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Paul Inspiration and Model Chapter 3

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In the spring of 1947 Fr. Alberione, reaching the 40th year of his priestly ordination, after the
end of the tragic war and having started the construction of the votive temple of the Queen of
Apostles, allowed himself a moment of pause in his intense activity, retiring in the Pauline house of
Albano for a month of Spiritual Exercises. The expansion of his communities in Italy and abroad
required an additional effort of animation on the part of the Founder, and he felt urging in himself
the need to compare with his original inspiration and with the figures that gave rise to it: the divine
Master Jesus and the Apostle Paul.
The choice of his theme is significant: the Pauline Letters on which to look at himself as in a
mirror, through the life and behaviour of the Apostle, guided by a book of the German Jesuit Fr.
Otto Cohausz: La missione sacerdotale nella dottrina di San Paolo (The Priestly Mission in the
Doctrine of Saint Paul).1
On this outline, followed step by step, in the same order and Latin language of the titles, Fr.
Alberione developed his meditations and “reflections”. It is these last, above all the examinations of
conscience he made before the tabernacle and expressed in the form of prayer to the divine Master,
that make up the very and original element of the present little work.
Appeared printed the first time in 1972 edited by Fr. Stefano Lamera with the title “L’Apostolo
Paolo modello di vita spirituale” (The Apostle Paul Model of Spiritual Life), it was republished with
the title “Paolo Apostolo” by Fr. Giuseppe Di Corrado in 1981 (Recension text, First series of the
Opera Omnia).
The basis of the work was and remains the original manuscript (54 handwritten pages, with small
and clear handwriting), conserved by Sr. Rosaria Visco, Daughter of Saint Paul, one time secretary
and driver of the Founder, who kindly ceded it to Fr. Giovanni Roatta. After the edition of Fr.
Stefano Lamera, it ended up in the Archives of the General House of the Society of St. Paul.

The little book is subdivided into 18 chapters, in which Fr. Alberione – in a direct comparison
with the figure and mission of Saint Paul – traces the image of the priest, who in imitation of the
convert of Damascus must be a new man, “exclusively of God”, “a miracle of grace”. He must
understand men, feel with them and lead them to God.
These brief pages reveal to us in what measure the thought and example of the Apostle of the
Gentiles has entered the life and mission of Fr. Alberione, and how the latter, “educated and
formed” in the school of Paul, shows himself to be a deeply spiritual man, a master of the spirit who
never removes his gaze from God who has constituted him minister of Christ, preacher, salt and
As for the editorial style, it is obvious that it is influenced by the nature of the writing: very
personal notes, destined for one’s meditation and prayer in other successive moments of engagement
with God, in Christ, through Saint Paul. His concepts are barely sketched, and his punctuation
shows to be approximate. Even his biblical citations are sometimes incomplete and imprecise.
Such citations which are very frequent had been quoted from the Latin text of the Vulgate,
according to the Cohausz source.

 Ed. Vita e Pensiero, Milano 1938 2, p. 306. – On the close rapport between this source and the writing of Fr.
Alberione, see the notable comparative study of Fr. ANTONIO DA SILVA, in “Conoscere Don Alberione”, Quaderno 2,
Luglio-dicembre 1982, pp. 95-105.

J.M.J.P. G.D.P.H.

Albano - 26 April - 5 [May 1947]

I adore my God: Beginning, End, Judge.

I thank and praise his Goodness, in the past, today, [in] the future.
I repent: I am here to render account to J[esus] of my priesthood.
I invoke complete conversion: mind, will, heart.
Do with me as you will that I be: hating sin as God hates it, accomplishing the Divine Approval
like J[esus] Christ.

In Christ through Paul.


(Eph 5:1)

PA a) I must, being a son, resemble my Father, to please him. The Son who pleased Him totally was
1 Jesus Christ: “This is my Son, in whom I am well pleased” [cf Lk 3:22].
If Christ lived in me: mind, heart and will, the Father would see J[esus] C[hrist] in me; I would be
pleasing to Him...
But I am not another Christ:
My mind,
my heart,
my will...
PA b) “I exhort you therefore, be my imitators!” (1Cor 4:16).
2 Great profit can be drawn from a human type of saint, priest, apostle.
Imitate Paul in order to imitate Christ, in order to see in a being who is only a man how it is
possible to be a saint, a priest, an apostle like Christ.
“You know how you must imitate us” (2Thes 3:7). That is, in order to see how Christ lived.
Paul is for us life, doctrine, mediator, intercessor.
PA c) “...To give you ourselves as examples to be imitated” (2Thes 3:9).
3 Our great need: let Christ live, reproduce him in us, so that our people, our readers, and men may
read in our life the life of Christ: the Gospel.
The written and spoken word, public and private, that of Paul, that of Christ. – Meditate on their
Conduct, private and public, that of Paul, in order to be that of Christ. – Meditate on his letters.
My prayer and my apostolate, the ones of Paul, in order to be the ones of Christ. – Pray and act
for Paul in Chr[ist].
Goal: “To give you an example (form) to imitate”.
Prayer: Joyful mysteries, Miserere.

 The square parentheses indicate that the text has been completed by the editor. In the edition of 1972 ( L’apostolo
Paolo modello di vita spirituale, edited by S. Lamera) the date given is 26 April 1954.
 “Imitators of God as beloved children”. Charissimi in the original. The letter a, which opens the first paragraph, in
the original is found ahead of the title.


PA I am here before your Tabernacle to give you account of my life, of my priesthood, of my

4 particular mission.
Infinite goodness and like in an obstinate contest with respect to my obstinate malice and daily
incessant lack of response and deafness! You have won over me. As you have won over Saul. – I
surrender... All of you only, always You, and in You and for You.
Forgive me, O Master. – Do not be silent. I feel that you have led me into this solitude to talk to
me... enlighten me.
Forgive me, O Master. – Have also for me the Heart that you had for Peter, the Magdalene,
Matthew, Thomas...
Do accept this prodigal son, this unworthy priest, this unfaithful one to your every plan and desire.
“I have squandered every good thing...” [cf Lk 15:14]: my mind, my heart, my time, my energies,
relationships, helps, health and material things.
There is everything to rebuild, because I don’t have virtue, I don’t have the faith that you would
want, I don’t have sufficient piety, I don’t have zeal for God and for souls.
Rebuild in me your Self... I want to leave you free to do what you want... Work on me... “until
Christ is formed in you!...” [Gal 4:19] from these wreck and ruins...
I trust in you, Sacred Heart of the Master.
I trust in you, Sacred Heart of the Mother.



“He is for me a chosen instrument, to bring my name to the peoples, to kings and to the children of
Israel... – I shall show him how much he will have to suffer for my name” (Acts 9:15-16).

PA a) “Chosen instrument” for his gifts of nature, formation, grace.

5 There is much similarity between Paul and the priest in this accumulation of divine gifts.
From eternity God laid his eyes on him: “he has chosen us before the creation of the world,
destined us to be his adopted children through the work of Jesus Christ so as to become holy and
immaculate before him in charity” [cf Eph 1:4-5]. 5
I had many gifts of nature: intelligence, health, character, inclination, energy.
I had many good things in my formation: family, parish, school, companions, institutes.
I had much preparation on the part of the Holy Spirit: baptism and the other sacraments;
inclination for this vocation; very loving preparation of God: probandate, novitiate, profession,

PA b) “To bring my name”. Vocation similar to ours.

6 Called to preach: through his voice [and] writing; in direction and in school; in the confessional
and during conferences; in catechisms and family conversations: always, in all the world, “all the
nations”. Using the most powerful means, the most respondent to the needs of today.
Called to guide by example and by voice. The priest is a great educator of children, of the youth,
of the woman, of men. By means of private direction or governance: “teaching them to observe all

 Literally “Vessel of election”. – The numbering of the titles in the first five chapters was indicated with Roman
numbers; in the rest with Arabic numbers. We have standardized, adopting always the Arabic number.
 The scriptural reference is not Phil 3:12, as referred by the Author in the original, but Eph 1:4-5 as corrected.

that I have commanded you” [Mt 28:20]. It means “director, guide of souls”, “individually or
Called to sanctify. Paul had to destroy, build, expand, liberate, elevate to God, sanctify.
The Priest also is: “apostle of Jesus Christ, preacher of the gospel, dispenser of the mysteries of
God, minister of Christ”.
He must intervene in the destinies of time, prepare the extension, penetration and peaceful
establishment of the kingdom of Jesus Christ.
He is a vessel of election, full, overflowing.

PA c) “I will show him how much he will have to suffer for my name...”.
7 Two sufferings: mortification, “to put to death”, all of my ego, mind, body, spirit...; the suffering
of the apostolate: repugnance within, struggles outside: against Satan, the flesh, the world.

