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As-ERAS-OPQ01-Case Processing and Workflow

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Case Processing and

Operational/Performance Qualification

Operational/Performance Qualification
Case Processing and Workflow

DOC ID: Page 1 of 47

Case Processing and
Operational/Performance Qualification

Table of Contents
1. REVISION LOG............................................................................................................................ 2
2. PRE-EXECUTION APPROVALS..................................................................................................2
3. TEST OVERVIEW........................................................................................................................ 3
4. TEST PROCEDURE.....................................................................................................................5
5. EXECUTION SUMMARY............................................................................................................ 29


Revision Revision Notes Revised By Date

0 Initial version Nisha Verma 22 Mar 2022


By affixing their signatures, the individuals below acknowledge that they have reviewed and approved (prior
to execution) the contents of this document.

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DOC ID: Page 2 of 47

Case Processing and
Operational/Performance Qualification


Test Number OPQ

Case Processing and Workflow
Test Name

1.14.1 5.2.1 5.3.1 5.4.1 5.5.1 5.6.1

5.7.1 5.8.1 5.8.2 5.11.1 5.12.1 5.17.1
Requirement(s) 5.18.1 5.19.1 5.22.1 5.24.1 5.38.1 5.39.1
being tested (FRS) 5.40.1 5.46.1 6.1.1 6.3.1 6.4.1 6.5.1
6.11.1 6.13.1 6.14.1 6.16.1 6.21.1 6.23.1
6.24.1 6.27.1 X X X X

Test Objective Verify all the requirement listed in above section.

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Case Processing and
Operational/Performance Qualification

1. Following user account should be available to the tester:

 Triage User
 Data Entry User
 Quality Review User
 Medical Review User
 Finalization User
Test Assumptions &  Distribution User
2. One sample PDF should be available to the tester for attaching into the
3. One user defined text field in General Information section should be enabled
with name 'ERASCA UDF' in Argus Console>System Configuration >Field

Test Inputs N/A

Test Outputs Screenshots

Run #

Test data Refer Datasheet:

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Case Processing and
Operational/Performance Qualification


Step Instruction Expected Results Actual Pass/ Initials/Date

1. Launch Argus Safety Application Argus Safety login page See associated Test Script Execution Form.
using <Argus URL> is displayed

Username and
Login to Argus Safety Application password are entered
by entering following details: successfully.

Username: <Triage User> <Triage User> is able

Password: Enter Password to login successfully.

User Id is recorded.
(Take a screen shot)

Click on Login button

Record the User ID in the Actual

Result column.

(Take a screen shot)

2. Initial Case Entry screen See associated Test Script Execution Form.
Go to Case Actions  New is displayed.

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3. The specified data is See associated Test Script Execution Form.
Enter the data as per Datasheet > entered successfully as
BookIn tab for the following fields: per Datasheet > BookIn
tab > General Section.

General section:
• Initial Receipt Date
• Central Receipt Date
• Country
• Report Type
• Description as Reported
• Onset Date/Time

Click on Select button besides

Clinical Trial Selection
Project ID
Webpage dialog box
Select or enter Data for the following appears.
fields as per Datasheet > BookIn
Study is selected
• Project ID successfully.
• Study ID
• Center ID (populated once study ID
is selected)

Click on Select in Clinical Trial

Selection Webpage dialog box.

(Take a screen shot)

BookIn Section is
Click [Continue] button displayed.

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4. See associated Test Script Execution Form.
Enter the data as per Datasheet > The specified data is
BookIn tab for the following fields: entered successfully as
per Datasheet > BookIn
Reporter section
• Sal.
• First Name
• Middle Name
• Last Name
• Institution
• Institution ID
• Department
• Country
• State
• Postal Code
• Intermediary

Patient section
• First Name
• Last Name
• Initials
• Date of Birth
• Age
• Units
• Gender

(Take a screen shot)

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5. See associated Test Script Execution Form.
Click the Book-In button. The case is booked and
opened successfully and
Ignore any warnings and click on by default General
Yes when asked to open the case Screen is displayed.

Case Number is
Record the Case Number as {Test recorded.
Case 01} .

Verify Case Number is displayed in Case Number is

following numbering format: displayed in [YYYY]
[#####] numbering
[YYYY][#####] format.

Click and try to edit Case Number.

Verify User is not able to modify case User is not able to

number assigned by system. modify case number
assigned by system.

(Take a screen shot)

6. See associated Test Script Execution Form.

Navigate to Events > Event Data is entered
Information section. successfully.
Verify that Outcome of Event is
(Take a screen shot)

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7. See associated Test Script Execution Form.
Navigate to Events > Event The specified data is
Assessment section. entered successfully as
per Datasheet > Event
Enter the data as per Datasheet > tab.
Event Assessment-Bookin tab

Save the case Case save webpage

dialog box appears
stating “Study is not
blinded and study drug
has not been selected.
Do you wish to select the
study drug before saving
the case?”
Select ‘Yes’
User is automatically
navigated to Products
Select Study Drug as “ERAS-601, tab
Capsule’ from drop down

Case is saved
(Take a screen shot) successfully.

