6111 11ott, / elle11, da_l.
3 She can't lrave a oI a after, 10 p.m.
e > p.132 Grammar Bank 58. Leatn ntore On Saturdays
about tlre present colltinuous and plactise it, ,ł Slre can _, but it can't be loud after l0 p.n,
f 3 5 ))) Listen to the sourlds, What's On Sundays
happerring? Write six sęrrterrces.
5 Sbe carr't furniture or put a on
tl-re lvalI.
b SIle c.tll't tltc rtashillq lltaclline,
Do vou thitrk tlrese are good ol bad lules? Whv (not)? Do vou
lravc anv sirrrilar rules in 1.oul coulltrv? What happens ifyou
nake a lot of lroise late at night?
G present simp[e or present continuous?
v the weather and seasons Look!
P places in London lt's raining!
lt a[Ways
rains here.
Look ar t hc phoro atld unswęl,the questiuns.
Read t]re conversation again, and focus on the verbsr]r and ralrr. When do
rvc ttsc the presetlt sir-nple? Wlren do rve use tlre present continuous?
} p,132 Grammar Bank 5C. Learn more about the present sinple and
pręsęllt contir]uous and practise them.
a AIc socia] Detwofking sitcs, c.g, Trvitter or Facebook. populal in your
cour-rtry? What kind of pcople use then? Dcl vou or 1,our friends use tlrem?
} p.113 Writing Social networkinE, Write Facebook posts to say what you
are doing on lrolidav.
lna clothes shop
Match thc l,orcls ancl pictures. 3 tS)) Watclr or listen to |ennv and Rob. Wlrat problen does
Rclb lrave?
] Rob lras ł fbr |ennl,
i JcIl lll lt.ts .ttt,,tltśr lllśelitls\\ irl1
,1 R.ll Il.tl.trr illtcrr icrr ilt tltillure..
4 Jenny's nreeting is at płst nine.
5 Rob I]ccdt Io |)I|\ .t |]c\\
tą 6 Thcl,go to a clotlres
- Jcllll1 tlee,l. t,,.tIltrler llęt,
Q Apotogizing
'm Sorry, That's oK.
'm so Sorry. Don't Worry.
'm reaLty sorry. No prob[em.
a gcket ] a skirt
)eall s shoes a 3 17)) Watch or listen to Rob
: bul,ing a slrirt, Atrsrver the
a sh irt , 1a qyę4teI,
a ]-shilt tIouseI§
1 \\'hat size cloes Roll rvant?
3 14l)) Listen ancl clreck, Practise sar.itrg the
rł,ord s.
2 Does he trv it cln?
3 Hou,lllrrch is thc slritt?
Watch or listen again. Complete the You
3 19)) Watch or listen and nrark tlre sentences T (true)
l))You Xear You Say Q or F (false).
can' you? Yes, what size is this shirt? 1 Jerrny is talking to Eddie.
Let'S See. lt's a smaLt. ż Sllc says,,he doe.n'r like Lc'ndon,
What do you need? A medium. 3 She says she likes the people in tlre office.
This is a _. Thanks. Where can Itry it 4 Jenrry is standing outside the shop.
on? 5 Eddie thinks that Rob is lrer boss.
The chan8in8 are 6 |enny loves Rob's new slrirt.
over there. Thank yoU.
lt's t44.99.
Q Saying prices
E5.00 = five pounds
E5.50 = five pounds fifty
50p = 1;11, o"n," b Watch or listen agairr. Say wlry the F sentences are
sizes false,
Sizes S= smaLL, M = medium, L= lar8e XL =extra [ar8e
c Look at the Social English phrases.
Who says them: Jenny, Rob, or Eddie?
d Practise the dialogue with a partner.
SociaI English phrases
e I In pairs, roleplay buying clothes.
lt's so coo[| l have to 8o.
A (book open) You arę the shop assistant. Start with C4, Ri8ht noW? HaVe fun!
l help yu? Don't be silty! What's Wrong?
B (book c|osed) You are the customel. Buy a T-shirt, Wait a minute. No Way|
a jacket, or jeans.
British and American Engl'ish
f Swap roles. shop = g1;1;.1,, anu,,.n
store = American En8lish
a can you...?
! apotogize
! buy ctothes
! say prices
G ob]ect pronouns,. me, you, him, etc.
V phone tanguage
P /al/, /l/, and l1ll
Yes, l Want
to meet her.
'Who is the man With the roses in his hand?'thinks Anna_ l want to meet him,
'Who i5 the 'l
9irt With the gUitar?' think5 Wi|,t. Like her l want to meet hel'
BUt they do not meet.
'There are lots of men,' says Anna's friend Vicki, but Anna
can't forget Witt, And then one rainy day,,,
questions with Red Rose.s (RR), Sall1t Phone (SP), or
Dead Man's Monel (DMM).
Which book...?
1 is a love story fl uit.
fl ri.n -"l tr""
2 takes place in the USA 1 him it his ring finish pick
3 is about a person who is quite stressed
2 he slre rrre meet read leave
4 _ is about a man irr a diffictr]t situation
3I my buy smile rrice tonight
5 is abotrt a person whtl ir romantic
6 has a gadget wlriclr is irrrportalt 3 24r) Listen. Carr you hear the difference?
possessive adjectives fefer to, 'It isn't Sally, it's PauI.'
'Paul? Paul whol \Vhere's Sallyi'
paul wants to \ 'Who's Sally? There's no Sally herc.'
phone his mothet
) §Y, =
PRONUNCIATION the date a Read the first part of the text. What's special about the
Number the months 1 6. third Monday in |anuary and the third Friday in }une?
! April _ ] 1u"e
F.b.,r"ry _ ] March
! J".,u".y __.] tutuy
7/3 z/LI 3/5 4/6 e asked our readers about the days and times during the
5/I 6/7 I2/9 I7/L0 year that make them fee| good.
2o/8 23/2 28/4 3I/I2
1 What's your favourit€ time of day? Why?
Listen again and repeat the dates. eopy the
2 What's your favourite day of the week? Why?
rĘthm. 3 What's your favourite month? Why?
( tne first o1 March 4 What's your favourit€ season? Why?
What days are public holidays in your
5 What's your favourit€ public holiday? Why?
Ask the other students in your class Mrenl b Read the questions and Joe's and Rose's answers and complete
1lout birthrlay? Does anyone have the same them with phrases a f.
(or nearly the same) birthday as you?
a every week is different d I love cooking
b I like making plans e the days are long
c I hate getting up early f Ilike being awake
Look at the highlighted words and phrases and guess their
4 GRAMMAR like+ [verb + -ing)
Complete the chart with a verb from the list.
se 35 )ilfl
Early morning, Because a_ when other people are
as|eep, and the light is beaUtifu.
2 t depends. Because 5l
AutUrnn, BecaUSe the leaves are red and yellow, and it's a
tirne for ]ots of wonderfu fruit and vegetables,6 l
Easter Sunday, Because I love chocolate, and I always have a
ot of Easter eqgSI
&, tłi+1,-ńil*i:,ilffi:.
a 3 33)) Listcn to Maltin alrswer ing tlrc questions in
FąvouriteTimes. Cornplete colurnn 1. b [n pairs, ask and ansrver about each activity.
1 What's your favourite.,.? 2 A Do yau like readin"r] Yel,1loveit.
time of day: 9
during tlre lveek Awhdl writeri \ / B //;łeTel,yPrdt(hett,
do you like?
,/ Mat about yaL,?
at the rł,eekend \
day of tlre u,eek Interview youI partnel rvith the five questions fronr
nronth FąvouriteTinrcs in 2.
prrblic holiday
Wlite an article caIIed Mlfavourite tlłte.s. Add plrotos
or dlarvings ifyou can. Use the texts in 2 as a nlodel.