Examination: “In a big house there are not only vessels of gold” like Paul, Leo, Francis,
Alphonsus, Bosco, etc.; “and of silver”, ordinary workers, but strong and constant; “but also of
wood”, of little value and little used: “and of terracotta”, tepid, lazy, worldly; “some are destined for
noble uses, others for more contemptible ones” [cf 2Tim 2:20].


PA I have been taken from nothing, lifted from dung, placed among the princes of the Christian
8 people, made minister of Christ and preacher, salt, light. For what purposes:
To know better my God: in the Bible, in the teaching Church, in nature.
To believe better; 6 to have one day a deeper vision of God; to preach to the peoples “in the midst
of whom you must shine like stars in the world” (Phil 2:13). 7
[To] serve better the Lord: in things of the greatest glory to God, of the greatest advantage for
souls and for eternal results. To do the will of God, manifested externally. To guide souls to
accomplish it on earth in the way that it is accomplished in heaven.
[To] love better: establish a continuous, intimate, felt union with God; pray more, better, for all;
love the Lord with all your heart, above all things.
Examination. I see myself inferior compared to so many priests, religious, simple Christians, men,
and perhaps beasts, “like the animals that perish” [Ps 48:13], at least in many things.
Convert me as you did with Saul... I am more in the deep, because I have sinned after having
known you! I feel that it is useless and hard to kick against the goad.
I surrender. Have mercy through Mary: Rosary, Miserere.


PA “To me...has been given this grace to announce to the Gentiles the inscrutable riches of Christ,
9 and to make shine before the eyes of all what is the fulfillment of the mystery hidden for ages in the
mind of God, creator of the universe, so that it may be manifested now in heaven by means of the
Church, to the Principalities and Powers, the manifold wisdom of God” (Eph 3:8-10).

 In a typewritten edition following the compilation of the original, the Author by his hand inserts at this point another
Latin citation which we translate: “Do everything without murmuring and without criticising, so that you may be
irreprehensible and simple, children of God immaculate in the midst of a perverse and degenerate generation, in which you
must shine like stars in the world...” [Phil 2:14-15].
 The verse of the letter to the Philippians is 2:15 and not 13 as quoted.
 “Paul apostle [of Jesus Christ]”, cf Rom 1:1; 1Cor 1:1; 2Cor 1:1...

PA a) Apostolate is the continuation of the work of Christ. He is the Apostle: “the apostle and high
10 priest of faith” [cf Heb 3:1]; and he gave to St. Paul, to the Twelve, to the Priests the Apostolate.
Apostolate is to dedicate one’s energies to win for Jesus Christ (Kingdom of God), to build up the
Church, to give God to men and men to God.

PA b) The Apostle believes, wills, works.

11 St. Paul believed: “to whom God wanted to make known the glorious riches of this mystery in the
midst of the pagans... The justice of God through faith in Jesus Christ...” [cf Col 1:27; Rom 3:22].
Willed. “I spend and overspend myself... Made all for all... Apostle by the will of Jesus Christ” [cf
1Cor 9:22].
Worked. A superior mission; certain of victory; for the whole world; consuming oneself.
So also the priest: let his faith be living; let him will seriously; tirelessly, until death.
Lovely and great it is to consume oneself for so high ideals among men: “those who shall have
taught many in justice shall shine like stars forever” [Dan 12:3].

PA c) Aids: the human heart, that is naturally Christian, aspires to truth, virtue and peace;
12 the big world accepted the gospel because in no other way it had peace and good; today the
circumstances are the same;
the power of God: “we have had the courage in our God to announce to you the gospel”;
the gospel itself, which is the solution to every doubt, freedom from sin, virtue and sacramental:
“the word of God is living, efficacious and sharper than any two-edged sword; it penetrates until the
division between soul and spirit, between joints and marrow and scrutinizes the sentiments and
thoughts of the heart” [Heb 4:12].9
The apostolate of interior life is the first; then:
the apostolate of suffering,
the apostolate of example,
the apostolate of prayer,
the apostolate of the editions,
the apostolate of works.

Examination: What will become of me? On that great day? – Examination.

Sorrow: I offer as satisfaction my humiliation, the merits of Jesus Christ, the apostolate of Mary
and of the holy Apostles and Priests.


PA I adore you, O Master and Apostle of the Father. I thank you for having brought to us from
13 heaven the Gospel and your doctrine revealing to us the mystery of the redemption willed by the
I bless you for having called me to the apostolate to give the good news to all about your
admirable riches. May you be blessed for the fruits obtained! But how saddened am I and almost
drowned and lost because of the immense good that I have not done... To whom shall I have recourse
if not to Your Heart? And to your and my Mother Mary? I have no one but You... I hope only in
You... “In no other is there salvation” [Acts 4:12].
Would that I had studied more and felt more the faith like Paul, Alphonsus, Francis! More faith in
your help.
Would that I possessed more zeal for the glory of God and for souls. The rights of God, the
eternal salvation of my brothers are immense values... and me? What coldness!

 Text erroneously attributed by the Author to 1Cor 2:28.

If I had been more humble and never sought myself... more diligent in preparing my sermons....
more fervent in praying before giving them, more caring for the editions!...
The Apostolate repairs the scandals. There are so many of them. Till where the consequences
extend themselves, I do not know... and so? “He never stopped preaching and writing”. I bear in
mind the thirty Doctors of the Church... I admire them... I invoke them... I imitate them.
Rosary, invocation of the writers,10 Miserere.


4. “HOMO DEI” 11

PA “In fact, we are his work, created in Christ Jesus for the good works that God has predisposed for
14 us so that we may do them” (Eph 2:10).

PA a) “In fact, we are his work”. The Priest is a new being, extraordinary. Besides his second birth,
15 “he is born again”. He is the man of God, because transformed and made rich and united to Christ
doing works proper of God. He is filled and transformed by  12 grace, by him who is “rich in mercy”.
From persecutor to apostle.
Every priest who is worthy of his mission is a miracle of grace. He commands sin and the devil.
He distributes graces and is obeyed by God. Peoples see in him a being out of this world, and when
all is lost they still hope in him. The sacred chrism has transformed the aspirant into a being
belonging entirely to God, because made his “new work”.

PA b) He deals with the things of God that have been entrusted to him:
16 Sings to God: “Toward midnight Paul and Silas, in prayer, sang hymns to God” [Acts 16:25]. The
breviary is the work of God. The prayer of the priest is quite different from the prayer of the simple
Moves men to praise God: “I shall announce your name to my brothers”. The priest is the preacher
and herald of God.
Defends the rights of God and brings men to God. Without the priest the golden calf is adored:
Bacchus, Venus, etc... It was like this in the pagan world before Christianity, like this where the priest
speaks not. The priest is Christ-God. If he goes away, other divinities come in that are the devil among
men. When grace is removed, the devil enters the heart.
The priest: “I have appeared to you to constitute you minister and witness of those things that you
have seen and of those for which I shall still appear to you... I send you to open their eyes, so that they
may pass from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God and obtain the remission of their
sins and the inheritance in the midst of them who have been sanctified through their faith in me” (Acts

PA c) A committed man, bound to God. He is for God: “Reserve for me Barnabas and Saul” [Acts
17 13:2]. He lives for God, not for the flesh, not for human interests, not for positions or honors... “You,
man of God, flee these things” [1Tim 6:11]. It would be sad, humiliating, destructive... “you that
preach not to rob, you rob” [Rom 2:21]. Exclusively for God: “You, man of God, tend to piety [1Tim
6:11]... Our fatherland is in heaven...” [Phil 3:20].
To be familiar with God, to convert the world is something of him alone who truly belongs to God.
God’s favorite. God defends him, consoles him, sanctifies him as such. He is the pupil of God’s eyes.
 They are the Invocations of the writers found in the book of prayers of the Pauline Family and now are called:
Litany for the formation of promoters of social communication.
 “Man of God”: cf 1Tim 6:11.
 Often we read in the writings of Fr. Alberione the use of the preposition in the ancient form, as in this case.

He lives in peace even if the world heaves under his feet, like Peter on the waves held up by Christ.
The priest: “if we live, we live for the Lord. If we die, we die for the Lord. Whether we live or die,
we are therefore of the Lord” [cf Rom 14:8].
Lord, “you have judged me worthy of trust calling me to the ministry, I that formerly had been a
blasphemer... but I received mercy” (cf 1Tim 1:12-13). – Therefore: nobility, thanksgiving, humility,


PA Your mercy is infinite: I will not be able to understand it completely. I want to adore it more than
18 scrutinize it. How come you have chosen to be a Priest, a man of God, a being so mean, so great a
sinner, that you foresaw would have betrayed you in your expectations?...It was entirely and only
your mercy.
I am a miracle of God! Your infinite mercies have led me to the priesthood: “by the grace of God,
I am what I am” [1Cor 15:10]. 13 Ordination transformed the Twelve, ordination made me a new
being, God on earth.
I am identified with Christ: his interests are mine. His intentions are mine. I speak his words. My
doctrine is his. My life is that of Christ. I do the works of Christ, or, better, it is Christ who does them
for me: “Peter baptizes, it is he who baptizes... Judas baptizes, it is he who baptizes”. 14
I am bound to God: I must live according to Jesus Christ. I must be busy only with what regards
his honor: “Did you not know that I must be about my Father’s business?” [Lk 2:49].
Forgive me for so many contemptible actions, for wasting graces and time.
Rosary; Miserere.



