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Jpmap Consti by Laws

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Junior People Management Association of the Philippines

Constitution and By-Laws

Preamble WE, young college students and graduates, imploring the aid of the Divine Providence, desirous of developing our potentials in the practice of Human Resource Management, bind ourselves together in the spirit of friendship and harmony; adopt to ourselves and undertakings the values of respect, integrity, social responsibility, interdependence, and excellence, do ordain and promulgate this Constitution and By-laws. Article I. Name, Logo, and Office Section 1. Name. The association shall be known as the Junior People Management Association of the Philippines. Formerly Junior Personnel Management Association of the Philippines. Its initials shall be JPMAP. Section 2. Logo. a.) The official logo of the JPMAP shall be the triangular logo of the People Management Association of the Philippines (PMAP) with the inscription of the word JUNIOR below. Its colors shall be yellow and blue respectively. The logo shall also include a torch having five flames and embodied therein the founding year of the association. b) The adoption of the PMAP logo symbolizes the supervision of PMAP to the association. The inscription of the word JUNIOR signifies the distinction of the association as the youth organization of PMAP. The five flames symbolize the five core values of the association namely the values of Respect, Interdependence, Social Responsibility, Integrity, and Excellence, which every member must imbibe and practice. Section 3. Office. The JPMAP shall have its principal office in the PMAP Headquarters in Metro Manila, Philippines. Article II. Declaration of Purpose and Objectives

Section 1. To serve as a center for cooperation, collaboration and exchange of information among young college students and graduates on matters relating to Human Resource Management thereby assisting in the development of a nucleus of truly professional HRM practitioners; Section 2. To prepare members in developing and attaining professional competence as they enter the business world through their acquaintance with the prospect and future in human resource management; Section 3. To assist in the development of a strong and effective linkage between the academe and the business world; Section 4. To foster the highest standard of personal integrity by adhering to the code of ethics of JPMAP; and Section 5. To cultivate among members a strong sense of social responsibility in order to contribute effectively to the building of a humane world where everyone has equal opportunities to improve his quality of life. Article III. Membership Section 1. Membership in the JPMAP is voluntary and shall be open to all college students and graduates, who are interested in the field of Human Resource Management. Section 2. Classes of Membership. The JPMAP shall have the following classes of members:

a.) Academic Members - all duly recognized and accredited college or university of
the JPMAP, to be represented by its designated regular representative; b.) Regular Members - students whose college or university is an academic member of the JPMAP; c.) Associate Members - students whose college or university is not a duly recognized and accredited school of the JPMAP; d.) Chapter Members - all duly recognized and accredited chapters of the JPMAP, as represented by its President; and e.) Individual Members - graduates of the JPMAP who have shown interest in joining the association and deemed to be representing no school. Section 3. Application for Membership. a.) In case of academic membership, any college or university may be admitted to the association upon submission of a letter of intent to the Membership Committee. Upon its approval, duly authorized representatives of the JPMAP, PMAP, and the school concerned shall enter into a memorandum of agreement (MOA). The new member school shall then designate one (1) regular representative, who will represent the school in the association.

b.) For regular membership, students of duly recognized and accredited school of the JPMAP shall submit their application for membership to their respective Membership Committee representatives. c.) In case of associate and individual membership, interested applicants shall submit their application directly to the Membership Committee. Section 4. Admission. Date of admission to membership in the JPMAP shall be the date of approval of the application by the Board of Directors as recommended by the Membership Committee and payment of the corresponding membership fee. Upon such approval, the new member shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges granted by the association, and shall be charged with all the duties and obligations of all members. Section 5. Membership Fee. All regular, associate, and individual members shall pay a membership fee in the amount as may be set by the Board of Directors and shall be immediately payable to the JPMAP upon notice to the applicants admission to membership. This membership fee is non-reimbursable in the event of loss of membership. Section 6. The Board of Directors may increase or decrease the membership fee without the necessity of amending this Constitution and By-Laws. Section 7. Duties and Obligations of Members. All members of whatever classification shall have the following duties and obligations: a.) To imbibe and practice the five core values of the association, uphold the Creed and Code of Ethics of the JPMAP, and to observe all the policies that the JPMAP shall promulgate; b.) To promote the purposes and objectives of the JPMAP and to refrain from undertaking any action, whether verbal, written or otherwise derogatory or inimical to the reputation, image or integrity of the association; c.) To maintain his membership in good standing by complying with all the rules, regulations, or directives of the JPMAP; d.) To support the activities of the association; e.) To vote on any matter referred to him/her, whenever voting is necessary for any action that the association shall take; and f.) To pay other assessments within the prescribed period. Section 8. Rights and Privileges. a.) All academic members shall have the right to vote in every annual and special meetings of the association, in which they shall be entitled to one (1) vote only. b.) All regular, associate, and individual members shall have the right to vote only on matters referred to them. c.) Only the duly authorized regular representatives shall have the right to run for membership in the Board of Directors, subject to such limitations as may be set by the Electoral Committee.

