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Viral Misconceptions by Jeff Green Transcription

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The key takeaways are that the document discusses different theories of disease causation and the proposed role and origin of viruses within the body.

Louis Pasteur's Germ Theory proposed that viruses invade the body from outside and cause disease, while Antoine Bechamp's Terrain Theory proposed that microorganisms originate within the body and are influenced by the internal environment or 'terrain'.

The document claims that the purpose of viruses is to dissolve toxic matter within the body when tissues become too toxic for living microbes to break down without being poisoned.

Viral Misconceptions 1

Viral Misconceptions 
Jeff Green  Transcribed
Introduction – 00:26 

The idea that viruses are invading agents that cause disease was created by
Louis Pasteur in the 1800s. His theory, known as the germ theory of disease, is
the catalyst for all theories existing in the medical profession. Germ Theory is
responsible for the use of pasteurization, vaccines, and medical treatments. At
the same time that Louis Pasteur was developing his germ theory, there was
another French scientist by the name of Antoine Bechamp. Bechamp came up
with his own theory of disease, and documented and proved it in his book, ‘The
Third Element of Blood’. His theory was radically different; it was called the
Terrain Theory. The Terrain Theory proposes that all living microorganisms
and viruses originate within the body, not from without. He discovered the
processes of fermentation, and he observed that bacteria and viruses are
pleomorphic; mutating based upon the terrain in which they reside. (viruses
mutate in the genome through viral blueprints before creation—a type of ’viral
pleomorphism’. Cells manufacture viral constructs and then alter those
constructions to suit their needs. Bacteria, being alive, can mutate on their own
after creation)​. This is the exact opposite of what Louis Pasteur proposed,
which states that viruses occur in nature by themselves, and create disease. This,
as I will explain, is impossible.

The Virus & Its Purpose – 02:09 

Viruses originate only in the presence of a living cell, however, science

also says (indirectly) that viruses can occur in nature. So which is it? Viruses
must ​have a cell in order to replicate. Science has admitted this, however, they
are manipulating the people into believing only partial truths. The truth is that
viruses are created in their whole form within the cell—they do not come from
outside the body, they come from within the body. Viruses occur in the body as
a result of systemic toxicity not because the body has been invaded by an
external threat. This is the big lie that the medical profession relies upon to
justify the use of vaccines and dangerous medications.
Viral Misconceptions 2

Without the false Germ Theory to rely upon, and the contagious myth that
is so brainwashed into people, the medical profession would have nothing to
stand on and would topple like a house of cards. So, what are viruses and what
are their main purpose in the human body and in the bodies of animals? Viruses
dissolve toxic matter when tissue is too toxic for living microbes to feed upon
without being poisoned to death. Without viruses, the human body would not be
able to sustain itself in the face of systemic toxicity. Since viruses are not alive,
they do not know how to infect a cell on their own. They do not have a nucleus,
they do not have respiration or a digestive tract—they are not alive, therefore,
viruses must have an assisting and guiding agent to accommodate their
behavior; these are called antibodies.
Importantly, it must be understood that viruses do not infect cells to invade
the cell and replicate. Science would have you believe that viruses replicated in
nature by themselves, but we know that viruses cannot replicate unless in the
presence of a living cell, therefore, how could a virus replicate itself when a
virus is not alive and does not procreate?

Science has claimed that a virus has indiscriminate actions. This means the
virus is supposed to be invading all cells in the body equally, but this is not the
behavior that we observe. The reality is viruses are very specific, and they
specifically dissolve specific tissues in the body, and they do this with the
assistance and guidance of antibodies. The virus contains the RNA and DNA
necessary to dissolve specific tissues and it acquires this from the energies of
the cell. The cell has DNA; DNA is an energy form. Our bodies are not
computers—we do not code ​(in the form computers do)​. That is another
mischaracterization of the human body. Energy exists in all cells and agents in
the body. Cells will create the virus therefore the cell will impart its own energy
into the virus which allows the virus, with the help of antibodies, to specifically
dissolve tissue waste and debris.