PA “Every high priest, taken from among men, is constituted for the good of men in those things that
19 regard God, to offer gifts and sacrifices for sins” Heb 5:1).

PA a) The first place among the tasks is “to offer gifts and sacrifices for sins”, not to preach or
20 organize works.
It’s a work “in the things that regard God”, not as scientist, or artist, or politician in the first place.
“Nobody, in fact, when he gives military service, becomes involved in the chores of common life, if
he wants to please him who has enlisted him” [2Tim 2:4].
To honor, thank, satisfy God through Jesus-Host is the motive and purpose of the Mass.
Let the Mass have for the Priest the first place. Let it be the center of the day, the exercise of that
power for which he works in heaven, in purgatory, in all the Church, in the world. It is a perpetual
“Glory to God in the highest” and a perennial “peace to men loved by God”. It brings the greatest
relief and the surest salvation to humanity.
Another task: to guide. Of Jesus it is said: “Upon disembarking, he saw a great crowd and had
compassion for them because they were like sheep without a shepherd, and he began to teach them
many things” (Mk 6:34).

 In the text the Author writes: gratia Dei sum (I am) id quod sumus (we are): note the singular-plural alternation.
 St. Augustine, In Iohannis Evangelium, VI, 7.
 “Constituted for the sake of men”.

PA b) “For men”, not for physical health, not for human science, etc. but in their relations, needs,
21 duties toward God, with respect to eternity: “in the things that regard God”. It’s not the people for the
priest, but the priest for the people. Terrible is the sentence [of Paul]: “all seek their own interests,
not those of Jesus Christ” [Phil 2:21]. And he attests of himself: “thus I force myself to please
everybody in everything, without seeking my advantage but that of all, so that they may reach
salvation” [1Cor 10:33].
On the encounter: 16 there are personalistic ascetical orientations of living for oneself, an
oppressive pessimism, perhaps due to failures, a unilateral work.
The need is this: to be for all, to live in contact, to aim at the masses, with a compassionate heart,
for sinners, for the men of today.

PA c) Understand and empathize with men: “We do not have a high priest who is unable to
22 sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who in every respect has been tested as we are,
yet without sin” (Heb 4:15).
Have sentiments like those of Jesus: “I have come to save”.
Keeping ourselves humble: “he is able to deal gently with the ignorant and the wayward, since he
himself is subject to weakness; and because of this he must offer sacrifice for his own sins as well as
for those of the people” [Heb 5:2-3].
Console the afflicted. Support and defend the tempted and the innocent. Win over the sinners.
Never knock down as the Pharisees do, but heal like Jesus: “I am the resurrection and the life” [Jn
Jesus “therefore had to make himself in everything similar to his brothers, to become a merciful
and faithful high priest in the things that concern God, so as to expiate the sins of the people. In fact,
because he himself was tested by what he suffered, he is able to help those who are being tested”
(Heb 2:17-18).


PA My ministry was too much action, lacking in prayer. I presumed of myself, I did not fear the
23 dangers. Often I was the one that needed correction, not the others. I was often weak; often violent.
More simplicity, less astuteness. More souls, less organization.
Constituted for all men, I did not always bear in mind all the means, above all humility.
I am certain of my vocation, but I did not correspond as I had to. I did not have your Heart, O
Jesus, always.
Divine Master, I should be You.
Divine Master, you alone should appear.
Divine Master, all that is good is yours.
Divine Master, I am a useless servant.
Divine Master, I am a harmful servant.
Divine Master, to you alone be honor.
Divine Master, all the contempt to me.
Divine Master, give me space for penitence.
Divine Master, increase contempt for me.
Divine Master, join me to your passion.
Divine Master, that I may suffer what is enough for my sins.
Divine Master, that I may suffer what is necessary for the sins committed because of me.
Divine Master, that I may suffer what I must so that the seed sown may grow.
Divine Master, that through my suffering and praying I may help all my spiritual children.
 On the contrary.

Divine Master, since I’m nothing, may I obtain everything through the Masses.
Rosary, Miserere, Agnus Dei.



PA “Gospel of which I have been constituted announcer and preacher” [2Tim 1:11]. “Try  17 to present
24 yourself before God as a man worthy of approval, a worker that has nothing to be ashamed of, a
scrupulous dispenser of the word of truth” [2Tim 2:15].

a) Preach the truth: “announce it, insist in season and out of season, admonish, reprove,
encourage with utmost patience in teaching” [2Tim 4:2].
./ Preach, official duty,
../ indispensable and very effective instrument,
.../ more urgent today: “A day will come, in fact, wherein sound doctrine will not be tolerated
anymore, but for the itch of hearing something, men will surround themselves with teachers
according to their desires, refusing to listen to the truth in order to turn to fables” (2Tim 4:3-4).
Therefore, “it is a duty for me: woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!...” [1Cor 9:16]. Christians,
vocations, religious observance... these are fruits of preaching, mainly.

PA b) A scrupulous dispenser of the word of truth.

25 ./ preach well quantitatively,
preach well qualitatively.
../ Preparation through study, of the Scriptures, theology, morals, liturgy. Preaching is about the
sacred. It’s not literature, politics, etc.
.../ Preaching that is ours: with immediate preparation.
..../ Dogma, morals, liturgy should come in there, but not at every preaching everything is
...../ Be up to date, entering into the ideas of the listeners so that they come out with our ideas.
Correspond to the needs of the listeners and to their quality.
Be supernatural in your motives, manner, goal.
Let the sermon be one: of architectural unity (e.g. St. Thomas), or organic, developing a seed (the
prodigal son), or psychological (Segneri, the ashes).
Let it be acceptable in language, exposition, moderation.

PA c) St. Paul: rich in natural oratorical qualities, filled with gifts, always equal and always new, and
26 always animated by the charity of Christ: “If even I spoke the language of men and angels...” [1Cor
13:1]; “who will separate us from the love of Christ?” [Rom 8:35].
Without human respect: “is it perhaps the favor of men that I intend to gain?... If I still pleased
men, I would not anymore be a servant of Christ!” (Gal 1:10).
Without strewing flowers and deluding spirits, but looking for the true good.
Without irritations and discouragements, because many words of God fall down without fruit...
but there is also somebody that bears fruit.
It is a tiresome ministry: “In going, they go weeping... but in returning, they come with joy,
carrying their sheaves” [Ps 125:6].

 In the Latin text quoted we find “Take care of yourself with solicitude...”.

“I bear all things for the elect, so that they too may reach the salvation which is in Christ Jesus,
together with eternal glory” (2Tim 2:10).
I want to always make better my homilies in quality and quantity, I am not a worker immune to
Prepare at least a summary. Afterwards prepare for a long time at leisure.

PA You have taught a heavenly doctrine; with confidence, with simplicity, to all.
27 You have sent me to preach: I am a priest.
You have given me as protector a great preacher: Saint Paul.
You have entrusted to me good souls to be instructed: select young men.
You have supplied me with various and powerful means: word, press, cinema, radio.
Have I accomplished well your mandate? I cannot say yes, exteriorly. Interiorly, not always I have
prayed enough; not always there was all the love; was constancy lacking perhaps sometimes?
Liber scriptus proferetur,
in quo totum continetur,
unde mundus judicetur.19
When my listeners shall stand in front of me on the last day, they will be able to say that I have
not always led the way by example, that there was not enough humility, that prayer was lacking so
that the seed sown would sprout: “Quid sum miser tunc dicturus?...”.
Rosary. Miserere.



PA “Together with me, take your part of sufferings like a good soldier of Christ Jesus” (2Tim 2:3).
28 “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his power. Put on the whole armor of God, so
that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For our struggle is not against the
enemies of blood and flesh, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers
of this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Therefore take up
the whole armor of God, so that you may be able to withstand on that evil day, and having done
everything, to stand firm. Stand therefore, and fasten the belt of truth around your waist, and put on
the breastplate of righteousness. As shoes for your feet put on whatever will make you ready to
proclaim the gospel of peace. With all of these, take the shield of faith, with which you will be able
to quench all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the
Spirit, which is the word of God” (Eph 6:10-17).

PA a) “There is battle...; take up the armor of God”: as men, as Christians, as priests: three states of
29 struggle. “The Son of God has appeared to destroy the works of the devil” (1Jn 3:8).
In all the three states there is struggle.
More in the priestly state: a life without struggle is not possible. Today it is even more necessary.
J[esus] C[hrist] had to struggle. Paul had to struggle.