d.) All members of whatever classification can avail of the benefits, privileges, and services of the JPMAP that it offers to its members. e.) All members shall enjoy other rights and privileges that the JPMAP may determine and those that PMAP may grant. Section 9. Renewal of Membership. In case of academic members, the terms and conditions of their membership shall be set forth in their corresponding Memorandum of Agreement entered into pursuant to Section 3, paragraph (a) of this Constitution and By-laws. In case of regular, associate, and individual members, their membership in the association shall be for one (1) year only, unless renewed annually or otherwise provided by the Board of Directors. In the case of graduating members, their membership will be automatically extended for one (1) year next following their graduation, unless otherwise provided by the Board of Directors for a justifiable cause. Renewal of membership may be declined by the association based on the same grounds stated hereafter under Section 13 of this Article and for other justifiable grounds. Section 10. Renewal Fee. A renewal fee shall be set by the Board of Directors and shall be immediately payable to the JPMAP upon notice to the applicants admission to membership, which shall be non-reimbursable in the event of loss of membership. Section 11. The Board of Directors may likewise increase or decrease the said fee without the necessity of amending this Constitution and By-Laws, but in no case shall it be more than the amount of the existing membership fee. Section 12. Suspension. The Board of Directors shall have the sole power to suspend any member for cause after due notice and hearing. Any member suspended from the JPMAP for cause is deemed to have forfeited all rights and privileges granted by the association, until suspension has been lifted upon such grounds as the Board of Directors may determine. Section 13. Loss of Membership. Membership in the JPMAP shall be lost for cause, but not limited to the following grounds, except academic members, upon confirmation of the Board of Directors by a majority vote of all its members: a.) Culpable violation of this Constitution and By-laws. b.) Criminal conviction. Final conviction from penal laws and statutes carrying a penalty of at least arresto mayor. c.) Misconduct. Any member who has undertaken any action, whether verbal, written or otherwise derogatory or inimical to the reputation, image or integrity of the association. d.) Non-payment of dues and other assessments. Non-payment of dues and other assessments within thirty (30) days upon receipt of notice thereof. e.) Disinterest. Any member who unreasonably refuse to support the activities of the association.

f.) Voluntary resignation. Any member who has expressed his/her intention in g.) Compulsory resignation. Any member who has incurred three suspensions. h.) Non-renewal of membership. For regular, associate, and individual members,
failure to renew their membership during the prescribed period. In case of academic members, loss of membership shall provided in the Memorandum of Agreement hereby entered into between the parties concerned. Section 14. Reinstatement. Membership lost under the above grounds may be reinstated upon prior application and approval by the Board of Directors under such terms and conditions as it may impose. Section 15. Since membership in the JPMAP is voluntary, each member agrees that no cause of action exists against the association as a result of or arising from loss of membership or suspension therefrom, unless exercised with grave abuse of discretion. Upon the filing of an application for membership, the same carries with it the acknowledgment that the applicant/member recognizes the authority of the Board of Directors to determine continuance or maintenance of membership in the JPMAP. Article IV. Membership Meetings Section 1. Annual Meetings. The annual membership meeting of the JPMAP shall be held on the last Saturday of March of each year at such time and place as the Board of Directors may determine. The Board may designate a different date for a justifiable reason, but not later than April 30 of that calendar year. At such Annual Meetings, the regular order of business shall be as follows: 1.) Declaration of a Quorum 2.) Motion to Convene 3.) Call to Order 4.) Reading of the Minutes of the last Annual Meeting 5.) Report of the President 6.) Reports of the Standing and Special Committees 7.) Financial Report of the Treasurer 8.) Election of Directors 9.) Unfinished Business 10.) New Business 11.) Motion to Adjourn 12.) Call to Adjournment Section 2. General Membership Meetings. Regular meetings of the general membership shall be held on the last Sundays of July and November of each year, writing to withdraw his/her membership.