Listen again and conplete colunn 2.
G revision: be or do? What kind
V music of music do
P l:l you tike?
a 3 35)) Listen and number the kinds ofmusic 1 9. Can you name any other kinds of music in Englislr?
! tlplop [ ] rock E classical [*] Latin ] i^r, |] Ieggae l,,. ! Utu., ! heavymetal E ąte
b What kin<] of music do / don't you like? ( t tiłe rock, but l don't like R&B,
Where are th€y from? Match the singers Whose music do you hear in the
and bands to their countries, soundtrack of these films / shows?
a ! cotaplay a we l^/ill Rock you
b E Rihanna b This ls lt
c c yellow submarine
! Placido Domingo
d Amadeus
d ! Black Eyed Peas e
Mamma Mial
Music questionnaire
Music is changing their lives
__you a bi8fan of a singeror band?
you a member of a fan club or fnside lhe concerl hal] a lop orchestra
forum? lis playing brillia ntly. Their
you ng
conductor, Gustavo Dudamel, is one ofthe
How often you,,,?
best in the world. But we are not in New
. go to concerts or 8igs
. go dancing York, London, or Vienna. We are in Caracas,
. Watch MTV [or other music channels) the capital ofVenezuela. The orchestra iS
. doWnload music the simón Bolivar youth orchestra, and its
. Look for son8 fyrics on the internet conductor and young musicians come from
. Sin8 karaoke the poorest families in the country. They
are a product ofEl §lstema ('the system'in
How you usually listen to music?
Spanish), a project started in 1975 to save poor children from
. on the radio
. onłine crime and drug addiction through classicąl music.
. on your iPod/MP3 ptayer Today more than 270,000 young venezuelans from the óarrjos
. on cDS (poor areas in Caracas) are learning to play instruments. They
What kind of music you like practise Beethoven and Brahms instead oflearning to steal and
listenin8 to When you are...? shoot. Gisella, aged 11, says 'I am learning the viola because I
. sad łvant to escape fromthe barrio.lnYenezuela now it's cooler to
. happy like Strauss than salsa.'Edgar, 22, who plays in the orchestra,
. stressed says 'sometimes When we finish late I stay in town - it's
_ you tisteningto a particularsong dangerous to go home at that time. But now most of my friends
or piece of music a lot at the moment? are here. We are a family as well as an orchestra.'
What you think of...? Dudamel is now also the Musical Director ofthe Los Angeles
Philharmonic, one ofthe USA's top orchestras. But he returns
Małe musicians
frequently to Caracas to conduct. 'I miss my orchestra, but I will
never leave them. They're family,'he says,
Female mus]cian5
a They having
5 somebody a secret 10 a tanoo
housework? PRoNU NclATloN
a doing b do rnaking
the word with a different sound.
12 I dont mind _ early.
a getup b gettingup c togetup
i3 A
Yes. What's for dinner?
driving wroirg change lorrg
Look at the highlighted words or phrases in tlre text Alison and Ben Tiffany Joe[ Anya
and guess their meaning.
1 which sentence is true?
Read rhe texr asa in and u nderline the thing vou wou|d a Ben can't play a musical instrument.
like to do most. b Alison can play the guitar well,
c Ben can play the guitar, but not very well.
2 Tiffany
Dublin - the friendly city
usUally think of caPital cities as friendly, bUt
a has noisy neighbours
b doesn't have noisy neighbours
Deople don't c is the noisy neighbour
l people told me that DUblin is the excePtion, 5o l Went
there to see if it Was true - and it was| Local people greet you }oel's favourite month is May because the weathel
like an old friend, they Want to knoW everything about you, ls
and about your day. The tourist gUide5 are really friendly;for a hot b nice c sunlry
example, at the cuinne5s factory (somewhere yoU mU5t go) 4 Bęn doesn't likę
they offer you a free glass of Cuinness. The bus drivers on a classicalrnusic b heavy metal c rock music
the tour bu5e5 (an excellent Way to get around Dublin) tell 5 At the moment Anya is reading _.
Very interesting and amU5ing stories about all the bUildings
a a romantic novel b a biography c a trilogy
and monuments they 9o Past. They stop at all the main
tourist attraction5, for example Phoenix Park, the home to
Dublin's zoo, St Patrick's Cathedral, and the main shopping cAN YoU sAY Tl-łls lN ENGL|SH?
areas (Crafton Street and 0'connell street). When you Want
50methin9 to eat, the Temple Bar area is the place to go. EVen Do the tasks with a partner. Tick (./) the box ifyou can
in the restaurants lrish PeoPle Want you to be happy. They do tlrem.
often sit you at tables with other people, and the Waiter5 tell Canyou...?
jokes when they serve the food to make you laugh. ln general,
the food is great and Very good Value for money, there are
1 l say two things you can do well, and two tlrirrgs you
lots of things to see, and hote15 are cheap - how can you not
cant do (e.g. cook)
be happy and friendly with all that? 2! say three things you can or can't do in class (e.g. use
N ck McCarthy coventry Tele8raph octobel 26 2010 your mobile)
3! say wlrat kind ofbooks you usually read, and what
you are reading at the momęnt
4! ask your partner questions with the words below
... tired ? Why?
.., like watching sport on TV? Wlrich sports?
.. , enjoy ing ; ou r English classes?
,.. play a musical irrstrument? Wlriclr one?
The Brontó sisters, CharLotte, Emily, and Anne, were born between ALlVE DEAD
1816 and 1820 in a smat[vi[[age in the north of En8[and. They Were
a[[writers, but on[y charlotte, With her novelJane Eyre, Was famoUs
in her tifetime. Their brother Branwe[[, the painter of this portrait,
Was origina[[y in the picture between Emity and charlotte. He
Wasn't happy With his setf-portrait and now the painting 5hows onLy
the three sisters.
3 Helena Bonham carter, the actress, Was born in London in 1966, whot shakła?) rirg"r.
Her mother is hatf Spanish and her father, Who died in 2oo4, Was §!"', "
the grandson of Herbert Asquith, the British Prime Minister from Who was
Charles Darwin?) ( He was a scieniist.
1908 to 1916. Her first big rote Was as Lucy Honeychurch in A Room
wjth a view, and hel other ro[es incLUde The Red Queen in Alice
in Wonderland,BellatriX Lestran8e in the Harry Potter fiIms, and
Queen Elizabeth in rhe Kin83 sPeech. She has two chi[dren with 5 LISTENING &WRITING
her partner Tim Burton, a film director.
a 3 49 ))) Listen to five clues about two
famous people. Do you know who they are?
Read the texts again and answer the questions.
1 How long was Henry VIIl Kirrg of England? With a partner write clues about a famous
2 What was he good at wlren hę was a yourrg man? man arrd a woman (both dead).
3 WeIe the Brontć sisters famous when they were alive? Read your clues to another pair. Do they
4 Why isnt their brother in the picture? know the people?
5 Who was Helena Bonham Carter's great-grandfathel?
6 What was her filst famous film?
Cover the texts. What can you remember?
G past simp[e: reguLar verbs
v past time expressions What did they
P -edendings want to do?
They Wanted to
8o to the match.
The taxi arrived at the
They looked out ofthe window.
! They chatted and li5tenęd to mu\ic.
f The girls wanted to go to a match.
! The taxi stopped in a street with pretty houses.
! They called a taxi,
! The taxi driver typed their destination into his satnav.
