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Weapon Arts DND 5e

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Weapon arts allow warriors to perform special techniques with weapons they are proficient with. Each use costs a number of uses equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.

Club's Reckless Swing adds damage but also increases damage taken. Dagger's Quickstep allows movement. Mace's Denting Blow damages armor. Quarterstaff's Sweeping Attack hits additional targets.

Barbarians, Fighters, Monks and Rogues gain more uses at certain levels. Battle Masters can add Superiority Dice. Berserkers can use them unlimited during frenzy.

Weapon Arts

Different weapons have different properties; skilled warriors can leverage these properties to
perform special techniques known as Weapon Arts. You can perform the Weapon Art for any weapon
you are proficient with up to a total number times equal to your proficiency bonus; you regain spent
uses after completing a long rest. The DC for saving throws against Weapon Arts is 8 + your proficiency
bonus + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice).

Variant Weapons

Some weapons are very similar to other weapons. They may have specialized uses or other
variable properties but, overall, they have more in common than not. These are called variant weapons.
If you are proficient with a certain kind of weapon, you are also proficient with that weapon’s variants.
Common variants of some weapons, along with their differences, are listed below.

Weapon Damage & Weapon Art Variants

Club 1d4 bludgeoning, Reckless Swing – You forego defense to deliver a more powerful --
light blow. You may add +5 to your attack and damage roll for one
attack, but attacks made against you have the same bonus until
the start of your next turn. You may only use this Weapon Art
once per turn.
Dagger 1d4 piercing, Quickstep – You maneuver around your foes in close quarters. Parrying dagger
finesse, light, When you make a melee attack against a creature of size large or – Weapon Art:
thrown (20/60) smaller with this weapon, you may move through the space Parry
occupied by that creature as though it were normal terrain.
Greatclub 1d8 bludgeoning, Reckless Swing – You forego defense to deliver a more powerful --
two-handed blow. You may add +5 to your attack and damage roll for one
attack, but attacks made against you have the same bonus until
the start of your next turn. You may only use this Weapon Art
once per turn.
Handaxe 1d6 slashing, Hurl – You throw your weapon with great force, knocking away --
light, foes’ shields. When you throw this weapon at a creature blocking
thrown (20/60) with a shield, you may force that creature to make a Strength
saving throw. On a failed save, the creature loses the AC bonus
from its shield for the remainder of the round. This attack does
not need to hit the creature.
Light 1d4 bludgeoning, Hurl – You throw your weapon with great force, knocking away --
Hammer light, foes’ shields. When you throw this weapon at a creature blocking
thrown (20/60) with a shield, you may force that creature to make a Strength
saving throw. On a failed save, the creature loses the AC bonus
from its shield for the remainder of the round. This attack does
not need to hit the creature.
Mace 1d6 bludgeoning Denting Blow – Armor crumples under the force of your strikes. --
When you hit a creature with this weapon, you may damage its
armor if it is wearing any, giving it a -1 penalty to its AC.
Quarterstaff 1d6 bludgeoning, Sweeping Attack – You swing your weapon in a wide arc, hitting --
versatile (1d8) an additional foe. When you hit a creature with this weapon, you
may target an additional creature within 5 ft of the first within
your reach. If the original attack roll would hit that creature, it
takes damage equal to half of the damage dealt to the first
Shield, 1d4 bludgeoning Block – As an action, raise your shield to defend yourself. Until --
medium the start of your net turn, you gain +2 AC. You lose this bonus if
you take any other action, you lose your shield for any reason, or
you are stunned, charmed, or knocked prone.
Sickle 1d4 slashing, Quickstep – You maneuver around your foes in close quarters. --
light When you make a melee attack against a creature of size Large or
smaller with this weapon, you may move through the space
occupied by that creature as though it were normal terrain.
Spear 1d6 piercing, Lunge – You maximize this weapon’s reach to attack from afar. Javelin –
versatile (1d8), When you make a melee attack with this weapon, you may Thrown
thrown (20/60) increase its reach by 5 feet. (30/120)