Viruses float in free suspension after they have left the cell; this is the
nature of Zeta Potential. This is a law of the universe that keeps objects in free
suspension, repelling or attracting themselves away from each other. This is an
electrical energy charge known as static electricity. If viruses were not
discriminatory and specific agents created by cells, we would observe everyone
who gets infected with viruses all have the same level of sickness, but this is not
what happens. This is a direct contradiction of virology itself because if viruses
Viral Misconceptions 3

are contagious agents that come from outside the body, the virus would not care
what level of health of the immune system, or of the body, that person had
(therefore, this shows an intelligent connection between viruses and the body).
Now, science would have you believe that viruses contain all the necessary
tools to infect each region, tissue, and organ in the body. In the human body, we
have many viruses. If I drink alcohol to excess for long periods of time, I may
develop hepatitis. According to science I would have had to have caught
hepatitis if we are to go by the logic of virology. Why would the body create
hepatitis virus in the liver?—Because the cells in the liver are attempting to
cleanse the liver and themselves of toxicity to restore and reverse a toxic liver

Now, it has been shown that there are over 320,000 virus variants inherent
to Earth and nature. Thousands of those exist within the human body, and they
exist in the form of a blueprint. The blueprints exist in the genome. Now, the
genome will direct the cells of the body what type of protein to manufacture.
For example, if you have a damaged liver, it's going to call upon the hepatitis
blueprint, and there are three+ types of hepatitis virus. The cells in the liver will
therefore manufacture what they deem necessary. Depending upon the liver
toxicity, you may need hepatitis A, you may need hepatitis B or C—it depends
on the level of toxicity. Each virus is more or less the same in this regard; they
all cleanse the liver and dissolve degenerated tissue. The level of symptoms that
you will experience depends on the level of toxicity. When you have a high
amount of toxicity it will require you to have more viral activity, thus, the
breakdown of viruses means that you are going to experience a higher level of
symptoms; you're going to feel more sick.

Now, the reason that people experience symptoms with viruses and
bacteria, is because when these break down the degenerated tissue and waste,
the body must eliminate what they break down. So, how does the body do that?
The body will eliminate 90% of toxins through the skin, and the rest through the
bowels, the mouth, and the mucous membranes. This means coughing,
sneezing—[the skin] we have all manner of skin rashes and eruptions. White
blood cells assist this behavior. Let's look at acne for an example. [for example]
You have a pimple—it is white or black depending upon the toxin involved. If it
is white, it uses white blood cells. If it is black it is using red blood cells, which
usually is an indication of too much iron. And, it is a specific type of iron—the
Viral Misconceptions 4

type from supplements which the body cannot utilize. White blood cells assist
the action of expelling toxins which are crystalline in nature, like a shard of
glass that ruptures out through the skin. Now, the white blood cell helps
neutralize this behavior. They try to help push it out of the body. This is the
behavior of all infection. It is always the body trying to expel toxins or foreign
debris from inside the body.

Viral Infection – Medical Deception – Contagious Trap – 

Viral infection is necessary in order so that the body may reverse a toxic
condition. But in people that have a suppressed immune system their body
cannot deal rationally with large amounts of virus breaking down toxic waste
products and therefore they may become sick and die, but this is rare. More
likely, 99% of the people who have viral activity will overcome it—that is the
function of the body. The body knows very well what to do; it is smart and has
innate abilities. We should nurture and learn to love the body. When someone
dies due to viral or bacterial infection, it is almost always because of medical
The medical industry seeks an enemy so that it can justify the use of
dangerous medical procedures and treatments. Erecting a wall between you and
your body will result in the fear of your body and those around you. That is the
primary purpose of the ‘contagious myth’. Brainwashing people into believing
that they may ‘catch’ a disease from someone around them, allows the medical
profession to keep people in fear. When people are in fear they are easily
controlled and manipulated. The people asked for a solution and they provide it
to them, not knowing that they have now enslaved themselves to their very own
mind and body.
When the mind becomes internally focused on its own problems, the focus
is no longer on the surroundings of that person but is focused internally on his
or her own problems. When the body is unhealthy this focus will magnify
greatly. When a population is too concerned with their own ailments, they will
have no concern for the exterior problems. Those in power take the opportunity
to exploit this nature of man, slowly taking the rights away from the individual.
They know how the human mind works, and they exploit it to their favor.
Viral Misconceptions 5

