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Chancellor Primary School Agriculture Second Term 2021 Grade 7 Paper 1

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 Answer ALL the questions on a separate answer sheet

 If more than one answer is written for any one answer, that answer is regarded as wrong

1. Which of the following agricultural equipments is used to plough large pieces of land?
A) garden fork B) spade C) ox plough D) harrow

2. How many branches of agriculture are there?

A) four B) three C) six D) five

3. To which branch does a tractor belong?

A) soil science B) crop production C) animal production D) agricultural engineering

4. Which one of the following is a major factor affecting agriculture in Zimbabwe?

A) rainfall B) soil C) temperature D) vegetation

5. Which of these is classified as a large animal?

A) rabbit B) pig C) broiler D) layer

6. Which of these crops is only grown for cash?

A) maize B) wheat C) cotton D) sorghum

7. This farm tool is a

A) hoe
B) mattock
C) pick
D) shovel

8. Tools are coated with oil so that they do not

A) rust B) break C) wear fast D) harm

9. Which of these tools is used for cutting?

A) sprayer B) hosepipe C) watering can D) bow-saw

10. Select a crop which is used for manufacturing stock feed

A) rapoko B) sugar cane C) tobacco D) cotton

11. Zimbabwe is divided into _______ seasons

A) six B) five C) four D) two

12. There are __________ natural farming regions

A) three B) four C) five D) six

13. An instrument used to measure rainfall is a

A) wind vane B) rain gauge C) funnel D) thermometer

14. In which region is irrigation practiced?

A) one B) two C) three D) four
15. Temperatures are _____________ in winter
A) cold B) warm C) humid D) moderate

16. Humid air is

A) dry B) moist C) dusty D) cool

17. _______________ is the height above sea level

A) Escarpment B) Altitude C) Valley D) Latitude

18. An example of a drought resistant crop is

A) maize B) tobacco C) cotton D) sorghum

19. Which crop is grown in winter?

A) wheat B) maize C) cotton D) sorghum

20. Most areas in Matabeleland are suitable for

A) cattle ranching B) plantation C) poultry production D) ornamental plantation

21. Which type of soil has larger particles?

A) loam B) clay C) sand D) silt

22. Name the part of a plant which absorbs nutrients from the soil
A) leaves B) roots C) stem D) bark

23. This type of irrigation is called

A) flood irrigation
B) pitcher irrigation
C) drip irrigation
D) overhead irrigation

24. Farmers should look after the soil because it is

A) wealth B) alive C) organic D) porous

25. The breaking down of soil is called

A) weathering B) erosion C) deforestation D) rainfall

26. ______________ is an agent of weathering

A) Soil B) Wind C) Food D) Building

27. What causes soil erosion?

A) farming B) planting trees C) stream bank cultivation D) irrigation

28. NPK stands for Nitrogen, Phosphorous and

A) Carbon B) Copper C) Boron D) Potassium

29. What pollutes soil?

A) water B) litter C) air D) potassium

30. One way to prevent soil erosion is

A) mulching base soil B) burning grass C) overgrazing D) not farming

31. Soil moisture returns to the atmosphere through the process of

A) evaporation B) infiltration C) respiration D) not farming

32. An example of moisture conservation method is

A) irrigation B) harvesting C) field crops D) mulching

33. Water is found in three states which are liquid, solid and
A) air B) soil C) water D) gas
34. Which of the following can be used as mulch in vegetable beds?
A) grass B) tins C) sand D) asbestos

35. Which of the following is a method of water harvesting?

A) watering B) tap water C) reservoir tank D) irrigation

36. Which one is classified as a large animal?

A) rabbit B) broiler C) pig D) layer

37. Lake Mutirikwi is found in which town?

A) Masvingo B) Harare C) Mutare D) Bulawayo

38. Two diseases which are caused by drinking polluted water are
A) malaria and cholera B) typhoid and cholera
C) kwashiorkor and diarrhea D) typhoid and pneumonia

39. Supporting tomato plants is called

A) weeding B) mulching C) stalking D) pruning

40. EMA stands for

A) Economic Management Approach B) Early Maturity Assessment
C) Environmental Management Authority D) Easy Management Approach

41. What do we call swelling on roots of crops such as legumes?

A) humus B) nodules C) organisms D) nitrogen

42. Which part of the tree absorbs sunlight?

A) root B) stem C) leaves D) branches

43. Which of these is an example of a fruit vegetable?

A) cabbage B) tomato C) carrot D) lettuce

44. ______________ should be controlled because they compete with plants for nutrients
A) Weeds B) Cabbages C) Potatoes D) Insects

45. Where does pollination take place?

A) roots B) stem C) flower D) leaves

46. A fruit tree plantation is called an

A) orchard B) forestry C) garden D) farm

47. This red agrochemical colour code means

A) caution
B) poison
C) dangerous
D) very dangerous

48. Name the tool shown below

A) planter
B) disc plough
C) knapsack sprayer
D) dibber

49. a pest which eats maize leaves is called

A) cutworm B) maize stalk borer C) army worm D) red spider mite

50. Which of the following is an indigenous tree?

A) gum tree B) Cyprus C) wattle tree D) musasa tree



Answer ALL questions from this section.

