Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
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(a) The following table lists key management tasks performed by an operating system and
their descriptions.
Complete the table by writing the missing management task names and descriptions.
Memory management
Provision of a software
(b) A hard disk formatter and a hard disk defragmenter are two examples of utility software.
(i) Describe the actions performed by a hard disk formatter and a hard disk defragmenter.
(ii) Identify three other examples of utility software that can be installed on the computer.
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
3 ........................................................................................................................................
............................................................................................................................................. [2]
Describe two non-physical methods used to improve the security of computer systems.
1 ................................................................................................................................................
2 ................................................................................................................................................
(c) A computer uses parity blocks to check the data that has been received is the same as the
data that has been transmitted.
1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0
1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1
1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1
(i) Describe how a parity block check can identify a bit that has been corrupted during
..................................................................................................................................... [4]
(ii) Give a situation where a parity block check cannot identify corrupted bits.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(d) One principle of the ACM/IEEE Software Engineering Code of Ethics is to always act in the
best interest of the client.
Explain how Frankie can ensure that he is acting in the best interest of his client.
............................................................................................................................................. [3]
(e) When the program is complete, Frankie uses a compiler to prepare the program for the client.
............................................................................................................................................. [3]
3 A company uses a relational database, EMPLOYEES, to store data about its employees and
..................................................................................................................................... [2]
..................................................................................................................................... [2]
(b) Relationships are created between tables using primary and foreign keys.
............................................................................................................................................. [2]
(d) Give three reasons why the EMPLOYEES database is fully normalised.
1 ................................................................................................................................................
2 ................................................................................................................................................
3 ................................................................................................................................................
(i) Write a Data Definition Language (DDL) statement to create the EMPLOYEES database.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) Write a DDL statement to define the table EMPLOYEE_DATA, and declare EmployeeID
as the primary key.
..................................................................................................................................... [5]
(iii) Write a Data Manipulation Language (DML) statement to return the first name and last
name of all female employees in the department named Finance.
..................................................................................................................................... [5]
(a) The op codes LDM and LDD are used to load a register. The op code LDM uses immediate
addressing, and the op code LDD uses direct addressing.
LDM #300
LDD 300
Tick (✓) one box in each row to indicate the group each instruction belongs to.
(i) Give one example of a hardware interrupt and one example of a software interrupt.
Hardware ...........................................................................................................................
Software ............................................................................................................................
..................................................................................................................................... [5]
(a) The images are bitmap images. A bitmap image can be made up of any number of colours.
Each colour is represented by a unique binary number.
Draw one line from each box on the left, to the correct box on the right to identify the minimum
number of bits needed to store each maximum number of colours.
(b) One of the videos has a frame rate of 40 fps (frames per second).
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) One video uses interlaced encoding, and a second video uses progressive encoding.
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
(c) The sound track has a sampling rate of 88.2 kHz and a sampling resolution of 32 bits.
State what is meant by a sampling rate of 88.2 kHz and a sampling resolution of 32 bits.
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