8. See associated Test Script Execution Form.

Click on the Forward Case icon Case is routed to next
on the top right screen workflow state.

On the Case Routing dialog,

Populate with the following values: Case is closed
“Route to Next State” as ‘Data Entry’
Enter Comment as “Testing”
Click on OK in the Case Routing

Notes: Click on OK if the Case save

dialog appears.

9. See associated Test Script Execution Form.

Go to Case Actions  New Initial Case Entry screen
is displayed.

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10. The specified data is See associated Test Script Execution Form.
Enter the data as per Datasheet > entered successfully as
BookIn tab for the following fields: per Datasheet > BookIn
tab > General Section.

General section: Clinical Trial Selection

• Country Webpage dialog box
• Report Type
• Description as Reported
• Onset Date/Time

Click on Select button besides

Project ID
Select or enter Data for the following Study is selected
fields as per Datasheet > BookIn successfully.
• Project ID
• Study ID
• Center ID (populated once study ID
is selected)

Click on Select in Clinical Trial

Selection Webpage dialog box

Replace Product Name with ‘ERAS-


Reporter section
• Institution ID

Patient section
• Pat. ID
• Date of Birth

Click On [Search] button

{Test Case 01} is

Verify {Test Case 01} is displayed displayed under Total
under Total Number of rows section. Number of rows section.

(Take a screen shot)

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11. Case Summary See associated Test Script Execution Form.
Right Click on {Test Case 01} Webpage dialog box
displayed under Total Number of appears.
rows section
Select Case Summary Option

(Take a screen shot)

Case Summary
Click on Close Webpage dialog box is
closed successfully.

12. Log out of Argus Safety <Triage User> is See associated Test Script Execution Form.
Application as <Triage User> successfully logged out
from Argus Safety

13. Login to Argus Safety Application <Data Entry User> is See associated Test Script Execution Form.
as a <Data Entry User> able to login
Record the User ID in the Actual User ID is recorded.
Result column.

(Take a screen shot)

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Operational/Performance Qualification

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14. Navigate to Worklist > New See associated Test Script Execution Form
{Test Case 01} is
displayed in search
In Search Case filter criteria enter results.
following details:

Filter: Case Number Case is accepted

Value: <{Test Case 01} > successfully.

Click on Search

Right click on Search Result and

select Accept Case

Verify Case Assigned To and

Owner is displayed as <Data Entry

(Take a screen shot)

15. Navigate to Worklist > Open See associated Test Script Execution Form.
{Test Case 01} is
displayed in search
In Search Case filter criteria enter results.
following details:

Filter: Case Number

Value: <{Test Case 01}>

Click on Search

Verify {Test Case 01} is displayed

in search results.

(Take a screen shot)

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16. {Test Case 01} opens See associated Test Script Execution Form.
Click on {Test Case 01} hyperlink successfully.
and open it.

Case Status is displayed

Verify that the case is in the ‘Data as ‘Data Entry’.
Entry’ state

Verify Case Priority is displayed as 1 Case priority is displayed

as 1

(Take a screen shot)

17. Classification section See associated Test Script Execution Form

In General Information section is displayed.

Classification is entered
Go to Classification section successfully.

Enter Classification as ‘Clinical


(Take a screen shot)

18. Data is successfully See associated Test Script Execution Form

In General Information section
entered in the ERASCA
Enter ERASCA UDF as ‘Testing’ UDF field

(Take a screen shot)

19. Data is entered See associated Test Script Execution Form.

In the General tab > Reporter successfully in Reporter
Information section Information section as
per Datasheet >
General > Reporter
Enter the data as per Datasheet > Information > SN 1
General > Reporter Information >
SN 1

(Take a screen shot)

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20. Data is entered See associated Test Script Execution Form
Click on (New) in Reporter successfully in Reporter
Information section Information section as
Enter the data as per Datasheet > per Datasheet >
General > Reporter Information > General> Reporter
SN 2 Information > SN 2

(Take a screen shot)

21. Patient tab is displayed. See associated Test Script Execution Form.
Navigate to Case FormPatient
tab Data is entered
In Patient Information section successfully in patient
information section.

Enter the data as per Datasheet >

Patient > Patient Information

(Take a screen shot)

22. Data is entered See associated Test Script Execution Form
Go to Patient details section successfully in Patient
Details section.

Enter the data as per Datasheet >

Patient > Patient Details section

(Take a screen shot)

23. See associated Test Script Execution Form

Go to Pregnancy Information Data is entered
section successfully in
Pregnancy Information
Enter the data as per Datasheet >
Patient > Pregnancy Information

(Take a screen shot)

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24. Go to Other Relevant Data is entered See associated Test Script Execution Form.
History section successfully in Other
History section.
Enter the data as per Datasheet >
Patient > Other Relevant
History section
(Take a screen shot)
25. Go to Lab Data section Data is entered See associated Test Script Execution Form.
successfully in Lab
Data section
Enter the data as per Datasheet >
Patient > Lab Data section

Save the case Case is saved

(Take a screen shot) successfully.