1. a) State any one reason for a family to keep cattle

______________________________________________________________________ {1}
b) The branch of agriculture that deals with care and maintenance of farm machinery is called
______________________________________________________________________ {1}
c) Name one career which is based on animal production
______________________________________________________________________ {1}
d) Describe mixed farming
______________________________________________________________________ {1}
e) Explain any one advantage of mixed farming
______________________________________________________________________ {1}

2. a) The daily state of the atmosphere at a given time is called

______________________________________________________________________ {1}
b) State one internal parasite that affects poultry
______________________________________________________________________ {1}
c) State one way of processing honey
______________________________________________________________________ {1}
d) Describe a suitable site for placing a hive
______________________________________________________________________ {1}
e) An organic fertilizer is
______________________________________________________________________ {1}

3. a) Give one disadvantage of mulching vegetable beds

______________________________________________________________________ {1}
b) What is top dressing?
______________________________________________________________________ {1}
c) Give any one importance of animals in crop production
______________________________________________________________________ {1}
d) Give two sources of protein feeds for farm animals
i) ________________________________ ii) _______________________________ {2}
4. a) State two factors that should be considered when establishing a shrubbery
i) ________________________________ ii) _______________________________ {2}
b) Processing of honey produce honey, bees and
______________________________________________________________________ {1}
c) Agrochemicals should be kept in their original containers because
______________________________________________________________________ {1}
d) What is the function of phosphorus in plants?
______________________________________________________________________ {1}

5. a) Define the following terms

i) Income _________________________________________________________ {1}
ii) Expenditure ______________________________________________________ {1}
b) What is the difference of a farm tool and a farm implement?
______________________________________________________________________ {1}
c) What is the importance of a farm budget?
______________________________________________________________________ {1}
d) What is climate change?
______________________________________________________________________ {1}

6. a) Which two minerals are responsible for blood formation in farm animals?
i) ______________________________ ii) _________________________________ {1}
b) What is soil profile?
_____________________________________________________________________ {1}
c) List any three types of irrigation that are used by farmers in Zimbabwe
i) _______________________________________________________________ {1}
ii) ______________________________________________________________ {1}
iii) _______________________________________________________________ {1}

Chooses any TWO questions from this section.

7. Write what you know about the growing of carrots

a) Varieties i) ________________________________________________________ {1}
ii) ________________________________________________________ {1}
b) Land preparation i) _________________________________________________ {1}
ii) _________________________________________________ {1}
c) Care and management i) ___________________________________________ {1}
ii) ___________________________________________ {1}
d) Spacing i) Row spacing _____________________________________________ {1}
ii) In-Row spacing ___________________________________________ {1}
e) Harvesting and marketing
i) Harvesting ____________________________________________________ {1}
ii) Marketing _____________________________________________________ {1}
TOTAL {10}

8. Define the following terms

a) Demand _____________________________________________________________ {2}
b) Supply _______________________________________________________________ {2}
c) Market _______________________________________________________________ {2}
d) State two inputs required by a cabbage farmer
i) ______________________________________________________________ {1}
ii) ______________________________________________________________ {1}
e) When demand is higher than supply prices
_____________________________________________________________________ {1}
f) When the selling price is lower than the cost price in business one makes a
_____________________________________________________________________ {1}
TOTAL {10}

9. a) Why do farmers mulch their vegetable crops?

i) _______________________________________________________________ {1}
ii) _______________________________________________________________ {1}
b) State two materials that can be used to mulch vegetable beds
i) _________________________________________________________________ {1}
ii) _________________________________________________________________ {1}
c) Give one disadvantage of mulching vegetable beds
_____________________________________________________________________ {1}
d) Give two ways of improving soil structure
i) __________________________________________________________________ {1}
ii) __________________________________________________________________ {1}
e) Write three major plant nutrients
_____________________________________________________________________ {1}
_____________________________________________________________________ {1}
_____________________________________________________________________ {1}
TOTAL {10}
10. a) Name any two parts that attack maize
i) ______________________________________________________________ {1}
ii) ______________________________________________________________ {1}
b) Name any three fruit trees that can be grown from seeds
i) _________________________________________________________________ {1}
ii) _________________________________________________________________ {1}
iii) _________________________________________________________________ {1}
c) Give any two examples of citrus fruits
i) _________________________________________________________________ {1}
ii) _________________________________________________________________ {1}
d) What is the importance of citrus fruits to our health?
_____________________________________________________________________ {1}
e) Name one place in Zimbabwe where oranges are grown at a commercial scale
______________________________________________________________________ {1}
f) What is an orchard?
______________________________________________________________________ {1}
TOTAL {10}

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