Viral Cycles – Coronavirus – 14:10 

Viruses and bacteria are cyclical in the body. The body is on a cycle,
therefore, viruses are on a cycle. Just like the weather is on a cycle, so too is the
body. When toxic accumulations reaches its highest point in the body, the
bursting tide can no longer be held back. This may occur due to seasonal
changes, climate changes, and temperature changes, stresses, strains, and
worries. The changes in the seasons signal the body to dump large amounts of
toxin accumulations into the blood. When toxins enter the blood system,
bacteria must proliferate in order to break down and eliminate the toxicity now
in the blood. However, if the microbes become poisoned to death due to the
toxic nature of what is in the blood, and what has accumulated in the body, the
cells will create and manufacture viruses that are nonliving protein solvents;
they are protein structures. viruses come in and break down the matter. They
eliminate it so that the body can restore homeostasis. Without viruses, the body
would have no recourse to cleanse itself and would die of toxicity.

The nature of viruses ​must be understood. Viruses are not alive—viruses are
not contagious, and I will explain why. Viruses cannot be transmitted between
people. Viruses originating outside the host cell cannot infect another host. The
virus will not have the necessary RNA or DNA to infect other cells. Cells will
not be infected by foreign debris, and that is exactly how a foreign virus is
treated by the body. The body cannot recognize the virus since it does not have
the key or time to its activity, as a result, the virus is treated as foreign debris.
When you inject animal viral tissues, the body does not recognize it, because it
did not originate within the cells of your own body. Likewise, if a virus is
transmitted through the air somehow, the virus will not be recognized in this
way either.
We also have the functions of the mucous membranes. When mucus is
observed under a microscope, it exhibits a weave pattern. This weave pattern
helps filter out foreign debris. If I was somehow able to manufacture viruses in
a lab by the trillions—enough to be able to spray it on a large population—this
would still not spark the virus that I intended to create in the victim. However, if
you are breathing this mist in, it is a foreign contamination which the body must
break down. In those cases, if it is toxic enough, the body will manufacture a
respiratory virus in order to break down the toxicity and eliminate it.
Viral Misconceptions 6

If we look to China as an example, we can see that the air pollution there is
so toxic that people have to wear masks in order to protect themselves. You can
imagine after breathing this in for an extended period of time, you are going to
develop a respiratory illness. It just so happens that coronavirus is a respiratory
virus. Coronaviruses have been around forever. If you have ever had a cold, it's
likely that you have had a coronavirus at one point or another in your life.
Coronaviruses are not new, however, the media has hyped it up and tried to
convince the mass ignorant sheeple that it is new and dangerous.
If we look to Italy as an example, we can see that Italy has one of the
highest pollution rates in all of Europe, therefore, you have a population there
that is going to detoxify their bodies, and they're going to do this all at the same
times (because they all accumulate at similar same rates and levels).​ As I
explained, viruses are cyclical because the body is cyclical. Toxic
accumulations take time to build up, and they build up in the majority of the
population at the same time. Therefore, the majority of the population will
release their toxic accumulations around the same time as well. This behavior is
what I call the Illusion of Viral Activity (IVA)​. This can be exploited by those in
power, because the person that is observing this believes, incorrectly, and out of
ignorance, that it is contagious—but this is simply not the case.

