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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Tanjay City

Localization and Contextualization

of Learning Competencies
in Mathematics 7

COMPETENCIES CODE (Tell how and/or what part of the lesson may (Tell how and/or what part of the lesson
be localized) may be contextualized)
1. Describes well-defined sets, subsets, M7NS-Ia-1 In the development of the lesson (dependent With the use of the materials, the teacher
universal sets, and the null set and learning) ,application (independent learning) can formulate a springboard.
cardinality of sets. assessment (formative test or summative test),
the following material can be used in the 1. How many has a cell phone?
formulation of activities and/or problems: 2. What other accessories are included in
a. cell phones, buying it?
b. charger, and 3. What term is used to make these
c. headphones. materials functional?
2. Illustrates the union and intersection M7NS-Ia-2 In the development of the lesson (dependent With the use of the materials , the teacher
of sets and the difference of two sets. learning) ,application (independent learning) can formulate question.
assessment (formative test or summative test),
the following material can be used in the 1. Which of the following is not a delicacy
formulation of activities and/or problems: in Mandaue?
a. tagaktak, a. A. bibingka C. tagaktak
b. masareal, and B. masareal D. torta
c. bibingka.
3. Uses Venn Diagrams to represent M7NS-Ib-1 In the development of the lesson (dependent With the use of the materials, the teacher
sets, subsets, and set operations. learning) ,application (independent learning) can formulate a springboard.
assessment (formative test or summative test),
the following material can be used in the 1. A group of 25 high school students
formulation of activities and/or problems: were asked whether they like either
a. Fish Balls and fish balls or tempura. Fifteen of these
b. Tempura. students like fish balls and twelve like
a. How many like fish balls?
b. How many like tempura?
c. How many like both fish balls and
d. Show the Venn diagram.

COMPETENCIES CODE (Tell how and/or what part of the lesson may (Tell how and/or what part of the lesson
be localized) may be contextualized)
4. Solves problems involving sets. M7NS-Ib-2 In the development of the lesson (dependent With the use of the materials ,the teacher
learning) ,application (independent learning) can formulate problem/s like this:
assessment (formative test or summative test),
the following material can be used in the 1. A group of 50 students bought the
formulation of activities and/or problems: different delicacies. Out of 50 students,
a. tagaktak, 24 bought tagaktak, 18 bought
b. masareal, and masareal, 20 bought bibingka; 12
c. bibingka. bought tagaktak and masareal; 15
bought masareal and bibingka; 11
bought tagaktak and bibingka and 10
bought the three delicacies.
a. How many of the students bought
b. How many of the students bought
c. How many of the students bought
d. How many did not bought any of
the delicacies?
5. Represents the absolute value of a M7NS-Ic-1 In the development of the lesson (dependent With the use of the materials ,the teacher
number on a number line as the learning) ,application (independent learning) can formulate problem/s like this:
distance of a number from 0. assessment (formative test or summative test),
the following material can be used in the 1. Suppose the jeepney stops from Centro
formulation of activities and/or problems: to Jagobiao were on a straight line and
a. Map of Mandaue City, were 100 meters apart from each
b. picture of a Jeepney, other.
c. list of barangays of Mandaue a. How far would Jagobiao be from
City(Jagobiao,Basak, Canduman, Tribunal?
Paknaan, Ibabao,Centro,and Tribunal), b. What if Ervin took a jeepney from
d. Yarn thread, and Jagobiao and got off at his last
e. Push pins. destination? How far would he have

