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Assessment: Apply Project Human Resources Management Approaches

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Apply project human resources management approaches


Unique Student Identifier (USI)


I declare that all work completed in this assessment is my own.


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V1- 2017
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code:
Table of Contents
instructions……………………………………………………………………… 3
schedule………………………………………………………………………….. 4
Project human resources management plan …………………...…………………...
……… 15
criteria……………………………………………………………………………. 37
skills………………………………………………………………………………... 38
mapping…………………………………………………………………………... 39
Assessment Instructions
You are advised to commence work on your assessment from week 1 and
must submit all the tasks by their due dates.

Written work
The assessment tasks are used to measure your understanding and underpinning
skills and knowledge of this unit of competency. When answering please ensure you
address each criteria and sub point, demonstrate your research of each of the
questions and cover the topic in a logical and structured manner.

Active participation
It is a condition of enrolment that you actively participate in your studies.
Active participation is completing all tasks on time.

Plagiarism is taking and using someone else's thoughts, writings or inventions and
representing them as your own. Plagiarism is a serious act and may result in a
student’s exclusion from a course. When you have any doubts about including the
work of other authors in your assessment, please consult your trainer/assessor. The
following list outlines some of the activities for which a student can be accused of
 Presenting any work by another individual as one's own unintentionally
 Handing in assessments markedly similar to or copied from another student
 Presenting the work of another individual or group as their own work
 Handing in assessments without the adequate acknowledgement of
sources used, including assessments taken totally or in part from the

You must be careful when copying the work of others. The owner of the material
may take legal action against you if the owner's copyright has been infringed. You
are allowed to do a certain amount of copying for research or study purposes.
Generally, 10% or one chapter of a book is acceptable, where the participant is
studying with, or employed by, an educational institution.

Competency Outcomes
Each activity in this assessment tasks will be marked as either Complete or
If your work is marked as Incomplete you will be provided with feedback from your
assessor. You will be required to make changes to your submission according to
the feedback and re-submit during the term, ensuring your assessor will have at
least 7 days to re-mark the work.
Do not leave assessment submissions for the last day. This will increase your
chances for being marked as Incomplete. Re-submissions after the term will
incur additional fees.
Please note you will not be able to gain competency if any of your tasks are not fully
Assessment Schedule
Learner Sign off Comments
Task DUE DATE Sign
off / Date

Task 1 Week 2

Week 4

Task 3 Week 6

Comments/feedback to participant
Task 1: Contribute to establishing and
maintaining productive team

Performance objective
The student will demonstrate the knowledge required to contribute in
establishing & maintaining productive team relationships.

Assessment description
In this task you will be working identifying different ways to promote effective
team relationships, improve communication levels, develop a feedback form,
work break down structure to identify HR requirements and will participate in a
team meeting.


Consider the scenario below:

You are working as Project Manager in a construction company named Excel

Construct. You have
been assigned a project to construct a community library in North Melbourne. Land
and $5m have been allocated for the project. Government approvals and permits
have been granted. Project needs to be completed in 18 months.

The library will have:

1. one large reading room accommodating 700,000 books
2. 100 seats for the readers
3. 20 PCs to access digital library
4. one librarian counter
5. toilets with 20 cubicles
Answer the following questions:

1. List at least ten different ways to promote cooperation and effective

relationships within the team.

2. List at least seven different methods of communication to ensure

organisational objectives and outcomes are being achieved.

3. Conduct some internet research and list at least five dot points on how
to communicate information and ideas in a logical, concise and
understandable manner.

4. Develop a feedback form to gauge effectiveness of workplace

relationships and seek suggestions to improve your performance as
project manager and colleague.

5. Draw up a Work Breakdown Structure for your project and list the
human resource requirements.

6. Participate in a meeting with your project team to discuss and finalise:

a. roles &
responsibilities b.
identify tasks list
c. identify skills required
d. determine skills set of each team member


You must submit:

1. A document with answers for Qs 1 to Qs 5.

2. Signed observation sheet for your team meeting.
Your assessor will be looking for your knowledge and understanding of the
following performance criteria:

 Analyse work breakdown structure to determine human resource requirements.