at such time and place as the Board of Directors may determine. The Board may likewise designate a different date for a justifiable reason. The regular order of business shall be provided hereafter by the Board. Section 3. Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called by the President from time to time as he/she may deem necessary, or by a request of the majority of the members of the Board of Directors, or the majority of regular representatives, or the majority of the regular and associate members. Section 4. Common Provisions Governing Membership Meetings:

a.) Notice of Meetings. The Secretary of the JPMAP shall inform the members of all
meetings at least seven (7) days before the date set for such meetings together with the agenda specifying the business to be transacted during such meetings.

b.) Order of Business. The order of business during Annual Meetings and General
Membership Meetings shall be in accordance to the provisions set forth in this Article. In case of Special Meetings, the order of business shall be based on the agenda circulated with the notice of such meetings. Any business not included in the notice of any meeting shall be transacted only upon approval of the majority of all those present.

c.) Voting. Each regular representative and individual members of the JPMAP in
good standing shall be entitled to one (1) vote. Only on matters referred by the Board of Directors to members not usually entitled to vote, they shall likewise be entitled to one (1) vote.

d.) Quorum. A majority of all Regular representatives of JPMAP in good standing

shall constitute a quorum at all Annual and General Membership Meetings. If after three (3) consecutive calls for any meeting no quorum has been obtained, the regular representatives in good standing present in the next meeting, whatever their number, shall constitute a quorum.

e.) Regular, Associate, and Individual Members. All regular, associate, and
individual members shall be invited to open meetings of the JPMAP. Open meetings are those where deliberations may take place. The Board of Directors shall determine the appropriate number of said members in proportion to their respective population. The Secretary shall include in his/her notice of meetings, if a meeting is confined to regular representatives only. Article V. Board of Directors Section 1. Composition and Term. The Board of Directors shall be composed of nine (9) members elected in the manner prescribed by this Constitution and By-Laws and shall serve for one (1) year, to begin on June 1 next following their election and shall end at the same date one year thereafter; or until their successors are duly elected and qualified, unless sooner removed. The immediate past President of the JPMAP may participate in the deliberations of the Board of Directors in an ex-officio and non-voting capacity. His/her participation shall be for one (1) year only.

Section 2. Powers. The property, assets, business and affairs of the JPMAP shall be managed and controlled by the Board of Directors. It shall be responsible in all matters regarding the decision and policy making of the association. The Board shall exercise such other powers and discretion as may be provided in this Constitution and By-laws and those incidental thereto. Section 3. Election. The members of the Board of Directors shall be elected by the general membership during the Annual Meetings of the association to be conducted by the Electoral Committee. After the proclamation of the winning candidates, the duly elected members of the Board shall elect from among themselves a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Public Relations Officer. In electing the members of the Board of Directors, each regular representative shall be entitled to one (1) vote only. No two members of the Board shall come from one academic member. Section 4. Electoral Committee. There shall be an ad hoc Electoral Committee that will supervise the conduct of the elections of the Board of Directors to be created at least thirty (30) days before the next Annual Meeting. The primary responsibility of the committee is to assure that the election is clean and orderly and devoid of partisan politics. A. The duties and responsibilities of the Electoral Committee shall be as follows: 1.) To prescribe rules and regulations regarding the conduct of national and chapter elections in accordance with this Constitution and By-laws. It shall not have the power to change in any way the qualifications and disqualifications of directors herein prescribed; 2.) To screen the qualifications of candidates in accordance with this Constitution and By-laws and cause a notice of the names of the qualified candidates; 3.) To conduct the election proper and canvass the votes; 4.) To hear and rule on protests; and 5.) To proclaim the winners. B. The Electoral Committee shall be composed one (1) representative from each academic member and associate member school, and three (3) individual members, provided that the appointee possesses the qualifications and none of the disqualifications as hereunder enumerated: 1.) He/she must not be a candidate in the upcoming elections; 2.) He/she must be a member in good standing, without having been suspended by the Board of Directors for a cause; 3.) The member must not be related to the candidates within the fifth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity; and 4.) He/she is not an officer or incumbent member of the Board of Directors. Section 5. Meetings. The Board of Directors shall meet regularly at least once a month at such time and place it may determine. Aside from the regular monthly meetings, special meetings of the Board may be called by the President or at the request of at least five (5) members of the Board.