c. Suppose both Ervin and Carlos
rode the jeepney at Alang-alang
COMPETENCIES CODE (Tell how and/or what part of the lesson may (Tell how and/or what part of the lesson
be localized) may be contextualized)
Continuation (5). . . and the former got off in Centro
while the latter in Basak. How far
would each have travelled from the
starting point to their destinations?
6. Performs fundamental operations on M7NS-Ic-d- In the development of the lesson (dependent With the use of the materials ,the teacher
integers. 1 learning) ,application (independent learning) can formulate problem/s like this:
assessment (formative test or summative test),
the following material can be used in the 1. A vendor gained P100.00 on the first
formulation of activities and/or problems: day; lost P48.00 on the second day, and
a. two sets of candies to represent gained P69.00 on the third day. How
negative and positive numbers, much profit did the vendor gain in 3
b. empty grocery packs to portray a days?
vendor and a vendee, and * Candies are used to visualize the
c. deposit and withdrawal slip to portray negative and positive numbers.
bank transactions .
7. Illustrates the different properties of M7NS-Id-2 In the development of the lesson (dependent With the use of the materials, the teacher
operations on the set of integers. learning) ,application (independent learning) can help the students to illustrate the
assessment (formative test or summative test), different properties of integers.
the following material can be used in the
formulation of activities and/or problems: Pictionary game (Show and Tell) using
a. tamarind seeds, pictures of group of objects or persons to
b. pebbles, illustrate CPA. Silhig, feather duster and
c. “silhig”, doormat can illustrate APA. Tamarind seeds
d. feather duster, and pebbles can illustrate Distributive
e. doormat, and Property.
f. pictures for Pictionary.
8. Expresses rational numbers from M7NS-Ie-1 In the development of the lesson (dependent With the use of the material , the teacher
fraction form to decimal form and learning) ,application (independent learning) can formulate problem like this
vice versa. assessment (formative test or summative test),
the following material can be used in the 1. A pizza was divided into eight equal
formulation of activities and/or problems such parts. Jam took three parts while Neil
as pizza. took 2 more parts than Jam while Gina

took only one part. What part of the
Pizza was eaten by Neil? What is the
COMPETENCIES CODE (Tell how and/or what part of the lesson may (Tell how and/or what part of the lesson
be localized) may be contextualized)
Continuation (8). . . decimal representation of the part that
he was eaten?

9. Arranges rational numbers on a M7NS-Ie-2

number line.

10. Performs operations on rational M7NS-If-1 In the development of the lesson (dependent With the use of the material, the teacher
numbers. learning) ,application (independent learning) can formulate problem like this.
assessment (formative test or summative test),
the following material can be used in the 1. Mama Linda bought a pack of Bibingka
formulation of activities and/or problems such for her family. Each pack of Bibingka
as bibingka. has 3 pieces and she needs to share
with her 3 children and her husband.
What part of Bibingka is eaten?
11. Describes principal roots and tells M7NS-Ig-1
whether they are rational or
12. Determines between what two M7NS-Ig-2
integers the square root of a
number is.
13. Estimates the square root of a M7NS-Ig-3
whole number to the nearest
14. Plots irrational numbers (up to M7NS-Ig-4
square roots) on a number line.***

15. Illustrates the different subsets of M7NS-Ih-1 In the development of the lesson (dependent With the use of the material, the teacher
real numbers. learning) ,application (independent learning) can formulate problem like this.
assessment (formative test or summative test),
the following material can be used in the 1. Determine what numbers /set of
formulation of activities and/or problems: numbers will represent the following
a. books in a shelf, situations.
b. money P200 bill, and a. Finding out how many books are

c. round plate. there in a shelf.
b. Corresponds to no more books
COMPETENCIES CODE (Tell how and/or what part of the lesson may (Tell how and/or what part of the lesson
be localized) may be contextualized)
Continuation (15). . . inside the shelf.
c. Describing the temperature in the
North pole.
d. Representing the amount of
each member gets when 200 peso
bill prize is divided among three
e. Finding the ratio of the
circumference to the diameter of a
round plate, denoted π (read as”
16. Arranges real numbers in increasing M7NS-Ih-2
or decreasing order.
17. Writes numbers in scientific M7NS-Ii-1
notation and vice versa.
18. Represents real-life situations which M7NS-Ii-2 In the development of the lesson (dependent With the use of the materials, the teacher
involve real numbers. learning) ,application (independent learning) can formulate problem like this.
assessment (formative test or summative test),
the following material can be used in the 1. A piece of Masareal was divided into
formulation of activities and/or problems: eight equal parts. Jam took three parts
a. Tagaktak, while Neil took 2 more parts than Jam
b. Masareal, and while Gina took only one part. How
c. bibingka. many parts of the Masareal was eaten
by Neil?
19. Solves problems involving real M7NS-Ij-1 In the development of the lesson (dependent With the use of the materials ,the teacher
numbers. learning) ,application (independent learning) can formulate problem like this:
assessment (formative test or summative test), 1. Joeyneil, a teacher in Labogon National
the following material can be used in the High School, is requested by his
formulation of activities and/or problems: principal to buy 3 Silhig in Paknaan. He
a. “Silhig”, is given 100 pesos for the Silhig
b. feather duster, including his fare. If the cost of each

