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CBSE CLASS 10 Board Exam

Final Revision Notes
Unit 4: Web Application And

Accessibility refers to the user friendliness of a computer system for

all, regardless of their disability., it enables a person with a disability
or impairment to use a computer.


• To launch accessibility options in WindowsXP, Click Start > Control

Panel > Accessibility Options.

Sticky Keys
allows modifier keys like Ctrl and Shift to remain active even when you're not
pressing them.

tells the keyboard to ignore brief or repeated keystrokes, making typing easier
for people with hand tremors.

A toggle key is a key that is used to turn a function on or off, or to switch
between two functions.

Display Tab

High Contrast: n change the size and color of fonts and the background

Cursor Options :changing the blink rate and width of the cursor.
Sound Tab
ShowSounds instructs applications that convey information by sound, to also
provide information visually, through text captions or informative icons.

SoundSentry generates visual warnings, such as a blinking title bar or a flashing
border, whenever the computer generates a sound.

Mouse Tab
MouseKeys :This option uses the keyboard (especially numeric keypad) as a
pointing device instead of a mouse.

General Tab
Serial Keys: special devices such as Sip, Puff and Breath Switches to provide
input to the computer through Serial Ports.

A computer network is a collection of computers and other hardware

components interconnected by communication channels (cables or
satellites) that allow sharing of resources and information

PEER-TO-PEER (P2P) ARCHITECTURE: Networks in which all computers have

an equal status are called peer to peer networks. Generally in such a network
each terminal has an equally competent CPU.

CLIENT-SERVER ARCHITECTURE: Networks in which certain computers have

special dedicated tasks, providing services to other computers (in the network)
are called client server networks.
•LAN(Local Area Network): small area such as building, office.
•PAN(Personal Area Network): network arranged within an individual person,
typically within a range of 10 meters.
•MAN(Metropolitan Area Network): covers a larger geographic area by
interconnecting a different LAN
•WAN(Wide Area Network): over a large geographical area such as states or
The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer
networks that use the standard Internet protocol suite to serve
billions of users worldwide.


World Wide Web (abbreviated as WWW or W3, commonly
known as the Web), is a system of interlinked hypertext
documents accessed via the Internet. With a web browser, one
can view web pages that may contain text, images, videos, and
other multimedia
Advantages of Internet
To use the Internet, you need an Internet connection. Internet connections are provided by Internet Service


An Internet service provider (ISP) is an organization which provides you with access to the Internet via a dial-up
(using modem) or direct (hard wired) or wireless connection.

Á modem is a device that converts digital computer signals into a form (analog signals) that can travel over
phone lines. It also re converts the analog signals back into digital signals. The word modem is derived from its
function MOdulator/DEModulator.
Dial-up: the facilities of the public switched telephone network (PSTN) to establish
a connection

(ISP) via telephone lines using a device called MODEM.

DSL: Digital subscriber line(DSL) provide Internet access by transmitting digital

data over wires of a local telephone network.

Cable Internet Access: Cable Internet Access is a form of broadband Internet

access that uses the cable television infrastructure.

3G: 3G, short for 3rd Generation is a set of standards used for mobile devices and
mobile telecommunication services and networks

WiMAX: WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) is a wireless

communications standard designed to provide mobile broadband connectivity
across cities and countries

WI-Fi: Wi-Fi is a popular technology that allows an electronic device such as

computers or mobile phones to exchange data wirelessly over a network
∙ The data is broken up into bits of same sized pieces called packets.

∙ A header is added to each packet explaining where the data has come from,
where it should end up and where it fits in with the rest of the packets.

∙ Each packet is sent from computer to computer until it finds its destination. All
packets may not take the same route. ∙ At the destination, the packets are
examined. If any packets are missing or damaged, a message is sent asking for
them to be resent. This continues until all packets have been received intact.

∙ The packets are now reassembled into their original form. All this done in

Instant messaging (IM) is a form of communication over the

Internet that offers an instantaneous transmission of text-based
messages from sender to receiver. Most instant messaging
software include the option for performing file transfers, audio chat,
video calling and conferencing, sharing desktops, etc.