26. Lab Test Data See associated Test Script Execution Form.
Navigate to Lab Data section: Information is added to
Click on Add Test the case.

Enter Lab Data as reported: Blood Case is saved

Pressure successfully.
Unit: millimeter of mercury
Normal Low: 90
Normal High: 140

Click on Add Date

Enter Date as ’17-Jul-2019’
Assessment: Normal
Notes: Lab Test Results are normal.

(Take a screen shot)

Save the case

27. Lab Test Result is See associated Test Script Execution Form.
Right Click on Newly added Lab Test deleted successfully.
Select Delete Option

(Take a screen shot)

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28. Navigate to Products tab Products tab is See associated Test Script Execution Form.
In Product Information section
Data is entered
successfully per
Enter the data as per Datasheet > Datasheet > Patient >
Patient > Product Product
Information section Information section

(Take a screen shot)

29. In Dosage Regimens section Data is entered See associated Test Script Execution Form.
successfully as per
Datasheet > Patient >
Enter the data as per Datasheet > Dosage
Patient > Dosage Regimens section
Regimens section

(Take a screen shot)

30. See associated Test Script Execution Form.
Click on New button to add new Product Browser opens.
New Product is added
Click on Select button successfully from
Company Product
Enter Trade name as ‘Palbociclib’ dictionary.
Click on Select
Save the case. Case is saved
. successfully.

(Take a screen shot)

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Operational/Performance Qualification

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31. See associated Test Script Execution Form.
Click on New button to add new New Product is added
product successfully from WHO
DRUG dictionary.
Enter Product name as
Click on encode
Click on select button from WHO Case is saved
DRUG dictionary. successfully.
Save the case.
Concomitant product is
Select Concomitant radio button.

(Take a screen shot)

32. See associated Test Script Execution Form

Click on New button to add new New Product is added
product successfully from WHO
C DRUG dictionary.
Enter Product name as
Click on encode Case is saved
Click on select button from WHO
DRUG dictionary.
Save the case. Treatment/Other radio
button is checked.

Select Treatment/Other radio button.

(Take a screen shot)

33. Navigate to Events tab Events tab is displayed. See associated Test Script Execution Form.

In Event Information section

Data is entered
successfully as per
Datasheet > Events >
Enter the data as per Datasheet > Event
Events > Event Information section
Information section

(Take a screen shot)

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Operational/Performance Qualification

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34. Navigate to Events tab Events tab is displayed. See associated Test Script Execution Form.

In Event Death Details Section Data is entered

successfully as per
Datasheet > Events >
Enter the data as per Datasheet > Event Death Details
Events > Event Death Details section
Data is entered
successfully as per
Enter the data as per Datasheet > Datasheet > Events >
Events > Cause of Death and Cause of Death and
Autopsy Results Autopsy Results

(Take a screen shot)

35. See associated Test Script Execution Form
Navigate to Event Assessment Data is entered
Section successfully as per
Datasheet > Events >
Enter the data as per Datasheet > Event
Events > Event Assessment section
Assessment section

(Take a screen shot)

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36. See associated Test Script Execution Form.
Navigate to Analysis tab Analysis tab is
In Narrative section

Click on [Generate] button

Narrative Template -
Webpage dialog box
Select “Clinical Trial case Narrative appears
Template” and click on Append.

Verify Narrative section is auto- Narrative section is auto-

populated correctly as per Auto populated correctly as
Narrative template “Clinical Trial case per Auto Narrative
Narrative Template”. template “Clinical Trial
case Narrative
Append following Data in
Autogenerated narrative:
‘Test Narrative’ Free Text data is
appended in Narrative
(Take a screen shot) section

Notes: Execute this step only if the

Auto-narrative template has been
approved. In case this step has not
been executed populate N/A in
Actual 'Result ' section as well as
'Supporting evidence/screen shots'

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Operational/Performance Qualification

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37. See associated Test Script Execution Form.
Narrative webpage
dialog box appears
Click on icon in Narrative

German Language is
From Language drop down select
selected successfully.
Language as ‘German’

German Language
Enter following Data in German
Narrative is entered
"Test Deutsch Erzählung Eintrag im
Fall: Keine zusätzliche Anamnese
wurde vom Prüfarzt berichtet Keine
relevanten Begleitmedikationen
wurden berichtet Die folgenden
Medikamente wurden berichtet"
(Take a screen shot)

Click on OK

Save the case. Case is saved


38. See associated Test Script Execution Form.

Go to Case Analysis > Case Narrative Template -
Comment section Webpage dialog box
Click on [Generate] button

Select “Clinical Trial case Narrative

Template” and click on Append.