c. doormat, silhig is 24 pesos, how much money will
d. bibingka , be left?
COMPETENCIES CODE (Tell how and/or what part of the lesson may (Tell how and/or what part of the lesson
be localized) may be contextualized)
Continuation (19) . . . e. tagaktak, and
f. masareal
20. Illustrates what it means to M7ME-IIa-1 In the development of the lesson (dependent
measure. learning) ,application (independent learning)
assessment (formative test or summative test),
the following material can be used in the
formulation of activities and/or problems:
a. ruler or meter stick,
b. cylinder,
c. thermometer,
d. weighing scale, and
e. protractor.
21. Describes the development of M7ME-IIa-2 .
measurement from the primitive to
the present international system of
22. Approximates the measures of M7ME-IIa-3 In the development of the lesson (dependent The teacher may formulate the activity/
quantities particularly length , learning), application (independent learning) problem in this manner:
weight/mass, volume, time, angle and assessments (formative and summative 1. Find the length and the width of your
and temperature and rate. tests), any of the following materials can be notebook in inches. (Illustrate length)
used in the formulation of activities and/ 2. Find the weight of your group mates
problems: using the weighing scale.
a. ruler and notebook 3. How much water in a cylindrical tin can
b. weighing scale with a radius of 5 cm and a height of
c. tin can 25cm if it is only a quarter full?
(Illustrate volume)
4. A jeepney travels from Mandaue City
Hall at 11:30am and its estimated time
of arrival in SM City Cebu is at 1230hrs.
The distance from city hall to SM is
3km. What time (standard time) is the

jeepney supposed to arrive at SM City
COMPETENCIES CODE (Tell how and/or what part of the lesson may (Tell how and/or what part of the lesson
be localized) may be contextualized)
23. Converts measurements from one M7ME-IIb-1 In the development of the lesson (dependent The teacher may formulate the activity/
unit to another in both Metric and learning), application (independent learning) problem in the following question in this
English systems. and assessments (formative and summative manner:
tests), any of the following materials can be 1. With the use of ruler, Jean measures
used in the formulation of activities and/ the length of the teacher’s table in
problems: their classroom, using inches (convert
a. Ruler in to cm).
b. orange( fruit), and 2. Mrs. Garcia bought 3 kgs of oranges in
c. teacher’s table. the supermarket. What is the mass of
a. the oranges in grams?
24. Solves problems involving M7ME-Iib-2 In the development of the lesson (dependent The teacher may formulate the activity/
conversion of units of learning), the students should be engaged in problem in the following question in this
measurement. independent learning (application) and manner:
assessment (formative & summative test). The 1. With the use of meter stick, Mary
following materials can be used in the measures the length of the blackboard
formulation of the activity like blackboard, of their classroom. Find the perimeter
coconut midrib and meter stick. of the blackboard in meters.
2. Ben brought a coconut midrib and gets
the measurement of it using inches.
Convert the result to cm.
25. Translates English sentences to M7AL-IIc-1
mathematical sentences and vice
26. Interprets the meaning of where is M7AL-IIc-2
a positive integer. n a n
27. Differentiates between constants M7AL-IIc-3
and variables in a given algebraic
28. Evaluates algebraic expressions for M7AL-IIc-4 In the development of the lesson (dependent The teacher may formulate the
given values of the variables. learning), application (independent learning) activity/problem in the following question in
and assessments (formative and summative this manner:
tests), the material can be used in the 1. Find the area of a triangle which has