'3,51)) Listen and check. Do you think they were in
'3.52))) Listen to the news story on the radio, Where
/F harles Spencer,
Were thęy? ! Princess Diana's
> Communication Stamford Bridge p.103. Read some
L brother, has three
daughters, 18-year-old Kitty,
tourist information about the place they were in and
and 15-year-old twins
look at the map,
Eliza and Amelia. They live
Do you think it is easy to make a mistake like this? in Althorp, a large country
whose fault was it? hoUse near Northampton,
about 85 miles (136
kilometres) north of London.
2 GRAMMAR one of the sisters and her friend Wanted to go to a
past simp[e: re8ular Verbs football match in London. lt was a Premier League match
between chelsea and Arsenal at stamford Bridge. They
Read the text again and highlight ten more past simple ca|led a taxi to take them to London and back. The taxi
regular verbs Ę, one past simple negative sentence E, arrived and the driVer typed Stamford Bridqe into his
and one past simple question Ę. satnav. The 9irls relaxed in the back of the car. They
probably chatted, Iistened to music on their iPods, and
In pairs, complete the chart and answer questions 1-3.
texted their friends. They didn't talk to the taxi driver.
Present simple Past simpte TWo hours later the taxi stopped. They looked out of the
They Want to go to the They _ to 8o to WindoW. lt Was a street With pretty houses.
match- the match. The girls were a bit surprised, and they asked the taxi
They doft tatk to the taXi They to the taxi driver Where they Were.'ln Stamford Bridge,' he said.
driver driver 'Where did you want to go?'
Where do you want to go? Where to go?
o'o, tennlsre;ląddv,
Y::'' ; watched a real|y good film
lr called a friend
:. danced
G paSt simpte: irregu[ar Verbs
v go, have, get What did
p sentence stress you do?
We Went to
a restaurant,
Look at the photos and read the introduction to the article.
For each photo, say why you think the night was menrorable.
Read the texts again and match the questions to their answers in
the texts.
f What tine did you get back? f ] What did you wear?
! What was the -eather likę? ! Who were you with?
! Wby was it a nemorable night? ! What did yorr do?
! When was it? Where were you?
@ We went out and watked around the centre of § tt was a hot night and the sea was rea[[y warm.
Athens. We spoke Eng[ish. but he taught me some
Greek Words and l taught him some spanish, @ After our swim, we Were tired and decided to go back, but l
Couldn't find my car keys! We Went back to the beach and we
§ lt was a warm niqht With a beautiful fult moon. looked everywhere, but it Was too dark. ln the end l left the car at
the beach and lWent home in my friend's car! l got home rea[[y
[ą l got back to the hotet at 3 a.m.
late, at 5.00 in the morning.
Ę lt was a magical evening - an Argentinian Woman
with a Greek man on the other side of the world Ę lt was a memorable night because We had a fantastic dinner and
in those dark streets, With the tights from the swim, but also because l lost the car keys it Was my father's car
Parthenon up on the hitt! and he was really anqry!
2 GRAMMAR past simple: irregular verbs 4 VOCABULARY go, have, get
a Look at the article again and find the past tense of a Can you remember these phrases about Mehmet?
these irregular verbs. Write went,had, or got.
can could l,, ,, l _
We to a grear place called Cezayir,
t'] I
5 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress
IoSe n,] Look at the questions in'A memorable night'below.
meet What words are missirrg?
3 62)) Listen and repeat the questions. Qgpy the
Speak .l:lrll.
a You are going to listen to David from Spain talking
about his memorable night. Look at photo C from 1.
Where was he? Why was it a memorable night?
Getting lost
;]l[ .#lJl
.ł llri,l,,e
I l opporite
-r]l ullIl l
| ] turn lcit
| ] tutn right p-J
] go straight orl
J go past (thc chruclr) ._, ]rL
_.\-, -A1
tr_! t',
O Cutturat note
The Tate Modern is a famous art ga[[ery in London,
b Watclr or listell again, Complete tlrc You Hear phrases, E JENNYAND ROB GO SIGHTSEEING
You Say !_) D) vou ttear
Can you...?
! ask for and understand directlons
a Read the back cover ofa murder story. Then
cover it and look at the photographs. Can
you remember who the people are?
past simple Verbs
f nsper^tor Granger arrivcd at abour 9.00, Hc
4 3 ))) Listen to the pronunciation ofthese IIwas a rall man r,.ilh a bigb1.1,^k mou.la, hc.
verbs in the past simple, Amanda, Barbara, ()laudia, and Gordon zwere
in the lir ilrq room. fhe inspcctor 3came in.
thought coutd found heard lead 'lvlr Travers died betwccn midnight ]ast
said saw took taught Wore night and seven o'clock this morning,' he asaid,
'Somebody in this loom killed him,' He lookcd
4 4)) Now match the verbs in a with a word at them one by one, but nobody sspoke.
below which rhymes, Listen and check. 'Mrs Travers, I want to talk to you first.
Practise saying the words. Come into the library with me , please ,'
Amanda Travcr, lollolred th. inspcl lor into
book bed the library and they 6sat down.
round four 'What did your husband do after dinner ]ast
bird port night?'
'When we finished dinner.|eremy said he
good was tiled and hc 7went to bed.'
4 5 ))) Find and underline nine past simple 'Did you go to bed then?'
regular verbs in the story. How do yorr 'No, I didn't, I went for a walk in the garden.'
pronounce them? Listen and check. 'What time did you go to bed?'
About quarter to twelve,'
'Was your husband asleep?'
4 6,7,BD) Listen to the inspector question Barbara. Write the
information in the chart. Listen again and clreck. Therr do tlre
same for Gordon and Claudia,
What time
\ did they go
\l ,5
to bed?
"\ż -ł
'No, inspector. I hated him.'
G there is / there are,some / dny + plurai nouns
v the house ls there
P /ec/ and łol, sentence stress a gara8e?
Yes, there is.
4 13 ))) K inr and Lco aIę .l yo].lllg collple flon tlrc USA,
Thcv rr,ąnt to retlt tlrc lrousc in 1. Cover the dialoguę and
listct-l to thęil cotlvęrsation with Błrbara, wlrich thlee
ro,_ltlls itl tlrc llorl.ę 1|,l1]1ę; 99 i111,,>
} p.138 Grammar Bank 8B, Learn nrore about Hi now mdny bedrooms are there?
there isIthere arc etc. and pructise ir.
fr ls there a study?
a garden or a balcony?
4 PRoNUNclATloN centraI heating or air conditionin8?
/ee/ and łal, sentence stress
ń Do you tike it? Why (not)?
4 17)) Listen and repeat the words and souuds.
Draw a simple plan ofyour 1iving roonr. Show the plan
to youI partner and describe the room.
( This is the living room. lt'' quite bił and it'5 very liiht.
There are two sofas aąd an at mcha .
b Put the words in the right place.
> p,114 Writin8 Describinł your home,
beer careful dear wear here they're Write a description ofyour house or flat.
near stairs there we're hear Where
v prepoSition5: p[ace and movement
p silent letters
Yes, there
was a picture
of a lady.
[)cl vou bclieve in ghosts? At,c there buildings in youl torvll / citv
tIrat pcoplc think al c ]]aunted?
c Look at tl-rc l-righlighted lvords itl the text Ie]łted to ]rotels alrd guess their rncaning.
d Would yclrr like to stat in tlnę tlf t]rcsc lrotels? Wlrv (rrot)?
l 1 in 1658. People say the hotel has the 9host of a Catholic priest.
\l He usually appears in Room 11. There is a secret tunnel that goes
from behind the fireplace in the hotel lounge to Room 11. ln l7th-century
England, Catholic priests used the tUnnel to hide from Protestants.