Verify Narrative section is auto- Narrative section is auto-

populated correctly as per Auto populated correctly as
Narrative template “Clinical Trial case per Auto Narrative
Narrative Template”. template “Clinical Trial
case Narrative
(Take a screen shot)

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Operational/Performance Qualification

Step Instruction Expected Results Actual Pass/ Initials/Date

39. See associated Test Script Execution Form
Navigate to Additional Additional Information
Information tab tab is displayed
Click on [Attach File]
Attachment Webpage
dialog box appears

File is attached
In Attachment Webpage dialog box successfully.
Click on [Browse] button and
attach any PDF file.

Click Ok
Data is entered
Enter Data as follows: successfully.
Classification: Source Document
Date: <Today’s date>

(Take a screen shot)

40. See associated Test Script Execution Form.

Click on the Forward Case icon Case is routed to next
on the top right screen workflow state.

On the Case Routing dialog,

Populate with the following values: Case is closed
“Route to Next State” as ‘Quality
Enter Comment as “Testing”
Click on OK in the Case Routing

Notes: Click on OK if the Case save

dialog appears.

41. Log out of Argus Safety Application See associated Test Script Execution Form.
as <Data Entry User> is
successfully logged out
<Data Entry User> from Argus Safety

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Case Processing and
Operational/Performance Qualification

Step Instruction Expected Results Actual Pass/ Initials/Date

42. Login to Argus Safety Application <Quality Review User> See associated Test Script Execution Form.
as a <Quality Review User> is able to login
Record the User ID in the Actual
Result column. User Id is recorded.

(Take a screen shot)

43. Navigate to Worklist > New See associated Test Script Execution Form
{Test Case 01} is
displayed in search
In Search Case filter criteria enter results.
following details:

Filter: Case Number Case is accepted

Value: <{Test Case 01}> successfully.

Click on Search

Right click on Search Result and

select Accept Case

Verify Case Assigned To is

displayed as <Quality Review

(Take a screen shot)

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Operational/Performance Qualification

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44. Navigate to Worklist > Open See associated Test Script Execution Form.
{Test Case 01} is
displayed in search
In Search Case filter criteria enter results.
following details:

Filter: Case Number

Value: <{Test Case 01}>

Verify {Test Case 01} is displayed

in search results.

(Take a screen shot)

45. {Test Case 01} opens See associated Test Script Execution Form.
Go to Case Actions Open successfully.
Search for {Test Case 01} and open
Case is in the ‘Quality
Review’ state.
Verify that the case is in the ‘Quality
Review’ state

Verify Case Priority is displayed as 1. Case Priority is displayed

as 1.

(Take a screen shot)

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Navigate to Activities tab Action item is
successfully added to the
In Action Items section update case.
following details:

Date Open: <Today’s date> Case is saved

Code: CCORR successfully.

Date Completed: <blank>

Group: Data Entry

(Take a screen shot)

Save the case

47. Case is routed to next See associated Test Script Execution Form.
Click on the Forward Case icon workflow state.
on the top right screen
On the Case Routing dialog,
Populate with the following values:
“Route to Next State” as ‘Data Entry’
Enter Comment as “Testing”
Click on OK in the Case Routing Case is closed
dialog. successfully.

Note: Click on OK if the Case save

dialog appears.

48. Log out of Argus Safety Application <Quality Review User> See associated Test Script Execution Form.
as is successfully logged
out from Argus Safety
<Quality Review User> Application.

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Operational/Performance Qualification

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49. Login to Argus Safety Application <Data Entry User> is See associated Test Script Execution Form.
as a <Data Entry User> able to login
Record the User ID in the Actual successfully.
Result column.
User Id is recorded.

(Take a screen shot)

50. {Test Case 01} opens See associated Test Script Execution Form.
Go to Case Actions Open successfully.
Search for {Test Case 01} and open
Case is in the ‘Data
Entry’ state.
Verify that the case is in the ‘Data
Entry’ state

(Take a screen shot)

51. See associated Test Script Execution Form

Navigate to Activities tab Action item is
successfully updated.
In Action Items section update
following details:

Date Open: <Today’s date>

Date Completed: <Today’s date>
Group: Data Entry

(Take a screen shot)

Case is saved
Save the case

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Case Processing and
Operational/Performance Qualification

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52. See associated Test Script Execution Form.
Click on the Forward Case icon Case is routed to next
on the top right screen workflow state.

On the Case Routing dialog,

Populate with the following values: Case is closed
“Route to Next State” as ‘Quality
Enter Comment as “Testing”
Click on OK in the Case Routing

Notes: Click on OK if the Case save

dialog appears.

53. Log out of Argus Safety Application <Data Entry User> is See associated Test Script Execution Form.
as <Data Entry User> successfully logged out
from Argus Safety

54. Login to Argus Safety Application <Quality Review User> See associated Test Script Execution Form.
as a <Quality Review User> is able to login
Record the User ID in the Actual User ID is recorded.
Result column.