formulation of activities and/ problems using 15cm base and a height which is two
triangle. more than the base.
COMPETENCIES CODE (Tell how and/or what part of the lesson may (Tell how and/or what part of the lesson
be localized) may be contextualized)
29. Classifies algebraic expressions M7AL-IId-1
which are polynomials according to
degree and number of terms.
30. Adds and subtracts polynomials. M7AL-IId-2 In the development of the lesson (dependent The teacher may formulate the
learning), application (independent learning) activity/problem in the following question in
and assessments (formative and summative this manner:
tests), the material can be used in the 1. If the length of the box in terms of x is
formulation of activities and/ problems using 2x2 +x+6 and its width is x +9. What is
box. the perimeter of this box?
31. Derives the laws of exponent. M7AL-IId-e-
32. Multiplies and divides polynomials. M7AL-IIe-2 In the development of the lesson (dependent The teacher may formulate the
learning), application (independent learning) activity/problem in this manner:
and assessments (formative and summative 1. A rectangular swimming pool is twice
tests), any of the following materials can be as long as it is wide. A small concrete
used in the formulation of activities and/ walkway surrounds the pool. The
problems using: walkway is a constant 2 feet wide and
a. swimming pool and has an area of 196 square feet. Find the
b. chocolate cake dimensions of the pool.
2. The average price of a box of chocolate
cake is 2X+24 and each box contains 6
slices. If X= 3, How much is each slice
of chocolate cake cost?
33. Uses models and algebraic M7AL-IIe-g-1 In the development of the lesson (dependent The teacher may formulate the
methods to find the: (a) product of learning), application (independent learning) activity/problem in the following question in
two binomials; (b) product of the and assessments (formative and summative this manner:
sum and difference of two terms; tests), any of the following materials can be 1. Elvie gave a squared mirror to his
(c) square of a binomial; (d) cube of used in the formulation of activities and/ friend which side x+5. Find the area
a binomial; (e) product of a problems using mirror. of the mirror she gave?
binomial and a trinomial.***

COMPETENCIES CODE (Tell how and/or what part of the lesson may (Tell how and/or what part of the lesson
be localized) may be contextualized)
34. Solves problems involving algebraic M7AL-IIg-2 In the development of the lesson (dependent The teacher may formulate the activity/
expressions. learning), application (independent learning) problem in this manner:
and assessments (formative and summative 1. If the length of the rectangular jewelry
tests), any of the following materials can be box in terms of x is 5x 2 +3x+6 and its
used in the formulation of activities and/ width is 7x +9. What is the perimeter of
problems: this box?
a. rectangular jewelry box, 2. The average price of a box of cassava
b. tarpaulin, cake is 2X+24 and each box contains 6
c. lion tiger boxes, slices. If X= 3, How much is each slice
d. cassava cake, and of cassava cake cost?
e. plates and bowls. 3. Mary is going to order several plates
(25.00each) and bowls (15.00each) for
his new kitchen. Write an algebraic
expression to find the total cost if Mary
buys x plates and y bowls.
35. Differentiates between algebraic M7AL-IIh-1
expressions and equations.
36. Translates English sentences to M7AL-IIh-2 In the development of the lesson (dependent The teacher may formulate the activity/
mathematical sentences and vice learning), application (independent learning) problem in the following question in this
versa. and assessments (formative and summative manner:
tests), any of the following materials can be 1. The length of a quadrangle is four times
used in the formulation of activities and/ its width, and its width is 10m.
problems: 2. Bob is 3 years older than Alice.
a. laptop, 3. The difference of Alice and Bob's age is
b. quadrangle, and sixteen.
c. student’s age.
37. Differentiates between equations M7AL-IIh-3
and inequalities
38. Illustrates linear equation and M7AL-IIh-4
inequality in one variable.
39. Finds the solution of linear M7AL-IIi-1 In the development of the lesson (dependent The teacher may formulate the activity/
equation or inequality in one learning), application (independent learning) problem in the following question in this

