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Automation in Construction: Kai Guo, Limao Zhang

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Automation in Construction 139 (2022) 104256

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Multi-objective optimization for improved project management: Current

status and future directions
Kai Guo a, Limao Zhang b, *
School of Civil and Environmental EngineeringNanyang Technological University, 50 Nanyang Avenue, 639798, Singapore
School of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 1037 Luoyu Road, Hongshan District, Wuhan, Hubei 430074, China


Keywords: To realize project management improvement, many different objectives have to be considered simultaneously
Multi-objective optimization due to the nature of complexity and uncertainty in construction projects. Along with the rapid development of
Project management progressive technologies, solving the project management problem from the multi-objective optimization (MOO)
Systematic review
perspective has drawn a lot of attention and become a necessary trend. To better promote the adoption of MOO
Construction automation and digitalization
Future trends
for solving problems in the construction industry, the paper presents a systematic review under both sciento­
metric and qualitative analysis to understand the current state and discusses the future research trends of MOO
for project improvement. To begin with, a scientometric review is performed to explore the characteristics of
keywords, journals, and clusters based on 411 journal articles published in 1991-2020. It is found that there has
been an explosion of MOO-related papers, especially in the past 10 years. Then, a brief understanding of MOO is
provided, which analyses the key problems in the adoption of MOO for project improvement management.
Special concerns have been put on six hot research topics, where the MOO methods have been widely applied for
achieving better project performance, including (1) project planning and constructability, (2) prefabrication and
supply chain, (3) workplace safety and risk management, (4) construction automation and digitalization, (5)
structural health monitoring, and (6) emergency response and evacuation management. Based on the systematic
review, challenges of promoting wide adoption of MOO for better project improvement are identified, i.e., in­
compatibility with dynamic features, ambiguity of input-output relationship, and low interaction in the advance
project management. To address these challenges, three potential directions, adaptive optimization, interpretable
mapping and interactive optimization, are discussed.

1. Introduction [100].
Traditionally, the optimization problems in construction projects are
The aim of project management is to achieve better project perfor­ often set as single-objective optimization. For example, the schedule was
mance by making some changes in the construction projects, and a lot of set as the main objective in the study of Lee, et al. [98], in which a
activities could be involved in the process, such as project planning, discrete event simulation model was developed to optimize the pro­
design, and safety management [95,167]. The key of achieving project duction schedule for modular construction projects. In the study of
performance improvement is to improve particular aspects of the target Podolski and Sroka [140], the cost was set as the main goal, and a hybrid
project, i.e., to realize the project improvement through the optimiza­ approach with the integration of linear programming and metaheuristic-
tion of closely related influential factors that can contribute to the based simulated annealing algorithm was proposed to optimize the cost.
desired project performance [39]. For example, the aim of project time Construction safety was regarded as the main objective in the study of
management is to make the project more efficient through the optimi­ [130], in which a Monte Carlo simulation was developed to optimize the
zation of the project schedule [166], cost management is to keep the resource allocation in the construction site to guarantee construction
project budget in control through the optimization of the consumption safety. Though these studies focused on the optimization of one main
of required resources for the project [15], and quality management is to aspect for improving the project management, it should be noticed that
guarantee the production quality by optimizing the production activities the project integration, i.e., elements of the project can be effectively

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (K. Guo), (L. Zhang).
Received 11 December 2021; Received in revised form 26 February 2022; Accepted 6 April 2022
Available online 6 May 2022
0926-5805/© 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
K. Guo and L. Zhang Automation in Construction 139 (2022) 104256

coordinated, is fundamental to achieve the project improvement. That MOO methods. To answer these questions, a systematic review of the
is, factors in the construction project are closely related to each other, MOO investigations in the project management area is conducted in this
and even one particular aspect is set as the main objective, other factors research. Different from previous reviews that focused on particular
are inevitably involved. aspects of project management using MOO, the systematic review in this
In fact, the construction project has the nature of complexity and research mainly contributes to three areas: (a) Discussing, from an
uncertainty. The project improvement tasks often involve many overall perspective, the necessity and advantages of incorporating MOO
different factors, and a conflicting relationship could even exist between to solve the project management problems; (b) Providing detailed
the factors. The project improvement related tasks, such as design, analysis covering the main topics in the construction industry with the
scheduling, safety management, and others, are inherently character­ emphasis on their respective features and statuses of using MOO; (c)
ized by solving the conflicts between those objectives to achieve better Identifying the current challenges hindering the further widespread of
performance. With the recognition of the importance of considering MOO and providing insightful views on the research trends overcoming
different objectives simultaneously and the crucial role of the project those challenges.
integration for the project performance, more and more researchers This research is performed as follows. Section 2 is to conduct an
began to investigate the project improvement from the perspective of analysis on scientometrics by searching the academic publications of
optimizing the desired multi-objectives at the same time, i.e., the multi- relevant topics. Section 3 is to investigate the characteristics and solving
objective optimization (MOO) perspective. Especially with the rapid process of MOO problems. Section 4 is to report the hot topics of MOO in
development of progressive technologies in the construction industry, the project management field. Section 5 is to identify the current limi­
such as building information modeling (BIM), Internet of Things (IoT), tations of MOO in the construction industry and to present future di­
and the wide applications of various machine learning algorithms, a rections. Conclusions are presented in Section 6.
large number of studies emerged in recent decades focusing on the
project improvement with the consideration of multi-objectives simul­ 2. Analysis of publications
taneously. For instance, an evolutionary strategy based particle swarm
MOO model was proposed by Elbeltagi, et al. [45] for the optimization MOO related papers within the construction industry domain are
of project schedule. Based on a genetic algorithm, a MOO model was retrieved to prepare the database for review. The following three criteria
proposed to solve the problem of project scheduling under severe are adopted to guide the search of peer-reviewed papers: (1) Scopus,
weather conditions in the study of Senouci and Mubarak [153]. With the Web of Science (WOS), and PubMed are selected as the academic da­
integration of differential evolution algorithm, Cheng and Tran [35] tabases for retrieving the targeted publications; (2) The search period is
developed a MOO model to solve the problem of the time-cost utilization set from 1990 to 2020, where the concept of MOO began and have been
and work-shift trade-off in construction projects. Along with the wide gradually adopted to solve the project improvement problems; (3)
applications of MOO in the project improvement area, it has been Keywords in the searching process can be simply divided into two as­
proved that the incorporation of MOO is not only necessary but also pects: one is related to MOO, and another one is about the topic in the
more effective, compared to single-objective improvement perspective, construction industry. These two kinds of keywords are then combined
in the project performance improvement, especially for the large-scale by Boolean operations. To be specific, the keyword searching rule is to
construction projects [62]. combine multi-objective optimization or multi-objective with the con­
Searching for the topic of MOO, it can be seen that more and more struction project, project management, civil engineering, construction
attention is being paid to MOO problems in the construction industry. As management, or construction industry. To get a sense of the develop­
investigated by researchers, the exploitation of progressive technologies ment of MOO from a holistic perspective, including all different in­
in the construction industry provided a greater potential to achieve dustries besides the construction area, the publications with just the
project improvement from the MOO perspective [96,116]. To better keywords multi-objective optimization are also retrieved from the
identify how the consideration of MOO can help improve the project database, which are 45,150 papers in total. The document type is limited
management, accordingly, scholars began to put efforts into reviewing to Articles, the language is English, and manual inspection is performed
the MOO studies in the construction industry. However, very few studies to remove the duplications. As a result, 411 MOO related papers in the
focus on the systematic review of MOO applications in the construction construction project area are selected. Discussions are presented as
industry, and currently found studies mainly focused on specific sub- follows.
areas, such as the wind energy forecasting [105], pavement mainte­
nance and rehabilitation [32], or reinforced concrete structure [3]. (1) An upward trend of the annual number of MOO related publi­
These studies provided narrowed perspectives rather than general in­ cations can be identified during 1990-2020, indicating that the
sights of MOO in the construction industry. It should be noticed that existence of multi-objectives in the construction problem has
though different stages and topics in the construction area may have drawn enough attention, and solving the project management
their specific features, they are closely related to each other. A holistic problem from the MOO perspective has become a hot topic at
review investigating the MOO methods and applications from the present. As presented in Fig. 1, the number of publications on
overall perspective for the construction industry could provide conclu­ MOO is increasing rapidly in the past decades. It can be noticed
sions and implications as mutual references between topics for better use that the applications of MOO in the project management area are
of MOO to improve the project management. Besides, a systematic re­ consistent with the increasing trend of the MOO applications.
view will be able to provide a chance of better perceiving the opportu­ Among the publications, 86.3% of the MOO studies (92.1% in the
nities, challenges, limitations, and future directions of applying MOO in project management field) are published after 2010. This rapid
the field. increment of MOO related studies after 2010 may be caused by
To better make use of the rapid development of MOO methods to the rapid development of competitive technologies. However, it
improve the project performance, questions specifically investigated in should be noticed that the application of MOO in the construction
this research are: (1) What is the current situation of the applications of fields is not increasing as fast as the application of MOO in other
MOO for the construction projects; (2) What are the typical areas in fields. As presented, the MOO studies in other areas could reach
construction industry particularly requiring the incorporation of MOO 5,117, 5,165, 4,113 in the years 2019, 2020, and 2021, respec­
for better project performance; (3) What are the main challenges hin­ tively. Meanwhile, just 49, 57, and 58 studies in the project
dering the further wide applications of MOO for construction project management area focus on the MOO problems in the years 2019,
problems; (4) What are the prominent research trends of further pro­ 2020, and 2021, respectively. This does not mean that con­
moting the project performance improvement with the integration of struction projects do not require MOO methods to solve the

K. Guo and L. Zhang Automation in Construction 139 (2022) 104256


MOO in construction area



6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 20 40 60 80 100
MOO MOO in construction area
Fig. 1. Number of publications of MOO and its applications in the construction area.

