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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Enclosure 1: Contextualized Mechanisms to guide Schools in the

implementation of the Blended/Distance Learning Delivery Modality

1. As stipulated in DepEd Order No. 007, s. 2020 entitled Calendar of Activities

for school Year 2020-2021, Schools and Community Learning Centers (CLCs),
under the supervision of ROs and COs, are authorized to decide on the specific
DLDM which may be deemed appropriate to their context.

2. Schools shall be guided by the Omnibus Guidelines on the implementation of

Community Quarantine, issued by the IATF for the management of Emerging
Infectious Diseases dated May 15, 2020 as well as the directives of the Office
of the President (OP), in deciding the learning modality/modalities to be
implemented. In addition, the learners’ context, access, and readiness, as well
as the context/situation of the area where the schools are located shall be
taken into consideration. The choice of modality/modalities of the parent
and/or learner may also be considered.

3. The DLDM adopted by the school or chosen by the learner or parent may be
changed when deemed necessary and possible based on, but not limited to,
any of the following:
a. Health and physical distancing protocols and other guidelines set in their
respective areas;
b. Availability of public transport;
c. Changes in the health status of the learner;
d. The learner’s assessment results showing that the learner is not doing well
in the learning delivery modality chosen; and
e. Indications and reports of negligence and abuse validated through home

4. To guide the Schools Division Offices in providing technical assistance to and

in monitoring the schools and learning centers in the delivery of distance
learning, the Distance Learning Delivery Flow is presented in Figure 1.

5. All school heads shall use the diagram as reference in managing the delivery
of distance learning in their respective schools. Through the diagram, the
regional and division offices and schools or learning centers are directed to
design programs and activities that aim at improving the efficiency of delivery
at each stage.

6. Suggested mechanisms, schedule of delivery, and reference resources at each

stage are provided in Table 1.

Address: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Figure 1. Flow of Distance Learning Delivery

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Table 1. Suggested and Contextualized Mechanisms


Organization of 1. Ensure safe work environment in compliance with guidelines set by the June to
Classes and School National Government/COVID-19 IATF. August,
Readiness weeks 1
2. Plan the organization of classes considering the DLD modalities and 2
preferred by the learner and parent or guardian as a result of the
accomplished Learner Enrolment and Survey Form (LESF).

3. Facilitate the conduct of In-Service Training (INSET) or Learning Action

Cell sessions to address gaps in the implementation of distance learning

4. Attend upskilling and reskilling on the utilization of distance learning

delivery modalities, video preparation and editing, and others organized
by DepEd and other authorized service providers.

5. Strengthen partnership with external stakeholders.

6. Orientation and information dissemination are very vital in the

implementation of programs and activities. Hence, the school head shall
facilitate the conduct of these within the locality with the help of partners
and other community stakeholders.

Address: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax No.: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email Address: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


7. Provision of continuing support and/or technical assistance to school
personnel and stakeholders shall be ensured by the school head with
the support of the Schools Division and Regional Offices.
Self-Learning Module 8. As much as possible, the primary learning resource that shall be used June to Enclosure 11
Development and are the self-learning modules (SLMs) developed by the regions for the August,
Quality Assurance implementation of the Alternative Delivery Modes. It shall be the weeks 1
foundation for conversion to various content formats such as, but not and 2
Preparation of limited to, digital formats (flat PDF and e-SLM), educational videos,
learning materials, audios, and others. The digital format of SLMs shall be uploaded to the
weekly home learning LR Portal and DepEd Commons. Supplementary Learning resources
plans, necessary initiated by Regional Office shall be uploaded to the DepEd-CAR landing
forms page and “DomiKnow”, DepEd-CAR’s You Tube channel.

9. Additional learning materials may be used to support the SLMs. They

shall ensure that these learning materials are aligned with the Most
Essential Learning Competencies and are quality assured at the school
or district, division or regional levels.

10. Schools shall ensure contextualization and integration of learning

content. Contextualization shall allow flexibility of learning content and
the needed processes related to a particular setting, situation or area of
application to make competencies relevant, meaningful, and useful to all

11. Other learning resources like textbooks, learners’ materials, MELCs-

aligned teacher-made videos, audio-lessons, modules, activity sheets,

Address: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax No.: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email Address: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


interactive e-materials may supplement the required learning resource
for each learning delivery modality.

12. Facilitate “Buddy – buddy System” or grouping of teachers in the

preparation of learning resources.

13. To ensure that learners are on task and are guided on what they are
expected to accomplish within a specific week, teachers shall prepare a
Weekly Home Learning Plan. Sufficient break times shall be ensured. In
cases of legal celebrations and holidays as well as
cancellations/suspensions of classes due to natural and man-made
calamities, adjustments in the time frame for accomplishing learning
tasks based on the Weekly Home Learning Plan shall be considered
Packing of 14. Disinfect packing materials before using them. August, Enclosures 4
Instructional Packets weeks 1 and 8
15. Ensure durability and sufficiency of packing materials. and 2

16. Depending on the learner’s context, instructional packets may be packed

on a weekly or monthly basis.

17. Ensure the readiness of all materials to be used by the learner such as
Self-learning module per learning area, audio or video supplements if
applicable, textbooks, and other resources needed to facilitate learning,
including the learner feedback form.

Address: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax No.: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email Address: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


18. Ensure the readiness of materials to be used by parents or guardians
such as the weekly home learning plan, parent’s/guardian’s guide,
parent’s/guardian’s feedback form, individual monitoring plan for
learners with academic challenges, and other resources needed to guide
the parent or guardian in assisting their child or ward.
Dap-ayan ti Parentes 19. Facilitate the development of appropriate interactions and social August 17 Enclosures
relations with learners and parents/guardians. to 20 5, 6, 7

20. Depending on the parent’s or guardian’s context, orientation may be (August

done through online or offline modalities. Online orientation may be 21 –
done through the use of any online platform agreed upon by both teacher National
and parent or guardian, use of email, Facebook, or messenger. Offline Holiday)
orientation may be done through face to face, SMS, or calls.

21. If orientation is done through face to face interaction, health protocols

must be strictly followed.

22. Orient the parents or guardians prior to the actual learning week. Details
of the orientation shall include the following:
 priming them of their expected roles and responsibilities as facilitators
of their child’s or ward’s learning relative to distance delivery;
 ensuring them of available support which the school may provide,
including constant guidance from the school head and teacher (open
 strategies in priming their own child/ren/ward on the distance learning
delivery modality;

Address: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax No.: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


 schedules of dialogue with teacher or school head should there be
queries on the learning tasks provided for the child or ward, or concerns
regarding the child’s or ward’s behavior or learning intake;
 schedules of distribution and retrieval of instructional packets;
 description of the contents of the instructional packets to be received
and how these shall be used or accomplished;
 introduction to community volunteers or available para-teachers and
the roles and responsibilities of these volunteers; and
 other relevant pieces of information deemed significant for
dissemination to parents or guardians.

23. The learner shall also be oriented on the distance learning delivery,
through the parents/guardians.

24. Para-teachers or volunteer teachers can only come in as learning

facilitators with the written consent of the parents. Schools need to
oversee and facilitate this particular concern.

25. Volunteer teachers or para-teachers shall be oriented on their specific

roles and responsibilities in this partnership with the school for the
implementation of the distance learning delivery modality.
School on Wheels 26. Schools, under the guidance and supervision of the Regional Office (RO) August 24 Enclosure 7
and Schools Division Office (SDO), shall organize their own mechanism to 28
to ensure that all learners receive copies of the SLMs in print or digital

Address: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax No.: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email Address: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


format as well as other learning materials like learners’ material,
textbooks, learning activity sheets and others.

27. Local Government Units (LGUs) and community stakeholders may be

tapped by schools and field offices to assist in making sure that SLMs
are provided to every learner.

28. Partnerships with the Police Regional Office of the Cordillera Police, the
Bureau of Jail Management and Penology-Regional Office, Regional
Bureau of Fire-Regional Office, and the Philippine Army were done by
the DepEd-CAR to ensure that the schools are provided assistance in
the delivery of instructional packets to the learners. Their personnel,
who are Education graduates and have been classroom teachers for
some time, are now tapped to assist the schools in the delivery scheme
and also in guiding the parents in facilitating learning, if necessary.

29. Learners are not allowed to go to the schools to get the instructional
packets. Even if proximity to the school is near, still under the IATF
guidelines, minors (below 21 years of age) are not allowed to go out.

30. Parents or guardians may get the instructional packets directly from the
school or the teacher, observing health protocols.

31. Schedule the teachers, in the absence of partners or support groups,

during delivery and retrieval of Instructional Packets. However, to

Address: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax No.: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email Address: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


ensure the security of teachers delivering instructional packets, they
must be in the company of barangay, LGU or police officials.

32. Observe health protocols during the delivery and retrieval of Self –
Learning Materials and home visitation. Teachers who are pregnant, 60
years old and above, and with immunodeficiency comorbidities or other
health risks, shall not be allowed or included in the delivery of
instructional packets.

33. When using vehicles, “APOR (Authorized Person Outside Residence) with
DepEd Logo” shall be posted on the vehicle.

34. Ensure that pertinent documents of teachers are ready, prior to the
delivery of instructional packets to avoid being reprimanded in
checkpoints or when entering another barangay/sitio.
Actual Learning 35. The school shall ensure that children are learning in a safe, healthy, and September Enclosures
Delivery conducive learning home. 1 onwards 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 11
36. School head and teacher shall ensure that the learners and their parents
or guardians are connected. The school must facilitate the physical and (August 31
psychological preparation of parents/guardians and learners in this – National
transition. Parents/guardians need to accept the task of facilitating their Holiday)
child’s/ward’s learning and children need to accept that their
parents/guardians shall become their learning facilitators.

Address: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax No.: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email Address: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


37. Regular teacher-parent/guardian interaction for assistance through
online platform/s, SMS, Call, messenger, or any forms of
communication accessible to both parent and teacher or guardian, shall
be made available.

38. Make home visitation schedule of learners in case this scheme is

allowed, guaranteeing compliance with health protocols and border

39. Monitor the learners’ progress in accomplishing tasks set for the day or

40. Maintaining an open communication between the school and the

parent/guardian reduces or eliminates the occurrence of compounding
difficulties and facilitates the provision of immediate feedback to the
parents on the performance of the child.

41. In the case of online classes, screen time for learners shall be strictly

42. The learner shall read, understand and follow the instructions as
indicated in the “Instruction to Learner” which is included in the
Learning Package. It shall serve as a guide in making the distance
learning experience effective.

Address: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax No.: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email Address: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


43. To ensure that learners are on task and are guided on what they are
expected to accomplish within a specific week, they will be given a copy
of the Weekly Home Learning Plan with provision on sufficient break
times following the suggested time frame to work on their assigned tasks
per learning area in a week. The learner shall accomplish the learning
tasks on a weekly basis using the learning materials provided by the

44. For learners without available learning facilitators at home, subject

teachers or a para-teacher may conduct home visits following social
distancing protocols or the learner with the guidance of parents may
communicate with their teacher through text messages, phone/live
chats, or through other available forms of communication to provide
assistance or remediation.

45. ALS volunteers and mobile teachers may be requested as partners of the
regular schools in delivering learning through the DLDM.

46. To make learning manageable for learners, they may be given a set time
frame to undertake a lesson or accomplish an activity. The setting of the
time frame shall be guided by the suggested time allotment a MELC can
be mastered. Learners who are not meeting expectations shall be
provided with remediation while those who may accomplish the tasks as
contained in the SLMs shall be given enrichment activities.

Address: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax No.: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email Address: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


47. The following Forms shall be accomplished:
a. Feedback form by the learners shall be accomplished by the
learners themselves so the teacher will be informed of the extent
of help or support received from home and from the teacher, the
degree of clarity and comprehensiveness of the learning materials
b. Teachers shall prepare an Individual Learning Monitoring Plan for
learners who manifest academic challenges as shown by the
initial observations of parents/guardians or volunteer teachers.
This shall be accomplished by the parent/guardian/volunteer
teacher and returned to the teacher at the end of the week so the
teacher will be able to provide help for the learner to meet the
most essential learning competencies while seeing the connection
between one lesson to the next.
c. Feedback form by the parents to inform the teacher of the extent
of assistance provided to the learner and their response to the
instructional packets received.
d. Feedback form by the para-teachers or volunteer teachers, if
applicable. This form shall inform the teacher of the extent of
assistance provided to deliver the instructional packets and/or to
guide the learner in accomplishing expected weekly tasks. Their
inputs on the delivery mechanism shall likewise help the teacher
plan for better or improved strategies.
Retrieval of 48. Retrieval of accomplished learning tasks and feedback forms from the End of the Enclosures 6
Instructional Packets parent or guardian, learner, or volunteer shall be done on a weekly basis. week and 7

Address: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax No.: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email Address: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


It shall be scheduled at the end of the learning week, preferably on a (preferably
Friday. Friday)

49. Agreements done during the “Dap-ayan ti Parentes” on specific

schedules and persons involved in the retrieval of instructional packets
shall be implemented.

50. The same reminders on health protocols and IATF guidelines stated in
the “School on Wheels” Phase shall guide the teachers, school heads,
and parents/guardians or volunteers.
Feedback 51. The teacher shall review the following after receipt of the returned First day of Enclosure 8
Mechanisms instructional packets: the school
 feedback forms from parents/guardians, volunteers to track how they week
are guiding the learners and if there are immediate concerns needing
appropriate interventions;
 actual task accomplishments of learners to check learning pace and
improvements and to inform the teacher of any advances or lags in the
assimilation of competencies;
 individual learning monitoring plan given to learners who show
academic challenges to analyze if progress is evident after intervention.

52. After careful scrutiny, evaluation, and analysis, teacher must give
immediate feedback to the learner through the parent or guardian so the
learners will be further guided if progress is not evident or so the learners
will be commended and given additional tasks if progress is distinct.

Address: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax No.: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email Address: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


53. Feedback may be given on the first school day of the following week
through whatever means of communication accessible by the parent or
guardian and the teacher.

54. Immediate feedback given by the teacher would redound to the provision
of timely and appropriate intervention strategies by the parent or
guardian that would help reduce the risk of losing learning interest
among the learners.

Address: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax No.: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email Address: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director

Enclosure 2: Compendium of Learning Competencies for Special Education

***The full copy of these competencies is attached as a separate file


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 |
Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
Guide for Teachers in using the SPED/Inclusive Education Learning
Competencies (LCs)

Going to school is an avenue to raise skills. It is a place to raise social skills,

social awareness and increase child’s ability. However, as the pandemic
continues to spread across the globe, access to education is a big challenge
specially to Learners with Special Educational Needs (LSENs) who may face
greater risk of being left behind. Hence, this situation should not be the
hindrance in providing quality education to these learners. It is also their
basic right to continually develop concepts and skills which enable them to
become productive members of society and live meaningful and fulfilling lives.

The Regional Office, through the collaborative efforts of the SPED Focal
Persons in the Region and Schools Division Offices, School Heads and
Teachers of the SPED Centers, with the guidance of the DepEd – CAR
Curriculum and Learning Management Division, refined the learning
competencies (LCs) to address the needs of LSENs. Thus, the LCs focus more
on the development of skills that will help them live independently. The
curricular components of LSENs include the following areas: self – help,
social, number, communication, pre-vocational, vocational, community
integration and independent living skills.

Each learning area includes major skills, objectives, and tasks analyzed and
arranged in three (3) levels commensurate to the client’s expected entry
behavior and projected end goal. This is to guide the teacher for the clients
to master a skill which results in the acquisition of the CAP behaviors, namely
cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. All of these are prerequisite skills for
independent living (SPED-BEE, 1996).

Self – Help Skills is a primary learning task each individual is expected to

acquire. Self – help skills assist individuals to live happier and more
productive lives when they are able to manage themselves alone. Activities of
daily living or ADL are those skills which pertain to the care of self, such as
the following: a) feeding; b) dressing; c) toileting; and d) grooming and

Social Skills/competence bears significance even for the LSENs. But it

seems to be a prevailing deficit for them. The acquisition of these social skills
will lead them to function in an environment where they can be accepted for

Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
what hey are and behave appropriately in social functions. To attain these,
the following should be developed: a) attending skills; b) self – awareness;
c) self at play; d) self at work.

Communication Skills - Language has always been the most delayed among
the LSENs. But useful and constructive communication is essential to a
child’s growth. Though maturation process cannot be accelerated, activities
can be structured and manipulated in order to ensure development. It is
within this premise that the following have to be developed: a)
listening/receptive skills; b) speaking/expressive skills; c)
reading/decoding skills; d) writing skills

Number Skills – acquiring number skills give order to daily living. It allows
an individual to organize his life. It is important for them to learn to count,
to compute, to measure, to tell time and others. These will equip LSENs with
the necessary skills for independent living. This will also allow them to earn
their own living, to keep house, and to eventually manage a family. With this
in mind, the following skill are emphasized more than the regular math
curriculum: a) object discrimination skills; b) number concept skills; c)
measurement/fraction skills; d) decimals/money skills.

Pre – Vocational Skills are skills that refine a client’s motor skills. They train
students to group and sort, fold, cut, fasten and/or staple. More-over these
skills develop an individual’s manual dexterity and coordination. At the same
time, Pre-Vocational instruction should also be a preparation for future work.
This means a client must have appropriate work attitudes. Therefore, Pre-
Vocational skills cover the following areas: a) fine motor skills; b) training
work readiness skills; c) work skills.

Vocational Skills is a learning area which will prepare and equip the client
with actual work skills. Client has to be closely monitored as to what kind of
job he will most likely too succeed in. It is also this area which will determine
the kind of job and the kind of monitoring to be done with him/her. This will
also determine if a client would succeed in sheltered workshops or out in
competitive environment. This is preparatory to a transitionary life skill in
the community. It is advised that the program be strictly observed to test the
validity of the skills to be developed. Each service skill has been further
subdivided into 3 – 4 parts according to levels. For Level I, a client has to go
through the preparation, actual work, and cleaning up stages. For Levels II

Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
and III, all stages have been included but with an additional work experience
stage. The only important guideline that has to be followed and met is to treat
the client like an adult and not like a child. This will assure the client of
everyone’s ultimate goal to make him make it on his own as an individual
independent adult living in the normal world.

Curriculum Guidelines:

a. Take one specific objective at a time based on the assessed performance

level of a particular child.

b. Develop from the lowest level of objectives before proceeding to the next
level that is related to it. See to it that the objectives of each learning area are
closely related in skills development before starting a lesson.

c. Never pick an objective at random. Always take up the lowest level if the
prerequisite skill needed for development has not been acquired. Always
begin where the child is.

d. The objectives are divided into three levels. Each level has its entry
behavior and end goal. There are also lists of enroute goals to guide the
teacher to achieve the goal.

e. If the tested objective in each level may be difficult to achieve, break then
down into simpler task. Always adapt the client’s level of performance.

f. If the tested objective is easy to achieve, go to the next level. The teacher
is not compelled to follow the sets of objectives. The reference is always the
entry and end goals.

g. Teach the skill as a means for training the client to become economically
useful and eventually earn a living.

h. Clients can acquire skills at their own pace. Never force the clients to
acquire skills because you want them to finish the whole year’s work.

i. Use any language which you think the child can benefit most from.

j. This guide will be utilized for learners with moderate, severe, and profound
learning disabilities/difficulties in SPED Centers and Regular Schools.

Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
The Learners

Learners who are diagnosed as moderate with mental ages from 4 – 20 years
old are categorized and evaluated under the following levels:

Level I . . . . . . . . . . . . Mental age . . . . . . . . . . 4 – 6.9

Level II . . . . . . . . . . . Mental age . . . . . . . . . . 7 – 11.9

Level III . . . . . . . . . . mental age . . . . . . . . . . 12 – above

In addition to the above criteria of groupings, there are certain provisions to

take into consideration. These include the important skills or the ability of an
individual child. The learners have been evaluated by a diagnostic team or a
certified clinical psychologist. In the absence of any of the evaluation reports,
teachers’ assessments and narrative observation reports may be used as a
temporary baseline data to start where the child is.

Evaluation Guide

Teachers give considerable attention to the progress which pupils are doing.
Progress is a matter with which parents are critically concerned. Whatever
programs the child is getting as a result of the attention given by the teacher,
progress should always be recorded. Such evaluation may be given through
an anecdotal record/descriptions or checklist based on general observation
and judgment.

1. Assessment Checklist

This is a set of indicators based on the listed objectives per learning area/skill.
It is a tool to evaluate the child. Below are sets of guidelines of what the
checklist is all about.

a. It is a list of indicators to assess the child’s capacity to learn.

b. It serves as a procedure to help the teacher start planning and

implementing an instructional program for a certain client and a
Report Card for the learner.

c. It helps to indicate the child’s strengths and weaknesses.


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
d. Its indicators are based on the tested objectives per learning area
and level. This implies that there will be three sets of check lists: 1 set
for Level I; 1 set for Level 2; and another set for Level 3

e. It has a five-level scale to determine the progress of a child.

f. The child will be assessed quarterly.

The scale indicators:

Symbol Adjectival Rating Descriptive Meaning

O Outstanding The learner shows independence in

doing given tasks. He/She always
follow directions. About 80% of the
tasks are often correctly done.

VS Very Satisfactory The Learner shows some amount of

independence. He/She shows some
lapses in following directions.
About 60% of the tasks are
correctly done.

S Satisfactory The learner needs little guidance

and prompting in given tasks.
About 50% of the tasks are often
correctly done.

FS Fairly Satisfactory The learner needs much guidance

with prodding. He/She could
follow few directions. Less than
50% of the given tasks are correctly

NI Needs Improvement The learner needs guidance and lot

of prodding in the given tasks.
He/She cannot follow directions.


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
2. Anecdotal Record

a. Teachers use this to record their observations of learner’s behavior,

skills, attitudes, performance and classroom incidents.

b. This contains information about learning outcomes, behavior, and

strengths of the learner.

c. It may serve as plan for action and recommendations for further

observations/follow - up.

Source: Special Curriculum for the Mentally Handicapped, 1996


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director

Enclosure 3: Implementation of the Alternative Learning System


(ALS) K to 12
Basic Education Curriculum
(ALS 2.0)

What is Alternative Learning System?

 Alternative Learning System is a parallel learning in the Philippines that
provides a practical option for the existing formal education. When one
can not avail of the formal education in school, ALS is the alternate or
 ALS evolved from the nonformal education which mostly concentrated
in livelihood skills training with basic reading and writing.
 Under the current educational system, ALS is a way for the busy learners,
OSYs and adults to finish elementary and Junior High School education
without formally going to school daily.


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
 It is the flagship program of our present administration offering
nonformal education to OSYs and adults who failed to complete their
basic education.


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director

ALS K to 12 Curriculum:
 All learning strands in the ALS K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum
(2017 Edition) have been enhanced to integrate 21st Century learning
competencies and concepts and will equip learners with competencies
that will prepare them for employment, entrepreneurship, middle level
skills, and higher education.
 The teaching and learning processes and materials in the ALS are based
on the ALS K to 12 Curriculum that are comparable to formal school
curriculum. It reflects the set of skills and competencies that learners
should develop to meet the minimum requirements of the Basic
Education Curriculum.
 ALS K to 12 Curriculum also requires contextualization of the learning
competencies to align with different learning contexts, needs and
situational realities of different ALS learners.
 Currently, it contains competencies for Basic Literacy, Elementary
Level and Junior High School Level. (Development of the ALS SHS
Curriculum for Years 11 and 12 is still ongoing.)


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
Learning Strand in ALS = Subject Area in the formal education

Learning Strand 1- Communication Skills

 includes listening, speaking, reading, writing, and viewing print and
electronic media in Filipino and English

Learning Strand 2 - Scientific Literacy and Critical Thinking

 includes numeracy and problem solving

Learning Strand 3 - Mathematical and Problem Solving Skills

 Mathematical and Problem Solving

Learning Strand 4 - Life and Career Skills

 includes the ability to earn a living as an employed or self-employed person,
sustainable consumption, and productivity

Learning Strand 5 - Understanding the Self and Society

 includes self-development, a sense of personal and national history and
identity, cultural pride and recognition, understanding of civil and political
rights knowledge, respect and appreciation for diversity, peace and non-
violent resolution of conflicts, ASEAN regional integration, global awareness
and solidarity

Learning Strand 6 - Digital Citizenship

 includes knowledge of digital concepts and operations, using the internet and
digital system networks, using ICT and digital devices & their applications in
daily life, and practicing digital ethics

 Like the K to 12 Curriculum, the ALS K to 12 BEC follows the Spiral

Progression Approach.

 The Learning Competencies are sequentially arranged from simple to



Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director

Learning Materials used in ALS:

 Since Bureau of Alternative Learning existed, the DepEd Central Office
developed Modules for the BL, EL, SL and for ALS Bridging Program.
 Since the K to 12 program implementation, DepEd Central Office aligned the
learning competencies of the ALS with the K to 12 BEC learning competencies
per level.
 ALS Modules were also reviewed and enhanced and distributed to the Schools
Division Offices for distribution equally to the ALS teachers.


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director

III. eSkwela Digitized Modules (Visual & Audio LRs)

 eSkwela Digitized Modules – to be accessed from the Pilot SDOs like
Benguet and to be reproduced in external drives for distribution to SDOs.


1) Face to face
– the ALS teacher/ Instructional Manager (IM) meets with her/ his learners
in a designated/ agreed venue: learning center in a school (school-based) or in a
community Learning Center, community-based (CLC).
2) Modular Instruction
- modules that are self-paced, self-instructional, indigenous, and integrated
are utilized. These can be studied by a learner independently at home or with the
guidance of a teacher/ instructional manager in a CLC.


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
a) The ALS A&E Printed Learning Modules

b) The Digitized Learning Modules/ e-Learning Materials

-these are study materials prepared by the teacher and published in digital
format. These include e-textbooks, e-workbooks, educational videos, e-tests and

3) eSkwela
 Use of readily available, appealing, interactive, engaging, relevant, and
enriching e-Learning experience, blended and collaborative mode of

eSkwela Program
-community-based e-Learning Centers or eSkwela Centers are established in major
centers around the country to conduct information and communication technology
(ICT )-enhanced alternative education programs.
Digitized eSkwela Learning Modules, (soft copies)
Example: The Reproductive System

4) Radio-Based Instruction (RBI) Program

- It is an alternative delivery mode utilizing the Accreditation and Equivalency
(A&E) Program of the Department of Education.
- The use of radio broadcast signals as a form of distant learning in the
Alternative Learning System. (With Soft copies of the scripts)
- -Learning Episode/Scripts can be prepared by the teachers

Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director

5) Online Learning
- learners with strong internet connection join or attend the learning sessions
they scheduled or agreed with their teacher or Instructional Manager. They
do this through the Google Meet or ZOOM application and other online
- this learning delivery is very useful during the ECQ. It was not utilized much
before the pandemic for most of the learners preferred face to face learning
delivery and independent learning/ modular.

6) Blended Learning Delivery

 Because there is no one (1) learning delivery that will fit all the situations
and needs of the learners, blended learning is being utilized in ALS.
Limitations of Online Learning
 Learners who have very weak internet connections could not join. They
could not download the activities sent to them to accomplish and they
cannot upload the same.
 Learners who belong to the underprivileged family can hardly join.
Acquisition of needed gadgets and buying of prepaid loads every now and
then to connect can be an additional burden/ stress to them.
 This learning delivery is not possible in areas that are not yet reached by
internet service providers.

Distance Learning is not new to ALS

 ALS teachers are using developed ALS modules. They bad been used to
contextualizing the ALS modules, preparing learning packages, activity sheets
and distribute them to their learners. The learning packages and activity sheet
vary dependent on the learner’s capabilities and learning needs.
 Distance learning is not new to ALS, because ALS learners are not steady in
their own place, most learners go to other places to find work and earn for
their living. In order for the learner not to be dropped, the ALS teachers send
the Modules/ or the learning packages and activity sheets to the learners to
continue learning by accomplishing the required activities and send back to
his/her respective teachers for evaluation and basis of his/her next modules.
 Learners meet with his/her teachers at a scheduled time to evaluate of his/her
outputs of and to come up with another learning agreements (ILA).
 Most often, the Mobile Teachers are the ones bringing the learning packages
and activity sheets to their learners.
 With the help of the gadgets like Cell Phones, teachers can just call, chat and
text some of his/her instructions to his/her their learners.


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director

How do you assess the performance of the ALS learners?

 Before start of learning intervention, the Basic Literacy Level learner will
answer the Assessment for Basic Literacy (ABL) tool and the elementary &
junior high school level learners will answer the Functional Literacy Test
(FLT), the result of the test will be the basis of the ALS teacher to determine
the grade level of the learner per learning strand. Based from the result of
the ABL or FLT, the learner will be guided by his/her ALS teacher to
accomplish an Individual Learning Agreement (ILA) as bases of the learning
interventions using the available ALS modules.

ALS Accreditation & Equivalency (ALS A&E) Test

-The ALS A&E Test is a standardized paper and pencil test designed to measure the
aptitude and competencies of those who have neither attended nor finished formal
elementary or secondary education.
 The ALS A&E Test is a recognized alternative pathway to Elementary and
Secondary Level certification for out-of-school youth and adults to be able to
enroll to the next higher level of education.
 For School Year 2019 & 2020, the Accreditation and Equivalency Readiness
Test (AERT) will be administered as substitute to the A&E Test. To be
administered by the ALS Task Force any time this SY 2020-2021.

Benefits of the ALS Teachers

 ALS teachers are the Mobile Teachers and District ALS Coordinators who
are equally appointed as regular DepEd teachers.
 Formal Teachers are school based while ALS teachers are community-
based teachers to cater community learning for Out-of-school youth and
adults in the community.

DepEd Order No. 64, s. 2011

Equal Opportunities and Standard Implementation of DepEd Policies
for the Alternative Learning System.
 4. ALS teachers are entitled to promotion to the next higher level…
 5. ALS teacher is entitled to professional development, like trainings,
scholarship, etc.
 6.entitled for hazard, hardship, transportation and teaching aid allowances;
 7. follow flexible teaching schedule and earned leave credits and avail
of monetization of leave credits. No summer vacation because they earn
service credits during summer vacation. If ALS teachers go on summer
vacation then they are required to file their leaves.

Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director

Partnership in the ALS Program Implementation

 ALS DepEd Procured Programs are ALS programs being conducted by the
Contracted DepEd Partners/Service Providers.
 ALS Non DepEd Program – are ALS programs funded by the Non DepEd
partners. (LGUs, GOs, NGOs, PTCA etc.)
 ALS implementers are encouraged to continue establishing good
partnerships with the LGUs, NGOs, parents, and other stakeholders in
your respective areas for continuous support in the implementation of ALS
programs and projects.

Announcement: Online CapB for the Implementation of ALS 2.0, (RM ---- s.
1. Regional Mass Training for ALS Teachers on Assessment Forms,
Batch 1, 1st Week of Sept. 2020, Batch 2, 2nd Week of Sept. 2020.
2. Orientation On ALS K to 12 BEC for D.O. EPS in English, Science and
Mathematics, 4th Week of Sept., 2020
3. Training of School Heads on SBM, Batch 1, 2nd Week of October, 2020,
Batch 2, 3rd Week of October, 2020
4. Training of Instructional Managers of BP-OSA Schools,
- 1st Week of November, 2020
5. Training of Selected Formal Teachers and ALS Teachers on Team Teaching,
- 2nd Week of November, 2020.

“It is not because we are lacking. It is because knowledge is changing. It is

really about catching up.”- Sec. Briones
“Curriculum should help children make deeper and fuller understanding of
their own experience”


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
Enclosure 4: Sample Weekly Home Learning Plans


Name:_____________________________________________ Schools Division Office:______________________


Day and Learning Area/Domain Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

August 17 Priming of Parents Online or Offline

to 20 (orientation on the depending on
DLDM) school/community

August 24 Psychosocial Readiness Online or Offline

to 28 Activities depending on



Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 |
Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
Day and Time Learning Area/Blocks of Learning Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
Time Competency
8:00 – 9:00 Meeting Time 1 Nakikilala ang sarili Mga tamang paraan ng TV Broadcasting
Pagpapakilala sa sarili
9:00 – 10:30 Work Period 1 Pagpapakilala sa sarili sa Modular-
pamamagitan ng Parent-guided
pagsasabi ng sariling
pangalan at apelyido
8:00 – 9:00 Meeting Time 2 Pag-awit patungkol sa Modular
kagandahan ng Parent-guided
pagkakaroon ng sariling
9:00 – 10:30 Story Time Kuwento tungkol sa Story-telling through Radio-
pagpapahalaga sa sariling based instruction or Audio-
pangalan based instruction
8:00 – 9:00 Work Period 2 Pagkilala sa mga letra ng Online synch
sariling pangalan sa Play-based
pamamagitan ng paglalaro
ng lumad (“clay”)

Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 |
Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
9:00 – 10:30 Indoor/Outdoor Nakikilala ang sarili Pag-eehersisyo sa Parent-guided following the
pamamagitan ng pagbuo module;
ng letra ng sariling Hands-on/Actual
pangalan (letter formation
through body exercise)
8:00 – 9:30 Meeting Time 3 Pagpapakilala sa sarili sa Modular
pamamagitan ng pagsabi
ng buong pangalan at
pagsusulat ng sariling
9:40 – 11:00 Indoor/Outdoor Pag-awit ng isang awitin Parent-guided You-tube-
patungkol sa viewing
pagpapakilala sa sarili

Submission of Weekly Tasks and Parent Checklist to Teacher with parent-teacher conference or discussion


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 |
Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director

Sample Schedule if modules are to be shared by two sections in one grade level (Reference: RM 212, s. 2020)


Teacher A
Quarter 1 (8 weeks)
Modular Distance Learning Delivery
8:00 – 11:30 Priming or Psychosocial Preparation for Parents and Learners
Preparation of Instructional Packets and other Learning Materials (one week supply):
1:00 – 5:00
Friday-Start of delivery of materials to learners
8:00 – 11:30 EsP-MELC 1/2 EsP- MELC 3 EsP-MELC 4 EsP-MELC 5 ESP-MELC 6 Checking
Health Break
1:00 – 5:00 MTB MTB MTB MTB Retrieval Feedback
Distribution/ English-MELC English-MELC
8:00 – 11:30 English-MELC 5/6 English-MELC 12 Checking
Orientation 1/2 9/10
Health Break
Distribution/ English-MELC
1:00 – 5:00 English-MELC 7/8 English-MELC 11 Retrieval Feedback
Orientation 3/4
Distribution/ Filipino –MELC Filipino-MELC Filipino-MELC
8:00 – 11:30 Filipino-MELC 5/6 Checking
Orientation 1/2 9/10 14/15

Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 |
Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
Health Break
Distribution/ Filipino-MELC Filipino-MELC
1:00 – 5:00 Filipino-MELC 7/8 Retrieval Feedback
Orientation 3/4 11/12/13
Distribution/ Math-MELC Math-MELC
8:00 – 11:30 Math-MELC 6/7 Math-MELC 15/16 Checking
Orientation 1/2/3 10/11/12
Health Break
Distribution/ Math-MELC
1:00 – 5:00 Math-MELC 4/5 Math-MELC 8/9 Retrieval Feedback
Orientation 13/14
8:00 – 11:30 AP-MELC 1/2 AP-MELC 5/6 Science Science Checking
Health Break
1:00 – 5:00 AP-MELC 3/4 AP-MELC 7/8 Science Retrieval Feedback
8:00 – 11:30 Arts Arts Music Health Checking
Health Break
1:00 – 5:00 Arts Music Health Retrieval Feedback
Examination Week


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 |
Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director


Teacher B
Quarter 1 (8 weeks)
Modular Distance Learning Delivery
8:00 – 11:30 Priming or Psychosocial Preparation for Parents and Learners
Preparation of Instructional Packets and other Learning Materials (one week supply):
1:00 – 5:00
Friday-Start of delivery of materials to learners
8:00 – 11:30 English-MELC 1 English-MELC 7/8 English-MELC 10 English-MELC 12 Checking
Health Break
1:00 – 5:00 English-MELC 6 English-MELC 9 English-MELC 11 Retrieval Feedback
8:00 – 11:30 EsP- MELC 1/2 EsP-MELC 3/4 EsP-MELC 5 ESP-MELC 6 Checking
Health Break
1:00 – 5:00 MTB MTB MTB Retrieval Feedback
Distribution/ Math-MELC Math-MELC
8:00 – 11:30 Math-MELC 6/7 Math-MELC 15/16 Checking
Orientation 1/2/3 10/11/12

Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 |
Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
Health Break
Distribution/ Math-MELC
1:00 – 5:00 Math-MELC 4/5 Math-MELC 8/9 Retrieval Feedback
Orientation 13/14
Distribution/ Filipino –MELC Filipino-MELC Filipino-MELC
8:00 – 11:30 Filipino-MELC 5/6 Checking
Orientation 1/2 9/10 14/15
Health Break
Distribution/ Filipino-MELC Filipino-MELC
1:00 – 5:00 Filipino-MELC 7/8 Retrieval Feedback
Orientation 3/4 11/12/13
8:00 – 11:30 Arts Arts Music Health Checking
Health Break
1:00 – 5:00 Arts Music Health Retrieval Feedback
8:00 – 11:30 AP-MELC 1/2 AP-MELC 5/6 Science Science Checking
Health Break
1:00 – 5:00 AP-MELC 3/4 AP-MELC 7/8 Science Retrieval Feedback
Examination Week


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 |
Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director

Name: ________________________________ Schools Division Office: _______________

School: ________________________________

Level: SPED-LSEN (Lower primary/CID and VI)

**Note: Shaded- catering to children who have access to internet and/or has gadget.
White- catering to learners who do not have any gadget
Level 1/CID, CWA and VI Q1

Thematic Teaching: Grade 1 K-12 MELC based

Day and Time Learning Area/Blocks of Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery


7:30-8:00 Preparation for blended class (Parent will orient their child)

- Distribution of module (Tell the parent to get modules on a designated area in the barangay)

8:00-8:30 MTB-MLE Give the Beginning -Tongue and body Parent guided Activity
letter/sound of the name exercises (using videoclip)
of each picture


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 |
Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
- Discussion of module -meet parents without
from Pre-test to lesson gadgets

8:30-9:00 - Discussion of module Online

from Pre-test to lesson

-Guide the learner in Modular

answering Guided activity
on pages 5-8 (Parent Guided Activity)

9:00-10:00 - Guide learners in Modular

answering Guided Activity
on page 5-8 (Parent Guided Activity)

-Tongue and body Parent guided Activity


10:00-10:30 SNACK BREAK

10:30-11:00 - Self help activity Manipulatives

(Parent Guided Activity)


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 |
Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
11:00-11:30 Playtime Manipulatives

(Parent Guided Activity)

11:30-12:00 -Parent kamustahan Phone call

(Follow up on the
performance of their kids) Chat group messaging

Feedback form for parents

without gadgets

12:00-1:00 LUNCH

1:00 -1:30 Preparation for blended class (Parent will orient their child)

1:30- 2:00 MATHEMATICS Visualizes, represents and - Discussion of module Online

counts numbers from 0 to from Pre-test to lesson
100 using a variety of proper

Motor development Parent guided activity (For

learners without gadget)

2:00-2:30 - Guide learners in Modular

answering Guided Activity
up to Assessment 2


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 |
Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
(Parent guided Activity)

- Discussion of module -Meet the parents who

from Pre-test to lesson have no gadgets

2:30-3:00 - Guide learners in Modular

answering Guided Activity
up to Assessment 2
(Parent guided activity)

3:00-3:15 SNACK BREAK

3:15-3:45 Motor Development Parent guided activity

- Guide learners in Modular

answering Guided Activity
up to Assessment 2
(Parent guided activity)

3:45-4:30 Play time



Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 |
Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director

7:30-8:00 Preparation for blended class (Parent will orient their child)

- Distribution of module (Tell the parent to get modules on a designated area in the barangay)

8:00-8:30 SENSORY Identify ones body -Tongue and body exercises Parent guided Activity (using
parts videoclip)

- Discussion of module from Pre- -meet parents without gadgets

test to lesson proper

8:30-9:00 - Discussion of module from Pre- Online

test to lesson proper

-Guide the learner in answering Modular

Guided activity on pages 5-8
(Parent Guided Activity)

9:00-10:00 - Guide learners in answering Modular

Guided Activity on page 5-8
(Parent Guided Activity)

-Tongue and body exercises Parent guided Activity

10:00-10:30 SNACK BREAK


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 |
Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
10:30-11:00 - Self help activity Manipulatives

(Parent Guided Activity)

11:00-11:30 Playtime Manipulatives

(Parent Guided Activity)

11:30-12:00 -Parent kamustahan (Follow up Phone call

on the performance of their kids)
Chat group messaging

Feedback form for parents

without gadgets

12:00-1:00 LUNCH

1:00 -1:30 Preparation for blended class (Parent will orient their child)

1:30- 2:00 DAILY LIVING SKILL Perform appropriate - Discussion of module from Pre- Online
grooming test to lesson proper

Motor development Parent guided activity (For

learners without gadget)


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 |
Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
2:00-2:30 - Guide learners in answering Modular
Guided Activity upto Assessment
(Parent guided Activity)

- Discussion of module from Pre- -Meet the parents who have no

test to lesson proper gadgets

2:30-3:00 - Guide learners in answering Modular

Guided Activity upto Assessment
(Parent guided activity)

3:00-3:15 SNACK BREAK

3:15-3:45 Motor Development Parent guided activity

- Guide learners in answering Modular

Guided Activity upto Assessment
(Parent guided activity)

3:45-4:30 Play time


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 |
Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director


7:30-8:00 Preparation for blended class (Parent will orient their child)

- Distribution of module (Tell the parent to get modules on a designated area in the barangay)

8:00-8:30 MTB-MLE Give the Beginning -Tongue and body exercises Parent guided Activity (using
letter/sound of the videoclip)
name of each picture

-Review on activity from MTB-MLE -meet parents without

module gadgets

8:30-9:00 -Review on activity from MTB-MLE Online


-Guide the learner in answering Modular

Independent activity upto evaluation
(Parent Guided Activity)

9:00-10:00 -Guide the learner in answering Modular

Independent activity upto evaluation
(Parent Guided Activity)


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 |
Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
-Tongue and body exercises Parent guided Activity

10:00-10:30 SNACK BREAK

10:30-11:00 - Self help activity Manipulatives

(Parent Guided Activity)

11:00-11:30 Playtime Manipulatives

(Parent Guided Activity)

11:30-12:00 -Parent kamustahan (Follow up on Phone call

the performance of their kids)
Chat group messaging

Feedback form for parents

without gadgets

12:00-1:00 LUNCH

1:00 -1:30 Preparation for blended class (Parent will orient their child)

1:30- 2:00 MATHEMATICS Visualizes, -Review on activity from math Online

represents and module
counts numbers from


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 |
Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
0 to 100 using a
variety of

Motor development Parent guided activity (For

learners without gadget)

2:00-2:30 - Guide learners in answering Modular

Guided Activity up to Assessment 2

(Parent guided Activity)

- Review on activity from Math -Meet the parents who have

module no gadgets

2:30-3:00 Motor Development Parent guided activity

- Guide learners in answering Modular

Guided Activity up to Assessment 2

(Parent guided Activity)

3:00-3:15 SNACK BREAK

3:15-3:45 Motor Development Parent guided activity


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 |
Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
- Guide learners in answering Modular
Guided Activity up to Assessment 2

(Parent guided activity)

3:45-4:30 Play time



7:30-8:00 Preparation for blended class (Parent will orient their child)

- Distribution of module (Tell the parent to get modules on a designated area in the barangay)

8:00-8:30 SENSORY Identify one’s body -Tongue and body exercises Parent guided Activity (using
parts videoclip)

- Review parts on the module -meet parents without


8:30-9:00 - Review parts on the module Online


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 |
Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
-Guide the learner in answering Modular
Independent Activity up to
Evaluation (Parent Guided Activity)

9:00-10:00 -Guide the learner in answering Modular

Independent Activity up to
Evaluation (Parent Guided Activity)

-Tongue and body exercises Parent guided Activity

10:00-10:30 SNACK BREAK

10:30-11:00 - Self help activity Manipulatives

(Parent Guided Activity)

11:00-11:30 Playtime Manipulatives

(Parent Guided Activity)

11:30-12:00 -Parent kamustahan (Follow up on Phone call

the performance of their kids)
Chat group messaging

Feedback form for parents

without gadgets


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 |
Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
12:00-1:00 LUNCH

1:00 -1:30 Preparation for blended class (Parent will orient their child)

1:30- 2:00 DAILY LIVING SKILL Perform appropriate - Review module on Daily living Online
grooming skill

Motor development Parent guided activity (For

learners without gadget)

2:00-2:30 - Guide learners in answering Modular

Independent activity up to
(Parent guided Activity)

- Review module on Daily living -Meet the parents who have

skill no gadgets

2:30-3:00 - Guide learners in answering Modular

Independent activity up to
evaluation (Parent guided activity)

3:00-3:15 SNACK BREAK

3:15-3:45 Motor Development Parent guided activity


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 |
Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
- Guide learners in answering Modular
Guided Activity up to Assessment 2

(Parent guided activity)

3:45-4:30 Play time



8:00-11:30 MTB-MLE Guide Learners to Activity Sheet

answer enrichment
Sensory (Parent guided activity)

1:00-4:30 Numeracy Guide Learners to Activity sheet

answer enrichment
Daily Living Skill (Parent guided activity)


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 |
Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
Elementary and Junior High School
SY 2020-2021


7:00 – 8:00 Wake-up, make-up your bed, eat breakfast and get ready for an awesome day
8:00 – 8:30 Have a short exercise/meditation/bonding with family
8:30 – 11:30 N/a N/a Orientation on Resiliency
11:30 – 1:00 Lunch Break
1:00 – 4:00 All N/a Orientation on Instructional Guideline through Offline: AVP
Parents and Para-teachers
 Learning Modalities
 Learning Management System
 Learning Module
 Class Schedule
 Weekly Learning Plan
Submitted by: Checked by:

Subject Teacher

School Head


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 |
Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director


Elementary and Junior High School
SY 2020-2021

Situation A: The learner has computer/laptop and with internet connectivity at home


7:00 – 8:00 Wake-up, make-up your bed, eat breakfast and get ready for an awesome day
8:00 – 8:30 Have a short exercise/meditation/bonding with family
8:30 – 11:30 TLE Select, measure 1. Read the objectives of the module on page Blended Learning Modality:
and weigh 4 (What I Need to Know?) 1. Online (Asynchronous or
ingredients in 2. Answer the pre-assessment on page 5 Synchronous through Google
preparing bakery (What I Know?) Meet)
products: Baking 3. Accomplish the review activity on pages a. Online (Asynchronous):
Terms, Tools and 6-7 (What’s In?) * Presentation of lesson will
Equipment 4. Accomplish the activity on page 8 (What’s be done using the Google
New) Meet Student Account
5. Study the lesson in the Google Classroom (Synchronous?)
Account using your student account * Send outputs to google
(What Is It?) classroom account provided
6. Accomplish the activity on pages 16-17 by the teacher.
(What’s More?) b. Offline (Modular):

Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 |
Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
7. Answer the post assessment on page 18 * Tasks 1,2,3,6,7,8 & 9 will
(What I Have Learned?) be done by the learner at
8. Explain the questions given on pages 18- home with the guidance of
19 (What I Can Do?) parents.
9. To further enrich your knowledge on the * At the end of the week***,
lesson learned, accomplish the given the parent will hand-in the
activity on pages 20-21 (Additional output to the teacher in
Activity) school through a Barangay
11:30 – 1:00 Lunch Break
***Friday – submission or turning in of weekly accomplishments and parent checklist to the teacher. Teacher to dialogue
with parents/guardians/para-teachers and check outputs for feedback

Submitted by: Checked by:

Subject Teacher School Head


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 |
Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
Elementary and Junior High School
SY 2020-2021

Situation B: The learner has no computer/laptop and no access to internet but with cellphone


7:00 – 8:00 Wake-up, make-up your bed, eat breakfast and get ready for an awesome day
8:00 – 8:30 Have a short exercise/meditation/bonding with family
8:30 – 11:30 TLE Select, measure 1. Read the objectives of the module on page 4 Modular Learning
and weigh (What I Need to Know?) Modality
ingredients in 2. Answer the pre-assessment on page 5 (What
preparing bakery I Know?)
products: Baking 3. Accomplish the review activity on pages 6-7 a. Offline: (Modular and
Terms, Tools and (What’s In?) Phone Call)
Equipment 4. Accomplish the activity on page 8 (What’s * The learner will
New) accomplish tasks 1-9 with
5. Read and understand the lesson on pages 8- the guidance of parents.
16 (What Is It?) * The learner may request
6. Accomplish the activity on pages 16-17 a phone call from teacher
(What’s More?) to further understand the
7. Answer the post assessment on page 18 lesson or task as needed.
(What I Have Learned?)

Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 |
Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
8. Explain the questions given on pages 18-19 * At the end of the week,
(What I Can Do?) the parent will hand-in the
9. To further enrich your knowledge on the output to the teacher in
lesson learned, accomplish the given activity school through a
on pages 20-21 (Additional Activity) Barangay Volunteer.

11:30 – 1:00 Lunch Break

Submitted by: Checked by:

Subject Teacher School Head


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 |
Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director


Elementary and Junior High School
SY 2020-2021

Situation C: The learner has no computer/laptop, no access to internet and no cellphone


7:00 – 8:00 Wake-up, make-up your bed, eat breakfast and get ready for an awesome day
8:00 – 8:30 Have a short exercise/meditation/bonding with family
8:30 – 11:30 TLE Select, measure 1. Read the objectives of the module on page 4 Modular Learning
and weigh (What I Need to Know?) Modality
ingredients in 2. Answer the pre-assessment on page 5 (What
preparing bakery I Know?)
products: Baking 3. Accomplish the review activity on pages 6-7 a. Offline: (Modular)
Terms, Tools and (What’s In?) * The learner will
Equipment 4. Accomplish the activity on page 8 (What’s accomplish tasks 1-9 with
New) the guidance of parents.
5. Read and understand the lesson on pages 8- * The parent may request
16 (What Is It?) a para-teacher in the
6. Accomplish the activity on pages 16-17 barangay to further
(What’s More?) explain the lesson or task
as needed.

Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 |
Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
7. Answer the post assessment on page 18 * At the end of the week,
(What I Have Learned?) the parent will hand-in
8. Explain the questions given on pages 18-19 the output to the teacher
(What I Can Do?) in school through a para-
9. To further enrich your knowledge on the teacher.
lesson learned, accomplish the given activity
on pages 20-21 (Additional Activity)

11:30 – 1:00 Lunch Break

Submitted by: Checked by:

Subject Teacher School Head


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 |
Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director


Elementary and Junior High School
SY 2020-2021

Situation D: There are modules and the learner has access to audio or video devices (e.g. Abra, Benguet, Baguio City)


7:00 – 8:00 Wake-up, make-up your bed, eat breakfast and get ready for an awesome day
8:00 – 8:30 Have a short exercise/meditation/bonding with family
8:30 – 11:30 TLE Select, measure Modular Learning Modality
and weigh 1. Read the objectives of the module on page with RBI
ingredients in 4 (What I Need to Know?)
preparing bakery 2. Answer the pre-assessment on page 5 1. Video presentation (you
products: Baking (What I Know?) tube channel/DepEd’s TV
Terms, Tools and 3. Accomplish the review activity on pages 6- School) Task 5
Equipment 7 (What’s In?) 2. Modular with guidance of
4. Accomplish the activity on page 8 (What’s parents/guardian/para-
New) teacher (Tasks
5. Watch and understand the lesson on 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9)
pages 8-16 (What Is It?)
6. Accomplish the activity on pages 16-17
(What’s More?)

Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 |
Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
7. Answer the post assessment on page 18
(What I Have Learned?)
8. Explain the questions given on pages 18-
19 (What I Can Do?)
9. To further enrich your knowledge on the
lesson learned, accomplish the given
activity on pages 20-21 (Additional
11:30 – 1:00 Lunch Break

Submitted by: Checked by:

Subject Teacher School Head


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 |
Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director

Enclosure 5: Project Resilience for Learners, Parents, Teachers: Guided Home

Module: Psychosocial Support Activities for Elementary and Secondary

***Modules are shared with the Regional and SDO LR Landing Pages and explanation
of the mechanics are explained in the DamiKnow You Tube Channel


The COVID-19 pandemic brought us misery, agony, and worry that affects the
way we live and work. Generally, the usual behavior or feeling of our learners and
teachers if enrolment is approaching is characterized by the joy to learn, meeting old
and new friends, being hopeful for the future, feeling of confidence for the learners
to learn and confidence for the teachers to teach, and a calm heart and mind to face
the opening of classes.

Since being under the enhanced community quarantine (ECQ) for almost
three (3) months is not normal to everyone, and while on quarantine new teaching-
learning modalities have been introduced for our learners and teachers to embrace
this school year. These kind of exposures and different experiences affected our
learners and teachers emotionally, psychologically and mentally in facing this new
normal way of life.

With the challenges brought by this pandemic, the DepEd-CAR through the
CLMD, decided and agreed to prepare instructional materials to be delivered through
videos, comic strips, or radio-based instructional modality focusing on teaching or
ensuring our learners’ mental and psychological health and resiliency. The materials
to be prepared shall help our K to 12 learners to recover quickly from this adversity
and regain their emotional strength. This activity is in support to the Learning
Continuity Plan (LCP) of the Department.



To ensure that learners will be ready and well prepared to face the
challenges brought about by this pandemic and willing to adopt and embrace the
multiple learning modalities to access quality education as we transition to the new
normal. Moreover, teachers are expected to continue doing their functions as
required of them to deliver quality education as they apply what they understood on
psychology, mental health and resiliency.


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director

1. To provide guidance to all teachers in preparing the learners for the new
2. To ensure the well-being of all learners and parents with utmost
consideration of their psychosocial, mental, and emotional status.
3. To give assistance to teachers and learners with traumatic experiences
relative to COVID-19 so they can be redirected to focus on expected tasks.


1. Teachers who are mentally, psychologically and socially healthy in guiding
learners to face the new normal transition.
2. Learners who are resilient and looking forward to learning as the link to
normality in this time of pandemic.
3. Parents who are emotionally and psychosocially stable and able to provide
support to their children in this new normal education.


DAY Kindergarten, Grades 4-6 Grades7-12

Grades 1-3
Monday I Have Feelings I Can Color the Got this Feeling
Aug. 17 Too! World
Tuesday I am Aware I am Mindful I Should Relax
Aug. 18
Wednesday My Dear Ones My Beloved I Can Overcome
Aug. 19 Ones
Thursday I am Safe I am Safe I Am, I Have, I
Aug. 20 Can
Friday Linking and Self- Linking and Linking and Self-
Aug. 21 Care for Parents Self-Care for Care for Parents


Regional Office CLMD Monitor implementation
of the program; request
reports and consolidate
feedback for


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
improvement; orient the
SDOs through the RO You
Tube Channel
Schools Division Office CID (CES to identify) Assign focal to handle the
program and provide TA
to schools; Orient the
Schools in using the
modules and
implementing the
program with reference to
the RO You Tube
Channel; Submit report to
consolidate feedback from
School Heads; Ensure
that contextualized
modules received from the
RO are utilized
School School Head Orient all teachers on the
use of the contextualized
modules and the
implementation of the
program; submit reports
or feedback to the SDO
focal; provide TA to
teachers and support to
the parents and learners


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director

Enclosure 6: Priming Parents in the new normal education


The Department of Education – Cordillera Administrative Region (DepEd-CAR)
developed the Parent Handbook as guide for parents in facilitating learning for their
child or children at home. The handbook will be part of the implementation of
blended or distance learning modality during this ‘new normal education’ amidst the
Covid-19 pandemic crisis.

Parents and families play an important role in supporting their child's

education. Research has shown that when schools and families work together,
children do better, stay in school longer, are more engaged with their school work,
go to school more regularly, behave better, and have better social skills.

Moreover, a growing body of research shows that building effective

partnerships between parents, families and schools to support children’s learning
leads to improved learning outcomes. Parents are the first and continuing educators
of their children. Other studies also show that teacher quality, including standards
and training in parental engagement, is important for facilitating effective parental
Studying at home provides a good opportunity for students to promote their
self-regulation skills. Self-protection and prevention from COVID-19, self-directed
active learning, self-motivation, self-efficiency, and self-wellbeing could be trained in
this critical moment, which is the guarantee for successful learning and life.


The following rights and responsibilities of parent/s that play a vital role in
the education of the children by working in partnership with the school
officials and teachers.
The Rights of parent/s:
 be consulted, and to give consent, regarding the type and nature of
learning delivery; mode of assessments applied to his/her child/children;
and be informed of the results of the assessment conducted to his/her
 be informed and involved in education decisions that affect their children
 be involved in the planning process and review of their children's
Individual Education Plan (IEP) or Individual Learning Agreement (ILA)
 educate their children at home


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
 have concerns listened to, and responded to, promptly and respectfully
 have access to personnel such as teachers, teaching assistants, principals,
administrators, and supervisors for information, guidance and
 have concerns treated with confidentiality
 receive progress reports that can be understood
 have trained teachers and appropriate support for their children
 appeal a school or district employee’s decision that affects the education,
health, and safety of their children

The Responsibilities of parent/s:

 be aware of school policies, programs, rules, and routines

 be reasonably patient and respectful with the people and the process
 describe concerns clearly and objectively
 keep concerns confidential and share information only on a “need to know”
 respond to notes, memos, requests, etc.
 share concerns openly and immediately with the appropriate person
 tell the teacher and the school when things are going well, and when they


During enrolment period, the parent/s should:
1. enroll their child/children by filling up the enrolment form/s
putting the correct informational data of their child/children using
either the online or offline mode of enrolment; and
2. be oriented by the teachers in-charge in the enrolment on the next
step on what the parent should do while waiting for the start of
classes this school year 2020-2021.

After enrolment, parent/s should:
1. inform his/her child or children that they are enrolled in the
respective grade level;
2. condition his/her child or children to study at home, since going
to school is not allowed due to the COVID-19 pandemic;


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
3. buy the home learning materials like notebook, pencil, ball pen
and other learning materials needed;
4. prepare room or area at home for learning with table and chairs,
proper lighting that make them comfortable to study;
5. if applicable and possible, provide internet connectivity at home,
6. continuously encourage their child or children to continue
studying at home.


Before classes start, teachers will call for a scheduled Parent’s Orientation to
be done either online or offline:

Parent/s should:
1. attend the parents’ orientation on how the classes will be done during this
new normal;
2. make arrangement with the teacher on the time and schedule when he/she
meets the teacher to get the learning module/s for his/her child during
the first day of classes;
3. make arrangement when to submit the output of his/her child/children
4. establish good communication and rapport with each teacher of his/her
5. take note of all the information and guidelines presented;
6. take note of the schedule and time allotment required, and learning
materials needed per subject area; and
7. take note of the name of the school principal, teachers per grade level and
per subject area and the Public School District Supervisor with their
respective contact numbers, and their social media accounts for easy
communication whenever needed.


Parent/s should:
1. go to school based on the agreed schedule to receive the learning
2. take note of all the instructions given by each of the teacher/s;
3. receive the learning materials/modules; and


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
4. make schedule/agreement when the output of his/her child will be
submitted or collected by the teacher


Parent/s should:

1. Post the prepared schedule of classes per subject by the teacher/s. Post
schedule in the designated room or area for learning;
2. Give the proper instruction/s of the schedule of classes at home per
subject based on the instructions given by the teacher and provide all
the materials per subject needed for a week of self or guided learning;
3. Make an agreement with his/her child on how he/she as a parent can
assist in the learning processes at home;
4. If online learning is applicable, teach his/her child the health rules in
using the computer or safely accessing the net and assist his/her child
with his/her online activities;
5. Assist with the other duties such as typing, filing, sorting, photocopying
of the needed materials of his/her child/children, if applicable;
6. Offer guidance in doing activities/answering the questions provided in
the lesson/module. Refrain from giving answers to the questions or
problem but rather guide his/her child to be able to give the correct
answer/s for every question/s or problem/s encountered in his/her
daily lessons;
7. Make evaluation/assessment of the learning of his/her child per
subject and report the result to the concerned teacher;
8. Inform the teacher about the progress or regress in learning of his/her
children per subject area;
9. Submit the output of the child as scheduled every week as well as
receive weekly learning materials for his/her child;
10. Attend schedules general/homeroom PTA meeting/orientation as
scheduled, whether it be online or offline;
11. Request assistance from abled family/community members to assist in
explaining some difficult activities prescribed in the modules;
12. Listen and understand as the child or children are reading and make
positive corrections in a respectful manner and at the proper time;
13. Provide additional learning resources needed to support the learning
acquisition and assimilation of his/her child/children. Examples are


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
story and reference books or magazines, educational TV shows,
educational games using computer/tablet, mobile phone etc.;
14. Confer with the teacher regarding the quarterly report card of his/her
15. Keep the output of the child in his/her portfolio. The portfolio is a
compilation of the child’s work and will be submitted to the teacher
16. Accomplish the assessment checklist quarterly. This helps the parents
determine the strengths and weaknesses of the child and serves as
his/her report card.
17. Share related personal experiences with his/her child/children in
relation to the subject matter or lesson to help his/her child
understand the concept for the day;
18. Attend meeting with the teacher either face to face, online, SMS,
messenger or any means of communication on a given schedule. This
will help in guiding the child. Also, pay mandatory contribution as
scheduled; and
19. Report to proper authorities any untoward observation as a result of
this self/home learning amidst this COVID-19.


1. Attend general and homeroom PTA meeting as scheduled whether it be

online or offline;
2. Submit all the required year-end report of his/her child/children
3. Submit all received learning materials not yet submitted weekly or
4. Settle all issues/concerns
5. Secure year-end clearance of his/her child/children from the school.


The following tips are recommended to parents to facilitate an effective learning
at home:

1. Helping children to stabilize their emotions and overcome learning anxiety by

the following strategies:
a) stop and calm down
b) let children think of what is a right and wrong choice


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
c) do not put too much pressure on your child/children. It will increase
children’s burden and cause anxiety, if children do a lot of work
d) as parents, you should be tolerant, allowing children to make mistakes,
guiding children to success. As parents, you need to listen to the
children, and communicate with them to understand their feelings and
accept their emotions, instead of preaching, blaming and forcing them
e) provide nutritious food to sustain healthy status of his/her child for
healthy learning daily
f) monitor the sleeping time of the child or children. Lack of sleep can
cause irritable or hyperactive behavior which can affect his/ her
learning activities.

2. Helping children to experience the fun of studying

a) Hands-on activities allows children to learn in life, explore and try in a

safe environment, and learn to use their brains in practice
b) Children can learn actively by playing meaningful outdoor and indoor
games. Playing can let them take the initiative and inspire creativity
c) Each child has his/her time of concentration, especially when
developing their own interest. For example, when children read picture
books or science magazines, what you should do at that time is staying
away from them, trying not to disturb them, and letting them focus in
a quiet environment. If they switch their attention back and forth, they
may lose energy and enthusiasm.

3. Helping children to get rid of the addiction in using electronic devices

a. As parents, you can set the time for your children to play using
electronic devices and this should be after doing class activities or
home-works, one to two hours only every day.
b. Selecting high-quality content. Letting children stay away from the
intricate and inferior content from the internet, preparing some
cartoons, music, and videos which are beneficial to their physical and
mental health development, downloading some educational games, and
letting children experience the fun from these contents.
c. Accompanying your children can help them divert attention from the
electronic devices. As parents, you can distract your children when they
want to play with electronics or when they can't stop. For example,


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
drawing with children, playing games with children, reading, etc. are
good ways to transfer attention.
d. Setting an example. As parents, you are your children's role models.
Each word and deed will be imitated. If you are "Phone Freak" and often
play mobile phones in front of your children, then naturally your
children also want to play, so you should try to reduce the frequency of
using electronic products in front of your children.

4. Helping you and your children communicate well

Attention: Paying attention to your children's current emotions and needs in

life. If there is a conflict in the dialogue or action, please step back and give
your children personal time and space.

Participating: To engage in and support your children's hobbies or actions,

and to care more about them than to be an outsider.

Sharing: Sharing your inner thoughts with your children. Although sharing
can't solve the problem, it can make them feel trust and love.

Active listening: When talking with your children, please do not criticize or
negate each other at will, but help them sort out the events and give them
positive feedback.

Accompanying: Accompanying is a kind of giving and support, and can let

your children feel your care and love.

Praising: Encouraging education can strengthen parent-children connection

and cultivate children's confidence and inner-drive. (Praise should refer to a
specific action or thing with positive effect)

Comforting: When your children experience pain, give them comfort and
recognize their emotions and pain.

Hoping: Focus on the positive things with your child. Let them feel and realize
that behind the challenges of life are good lessons to learn and meaningful
experiences to deal with.

5. Keep calm and manage stress


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
 Allow your children to talk freely.
 Always check your child’s health status. Did he/she eat his/her meal?
 Always answer your children’s questions truthfully.
 Be open and listen to your children. Your children will look to you for
support and reassurance. Listen to your children when they share how
they are feeling.
 Give your children space to share how they are feeling and let them know
you are there for them.
 Go for a walk or exercise at home. Set aside time to spend with each child.
It can be for just 20 minutes, or longer.
 If there are questions about the tasks, please feel free to ask the teacher.
Call the teacher or send him/her a message through any available means
of communication in your home.
 Speak in a calm voice. Shouting at your child will just make you and them
more stressed and angrier. Get your children’s attention by using their
name. Teens especially need to be able to communicate with their friends.
Help your teens connect through social media and other safe distancing
 Talk to your children in a way they can understand.
 Take time to focus on your health, training, diet, physical activity levels,
and health habits, as well as reassessing your work.
 Try praising your children or teenagers for something they have done well.

6. Keep to a regular schedule

 Keep to a regular sleep schedule

 Limit distractions when possible (turn off social media notifications, for
 Making time to exercise
 Make time to socialize, even if it’s virtual. Set daily and weekly goals
 Take regular breaks

7. Stay away from bad behaviors

 Stop it before it starts! When your children start to get restless, you can
divert their attention with something more interesting or fun: “Come, let’s
go outside for a walk”.
 Feel like screaming? Give yourself or your children a 10-second pause.
Breathe in and out slowly five times. Then try to respond in a calmer way.


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
 Feel free to give suggestions and feedbacks that can contribute to the
overall learning of your child.

8. Talking about COVID-19:

Parent/s should always provide updates on the COVID-19 Health Crisis.

Spare time with child/children to talk on the following:
 History of the COVID-19
 Present status of the pandemic in the international, national, provincial,
municipal and barangay levels
 Effects of the pandemic
 Health Protocols to help prevent the acquisition and spread of the virus
 Tips to maintain good health and a strong immune system

“More than materials, the most important “Resource” in the home-based

school is you- the parent, and your commitment to teach your


1. A Parent’s Handbook on Inclusive Education --writing Tamara Kulusic

contributors Karen De Long, Deb Appleby, Cindy Gardiner, Sandra
Konowalchuk, Freida Lalji, Clair Schuman
2. A Handbook for Parents, 2005 ©Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada
3. Guidance on Active Learning at Home during
Educational Disruption: Promoting student’s self-
regulation skills in COVID-19 outbreak
Dr. Ronghuai Huang Director, UNESCO International
Research and Training Centre for Rural Education
Dr. Tao Zhan Director, UNESCO Institute for
Technologies in Education


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Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director

Enclosure 7: Guide to Volunteer Teachers


SY 2020-2021

The ‘Bayanihan’ Spirit, an age-old Filipino tradition has been very much
alive among the Cordillerans. The local terms ‘Abuyyog’, ‘Ubbu’ or ‘Ub-ubbu’,
‘Binaddang’, ‘Aduyon’ among others signify the concept of helping one another
most especially in times of need without expecting anything in return.

As the Department of Education-Cordillera Administrative Region (DepEd-

CAR) gears for the preparation of the coming SY 2020 to 2021 amidst the ongoing
pandemic brought about by COVID-19, several stakeholders are volunteering to
help our teachers in ensuring that there is continuous delivery of basic education
to our children without compromising their health.

To set the parameters for volunteers who shall be called ‘Para-Teachers, the
following guidelines would be adopted:

1. The term Para-Teacher for this particular endeavor, would mean any
volunteer from Government Agencies, LGUs, NGOs and other Community
representatives who will help the DepEd Teachers in the delivery of Basic
Education for certain areas at this time of pandemic without any
renumeration of any kind;

2. Line Agencies, LGUs, NGOs, and Community Volunteers are suggested to

select would be Para-Teachers from among those who have background in
the teaching profession, or at the least, those who have the capacity to
deliver simple instructions to learners’ parents or to the learners themselves;

3. The Para teachers shall help distribute modules, activity sheets and other
learning materials to learners in areas where there is no access to internet,
no cell sites or signal, or in areas that cannot be reached by television or
radio broadcasting on a monthly basis. Para-Teachers may have to
coordinate to the school and collaborate with the subject teachers and fellow
volunteers on important details like transportation and pick-up points for
the smooth delivery and retrieval of learning materials;

4. In some cases, learners may have parents who cannot read or write or no
parent or guardian at all. In this scenario, the Para-teachers will serve as the


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
learner facilitator on the details of accomplishing the worksheets/activity
sheets, modules, submission of outputs, among others;

5. Ensure adequate support for the most vulnerable students and families
during the implementation of the alternative education plan;

6. The Para-teachers will collect the accomplished activity sheets/modules of

learners which shall be turned over to their respective teachers on a monthly
basis; For remote areas, partners from the PNP and AFP may need to escort
teachers who will have to travel to unfamiliar areas for the delivery of

7. Ensure that observance of health protocols, overall safety and security are
top priorities during the course of the delivery and retrieval of learning

8. Abide with all laws on the protection of children and being sensitive to the
Indigenous Knowledge, systems and Practices of the different cultural
communities in CAR; and

9. Prepare documentation of activities to be submitted to their respective office

and a copy furnished to the CID chief.


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Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director

The Flow Chart illustrates the specific Roles of a Para-Teacher

for SY 2020-2021


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Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director

Enclosure 8: Feedback Forms and Individual Monitoring Plan



Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director

Name of Learner:______________________________________________
Section: ___________________________
School: ______________________________________________
Quarter: ___________________________
District: ______________________________________________
Week: ___________________________

Dear Learner:

This instruction form will serve as your guide in making your distance learning experience
effective and well-delivered. Don’t hesitate to contact your teacher if you have further
questions or clarifications with this instruction. Enjoy and have fun in learning!

1. Read and understand the instruction carefully.

2. After receiv ing/opening the learning package, check together with your
parents/guardian if it contains the following items:
a. instruction for the learner and parent;
b. list of learning package;
c. learning plan/task;
d. printed modules for the week;
e. flash driv e containing the v ideo/e-modules;
f. indicated filename of v ideo module for the week;
g. activ ity/answer sheets as applicable (separate sheet of
paper may be required in answering activ ities in the
module; and,
e. feedback forms for the learner and parent;
3. With your parents/guardian, compare the items receiv ed
with the list of the learning package prov ided.

4. Together with your parent/guardian, read and understand

the learning task for the week as indicated in the learning plan.

5. Browse the part of the module and the content of the flash driv e together with
your parent/guardian.

6. Accomplish the task one at a time according to the proper sequence in the
module. Open the v ideo with the guidance of your parent/guardian as applicable.
You are encouraged to take note also of important concepts from your module using
notebook or separate paper.

7. Observ e honesty at all times by answering first the activ ity/assessment before
referring to the answer key. You may use separate clean papers for your answer
sheets and other required outputs.

8. Call the teacher or send a message to the teacher for any questions/concern with
the assistance of your parent/guardian as necessary. You may also replay the
v ideo/e-module as applicable.

9. During the last day of the week, be sure to answer

the following: post assessment and the learner’s feedback form.

10. Help your parent in repacking the accomplished modules with the answer sheet
and all the contents of the learning package based on the list at the end of the

We highly acknowledge your cooperation. Please be guided accordingly!

Name of T eacher: ___________________________

Contact Number: ___________________________
Email Address: ___________________________
M essenger Account: ___________________________


Name of Learner: __________________________ Section: ______________________

Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
School: __________________________ Quarter: ______________________
District: __________________________ Week ______________________
________ No.:
We want to hear from you to ensure the quality of your distance
learning experience. Please check one box per item with your honest answer.

On Weekly Learning Plan/Tasks

1. Did you read and understand the weekly learning tasks Yes No
2. Were you able to understand and follow the learning tasks Yes No
On Learning Material/Content

1. Were you able to understand all the instructions clearly? Yes No

2. Did you find all the activities suitable and easy to Yes No
3. Did you find the content/activities Yes No
4. Did the activities help you understand the Yes No
5. Did the learning material (video, module, e-module) help Yes No
you understand the lesson?
6. Did you accomplish all the tasks on the Yes No
given time?
On Parent's/Guardian's/Siblings' Support

1. Were you guided by your parent/guardian/siblings in Yes No

accomplishing the activities?
2. Did you find the help/assistance of you Yes No
parent/guardian/siblings important?
On Teachers' Support


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
1. Did you ask questions/clarifications/assistance from your Yes No
teacher through Text/Call/Messenger?
2. Did your teacher provided you help and assistance as Yes No
3. Did your teacher provided you assistance in a friendly Yes No
On Post-Assessment

1. Did you find the questions suitable and easy to Yes No

2. What was your score in the post assessment? Indicate the Yes No
score over the item. (Example: 8/10)
Others: Write any other comments, feedbacks or suggestions

Signature of Learner:
Date Accomplished:




Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
Name of Parent/Guardian: Section:
______________________________________________ ___________________________
School: Quarter:
______________________________________________ ___________________________
District: Week:
______________________________________________ ___________________________
Dear Parents:

This instruction form will serve as your guide in making the distance learning experience of
your child effective and well-delivered. Don’t hesitate to contact the teacher of your
child/ward if you have further questions or clarifications with this instruction.

1. Read and understand the instruction
2. After receiving/opening the learning package, check with your child/ward if it
contains the following items:
a. instruction for the learner and parent;
b. list of learning
c. learning plan/task;
d. printed modules for the week;
e. flash drive containing the video/e-modules;
f. indicated filename of video module for the week;
g. activity/answer sheets as applicable (separate sheet of
paper may be required in answering activities in the module;
e. feedback forms for the learner and parent;
3. With your child/ward, compare the items received with the list of the learning
package provided.
4. Together with your child/ward, read and understand the learning task for the week as
indicated in the learning plan.
5. Browse the part of the module and the content of the flash drive together with your
6. Guide your child in accomplishing the printed module. Open the identified filename of
the video as applicable. Assist your child in playing/watching the video as necessary.

7. Assist your child in accomplishing the activities but let your child answer

Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director

8. Instill honesty to your child/ward by ensuring that your he/she answers first the
activity/assessment before referring to the answer key.

9. Call the teacher or send a message to the teacher for any questions/concerns.

10. Assist your child in answering the post assessment. If your child gets lower than 80%,
help the child go back to the specific activity where he/she got wrong answers and go
over the exercises/activities.
11. Repack the accomplished modules with the answer sheet and all the contents of the
learning package based on the list at the end of the week.

12. Hand over the accomplished learning package to the designated messenger.

We highly acknowledge your cooperation. Please be guided accordingly!

Name of Teacher: ______________________
Contact Number: ______________________
Email Address: ______________________
Messenger Account: ______________________



Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
Name of Parent/ _______________________ Section of ______________________
Guardian: ______________________ Child/
School: _______________________ Quarter: ______________________
District: _______________________ Week ______________________
We want to hear from you to ensure the quality of the distance
learning experience of your child/ward. Please check one box per item with your
honest answer.

On Weekly Learning Plan/Tasks

1. Did you read and understand the weekly learning Yes No

plan/tasks carefully?
2. Were the instructions clear? Yes No
3. Did you help your child/ward understand the weekly Yes No
learning plan/tasks?
On Parents/Guardian/Siblings' Support

1. Were you or his/her siblings able to guide your child/ward Yes No

in accomplishing the activities as needed?
2. Did you find the help/assistance you provided Yes No
3. Did you provide conducive learning environment to your Yes No
4. Did you instill the value of independent learning to your Yes No
child as possible?
On Teachers' Support

1. Did you help your child/ward in asking Yes No

questions/clarifications/assistance from her/his teacher
through Text/Call/Messenger?


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
2. Were you satisfied with the help/assistance provided by Yes No
the teacher to your child/ward?
3. Were you satisfied with the attitude of the teacher in Yes No
providing the needed assistance to your child/ward?
On Post-Assessment

1. Did your child observe honesty in answering the Yes No

2. Were you satisfied with the score of your child in the post Yes No
Others: Write any other comments, feedbacks or
suggestions below

Signature of Parent:
Date Accomplished:



Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director


Name of Para-Teacher: Agency:

______________________________________________ ___________________________
School Assigned: Quarter:
______________________________________________ ___________________________
District: Month:
______________________________________________ ___________________________

Dear Para-teacher:
This instruction form will serve as your guide in making the distance learning experience
of learner in the community effective and well-delivered with your support. Don’t hesitate to
contact the teacher of the learner if you have further questions or clarifications with this

1. Read and understand the instruction carefully.
2. After attending the orientation, coordinate and collaborate with the school and
community on transportation, pick-up points and retrieval of learning materials.
3. After receiving the learning package, check if it contains the following items with the list
of learning materials vis-a-vis the number of learners:
a. instruction for the learner and
b. list of learning package with the list of learners and their
c. learning plan/task;
d. printed modules for
the week;
e. flash drive containing the
f. indicated filename of video module for the week;
g. activity/answer sheets as applicable (separate sheet of paper
may be required in answering activities in the module; and,
e. feedback forms for the learner
and parent;


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
4. Deliver and distribute the learning materials to learners with escort from
PNP/AFP/BFP/BJMP personnel as necessary observing the health protocol, then let the
parent sign in the receiving form.
5. Provide assistance to learner in accomplishing the tasks as

6. Collect the accomplished sheets/modules/ouputs of learners with escort from

PNP/AFP/BFP/BJMP personnel as necessary observing the health protocol, then let the
parent sign in the retrieval form.
7. Turn-over the learners accomplishment to their respective teachers on monthly/weekly

8. Make documentation report of activities done then submit to your respective

agency/office and the CLMD Chief and copy furnished to the office of the CID Chief.

We highly acknowledge your cooperation. Please be guided accordingly!

Name of Para- ________________________

Teacher: ___
Contact Number: ________________________
Email Address: ________________________
Messenger Account: ________________________


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director

Name of Para- ___________________________ Agency: ______________________

Teacher: ___________________________
School Assigned: ___________________________ Quarter: ________________________
District: ___________________________ Month: _________________________
We want to hear from you to ensure the quality of the distance learning experience of
the learner in the community with your support. Please check one box per item with your
honest answer.

On Orientation
1. Were you given proper orientation by the Division/Regional Yes No
2. Were the guideline or instructions clear? Yes No
3. Were you fully oriented on the content of the instructional Yes No
On Coordination and Collaboration
1. Was there proper coordination on Yes No
2. Was there proper coordination on pick-up Yes No
3. Was there proper coordination on retrieval of learning Yes No
On Distribution of Learning Materials
1. Did you encounter any problem on the distribution of learning Yes No
2. Did you distribute/deliver the learning materials to learners in Yes No
areas where there is no access to internet or signal on expected
On Giving Assistance to Learners/Parents
1. Did parents/learner seek your assistance on the details of Yes No
accomplishing the tasks?
2. Were you able to provide the assistance needed by the Yes No
On Collecting Learners' Accomplishment

Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
1. Were you able to collect accomplishments of Yes No
all learners?
2. Did you turn-over the accomplishments of learners to their Yes No
respective teacher on expected date?
On Escorting of Teachers
1. Were there PNP/AFP/BFP/BMJP personnel who escorted you in Yes No
the delivery of learning packets?
2. Did you encounter any problem as to safety in delivering learning Yes No
packets to remote/unfamiliar areas?
On Observance of Health Protocols
1. Were you aware of the required health protocols to be observed Yes No
in the delivery of learning?
2. Did you observe necessary health protocol? Yes No
On Documentation
1. Did you take documentation of expected activities to be Yes No
2. Did you submit documentation report to your respective Yes No
office/agency, CLMD-CAR, and provided copy furnish to the office
of CID Chief?

Others: Write any other comments, feedbacks or suggestions below


Signature of Para-Teacher:
Date Accomplished:


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director

Learner’s Name:
Grade Level:
Learning Area Learner’s Intervention Monitoring Learner’s Status
Needs Strategies Date Significant Insignificant Mastery
Provided Progress Progress

Learner is not making significant progress in a timely manner.

Intervention strategies need to be revised
Learner is making significant progress. Continue with the learning
Learner has reached mastery of the competencies in learning plan


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 |
Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director

Enclosure 9: Instructional Supervision of Remote or Distance Teaching

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Division of ____________________
__________Name of School_____________
_________Address of School_____________
Teachers’ E-Portfolio
Journal Of Notable Accomplishments
SY: _________________________
Semester: ____________________

Instruction: Kindly accomplish this form regularly as an evidence of your accomplishment every month

Name (Surname, First, Middle): Photo Here
Contact No.:
Date of Birth:
Ethnic Affiliation:
No. of Years in Service: (Public)
No. of Years in Service: (Private)
Level Degree/Cours Major Minor Year Graduated/
Units Earned
Master’s Degree:
Doctorate Degree:


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director

Section Schedule (Time and Day) No. of


Grading Period (Check one as 1s 2 3r 4t
applicable): t n d h


Grading Period (Check one 1s 2 3r 4t

as applicable): t n d h



Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director

Report on Average
Grading Period (Check one as 1s 2 3r 4t
applicable): t n d h
Section Ma Fema Averag
le le e

Total Grade
Total Number

Grading Period (Check one as 1s 2 3r 4t

applicable): t n d h
Section Ma Fema Averag
le le e

Total Grade
Total Number


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director

Quarterly MPS (Exam

Grading Period (Check one as 1s 2 3r 4t
applicable): t n d h
Section Takers Total Sc Items Mean M
ore P



Grading Period (Check one as 1s 2 3r 4t

applicable): t n d h
Section Takers Total Sc Items Mean M
ore P




Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director

Appended Duties: (Kindly attach photocopy of designation, approved action plan and accomplishment report)
Designation Level

Trainings Attended: (Kindly attach photocopy of certificate)

Date Title of Training/Seminar Lev
Agen el

Awards/Winnings as Teacher: (Kindly attach photocopy of certificate)

Event Award Date Lev

Promotion: (Kindly attach photocopy of appointment)

Date of Promotion Previous Position Present Position

Demonstration Teaching: (Kindly attach photocopy of signed lesson plan and evaluation)
Date Lesson Level

Speakership/Trainer: (Kindly attach photocopy of certificate)


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
Date Topic Venu Lev
e el

Authorship: (Kindly attach photocopy of article, approval page of book, etc.)

Date Ti Publishing Company Classificatio
tl n

Mentoring and Coaching: (Kindly attach mentoring

Technical/Instructional Assistance Dat Name of
Given e Mentee/s

Innovations: (Kindly attach photocopy of approval page)

Title/Project Dat Level

Action Research Conducted: (Kindly attach photocopy of approval

Title of Sta Date
Research tus Accomplished


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
Remediation/Intervention Conducted: (Attach photocopy of approved plan and accomplishment report)
Quarter/Month No. of Remediation Activity No. of
Sardos/ Conducted Students
Sarfs Complied

Community Activities and Services: (Attach photocopy of approved proposal and

Activity Venue Date Participation

Student Co-curricular Activities Organized: (Attach photocopy of approved proposal and accomplishment)
Activity Venue Date No of

Student Coaching: (Kindly attach photocopy of certificates of winning coach and students)
Event Dat Name of Winning Award/Plac Lev
e Student e el


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
Contextualized Lesson Prepared: (Kindly attach photocopy of contextualized DLL)
Date Lesson/Topi

LAC Session Conducted: (Kindly attach photocopy of plan and accomplishment report)
Date Topic Participation
(Member, Facilitator,
Documenter, etc.)

CLASS ADVISORY INFORMATION: (To be accomplished by class advisers only)

Indicators Male Female Tot
IPED Students
Learners with Special Educational Needs
Municipality/City Residents

Classroom Officers: (Kindly attach HPTA action plan and accomplishment report)
HPTA Class
Officers Officers

Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director

Prepared by: Noted


Name and Signature of Teacher Head Teacher/School Head


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director

Enclosure 10: Monitoring and Evaluation of Distance Education

I. Introduction

To operationalize the Regional Learning Continuity Operational Plan

(LCOP), which is anchored on the Basic Education-Learning Continuity Plan (BE-
LCP), the DepEd CAR adopts Distance Learning Delivery as its learning delivery
mechanism for SY 2020-2021.

As stipulated in Regional Memorandum No. 164, s. 2020, Distance

Learning Delivery (DLD) is a learning delivery modality where learning takes
place between the teacher and the learners who are geographically remote from
each other during instruction. It has three types: Modular Distance Learning
(MDL), Online Distance Learning (ODL), and Television (TV)/Radio-based
Instruction. The learning delivery modalities that schools can adopt may be one
or a combination of the three types of DLD, depending on the specific context of
the learners in the school or locality.

To further guide the Curriculum and Learning Management Division

(CLMD), the Curriculum Implementation Division (CID), and the schools in
refining and continuously gathering information on how to improve the
implementation of Distance Learning Delivery in DepEd CAR, a Monitoring and
Evaluation Framework anchored on the Basic Education Monitoring and
Evaluation Framework is being adopted. This framework is tailored to the needs
of the learners during this emergency. It shall animate the planned interventions
and activities and will show the desired outcomes as we navigate through the

II. Considerations and Strategies in the Implementation of Distance Learning

Delivery Modalities

The following considerations and strategies (DO 12, s. 2020) shall guide
school heads in implementing distance learning delivery modality/ies in their
respective schools.

Distance Learning Strategies



Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
Strategies across all Learning modalities as alternative
delivery mode
1. Establish the needed health and safety protocols
as appropriate
2. Established safety nets for learners against
violence and abuses at home and in the
community. This can include the provision of
hotlines and setting-up of help desks in
coordination with DSWD.
3. Provide mental and psychosocial support services
to learners
4. Prepare the following for K to 12 learners/LSENs
a. ADM learning modules of various formats
b. Leveled reader materials in print and digital
format with consideration for mother tongue
of learners
c. Primer lessons in mother tongue
d. Primer lessons for Grade 1 to 3 (including
bridging materials) in print, digital and audio
formats, accompanied by big and small books
5. Train school personnel for the learning Delivery
Modality/ies opted for
6. Conduct regular Parent-Teacher Conferences to
ensure updating and mutual support in
facilitating the learning process
7. Establish strong home-school-community
8. Continue developing self-learning modules (SLMs)
for Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM)
9. Map CGs/MELCs, delivery and assessment with
materials currently available in LR Portal and
DepEd Commons
10. Provide SLMs to learners in their appropriate
11. Check availability of gadgets and equipment for
learners and teachers as appropriate
12. Provide load allowance and travelling expenses
for teachers who provide assistance to learners
needing assistance and remediation, subject to
availability of funds and accounting rules and
13. Require teachers to prepare learning plans, home
learning tasks of learners and individual
monitoring plan for learners


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
14. Ensure the availability of community learning
facilitators (e.g., parents, guardians, other adults)
to support learners while from home
15. Assign personnel at the school and division level
who can respond to queries from families and
community learning facilitators regarding the
modality opted for
a. Modular Additional Specific Strategies
Distance 16. Train community learning facilitators for distance
Learning learning delivery sub-modality
17. E-IMPACT can be implemented as appropriate
b. Online Distance Additional Specific Strategies
Learning 18. Train school officials, teachers and partners to
convert SLMs to PDF flat, interactive digital
format, inclusive e-books, video-taped lessons
and radio scripts from SLMs
19. Upload PDF flat SLMs in the LP Portal and SLM
interactive digital format and inclusive e-books
and video-taped lessons to the DepEd Commons
20. Maximize LR Portal and DepEd Commons as
source of materials
21. Maximize MS Teams, Google Meet, Zoom and
other virtual classroom meeting platforms
22. Schedule online screen time
23. Train community learning facilitators for this
distance learning delivery sub-modality
c. TV and Radio- Additional Specific Strategies
based 24. Teachers and partners to produce video-taped
Instruction lessons and radio-scripts from SLMs
25. Explore institutional partnerships with media
partners for radio and TV-based instruction
26. Train community learning facilitators for this
distance learning delivery sub-modality.