variable. and assessments (formative and summative manner:
tests), any of the following materials can be
COMPETENCIES CODE (Tell how and/or what part of the lesson may (Tell how and/or what part of the lesson
be localized) may be contextualized)
Continuation (39) . . . used in the formulation of activities and/ 1. Mrs. Faith bought a cake and divided it
problems: into two parts such that one part is 10
a. laptop, more than the other. If the two parts
b. quadrangle, and are in the ratio 5:3, find the number
c. Cake and the two parts.
40. Solves linear equation or inequality M7AL-IIi-j-1
in one variable involving absolute
value by: (a) graphing; and (b)
algebraic methods.
41. Solves problems involving M7AL-IIj-2
equations and inequalities in one
42. Represents point, line and plane M7GE-IIIa-1 In the development of the lesson (dependent
using concrete and pictorial learning), application (independent learning)
models. and assessments (formative and summative
tests), any of the following materials can be
used in the formulation of activities:
a. Let the students find/identify the things
inside the classroom which may
represent point, line and plane.
43. Illustrates subsets of a line. M7GE-IIIa-2 In the development of the lesson (dependent
learning), application (independent learning)
and assessments (formative and summative
tests), any of the following materials can be
used in the formulation of activities:
a. Arrow
b. Rope
c. Fire wood
d. Electric wire
e. Flashlight beam
f. Computer cord

g. Anchor
COMPETENCIES CODE (Tell how and/ what part of the lesson may be (Tell how and/ what part of the lesson may
localized) be contextualized)
44. Classifies the different kinds of M7GE-IIIa-3 In the development of the lesson (dependent The teacher may formulate the
angles. learning), application (independent learning) activity/problem in this manner:
and assessments (formative and summative 1. Use the hands of the wall clock to
tests), the materials can be used by the teacher represent the kinds of angles given the
in the formulation of activities and problems: specific time.
a. 3:00 – (to illustrate right angle)
b. 2:00- (to illustrate acute angle)
c. 9:10- (to illustrate obtuse angle)

45. Derives relationships of geometric M7GE-IIIb-1 In the development of the lesson (dependent The teacher may formulate the
figures using measurements and by learning), application (independent learning) activity/problem in this manner:
inductive reasoning; supplementary and assessments (formative and summative
angles, complementary angles, tests), any of the following materials can be
congruent angles, vertical angles, used in the formulation of activities and
adjacent angles, linear pairs, problems:
perpendicular lines, and parallel a. Coconut midribs QUESTIONS:
lines.*** b. Barbecue Sticks 1. What is the relationship of the two
c. Drinking Straws
angles? (linear pair)
d. Pick-up Sticks
e. Popsicle Sticks 2. If measures , what is ?
f. Non-sharp edge pair of scissors 3. What is the relationship of the
measurements of the two angles?

46. Derives relationships among angles M7GE-IIIc-1 In the development of the lesson (dependent The teacher may formulate the
formed by parallel lines cut by a learning), application (independent learning) activity/problem in this manner:
transversal using measurement and and assessments (formative and summative 1
by inductive reasoning. tests), any of the following materials can be 3 4