Section 6. Quorum. A majority of all the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for any regular or special meeting. Section 7. Disqualification. No individual shall be qualified for election to the Board of Directors for more than two (2) terms, whether consecutive or otherwise. No Director shall be qualified for re-election if he/she has failed to attend three or more regular meetings of the Board during his/her term. Section 8. Resignation. Any member of the Board of Directors who has expressed his/her intention in writing to withdraw his/her membership in the Board shall retain his/her initial membership status prior to his/her election therein. Section 9. Vacancies. Any vacancy in the Board of Directors caused by death, disability, resignation, or removal of any Director shall be filled by the Board within fifteen (15) days by way of an election during a special meeting called for that purpose. Appointment shall only take place, if the vacancy occurs three (3) months before the term ends. Article VI. Officers Section 1. Composition. The officers of the Board of Directors shall be composed of the President, Vice- President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Public Relations Officer, subject to the provision of Section 3, Article V of this Constitution and By-laws. Their duties and responsibilities are as follows: A. President To have direct supervision of all undertakings of the Board of Directors; To convene as appropriate and preside over all meetings of the Board of Directors and of the General Membership; To provide guidance and leadership in the development and implementation of policies, plans and programs for the accomplishments of the objectives of the JPMAP; To issue circulars or memoranda in connection with the discharge of his/her duties and responsibilities; To be responsible to the Board of Directors for the active management of all existing committees; To represent JPMAP in official and social functions and in this regard to maintain its position and reputation; To sign contracts, job orders, vouchers, checks, correspondence and other documents of the JPMAP, subject to such limitations as the Board of Directors may impose; and To exercise general supervision over such appointees and cause their discipline and/or removal as appropriate, subject to the approval of the Board. B. Vice President To assist the President in the latters administrative functions;

To perform the duties of the President in the event of death, inability, sickness, absence, or temporary disability of the former; and To supervise all undertakings of such committee/s as may be delegated to him/her by the President.

C. Secretary To attend all meetings and record the proceedings of the Board of Directors and the General Membership; To be responsible for serving all notices of scheduled meetings to all people concerned; To assist the President during official and social functions with his/her undertakings; To prepare and attest all written contracts, correspondences, and other documents to which the JPMAP shall be a party involved; To be responsible for the safe-keeping of records, documents and other related materials of the JPMAP; and To supervise all undertakings of such committee/s as may be delegated to him/her by the President. D. Treasurer To be the official custodian of JPMAP funds in such bank or banks as may be approved by the Board of Directors; To keep a book of accounts showing all financial reports to the Board of Directors to be submitted on the regular meeting of the Board and annually to the members, an account of such transactions as well as the financial condition of the JPMAP; To countersign such document relating to financial matters; and To supervise all undertakings of such committee/s as may be delegated to him/her by the President. E. Public Relations Officer To coordinate activities outside the Board of Directors in line with the objectives of the JPMAP, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors; To assist in the promotion of all JPMAP activities; and To supervise all undertakings of such committees as may be delegated to him/her by the President. Section 2. Committees. The Board of Directors shall have the power to create standing and/or ad hoc committees as in its judgment will advance the interest of the JPMAP, or as required by this Constitution and By-laws. In case of standing committees, all academic members of the JPMAP shall be entitled to a representation thereof. Associate and individual members may likewise join such committees. The Board shall hereafter provide for the implementing guidelines in connection with their establishment, operations, and accountability. Article VII. Accountability


