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Case Analysis: SG Cowen - New Recruits

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Case analysis :
SG Cowen – New Recruits
In partial fulfillment of the course on Managing People and
Performance in Organizations

Submitted to: Prof. Ravi Kumar


Submitted by –
Harsha Jyoti Malviya (1211343)
Ishan Vishnoi (1211346)
Karthik P (1211347)
Kavya Gollavilli (1211349)
Koneti Nishitha (1211350)
Rajani Ch(1211368)
Ritesh Yarlagadda (1211372)
Soumya Basu (1211385)
SG Cowen is a financial industries firm based in the United States. The firm is
looking to recruit for its Associate program. The case outlines the methods,
process and decision criteria that the company uses to arrive at the final
decision. We have studied and assessed these processes, criteria using the
models from the course book and material and have suggested improvements
wherever possible. We have also designed a linear model that will allow the firm
to standardize and quantify the various criteria it uses in its hiring decision.
Using this linear model, we have assessed 4 candidates that the firm is looking
to hire and pinned down the 2 most eligible candidates

Situational analysis - The hiring process and decision points

at each stage
The hiring process for new associates used to begin in the fall. The company
would make presentations in the core schools, but resumes from non-core
schools would also be accepted. The presentations focussed on educating the
students about the company and the advantages of being a part of S G Cowen.
The process after that can be broken up into three stages. Each of these stages
helped the company make a decision about the candidate and is a key decision
point for the firm. Different parameters were looked at different stages. The
three stages and the decision points in each are as follows:
Stage 1 - Informational interviews
After the campus presentations, interested students were invited to visit the S G
Cowen office and interact with the bankers there. Though this process was not
evaluative, some amount of insight about the candidate could be gathered in
this stage. Some decision points that were involved in this stage were:
• Is the candidate interested in the company? - Chip Rae believed that this
stage helped in self selecting students who were actually interested in the
firm. He believed that the students who wanted to be more prepared for the
first round interviews will take the effort and visiting the office.
• Is the candidate a self starter? - S G Cowen was a boutique firm and had an
entrepreneurial culture. Most of the associates were given responsibilities
and decision making power right from the start. Due to this, it was believed
that if a student went the extra mile to know more about the company, he
would fit well in the culture of the firm. That is why having a background as
an entrepreneur helps the case of the candidate.
Stage 2 - On campus round
In the on-campus round, interviews were done to screen the candidates for the
“Super Saturday”. These interviews were conducted by the associates or senior
associates from the firm. This was because Rae believed that the senior
employees should be involved in the final interviews and on closing offers. It
was also believed that the associates and senior associates will be more in tune
with the requirements of the job and will be more rigorous in assessing the
skills. There were two rounds of interview conducted and finally 3 candidates
were shortlisted from the school.

Some decision points which are considered in this stage are:

• Does the candidate have the required skill set for the job? - The
associates and the senior associates tested if the candidate was
competent enough to be a part of S G Cowen. As the banking sector
required specific skills, this was an important criterion.
• Is there a cultural fit between the candidate and the company? - Chip Rae
believed that having a cultural fit was more important than a person who
lacked a bit in the skills. The cultural fit included things like if the person
will be able to devote the long hours, to forego a social life and be able to
adjust to a new location.
Stage 3 - Super Saturday
The 30 students who were shortlisted in the on campus round were invited to
the S G Cowen office for the final interviews. These interviews were conducted
by the senior employees of S G Cowen. Each candidate had to go through five
interviews and each interview lasted for almost half an hour. The major decision
points which were considered while evaluating a candidate were as follows:
• Do they demonstrate a pattern of success in their past life? - Schoenberg
believed that what a candidate has done in the past did not matter much
in choosing the ideal candidate. It was very possible that a person had a
different career choice before, but he excelled in whatever he did. Such a
candidate proved to be a good candidate.
• Will they really love working at S G Cowen? - Fennebresque, the CEO of
the company, believed that it was essential for a person to like what he is
doing in his job. A person might be good at something, but if he doesn’t
like it, then there is no point in him doing the job.
• Are they interested in technology and emerging markets? - S G Cowen
was a boutique firm which focussed on technology and emerging markets.
So a candidate which had an interest in these areas proved to be an
• Will they be committed to the firm and be loyal to the firm? - In the
banking industry, the company used to have high turnovers as many
employees used to shift to a different firm. So, it was essential to have
people who were loyal to the firm.
• Do they have good interpersonal skills? - The work required the
employees to interact with clients who were looking for a person with
energy and enthusiasm. Thus, interpersonal skills became an essential job
• Will they be good team players? - The life of an associate was strenuous
as he had to spend long hours at work. Most of the deals were the result
of team activity and so, good team players were needed.
• Are they mature in their judgements? - Since most of the decisions taken
at S G Cowen involved a lot of risk and responsibility, the candidates were
expected to show maturity in their judgements
• Are they technically sound? - In the banking industry, it was very essential
to have knowledge of core finance concepts. Most of the decisions taken
were based on analysing financial data and making specific models.
Hence, the candidates needed to have strong technical skills.
• Are they flexible and versatile? - Due to the inherent uncertainties of the
job, the candidates were required to be flexible and versatile