Crossbow, 1d8 piercing, Called Shot – You display your prowess by making a difficult shot. --
light ammunition You may choose an available target on a creature you attack,
(80/320), taking a penalty to your attack roll. If the attack is successful, it
loading, two- has a bonus effect. See the Called Shot table for details.
Dart 1d4 piercing, Steady Hand – You tighten your focus to improve your aim. You --
finesse, thrown may extend the normal range of this weapon to 40 feet for one
(20/60) attack. You may only perform this Weapon Art if you have not yet
moved on your turn.
Shortbow 1d6 piercing, Parting Shot – You swiftly loose an arrow while in motion. When --
ammunition you use the Dash action, you may attack with this weapon as a
(80/320), two- Bonus Action. The range for this attack is 40/120.
Sling 1d4 bludgeoning, Resourcefulness – You quickly scan the area to find suitable --
ammunition ammunition. You may search for ammunition for this weapon as
(30/120) a Bonus Action.


Battleaxe 1d8 slashing, Charge – You fearlessly charge into the heat of battle. When you --
versatile (1d10) use the Dash action, you may attack with this weapon as a Bonus
Action. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls on this
attack for every 5 feet travelled in a straight line immediately
before attacking.
Flail 1d8 bludgeoning Crippling Blow – Your strikes can break bones even through Morningstar —
heavy armor. When you hit a creature with this weapon, you may 1d8 piercing
force that creature to make a Constitution saving throw. On a
failed save, the creature’s movement speed is halved and it has
disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws for 1 hour.
Greataxe 1d12 slashing, Headsman – Your mighty swings are a death sentence for your --
heavy, two- foes. When you hit a creature with an attack with advantage, you
handed may deal critical damage to that creature, regardless of the actual
Greatsword 2d6 slashing, Staggering Blow – You utilize the weight and leverage of this --
heavy, two- weapon to destabilize foes. When you attack a creature of Large
handed size or smaller with this weapon, you may force that creature to
make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is
knocked prone.
Lance 1d12 piercing, Charge – You fearlessly charge into the heat of battle. When you --
reach, special use the Dash action, you may attack with this weapon as a Bonus
Action. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls on this
attack for every 5 feet travelled in a straight line immediately
before attacking.
Longsword 1d8 slashing, Disarm – You skillfully wrest your foe’s weapon from their grasp. Estoc –
versatile (1d10) When you hit a creature with this weapon, you may force that 1d8 piercing,
creature to make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the Weapon Art:
creature drops the item of your choice that it is holding. Half-sword
Maul 2d6 bludgeoning, Shield Breaker – You shatter your foe’s defenses with fierce --
heavy, two- strikes. When you hit a creature that is wielding a shield, you may
handed choose to destroy its shield rather than deal damage.
Pike 1d10 piercing, Hold the Line – You use your reach to stifle your foe’s advance. --
heavy, reach, When a creature moves into your reach, you may use your
two-handed reaction to attack it. If you have not moved more than 10 ft. this
round, this attack has advantage.
Polearm 1d10 slashing, Sweeping Attack – You swing your weapon in a wide arc, hitting --
heavy, reach, an additional foe. When you hit a creature with this weapon, you
two-handed may target an additional creature within 5 ft of the first within
your reach. If the original attack roll would hit that creature, it
takes damage equal to half of the damage dealt to the first
Rapier 1d8 piercing, Riposte – You exploit your foe’s mistakes and retaliate with Smallsword –
finesse precision. When an enemy within your reach misses you with an Weapon Art:
attack, you may use your Reaction to attack that creature. Lunge
Scimitar 1d6 slashing, Spin Slash – Skillfully spin through a failed attack to strike again. Shotel –
finesse, light When you miss an attack with this weapon, you may use your Weapon Art:
Bonus Action to add 1d6 to that roll. This is not counted as a Disarm
separate attack.
Shield, large 1d4 bludgeoning, Block – As an action, raise your shield to defend yourself. Until Dueling Shield –
heavy the start of your net turn, you gain +5 AC. You lose this bonus if 1d8 piercing,
you take any other action, you lose your shield for any reason, or two-handed
you are stunned, charmed, or knocked prone.
Shield, small 1d4 bludgeoning, Parry – You intercept and deflect incoming attacks. When a --
light creature makes a melee attack against you, you may use your
reaction to give that attack disadvantage. You must do this before
the attack is rolled.
Shortsword 1d6 piercing, Half-sword – You skillfully grip the sword’s blade to deliver a --
finesse, light more precise attack. When you attack with this weapon, you may
add your ability modifier to the attack roll an additional time. If
you do, this weapon deals 1d8 thrusting damage. This Weapon
Art can only be performed with two hands.
Trident 1d6 piercing, Daring Leap – You spring into battle with courage and bravado. If --
thrown (20/60), you jump a distance of at least 10 feet immediately before
versatile (1d8) attacking with this weapon, you may deal an extra 1d8 damage
with that attack.
Warhamme 1d8 bludgeoning, Pushing Attack – Your heavy swings send foes reeling. When you War pick –
r versatile (1d10) hit a creature of size Large or smaller with this weapon, you may 1d8 piercing
force that creature to make a Strength saving throw. On a failed
save, you push the target up to 15 feet away from you.
Whip 1d4 slashing, Goad – This weapon’s sting drives foes into a frenzy. When you --
finesse, reach hit a creature with this weapon, you may force that creature to
make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature has
disadvantage on attack rolls against creatures other than you
until the end of your next turn.