III. Distance Learning Delivery Monitoring and Evaluation Guidelines

Monitoring and Evaluation Committee will be set up at each governance

level to provide guidance in the conduct of monitoring and evaluation of the
implementation of distance learning delivery in the region. Below are the
composition, roles and responsibilities of the committees per governance level.

A. Regional Monitoring and Evaluation Committee (RMEC)


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
The RMEC will be composed of the following:

Chair: Assistant Regional Director

Co-Chair: Chief of Curriculum and Learning Management

Division (CLMD)

Adviser: Regional Director

Members: All CLMD EPSs in-charge of each SDO

All Functional Divisions: ORD, FTAD, QAD, ESSD,

HRDD, PPRD, Finance, Administrative Division

Secretariat: Curriculum and Learning Management Division


The RMEC has the following roles and responsibilities:

1. Conduct quarterly monitoring and evaluation of the implementation
of distance learning delivery in the SDOs using the Distance
Learning Delivery Monitoring and Evaluation Form 1.
2. Prepare quarterly monitoring and evaluation reports.
3. Provide feedback to the Regional Executive Committee on the status
of the implementation of distance learning delivery in the region.
4. Conduct orientation of CID Chiefs and EPSs on monitoring and
evaluation of the implementation of distance learning delivery.
5. Resolve emerging issues in the conduct of monitoring and
evaluation in the region.
6. Provide technical assistance to SDOs in the conduct of their
monitoring and evaluation.
7. Organize, facilitate, and document meetings of the committee and
focus group discussions with the Division Monitoring and
Evaluation Committee (DMEC).
8. Develop policies or guidelines to improve the implementation of
distance learning delivery in the region.

B. Division Monitoring and Evaluation Committee (DMEC)

The composition of the DMEC is as follows:

Chair: Assistant Schools Division Superintendent


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
Co-Chair: Chief of Curriculum Implementation Division (CID)
and Chief of School Governance and Operations
Division (SGOD)

Adviser: Schools Division Superintendent

Members: All Education Program Supervisors in the CID

All Public Schools District Supervisors

1 External Stakeholder

Secretariat: SGOD

The DMEC has the following roles and responsibilities:

1. Conduct quarterly monitoring and evaluation of the implementation
of distance learning delivery in all schools using the Distance
Learning Delivery Monitoring and Evaluation Form 2.
2. Prepare and submit quarterly monitoring and evaluation reports to
the RMEC.
3. Conduct orientation of school heads on monitoring and evaluation of
the implementation of distance learning delivery.
4. Resolve emerging issues in the conduct of monitoring and evaluation
in the division.
5. Recommend issues or concern for the RMEC to address.
6. Provide technical assistance to schools in the conduct of their
monitoring and evaluation.
7. Participate in the focus group discussions organized by the RMEC.
8. Organize, facilitate and document meetings of the committee and
focus group discussions with the School Monitoring and Evaluation
Committees (SMECs)

C. School Monitoring and Evaluation Committee (SMEC)

The composition of the SMEC will be as follows:

Chair: School Head

Co-chair: Assistant Principal/Head Teacher

Members: Learning Area Head Teachers/Key Teachers


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
Community Learning Facilitator

PTA President

Barangay Captain/s

The SMEC has the following roles and responsibilities:

1. Conduct monthly monitoring and evaluation of the implementation
of distance learning in their respective schools using Distance
Learning Delivery Monitoring and Evaluation Form 3.
2. Identify and orient community learning facilitators/ volunteer
teachers who will help in conducting monitoring and evaluation in
the community.
3. Prepare and submit quarterly monitoring and evaluation reports to
the DMEC.
4. Resolve emerging issues in the conduct of monitoring and evaluation
in the school.
5. Recommend issues or concerns for the DMEC to address.
6. Participate in the focus group discussions organized by the DMEC.
7. Organize, facilitate and document meetings of the committee and
focus group discussions with community learning facilitators,
parents, and learners.


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director


(For Curriculum and Learning Management Division Use)

__________ Quarter Monitoring


Date of Monitoring

Monitoring Strategy Please check

□ Field monitoring

□ Online Monitoring

□ Focus Group Discussion

□ Others (please specify): __________________________

Flow of Home- Time Frame/

Division Team
Based Learning Frequency of Areas to Monitor Remarks
through DLD Monitoring

Preparatory June 1 – August What is the Distance

Stage 14 Learning Delivery modality
established in the Division?
Readiness of the
School and How many schools in the
Community for division adopted the
the DLD following DLD modalities?

a. Modular Distance
b. Online Distance
c. TV and Radio-Based
d. Blend of two or three of
the DLD modalities
What is the context of the
learners? (Provide the
following data)

a. Percentage of learners
who prefer learning
through Self-learning
b. Percentage of learners
who prefer learning
through online


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
c. Percentage of learners
who prefer learning
through TV/Radio-
Based Instruction
d. Percentage of learners
who have access to
learning resources and
e. Percentage of
parents/guardians who
can guide their
children/ward in
understanding lessons
Are there health and safety
protocols established in the

What is the percentage of

teachers/school personnel
with pre-existing health
condition and/or disease

Are there safety nets for

learners against violence
and abuses at home and
community established in
the division?

How many school personnel

in the division are trained
for Distance Learning
Delivery modality opted for?

What are the inclusive

education programs being
implemented in the division?
(Please check all that is

a. Indigenous People’s
Education (IP Ed)
b. Madrasah Education
c. Special Education
Program/Learner with
Special Needs
d. Special Interest
e. Others (Please specify)


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
How many schools
implement the following
inclusive programs?

a. Indigenous People’s
Education (IP Ed)
b. Madrasah Education
c. Special Education
Program/Learner with
Special Needs
d. Special Interest
e. Others (Please specify)

Is the Distance Learning

Delivery Modality for
inclusive education
appropriate and relevant?

Are there enough available

gadgets and equipment for
learners and teachers for the
Distance Learning Delivery
modality opted for in each
school in the division?

Are there available

community learning
facilitators to support
learners while from home?

Are the community learning

facilitators trained for
distance learning delivery
modality of the schools in
the division?

How many learning

facilitators were trained?

Is there assigned personnel

in the division who will
respond to queries from
families and community
learning facilitators?

How many learning

resources are procured by
the division?


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
How many learning
resources were developed by
the division?

How many learning

resources were produced by
the division?

What is the ratio of learning

resource materials to
learners in the division?

Is the Distance Learning

Delivery modality adopted by
the schools in the division
appropriate and relevant?

Stage 1 Quarterly Are school officials, teachers

and partners in the division
Teachers prepare (fourth week of trained to convert SLMs to
the learning each Quarter) PDF flat, interactive digital
materials, format, inclusive e-books,
weekly study video-taped lessons and
guides and other radio-scripts from SLMs?
resources for
distance learning Are the following learning
materials for K to 12/ALS
learners/LSENs available in
the Division?

a. ADM learning modules

of various formats for K
to 12 learners/LSENs/
b. Leveled reader materials
in print and digital
format with
consideration for
mother tongue
c. Primer lessons in
mother tongue
d. Primer lessons for
Grade 1 to 3 in print,
digital and audio
formats, accompanied
by big and small books
e. Activity/worksheets of
various formats for K to
12 learners/LSENs/ALS
How many learning
materials for K to
12/LSENs/ALS of the


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
following kinds are available
in the division?

a. ADM learning modules

of various formats for K
to 12 learners
b. ADM learning modules
of various formats for
c. ADM learning modules
of various formats for
ALS learners
d. Leveled reader materials
in print and digital
format with
consideration for
mother tongue
e. Primer lessons in
mother tongue
f. Primer lessons for
Grade 1 to 3 in print,
digital and audio
formats, accompanied
by big and small books
g. Activity/worksheets of
various formats for K to
12 learners
h. Activity/worksheets of
various formats for
i. Activity/worksheets of
various formats for ALS
Are the following learning
materials prepared by the
teachers in each school in
the division?

a. Learning plan

b. Self-learning modules in
various formats
c. Home learning tasks of
d. Individual monitoring
plan for learners
How many learning
materials of the following
kinds were produced and
are readily available in the

a. SLMs in PDF format


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
b. SLMs in Interactive
digital format
c. Inclusive e-book

d. Video-taped lessons

e. Radio-script format

Are all learning materials

aligned with the Most
Essential Learning
(MELCs)/Refined learning
competencies for SPED/
ALS Learning

Stage 2 Quarterly Are all learners in the

division given instructional
Packaging of (fourth week of packets?
instructional each Quarter)
Packet How many schools provide
the following learning
materials in the
instructional packet?

a. SLMs in all subjects

b. Activity/work sheets

c. Learning plan

d. Home learning tasks of

learners in all subjects
e. CD/Flash drives
containing the digital
formats of all learning
tasks and SLMs in all
subjects, video-taped
lessons and radio-
scripts from SLMs.
f. Parent’s Guide

g. Parent/Guardian
learning support
h. Others (Please identify)

What is the average number

weeks or months given to
learners to accomplish all


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
the learning tasks provided
in the instructional packet?

Stage 3 Quarterly How many schools adopt the

following strategies in
Instructional (fourth week of distributing instructional
Packet each Quarter)) packets to learners?
a. Dap-ayan ti parentes
(parent/guardian picks
up instructional packet
at school)
b. School-on-wheels
c. Barangay or
Community Learning
Center Delivery Support
d. Others (please specify)

How many schools conduct

weekly orientation for

guardians or para-teachers
who will help in supervising
learners from home?

Stage 4 Quarterly Is there an area in the

community designated by
Picking up of (fourth week of the all schools as pick up
Instructional each Quarter) points of instructional
Packets by packets for parents who
Parent/Guardian cannot go to school?

What mechanism is used by

the schools to monitor if the
instructional packets are
received by parents or

Stage 5 Quarterly What is the percentage of

learners receiving learning
Accomplishment (fourth week of resources per Distance
of Learning each Quarter) Learning Delivery modality?
Tasks by
Learners a. Modular Distance
b. Online Distance
c. TV and Radio-Based
d. Blend of two or three of
the DLD modalities

Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
What is the percentage of
learners receiving learning
resources responsive to their

What are the learning

support systems established
in the school?

Are the learning support

systems established in
school appropriate and

What is the percentage of

learners receiving support
from learner support

What mechanism is used by

schools in monitoring the
progress of learners in a

How many teachers conduct

home visitation (if allowed)?

How many teachers who are

giving support to learners
needing assistance and
remediation are provided
load allowance and
travelling expenses?

Stage 6 Quarterly What support systems are

provided by schools to
Accomplishment (fourth week of parent/guardian in
of Learning each Quarter) supervising their children at
Support home?
Checklist by
Parents Are the support systems
established in the schools
appropriate and relevant?

What is the percentage of

accomplishing and
submitting learning support


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
How often is a parent-
teacher conference

Stage 7 Quarterly How many schools do collect

instructional packets using
Collection of (fourth week of the following strategies?
Instructional each Quarter)

a. Dap-ayan ti parentes
(parent/guardian brings
instructional packet at
b. School-on-wheels
c. Teacher collects it from
designated areas
d. Others (please specify)

Notable findings:

Monitoring Team:

Date of Monitoring:


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director


(For Division Use)

__________ Quarter Monitoring

Name of School

Date of Monitoring

Monitoring Strategy Please check

□ Field monitoring

□ Online Monitoring

□ Focus Group Discussion

□ Others (please specify): __________________________

Flow of Home- Time Frame/

School Team
Based Learning Frequency of Areas to Monitor Remarks
through DLD Monitoring

Preparatory June 1 – August What is the distance

Stage 14 learning delivery modality
established in school?
Readiness of the
School and What is the context of the
Community for learners? (Provide the
the DLD following data)

a. Percentage of learners
who prefer learning
through Self-Learning
b. Percentage of learners
who prefer learning
through Online
c. Percentage of learners
who prefer learning
through TV/Radio-
Based Instruction
d. Percentage of learners
who have access to
learning resources and
e. Percentage of parents/
guardians who can
guide their children/
ward in understanding


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
Are there health and safety
protocols established in

What is the percentage of

teachers/school personnel
with pre-existing health
condition and/ or disease?

Are there safety nets for

learners against violence
and abuses at home and
community established in

How many school personnel

are trained for Distance
Learning Delivery modality
opted for?

What are the inclusive

education programs being
implemented by the school?

Is the Distance Learning

Delivery Modality for
inclusive education
appropriate and relevant?

Are there enough available

gadgets and equipment for
learners and teachers for the
Distance Learning Delivery
modality opted for?

Are there available

community learning
facilitators to support
learners while from home?

Are the community learning

facilitators trained for
distance learning delivery
modality of the school?

How many learning

facilitators were trained?

Is there assigned personnel

in the school who will
respond to queries from

Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
families and community
learning facilitators?

How many learning

resources are procured by
the school?

How many learning

resources were developed by
the school?

How many learning

resources were produced by
the school?

Is the Distance Learning

Delivery modality adopted
appropriate and relevant?

Stage 1 Quarterly Are school officials, teachers

and partners trained to
Teachers prepare (First week of convert SLMs to PDF flat,
the learning each Quarter) interactive digital format,
materials, inclusive e-books, video-
weekly study taped lessons and radio-
guides and other scripts from SLMs?
resources for
distance learning Are the following learning
materials for K to 12/ALS
learners/LSENs available?

a. ADM learning modules of

various formats
a.1. How many are
available for K to 12

a.. How many are

available for ALS

a.3. How many are

available for LSENs?

b. Leveled reader materials

in print and digital
format with consideration
for mother tongue
b.1 How many are


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
c. Primer lessons in mother
c.1. How many are

d. Primer lessons for Grade

1 to 3 in print, digital and
audio formats,
accompanied by big and
small books
d.1. How many are

e. Activity/worksheets

e.1. How many are

available for K to 12

e.2. How many are

available for ALS

e.3. How many are

available for LSENs?

Are the following learning

materials prepared by the

a. Learning plan

b. Self-learning modules in
various formats
c. Home learning tasks of
d. Individual monitoring
plan for learners
How many learning
materials of the following
kinds were produced and
are readily available?

a. SLMs in PDF format

b. SLMs in Interactive
digital format
c. Inclusive e-book

d. Video-taped lessons


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
e. Radio-script format

Are all learning materials

aligned with the Most
Essential Learning
Competencies (MELCs)?

Stage 2 Quarterly Are all learners given

instructional packet?
Packaging of (First week of
instructional each Quarter) What are the learning
Packet materials included in the
instructional packet? (Kindly
check all LMs in the
instructional packet)

a. SLMs in all subjects

b. Learning plan

c. Home learning tasks of

learners in all subjects
d. CD/Flash drives
containing the digital
formats of all learning
tasks and SLMs in all
subjects, video-taped
lessons and radio-
scripts from SLMs.
e. Parent’s Guide

f. Parent/Guardian
learning support
g. Others (Please identify)

How many weeks or months

are given to learners to
accomplish the learning
tasks provided in the
instructional packet?

Stage 3 Quarterly How is the distribution of

instructional packets done?
Instructional (First week of (kindly check all that is
Packet each Quarter) applicable)
a. Dap-ayan ti parentes
(parent/guardian picks
up instructional packet
at school)
b. School-on-wheels

Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
c. Barangray or
Community Learning
Center Delivery Support
d. Others (please specify)

Is there an orientation being

conducted weekly for
guardians or para-teachers
who will help in supervising
learners from home?

Stage 4 Quarterly Is there a designated area in

the community where
Picking up of (First week of parents who cannot go to
Instructional each Quarter) school can pick up the
Packets by instructional packet?
What mechanism is used by
the school to monitor if the
instructional packets are
received by parents or

Stage 5 Quarterly How many learners are

receiving learning resources
Accomplishment (First week of per Distance Learning
of Learning each Quarter) Delivery modality?
Tasks by
Learners How many learners are
receiving learning resources
responsive to their needs?

What are the learning

support systems established
in the school?

Are the learning support

systems established in
school appropriate and

How many learners are

receiving support from
learner support system?

What mechanism is used by

teachers in monitoring the
weekly progress of learners?


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
How often do teachers
conduct home visitation (if

Are teachers who are giving

support to learners needing
assistance and remediation
provided load allowance and
travelling expenses?

Stage 6 Quarterly What support systems are

provided to parent/guardian
Accomplishment (First week of in supervising their children
of Learning each Quarter) at home?
Checklist by Are the parents/guardians
Parents guided in accomplishing the
Learning Support Checklist?

How often is a parent-

teacher conference

Stage 7 Quarterly How is the collection of

instructional packets done?
Collection of (First week of (kindly check all that is
Instructional each Quarter) applicable)

a. Dap-ayan ti parentes
(parent/guardian brings
instructional packet at
b. School-on-wheels project

c. Teacher collects it from

designated areas
d. Others (please specify)

Are there concerns or issues recommended for CLMD to address? Please identify them below.


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director

Monitoring Team:

Date of Monitoring:


(For School and Community Learning Facilitators Use)

_____________________Monthly Monitoring

Name of Parent/Guardian (Optional)

Name of Learner (Optional)

Date of Monitoring

Monitoring Strategy Please check

□ Field monitoring

□ Online Monitoring

□ Focus Group Discussion

□ Others (please specify): __________________________

Learner’s Response
Flow of Home- Time Frame/
Based Learning Frequency of Areas to Monitor Remarks
(Parent’s Response
through DLD Monitoring
for K to 3 Learners)

Stage 5 Monthly (Every What are the learning

first week of the materials included in the
Accomplishment month) instructional packet that
of Learning you received? (Kindly check
Tasks by all LMs in the instructional
Learners packet)


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
a. Self-Learning Modules
in all subjects/learning
b. Learning plan for the
c. Activity/worksheets/
Home learning tasks in
all subjects
d. CD/Flash drives
containing the digital
formats of all learning
tasks and SLMs in all
subjects, video-taped
lessons and radio-
scripts from SLMs.
e. Parent’s Guide

f. Parent/Guardian
learning support
g. Others (Please identify)

Do you have gadget/s at

home to open the learning
materials in the CD or flash

Are you knowledgeable in

using these gadgets?

How many hours do you

spend in doing each activity
assigned to you?

Are you able to do all the

activities you need to
accomplish in a week?

Are the instructions in

doing the activities assigned
to you clear?

Do the self-learning
modules help you to do the
activities assigned to you?

Are the lessons in the self-

learning modules easy to


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
Do you experience any
difficulty in doing the
activities assigned to you?

Do you always need help

when doing the activities
assigned to you?

From whom do you ask

help, every time you have
difficulty in doing your

How often does your

parent/guardian help you
in your lessons?

How often does your

teacher help you in your

Is there always someone

available to help you if you
have difficulty in doing your

How often does your

teacher visit you at home?

Is there always somebody

from the school that you
can call every time you need

Is there a community
learning facilitator who
comes to your home to tutor

How often do you receive

feedback from your teacher
for submitted activities?

How does your teacher

check your weekly


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
Flow of Home- Time Frame/
Based Learning Frequency of Areas to Monitor Remarks
through DLD Monitoring

Stage 6 Monthly (Every How often is a teacher-

first week of the parent conference
Accomplishment month) conducted?
of Learning
Support What is discussed in the
Checklist by parent-teacher conference?
Are you guided in
accomplishing the weekly
learning support checklist?

Are you oriented by the

school to handle the lessons
to your child/ward?

How often do you help you

child/ward in his or her

Are you always available to

help your child/ward in his
or her lessons?

If you are not around, who

helps your child/ward in
his or her lessons?

What help do you always

give to your child?

If you do not know the

lesson, what do you do to
help your child/ward?

What support do you

receive from the school to
help your child/ward in his
or her lesson

Is there always somebody

from the school that you
can call every time you need


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
Is the support being given
by the school to your child

What other support do you

think shall the school
provide to address the
needs of your child/ward?

What strategies do you use

to help your child/ward in
his or her lesson or to
address his or her needs?

What challenges or
difficulties do you
encounter when helping
your child in his or her

Are there concerns or issues recommended for CID to address? Please identify them below.

Monitoring Team:

Date of Monitoring:


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director

Enclosure 11: Regional Repository of Learning and Professional Development

Resources through the “DamiKnow”…DepEd-CAR’s You Tube Channel


To continuously provide assistance and support to learners, parents and teachers,

the Learning Resources Management and Development Section (LRMDS) under the
Curriculum and Learning Management Division (CLMD) eyes the creation YouTube
Channel as an open educational resources (OER) focusing on learning resources.

With the “new normal education”, the internet of things is one of the highly adapted
strategy in addressing the Department of Education’s mission of providing quality
education. The need to innovate ways to reach and provide free educational resources to
learners and teachers along with today’s situation limiting the face-to-face learning
delivery, and acquisition of new educational knowledge, resources among others.

Generally, the project aims to provide access point and to serve as a repository of
educational resources in video format wherein teachers can view and download the
materials as supplementary learning resources that can be used online and offline.
Specifically, the project aspires to develop educational videos, uploaded in the YouTube
Channel, to serve as an avenue for knowledge sharing and to showcase the talents of
DepEd personnel in the production of videos, multimedia presentations, audiobook and
others. In a way, the YouTube channel shall serve as a way of preserving the educational
indigenous knowledge and practices of the Cordilleran’s.

YouTube is one of the mostly used OERs by internet users since it is a public domain
and is perceived to be effective in reaching out the learners, parents and teachers. With
this, the LRMDS opted to create a YouTube Channel that will serve as an access point
and repository of developed and contextualized learning resources where target
audiences can view and download as a supplementary learning material.

Moreover, it is still pronounced that face-to-face education is not yet applicable

and the proposed YouTube channel will serve as an avenue to reach out many audiences
without spending much especially for those who cannot get printed learning resources.
This will also limit the time consumption of the target audiences in searching
contextualized learning resources in videos.

The YouTube channel will be named as “Damiknow Effect”. The name was
conceptualized as it is seen that the creation of this channel can have a positive domino
effect to the target audiences. The “know” replaced the “no” to emphasize the importance
of knowing additional knowledge, skills, through the resources that will be uploaded in
the channel. The effect may not be felt or seen immediately but may have impact in the
long run.


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director


Terminal Objective:

At the end of the program, an established YouTube channel shall serve as access point
and repository of open educational resources specifically videos such as audio-visual
presentation, audiobooks, and multimedia presentations. The project targets the
learners, parents and teachers of the Cordillera.

Enabling Objectives:

a) supplements accessible contextualized and locally developed resources in video

formats that can help deliver learning competencies amidst crisis;
b) serve as an avenue of knowledge-sharing in relation to curriculum programs and
activities and on learning resources;
c) preserve the indigenous practices in the context of education through videos; and
d) showcase the talents of DepEd personnel in video production and multimedia


Creation of YouTube Channel. The LRMDS personnel will create the Damiknow Effect
YouTube Channel. Also, the LRMDS personnel shall serve as the Administrators of the
channel in concurrent position.

Video Development and Production. The LRMDS and CLMD personnel together with
other interested DepEd personnel are encouraged to be part of the development of
educational resources as supplemental learning resources for the learners, parents and
teachers. To properly develop and produce quality videos, investing in equipment, and
recording and multimedia studio is indispensable and need to be established as this
channel is expected to reach thousands of audiences.

Harvesting of videos. The teachers who would want to share their educational videos
through the channel is recognized. Their videos shall undergo quality assurance before
posting in the YouTube channel. Their written permission will be required before
uploading in the YouTube Channel.

Uploading of videos to the YouTube Channel. This will be conducted by the LRMDS
administrators of the channel. The uploading of videos is set on a flexible manner as to
be agreed upon. Also, videos to be developed and be uploaded shall encompass the
objectives of the project.


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director


The CLMD-LRMDS will be creating evaluation and monitoring
through a checklist for the project as a sustainable mechanism in the following

 Relevancy
 Acceptability
 Economic and Financial Viability
 Implementation and Monitoring Strategy

Sustaining the project is crucial and an in-depth monitoring would be

required. These sustainability mechanisms will be used immediately at the start
of the project.


1. Implementation – continuous video development and uploading to the YouTube

2. Feed backing/Monitoring & Evaluation – The results of the monitoring and

evaluation/feedback of the program will be analyzed and integrate suggestions to
improve the quality/content of the program.

3. Continuous Improvement (CI) of the Program – continuous enhancement of the

program according to needs and change of technology.


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director


Adress: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, 2601 ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Telephone No.: (074) 422 – 1318 | Fax: (074) 422-4074 Quality Management System
Website: | Email: DE-50500784 QM15
Guide for Teachers in using the SPED/Inclusive Education Learning Competencies (LCs)
Going to school is an avenue to raise skills. It is a place to raise social skills, social awareness and increase child’s ability.
However, as the pandemic continues to spread across the globe, access to education is a big challenge specially to Learners
with Special Educational Needs (LSENs) who may face greater risk of being left behind. Hence, this situation should not be
the hindrance in providing quality education to these learners. It is also their basic right to continually develop concepts and
skills which enable them to become productive members of society and live meaningful and fulfilling lives.
The Regional Office, through the collaborative efforts of the SPED Focal Persons in the Region and Schools Division Offices,
School Heads and Teachers of the SPED Centers, with the guidance of the DepEd – CAR Curriculum and Learning
Management Division, refined the learning competencies (LCs) to address the needs of LSENs. Thus, the LCs focus more on
the development of skills that will help them live independently. The curricular components of LSENs include the following
areas: self – help, social, number, communication, pre-vocational, vocational, community integration and
independent living skills.
Each learning area includes major skills, objectives, and tasks analyzed and arranged in three (3) levels commensurate to
the client’s expected entry behavior and projected end goal. This is to guide the teacher for the clients to master a skill
which results in the acquisition of the CAP behaviors, namely cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. All of these are
prerequisite skills for independent living (SPED-BEE, 1996).
Self – Help Skills is a primary learning task each individual is expected to acquire. Self – help skills assist individuals to live
happier and more productive lives when they are able to manage themselves alone. Activities of daily living or ADL are those
skills which pertain to the care of self, such as the following: a) feeding; b) dressing; c) toileting; and d) grooming and
Social Skills/competence bears significance even for the LSENs. But it seems to be a prevailing deficit for them. The
acquisition of these social skills will lead them to function in an environment where they can be accepted for what hey are
and behave appropriately in social functions. To attain these, the following should be developed: a) attending skills; b) self –
awareness; c) self at play; d) self at work.
Communication Skills - Language has always been the most delayed among the LSENs. But useful and constructive
communication is essential to a child’s growth. Though maturation process cannot be accelerated, activities can be
structured and manipulated in order to ensure development. It is within this premise that the following have to be developed:
a) listening/receptive skills; b) speaking/expressive skills; c) reading/decoding skills; d) writing skills
Number Skills – acquiring number skills give order to daily living. It allows an individual to organize his life. It is important
for them to learn to count, to compute, to measure, to tell time and others. These will equip LSENs with the necessary skills
for independent living. This will also allow them to earn their own living, to keep house, and to eventually manage a family.
With this in mind, the following skill are emphasized more than the regular math curriculum: a) object discrimination
skills; b) number concept skills; c) measurement/fraction skills; d) decimals/money skills.
Pre – Vocational Skills are skills that refine a client’s motor skills. They train students to group and sort, fold, cut, fasten
and/or staple. More-over these skills develop an individual’s manual dexterity and coordination. At the same time, Pre-
Vocational instruction should also be a preparation for future work. This means a client must have appropriate work
attitudes. Therefore, Pre- Vocational skills cover the following areas: a) fine motor skills; b) training work readiness skills;
c) work skills.
Vocational Skills is a learning area which will prepare and equip the client with actual work skills. Client has to be closely
monitored as to what kind of job he will most likely too succeed in. It is also this area which will determine the kind of job
and the kind of monitoring to be done with him/her. This will also determine if a client would succeed in sheltered workshops
or out in competitive environment. This is preparatory to a transitionary life skill in the community. It is advised that the
program be strictly observed to test the validity of the skills to be developed. Each service skill has been further subdivided
into 3 – 4 parts according to levels. For Level I, a client has to go through the preparation, actual work, and cleaning up
stages. For Levels II and III, all stages have been included but with an additional work experience stage. The only important
guideline that has to be followed and met is to treat the client like an adult and not like a child. This will assure the client of
everyone’s ultimate goal to make him make it on his own as an individual independent adult living in the normal world.

Curriculum Guidelines:
a. Take one specific objective at a time based on the assessed performance level of a particular child.
b. Develop from the lowest level of objectives before proceeding to the next level that is related to it. See to it that the
objectives of each learning area are closely related in skills development before starting a lesson.
c. Never pick an objective at random. Always take up the lowest level if the prerequisite skill needed for development has not
been acquired. Always begin where the child is.
d. The objectives are divided into three levels. Each level has its entry behavior and end goal. There are also lists of enroute
goals to guide the teacher to achieve the goal.
e. If the tested objective in each level may be difficult to achieve, break then down into simpler task. Always adapt the
client’s level of performance.
f. If the tested objective is easy to achieve, go to the next level. The teacher is not compelled to follow the sets of objectives.
The reference is always the entry and end goals.
g. Teach the skill as a means for training the client to become economically useful and eventually earn a living.
h. Clients can acquire skills at their own pace. Never force the clients to acquire skills because you want them to finish the
whole year’s work.
i. Use any language which you think the child can benefit most from.
j. This guide will be utilized for learners with moderate, severe, and profound learning disabilities/difficulties in SPED
Centers and Regular Schools.

The Learners
Learners who are diagnosed as moderate with mental ages from 4 – 20 years old are categorized and evaluated under the
following levels:
Level I . . . . . . . . . . . . Mental age . . . . . . . . . . 4 – 6.9
Level II . . . . . . . . . . . Mental age . . . . . . . . . . 7 – 11.9
Level III . . . . . . . . . . mental age . . . . . . . . . . 12 – above
In addition to the above criteria of groupings, there are certain provisions to take into consideration. These include the
important skills or the ability of an individual child. The learners have been evaluated by a diagnostic team or a certified
clinical psychologist. In the absence of any of the evaluation reports, teachers’ assessments and narrative observation reports
may be used as a temporary baseline data to start where the child is.

Evaluation Guide
Teachers give considerable attention to the progress which pupils are doing. Progress is a matter with which parents are
critically concerned. Whatever programs the child is getting as a result of the attention given by the teacher, progress should
always be recorded. Such evaluation may be given through an anecdotal record/descriptions or checklist based on general
observation and judgment.
1. Assessment Checklist
This is a set of indicators based on the listed objectives per learning area/skill. It is a tool to evaluate the child. Below are
sets of guidelines of what the checklist is all about.
a. It is a list of indicators to assess the child’s capacity to learn.
b. It serves as a procedure to help the teacher start planning and implementing an instructional program for a certain
client and a Report Card for the learner.
c. It helps to indicate the child’s strengths and weaknesses.
d. Its indicators are based on the tested objectives per learning area and level. This implies that there will be three sets
of check lists: 1 set for Level I; 1 set for Level 2; and another set for Level 3
e. It has a five-level scale to determine the progress of a child.
f. The child will be assessed quarterly.
The scale indicators:

Symbol Adjectival Rating Descriptive Meaning

O Outstanding The learner shows independence in doing given tasks.
He/She always follow directions. About 80% of the tasks
are often correctly done.
VS Very Satisfactory The Learner shows some amount of independence.
He/She shows some lapses in following directions.
About 60% of the tasks are correctly done.
S Satisfactory The learner needs little guidance and prompting in given
tasks. About 50% of the tasks are often correctly done.
FS Fairly Satisfactory The learner needs much guidance with prodding.
He/She could follow few directions. Less than 50% of
the given tasks are correctly done.
NI Needs Improvement The learner needs guidance and lot of prodding in the
given tasks. He/She cannot follow directions.

2. Anecdotal Record
a. Teachers use this to record their observations of learner’s behavior, skills, attitudes, performance and classroom
b. This contains information about learning outcomes, behavior, and strengths of the learner.
c. It may serve as plan for action and recommendations for further observations/follow - up.

Source: Special Curriculum for the Mentally Handicapped, 1996

A. Feeding/Eating

Entry Behavior Sucks from bottle with assistance Chews food with minimum spillage Chews food without spillage

End Goal Requests/Selects foods through gestures Selects or requests food verbally Follows Table Manners

1. swallows liquid, chews food with spillage, 1. chews food with minimum 1. chews without spillage
eats food with maximum assistance assistance
1.1 semi-solid food
1.2 solid food

2. picks -up spoon with maximum assistance 2. eats food with a minimum 2. eats food independently
assistance 2.1 semi – solid food
2.2 solid food
3. scoops food with spoon from a plate with 3. picks – up spoon with minimum 3. scoop food with a spoon from a
maximum assistance assistance plate independently

4. uses fork with maximum assistance 4. scoops food with spoon from a 4. scoops food with a spoon from a
plate with minimum assistance plate independently

5. uses spoon and fork with maximum 5. uses fork with minimum 5. uses fork independently
assistance assistance

6. holds with assistance while drinking 6. uses spoon and fork with 6. uses both utensils independently
6.1 glass 6.3 bottle minimum assistance
6.2 cup 6.4 can

7. sips liquid 7. holds with both hands while 7. holds with one hand while drinking
7.1 with a straw with assistance drinking a
7.2 with spoon with maximum 7.1 glass 7.3 bottle 7.1 glass 7.3 bottle
assistance 7.2 cup 7.4 can 7.2 cup 7.4 can

8. pours liquid from pitcher to glass with 8. sips liquid 8. sips liquid
assistance 8.1 while holding a straw with 8.1 without holding the straw
assistance 8.2 while holding the spoon without
8.2 while holding the spoon spillage
with little spillage
9. scoops soup from bowl with assistance 9. pours liquid from pitcher to glass 9. pours liquid from pitcher to glass
without assistance, with little without spillage

10. peels food with maximum assistance 10. scoops soup from bowl without 10. scoops soup independently without
assistance and with little spillage
11. cuts off food with a spoon such as 11. peels food with minimum 11. peels food independently
11.1 scrambled egg assistance
11.2 jellies

12. uses spoon for spreading 12. cuts off food with fork such as 12. cuts soft food with a knife such as
12.1 jam 12.1 banana 12.1 cheese
12.2 peanut butter 12.2 hotdog
12.3 cake, etc.

13. uses napkin with assistance 13. uses fork for spreading 13. uses knife for spreading such as
13.1 jam
13.2 peanut butter

14. selects/requests food through gestures 14. uses napkin with minimum 14. uses napkin independently
15. selects/requests food verbally 15. follows independently proper
15.1 eating habits
15.2 table manners


Entry Behavior Removes/wears clothes with maximum

assistance Removes/Wears clothes with Removes/Wears clothes all by himself
minimum assistance
End Goal
Removes/Wears clothes with minimum Removes/Wears clothes with very Removes/Wears clothes
assistance minimal coaching independently
1. removes/puts-on shoes with maximum 1. removes/puts-on shoes with 1. removes/puts-on shoes without
assistance minimum assistance assistance
1.1 slip – on shoes 1.1 slip – on shoes 1.1 slip – on shoes
1.2 snap – on shoes 1.2 snap – on shoes 1.2 snap – on shoes
1.3 laced – up shoes
2. removes sock with maximum assistance 2. removes sock with minimum 2. removes socks independently
3. extends arms (L & R) when removing t- 3. extends arms (L & R) when 3. extends arms (L & R) when
shirt with maximum assistance removing t-shirt with minimum removing t- shirt voluntarily
4. pulls down with maximum assistance 4. pulls down with minimum 4. pulls down independently
4.1 gartered pants assistance 4.1 gartered pants
4.2 underwear 4.1 gartered pants 4.2 underwear
4.2 underwear
5. unzipz/zipz with maximum assistance 5. unzipz/zipz with minimum 5. unzipz/zipz independently
5.1 shorts assistance 5.1 shorts
5.2 pants 5.1 shorts 5.2 pants
5.3 jackets 5.2 pants 5.3 jackets
5.3 jackets
6. unbuttons/buttons with maximum 6. unbuttons/buttons with minimum 6. unbuttons/buttons independently
assistance assistance 6.1. big buttons
6.1. big buttons 6.1. big buttons 6.2. small buttons
6.2. small buttons 6.2. small buttons 6.3. hook and eye
6.3. hook and eye 6.3. hook and eye 6.4. buckle
6.4. buckle 6.4. buckle 6.5. snaps
6.5. snaps 6.5. snaps

7. unties with maximum assistance 7. unties with minimum assistance 7. unties independently
7.1. bow 7.1. bow 7.1. bow
7.2. shoelaces 7.2. shoelaces 7.2. shoelaces

8. ties with maximum assistance 8. ties with minimum assistance 8. ties independently
8.1. bow 8.1. bow 8.1. bow
8.2. shoelaces 8.2. shoelaces 8.2. shoelaces

9. puts on clothes with maximum assistance 9. puts on front and back of 9. puts on front and back of clothing
clothing with minimum properly and independently
10. puts on socks with maximum assistance 10. puts on socks with minimum 10. puts on socks independently
11. extends arms (L & R) when putting on T 11. extends arms (L & R) when 11. extends arms (L & R) when
– shirt with maximum assistance putting on T – shirt with putting on T – shirt voluntarily
minimum assistance
12. pulls up with maximum assistance 12. pulls up with minimum 12. pulls up independently
12.1. gartered pants assistance 12.1. gartered pants
12.2. underwear 12.1 gartered pants 12.2 underwear
12.2 underwear
C. Toileting
Entry behavior Shows no sign for toilet needs Uses toilet with minimum Verbalizes toilet needs
End Goal Attends to toilet needs independently;
Attends to toilet needs with maximum Observes proper hygiene
assistance Verbalizes toilet needs

1. shows signs to use toilet 1. verbally requests for assistance 1. goes to the toilet with his own
in using toilet

2. uses potty seat with assistance 2. sits on potty 2. sits on toilet bowl independently for
2.1. urinating
2.2. defecating

3. sits on toilet bowl with assistance 3. sits on toilet bowl without 3. washes genitals independently
4. washes genitals with maximum 4. washes genitals with minimum 4. wipes self with toilet paper
assistance assistance
5. uses toilet paper with maximum 5. uses toilet paper with minimum 5. flushes toilet by himself
assistance assistance appropriately

6. flushes toilet with adult assistance 6. flushes toilet with some 6. washes and dries hands
assistance independently

7. washes and dries hands with maximum 7. washes and dries hands with 7. attends to toilet needs
assistance minimum assistance independently and follows hygiene

8. uses toilet with maximum assistance 8. verbalizes toilet needs and uses 8.Uses toilet independently and
toilet with minimum assistance appropriately

D. Grooming and

Entry Behavior Cannot make oneself clean Makes oneself clean with maximum Makes oneself clean with minimum
assistance assistance

End Goal Makes oneself clean with maximum Makes oneself clean with minimum Makes oneself clean independently
assistance assistance

1. washes hands with soap and water before 1. washes hands with soap and 1. washes hands with soap and water
and after eating with maximum assistance water before and after eating before and after eating
with minimum assistance independently
2. dries hands with towel with maximum 2. dries hands with towel with 2. dries hands with towel
assistance minimum assistance independently

3. washes face with soap and water with 3. washes face with soap and 3. washes face with soap and water
maximum assistance water with minimum assistance independently

4. dries face with towel with maximum 4. dries face with towel with 4. dries face with towel independently
assistance minimum assistance

5. hangs towel with maximum assistance 5. hangs towel with minimum 5. hangs towel by himself
6. puts toothpaste on toothbrush with 6. puts toothpaste on toothbrush 6. puts toothpaste on toothbrush by
maximum assistance with minimum assistance himself
7. brushes teeth with maximum assistance 7. brushes teeth with minimum 7. brushes teeth by himself
8. combs/brushes hair with maximum 8. combs/brushes hair with 8. combs/brushes hair by himself
assistance minimum assistance

9. wipes nose with tissue/handkerchief with 9. wipes nose with 9. wipes nose with
maximum assistance tissue/handkerchief with tissue/handkerchief by himself
minimum assistance
10. takes a bath with maximum assistance 10. takes a bath with minimum 10. takes a bath by himself
using the assistance using the 10.1. shower
10.1. shower 10.1. shower 10.2. dipper
10.2. dipper 10.2. dipper

11. uses towel with maximum assistance 11. uses towel with minimum 11. uses towel by himself
assistance appropriately
12. washes hair and body with soap and 12. washes hair and body with 12. washes hair and body with soap
shampoo with maximum assistance soap and shampoo with and shampoo by himself
minimum assistance
13. uses the following with maximum 13. uses the following with 13. uses the following by himself
assistance minimum assistance 13.1. hand/body lotion
13.1. hand/body lotion 13.1. hand/body lotion 13.2. powder
13.2. powder 13.2. powder 13.3. deodorant/cologne
13.3. deodorant/cologne 13.3. deodorant/cologne

14. cuts/trims the following with maximum 14. cuts/trims the following with 14. cuts/trims the following by himself
assistance minimum assistance 14.1. fingernails
14.1. fingernails 14.1. fingernails 14.2. toe nails
14.2. toe nails 14.2. toe nails

15. uses sanitary napkins with maximum 15. uses sanitary napkins with 15. uses sanitary napkins
assistance minimum assistance independently

16. washes genitals with soap and water 16. washes genitals with soap and 16. washes genitals with soap and
during menstruation with maximum water during menstruation with water during menstruation
assistance minimum assistance independently

17. uses shaver and cream with maximum 17. uses shaver and cream with 17. uses shaver and cream
assistance minimum assistance independently
18. shaves/pulls underarm hair with 18. shaves/pulls underarm hair 18. shaves/pulls underarm hair
maximum assistance with minimum assistance independently
Source: Special Curriculum for the Mentally Handicapped, 1996
Entry Behaviour Attends to task/material/ Socializes with peers Verbally responds to others
person for at least 3
End Goal Socializes with peers for at Verbally responds to others Initiates social contact
least 20 minutes with others
SOS.A1.1 Eye Looks at person with Faces person with some Approaches person
contact/ posture prodding prompting immediately
when responding to
SOS.A1.2 Initiating Attempts to reach for person’s Reaches for person’s hand Approaches person
communication hand when necessary independently
SOS.A1.3 Response By smiling Verbal response to basic -
SOS.A1.4 Plays with Plays with others - -
others such as
SOS.A2.1 Attending Attempts/manipulates a Attends to several Attends to several
to task/material task/material tasks/materials tasks/materials
for at least 5 minutes for at least 20 minutes for at least 1 hour
SOS.A2.2 With maximum prompting With minimal prompting independently
Manipulates Without completion With 50% completion 100% completion
SOS.A2.3 Returns With assistance independently Independently
materials used + initiates new task
SOS.A3.1 Locates Moving head Cueing from teacher Walking towards it &
sound by identifying sound
SOS.A3.2 Sits to For at least 5 minutes For at least 20 minutes For whole period/ hour
listen to sound
SOS.A3.3 Imitates With verbal prompting With considerable And identifies source
sound modulation independently
Without assistance
SOS.3.4 Responds to Through action by verbal verbally And takes action
sound/command prompting
Entry Behaviour No self-awareness Identifies self in the family Recognizes role of self in the
family and in school
End Goal Identifies self in the family Recognizes role of self in Makes oneself aware in all
school areas
SOS.B.1 Expresses Through body language like Verbally/ In written form Verbally
emotions smiling, clapping, dancing, etc.
SOS.B.2 Distinguishes differences in Differentiates emotions at Explains cause for certain
Understanding emotion through illustrations home and in school expression of emotions
SOS.B.3 Emotional Expresses common expressions Solves simple problems on Solves simple problems on
regulation (happy, angry, sad) verbally in dealing with emotions at home dealing with emotions in
any manner and in school various situations
- Shows appropriate - Displays appropriate
behaviour in dealing with behaviour in dealing with
emotions. emotions in specific
SOS.B.4 Name Makes gesture when name is Responds when name is called Verbalises own name
recognition called by
- Looking
- Nodding head
- Looking/ turning head
SOS.B.5 Self- Tells self in own family Identifies self in school Identifies self in community
identification within Tells role of self in the family Tells role of self in school Tells role of self in community
environment Recognizes position in the Tells position of self in the
family family and in school
SOS.B.6 Age Tells own age using Tells age in complete sentences Verbalizes date of birth using
- Sticks/stones when asked calendar
- Fingers
- Other counting objects
Verbalizes age when asked
SOS.B.7 Home Points to identification card Tells complete address Gives complete address
address (when asked) Tells number and street - Verbally
address - In written form
SOS.B.8 Managing Names belongings by Arranges belongings according Arranges belongings according
personal belongings - Pointing to use neatly to use neatly
- Showing
- Bringing to teacher
SOS.B.9 Family Identifies family members by Names each member of family Names each member of one’s
- Pointing to person Identifies position of each family
- Pointing through pictures member in family Identifies position of each
Says members of family Knows role of each member in member in family
Names each member of family the family in relation to self Tells role of each member in
family in relation to self
SOS.B.10 Identifying By Through Through
major body parts: Head - pointing to part named - illustration - verbal description
| Eyes | Ears | Nose | - naming different parts - verbal description - situations
Neck | Hands | Fingers pointed by teacher
| Abdomen | Legs | - through illustration
Feet - drawing self and
identifying body parts

Entry Behaviour Shows no sign to play Plays with the family Plays in school
End Goal Plays with the family Plays in school Plays in the community
SOS.C.1 GREETING: Greeting teachers, visitors, Greeting people through Greeting people through
Comes to school with a classmates, friends etc. appropriate verbal language appropriate verbal language
pleasant disposition by through
- Body language
- Signs
- Verbal language
SOS.C.2 Plays With complete supervision With minimal supervision Independently
harmoniously with others - Sensorimotor games - Associative games - Associative games
during a cooperative - Parallel games - Cooperative games - Cooperative games
activity - Symbolic games - Symbolic games
SOS.C.3 Borrows things - Through gestures Through verbal expression Through verbal expression
politely - Through signs
- Saying “please”
SOS.C.4 Returns With physical guidance Independently Independently
materials/ objects On time On time
SOS.C.4.1 to its Without being asked
proper place
SOS. C.4.2 to its
SOS.C.5 Uses the following With physical/ non-verbal Without physical/ verbal Independently
expressions: expressions guidance Appropriately
“Thank you” Whenever necessary Whenever necessary Through
“Please” Through Through - Verbal communication
“May I” - Gestures - Appropriate gestures
“Excuse me” - Flashcards/ charts - Verbalizations
“I’m sorry”
“You’re welcome”
SOS.C.6 Shows acceptable - Helping other children - Playing games with - Playing games with
behaviour to befriend - Sharing toys or other others others
another by things - Talking with other - Talking with other
- Playing games with children children
others - Inviting other children - Inviting other children
to join in art, cooking, to join in art, cooking,
non-academic activities non-academic activities
- Relating stories to other
SOS.C.7 Activity Joins other group/ school Independently Volunteers to independently
participation activities - Selects group/activity - Make activity choice
- Joins group/school - Carry out activity
activity that are highly without assistance
non-academic - Join other group/
school activity that are
either academic/ non-
SOS.C.8 Makes choices - Asking for assistance - Asking for assistance Without assistance
by - Giving others a chance - Giving others a chance
to share with group to share with group
- Accepting suggestions

Entry Behaviour Shows no sign to work Works with the family Works for the community
End Goal Works with the family Works for the community Works harmoniously with
others independently
SOS.D.1 Independence Works on cooperative Works on cooperative Volunteers self to work
activities harmoniously activities harmoniously (independent tasks)
Without constant supervision Without supervision Without supervision
By By
- Listening attentively to - Sharing materials with
instructions given members of the group
- Sharing materials with - Assisting peers in tasks
members of the group
SOS.D.2 Demonstrates - through gestures - through given orders independently
how to follow orders or
requests in
SOS.D2.1 waiting
for one’s turn
SOS.D2.2 listening
attentively when somebody
is talking
SOS.D2.3 forming a
line when passing in and
out of a room ______________
Source: Special Curriculum for the Mentally Handicapped, 1996
A. Basic Communication Shows no appropriate response to Gives simple verbal Gives simple response
Behavior any stimuli response/gestures with minimal independently
Entry Behavior prompting

End Goal Gives simple verbal Gives simple response independently Gives appropriate responses
response/gestures with minimal

1. spontaneous eye contact 1. spontaneous eye contact 1. spontaneous eye contact

1.1 looks at the teacher’s eye 1.1 makes eye contact when 1.1 makes eye contact in most
when spoken for at least 2 requesting something from the places
seconds teacher for at least 5 seconds 1.2 looks at the teacher’s eye
1.2 looks at the teacher while 1.2. looks at the teacher’s eye while talking by holding his
talking for at least 3 seconds while talking and holds his gaze all the time (when
1.3 responds to his name when gaze for at least 10 seconds speaking and when spoken
called 1.3 turns head when called to)
1.4 smiles when praised 1.4 says “thank you” when praised 1.3 responds to his name every
1.5 approaches others when 1.5 approaches others without time he is called
.asked discrimination 1.4 says “thank you” when
1.5 approaches others without
being called

2. cooperates with simple spoken 2. cooperates with simple spoken 2. cooperates with simple spoken
requests requests requests
2.1 follows simple requests of the 2.1 follows simple requests of the 2.1 follows simple requests in
teacher in the classroom teacher in other places other places and with other
Example: Example:
Stand up. Put the shades down. Example:
Sit down. Get a spoon in the kitchen Open the door.
Erase the blackboard. Set the table.
Get your pencil. Push the shopping cart.