(Take a screen shot)

55. {Test Case 01} opens See associated Test Script Execution Form.
Go to Case Actions Open successfully.
Search for {Test Case 01} and open
Case is in the ‘Quality
Review’ state.
Verify that the case is in the ‘Quality
Review’ state

(Take a screen shot)

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Case Processing and
Operational/Performance Qualification

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56. See associated Test Script Execution Form.
Click on the Forward Case icon Case is routed to next
on the top right screen workflow state.

On the Case Routing dialog,

Populate with the following values:
“Route to Next State” as ‘Medical
Enter Comment as “Testing”
Click on OK in the Case Routing Case is closed
dialog. successfully.

Notes: Click on OK if the Case save

dialog appears.

57. Log out of Argus Safety Application See associated Test Script Execution Form.
as <Data Entry User> is
successfully logged out
<Quality Review User> from Argus Safety

58. Login to Argus Safety Application <Medical Review See associated Test Script Execution Form.
as a <Medical Review User> User> is able to login
Record the User ID in the Actual User ID is recorded.
Result column.

(Take a screen shot)

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Operational/Performance Qualification

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59. Navigate to Worklist > New See associated Test Script Execution Form
{Test Case 01} is
displayed in search
In Search Case filter criteria enter results.
following details:

Filter: Case Number Case is accepted

Value:<{Test Case 01}> successfully.

Click on Search

Right click on Search Result and

select Accept Case

Verify Case Assigned To is

displayed as <Medical Review

(Take a screen shot)

60. Navigate to Worklist > Open See associated Test Script Execution Form.
{Test Case 01} is
displayed in search
In Search Case filter criteria enter results.
following details:

Filter: Case Number

Value: <{Test Case 01}>

Verify {Test Case 01} is displayed

in search results.

(Take a screen shot)

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Operational/Performance Qualification

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61. {Test Case 01} opens See associated Test Script Execution Form.
Go to Case Actions Open successfully.
Search for {Test Case 01} and open

Case is in ‘Medical
Verify that the case is in the ‘Medical Review’ state.
Review’ state

(Take a screen shot)

62. Medical Review See associated Test Script Execution Form

Go to Case Actions Medical Webpage dialog window
Review is opened

Case Medical Summary

Click on [Print Medical Summary] Report is opened in pdf
button. format.

(Take a screen shot)

Close Medical Summary Report. Case Medical Summary

Report is closed

Click on Cancel in Medical Review Medical Review

Webpage dialog window. Webpage dialog window
is closed.
63. See associated Test Script Execution Form
Navigate to Activities tab Action item is
successfully updated.
In Action Items section update
following details:

Case is saved
Date Open: <Today’s date> successfully.
Date Completed: <blank>
Group: Data Entry

(Take a screen shot)

Save the case

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64. See associated Test Script Execution Form
Click on the Forward Case icon Case is routed to next
on the top right screen workflow state.

On the Case Routing dialog,

Populate with the following values: Case is closed
“Route to Next State” as ‘Data Entry’
Enter Comment as “Testing”
Click on OK in the Case Routing

Notes: Click on OK if the Case save

dialog appears.

65. Log out of Argus Safety Application See associated Test Script Execution Form
as <Medical Review
User> is successfully
<Medical Review User> logged out from Argus
Safety Application.

66. Login to Argus Safety Application <Data Entry User> is See associated Test Script Execution Form.
as a <Data Entry User> able to login
Record the User ID in the Actual
Result column. User ID is recorded.

(Take a screen shot)

67. {Test Case 01} opens See associated Test Script Execution Form.
Go to Case Actions Open successfully.
Search for {Test Case 01} and open
Case is in the ‘Data
Entry’ state.
Verify that the case is in the ‘Data
Entry’ state

(Take a screen shot)

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68. See associated Test Script Execution Form
Navigate to Activities tab Action item is
successfully updated.
In Action Items section update
following details:

Case is saved
Date Open: <Today’s date> successfully.
Date Completed: <Today’s date>
Group: Data Entry

(Take a screen shot)

Save the case

69. See associated Test Script Execution Form.

Click on the Forward Case icon Case is routed to next
on the top right screen workflow state.

On the Case Routing dialog,

Populate with the following values: Case is closed
“Route to Next State” as ‘Quality
Enter Comment as “Testing”
Click on OK in the Case Routing

Notes: Click on OK if the Case save

dialog appears.

70. Log out of Argus Safety Application See associated Test Script Execution Form.
as <Data Entry User>. <Data Entry User> is
successfully logged out
from Argus Safety

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Operational/Performance Qualification

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71. Login to Argus Safety Application <Quality Review User> See associated Test Script Execution Form.
as a <Quality Review User> is able to login
Record the User ID in the Actual
Result column. User ID is recorded.