The oWner of the hotel, Rod Davies, says:'l didn't believe in ghosts before
l came here, but strange things happen in the hote|.0ne guest Woke uP
in the middle of the ni9ht and saw a tall man standing next to his bed. He
checked out the next morning.'Rod's wife says:'0ne night a lot of books
fell off a shelf in the lounge. And sometimes when l am working lfeel that
someone is Watching me, but When lturn round nobody i5 there,'
GHOST HUNTERS: Ask for Room 11 wwrt .9osf o]thhallhotel.Co.uk
b > p.162 Vocabulary Bank Prepositions: place and movement. there was / there were
ł Z6l)) Complete the sentences from tlre
3 PRONUNCIATION silent letters listening with was, wasn't,were, or weren't.
Then listen and clreck.
silent letters
Some Engtish words have a 'si[ent' letter,
1 Tlrere _ nralry other guests in the
e.g. in cupboardl k^bJd/ you don't pronounce the p, lrotel,
2 There only three.
a a nĄ Listen and cross out the'silent' letter in these words. 3 There an old TV on a table.
4 There ___ a remote control.
building castle could friend ghost 8ue5t
haLf hour know Listen taLk what write } p.138 Grammar Bank 8C. Learn nrore
abour thcrc was I thcrc u,crc rnd pracrise it,
b Practise saying tlre words.
4 LlsTEN!NG } Communication The Ghost Room
A British newspaper,thę Sunda) Times, sent one ofits p1O4B p,109. Look at the picture of
journalists, Stephen Bleach, to Gosforth Hall lnn. They ^
anorher hautlted hotel room for one minure.
asked him to spend the night in Room 11. Try to remember what there was in the room.
_ you see the football match last 5 After lunch I went _ to work.
Label the pictures.
a Did bDo c Was
We to Istanbul three years ago.
a go b were c went
When in Los Angeles?
a you live
b 1ż
tf ĄAf
did you lived
c did you live
e Write the prepositions.
l vou at the oartv Iast nishr,
a didn't saw b didn't see c don't saw
10 what tirne home?
a did you get b you did get c you got
11 _ a big table in the living loom.
a There are b There is c Itis
Iż How many bedrooms _?
a are b are there c are they
there PRoNUNclATloN
13 There aren't oictures on the walls, . Gii),h. *ord with a different sound.
a any b some ca
14 onlv three ouests in the dinins lldl wanted waited livęd ended
There was b Thęre were c There is -$ saw Wote thought could
15 How manv oeoole in Lhe horel?
a § heard met said left
there were
was there
c were there & there stairs
A hall heating hour
besan Writin8 stories aboUt a briLLiant detectiVe, SherLock 5 YesLerda; evening Ben
HoLmes, Conan Doyle based HoLme5' personaLity on his a went out to the pub
professor at university. HoLmeS, Who Lives at 22 lb Baker b worked at home
street in London, is famous for solving dif f icuLt crimes c went to bed early
and mysteries Usin8 his 8reat inteLLi8ence, The SherLock
HoLrnes stories soon became very popuLar, but in l893
Conan Doy|e became tired of his detective, and decided cAN YoU sAY T|-lls lN ENGL!S|-|?
to'kiLL'him. ln The Finol Prob|em Sherlock HoLmes and Do the tasks with a partner. Tick (/) the box ifyou carr
his enemy, Professor lYoriarty, die When they faLL off
do them.
the Reichenbach FaLLS in switzerLand, But PeopLe Were
very unhappy to Lose Sherlock HoLmes, and there were Can you...?
Letters in many newspapers asking for him to come back. 1 l ] say thlee things about a famous (dead) person from
FinaLLy, in l90l Conan Doyle brought him back youI country
in a new story, The Hound of the Boskervilles,
2! say five things you did last week, using past time
He expLained that HoLmes did not die in the
expressions, e.g. la st night, ystełday, (thłee) days
Reichenbach FaLLs, but miracuLousLy survived,
aBo, ętc.
Cor-an Doyle died on 7th JL,Ly l930, bur
SherLock HoLmes continUeS to LjVe 3 !] say where and when you were born
both in I1e StorieS ard i. many fiLm 4! ask youl partner five questions about yesterday
VerSions, RecentLy he Was the
inspiration for the character
Ę short films Fdinbuigh r]astle
] .\ or cregory louse in the TV Watch and enjoy a fiLm on iTutor.
Series Hodse,
countable,/ uncountable nouns; a / an, some / any
food What did you
the letters ea have for lunch?
A pizza and
some sa[ad.
What food words do you know
in English? With a partner, try to
think offive words.
Look at the photos which show meals
that three people - a model, a boxer,
and a writer ate yesterday. Guess
which person ate wl-riclr nreal. What I ate yesterday
Read three articles from a series what LaaraBailey model gt$*;*,
Iateyestedal inThe Times newspaper. Breakfast I never miss breakfast! I had some celeal and fruit,
l} 1p
Check your answers to a. and a piece oftoast, I'm a bit unusual because I have tea and
coffęę in the morning, I don't mind in which oldel, but I need
Read the articles again. Answer the to have both.
questions with M (the model), B (he Lunch I was at my studio all day, So I got takeaway vegetarian
boxer), or W (tlre writer). Who. ,.? sushi from a restaurant called łs!. I became a vegetarian 20
years ago and now I can't imagine living any othel Way.
1 doesrr't like eating durirrg the day
2 doesn't eat anything between meals Dinner I picked up my children from school and we had a snack
cheese and biscuits. In the evening l Went to my favoudte pizzeda,
3 didn't have any home-cooked food and I had a vegetarian pasta dish, and t\ło 8lasses ofwhite wine.
for lunch or dinner
4 had fruit for dessert at lunchtime James deGale boxer
5 never eats meat Breakfa§t I Woke up and went lunning for an hour and a half, then I
6 didn't drink any alcohol yesterday camę homę and had a cup oftea and some porridge, Then I Went to
- had c drink and r snack bęflore dinncr the gym and tlainęd,
8 doesn't eat anything for bleakfast Lunch I had a bowl of pasta with chorizo and bacon in tomato sauce
9 lras a strarrge breakfast habit with cheese on top, and an apple and an orange. I have an important
fight soon, so my diet has to be vely Stdct now. Three meals a day,
With a partner, look at the highlighted and no snacks,
words related to food and guess tlreir
Dinner I had a grilled chicken bleast and vegetables
meaning. Use the photos to help you. mushlooms. sweetcorn and tomatoes. My mum made it
she's a fantastic cook.
Whose food do you prefer? Why?
l strawberry
2 __ tontato
3 ricę
4 hircrlirs
5 onlon
> p.].40 Grammar Bank 9A.
Learn more about countable /
uncountable nouns, etc, and
practise them.
4 31)) Listerr arrd check. Practise saying thenr. Wlriclr ], carrot and saLad
is the most comrl-ron pronrrnciation of ea? Wiih dressing
Make a food diary for yesterday. Write down what food
and drink you had. Use Vocabu[ary Bank Food p.163 to
help you. } Communication Get ready! Cook1 p.109 Look at the
photos oftlreir dishes, Whose dishes do you prefer?
Breakfast a cup oJ'cofJee, some cełeal
4 34))) Listen to part 3. What does the judge say about
Work in pairs. Tell each other what you had yesterday.
Was it very sirr-rilar or very diflerent? |ack and Liz's dishes? Who wins?
( lor oreakfost lhad a cup ar Coffee and same cereal. ln pairs, think ofone ofyour favourite dishes. Write
tlre ingredients you need. Tell your partner.
frĘ@ E
G quantifiers: how much/ how many, a lot of, etc.
v food containers HoW much sa [t
P and lsl does it have?