3. body movements 3. body movements 3. body movement

3.1 moves objects with both 3.1 transfers small objects from 3.1 transfer big and small objects
hands one hand to the other from one hand to the other
3.2 picks up one object with both 3.2 picks up more than one object with ease
hands with dominant hand 3.2 picks up objects of various
sizes and number with
thumb and index fingers

4. concentration span 4. concentration span 4. concentration span

4.1 looks at pictures or real 4.1 looks carefully at the objects 4.1 looks carefully and
objects the teacher holds for 2 the teacher is holding up for compares pictures or objects
– 3 seconds more than 3 seconds

5. work habits 5. work habits 5. work habits

5.1 work attention 5.1 work attention 5.1 work attention
5.1.1 looks at work/material 5.1.1 works on material 5.1.1 works on material
presented presented for a presented
5.1.2 works on material minimum of 15 minutes independently
presented for a number with some guidance 5.1.2 works independently
of (seconds or minutes) 5.1.2 works on material
with complete guidance presented for more
than 15 minutes with
some guidance

6. mouth positions 6. mouth positions 6. mouth positions

6.1 breathing 6.1 breathing 6.1 breathing
6.1.1 breathes in and out 6.1.1 breathes in and out 6.1.1 breathes in and out
through mouth through mouth through mouth
6.1.2 breathes in and out 6.1.2 breathes in and out 6.1.2 breathes in and out
through nose through nose through nose
6.1.3 inhales through the 6.1.3 inhales through the 6.1.3 inhales through the
nose and exhales nose and exhales nose and exhales
through the mouth through the mouth through the mouth
6.1.4 takes short, fast breaths 6.1.4 takes short, fast breaths 6.1.4 takes short, fast
(pants) (pants) breaths (pants)

6.2 blowing 6.2 blowing 6.2 blowing

6.2.1 blows a strip of tissue 6.2.1 blows a strip of thick 6.2.1 blows a strips of
paper hanging in front paper hanging in front paper from a distance
of child’s mouth of child’s mouth 6.2.2 blows several candles
6.2.2 blows small candle 6.2.2 blows big candles of all sizes
6.2.3 blows a soap bubble 6.2.3 blows a soap bubble 6.2.3 blows bubbles
pipe pipe
6.2.4 blows bubbles 6.2.4 blows bubbles
6.3 jaw movements 6.3 jaw movements
6.3.1 opens the mouth wide 6.3.1 opens the mouth wide
saying “ahh” saying “ahh”
6.3.2 opens mouth wide and 6.3.2 opens mouth wide and 6.3 jaw movements
closes it closes it 6.3.1 opens the mouth wide
6.3.3 moves jaws right and 6.3.3 moves jaws right and saying “ahh”
left (prompted by left (prompted by 6.3.2 opens mouth wide
holding child’s lower holding child’s lower and closes it
jaw and moving it while jaw and moving it while 6.3.3 moves jaws right and
teacher shows how) teacher shows how) left (prompted by
6.3.4 closes mouth so that 6.3.4 closes mouth so that holding child’s lower
front teeth are edge to front teeth are edge to jaw and moving it
edge (prompted by edge (prompted by while teacher shows
spreading child’s lips at spreading child’s lips at how)
the corners and moving the corners and moving 6.3.4 closes mouth so that
his jaw so that the front his jaw so that the front front teeth are edge to
teeth come together on teeth come together on edge (prompted by
edge looking like a edge looking like a spreading child’s lips
GRIN) GRIN) at the corners and
moving his jaw so
6.4 lip movements 6.4 lip movements that the front teeth
6.4.1 makes lips round 6.4.1 makes lips round come together on
(prompted by putting (prompted by putting edge looking like a
teacher’s thumb and teacher’s thumb and GRIN)
forefinger at the forefinger at the corners
corners of the child’s of the child’s moth and 6.4 lip movements
moth and pushing the pushing the tips slightly 6.4.1 makes lips round
tips slightly toward the toward the center) (prompted by putting
center) 6.4.2 sticks out the lips teacher’s thumb and
Example: together like pouting forefinger at the
long “o” and “u” (prompted by putting corners of the child’s
sound teacher’s thumb and moth and pushing the
6.4.2 sticks out the lips forefinger near the tips slightly toward the
together like pouting corners of the child’s center)
(prompted by putting mouth and gently 6.4.2 sticks out the lips
teacher’s thumb and squeezing his lips together like pouting
forefinger near the together and out) (prompted by putting
corners of the child’s 6.4.3 spreads the lips wide teacher’s thumb and
mouth and gently apart with the teeth forefinger near the
squeezing his lips closed like a big grin corners of the child’s
together and out) prompted by spreading mouth and gently
6.4.3 spreads the lips wide child’s lips wide at the squeezing his lips
apart with the teeth corners with the thumb together and out)
closed like a big grin and forefinger and 6.4.3 spreads the lips wide
prompted by spreading moving his jaw with the apart with the teeth
child’s lips wide at the other teacher’s hand so closed like a big grin
corners with the thumb that child’s teeth are prompted by
and forefinger and shut spreading child’s lips
moving his jaw with the wide at the corners
other teacher’s hand so 6.5 tongue movements with the thumb and
that child’s teeth are 6.5.1 moves tongue up and forefinger and moving
shut down and to the left his jaw with the other
and right teacher’s hand so that
6.5 tongue movements 6.5.2 moves tongue from side child’s teeth are shut
6.5.1 moves tongue up and to side 6.5 tongue movements
down and to the left 6.5.3 holds tongue still and 6.5.1 moves tongue up and
and right flat in mouth down and to the left
6.5.2 moves tongue from side 6.5.4 lifts tip of his tongue and right
to side (for letters TH, L, T) by 6.5.2 moves tongue from
6.5.3 lifts tip of his tongue holding lower jaw open side to side
(for letters TH, L, T) by and touching upper lip 6.5.3 holds tongue still and
holding lower jaw open with a lollipop or lift up flat in mouth
and touching upper lip his upper lip with his 6.5.4 lifts tip of his tongue
with a lollipop or lift up tongue or a tongue (for letters TH, L, T)
his upper lip with his depressor by holding lower jaw
tongue or a tongue 6.5.5 chews, licks, and sucks open and touching
depressor (on large lollipops, upper lip with a
6.5.4 chews, licks, and sucks pretzel sticks for lollipop or lift up his
(on large lollipops, practice on lip jaw and upper lip with his
pretzel sticks for tongue movements tongue or a tongue
practice on lip jaw and depressor
tongue movements 6.5.5 chews, licks, and
sucks on any food item
B. Auditory Perception Receive different auditory stimuli but Follows one – step commands Follow two – step commands
Entry Behavior shows no appropriate response

End Goal Follows one – step commands and Follow two – step commands Recalls commands in sequence and
instruction detail

1. Auditory Acuity 1. Auditory Acuity 1. Auditory Acuity

1.1 listens to body sounds such 1.1 listens to body sounds such 1.1 listens to body sounds such
as humming, coughing, as humming, coughing, as humming, coughing,
giggling, laughing, crying, giggling, laughing, crying, giggling, laughing, crying,
shouting, sneezing, yawning, shouting, sneezing, yawning, shouting, sneezing, yawning,
snoring, heel tapping, snoring, heel tapping, snoring, heel tapping,
whistling, whispering, finger – whistling, whispering, finger – whistling, whispering, finger –
snapping, etc. snapping, etc. snapping, etc.
1.2 responds functionally to:
1.2.1 household sounds
1.2.2 musical instruments
1.2.3 animal sounds
1.2.4 common toy sounds
2. Auditory Discrimination 2. Auditory Discrimination 2. Auditory Discrimination
2.1 identifies common specific 2.1 identifies specific sounds on 2.1 identifies common sounds as
sounds in the environment nature in the environment they naturally occur
2.2 recognizes familiar sounds 2.2 compares familiar sounds 2.2 compares environmental
and imitates them e.g. barking and crawling sounds
2.3 identifies loud and soft sounds 2.3 distinguishes between loud 2.3 compares loud and soft
by pointing and soft sounds and other finer sounds and other finer
2.4 detects direction of specific sounds by shaking head or sounds by distinguishing
sound by gesturing clapping hands low and high pitches thru
2.5 shows recognition of the 2.4 detects direction of specific verbal responses or by
voices of the immediate sounds by pointing to where naming sounds heard
members of the family and his the sounds are 2.4 detects direction of specific
teacher 2.5 identifies the voices of sounds by identifying the
members of his family, sound and its direction
teachers, and some of his 2.5 differentiates the voices of
classmates various people around him

3. Auditory Decoding/Sequencing 3. Auditory Decoding/Sequencing 3. Auditory Decoding/Sequencing

3.1 recognizes name when called 3.1 recognizes name when called 3.1 responds approximately in
by turning or by smiling or spoken to by standing up complete sentence when
3.2 shows various reactions such or verbally responding name is called such as “Yes”
as smiling/laughing when 3.2 shows various reactions by what is it?” or “Ano po?”, etc.
happy or crying when sad, verbally responding as “I am 3.2 recognizes emotions
etc. happy/sad”, etc. displayed by others
3.3 repeats simple instruction 3.3 repeats simple instruction
through action as teacher 3.3 repeats simple instruction verbally and in action as
demonstrates verbally and in action as teacher verbally commands
3.4 follows one – step commands teacher demonstrates 3.4 comprehends multiple – step
by doing upon request, e.g. 3.4 comprehends two – step unrelated commands and
waving, nodding head, unrelated commands and performs motorically upon
clapping hands, touching performs motorically upon request, such as “Put the
nose request, such as waving pencil on the floor.; Open the
hand and stomping feet, or door.; Walk around the
shaking head and running, room.”, etc.


A. Auditory – Vocal Shows no verbal response or reaction Repeats one – step instruction Follows verbal instructions verbally
Memory to auditory stimuli motorically and motorically
Entry Behavior

End Goal Repeats one – step instruction Follows verbal instructions verbally Retains and recalls general auditory
motorically and motorically information

1. makes a verbal response as a 1. gives several verbal responses to a 1. describes and relates all
simple familiar word is expressed simple word expressed to the child knowledge about a single word
to the child verbalized to the child
2. verbally relates yesterday’s 2. verbally relates yesterday’s 2. verbally relates experience from
experience(s) experience and other experiences the past and possible new
experiences for future retrieval or

B. Auditory Acuity Shows no verbal response or reaction Repeats one – step instruction Follows verbal instruction verbally
Entry Behavior to auditory stimuli motorically and motorically

End Goal Repeats one – step instruction Follows verbal instruction verbally and Retains and recalls general auditory
motorically motorically information

1. auditory imitates single 1. auditorily imitates more than single 1. repeats longer statements of what
verbalization of what was verbalizations of what was was auditorily heard precisely
1.1 verbalized 1.1 verbalized from
1.1 verbalized
2. repeats motorically what was 2. repeats motorically two – step 2. verbally repeats verbal or auditory
instructed such as tap on the desk, instructions such as tap on the desk, instructions given by teacher
cough, laugh, clap, etc. cough, laugh, clap, etc.
3. repeats and/or motorically recalls
multiple step instructions such as
tap on desk while coughing, clap
hands twice then say “Hurrah”,
A. Sounds Hears sounds environmentally Identifies similar/dissimilar sounds Differentiates similar/dissimilar
Entry Behavior consonant sounds

End Goal Identifies similar/dissimilar sounds Differentiates similar/dissimilar Discriminates position of consonant
consonant sounds sounds

1. identifies sounds heard from the 1. differentiates sounds heard from 1. discriminates sounds heard from
environment the environment and singles them the environment and singles
out them out according to:
1.1 loudness or softness
1.2 distance sound is heard

2. imitates vowel sounds 2. imitates vowel sounds and 2. produces several specific speech
produces specific speech sounds sounds listened to
listened to
3. imitates the following initial and 3. imitates the following initial and 3. imitates the following initial,
final consonant sounds medial consonant sounds medial and final consonant
3.1 initial – m, n, p, t, k, b, d, g, f, 3.1 initial – m, n, p, t, k, b, d, g, f, sounds
h, w, l, s, y, and r h, w, l, s, u, r, and z 3.1 initial – m, n, p, t, k, b, d, g, f,
3.2 final – m, n, p, t, d, f, s, and r 3.2 medial – m, n, ng, p, k, d, b, g, h, w, l, s, u, r, and z
f, h, w, s, y, r, and z 3.2 medial – m, n, ng, p, k, d, b,
g, f, h, w, s, y, r, and z
3.3 final – m, n, p, t, d, f, s, and r

B. General Vocabulary Points to specific things, objects, Names particular places, objects, Describes particular places, objects,
Entry Behavior persons familiar to the child things, persons, or animals things, persons, or animals

End Goal Names particular places, objects, Describes particular places, objects, Converses with ease on particular
things, persons, or animals things, persons, or animals subject matter, events, etc.
1. signals needs and wants 1. verbally communicates needs and 1. verbally communicates needs and
wants wants

2. points to parts of the body when 2. verbalizes parts of the body when 2. verbalizes parts of the body in
asked asked appropriate situations such as
during self – help lessons, etc.

3. says simple 2 – to 2-word 3. says more complicated forms of 3. says more complicated forms of
greetings, such as hello, good greeting such as hello and how are greeting sch as hello, how are
morning, hi, etc. you, or its such a fine day, don’t you, or it’s such a fine day, etc.
you?, etc.

4. uses common courteous 4. uses common courteous 4. uses common courteous

expressions such as please, goodbye, expressions such as please, expressions such as please,
sorry when asked to verbalize goodbye, sorry in appropriate goodbye, sorry in appropriate
situations situations

5. talks about oneself by 5. talks about oneself and his 5. talks about oneself and his
5.1 telling one’s name immediate family by immediate family by
5.2 telling one’s age 5.1 telling one’s name and age 5.1 telling one’s name and age
5.3 telling names of mother and 5.2 telling the names of his 5.2 telling the names of his
father immediate family immediate family
5.3 describing oneself
5.4 describing his immediate
6. identifies common objects/animals 6. identifies common objects/animals 6. identifies common
7.1 by pointing to the picture 7.1 by verbally identifying object objects/animals
7.2 by pointing to the actual or animal 7.1 by its similar and dissimilar
object/animal 7.2 by grouping animals or objects characteristics
7.3 by verbally identifying object with the same characteristics 7.2 by its function
or animal

7. answers basic questions in relation 7. answers questions in relation to 7. answers questions that need
to self and others 8.1 immediate experience 8.1 reasoning
8.2 stories read 8.2 logical thinking
8.3 sequencing of events

8. names people, places, 8. gives important names of people, 8. differentiates proper and common
objects/things and animals places, objects/things, and animals nouns
9. points to the objects/things with the 9. identifies the primary and 9. compares objects/things by their
basic primary colors secondary colors color, shape or size
10.1 by name
10.2 by their description

10. recites nursery rhymes and 10. recites nursery rhymes and jingles 10. recites nursery rhymes and
jingles with the teacher 11.1 with the teacher jingles independently
11.2 with action
Source: Special Curriculum for the Mentally Handicapped, 1996
I. Object Discrimination Skills
Entry Behavior Identifies objects in his environment Identifies objects in his environment Discriminates objects by
- primary colors - their secondary colors
- three basic shapes - other shapes up to 5 sides
- unmeasured size - measured size
- unmeasured weight - measured weight
- unmeasured distance - measured height
- measured distance
End Goal Identifies objects by their color, shape, Discriminates objects by Applies concepts of
size, weight, distance - their secondary colors - color
- primary colors - other shapes up to 5 sides - shape
- three basic shapes - measured size - size
- unmeasured size - measured weight - weight
- unmeasured weight - measured height - distance
- unmeasured distance - measured distance in everyday living

A. Colors 1. recognizes red/blue/yellow (primary 1. recognizes secondary colors of 1. names all the primary and
colors) objects green, orange, violet, etc. secondary colors in his

2. associates red, blue, yellow objects 2. associates secondary colored 2. associates objects in the
with objects with environment with all colors
2.1 particular objects 2.1 particular objects learned
2.2 objects commonly used by 2.2 objects commonly used by
learners students
2.3 objects found at home, in 2.3 objects found at home, in
school, etc. school, etc.

3. recognizes the primary colors of a 3. recognizes secondary colors in a 3. identifies specific colors in
particular object in a/an particular particular
3.1. environment 3.1 picture 3.1 picture
3.2 picture 3.2 object 3.2 object
3.3 scene 3.3 scene 3.3 scene

B. Shapes 1. recognizes and names the 1. recognizes and names the 1. identifies the different basic
following basic/figures/ shapes following figures/shapes separately: figures/shapes in concrete forms
separately: 1.1 diamond such as:
1.1 circle 1.2 oblong/oval in concrete and 1.1 parts of the hat
1.2 square true to life and practical 1.2 pieces of furniture
1.3 triangle situations 1.3 articles found at home,
1.4 rectangle school, and work site
in concrete and outline form
2. names the four(4) basic 2. names the five (5) basic
figures/shapes associated to true – figures/shapes associated in
to life and practical situation the environment or in a
separately in practical life situation
2.1 concrete form separately in
2.2 outline form 2.1 concrete form
2.2 true – to – life situation
3. names objects that have the four 3. names objects that have the
(4) forms five (5) forms

2. groups and sorts objects, pictures 4. groups and sorts objects according
according to their shape to their shape (circle, square,
triangle, oblong, etc.) thru matching

3. sorts objects/pictures/shapes 5. sorts objects/pictures/shapes 4. sorts objects according to their

according to the 4 basic shapes according to other shapes learned shape and function

C. Size 1. identifies 1. discriminates

1.1 big and small objects 1.1 big and small objects
1.2 long and short objects 1.2 long and short objects from
1.3 tall and short objects pictures and concrete objects

2. selects from a set of

2.1 big and small objects
2.2 long and short objects

3. selects from a set of

3.1 big and small objects
3.2 heavy and light objects
3.3 long and short objects
4. sorts objects with similar sizes 2. sorts and groups pictures and 1. sorts objects according to their
objects with similar sizes specific measurement
5. differentiates weights of objects by 3. differentiates lengths of objects 2. differentiates lengths of various
any weighing scale indicator using a standard indicator (such as objects by using standard
ruler, tape measure, etc.) but indicators such as the ruler, tape
without actual measurement measure, etc.

6. puts objects side by side to

differentiate long and short objects

D. Weight 1. identifies heavy and light objects 1. identifies heavy and light objects in 1. identifies heavy and light objects
separately a set using standardized scales for
measuring weight
2. differentiates heavy and light 2. differentiates heavy and light 2. differentiates heavy and light
objects objects individually with the use of objects by measuring their
2.1 by the use of his hands standardized scales but without weights using standardized
2.2 by the use of a non- actual measurement weighing scales
standardized scale

E. Distance 1. touches objects that are near and 1. moves around to get/touch far and 1. moves around to get/touch far
point to objects that are far near objects in his environment and near objects in his
environment from a specified

2. places or puts objects 2. places or gets objects according to 2. places or gets objects from a
2.1 that are near to a farther area a specified distance measured distance
2.2 from a far area to a nearer

3. reaches out for objects that are

near and those that are far

4. identifies and differentiates objects 3. identifies and differentiates objects

that are near and far 3.1 in pictures
3.2 in the environment

5. groups objects that are near and 4. groups near and far objects 3. groups far/near objects from their
those that are far according to their specific distances specific measured distance

II. Whole numbers

Entry Behavior Counts by rote up to 10 Recognizes numbers 0 to 10 Reads and writes numbers up to 50
End Goal Recognizes numbers 0 to 10 Reads and writes numbers up to 50 Reads and writes numbers up to 100

1. tells the number of objects in a 1. tells the number of objects in a 1. tells the number of objects in a
given set of 0 to 10 given set of 0 to 10; 11 to 50 given set of 0 to 10; 11 to 50; and
51 to 100

2. tells the number of objects in 2. tells the number of objects in a

2.1 a given set of 100 in 10s given set of 10 to 10, 11 to 50,
2.2 a given set of 110 in 10s and 51 to 100

2. recognizes number 0 to 10 3. reads numbers 0 to 50 3. reads numbers 0 and above

3. write the number of objects in a 4. writes the number of objects in a 4. writes the number of objects in a
given set from 0 to 10 given set from 0 to 50 given set from 0 to 100

4. arranges numbers 0 to 10 from the 5. arranges numbers 0 to 50 from the

least to the greatest and vice – least to the greatest and vice -
versa versa

5. reads number words 0 to 10 6. reads number words 0 to 50

6. matches number words 0 to 10 7. matches number words 0 to 50 with

with 7.1 the numeral
6.1 the numeral

7. counts 0 to 10 8. counts 0 to 50
7.1 by rote 8.1 rote
7.2 objects 8.2 objects
7.3 pictures 8.3 pictures

8. identifies the object at the right or

left of a given set from its required

9. identifies order of objects from the 9. identifies order of objects from the
first to the fifth (ordinal) sixth to the tenth (ordinal)
10. tells the position of an object in a 10. tells the position of an object in a 5. tells the position of an object in a
given set given set given set
10.1 up/down 10.1 up/down 10.1 up/down
10.2 under/over 10.2 under/over 10.2 under/over
10.3 fist/last 10.3 fist/last 10.3 fist/last
10.4 high/low 10.4 high/low 10.4 high/low
10.5 inside/outside 10.5 inside/outside 10.5 inside/outside
10.6 before/after 10.6 before/after 10.6 before/after

11. compares sets using more than or 11. compares sets and numerals 6. compares numerals using more
less than, equal and not equal, using more than and less than, than and less than, equal and not
without the use of symbols and equal and not equal, using equal, using inequalities
with values up to 10 inequalities with values up to 50

III. Mathematical Operations

A. Addition Solves picture problems with sums up Solves word problems with the sums
Entry Behavior Names number of objects in a given to 10 up to 50
set of 10 or less

End Goal Solves picture problems with sums up Solves word problems with the sums Solves word problem with sums up
to 10 up to 50 to 100 and above

1. adds up to sums of 10 1. adds up to sums of 50 1. adds with sums of over 50

1.1 concrete objects 1.1 concrete objects
1.2 pictures 1.2 pictures

2. joins two sets or more to obtain 2. joins two sets or more to obtain 2. joins two sets or more to obtain
sums of 10 sums of 50 sums of over 100

3. illustrates rules in addition using 3. Illustrates rules in addition using 3. Illustrates rules in addition using
sums up to 10 that sums up to 50 that sums over 50 that
3.1 sum is not changed if order is 3.1 sum is not changed if order is 3.1 sum is not changed if order is
not changed not changed not changed
3.2 any number added with 0 3.2 any number added with 0 3.2 any number added with 0
gives the same number gives the same number gives the same number

4. adds two 1 -digit numerals with 4. adds two 1 to 2 -digit numerals with 4. adds 3 to 4 digit numerals with
sums of not more than 10 by: sums up to 50 in vertical and sums up to 100 in vertical and
4.1 using concrete objects horizontal positions horizontal positions
4.2 using stick diagrams 4.1 without regrouping 4.1 without regrouping
4.3 using fingers 4.2 with regrouping 4.2 with regrouping
in vertical and horizontal
positions without regrouping

5. adds several 1 – digit numerals 5. adds several 1 to 2 – digit numerals 5. adds several 3 to 4 – digit
with sums up to 10 in the with sums up to 50 in the numerals with regrouping with
5.1 vertical position 5.1 vertical position sums over 100 in
5.2 horizontal position 5.2 horizontal position 5.1 vertical position
without regrouping with regrouping 5.2 horizontal position

6. transforms picture problems into 6. transforms word and picture 6. transforms word problems into
number sentences up to 10 problems into mathematical equations with sums over 100
without regrouping sentences up to 50 and using the given, problem,
6.1 without regrouping solution and final answer system
6.2 with regrouping

7. identifies given in a word or picture 7. identifies given in a word or picture 7. identifies given in a word or
problem problem picture problem

8. solves picture problems in addition 8. solves picture problems in addition 8. solves picture problems in
involving sums up to 10 involving sums up to 50 with or addition involving sums over 100
without regrouping with or without regrouping

9. Solves word problem involving 9. Solves word problem involving

addition addition
B, Subtraction
Entry behavior Identifies the number of objects in a Solves picture problems with Solves word problems with
given set of 10 differences of 0 or less differences of 50 or less

End Goal Solves picture problems with Solves word problems with differences Subtracts word problems with
differences of 10 or less of 50 or less differences of 100 and above

1. subtracts with differences up to 10 1. subtracts with differences up to 50 1. subtracts with differences of 100
or less using or less using and above
1.1 concrete objects 1.1 concrete objects
1.2 pictures 1.2 pictures
2. uses picture stories to subtract 2. uses picture stories to subtract
differences of 10 or less differences of 50 or less
3. shows the relationship of removing 3. shows the relationship of removing 2. shows the relationship of
a subset from a given set of 10 or a subset from a given set of 50 or removing a subset from given
less less sets of 100 or less

4. illustrates rules in subtracting using 4. illustrates rules in subtracting using 3. illustrates rules in subtracting
differences of 10 or less that differences less than 50 that using differences less than 100
1.1 subtraction is the inverse of 1.1 subtraction is the inverse of that
addition addition 1.1 subtraction is the inverse of
1.2 any number subtracted from 0 1.2 any number subtracted from 0 addition
gives the same number gives the same number 1.2 any number subtracted from
0 gives the same number

5. subtracts two 1 – digit numerals 5. subtracts two 1 to 2 – digit 4. subtracts two 1 to 2 – digit
with 10 or less by numerals with differences of 50 or numerals with differences of over
5.1 using concrete objects less in vertical and horizontal 100 in vertical and horizontal
5.2 using stick diagrams positions positions
5.3 using fingers 5.1 without borrowing 5.1 without carrying over
in vertical and horizontal positions 5.2 with borrowing 5.2 with carrying
without carrying over

6. subtracts several 1 – digit numerals 6. subtracts several 1 to 2 – digit 5. subtracts several 1 to 4 – digit
differences of 10 or less in the numerals differences of 50 or less numerals with carrying and with
6.1 vertical position in the differences over 100 in
6.2 horizontal position 6.1 vertical position 6.1 vertical position
without carrying over 6.2 horizontal position 6.2 horizontal position
with borrowing

7. transforms picture problems into 7. transforms word and picture

number sentences with 10 or less problems into math sentences less
without regrouping than 50
7.1 without borrowing
7.2 with borrowing

8. identifies given in a word or picture 8. identifies given in a word or picture 6. identifies given in a word or
problem problem picture problem

9. solves picture problems in 9. solves picture problems in 7. solves picture problems in

subtraction involving differences of subtraction involving differences less subtraction involving differences
less than 10 than 50 with or without regrouping over 100 with or without regrouping

10. Solves word problem involving 8. Solves word problem involving

subtraction subtraction

C. Multiplication Names number of objects in a given Solves word problems with products
Entry Behavior set of 50 or less

End Goal Solves word problems with products of Multiplies word problems with
50 or less products of 100 and above

1. Comprehension of 1.Comprehension of Multiplication

1.1 Shows multiplication of whole
1.1 Relates the union of two or numbers as repeated addition
more sets having the same on the number line.
number of elements with
repeated addition 1.2 Transforms addition sentence
into a multiplication sentence
1.2 Shows multiplication of whole
numbers as repeated addition 1.3 Show that zero multiplied to
on the number line. any number is zero

1.3 Transforms addition sentence 1.4 Multiply 2-3 digit numbers by 1

into a multiplication sentence digit numbers with or without
1.4 Show that zero multiplied to
any number is zero 1.5 Solve simple word problems
1.5 Solve simple word problems involving multiplication
involving multiplication

D. Division Solves problems with differences and Illustrates division with quotient of 50
Entry Behavior products of 50 or less or less

End Goal Illustrates division with quotient of 50 Solves word problems with quotients
or less of 100 and above

D. DIVISION 1. Comprehension of the division 1. Comprehension of the division

process process
1.1 shows division as repeated 1.1 Divides 2-3 digit by 1 digit
subtraction numbers
1.2 Illustrate that division can be 1.1.1 without remainder
illustrated into a multiplication 1.1.2 with remainder

1.2 Solve word problems involving

IV. Measurement
A. Fractions
Entry Behavior Identifies the correct concept of whole Recognizes parts of a whole Applies parts of a whole concept in
numbers daily living situations

End Goal Recognizes parts of a whole Applies parts of a whole concept in Adds and subtracts simple fractions
daily living situations

1. identifies whole objects such as 1. identifies other whole objects and 1. identifies more whole objects and
common fruits, basic geometric shapes shapes
shapes, etc.

2. identifies parts of concrete whole 2. identifies fractional parts of a whole 2. identifies, reads and writes the
such as one – half (1/2) from a concrete object such as following
2.1 one – half (1/2) 7.1 ½
2.2 one – third (1/3) 7.2 1/3
2.3 one – fourth (1/4) 7.3 ¼

3. identifies fractional parts of a whole 3. identifies, reads, and writes

from a picture object such as fractional parts of a whole (1/5
2.1 one – half (1/2) and 1/10)
2.2 one – third (1/3)
2.3 one – fourth (1/4)

3. identifies parts of a concrete whole 4. identifies fractional parts of an 4. identifies numerator as part of a
such as one – fourth (1/4) existing set such as whole
2.1 one – half (1/2)
2.2 one – third (1/3)
2.3 one – fourth (1/4)

4. shades part of a whole from a 5. identifies the numerator as part of a 5. identifies the denominator as the
picture such as whole whole
5.1 one – half (1/2)
5.2 one – fourth (1/4)

5. identifies and shades parts of a 6. identifies the denominator as the 6. differentiates the numerator from
whole from existing sets up to 10 whole the denominator
7. reads and writes the following 7. finds the fractional parts of
fractions objects
7.1 ½
7.2 1/3
7.3 ¼

8. compares fractional parts of an 8. compares fractional parts of a

unmeasured whole in measured whole in
8.1 concrete objects 8.1 concrete objects
8.2 pictures 8.2 pictures
8.3 existing sets in terms of size, 8.3 existing sets in terms of size,
weight, distance weight, distance

9. adds fractions with the same 9. adds fractions with the same
denominator (like fractions) using denominator (like fractions) using
½, 1/3, and ¼ ½, 1/3, ¼, 1/5, and 1/10

10. subtracts fractions with the same 10. subtracts fractions with the
denominator (like fractions) using same denominator (like
½, 1/3, and ¼ fractions) using ½, 1/3, ¼, 1/5,
and 1/10
11. applies parts of a whole concept 11. applies the fractional parts of a
in the environment such as whole in the environment such
11.1 the number of hours spent as
working/playing in a day 11.1 ¼ of the hours spent
11.2 the number of cups, working or playing
teaspoons in a recipe 11.2 ½ of the 6 cups used in a

B. Calendar/Time
Entry Behavior Counts by rote Tell time to the hour Tells time by half and quarter of an
End Goal Tell time to the hour Tell time by half a quarter of an hour Computes for time by adding and

1. tells the days of the week 1. tells and sequences the days of the 1. tells the specific day and date of
week a year

2. sequences the days of the week 2. tells and sequences the months of
the year

3. performs certain routines during 3. observes certain occasions in a 2. keeps regular schedules and
the week such as year such as special occasions in a year
3.1 school days 3.1 Christmas
3.2 day for prayer, etc. 3.2 Holy Week
3.3 Valentines Day

4. indicates the day of the week in 3. indicates the day of the week in
which a given date in a month fall which a given date in a month fall

5. computes for age in years 4. computes for exact age in years,

months, and days

4. tells parts of a clock as in the short 6. identifies the long and short hands
and long hands of a clock as the hour and minute

5. tells time to the hour 7. tells time to the hour and minute 5. tells the time by the hour, minute
and second

8. tells time by half and quarter of an 6. computes for time by adding or

hour subtracting the
6.1 hour
6.2 minute

C. Weight, Linear, Distance

Entry behavior Identifies objects in his environment Identifies tools used for measurement Identifies units of measurement for
weight, height, distance and

End Goal Identifies tools used for measurement Identifies units of measurement for Measures weight, height, distance
weight, height, distance and and temperature using appropriate
Change to: temperature measuring implements

1. differentiates objects/persons 1. compares objects/persons in terms 1. compares objects/persons in

according to their weight and/or of their height, weight, temperature terms of their height, weight,
height without actual measurement and/or distance without actual temperature and/or distance
measurement without actual measurement

2. differentiates objects/persons 2. names units of measurement for 2. names and differentiates units of
according to its distance and/or 2.1 weight – kg., lb., etc. measurement for
temperature without actual 2.2 height – inches, meters, etc. 2.1 weight – kg., lb., etc.
measurement 2.3 distance – km, yd., etc. 2.2 height – inches, meters, etc.
2.4 temperature – degrees C or F 2.3 distance – km, yd., etc.
2.4 temperature – degrees
C or F

3. names tools used in measuring 3. measures own weight and height 3. measures specific objects of
3.1 weight – weighing scale persons for their
3.2 height – ruler, tape measure 3.1 weight
3.3 distance – ruler, tape measure 3.2 height
3.4 temperature - thermometer 3.3 distance
3.4 temperature

4. compares objects/persons for

4.1 weight
4.2 height
4.3 distance
4.4 temperature

V. Decimals/Money
Entry Behavior Recognizes number concepts from 0 - Reads and writes money values from Counts money bills and coins from
10 Php 1.00 to Php 10.00 Php 10.00 to Php 50.00

End Goal Reads and writes money value from Counts money bills and coins from Computes for required money values
Php 1.00 to Php 10.00 Php 10.00 to Php 50.00

1. reads and writes number thru 10 1. sorts and identifies Philippine coins: 1. reads and writes numbers of 100
1.1 Php 0.05 and above
1.2 Php 0.10
1.3 Php 0.25
1.4 Php 1.00
1.5 Php 5.00
1.6 Php 10.00

2. sequences numbers 0 – 10 at 2. sorts and identifies Philippine bills: 2. sequences numbers over 100 at
random 2.1 Php 20.00 random
2.2 Php 50.00
2.3 Php 100.00
2.4 Php 500.00
2.5 Php 1, 000.00

3. sorts Philippine coins: 3. sorts and identifies Philippine

3.1 Php 0.05 coins
3.2 Php 0.10
3.3 Php 0.25
3.4 Php 1.00
3.5 Php 5.00
3.6 Php 10.00

3. identifies using a combination of 4. sorts and identifies Philippine bills

bills and coins for values less than 4.1 Php 20.00
or up to Php 50.00 4.2 Php 50.00
4.3 Php 100.00
4.6 Php 500.00
4.7 Php 1, 000.00

4. counts Php 1.00 coins with values

up to Php 10.00
5. reads and writes money values 4. reads and writes money values
from Php 1.00 to Php 10.00 from Php 1.00 to Php 50.00
6. adds using the required number of 5. counts using a combination of
coins up to Php 10.00 such as bills and coins for values over Php
6.1 Php 0.05 100.00
6.2 Php 0.10
6.3 Php 0.25
6.4 Php 1.00
6.5 Php 5.00
6.6 Php 10.00
6. reads and writes money values
over Php 100.00

5. adds using the required number of 7. adds using the required number
coins and bills up to Php 50.00 of coins up to Php 100.00 such
9.1 Php 0.05
9.3 Php 0.10
9.4 Php 0.25
9.5 Php 1.00
9.6 Php 5.00
9.7 Php 10.00

8. adds using the required number

of bills from Php 100.00 and
over such as
10.3 Php 20.00
10.4 Php 50.00
10.5 Php 100.00
10.6 Php 500.00
10.7 Php 1, 000.00

9. adds using a combination of bills

and coins for amounts over Php

7. Subtracts using the required 6. subtracts using the required 10. subtracts using the required
number of coins up to Php 10.00 number of coins and bills up to number of coins up to Php
such as Php 50.00 such as 100.00 such as
7.1 Php 0.05 10.1 Php 1.00 10.1 Php 0.05
7.2 Php 0.10 10.2 Php 10.00 10.2 Php 0.10
7.3 Php 0.25 10.3 Php 20.00 10.3 Php 0.25
7.4 Php 1.00 10.4 Php 5.00 10.5 Php 1.00
7.5 Php 5.00 10.6 Php 5.00
7.6 Php 10.00 10.7 Php 10.00

11. subtracts using the required

number of bills from Php 100.00
and over such as
12.1 Php 20.00
12.2 Php 50.00
12.3 Php 100.00
12.4 Php 500.00
12.5 Php 1, 000.00

12. subtracts using a combination of

bills and coins for amounts
exceeding Php 100.00

13. finds the equivalent number of

coins and bills to a specified

8. solves simple picture/story 7. solves simple money problems 14. solves money problems
problems using money with values involving involving
up to Php 10.00 12.1 addition 16.1 addition
‘ 12.2 subtraction 16.2 subtraction
16.3 a combination of addition and
Source: Special Curriculum for the Mentally Handicapped, 1996
A. Hand Use
Entry Behavior Uses hands to work sparingly Uses hands with minimum assistance Performs work properly

End Goal Uses both hands with minimum Works with both hands Works independently
1. demonstrates hand preference in 1. demonstrates a hand preference in 1. demonstrates use of both hands in
eating doing play and work activities play and work activities

2. identifies an object by feeling it 2. tells the attributes of an object by 2. distinguishes the attributes of two
feeling it objects by feeling them

B. Manipulation
Entry Behavior Can use fingers Uses fingers skillfully Handles tools properly

End Goal Uses fingers skillfully Handles tools properly Handles simple hand tools properly

1. removes bottle cap from big sized 1. removes bottle cap from a medium – 1. removes bottle cap from small –
bottle in 30 seconds sized bottle in 20 seconds sized bottle in 10 seconds

2. turns doorknob 90 degrees with 2. turns doorknob 180 degrees with 2. turns doorknob 360 degrees with
forearm rotation forearm rotation forearm rotation

3. turns wind – up key 90 degrees in 3. turns wind – up key 180 degrees in 3. turns wind – up key 360 degrees in
one turn one turn one turn

4. unbuttons large buttons at least one 4. unbuttons large buttons at least one – 4. unbuttons large buttons at least one
inch in diameter half inch in diameter - fourth inch in diameter

5. buttons 1” diameter buttons 5. buttons 1/2” diameter buttons 5. buttons 1/4” diameter buttons

6. holds a 1” diameter object in the 6. holds a 1/2” diameter object in the 6. holds a 1/4” diameter object in the
palm of the hand and moves forward palm of the hand and moves forward palm of the hand and moves
the object to pincer grasp w/out the object to pincer grasp w/out forward the object to pincer grasp
assistance from the other hand assistance from the other hand w/out assistance from the other

7. places paper clips on paper along 7. clips 2 pieces of paper together 7. clips 4 pieces of paper together
the top edge of the paper
C. Bilateral Skills Uses different kinds of string to bead Holds/ties objects with assistance Practices holding/tying objects
Entry Behavior things

End Goal Holds/ties objects with assistance Practices holding/tying objects Holds/tie object independently

1. holds big bowl and stir with big 1. holds medium – sized bowl and stirs 1. holds small bowl and stirs with
spoon with clockwise motion with tablespoon in counter – teaspoon in clockwise and counter
clockwise motion – clockwise motion

2. ties single knot 2. ties double knot 2. ties triple knot

3. laces 2 holes in shoes 3. laces 4 holes in shoes 3. laces 6 holes in shoes

4. folds 8 – ½” x 11” paper in half 4. folds 8 – ½ x 11” paper in four folds 4. folds 8 – ½” x 11” paper, in
8.1 eight folds
8.2 other paper folding designs

D. Tools use
Entry Behavior Uses simple tools with maximum Uses simple tools properly Practices using simple kitchen tools

End Goal Uses simple tools properly Practices using simple kitchen tools Uses kitchen tools independently

1. transfers solid hard materials with a 1. transfers soft mixtures with a spoon 1. transfers liquid substances with a
spoon such as such as: spoon
1.1 salt 1.3 rice 1.1 gelatine
1.2 sugar 1.4 peas 1.2 mayonnaise, etc.