(Take a screen shot)

72. {Test Case 01} opens See associated Test Script Execution Form.
Go to Case Actions Open successfully.
Search for {Test Case 01} and open
Case is in the ‘Quality
Review’ state.
Verify that the case is in the ‘Quality
Review’ state

(Take a screen shot)

73. See associated Test Script Execution Form.

Click on the Forward Case icon Case is routed to next
on the top right screen workflow state.

On the Case Routing dialog,

Populate with the following values: Case is closed
“Route to Next State” as ‘Medical
Enter Comment as “Testing”
Click on OK in the Case Routing

Notes: Click on OK if the Case save

dialog appears.

74. Log out of Argus Safety Application See associated Test Script Execution Form.
as <Data Entry User> is
successfully logged out
<Quality Review User> from Argus Safety

DOC ID: Page 32 of 47

Case Processing and
Operational/Performance Qualification

Step Instruction Expected Results Actual Pass/ Initials/Date

75. Login to Argus Safety Application <Medical Review See associated Test Script Execution Form.
as a <Medical Review User> User> is able to login
Record the User ID in the Actual
Result column. User ID is recorded.

(Take a screen shot)

76. {Test Case 01} opens See associated Test Script Execution Form.
Go to Case Actions Open successfully.
Search for {Test Case 01} and open
Case is in the ‘Medical
Review’ state.
Verify that the case is in the ‘Medical
Review’ state

(Take a screen shot)

77. Case is routed to next See associated Test Script Execution Form.
Click on the Forward Case icon workflow state.
on the top right screen
On the Case Routing dialog, Case is closed
Populate with the following values:
“Route to Next State” as ‘Finalization’
Enter Comment as “Testing”
Click on OK in the Case Routing

Notes: Click on OK if the Case save

dialog appears.

78. Log out of Argus Safety Application <Medical Review See associated Test Script Execution Form.
as User> is successfully
logged out from Argus
<Medical Review User> Safety Application.

DOC ID: Page 33 of 47

Case Processing and
Operational/Performance Qualification

Step Instruction Expected Results Actual Pass/ Initials/Date

79. Login to Argus Safety Application <Finalization User> is See associated Test Script Execution Form.
as a <Finalization User> able to login
Record the User ID in the Actual User ID is recorded.
Result column.

(Take a screen shot)

80. {Test Case 01} opens See associated Test Script Execution Form.
Go to Case Actions Open successfully.
Search for {Test Case 01} and open

Case is in the
Verify that the case is in the Finalization state.
‘Finalization’ state

(Take a screen shot)

81. See associated Test Script Execution Form.

Navigate to Activities tab Action item is
successfully added to the
In Action Items section enter case.
following details:

Date Open: <Today’s date>

Code: Medical Review Required
Date Completed: <blank>
Group: Medical Review

(Take a screen shot)

Save the case

Case is saved

DOC ID: Page 34 of 47

Case Processing and
Operational/Performance Qualification

Step Instruction Expected Results Actual Pass/ Initials/Date

82. Case is routed to next See associated Test Script Execution Form.
Click on the Forward Case icon workflow state.
on the top right screen
On the Case Routing dialog,
Populate with the following values:
“Route to Next State” as ‘Medical
Enter Comment as “Testing”
Click on OK in the Case Routing
dialog. Case is closed

Notes: Click on OK if the Case save
dialog appears.

83. Log out of Argus Safety Application <Finalization User> is See associated Test Script Execution Form.
as successfully logged out
from Argus Safety
<Finalization User> Application.

84. Login to Argus Safety Application <Medical Review See associated Test Script Execution Form.
as a <Medical Review User> User> is able to login
Record the User ID in the Actual User ID is recorded.
Result column.

(Take a screen shot)

85. {Test Case 01} opens See associated Test Script Execution Form.
Go to Case Actions Open successfully.
Search for {Test Case 01} and open

Case is in ‘Medical
Verify that the case is in the ‘Medical Review’ state.
Review’ state

(Take a screen shot)

DOC ID: Page 35 of 47

Case Processing and
Operational/Performance Qualification

Step Instruction Expected Results Actual Pass/ Initials/Date

86. See associated Test Script Execution Form
Navigate to Activities tab Action item is
successfully updated.
In Action Items section update
following details:

Date Open: <Today’s date>

Code: Medical Review Required
Date Completed: <Today’s date>
Group: Medical Review

(Take a screen shot)

Case is saved
Save the case successfully.

87. Case is routed to next See associated Test Script Execution Form.
Click on the Forward Case icon workflow state.
on the top right screen
On the Case Routing dialog,
Populate with the following values:
“Route to Next State” as ‘Finalization’
Enter Comment as “Testing”
Click on OK in the Case Routing Case is closed

Notes: Click on OK if the Case save

dialog appears.

88. Log out of Argus Safety Application <Medical Review See associated Test Script Execution Form.
as User> is successfully
logged out from Argus
<Medical Review User> Safety Application.

