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ICSE Class 10 Chemistry Previous Year Question Paper 2010

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ICSE Class 10 Chemistry Previous Year Question

Paper 2010
Science Paper – 2

Time: 1½ hrs Total Marks: 80

General Instructions:
1. Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately.
2. You will NOT be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in
reading the question paper.
The time given at the head of t h i s paper is the time allowed for writing the
This question paper is divided into two sections.
3. Section I contains one question with parts (a) to (h); all the eight parts are to be
4. Section II contains six questions numbered 2 to 7. You are to answer any four of these
The intended marks of questions or for parts of questions are given in brackets [ ].

SECTION I (40 Marks)

Attempt all questions from this section.
Question 1

(a) From the list given below, select the word(s) required to correctly complete the blanks
(i) to (v) in the passage: [5]
[Note: Words chosen from the following list are to be used only once. Write only the
answers. Do not copy the passage.]
(Reddish, brown, ammonium, nitrogen dioxide, hydroxyl, dirty green, ammonia, acidic,
Nitrogen and hydrogen combine in the presence of a catalyst to give (i) _________
gas. When the above mentioned gas is passed through water, it forms a solution which
will be (ii) ____________ in nature, and the solution contains (iii) ______________ ions and
(iv) ____________ ions. The above solution when added to iron (II) sulphate solution gives
a (v) ____________ coloured precipitate of iron (II) hydroxide.
(b) Select from the list given (A to E) one substance in each case which matches the
description given in parts (i) to (v) (Note: Each substance is used only once in the
answer.) [5]
(A) Nitroso iron (II) sulphate
(B) Iron (III) chloride
(C) Chromium sulphate
(D) Lead (II) chloride
(E) Sodium chloride
i. A compound which is deliquescent.
ii. A compound which is insoluble in cold water but soluble in hot water.
iii. The compound responsible for the brown ring during the brown ring test of
nitrate ion.
iv. A compound whose aqueous solution is neutral in nature.
v. The compound which is responsible for the green colouration when sulphur
dioxide is passed through acidified potassium dichromate solution.

(c) For part (c) (i)–(x), select the correct answer from the choices A, B, C and D which are
given. [5]
Write only the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
i. A particular solution contains molecules and ions of the solute, so it is a
(A) Weak acid
(B) Strong acid
(C) Strong base
(D) Salt solution
ii. A compound which liberates reddish brown gas around the anode during
electrolysis in its molten state is
(A) Sodium chloride
(B) Copper (II) oxide
(C) Copper (II) sulphate
(D) Lead (II) bromide
iii. An organic compound undergoes addition reactions and gives a red colour
precipitate with ammoniacal cuprous chloride. Therefore, the organic compound
could be
(A) Ethane
(B) Ethene
(C) Ethyne
(D) Ethanol
iv. An organic weak acid is
(A) Formic acid
(B) Sulphuric acid
(C) Nitric acid
(D) Hydrochloric acid
v. During ionisation, metals lose electrons; this change can be called
(A) Oxidation
(B) Reduction
(C) Redox
(D) Displacement
vi. Which one of the following is not true of metals?
(A) Metals are good conductors of electricity.
(B) Metals are malleable and ductile.
(C) Metals form non-polar covalent compounds.
(D) Metals will have 1 or 2 or 3 electrons in their valence shell.
vii. An example of a complex salt is
(A) Zinc sulphate
(B) Sodium hydrogen sulphate
(C) Iron (II) ammonium sulphate
(D) Tetrammine copper (II) sulphate
viii. Aqua regia is a mixture of
(A) Dilute hydrochloric acid and concentrated nitric acid
(B) Concentrated hydrochloric acid and dilute nitric acid
(C) Concentrated hydrochloric acid (1 part) and concentrated nitric acid (3 parts)
(D) Concentrated hydrochloric acid(3 parts) and concentrated nitric acid(1 part)
xi. The organic compound mixed with ethanol to make it spurious is
(A) Methanol
(B) Methanoic acid
(C) Methanol
(D) Ethanoic acid
x. The number of electrons present in the valence shell of a halogen is
(A) 1
(B) 3
(C) 5
(D) 7
(d) State your observation for the following cases: [5]
i. Moist blue litmus is introduced into a gas jar of sulphur dioxide.
ii. Dry red rose petals are placed in the jar of sulphur dioxide.
iii. Paper soaked in potassium permanganate solution is introduced into a gas jar of
sulphur dioxide.
iv. Ammonia gas is burnt in an atmosphere of oxygen in the absence of a catalyst.
v. A glass rod dipped in ammonium hydroxide is brought near the mouth of the
concentrated hydrochloric acid bottle.

(e) Match the Column A with Column B: [5]

Column A Column B
(i) Sodium chloride Increases
(ii) Ammonium ion Covalent bond
(iii) Electronegativity across the period Ionic bond
(iv) Non-metallic character down the Covalent and coordinate bond
group Decreases
(v) Carbon tetrachloride

Answer as follows:
i. Correct item from B matching sodium chloride
ii. Correct item from B matching ammonium ion and so on.