2. uses hand (pincer grasp) to transfer 2. uses tongs to transfer medium – 2. uses pincers to transfer small
big objects sized objects objects

E. Work Attitude
Entry behavior Finishes Task Finishes a certain task in a given time Finishes tasks independently

End Goal Finishes a certain task in a given time Finishes tasks independently Takes work orders properly
1. recognizes personal 1. keeps personal 1. discriminates one’s belongings and
belongings/materials/objects belongings/materials/objects in own those of others
2. tells one’s own size of clothing 2. tells one’s own size of 2. estimates sizes of other things
2.1 clothing
2.2 shoes
2.3 slippers

3. eats packed lunch/snacks 3. chooses food from menu 3. writes order form and pays for order

4. takes on one job responsibly 4 takes on two job responsibilities such 4. takes on 3 or more job
5.1 clearing the table as responsibilities such as
5.2 wiping the table 5.1 putting out the materials and 5.1 checking the attendance plus
putting away the materials recording and filing

5. drinks water and other liquid from a 5. fills a glass with water from the faucet 5. uses drinking fountain or facilities
glass without spilling without spillage properly

6. puts trash in the trash bin/basket 6. cleans up workplace and puts all trash 6. cleans up workplace; puts all trash
in the trash bin/basket in the trash bin/basket and
disposes garbage properly

7. goes to the toilet without prompting 7. goes to the toilet independently such 7. uses the toilet properly such as
as pulling down and up flushing the toilet after use, dispose
undergarments/pants/ sits on the of tissue paper properly
bowl, cleans up
Source: Special curriculum for the Mentally Handicapped, 1996
A. General Cleaning and Sanitation
A.1 Janitorial Service
Entry Goal Cleans rooms properly Cleans rooms/house using non- Prepares self for outside work
electrical tools systematically experience in janitorial services
End Goal Cleans rooms/house using non- Prepares self for outside work Works full time in sheltered or non –
electrical tools experience in janitorial services sheltered settings
1. preparation 1. preparation 1. preparation
1.1 puts on work clothes assigned 1.1 gets work clothes from cabinet 1.1 brings own work clothes and
by teacher including gloves uses them during work hours
1.2 gets materials/equipment 1.2 identifies and gets cleaning 1.2 gets cleaning equipment
needed for cleaning such as equipment as needed, such as appropriately and regularly
-mops and buckets -mops and buckets such as
-brooms -brooms -mops and buckets
-rags -rags -brooms
-garbage cans -garbage cans -rags
-cleansing solution -garbage cans
1.3 jots down in checklist -cleansing solution
equipment taken out 1.3 itemizes cleaning
1.4 checks from list of new materials/equipment taken in
stocks/supplies needed checklist
1.4 prepares new
stocks/bathroom supplies
such as toilet paper, soap,
towels, garbage bags, etc.
1.5 moves furniture properly

2. actual work 2. actual work 2. actual work

2.1 doors, walls and ceiling 2.1 doors, walls and ceilings 2.1 doors, walls and celling
2.1.1 dusts, polishes and 2.1.1 dusts and polishes walls 2.1.1 dusts, polishes, soaps
washes walls within and ceiling and rinses walls and
reach 2.1.2 soaps and rinses walls ceilings
and ceilings 2.2.2 scrubs and wipes
walls/tiles and mirrors
of rooms

2.1 floors
2.1.1 sweeps, waxes and
2.1 floors 2.1 floors polishes
2.1.1 sweeps, waxes and 2.1.1 sweeps, waxes and 2.1.2 scrubs floors with soap
polishes the floors of a polishes several rooms 2.1.3 uses vacuum cleaner
room 2.1.2 scrubs floors with soap appropriately

2.3 urinals, sinks and bathtubs

2.3.1 soaps, scrubs and
2.3 urinals, sinks and bathtubs 2.3 urinals, sinks and bathtubs rinses sinks, urinals
2.3.1 soaps and rinses urinals 2.3.1 soaps, scrubs and and bathtubs
2.3.2 soaps and rinses sinks rinses urinals 2.3.2 applies
2.3.2 soaps and rinses sinks cleanser/muriatic acid
2.3.3 installs safety signs

2.4 trash 2.4 trash

2.4.1 disposes trash in 2.4 trash 2.4.1 segregates trash into
garbage bins 2.4.1 segregates trash by separate bins for
2.4.2 returns trash cans into throwing them into bottles, plastic, bottles
proper places properly labeled bins and misc.
2.4.2 washes trash cans 2.4.2 replaces trash bags

3. cleaning up 3. cleaning up 3. cleaning up

3.1 collects all cleaning equipment 3.1 cleans used equipment 3.1 cleans used equipment
used and returns to their properly properly
storage places 3.2 itemize all cleaning equipment 3.2 itemizes all cleaning
and records in inventory equipment and records in
checklist inventory checklist
3.3 returns all equipment to
proper storage areas
3.4 lists down all
supplies/stocks needed for
3.5 changes bag of vacuum
3.6 re – aligns furniture

4. work experience 4. work experience 4. work experience

4.1 asks clarifications before 4.1 cleans several rooms without 4.1 cleans all areas without
proceeding with a task prodding prodding
4.2 identifies criteria/state for 4.2. checks work for acceptable 4.2 does all paper work
acceptable performance performance independently
4.3 works until the task is 4.3 maintains a high level of
completed or it is time to quit performance
4.4 uses time and resources
productively and efficiently
A.2 Carpet, Rug and Upholstery
Shampooing Service Skills

Entry Goal Cleans carpets and rugs Prepares self for outside work
Cleans carpets and rugs experience in carpet, rug and
upholstery services
End Goal Cleans carpets and rugs Prepares self for outside work Works full – time in sheltered or non
experience in carpet, rug and – sheltered settings
upholstery services

1. preparation 1. preparation 1. preparation

1.1 puts on work clothes assigned 1.1 gets work clothes from cabinet 1.1 brings own work clothes and
by teacher including gloves uses them during work hours
1.2 gets materials/equipment 1.2 identifies and gets cleaning 1.2 gets cleaning equipment
needed for cleaning such as equipment when necessary appropriately and regularly
-broomstick such as such as
-detergent -broomstick -broomstick
-carpet brush -detergent -detergent
-buckets -carpet brush -carpet brush
-buckets -buckets
-cleansing solution -cleansing solution
-vacuum cleaner -vacuum cleaner
1.3 jots down in checklist 1.3 itemizes cleaning
equipment taken out materials/equipment taken
1.4 checks from list of new out in an inventory checklist
stocks/supplies needed 1.4 prepares new
stocks/shampoo supplies
such as cleansing solution,
carpet brushes, etc.
1.5 moves furniture properly
2. actual work 2. actual work 2. actual work

2.1 chairs/sofas 2.2 chairs/sofas 2.2 chairs/sofas

2.1.1 wipes all chairs and 2.2.1 wipes all chairs and 2.2.1 wipes all chairs and
sofas with dry rags sofas with dry rags sofas with dry rags
2.2.2 launders all chair and 2.2.2 launders all chair and
sofa covers sofa covers
2.2.3 applies cleansing
solution to stains
when necessary

2.2 carpet/rug 2.2 carpet/rug 2.2 carpet/rug

2.2.1 sweeps a small carpet 2.2.1 sweeps a small carpet 2.2.1 sweeps a small carpet
or rug with a broomstick or rug with a broomstick or rug with a
2.2.2 uses vacuum cleaner broomstick
appropriately 2.2.2 uses vacuum cleaner
2.2.3 applies cleansing
solution to stains
when necessary

3. cleaning up 3. cleaning up 3. cleaning up

3.1 collects all equipment used 3.1 collects all garbage equipment 3.1 collects all garbage
and returns to their storage used and returns to their equipment used and returns
places storage places to their storage places
3.2 itemizes all cleaning 3.2 itemizes all cleaning
equipment and records in equipment and records in
inventory checklist inventory checklist
3.3 returns all equipment to
proper storage areas
3.4 lists down all supplies/stocks
needed for replenishment
3.5 re – aligns furniture
4. work experience 4. work experience
4.1 cleans several rooms without 4.1 cleans several rooms without
prodding prodding
4.2 does all paper work

A.3 Window Washing Services

Entry Goal Wipes windows Wipes windows using newspaper Prepares self for outside work
experience in grounds maintenance
and gardening service
End Goal Wipes windows using newspaper Prepares self for outside work Works full time in sheltered of non –
experience in grounds maintenance sheltered settings
and gardening services
1. preparation 1. preparation 1. preparation
1.1 puts on work clothes assigned 1.1 puts on work clothes assigned 1.1 puts on work clothes
by teacher by teacher 1.2 identifies and gets
1.2 gets materials/equipment 1.2 identifies and gets materials/equipment
needed for cleaning such as materials/equipment needed appropriately and regularly
1.2.1 car windows – for cleaning such as for cleaning such as
soapwater, old 1.2.1 car windows – 1.2.1 car windows –
newspaper and dry rags soapwater, old soapwater, old
1.2.2 house windows – newspaper and dry rags newspaper and dry
soapwater, old 1.2.2 house windows – rags
newspaper, and dry rags soapwater, old 1.2.2 house windows –
newspaper, dry rags, soapwater, old
window glaze/shine, etc. newspaper, dry rags,
1.3 itemizes cleaning window glaze/shine,
materials/equipment taken out etc.
in an inventory checklist 1.3 itemizes cleaning
1.4 prepares new stocks/window materials/equipment taken
supplies such as cleansing out in an inventory checklist
solution, window glaze/shine, 1.4 prepares new
etc. stocks/window supplies such
as cleansing solution, window
glaze/shine, etc.

2. actual work 2. actual work 2. actual work

2.1 car window cleaning services 2.1 car window cleaning services 2.1 car window cleaning services
2.1.1 wipes windows of dust 2.1.1 wets car windows using 2.1.1 wets car windows
with old newspaper soapwater using soapwater and
2.1.2 sprinkles soapwater on 2.1.2 dries car windows using old newspaper
window dry rag 2.1.2 dries car windows
2.1.3 wipes window dry with 2.1.3 shines car windows using dry rag
old newspaper using solution 2.1.3 shines car windows
2.1.4 shines using dry rags using window
glaze/shine solution
2.1.4 operates electronic car
washing machine as in
gas stations

2.2 house windows 2.2 house windows 2.2 house windows

2.2.1 wipes windows of dust 2.2.1 wets windows spraying 2.2.1 wets windows spraying
with old newspaper soapwater soapwater
2.2.2 wets windows spraying 2.2.2 dries windows using dry 2.2.2 dries windows using
soapwater rags old newspapers
2.2.3 dries windows using old 2.2.3 shines windows using 2.2.3 dries windows using dry
newspapers glaze/shine and dry rags rags
2.2.4 shines windows further 2.2.3 shines windows using
using dry rags glaze/shine

3. cleaning up 3. cleaning up 3. cleaning up

3.1 collects all cleaning equipment 3.1 cleans used equipment 3.1 cleans used equipment
used and returns to their properly properly
storage places 3.2 itemizes all cleaning 3.2 itemizes all cleaning
equipment and records in equipment and records in
inventory checklist inventory checklist
3.3 returns all equipment to
proper storage areas
3.4 lists down all
supplies/stocks needed for

4. work experience 4. work experience

4.1 cleans several windows 4.1 cleans all windows without
without prodding prodding
4.2 does all paper work
4.2 Follows safety and hygiene rules independently
4.3 Avoid substances or activities 4.3 dresses appropriately for
during and prior to work period work tasks
that can diminish job 4.3 uses an electronic machine
performance and jeopardize for washing car windows as
safety. in gas stations
4.4 shuts off all electrical
equipment used
A.4 Ground Maintenance and Gardening Services
Entry Goal Sweeps the grounds and garden Sweeps the grounds with direction and Prepares self for outside work
without direction repot plants from indoors to outdoors experience in grounds maintenance
and vice versa and garden services
End Goal Sweeps the grounds with direction and Prepares self for outside work Works full time in sheltered on non –
repot plants from indoors to outdoors experience in grounds maintenance sheltered setting
and vice versa and garden services

1. preparation 1. preparation 1. preparation

1.1 puts on working clothes 1.1 puts on work clothes from 1.1 brings own work clothes and
assigned by teacher cabinet including gloves uses them during work hours
1.2 gets materials/equipment 1.2 identifies and gets 1.2 identifies and gets cleaning
needed for grounds materials/equipment when equipment appropriately and
maintenance and garden necessary for cleaning such as regularly such as
service such as broomstick, 1.2.1 ground maintenance – 1.2.1 ground/garden
dustpan, rake, hoe, water bins, rake, hoe, dustpan, maintenance – rake,
sprinkler, etc. waste bin hoe, dustpan, waste bin
1.2.2 garden maintenance – 1.2.2 garden maintenance –
grass cutter, lawn grass cutter, lawn
mower, shovel, hoe, mower, shovel, hoe,
hose, etc. hose, fertilizer etc.
1.3 jots down in checklist 1.3 itemizes cleaning
equipment taken out materials/equipment taken
1.4 checks from list new out in an inventory checklist
stocks/supplies needed 1.4 prepares new
stocks/window washing
supplies such as cleansing
solution, window glaze, etc.

2. actual work 2. actual work 2. actual work

2.1 grounds maintenance 2.1 grounds maintenance 2.1 grounds maintenance
2.1.1 sweeps ground with 2.1.1 sweeps ground with 2.1.1 sweeps ground with
broomstick broomstick broomstick
2.1.2 gathers dirt with rake 2.1.2 gathers dirt with rake
and hoe and hoe
2.1.3 collects raked dirt in 2.1.3 collects raked dirt in
dustpan dustpan

2.2 garden maintenance 2.2 garden maintenance 2.2 garden maintenance

2.1.1 removes weeds from 2.2.1 removes weeds from 2.2.1 removes weeds from
grass/garden grass/garden grass/garden
2.1.2 removes dead leaves 2.2.2 mows the lawn with 2.2.2 mows the lawn with
from plants manual or electric lawn manual or electric lawn
mower mower
2.2.3 trims plants of dead 2.2.3 trims plants of dead
leaves leaves
2.2.4 uses simple landscaping 2.2.4 uses simple
procedures in beautifying landscaping
lawn procedures in
beautifying lawn
2.2.5 transfers plants from
pot to garden and vice
– versa
2.2.6 applies fertilizer when

3. cleaning up 3. cleaning up 3. cleaning up

3.1 collects all cleaning equipment 3.1 cleans used equipment 3.1 cleans used equipment
used and returns to their properly properly
storage places 3.2 itemizes all cleaning 3.2 itemizes all cleaning
equipment and records in equipment and records in
inventory checklist inventory checklist
3.3 returns all equipment to
proper areas
3.4 lists down all supplies/stocks
needed for replenishment

4. work experience 4. Work experience

4.1 recognizes and avoids hazards. 4.1 demonstrates stamina and
4.2 adapts to changes in routine work endurance by staying on task
4.3 checks work for quality 4.2 meets demands for quality
B. Fast food Service Skills
B.1 Bus boy Service
Entry Goal Prepares own table space in school Clears the whole table in school Prepares self for outside work
systematically experience in busboy services

End Goal Clears the whole table in school Prepares self for outside work Works full time in sheltered or non –
experience in busboy services sheltered settings

1. preparation 1. preparation 1. preparation

1.1 puts on working clothes 1.1 puts on working clothes from 1.1 brings own work clothes and
assigned by teacher cabinet including gloves uses them during work hours
1.2 gets materials/equipment 1.2 identifies and gets cleaning 1.2 identifies and gets cleaning
needed for fastfood service equipment when necessary equipment appropriately and
such as dish rags, placemats, such as sanitized wet dish regularly such as sanitized
forks, etc. rags, dry dish rags, table wet dish rags, dry dish rags,
1.3 places placemat on table utensils, condiments, ashtrays, table utensils, condiments,
space in school napkins, etc. ashtrays, napkins, etc.
1.4 sets table with spoon, fork, 1.3 places placemat own table 1.3 puts placemats on
knife, napkin, etc. space in school restaurant/canteen tables
1.4 sets own table with spoon, 1.4 sets each table space with
fork, knife, napkin, etc. spoon, fork, knife, napkin,
1.5 puts placemats on the whole etc.
table 1.5 prepares all equipment
1.6 sets each table space with needed for cleaning tables
spoon, fork, knife, napkin, etc.

2. actual work 2. actual work 2. actual work

2.1 removes own utensils from 2.1 sets a school/canteen table 2.1 removes all utensils used
table 2.2 sets a restaurant table from table
2.2 sets table again for reuse 2.3 removes all utensils used from 2.2. refills all condiment
2.3 sets the whole table table containers without spillage
2.4 removes all utensils used from 2.4 refills condiment containers 2.3 refills napkin containers
table 2.5 refills napkin containers 2.4 changes tablecloth
2.6 changes tablecloth 2.5 empties ashtrays and
2.7 empties ashtrays and replaces replaces with clean cloth
with clean ones 2.6 sanitizes tables and chairs
2.8 sanitizes tables and chairs 2.7 classifies all used utensils in
2.9 puts all used utensils in sink sink without breakage
2.10 throws all dirt/trash in bins 2.8 uses a dishwasher and dryer
2.11 puts all leftover food in food properly
bins for animals 2.9 throws all dirt/trash in bins
2.10 puts all leftover food in food
bins for animals

3. cleaning up 3. cleaning up 3. cleaning up

3.1 cleans table of all dishes, 3.1 cleans table and sorts utensils 3.1 sorts utensils and leftover
utensils and food scraps and leftover food in cart food in cart
3.2 wipes table with wet dish rags 3.2 wipes school/canteen table 3.2 wipes school/canteen table
if without table cloth and dry with wet and sanitized dish rag with wet and sanitized dish
dish rag if with table cloth 3.3 wipes school/canteen table rag
3.3. changes table cloth with new with dry dish rag 3.3 wipes school/canteen table
ones when necessary 3.4 wipes restaurant table with wet with dry dish rag
and sanitized dish rag 3.4 wipes restaurant table with
3.5 wipes restaurant table with dry wet and sanitized dish rag
dish rag 3.5 wipes restaurant table with
3.6 cleans equipment properly dry dish rag
3.6 shuts off all appliances used
such as the dishwater and

4. work experience 4. work experience

4.1 cleans all tables without 4.1 cleans all tables without
prodding prodding
4.2 itemizes all cleaning 4.2 does all paper work
equipment and records in independently
inventory checklist 4.3 uses an electronic machine
4.3 acknowledges and corrects for washing utensils such as
mistakes. dryers and dishwashers
4.4 eats at assigned time and with 4.4 shuts off all electrical
appropriate manners equipment used

B.2 Food Attendant of Kitchen

Helper for Self Service
Entry Goal Prepares own food for each meal Prepares ingredients for simple recipes Prepares self for outside work
and cleans immediate area experience in food attending services
End Goal Prepares ingredients for simple recipes Prepares self for outside work Works full time in sheltered on non –
and cleans immediate area experience in food attending services sheltered settings

1. preparation 1. preparation 1. preparation

1.1 puts on work clothes assigned 1.1 gets work clothes from cabinet 1.1 brings own work clothes and
by teacher including gloves uses them during work hours
1.2 brings out food from lunch box 1.2 identifies and gets food 1.2 identifies and gets food
1.3 separates rice from viands preparation equipment preparation equipment
1.3 wipes all counters with properly
sanitized dish rags 1.3itemizes food preparation
1.4 prepares all utensils to be used materials/equipment taken
1.5 brings out food or vegetable out in an inventory checklist
ingredients from ice box 1.4 wipes all counters with
1.6 puts food or vegetable sanitized dish rags
ingredients in the counter 1.5 prepares all utensils to be
1.7 segregates meat and used
vegetables 1.6 brings out foo or vegetable
ingredients from ice box
1.7 puts food or vegetable
ingredients in the counter
1.8 segregates meat and
1.9 prepares new stocks needed
for food preparation (for
certain menus) for the next

2. actual work 2. actual work 2. actual work

2.1 sorts meat from vegetables 2.1 sorts meat from vegetables 2.1 checks number of items or
2.2 sorts dry goods from wet 2.2 sorts dry goods from wet goods upon delivery
goods goods from the boxes/crates 2.2 stacks stocks in stockroom or
2.3 sorts canned goods 2.3 sorts canned goods from storeroom
crates/boxes 2.3 sorts meat from vegetables
2.4 puts price tags on goods 2.4 sorts dry goods from wet
2.5 sorts goods on shelves/freezer goods from the boxes/crates
2.5 sorts canned goods from
2.6 puts price tags/labels on
2.7 sorts goods on
2.8 stacks items on shelves of
3. cleaning up 3. cleaning up 3. cleaning up
3.1 returns goods in the 3.1 wipes all counters of dust 3.1 wipes all counters of dust
boxes/crates 3.2 cleans and returns used 3.2 cleans and returns used
equipment properly equipment properly

4. work experience . work experience

4.1 cleans all shelves of dust 4.1 cleans all shelves of dust
without prodding without prodding
4.2 itemizes all stocks and records 4.2 does all paper work
in inventory checklist independently
4.3 returns all equipment used 4.3 checks inventory or stocks
4.4 uses restrooms appropriately against delivery receipts
4.5 recognize and dispose of 4.4 lists stocks needed for
spoiled food replenishment
4.5 returns all equipment used
4.6 acts and manage self
appropriately during break

B.4 Dishwasher
Entry Behavior Prepares own food for each meal Cleans up work area after washing Prepares self for outside work
food containers experience in food attending services
End Goal Cleans up work area after washing Prepares self for outside work Works full time in sheltered or non –
food containers experience in food attending services sheltered settings
1. preparation 1. preparation 1. preparation
1.1 puts on work clothes assigned 1.1 gets work clothes from cabinet 1.1 brings own work clothes and
by teacher including gloves uses them during work hours
1.2 brings lunch box 1.2 gets materials/equipment 1.2 identifies and gets
needed for washing dishes dishwashing equipment
such as soap, sponge, dish including machine
rag, etc. 1.3 gets materials/equipment
needed for washing
2. actual work 2. actual work 2. actual work
2.1 wipes off oil from lunch box 2.1 puts all dirty dishes in sink 2.1 puts all dirty dishes in sink
containers and rinses with 2.2 sorts dishes and utensils 2.2 sorts dishes and utensils
warm water 2.3 removes leftover food from 2.3 scrape off leftover food/solid
2.2 uses sponge to soap food dishes and utensils using particles from dishes using
container warm water scrap trays
2.3 rinses with tap water 2.4 uses sponge to soap dishes 2.4 rinses in running water
2.4 wipes dry with clean, sanitizes and utensils utensils such as glassware,
dish rag 2.5 wipes dry with clean, sanitized silverware, plates, etc.
dish rags 2.5 soaps glassware first
followed by silverware and
finally, chinaware
2.6 rinses with tap water
2.7 wipes dry with clean,
sanitized dish rag
2.8 stacks glassware, silverware
and chinaware on shelves
2.9 scrubs cookware and trays
2.10 rinses cookware with tap
2.1 dries cookware
3. cleaning up 3. cleaning up 3. cleaning up
3.1 returns lunch box containers in 3.1 returns all dishes and utensils 3.1 returns all dishes and
lunch bag in dish racks and cabinets utensils in dish racks and
3.2 soaps sink and counters cabinets
3.3 wipes dry sink and counters 3.2 soaps sinks and counters
with sanitized dish rags

4. work experience 4. work experience

4.1 cleans sink and counters of 4.1 cleans sink and counters of
dust without prodding dust without prodding
4.2 itemizes all stocks and records 4.2 does all paper work
in inventory checklist independently
4.3 checks inventory or stocks
against actual number and
kind of dishes and utensils
4.4 lists stocks needed for
4.5 returns and classifies all
equipment used according to
C. Industrial Skills
Supermarket/Department Store Service Skills
Entry Goal Identifies basic food and store items Sorts items that are non – consumable Prepares elf for outside work
and non- breakable experience in small store services

End Goal Sorts items that are non – consumable Prepares elf for outside work Works full time in sheltered or non –
and non- breakable experience in small store services sheltered settings

1. preparation 1. preparation 1. preparation

1.1 puts on work clothes assigned 1.1 gets work clothes from cabinet 1.1 brings own work clothes and
by teacher including gloves uses them during work hours
1.2 gets materials/equipment 1.2 identifies and gets
needed for stocking/stacking department
such as price tag machine, store/supermarket
etc. and for bagging such as equipment properly
plastic bags, etc. 1.3 gets materials/equipment
needed for stocking/stacking
such as price tag machine,
sealer, etc.
1.4 itemizes
store materials/equipment
taken checked out in

2. actual work 2. actual work 2. actual work

2.1 sorts objects according to size 2.1 sorts meat from vegetables 2.1 checks number of items or
2.2 sorts objects according to 2.2 sorts dry goods from wet goods upon delivery
color goods 2.2 stacks stocks in stockroom or
2.3 sorts objects according to 2.3 sorts canned goods from storeroom
shape crates/boxes 2.3 sorts meat from vegetables
2.4 sorts objects according to kind 2.4 puts price tags on goods 2.4 sorts dry goods from wet
2.5 stacks objects according to the 2.5 sorts goods on shelves/freezer goods
above requirements 2.6 puts goods on plastic/paper 2.5 sorts canned goods from
2.6 sorts forms alphabetically bags crates/boxes
2.6 pastes labels or tags on 2.7 seals small bags with the use 2.6 puts price tags on goods
objects or boxes of stapler/scotch tape 2.7 sorts goods on
2.8 puts dry and wet goods on
plastic/paper bags
2.9 separates detergent
equipment from consumable
items in bags
2.10 locates goods that have no
price tags from store aisles
for correct pricing
2.11 seals small bags with the
use of
scotch tape
electric sealer
2.12 ties bags with straw or
2.13 loads and unloads bags in
2.14 collects carts and returns
them to proper designated

3. cleaning up 3. cleaning up 3. cleaning up

3.1 returns all materials/equipment 3.1 wipes all counters of dust 3.1 wipes all counters of dust
used in shelves 3.2 cleans and returns used 3.2 cleans and returns used
equipment properly equipment properly

4. work experience 4. work experience

4.1 cleans all counters regularly 4.1 cleans all counters regularly
and without prodding and without prodding
4.2 itemizes all stocks and records 4.2 does all paper work
in inventory checklist independently
4.3 returns all equipment used 4.3 checks inventory or stocks
4.4 makes decisions and selects against delivery receipts
alternatives for a given 4.4 lists stocks/stacking materials
situation needed for replenishment
4.5 consults with appropriate 4.5 returns all equipment used in
person their respective cabinets or
4.6 reads labels of poisonous storage areas
substances 4.6 lists safety rules for use of
electrical outlets and cords

C.2 Hotel/Motel Service Skills (Housekeeping)

Entry Goal Identifies own clothes Folds and keeps own clothes or linen Prepares self outside work
in their respective cabinets experience in janitorial services

End Goal Folds and keeps own clothes or linen Prepares self outside work experience Works full time in sheltered or non –
in their respective cabinets in small store services sheltered settings

1. preparation 1. preparation 1. preparation

1.1 puts on work clothes assigned 1.1 gets work clothes from cabinet 1.1 brings own work clothes and
by teacher including gloves uses them during work hours
1.2 gets materials/equipment 1.2 identifies and gets cleaning 1.2 identifies and gets cleaning
needed for cleaning such as /equipment when necessary /equipment when necessary
-mops and buckets such as such as
-brooms -mops and buckets -mops and buckets
-rags -brooms -brooms
-garbage cans -rags -rags
-garbage cans -garbage cans
-cleansing solution -cleansing solution
1.3 jots down in checklist 1.3 itemizes cleaning
equipment taken out materials/equipment taken
1.4 checks from list new out in an inventory checklist
stocks/supplies needed 1.4 prepares new
stocks/bathroom supplies
such as toilet paper, soap,
towels, garbage bags, etc.
1.5 moves furniture appropriately

2. actual work 2. actual work 2. actual work

2.1 identifies kinds of clothes 2.1 folds clothes properly 2.1 removes/replaces bedding,
2.2 identify kinds of linen 2.2 returns or hangs clothes in pillow cases, blankets, etc.
2.3 separates dark colored clothes cabinet 2.2 spreads and folds edges or
from light colored ones 2.3 folds bedsheets, blankets, etc. corners of beddings and
2.4 folds clothes properly and 2.4 props pillow covers, blankets
correctly bedsheets, etc. 2.3 puts all dry linen and clothes
2.5 folds linens properly and 2.5 sweeps, waxes, and polishes of the laundry hamper
correctly several rooms 2.4 transfers dirty linen to
2.6 identifies various kinds of 2.6 scrubs floor with soap laundry vat/bin
rooms 2.7 dusts and polishes walls and 2.5 sweeps, waxes, and polishes
2.7 knows the functions of these ceilings several rooms systematically
rooms 2.8 soaps and rinses walls and 2.6 vacuums carpet
2.8 sweeps the rooms in any ceilings 2.7 dusts and polishes walls and
direction 2,9 segregates trash by throwing ceilings systematically
2.9 wipes the floor with a mop them in properly labeled bins 2.8 soaps and rinses walls and
2.10 dries the mop in a bucket 2.10 washes trash cans ceilings when needed
2.11 wipes the furniture with dry 2.11 refills trash cans with trash 2.9 empties trash bins
rags bags 2.10 refills trash cans with trash
2.12 throws trash in garbage bins 2.12 soaps and rinses bathtubs bags
2.13 wipes the bathroom/comfort and toilet bowls 2.11 soaps and rinses
rooms dry using a mop bathtubs/toilet bowls
2.12 replenishes bathroom
toiletries including towels

3. cleaning up 3. cleaning up 3. cleaning up

3.1 returns used equipment in 3.1 cleans used equipment 3.1 cleans used equipment
proper storage areas properly properly
3.2 itemizes all cleaning 3.2 itemizes all cleaning
equipment and records in equipment and records in
inventory checklist inventory checklist
3.3 returns all equipment to proper 3.3 returns all equipment to
storage areas proper storage areas
3.4 lists down all supplies/stocks
needed for replenishment
3.5 changes bag of vacuum
3.6 re – aligns furniture

4. work experience 4. work experience

4.1 cleans several rooms/areas 4.1 cleans all areas without
without prodding prodding
4.2 itemizes all stocks and records 4.2 does all paper work
in inventory checklist independently
4.3 returns all equipment used to 4.3 checks inventory of stocks
proper storage areas against actual number and
4.4 takes initiative to perform kind of linen
related or non-assigned tasks 4.4 lists stocks needed for
4.5 Identify non-assigned tasks replenishment
that one is able to perform 4.5 returns and classifies all
equipment used according to
4.6 performs non-assigned tasks
during appropriate times
C.3 Factory Service Skills
Entry Behavior Identifies objects Sorts and returns materials/items Prepares self for outside work
according to required quality experience in factory service skills

End Goal Sorts and returns materials/items Prepares self for outside work Works full time in sheltered or non –
according to required quality experience in factory service skills sheltered settings

1. preparation 1. preparation 1. preparation

1.1 puts on work clothes assigned 1.1 gets work clothes from cabinet 1.1 brings own work clothes and
by teacher including gloves uses them during work hours
1.2 gets materials/equipment 1.2 identifies and gets factory
needed for sorting such as equipment properly
boxes of plastic containers, 1.3 gets materials/equipment
etc. ape, needed for
packing/repacking such as
packing tape, labels/tags,
1.4 itemizes packing
materials/equipment taken
out in an inventory checklist

2. actual work 2. actual work 2. actual work

2.1 sorts objects according to size 2.1 sorts materials according to 2.1 checks number of items or
2.2 sorts objects according to size goods upon delivery
color 2.2 sorts materials according to 2.2 stacks stocks in stockroom or
2.3 sorts objects according to color storeroom
shape 2.3 sorts martials according to 2.3 sorts stock according to
2.4 sorts objects according to kind shape requirement
2.5 sorts objects according to 2.4 sorts materials according to 2.4 weighs dry or powdered
quality kind materials
2.5 sorts materials according to 2.5 measures liquid materials
quality 2.6 fills various containers such
2.6 sorts materials according to as paper bags, plastic bags,
texture sachets, bottles, etc. without
2.7 sorts materials according to spillage and with enough
requirement speed
2.8 pours dry or powdered 2.7 seals containers and/or bags
materials in appropriate using packing tape
containers 2.8 places stocks in conveyor
2.9 fits various containers with 2.9 stacks stocks in storeroom
materials that are not messy
2.10 seals plastic or paper bags
with the use of staplers

3. cleaning up 3. cleaning up 3. cleaning up

3.1 returns all materials/equipment 3.1 wipes all work areas of dust 3.1 wipes all work areas of dust
used in proper storage areas 3.2 cleans and returns used 3.2 cleans and returns used
equipment properly in storage equipment properly in
areas storage areas

4. work experience 4. work experience

4.1 cleans all work areas regularly 4.1 cleans all work areas
and without prodding regularly and without
4.2 itemize all stocks and records prodding
in inventory checklist 4.2 does all paper work
4.3 returns all equipment used independently
4.4 follows required work routine 4.3 checks inventory or stocks
changes. against delivery receipts
4.5 walks safely on wet surfaces 4.4 lists stocks needed for
4.5 returns all equipment used
4.6 follows procedures for
unexpected downtime or
breaks in a work day.
4.7 accepts changes in routines
without extreme behavior

D. Agriculture Skills
D.1 Field or Plant Nursery Aids
Entry Behavior Waters plants Removes weeds Prepares self for outside work
experience in field/pant nursery aid

End Goal Removes weeds Prepares self for outside work Works full time in sheltered or non –
experience in field/pant nursery aid sheltered settings

1. preparation 1. preparation 1. preparation

1.1 puts on work clothes assigned 1.1 gets work clothes from cabinet 1.1 brings own work clothes and
by teacher including gloves uses them during work hours
1.2 gets materials/equipment 1.2 identifies and gets cleaning 1.2 identifies and gets cleaning
needed for ground equipment when necessary equipment appropriately and
maintenance and garden such as regularly such as
service such as broomstick, 1.2.1 ground maintenance – 1.2.1 ground maintenance –
dustpan, rake, hoe, waste rake, hoe, dustpan, rake, hoe, dustpan,
bins, sprinkler, etc. waste bin waste bin
1.2.2 garden maintenance – 1.2.2 garden maintenance –
grass cutter, lawn grass cutter, lawn
mower, shovel, hoe, mower, shovel, hoe,
hose, etc. hose, etc.
1.3 jots down in checklist 1.3 itemizes cleaning
equipment taken out materials/equipment taken
1.4 checks from list new out in an inventory checklist
stocks/supplies needed 1.4 prepares new
stocks/cleaning equipment

2. actual work 2. actual work 2. actual work

2.1 ground maintenance 2.1 ground maintenance 2.1 ground maintenance
2.1.1 sweeps ground with 2.1.1 sweeps ground with 2.1.1 sweeps ground with
broomstick broomstick broomstick
2.2 garden maintenance 2.1.2 gathers dirt with rake and 2.1.2 gathers dirt with rake
2.2.1 removes weeds from hoe and hoe
grass/garden 2.1.3 collects raked dirt in 2.1.3 collects raked dirt in
2.2.2 removes dead leaves dustpan dustpan
from plants 2.2 garden maintenance 2.2 garden maintenance
2.2.1 removes weeds from 2.2.1 removes weeds from
grass/garden grass/garden
2.2.2 mows the lawn with 2.2.2 mows the lawn with
manual or electric lawn manual or electric lawn
mower mower
2.2.3 trims plants of dead 2.2.3 trims plants of dead
leaves leaves
2.2.4 loosens the soil using 2.2.4 uses simple
the spade landscaping
2.2.5 uses simple landscaping procedures in
procedures in beautifying beautifying lawn
lawn 2.2.5 transfers plants of
dead leaves
2.2.6 applies fertilizer when

3. cleaning up 3. cleaning up 3. cleaning up

3.1 collects all cleaning equipment 3.1 cleans used equipment 3.1 cleans used equipment
used and returns to their properly properly
storage places 3.2 itemizes all cleaning 3.2 itemizes all cleaning
equipment and records in equipment and records in
inventory checklist inventory checklist
3.3 uses and stores sharp objects 3.3 returns all equipment to
safely proper storage areas
3.4 lists down all supplies/stocks
needed for replenishment
4. work experience 4. work experience
4.1 cleans up surrounding areas 4.1 cleans up surrounding areas
4.2 disposes of broken glass 4.2 does all paper work
safely independently
4.3 shuts off all electrical
equipment used

E. Laundry Services
E.1 Wash and Fold
Entry Behavior Hand wash own clothes/garments Sorts/folds own clothes/garments Prepares self for outside work
experience in a laundry shop

End Goal Sorts/folds own clothes/garments Prepares self for outside work Works full time in sheltered or non –
experience in a laundry shop sheltered settings

1. preparation 1. preparation 1. preparation

1.1 puts on work clothes assigned 1.1 gets work clothes from cabinet 1.1 brings own work clothes and
by teacher including gloves uses them during work hours
1.2 gets equipment/materials 1.2 identifies and gets detergent 1.2 identifies and gets detergent
needed for washing such as soap needed for washing and soap needed for washing and
-big basin intended for washing machine intended for washing
-pail 1.3 jots down in checklist the machine
-detergent soap detergent soap taken out 1.3 jots down in checklist the
1.4 jots down in checklist the detergent soap taken out
lined baskets of 1.4 jots down in checklist the
clothes/garments for washing lined baskets of
1.4 checks from list of stocks of clothes/garments for washing
detergent soap needed 1.4 checks from list of stocks of
detergent soap needed

2. actual work 2. actual work 2. actual work

2.1 sorts clothes/garments 2.1 sorts clothes/garments 2.1 sorts clothes/garments
according to color according to color according to color
2.2 sorts objects according to kind 2.2 sorts objects according to kind 2.2 sorts objects according to
2.3 washes clothes based on color 2.3 puts the clothes in the washing kind
and kind machine 2.3 puts the clothes in the
2.4 hangs clothes in the 2.4. manipulates the washing washing machine
clothesline machine 2.4. manipulates the washing
2.5 gets dried clothes/garments 2.5 washes clothes based on color machine
from the clothesline and kind 2.5 washes clothes based on
2.5 folds dried clothes/garments 2.6 gets the washed and dried color and kind
clothes in the washing machine 2.6 applies whitening
2.7 folds clothes/garments solution/bleach and to
stained clothes/garments
when necessary
2.7 applies softening solution to
clothes/garments when
2.8 gets the washed and dried
clothes in the washing
2.9 folds clothes/garments
2.10 fixes the folded
clothes/garments in a plastic
2.11 label the plastic indicating
the owner of the

3. cleaning up 3. cleaning up 3. cleaning up

3.1 returns all materials to their 3.1 wipes/dries the washing 3.1 shuts off washing machine
storage places machine used
3.2 cleans the work area 3.2 wipes/dries the washing
3.3 returns used detergent soap machine
properly in storage areas 3.3 cleans the work area
3.4 returns used detergent soap
properly in storage area

4. work experience 4. work experience

4.1 sorts/folds clothes/garments 4.1 sorts/folds clothes/garments
without prodding independently
4.2 jots down bottle of detergent 4.2 jots down bottle of detergent
soap used and washed soap used and washed
baskets of clothes/garments baskets of clothes/garments
and records in inventory and records in inventory
checklist/record book checklist/record book
4.3 lists stocks needed for

E.2 Press/Iron
Entry Goal Press/iron own clothes/garments Press/Iron own clothes/garments Prepares self for outside work
experience in a laundry shop

End Goal Press/Iron own clothes/garments Prepares self for outside work Works full time in sheltered or non –
experience in a laundry shop sheltered settings

1. preparation 1. preparation 1. preparation

1.1 puts on work clothes assigned 1.1 gets work clothes from cabinet 1.1 brings own work clothes and
by teacher and gloves when necessary uses them during work hours
1.2 gets equipment/materials 1.2 identifies and gets 1.2 identifies and gets
needed for pressing/ironing equipment/materials needed equipment/materials needed
such as for pressing/ironing such as for pressing/ironing such as
-flat iron -flat iron -flat iron
-ironing board -ironing board -ironing board
-hanger -hanger -hanger
-plastic sprayer filled with -plastic sprayer filled
water with water
1.3 jots down in checklist the 1.3 jots down in checklist the
equipment/materials taken out equipment/materials taken
1.4 jots down in checklist the
clothes/garments to be

2. actual work 2. actual work 2. actual work

2.1 sorts clothes/garments 2.1 sorts clothes/garments 2.1 sorts clothes/garments
according to color according to color according to color
2.2 sorts clothes/garments 2.2 sorts clothes/garments 2.2 sorts clothes/garments
according to kind according to kind according to kind
2.3 irons own clothes with 2.3 irons clothes/garments with 2.3 irons clothes/garments
assistance prodding independently
2.5 folds and hangs the ironed 2.4 sprays the clothes/garments
clothes/garments with water when necessary
2.5 folds and hangs the ironed
2.6 fixes the folded clothes in a
2.7 label plastic indicating the
owner of the
2.8 label/put a tag the hanged
clothes/garments indicating
the name of the owner

3. cleaning up 3. cleaning up 3. cleaning up

3.1 returns all equipment/materials 3.1 returns all the 3.1 returns all the
to their storage places equipment/materials to their equipment/materials to their
storage places storage places
3.2 cleans the work area 3.2 cleans the work area

4. work experience 4. work experience

4.1 press/irons clothes/garments 4.1 presses/irons
with prodding clothes/garments
4.2 folds and hangs ironed independently
clothes/garments 4.2 folds and hangs irons
4.3 follows safety when doing tasks clothes/garments
4.4 recognizes work problems that 4.3 does all the labelling/tagging
need reporting to the independently
supervisor 4.4 evaluates results

F. Basic Computer Concepts and Operations

Entry Goal Identifies the main parts of the computer

End Goal Utilizes basic computer skills and applications

1. Computer Parts and Functions 1. logs in and logs out of 1. logs in and logs out of computers
1.1 identifies the main parts of the computers properly properly
computer 1.1 uses mouse correctly 1.1 "Launches" programs
-keyboard 1.2 places the cursor at a
- monitor specific location on the 1.2 opens and closes computer
- mouse screen programs
- drives 1.3 double-clicks to open 1.3 accesses files from documents
- shutdown folders folder and shared folder with
1.4 creates folders to organize teacher assistance
files 1.4 saves to documents and shared
1.5 saves files to documents folders independently
folder 1.5 deletes files and folders from
documents folder
1.6 prints with teacher’s assistance

