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The Surgebinder 5e

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Introduction to the class 2

Surgebinding 2
Spren 2
Stormlight 2
Surges and Radiant Orders 2
The Ten Essences 3
Design Notes 3
Full vs Half Caster 3
Surges adaptation 3
On the player's side 3
On the DM's side 3
Surgebinder 4
Class Features 4
Radiant Order 7
Order of the Windrunners 7
Order of the Skybreakers 8
Order of the Dustbringers 9
Order of the Edgedancers 11
Order of the Truthwatchers 12
Order of the Lightweavers 13
Order of the Elsecallers 14
Breaking the Ideals 15
Multiclassing 15
Surgebinding 16
Surge Lists 16
Basic Surges 16
Advanced Surges 18
Spell Descriptions 19
Magic Items 23
Shards of Honor 24
Credits 25
Changelog 25

1 /u/xMartu's Surgebinder
Introduction to the class

his class is based on Brandon Sanderson's Stormlight is a radiant energy given off by highstorms (a
Stormlight Archive, a book series with 3 tomes storm of huge dimensions and power) that can be stored in
released. If you plan on reading the series, this gemstones and then later used by Surgebinders. It is a source
section, and most of the document, may of light and power and is used to power technology.
contain spoilers. Read carefully. Gemstones are much better at holding Stormlight than other
objects because the light can remain within them for weeks.
Usually, those gemstones kept in spheres, can be infused
Surgebinding with Stormlight by leaving them outside during a highstorm.
Surgebinding is a magic system which involves ten different Infused spheres can also be obtained from money
types of power sources or surges, which represent the exchangers. Stormlight leaks quickly when held by a
fundamental forces of nature. Some creatures can use Surgebinder or infused into an object other than a gemstone,
Stormlight to bind surges. Those creatures are called though persons can slow the leakage by holding their breath
Surgebinders. Stormlight is normally drawn from infused (which they can do for an extended time while holding the
gemstones, but can be absorbed from any source that has light).
By the final days of the Era of Solitude, after the las Surges and Radiant Orders
Desolation, knowledge of Surgebinding is all but totally lost.
Its effects haven't been seen for millennia and histories from Radiant Order Surges
times of the Heraldic Epochs, when Surgebinders fought Windrunners Adhesion and Gravitation
during the Desolations and formed the orders of the Knights
Radiant, are all but nonexistent. Most who are aware of it Skybreakers Gravitation and Division
know it mainly from inaccurate legends. Dustbringers Division and Abrasion
There are 10 different Knights Radiant Orders. In order for Edgedancers Abrasion and Progression
a creature to turn into a Surgebinder and join a Radiant
Order, they must bond a spren. It's important to note that it is Truthwatchers Progression and Illumination
the spren who chooses the Surgebinder and not the other Lightweavers Illumination and Transformation
way around. One may not be aware that a spren is analysing
them or trying to bond them until they breath Stormlight for Elsecallers Transformation and Transportation
the first time. The spren type determines the Radiant Order, Willshapers Transportation and Cohesion
each having their own spren. Stonewards Cohesion and Tension
Bondsmiths Tension and Adhesion
Spren are creatures of nature. They have a common Surge Description
presence all over the world and tend to be ignored, or remain Adhesion The Surge of Pressure and Vacuum. Can
unseen. Spren are not fully understood. They take different be used to bind objects onto others.
shapes and forms, appearing around certain events, ideas, or Gravitation The Surge of Gravity. With it, the
abnormalities. Some types of spren have taken on cognitive Surgebinder is able to change the
ideals or concepts which have taken on literal personification direction of his/her gravitational pull and
over time. Spren live in Shadesmar, the Cognitive Realm. A its magnitude.
plane of existence in which the spren adopt their true form Division The Surge of Destruction and Decay. It is
and live in societies. able to cause spontaneous combustion.
Abrasion The Surge of Friction. With it, the
Stormlight Surgebinder can make the touch of their
body near friction-less.
Spheres value in SP
Gem Chip Mark Broam Progression The Surge of Growth and Healing, or
Diamond 1 5 20
Illumination The Surge of Light, Sound, and Various
Garnet, heliodor, topaz 5 25 100 Waveforms. It's used to create illusions,
both visual and auditory.
Ruby, smokestone, zircon 10 50 200
Transformation The Surge of Soulcasting. Initially bonded
Amethyst, sapphire 25 125 500 to the Ten Essences, it can be used to
Emerald 50 250 1000 transform any object into anything.
Transportation The Surge of Motion and Realmatic
Transition. Used to instantaneously
transport someone to another location.
Cohesion The Surge of Strong Axial Interconnection.
Tension The Surge of Soft Axial Interconnection.
/u/xMartu's Surgebinder 2
The Ten Essences
Essence Gemstone Body Focus Soulcasting Properties
Zephyr Sapphire Inhalation Translucent gas, air
Vapor Smokestone Exhalation Opaque gas, smoke, fog
Spark Ruby The Soul Fire
Lucentia Diamond The Eyes Quartz, glass, crysrtal
Pulp Emerald The Hair Wood, plants, moss
Blood Garnet The Blood Blood, all non-oil liquid
Tallow Zircon Oil All kinds of oil
Foil Amethyst The Nails Metal
Talus Topaz The Bone Rock and stone
Sinew Heliodor Flesh Meat, flesh