Fig. 2. Mapping of co-occurrence of keywords for the studies focusing on MOO in the construction industry.

K. Guo and L. Zhang Automation in Construction 139 (2022) 104256

project management problems. Actually, for inherently complex cost, design, and management, which emerged from the period
construction projects, many different objectives may have to be 2003 to 2008. From the timeline zone, it can be seen that the
involved in the project improvement problem. That is, investi­ studies of MOO in the construction area started along with the
gating and solving the related problems from the MOO perspec­ applications of simulation, modeling, and algorithms. After that,
tives are still in great demand. keywords, such as evacuation, damage detection, decision mak­
(2) The co-occurrence keyword analysis is performed by using the ing, logistics, life-cycle assessment, and prediction, gradually
Java-based scientific visualization tool, CiteSpace, as presented came up as the subjects, which indicates that the investigation of
in Fig. 2. Keywords are the core words or phrases to capture the the MOO problems in the construction industry already covers a
essence of papers. The size of font and node is directly pro­ wide range of topics.
portionated to the number of publications containing a certain
keyword. Besides the word optimization itself, it can be seen that 3. Understanding of MOO
the most frequently displayed words are simulation, perfor­
mance, design, cost, modeling based optimization, and others. In Optimization problems with more than one objective are referred to
addition to the frequency, another metric term centrality can be as multi-objective optimization (MOO) problems. Normally, only one
calculated to measure the role of the nodes in the knowledge single objective is involved and just one single optimal solution is gained
network. These mentioned words present relatively high cen­ in the single-objective optimization problem, whereas a MOO task
trality values (0.42, 0.37, 0.31, 0.25, 0.21, respectively), which considers several conflicting objectives simultaneously. In MOO, a set of
indicate that they have more influence on other nodes in the alternatives with different trade-offs called non-dominated solutions, or
network. From the keyword map, roughly two groups can be Pareto front, is produced for the target problem. Due to the complexity
observed. One is more related to the methods used in the MOO and special features, three critical aspects are particularly important for
problems, including simulation, GA, particle swarm optimiza­ the success of implementing MOO to solve problems, i.e., the MOO
tion, sensitivity analysis, and modeling based optimization. problem analysis, building the fitting function for the MOO problem,
Another one is more related to the application fields, including and making the final decision from the gained Pareto front. Detailed
cost, project performance, design, transport, structural system, analysis of these three steps is presented as follows.
bridge maintenance, damage detection, and evacuation.
(3) A timeline zone map of the keywords, presented in Fig. 3, pro­ 3.1. Problem analysis
vides a complementary view of the appearance of keywords of
MOO problems for the past two decades. The keywords demon­ The problems that require the consideration of MOO can be found in
strated in the figure indicate the time of their first appearance, the almost every field. In the finance field, the investment risk and return
size of the nodes indicates their frequency, and the purple circle were identified as two conflicting objectives, and a hybrid approach
indicates that the topic has a relatively more important role. For with the integration of mixed-integer programming and NSGA-II was
example, the keyword, genetic algorithm, is in the 2005 interval. developed to realize the MOO [59]. For the aerospace vehicle design, the
This indicates that the first appearance of the genetic algorithm is two conflicting objectives, minimization of the gross lift-off weight and
in 2005. The large circle and the purple outline indicate that this the maximization of the change in velocity, were identified, and a
keyword has had a high frequency in the MOO studies since 2005, Bayesian optimization approach integrating deep Gaussian processes
and it has a relatively more important role. As presented in the was proposed by Hebbal, et al. [69] to solve the MOO problem. To
figure, the investigation of the project management in the con­ promote collaborative learning, the desired improving objectives, inter-
struction industry began with fundamental objectives, the risk, homogeneity, intra-heterogeneity, and empathy between group

Fig. 3. Appearance of keywords related to MOO problems in the construction industry.

K. Guo and L. Zhang Automation in Construction 139 (2022) 104256

members, were identified to be critical for the group formation, and a ential factors, the relationship functions are often expressed in mathe­
genetic algorithm-based MOO approach was proposed by Miranda, et al. matical formulas for conducting the MOO process. Normally, the explicit
[118] to find out the optimal trade-off solutions. As to the construction function can be abstractly expressed as in Eq. (5).
industry, Sojobi and Liew [158] conducted a detailed analysis of the
max/minyi = w1 f1 (x) + w2 f2 (x) + … + wn fn (x) (5)
modular prefabrication construction processes and accordingly identi­
fied the key factors undermining the benefits of prefabrication projects. where yi is the ith objective, fn(x) is the function of every influential
Based on the analysis and findings, they incorporated MOO methods to factor, and wn is the factors’ correspondent weight. The weight distri­
improve the prefabrication process to realize sustainable and resilient bution of different objectives is based on the preference of the decision
construction. Guo and Zhang [64] performed a detailed investigation of makers. If all objectives are regarded as equally important, the coeffi­
the new metro line projects constructed in the center of large cities, cient wn equals to 1.
figured out the primary objectives and key factors, and established a Explicit functions are widely used in studies, where the relationships
MOO-based approach to determine the optimal line alignment solution. between objectives and influential factors can be explicitly expressed.
It can be seen that, for the project management problems, especially for Many problems in construction area could have explicit fitting functions
the construction projects, it is normal that the improvement of different representing the relationships between objectives and influential fac­
objectives is desired and often, a conflicting relationship exists between tors. For example, Ren, et al. [146] defined the explicit functions for the
them. That is, it is necessary to incorporate MOO to solve the problem. objectives and constraints of the MOO problems, i.e., the investment
Reviewing the MOO problem-solving studies, it is found that the cost, energy consumption, energy balance between demand and supply,
detailed problem analysis is an important step to implement the MOO and the availability of generating units. Based on those math functions,
process, in which the accurate identification of the desired objectives the MOO process was conducted to search for the optimal solutions for
and the influential factors is performed. Normally, based on a proper the operation of the distributed energy systems. Similarly, Guo and
and detailed analysis of the target MOO problems, the first step in the Zhang [64] constructed the mathematical relationships between the
analysis of the problems is to identify the desired objectives. Then, objectives in the tunnel line alignment problem, the investment, head­
factors contributing to the objectives should be found out. Besides, way, and comfortable magnitude, and their correspondent influential
constraints may exist due to the circumstances of different MOO prob­ factors, and conducted a MOO process based on it to realize the opti­
lems. Though the desired objectives involved in different problems mization of the tunnel alignment. The advantage of the explicit function
could be entirely different, the optimization goal could normally be is that it can efficiently build the relationship in an accurate way, which
deduced to obtain the maximum or minimum value for those objectives. can greatly improve efficiency and guarantee the reliability of the
In this way, the objective functions of MOO problems can be expressed optimization process. However, construction projects often have elusive
as Eqs. (1) to (4). features with a high level of complexity, where explicit functions can
min/maxfm (x) m = 1, 2, …, M (1) hardly be constructed. Therefore, relatively few studies can realize the
MOO by constructing explicit functions, and this is one of the reasons
s.t.gj (x) ≥ 0 j = 1, 2, …, J (2) hindering the wide applications of MOO for the improvement of con­
struction projects.
hk (x) ≥ 0 k = 1, 2, …, K (3)
3.2.2. Implicit functions
li ≤ xi ≤ ui i = 1, 2, …, n (4) Because of the complexity and uncertainty, the relationship between
the identified objectives and influential factors could be elusive and
where M is the number of objectives, x is the n-dimensional decision difficult to be expressed in an explicit manner. However, without the
vector and y is the m-dimensional objective vector, gj(x) and hi represent representative functions, the MOO process cannot be conducted to find
the constraints on the target MOO problem, j and k are the numbers of the optimal solutions. In recent decades, the rapid development of
the constraints, respectively. li and ui are used to represent the lower and computer-based simulation and machine learning algorithms makes this
upper limits of the ith variable, respectively. challenging task possible. An implicit function, called meta-model, can
be constructed to represent the relationship, which is used to perform
3.2. Fitting function determination the MOO process. Methods, including kriging, splines, Bayesian network
(BN), artificial neural networks (ANNs), support vector machines
To solve optimization problems, the first step is to model the opti­ (SVMs), random forest (RF), and light gradient boosting machine
mization problem and transfer it into regular expressions. To achieve (LightGBM) are often used to construct meta-models [200].
this, it is required to define the objective space, the influential factor Due to the complexity nature in construction industry, algorithm-
space, and the decision space. Then, mapping the relationship between based meta-models were widely adopted to solve problems for the
the objectives and influential factors is the critical step for the success of project management problems. By integrating ANNs, Es-Saidi, et al. [47]
the MOO performance. Only based on proper relationship expressions constructed an efficient meta-model and applied the model to achieve
between objectives and influential factors, the meaningful optimal so­ the optimization of the geometrical parameters of metal-dielectric
lutions could be obtained. This mapping relationship is called the fitting diffraction gratings. Guo and Zhang [65] incorporated Random Forest
function. A proper fitting function is a prerequisite for the efficient and to construct the meta-model, representing the relationship between the
accurate performance of the MOO. According to different problems, two evacuation evaluation objectives and the influential factors. The built
methods are commonly used to build the fitting functions. One is the meta-model was used in a case study to conduct the MOO process, and
explicit function, i.e., explicit mathematical expressions are constructed the validation analysis demonstrated that the constructed meta-model
to express the relationship between the objectives and the influential can be reliable for the investigation of evacuation problems. Xu, et al.
factors. Another one is the implicit function, i.e., to build the relation­ [181] developed an ANN-based meta-model with the integration of
ship with the incorporation of machine learning algorithms and the NSGA-II to search for the optimal strategies that can realize the energy-
accordingly constructed meta-models. saving aims for school buildings. Many similar studies have been done,
and it has been proved that algorithm-based meta-model could provide
3.2.1. Explicit functions accurate information about the relationships between desired objectives
Building the explicit function is an effective way to construct the and influential factors, and effectively enhance the quality of MOO
relationship between the desired objectives and the influential factors. problem-solving for the construction projects [19].
Since an explicit relationship exists between the objectives and influ­