2. Technology Productivity Tools / 2. introduces home row and correct 2. uses proper typing technique with
Keyboarding finger placement efficiency and accuracy without
2.1 identifies and locates special looking at the keyboard
2. 1 uses correct posture keys such as, enter, spacebar, 2.1 reviews and uses correct posture
2.2 begins to locate and use caps lock, shift keys and "home row" typing positions
letters, numbers, etc. introduced in earlier grades.
2.2 types simple 2-3 words or
phrases using correct finger
3. Word Processing 3. performs basic formatting tasks 3. types with one space between
3.1 types first name, abc's, #'s and/or including font, style, color, bold, italic, word between words and be
simple words underline, alignment consistent with spacing after a
3.2 uses the delete and backspace 3.1 uses simple text editing skills sentence (1 or 2 spaces is
appropriately 3.2 inserts clip art acceptable)
3.3 types short writing pieces 3.1 uses formatting functions and
3.4 uses page setup options numbering, indents, page breaks,
margins and columns
3.2 uses borders/drawing
3.3 inserts graphics from outside
3.4 copies and pastes information
from the internet into a Microsoft
word document for note taking

4. Social, Ethical, and Human Issues 4. displays ethical behavior relating to 4. demonstrates and understands
4. 1 demonstrates appropriate privacy, ethics, passwords and copyright by citing sources of
computer etiquette personal information copyrighted materials in papers,
-handles computer with care 4.1 respects the privacy of all users projects and multimedia
-clean hands, no hands on the presentations
computer monitor
- no food or drinks
- leaves the computer ready for
the next user (exits all the
programs, straighten keyboards
and mouse, chair)
- working quietly
-takes belongings when leaving
the computer
4.2 respects the privacy of all users
Source: Special Curriculum for the Mentally Handicapped, 1996
Learning Competencies for the Gifted and Talented/Fast Learners
Content Content Standards Performance Learning Competencies Week Learning Objectives
First Grading
Matter The Learner… The Learner… The Learner… Observable properties of Materials
 Classifying Demonstrates  Handles materials Infers from a given set of 1. Classifies objects according to their
objects and understanding of properly and observations that some physical properties such as size,
materials materials found at observing materials have similar color, and shape
according to home and school precautionary and/or different 1-4 2. Investigates to identify how matter
observable measures properties changes state, size, color, and
physical  Explores and shape
properties makes 3. Compares physical changes in
 Ensuring observations by matter
safety when using the senses, a. Compares materials according to
working with as appropriate, observable properties (ie. Color,
materials during guided shape, size, texture, odor, taste)
b. Classifies materials according to
their physical properties
c. Infers from a given sets of
5-8 observations that some materials
have similar and/or different
d. Orders materials according to the
degrees of their properties:
Color – light to dark
Size – small to big, short to long,
narrow to wide, short to tall
Odor/taste – bland to strong
Texture – smooth to rough
4. Demonstrates safe practices when
working with objects and materials
Second Grading
The Human Body The Learner… The Learner… The Learner… The Learner…
 Demonstrates  Uses appropriately  Label the external Parts of the Body
understanding that the main external parts of the human 1. Compares the main parts of the body
the head, hands, body parts to live a body 1.1 Identifies the main parts of the
feet, skin, etc are healthy life 1 body:
major external - head
body parts that  Exercise proper - Trunk
keep the rest of ways and healthful - Limbs
the body working practices of caring 1.2 Describes the similarities and
well the human body differences of the body part

2. Infers that each part of the body has a

specific function and that some body
parts work
2.1 Describes the functions/work of the
main parts of the body
2.2 Demonstrates actions which involve
the body parts working together
3. Infers that the human body has to meet
its need needs in order to grow strong
1-2 and healthy
3.1 Tells the needs of the human body
 Demonstrates 3.2 Describes the good effects to the
understanding human body when its needs are
about the proper provided
ways and 3.3 Show through creative
healthful presentations, pictures, stories,
practices of drawings what the body needs for good
caring for the health and growth
human body
Changes in the Body
3.2.1 Infers that changes takes
 Communicates place as one grows
clearly proper ways 3.2.2 Describes changes that
and healthful practice takes place as one grows
s/he does to care 3.2.3 Tells that children can be
and protect his/her alike and different in many ways
different body parts Care of the Body
 Prepares a portfolio 3 4. Practices proper ways of caring for
or picture or collage the different parts of the body
depicting what the 4.1 Shows ways of caring the
body needs for good different parts of the body
health and growth 4.2 Describes the ways by which
health workers/medical specialist
help in the care of the body
4.3 Demonstrates how to apply first
aid treatment to common
4.4 Practices desirable health habits
in caring for the body
Animals The Learner… The Learner… The Learner... Observable Body Parts of Animals
 Observable  Demonstrates  Practices ways of  Infers that animals 1. Observes the external body parts of
external understanding of showing care and have body parts that animals found at home or in school
parts the body parts of concern for animals help them survive or community
 Basic needs animals and their found at home or in 2. Infers the function of the external
 Care and function school 4 body parts of animals found at home
concern for or in school, community by observing
animals their behavior
found at 3. Identifies body parts used by animals
home or in for food getting
school 4. Describes body covering that
protects animals from heat

 Infers that animals Basic Needs of Animals

have to meet certain 5. Identifies the needs of animals found
needs in order to live at home or in school, community
6. Predicts what may happen to
animals if their needs are not met
7. Describes the things animals need to
live and grow healthy
Care and Concern for Animals
 Shows care and 8. Describes ways of caring and
concern for animals showing concern for animals or pet
at home or in school 5 animals
9. Explains why animals should be
cared for
10. Practices safety measures while
caring for animals
 Plants parts  Demonstrates  Practices ways of  Infers that plants have Parts of a Plant
 Basic needs understanding of sharing care and parts/structure that 1. Describes the parts of the plants and
 Care and external plant parts concern for plants help them survive functions of each plant part
concern and how these found at home or - Roots
plants found parts help them in school - Stems
at home or in survive 6 - Leaves
school - Flowers
- Fruits
- Seeds
2. Compares plants according to
observable characteristics of their
- Size
- color

3. Classifies plants according to their

characteristics of their parts
6 - Terrestrial/Land
- Aquatic/Water
- Aerial/Air
4. Explains that the absence of some
plant parts affect their survival
 Investigates what Needs of Plants
plants need to live 7 5. Performs simple structured
experiments to find out more needs
of plants found at home or in
6. Predicts what may happen to plants
if their needs are not meet
7-8 7. Compares observations with
predictions and use observations as
evidence in finding out the basic
needs of plants
8. States that plants need: sunlight,
water, air in order to live

Care and concern for Plants

9. Describes ways of caring and
 Shows care and showing concern for plants.
concern for plants 10. Explains why plants should be cared
found at home or in for
Third Grading Force and Motion
Force and Motion  Demonstrates  Demonstrates  Investigates how to 1. Tells how force makes objects
 Push and Pull understanding of movement of make an object move move/cause change in motion
 Throwing movement of objects by pushing
 Dropping objects by pulling and pulling 1-4
Rolling and pushing  Demonstrates care 2. Discusses the changes that take
when observing place when objects and materials
and working with are pushed, pulled, thrown, dropped,
objects in motion or rolled
3. Demonstrates that forces can make
an object at rest move, and moving
objects to slow down, speed up, or
change direction
5. Investigates ways that make an
object move easier or more difficult
 Sound  Demonstrates  Makes improvised  Demonstrates ways Sound
understanding of musical instruments to produce sound 1. Discovers ways to produce sound
sounds produced  Infers that sound is 2. Identifies devices that produce the
by different objects produced by sound (natural sound and human-
objects/things that 5-8 made sound)
vibrate 3. Describes the sounds produced by
 Describes the different objects
properties of sound 4. Compares sounds made by different
5. Relates the sound made to the force
applied and the kind of vibrating
6. Conclude that different objects make
different sound
Fourth Grading
Earth’s Surface  Demonstrates  Performs some  Infers that the outer Earth’s Surface
 Landforms understanding that ways of showing part of the Earth is the 1. States that the Earth is made of land,
and bodies of living things live on care and concern place where we live 1-4 water, and air
water the outer part of for the Earth  Describes the things 1.1 Identifies the different
 Care and Earth found in water and on landforms (plain, mountains,
concern land hills, plateaus, valleys,
1.2 States that the bigger part of
the Earth is covered by water
1.3 Identifies the different water
forms (ocean, sea, lakes,
pond, river, stream, waterfall,
1.4 Infers that air is everywhere
2. Explains why we should show care
and concern for the Earth
2.1 Names Earth’s resources
which are used to meet
man’s needs
2.2 Identifies ways of showing
care and concern for the
2.3 Predicts what may happen if
we do not care for the Earth
3. Describes the living and non-living
things on Earth
3.1 Identifies the living things
3.2 Identifies the non-living things
 Weather  Demonstrates  Practices safety  Describes the 1. Observes the weather condition for
conditions for understanding that measures during weather condition for the day
the day weather changes certain weather the day based on 2. Tells whether the day is sunny, rainy,
 Basic weather from day to day conditions observations and 5-6 cloudy, windy, and stormy
symbols and how weather  Plans activities basic weather 3. Uses basic weather symbols to
 Safety affects that can be done symbols record weather condition
measures indoors or 4. Interprets weather symbols
outdoors 5. Prepares a weather chart showing
depending on the the daily weather for a week
weather conditions  States safety 6. Describes how weather affects
measures during bad man’s activities
weather 7. Gathers data about necessary things
to do during a stormy weather to
ensure safety
8. Describes how weather affects the
clothes people wear
Observes precautionary measures
during bad weather
Natural Objects
Seen in the Sky  Demonstrates  Plans activities that  Describes the natural 1. Observes the things seen in the sky
 During daytime understanding of s/he can do during objects that are seen during the day.
 During natural objects day and night that in the sky during 2. Observes the things seen in the sky
nighttime seen in the sky make him/her daytime and nighttime 7-8 during the night
 during daytime healthy and useful  Communicates how 3. Describes the things that can be
and nighttime and to his/her family the natural objects in seen in the sky
how these affect and/or community the sky affect daily 4. Describes the activities that can be
the activities of activities done during daytime and nighttime
people and the 5. Compare activities done during
community daytime and nighttime

Note: Italized
competencies may not be
taught separately if it is
integrated with other
competencies and/or with
other subjects.
Learning Competencies for the Gifted and Talented/Fast Learners
Content Content Standards Performance Standards Week Learning Competencies
First Grading Demonstrates Demonstrates that solids,  Describes the observable properties of
understanding on the liquids and gases have a given solid, liquid or gas
MATTER: conduct of science mass 1  Infers that materials is composed of
Characteristics and investigation on mass, tiny particles that cannot be seen by
Properties of Solid, Liquid weight and volume. the naked eye.
and Gas
 Conducts investigation on the different
states of matter.
 Illustrates the arrangement of tiny
2-3 particles of different materials
 Performs experiment to show that:
 a solid has a definite shape a
liquid and gas have no definite

 Classifies materials according to a

given set of criteria (e.g. physical
properties, kind, function, usefulness)
4-5  Estimates the mass of solids by
balancing with the hands and using an
improvised balance and non-standard
measures (e.g. marbles, paper clips)
 Measures the mass of solids using
platform balance.

 Demonstrates that solids, liquids and

6 gases have weight
 Uses standard weights in measuring
the weight of solids
 Performs an activity to show that gases
have weight using an improvised
7-8 balance.
 Discovers ways of measuring volume
of regular solids and liquids.
Infers that gas has no definite volume.
Second Grading
The Human Body Demonstrates Practices healthful habits to  Identifies the sense organs of the
understanding of the care for the sense organs of human body
People different sense organs and the human body.  Describes the different sense organs
The Sense Organs how they work together to and how these organs work together to
help perceive things around perceive the things around.
us.  Describes the parts and functions of
the sense organs of the human body
 Eyes – seeing
1  Ears – hearing
 Skin – feeling
 Tongue – tasting
 Nose – smelling
 Demonstrates activities which involve
two or more body senses working
e.g. painting, drawing, planting,

 Communicates healthful practices to

care for the sense organs using
different modes of communications
(multi-media and traditional methods)
 Performs simple experiments to test if
certain factors (i.e. no. of ears used;
distance from the object seen, etc.)
affect the quality of sensation felt
 Infers that every part of the sense
organ has a specific function.
 Demonstrates ways to improve the
perfection of things around us.

Care for the Sense Organs Foods for One’s Growth

 Names the different food groups, which
keep the body healthy and strong.
3-4  Give examples of food belonging to
each food groups.
 Tells that the body needs the right kind
of food to grow tall, strong and healthy.

Other Changes as One Grow
 Infers that as one grows older, there
are other changes in you aside from
physical growth.

Care for the sense organs

 Shows ways of caring for the different
sense organs.
 Describes the ways by which health
workers/ medical specialist help in
caring the sense organs.
 Demonstrates how to apply first-aid
treatment to common accidents
involving the sense organs.
 Describes ways of preventing injuries
to the sense organs.
 Practices desirable health habits in
caring for the sense organs.

Care and Concern for the Demonstrates Exhibits sensitivity and Care for the differently-abled
Differently-abled persons understanding on the concern for the differently-  Predicts what may happen in case one
impaired functions or abled persons or more sense organ are impaired or
structure of the sense lost.
organs, and sensitivity
5  Suggests ways of showing love and
towards differently-abled support to differently-abled children.
persons.  Describe changes in the well-being
children when people show love,
concern, and acceptance for them.

Animals Demonstrates Infer that animals use a part  Describe the body parts used by
How Animals Move understanding on how to of some parts of their body animals to move, get food and protect
identify animals according to to move, get food and 5 themselves.
their movements. protect themselves.  Compare the body parts of animals
used to move, get food and protect
Comparing Common Demonstrates Differentiate common  Give similarities of two animals of the
Animals understanding to compare animals and identify the same kind.
animals according to their characteristics of young and  Give differences between two animals
similarities and differences mature animals.
and value the uniqueness of of the same kind.
animals according to their 6  Give similarities of two animals of
qualities. different kinds.
 Give differences between two animals
of different kinds.
 Give similarities of young and mature
animals of the same kind.
 Give differences between young and
adult animals of the same kind.

Needs of Animals Demonstrates States that animals need 6  Cite evidences that animals need air,
understanding of the food, air, water and shelter food, air, water and shelter in order to
characteristics of living in order to grow. grow.
things and identify the basic  Infer what may happen if animals will
needs of animals in order to not get good air, shelter and water.
survive.  Infer the consequences that may arise
when homes (habitats) of animals are

Plants Demonstrates Practices ways of caring for Plant Parts

understanding of plant plants based on their water
structures that help plants and sunlight requirements.  Demonstrates understanding that
adapt to their surroundings differences in the appearance of plant
parts have the same function.
 Compares the leaves, stems, and roots
of the same kind and two or more
plants of different kinds to look for
7 similarities and differences.
 Infers that plants found at home or in
school have similarities and differences
in structure but performs the same
functions for survival live (i.e., getting
water, capturing light, support,
 Records and Reports in drawings or
short phrases for comparison.

7-8 Special structures in Plants

 Infers the function of special structures
found in plants.
 Identifies special structures found in
 Presents observations on the presence
of special structures found in some
plants using short phrases or drawings.

Care and Concern for Plants

 Observes precautionary measures in
handling plants that have delicate
structures that can harm people or
 Predicts what can happen to people if
7-8 plants do not get enough water, air, or
 Investigates how people in the
community benefit from plants.
 Shows care and concern for plants at
home in school.
Third Grading  Identifies different light sources in the
ENERGY Demonstrates Designs a gadget or device immediate environment.
Light understanding of light as a that will show what happens 1  Infers that light is necessary to life
form of energy. to light as it strikes  Infers on the importance of light as a
materials. form of energy
 Illustrate real life situations that light is
 Predict what may happen if there is no

 Infers that light travels in a straight line

2-3  Observes how light travels
 Show evidences that light
travels in a straight line and
bends when it travels
 Infers that luminous objects are
good reflection of light
 Identify luminous and
non-luminous objects
 Compare luminous and
non-luminous objects

 Explains how shadows are formed

 Describes what happens when an

object is in the path of light
- More light passes through
3 -4 transparent materials
- Little light passes through
translucent materials
- No light passes through opaque
 Explains how different materials affect
light e.g. water, prisms, and lenses
bend light as it passes through these
materials, mirrors, and polished metal
reflect light.

 Describe what happens when light

strikes a mirror at an angle.
 Identify the effects of too much
exposure to light.
5  Investigate effects of light on materials.
 Describe proper ways of protecting
oneself against too much exposure to

Sounds Demonstrates States that sound is 6-7  Observe that moving objects produce
understanding of sound as a produced by objects or sound
form of energy. things that move back and  Observe objects that produce loud and
forth. soft sounds
 Identify objects that produce loud and
soft sounds
 Classify objects that produce loud and
soft sounds
 Show how soft and loud sounds are
Electricity Demonstrates Prove that objects/things is 8  Identify objects /things moved by
understanding of electricity moved by electricity electricity
as form of energy  Show how electricity moves toys and
 States that objects/things moved by
electricity change position/direction
from a reference point
Fourth Grading 1-2  Identifies the things from earth that
living things need to survive.
Earth’s Surface Demonstrates Participates in taking care of  Identifies the composition of the earth’s
understanding on the his/her surroundings surface.
importance of land, water,  Explains the importance of land, water
and air as resources. and air as resources for life.
 Describes renewable and non-
renewable resources from the earth.
 Infers that the earth is the resource for
life and one’s needs.

3 Human Activities
 Identifies some activities of human
beings to meet their needs.
 Describes the activities of human
beings that affect the surface of the
 Infers that the surface of the earth is
affected by the activities of human
 Explains how the community makes
use of the natural resources found in
the locality (town, city, province)

4-5 Natural Resources

 Identifies the natural resources in the
 Relates community activities and
livelihood with the natural resources
found in the locality.
 Demonstrates understanding of the
relationship between living things and
their physical environment
 Describes the characteristics of
polluted soil, water and air.
 Identifies practices that cause soil,
water and air pollution.
 Infers how soil, water and air become
 Lists illnesses that are caused by dirty
air, water, and land.
 Makes investigations that a polluted
environment may cause air-borne,
water-borne and soil-borne diseases.
 Participates in taking care of his/her
 Practices ways to keep from being
infected of air-borne, water-borne and
soil-borne diseases.

Weather Demonstrates Practices safety measures 5 to 6  Describes the conditions of the sky.
understanding of the types during certain weather  Records the daily weather conditions
and effects of weather as conditions. for one week.
they relate to daily activities,  Interprets a simple weather chart.
health and safety.  Relates the condition of the sky to the
kind of weather observed.
 Describes the changes in the weather
over a period of time.
 Infers that weather changes during the
day and from day to day.
 Concludes that weather affects family
and community activities.
 Communicates how different types of
weather affect activities in the
 Identifies activities done during certain
weather conditions.
 Infers that weather affects family and
community activities.
Sun Demonstrates Practices precautionary 7-8  Infers that the sun gives off heat and
understanding that the sun’s measures to prevent light.
heat and light affect human harmful effects of the sun.  Gives evidence that the sun’s heat and
beings and other things on light reaches the earth.
earth.  Discusses benefits of the sun’s light
and heat.
 Differentiates useful and harmful
effects of the sun’s heat and light to
human beings.
 Compares useful and harmful effects of
heat and light to human beings and
other things.
 Explains safety precautions to avoid
the harmful effect of the sun’s light and
 Enumerates the precautionary
measures to avoid harmful effects of
the sun’s heat.
Learning Competencies for the Gifted and Talented/Fast Learners
Content Content Standards Performance Standards Week Learning Competencies
First Grading
Duration will  Identifies signs, symbols, labels, and
PHONICS AND WORD Shows understanding of Uses various strategies to depend on the captions in the environment
RECOGNITION strategies used to decode/ identify words. pacing of the
decode/identify words. teacher/learner  Recognizes some common words on
and as to the sight (e.g. a, the, and, said)
sequence per
per day.  Recognizes words using spelling
patterns as aid to sound out certain
Example: letters
Monday: -vowel and consonant pattern
-consonant and vowel-consonant
Tuesday: (CVC)
Phonics and -consonant-vowel-vowel-
Word consonant(CVVC)
Recognition/Oral -consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC)
Language - consonant clusters in initial and final
Wednesday: position
-consonant clusters and blends in
Reading initial and final position
or a Quiz Day
ORAL LANGUAGE Shows knowledge of Uses speaking skills and • Shows understanding that the order
appropriate speaking skills strategies appropriately to of letters in a written word represents
and strategies used for a communicate with different the order of sounds in a spoken word
variety of purposes with audiences for a variety of
different audiences. purposes.

LISTENING Shows ability to glean Gleans meaning from a Listens and speaks with a purpose in
COMPREHENSION meaning from a range of range of texts listened to mind
texts listened to for a for a variety of purposes.
variety of purposes. Listens and responds to others
• gives directions
• expresses their feelings about
others ideas
 Identifies connections between text
listened to and personal experience

GRAMMAR Shows knowledge of Applies correct grammar to Noun

correct grammar communicate effectively.  Uses nouns in sentences (people,
animals, places, things, events)
 Recognize the use of a and an
 Uses of plural form of regular nouns
by adding /s/ or /es/.
 Uses the plural form of irregular noun

SPELLING Use how to spell words Spells words with two  Uses phonemic awareness and
using phonemic awareness syllables letter knowledge to spell and write
and letter knowledge. words.

WRITING Mechanics
 Writes legibly, accurately and
neatly in manuscripts in both
capital and small letters of the

Functional Writing

 Writes one’s personal information

--Names, grade and section, school
-Addresses , name of barangay, town,
city, province
-Dolch Basic Sight Words

Second Grading
PHONICS AND WORD Shows understanding of Uses various strategies to • Recognizes some common words on
RECOGNITION strategies used to decode/ identify words sight (e.g. he, she, they, are, will,
decode/identify words with, there)
• Recognizes and read some
irregularly spelled words (e.g. have,
said, please, because)
• Identifies//distinguishes words with
short and long vowel sounds
• Reads and spells one to two syllable
words with consonant blends
• Reads and spells one to two syllable
words with consonant digraphs/
• Reads and spells words with
inflectional endings
• Recognizes and spells irregularly
spelled words
• Uses phonic knowledge to attempt
unknown words
• Blends phonemes to read words
• Recognizes some common words on
sight (e.g. an, of, then, had, his,
were, some, his, him)
• Recognizes and reads some
irregularly spelled words (e.g. such
as enough, enough, through,

• Reads and spells words with affixes

Shows knowledge of a Uses a variety of words to  Recognize words through repeated

VOCABULARY variety of words used to communicate ideas orally exposure
communicate ideas orally for a variety of purposes  Asks about unfamiliar words to gain
for a variety of purposes and to understand written meaning
and to understand written text.
text.  Uses new words learned thru stories
in own speech

 Asks, talks about and determine the

meaning of new words
 Use new words when speaking
 Recognizes that some words have the
same meaning (Synonyms)
 Recognizes that some words have
opposite meanings (Antonyms)

 Decodes words using structural

-Identifies prefixes and their meanings
-Identifies compound words and their

LISTENING Shows ability to glean Gleans meaning from a  Determines whether a story is realistic
COMPREHENSION meaning from a range of range of texts listened to or fantasy
texts listened to for a for a variety of purposes.  Restates facts from listening to
variety of purposes
informational text
• Asks and responds to questions
about informational text
• Follows a sequence of directions
• Uses details and pictures found in
the informational text to create
 Uses an understanding of characters,
incidents and settings to establish
relationships between
 characters and events (e.g.
sequence of events, cause
and effect, problem-

GRAMMAR Shows knowledge of Applies correct grammar to Pronoun

correct grammar. communicate effectively.  Uses personal pronouns
(e.g. I, you, he, she,it)
 Uses commonly used
possessive pronouns
 Uses demonstrative
pronouns (this/that,
 Uses interrogative
pronouns (e.g.who, what,
where, when, why)

• Uses common simple verbs

• Uses the simple present form of
the verb with singular nouns as
• Uses verbs that are commonly
used in school, at home and in the
• Uses the –ing from of verb in
response to – What is/are…
• Uses the verb to be (am, is are)
with nouns and pronouns as
• Uses the simple past form of verbs
commonly used (regular)
• Uses the simple past form of verbs
commonly used (irregular)

• Uses expression to tell something

that happened in the past

WRITING Functional Writing

-Common objects, colors, number

words learned in listening, speaking
and reading
-Name of teacher, principal, friends
and classmates

Learning Competencies for the Gifted and Talented/Fast Learners

Domain Pamantayang Pamantayan sa Batayang Kasanayan
Pangnilalaman Pagganap (Learning CompetencieS)
(Content Standards) (Performance Standards)
Kasanayang Ponolohiya Naipamamalas ang pag- Nakikilala at nagagamit Natutukoy at nabibigkas ang wastong
unawa na ang mga salita ang mga tunog ng mga tunog ng bawat letra ng alpabetong
ay binubuo ng mga tunog titik upang makabuo ng Filipino;
na may katumbas na tiyak - Alpabetong Filipino
na titk sa alpabeto. - patinig
- katinig

-Natutukoy ang unahan/ gitna/ hulihang

tunog ng mga salita.

-Nakikilala ang mga tunog na bumubuo

sa pantig ng mga salita
P (patinig)
KP (katinig-patinig)

-Napapantig ang mga salita (may

kakayahang bilangin ang pantig ng
isang salita)

Palabigkasan at Pagkilala Nauunawaan na ang mga Nagagamit ang iba't ibang - Nakikilala at nababasa ang mga salita
sa Salita nakalimbag na salita ay istratehiya sa pag-unawa gamit ang mga;
binubuo ng mga letra na ng mga salita. a. palatandaang konpigurasyon
may kanya-kanyang tunog b. biswal na hudyat o tunay na bagay
at pinagsama-sama upang o larawan
makabuo ng mga salitang
may kahulugan.

-Nasasagot ang mga tanong tungkol sa

Wikang binibigkas Nauunawaan nang may Nagagamit nang may tekstong narinig
ganap na kahusayan ang ganap na kahusayan ang
mga batayang kasanayan mga batayang kasanayan
sa pakikinig at pagsasalita sa pakikinig at pagsasalita
upang ipahayag ang upang ipahayag ang
sariling ideya, kaisipan,
sariling ideya, kaisipan

Gramatika Naipakikita ang kasanayan Nagagamit nang wasto -Nagagamit nang wasto ang
sa paggamit ng Filipino sa ang mga bahagi ng pangngalan sa
pasalita at di-pasalitang pananalita sa mabisang • pagbibigay ng pangalan ng tao,
pakikipagtalastasan. pakikipagtalastasan upang lugar at mga bagay (pambalana,
ipahayag ang sariling pantangi)
ideya, damdamin at • pagkukuwento tungkol sa pamilya o
karanasan. kaibigan at isang indibidwal.
• Pagpapahayag ng mga
impormasyon tungkol sa sarili
-tatay, nanay,
-kapatid at iba pa

-Napag-uuri-uri ang mga salitang


-Nagagamit ang angkop na pananda sa

pagtukoy ng pangngalang pambalana/

Napag-uuri ang pangngalan ayon sa

- panlalaki
- pambabae
- di-tiyak
- walang kasarian

Pag-unlad ng Bokabularyo Nauunawaan ang isang Nagagamit ang iba't ibang -Natutukoy ang mga magagalang na
salita sa pamamagitan ng istratehiya sa pantawag sa tao at ang daglat ng mga
pagsusuri ng kayarian nito pagpapaunlad ng ito
upang magamit nang talasalitaan at magamit
wasto at angkop sa ang mga ito sa
pakikipagtalastasan pakikipagtalastasan

Kaalaman sa Aklat at Nagkakaroon ng Nasusuri ang mga -Natutukoy ang pamagat, awtor at may
Limbag kamalayan sa mga bahagi nakalimbag na teksto guhit ng teksto/kuwento
ng aklat at kung paano ang bilang paghahanda sa -Nauunawaan ang gawain ng mga
limbag ay nakakatulong sa awtor at illustrator
pormal na pagbabasa.
wasto at naayon sa tekst -Naituturo ang simula at katapusan ng

Pagsusulat Nagkakaroon ng Nagagamit ang kaalaman

papaunlad na kasanayan kaalaman sa wikang -Naisusulat ang mga titik ng alpabeto
sa wasto at maayos na binibigkas at literasi upang nang may wastong porma o hugis
pagsulat at paggamit sa maipahayag ang sariling -Nasisispi ang malaki/maliit na titik
mga pamantayan sa kaisipan, karanasan at
pagsulat. damdamin at maiugnay
ang mga nabasa/narinig
sa sariling iskima.
Enclosure 2 to RM______________

1. Anecdotal Record
2. Checklist/Report Card: Level 1
3. Checklist/Report Card: Level II
4. Checklist/Report Card: Level III
5. Individualized Education Plan
Annex 1. Anecdotal Record

School Year 2020-2021

NAME;_______________________________________ Grade;____________________


Prepared by: Checked by:

______________________________ ______________________________
Teacher School Principal
Annex 3. Checklist/Report Card: Level I Dear Parents:

The Descriptive Progress Report Card shows

the improvement your child/ward has made in the
different learning areas.

The school welcomes you so you would know

more about your child’s/ward’s progress.

LEVEL I _________________________

Name: ________________________________________
Certificate of Transfer
LRN: __________________________________________
Admitted to Grade _______Section_______________
Eligibility for Admission to Grade _______________
Age: __________________________________________

Date of Birth: __________________________________

Cancellation of Eligibility to Transfer
Sex: __________________________________________
Admitted in_____________________________________
Exceptionality: __________________________________ Grade__________________________________________

Years in SPED: __________________________________ ____________________________

School Principal
School Year: ____________________________________
Directions: Write the symbol that best describes what the
child can do. The descriptive equivalent and symbols are A. Feeding/Eating
provided with corresponding descriptive meaning. 1. swallows liquid, chews food with spillage,
eats food with maximum assistance
2. Picks up spoon with maximum assistance
3. Scoops food with spoon from a plate with
Symbol maximum assistance
Descriptive Descriptive Meaning 4. Uses fork with maximum assistance
Equivalent (Rubrics) 5. Uses spoon and fork with maximum
O Outstanding The learner shows assistance
independence in doing 6. Holds glass, cup, bottle, can with assistance
given tasks. He/She while drinking
7. sips liquid with a straw; with spoon with
always follow directions. maximum assistance
About 80% of the tasks 8. Pours liquid from pitcher to glass with
are often correctly done. assistance
VS Very Satisfactory The Learner shows some 9. scoops soup from bowl with assistance
amount of 10. peels food with maximum assistance
11. Cuts soft food with a spoon (scrambled egg,
independence. He/She jellies)
shows some lapses in 12. Uses a spoon for spreading jam, peanut
following directions. butter
About 60% of the tasks 13. Uses napkin to wipe lips/mouth and hands
are correctly done. 14. selects/requests food through gestures
B. Dressing/Undressing
S Satisfactory The learner needs little
1. Removes/puts – on shoes: slip – on shoes,
guidance and prompting snap – on shoes
in given tasks. About 2. Removes socks with maximum assistance
50% of the tasks are 3. Extends arms (left and right) when removing
often correctly done. t-shirt
4. Pulls down/up gartered pants/underwear
FS Fairly Satisfactory The learner needs much
5. Unzips/zips: shorts, pants, jackets with
guidance with prodding. maximum assistance
He/She could follow few 6. Unbuttons/buttons: big buttons, small
directions. Less than buttons hook and eye, buckle snaps with
50% of the given tasks maximum assistance
7. Unties/ties bow, shoelaces with maximum
are correctly done.
NI Needs Improvement The learner needs 8. Ties bow and shoe laces with maximum
guidance and lot of assistance
prodding in the given 9. Puts on clothes with maximum assistance
tasks. He/She cannot 10. Puts on socks with maximum assistance
follow directions. 11. extends arms (left and right) when putting
on t-shirt with maximum assistance
12. Pulls – up gartered pants and underwear
with maximum assistance

C. Toileting
1. Use signs to use the toilet 1. Eye contact/ posture when responding to
2. Uses potty seat with assistance communication:
3. Sits on toilet bowl with assistance Looks at the person with prodding
4. Washes genitals with maximum assistance 2. Initiating communication:
5. Uses toilet paper with maximum assistance Attempts to reach for the person’s hand
6. Flushes toilet with adult assistance 3. Response: Responds by smiling
7. Washes and dries hands/attends to toilet 4. Plays with others such as teacher and
needs classmate
8. Uses toilet with maximum assistance B. Attention Span – Tactile
D. Grooming and Hygiene 1. Attending to task/material:
1. Washes hands with soap and water before Attempts/manipulates a tasks/material
and after eating with maximum assistance for at least five (5) minutes
2. Dries hands with towel with maximum 2. Manipulates task/material presented with
assistance maximum prompting and without
3. Washes face with soap and water with completion
maximum assistance 3. Returns material(s) used with assistance
4. Dries face with towel with maximum C. Attention Span (Auditory)
assistance 1. Locates sound by moving head
5. Hangs towel with maximum assistance 2. Sits to listen to sound for at least 5 minutes
6. Applies toothpaste on a toothbrush with 3. Imitates sound with verbal prompting
maximum assistance 4. Responds to sound/command heard
7. Brushes teeth with maximum assistance through action by verbal prompting
8. Combs/brushes hair with maximum II. Self – Awareness
assistance 1. Expresses emotions through body language
9. Wipes nose with tissue/handkerchief with like smiling, clapping, dancing, etc.
maximum assistance 2. Understanding emotions:
10. Takes a bath using the shower/dipper with Distinguishes differences in emotion through
maximum assistance illustrations
11. Uses a towel to dry him/herself with 3. Emotional regulation:
maximum assistance Expresses common expressions (happy,
12. Washes hair with soap and water during angry, sad) verbally in any manner
menstruation with maximum assistance 4. Name recognition Makes gesture when name
13. Uses the following: hand/body lotion; is called by looking, nodding head and
powder; deodorant/cologne with maximum looking/ turning head
assistance 5. Self-identification within environment:
14. Cuts/trims fingernails/toenails with - Tells self in own family
maximum assistance - Tells role of self in the family
15. Uses sanitary napkins with maximum - Recognizes position in the family
assistance 6. Age
16. Washes genitals with soap and water during Tells own age using
menstruation with maximum assistance - Sticks/stones
17. Uses shaver and cream with maximum - Fingers
assistance - Other counting objects
18. shaves/pulls underarms hair with Verbalizes age when asked
maximum assistance 7. Home address (when asked)
- Points to identification card
II. SOCIAL SKILLS - Tells number and street address
I. Attending Skills
A. Body Contact
8. Managing personal belongings: 2. Demonstrates how to follow orders or
Names belongings by pointing/showing and request by:
bringing to teacher a. waiting for one’s turn
b. listening attentively when somebody
9. Family:
is talking
- Identifies family members by pointing to
c. forming a line when passing in and
person and through pictures
out of the room
- Says members of family
Though gestures
- Names each member of family
10. Identifying major body parts: Head | Eyes | III. COMMUNICATION SKILLS (with maximum
Ears | Nose | Neck | Hands | Fingers |
Abdomen | Legs | Feet by pointing to part I. Listening/Receptive Skills
named; naming different parts pointed by A. Basic Communication Behavior
teacher; through illustration drawing self 1. Spontaneous eye contact
and identifying body parts a. looks at the teacher’s eye when
spoken to for at least 2 seconds
III. Self at Play b. looks at the teacher’s eye while
1. GREETING: Comes to school with a pleasant talking for at least 3 seconds
disposition by: c. responds to his/her name when
Greeting teachers, visitors, classmates, called
friends etc. through body language, d. smiles when praised
signs, and verbal language e. approaches others when asked
2. Plays harmoniously with others during a 2. Cooperates with simple spoken requests
cooperative activity with complete a. follows simple requests of the teacher
supervision, in the classroom ex. “Stand up”, “Sit
During sensorimotor games and parallel down”, “Erase the blackboard.” “Get
games your pencil”, etc.
3. Borrows things politely through gestures, 3. Body Movements
signs and saying “please” a. moves objects with both hands
4. Returns materials/ objects to its proper place b. pick up one object with both hands
and to its owner with physical guidance 4. Concentration Span
5. Uses the following expressions “Thank you”, a. looks at pictures or real objects the
“Please”, “May I”, “Excuse me”, “I’m sorry”, teacher holds for 2 - 3 seconds
“You’re welcome” with physical or verbal 5. Work habits: Work Attention
guidance whenever necessary through a. looks at work/material presented
gesture, flashcards/charts b. works on material presented for a
6. Shows acceptable behaviour to befriend number of (seconds or minutes)
another by helping other children, sharing with complete guidance
toys or other things, playing games with 6. Mouth Positions
others a. breathing
7. Activity participation: Joins other group/ 1. breathes in and out through
school activities mouth
8. Makes choices by asking for assistance: 2. breathes in and out through nose
Giving others a chance to share with group 3. inhales through the nose and
IV. Self at Work exhales through the mouth
1. Independence 4. takes short, fast breaths (pants)
Works on cooperative activities harmoniously b. blowing
without constant supervision by listening 1. blows a strip of tissue paper
attentively to instructions given and sharing hanging in front of child’s
materials with members of the group mouth
2. blows small candle
3. blows a soap bubble pipe 1. Auditory Acuity
4. blows bubbles a. listens to body sounds such as
c. jaw movements humming, coughing, giggling, crying,
1. opens the mouth wide saying “ahh” shouting, sneezing, yawning,
2. opens wide moth wide and closes it checking tongue snoring, heel
3. moves jaws right and left (prompted tapping, whistling, whispering, finger
by holding child’s lower jaw and – snapping, etc.
moving it while teacher shows b. responds functionally to:
how) 1. household sounds
4. closes mouth so that front teeth are 2. musical instruments
edge to edge (prompted by 3. animal sounds
spreading child’s lips at the 4. common toy sounds
corners and moving his jaw so 2. Auditory Discrimination
that the front teeth come together a. identifies specific sounds on nature in
on edge looking like a GRIN) the environment
d. lip movements b. recognizes familiar sounds and imitates
1. makes lips round (prompted by them
putting teacher’s thumb and c. identifies loud and soft sounds by
forefinger at the corner of the pointing
child’s mouth and pushing the d. detects direction of specific sounds by
tips slightly toward the center: gesturing
Example-long “o” and “u” sound) e. shows recognition of the voices of the
immediate members of the family and
2. sticks out the lips together like
his teacher
pouting (prompted by putting
3. Auditory Decoding/Sequencing
teacher’s thumb and forefinger
a. recognizes name when called by turning
near the corners of the child’s
or by smiling
mouth and gently squeezing his
b. shows various reactions such as
lips together and out) smiling/laughing when happy or
3. spreads the lips wide apart with the crying when sad, etc.
teeth closed like a big grin d. repeats simple instructions through
prompted by spreading child’s lips action as teacher demonstrates
wide at the corners with the e. follows one – step commands by doing
thumb and forefinger and moving upon request, e.g. waving, nodding
his jaw with the other teacher’s head, clapping hands, touching nose
hand so that child’s teeth are II. Speaking/Expressive Skills
shut A. Auditory – Vocal Memory
e. tongue movements 1. makes verbal response as a simple
1. moves tongue up and down and to familiar word is expressed to the
the left and right child
2. moves tongue from side to side 2. verbally relates yesterday’s experience (s)
3. lifts tip of his tongue (for letters TH, B. Auditory Acuity
L, T) by holding lower jaw open 1. auditory imitates single verbalizations of
and touching upper lip with a what was verbalized
lollipop or lift his upper lip with 2. repeats motorically what was instructed
his tongue depressor such as tap on desk, cough, laugh, clap,
4. chews, licks, and sucks (on large etc.
lollipops, pretzel sticks for II. Reading/Decoding
practice on lip jaw and tongue A. Sounds
movements 1. Identifies sounds heard from the
C. Auditory Perception environment
a. Identifies big and small objects, long and
2. Imitates vowel sounds short objects, tall and short objects
3. Imitates the following initial and final b. Selects from a set of big and small objects,
consonant sounds: m, n, p, t, k, b, g, h, long and short objects
w, l, p, y, and r (initial); m, n, p, t, d, f, c. Selects from a set of big and small objects,
s, and r (final) heavy and light objects, long and short
B. General Vocabulary objects
1. Signals needs and wants d. sorts objects with similar sizes
2. Points to parts of the body when asked e. differentiates weights of objects by any
3. Says simple 1 to 2-word greetings such as weighing scale indicator
hello, good morning, hi, etc. f. puts objects side by side to differentiate long
4. Uses common courteous expressions such and short objects
as please, goodbye, sorry, when asked 4. Weight
to verbalized a. identifies heavy and light objects separately
5. Talks about oneself by: b. differentiates heavy and light objects: by the
a. telling his name use of his hands, by the use of a non –
b. telling one’s age standardized scales
c. telling names of mother and father 5. Distance
6. Identifies common objects/animals a. touches objects that are near and point to
objects that are far
a. by pointing to the picture
b. places or puts objects that are near to a
b. by pointing to the actual object/animal
farther area, from a far to a nearer place
c. by verbally identifying object/animal
c. reaches out for objects that are near and
7. Answers basic questions in relation to self those that are far
and others d. identifies and differentiates objects that are
8. names people, places, objects, things, and near and far
animals e. groups objects that are near and those that
9. points to the object, things with the basic are far
primary colors
10. Recites nursery rhymes and jingles with B. Whole Numbers
the teacher 1. Tells the number of objects in a given set of 0 to
A. Object Discrimination Skills 2. Reads number 0 to 10
1. Colors 3. Writes the number of objects in a given set from
a. Recognizes red blue, yellow objects 0 to 10
b. Associates red, blue, yellow objects with 4. Arranges number 0 to 10 from the least to the
particular objects, objects, objects greatest and vice versa
commonly used by learners, objects found 5. Reads number words 0 to 10
at home, etc. 6. Matches number words 0 to 10 with numeral
c. Recognizes the primary colors in a particular
object in a/an environment picture, scene 7. Counts 0 to 10: by rote, objects, pictures
2. Shapes 8. Identifies the object at the right or left of a given
a. Recognizes and names the following basic set from its required
figures/shapes separately: circle, square,
triangle, rectangle in concrete and outline 9. Identifies order of objects from the first to the
form fifth (ordinal)
b. Groups/sorts objects according to their 10. Tell the position of an object in a given set
shape using the following: up/down, under/over,
c. Sorts objects, pictures, shapes according first/last, high/low, inside/out, after/before
to the four basic shapes
3. Sizes
11. Compares set using more than and less than C. Measurement
equal and not equal without the use of symbols A. Fractions
and with values up to 10 1. Identifies whole objects such as common
C. Mathematical Operations fruits, basic geometric shapes, etc.
A. Addition 2. Identifies parts of a concrete whole such as
1. Adds up to some of 10 using concrete objects, one – half (1/2)
pictures 3. Identifies parts of a concrete whole such as
one – third (1/4)
2. Joins two sets or more to obtain sums of 10
4. Shades parts of a whole from a picture such as
3. Illustrates rules in addition using sums up to 10
¼, ½
that sum is changed if order is not changed,
any number added with 0 give the same 5. Identifies and shades parts of whole from
number existing sets up to 10 objects