 Prepare a skills analysis of project personnel against project task requirements
 Assist in assigning responsibilities for achieving project deliverables
 Actively seek views and opinions of team members during task planning and
 Promote cooperation and effective activities, goals and relationships within team
 Communicate with others using styles and methods appropriate to
organisational standards, group expectations and desired outcomes
 Communicate information and ideas to others in a logical, concise and
understandable manner
 Regularly seek feedback on nature and quality of work relationships, and use
feedback as basis for own improvement and development

You will be required to demonstrate your following skills throughout the assessment:

 Learning
o Actively seek feedback from others as a strategy to improve own skills or
 Reading
o Identify and interpret information from organisational documentation
 Writing
o Develop a range of documents using structure and vocabulary
appropriate to audience, context and purpose
 Oral Communication
o Participate in a range of verbal exchanges using clear language and
appropriate non- verbal features to provide and seek information
o Use active listening and questioning techniques to elicit views and
opinions of others
 Navigate the world of work.
o Understand responsibilities associated with own role
 Interact with others
o Use accepted communication practices and protocols when
sharing or providing information
o Collaborate with others to achieve joint outcomes, playing an active
role in facilitating effective group interaction
o Use a range of strategies to facilitate solutions to conflicts
 Get the work done
o Plan and implement required tasks, monitors actions against
requirements, and adjusts plan and resource to cope with contingencies
o Reflect on outcomes to identify opportunities for future improvement.
Task 2: Assist in determining human
resources requirements and
Performance objective
The student will demonstrate the knowledge required to assist in determining HR
requirements and monitoring the HR services.

Assessment description
In this task you will be developing commence development of project HRM plan;
develop Gantt charts, TNA form and will conduct a meeting to identify training


Consider the scenario below:

You are working as Project Manager in a construction company named Excel

Construct. You have
been assigned a project to construct a community library in North Melbourne. Land
and $5m have been allocated for the project. Government approvals and permits
have been granted. Project needs to be completed in 18 months.

The library will have:

1. one large reading room accommodating 700,000 books
2. 100 seats for the readers
3. 20 PCs to access digital library
4. one librarian counter
5. toilets with 20 cubicles
Answer the following questions:

1. Based on your meeting conducted for Task 1 and using the given Project
Human Resources
Management Plan template, complete the following:

description b.
c. organisational chart
d. roles & responsibilities
table e. RAM and RACI
f. in skills matrix table, replace “insert skills” wording with the skills
g. skills matrix table

2. Assuming that your project is half way down, develop three separate Gantt
charts to monitor:

a. your own progress (as project manager)

b. progress of QA
manager, and b. project’s
overall progress

3. While reviewing the individual’s progress you noticed significant decline in

performance. You have decided to identify the training needs. Develop a
training needs analysis form, listing all the required skills/tasks to identify
skills gap.

4. Conduct a team meeting. Discuss the situation and ask your team members
to fill-in TNA form to identify any training needs.

You must submit:

1. Project HRM Plan partially filled – as instructed in Qs 1

2. A document with three Gantt charts
3. A blank training needs analysis form
4. Signed observation sheet for your participation in team meeting
5. At least five filled TNA forms.

Your assessor will be looking for your knowledge and understanding of the
following performance criteria:

 Prepare a skills analysis of project personnel against project task requirements

 Assist in assigning responsibilities for achieving project deliverables
 Monitor work of project personnel against assigned roles and responsibilities
within delegated authority levels
 Monitor and control actual effort against project plan
 Review skill levels against allocated tasks and recommend solutions, where
required, to others
 Advise others within delegated authority when assigned responsibilities are
not met by project personnel.
You will be required to demonstrate your following skills throughout the assessment:

 Learning
o Actively seek feedback from others as a strategy to improve own skills or
 Reading
o Identify and interpret information from organisational documentation
 Writing
o Develop a range of documents using structure and vocabulary
appropriate to audience, context and purpose
 Oral Communication
o Participate in a range of verbal exchanges using clear language and
appropriate non- verbal features to provide and seek information
o Use active listening and questioning techniques to elicit views and
opinions of others
 Navigate the world of work.
o Understand responsibilities associated with own role
 Interact with others
o Use accepted communication practices and protocols when
sharing or providing information
o Collaborate with others to achieve joint outcomes, playing an active
role in facilitating effective group interaction
o Use a range of strategies to facilitate solutions to conflicts
 Get the work done
o Plan and implement required tasks, monitors actions against
requirements, and adjusts plan and resource to cope with contingencies
o Reflect on outcomes to identify opportunities for future improvement.
Task 3: Assist with human resources monitoring
and contribute to evaluating HR practices
Performance objective
The student will demonstrate the knowledge required to assist with human
resources monitoring and contribute to evaluating HR practices.

Assessment description
In this task you will complete your project HRM plan by developing few
policies/procedures, resource calendar, training schedule and training plan. You
will also write a report on project personnel performance, monitoring and lessons
learned. At the end, you will participate in a quiz based on your developed report.


Consider the scenario below:

You are working as Project Manager in a construction company named Excel

Construct. You have
been assigned a project to construct a community library in North Melbourne. Land
and $5m have been allocated for the project. Government approvals and permits
have been granted. Project needs to be completed in 18 months.

The library will have:

1. one large reading room accommodating 700,000 books
2. 100 seats for the readers
3. 20 PCs to access digital library
4. one librarian counter
5. toilets with 20 cubicles
Answer the following questions:

1. Develop the following policy/ procedures and add them in your project HRM

a. Acquisition
b. Appraisal & performance review
c. Rewards & recognition policy &

2. Develop dispute-resolution policy/procedure including a dispute-resolution


3. Based on your identified HR requirements list in Task 1, complete “Resource

Calendar” in your project HRM plan.

4. Based on your project requirements, complete “Training Requirements &

Schedule” table in
your project HRM

5. Analyse the filled TNA forms, which you collected in Task 2 and develop a
training plan for your team members, using the given template.

6. Write a detailed report (at least two pages) addressing following questions:

a. How performance of your project team will be

b. How their performance will be
c. How performance issues will be
d. How will you evaluate the effectiveness of project human resources
management? e. What sort of questions could you ask for such
evaluation? (List at least ten of them) f. How will you track the
g. How will you document the lessons
h. How lessons learned will be used in continuous

Your report should be structured in following


a. Executive
Summary b.
c. Conclusion/
7. Participate in in-class quiz to confirm your understanding of the concepts
and validity of your developed report.

8. Complete remaining components of your project HRM plan.

You must submit:

1. Completed and signed project HRM plan, using the given template
2. Completed training plan using the given template
3. A report
4. Signed observation sheet for your participation in in-class quiz.

Your assessor will be looking for your knowledge and understanding of the
following performance criteria:

 Analyse work breakdown structure to determine human resource requirements

 Undertake work in a multi-disciplinary environment according to established
human resource management practices, plans, guidelines and procedures
 Resolve conflict within delegated authority according to agreed dispute-
resolution processes
 Assist in offering human resource development opportunities to individuals with
skill gaps
 Contribute to assessing effectiveness of project human resources management
 Document lessons learned to support continuous improvement processes.