(f) Write the equation for each of the following reactions: [5]
i. Sulphur is heated with concentrated sulphuric acid.
ii. Zinc oxide is treated with sodium hydroxide solution.
iii. Ammonium chloride is heated with sodium hydroxide.
iv. Concentrated sulphuric acid is poured over sugar.
v. Magnesium sulphate solution is mixed with barium chloride solution.

i. LPG stands for liquefied petroleum gas. Varieties of LPG are marketed including a
mixture of propane (60%) and butane (40%). If 10 litre of this mixture is burnt,
then find the total volume of carbon dioxide gas added to the atmosphere.
Combustion reactions can be represented as [5]
C3H8(g)  5O2(g)  3CO2(g)  4H2O(g)
2C4H10(g)  13O2(g)  8CO2(g)  10H2O(g)
ii. Calculate the percentage of nitrogen and oxygen in ammonium nitrate (Relative
molecular mass of ammonium nitrate is 80, H = 1, N = 14, O = 16).
SECTION II (40 Marks)
Attempt any four questions from this section.
Question 2 [10]

(a) Give the equations for the following conversions A to E.

ZnSO4  ZnCO3  Zn(NO3 )2
 E  C 
ZnO   Zn(OH)2

(b) The questions below are related to the manufacture of ammonia.

i. Name the process.
ii. In what ratio must the reactants be taken?
iii. Name the catalyst used.
iv. Give the equation for the manufacture of ammonia.
v. Ammonia can act as a reducing agent; write a relevant equation for such a reaction.

Question 3 [10]

(a) Draw the structural formula for each of the following:

(i) Ethanoic acid (ii) But-2-yne

(b) Mr Ramu wants to electroplate his key chain with nickel to prevent rusting.
For this electroplating:
i. Name the electrolyte
ii. Name the cathode
iii. Name the anode
iv. Give the reaction at the cathode
v. Give the reaction at the anode

(c) Three different electrolytic cells A, B and C are connected in separate circuits. The
electrolytic cell A contains sodium chloride solution. When the circuit is completed, a
bulb in the circuit glows brightly. The electrolytic cell B contains acetic acid solution
and in this case the bulb in the circuit glows dimly. The electrolytic cell C contains sugar
solution and the bulb does not glow. Give a reason for each of these observations.
Question 4 [10]

(a) 4.5 moles of calcium carbonate are reacted with dilute hydrochloric acid.
i. Write the equation for the reaction.
ii. What is the mass of 4.5 moles of calcium carbonate? (Relative molecular mass of
calcium carbonate formed is 100.)
iii. What is the volume of calcium dioxide liberated at STP?
iv. What mass of calcium chloride is formed? (Relative molecular mass of calcium
chloride is 111.)
v. How many moles of HCl are used in this reaction?

(b) The diagram shows an apparatus for the laboratory preparation of hydrogen chloride.
i. Identify A and B.
ii. Write the equation for the reaction.
iii. How would you check whether the gas jar is filled with hydrogen chloride?
iv. What does the method of collection tell you about the density of hydrogen chloride?
Question 5 [10]

(a) Name the main constituent metal in the following alloys:

i. Duralumin
ii. Brass
iii. Stainless steel

(b) An element has an atomic number 16. State

i. the period to which it belongs.
ii. the number of valence electrons.
iii. whether it is a metal or non-metal.

(c) Solution A is a sodium hydroxide solution. Solution B is a weak acid.

Solution C is dilute sulphuric acid. Which solution will
i. liberate sulphur dioxide from sodium sulphite?
ii. give a white precipitate with zinc sulphate solution?
iii. contain solute molecules and ions?

(d)By the addition of only one solution, how would you distinguish between dilute
hydrochloric acid and dilute nitric acid?

Question 6 [10]

(a) Give the equation for the preparation of each of the following salts from the starting
material given.
i. Copper sulphate from copper (II) oxide
ii. Iron (III) chloride from iron
iii. Potassium sulphate from potassium hydroxide solution
iv. Lead chloride from lead carbonate (two equations)

(b) Compound A is bubbled through bromine dissolved in carbon tetrachloride and the
product is CH2Br–CH2Br.
Br2 / CCl4
A   CH2Br  CH2Br
i.Draw the structural formula of A.
ii.What type of reaction has A undergone?
iii.What is your observation?
iv. Name (not formula) the compound formed when steam reacts with A in the
presence of phosphoric acid.
v. What is the procedure for converting the product of (b) (iv) back to A?
Question 7 [10]

(a) The diagram shows a simple arrangement of the fountain experiment.

i. Name the two gases you have studied which can be used in this experiment.
ii. What is the common property demonstrated by this experiment?

(b) Define the following terms:

i. Ionisation potential
ii. Electron affinity

(c) The action of heat on the blue crystalline solid L gives a reddish brown gas M, a gas
which relights a glowing splint and leaves a black residue. When gas N, which has a
rotten egg smell, is passed through a solution of L, a black precipitate is formed.
i. Identify L, M and N (Name or formula).
ii. Write the equation for the action of heat on L.
iii. Write the equation for the reaction between the solution of L and the gas N.

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