 Probably the Author means to say that not always he was clear in his exposition.
 Sequence in the Roman Missal Dies iræ that is recited during the Masses for the dead. The Author had written totus
instead of totum.
 “Soldier of Christ”.

PA b) The weapons are not of the flesh, neither are they purely natural: above all, spiritual: faith,
30 prayer, charity. Science, art, the party, sports, strength are not enough...
These are needed:
./ “the sword of the Spirit, that is, the word of God”: always sow ideas that are right and clear,
preaching and writing.
Let the combatant (especially if a priest) be in the truth: sincerity. Fight only true error and true
vice. But truth is always said, with simplicity, everywhere.
../ “Put on the breastplate of righteousness”. Let the combatant be holy, irreprehensible, righteous
with everybody, even with the adversaries.
.../ “As shoes for your feet, put on whatever will make you ready to proclaim the gospel of
peace...”. Let not susceptibility, jealousies, human respect, allurements or disapprovals subdue the

PA c) “Take the shield of faith”. Always stand by the clear doctrines of the Church, the teachings of
31 the Gospel, on the side of the true and the just.
“Take the helmet of salvation”. The helmet covers the head: never thoughts that discourage.
“Furthermore, pray unceasingly with every kind of prayers and supplications” [Eph 6:18]. It is the
most powerful weapon. Without it, all labor is useless. With it, every labor assures the intervention of
Am I among the cowardly? Among the obstinate?
I must be like Paul: “Even if an angel from heaven...”. He appeals to Caesar... Overwhelmed in a
place, he goes to another...
“I have fought the good fight...” [2Tim 4:7].


PA “Blessed are they who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake” (Mt 5:10).
32 “Love your enemies and do good to those who persecute you” (Mt 5:44).
“Lord, my rock, in whom I find refuge; my shield and my bulwark” (Ps 17:3).
“My grace is enough for you” (2Cor 12:9).
“Fear not, little flock, because it has pleased the Father to give you his kingdom” (Lk 12:32).
The spiritual weapons are fit for every success: “they have from God the power to strike down the
fortresses, destroying the reasonings and every bulwark that rises against the knowledge of God, and
rendering every intelligence subject to the obedience of Christ” (2Cor 10:4-5). 21
Overcome myself at every moment, through an obstinate struggle against my senses.
Overcome evil with good sown in examples, in sermons, in patience.
Overcome error by means of prayer, study, more numerous editions. “Be strong in fidelity and
meekness” (cf Sir 45:4).
Bless me, Jesus.
Rosary. Miserere.


 The quotation made by the Author (“II Cor V,3”) is not exact.


PA “You are the field of God, the building of God. According to the grace of God that has been given
33 to me, like a skilled master builder I have put the foundation. Another will build upon it” (1Cor 3:9-

a) [Paul] chose and exploited well the terrain. Corinth, a very corrupt city, gave good fruits because
Christianity is life, active, transforming, unifying. Where Aphrodite 22 dominated, the first virgins
multiplied. Many were the Christians and very fervent, the delight of the Apostle. St. Paul aimed at the
Let us be cultivators of all, not of a small fraction, or of some privileged soul, or of some nice
young man.

PA b) He chose well the construction materials:

34 ./ The great dogmatic truths.
../ He exposed with order, passing from the simple to the difficult, from the known to the
.../ He established well the motive of credibility, which is the Divine Authority. Not convictions
and reason.
..../ Then he inculcated the true Christian life:
for the individual,
for the family,
for society.
“These are the three things that remain: faith, hope and charity. But the greatest of these is
charity!” [1Cor 13:13].
The thought about judgment and eternity is dominant.
Piety is well understood: it is part of the duties toward God and means for the Christian life within
the family, in society and in private. That is:
“Prompt will to dedicate oneself to all that concerns the service of God”.
Religion is not Egocentric: “earthly well-being”.
[Religion] is Theocentric: “thy will be done”.
“So we do not lose heart. Even though our outer nature is wasting away, our inner nature is being
renewed day by day. For this slight momentary affliction is preparing us for an eternal weight of
glory beyond all measure, because we look not at what can be seen but at what cannot be seen; for
what can be seen is temporary, but what cannot be seen is eternal” (2Cor 4:16-18).

PA c) St. Paul’s style is unitary: the old law has accomplished its role. The new one perfects and
35 elevates the individual and society. The Church is Christ who continues his work until the end of
time. Do not abandon what is natural among the individual and social duties, but do them with a new
spirit. Guide the souls and the community with the old principles but better known, felt and lived:
build on top! From the catechumen to the perfect Christian.


PA Lord Jesus, if I have not always said what pleased You, destroy and repair. I am not aware of
36 having erred, but you see everything, and you are the Repairer.
I’m sorry rather for not having explained more clearly, with gentle firmness, preceding with
example. You are Way, Truth, Life: may I feel it better, to make it felt better. Not many spiritualities,
 “A skilled master builder”.
 Pagan divinity that had a temple in Corinth with a great number of priestesses.

but the one that You have revealed.

That we all may follow you, o Jesus-Truth, venerating and studying the dogmas!
That we all may follow you, O Jesus-Way, venerating and practicing your precepts, examples and
That we all may follow you and live you, O Jesus-Life, practicing union with You! That we be
the living branches of You-Vine, grafted to You by means of the Sacraments, the sacramentals and
Thus I shall be a builder of myself, and a builder of souls in whom you want to live: “I in you, you
in me”.
Rosary, Miserere.



PA The cross is the “summit of God’s wisdom and power” [cf 1Cor 1:24-25] not only as meritorious
37 cause of our salvation, but also as exemplary cause: “becoming conformed to his death” (Phil 3:10).
PA a) Baptism is death and resurrection: “With him you have been buried in baptism, in him also you
38 have risen through faith in the power of God who has resurrected him from the dead” (Col 2:12).
The [religious] profession is a more complete death: “You are dead and your life is now hidden
with Christ in God!” (Col 3:3).
The priestly ordination is the solemn burial and the act of death of a young man already dead for
some time: “So also you, consider yourselves dead to sin but alive for God in Christ Jesus” (Rom
6:11-12). That is, sin and a purely natural life are taken away so that Christian life, religious life and
priestly life may be lived.

PA b) St. Paul during the hour of Damascus died to all of his past of sin, errors, obstinacy,
39 Pharisaism, and to all that chained him to the earth: blood ties, the tradition of his race, earthly future,
life projects. “Circumcised on the eighth day, of the race of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew
of Hebrews, a Pharisee as regards the law; in regard to zeal, a persecutor of the Church, blameless as
to justice deriving from the observance of the law” (Phil 3:5-6): this is the man that died in
Damascus. And see how he was completely and deeply buried, 24 so that he could not attempt
anymore to get up: “But what could be gain for me, I have considered as loss for the sake of Christ.
Better still, I now consider everything as loss compared to the sublimity of the knowledge of Jesus
Christ my Lord, for whom I have consented to lose all these things, considering them as waste in
order to gain Christ” (Phil 3:7-8).
He buried all that the world offered him: power, importance, influence, despising suspicions,
derision, persecutions and scorn.
He abandoned all claims, forgot his needs... He became indifferent to praise and blame: “For me it
is of little importance to be judged by you or by any human tribunal; on the contrary, I do not even
judge myself, because even if I’m not aware of any fault, not for this I am justified. My judge is the
Lord!” (1Cor 4:3-4). Without possessions, without human support, without physical strength, without
anything of his own to save, not even his life, he will work for all, always, until death; that he also
challenges: “Where, O death, is your victory?” [1Cor 15:55].
Even this one is a gain: “Life is changed, not ended”. 25

 “Conformed to his death”.
 In the italian text there is an old word: funerato.
 Preface of the Mass for the dead.

PA c) The habit points to everybody that we are dead. In ceremonies we appear like Jesus Christ:
40 “man of God”. With the earthly man dead, the spiritual man lives.
Unbelievers think of the priest as: a crazy dreamer, a fanatic, a gloomy man, an ambitious one, a
masochist, one who frustrated his life and goes around to waste the life of his fellowmen: “We
judged his life as madness and his death as dishonorable” [Wis 5:4].
The Priest not only can appear to be dead, he must be dead!
Am I? “The prince of this world is coming; he has no power over me” (Jn 14:30).