Other decision points

Apart from the decisions relating to the hiring of the candidate, a few other
decisions were also taken, especially at the planning stage:
• Which schools should be targeted as core schools?
• How many positions are available to be filled?
• How many of the positions need to be filled from summer interns,
promotions and college hires?
• How many rounds of interviews should be done?
• Who all will the interviewers be?

These questions were mostly related to the planning stage and had to be
decided before the start of the recruitment process.

Evaluation of the process used by S G Cowen

Different components of the hiring process have been evaluated in the following

Talent Pool from which candidates are hired

SG Cowen hires three kinds of candidates for Associate positions:
1. Analysts who have completed three years at the firm and do not have any
business school education.
2. Summer interns with the firm
3. New outside hires from business schools

We believe that this is a wide talent pool and gives SG Cowen the opportunity to
select the best candidates for the associate position. Hiring from analysts makes
the recruitment process easier because these candidates have been with the
firm with three years. They have a better understanding about the firm and
have proven their cultural fit.
Informal Interviews
SG Cowen used informal interviews to gauge the interest of students in their
firm. Each core school had Team Captains who would usually be the alumni of
these schools and were responsible for interaction with the candidates. This was
extremely beneficial as it gave the students a chance to learn about the banking
industry. However, students at non core business schools did not have such an
option and had to approach bankers themselves for conducting these
interviews. This process was difficult and cumbersome as usually the bankers
would have extremely busy schedules. As described by Schoenberg, SG Cowen
was not very receptive to the people from non core business schools. The
process of informal interviews might thus create an undue advantage to people
from core business schools.

Also, the team captains are not human resource professionals and thus may end
up testing only skills and not personality. This might lead to bias creeping in the
process as the team captains might be selecting candidates on few
characteristics and thus stereotyping the candidates. The involvement in
recruiting activities was taken into consideration in the performance reviews
which decided year-end bonuses. This might be an insufficient motivation for
the team captains.

On Campus Round
Two rounds were conducted in campus. The first round was usually conducted
by associates or senior associates. Candidates were also tested for cultural fit in
these interviews. This helped to select candidates who would be able to work
efficiently and satisfactorily in the organisation. At the end of the first round
interviews, the two or three people who were interviewing candidates discussed
their observations about the candidates and compared their notes about the
different candidates. They had a fixed number of candidates to be chosen after
this round, ie, 6. The focus of interviewers was to quickly conduct a second
round so that they could be conducted on the same night for the 6 shortlisted
candidates. Ideally they should allow time between the two so that the
candidates are relaxed and at ease to give their best. Also, having a fixed
number of students whom they want to forward to the next round might result
in losing out good candidates or selecting not so good candidates.

Super Saturday - post lunch process - collective decision making

The collective decision making process lacks a proper structure. The process is
more qualitative than quantitative. The process relies on the recruiting skills of
the bankers who are more suitable to evaluate the job talent of the candidates
which forms only a part of the objective of recruitment process. One managing
director gets turned off by the “salesy” nature of the candidate while another
feels that he is eager to contribute and has a great attitude. When there is
disagreement on candidates, it is observed that the interviewers on both sides
have strong positive or negative opinions about the candidate in question. Thus,
there is a deadlock in the process.