used in the formulation of activities and 5 6

problems: 7 8

a. Coconut midribs

b. Barbecue Sticks
COMPETENCIES CODE (Tell how and/ what part of the lesson may be (Tell how and/ what part of the lesson may
localized) be contextualized)
Continuation (46) . . . c. Drinking Straws QUESTIONS:
d. Pick-up Sticks 1. Identify the interior angles.
e. Popsicle Sticks 2. Identify the alternate interior angles.
3. What is the measure of ?
47. Uses a compass and straightedge to M7GE-IIId-
bisect line segments and angles and e-1
construct perpendiculars and
48. Illustrates polygons: (a) convexity; M7GE-IIIe-2 In the development of the lesson (dependent
(b) angles; and (c) sides. learning), application (independent learning)
and assessments (formative and summative
tests), the material can be used by the teacher
in the formulation of activities and problems:
a. Matchsticks
b. Coconut midribs
c. Barbecue Sticks
d. Drinking Straws
e. Pick-up Sticks
f. Popsicle Sticks
49. Derives inductively the relationship M7GE-IIIf-1 In the development of the lesson (dependent The teacher may formulate the
of exterior and interior angles of a learning), application (independent learning) activity/problem in this manner:
convex polygon. and assessments (formative and summative 1. Henry is eating a tagaktak. What is the
tests), the materials can be used by the teacher sum of the interior angles of the
in the formulation of activities and problems: tagaktak?
a. Signage 2. What is the measure of the interior
b. Road Signs angle of a hexagonal shelled-jewelry
c. “Tagaktak” box?
d. Hexagonal Shelled-Jewelry box 3. What is the sum of the exterior angle of
e. Star Lantern a STOP sign?
4. If the sum of the interior angles of a
signage is , how many sides are there?
5. How many sides are there in a star

CODE (Tell how and/ what part of the lesson may be (Tell how and/ what part of the lesson may
localized) be contextualized)
50. Illustrates a circle and the terms M7GE-IIIg-1 In the development of the lesson (dependent
related to it: radius, diameter learning), application (independent learning)
chord, center, arc, chord, central and assessments (formative and summative
angle, and inscribed angle. tests), the materials can be used by the teacher
in the formulation of activities and problems:
a. “Bibingka” and
b. Paper plates
51. Constructs triangles, squares, M7GE-IIIh-i- In the development of the lesson (dependent
rectangles, regular pentagons, and 1 learning), application (independent learning)
regular hexagons. and assessments (formative and summative
tests), the material can be used by the teacher
in the formulation of activities and problems:
a. Matchsticks
b. Coconut midribs
c. Barbecue Sticks
d. Drinking Straws
e. Pick-up Sticks
f. Popsicle Sticks
52. Solves problems involving sides and M7GE-IIIj-1 In the development of the lesson (dependent The teacher may formulate the
angles of a polygon. learning), application (independent learning) activity/problem in this manner:
and assessments (formative and summative 1. Henry is eating tagaktak. What is the
tests), the materials can be used by the teacher sum of the interior angles of the
in the formulation of activities and problems: tagaktak?
a. Signage 2. How many sides are there in a
b. Road Signs hexagonal shelled-jewelry box?
c. “Tagaktak” 3. What is the sum of the exterior angle of
d. Hexagonal Shelled-Jewelry box a STOP sign?
e. Star lantern 4. If the sum of the interior angles of a
signage is , how many sides are there?
5. How many sides are there in a star

COMPETENCIES CODE (Tell how and/or what part of the lesson may (Tell how and/or what part of the lesson
be localized) may be contextualized)

53. Explains the importance of M7SP-IVa-1 In the development of the lesson (dependent The teacher may formulate the
Statistics. learning), application(independent learning) activity/problem in this manner:
and assessments(formative and summative (For age)*
tests), the following concepts / data may be 1. Write your age on the board.
utilized: 2. Split into groups of 5 members.
a. ages of the students 3. Sort out the raw data and present it in a
b. student’s arm span way you think would be a good
c. student’s height presentation.
4. After 10 minutes, present your output.
* Teacher may use the other data
(student’s arm span or student’s
54. Poses problems that can be solved M7SP-IVa-2 In the development of the lesson (dependent The teacher may formulate the
using Statistics. learning), application(independent learning) activity/problem in this manner:
and assessments(formative and summative 1. From the pictures posted on the board,
tests), the following materials may be utilized: students are asked to create problems
Pictures of: which can be solved using Statistics.
a. stack of books
b. cabinet filled with varied shirts
c. grocery store
d. different teams (sports fest setting)
55. Formulates simple statistical M7SP-IVa-3 In the development of the lesson (dependent The teacher may formulate the activity/
instruments. learning), application (independent learning) problem in this manner:
and assessments(formative and summative 1. In a group of five, create one statistical
tests), the following materials may be utilized: instrument (Questionnaire /Survey
Samples of statistical instruments: Sampling/ Interview Questions) which
a. Questionnaire may result to any of the following:
b. Survey Sampling a. Most subscribed cellular network
c. Interview Questions b. Most watched TV network
c. Favorite celebrity love team
d. May Forever?