PA “From being dead that we were because of sins, he has made us alive again with Christ...” (Eph
41 2:5). No sin, therefore, in the priest, neither mortal nor venial; no consent to evil. “Let not sin,
therefore, reign in your mortal body, as to subject you to its desires; don’t offer your members as
instruments of injustice to sin, but offer yourselves to God as alive that have returned from the dead
and your members as instruments of justice for God” (Rom 6:12-13). I must absolve, exorcise, and
remove sin by every means even from the others. I shall be able to do it if I shall hate sin as Jesus
Christ hated it: “Who of you can convict me of sin?” [Jn 8:46].
Kill the propensity, the inclination to sin: “We who are already dead to sin, how shall we still be
able to live in it?” (Rom 6:2). It does not die a quick death, but a death that is slow, at each day. We
are all men, including myself, a priest that has more numerous and terrible dangers.
St. Paul writes about himself after his death in Damascus: “I know that in me, that is, in my flesh,
good does not dwell; I desire the good, but I am not able to realize it; in fact, I do not do the good
that I want, but the bad that I do not want, that I do. Now, if I do what I do not want, it’s not me that
does it, but the sin that dwells in me... In fact, I approve within me the law of God, but in my
members I see another law that wages war against the law of my mind and makes me a slave to the
law of sin that is in my members. Wretched man that I am! Who shall free me from this body of
death?” [Rom 7:18-20,22-24].
I feel it, O Jesus! I do not pretend not to feel, but I pretend not to consent thanks to your grace
which is sufficient: “My grace is sufficient for you” [2Cor 12:9].
Rosary, Miserere.


PA “Now, discipline always seems painful rather than pleasant at the time, but later it yields the
42 peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it” (Heb 12:11).

PA a) The sorrows of the Savior and the pains of the faithful priest have a correspondence: one in
43 mission, they are also one in trials and sufferings to redeem the world: “By your holy cross and death
you have redeemed the world”.27 Every faithful priest accompanies Jesus to Calvary.
But they are also companions in glorification: “Sharers in sufferings, you are also sharers in
consolation” (2Cor 1:7).

PA b) “He suffered outside of the gate of the city” [Heb 13:12]: in a cursed place, thrown out,
44 unworthy of civil society, dragged outside, isolated.
He is insulted by everybody: by the learned, by the powerful, by the priestly class, by the people.
Charged with every crime except that of unchastity.

 “That you may follow his steps”: cf 1Pt 2:21.
 Penitential verse used in the stations of the Via Crucis.

Afflicted with every pain, internal and external. Even the Father is silent.
He ends up in the most ignominious torture: “It is finished” [Jn 19:30].
After torments invented only for him, as for an exceptional criminal: the thorns, three tribunals,
recognized innocent and condemned, condemned in anticipation for having done many miracles,
because of jealousy, with a great fear that he would return to life...In fact, he placed on his shoulders
the sins of all men in the presence of the Father.
This happens to the priest if he is worthy of his name. He must be driven away by all: “He
suffered outside of the gate of the city”. All are against him. And yet he is convinced that he must
atone for himself and for his people.
The Crucified One, thus vilified, is our model: to be cursed by everybody is an honor for the holy
priest. Let the applauses of the world be feared: “Blessed are you if they insult you, persecute you and,
lying, say all kinds of evil against you...” [Mt 5:11]. Jesus Christ hanging there, outside of the city, was
the Way, the Truth and the Life... And those who remained in the city? Deceit, vice, degeneration...
Persecuted? It is often the honor and vesture of the good priest: “If the world hates you, know that
before you it hated me. If you were of the world, the world would love its own; since instead you are
not of the world, but I have chosen you from the world, for this the world hates you” (Jn 15:18-19).

PA c) It is also a shield, 28 a force, a surety if you are to be rejected by the world. It puts us in a state of
45 renunciation, zeal, purity, righteousness, true love for God, detachment. In embracing with joy the
cross of Christ, we become protected against our enemies, we definitely aim at God, we become
powerful in prayer, we live a joy that foretells heaven, a new strength is born in the priest, being
repeated is: “Now is the judgment of this world; now the prince of this world will be cast out” (Jn
12:31). What Paul writes about Jesus happens to the priest: “He humbled himself making himself
obedient till death and death on the cross. For this God has exalted him and given him a name that is
above every other name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow in heaven, on earth and
under the earth, and every tongue proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father”
(Phil 2:8-11).

PA I meditate on three points in order to practice “Let get out of the camp” [cf Heb 13:13].
1) It is the priestly way: “Let us approach with sincere hearts with full confidence, with hearts
purified of every evil conscience and the body washed with pure water. Let us maintain without
vacillating the profession of our hope, because the one who has promised is faithful. Let us try also to
encourage each other in charity and in good works, without abandoning our meetings, as some have
the habit of doing, but instead exhorting each other, much more that you can see how the day is
approaching” (Heb 10:22-25).

2) St. Paul cites as examples heroic priests and prophets: “Who through faith conquered
kingdoms, practiced justice, received the promises, closed the mouths of lions... Others, finally,
suffered scorn and scourgings, chains and imprisonments. They were stoned, tortured, sawn, killed by
the sword, wandered around covered with the skin of sheep and goats, needy, distressed, maltreated.
Of them the world was not worthy! Roaming through the deserts, the mountains, among the caves
and the caverns of the earth” (Heb 11:33,36-38). The Church ever shone of these heroic priests, and
she boasts of them as she boasts of the wounds of Christ.

3) Onward with confidence! “We too, therefore, surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses,
putting aside what weighs us down and the sin that besets us, let us run with perseverance in the race

 The Author adopts here a rare form (scuto) instead of the present scudo.

that is before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith. In exchange for the joy
that was put before him, he submitted himself to the cross, despising its ignominy, and has taken his
seat at the right of the throne of God. Think attentively of him who has supported against himself so
great a hostility of sinners, so that you may not tire, losing courage. In your struggle against sin, you
have not yet resisted until blood” (Heb 12:1-4).
Rosary, Miserere.



PA a) The existence, the power and the value of our priesthood depends on the Priesthood of Jesus
47 Christ.
Having to apply in time and in space the fruits of his oblation, J[esus] C[hrist] has chosen some
instruments that may lend him their hands, tongue and intention. He assumes them, absorbs them and
works by means of them. They are the celebrating priests who make present everywhere the sacrifice
and dwelling of Christ, and in doing it seals the union of souls with Him, like the procurator who
while working on a business signs in the name of the one who has sent him and authorized him, and
makes his own the act with all the consequences that result. He who acts worthily and is a good priest
with him will be with the great Priest forever: “Father, I will that where I am, there also may be my
minister” [cf Jn 17:24].

PA b) Priests succeed one another, like the particles in the tabernacle that change, but Christ the Priest
48 remains forever. “They have become priests in big numbers, because death prevented them from
lasting for a long time; he, however, since he always remains, has a priesthood that does not end.
Hence he can perfectly save those who through him come to God, since he always lives to intercede
for them” (Heb 7:23-25). And even more clearly: “Having offered one sacrifice for sins once for all, he
has taken his seat at the right hand of God, now just waiting that his enemies be put under his feet.
Because with one oblation he has made perfect for good those that are being sanctified” (Heb 10:12-
Our priestly being is a being united to him. The entire and only force, power and grace reside in
the Pontifex of our religion that has no other sacrifice or true Pontifex.
Therefore let us learn the priestly virtues, having to be a single priesthood with Him: fear of God,
sorrow for sins, humility and above all love for God: “He loved me and gave himself for me” [Gal

PA c) The Crucified One is also the hope and consolation of the Priest: “Every high priest, taken
49 from among men”, therefore so much more for the priest! “to offer gifts and sacrifices for sins”
[Heb 5:1], especially of the Priest. Therefore I am confident: “In fact, if the blood of goats and
bulls, with the sprinkling of the ashes of a heifer, sanctifies those who have been defiled so that
their flesh is purified, how much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit
offered himself without blemish to God, purify our conscience from dead works to worship the
living God!” [Heb 9:13-14]. Our indignity at the altar terrifies us, but the blood of Jesus who offers
himself to the Father gives us sure confidence. He himself offers it in the Transubstantiation: 30
“that will be shed for you for the remission of sins”; “will purify our conscience from the works of
death”: for me, a priest! The burden disappears with the Transubstantiation.

 “He has a priesthood that is eternal”: cf Heb 7:24.
 Change of substance – from that of wine to that of the blood of Christ – during the Eucharistic consecration.

In every mass we give satisfaction for our personal sins, for the sins committed by others because
of us, to stop the consequences of the scandals given, and for the sins of the people. Every mass
placates the Divine Justice.


PA Your Priesthood is my security: I pray and act in You, for You, with You. Everything becomes
50 efficacious and fruitful because it draws power from You who “was heard because of his reverent
submission” [Heb 5:7].
I trust that you will communicate to me the spirit “to serve the living God” (Heb 9:14), according
to the reason for which you have immolated and immolate yourself on our altars: to become an ever
better servant of the Father and to receive personal graces and graces for the community.
I know that you as High Priest understand all the needs of this poor priest: “In fact, we do not
have a high priest that does not know how to sympathize with our infirmities, since he himself has
been tried in everything like us except in sin” [Heb 4:15]. From the cross he understood and
sympathized with the Apostles, especially Peter. “Let us therefore with full faith come to the throne
of grace to receive mercy and to find grace and be aided at opportune time” (Heb 4:16).
And beyond this life, you, Jesus Priest, show me the happy ending of every toil and pain: “We see
him now crowned with glory and honor because of the death he has suffered” (Heb 2:9).
“Priest forever”. “Thus, in expectation that his enemies be put as stool under his feet”... “Having
therefore, brothers, full freedom to enter the sanctuary through the blood of Jesus through this new
and living way that he has inaugurated for us by means of the veil, that is, his flesh, having a great
priest over the house of God, let us approach with a sincere heart in the fullness of faith” (Heb 10:19-
Rosary, Miserere.