We see the following problems with the group decision making process:
• Escalation of Commitment for the interviewers
The 5 interviewers who have interviewed the candidate are made to
commit to a Yes, No, Maybe before the start of the interview process. So
when they present their views about the candidate to the group, they are
representing the candidate whom they have said ‘Yes’ and have already
taken a position. Thus, they will try their best to protect that position.
There is very little chance that this opinion might change even after
discussion. Also, when interviewers are forced to take a position, there is
more chance of the final decision being more of a political decision than
being a scientific decision as co-bankers in the group are more likely to
vote for the candidate who has been approved by someone they like and
• Groupthink
In the Super Saturday meeting, the 5 interviewers are made to commit to
a ‘Yes’ or a ‘No’ about the candidate she/he has interviewed. During the
post-lunch discussion process, where the final call is taken on the
candidate, there is very high probability for the rest of the group to be
biased by the number of yeses and no’s and might go with the majority
due to conformity pressures. Say, a particular candidate has got 5 yeses a
1 no from his/her interviewers. There is absolutely minimal chance that
the rest of the group will even take interest in discussing the candidate
and might just want to get to the next candidate.

To overcome the above problem, we feel that they can make use of the
nominal group technique. In this method, the group can follow the following
• When a candidate’s name comes up for discussion, the 5 members
present their views of the candidate on various parameters using
examples from the interview. Some might be positive and some might be
• The remaining members of the group then ask for clarifications on the
views expressed by the interviewers to make sure they have understood
them correctly
• There shall be no rebuttal of the views made by the interviewers or any
one-on-one discussions
• After this period, there shall be a silent period and the different members
of the group shall vote Yes or No for the candidates.
Chip Rae will collect the votes and the results shall not be announced
immediately but shall be withheld till discussions on all 30 candidates are
completed. At the end of all the discussions, the candidates will be ranked
according to the number of yeses they have received and the top 20 shall be
given the offers.

Some additional features that can be added are:

• Instead of the 5 interviewers presenting their views within the group, Chip
Rae can himself present the views without revealing the names of the
interviewers. This will reduce the chance of other members of the group
being biased by the source of the feedback (boss, subordinate, same
team etc)
• Chip Rae can take the initiative to lead the group discussion. According to
researchi, one of the most powerful methods to improve decision making
is simply to make group members consider the opposite of what they
are thinking. This has been found to reduce errors in judgement caused by

Testing cultural fit at the first stage

The firm followed the practice of interviewing candidates for cultural fit in the
first round by asking questions about work and education experience and this
was used as one of the criteria for eliminating candidates. Research findingsii
have exposed the myth that companies that screen for values have better
performance than those that screen for intelligence. The research suggests that
though culture is a good determinant of job satisfaction and longevity in the
firm, it has low correlation with job performance. Moreover, given that the
industry in question here is banking which involves complex skills, we believe
that cultural fit should be given secondary importance and should be done at a
later stage in the process.

Overall positives of the S G Cowen hiring process

• They hold their interviewers responsible for the quality of candidates they
bring thus ensuring that only the best candidates come to the firm.
• It was made sure that the bankers were not partial in their selection
process and favouring candidates from their own alma maters though its
not mentioned how.
• They looked for the right people with the attitude to work at SG Cowen
and were willing to go the extra mile to create jobs for them if required.
• Writing down comments and making extensive notes about candidates
made it easier to recollect and discuss about their abilities.
• Making sure that candidates are relaxed and comfortable before Super
• They did reference checks with previous employers and ensured that
candidates gave the right information.
• Their process answers the three fundamental questions necessary for
Selection Interviewsiii:
o Are the candidates competent for the job? : Candidates are
shortlisted on the basis of their resumes and their skills are checked
in the first round of interviews
o Are the candidates well motivated? : Informal interviews are done to
see if the interviews are really interested in the firm.
o How well they fit in the organisation? : Cultural fit is checked during
the interviews.