Key Features of an instant messaging are as follows:

• Text Messages can be sent to one or more person (Similar
to SMS)
• Audio calling and conferencing.
• Video calling and conferencing.
• File transfers (Not limited to documents, spread sheets,
audio files, video files, etc.)
• Message history (Save messages for future reference).
1) Application Based:- These software are downloaded and installed on user’s
computer. Eg. Google Talk , Yahoo! Messenger , Skype , Window Live Messenger ,
Rediff Bol etc.
2) Web Based:- They are accessed using browsers such as Internet Explorer etc.
Eg. MSN Web Messenger , Yahoo! Messenger for the Web , Meebo , IMO etc.

general rules and etiquettes to be followed while chatting.

•Messages should be short and to the point.
• Always introduce yourself by name if your screen name doesn’t reflect
• Always ask if the other person has time to chat first
- Give people time to respond –


A blog is a discussion style site used by users for creating personal web pages.
Blog is similar to an online personal diary and similar to use. A blog is used to
convey messages, events, news, announcements etc.
Blogs are usually managed through web browser which needs an internet

Examples of Websites that offer blog services:-

general rules and etiquettes to be followed while chatting.

•Messages should be short and to the point.
• Always introduce yourself by name if your screen name doesn’t reflect
• Always ask if the other person has time to chat first
- Give people time to respond –

If you do not have an active internet connection, you can

create blogs using a blog application and publish the blog
whenever internet connectivity is available.

- Qumana
- Windows Live Writer
- Blogdesk
- BlogJet
- Ecto

The transactions over the internet are called Online Transactions

1) For Buying Goods :- amazon, jabong, myntra, flipkart , ebay etc.
2) For Booking of Tickets :- IRCTC , Redbus etc.
3) For Payment of School Fee :-

Payments tools to use Online transaction

For completing an online transaction we must need:- 1) Valid Debit Card
2) Valid Credit Card
3) Net Banking Subscription

Objectives of Internet Security

The main objective of internet security is to establish rules and measures to use
against attacks over the internet.

Online Threats
The threats / vulnerabilities that uses World Wide Web (Internet) to facilitate crimes
are called Online Threats.
1) Phishing
2) Email spoofing
3) Chat Spoofing:-
Best practices for security over Internet

1. Use strong passwords: A combination of alphanumeric and special characters

could be used for creating a password that is not so easy to crack or guessed by
other users
2. Backup your data:
4. Keep username and password private:
5. Registering with website:
6. Do not share personal information:
7. Secure transactions:
8. Use Antivirus and antispyware software:
9. Do not immediately respond to mails from unknown users:
10. Install firewalls:
11. Regularly update your operating system and software applications.
SESSION 9 : Maintain workplace safety

Basic Fire safety rules in an organization are :

- Fire escape plans must be installed at proper levels - Conduct regular drills
- Maintenance of safety equipment must be taken care of regularly

Falls and Slips Safety rules

- Workplace must be proper ventilated
- Floors must be clean and dry
- Oil spills, dust must be immediately cleaned.

Electrical safety rules:

- Electrical equipment approved by a recognised organization. - Take care that the
outlets/ circuits should not be overloaded
Session 10 : Prevent Accidents and Emergencies

Accident: an accident is an unplanned event that may happen all of a

sudden and may lead to unwanted or unprecedented results/outcomes.

Handling accidents:
- Safety measures must be placed to prevent workplace accidents

- Immediately call the medical team for any injury - Stay alert

- Pay attention to and follow emergency drills

Session 11: Protect Health and Safety at work
The workstation should:
● provide sufficient space for the user to alter position comfortably
● provide adequate lighting

The display screen should:

● display well-defined characters of adequate size and spacing ● have
easily adjustable brightness and contrast

The keyboard should:

● be able to tilt easily and should be able to separate from the screen to
allow the user to adopt a comfortable working position

The work surface should:

● provide adequate space for the user
● be of an adequate size to allow the screen, keyboard
Workplace Evacuation
In case of emergency there should be provision for
evacuation. Evacuation is the process of emptying a place in case of
an emergency, disaster.