PA “You know very well that like a thief in the night, so the day of the Lord will come. And when
51 they will say: ‘Peace and security’, suddenly ruin will strike them like the travails of a woman in
labor, and nobody will escape” (1Thes 5:2-3).

PA a) More than any other person, the Priest must destroy sin, even from its roots because:
52 he must fear a more terrible hell: “Why do you boast of evil, arrogant in your iniquity?... You
prefer evil to good, lies to truthfulness... For this God will destroy you forever, will break you, tear
you away from your tent and uproot you from the land of the living” [Ps 51:3,5,7].
It is an enormous harm to souls, depriving them of immense graces. He allows them to miss
fervor and life. He ceases to be salt, light, the city placed on the mountain, to become a “corpse of
four days that already emits foul odor” [cf Jn 11:39].

PA b) 32 Death comes with mortification (= to mortify, to kill): “Mortify therefore that part of you that
53 belongs to the earth: fornication, impurity, the passions, evil desires, and that insatiable avarice that is
idolatry” (Col 3:5). It means to prevent the faculties of the body and soul to make themselves
“weapons of iniquity”: mind, heart, eyes, ears, tongue, throat, hands, feet, touch, notwithstanding the
countless excuses, allurements and inducements.
 “Instruments of injustice for sin”: cf Rom 6:13.
 “b)” in the original is indicated by the letter “c)”; this will take place also in n. 63.

It means continuous vigilance, rejection of the very first movements, flight from the occasions:
pride, curiosity, sensuality, gluttony, indolence.
It means to excavate the enemies in their hideouts, to attack them, imposing on ourselves
sacrifices so that the ego may submit to the spirit.
Moreover, take away all the exuberant forces of the natural man prone to sin.
These are the things that put in motion the natural man: esteem, power, success, celebrity,
profit, enjoyment, family, satisfaction. May God, and only God, be the polar star of our conduct.
Men seek many things: amusements, comforts, furnishings, deference, the halo of the virtuous,
prosperity. “No doubt piety is a great gain, joined however to moderation! In fact, we have not
brought anything into this world and nothing can we bring away from it” (1Tim 6:6-7).
Do not look for well-being or human benevolence, not even from your family.

PA c) Let not human opinion allure or terrify us. May praise and adulation be repugnant to us. May
54 failures, blame, contempt and calumnies not knock us down: let us want to please God alone.
Persecutions, tribulations, death cannot take away our merit or our God: “Who shall separate us from
the love of Christ? Tribulation, anguish, persecution, hunger, nakedness, dangers, the sword? As it is
written: Because of you we are put to death all day; we are treated like sheep to be slaughtered. But
in all these things we are more than conquerors because of him who has loved us” (Rom 8:35-37).
The Priest is much prone to consider the esteem and opinion of men since he must work in public.


PA “In fact, you have divested yourselves of the old man with his deeds” (Col 3:9). This divine
55 superiority, this freedom from natural inclination is won through continuous and tiresome work:
wrenching away from the old man, piece by piece, what he has and what he wants. The three
passages are: “Let him deny himself”, “Let him take up his cross”, “Let him follow me” [Mt 16:24].
Give them everyday!
Let us transform nature. Welcome the supernatural, the new man.
Let us question our intentions: why undertake this thing? Why go out? Why this conversation?
Why do you prefer that person? To please God better? Or because it pleases you?
Let us ask our discourses and judgments. Why do you judge in this way your colleague, your
brother, this initiative, this preaching? Why do you promote or place obstacles? Is it because the
honor of God is involved, or your interest, or your honor, or your talent?
Let us ask our frame of mind: why am I sad? Why do criticisms, failures and difficulties impede
the glory of God? Or why is your self-love wounded? Why are you glad today? Are you humanly
satisfied? Or because the glory of God has gained something?
Am I dead? Or alive more than ever even under the funeral sheet? Even under the chasuble and
the stole?
I shall have therefore to rectify my intentions, dispositions and judgments. Nothing that is purely
human. Everything made supernatural. “Let Christ live in me!” [cf Gal 2:20]; “Renew in me a
steadfast spirit” [Ps 50:12].
Rosary, Miserere.



PA “Offer yourselves to God as living come back from the dead and your members as instruments of
56 justice for God” (Rom 6:13).

PA a) Dead to sin, “your life is already hidden with Christ in God!” [Col 3:3]. It is a new life, but an
57 inner one, the better one, supernatural. It is Christ who lives in us. The spiritual man lives.
St. Paul completely died during the hour of Damascus, but he rose after baptism a new man, a
new Christ.
From baptism a new man comes out: the Christian.
From the profession [of vows] a new man comes out: the religious.
From Ordination a new man comes out: the Priest.

PA b) The new priestly life is fully active: the brain, the imagination, the aspirations, the word, the
58 conduct; the profession is that of Jesus Christ Priest.
He is transfigured, a celestial being, a propagator of eternal things: “If therefore you have risen
with Christ, look for the things that are above, where Christ is found, seated at the right hand of God;
think of the things that are above, not of those that are of the earth” (Col 3:1-2). The interests of God
are his, as the interests of Jesus Christ. He feels with Christ, talks like Christ. His life repeats that of
Jesus Christ.
It is however a life that develops, goes on and increases through continuous care. “You have put
on the new man that is being renewed in knowledge according to the image of its Creator” (Col
First: that he live far from the world, to protect himself from every weakening: “You are not of the
world” [Jn 15:19]. The world is devoid of Christ and of God.
Second: let him feed on Christ. Feeding his mind with Him: “May the word of Christ dwell in you
abundantly; teach and admonish yourselves with every wisdom, singing to God from your hearts and
with gratitude psalms, hymns and spiritual canticles” (Col 3:16). Feeding the spirit with Him:
Eucharistic life; communicating with Jesus very often during the day through visits, spiritual
communions, renewed union even through external means.
Nourishing your hearts with Him: “How lovely are your dwelling places, O Lord of hosts! My
soul languishes and longs for the halls of the Lord. My heart and my flesh exult in the living God.
Even the sparrow finds her home, the swallow her nest where to lay her little ones, near your altars,
O Lord of hosts, my king and my God” (Ps 83:2-4). 34
PA The Priest will become a true Giver of life in this manner, wherever he will bring the spirit of
59 which he is nourished. He will pour out to souls what his heart is full of.


PA He died to give me life: “I am the resurrection and the life” [Jn 11:25].
60 My ministry will be effective in proportion to my spiritual life. All people feel that they must
learn from a man of God. That difficult to describe divine thing that transpires from his person, his
reasonings, from his simple, pious and recollected life leaves an impression: men perceive that
“divine something”; they feel themselves to be in the presence of something superior. It is the
resurrected man elevated above any earthly thing: “If we have died with Christ, we believe that we,
too, shall live with him, knowing that Christ risen from the dead will not die anymore; death has no
more power over him” (Rom 6:8-9).

 “Living for God in Christ Jesus”.
 In the original, Psalm 85 had been erroneously quoted.

Also the body will rise in the other life and will have the reflection, the virtues, the merits and the
supernatural life of the soul: splendor, impassibility, immortality, agility, subtlety. “When Christ your
life will be revealed, then you also will be revealed with him in glory” (Col 3:4).
Therefore: “We await as our savior the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to
conform it to his glorious body, in virtue of the power that he has to subject all things to himsel f”
[Phil 3:20-21].35
Rosary, Miserere.



PA “Therefore also Jesus, to sanctify the people with his blood, suffered outside the gate of the city.
61 Let us also go out from the camp and go towards him, carrying his disgrace” (Heb 13:12-13).

PA a) Let us go out to consider: “Therefore, holy brothers, participants of a heavenly calling, fix well
62 your gaze on Jesus, the apostle and high priest of the faith that we profess” (Heb 3:1).
He is an exceptional dying person: holy, cruelly dying between thieves. “We do see Jesus, who
for a little while was made lower than the angels, now crowned with glory and honor because of the
suffering of death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone. It was fitting that
God, for whom and through whom all things exist, in bringing many children to glory, should make
the pioneer of their salvation perfect through sufferings” (Heb 2:9-10).
The dying person is our God. “To which of the angels has God ever said: You are my son, today I
have generated you? Furthermore: I shall be for him a father and he will be for me a son?” [Heb 1:5].
The angels assist him dying. – This dying one will be assisting us – At the bedside of their dying
father, children!