K. Guo and L. Zhang Automation in Construction 139 (2022) 104256

3.3. Optimization and decision making Table 1

Applications of different decision approaches in the MOO problems.
The gained Pareto front from the MOO process often provides a set of Methods Application areas Decision References
optimal solutions. As presented in Fig. 4, not one single optimal solution rules
but a set of solutions is produced in the MOO process. The solutions on GA Risk allocation No [8,115]
the Pareto front are all regarded as the optimal solutions, and all points preference
along the Pareto front are mathematically equal and valid. None of them Building renovation A priori [13,25,28]
can be regarded as a better solution. However, normally only one of Schedule, cost management A priori [6,10,14]
SI Building renovation No [31,37,67,99]
these solutions can be selected as the final decision in practice. Thus, preference
there are at least two equally important tasks in MOO: (1) an optimi­ Design optimization A priori [80,111]
zation process for determining the Pareto optimal solutions and (2) a Resource and schedule A priori [38,44,45,54,145]
decision-making task for selecting the single most preferred solution optimization
ALO Route optimization A priori [185]
[23]. Based on the identified objectives and influential factors, the
Power equipment management A priori [172,176]
optimization task is to perform a searching process first to gain feasible Performance improvement No [85,124,147]
solutions. A fitness-based sorting process is conducted to obtain the non- preference
dominated solutions. This process is continued until it reaches conver­
gence on the optimization results, i.e., the gained non-dominated solu­
tions are not changing. The gained non-dominated solutions are have limited capabilities, collaborative behaviors could be sophisticated
regarded as the Pareto front. After gaining the Pareto front, decision and complex tasks can often be completed by collaboration among in­
rules are required from the decision-makers to determine the final dividuals. An SI-based algorithm, particle swarm optimization (PSO), is
optimal solution from the Pareto front. Methods of seeking the Pareto proposed based on the simulation of the bird and fish migration. PSO
front and the commonly used decision rules are introduced as follows. algorithm presents the advantage of simplicity, where the parameter
setting and adjustment are relatively easy. Accordingly, a high level of
3.3.1. Common optimization methods efficiency is demonstrated in the application of PSO for solving MOO
Many different methods have been developed to search the Pareto problems.
front for the MOO problems. Though different algorithms own different Inspired by the predation behaviors of ant lions and the interactions
searching mechanisms, the common goal is to find out the Pareto front. between ant lions and ants, an ant lion optimizer (ALO) is developed.
Among different methods, the three most commonly used methods are One of the most commonly used ALO algorithms is the multi-objective
introduced, i.e., genetic algorithm (GA), swarm intelligence (SI), and ant ant lion optimization (MOALO), proposed by Mirjalili [119]. Two spe­
lion optimizer (ALO) based methods. Table 1 presents examples of ap­ cial stages are included in the MOALO optimization processes, i.e., the
plications of typical methods for solving MOO problems. Discussions of larval stage and the adult stage. The larval stage is used for prey, and the
the three methods are briefly introduced below. adult stage is mainly responsible for the re-populating. A high level of
GA is one of the most commonly used MOO algorithms, inspired by diversity is guaranteed in the MOALO optimization by the leader se­
the laws of genetics and natural selection [45]. The fundamental rule in lection rule and archive maintenance techniques.
GAs is that populations with high adaptability to the environment have a
higher survival probability. The applications of GAs in MOO demon­ 3.3.2. Decision-making rules
strate that GAs have advantages of avoiding convergence to local As introduced, the optimization process can provide the optimal
extreme values, simplicity, and strong robustness, which make GAs solution set, Pareto front, where a certain number of equally optimal
become one of the most popular MOO solving methods. Many variations solutions are produced. To determine the final optimal solution, rules
are developed in GAs, and the differences of these variations mainly lie from the decision makers are required. The preference of users plays a
in the rules of fitness assignment, elitism, or the methods for critical role in the decision-making process. According to different
diversification. preference expressions, three decision rules are commonly used to
Swarm intelligence (SI) based optimization algorithms are developed choose the final optimal solution from the Pareto front, i.e., no prefer­
on the simulation of the collective behaviors of the populations. ence rule, a priori rule, and a posteriori rule. Fig. 5 presents the three
Compared to individual behaviors that are relatively simple and often commonly used rules, their specific features, and the frequently used
methods under the three rules, respectively. The most significant feature
between the three rules is the different expressions of preference to the
Pareto front objectives.
Dominated solutions
1) No preference rule
The MOO method can be identified as a no-preference method. A
2.0 neutral compromise solution is identified without preference informa­
tion, if the decision maker does not explicitly express any preference
information. That is, all objectives are regarded as equally important,

and the searching for the Pareto front and the final decision is unbiased.
Under this rule, the ideal point is often set as the reference point, and the
1.0 shortest solution from the ideal point, based on the Euclidean Distance,
is regarded as the final optimal solution. Since no particular preference
0.5 comes from the decision makers, the advantage of this decision rule is
that it owns a high computing efficiency. The disadvantage of this rule is
that it may produce an optimal solution that is less ideal for certain
0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35
conditions, especially when the circumstances are dynamically

Fig. 4. Pareto front and the dominated solutions.

2) A Priori rule

K. Guo and L. Zhang Automation in Construction 139 (2022) 104256

Fig. 5. Three commonly used decision rules and their specific features.