Science of Virology Exposed – 19:50 

The study of viruses is flawed by nature. In order for them to be observed

in laboratories, viruses must be cauterized, then taken and dried. This is called
irradiation. This also takes the moisture content out of the virus. This is an
attenuation process that kills the virus. However, as stated, a virus is not alive.
Usually, it is animal viral proteins that are used to conduct these observations.
Viruses are observed in petri-dish environments that are sterilized. Toxic
serums are used to keep cellular activity alive, but not healthy. Cells in such an
environment do not have at their disposal the full range of microbial cleansing
agents as it would appear in the human body, therefore, scientists will always
observe the prominence of viral activity, because cells must use viruses to
cleanse themselves in such a toxic environment if they do not have bacteria or
parasites which they can call upon to consume and eliminate this toxicity.
Therefore, scientists observe that viruses dissolve their own cellular activity, but
this is an illusion. In order to observe viruses, viruses must be stained which
Viral Misconceptions 7

causes inaccurate observations of the virus, since the virus is not acting in a
natural way as it would in the human body. Science knows this but continues
the fraud and deception anyway.

Viruses are so small that they are the size of 0.1 microns. This requires
incredibly powerful microscopes to see. Optical microscopes must require the
staining process of viruses in order to show up on the microscope. So, what
does the virus behave like in the human body? The only way we will know that
is if we view them in the living tissue. And, we have just that, because Royal
Rife invented his own microscope that could view living tissue in images up to
30,000 times their size. He was able to view microorganisms in their living
state, within the tissue. Rife observed that viruses and bacteria only occur due to
imbalances within the bodily system; in short he concluded that viruses and
bacteria are pleomorphic (refer to p.1 for clarity)​, thereby confirming the
findings of Antoine Bechamp in the 1800s. Rife states in his findings: “In
reality, it is not the bacteria themselves that produce the disease, but we believe
it is the chemical constituents of these microorganisms acting upon the
unbalanced cell metabolism of the human body that, in actuality, produces the
disease. We also believe if the metabolism of the human body is perfectly
balanced or poised, it is susceptible to no disease.”

Shawn Montgomery - Rife Research Group:

“What anybody will discover when they search the record, is that Royal
Rife invented a microscope in the early 1930s which was called the Universal
Microscope, and its unique quality was that it was able to view viruses in their
living state—able to view microbes as small as viruses in their living state.
Now, today, and even then, we had the electron microscope which can see
viruses but in a snapshot approach. They're dead; they have to irradiate them
with electrons, which is the method of operation. It kills them, and therefore
you're not seeing the live process, and with optical microscopes, stains are used
to bring out features, and the stains themselves are toxic, and once again, you've
got dead samples that you're viewing. Well, Rife saw this limitation in
microbiology and microscopy and decided to address it. So his answer was to
invent a microscope which used light.
He could sustain the sample, and by not killing it, he was able to use this
method to obtain extreme magnification, extreme resolution, and he was able to
view his samples in the living state. So, he could see viruses moving around
Viral Misconceptions 8

going through their processes, which you can see with an optical microscope,
but it was his ability to see viruses, which was in the living state, which was his
key innovation, and all of his other inventions and there were many all related
to this that sort of bounced off the principles that the microscope operated on.”

Viruses Do Not Cross Species – 25:24 

Viruses cannot cross-species for a number of reasons. For one, RNA and
DNA of the animal is not compatible with human RNA or DNA. According to
science, they claim that animal viruses can be transmitted to humans, but the
human body does not manufacture and replicate animal cells and tissue. We are
humans, and when we eat animal flesh, it is converted in the stomach to human
tissue, which we use for our own needs; to build muscle, for example. The only
way to get animal viral tissue into a human body is through injection. Only then
can animal tissue be observed in the blood. Therefore, the supposition that
AIDS came from a monkey, or that coronavirus came from a bat, or that Ebola
was caused by a bat—this cannot occur in nature. Now, ask yourself, why is it
that only in the past 40 years have these viruses occurred in nature? Why didn't
they occur a thousand years ago? Why didn't they occur 200 years ago? These
viruses would have occurred in nature long before now if what science is saying
is true. It is impossible for animals to transmit viruses to humans, and it is
impossible for them to transmit it between themselves. It is also impossible for
humans to transmit viruses between themselves.
The body does not recognize external viruses. Viruses have to be created
by a cell in your own body and contain the necessary RNA or DNA given by
your cell. There is no such thing as a majority viral strain. Everybody is going
to have a different strain because the body creates the strain for its own usage.