An evacuation policy : Every organization must have an evacuation


Organization must have a designated assembly point for emergencies

Periodic evacuation drills should be conducted.

Healthy Living
- healthy eating habits
- physical activities
- stress management
- healthy mind
- sound sleep

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CBSE CLASS 10 Board Exam

Final Revision Notes
Unit 3: Database Management
What is Database?
A database is an organized collection of data, so that it can be easily accessed and
You can organize data into tables, rows, columns, and index it to make it
easier to find relevant information.

Database Management System (DBMS)

A database management system is a software package with computer

programs that controls the creation, maintenance and use of a database. A
DBMS allows different user application programs to concurrently access the
same database. Some of the DBMSs are Oracle, IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL
server, Microsoft Access, PostgreSQL, MySQL,
What is Database Server?
Database servers are Computers used to store and manage databases
that are stored on the server and to provide data access for
authorized users. This type of server keeps the data in a central
location that can be regularly backed up.

Database Management System (DBMS)

A database management system is a software package with computer

programs that controls the creation, maintenance and use of a database.
A DBMS allows different user application programs to concurrently
access the same database. Some of the DBMSs are Oracle, IBM DB2,
Microsoft SQL server, Microsoft Access MySQL,
Data can be organized into two types:-

Flat File: Data is stored in a single table. Usually suitable for

less amount of data.

Relational: Data is stored in multiple tables and the tables are

linked using a common field. Relational is suitable for medium to
large amount of data.

RDBMS:- A relational database management system (RDBMS) is

a database management system that is based on the
relational model. In the relational model of a database, all data
is represented in terms of tuples (rows), grouped into
relations (tables). A database organized in terms the relational model
is a relational database.
Advantages of Database/ DBMS

Reduces Data Redundancy : no chance of encountering duplicate data

Sharing of Data : the users of the database can share the data among

Data Integrity : Data integrity means that the data is accurate and consistent in
the database

Data Security : Only authorised users are allowed to access the database and
their identity is authenticated using a username and password

Privacy : The privacy rule in a database states that only the authorized users can
access a database according to its privacy constraints

Backup and Recovery : Database Management System automatically takes

care of backup and recovery.
Database Concepts:-
TABLE :- A table is a set of data elements that is organized using a model of vertical columns and
horizontal rows. Each row is identified by a unique key index or the key field.

COLUMNS OR FIELD :- A column is a set of data values of a particular simple type, one for each row of
the table. For eg. Emp_No , E_Name , Profile etc.

ROWS OR RECORDS OR TUPLES :- A row represents a single, data items in a table. Each row in a
table represents a set of related data, and every row in the table has the same structure.
Database Concepts:-
Item : - Item is about which information is stored in the database.

Value:- Value is the actual text or numerical amount or date that you put in while
adding information to your database.

Key Field :- Key Field is a value in a Field that uniquely. Ex- Emp_No
PRIMARY KEY:- A primary key is a unique value that identifies a row in a table.
These keys are also indexed in the database, making it faster for the database to
search a record.

FOREIGN KEY:- A FOREIGN KEY is a field (or collection of fields) in one table,
that refers to the PRIMARY KEY in another table.

Note:- The “one” side of a relation is always the parent, and provides the
PK(Primary Key) Attributes to be copied. The “many” side of a relation is always
the child, into which the FK(Foreign Key) attributes are copied.

Memorize it : one, parent, PK (Primary Key) ; many, child , FK (Foreign

DATA TYPES :- Datatypes are used to identify the type
of data we are going to store in the database.