Not much.
c Make phrases witlr the containers and t]re worcls below . ( a packet of biscuits
biscuits chocolates coke crisps jUice jam mitk satt sugar tUna
quantifiers: how much / how many, a lot of, eLc, a ł 38)) Listen and repeat the words and
Look at the pictures at the bottom ofthe page. Then ask and
answer questions about the food,
a lot quite a lot a tittte
4 39)) Put tlre words in the right colrrmr-r,
How much sułar is \ / l'm not s\e- Listen arrd check.
there ią dd|k chocolate? ,,/ \ think there 5 a lol.
----< cereaI cinema delicious fresh
> Communication Sugar and salt p.109. Check your answers to a, information centre rice criSps reception
saLad science shopping speciat sure
Complete tlre sentences with a food or drink from a.
l There isn't any salt in 4 4o))) Listen and repeat the dialogue. Ther
practise it with partner,
2 l herę'. a little sugar in
3 fhere's quite a lot of.alt in A Are you sure this iS sa[t? lthink it's Su8ar.
Read the questionnaire and complete the questions
with Horll nrach or How mąnll.
How much Sugar and salt do YoU hdve a day? At different times in history, both sugar and Sa[t
were ca[[ed'white go|,d', becaUse they Were so
expensiVe and difficutt to get, But there are many
1 spoonfuls of sugar do you have in your more interesting facts about sugar and sa[t...
tea or coffee?
a threeormore b two c one d none o Christopher Co[umbus introduced
2 _, cans of cola (or other fizzy drinks] do you to the NeW World in 1493
drink a day? on his second Voyage.
a three or more b two c one d none O If you eat too much 2
fruit or fruitjuice do you have a day? (about 1gram per kilogram of
a alot b quite a lot c not much d none Weight), you can die. This Was a
sweets or biscuits do you eat a Week? method of rituaI suicide in
a alot b not many c very few d none ancient china.
salt Salzburg in Austria Was
HoW often do you add satt to your food at the table? called 'the city of r
a aLways b often c sometirnes d never because of its mines.
takeaway food do you eat? If you Want to check if an egg is fresh, put it in
a atot b quiteaLot c notmuch d none a cup With Water and 4 . ]f the egg floats,
bread do you eat a day? it isn't Very fresh.
a alot b quiteaLot c alittLe d none 5
In Brazil fuel made from is used in cars
cheese do you eat a week?
instead of petro[.
a alot b quitealot c alittle d none
Americans eat or drink about 2.25 kilos of 6
a month_
ln pairs, interview your partner. Do you think he / she
rreeds to eat less sugar and salt? 7 is used to make glass, washing powder,
and paper.
Work in pairs. A say how much you eat / drink ofthe
thirrgs below. B respond and ask for rrrore information. a8 kitls some bacteria, and so helps food to
Then say ifyou think A has a healthy diet or not. Swap last Longer, Which is why bacon and cheese contain
roles. a Lot.
fish meat potatoes ve8etabIes chocolate If you put ' into a Vase of flowers, the
fast food eggs pasta olive oiL butter flowers [ast Longer.
10 _ only contains energy. It doesn't contain
/eat a lot offish. often do vou eatfisn?
) §!]ow any Vitamins or mineraLs.
o Sure and 11 are the only two Words in
5 READ!NG the EngLish [anguage that begin With 'su' and
are pronounced 'sh'.
a Read the magazine article White Gold. With partner,
complete the facts with sugar or salt.
a We need to have a little 1'
in our diet, but not more than 69
Read the article again, and highlight five a day, Which is about one
new words or phrases. Compare with
a partner.
G comparatiVe adjectiVes
V high numbers
P /e/, sentence stress
Yes, it's three
times bigger.
HoW far js it frorn NeW York City to Los 4 46 ))) Listen to a contestant on Quiz l{i6ht. Check your answels
An8eIes? to b. How much does she win?
a about 4,000 km
b about 2,500 km Listen again for why the answers are true or false. Write down
c about 5,000 km any numbers you lrear.
numbers, Do part 4.
At a restaurant
2 courses fl5.00
3 courses E22.5O
Onion soup
Mozzorel|o ond tomoto solod
b Watch o,.. listen again, Say rvlrv tl-re F sentcnces are false. Grilled chicken breost
with vegetobles
c a 50)) Read thc ir-rfornration box. Listen and repeat B's plrrases. Mushroom rovioIi
Q nesponding to what somebody says seofood risotto
1 A |t'S my birthday today. B HaPPy birthday!
2 A We Won the Cup! B Congratulationsl
3 A l have my drivin8 test tomorrow. B Goodtuck!
4 A lgoŁatl rny Engtish homework right. B Wetl done!
ldidn'tSetthejob, B ohdear! Nevermind. Home-mode vonilIo ice creom wiih
5 A
hot chocolote souce
d 4 51)) Listen and respond witlr phrases fron the box. Fresh fruit soIod
come this b Look at tlrc Social English phrases. Wll() says tl]cn]:
fcnuv, Darriel, the waiter, or Balbara?
Are you ready Yr]:,. Il]t ..l]|]l] lr r] 1-hi: n],1l lr,, lrll
to? t;l,; ll ]. l Ieł sr. Social English phrases
|'d [ike the mozzare[La Sa[ad and Nothing speciaL. The same for rne, please.
then the chicken, p[ease. Woutd yoU Like a dessert? Go ahead.
What Wot]Ld VoU rl]st ,!;lt€l li i ll,- Not for me, thanks. Good neWS?
to drink? A bottle of mineraLWater, please, A decaf eSpresSo, CouLd l have the bilt, please?
AdjectiVe SuperLative
big bigger
The Yun8as Road is
tong Ionger road in the World.
dan8eroUs more dangerous
b 5 7r) Listetl lllc] lepeltt rhcse sttpcrlatir cs. B )ilLr livc in ltlttt ltlrr n, A is ł rtltll,isr rvho clocsn't spcłk
vrltt r lltlqttage, llsrr cl h is / hcl clilcsljoll s (l 5),
thc nltl,t rlle nltl,t .,..titing thc tll,le.t "\
crcrrtllillg \cl\ clc.LIl\
l_r1llltiIr and givc łs tllttch
rhetlo,tIlr..łuritiIl rhc:lllallcst inlilrnlłlion lts r <lu cltnI
c > communication Cities gulz A p.105 B p.110. l-hcll srvl1l t,tlJes lill clttcsrirllls (l l().
(irlnl1llete rhe qttcsti()l,]5 \\,jth sttllc,I,1atir c ltdjcctir cs,
'fhcn ask atlcl łIlsrver tIlc (ltlcsti()l)s \r itlr lt parrllcr. What 5 the nlost . 1 think the
beautiful square? . ,. Piaz.Za Navana
neo llg
eXpe lien ced
G be golng to (ptansJ, future time expressions What are
V holidays you 8oing
p sentence stress to do? |'m 8oin8 to
travet round
Journalist |'m 8oin8 to 1 round Europe - to
PariS, Vienna, and BUdapest,
{ó..o... P HoW ion8 are you 8oin8 to , in each city?
J ]u5t one night in each p[ace.
P Who are you going to 3 with?
J ln Paris 'm 8oingto stay With a guy caLted Thóo,
in Vienna With a 8Uy called Artur, and in Budapest
With a Woman ca(led JUdit.
P Are you goin8 to. _. _ onacouch?
Flencl, tl.g lSiL J only in Vienna, luckiLy. ln the other ptaces
l love travelling, have a bed.
l\rtu r Dolrrer P HoW are you 8oin8 to ?
l] 6
iI Vienna, AUstria
J |'m goin8 to by train.
l,łale,27, PhD student. Has coUch, P What are you 8ojn8 to ? in each pLace?
German, English ) l don't just Want to see the typicaI tourist sights,
i l love meeting people and showing them my l hope l'm going to 3 things that aren't in a
Wonderful city, Better to come at Weekends
when l have moretime! 8uide book,
P WeL[, have a 8ood trip and 8ood tuck!