A priori method requires that sufficient preference information construction projects according to the concrete problems. For example,
should be presented before the solution searching process. A priori rule the no preference rule was integrated into the study of Xu, et al. [182] to
allows decision makers to specify preferences before conducting the solve the gas emission optimization problem for school buildings. It was
MOO process, which may be articulated in terms of goals or the relative applied in the research of Khodaygan [90] to look for the optimal
importance of different objectives. Parameters, including coefficients, tolerance design of compliant assemblies with the integration of Kriging
exponents, and constraint limits, that can be set to reflect decision- meta-model, NSGA-II, and Shannon’s Entropy algorithm. With the
maker preferences, will be expressed in the fitting functions to com­ adoption of the no preference rule, Khoramshokooh, et al. [91] devel­
plete the optimization process. This a priori preference dictated by the oped a MOO approach to improve the hydraulic structure design, in
decision maker, which can be regarded as constraints on the optimiza­ order to reduce the seepage flow through the foundation of diversion
tion. Thus, most of the priori preferences are expressed in utility func­ dams and to enhance the dam efficiency. For the a priori rule, it was
tions defined in the fitting functions. Methods, including the weighted incorporated in the study of Sanchez, et al. [151], where a weighted
global criterion method, lexicographic method, goal programming MOO method was used to generate a set of non-inferior solutions that
method, bounded objective function method, and others, are often used could minimize the environmental impacts and building cost in the
to perform the priori MOO calculations. The advantage of the priori rule component reusing problems. Similarly, Herrera-León, et al. [71]
is that the optimization searching is tailored for the target problem developed a weighted MOO method, in which a preference rule in favor
based on the specific preference of the decision makers. Thus, it could be of controlling the greenhouse gas emission over economic costs was pre-
very efficient, and the solution fits the target problem very well. The determined in the algorithm search process for the water supply system
disadvantage of the priori rule is that premature convergence could optimization in the mining industry. As introduced above, a set of
happen due to biased searching and some potential feasible optimal equally optimal solutions may not be helpful for solving construction
solutions could be missed. problems. Thus, the decision-making rule becomes an inevitable part of
the MOO problems in the construction industry, and currently, it is
3) A Posteriori rule found that rules, no preference rule and a priori rule, are the mainly used
rules in the construction area.
A posteriori rule refers to the optimization process allowing decision
makers to express preference information after the solution searching 4. Research topics of MOO in project management
process. A posteriori rule is also referred as the generate-first-choose-
later approach. The posteriori method aims at producing all the Pareto As introduced above, MOO has been adopted in the construction
optimal solutions or a representative subset of the Pareto optimal solu­ industry to achieve project improvement for almost every aspect, due to
tions. After gaining the set of Pareto optimal solutions, the decision the complex nature of construction projects. An intrinsic complex rela­
maker could determine the final optimal solution according to specific tionship exists between the themes, such as cost, quality, productivity,
rules and demands. The main difference of a posteriori rule from the and schedule, which are the major concerns for construction projects.
priori rule is that the preference of the decision makers is expressed after This feature makes the project management own the nature of MOO. To
obtaining all the feasible optimal solutions. That is, the searching pro­ further investigate MOO in project management, six particular topics are
cesses for gaining the Pareto front are unbiased, and the aim for the chosen, i.e., (1) project planning and constructability, (2) prefabrication
searching in a posteriori rule is to find out all potential Pareto front and supply chain, (3) workplace safety and risk management, (4) con­
solutions to the maximum extent. Then, users make the final decision. struction automation and digitalization, (5) structural health moni­
The advantage of a posteriori rule is that all potential optimal solutions toring, and (6) emergency response and evacuation management. These
could be found out (unlikely to miss any possible optimal solution topics cover the phases of the project management lifecycle. Topics,
compared to a priori rule and no preference rule), and the larger range of project planning and constructability, prefabrication and supply chain,
optimal solutions may provide the decision makers with new ideas of and workplace safety and risk management, are more related to the
how the optimization of the objectives could be balanced. However, the phases from design to construction. Topics, construction automation
cost-effectiveness may be low. The searching process could be very time- and digitalization, structural health monitoring, and emergency
consuming, but the return of feasible optimal solutions may not be response and evacuation management, are more related to project
increased. management from the operation and maintenance perspectives. Besides,
Different decision-making rules may be incorporated in the the topic selection is in accordance with the keywords reflected in the

K. Guo and L. Zhang Automation in Construction 139 (2022) 104256

publication analysis above. Among the selected topics, construction Three stages and aspects, including feasibility, design, and procure­
digitalization and automation is the main trend of the construction in­ ment, particularly play critical roles influencing the constructability of
dustry 4.0, where multi-objectives have to be concerned to promote its construction projects [53,61]. Consequently, the studies for the con­
early realization. The planning and constructability are relevant to the structability with the incorporation of MOO mainly focused on these
keywords of cost, design, quality. The prefabrication and supply chain is three aspects. Table 2 presents the example studies of MOO on the
related to transport, delivery, and quality. The topic of workplace safety constructability from these three aspects. A feasibility study evaluates a
and risk management is related to the keywords of risk, damage detec­ project in terms of the strengths, weaknesses, resources, finances, and
tion, deformation. The theme of structural health monitoring is relevant how realistic a project is. A good feasibility study is a key to the success
to the keywords of damage detection, bridge, and tunnel. The topic of of a project. Studies have been done on the MOO problems of the
evacuation simulation and emergency response is reflected in the key­ feasibility studies. To enhance the feasibility of PPP projects, Feng, et al.
words of emergency, evacuation, and natural disaster. Detailed in­ [49] developed a model, with the incorporation of GA, to balance the
vestigations of MOO in the topics are presented as follows. risk-profit allocation between public and private sectors through the
concession adjustment in PPP projects. RazaviAlavi and AbouRizk [143]
presented a GA-based framework that can enable users to analyze the
4.1. Project planning and constructability
information of the construction plan and construction site layout, and
simultaneously optimize them in an integrated model. Alireza, et al. [8]
Constructability is defined as the integration of construction
integrated GA into a model to promote the collaboration between
knowledge and experience for the achievement of better project per­
partners, in which the risk allocation between private and public sectors
formance, including activities in the planning, design, construction,
was optimized by looking for the trade-off solutions of minimizing the
operation, maintenance, and decommissioning phases [53]. Construct­
construction time and cost and maximizing the project productivity. It
ability has a critical role for project success, and potential benefits from
can be seen that factors, the cost, productivity, schedule and risk allo­
improving the constructability urge the construction industry to
cation between partners, are most commonly set as the objectives
continuously learn and enhance the constructability of projects. In
investigated to study and enhance the feasibility of projects.
recent years, along with the rapid development of BIM and related tools,
A proper design plays a crucial role in the overall project perfor­
the studies for constructability improvement cover almost every aspect
mance. To achieve the optimization of the design to improve the project
of construction projects from building design, operation, and mainte­
constructability, multi-objectives are inevitably included. Accordingly,
nance, to building renovation and even project demolition, as presented
studies of design optimization from the MOO perspectives have drawn a
in Fig. 6 (a). To realize the constructability improvement, Fig. 6 (b) il­
lot of attention. By comparing three bio-inspired optimization algo­
lustrates the most commonly desired objectives and involved activities
rithms, i.e., artificial bee colony, symbiotic organism search and particle
for achieving these objectives in the early stage of construction projects.
swarm, with the traditional mathematical methods on the layout design
As presented, in most cases, efficiency, quality and flexibility are the
optimization of construction sites, Prayogo, et al. [142] suggested that
three most important objectives pursued during the construction pro­
the symbiotic organisms search algorithm performed the best among the
cess, and as is often the case in construction projects, conflicts may exist
three algorithms. Similarly, Muhammad, et al. [125] and Prayogo
between these objectives when they are required to be met simulta­
(2020) proposed symbiotic organism search algorithms and virtual
neously. For example, a shortened construction schedule may bring
reality-based approaches for the MOO problem solving in the con­
down the investment but would reduce the project quality. Accordingly,
struction site layout design. The results from the studies proved the
to achieve the improvement of the constructability, it becomes an
reliability of MOO approaches in handling construction site planning
inevitable task to include the improvement of multi-objectives in the
problems. To achieve the design optimization, Xiaowei, et al. [178] first
projects. Thus, quite a number of approaches from the MOO perspective
studied the benefits of design optimization and then investigated the
to improve the constructability in the construction projects have been
impact of the cost, fairness concern behaviors of different negotiators on

(a) (b)

Quality Efficiency Cost Design Fabrication Logistics BIM

Fig. 6. Research hotspot in the project planning and constructability area ((a) reproduced from Kim, et al. [92] and (b) reproduced from Bank [17]).