4. Adds two 1-digit numerals with sums of not B. Calendar Time

more than 10 by using concrete objects; using 1. Tells the days of the week
stick diagrams; using fingers on vertical and
2. Sequences the days of the week
horizontal positions
3. Performs certain routines during the week
5. Adds several 1 – digit numerals with sums up to such as school days, day for prayer, etc.
10 in the vertical position; horizontal position 4. Tells the parts of a clock as in the short and
without regrouping long hands
6. Transforms picture problems into number 5. Tells time to the hour
sentences up to 10 without regrouping C. Weight, Linear, Distance and Temperature
7. Identifies given in a word or picture problem Measurement
8. Solves picture problems in addition involving 1. Differentiates objects/persons according to
sums up to 10 their weight and height without actual
B. Subtraction
2. Differentiates objects/persons according to its
1. Subtracts with differences of 10 or less using
distance and/or temperature without actual
concrete objects; pictures
2. Uses picture stories to subtract differences of 10 3. Names tools used for measuring:
or less a. weight – weighing scale
3. Shows the relationship of removing a subset for b. height – ruler, tape measure
a given set of 10 or less c. distance – ruler, tape measure
4. Illustrates rules in subtraction using differences d. temperature – thermometer
of 10 or less that subtraction is the inverse of D. Decimal/Money
addition, and any number from 0 gives the 1. Reads and writes numbers thru 1 – 10
same number 2. Sequences numbers 0 – 10 at random
5. Subtracts two- digit numerals with 10 or less by 3. Sorts Philippine coins: Php .05; Php .10; Php
using concrete objects using stick diagrams; .25; Php 1.00; Php 5.00; Php 10.00
using fingers in vertical and horizontal 4. Counts Php 1.00 coins with values up to Php
positions without carrying over 10.00
6. Subtract several 1 – digit numerals differences 5. Reads and writes, money values from Php 1.00
of 50 or less; using fingers in vertical and to Php 10.00
horizontal positions without carrying over 6. Adds using the required number of coins up to
Php 10.00 such as Php 0.05, Php 0.10, Php
7. Transforms picture positions into number
0.25, Php 1.00, Php 5.00, Php 10.00
sentences with 10 or less without regrouping
7. Subtracts using the required number of coins
8. Identifies given in a word or picture problem
up to Php 10.00 such as Php 0.05, Php 0.10,
9. Solves picture problems in subtraction involving Php 0.25, Php 1.00, Php 5.00, Php 10.00
differences of less than 10
8. Solves simple picture/story problems using 4. Takes a job responsibility such as cleaning
money with value up to Php 10.00 the table, wiping the table
5. Drinks water and other liquid from a glass
V. PRE-VOCATIONAL SKILLS without spillage
A. Hand Test 6. Puts trash in the trash bin/basket
1. Demonstrates hand preference in eating 7. Goes to the toilet without prompting
2. identifies an object by feeling it
A. General Cleaning and Sanitation Service Skills
B. Manipulation
A.1 Janitorial Service
1. Removes bottle cap from big sized bottle in 30
1. Preparation
2. Turns doorknob 90 degrees with forearm a. Puts on work clothes assigned by
rotation teacher
3. Turns window up key 90 degrees in one turn b. Gets materials/equipment needed for
cleaning such as mops and
4. Unbuttons large buttons at least one inch in buckets, brooms, rags, garbage
diameter cans
5. Button 1” diameter buttons 2. Actual work
6. Hold a 1” diameter object in the palm of the a. Doors, Walls and ceiling - dusts,
hand and move forward the object to pincer polishes and washes walls within
grasp without assistance from the other hand reach
7. Place paper clips on paper along the top edge of b. Floors - sweeps, waxes and polishes
the paper the floors of room
c. Urinals, sinks and bathtubs - soaps
C. Bilateral Skills and rinses urinals; soaps and
1. Holds big bowl and stir with big spoons with rinses sinks
clockwise motion d. Trash - disposes trash in garbage bins;
2. Ties single knot returns trash cans into proper places
3. Laces 2 holes in shoes
3. Cleaning up - collects all cleaning
4. Folds 8 ½ x 11” paper in half equipment used and returns to their
storage places
D. Tool Use
4. Work Experience – asks clarifications
1. Transfer solid hard materials with a spoon such
before proceeding with a task; identifies
as salt, sugar, rice, peas
criteria/state for acceptable performance
2. Uses hand (pincer grasp) to transfer big objects

E. Work Attitudes A.2 Carpet, Rug and Upholstery

1. Recognizes personal 1. Preparation
belongings/materials/objects a. Puts on work clothes assigned by teacher
2. Tells one’s own size of clothing b. gets materials/equipment needed for
3. Eats packed lunch/snacks independently cleaning such as: broomstick,
detergent, carpet brush, buckets
2. Actual work
a. chairs/sofas - wipes all chairs and sofas
with dry rags
b. carpet/rug - sweeps a small carpet or
rug with a broomstick
c. cleaning up - collects all equipment used and a. puts on working clothes assigned by
returns to their storage places teacher
b. gets materials/equipment needed for
fastfood service such as dish rags,
A.3 window Washing Services placemats, forks, etc.
1. preparation
c. places placemat on table space in school
a. puts on work clothes assigned by teacher d. sets table with spoon, fork, knife,
b. gets materials/equipment needed for napkin, etc.
cleaning such as 2. actual work
car windows – soapwater, old newspaper a. removes own utensils from table
and dry rags; and b. sets table again for reuse
house windows – soapwater, old newspaper, c. sets the whole table
and dry rags
d. removes all utensils used from table
2. actual work 3. cleaning up
a. car window cleaning services: wipes a. cleans table of all dishes, utensils and
windows of dust with old newspaper; food scraps
sprinkles soapwater on window; wipes b. wipes table with wet dish rags if without
window dry with old newspaper; and tablecloth and dry dish rag if with
shines using dry rags tablecloth
b. house windows: wipes windows of dust with c. changes tablecloth with new ones when
old newspaper; wets windows spraying necessary
soapwater; dries windows using old B.2 Food Attendant of Kitchen : Helper for Self
newspapers; shines windows further using Service
fry rags 1. preparation
a. puts on work clothes assigned by
3. cleaning up
a. collects all cleaning equipment used and b. brings out food from lunch box
returns to their storage places c. separates rice from viands
2. actual work
A.4 Ground Maintenance and Gardening Services a. sorts meat from vegetables
1. preparation b. sorts dry goods from wet goods
a. puts on working clothes assigned by teacher c. sorts canned goods
b. gets materials/equipment needed for 3. cleaning up
grounds maintenance and garden service a. returns goods in the boxes/crates
such as broomstick, dustpan, rake, hoe, B.3 Dishwasher
water bins, sprinkler, etc. 1. preparation
2. actual work a. puts on work clothes assigned by
a. grounds maintenance: sweeps ground with teacher
broomstick b. brings lunch box
b. garden maintenance: removes weeds from 2. actual work
grass/garden and dead leaves from plants a. wipes off oil from lunch box containers
3. cleaning up and rinses with warm water
a. collects all cleaning equipment used and b. uses sponge to soap food container
returns to their storage places c. rinses with tap water
d. wipes dry with clean, sanitizes dish rag
B. Fastfood Service Skills
3. cleaning up
B.1 Busboy Service
a. returns lunch box containers in lunch
1. preparation
c. sorts objects according to shape
C. Industrial Skills d. sorts objects according to kind
C.1. Supermarket/Department Store Service Skills e. sorts objects according to quality
1. preparation 3. cleaning up
a. puts on work clothes assigned by teacher a. returns all materials/equipment used in
proper storage areas
2. actual work
D. Agriculture Skills
a. sorts objects according to size
D.1 Field or Plant Nursery Aids
b. sorts objects according to color
1. preparation
c. sorts objects according to shape a. puts on work clothes assigned by teacher
d. sorts objects according to kind b. gets materials/equipment needed for
e. stacks objects according to the above ground maintenance and garden service
requirements such as broomstick, dustpan, rake, hoe,
f. pastes labels or tags on objects or boxes waste bins, sprinkler, etc
3. cleaning up 2. actual work
a. returns all materials/equipment used in a. ground maintenance - sweeps ground
shelves with broomstick
C.2 Hotel/Motel Service Skills (Housekeeping) b. garden maintenance
1. preparation 1. removes weeds from grass/garden
a. puts on work clothes assigned by teacher 2. removes dead leaves from plants
b. gets materials/equipment needed for 3. cleaning up
cleaning such as mops and buckets, a. collects all cleaning equipment used and
brooms, rags, garbage cans returns to their storage places
2. actual work E. Laundry Services
E.1 Wash and Fold
a. identifies kinds of clothes
1. preparation
b. identify kinds of linen
a. puts on work clothes assigned by teacher
c. separates dark colored clothes from light
b. gets equipment/materials needed for
colored ones washing such as big basin, pail, and
d. folds clothes properly and correctly detergent soap
e. folds linens properly and correctly 2. actual work
f. identifies various kinds of rooms a. sorts clothes/garments according to color
g. knows the functions of these rooms b. sorts objects according to kind
h. sweeps the rooms in any direction c. washes clothes based on color and kind
i. wipes the floor with a mop d. hangs clothes in the clothesline
j. dries the mop in a bucket e. gets dried clothes/garments from the
k. wipes the furniture with dry rags clothesline
l. throws trash in garbage bins f. folds dried clothes/garments
m. wipes the bathroom/comfort rooms dry 3. cleaning up
using a mop a. returns all materials to their storage places
3. cleaning up E.2 Press/Iron
a. returns used equipment in proper storage 1. preparation
area a. puts on work clothes assigned by teacher
C.3 Factory Service Skills
1. preparation b. gets equipment/materials needed for
pressing/ironing such as flat iron,
a. put on work clothes assigned by teacher
ironing board, hanger
2. actual work
a. sorts objects according to size
b. sorts objects according to color
2. actual work
a. sorts clothes/garments according to color Core Behavior Statements Quarter
b. sorts clothes/garments according to kind Values 1 2 3 4
c. irons own clothes with assistance Maka – Expresses one’s spiritual beliefs
3. cleaning up Diyos while respecting the spiritual beliefs
a. returns all equipment/materials to their of others
storage places Shows adherence to ethical
principles by upholding truth
F. Basic computer Concepts and Operations Maka-tao Is sensible to individual, social, and
1. Computer Parts and Functions cultural differences
a. identifies the min parts of the computer: Demonstrates contributions towards
keyboard, monitor, mouse, drives, solidarity
shutdown Maka- Cares for the environment and
2. Technology Productivity Tools/Keyboarding: kalikasan utilizes resources wisely,
used correct posture; begins to locate and judiciously, and economically
use letters, numbers, etc. Makabansa Demonstrates pride in being a
3. Word Processing Filipino; exercises the rights and
a. types first name, abc’s, #s, and/or simple responsibilities of a Filipino citizen.
words Demonstrates appropriate behavior
b. uses delete and backspace appropriately in carrying out activities in the
4. Social, Ethical, and Human Issues school and community.
a. demonstrate appropriate computer
etiquette: handles computer with care;
clean hands, no hands on the computer Marking Non – Numerical rating
monitor; no food or drinks; leaves the
computer ready for the next user (exits all AO Always Observed
the programs, straighten keyboards and
mouse, chair); working quietly; takes SO Sometimes Observed
belongings when leaving the computer RO Rarely Observed
b. respects the privacy of all users
NO Not Observed

Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr Total
No. of
1ST Quarter:______________________________ School

2nd Quarter:______________________________ No. of


3rd Quarter:______________________________ No. of

4th Quarter:______________________________
Annex 3. Checklist/Report Card: Level Il
Dear Parents:

The Descriptive Progress Report Card shows

the improvement your child/ward has made in the
different learning areas.

The school welcomes you so you would know

more about your child’s/ward’s progress.

CHILD SKILLS CHECKLIST ___________________________

LEVEL II Teacher

Name: ________________________________________ Certificate of Transfer

LRN: __________________________________________ Admitted to Grade _______Section_______________

Eligibility for Admission to Grade _______________
Age: __________________________________________

Date of Birth: __________________________________

Cancellation of Eligibility to Transfer
Sex: __________________________________________
Admitted in_____________________________________
Exceptionality: __________________________________ Grade__________________________________________

Years in SPED: __________________________________ ____________________________

School Principal
School Year: ____________________________________
Directions: Write the symbol that best describes what the I. SELF – HELP SKILLS 1 2 3 4
child can do. The descriptive equivalent and symbols are A. Feeding/Eating
1. chews food with minimum assistance
provided with corresponding descriptive meaning. 2. eats food with minimum assistance
3. picks – up spoon with minimum
Symbol Descriptive Descriptive Meaning 4. scoops food with spoon from a plate with
Equivalent (Rubrics) minimum assistance
5. uses spoon and fork with minimum assistance
O Outstanding The learner shows 6. uses spoon and fork with minimum assistance
independence in doing 7. holds with both hands glass, cup, bottle, and
given tasks. He/She can while drinking
always follow directions. 8. sips liquid while holding a straw with
About 80% of the tasks assistance and while holding a spoon with
little spillage
are often correctly done. 9. pours liquid from pitcher to glass without
VS Very Satisfactory The Learner shows some assistance, with little spillage
amount of 10. scoops food from bowl without assistance
independence. He/She and with little spillage
shows some lapses in 11. peels food with minimum assistance
12. cuts off food with fork such as banana
following directions. 13. uses fork for spreading
About 60% of the tasks 14. uses napkin with minimum assistance
are correctly done. 15. selects/requests food verbally
S Satisfactory The learner needs little B. Dressing/Undressing
guidance and prompting 1. removes/puts - on shoes with minimum
assistance: slip – on shoes; snap – on shoes
in given tasks. About
2. removes sock with minimum assistance
50% of the tasks are 3. extends arms (L & R) when removing t-shirt
often correctly done. with minimum assistance
FS Fairly Satisfactory The learner needs much 4. pulls down gartered pants and underwear
guidance with prodding. with minimum assistance
5. unzipz/zipz shorts, pants, and jackets with
He/She could follow few
minimum assistance
directions. Less than 6. unbuttons/buttons with minimum assistance:
50% of the given tasks big buttons, small buttons, hook and eye,
are correctly done. buckle, snaps
NI Needs Improvement The learner needs 7. unties bow, shoelaces with minimum
guidance and lot of
8. ties bow and shoelaces with minimum
prodding in the given assistance
tasks. He/She cannot 9. puts on front and back of clothing with
follow directions. minimum assistance
10. puts on socks with minimum assistance
11. extends arms (L & R) when putting on T –
shirt with minimum assistance
12. pulls up gartered pants and underwear with
minimum assistance
C. Toileting
1. verbally requests for assistance in using
toilet 1. Eye contact/ posture when responding to
2. sits on potty communication:
3. sits on toilet bowl without assistance Faces person with some prompting
4. washes genitals with minimum assistance 2. Initiating communication:
5. uses toilet paper with assistance Reaches for person’s hand when
6. flushes toilet with some assistance necessary
7. washes and dries hands with minimum 3. Response: Verbal response to basic
assistance questions
8. verbalizes toilet needs and uses toilet with
minimum assistance B. Attention Span – Tactile
D. Grooming and Hygiene 1. Attending to task/material: Attends to
1. washes hands with soap and water before several tasks/materials for at least
and after eating with minimum assistance 20 minutes
2. dries hands with towel with minimum 2. Manipulates task/material presented
assistance with minimal prompting, with 50%
3. washes face with soap and water with completion
minimum assistance 3. Returns material(s) used independently
4. dries face with towel with minimum
assistance C. Attention Span (Auditory)
5. hangs towel with minimum assistance 1. Locates sound by cueing from teacher
6. puts toothpaste on toothbrush with 2. Sits to listen to sound for at least for at
minimum assistance least 20 minutes
7. brushes teeth with minimum assistance 3. Imitates sound with considerable
8. combs/brushes hair with minimum modulation, without assistance
assistance 4. Responds to sound/command heard
9. wipes nose with tissue/handkerchief with verbally
minimum assistance
10. takes a bath with minimum assistance II. Self – Awareness
using the shower and dipper 1. Expresses emotions verbally/ In written
11. uses towel with minimum assistance form
12. washes hair with soap and shampoo with 2. Understanding emotions:
minimum assistance Differentiates emotions at home and in
13. uses the following with minimum school
assistance: hand/body lotion, powder, 3. Emotional regulation:
deodorant/cologne Solves simple problems on dealing with
14. cuts/trims the following with minimum emotions at home and in school
assistance: fingernails, toe nails - Shows appropriate behaviour in dealing
15. uses sanitary napkins with minimum with emotions.
assistance 4. Name recognition: Responds when name is
16. washes genitals with soap and water during called
menstruation with minimum assistance 5. Self-identification within environment:
17. uses shaver and cream with minimum - Identifies self in school
assistance - Tells role of self in school
18. shaves/pulls underarm hair with minimum - Tells position of self in the family and in
assistance school
I. Attending Skills
A. Body Contact
8. Makes choices by asking for assistance, giving
6. Age: Tells age in complete sentences when
others a chance to share with group, and
accepting suggestions
7. Home address (when asked)
- Tells complete address IV. Self at Work
8. Managing personal belongings: 1. Independence
- Arranges belongings according to use Works on cooperative activities
neatly harmoniously
9. Family: - without supervision by sharing materials
- Names each member of family with members of the group and assisting
- Identifies position of each member in peers in tasks
family 2. Demonstrates how to follow orders or
- Knows role of each member in the request by:
family in relation to self a. waiting for one’s turn
10. Identifying major body parts: Head | Eyes b. listening attentively when somebody is
| Ears | Nose | Neck | Hands | Fingers talking
| Abdomen | Legs | through illustration c. forming a line when passing in and
and verbal description out of the room
Though given orders
1. GREETING: Comes to school with a I. Listening/Receptive Skills
pleasant disposition by greeting people A. Basic Communication Behavior
through appropriate verbal language 1. Spontaneous eye contact
2. Plays harmoniously with others during a a. makes eye contact when requesting
cooperative activity with minimal something from the teacher for at
supervision during associative games, least 5 seconds
cooperative games, and b. looks at the teacher’s eye while talking
symbolic games and holds his gaze for at least 10
3. Borrows things politely through verbal seconds
expressions c. turns head when called
4. Returns materials/ objects independently
d. says “thank you” when praised
and on time
5. Uses the following expressions “Thank you”, e. approaches others without
“Please”, “May I”, “Excuse me”, “I’m sorry”, discrimination
“You’re welcome” without physical/ 2. Cooperates with simple spoken results
verbal guidance, a. follows simple requests of the teacher in
whenever necessary, through appropriate other places ex. Put the shades down.;
gestures Get a spoon in the kitchen.
and verbalizations 3. Body Movements
6. Shows acceptable behavior to befriend a. transfers small objects from one hand to the
another by playing games with others, other
talking with other, children inviting other b. picks up more than one object with dominant
children to join in art, cooking, non- hand
academic activities 4. concentration span
7. Activity participation: a. looks carefully at the objects the teacher is
Independently selects group/activity and holding up for more than 3 seconds
joins group/school activity that are highly 5. work habits
non-academic a. work attention
7. Tongue Movements
1. works on material presented for a a. moves tongue up and down to the left
minimum of 15 minutes with some and right
guidance b. moves tongue from side to side
2. works on material presented for more c. holds tongue still and flat in mouth
than 15 minutes with some guidance d. lifts the tips of his/her tongue (for
6. mouth positions letters TH, L, T) by holding lower jaw
a. breathing open and touching upper lip with a
1. breathes in and out through mouth lollipop or lift his upper lip with his
2. breathes in and out through nose tongue or a tongue depressor)
3. inhales through the nose and exhales e. chew, licks, and sucks (on large
through the mouth
lollipops, pretzel sticks for practice on
4. takes short, fast breaths (pants)
lip and tongue movements)
b. blowing
1. blows a strip of thick paper hanging in
front of child’s mouth
C. Auditory Perception
2. blows big candles 1. Auditory Acuity
3. blows a soap bubble pipe a. listens to body sounds such as humming,
4. blows bubbles coughing, giggling, crying, shouting,
c. jaw movements sneezing, yawning, checking tongue
1. opens the mouth wide saying “ahh” snoring, heel tapping, whistling,
2. opens mouth wide and closes it whispering, finger – snapping, etc.
3. moves jaws right and left (prompted by 2. Auditory Discrimination
holding child’s lower jaw and moving a. identifies specific sounds on nature in the
it while teacher shows how) environment
4. closes mouth so that front teeth are edge b. compares familiar sounds e.g. barking
to edge (prompted by spreading child’s and crawling
lips at the corners and moving his jaw c. distinguishes between loud and soft
so that the front teeth come together
sounds and other finer sounds by
on edge looking like a GRIN)
shaking head or clapping hands
d. lip movements d. detects direction of specific sounds by
1. makes lips round (prompted by putting pointing to where the sounds are
teacher’s thumb and forefinger at the
e. identifies the voices of members of
corners of the child’s moth and
pushing the tips slightly toward the his/her family, teachers, and some of
center) his/her classmates
3. Auditory Decoding/Sequencing
2. sticks out the lips together like pouting
(prompted by putting teacher’s thumb a. recognizes name when called or spoken
and forefinger near the corners of the to by standing up or verbally
child’s mouth and gently squeezing responding
his lips together and out) b. shows various reactions by verbally
4. spreads the lips wide apart with the responding as “I am happy/sad”, etc.
teeth closed like a big grin prompted c. repeats simple instructions verbally and
by spreading child’s lips wide at the in action as teacher demonstrates
corners with the thumb and forefinger d. comprehends two – step unrelated
and moving his jaw with the other commands and performs feet or
teacher’s hand so that child’s teeth
shaking head motor upon requests,
are shut
such as waving hands, stomping and
pursuing, etc.
II. SPEAKING/EXPRESSIVE SKILLS 7. Answers questions in relation to
a. immediate experience
A. Auditory – Vocal Memory
b. stories read
a. gives several verbal responses to a simple 8. gives important names of people, places,
word expressed to the child objects/things, and animals
b. verbally relates yesterday’s experience and 9. identifies the primary and secondary colors
other experiences by name and their description
10. Recites nursery rhymes and jingles with
B. Auditory Acuity the teacher and with action
a. auditorily imitates more than single IV. NUMERACY SKILLS
verbalizations of what was verbalized I. Object Discrimination Skills
b. repeats motorically two – step instructions A. Colors
such as tap on desk, cough, laugh, clap, 1. recognizes secondary colors of green,
etc. orange, violet, etc.
2. associates secondary colored objects
II. READING/DECODING with particular objects, objects
A. Sounds commonly used by students, and
1. Differentiates sounds heard from the objects found at home, in school, etc.
environment and singles them out 3. recognizes the secondary colors in a
particular picture, object, scene
2. Imitates vowel sounds and produces specific B. Shapes
speech sounds listened to 1. recognizes the following figures/shapes
3. Imitates the following initial and final separately: diamond, oblong/oval in
consonant sounds: m, n, p, t, k, b, g, h, w, concrete and true to life and practical
l, p, y, s, u, r and z (initial); m, n, ng, p, k, situations
d, b, f, h, w, s, y, r, and z (final) 2. names the four (4) figures/shapes
associated to true to life and practical
B. General Vocabulary situation separately in concrete form
1. verbally communicates needs and wants and true – to – life situation
3. Names objects that have the four (4)
2. verbalizes parts of the body when asked forms
3. says more complicated forms of greeting such 4. groups and sorts objects according to
as hello and how are you, or its such a fine their shape (circle, square, triangle,
day, don’t you?, etc. oblong, etc.) thru matching cards
4. uses common courteous expressions such as
5. sorts objects, pictures, shapes according
please, goodbye, sorry in appropriate
to other shapes learned
C. Sizes
5. talks about oneself and his immediate family 1. Discriminates big and small objects, long
by and short objects from pictures and
a. telling one’s name and age concrete objects
2. Sorts and groups pictures and objects
b. telling the names of his immediate family
with similar sizes
6. Identifies common objects/animals 3. Differentiates lengths of objects using a
a. by verbally identifying object or animal standard indicator (such as ruler, tape
b. by grouping animals or objects with the measure, etc.) but without actual
same characteristics measurement
D. Weight
1. identifies heavy and light objects in a set
2. differentiates heavy and light objects
individually with the use of standardized
6. transforms word and picture problems into
scales but without actual measurement mathematical sentences up to 50 without
regrouping and with regrouping
E. Distance
1. moves around to get/touch far and near 7. identifies given in a word or picture problem
objects in his environment 8. solves picture problems in addition involving
2. places or gets objects according to a specified sums up to 50 with or without regrouping
distance 9. solves word problem involving addition
3. identifies and differentiates objects B. Subtraction
in pictures and in the environment
1. subtracts with differences up to 50 or less
4. groups near and far objects according to their usingconcrete object and pictures
specific distances
B. Whole Numbers 2. uses picture stories to subtract differences of
1. tells the number of objects in a given set of 0 to 10; 50 or less
11 to 50 3. shows the relationship of removing a subset
2. tells the number of objects in a given set of 100 in from a given set of 50 or less
10s and a given set of 110 in 10s 4. illustrates rules in subtracting using
3. reads numbers 0 to 50 differences less than 50 that subtraction is
4. writes the number of objects in a given set from 0 to the inverse of addition and any number
50 subtracted from 0 gives the same number
5. arranges numbers 0 to 50 from the least to the
greatest and vice - versa 5. subtracts two 1 to 2 – digit numerals with
6. reads number words 0 to 50 differences of 50 or less in vertical and
horizontal positions without borrowing and
7. matches number words 0 to 50 with
the numeral with borrowing
8. counts 0 to 50 by rote, objects, pictures 6. subtracts several 1 to 2 – digit numerals
9. identifies order of objects from the sixth to the tenth differences of 50 or less in the vertical
(ordinal) position
10. tells the position of an object in a given set using and horizontal position with borrowing
the following: up/down; under/over; first/last;
high/low; inside/outside; before/after 7. transforms word and picture problems into
math sentences less than 50 without
11. compares sets and numerals using more than and borrowing and with borrowing
less than, equal and not equal, using inequalities
with values up to 50 8. identifies given in a word or picture problem
C. Mathematical Operations 9. solves picture problems in subtraction
A. Addition involving differences less than 50 with or
1. Adds up to sum of 50 using concrete objects, without regrouping
pictures 10. Solves word problem involving subtraction
2. joins two sets or more to obtain sums of 50
3. Illustrates rules in addition using sums up to 50 C. Multiplication
that sum is changed if order is not changed, any
A. Comprehension of Multiplication
number added with 0 give the same number
1. Relates the union of two or more sets
4. adds two 1 to 2 -digit numerals with sums up to 50
in vertical and horizontal positions without
having the same number of elements with
regrouping and with regrouping repeated addition
5. adds several 1 to 2 – digit numerals with sums up to 2. Shows multiplication of whole numbers as
50 in the vertical position and horizontal position repeated addition on the numberline.
with regrouping
4. indicates the day of the week in which a given
3. Transforms addition sentence into a date in a month fall
multiplication sentence 5. computes for age in years
4. Show that zero multiplied to any number 6. identifies the long and short hands of a clock
is zero as the hour and minute hands
5. Solve simple word problems involving 7. tells time to the hour and minute
multiplication 8. tells time by half and quarter of an hour
D. Division C. Weight, Linear, Distance and Temperature
A. Comprehension of the division process Measurement
1. Shows division as repeated subtraction 1. compares objects/persons in terms of their
2. Illustrate that division can be illustrated height, weight, temperature and/or distance
into a multiplication without actual measurement
IV. Measurement 2. names units of measurement for:
A. Fractions a. weight – kg., lb., etc.
1. identifies other whole objects and shapes b. height – inches, meters, etc
2. identifies fractional parts of a whole from a c. distance – km, yd., etc.
concrete object such as one – half (1/2), one – d. temperature – degrees C or F
third (1/3), and one – fourth (1/4) 3. measures own weight and height
3. identifies fractional parts of a whole from a D. Decimal/Money
picture object such as one – half (1/2), one - 1. sorts and identifies Philippine coins:
third (1/3), and Php 0.05, Php 0.10, Php 0.25, Php 1.00, Php
one – fourth (1/4) 5.00, Php 10.00
4. identifies fractional parts of an existing set 2. sorts and identifies Philippine bills: Php 20.00,
such as one – half (1/2), one – third (1/3) and Php 50.00, Php 100.00, Php 500.00, Php 1,
one – fourth (1/4) 000.00
5. identifies the numerator as part of a whole 3. Identifies using a combination of bills and
6. identifies the denominator as the whole coins for values less than or up to Php 50.00
7. reads and writes the following fractions: ½, 4. reads and writes money values from Php 1.00
1/3, and ¼ to Php 50.00
8. compares fractional parts of an unmeasured 5. adds using the required number of coins and
whole in concrete objects, pictures and existing bills up to Php 50.00
sets in terms of size, weight, distance
6. subtracts using the required number of coins
9. adds fractions with the same denominator (like
and bills up to Php 50.00 such as Php 1.00,
fractions) using ½, 1/3, and ¼
Php 5.00, Php 10.00 and Php 20.00
10. subtracts fractions with the same denominator
7. solves simple money problems involving
(like fractions) using ½, 1/3, and ¼
a. addition
11. applies parts of a whole concept in the
environment such as b. subtraction
a. the number of hours spent working/playing V. PRE-VOCATIONAL SKILLS
in a day A. Hand Test
b. the number of cups, teaspoons in a recipe 1. Demonstrates a hand preference in doing
play and work activities
B. Calendar Time 2. Tells the attributes of an object v=by feeling it
1. tells and sequences the days of the week
2. tells and sequences the months of the year B. Manipulation
3. observes certain occasions in a year such as 1. Removes bottle cap from a medium – sized
Christmas, Holy Week, Valentines Day, etc. bottle in 20 seconds
2. Turns doorknob 180 degrees with forearm
3. Turns wind – up key 180 degrees in one turn b. identifies and gets cleaning equipment as
4. Unbuttons large buttons at least one – half needed such as mops and buckets, brooms,
inch in diameter rags, garbage cans, cleansing solution
5. Buttons 1/2” diameter buttons
6. Holds a 1/2” diameter object in the palm of c. jots down in checklist equipment taken out
the hand and moves forward the object to d. checks from list of new stocks/supplies
pincer grasp w/out assistance from the other needed
hand 2. Actual work
7. Clips 2 pieces of paper together a. Doors, Walls and Ceiling
1. dusts, polishes and washes walls within
C. Bilateral Skills reach
1. Holds medium – sized bowl and stirs with 2. soaps and rinses walls and ceilings
tablespoon in counter – clockwise motion b. Floors - sweeps, waxes and polishes several
2. Ties double knot rooms and scrubs the floors with soap
3. Laces 4 holes in shoes c. Urinals, sinks and bathtubs
4. folds 8 – ½ x 11” paper in four folds 1. soaps, scrubs and rinses sinks
2. soaps and rinses sinks
D. Tool Use d. trash
1. Transfers soft mixtures with a spoon such as 1. segregates trash by throwing them into
gelatin and mayonnaise, etc. properly labeled bins
2. Uses tongs to transfer medium – sized 2. washes trash cans
3. Cleaning up
a. cleans used equipment properly
b. itemize all cleaning equipment and records
1. Keeps personal belongings in own place in inventory checklist
2. Tells one’s own size of clothing, shoes, and 4. Work Experience
a. cleans several rooms without prodding
3. Chooses food from menu
b. checks work for acceptable performance
4. Takes on two job responsibilities such as
c. works until the task is completed or it is
putting out the materials and putting away
time to quit
the materials
5. Fills a glass with water from the faucet A.2 Carpet, Rug and Upholstery
1. Preparation
without spillage
6. Cleans up workplace and puts all trash in a. gets work clothes from cabinet including
the trash bin/basket
7. Goes to the toilet independently such as b. identifies and gets cleaning equipment when
pulling down and up undergarments/pants/ necessary such as: broomstick, detergent,
carpet brush, buckets, cleansing solution,
sits on the bowl, cleans up
vacuum cleaner
8. Observes safety measures
c. jots down in checklist equipment taken out
VI. VOCATIONAL SKILLS d. checks from list of new stocks/supplies
A. General Cleaning and Sanitation Service Skills needed
A.1 Janitorial Service 2. actual work
1. Preparation a. chairs/sofas
a. gets work clothes from cabinet including 1. wipes all chairs and sofas with dry rags
gloves 2. launders all chair and sofa covers
b. carpet/rug
1. sweeps a small carpet or rug with a
broomstick c. jots down in checklist equipment taken out
2. uses vacuum cleaner appropriately d. checks from list new stocks/supplies needed
c. cleaning up 2. actual work
1. collects all garbage equipment used and a. grounds maintenance
returns to their storage places 1. sweeps ground with broomstick
2. itemizes all cleaning equipment and 2. gathers dirt with rake and hoe
records in inventory checklist
3. collects raked dirt in dustpan
3. Work Experience
a. cleans several rooms without prodding b. garden maintenance
A.3 Window Washing Services 1. removes weeds from grass/garden
1. preparation 2. mows the lawn with manual or electric
a. puts on work clothes assigned by teacher lawn mower
b. identifies and gets materials/equipment 3. trims plants of dead leaves
needed for cleaning such as 4. uses simple landscaping procedures in
car windows – soapwater, old newspaper and beautifying lawn
dry rags; and
house windows – soapwater, old newspaper, 3. cleaning up
dry rags, window glaze/ shine, etc. a. cleans used equipment properly
c. itemizes cleaning materials/equipment taken b. itemizes all cleaning equipment and records in
out in an inventory checklist inventory checklist
d. prepares new stocks/window supplies such as 4. Work Experience
cleansing solution, window glaze/shine, etc. a. recognizes and avoids hazards
2. actual work
b. adapts to changes in routine
a. car window cleaning services: wets, dries, and
shines window using soapwater, dry rag, and c. checks work for quality
b. house windows: wets windows spraying B. Fastfood Service Skills
soapwater, dries and shines windows using B.1 Busboy Service
dry rag and glaze/shine and dry rag 1. preparation
3. cleaning up
a. puts on working clothes from cabinet
a. cleans used equipment properly
including gloves
b. itemizes all cleaning equipment and records in
inventory checklist b. identifies and gets cleaning equipment when
4. Work Experience necessary such as sanitized wet dish rags,
a. cleans several windows without prodding dry dish rags, table utensils, condiments,
b. follows safety and hygiene rules ashtrays, napkins, etc.
b. avoid substances or activities during and prior c. places placemat on table space in school
to work period that can diminish job d. sets table with spoon, fork, knife, napkin,
performance and jeopardize safety etc.
A.4 Ground Maintenance and Gardening Services
e. puts placemats on the whole table
1. preparation
a. puts on work clothes from cabinet including f. sets each table space with spoon, fork, knife,
gloves napkin, etc.
b. identifies and gets materials/equipment when 2. actual work
necessary for cleaning such as grounds a. sets a school/canteen table
maintenance and garden service such as b. sets a restaurant table
broomstick, dustpan, rake, hoe, water bins,
c. removes all utensils used from table
sprinkler, grass cutter, lawn mower, shovel,
hose, etc. d. refills condiment containers
e. refills napkin containers a. wipes all counters of dust
f. changes tablecloth b. cleans and returns used equipment properly
g. empties ashtrays and replaces with clean 4. Work Experience
ones a. cleans all shelves of dust without prodding
h. sanitizes tables and chairs b. itemizes all stocks and records in inventory
i. puts all used utensils in sink checklist
j. throws all dirt/trash in bins c. returns all equipment used
k. puts all leftover food in food bins for d. uses restrooms appropriately
animals e. recognize and dispose of spoiled food
3. cleaning up B.3 Dishwasher
a. cleans table and sorts utensils and left-over 1. preparation
food in cart a. gets work clothes from cabinet including
b. wipes school/canteen table with wet dish gloves
and sanitized dish rag b. gets materials/equipment needed for washing
c. wipes school/canteen table with dry dish rag dishes such as soap, sponge, dish rag, etc
d. wipes restaurant table with wet and 2. actual work
sanitized dish rag a. puts all dirty dishes in sink
e. wipes restaurant table with dry dish rag b. sorts dishes and utensils
f. cleans equipment properly c. removes leftover food from dishes and
4. Work Experience utensils using warm water
a. cleans all tables without prodding d. uses sponge to soap dishes and utensils
b. itemizes all cleaning equipment and e. wipes dry with clean, sanitized dish rags
records in inventory checklist 3. cleaning up
c. acknowledges and corrects mistakes a. returns all dishes and utensils in dish racks
d. eats at assigned time and with appropriate and cabinets
manners b. soaps sink and counters
B.2 Food Attendant of Kitchen : Helper for Self c. wipes dry sink and counters with sanitized
Service dish rags
1. preparation 4. Work Experience
a. gets work clothes from cabinet including a. cleans sink and counters of dust without
gloves prodding
b. identifies and gets food preparation b. itemizes all stocks and records in inventory
equipment checklist
c. wipes all counters with sanitized dish rags C. Industrial Skills
d. prepares all utensils to be used C.1. Supermarket/Department Store Service
e. brings out food or vegetable ingredients Skills
from ice box 1. preparation
f. puts food or vegetable ingredients in the a. gets work clothes from cabinet including
counter gloves
g. segregates meat and vegetables b. gets materials/equipment needed for
2. actual work stocking/stacking such as price tag machine,
a. sorts meat from vegetables etc. and for bagging such as plastic bags, etc.
b. sorts dry goods from wet goods from the 2. actual work
boxes/crates a. sorts meat from vegetables
c. sorts canned goods from crates and boxes b. sorts dry goods from wet goods
d. puts price tags on goods c. sorts canned goods from crates/boxes
e. sorts goods on shelves/freezer d. puts price tags on goods
3. cleaning up
e. sorts goods on shelves/freezer
f. puts goods on plastic/paper bags c. returns all equipment to proper storage areas
g. seals small bags with the use of 4. Work Experience
stapler/scotch tape a. cleans several rooms/areas without prodding
3. cleaning up b. itemizes all stocks and records in inventory
a. wipes all counters of dust checklist
b. cleans and returns used equipment c. returns all equipment used to proper storage
properly areas
4. Work Experience d. takes initiative to perform related or non-
a. cleans all counters regularly and without assigned tasks
prodding e. identify assigned tasks that one is able to
b. itemizes all stocks and records in inventory perform
checklist C.3 Factory Service Skills
c. returns all equipment used 1. preparation
a. gets work clothes from locker including gloves
d. makes decision and selects alternatives for
a given situation b. gets materials/equipment needed for sorting
such as boxes of plastic containers, etc.
e. consults with appropriate person
2. actual work
f. reads labels of poisonous substances
a. sorts objects according to size
C.2 Hotel/Motel Service Skills (Housekeeping) b. sorts objects according to color
1. preparation c. sorts objects according to shape
a. gets work clothes from cabinet including d. sorts objects according to kind
gloves e. sorts objects according to quality
b. identifies and gets cleaning /equipment f. sorts materials according to texture
when necessary such as mops and g. sorts materials according to requirement
buckets, brooms, rags, garbage cans,
h. pours dry or powdered materials in appropriate
cleansing solution containers
c. jots down in checklist equipment taken out
i. fits various containers with materials that are
d. checks from list new stocks/supplies not messy
needed j. seals plastic or paper bags with the use of
2. actual work staplers
a. folds clothes properly 3. cleaning up
b. returns or hangs clothes in cabinet a. wipes all work areas of dust
c. folds bedsheets, blankets, etc. b. cleans and returns used equipment properly in
d. props pillow covers, bedsheets, etc. storage areas
e. sweeps, waxes, and polishes several rooms 4. Work experience
f. scrubs floor with soap a. cleans all work areas regularly and without
g. dusts and polishes walls and ceilings prodding
h. soaps and rinses walls and ceilings b. itemize all stocks and records in inventory
i. segregates trash by throwing them in
c. returns al equipment used
properly labeled bins
d. follows required work routine changes
j. washes trash cans
e. walks safely on wet surfaces
k. refills trash cans with trash bags
D. Agriculture Skills
l. soaps and rinses bathtubs and toilet bowls D.1 Field or Plant Nursery Aids
3. cleaning up 1. preparation
a. cleans used equipment properly a. gets work clothes from cabinet including gloves
b. itemizes all cleaning equipment and records
in inventory checklist
f. gets the washed and dried clothes in the
b. identifies and gets cleaning equipment when washing machine
necessary such as
g. folds clothes/garments
1. ground maintenance – rake, hoe, dustpan,
waste bin
3. cleaning up
a. wipes/dries the washing machine
2. garden maintenance – grass cutter, lawn
mower, shovel, hoe, hose, etc. b. cleans the work area
c. jots down in checklist equipment taken out c. returns used detergent soap properly in
d. checks from list new stocks/supplies needed storage areas
2. actual work
4. Work experience
a. ground maintenance a. sorts/folds clothes/garments without
1. sweeps ground with broomstick prodding
2. gathers dirt with rake and hoe b. jots down bottle of detergent soap used and
washed baskets of clothes/garments and
3. collects raked dirt in dustpan
records in inventory checklist/record book
b. garden maintenance
1. removes weeds from grass/garden
2. mows the lawn with manual or electric lawn E.2 Press/Iron
mower 1. preparation
3. trims plants of dead leaves a. gets work clothes from cabinet and gloves
4. loosens the soil using the spade when necessary
5. uses simple landscaping procedures in b. gets equipment/materials needed for
beautifying lawn pressing/ironing such as flat iron, ironing
3. cleaning up board, hanger, plastic filled with water
a. cleans used equipment properly c. jots down in checklist the
b. itemizes all cleaning equipment and records in equipment/materials taken out
inventory checklist 2. actual work
c. uses and stores sharp objects safely a. sorts clothes/garments according to color
4. Work Experience b. sorts clothes/garments according to kind
a. cleans up surrounding areas c. irons clothes/garments with prodding
b. disposes broken glass safely d. folds and hangs the ironed clothes/garments
E. Laundry Services 3. cleaning up
E.1 Wash and Fold a. returns all equipment/materials to their
1. preparation storage places
a. gets work clothes from cabinet including gloves
b. cleans the work area
4. work experience
b. identifies and gets detergent soap needed for
washing and intended for washing machine a. press/irons clothes/garments with prodding
b. folds and hangs ironed clothes/garments
c. jots down in checklist the detergent soap taken c. follows safety precautions when doing tasks
out d. recognizes work problems that need
d. jots down in checklist the lined baskets of reporting to the supervisor
clothes/garments for washing
e. checks from list of stocks of detergent soap
F. Basic Computer Concepts and Operations
2. actual work 1. Logs in and logs out of computers properly
a. sorts clothes/garments according to color a. uses mouse correctly
b. sorts objects according to kind b. places the cursor at a specific location on
c. puts the clothes in the washing machine the screen
d. manipulates the washing machine c. double – clicks to open folders
e. washes clothes based on color and kind
Marking Non – Numerical rating
d. creates folders to organize files
AO Always Observed
e. saves files to document folder
2. Introduces Home Row and Correct finger SO Sometimes Observed
a. identifies and locates special keys such RO Rarely Observed
as enter, spacebar, caps lock, shift keys NO Not Observed
3. Performs Basic Formatting Tasks including
font, style, color, bold, italic
a. uses simple text editing skills
b. inserts clip art Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr Total
c. type short writing pieces No. of
d. uses page set – up option School
4. displays ethical behavior relating to
privacy, ethics, passwords and personal No. of
information Days
- respects the privacy of all users Present

No. of


Core Behavior Statements Quarter
Values 1 2 3 4
Maka – Expresses one’s spiritual beliefs
Diyos while respecting the spiritual
beliefs of others
Shows adherence to ethical
principles by upholding truth 1ST Quarter:______________________________
Maka-tao Is sensible to individual, social,
and cultural differences
Demonstrates contributions
towards solidarity 2nd Quarter:______________________________
Maka- Cares for the environment and
kalikasan utilizes resources wisely,
judiciously, and economically 3rd Quarter:______________________________
Makabansa Demonstrates pride in being a
Filipino; exercises the rights and
responsibilities of a Filipino
citizen. 4th Quarter:______________________________
Demonstrates appropriate
behavior in carrying out activities
in the school and community.
Annex 4. Checklist/Report Card: Level III Dear Parents:

The Descriptive Progress Report Card shows

the improvement your child/ward has made in the
different learning areas.

The school welcomes you so you would know

more about your child’s/ward’s progress.