Design Notes
Full vs Half Caster On the DM's side
None! As stated in the 1.X version, I thought a half caster Health: even if a Surgebinder is powerful and can
would fit the class better, but I was wrong. I liked the model, mantain themselves alive a long time by healing, they can
but I think it had a clear flaw: it's early game was boring. be handled easily. If you feel your Surgebinder is
Following the paladin path, the archetypes weren't getting highlighting over the rest of the party, maybe you need to
defining traits until level 6, and that made the class lackluster. throw hordes (Surgebinders usually are mediocre at
For this version, I based it in a mix between pact magic and handling groups of enemies) and healing-reducing effects.
the UA Mystic. I gave it more magic power while reducing its Spren: you will need to adapt to every spren's personality.
martial side. Trust me, it can still defend itself in a weapon I included a little description of the sprens per Order in
fight, but now depends more of its magic to be threatening. every Radiant Order. The spren are always analyzing their
Knights Radiant were fighters, but they had an incredible bonded Surgebinder and examine their acts closely. If you
magic power too! see that your Surgebinder strays far from their Ideals, the
spren can choose to break the bond. If the spren doesn't
break the link, they may end up dying because of the
Surges adaptation actions of their Surgebinder. Keep than in mind! A
For this version, as I said before, I'm gonna be using the Surgebinder that loses their spren is condemned. They
mystic system. Each archetype gets its surges, which function lose their powers and no spren will want to bond them
in a similar way as psionic disciplines. Additionally, to bring again.
the class closer to D&D, some of the effects of the surges are
emulations or castings of D&D 5E spells. That's also because
some of the effects can be comparable to them.

On the player's side

Resources: keep track of your resources. Early in the
game, you need to be careful since you have tons of
options and few Stormlight points, but your mid-late game
is really powerful. Remember all the time what features
you can use and keep track of your spells. Remember that
this class is very powerful with a well-handled Action
Spren: remember that you have your spren with you all
the time and that no one can see it (excepting true vision
things). Your spren is a very powerful RP tool and you can
use it creatively to do almost anything.
Stealth: your shardblade is shiny, your shardplate is shiny,
you are shiny! Stealth, if you are not a Dex build or an
Edgedancer, is very complicated. Most of the times, even
being an Edgedancer is not enough.

3 /u/xMartu's Surgebinder
An alethi boy rides the winds of a Highstorm surrounded by
windspren. He's looking for possible threats in the area while
his friends are training.
Stopped in the middle of a battlefield, the young herdazian
observes nervously how his battalion is fading. Suddenly, he
spots an enemy running towards the defendless ardent.
Without thinking, he blocks the attack, blue eyes glowing, a
bright yellow radiance coming out of his body.
Hidden in the town sewers, the azish girl focuses on the
voices of her persecutors. When she knows they are close
enough, she smiles with malice and summones her blade. A
white light dances around the edge of her weapon as the
group aproaches her, not knowing the mistake they made.
Their eye color doesn't matter, nor does their origin or their
culture and religion. Surgebinders are the first-line defense of
humanity and they always act in unity. Always paired with
their spren, they have an almost unlimited source of power.
Quick Build
You can make a surgebinder quickly by following these
suggestions. First, Dexterity or Strength, followed by
Charisma, should be your highest ability score if you plan on
being a Windrunner, Wisdom if you plan on being a
Skybreaker or Edgedancer. If you plan on beign a
Lightweaver, Truthwatcher or Elsecaller, your Charisma
(Lightweaver) or Intelligence should be your highest ability
score, followed by Constitution or Strength or Dexterity if you
plan on being an Elsecaller. Second, you have freedom
choosing your background as every Order is way different
from the others.

Class Features
As a surgebinder, you gain the following class features.
Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d8 per surgebinder level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier.
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution
modifier per surgebinder level after 1st.
Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields.
Weapons: Simple weapons, short swords and long swords.
Tools: None.
Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution.
Skills: choose two between Acrobatics, Athletics, Insight,
Perception, Persuasion and Survival.

/u/xMartu's Surgebinder 4
The Surgebinder
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Stormlight Points Spell Level
1st +2 Spren, Radiant Order, Surgebinding 4 1st
2nd +2 Stormlight Healing 6 1st
3rd +2 Shardblade 14 2nd
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 17 2nd
5th +3 Swift Shardblade 27 3rd
6th +3 Radiant Order Feature 32 3rd
7th +3 Powerful Shardblade (+1) 38 4th
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 44 4th
9th +4 — 57 5th
10th +4 Shardplate 57 5th
11th +4 Powerful Shardblade (+2) 66 6th
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 66 6th
13th +5 — 76 7th
14th +5 Radiant Order Feature 76 7th
15th +5 Improved Shards 87 8th
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 87 8th
17th +6 Powerful Shardblade (+3) 100 9th
18th +6 Radiant Order feature 100 9th
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 100 9th
20th +6 Knight Radiant 100 9th