K. Guo and L. Zhang Automation in Construction 139 (2022) 104256

Table 2 the engineering design optimization and the project performance. To

Studies of MOO in the area of project planning optimization. optimize the water conveyance structure, Su [162] established a
Aim Objectives Optimization Decision References mathematical model based on the three-dimensional finite element
methods process method and put efforts into the investigation of how to reduce the
Feasibility Cost, cooling PSO Weighted [122] required material the optimization of the temperature and structural
efficiency, energy selection stresses and other design parameters. With the help of advanced tech­
consumption, co2 nologies, BIM, virtual reality and machine learning algorithms, different
emission design related objectives, such as the interior geometry design of
Capital structure, Monte Carlo Weighted [192]
profit allocation, simulation, GA selection
housing units, lifting device on construction efficiency, and the design
risk allocation from optimization of prefabricated residential houses, could be studied to
Pareto improve the project design, where the common feature is that MOO had
Schedule, Fuzzy sets, Hamming [2] become an integral part to achieve the project improvement aim
required credit, evolutionary distance
cost algorithm
Schedule, cost, MOO from Reference [22] As one of the most critical factors, procurement directly relates to the
longevity, Ratio Analysis Point constructability of construction projects. High-quality products, a spe­
environmental cific budget, a tight schedule, and other factors are critical factors
purpose influencing the success of the procurement process of the construction
Cost, productivity Fuzzy sets Weighted [112]
projects, and accordingly, MOO has been adopted to improve the pro­
from curement. From the perspectives of bid preparation, execution, and bid
Pareto analysis and assignment, Caplice and Sheffi [27] investigated procure­
Design Engineering NSGA-II No [178] ment optimization of transportation projects. A GA-based construction
design, fairness preference
logistics planning model was developed by Said and El-Rayes [149] to
negotiation optimize the storage layout plans of construction sites and simulta­
Cost, reinforcing NSGA-II Weighted [89] neously improve material procurement. With the integration of two-
bar congestion selection stage stochastic programming, Paterakis, et al. [139] developed a
Cost, safety, GA, Analytic Weighted [186] value-at-risk metric based model to optimize the reserve procurement
environmental Hierarchy selection
for wind generation projects. Shabani-Naeeni and Ghasemy Yaghin
impact Process
Limit support PSO-NN Reference [50] [154] performed an in-depth investigation of the interplay between the
pressure, point data visibility and procurement risks in the procurement planning
maximum ground problems, and an NSGA-II based multi-objective procurement transport
panning model was developed to determine the cross-functional policy
Safety, Mixed linear Weighted [73] for the purchasing and transportation under risks, to realize the pro­
operability, programming, selection curement optimization. Similar studies have been done by other re­
reliability, from searchers, and it has been proved that the incorporation of MOO is an
environmental Pareto effective way to achieve the improvement of the procurement processes.
impacts, cost
Resources, NSGA-II Weighted [136]
environmental selection 4.2. Prefabrication and supply chain
impact, schedule from
Pareto Prefabrication, also called modular construction, refers to the prac­
Travel distance, GA Reference [137]
tice of assembling structure components in a separate factory or
cost, safety Point
Energy ANN, NSGA-II Weighted [156] manufacturing site other than the construction site where the structure
consumption, selection should be located. The supply chain is responsible for the management
indoor thermal from of delivering specific products or services from the producer to the
comfort, cost Pareto customer, i.e., transporting the prefabricated components to the con­
Distance between Fussy sets, PSO Reference [179]
high-risk Point
struction sites. As the rapid development of prefabrication and supply
facilities, cost chain transforms the construction industry, a lot of studies focus on the
Cost, orientation, NSGA-II Reference [195] improvement and optimization of their performance. In the manage­
glazing material Point ment of prefabrication and supply chain, decision-makers often face
Cost, energy Tchebycheff Weighted [12]
multi-objectives, and sometimes conflicts occur between them. Fig. 7
consumption, programming selection
customer demand presents the basic process and the three most important issues in the
Procurement Work GA Weighted [150] prefabrication and supply chain area, i.e., the quality in the production
interruptions, selection stage, the transportation stage, and the installation stage. To successfully
time interval, cost from complete the prefabrication and supply chain tasks, commonly con­
Profit allocation, NSGA-III, Least Weighted [104]
cerning aims include guaranteeing the quality, minimizing the total cost
cost present value of selection (from production to installation), and minimizing delivery time of
revenue products to the customer, and these aims are often required to be met
Required credit, NSGA-II, Weighted [43] simultaneously. Besides, the prefabrication projects have huge impacts
profit allocation, Pareto selection
on the sustainable design of construction projects, which play an
duration evolutionary
algorithm important role in satisfying the climate demand. It has been studied that
Efficiency, load GA Weighted [139] prefabrication projects have a positive impact on reducing the energy
recovery, cost selection consumption of buildings, but the management of the design, quality,
Lead times, Fuzzy sets Weighted [163] installation of the prefabrication, and the efficiency of the supply chain
machine yield, selection
can hardly be improved without the incorporation of MOO in­
demand, cost vestigations [30,194].
As introduced above, three specific issues, i.e., quality, trans­
portation, and installation, are the three most essential concerns, and

K. Guo and L. Zhang Automation in Construction 139 (2022) 104256

Production sites Transportation risk

Quality Transportation Installation

Fig. 7. Critical aspects of prefabrication and supply chain.

accordingly, they cause researchers’ attention and a lot of related studies resistance, and cost-effectiveness, should be considered for steel utili­
have been done, as presented in Table 3. The quality of the products zation, which was the fundamental factor influencing the efficiency of
from prefabrication directly relates to the sustainable development of the modular prefabricated construction. To guarantee the continuity of
this industry. The safety and efficiency of the transportation and the construction process, Liu and Tao [106] proposed a MOO model for
installation are key factors influencing the success of the projects. The the optimization of the purchasing, inventory, and delivery from the
improvement and optimization of these aspects are inseparable from the perspective of construction partners in a construction supply chain. As
introduction of MOO methods. As studied by Sojobi and Liew [158], presented by Naji, et al. [127], the installation of prefabrication build­
important factors, such as mechanical properties, ductility, corrosion ings affected the building performance, and an evolutionary algorithm-

Table 3
Studies of MOO in the area of prefabrication and supply chain.
Aim Objectives Optimization methods Decision process References

Quality Cost, quality, environmental impact, architectural Multi-attribute utility theory Weighted [33]
impact selection
Cost, productivity, profit Fuzzy sets Weighted [133]
Cost, productivity PSO, self-adaptive imperialist competitive algorithm, Weighted [84,97,138,152,168]
priority queues selection
Cost, profit, defect rates Fuzzy sets, reverse logistics Weighted [11]
Transportation Cost, service level, resource utilization GA Weighted [9]
Productivity, environmental impact Bi-objective nonlinear programming, interactive Weighted [55]
programming selection
Cost, environmental impact Genetic Taguchi algorithm Weighted [79]
Installation Productivity, cost, co2 emission ACO, Taguchi algorithm Weighted [202]
Environmental impact, customer demand, cost GA, PSO Weighted [160]
Customer demand, cost, profit Fuzzy sets, GA Weighted [159]
Product performance, cost Taguchi algorithm Weighted [158]
Product performance, thermal comfort degree, cost Evolutionary algorithm, simulation Weighted [127]

K. Guo and L. Zhang Automation in Construction 139 (2022) 104256

based MOO approach was developed to achieve a better understanding behaviors and safety performance. The safety-related policies, pieces of
of the installation for the more sustainable buildings. Furthermore, training, collective beliefs and shared perceptions, education and
problems, such as a large number of stakeholders, including designers, training, clear right and duty, all have complicated and interrelated
clients, contractors, transporters, involved in the supply chains of pre­ relationships on the individuals and the safety performance [48,193].
fabricated building projects and the complex distributed supply chain These factors all have to be considered to perform an accurate safety
models, make the prefabrication building construction projects impos­ evaluation, and it can hardly achieve safety performance optimization if
sible to be managed without considering multi-stage cooperation and not taking the complexity of these factors into account.
objectives simultaneously [108,191]. Consequently, how to enhance construction safety is one of the most
essential tasks for both the academia and practice fields. A wide range of
4.3. Workplace safety and risk management safety measures is taken as part of the safety management programs in
construction companies. However, it is a demanding task to achieve. For
Effective safety management is regarded as one of the most serious example, due to the fierce market competition, the companies may be
problems for construction projects, especially for large-scale projects. In lack of commitment to safety management and improvement. Besides,
the construction industry, there have been significant reductions in the the safety issues cannot be well managed if lack of awareness of the risk
number and the rate of injury over the past decades. However, the or with misconceptions with the construction projects [164]. Especially,
construction industry remains one of the highest-risk industries. the safety management of accidents entails the balance between risk
Reviewing the current studies on safety management, three particular prevention and cost, reducing the risk potential to a maximum extent
issues caused researchers’ interest, i.e., safety perception, safety but not causing too much financial burden. Accordingly, the cost-benefit
demeanor, and safety enhancement, as presented in Table 4. Safety analysis methods were investigated by researchers to find the best so­
perception includes the topics of the safety plan, safety monitoring, and lutions to realize the risk reduction in a cost-effective way [74]. More
safety assessment. Safety demeanor relates more to behaviors, attitudes, importantly, as studied by Karakhan, et al. [86], and Panwar and Jha
culture, and beliefs from both the individual and collective perspectives. [135], not only many factors were involved in the safety performance
Safety enhancement covers issues of measures that mitigate the risk and improvement, but also a complex and interrelated connection existed
improve the safety performance, and methods of timely detecting the between the safety, quality, cost, schedule, and other construction ac­
risks and realizing better risk management. tivities. That is, finding the best trade-off solutions for the project
Because of its extraordinary importance, a lot of studies focused on improvement, including the safety issues, should be indispensable, i.e.,
safety perception problems. It has been proved that the planning and it is necessary to incorporate the MOO solving methods.
designing phase plays an important role in identifying and mitigating
potential risks. For safety planning, Yi and Langford [188] proposed a 4.4. Construction automation and digitalization
model to perceive the potential risks and make re-schedule for activities
to avoid the risks. Different objectives, such as proper assessment of the Nowadays, digitization and automation are transforming the con­
risk levels, re-schedule of related activities, the cost for the re-schedule, struction field in almost every aspect, and there is still an increasing
and affected productivity, had to be included in the consideration for the trend implementing digital technologies and automation in the con­
safety planning. Among the objectives, proper and accurate risk struction industry. It has been believed that construction digitalization
assessment is critical to quantify, control, and mitigate hazardous risks and automation are deemed essential with the advent of the 4.0 indus­
for construction projects, and different criteria, such as their severity, trial revolution [114]. Accordingly, there is a significant process of
exposure, frequency, and imposed costs in addition to risk mitigation research in adopting technologies to promote construction digitalization
preparation, should be taken into account [75,81]. An efficient safety and automation, including BIM, augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR),
perception with the consideration of those objectives sets the stage for laser scanning, robotics, 3D printing, unmanned aerial vehicles (UVAs),
improving risk management. analytics software, blockchain, digital twins, internet of things (IoT),
Due to the high injury rate, the safety of workers on the construction and machine learning solutions, as presented in Table 5. Significant
sites attracts a lot of attention, and it has been studied that the safety benefits are proved with the process of construction digitalization and
demeanor, including that from both individuals and collectives, exerts a automation. For example, digitalization could greatly promote accurate
significant influence on the safety performance. Construction workers information collection and communication, and automation solutions
could have high mental stress when facing a working environment of can assist, collaborate, or even replace human labor. Thus, digitalization
high risks. How to improve the safety performance could be an and automation can result in high productivity, a safer working envi­
extremely challenging task, since a lot of factors are involved, and highly ronment, and also savings concerning raw material consumption, ma­
complex relationships exist between them. For individual workers, their terial recycling, and reduction of construction and demolition waste, etc.
safety compliance, safety participation, self-efficacy, resilience, and [46].
other potential physical and emotional states all could influence the However, challenges hindering the rapid development of digitali­
safety performance [175]. Among these factors, self-efficacy and resil­ zation and automation still exist. Many of the digitalization and auto­
ience may positively affect safety participation, but optimism may be mation solutions are still conceptual or in early development stages, not
negatively associated with safety participation [68]. Meanwhile, the mature enough to be adopted in products. Some digitalization and
safety climate of the company has a direct influence on individual automation solutions involve different phases of the project, leading to