Budapest: Judit
l got off the train at the Wrong Station so l arrived
late at Judit's flat. she Wasn'l Very happy. She's a
journalist for the HUngarian channels l\,4TV and TV2
and She's an incredibly busy Woman. ln the afternoon
she took me With her to a shopping centre to help her
choose a dress for a party. That Was a bit Surreal| ln
the evening We had dinner togelher in the castro bar
in the city centre. Next day lllew home to London.
tired but happy. l'm definitely going to do it again!
G be going io (predictionSJ
v Verb phrases Am l 8oin8 to
p the letters oo fall in [ove? yes, and
you're going to
be very happy.
the room was very dark.
4 PRONUNCIATION the letters oo
the pronunciation of oo
n oocanbepronounced,, (e.g. book l,Uk )or u:
He turned over the second card.
(e,g, ln/). Use your dictionary to check the
'Mm, a house. A new house. You're going to move, pronunciation of new oo words.
Very soon/ to another country.' Be carefut, room can be pronounced /r()nr/ or ł,ulm/.
'But my boyfriend works here. He can't move to
another coUntry.'
'Let's look at the next card.'Said the fortune-teller.
a 5 20)) Listen to the two sound words. Can you lrear
the difference in the vowel sound?
He turned over the third card.
'A heart. You're going to faIl in love.'
'Who with?' asked Jane.
! 'Let me concentrate. l can see a tall dark man_ He's
Very attractiVe.'
'0 h, that's Jim,'said Jane. b 5 21))) Listen and write the words in the right column.
Your boyfriend?'
'Wh o's Jim?
'No.,]im's a man l met at a party last month. He's an
afternoon book choose cook food good
look rnoon schooI soon spoon too took
acto1 from New York. He says he's in love With me. lt
was his idea for me to come to Madame yolanda.'
'Well, the card says that you're going to fall in love
c 5 22) Listen and check.
With him.' d Practise saying tlre sentences.
'Are you sure?'asked lane.'But What about my
Good afternoon. lt's too
boyfriend?' Look at the moan! 'aan!
the food
]s Eaad?
'Let's look at the fourth card,'said the fortune-teller. Cook.
He's a ]oodlaakin{
The fortune-teller stood up. He turned on the light.
At that moment an old woman came in.'5o, What Roleplay fortrrrre-tellin g.
happened?'she asked.
'lt Was perfect! She believed everything,'Said Jim. A Look at tlre ten cards in 1. Sccretly, nunber thę cards
'l told you, l'm a very good actor.5he was sure lwas a
l 10 irr a diffcrent order.
f o rtu n e-t e Ile r!' B Choose live numbers 1-10.
He gave the Woman E100. A Predict B's futrrre using those cards.
'That's lane's €50 and another !50 from me. Thanks B Ask for n-rore irrformation, Then change rolcs,
very much, Madame Yolanda. Bye.'
A |m 8oin8 to tell you about your future,
Madame Yolanda took the money. The fifth card was
fil sI card is a ;tar. You're 8oin8 to become )
still on the table, face down,5he turned it over. lt was
Iamaus. You're 8oin8 to be on lv... _t
the plane.5he looked at it for a minute and then she
shouted: ( B GreaL!Whdt pt ogramme?
'Wait, young man! Don't travel with that girl >.--
- her
plane i5 9oing to...'
6 s zsr) SONG Fortune
But the room was empty. Tetler t1
(CircIJ a. b. or c. a (circle)rhe word rhar is different.
b there isn't any 3 That new dcpart ment shop I departmenl slore is great.
c there isn't some 4 Let's have a drirrk at one ofthosę cafćsńthe square Ibridge.
7 Tęa is _ coffee in this cafó, 5 Wherę is the mainrai|way cettre I station?
a cheaper that Complete the phrases with these verbs.
b rnore cheap than
c cheaper than
become fall get go have meet move see show stay
b it's snowing
b Underlilc the stressed syllable.
c it's going to snow
l cho colate 3 su per mar ket 5 dan ge rous
2 de ssert 4 in teres ting
a Read the article once. Then read it again and choose PEoPLE?
a, b, or c.
5 24)) Inthe street Watch or listen to five people
1 In British supermarkets people now and answer the quesdons.
a buy more healthy food than before
ffi mffi
b buy less healthy food than before
c buy the same kind offood they bought before
2 When people have a problem or big clrange in their
lives they often
a eat unhealthy food b eatalot c eat healtĘ food YVonne ALison Andy Arja
3 Ifyou want to eat healthily, you need to 1 yvonne doesn't eat much
a spend a lot ofmoney a iruit b sugar c salt
b leartr to cook Alison is good at cooking food,
c stop worrying about what you eat a Italian b Indian c Indonęsian
b Look at the highlighted words or phrases in the text Joel likes Barcelona because there arę a lot of _.
and guess their meaning. a great shops b greatbuildings c great beaches
Andy is going Lo travel for
a a month b three months c three weeks
The British diet When Arja compares the US to her country she doesn't
mention _.
a the food b the buildings c theweathel
1-1ritain has a Droblem
DWith obesity (more
than 50% of the population Do the tasks with a partner. Tick (/) the box ifyou can
are fat or overweight) and do them.
the government says We need
to have a healthier diet. However,
British shoppers are continuinq to 1 f say what yoo.,sually have for breakfast
fill their supermarket baskets with unheaIthy food. 2 [ .o-pu.e yo.,. .ountry with the UK in three ways
A survey of 12 million consumers showed that 44 per cent 3 ! ask yo,rr partner four questions with the
of people have the same unhealthy eating habits that they superlative ofthe bold adjective
had four years ago. The survey also found that shoppers . What's present you've ever bought?
who normally have a Very healthy diet start buying junk expensive
food, e.g. frozen pizzas, crisps, and cakes, if there is a crisis . What's filrn you've seen this year? good
in their lives, for example divorce, moving house, or losing . What's holiday you've ever had? bad
a job.
. What's place yodve ever been to? cold
Another thing the survey showed is that there is not much
difference in Price between a healthy shopping basket
! ask yorrr partner what he / she is going to do
. tonight . tomorlow . nextweekend
and an unhealthy one. A typicaI healthy basket costs, on
aVerage, f71.78 compared With f71.18 for an unhealthy
one. Martin Hayward, the director of the study said 'Many Short films the history of the 5andwich
people don't eat healthily because they worry that healthy Watch and enjoy a fitm on iTutor.
food is more expensive, but the survey shows that this
iS not true. We believe the reason why some peopIe eat
unhea|thily is becaUse they don't knoW how to cook so
they bUy ready-made meals.'
G adverbs (manner and modifiers]
v common adverbs How do
p word stress they dress? They dress
Very fashionabty,
but casual[y.
Do you know wl-rat countries they are in?
Moira in
The driving
lthink people drive quite dangerously,
Which surprised me because l thoU9ht łhey
were carefuI drivers here. They don't drive
li fast, but people are always on the phone in
the car, Which you don't often see in the
UK nowadays,
The food
The food can be delicious, but lthink people eat Very
unhealthiIy. ln restaurants they olten add Salt to their food,
And they drink litres of coke! The headquarters of the
coca-cola company is based here, and they even have
a coca-cola museum. once lWent to a coffee shop and
asked for a double espresso, no milk no sugar, l had to
repeat my order ihree times, because the Waitress coUldn't
understand me. she Said people here only ask for lattes
and cappuccinos With lots of Sugar|
The people
ln general, people are Very friendly. The people l'm
Staying With, Who live just oUtside the city, know all their
neiqhbours really Well. They often don't lock their doors,
Which surprised me because people Say it's a dangerous
city. They speak incredibly slowly, With a strong accent and
sometimes l have a problem understanding them.