Other recommendations for the hiring process

• One gap we find is that the process is fraught with uncertainty about
whether the candidate will accept the offer or prefer another firm. They
need to have an alternative in place so as to mitigate this risk. And the
recruitment process is also sandwiched into a very short time frame and
this will cause a lot of stress both for the interviewers and the
interviewees. Given that the firm is very particular about cultural fit,
initiative and on the job learning and they are inviting all shortlisted
candidates for a “Super Saturday”, SG Cowen can try to create an
Assessment Centre for the candidates in the long run.iv Assessment
Centres can provide a more comprehensive and balanced view of the
suitability of a candidate for an organization. They can design exercises to
simulate the key characteristics that they are looking for in candidates
and this will eliminate the subjectivity in the process. Since performance is
measured in several dimensions and several candidates are assessed
together to allow for interaction, it would facilitate better comparison of
candidates’ potential.v
• A student who comes for a summer internship works in the organization
for 2-3 months. During this period, the organization can judge the
candidate’s skills, cultural fit and future potential and hence the firm can
make a better decision on hiring for a full time position. The students who
intern at SG Cowen has 2 months to understand the culture of the firm
and hence can make an informed decision if they want to pursue a career
with the firm. So the acceptance rate will be much higher compared to
that in the case of new recruits. The current number of associates hired
from summer interns is 8. This can thus be increased in the future.
• MBTI to assess work ethics and personality type
While a lot of emphasis is laid upon personal fit in the organization, it is
quite difficult to gauge a person’s fit objectively. To eliminate any
discrepancy and to scientifically analyse a prospect’s work ethic and fit,
we could have them answer an MBTI. The MBTI is a standardised test and
we have results from past tests to guide us in this regard. Study of a
number of Investment Banking personnel profiles has revealed that
Investment Bankers typically fall into one of these personality types: INTP,

Assessment of current evaluation criteria

Currently the candidates are being judged on the basis of the following
• Commitment to firm
• Judgement/Maturity
• Interpersonal skills -(Impact/Presence and Communication Skills)
• Leadership -(Initiative and Motivation)
• Technical Skills -(Creativity, Modelling, Accounting/Finance and
• Work Ethic

Commitment to firm:
Almost all firms without exception would want to recruit for the long term.
Especially in the current scenario in the investment banking industry where
firms are fighting for talent and given that SG Cowen’s employees would be
wooed by the top banks, it makes all the more sense for the firm to measure
candidate’s commitment to the firm. This can be gauged by the candidate’s
profile, interest shown in the informational interviews.

Interpersonal skills
Given that SG Cowen is a boutique Investment Bank, Associates would be
involved in a high level of exposure to clients. They need to be well versed in
oral communication since that is crucial to perform their duties effectively.
According to Rae “long-term success ….. came from loving the work, loving to
teach and sell …”. Candidates would need to have very good inter-personal
skills to be able to sell well

The firm needed people who were go-getters, self-driven individuals who could
take initiatives without being given instructions on what to do. This can be
gauged by the past leadership experiences of the candidates and whether they
demonstrated a pattern of success in such opportunities and the way they
handled such an opportunity in their previous work environment..In
Schoenberg’s words “Wall Street does not give enough time to people to
develop slowly” and according to Fennerbresque “We want the type of person
here who doesn’t need to be told what to do. …. We want the self-starter”. Thus,
we can figure that leadership and initiative is very important for prospective

Technical skills
At the end of the day a person’s technical prowess, number crunching skills,
domain knowledge of Finance & Accounting, creativity and ability to prioritize is
what helped one deliver his duties. So the management had earlier rejected
candidates who fell short on these criteria. And we too think this is the right
move since at the end of the end this is what the client would be paying for. For
instance, from the Exhibits, we infer that Bill Berry had been rejected since he
lacked number crunching skills and William Xu had been dinged since he fell
short on Accounting Skills.

Overall, we are in agreement with the usage of the criteria in the evaluation
form. But we feel there is no scientific basis for the overall rating in the
evaluation form. This may introduce bias in the final decision. Some may feel
technical skills are more important, while others may feel interpersonal skills are
more important and their overall rating might depend on their personal opinion

Move form subjectivity to objectivity - Need to construct linear models

Based on our analysis of the process and evaluation form used to judge a
candidate, we feel that the role of intuition is very high. Though intuition is a
very useful and powerful tool, it is fraught with biases and can be counter-
productive especially in an exercise like recruitment. There has been research
done in this area to create “systematic strategies to help people overcome
these biases”. Researchers in this field have distinguished between two types of
thinking - Type 1 which is intuitive – fast, automatic, effortless and emotional
and Type 2 which involves reasoning – slower, conscious, effortful and logical.
Research advocates using linear models to move decision making based on
Type 1 to one based on Type 2. This has especially been found to be useful in
hiring and admissions.