Table 4
Safety topics and related multi-objectives in them.
Topic Subject Related objectives Reference

Safety perception Safety plan Risk quantity estimation, activity re-schedule, cost, productivity, severity [81,188]
Safety monitoring Monitoring efficacy, cost, production quality [171]
Safety assessment Accuracy, failure rate, reliability, [174]
Safety demeanor Individual behavior Unsafe behaviors, attitudes, habits, fatigue, construction personnel, [102,128]
Safety climate Group beliefs, attitudes, shared perceptions, safety polices [113,134]
Safety enhancement Safety measure Risk mitigation, cost, safety awareness enhancement, safety perception accuracy [189,196,198]
Safety performance Frequency, severity, cost, productivity [120]
Accident management Cost-benefit balance, Risk identification, injury severity, risk prediction, emergency response plan [5,201]

K. Guo and L. Zhang Automation in Construction 139 (2022) 104256

Table 5 decision support applications for the health monitoring of bridge pro­
Issues in the development of construction automation and digitalization. jects. Tan, et al. [165] proposed multiple linear regression-based ap­
Aspects Technologies Topics, development, and References proaches for the health monitoring of tunnel projects, which could
challenges realize the leakage detection, prediction, and prevention tasks. Ma, et al.
Construction BIM, AR/VR, Skeptical attitude on the [4,21,46] [110] integrated the multi-layered system theory into a health moni­
digitalization UVAs effect, trust issue, cost, toring approach to monitor and evaluate the airport asphalt pavement
lack of partner heath condition under realistic random aircraft loads. Reviewing the
Block chain, IoT, Effectively combining [46,187] studies, it can be found that the effectiveness of structural health
cloud computing, digital technologies, the
collaboration between
monitoring basically required different objectives, as summarized in
different departments, Table 6, for all kinds of projects. Naturally, MOO has become an integral
validation of the part of the improvement of structural health monitoring problems.
technologies The data acquisition for health monitoring most relies on a variety of
BIM, AR, cloud Lack of expertise, [56,66,77]
sensors, and the optimization of sensor placement plays a critical role in
computing technology alignment with
the needs, processes and the area of structural health monitoring. As presented in Table 6, a va­
objectives, lack of effective riety of construction projects, including bridges, tunnels, airport, and
assessment tools other public buildings, requires the utility of sensors to collect data for
Construction 3D printing and Reluctant attitude, [141,144] health monitoring [60,109,157,177]. For the sensor placement prob­
automation assembly robots, complexity, and diversity
BIM of construction sites,
lems, factors like coverage, quality, cost, and accuracy should be
diffusion of knowledge considered, and the complex relationship between these potential ob­
Geographic Skeptical attitude, high [42,87,123] jectives entails the incorporation of MOO methods. Consequently, a
information initial capital investment, variety of algorithms have been put into the sensor deployment in­
system, BIM, AR/ site-related challenge,
vestigations. Yang [183] proposed a GA-based algorithm to optimize the
VR untrained workforce
sensor placement. Based on EA, Shahra and Wu [155], Kaveh and
Eslamlou [88], and Xu, et al. [180], developed models to find the
the construction procedure re-design, and different stakeholders could optimal locations for sensor placement. Though the incorporation of
also be involved in the processes. This might increase the economic risks MOO helped optimize the sensor placement to a great extent, challenges
of the projects, and it also affects the on-site acceptance. For example, exist to further promote structural health monitoring, such as advanced
the concept of self-supported curtain wall installation system and ro­ sensors with high sensitivity and range, the effectiveness of sensors in
botic assembly system would inevitably change the traditional con­ different environments, and effective sensor configurations for different
struction procedures, and could lead to more difficult on-site adoptions structures [131,157]. In order to accomplish these goals, it can be
[24]. Besides, the applications of digital and automated solutions are foreseen that the utility of MOO is still essential.
associated with incremental costs, from acquisition, operation, and
maintenance of the advanced technologies and machines. Some auto­
4.6. Emergency response and evacuation management
mated machines or robots may consume a lot of energy during their
operation, and some automated machines are bulky equipment
The capability to emergency accidents is always one of the most
requiring a special working environment, and thus additional land space
for their operation is needed.
Table 6
In sum, though it is promising that digitalization and automation can
Studies of MOO in the area of structural health monitoring.
promote the construction industry to a new level, it should be noticed
that digitalization and automation require changes in the overall culture Phases Objectives Optimization Decision References
methods process
of the organizations, and the process inevitably influences the workers,
employers, other stakeholders, and even external populations. Besides, Bridges Placement, sensor EA Weighted [103]
numbers, accuracy selection
the robustness, adaptability, and accessibility should be assessed in the
Coverage, cost, EA, NSGA-II, PSO Weighted [76,183]
context of sustainability, these indicators are inextricably bound up with delay, location, selection
the environmental, economic, and social performance of the digital and accuracy
automation development. The complexity during the process itself is a Arrival time, risk, Bayesian Weighted [41]
MOO problem, such as the balance between productivity improvement fuel cost updating, Finite selection
element method,
and raised economic risks. As might be expected, the involvement of GA
MOO will be an essential part of the process of construction digitaliza­ Tunnels Displacement, GA, PSO, MOEA Weighted [78,93]
tion and automation. accuracy, cost selection
Robustness of the PSO Weighted [199]
strain-displacement selection
4.5. Structural health monitoring
relationship, the
Infrastructure systems, such as bridges and tunnels, and buildings accuracy of
like museums and hospitals are considered to be valuable assets for reconstruction
society, and structural health monitoring is a fundamental aspect for the displacement
Buildings Gap size, Simulation, Reference [34]
sustainable development of these construction projects. Damages, complexity value of NSGA-II point
deterioration, and accidents like collapse may happen to the project nodes
affecting thousands of people [161]. Tasks of structural health moni­ Independence, Information Reference [26]
toring often include damage detection, condition evaluation, and risk damage sensitivity, fusion algorithm point
modal strain energy
prediction, and structural health monitoring could also relate to other
Monotonicity, Empirical mode, Weighted [18]
critical issues, such as project rehabilitation, maintenance, and emer­ trendability, and auto-associative selection
gency repair [94]. Due to its critical role, MOO studies have been done prognosability Kernel regression,
on the subject of structural health monitoring for different projects. binary
Fraser, et al. [51] developed an automated functional system with the differential
integration of real-time data collection, transmission, data mining, and