Mark in
The weaiher
lt's December - and it gets dark at about
3 p,m., Which is depressing! There's a lot of
snow at the moment, but all the buses and
Read two blogs on a UK travelwebsite, about people's first
trains are running perfectly, not like in Britain
irnpressions of two of these citięs. Wlrich two are they? Where everything stops When it snows!
Read the blogs again. Answerwith the names of the cities. The hou§es
All the hoUseS are painted in pretty colourS,
Where...? like red, green and blue, and many houses have a yellow
l do people eat a lot ofsalt and sugar and blue flag. lnside the hoUses are decorated beautifully
2 do TV programnles lrave subtitles with lots of flowers and modern wooden furniture.
3 are the da;s verv shorr in winter The people
4 do a lot ofpeople have bad lrabits when tlrey drive People are friendly and polite, but quite formal. They dress
fashionably but casually, and of course you see a lot of
5 is the city safer than the writer thought
very b|onde Women here. You also See a lot of men Who
6 are the houses colourfully painted are Iooking after Very young babies, EVerybody speaks
7 do you sec men looking after young childlerr English really Well, maybe because a lot of the TV is in
8 do people speak very slowly English With subtitleS.
d Find words in the blogs which mean: 4 LISTENING & SPEAKING
Moira a '5,30 r) Listen to Jemma talking about the third
Para 1 ądv at this time city. In general, is she positive, negative, or neutral
Para 2 noun thę officęwhere the leaders ofan about it?
organization work
Para 3 verb close with a key Listen again. Then, with a partner, complete
]emma's serrtences.
Pąra 4 ądj sth making you feel sad
Para 5 ądj made from a tree
Para 6 adv not in a formal way
e Which of the two cities would you prefer to live in? Why?
2 GRAMMAR adverbs
a Look highlighted adverbs Answer the Eating out
People spend a lot of time in 1_
at the irr the blogs.
and 2
People Who
- _ go out to a bar to have
1 What two letters are added to an adjectivę to make an advęrb? a_. They don't have it in their 5
2 Which adverb is the same word as the adjective? When people go out in big groups, 6
J Which is rhę adverbfrom good? all sit at one end of the table and 7
4 Which four adverbs are describing other advęrbs? at the other.
The Women
Now look at the highlighted adverbs again in Moira's first 8
Women here talk Very and very 9
paragraph. Complete the rules with beJore or Ęer,
women dress r0
l Some adverbs describe how people do things,
Theygo the verb or verb phrase. There's a myth that the spanish don't 1i
2 Some adverbs describe another adverb (or adjective). but l don't think it's r2
fhev oo Lhe adverb 1or adiecrire). People have a 13 lunch break, but they finish
work very 14_,
} p.144 Grammar Bank 11A. Learn more about adverbs
and practise them.
5 27r) Listen and say what is happening. Use an adverb. c Answer the questions in small groups.
dan ge rous dangerously Think ofa time When yoU Wentto another
country or another city,/ region in your country
po tite potitety
for the first time. What did you notice about,..?
beau tifuI beautifutty
. the peopte
in cre di ble incredibty
. the food
care ful carefuLty . the driving
fa shio na ble fashionabty . the houses
ca su aL casuatly . the weather
per fect perfectLy
un heaLthy U nhea tthily
5 28)) Listen and check. Repeat the adjectives.
Choose two headirrgs frorrl the blogs in l or the
5 29)) Now listen and repeat the adverbs. Does the stress listening in 4. Write two paragraphs, either about
change? your country or a country you have visited.
E§iD E
G verbs + to + infinitive
v verbs that take the infinitive Would you like
p sentence stress to get a new job?
No, lWant to
stay Where lam.
Read about the website 43things.com,
How does it work? What do \rffie'* want
43Thin9S,. "
rri,biilr. u here to do with your life?
peopJe rite thing" 16a1 thcy rrant to do.
There are alrvays.ł3 different ambitiolls.
On 43Things today, people want to...
Some al,e tlil ial, iom. are more seriotts.
C)ther peoplc rcspond and rvrite about their climb Mount Kilimanjaro qet up earlier qo on a safari
experienccs and sometimes gir.e aclvice.
9et d new job rave vel v lonq lai, have moró time for myself
Iearn to cook learn to dan.e like shakjra make a short film
Read today's 43 tl-rings and responses A-E. continents spend less time on the internet Write a novel
Visit a l the
Match the responses with five things people read 12 books a month run a half marathon see Radiohead live
want to do. Do you tlrink their advice is good? learn to speak ltalian :top bit;nq my nai|s qet married
1o.o' -lo l bero.ne a Coth -
Corr-rplete the phrases fron the text with a
verb frorrr tlre list.
bee ome bite choose
downloąd go
Learn spend Visit
^EI Spend less time on Faccbook, fól example only trr,o
hours at the rłcekend. Stop usirrg Sccond Lilć il'r,clu rrsc
it. (I uninstalled it).
2 on a safari
to cook
1 less time on the internet Get a Laura Pausini CD, Download the l;,rics to a soltg
5 the lvtics
and translate them you can use Googlc Tlanslate for-
this. Listen carcfully to the pronunciation. and thcn
6 five things you really Iike eating
sing along lvith her ( I sang "Incanccllabile").
7 a Goth
8 all tlre corrtinents
_ my nails
You just need to stop cutting it! Don't lvorrv about thc
d Cover the verbs and try to remernber tlrern. late st fashions. Go 1'or it!
2 GRAMMAR verbs + to + infinitive Choose fivc things you leallv like cating (e.g. roast
chicken and chocolate cake) and tIren look at recipes
Look at tlle lrighlighted verbs in tlre text.
on the internet. choose the recipes tlrirt you'd like to
what's the form of the next verb? which
try, prelerably oncs that aren't too difficult. \,Iakc the
one is different?
five things again and agerin until they'rc pcr.lict, It isn't
} p,144 Grammar Bank ].1B. Learn more dilicult, youjust need to practise.
about rerhs + lo + in fin itive and prlctise
\Ąrear black clothes. Be vourscll, ar.d ]istcn to bands like
The Cult and The NIission.
A you ,to a
B _
,l'd to.
B BecóUse l my _'_. |t'S
Work in pairs. Take turrrs.
A Tell your partner about the things belolv.
B Respclnd to rvlrat A says, Ask questions.
A A,skwłlat ąbout )-ou?
o to
a country you want to go
o something you would like to learn to do
somethin8 yoU need to do tomorrow
o a holiday you are planning to have soon
o a famous person you hope to meet one day
o a film you want to see soon
a dangerous sport you would like to try
o somethin8 you need to buy soon
o a singer or group you hope to see one day
Read other students' anrbitions and choose one that you krrow
sonetlring about. Write a response (like the ones in 43Things)
ro give atlr ice or raIk l]lotlt vnur erperience,
Do men and women
use the internet in
the same way? No, they don't.
They're very
,*u the internet - r,,,
Go,- Do you ever visit anv ofthc websites on this page, or 'l
websites like tlren? How n-luclr tinre do you spend a day
clrr tlre intcrnet? Do yorr use it nainly for yorrl work /
,:' sth = y,llt€rhll)s sb = *,neboill
" --;;1 ,r -;,
|'"' ''' . ,r -,
r,<J{ 'd'9
! are herei
_^.,r€ 0f{
With a partner,look at some things which people do a Ctlllplete the email rvitlr a, an, tlle, oI (= no alticle).
on the internet. For each one sav ifyou do it often,
sonetimes, hardIy ever, oI never, seni Friday,8J! y 1613
'lb: carola Whitney
thin8s Women
thin8s you do
usual[y tike
first thing in
doing [but
the mornin8
men don't)
thin8S yoU did
tast night
fift@ E
Going home
You 8et one at a - rank,
They are atso catled cabs,
People usUaL[y 8iVe the driver a tip (= some extra
rnoney, about 5-100/o),
ln London they are bLack,
5 41)) Watclr or listetl ancl rcpe at the You Say 1 \\'hat c1llcs Jcnnv Icarc in thc htltcl?