The usage of linear models will reduce the subjectivity that is currently present
in the process and will also bring in consistency in judging different candidates
on similar grounds. Chip Rae should take the lead in designing this linear model
as he is exposed to the different banking teams and has been a banker himself
and he can design a model that reflects the overall wisdom of the firm.

Based on the information given in the case, we have evaluated the importance
of each criteria and we have given the following weights for each of the criteria
Category Weights
Commitment to Firm 10%
Judgement/Maturity 10%
Impact/Presence 5%
Communication Skills 8%
Initiative 7%
Motivation 8%
Creativity 7%
Modeling 7%
Accounting/Finance 12%
Prioritizing 6%
Work Ethic
Team Player 7%
Flexibility/Versatility 7%
Motivation 6%

Technical Skills: We have given this the highest weight. Investment banking is a
skill-heavy job and firms are fighting for candidates with high technical abilities.
Given that SG Cowen’s core competency and competitive advantage comes
from research, technical skills should be given the highest weight (32%).

Work Ethic: SG Cowen is a boutique firm. Because of its small size, its associates
usually work very closely with firms and they need to demonstrate good team
abilities and flexibility as they are given high responsibilities and very little
hand-holding. Also very important is the fact that the candidate must be
motivated to join the company as if a person rejects the offer after being made
one, then the company has committed an error. We have given this a weight of

Leadership: The importance of initiative and drive is expounded by various

senior members in the firm. All of them unanimously feel that in a field like
Equity Capital markets, it is very important to have the drive to learn on one’s
own. They also talk about the importance of being a self-starter in a small firm
like SG Cowen (15%)
Interpersonal Skills: SG Cowen’s associates work very closely with clients, often
taking on huge responsibilities that they would generally not take on at other
firms. Also, they need to frequently interact with co-bankers and managers as
this is a collaboration-intensive field of work. We have given this a weight of

Commitment to Firm and Judgement & Maturity: As stated earlier, it is very

important to retain talent in the investment banking industry where there is
dearth of the right talent. Also, there are a lot of situations in I-banking where
bankers need to use their judgement to make a decision. We have given both of
these 10% each.

Evaluation of the four candidates

We decided to evaluate the candidates using the linear model proposed earlier.
Based on the weights accorded to the different parameters, a scorecard was
prepared for each of the four candidates. The candidates were given a rating for
each of the parameter – Outstanding, Good, Fair and Unsatisfactory. Also, a
score was awarded for each of these parameters. The weights given to the
parameters were then multiplied with the scores to give a weighted average
score for each of the candidate. These scores are tabulated below:

Weights Natalya Martin Goldstei Andy
Parameter (total 100) Godlewska Street n Sanchez
Commitment to
firm 10 9 1 5 9
Maturity 10 7 7 3 9
Presence 5 1 9 7 7
on Skills 8 4 9 7 9
Initiative 7 9 9 9 9
Motivation 8 8 7 9 9
Technical Skills
Creativity 7 5 5 5 5
Modeling 7 10 5 9 5
Finance 12 10 5 9 5
Prioritizing 6 5 5 9 5
Work Ethic
Team Player 7 7 7 2 5
Flexibility/Ver 7 7 5 7 5
Motivation 6 5 5 5 6
Overall Rating 7.07 5.9 6.59 6.88

A detailed scorecard (along with the reasons and observations) is provided in

the Appendix.

So based on the weighted scores, we can see that the two people who should be
selected are Natalya Godlewska and Andy Sanchez.


Scorecard for Natalya Godlewska

(total Mar
Natalya Godlewska 100) ks Remarks Reasons
Called the bankers she had met at
Commitment to Outstandin presentation for informational
firm 10 9 g interviews
Having worked in the industry for 4
Judgement/ years, she showed an in depth
Maturity 10 7 Good knowledge of the sector
Impact/ Unsatisfact Seemed stiff and uncomfortable so
Presence 5 1 ory may not be a great cultural fit
Her less than perfect English might
affect her ability to work with fellow
team members, but she will be a hit
Communicatio with the clients due to her positive
n Skills 8 4 Fair energy
Was highly recommended by her
Outstandin referee and she displayed a "can-do"
Initiative 7 9 g attitude
Outstandin She seemed ambitious and ready to
Motivation 8 8 g work hard
Technical Skills
Creativity 7 5 Fair
Worked 4 years in firm which
Outstandin developed modelling software for
Modeling 7 10 g M&A firm
Secured the highest GPA in the
finance department and served as
Accounting/ Outstandin graduate teaching assistant in
Finance 12 10 g finance program at Cornel
Prioritizing 6 5 Fair
Work Ethic
Team Player 7 7 Good Good reference from her referee
Flexibility/ Speaks fluent Russian, Polish,
Versatility 7 7 Good German and some French
Motivation 6 5 Fair
Overall Rating 7.07