K. Guo and L. Zhang Automation in Construction 139 (2022) 104256

important topics in construction projects. Natural disasters, such as trade-off solution from the Pareto front and the evacuation improvement
earthquakes and hurricanes, and man-made accidents, such as train effectiveness with the optimization can be obtained, as shown in Fig. 8
crashes and the terrorist attack at metro stations, often cause serious (e) and (f), respectively. Similar studies had been done by other re­
damage or even casualties. Even though all possible preventative mea­ searchers to solve the MOO problems for improving evacuation events.
sures have been studied and applied, different kinds of disasters and Objectives of minimizing the evacuation time and the possible hazards
accidents cannot be completely avoided. Thus, an efficient and effective related to the spaced-based geographical conditions, were considered
emergency response measure is the prerequisite to reduce the potential for the safety management during evacuation in the study of [190]. A
risks to the minimum extent. GA based evacuation optimization approach was proposed by Abdel­
Natural disasters, such as earthquakes, floods, and wildfires, may ghany, et al. [1] to search for the optimal evacuation plans for visitors,
happen, and the disasters often affect a large number of residents, and and the results proved that the approach could provide better solutions
accordingly, researchers put efforts into the investigation of emergence compared to conventional evacuation plans without the integration of
management dealing with natural disasters, as presented in Table 7. The MOO methods. The incorporation of MOO, combined with simulation
pre- and post-disaster decisions, especially the daily supplies to the methods, has been studied by many researchers, and the findings
affected people, are critical to facilitate efficient relief operations and demonstrate that the incorporation of MOO into the evacuation man­
keep the stability [121]. To investigate the emergency response mea­ agement can achieve an improved and balanced efficiency and safety of
sures, objectives, to maximize the supply coverage, minimize the cost, evacuation operations.
and minimize the difference in the satisfaction rates between residents,
are often regarded as the main concerns for efficient and successful 5. Challenges and future directions in MOO for the project
emergency management [58,121]. Decision makers also have to make management
logistics schedules, which could save time for delivery and trans­
portation costs but could still make a reasonable distribution according Although there is an upward trend of incorporating MOO perspec­
to the requirements at different demand points [29,126]. To deal with tives into project improvement, challenges still exist. As presented in
fire-related accidents, a multi-objective and multi-stage emergency Fig. 9, three main challenges are that (i) most of current MOO studies
management system was developed, including functions of fire acci­ have not integrated the dynamic features, (ii) a certain ambiguity in the
dents monitoring, elimination, prediction and pre-warning, early MOO process may harm the interpretability and provability of the
disposal, and emergency response for different stages of the potential optimization results, and (iii) the low interaction in the MOO process
fire disasters [107]. As multi-objectives, multi-stages, and multi-criteria potentially leads to biased optimization output. The challenges, together
are often taken into consideration, MOO methods become essential tools with potential directions of further promoting MOO for the project
for emergency management in response to disasters [57,83]. improvement, are discussed below.
As one of the most important parts of the response measures for
emergency events, evacuation has drawn a lot of attention from re­
searchers. It has been studied that conflicts commonly exist among 5.1. Challenge 1: Incompatibility with dynamic features
different desired objectives for the safety management of evacuation
events. The too-long evacuation time and high flow density could lead to MOO has been adopted in the construction field to achieve project
evacuation risks [36,170]. However, the evacuation time and density management improvement by optimizing multi-objectives with the
are related to each other in a very complex way, and the conflicting consideration of the conflicting relationship between those objectives.
nature between them, i.e., evacuating as many people as possible in a Due to its complex nature, the incorporation of MOO is not only
short time may have to cause high flow density, may hardly be elimi­ necessary but also proved as an effective method to realize the project
nated [65]. As presented in Fig. 8, a 3D model was built for the simu­ improvement, as analyzed above. However, along with the complexity,
lation of evacuation for a real metro station in the study of Guo and high uncertainty is also the distinguishing feature for projects in the
Zhang [65], in which the MOO method was integrated to find the construction industry. As investigated in the studies of Deb, et al. [40],
optimal trade-off solution for objectives of evacuation time, flow density the objectives, constraints, and relevant parameters could constantly
and structure optimization cost. In the model, a heatmap of the evacu­ change with time in most cases. Zhang and Lin The gained optimal so­
ation flow can was presented, and accordingly, the key positions of lutions may not be accurate and ideal, since the circumstances have
potentially congested areas can be identified, as shown in Fig. 8 (c) and changed but the optimization process is based on the static data gained
(d), respectively. Then, with the MOO solving algorithm, the optimal before. That is, the major issue of current MOO studies lies in that the
optimization process greatly relies on static and historical information

Table 7
Studies of MOO in the area of emergency response.
Accident cause Accident Objectives Optimization methods Decision process References

Natural Earthquakes Loss of life, evacuation routes, time, broadcasting range EA Weighted [132]
accidents selection
Demand coverage, available aeromedical helicopters EA Weighted [82]
Floods Reservoir cleanup time, number of quality violations, downstream PSO Weighted [148]
worst water quality selection
Casualties, fatalities, average ill-health of population, waiting NSGA-II, Pareto archived evolution Weighted [126]
time strategy selection
Fires Safety, social disruption, cost EA Weighted [57]
Time, transportation cost, resource demand GA Weighted [29]
Man-made Operation Travel time, risk Simulation, EA, ACO Weighted [52,203]
accidents errors selection
Demand, cost, satisfaction rate difference PSO Reference point [121]
Terrorist Cost, relief supplies NSGA-II, PSO Reference point [58]

K. Guo and L. Zhang Automation in Construction 139 (2022) 104256

4 3 2 1

7 Platform level 6 5
10 9 8

(c ) (d)
No guiding strategy
S1 guiding strategy
S2 guiding strategy
6 S0 guiding strategy
Congestion standard

Density (unit/m2)

0 100 200 300 400 500
Evacuation time (s)

(a) (e) (f)

Fig. 8. Application of MOO for the evacuation events and obtained results (sub-figures (b), (c) (d) are reproduced from Guo and Zhang [65], and (e) and (f) from Guo
and Zhang [63]).

Fig. 9. Challenges and directions for future MOO investigation in project management (sub-figure b is reproduced from Azodi, et al. [16] and sub-figure in In­
compatibility is reproduced from Zhang, et al. [197]).

[169]. In another word, the dynamic feature in the construction projects would lead the MOO processes to ignore the timely varied constraints
should be considered within the MOO processes, to gain the dynamic and parameters, where the truly fitted Pareto front could be missed.
optimal solutions that can well fit the timely changing environment. The Besides, the MOO processes may already require a lot of computing
inadequate consideration of the dynamic feature in construction projects resources. Then, it becomes a challenging task to incorporate dynamic

K. Guo and L. Zhang Automation in Construction 139 (2022) 104256

feature into the MOO. 5.3. Challenge 3: Low interaction in the advanced project management

5.2. Challenge 2: Ambiguity of input-output relationship in the project As introduced above, though the rapid development of modern
management technologies, 3D models, simulation tools and algorithms, promotes
MOO problem solving, challenges exist with the project management
The rapid development of machine learning algorithms greatly tasks. One great challenge is the lack of deep involvement of decision
promotes the wide applications of MOO in various fields, including the makers. Though the advanced technologies greatly improve the project
construction industry, due to its capability of depicting the relationship management efficiency through digitalization and automation, the role
between desired objectives and the influential factors. However, as of human labor as the strategic decision maker is still one of the most
analyzed above, the application of MOO in the construction area has critical factors influencing the project improvement [70]. However,
fallen behind quite a lot from the application of MOO in other areas. One decision makers currently have relatively limited participation in the
of the critical reasons is that the great complexity in the construction MOO processes for project improvement. In most cases, only global
projects results in a great elusiveness, which leads to an ambiguous preference information is provided by the decision maker for choosing
relationship between the objectives and influent factors. This relation­ the final optimal solution. In the no preference rule, equal weight for
ship ambiguity is still the major challenge hindering the wide applica­ every objective could be regarded as the preference information. In the
tion of MOO. For example, as in the safety improvement of construction priori rule, preference information is provided to conduct the searching
projects, factors, such as the group beliefs, policies, individual habits, process and will not be adjusted until the final decision is done. In the
attitudes, and onsite behaviors, have a significant influence on each posteriori rule, a piece of global preference information is provided only
other, but the relationship could be too complicated to be explicitly when the searching process is done. No matter which rules, the opti­
expressed. In addition, along with entering construction industry 4.0, mization searching process is evasive to the decision maker. This low
challenges exist, such as the problems of collaboration between dis­ participation of decision makers in the optimization process keeps users
similar systems, lack of uniform standards, network security caused by away from the potential of learning new knowledge about the target
the integration of the physical and digital world, and it will be quite a problem, which could prevent decision makers from adjusting the
demanding task to disentangle their relationship and make them work preference information timely, if the optimization circumstance varies,
smoothly to promote the industry development and project management to gain the best optimal solution [117].
[7]. Currently, the incorporation of algorithms is used as the main tool to
build the meta-mode representing the complex relationships, as intro­
duced above. However, a certain opacity exists in the algorithm appli­ 5.4. Direction 1: Adaptive optimization for dynamic features
cation process. As presented in Fig. 10, the accuracy of the model could
be improved along with the sophistication, but high sophistication in­ The theme of dynamic multi-objective optimization (DMOO) is
dicates that decision makers are unclear what is happening in the pro­ emerging quickly in recent years as a major concern for the MOO
cess, and biased searching process and results could be produced in the problems causing a lot of concern [204]. The concept, adaptive multi-
opaque process [129]. In another word, though the incorporation of objective optimization, is developed to incorporate the dynamic
algorithms can help solve the MOO problems by building meta-models, feature into the MOO process. Adaptive optimization refers to the
the complexity is still the most significant feature for construction pro­ optimization processes that could use the data collected during its so­
jects. Zhang and Lin [205] indicated that prediction uncertainties and lution searching processes to update the optimization parameters and
errors from the established meta-models should be considered in MOO. improve the optimization performance [173]. In the traditional opti­
The ambiguity between the desired objectives and influential factors and mization, the optimization process does not include the newly gained
the opacity in the algorithms are great challenges to further promote the information. On the contrary, the adaptive optimization recognizes that
MOO application. the environment could be changing and conditions could vary over time,
and accordingly, contingency strategies are developed to define the
circumstance under which each of the strategies could be implemented

Fig. 10. Trade-off relationship between the accuracy and interpretability of algorithms (reproduced from Nesvijevskaia, et al. [129]).