DOC ID: Page 36 of 47

Case Processing and
Operational/Performance Qualification

Step Instruction Expected Results Actual Pass/ Initials/Date

89. Login to Argus Safety Application <Finalization User> See associated Test Script Execution Form.
as a <Finalization User> is able to login
Record the User ID in the Actual
Result column. User ID is recorded.

(Take a screen shot)

90. {Test Case 01} opens See associated Test Script Execution Form.
Go to Case Actions Open successfully.
Search for {Test Case 01} and open
Case is in the
Finalization state.
Verify that the case is in the
‘Finalization’ state

(Take a screen shot)

91. See associated Test Script Execution Form.

Navigate to Activities tab Action item is
successfully added to the
In Action Items section update case.
existing action item with following

Date Open: <Today’s date>

Date Completed: <blank>
Group: Data Entry

(Take a screen shot)

Case is saved
Save the case successfully.

DOC ID: Page 37 of 47

Case Processing and
Operational/Performance Qualification

Step Instruction Expected Results Actual Pass/ Initials/Date

92. Case is routed to next See associated Test Script Execution Form.
Click on the Forward Case icon workflow state.
on the top right screen
On the Case Routing dialog,
Populate with the following values:
“Route to Next State” as ‘Data Entry’
Enter Comment as “Testing”
Click on OK in the Case Routing Case is closed

Notes: Click on OK if the Case save

dialog appears.

93. Log out of Argus Safety Application <Finalization User> is See associated Test Script Execution Form.
as successfully logged out
<Finalization User> from Argus Safety

94. Login to Argus Safety Application <Data Entry User> is See associated Test Script Execution Form.
as a <Data Entry User> able to login
Record the User ID in the Actual User ID is recorded.
Result column.

(Take a screen shot)

95. {Test Case 01} opens See associated Test Script Execution Form.
Go to Case Actions Open successfully.
Search for {Test Case 01} and open
Case is in the ‘Data
Entry’ state.
Verify that the case is in the ‘Data
Entry’ state

(Take a screen shot)

DOC ID: Page 38 of 47

Case Processing and
Operational/Performance Qualification

Step Instruction Expected Results Actual Pass/ Initials/Date

96. See associated Test Script Execution Form.
Navigate to Activities tab Action item is
successfully added to the
In Action Items section update case.
existing action item with following

Date Open: <Today’s date>

Date Completed: <blank>
Group: Finalization

(Take a screen shot)

Case is saved
Save the case successfully.

97. Case is routed to next See associated Test Script Execution Form.
Click on the Forward Case icon workflow state.
on the top right screen
On the Case Routing dialog,
Populate with the following values:
“Route to Next State” as ‘Finalization’
Enter Comment as “Testing”
Click on OK in the Case Routing

Notes: Click on OK if the Case save

dialog appears.

98. Log out of Argus Safety Application <Data Entry User> is See associated Test Script Execution Form.
as successfully logged out
from Argus Safety
<Data Entry User> Application.

DOC ID: Page 39 of 47

Case Processing and
Operational/Performance Qualification

Step Instruction Expected Results Actual Pass/ Initials/Date

99. Login to Argus Safety Application <Finalization User> is See associated Test Script Execution Form.
as a <Finalization User> able to login
Record the User ID in the Actual User ID is recorded.
Result column.

(Take a screen shot)

100. {Test Case 01} opens See associated Test Script Execution Form.
Go to Case Actions Open successfully.
Search for {Test Case 01} and open
Case is in the
Finalization state.
Verify that the case is in the
‘Finalization’ state

(Take a screen shot)

101. See associated Test Script Execution Form.

Navigate to Activities tab Action item is
successfully added to the
In Action Items section update case.
existing action item with following

Date Open: <Today’s date>

Date Completed: <Today’s date>
Group: Finalization

(Take a screen shot)

Case is saved
Save the case successfully.

DOC ID: Page 40 of 47

Case Processing and
Operational/Performance Qualification

Step Instruction Expected Results Actual Pass/ Initials/Date

102. Case is routed to next See associated Test Script Execution Form.
Click on the Forward Case icon workflow state.
on the top right screen
On the Case Routing dialog,
Populate with the following values:
“Route to Next State” as ‘Distribution’
Enter Comment as “Testing”
Click on OK in the Case Routing

Notes: Click on OK if the Case save

dialog appears.

103. Log out of Argus Safety Application <Finalization User> is See associated Test Script Execution Form.
as successfully logged out
from Argus Safety
<Finalization User> Application.

104. Login to Argus Safety Application <Distribution User> is See associated Test Script Execution Form.
as a <Distribution User> able to login
Record the User ID in the Actual
Result column. User ID is recorded.

(Take a screen shot)

105. {Test Case 01} opens See associated Test Script Execution Form.
Go to Case Actions Open successfully.
Search for {Test Case 01} and open
Case is in the
Distribution state.
Verify that the case is in the
‘Distribution’ state

(Take a screen shot)

DOC ID: Page 41 of 47

Case Processing and
Operational/Performance Qualification

Step Instruction Expected Results Actual Pass/ Initials/Date

106. See associated Test Script Execution Form.

Lock the case by clicking on Case locking pop up

icon window appears.