Scorecard for Martin Street

(total Mar
Martin Street 100) ks Remarks Reasons
Though he said he preferred the
boutique nature of S G Cowen, it was
Commitment to Unsatisfact not sure if he would accept the offer
firm 10 1 ory if made
Having served for 4 years in the
Judgement/ military, he was expected to show a
Maturity 10 7 Good high maturity level
Impact/ Outstandin
Presence 5 9 g Dynamic Personality
Communicatio Outstandin
n Skills 8 9 g Confident and articulate
Outstandin Having served in the military, he led
Initiative 7 9 g a rescue operation in Bosnia
He was involved in a number of
activities, as diverse as marathon
Motivation 8 7 Good racing.
Technical Skills
Creativity 7 5 Fair
Grades not known due to college
Modeling 7 5 Fair policy
Accounting/ Grades not known due to college
Finance 12 5 Fair policy
Prioritizing 6 5 Fair
Work Ethic
Team Player 7 7 Good Expected due to his military service
Versatility 7 5 Fair
Motivation 6 5 Fair
Overall Rating 5.9

Scorecard for Ken Goldstein

(total Mar
Ken Goldstein 100) ks Remarks Reasons
Commitment to Family life balance was very
firm 10 5 Fair important for him

Had a lot of responsibilty in his

previous job. Used to be in charge of
things. However, it was believed that
Judgement/ he might be too mature and would
Maturity 10 3 Fair not be suited for associate position
Impact/ Had positive evaluation from all his
Presence 5 7 Good interviewers
Communicatio Had positive evaluation from all his
n Skills 8 7 Good interviewers
Managed multiple teams
Outstandin simultaneously; Won multiple
Initiative 7 9 g accounts
Outstandin Quickly rose to the post of manager
Motivation 8 9 g at PWC;
Technical Skills
Creativity 7 5 Fair
Modeling 7 9 g Resolved technical issues for clients
Accounting/ Outstandin Drew up budgets and pricing for
Finance 12 9 g projects at his earlier firm
Handled a lot of responsibilty and
had a positive performance appraisal
Outstandin showing that he manages
Prioritizing 6 9 g responsibility well
Work Ethic
There were concerns that he might
not be able to fit with the team due
to his experience at a high post and
Unsatisfact the responsbility he had in his last
Team Player 7 2 ory job.
Worked on various issues from
Flexibility/ budgeting and pricing to resolving
Versatility 7 7 Good technical issues
He wanted to maintain a work life
balance and give time to his family
which might not be possible due to
Motivation 6 5 Fair hectic schedule of an associate
Overall Rating 6.59

Scorecard for Andy Sanchez

(total Mar
Andy Sanchez 100) ks Remarks Reasons
He had several informational
interviews with the firm and talked
Commitment to Outstandin to other asosociates on several
firm 10 9 g occasions whenever it was possible
Had a profitable business; Was good
Judgement/ Outstandin at making the right decisions for
Maturity 10 9 g himself at the right time
Impact/ Friendly to candidates; Good at
Presence 5 7 Good making people relax
Always sent follow up mails to
Communicatio Outstandin people he talked to; Spoke very
n Skills 8 9 g cogently about banking industry
Outstandin Started his own business during first
Initiative 7 9 g year of college - was successful
Enrolled in business school while he
was running his own business and
Outstandin managed both the responsibilities
Motivation 8 9 g well
Technical Skills
Creativity 7 5 Fair
Modeling 7 5 Fair
Accounting/ Though he had great GMAT and SAT
Finance 12 5 Fair scores, his GPA was very less
Prioritizing 6 5 Fair
Work Ethic
Team Player 7 5 Fair
Versatility 7 5 Fair
Wanted to try out new challenges in
the banking sector and so he left his
Motivation 6 6 Good venture
Overall Rating 6.88
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