Quoting  from  ‘The  Poisoned  Needle’  by  Elnora  Mcbean,  1956, 

nutritional and medical doctor: 
"During one of our most widespread polio epidemics (​1949) ​‘contraction
of polio by definite contact with other victims of the disease was not established
in an elaborate study made by the New York State Health Department. The
United States Public Health Service in its studies also found the same negative
answer during succeeding outbreaks of polio. In short, they learned that the
disease was not contagious." TIME Magazine commented on this unexpected
revelation of these surveys by remarking that "when and where people catch
Viral Misconceptions 9

polio remains a mystery." "The supposition that viruses entered through the
mouth and nose led the experimenters to make exhaustive tests on both animals
and human beings, mostly prisoners and orphans in institutions. They were
exposed (by close association) to polio patients and their throats and nasal
passages were frequently swabbed with matter (from the patients) that was
supposed to contain viruses. No polio was produced in this way and about the
only noticeable after-effect was that the subjects of the experiments lost their
sense of taste and smell due to the damaging effects of the poisons in the serum
that was used on the swabs."

Sanitizers and Vectors of Transmission – 29:39 

Viruses only function within a human host or in petri dish environments

where they can be kept in flux. Outside of the body, they become dry and lose
their moisture. While they exist on surfaces, like bacteria exists on surfaces,
this, as stated, is not a danger. While sanitizers will quote “kill the virus”, so too
will the mechanisms in the body filtrate out viral particles from the
environment. The nose hairs, and the nose and mucous membranes, and the
saliva in the mouth, will neutralize viruses upon entry to the body. If they pass
these mechanisms and defenses, the body has white blood cells that will
neutralize them upon contact. Even if a virus entered the body and bypassed all
of its defenses, the virus is still not compatible with the body it enters.
The virus must contain the specific RNA or DNA in order to be
compatible with the body it enters. Also, blood to blood contact is not a vector
of transmission of viruses—we bleed outwardly, we do not bleed inwardly.
When we bleed, we bleed out the body. This keeps the blood pure and keeps
foreign contamination from entering back up into the body. This is one reason
why AIDS and other viruses are not contagious. The only vector of transmission
of viruses, outside of vaccination, is through blood transfusion of an infected
patient. But it is not the virus that is causing the problem, per se—It is the
combination of foreign animal tissues that have been created in a lab, as is the
case with AIDS. Such viruses have been spliced together. This can elicit certain
behaviors from the innate immune system.
This is the primary reason for why vaccines take so long to create; they are
trying to provoke just the right amount of immune irritation without killing the
injectee. They coax the results they want by splicing animal tissues together and
including them with adjuvants, serums, and toxic preservatives.
Viral Misconceptions 10

Coronavirus p2: How Viruses are Manufactured – 32:33 

Coronavirus is a type of severe acute respiratory syndrome. It falls in the

SARS family and has flu-like symptoms. Both SARS and coronavirus are
caused by man-made environmental toxicity. Chemically toxic substances from
the air are breathed into the lungs and respiratory system wherein they cannot
be consumed and eliminated by living microbes. Specific nonliving viruses are
then manufactured by cells in the lungs to disassemble and breakdown these
substances. Mild flu-like symptoms usually result. The symptoms associated
with their removal are what occurs during SARS. Such airborne toxic
substances are caused by burning plastics, formaldehyde, and factory tainted air,
which encompasses a wide array of very toxic byproducts. Older individuals
with already weakened immune systems are prone to more advanced respiratory
virus detoxification and will account for most deaths. This illness may crop up
in millions due to dense populations, like in China, who are breathing in such
air on a daily basis—this does not mean it is contagious—it is not more.

“More than 99% of Italy's coronavirus fatalities were people who suffered
from previous medical conditions, according to a study by the country's
National Health Authority. More than 75 percent had high blood pressure. 35
percent had diabetes, and one-third suffered from heart disease.”