PA b) He dies “outside of the gate”: “in order to expiate the sins of the people” (Heb 2:17). “Since
63 therefore children have in common blood and flesh, he also has become sharer of them, to reduce to
impotence by his death the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil, and thus liberate those
who through fear of death were subject to slavery for all their life” [Heb 2:14-15].
“To sanctify the people through his blood” (Heb 13:12).
Every virtue and grace comes from the cross.
To make us sharers of his sorrows: “In fact, we have become sharers of Christ” (Heb 3:14), that
is, we have become only one thing through expulsion from Sion, since ours are his merits: merits
of the head of the family. Every son has as his own the goods of the father. “Because of this he is
the mediator of a new covenant, so that...those who have been called may receive the eternal
inheritance that has been promised” (Heb 9:15). It is the new covenant. “In fact, the one who
sanctifies and those who are sanctified all have the same origin” [Heb 2:11]; with the same blood is
the priest sanctified who applies it to the people sanctified. “Made perfect, he became the cause of
eternal salvation for all those who obey him” [Heb 5:9].
To show us his love: “Christ has loved you and has given himself for us, offering himself to God
in a sweet-smelling sacrifice” (Heb 5:2).
The Crucified One, therefore, as object of thought, preaching and predominant love, according to
the example of St. Paul and of the Church.

 The passage quoted by the Author was Rom XI,12.
 “Contemplate the Pontifex”.

PA c) The example of every virtue, fidelity to one’s office and mission: “he made himself obedient
64 until death”; zeal for souls: “he loved me and gave himself up for me”; meekness: “insulted, he did
not answer with insult, and though suffering he did not threaten revenge” [1Pt 2:23]; unselfishness:
“he stripped himself”; patience: “maltreated, he allowed himself to be humiliated and he did not
open his mouth; he was like a lamb being led to the slaughterhouse, like mute sheep before its
shearers, and he did not open his mouth” [cf Is 53:7; Acts 8:32]. Perseverance: “I have glorified
you on earth, finishing the work that you have given me to do” [Jn 17:4].
I meditate, detest, learn, promise, love.
Lord, two graces: learn to pray and to love You.


PA I consider in You the Priest and the victim. You are the great Priest of our faith: “proclaimed by
65 God high priest according to the order of Melchisedech, about whom we have much to say, difficult
to explain” (Heb 5:10-11).
I, too, belong to this priesthood: you are my head, my glory, my joy. What greatness! “Such in
fact was the high priest that we needed: holy, innocent, without stain, separated from sinners and
exalted above the heavens; he has no need every day, like the other high priests, to offer sacrifices,
first for his own sins and then for those of the people, because he has done this once for all, offering
himself” [Heb 7:26-27]. The host is of infinite value, the Offerer is infinitely worthy; the offering is
made for all men for all times and for all eternity; it is renewed in perpetuity on earth and eternally in
heaven... Therefore one time is enough! “But when Christ came as a high priest of the good things
that have come, then through the greater and perfect tent (not made with hands, that is, not of this
creation), he entered once for all into the Holy Place, not with the blood of goats and calves, but with
his own blood, thus obtaining eternal redemption” (Heb 9:11-12). “Christ in fact did not enter a
sanctuary made by human hands, a figure of the true one, but into heaven itself, to appear now before
God in our favor” (Heb 9:24).
I, a priest, collaborate with Him, and by Him I am adopted as an instrument to offer Him in the
Mass where He acts as the true and first Offerer, as the Host is.
Rosary, Miserere.



PA “Try hard to present yourself before God as a man worthy of approval, a worker that has nothing
66 to be ashamed of... Avoid profane gossips...; in fact, their words spread around like gangrene” (2Tm
PA a) Try hard:
67 1) Because your dignity demands perfection. You are a temple of God, his minister, consecrated
to him, you must give sanctity to souls.
2) Because of your position: “divine ambassador, apostle of God, mediator of men, teacher of
nations, preacher of the gospel”.
3) Because of your tasks and offices: to direct, absolve, perform always works of cult to God.
4) To preserve yourself from tepidity: a tepid priest is a priest without value. Preserve yourself
from sin: whoever is not delicate falls into it and allows the barriers of defense to fall. Preserve
yourself from sacrilege where the priest ends up who sins at least from time to time. Preserve yourself

 “Try hard”.

from apostasy, remorse, a bad death, damnation, dangers to which the priest who commits sacrilege
exposes himself easily.
5) A sterile ministry, mere appearance and not reality, inner turmoil are consequences of an
interior life abandoned.
PA b) Maintain the spirit of your vocation: detachment from the world, live for God, for the Church,
68 for souls: “For this reason I remind you to rekindle the gift of God that is in you through the laying
on of my hands” (2Tim 1:6).
“I, therefore, a prisoner of the Lord, exhort you to behave in a manner worthy of the calling you
have received, with all humility, meekness and patience” (Eph 4:1-2).
Let us avoid what is dangerous:
./ “let us purify ourselves of every contamination of the flesh;
../ of every contamination of the spirit”;
.../ “I chastise my body”: eyes, taste, heart;
..../ “and place it in subjection”: positive priestly effort;
...../ spiritual discipline: thoughts, humility, meekness.
PA c) Cultivate the priestly spirit through
69 ./ works of piety;
../ reading of the Bible, of the lives of saints, study of sacred subjects;
.../ true interior life: to live “in the presence of God, from God, for God, with God”.
To priests who neglect the interior life are applicable the words of St. Jude: “Waterless clouds
carried away by the winds, or trees at season’s end without fruit, dead twice, uprooted, wild waves of
the sea casting up the foam of their own shame, wandering stars, for whom the deepest darkness has
been reserved forever” (Jude 12-13).

PA Give me, O Divine Master, your light:
70 to know you and to know myself.
Your wisdom is infinite.
You gave me the light of my eyes.
You gave me the light of reason.
You gave me the light of faith.
You give me even more the light of glory: so that I may be able to contemplate you forever in
Therefore I pray to you to give me the grace to use well my eyes, my reason and the gift of faith.
Enlighten me especially on these points:
1) “watch yourself”: the need to take care of myself;
2) mortify all my senses, internal and external;
3) make better my prayer both in quality and quantity;
4) struggle to exterminate pride that I detest with all my strength; wanting only, always and in
everything your glory.
Rosary, Miserere.



PA There are two kinds of zeal. The first, the one of Saul, which is false: “Surpassing in Judaism the
71 majority of my contemporaries and compatriots, I was fierce in upholding the traditions of my fathers”
(Gal 1:14); the second, the one of Paul, which is true: “I feel a divine jealousy for you” (2Cor 11:2).
a) False zeal is: reckless: “Saul was devastating the Church”; unloving: “breathing threats”;
limitless: “I fiercely persecuted the Church of God and devastated it” [cf Gal 1:13], unlike Gamaliel.
How to explain it? Because of uncontrolled temperament, anger allowed to be free. Because of blind
and unilateral love for tradition. Because of false partisan spirit: “I, a Pharisee and the son of a
Pharisee”, that generates narrow-mindedness, lack of critical sense and equity.
As consequences: he strikes due to blindness, he destroys; it includes abandonment of God.
“If you have in your heart bitter jealousy and a contentious spirit, do not boast and don’t lie
against the truth. This is not wisdom that comes from above: it is earthly, carnal, diabolical” (Jas
PA b) True zeal:
72 ./ only for the glory of God and for souls;
../ in the same way of the zeal of Jesus Christ;
.../ endowed with the characteristics of Paul after his conversion.
“The wisdom that comes from above (true zeal) is instead:
– above all pure, modest; that is, reserved, humble;
– then is peace-loving, even in the thick of self-defense;
– meek, humble, even though firm;
– docile, persuades, wins over, does not impose itself;
– welcoming, receives, praises the good of all and always;
– full of mercy, loves to forgive and is compassionate;
– gives good fruits, from their fruits you will know them; impartial, sincere;
– a fruit of justice... sowed in peace for those who work for peace” (Jas 3:17-18).
PA c) “As servants of God we have commended ourselves in every way: through great endurance, in
73 afflictions, hardships, calamities, beatings, imprisonments, riots, labors, sleepless nights, hunger; by
purity, knowledge, patience, kindness, holiness of spirit, genuine love, truthful speech, and the power
of God; with the weapons of righteousness for the right hand and the left; in honor and dishonor, in
ill repute and in good repute. We are treated as impostors, and yet are true; as unknown, and yet are
well known; as dying, and see – we are alive; as punished, and yet not killed; as sorrowful, yet
always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing everything!”
(2Cor 6:4-10).
PA Zeal is the flowering of love for God and for souls.
74 Ignite in me the fire of your Heart: a pure flame, not one with smoke; a flame that consumes many
and low tendencies; a flame that gives light and warmth; with a light that is peaceful, with a warmth
that gently increases.
“You do not know of what spirit you are” [cf Lk 9:55].
This flame will grow:
1) if I know how to mortify my heart, my eyes, my taste, my natural sympathies and antipathies;
2) if I know how to be more withdrawn, doing what St. Paul wants: “Pay close attention to
yourself and to reading” [cf 1Tim 4:13,16];
3) if I shall love the Holy Eucharist, celebrating better, receiving communion better, visiting

 “Zeal for your house”.

better the Blessed Sacrament; making, in substance, the day eucharistic.