e. Most played sports/online games
COMPETENCIES CODE (Tell how and/ what part of the lesson may be (Tell how and/ what part of the lesson may
localized) be contextualized)
Continuation (55) . . . f. Number of students who have
FACEBOOK accounts
56. Gathers statistical data. M7SP-IVb-1 In the development of the lesson (dependent The teacher may formulate the
learning), application(independent learning) activity/problem in this manner:
and assessments(formative and summative
tests), the following materials may be utilized: Instructions:
Statistical Instruments created from the 1. Administer the statistical instrument.
previous activity: 2. There should only be 30 respondents
a. Most subscribed cellular network for each group. Duplication of
b. Most watched TV network respondents is not allowed.
c. Favorite celebrity love team 3. Gather the data.
d. May Forever? 4. Create a summary of the data gathered.
e. Most played sports/online games 5.
f. Number of students who have 6.
FACEBOOK accounts 7.
57. Organizes data in a frequency M7SP-IVc-1 In the development of the lesson (dependent The teacher may formulate the
distribution table. learning), application(independent learning) activity/problem in this manner:
and assessments(formative and summative
tests), the following materials may be utilized: Instructions:
Data gathered from the previous activity 1. Each group is tasked to sort and
(Gathering Statistical Data) organize the data gathered using
a. Most subscribed cellular network frequency table.
b. Most watched TV network 2. Write your frequency distribution table
c. Favorite celebrity love team on a short bond paper.
d. May Forever? 3. Compile the following as your output:
e. Most played sports/online games a. Sample questionnaire
f. No. of students who have FACEBOOK b. Summary of data gathered
accounts. c. Frequency Distribution Table.
58. Uses appropriate graphs to M7SP-IVd- In the development of the lesson (dependent The teacher may formulate the
represent organized data: pie chart, e-1 learning), application(independent learning) activity/problem in this manner:
bar graph, line graph, histogram, and assessments(formative and summative
and ogive.*** tests), the following materials may be utilized: Instructions:

Data gathered from the previous activity 1. Use the output from the previous
(Gathering Statistical Data): activity (Frequency Distribution Table)
COMPETENCIES CODE (Tell how and/or what part of the lesson may (Tell how and/or what part of the lesson
be localized) may be contextualized)
Continuation (58) . . . a. Most subscribed cellular network 2. Present the data using the appropriate
b. Most watched TV network graph (pie chart, bar graph, line graph
c. Favorite celebrity love team or histogram)
d. May Forever? 3. Use graphing paper for the output.
e. Most played sports/online games 4. Show creativity and neatness on your
f. No. of students who have FACEBOOK work.
59. Illustrates the measures of central M7SP-IVf-1 In the development of the lesson (dependent The teacher may formulate the
tendency (mean, median, and learning), application(independent learning) activity/problem in this manner:
mode) of a statistical data. and assessments(formative and summative
tests), the following data may be utilized: From the data given (students’ score),
answer the following questions:
1. What score is typical to the group of
students? Why?
2. What score frequently appears?
The set of data* shows a score of 35 students 3. What score appears to be in the
in their periodical test. middle?
4. How many students fall below this
*Teacher may use the other data (ages of the score?
students, student’s arm span or height).
60. Calculates the measures of central M7SP-IVf-g- In the development of the lesson (dependent The teacher may formulate the
tendency of ungrouped and 1 learning), application(independent learning) activity/problem in this manner:
grouped data. and assessments(formative and summative
tests), the following data may be utilized: 1. From the data* given (scores of 35
students), do the following:
a. Compute for the mean.
b. What information can you get from
these two values?
The set of data shows a score of 35 students in
their periodical test.