Blowgun 1 piercing, Subtlety – You attack without alerting your foes of your presence. --
ammunition While you are hidden, you may attack without giving away your
(25/100), loading position.
Crossbow, 1d6 piercing, Called Shot – You display your prowess by making a difficult shot. --
hand ammunition You may choose an available target on a creature you attack,
(30/120), light, taking a penalty to your attack roll. If the attack is successful, it has
loading a bonus effect. See the Called Shot table for details.
Crossbow, 1d10 piercing, Suppress – You control the battlefield with your deadly aim. When --
heavy ammunition a creature triggers an attack you readied on your turn, you may
(100/400), heavy, attack with advantage. If the attack hits, the creature’s movement
loading, two- speed is reduced to 0.
Longbow 1d8 piercing, Called Shot – You display your prowess by making a difficult shot. --
ammunition You may choose an available target on a creature you attack,
(150/600), heavy, taking a penalty to your attack roll. If the attack is successful, it has
two-handed a bonus effect. See the Called Shot table for details.
Net Special, thrown Ensnare – You throw yourself onto your quarry. You may use this --
(5/15) weapon to attempt a melee grapple. If you do, it has advantage.

Called Shot Table

Target Penalty Bonus Effect on Hit
Head Disadvantage Attack deals critical damage regardless of the roll.
Arm -5 Creature drops anything it is carrying with that arm. For 1 hour, attacks the creature makes
with that arm have disadvantage.
Leg -5 For 1 hour, the creature’s speed is halved and it has disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws.
Additional Notes

Fully martial classes (Barbarians, Fighters, Monks, and Rogues) gain more Weapon Art uses as
they level up: Barbarians at 3rd, 6th, 10th, and 14th level; Fighters at 3rd, 7th, 10th, 15th, and 18th level; Monks
at 3rd, 6th, 11th, and 17th level; and Rogues at 3rd, 9th, 13th, and 17th level.

Starting at 3rd level, the Battle Master may spend a Superiority Die to add it to attack or damage
rolls when using a Weapon Art.

Starting at 3rd level, when the Berserker goes into a frenzy, they may use Weapon Arts an
unlimited number of times.

Starting at 6th level, the Kensei may spend a ki point to add a Martial Arts Die to attack or
damage rolls when using a Weapon Art with a Kensei weapon. This replaces the effect of their Deft
Strike feature.

Because shields are now three different weapons, proficiency with shields now follows weapon
proficiency with the following addenda:

 Bards are not proficient with shields of any kind.

 Druids are proficient with large and medium shields, provided they are made of wood.
 Monks are not proficient with shields of any kind.
 Rogues are not proficient with medium shields, but they are proficient with small
 Warlocks are not proficient with shields of any kind.

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