Section 1. The members of the Board of Directors must at all times be accountable to the general membership, serve them with utmost responsibility, integrity, and efficiency. They may be removed from office by impeachment in the manner strictly provided herein. Section 2. Grounds. Any member of the Board of Directors may be impeached from office for the following reasons: a.) Culpable violation of this Constitution and By-laws; b.) Criminal conviction. Final conviction from penal laws and statutes carrying a penalty of at least arresto mayor; c.) Seven (7) absences during his/her term; d.) Malversation of funds; e.) Serious misconduct; f.) Neglect to perform ones duty; g.) Tardiness; and h.) Gross inefficiency. Section 3. Procedure. Any member in good standing may file a formal complaint stating the facts and the grounds thereof with the Membership Committee. Within seven (7) days after the filing of the complaint, an ad hoc Grievance Committee shall be created to initiate the proceedings for impeachment. Such committee shall be composed of one (1) representative from each academic member school and associate member school, three (3) individual members, and the Chief Councilor, who shall act as Chairman thereof. It shall have the power to recommend to the Board of Directors the continuity of the impeachment proceedings by a 2/3 vote of all its members within (21) days after the receipt of such complaint, provided that due process has been served. Upon receipt of the recommendation for impeachment, the Board of Directors shall act on the matter within seven (7) days. No Director shall be subject to impeachment for more than once during his term of office. Also, no impeachment proceeding shall take place within two (2) months from the assumption of office or two (2) months immediately preceding the next Annual Meeting. Article VIII. Council of Directorial Advisers Section 1. Composition and Function. There shall be a Council of Directorial Advisers composed of all past Directors of the JPMAP, unless otherwise provided. The Council shall be advisory and consultative in nature. It shall provide policy guidance, advice, and counsel to the Board of Directors in the performance of its duties, and perform such other functions as may be provided for by this Constitution and Bylaws. Section 2. Organization. The members of the Council shall organize themselves into a collegial body and no individual member shall have any power or prerogative separately as such. They shall choose among themselves a Chief Councilor, who shall sit as an ex-officio non-voting member of the Board of Directors, a Vice-Chief Councilor, and a Council Secretary.


Section 3. Meetings. The Council of Directorial Advisers shall meet periodically, and in no case less often than once every six months, for the purpose of undertaking a general review of the operations of the JPMAP. Section 4. The Board of Directors may hereafter provide other related provisions that will further enhance the establishment of the Council, without the necessity of amending this Constitution and By-laws and only after prior consultation with the existing members of the Council. Article IX. Chapters Section 1. General Provisions. Pursuant to the purposes and objectives of the association, the JPMAP shall promote and encourage the establishment of chapters in the Philippines. A chapter is a local association outside Metro Manila duly recognized by the JPMAP, which may consist of at least one (1) college or university within the locality concerned. Section 2. Nature and Purpose. As chapter organizations they shall conduct their affairs in accordance with the following guidelines: a) Their purpose and objectives shall be in conformity with that of the JPMAP; b) They may establish their own administrative policies, rules and regulations as they deem appropriate, provided these are not in conflict with the interests of the JPMAP; c) The shall identify themselves as JPMAP chapters, clearly stating their corresponding area; and d) They shall participate in activities of the JPMAP whenever their participation is to be the best interest of the association as a whole. Section 3. Application for Membership. Associations that are interested to acquire chapter membership shall comply with the following requirements: a) Letter of intent indicating their willingness to comply with the conditions laid down in this Constitution and By-laws; b) Their proposed Articles of Incorporation; c) They should submit a list of their officers and members; and d) Each academic member shall have at least thirty (30) regular members. Application for chapter membership must be duly approved by the Board of Directors. Upon approval of their application, each chapter shall enjoy all the rights and privileges granted by the JPMAP, and fulfill all the obligations of a chapter member. Section 4. Each chapter shall have its own rules and regulations to govern the conduct of its operations and of its members, provided they are not in conflict with the provisions of this Constitution and By-laws, purposes and objectives, and interests of the JPMAP. The same shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.