K. Guo and L. Zhang Automation in Construction 139 (2022) 104256

[184]. The optimization results, with and without adaptive, could lead Enhancing the interpretability of the models would become a necessity
to different results. For example, as presented in Fig. 11, two objectives, to guarantee the accuracy and efficacy of the MOO problem solving. In
y1 and y2, are desired, and a constraint, fulfilling the standards, exists for fact, methods have been developed to understand the model, such as the
the optimization. After performing the optimization, an optimal solution search for Evidence Counterfactuals, SHAP, LIME, and other explanation
is selected, as in the figure. It can be noticed that objective y1 is slightly tools. Below is an example of applying SHAP to explain the
over the standard as in Fig. 11 (a). The reason could be that the two XGBoost-based model. As presented in Fig. 12, the SHAP explainer could
objectives are regarded as equally important, and the final optimal so­ provide the relationship between each factor and the model output
lution is selected from the Pareto front by an searching process with pre- (positive, negative, or complex), and it can also provide the information
determined rule. Different from the searching with non-adaptive opti­ of the impact of the variation of each factor on the model output. Due to
mization, the adaptive optimization, during the searching process, the ambiguity in the relationship, enhanced interpretability of the MOO
considers the situation that the objective y1 has not been optimized processes will become an essential part for promoting the accuracy, ef­
within the standard and the objective y2 has been optimized to a great ficiency and wide application of MOO in the construction projects.
level. Then, this newly gained information can be absorbed into the
searching process, and an adaptive Pareto front and optimal solution,
5.6. Direction 3: Interactive optimization
harming the objective y2 to some extent and optimizing the objective y1
into the standard if possible, will be produced. Though researchers put
To strengthen the role of the participation of decision makers, the
efforts on the incorporation of dynamic features into MOO processes, it
human-in-the-loop (HITL) based interactive optimization could be a
has to be acknowledged that the investigations and applications of
promising direction. In the HITL based interactive optimization, along
adaptive optimization for solving DMOO problems have not been
with the searching algorithm iteration, the decision maker progressively
rapidly developed as they should be. Adaptive optimization is still in the
provides preference information during every iteration until the most
exploratory stage, and further investigation of how to incorporate
preferred solution can be found. Instead of mathematical convergence
adaptive optimization into the MOO problems could transform project
that is often used as a stopping criterion in the MOO processes, psy­
improvement for the construction industry.
chological convergence is often emphasized in interactive optimization.
In another word, the optimization process is only terminated when the
5.5. Direction 2: Interpretable mapping for the input-output relationship decision maker is confident that the most preferred solution is available.
under complexity The alternating stages of the optimization searching and decision mak­
ing processes create an interactive environment for finding the most
As discussed, deep learning models stand for a new learning para­ preferred solution. The decision maker should participate actively in this
digm in AI and machine learning. Even though it may take more effort to procedure. One of the great advantages of the interactive optimization is
build a deep learning model than a machine learning one, more so­ that decision makers can learn new knowledge from the optimization
phisticated deep learning algorithms have a promising effect on the iterations, to find the most preferred solution among the currently
accuracy improvement of the constructed models [206]. Thus, it could produced solutions, and also be able to give indications for finding better
be a promising way to use deep learning models to improve the accuracy solutions in the next optimization iteration. More advanced than adap­
in the MOO problem solving for the construction industry. However, as tive optimization, where global preference is provided and the
mentioned, accuracy is not the only critical issue. Interpretability is also computing algorithms play the role of identifying the dynamic changing
critical but often hard to be achieved in the current models. An inter­ condition, interactive optimization involves the decision maker in the
pretable model is essential because interpretability could promote searching processes. The timely updating of knowledge from decision
confidence and trust in the constructed model. It would be unwise for maker guarantees the best suitable and optimal solution. The active
decision makers to adopt a model that is uninterpretable, which could participation of decision makers in the optimization process can not only
lead to biased prediction as discussed above. By contrast, enhanced improve the user experience to a great extent but also serves as the
interpretability can help to improve model performance and extends the prerequisite for dealing with dynamically varying circumstances and
knowledge that decision makers can gain from the model [20]. avoiding biased optimization outputs.

Fig. 11. Optimization results: (a) with and (b) without adaptive rules.

K. Guo and L. Zhang Automation in Construction 139 (2022) 104256

Fig. 12. Model interpretation based on SHAP analysis: (a) waterfall explanation; (b) beeswarm explanation. Note: Waterfall is commonly used to perform the
sensitivity analysis for the additive regression model, while beeswarm is commonly used to perform sensitivity analysis for the non-additive model.

6. Conclusions avoid biased optimization outputs.

However, the application of MOO in the construction fields still has
The rapid development of progressive technologies provides oppor­ fallen behind, if compared to other industries. As analyzed, challenges
tunities to effectively achieve project improvement for complex con­ exist for solving the project improvement problems from MOO per­
struction projects from the MOO perspective. Compared to the spectives, i.e., the difficulty of incorporating dynamic features into the
traditional single-objective optimization, the incorporation of MOO not MOO process, the ambiguity in the input-output relationship, and low
only fulfills the requirements of considering the complexity and conflict interaction from decision-makers in the MOO solving process. Accord­
between the desired multi-objectives but also be able to provide optimal ingly, three directions are identified particularly for the construction
solutions to realize a better project performance improvement. Due to project improvement, requiring in-depth investigations of how to use
the complex nature of construction projects, MOO has been applied to MOO to promote the project management, i.e., the adaptive optimiza­
solve project improvement for almost every aspect of the construction tion, interpretable mapping for the input-output relationship, and
industry. The integration of MOO into the construction industry has interactive optimization strategies. The high complexity nature of con­
transformed project management. As reviewed above, MOO has already struction projects determines that not only high uncertainty but even a
been applied to almost every aspect of the construction industry for conflict would normally exist for the project management, which in­
better project management. However, very few studies currently make dicates that the application of MOO for the project improvement should
attempts to conduct a holistic review of the situation of MOO applica­ be an indispensable tool.
tions in the construction industry, and accordingly, a knowledge gap is
created that even though the necessity and advantages of MOO have
Declaration of Competing Interest
been widely recognized, there is a lack of systematic summary about the
procedures and experiences of using MOO to improve the project per­
We declare that the manuscript has not been submitted to, nor is
formance, which leads to the fact that MOO has not been widely applied
under review at, another journal or other publishing venue. All authors
as expected in the construction area.
have participated in (a) conception and design, or analysis and inter­
This research conducts a systematic review to gain a better under­
pretation of the data; (b) drafting the article or revising it critically for
standing of how MOO could help the project improvement problems.
important intellectual content; and (c) approval of the final version. The
Important findings from this research could contribute to the further
authors have no affiliation with any organization with a direct or indi­
promotion of widespread use of MOO to achieve better project perfor­
rect financial interest in the subject matter discussed in the manuscript
mance. For one thing, the holistic review provides valuable experiences
of using MOO for the activities in the construction area. A mature pro­
cedure of applying MOO is concluded, i.e., the process of a detailed Acknowledgment
problem analysis, fitting function (explicit or implicit) determination,
and the decision-making rule (no preference, a priori, and a posteriori). The Start-Up Grant at Huazhong University of Science and Tech­
Besides, challenges are identified. Difficulties, including the in­ nology is acknowledged for its financial support of this research. The 1st
compatibility with the dynamic features, the ambiguity of the rela­ author is grateful to Nanyang Technological University, Singapore for
tionship between desired objectives and influential factors, and low his Ph.D. research scholarship.
interaction during the optimization process, become the major chal­
lenges hindering the further development of MOO in the construction References
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