Symptoms may be higher in one individual because they require more

viral activity to occur to cleanse toxicity. The body has the makeup and
manufacturing blueprints already in the genome, and inside the cell, to produce
320,000 different viral variants. The genome directs each cell what type of
protein to manufacture—this includes viral protein structures known as viruses.
Therefore, even small amounts of viral proteins can be found in times of
non-cleansing. If tissue is magnified, like the PCR test does, viral proteins must
be converted by cells into whole viral structures and then encoded to
specifically dissolve specific tissues in and around cells. This is why we do not
observe viruses attacking all cells in the body; they are very specific solvents
that are discriminatory, not non-discriminatory, as science has stated.
Coronaviruses are in fact real viruses—it is merely a type of cold virus.
Viral Misconceptions 11

Not only can they mask the cases by claiming it is COVID-19—it could be
any coronavirus strain and be able to be claimed as COVID-19 because there is
literally no difference between COVID-19 and other coronavirus strains. And,
naturally, the test will not see the difference because there is not a big enough
difference to note. Furthermore, the PCR test is observing genetic material left
over from the virus. This means that if you've ever had a cold in your life, and
you happen to have had a coronavirus, it is very likely you will be labeled as a
positive case even though you are not experiencing any symptoms.

There is always some level of viral activity in small amounts working in

the body. It is only when large amounts of viral activity are called upon and
working that you will experience symptoms. When viruses break down large
amounts of toxic matter, that matter must be expelled by the body somehow; it
must ​come out of the body. It uses mucus, coughing, sweating, skin excretions,
and bowels, to remove them from the body. If it is a respiratory virus, there will
be respiratory symptoms to expel toxins from the lungs.
Viruses are created in the following way: When toxicity has reached a
point wherein it can no longer be held back by the body, mass amounts of
toxins will be dumped into the blood system. In order for the body to get rid of
these toxic accumulations now in the blood, bacteria come in to feed upon this
matter as the first primary method of removal. The processes of phagocytosis
play a role as well. Parasites and fungus are also involved in small amounts,
depending upon the toxic nature of the substances. However, if the tissues are
so toxic, and the substance is so toxic in the body, living microbes will be
poisoned to death when they attempt to consume this matter, therefore, the body
must utilize another cleansing method to get rid of this toxicity. The body has
viruses to accommodate this situation.
In such circumstances cells come together as a whole unit, conspiring to
cleanse themselves and their surroundings of toxicity to restore cellular tissues
and fluids. This allows new cellular activity to thrive.

In order for a cell to manufacture a virus, it does so in the following ways:

First, the cell will call upon the viral protein already existing in the cell. The
genome plays a part, and the cell will call upon the blueprint of whatever virus
is determined by the cell to cleanse itself and its surroundings. The viral protein
is called into the nucleus wherein the virus is structured into its whole form.
Before, all that existed was viral protein particles, now, the whole structure of
Viral Misconceptions 12

the virus has been manufactured and assembled in the nucleus. It leaves the
nucleus where it is housed within the cell. The virus will obtain its RNA or
DNA by the cell, since the cell contains DNA that means the virus being
manufactured by the cell will also impart its DNA to the virus ​(organic DNA)​.
This process allows the virus, with the help of antibodies, which are a type of
white blood cell, to dissolve specific tissues.
Replication continues in this way until the cell can no longer hold the
viruses in itself. At this point the cell wall will rupture on one side, allowing the
viruses to escape and enter the rest of the body. The cell, while ruptured, is not
destroyed in the process. The cell can easily heal this small rupture. This set of
viruses will continue for 72 hours. After 72 hours, the cell will manufacture a
new set of viruses with different cleansing mechanisms, after the first set has
been exhausted by the body. The second set will be a little bit different than the
first set, but both sets are the same type of strain—the second set will cleanse
what the first set did not.

Please visit my website for more information:  
If  you  have  any  questions  or  would  like  information  on  a  particular  subject, 
please email me at my website by filling out the form. 
—Jeff Green

Copyright © 2019-2020

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