Case is locked
Enter user password and Notes as successfully.
testing and click on OK.

107. Go to Regulatory Reports tab. Regulatory Reports See associated Test Script Execution Form.
tab appears.
Click [Auto Schedule].
Reports are auto-
Verify following reports are auto- scheduled as
scheduled successfully: mentioned.







(Take a screen shot)

DOC ID: Page 42 of 47

Case Processing and
Operational/Performance Qualification

Step Instruction Expected Results Actual Pass/ Initials/Date

108. Left click on the status report icon The report is routed for See associated Test Script Execution Form.
for US FDA MedWatch 3500A approval.
Drug (HA) US FDA IND) and select
View Report Details.
When Report Details window
appears, navigate to the Routing

Click on [Route] button in order to

change ‘State’ field from
‘Generated’ to ‘Approved’ from the
dropdown. Enter comments
indicating “Approved for submission
as part of OPQ testing.”

Click [OK].
Case is saved
Save the case.

(Take a screen shot)

109. Left click on the status report icon The report is routed for See associated Test Script Execution Form.
for US FDA MedWatch 3500A approval.
Drug (INV) IQVIA and select View
Report Details.

When Report Details window

appears, navigate to the Routing

Click on [Route] button in order to

change ‘State’ field from
‘Generated’ to ‘Approved’ from the
Dropdown. Enter comments
indicating “Approved for submission
as part of OPQ testing.”

Click [OK].
Case is saved
Save the case.

(Take a screen shot)

DOC ID: Page 43 of 47

Case Processing and
Operational/Performance Qualification

Step Instruction Expected Results Actual Pass/ Initials/Date

110. Left click on the status report icon The report is routed for See associated Test Script Execution Form.
for CIOMS-I (HA) TGA-IQVIA SNG approval.
and select View Report Details.

When Report Details window

appears, navigate to the Routing

Click on [Route] button in order to

change ‘State’ field from
‘Generated’ to ‘Approved’ from the
Dropdown. Enter comments
indicating “Approved for submission
as part of OPQ testing.”

Click [OK].
Case is saved
Save the case.

(Take a screen shot)

111. Left click on the status report icon The report is submitted See associated Test Script Execution Form.
for US FDA MedWatch 3500A successfully.
Drug (HA) US FDA IND) and select
View Report Details.
When Report Details window
appears, navigate to the Routing

Click on [Route] button in order to

change ‘State’ field from ‘Approved’
to ‘Submitted’ from the dropdown.
Enter comments indicating
“Approved for submission as part of
OPQ testing.”
Case is saved
Click [OK].

Save the case.

(Take a screen shot)

DOC ID: Page 44 of 47

Case Processing and
Operational/Performance Qualification

Step Instruction Expected Results Actual Pass/ Initials/Date

112. Left click on the status report icon The report is submitted See associated Test Script Execution Form.
for US FDA MedWatch 3500 A successfully.
Drug (INV) IQVIA and select View
Report Details.

When Report Details window

appears, navigate to the Routing

Click on [Route] button in order to

change ‘State’ field from ‘Approved’
to ‘Submitted’ from the dropdown.
Enter comments indicating
“Approved for submission as part of
OPQ testing.”

Click [OK].
Case is saved
Save the case.

(Take a screen shot)

113. Left click on the status report icon The report is submitted See associated Test Script Execution Form.
for CIOMS-I (HA) TGA-IQVIA SNG successfully.
and select View Report Details.

When Report Details window

appears, navigate to the Routing

Click on [Route] button in order to

change ‘State’ field from ‘Approved’
to ‘Submitted’ from the dropdown.
Enter comments indicating
“Approved for submission as part of
OPQ testing.”

Click [OK]. Case is saved

Save the case.

(Take a screen shot)

DOC ID: Page 45 of 47

Case Processing and
Operational/Performance Qualification

Step Instruction Expected Results Actual Pass/ Initials/Date

114. Click the Lock Case icon to unlock The case is unlocked, See associated Test Script Execution Form
the locked case. Enter the user’s updated, and is
password. available for editing.
Enter Notes as ‘Testing Case
Unlock’ when prompted.

(Take a screen shot).

Click [OK]

Click [Significant F/U]

The Significant F/U date
In the General tab, enter the is entered.
following date in the Follow-up
Received field: <Today’s date>.

Case is saved
Save the case. successfully.

115. Logged out successfully See associated Test Script Execution Form
Log out from Argus Safety from Argus Safety
Application Application

DOC ID: Page 46 of 47

Case Processing and
Operational/Performance Qualification


By signing below, I indicate that I have executed each step of this document as instructed.

of tester

General Observations:

By signing below, I indicate that I have reviewed this script and its attachments and I find it to be properly

of Reviewer

Reviewer Comments:

DOC ID: Page 47 of 47


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