COMPETENCIES CODE (Tell how and/or what part of the lesson may (Tell how and/or what part of the lesson
be localized) may be contextualized)
61. Illustrates the measures of M7SP-IVh-1 In the development of the lesson (dependent The teacher may formulate the
variability (range, average learning), application(independent learning) activity/problem in this manner:
deviation, variance, standard and assessments(formative and summative
deviation) of a statistical data. tests), the following data may be utilized: Instructions:
1. Help the housewife choose the best
A housewife surveyed canned ham for a special sample by doing the following
family affair. She picked 5 cans each from two procedure.
boxes packed by company A and company B. a. Arrange the weights in numerical
Both boxes have the same weight. Consider the order.
following weights in kilograms of the canned b. Find the mean weight of each
ham packed by the two companies (sample A sample.
and sample B). c. Analyze the spread of the weights of
Sample A: 0.97, 1.00, 0.94, 1.03, 1.11 each sample from the mean.
Sample B: 1.06, 1.01. 0.88, 0.90, 1.14 d. Which sample has weights closer to
the mean?
e. If you were to choose from these
two samples, which would you
prefer? Why?
62. Calculates the measures of M7SP-IVh-i- In the development of the lesson (dependent The teacher may formulate the
variability of grouped and 1 learning), application(independent learning) activity/problem in this manner:
ungrouped data. and assessments(formative and summative
tests), the following data may be utilized: 1. Suppose two classes achieved the
following grades in a Mathematics test,
Grades in Mathematics test: find the range and the standard
Class 1: 64, 70, 73, 77, 85, 90, 94 deviation.
Class 2: 74, 75, 75, 76, 79, 80, 94
63. Uses appropriate statistical M7SP-IVj-1 In the development of the lesson (dependent The teacher may formulate the
measures in analyzing and learning), application(independent learning) activity/problem in this manner:
interpreting statistical data. and assessments(formative and summative 1.
tests), the following materials may be utilized: 1. A storeowner kept a tally of the sizes of
a. T-shirt T-shirts purchased in her store. Which
b. Colors measure of central tendency should the

c. Income of the barangay storeowner use to describe the average
size suit sold?
COMPETENCIES CODE (Tell how and/or what part of the lesson may (Tell how and/or what part of the lesson
be localized) may be contextualized)
Continuation . . . 2. A tally was made of the number of
times each color of crayon was used by
a kindergarten class. Which measure of
central tendency should the teacher
use to determine which color is the
favorite color of her class?
64. Draws conclusions from graphic and M7SP-IVj-2 In the development of the lesson (dependent The teacher may formulate the
tabular data and measures of learning), application(independent learning) activity/problem in this manner:
central tendency and variability. and assessments(formative and summative
tests), the following materials may be utilized: (For receipt)
a. Receipt 1. Daria bought 3 colors of T-shirts from a
b. Trees department store. She paid an average
of PhP 74.00 per shirt. The receipt is
shown below where part of it was torn.

a. How much did she pay for each

white shirt?
b. How much did she pay in all? How
did you determine this?

COMPETENCIES CODE (Tell how and/or what part of the lesson may (Tell how and/or what part of the lesson
be localized) may be contextualized)
Continuation (64) . . . (For Trees)

a. How do the number of Durian and
Rambutan trees compare?
b. What is the most common fruit
c. What fraction of the fruit trees is

Victoria S. Caspi – MCCNHS-Night

Jaime M. Cabucos – MCCNHS
Cherry-Ann O. Bucog – Jagobiao National High School
Joeyneil F. Demape – DGLLOMNHS(Night)
Gaye Maureen Bajo – Subangdaku Technical Vocational School
Cheryl P. Comiros – Cabancalan National High School
Gina V. Dela Cruz – Tipolo National High School
Lea L. Preglo – Maguikay National High School

Mark Vincent O. Sosas – Maguikay National High School
Jenelyn Y. Montellano – Tabok National High School
Ma. Climarene P. Maranga – Labogon National High School
Ann A. Astillero – Tingub National High School


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