Section 5. Each chapter shall have its PMAP Chapter Moderator to assist and guide its officers and members in carrying out the objectives of the association. Section 6. Each chapter may sponsor any undertaking without the prior approval of the Board of Directors of the JPMAP as long as it does not run counter to the purposes and objectives of the association. Section 7. The same provision for loss of membership in Article III, section 13 shall also apply to the chapters. The Board may approve to reinstate membership that has been cancelled or suspended in accordance with the prescribed rules and regulations. Article X. Fiscal Provisions Section 1. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the JPMAP shall be from June 01 of the present year to May 31 of the following year. Section 2. Inspection. The books, accounts, and records of the JPMAP shall be open for inspection by any member of the Board of Directors at all times. Any member of the association in good standing may inspect said books, accounts and records during office hours on any business day. Section 3. Funds and Other Assets. All funds, money, and securities owned and held by or otherwise under the custody of the JPMAP shall be deposited in such bank or banks as may be duly designated by the Board of Directors. All disbursements and withdrawal from the JPMAP funds shall be affected through drafts, checks, notes, and any other form of commercial papers to be signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by the President or such other signatories as may be designated and authorized by the Board. Any expenditures, disbursements or withdrawal shall be made only with the prior approval of the Board. Section 4. Appropriations. The annual appropriations of the association shall begin in May until the first week of June during a meeting duly called for that purpose. The said meeting shall be attended by the newly elected members of the Board of Directors. Section 5. Dissolution. In the event of dissolution of the JPMAP, the remaining assets after payment of its liabilities, shall be disposed of and turned over to any non-profit foundation, to be selected by the Board of Directors. Article XI. Amendments and Revision Section 1. Procedure. Any amendments to, or revision of, this Constitution and ByLaws may be proposed in writing by any member in good standing during an annual, or special meeting duly called for that purpose, with the concurrence of the majority vote of all regular representatives.


Within fourteen (14) days after the approval of such proposal, an ad hoc Constitutional Committee shall be created by the Board of Directors to be composed of the Chief Councilor, who shall act as Chairman, two (2) representatives from each academic and associate member school, and three (3) individual members. Within thirty (30) days, it will draft the proposed amendment or a new JPMAP Constitution and By-laws, as the case may be; such period may be extended for another thirty (30) days, but in no case shall the extension exceed forty-five (45) days. The final draft shall be approved with the concurrence of the 2/3 vote of all the members of the Constitutional Committee. Section 2. Notice. Notice of proposed amendment to or revision of this Constitution and By-Laws shall be sent out to the general membership at least fifteen (15) days prior to the next scheduled meeting. Section 3. Effectivity. Any amendment to, or revision of, this Constitution and Bylaws under Section 1 hereof shall be valid when ratified by a majority vote of all academic members and members of the general membership who are present, voting separately, in a plebiscite duly called for the purpose. Section 4. Construction. Upon all questions of construction regarding the provisions of this Constitution and By-Laws, the decision of the Board of Directors shall control, only after prior consultation with the Council of Directorial Advisers. Section 5. No amendment or revision shall take place within three (3) years following the ratification of this Constitution and By-laws. Article XII. Transitory Provisions Section 1. All existing policies of the association not inconsistent with this Constitution and By-laws shall remain operative, until amended or repealed. Section 2. In case there shall be legal impossibilities as to the requirements mandated in this Constitution and By-laws, the Board of Directors shall resolve the same through a 2/3 vote of all its members, who are present during the deliberations thereof. Section 3. The incumbent members of the existing standing committees of the association shall maintain their membership therein for another year, next following the ratification of this Constitution and By-laws, unless otherwise provided.

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