You will be required to demonstrate your following skills throughout the assessment:

 Learning
o Actively seek feedback from others as a strategy to improve own skills or
 Reading
o Identify and interpret information from organisational documentation
 Writing
o Develop a range of documents using structure and vocabulary
appropriate to audience, context and purpose
 Oral Communication
o Participate in a range of verbal exchanges using clear language and
appropriate non- verbal features to provide and seek information
o Use active listening and questioning techniques to elicit views and
opinions of others
 Navigate the world of work.
o Understand responsibilities associated with own role
 Interact with others
o Use accepted communication practices and protocols when
sharing or providing information
o Collaborate with others to achieve joint outcomes, playing an active
role in facilitating effective group interaction
o Use a range of strategies to facilitate solutions to conflicts
 Get the work done
o Plan and implement required tasks, monitors actions against
requirements, and adjusts plan and resource to cope with contingencies
o Reflect on outcomes to identify opportunities for future improvement.
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RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K

DESCRIPTION: this page details the typical items found on the cover of HR management plan. Amend its
contents to reflect the needs of
your specific project and organization’s culture.
Project Name:
Version & date of HR
Management Plan: Approval:
Displays a top-level summary Circulation List of who (name, location & organization) has received stated version.
essential information relating to
the HR Management Plan.


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RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code:
ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES – this section defines each team role, its required competencies and its associated responsibilities. It also states the
authority level each role has for allocating resources, making decisions and approvals.

Roles Responsibilities
Project Manager
 ..
 …
 ..
 ..
 ..
 ..
 ..
 ..
 …
 …

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 …

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 …

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 …

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 ..
 …
 …

 ..
 …
 ..
 ..
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 ..
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 …

 ..
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 ..
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 ..
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 …
 …
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RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
PROJECT ORGANISATION – describes and visually represents how the project activities and work packages relate to each team member, along
with their responsibilities.

Organisational Chart

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RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code:
RAM (Responsibility Assign Matrix) and RACI Table:
Roles as described above
SNo QA &
Task QC
Project Manager ... … …

Type one task per row. Insert R, A, C or I codes for each role.
Key: R = Responsible for completing the task
A = Accountable for ensuring task

completion, C = Consulted before any

decision taken

I = Informed of taken decisions

Notes (if any):

Skills Matrix

e.g. John Smith, Project Manager



Insert skills

Insert skills

Insert skills

Insert skills

Insert skills

Insert skills

Insert skills

Insert skills

Insert skills

Insert skills

Insert skills

Insert skills

Insert skills

Insert skills
Insert cross sign for each skill of the listed person

Insert skills

Insert skills

Insert skills

Insert skills

Insert skills

Insert skills

Insert skills

Insert skills
STAFFING MANAGEMENT – outlines how the appropriately skilled staff will be attained illustrating the schedule each individual is required in
Resource Calendars. Any skills gaps will be identified with an explanation of how they will be filled through a variety of training options. This area of
the HR plan also outlines how performance reviews, including
rewarding and recognizing individuals project

Task Human Qty From (Date) To (Date)
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RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Training Requirements & Schedule:
Training Requirement Who is Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5
and attendin Month 6
Description g?
1 7 14 21 1 7 14 21 1 7 14 21 1 7 14 21 1 7 14 21 1
7 14

Provide details of Type Insert cross sign for each date, you are planning to run the training program.
the training department/
program and its person(s)
requirements name and/or
their job

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RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code:
Appraisal & Performance Reviews Process:

Rewards & Recognition Policy & Procedure:







Project Project Description:
Working :
Title: Date:
Plan Contact Organisation:
Project Contact
No: Author:
No: Sponsor:

Name & Job Title Project Role Signature Date



- -
- -
- -

- -
- -

This appendix records the version history of this plan. For each new and approved version the reasoning behind its creation are described
Reasoning behind new
Version Name of Implementation Author Date Revised Approved by
Date version


Each project uses standard acronyms and develops their own for the ease of communication. It is important to record them in this plan to
ensure clarity of description and terminology is consistent in every communication.
Acronym / Term Standard or Project Definition

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RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code:
PM Project Management Office
O Project Manager
PM Design Engineer
DE Implementation
IM Manager Training
TL Lead
FM Functional Manager
Employee Name Date
Department Authorised by

Priorit Identified skill gap Type of Topics to be covered Indicative Delivery

y Descripti training Trainin cost dates
(Low/ on of (Classroo g Including
Mediu training m/ Hands- provid downtime
m on etc.) er costs
Greenwich Management College- BSBPMG413 V1- 2017 Page 36 of 39
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Performance Criteria