4) if I launch myself decidedly on the road of penance.
Rosary. Miserere.


17. “IN DOMO DEI” 38

PA The priest is the “Minister of the Church”. “I write you all this... so that you may know how to
75 conduct yourself in the house of God, which is the Church” (1Tim 3:14-15).
By the name House of God we understand the Church, wherein there are superiors, equals and

PA a) Holy pride for belonging to a society that is indefectible, perfect, the highest among all
76 institutions; even infallible and supernatural: the Catholic, apostolic Roman Church.
Love in action. Love the Church “as Christ has loved her and gave himself up for her, to make her
holy, purifying her through the cleansing of water accompanied by the word, so as to present to
himself the Church in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or anything of the kind, holy and
immaculate” (Eph 5:25-27).
“For them I consecrate [sanctify] myself, so that they too may be sanctified in the truth” (Jn
./ Sanctify myself;
../ Sanctify every member;
.../ Feel with the Church;
..../ Zeal: “I complete in my flesh what is lacking in the sufferings of Christ, in favor of his body
which is the Church” (Col 1:24).
...../ Sanctify ourselves for the Society of St. Paul!

PA b) For the Superiors in the Church: “We then request you, brothers, to have regard for those
77 who labor among you, and have charge of you in the Lord and admonish you; esteem them very
highly in love because of their work. Be at peace among yourselves” (1Thes 5:12-13). It is their
./ Recognize Authority in God; 40
../ docility to their dispositions;
.../ sincere collaboration;
..../ avoid those who always have ready advices, who pretend to know better, “who have an
appearance of piety, but deny its virtues...” [2Tim 3:5].

PA Love one’s Brothers: “Therefore, if there is some consolation in Christ, if there is some comfort
78 from charity, if there is some communality of spirit, if there are sentiments of love and compassion,
you make full my joy through the union of your spirits, the same charity and the same sentiments. Do
not do anything out of spirit of rivalry or vainglory, but each of you, in all humility, consider the
others as superior to himself, without looking for his own interest, but that of the others” (Phil 2:1-4).
And “ conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the vocation you have received, with all
humility, meekness and patience, bearing with one another with love, trying to preserve spiritual

 “In the house of God”.
 Probably: It is your duty; or: It is a debt that you have towards them.
 The listing of the points does not follow the order in the manuscript in which they are without interruption. We have
preferred this arrangement to facilitate the reading.

unity through the bond of peace” (Eph 4:1-3). Because: one is your Heavenly Father, one is your
Redeemer, one your hope, one your goal. The good of one is the good of all and viceversa.
Ex[ample:] St. Paul and Timothy.

PA c) With the faithful, the aspirants, and all the confreres:

79 ./ due esteem, almost reverential;
../ total dedication to the community;
.../ care for each individual (like St. Paul for St. Timothy);
..../ needed firmness, always tempered by gentleness.

Is my character integral? “We have never said words of adulation, as you know... And not even
have we sought human glory, whether from you or from others.... On the contrary, we have been
loving in your midst, as a mother nourishes and cares for her creatures” (1Thes 2:5-7).


PA I must consider my particular duties, for I have badly represented you, O Lord, in the midst of
80 your children. I have so many male vocations, so many female vocations, so many Cooperators,
benefactors, students, and companions; so many readers: “I am indebted to all”.
Have I paid in full the debt of prayer?
[Have I paid in full] the debt of example?
[Have I paid in full] the debt of instruction?
[Have I paid in full] the debt of vigilance?
[Have I paid in full] the debt of correction?
[Have I paid in full] the debt of suffering?  41
I need the hour of the office as daily examination.
I need to withdraw from details, giving trust.
I need to work to elevate the religious spirit, the studies, the apostolate; for a good organization of
our forces and of poverty.
PA “Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit that is in you and that you
81 have received from God, and that you do not belong to yourselves?” (1Cor 6:19).
PA 1) The H[oly] Spirit is the uncreated gift that produces the created gifts. “Gift of the most high
82 God”. “The love of God (created gift) has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has
been given to us (uncreated gift)” [Rom 5:5].
Grace is the supernatural life that makes us live the divine life and makes us capable of producing
fruits and works of eternal life.
The saint, therefore, is the composite of soul, body and Holy Spirit.
There are three kinds of life: either the flesh reigns or commands, and we have the animal man, or
reason reigns and commands, and we have the rational man, and the Spirit lives and acts, and we
have the child of God. “I believe in the Holy Spirit... giver of life”.
PA 2) Birth: in the manner of Christ, Son of God by nature: “the Holy Spirit will descend upon you,
83 therefore...”; so with us: “by water and the Holy Spirit...” the adopted son of God is born that St. Paul
says is holy: “The Spirit Himself gives testimony to our spirit that we are children of God” (Rom

 The part of his writing that we give in square parentheses, the Author cites repeating the quotation marks.
 This last chapter does not follow the book of Cohausz; and this explains why the title, unlike the others, is written in

8:16). In baptism the demon is exorcised to give place to the Holy Spirit: “Give place to the Holy
St. Thomas: “Christ has been conceived in sanctity through the work of the Holy Spirit, in order to
become Son of God by nature; all the others are sanctified by the Holy Spirit, in order to become
children of God by adoption”.
PA 3) Grows.
84 How may the life of the Spirit be destroyed or nourished? It may be destroyed in proportion with
which one acts just humanly, simply following nature or, worse, becomes an “animal-man”. “Don’t
extinguish the Spirit” [1Thes 5:19]; “do not sadden the Spirit” [Eph 4:30].
It may be nourished by attracting the Spirit of God, that is, by exercising the interior life.
The Holy Spirit guides the soul to sanctity by means of faith, hope, charity, the infused virtues,
heavenly light, inspirations, etc...
The seven gifts are neither inspirations nor virtues, but dispositions that incline the soul to
correspond to inspirations and to practice the infused virtues.
Wisdom = delicious knowledge of spiritual things: “recta sapere”; Intelligence [Intellect] = “intus
legere” [to read from within]; Counsel = “What do you want me to do?”; Science = leads from
creatures to the Creator; Fortitude = “strength from above”; Piety = makes us consider God as our
Father and inspires confidence; Fear = fear of displeasing God.

PA 4) Operates “All those who are guided by the Spirit of God are children of God” [Rom 8:14].
85 The apostolate is fruit of the Holy Spirit. In the synagogue at Nazareth Jesus applies to himself the
words of Isaiah: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me; for this he has consecrated me, and has sent me to
announce to the poor a glad news, to proclaim freedom to prisoners and to the blind sight; to set in
liberty the oppressed...”. In fact, he said: “Today, this Scripture that you have heard with your ears has
been fulfilled” [cf Lk 4:17-21]. The anointing is the unification of the [divine and human] natures in the
unity of the person.
On the day of Pentecost: “[the Apostles] were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in
other tongues” [Acts 2:4].
On J[esus] C[hrist] descended the Holy Spirit in the guise of a dove; and this was the sign to
recognize the Messiah: “The Messiah is he upon whom the Holy Spirit shall descend”.
Immolation: “Christ... with an eternal Spirit offered himself without stain to God” [Heb 9:14].
Joy: “At that very moment Jesus exulted in the Holy Spirit” [Lk 10:21].
Think: what do you think of life, of the religious state, of the priesthood.
Pray = “The Spirit Himself prays for us” [cf Rom 8:26].
He wants = Every good thing passes through the superiors.
He speaks = “He who speaks, let him speak as though with the words of God” [1Pt 4:11].
He works: in heaven, in purgatory, throughout all the earth. I take from God, I count on God, I
look for God.


PA I adore your word: “I shall pray to the Father and he will send you another Paraclete” [Jn 14:16].
86 “It is expedient 43 that I go, because if I do not go, the Paraclete will not come to you. But if I shall
gave gone, I shall send him to you” [Jn 16:7].
“When the Spirit of Truth comes, he will teach you everything” [cf Jn 16:13].
“He will remind you all that I have told to you” [Jn 14:26].

 Expression that translates the Latin “Expedit”.

PA “Therefore, my beloved, be steadfast, immovable, always excelling in the work of the Lord, because
87 you know that in the Lord your labor is not in vain” (1Cor 15:58). “For we know that if the earthly tent
we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the
heavens” (2Cor 5:1).
“We look not at what can be seen but at what cannot be seen” [2Cor 4:18].
“So we do not lose heart. Even though our outer nature is wasting away, our inner nature is being
renewed day by day. For this slight momentary affliction is preparing us for an eternal weight of
glory beyond all measure” (2Cor 4:16-17).

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