LEVEL III _________________________

Certificate of Transfer

Name: ________________________________________ Admitted to Grade _______Section_______________

Eligibility for Admission to Grade _______________
LRN: __________________________________________

Age: __________________________________________
Cancellation of Eligibility to Transfer
Date of Birth: __________________________________
Admitted in_____________________________________
Sex: __________________________________________ Grade__________________________________________

Exceptionality: __________________________________ ____________________________

School Principal
Years in SPED: __________________________________

School Year: ____________________________________

Directions: Write the symbol that best describes what the A. Feeding/Eating
child can do. The descriptive equivalent and symbols are 1. chews food without spillage
provided with corresponding descriptive meaning. 2. eats semi – solid and solid food independently
3. scoops food with a spoon from a plate
4. scoops food with a spoon from a plate
Symbol Descriptive Descriptive Meaning 5. uses fork independently
Equivalent (Rubrics) 6. uses both utensils independently
7. holds glass, bottle, cup, and can with one hand
O Outstanding The learner shows while drinking
independence in doing 8. sips liquid without holding a straw and while
given tasks. He/She holding the spoon without spillage
always follow directions. 9. pours liquid from pitcher to glass without
About 80% of the tasks spillage
are often correctly done. 10. scoops soup from bowl without spillage
VS Very Satisfactory The Learner shows some 11. peels food independently
12. cuts off food with a knife such as cheese,
amount of hotdog, cake, etc.
independence. He/She 13. uses fork for spreading such as jam, peanut
shows some lapses in butter
following directions. 14. uses napkin independently
15. follows independently proper
About 60% of the tasks a. eating habits
are correctly done. b. table manners
S Satisfactory The learner needs little B. Dressing/Undressing
guidance and prompting 1. removes/put - on shoes with without
assistance: slip – on shoes; snap – on shoes,
in given tasks. About laced – up shoes
50% of the tasks are 2. removes sock independently
often correctly done. 3. extends arms (L & R) when removing t-shirt
FS Fairly Satisfactory The learner needs much
4. pulls down gartered pants and underwear
guidance with prodding. independently
He/She could follow few 5. unzipz/zipz shorts, pants, and jackets
directions. Less than independently
6. unbuttons/buttons independently: big buttons,
50% of the given tasks small buttons, hook and eye, buckle, snaps
are correctly done. 7. unties bow and shoelaces independently
NI Needs Improvement The learner needs 8. ties bow and shoelaces independently
guidance and lot of 9. puts on front and back of clothing properly and
prodding in the given 10. puts on socks independently
tasks. He/She cannot 11. extends arms (L & R) when putting on T – shirt
follow directions. voluntarily
12. pulls up independently: gartered pants,
C. Toileting
C. Attention Span (Auditory)
1. goes to the toilet with his own 1. Locates sound by walking towards it &
2. sits on toilet bowl independently for urinating identifying sound independently
and defecating 2. Sits to listen to sound for at least for
3. washes genitals independently whole period/ hour
4. wipes face with toilet paper 3. Imitates sound and identifies source
5. flushes toilet by himself appropriately independently
6. washes and dries hands independently 4. Responds to sound/command heard and
7. attends to toilet needs independently and
takes action
follows hygiene procedures
II. Self – Awareness
8. uses toilet independently and appropriately
1. Expresses emotions verbally
D. Grooming and Hygiene
1. washes hands with soap and water before and 2. Understanding emotions:
after eating independently Explains cause for certain expression of
2. dries hands with towel independently emotions
3. washes face with soap and water independently 3. Emotional regulation:
4. dries face with towel independently Solves simple problems on dealing with
5. hangs towel by himself emotions in various situations
6. puts toothpaste on toothbrush by himself - Displays appropriate behaviour in
7. brushes teeth by himself dealing with emotions in specific
8. combs/brushes hair by himself situations
9. wipes nose with tissue/handkerchief by himself 4. Name recognition: Verbalises own name
10. takes a bath by himself by using the shower 5. Self-identification within environment:
and dipper - Identifies self in community
11. uses towel by himself appropriately - Tells role of self in community
12. washes hair with soap and shampoo by 6. Age: Verbalizes date of birth using calendar
himself 7. Home address (when asked)
13. uses the following by himself: hand/body - Gives complete address verbally and in
lotion, powder, deodorant/cologne written form
14. cuts/trims the fingernails and toenails 8. Managing personal belongings:
15. uses sanitary napkins independently - Arranges belongings according to use
16. washes genitals with soap and water during neatly
menstruation independently 9. Family:
17. uses shaver and cream independently - Names each member of family
18. shaves/pulls underarm hair independently - Identifies position of each member in
I. Attending Skills - Tells role of each member in family in
A. Body Contact
relation to self
1. Eye contact/ posture when responding to
10. Identifying major body parts: Head | Eyes |
Ears | Nose | Neck | Hands | Fingers |
Approaches person immediately
2. Initiating communication:
Abdomen | Legs | through verbal
Approaches person independently description and situations
B. Attention Span – Tactile III. Self at Play
1. Attending to task/material: Attends to 1. GREETING: Comes to school with a pleasant
several tasks/material for manipulation disposition by greeting people through
for at least one (1) hour appropriate verbal language
2. Manipulates task/material presented 2. Plays harmoniously with others during a
independently with 100% completion cooperative activity with independently
3. Returns material(s) used independently during associative games, cooperative
+ initiates new task games, and symbolic games
3. Borrows things politely through verbal a. follows simple requests in other places and with
expression other people like: Open the door. Set the
table. and Push the shopping cart.
4. Returns materials/ objects independently, on
time and without being asked 3. Body Movements
5. Uses the following expressions “Thank you”, a. transfer big and small objects from one hand to
the other with ease
“Please”, “May I”, “Excuse me”, “I’m sorry”,
b. picks up objects of various sizes and number
“You’re welcome” independently,
with thumb and index fingers
appropriately and through verbal
4. concentration span
a. looks carefully and compares pictures or objects
6. Shows acceptable behavior to befriend
5. work habits
another by playing games with others,
talking with other, children inviting other a. work attention
children to join in art, cooking, non- 1. works on material presented independently
academic activities and relating stories to 2. works independently
other children 6. mouth positions
7. Activity participation: a. breathing
Volunteers to independently 1. breathes in and out through mouth
- Make activity choice 2. breathes in and out through nose
- Carry out activity without assistance 3. inhales through the nose and exhales
- Join other group/ school activity that through the mouth
are either academic/ non-academic. 4. takes short, fast breaths (pants)
8. Makes choices without assistance b. blowing
1. blows a strip of paper from a distance
IV. Self at Work 2. blows several candles of all sizes
1. Independence 3. blows bubbles
Volunteers self to work (independent tasks) c. jaw movements
and 1. opens the mouth wide saying “ahh”
without supervision 2. opens mouth wide and closes it
2. Demonstrates how to follow orders or request 3. moves jaws right and left (prompted by
by: holding child’s lower jaw and moving it
a. waiting for one’s turn while teacher shows how)
b. listening attentively when somebody is 4. closes mouth so that front teeth are edge to
talking edge (prompted by spreading child’s lips
c. forming a line when passing in and out at the corners and moving his jaw so that
the front teeth come together on edge
of the room
looking like a GRIN)
d. lip movements
III. COMMUNICATION SKILLS 1. makes lips round (prompted by putting
I. Listening/Receptive Skills teacher’s thumb and forefinger at the
A. Basic Communication Behavior corners of the child’s moth and pushing
1. Spontaneous eye contact the tips slightly toward the center)
a. makes eye contact in most places 2. sticks out the lips together like pouting
b. looks at the teacher’s eye while talking by (prompted by putting teacher’s thumb and
forefinger near the corners of the child’s
holding his gaze all the time (when
mouth and gently squeezing his lips
speaking and when spoken to) together and out)
c. responds to his name every time he is 3. spreads the lips wide apart with the teeth
called closed like a big grin prompted by
d. says “thank you” when praised spreading child’s lips wide at the corners
e. approaches others without being called with the thumb and forefinger and moving
his jaw with the other teacher’s hand so
2. Cooperates with simple spoken results
that child’s teeth are shut
7. Tongue Movements
a. moves tongue up and down to the left and b. verbally relates experience from the past
right and possible new experiences for future
b. moves tongue from side to side retrieval or use
c. holds tongue still and flat in mouth B. Auditory Acuity
d. lifts the tips of his/her tongue (for letters a. repeats longer statements of what was
TH, L, T) by holding lower jaw open and auditorily heard precisely from verbalized
touching upper lip with a lollipop or lift b. verbally repeats verbal or auditory
his upper lip with his tongue or a instructions given by teacher
tongue depressor) c. repeats and/or motorically recalls multiple
step instructions such as tap on desk
e. chews, licks, and sucks on any food item while coughing, clap hands twice then say
independently “Hurrah”, etc
B. Auditory Perception II. READING/DECODING
1. Auditory Acuity A. Sounds
a. listens to body sounds such as humming, 1. discriminates sounds heard from the
coughing, giggling, crying, shouting, environment and singles them out
sneezing, yawning, checking tongue according to: loudness or softness and
snoring, heel tapping, whistling, distance sound is heard
whispering, finger – snapping, etc. 2. produces several specific speech sounds
2. Auditory Discrimination listened to
a. identifies common sounds as they 3. imitates the following initial, medial and
naturally occur final consonant sounds m, n, p, t, k, b, d,
b. compares environmental sounds g, f, h, w, l, s, u, r, and z (initial); m, n, ng,
p, k, d, b, g, f, h, w, s, y, r, and z (medial);
c. compares loud and soft sounds and other
m, n, p, t, d, f, s, and r (final)
finer sounds by distinguishing low and
high pitches thru verbal responses or by B. General Vocabulary
naming sounds heard 1. verbally communicates needs and wants
2. verbalizes parts of the body in
d. detects direction of specific sounds by
appropriate situations such as during
identifying the sound and its direction
self – help lessons, etc
e differentiates the voices of various people 3. says more complicated forms of greeting
around him such as hello, how are you, or it’s such a
3. Auditory Decoding/Sequencing fine day, etc.
a. responds approximately in complete 4. uses common courteous expressions
sentence when name is called such as such as please, goodbye, sorry in
“Yes” what is it?” or “Ano po?”, etc appropriate situations
b. recognizes emotions displayed by others 5. talks about oneself and his immediate
c. repeats simple instruction verbally and in family by
action as teacher verbally commands a. telling one’s name and age
d. comprehends multiple – step unrelated b. telling the names of his immediate
commands and performs motorically family
upon request, such as “Put the pencil c. describing oneself
on the floor.; Open the door.; Walk d. describing his immediate family
around the room.”, etc. 6. Identifies common objects/animals
II. SPEAKING/EXPRESSIVE SKILLS a. by its similar and dissimilar
A. Auditory – Vocal Memory characteristics
a. describes and relates all knowledge about a b. by its function
single word verbalized to the child 7. Answers basic questions in relation to
a. reasoning
b. logical thinking
c. sequencing of events
8. differentiates proper and common nouns
9. compares objects/things by their color, 1. Tells the number of objects in a given set of 0
shape or size to 10; 11 to 50; and 51 to 100
10. recites nursery rhymes and jingles 2. Tells the number of objects in a given set of 10
independently to 10, 11 to 50, and 51 to 100
3. Reads numbers 0 and above
IV. NUMBER SKILLS 4. Writes the number of objects in a given set
I. Object Discrimination Skills from 0 to 100
A. Colors 5. Tells the position of an object in a given set:
1. Names all the primary and secondary colors up/down; under/over; fist/last; high/low;
in his environment inside/outside; before/after
2. Associates objects in the environment with 6. Compares numerals using more than and less
than, equal and not equal, using inequalities
all colors learned
III. Mathematical Operations
3. identifies specific colors in particular
picture, object, scene A. Addition
1. Adds with sums of over 50
B. Shapes
2. Joins two sets or more to obtain sums of over 100
1. Identifies the different basic figures/shapes
in concrete forms such as parts of the 3. Illustrates rules in addition using sums over 100
that is changed if order is not changed, any
hat, pieces of furniture, articles found at
number added with 0 give the same number
home, school, and work site
2. Names the five (5) basic figures/shapes 4. Adds two 3 to 4 -digit numerals with sums up to
100 in vertical and horizontal positions without
associated in the environment or in a
regrouping and with regrouping
practical life situation separately in
concrete form and true – to – life situation 5. Adds several 3 to 4 – digit numerals with
regrouping with sums over 100 in
3. Names objects that have the five (5) forms
in the vertical position and horizontal position
6. Transforms word problems into equations with
4. Sorts objects according to their shape and
sums over 100 and using the given, problem,
function solution and final answer system
7. Identifies given in a word or picture problem
C. Sizes 8. Solves picture problems in addition involving
1. sorts objects according to their specific sums over 100 with or without regrouping
measurement 9. Solves word problem involving addition
2. differentiates lengths of various objects by B. Subtraction
using standard indicators such as the 1. Subtracts with differences of 100 and above
ruler, tape measure, etc. 2. Shows the relationship of removing a subset from
D. Weight given sets of 100 or less
1. identifies heavy and light objects using 3. Illustrates rules in subtracting using differences
standardized scales for measuring weight less than 100 that subtraction is the inverse of
2. differentiates heavy and light objects by addition and any number subtracted from 0 gives
measuring their weights using the same number
standardized weighing scales 4. Subtracts two 1 to 2 – digit numerals with
E. Distance differences of over 100 in vertical and horizontal
1. Moves around to get/touch far and near positions without carrying over and with carrying
objects in his environment from a 5. Subtracts several 1 to 4 – digit numerals with
specified distance carrying and with differences over 100 in the
2. Places or gets objects from a measured vertical position and horizontal position
distance 6. Identifies given in a word or picture problem
3. Groups far/near objects from their specific 7. Solves picture problems in subtraction
measured distance involving differences over 100 with or without
II. Whole Numbers regrouping
8. Solves word problem involving subtraction
C. Multiplication 4. computes for exact age in years, months, and
A. Comprehension of Multiplication days
1. Shows multiplication of whole numbers as 5. tells the time by the hour, minute and second
repeated addition on the numberline 6. computes for time by adding or subtracting the
2. Transforms addition sentence into a hour and minute
multiplication sentence C. Weight, Linear, Distance and Temperature
3. Shows that zero multiplied to any number is Measurement
zero 1. compares objects/persons in terms of their height,
4. Multiplies 2-3-digit numbers by 1-digit weight, temperature and/or distance without
numbers with or without regrouping actual measurement
5. Solves simple word problems involving 2. names and differentiates units of measurement for
multiplication a. weight – kg., lb., etc.
D. Division b. height – inches, meters, etc
A. Comprehension of the division process c. distance – km, yd., etc.
1. Divides 2-3 digit by 1-digit numbers without d. temperature – degrees C or F
remainder and with remainder 3. measures specific objects of persons for their
height, weight, distance, temperature
2. Solves word problems involving division. 4. compares objects/persons for their height, weight,
distance, temperature
IV. Measurement
A. Fractions D. Decimal/Money
1. Identifies more whole objects and shapes 1. Reads and writes numbers of 100 and above
2. Identifies, reads and writes the following 2. Sequences numbers over 100 at random
such as one – half (1/2), one – third (1/3), and 3. Sorts and identifies Philippine coins
one – fourth (1/4) 4. Sorts and identifies Philippine bills
3. Identifies, reads, and writes fractional parts of a 5. Counts using a combination of bills and coins for
whole (1/5 and 1/10) values over Php 100.00
4. Identifies numerator as part of a whole 6. Reads and writes money values over Php 100.00
5. Identifies the denominator as the whole 7. Adds using the required number of coins up to
6. Differentiates the numerator from the Php 100.00 such as Php 0.05, Php 0.10, Php 0.25,
Php 1.00, Php 5.00, Php 10.00
7. Finds the fractional parts of objects 8. Adds using the required number of bills from Php
100.00 and over such as Php 20.00; Php 50.00;
8. compares fractional parts of an unmeasured
Php 100.00; Php 500.00; Php 1, 000.00
whole in concrete objects, pictures and existing
sets in terms of size, weight, distance 9. Adds using a combination of bills and coins for
9. adds fractions with the same denominator (like amounts over Php 100.00
fractions) using ½, 1/3, ¼ , 1/5 and 1/10 10. Subtracts using the required number of coins up
10. subtracts fractions with the same denominator to Php 100.00 such as Php 0.05, Php 0.10, Php
0.25, Php 1.00, Php 5.00 and Php 10.00
(like fractions) using ½, 1/3, ¼, 1/5 and 1/10
11. applies parts of a whole concept in the 11. Subtracts using the required number of bills from
environment such as Php 100.00 and over such as Php 20.00; Php
50.00; Php 100.00; Php 500.00; Php 1, 000.00
a. 1 ¼ of the hours spent working or playing
b. 2 ½ of the 6 cups used in a recipe
B. Calendar Time 12. subtracts using a combination of bills and coins
for amounts exceeding Php 100.00
1. tells the specific day and date of a year
2. keeps regular schedules and special occasions in 13. finds the equivalent number of coins and bills to a
specified amount
a year
3. indicates the day of the week in which a given 14. solves money problems involving
date in a month fall a. addition
b. subtraction
c. a combination of addition and subtraction
A. Hand Test b. gets cleaning equipment appropriately and
1. Demonstrates use of both hands in play and work regularly such as mops and buckets, brooms,
activities rags, garbage cans, cleansing solution
2. Distinguishes the attributes of two objects by c. itemizes cleaning materials/equipment taken in
feeling them checklist
B. Manipulation d. prepares new stocks/bathroom supplies such as
toilet paper, soap, towels, garbage bags, etc
1. Removes bottle cap in 10 seconds
e. moves furniture properly
2. Turns doorknob 360 degrees with forearm
2. Actual work
a. Doors, Walls and Ceiling
3. Turns wind – up key 360 degrees in one turn 1. dusts, polishes, soaps and rinses walls and
4. Unbuttons large buttons at least one - fourth inch ceilings
in diameter 2. scrubs and wipes walls/tiles and mirrors of
5. Buttons 1/4” diameter buttons bathrooms
6. Holds a 1/4” diameter object in the palm of the b. Floors
hand and moves forward the object to pincer 1. sweeps, waxes, and polishes
grasp w/out assistance from the other hand 2. scrubs floors with soap
7. Clips 4 pieces of paper together 3. uses vacuum cleaner appropriately
C. Bilateral Skills c. Urinals, sinks and bathtubs
1. Holds small bowl and stirs with teaspoon in 1. soaps, scrubs and rinses sinks, urinals and
clockwise and counter – clockwise motion
2. applies cleanser/muriatic acid
2. Ties triple knot
3. installs safety signs properly
3. Laces 6 holes in shoes d. trash
4. Folds 8 – ½” x 11” paper in eight folds and other 1. segregates trash into separate bins for
paper folding designs bottles, plastic, bottles and misc.
D. Tool Use 2. replaces trash bags
1. Transfers liquid substances with a spoon 3. Cleaning up
2. Uses pincers to transfer small objects a. cleans used equipment properly
E. WORKS ATTITUDE b. itemize all cleaning equipment and records in
inventory checklist
1. discriminates one’s belongings and those of others
c. returns all equipment to proper storage areas
2. estimates sizes of other things
d. lists down all supplies/stocks needed for
3. writes order form and pays for order replenishment
4. takes on 3 or more job responsibilities such as e. changes bag of vacuum cleaner
checking the attendance plus recording and filing f. re – aligns furniture
5. uses drinking fountain or facilities properly 4. Work Experience
6. cleans up workplace; puts all trash in the trash a. cleans several rooms without prodding
bin/basket and disposes garbage properly b. does all paperwork independently
7. uses the toilet properly such as flushing the toilet c. maintains high level of performance
after use, dispose of tissue paper properly d. uses time and resources productively and
A.2 Carpet, Rug and Upholstery
1. Preparation
A. General Cleaning and Sanitation Service Skills a. brings own work clothes and uses them during
A.1 Janitorial Service work hours
1. Preparation b. gets cleaning equipment appropriately and
a. brings own work clothes and uses them during regularly such as: broomstick, detergent,
work hours carpet brush, buckets, cleansing solution,
vacuum cleaner
c. itemizes cleaning materials/equipment taken 3. shines car windows using window
out in an inventory checklist glaze/shine solution
d. prepares new stocks/shampoo supplies such as 4. operates electronic car washing machine as
cleansing solution, carpet brushes, etc. in gas stations
e. moves furniture properly b. house windows
2. actual work 1. wets windows spraying soapwater
2. dries windows using old newspaper
a. chairs/sofas
3. dries windows using dry rags
1. wipes all chairs and sofas with dry rags 4. shines windows using glaze/shine
2. launders all chair and sofa covers 3. cleaning up
3. applies cleansing solution to stains when a. cleans used equipment properly
necessary b. itemizes all cleaning equipment and records in
b. carpet/rug inventory checklist
1. sweeps a small carpet or rug with a broomstick c. returns all equipment to proper storage areas
d. lists down all supplies/stocks needed for
2. uses vacuum cleaner appropriately replenishment
3. applies cleansing solution to stains when 4. Work Experience
necessary a. cleans several windows without prodding
c. cleaning up b. does all paperwork independently
1. collects all garbage equipment used and c. dresses appropriately for work tasks
returns to their storage places d. uses an electronic machine for washing car
windows as in gas stations
2. itemizes all cleaning equipment and records e. shuts off all electrical equipment used
in inventory checklist A.4 Ground Maintenance and Gardening Services
3. returns all equipment to proper storage 1. preparation
areas a. brings own work clothes and uses them during
4. lists down all supplies/stocks needed for work hours
replenishment b. identifies and gets cleaning equipment
5. re – aligns furniture appropriately and regularly such as
3. Work Experience grounds maintenance and garden service
a. cleans several rooms without prodding such as broomstick, dustpan, rake, hoe,
b. does all paperwork independently water bins, sprinkler, grass cutter, lawn
A.3 Window Washing Services mower, shovel, hose, etc.
c. itemizes cleaning materials/equipment taken
1. preparation
out in an inventory checklist
a. puts on work clothes d. prepares new stocks/window washing
b. identifies and gets materials/equipment supplies such as cleansing solution,
appropriately and regularly for cleaning such as window glaze, etc
car windows – soapwater, old newspaper and dry 2. actual work
rags; and a. grounds maintenance
house windows – soapwater, old newspaper, dry 1. sweeps ground with broomstick
rags, window glaze/ shine, etc. 2. gathers dirt with rake and hoe
c. itemizes cleaning materials/equipment taken out 3. collects raked dirt in dustpan
in an inventory checklist b. garden maintenance
d. prepares new stocks/window supplies such as 1. removes weeds from grass/garden
cleansing solution, window glaze/shine, etc. 2. mows the lawn with manual or electric
lawn mower
2. actual work
3. trims plants of dead leaves
a. car window cleaning services
4. uses simple landscaping procedures in
1. wets car windows using soapwater and old beautifying lawn
newspaper 5. transfers plants from pot to garden and
2. dries car windows using dry rag vice – versa
6. applies fertilizer when needed
3. cleaning up
a. cleans used equipment properly 4. Work Experience
b. itemizes all cleaning equipment and records in a. cleans all tables without prodding
inventory checklist b. does all paperwork independently
c. returns all equipment to proper areas c. uses an electronic machine for washing
d. lists down all supplies/stocks needed for utensils such as dryers and dishwashers
replenishment d. shuts off all electrical equipment used
4. work Experience B.2 Food Attendant of Kitchen : Helper for Self
a. demonstrates stamina and work endurance by Service
staying on task 1. preparation
b. meets demands by quality work a. brings own work clothes and uses them during
work hours
B. Fastfood Service Skills b. identifies and gets food preparation equipment
B.1 Busboy Service
c. itemizes food preparation
1. preparation materials/equipment taken out in an
a. brings own work clothes and uses them inventory checklist
during work hours d. wipes all counters with sanitized dish rags
b. identifies and gets cleaning equipment e. prepares all utensils to be used
appropriately and regularly such as f. brings out food or vegetable ingredients from
sanitized wet dish rags, dry dish rags, ice box
table utensils, condiments, ashtrays, g. puts food or vegetable ingredients in the
napkins, etc. counter
c. puts placemats on restaurant/canteen tables h. segregates meat and vegetables
d. sets table with spoon, fork, knife, napkin, etc. i. prepares new stocks needed for food
preparation (for certain menus) for the next
e. prepares all equipment needed for cleaning day
tables 2. actual work
2. actual work a. checks number of items or goods upon delivery
a. removes all utensils used from table b. stacks stocks in stockroom or storeroom
b. refills all condiment containers without c. sorts meat from vegetables
spillage d. sorts dry goods from wet goods from the
c. refills napkin containers boxes/crates
d. changes tablecloth e. sorts canned goods from crates/boxes
e. empties ashtrays and replaces with clean f. puts price tags/labels on goods
cloth g. sorts goods on shelves/freezer
f. sanitizes tables and chairs h. stacks items on shelves of department
g. classifies all used utensils in sink without
3. cleaning up
a. wipes all counters of dust
h. uses a dishwasher and dryer properly
b. cleans and returns used equipment properly
i. throws all dirt/trash in bins 4. work experience
j. puts all leftover food in food bins for animals a. cleans all shelves of dust without prodding
3. cleaning up b. does all paperwork independently
a. sorts utensils and leftover food in cart c. checks inventory or stocks against delivery
b. wipes table with wet dish rags if without receipts
tablecloth and dry dish rag if with tablecloth d. lists stocks needed for replenishment
c. wipes school/canteen table with dry dish rag e. returns all equipment used
d. wipes restaurant table with wet and sanitized B.3 Dishwasher
dish rag 1. preparation
e. wipes restaurant table with dry dish rag a. brings own work clothes and uses them during
work hours
f. shuts off all appliances used such as the
b. identifies and gets dishwashing equipment
dishwater and dryer
including machine
c. gets materials/equipment needed for washing
2. actual work j. separates detergent equipment from
a. puts all dirty dishes in sink consumable items in bags
b. sorts dishes and utensils k. locates goods that have no price tags from
c. scrape off leftover food/solid particles from store aisles for correct pricing
dishes using scrap trays l. seals small bags with the use of stapler, scotch
d. rinses in running water utensils such as tape, electric sealer
glassware, silverware, plates, etc m. ties bags with straw or string
e. soaps glassware first followed by silverware and n. loads and unloads bags in pushcarts
finally, chinaware o. collects cart and returns them to proper
f. rinses with tap water designated areas
g. wipes dry with clean, sanitized dish rag 3. cleaning up
h. stacks glassware, silverware and chinaware on a. wipes all counters of dust
shelves b. cleans and returns used equipment properly
i. scrubs cookware and trays 4. Work Experience
j. rinses cookware with tap water a. cleans all counters regularly and without
k. dries cookware
b. does all paperwork independently
3. cleaning up
c. checks inventory or stocks against delivery
a. returns all dishes and utensils in dish racks and
d. lists stocks/stacking materials needed for
b. soaps sink and counters replenishment
4. Work Experience e. returns all equipment used in their respective
a. cleans sink and counters of dust without cabinets or storage areas
prodding f. lists safety rules for use of electrical outlets and
b does all paperwork independently cords
c. checks inventory or stocks against actual C.2 Hotel/Motel Service Skills (Housekeeping)
number and kind of dishes and utensils 1. preparation
d. lists stocks needed for replenishment a. brings own work clothes and uses them during
e. returns and classifies all equipment used work hours
according to kind b. identifies and gets cleaning /equipment when
C. Industrial Skills necessary such as mops and buckets,
C.1. Supermarket/Department Store Service Skills brooms, rags, garbage cans, cleansing
1. preparation solution
a. brings own work clothes and uses them during c. itemizes cleaning materials/equipment taken
work hours out in an inventory checklist
b. identifies and gets department store/supermarket d. prepares new stocks/bathroom supplies such
equipment properly as toilet paper, soap, towels, garbage bags,
c. gets materials/equipment needed for etc.
stocking/stacking such as price tag machine, e. moves furniture appropriately
sealer, etc. 2. actual work
d. itemizes supermarket/department store a. removes/replaces bedding, pillowcases,
materials/equipment taken checked out in blankets, etc
inventory b. spreads and folds edges or corners of beddings
2. actual work and blankets
c. puts all dry linen and clothes of the laundry
a. checks number of items or goods upon delivery
b. stacks stocks in stockroom or storeroom
d. transfers dirty linen to laundry vat/bin
c. sorts meat from vegetables
e. sweeps, waxes, and polishes several rooms
d. sorts dry goods from wet goods systematically
e. sorts canned goods from crates/boxes f. vacuums carpet
f. puts price tags on goods g. dusts and polishes walls and ceilings
g. sorts goods on shelves/freezer systematically
S h. sorts goods on shelves/freezer h. soaps and rinses walls and ceilings when
P i. puts dry and wet goods on plastic/paper bags needed
i. empties trash bins a. cleans all work areas regularly and without
j. refills trash cans with trash bags prodding
k. soaps and rinses bathtubs/toilet bowls b. does all paperwork independently
c. checks inventory or stocks against delivery
l. replenishes bathroom toiletries including towels
3. cleaning up
d. lists stocks needed for replenishment
a. cleans used equipment properly e. returns all equipment used
b. itemizes all cleaning equipment and records in f. follows procedures for unexpected downtime or
inventory checklist breaks in a work day
c. returns all equipment to proper storage areas g. accepts changes in routines without extreme
d. lists down all supplies/stocks needed for behavior
replenishment D. Agriculture Skills
e. changes bag of vacuum cleaner D.1 Field or Plant Nursery Aids
f. re – aligns furniture 1. preparation
4. Work Experience a. brings own work clothes and uses them during
work hours
a. cleans all areas without prodding
b. identifies and gets cleaning equipment
b. does all paperwork independently
appropriately and regularly such as
c. checks inventory of stocks against actual number 1. ground maintenance – rake, hoe, dustpan,
and kind of linen waste bin
d. lists stocks needed for replenishment 2. garden maintenance – grass cutter, lawn
e. returns and classifies all equipment used mower, shovel, hoe, hose, etc.
according to kind c. itemizes cleaning materials/equipment taken out
f. performs non – assigned tasks during appropriate in an inventory checklist
times d. prepares new stocks/cleaning equipment
C.3 Factory Service Skills 2. actual work
1. preparation a. ground maintenance
a. brings own work clothes and uses them during 1. sweeps ground with broomstick
work hours 2. gathers dirt with rake and hoe
b. identifies and gets factory equipment properly 3. collects raked dirt in dustpan
b. garden maintenance
c. gets materials/equipment ape, needed for
1. removes weeds from grass/garden
packing/repacking such as packing tape,
2. mows the lawn with manual or electric lawn
labels/tags, etc.
d. itemizes packing materials/equipment taken out 3. trims plants of dead leaves
in an inventory checklist 4. uses simple landscaping procedures in
2. actual work beautifying lawn
a. checks number of items or goods upon delivery 5. transfers plants of dead leaves
b. stacks stocks in stockroom or storeroom 6. applies fertilizer when needed
c. sorts stock according to requirement 3. cleaning up
d. weighs dry or powdered materials a. cleans used equipment properly
e. measures liquid materials b. itemizes all cleaning equipment and records in
inventory checklist
f. fills various containers such as paper bags, plastic
bags, sachets, bottles, etc. without spillage and c. returns all equipment to proper storage areas
with enough speed d. lists down all supplies/stocks needed for
g. seals containers and/or bags using packing tape
4. Work Experience
h. places stocks in conveyor a. cleans up surrounding areas
i. stacks stocks in storeroom b. does all paperwork independently
3. cleaning up c. shuts off all electrical equipment used
a. wipes all work areas of dust E. Laundry Services
b. cleans and returns used equipment properly in E.1 Wash and Fold
storage areas
4. Work experience
1. preparation a. sorts clothes/garments according to color
b. sorts clothes/garments according to kind
a. brings own work clothes and uses them during
c. irons clothes/garments independently
work hours
b. identifies and gets detergent soap needed for d. folds and hangs the ironed clothes/garments
washing and intended for washing machine e. sprays the clothes/garments with water when
c. jots down in checklist the detergent soap taken
f. folds and hangs the ironed clothes/garments
d. jots down in checklist the lined baskets of g. fixes folded clothes in a plastic
clothes/garments for washing i. labels plastic indicating the owner of the
e. checks from list of stocks of detergent soap
needed j. labels/puts a tag to the hanged clothes/garments
indicating the name of the owner
2. actual work
a. sorts clothes/garments according to color
3. cleaning up
b. sorts objects according to kind
a. returns all equipment/materials to their storage
c. puts the clothes in the washing machine places
d. manipulates the washing machine
b. cleans the work area
e. washes clothes based on color and kind
4. work experience
f. applies whitening solution/bleach and to stained
a. presses/irons clothes/garments independently
clothes/garments when necessary
b. folds and hangs ironed clothes/garments
g. applies softening solution to clothes/garments
c. does all the labelling/tagging independently
when necessary
d. evaluate result
h. gets washed and dried clothes in the washing
F. Basic Computer Concepts and Operations
1. Logs in and logs out of computers properly
i. folds clothes/garments
a. “launches programs
j. fixes the folded clothes/garments in a plastic
b. opens and closes computer programs
k. label the plastic indicating the owner of the
c. accesses files from documents folder and shared
clothes/garments folder with teacher assistance
3. cleaning up
d. saves to documents and shared folders
a. shuts off washing machine used independently
b. wipes/dries the washing machine e. deletes files and folders from documents folder
c. cleans the work area f. prints with teacher’s assistance
d. returns used detergent soap properly in storage 2. Uses proper typing technique with efficiency and
area accuracy without looking at the keyboard
4. Work experience a. reviews and uses correct posture and “home row”
a. sorts/folds clothes/garments independently typing positions introduced in earlier grades
b. jots down bottle of detergent soap used and b. types simple 2 – 3 words or phrases using
washed baskets of clothes/garments and correct finger positions
records in inventory checklist/record book 3. types with one space between word between words
c. lists stocks needed for replenishment and be consistent with spacing after a
E.2 Press/Iron sentence (1 or 2 spaces is acceptable)
1. preparation a. uses formatting functions and numbering,
a. brings own work clothes and uses them during indents, page breaks, margins and columns
work hours b. uses borders/drawing/tool/graphics
b. identifies and gets equipment/materials needed c. inserts graphics from outside source
for pressing/ironing such as flat iron, ironing d. copies and pastes information from the internet
board, hanger, plastic filled with water into Microsoft word document for note taking
c. jots down in checklist the equipment/materials purpose
taken out 4. Demonstrates and understands copyright by citing
2. actual work sources of copyrighted materials in papers,
projects and multimedia presentations
REPORT ON LEARNER’S OBSERVED VALUES Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr Total

Core Behavior Statements Quarter No. of

Values 1 2 3 4 Days
Maka – Expresses one’s spiritual beliefs
Diyos while respecting the spiritual No. of
beliefs of others Present
Shows adherence to ethical
principles by upholding truth No. of
Maka-tao Is sensible to individual, social, Days
and cultural differences
Demonstrates contributions
towards solidarity
Maka- Cares for the environment and
kalikasan utilizes resources wisely,
judiciously, and economically
Makabansa Demonstrates pride in being a
Filipino; exercises the rights and
responsibilities of a Filipino
Demonstrates appropriate
behavior in carrying out activities
in the school and community. 1ST Quarter:______________________________

Marking Non – Numerical rating 2nd Quarter:______________________________

AO Always Observed
SO Sometimes Observed 3rd Quarter:______________________________
RO Rarely Observed
NO Not Observed 4th Quarter:______________________________
Annex 5. Individualized Education Plan (IEP)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
La Trinidad, District
Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet
(074) 422-0967


SY 2020 -2021

Pupil: ___ Autism DATE OF MEETING: _____
Sex: ___ Deaf/Blind DATE OF LAST IEP: _____
Birthdate: ___ Developmentally Delayed PURPOSE OF MEETING:
Grade: ___ Emotional Disturbance ____ Interim IEP
Student ID#: ___ Health Impairment ____ Initial IEP
Pupils’ Primary Language: ___ Hearing Impairment/Deaf ____ Annual IEP
Pupils’ English Proficiency Code (optonal): ___ Intellectual Disability ____IEP Following 3-Yr Reevaluation
Address: ___ Orthopedic Impairment ___Revision to IEP Date_______
Pupils’ Home Address: ___ Specific Learning Disability ___Exit/Graduation____________
Parents: ___ Speech/Language ___IEP Revision Without a Meeting:
Parent Phone: Impairment At the request of ________ Parent
Work: ___ Traumatic Brain Injury ___School/District
Mobile Phone/ Email: ___ Visual Impairment/Blind OTHER ADDENDUM MEETING
Language Spoken at Home: ___ Multiple Impairment IEP Services will begin: _________
Emergency Contact/Phone Number: Eligibility Date ___________ Anticipated Duration of Services ___
Current School: ANTICIPATED 3-YR IEP Review Date: ____


*Parent/Guardian/Surrogate: Speech/Language Therapist/Specialist:

Student’s name School Nurse:
*Special Education Teacher: Other (name and role):
*Regular Education Teacher: Other (name and role):
School Psychologist: Other (name and role):
*Required participation
**Student must be invited when transition is discussed (beginning at age 14 or younger if appropriate) The IEP team must
include at least one regular education teacher of the student (if the student is or may be participating in the regular education


____I have received a statement of procedural safeguards under the individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and
these rights have been explained to me in my primary language
Parent Signature: _________________________
___ Not Applicable (Student will not be 18 within one year
____The student has been informed of his/her rights under IDEA and advised of the transfer of rights at age 18

Distribution of Confidential Folder

____Parent/Guardian ___Special Education teacher __Case Manager ___Diagnostic Center


Consider results of the initial evaluation or most recent reevaluation, and the academic, developmental and functional needs of the student, which may include the following
areas: academic achievement, language/communication skills, social/emotional/behavior skills, cognitive abilities, health, motor skills, adaptive skills, pre-vocational skills,
vocational skills and other skills as appropriate. For students who are 16 or older, or will turn 16 when this IEP is in effect, also consider the results of age appropriate transition
assessments related to training/education, employment and independent living skills (as appropriate).


Psycho –
educational Area Standard Classification
Assessment Score
(Philippine Mental Non verbal/ Verbal 46 delayed
Health Association) Knowledge 47 Moderately
(PMHA) Non- verbal/Verbal Delayed
QUANTITATIVE 53 Moderately
Non- verbal/Verbal
VISUAL- SPATIAL 46 Moderately
Non- verbal/Verbal
Non- verbal/Verbal 50 Delayed
NON - VERBAL IQ 46 Mod. delayed
VERBAL IQ 49 Mod. Delayed
FULL SCALE IQ 41 Mod. Delayed







STATEMENT OF PUPIL’S PREFERENCES AND INTERESTS (required if transition services will be discussed, beginning at
age 14 or younger if appropriate)


1. Does the pupil’s behavior impede the pupil’s learning or the learning of others? ____No action needed ___Yes, addressed
in IEP
If yes, team must consider the use of positive behavioral interventions, support and other strategies, to address behavior.
2. Does the pupil have limited English proficiency? ____No action needed ____Yes, addressed in
If yes, team must consider language needs of the pupil as those needs relate to the pupil’s IEP.
3. Is the pupil blind or visually impaired? ____No action needed ___Yes, addressed in IEP
If yes, team must evaluate reading /writing needs& provide for instruction in Braille unless determined not appropriate for the
4. Is the pupil deaf or hard of hearing? ___No action needed ___Yes, addressed in IEP
If yes, team must consider communication needs.
5. Does the pupil require assistive technology devices and services? __No action needed ____Yes addressed in IEP
If yes, team must determine nature and extent of devices and services.

MEASURABLE ANNUAL GOAL (including how progress toward the annual goal will be PROGRESS REPORT
measured) 1. Satisfactory Progress being
1. ENGLISH 2. Unsatisfactory Progress being made
(need to
3. Goal met (note date)
Date Date Date Date


1st Semester

2nd Semester

MEASURABLE ANNUAL GOAL (including how progress toward the annual goal will be PROGRESS REPORT
measured) 1.Satisfactory Progress being made
2. MATHEMATICS (Continue)
2.Unsatisfactory Progress being made
(need to review/revise)
3.Goal met (note date)
Date Date Date Date


1st Semester

2nd Semester

MEASURABLE ANNUAL GOAL (including how progress toward the annual goal will be PROGRESS REPORT
measured) 1, Satisfactory Progress being made (Continue)
3. RECREATIONAL SKILLS 2. Unsatisfactory Progress being made (need to
3. Goal met (note date)
Date Date Date Date


1st Semester

2nd Semester


MEETING ANNUAL GOALS (Check all methods that will be used) ___ Quarterly ____ Semester
___ IEP Goals Pages Report Card ____ Parent Conferences ___ Trimester ____ Others


Includes aids, services and other supports provided in regular education classes or other education-related settings to enable participation with nondisabled students
(Describe below or select from supplemental “Modifications,
Accommodation and supports”




____School Health Services
____Recreation Therapy
_____Parent Counseling & Training
____School/Division Nurse


Does the pupil require extended School year services?

_______ No _________Yes If YES, IEP goals and benchmarks/short-term objectives and/or related services to be
implemented in ESY must be identified. If need for ESY is to be determined at a later date, indicate date by which IEP decision
will be made.



___Selected ____Rejected Self-contained program
___Selected ____Rejected Special School
Explain why IEP goals and objectives cannot be implemented in regular education environments, including the reasons why the
team rejected a less restrictive placement. Include an explanation of any harmful effects on the learning of this or other students
which affected the placement selection.


-----As the parent, I agree with the components of this IEP, I understand that its provisions will be implemented as soon as
possible after the IEP goes into effect
------ As the parent, I disagree will or part of this IEP. I understand that the School must provide me with written notice of any
intent to
implement this IEP. If I wish to prevent the implementation of this IEP, I must submit a written request for a due process hearing
to the school principal
Parent’s Signature:

Enclosure 3 to RM_____________________




1. Craft policy/guidelines for SPED/Inclusive Education.

2. Supervise/Monitor the implementation of the program.
3. Assess the program in the different Schools Division Offices.
4. Conduct Orientation of the policy/guideline to the Schools Division Offices
SPED Focal Persons.

Schools Division Offices

1. Supervise/Monitor the implementation of SPED/Inclusive Education Program.
2. Facilitate the orientation of the policy/guideline to the School Heads.
3. Assess the program in the different Districts/Schools.
4. Monitors the preparation of learning/instructional materials.

School Heads
1. Facilitate the Implementation of the policy/guidelines for SPED/Inclusive
2. Integrate Inclusive Education in the vision and mission of the schools and
includes in the School Improvement Plan.
3. Facilitate the preparation and administration of assessment/identification of
learners and learning/instructional materials.
4. School Heads in SPED Centers give technical assistance to School Heads in the
regular school’s relative to inclusive education practices.
5. School Heads in the regular schools welcome the idea of inclusive education
and seek the assistance of SPED Center personnel.
6. Conduct meeting to monitor the implementation of the SPED/Inclusive
7. Conduct orientation during PTCA meeting.
8. Supervise, provide Technical Assistance as regards the implementation of the

SPED Teachers
1. Welcome and assist regular teachers who seek information on inclusive
education, curriculum, teaching strategies, and learning materials.
2. Accept a broader role as consultant in inclusive education and SPED in
3. Share expertise on inclusive education when needed.
4. Assist regular teachers on the grading mechanism using descriptive/anecdotal
records checklist and in accomplishing the Individualized Education Plan (IEP).
5. Provide continuing support to inclusive education.
6. Prepare learning/instructional materials
7. Allow flexibility in the following:
 Communication with parents
 Submission of learner’s output
 Giving of additional instructions/reminders to parents thru SMS or call,
messenger, email, etc.
8. Facilitate the development of appropriate interactions and social relations to
learners and parents.
9. Support the school plans in the smooth delivery of lessons/education to the

Regular Teachers
1. Welcome the idea of inclusive education
2. Support school plans for inclusive education, smooth delivery of
lessons/education to the learners
3. Establish a wholesome relationship with SPED Teachers
4. Prepare learning/instructional materials and Individualized Education Plan
5. Facilitate the implementation of inclusive education.
6. Allow flexibility in the following:
 Communication with parents
 Submission of learner’s output
 Giving of additional instructions/reminders to parents thru SMS or call,
messenger, email, etc.
7. Facilitate the development of appropriate interactions and social relations to
learners and parents.

1. Welcome the idea of the “new normal” in the administration of
assessment/identification of learners and delivery of lessons of their children.
2. Support the school and teachers’ plans in the administration of
assessment/identification of learners and delivery of learning/tasks.
3. Maintain good relationship and open communication with the teachers.
4. Assist/Follow - up children in the completion of their tasks.
5. Attend PTCA/Homeroom meetings and orientation.

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