Categories of data types:- Data types can be broadly

classified into five categories:-

1. Numeric Types - Numbers

2. Alphanumeric Types - Alphabet and Numbers

3. Binary Types - Photo, Music

4. Date Time - Date and Time

5. Other variable Types – Java objects etc

Numeric Data Type
There are two types of languages:-
DATA DEFINITION / DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE:- It is a standard for commands that define the
different structures in a database. DDL statements create,modify and remove database objects such as
tables, indexes and users.
Common DDL Statements are:-

1. Create :- Used to create database objects.

2. Alter :- Used to modify database objects.
3. Drop :- Used to delete database objects.

DATA MANIPULATION LANGUAGE (DML):- It is a standard for commands that enables users to access and
manipulate data in a database.
Common DML Statements are:-

1. SELECT :- Used for retrieval of information from the database.

2. INSERT :- Used for insertion of new information into the database.

3. DELETE :- Used for deletion of information in the database.
4. UPDATE :- Used for modification of information in the database.

SELECT Emp_no, E_name FROM t; Query data in columns c1, c2 from a table

SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE; Query all rows and columns from a table

SELECT Emp_no, Profile FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE Profile = ‘CLERK’; Query data and filter rows with a






Emp_no INT,

DROP TABLE EMPLOYEE ; Delete the table from the database

UPDATE EMPLOYEE SET Profile = Manager WHERE Emp_no = 8369;

ALTER TABLE EMPLOYEE ADD COLUMN HRA; Add a new column to the table

ALTER TABLE EMPLOYEE DROP COLUMN Salary ; Drop column c from the table

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CBSE CLASS 10 Term 2 Board Exam

Unit 3: Database Management System
Most Importat 4 Marks Questions
Table Type (SQL Command)

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CBSE CLASS 10 Board Exam

Employability Skills
Final Revision Notes
Unit 4: Entrepreneurial Skills
Session 1: Entrepreneurship and Society

Entrepreneurship is the type of self-employment where one is running a

business to satisfy the needs of people and looking for ways to make the
business better to make profits.

Successful entrepreneurs have the following qualities

• They are confident.
• They believe in themselves and their abilities.
• They keep trying new ideas in their business.
• They are patient.
• They are creative and think differently about business ideas.
• They take responsibility for their actions.
• They take decisions after thinking about them.
• They work hard.
• They do not give up when they face a difficulty.
What do entrepreneurs do when they run their business?

Fulfil Customer Needs

Demand means a product or service that people want. Entrepreneurs find out what
people want. Then, they use their creativity to come up with a business idea that
will meet that demand.

Use Local Materials

Entrepreneurs use the material and people available around them, to make products at
low cost.

Help Society
Entrepreneurs have a positive relationship with society. They make profits through
activities that benefit society. Some entrepreneurs work towards saving the environment,
some give money to build schools and hospitals. This way, the people and area around
them becomes better.
Create Jobs
With the growth of a business, entrepreneurs look for more people to help them.
They buy more material, and from more people. The also hire more people to work
them. In this way, more people have jobs. Sharing of Wealth Wealth means having
enough money to live a comfortable life. As entrepreneurs grow their business, the

Lower Price of Products

As more entrepreneurs sell the same product, the price of the product goes down.
For example, when more mobile phones were getting sold in India, the cost of the
phone became lesser.
Session 2: Qualities and Functions of an Entrepreneur
Session 2: Qualities and Functions of an Entrepreneur
Session 3: Myths about Entrepreneurship


1. The misconception is that every business idea needs to be unique or


2. The misconception we have is that a person needs a lot of money to start

a business.

3. A misconception we have is that only a person having a big business is

an entrepreneur.

4. A misconception we have is that entrepreneurs are born, not made.

Session 4: Entrepreneurship as a Career Option

Wage Employed: Wage employed people are people who work for a
person or an organization and get paid for that work.

Self-employed: Self-employed people are those who start businesses to

satisfy the needs of people.

A selfemployed person who is always trying to make his/her business

better by taking risks and trying new ideas is an entrepreneur.
A person who becomes an entrepreneur goes through a career process. This
process is as follows:

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CBSE CLASS 10 Board Exam

Employability Skills
Final Revision Notes
Unit 5: Green Skills
Session 1: Sustainable Development

What is Sustainable Development?

Sustainable development is the development that satisfies the needs of the present
without compromising the capacity of future generations, guaranteeing the balance
between economic growth, care for the environment and social well-being.