Elements Performance criteria describe the performance
describe the needed to demonstrate achievement of the
essential element.
1.1 Implement cost-estimating methods against
1. Assist in duration/effort and resource requirements
developing project
1.2 Determine estimated costs for tasks and activities
and confirm degree of accuracy with relevant
1.3 Communicate cost estimates, where required,
to others to contribute to project budget and cash
flow management
1.4 Contribute to developing cost management
strategies and processes, and providing financial
authorisation within delegated authority
2. Monitor project costs 2.1 Monitor income and expenditure against
project budget baseline at predetermined
2.2 Identify and report variations in budget using
established project cost methods, techniques and
2.3 Implement action and report progress to
ensure cost objectives remain achievable
throughout project life cycle
3.1 Assist in finalisation and transfer of financial
3. Contribute to
assets, liabilities and records to relevant parties
cost- finalisation
process 3.2 Assist in review of project outcomes through
use of project cost records to determine
effectiveness of cost-management processes
3.3 Document cost-management lessons learned for
application in future projects

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RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code:
Foundation Skills

This section describes language, literacy, numeracy and employment skills

incorporated in the performance criteria that are required for competent

Reading 1.2, 2.4, 3.2  Applies appropriate strategies

to construct meaning from
complex texts
Writing 2.2, 2.3, 3.1,  Prepares reports and reviews
3.2, matching writing style to purpose and
3.3 audience
1.2, 1.3, 3.1, 3.2  Uses clear language and appropriate
to convey and discuss cost-management
tio n issues
 Uses active listening and questioning
to check understanding
Numeracy 1.1, 1.2, 1.4,  Extracts and evaluates mathematical
2.1- information embedded in a range of
2.3, 3.1, 3.2 tasks and texts
 Uses a range of informal and formal
oral and written mathematical
language and symbols to
communicate mathematically
Navigate 1.4, 2.3  Recognises and follows protocols
the world that must be respected and
of work maintained
Interact 1.2, 1.3, 3.1, 3.2  Uses appropriate communication
with practices in a range of work contexts
others  Collaborates and cooperates with
others to achieve shared goals
Get the 1.2, 2.1, 2.2,  Plans, organises and implements tasks
work done 3.1, required to achieve required outcomes
3.2  Reflects on outcomes to
identify future improvement
 Utilises features of digital systems to
complete routine tasks


UNIT NAME: Apply project human resources management approaches

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

1. Assist in determining human resource requirements

1.1 Analyse work breakdown structure to determine human resource 5 3
1.2 Prepare a skills analysis of project personnel against project task 6 1
1.3 Assist in assigning responsibilities for achieving project deliverables 6 1

2. Contribute to establishing and maintaining

productive team relationships

2.1 Actively seek views and opinions of team members during task 6
planning and implementation
2.2 Promote cooperation and effective activities, goals and relationships
within team 1

2.3 Communicatestandards,
to organisational with othersgroup
styles and methods appropriate
and desired
2.4 Communicate information and ideas to others in a logical, concise 3
and understandable manner
2.5 Regularly seek feedback on nature and quality of work relationships, 4
and use feedback as basis for own improvement and development

3. Assist with human resource monitoring

3.1 Monitor work of project personnel against assigned roles and
responsibilities within delegated authority levels
3.2 Monitor and control actual effort against project plan
2, 3
3.3 Review skill levels against allocated tasks and recommend
solutions, where required, to others
3, 4
1, 2
3.4 Advise others within delegated authority when assigned
responsibilities are not met by project personnel
3.5 Undertake work in a multi-disciplinary environment
according to established human resource management
practices, plans, guidelines and procedures
3.6 Resolve conflict within delegated authority according to agreed
dispute-resolution processes
3.7 Assist in offering human resource development opportunities to 4, 5
individuals with skill gaps

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