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The Application of Kindling Strategy To Teaching Reading of Vocational High School 3 Payakumbuh

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Vol 5. No.01.

e-ISSN: 2723-1623; p-ISSN: 2723-1615
Journal of Education, Linguistics, Literature and Language Teaching


Ifna nifriza
1Stkip Abdi Pendidikan Payakumbuh Sumatera Barat Indonesia
Corresponding author’s email:
Received: 18 February 2022 Accepted : 30 June 2022


The review intends to know whether fuel methodology is powerful to further develop
understudies' perusing expertise at the 10th grader of SMK. Related to the phenomena the
teachers face in the school that they feel difficult in teaching reading to the students. The
population for this research was 538 students, with a sample size of 40 students from class X.1.
The study was an experimental study in which only one class was treated with the technique..
The research instrument was reading test. the test was valid because it had content validity. To
answer the hypothesis the data was scored by using T-test formula to see whether the
application of Kindling strategy gives significant effect in reading or not. The consequence of
this examination showed that the method score of exploratory class is higher than control class.
The means score of trial class was 64,81 and the methods score of control class was 62,50. It
mean the aftereffect of the t-test showed H1 was dismissed and H0 is acknowledged.

Keywords: kindling strategy, English reading, teaching reading

Reading is one of the abilities that vocational senior high school students will be able to master,
and it should be taught properly by teachers who play an important part in curricular
progression. The teacher can provide resources to boost student knowledge by referring to
everyday reading material such as "train schedules, newspaper articles, and travel and tourism
websites." According to Johnson (2008: 3), reading is the practice of employing text to produce
meaning. Creating and meaning are the two crucial words here. Reading is also the act of
connecting one thought to another.
As we probably are aware, perusing appreciation is the capacity of the perusers to get the
text's importance. The are a few factors that impact students‟ understanding cognizance.
Factors impacting a reader's knowledge, according to McCormack and Pasquarelli (2010: 110),
consider factors such as the learner's preferences and motivations, as well as their basic
knowledge and their ability to activate schemas both before and throughout reading. In
addition, the demands of the reading assignment, as well as the harshness of the text, have an
impact on readers' comprehension.

Vol 5. No.01. 2022
e-ISSN: 2723-1623; p-ISSN: 2723-1615
Journal of Education, Linguistics, Literature and Language Teaching

According to Sweet and Snow (2003: 2), certain factors influence pupils' reading
comprehension. The first element is the reader comprehending, the second is the text to be
comprehended, and the third is the action that involves comprehension. In taking into account
the peruser, we incorporate every one of the limits, capacities, information, and encounters that
an individual brings to the demonstration of perusing. The text refers to all readable material,
whether printed or digital. We examine mobility from three perspectives: goals, or why readers
read; processes, or what mental acts they engage in while reading; and outcomes, or what
readers realise or encounter as a result of reading.
Schumm (2006, p. 223) says that reading comprehension is using your background
knowledge and the writer's clues to figure out what the author was trying to say. Perusing
perception incorporates the grasping about unambiguous setting and their communication :
peruser, text, assignment, setting, and circumstance. The teacher should be active when
teaching reading to avoid boredom among pupils during the teaching and learning process. The
teacher should then have strategies to guide and motivate students to learn English. As Nunan
(2003:69) argues, reading is a dynamic activity in which the reader blends knowledge from the
a book and their past knowledge to generate meaning. This implies that reading students should
already be proficient in the language's fundamentals.
There were various issues with the reading activity that made it ineffective. According to
the researcher's experience as a teacher, the difficulties could stem from both teachers and
pupils. First, the issues stem from the teacher; teachers rarely employ engaging strategies to
encourage children to engage in reading activities. As a result, the teacher's teaching technique
is ineffective in attracting pupils' attention to reading. It causes students to become bored while
reading. Reading practice is what helps us became better readers (Johnson 2008:4).
Second, several issues were brought forward by students. The first is a lack of vocabulary
and grammar among kids. The second issue is that pupils are less motivated to read. Finally,
students are too lethargic to read a long book, making it difficult for them to locate the essential
point and comprehend the material. To put it differently, perusing is a type of English language
competency where someone or students try to gain meaning from the written words. A written
or printed symbol must be translated into an appropriate sound, as Elizabeth and Rao (2010:
278) acknowledge. As a result, the symbol (whether written or printed), sound, and perception
all play a role in reading.
In addition, according to Brassell and Rasinski (2008: 15), reading is a multimodal
activity that involves the eyes, hearing, and tongue. To put it another way, reading is the ability
to understand or make sense of written material. This means that in order to truly understand
what you're reading, you must go over it more than once.To defeat the issue over, the educator
ought to have the option to involve technique in instructing perusing. Numerous techniques
can be utilized in educating perusing. One of the showing perusing procedures that can be
utilized to assist understudies with fostering their capacity in perusing was by utilizing Kindling
According to Silver et al. (1996), Kindling uses provocative questions that help students
generate informal ideas and activate prior knowledge. This strategy can activate students'
background knowledge. In this technique, the teacher guides the students in a small group.
Then, students will share their ideas in a group and generate new ideas with the topic given by
the teacher. Rojas supports it (2007:264). This strategy uses provocative questions that help
students generate informal ideas and activate prior knowledge. With the question, the teacher
helps the students to generate their ideas. Moreover, Strong (2002:140) states that Kindling

Vol 5. No.01. 2022
e-ISSN: 2723-1623; p-ISSN: 2723-1615
Journal of Education, Linguistics, Literature and Language Teaching

uses measure questions to help students produce informal ideas and activate prior knowledge.
It means the strategy is to enhance students' knowledge they get in school.