Importance of Sustainable Development Economic development is using up

resources of the world so quickly that our future generations, the young people
of the world, would have serious environmental problems, much worse than
those that we are facing at present. With increasing population and income, the
consumption of goods is increasing day by day. This has led to increase in
production and utilisation of natural resources, which are required for
producing goods.
Problems Related to Sustainable Development

(a) Food: The amount of rich, fertile land needed to grow crops, such as
wheat, rice, etc., is becoming less as we are using up more and more land
for other purposes

(b) Water: We use fresh water from rivers and ponds for drinking and
cleaning but dump garbage into them. The rivers and ponds are getting
polluted. .

(c) Fuel: We are using a lot of wood from trees as fuels and for construction
of homes and furniture. As more and more trees are being cut, it is affecting
the climate of the place.
Sustainable development includes
• reducing excessive use of resources and enhancing resource
• recycling and reuse of waste materials;
• scientific management of renewable resources, especially bio-resources;
• planting more trees; green grassy patches and trees to be
interspersed between concrete buildings;
• using more environment friendly material or biodegradable material and
• use of technologies, which are environmental friendly and based on
efficient use of resources.
The Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were launched at the

United Nations Sustainable Development Summit in New York in
September 2015, forming the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development. It has set targets that the countries have to should work
towards and achieve by 2030.

The 17 SDGs have been made with the aim to take care of important
issues facing businesses, governments and society
Sustainable Development Initiatives

Mr Ashwath Hedge found an eco-friendly alternative. He

made a 100 per cent bio-degradable bag which can dissolve
in hot water and decompose in natural environment.

Narayana Peesapaty made edible cutlery made out of a

grain — these spoons can be eaten and even if they are not
eaten they will easily decompose
Sustainable Processes

Some practices, such as organic farming, vermi-composting and

rainwater harvesting are being used to help preserve the

Organic farming is where farmers do not use chemical pesticides

and fertilisers to increase their production. They use organic and
natural fertilisers, such as cow dung to help in growing crops. This
helps in better quality chemical free crops while at the same time
maintaining the soil quality for future use
Session 2: Our Role in Sustainable Development
One initiative was taken by Ministry of Railways in Varanasi and Raibareilly
where they introduced clay pots ‘Kulhads’ to replace plastic and paper
cups and to bring back taste of tradition

Our Role in Sustainable Development

Quality Education
We should
1. use the facilities present in our areas.
2. take our friends to school.
3. help friends study.
4. stop friends from dropping out of school.

Clean Water and Sanitation

We must make efforts to make India free of open defecation by building toilets and
creating awareness towards sanitation.
Affordable and Clean Energy
Using solar power i.e., power generated using the sun does not cause pollution as it
does not require burning of non-renewable fuels, such as coal.

Decent Work and Economic Growth

We can
(a) study and find good jobs to take care of ourselves and our families.
(b) work hard and contribute to society.
(c) learn and develop skills so that we get add value in our community.

Reduced Inequalities
To reduce inequalities we can
1. be helpful to one another.
2. be friendly with everyone.
3. include everyone while working or playing.
4. help others by including everyone whether they are small or big, girl or boy, belong
to any class or caste.
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Creating Sustainable Cities
1. Save energy by switching off lights and fans when not in use.
2. Use natural light as much as possible.
3. Use energy-efficient lights (LED bulbs) and appliances.

Responsible Consumers and Producers

We can become responsible about our own environment by
1. reusing paper, glass, plastic, water, etc.
2. taking cloth bags to market carrying fruits and vegetables.
3. donate things we do not use such as clothes, books, furniture, food, etc.
4. Repair leaking taps and pipes to avoid wasting water.

Protect Life Below Water

Tons of plastic is found in the seas, which is killing marine life. Protecting marine life, saving our oceans
from pollution is necessary to preserve the marine life.

Protect Life on Land

Cutting of trees is leading to soil erosion and making land dry and unusable for cultivation. Planting more
tree to replace the ones that we have cut is an important step towards sustainable development.

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