Dhrases, C]()o\ rhe t,lrr rll nl-
2 Florr cirlcs sllc gcr iL back7
Practise the dialoguc rvitlr ir;laltllet,, \ \\ ll.,t l1,1s R,ll, (l.,. i(i(,(l l,, (l,,?
-l Is Eclclic gtlinu t() nlcct hcr ilt thc Jitpolr? \\'hl (ntlt)?
1 ln pails. roleplav tlrc diaJour-re. Tlrelr srr,ap loles. 5 \\ llL, i,l t]J ,: H,,,r ,,1,1 i,ll.,:
A (book open) You itlc thc receptiot)ist, rlre rlxi dtil cl,.
b Social English phrases, \\'htl sltls tlretrl:
l_rxlk at tlrc
łrlil the ticker c]erk. Thc tari cilsts §1 1.60, '|'lre rickct
fcllrll ol Rob?
cclsts .L l 13,9(),
B (book clclsed) YoLl \\,:rnl to gct ł ta\i trl \iicttlt ia S tat ioll. SociaI En8lish phrases
and rhcn ir train t<l Catl,ick Airport- Bc-gin rvith Corr/r/ lcan't believe it| 'm 50 hóppy,
1,1ltt caLl ne a tuxi,1llt,usc'/ Thank you so much, Have a good journey.
|'d love to [accept], See you in [New York],
can you...?
ask for a taxi
buy a ticket on pubiic transport
use common phrases, e.g. Have a ]aod
journey, see you jn NeW yolk, etc,
/x ffiń Il
A\ .
G present perfect Have you
v irre8ul,ar past participtes seen the
p sentence stress lhaven't,
fitm? No,
but l've read
the book.
Stand up and move around the class . Ask Have 1ou ever.. .?
questions with 1-7. When sonrebody answers Yes, i have,
write down their name and askWhatJiLmlvas it?
G present perfect or paSt Simp[e? HaVe you
V more irregu{ar past particip[es been to
P irreguLar past particip[es NeW York? Yes, l have.
l went there
last year.
Arc vou fbllowing a TV serics at the moulęnt? Wlriclr one? present perfect or past simple?
Wlry do you like it? Look at part ofthe conversation between
Matt and |ess, In pairs, answer the
5 51)) Look at tlre information about an episode lrom an
Anlerican TV series. Listen to part ofthe episode. Then answer
questions l and 2. Matt HaVe you beento The Pekinł Duck?
Jess Yes, lhave,
Matt oh no!When did you go there?
Jess Last month. l Went With the peopLe
from work.
1 Which tcstautalrts has |ess eaten ill befol,e? Tick (/) Now ask some past Simp[e questions for
or clost (x) the boxcs. the citieS you, parlne, hdS bee1 to.
' Tlre Peking Dtlck ! Appetito ] L"igl'. ( when did you go to...?
2 Do thev agree v,hich restaulant to go to?
( Did vau like it?
c Listetl .lgltitl lnd lnsrvcr rhe quesricllrt.
l Wlren did |ess gcl ttlTlrc Pekiltg Ducł allcl rvlro with?
2 Horv many times ]T as She been to
3 Wlrat did Matt sav happened lvlren^PPetilo?
thcy lvent to Lrii6l'_s?
,l Whv is Jess angrv?
-5 Who does Jcss think Matt rven t rvith tcl Luigi's?
6 What does Matt sar,? Do vou believe hirr?
PRoNUNclAT!oN Look questiotl l bclorv. What rvolds are nlissing in tlre present
more irregu[ar past participles pcrf-ect qrrcstitln? Wh;rt rvords are nlissillg in tlre past sinlple
questiolr? What fbLlll clo Yotl rreecl of tl-re yerb irl bold?
Look at sot-l-re trrot,e irregular past participles.
\\,'rite the inl'illitive arrd tbc past sinlple.
l ltlr Jurylłt llought
Present perfect Past simple
ż r]rurrk
iorr nd
1 / be to the cinema recent[y? What / see? / tike it?
6 hacI / be to a sports match recently? / your team Win?
i knorvn
E lost
1() lllet
Il paicl
1ż 5cl]t
l3 sl)en t
1,ł thrlttght
l5 \\,()ll
thoUght Worn Written 6 / ever tose your mobite? Whcre / lose it? / fincI it?
11 &\
)I §+ ą\
Ll}-) ph,,llc
Work in pairs. A ask B the questilllls, IfB llIrsrvers Yc.s, 1łrirt,, ask
tlre past sirlrpIe qtlestio11s too. Thell change ltlles.
e I'lav płst participle Bllrgo,
a Read the information about Sir Ian McKellen. Have
you seen any of his films? Did you like them?
YoUR HoME How much time do you spend a day on the internet?
l can very easi[y spend three or four hoUrs on the internet
YOUR LlFESTYLE answering emails, readingthe news, etc.lthink ofthe
YOUR PLACES internet as a Wonderful encyc[opaedia of information.
5 He spends a long tinre on the internet every day, are Waitin8 for me to read.
6 Hę read Tlrc Lotrl of the Rings Do you have any pets? l tove dogs, but l can't have one
when he was young, becaUse l'm often away from home.
7 His desk isn't very tidy.
8 He doesn't like animals.
9 He relaxes by playing games.
l0 He doesn't have anv ambitions.
4 2 VOCABULARY revision: word groups
What languages do you speak? a Put thcse words from the interview in the right column.
lonly speak En8LiSh, but I can remember a
Little of the French l learned at schoo[, go to bed living room
What's your favourite place in London?
l tove the River Thames and the views from its
many bridges.
b Witlr a partner, add thrce nore words to each column.
Where are you going to go for your next
hotiday? l'm going to go to ndiaforthefirst
time in FebrUary. 3 PRONUNCIATION revision: sounds
What'5 the most beautifuI city you've ever
a Look at sorne words fron the interview, wl-riclr word has a
visited? lcan't chooSe between Edinbur8h,
different sound?
Prague, and Venice,
6 aJ sclrtl<ll clrotlse ctlok totl
What Was yourfirstjob?
The first money learned as a professionaI iirst eatn wo],st ycJr
actor Wa5 When ] Was a student at cambridge
University in 1959. lplayed sma[tparts in
audio recordings of Shakespeare's p[ays. laffi; slv wait cłn't favourite
When did you first read The Lord of the Rings? g
l read it first When l Was preparing to play fi,iends n-rlrry pcople ever
Ganda[f in the moVie trilogy,
What was the best and Worst thing about
errjoy bliclge dot languages
filming The Lord of the Ring9?
l he beSt thin8 aboLt filming Wds discoverin8
the countryside and peop[e of New Zea[and.
But the Wolst thing Was IiVing aWay from hour lrone pcrlraps hardly
home for a year or more.
thirrg three the th ink
(Circle) a. b. or c. a Write the opposite adiective or adverb.
l you sneak 1 quickly 3 well 5 formal
a very slow 2 safe 4 noisy _ 6 healthily
b very slowly
b Complete the sentences with these verbs.
c very slower
She plays tennis need Learn promise Want
a quite well
l to_todancethetango.
I'd Iike
b quite good
c quite goodly
2 You don't _ to waslr it. You've only worn it once.
My husband works
3 I can't to be on time. It depends on the traffic.
a incredible hard
4 Doyou to go to a restaurant or to a pub for lunch?