The writer only treated one experimental class in the study. According to Gay, Mills, and
Airasian (2011: 250), experimental research can test hypotheses to establish cause and effect.
In experimental research, the researcher manipulates at least one independent variable, controls
other factors, and observes dependent variables. However, the researcher used just post-test
controls. This study uses a postest-only control group design as its research strategy. In
following up on the findings of Gay et al. (2011:269), the post-test-only control group design
is identical to that of the pretest – except that there is no pretest and participants are randomly
allocated to at least two groups, treated with various treatments and then retested. The study's
design can be seen in the following table:

Table 1. Post-test only control group design

Class Treatment Post-test
Experimental √ √
Control - √

Based on the table above, the writer was taught to classes; experimental class and control
class. In experimental class the researcher was treated with KIndling strategy. In control class,
the researcher was treated without KIndling strategy. The teacher taught the students using the
usual method, like teaching reading by giving the text, then ask them to find the difficult word,
etc. The researcher was taught both classes for eight meeting. For the last meeting, the
researcher gave test to both of the classes. Then, the score was analyze to find effectiveness of
treatment.The sample of this study was 40 students in class X.1 out of 538 students as the
population. In analyzing the students scores, the writer used the formula suggested by Sudijono
(2009:217). Then, the normality data was analyzed by using Liliefors formula suggested by
Irianto. At the end, T-test formula was used in analyzing the data.


There were experimental and control class in this research. In the experimental class, the
students were taught by Kindling strategy, while the control class was taught without Kindling
strategy. The calculated result of the students’ scores in both classes are presented as the
following table:

Table 7. The result of Post Test

Result of The Research
No Post Test
Experimental class Control class
1 Total Score 1749,9 1999,87
2 𝑥̅ 64,81 62,50
3 N 27 32
4 SS 2019,229 2022,4285

Vol 5. No.01. 2022
e-ISSN: 2723-1623; p-ISSN: 2723-1615
Journal of Education, Linguistics, Literature and Language Teaching

t- calculated 1,06
t- table 2,000
level of significance 0,05
Df 57

To summarise, it is clear from the table above, which shows that the t-calculated value
of 1,06 was lower than the table's value 2,000 in level significance (0,05) and the degree of
freedom (df) isn1+n2 – 2 = 57, with the name of result in experimental class is 27 and total
score is 2019,229, while in control class the total score is 2022,4285. So then, H0 is regarded
as true. Therefore, this suggests no discernible impact among the SMK N 3 Payakumbuh tenth
After scoring the students’ answer sheet, the means score of experimental class was 64,81
and the means of students in control class was 62,50. Then, the total score of experimental class
was 1749,9 and the total score of control class was 1999,87. Sum square of experimental class
was 2019,229 and sum square of control class was 2022,4285. By using t-test formula, it found
that t-calculated was 1,06 and t-table was 2,000 with the level significance (a) was 0,05 and
degree of freedom (df )= 57
Then, teaching reading with the Kindling technique to eight tenth graders at SMK N 3
Payakumbuh had no significant benefit. So it means H1 rejected and H0 was accepted.
The hypothesis was tested by comparing the post-test score of both classes using the t-
test formula. Next, the result of t-calculated was compared by t-table. The result of t-calculated
was 1,06 and t-table 2,000 with degree of freedom (df) was 57 and the level of significant 0,05.
It means t-table was bigger than t-calculated.
So, the null hypothesis (H0) was accepted and the alternative hypothesis (H1) was
rejected. Therefore, using the Kindling technique to teach reading to tenth-graders at SMK N
3 Payakumbuh shows no meaningful impact.
The Kindling technique was then found to be ineffective in the classroom when it came
to teaching reading. Because of various reasons, this method made the learner less interested
in reading. First, the kids' grasp of English makes it difficult to learn English. Then there's the
issue of time constraints, which contributes to students' challenges in finishing content in
reading classes. Finally, and due to this method, kids found studying English to be tedious to
According to the study's findings, teaching reading through the Kindling technique does
not assist children enhance their reading activity at SMK N 3 Payakumbuh.

This study examined the impact of teaching reading with the Kindling technique to tenth-
graders at SMK N 3 Payakumbuh in 2016-2017. The collected data of the students' scores
indicate that the experimental class has a higher mean score than the control class. The mean
score for the experimental group was 64.81, while the mean score for the control group was
62.50. Therefore, the t-test result indicated H1 was rejected and H0 was approved..
Nevertheless, the findings point to a significant rise in quality. The study of the kindling
technique was successfully successful in teaching speaking due to the students' experiences of
some hurdles. A statistical approach that gave the result in which the t score was higher than
the t table score demonstrated that it was true. In conclusion, the author expresses the

Vol 5. No.01. 2022
e-ISSN: 2723-1623; p-ISSN: 2723-1615
Journal of Education, Linguistics, Literature and Language Teaching

expectation that the study results will be useful for English teachers in enhancing their students'
ability to speak English.


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