You can ask your spren to do any ability check that uses the
Equipment Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma ability scores. The spren
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the uses your ability scores and proficiencies when it is asked to
equipment granted by your background: do an ability check.
(a) a spear, (b) a warhammer (if proficient) or (c) a simple The spren can move freely and with no distance limit and
melee weapon. will always follow you unless you say the opposite. If you are
(a) a martial weapon (if proficient) or (b) a shield. within 120 feet of the spren, you can absorb Stormlight. If
(a) leather armor, (b) scalemail or (c) chain mail (if you are under the effects of Stormlight and the spren moves
proficient). more than 120 feet away from you or viceversa, you
(a) an explorer's pack or (b) a dungeoneer's pack. automatically expel all the Stormlight you had in your body.
If you forgo this starting equipment, as well as the items Stormlight
offered by your background, you start with 4d4 x 10 gp to buy You have the capacity to absorb Stormlight. If you can breath,
your equipment. you can use your free object interaction on your turn to fill
yourself with Stormlight.
Spren As long as you are under the effects of Stormlight, you gain
the following benefits:
A spren has formed a bond with you and accompanies you to
wherever you go. The spren cannot be touched and can only You emit bright white light in a 10 feet radius and dim
be seen by you unless you order it to show itself to other light in another 10 feet.
beigns. It has no Hit Points, cannot do any actions in combat You ignore the effects of any exhaustion level. Every
but talking and it has a flying speed equal to your current exhaustion level you have is lost while you are under the
movement. The spren type depends on your Radiant Order. effects of Stormlight. Every exhaustion level you had
before absorbing Stormlight or while you are under the
effects of Stormlight returns when your body doesn't have
any Stormlight left.

/u/xMartu's Surgebinder
You don't have the need to breathe, so you cannot be Stormlight Points
drowned. You still need to breathe in order to absorb more You have an amount of Stormlight points determined by the
Stormlight. Stormlight Points column in the Surgebinder table. In order
When you breahte Stormlight, you instantly fill yourself to cast a spell, you create a spell slot of a given level by
with as much Stormlight as you can. The maximum amount spending Stormlight points. The amount of Stormlight points
of Stormlight your body can hold up at the same time is you must spend to create a spell slot when you cast a spell is
determined by the value shown in the Stormlight Points determined by the Stormlight Points To Spell Slots table.
column in the Surgebinder table. That number also Spell Slot Stormlight
represents the maximum amount of Stormlight Points you Level Points Spell Slot Stormlight
can inhale before taking a long rest. Your Stormlight points Level Points
cannot be reduced below 0. 1st 2
6th 9
You may expend Stormlight points in spells or class 2nd 3
features, but you cannot expend a number of Stormlight 3rd 5
7th 10
points superior to the number in the Stormlight Limit column 8th 11
in the Surgebinder table per turn. 4th 6
9th 13
You can end the effects of Stormlight by expelling it out of 5th 7
your body (it doesn't require any action). It also ends early if
you are knocked unconscious. Any unused point of Spells of 6th level and higher are particularly taxing to cast.
Stormlight can be regained later. For example, if you can You can use Stormlight points to create one slot of each level
absorb 17 points, use 7 and expell it, the next time you of 6th or higher. You can't create another slot of the same
absorb Stormlight, you fill yourself with 10 points. level until you finish a long rest.
Alternative rule: Stormlight Sources Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher
You need a Stormlight source in order to absorb Stormlight. The amount of spells you know is determined by your
The Stormlight value of sources other than spheres is Radiant Order.
determined by the DM. You can absorb Stormlight from an You can only learn spells of a level for which you can create
unlimited amount of sources, but they must be storing spell slots, determine by the Spell Level column in the
Stormlight at the moment you want to inhale it. Surgebinder table.
You can fill Stormlight sources with the spare points you
exhale. Surgebinding Ability
Your spellcasting ability is determined by your Radiant Order.
Spheres value in Stormlight You use your Order modifier whenever a spell refers to your
Sphere type Stormlight Points spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Order modifier
Chip 2 when setting the saving throw DC for a spell you cast and
when making an attack roll with one.
Mark 5 Your Order modifier can be found in the Characteristics
Broam 12 section of each Radiant Order.
Surge save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Order
Radiant Order modifier
You have sworn your fist Ideal. Life before death. Strength Surge attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your
before weakness. Journey before destination. This Ideal is the Order modifier
beginning of your jorney and what allows you to join a
Radiant Order. Choose one Radiant Order which suits your Stormlight Healing
ideals, aspirations and personality: Windrunners, Starting at 2nd level, you use your Stormlight to regenerate
Skybreakers, Edgedancers, Truthwatchers, Lightweavers or your wounds. At the start of each of your turns, you may
Elsecallers. Your choice grants you features at 1st level and consume one Stormlight Point to regain hit points equal to
again at 6th, 14th and 18th level. your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1) if you have no
more than half of your hit points left. You don’t gain this
Spellcasting benefit if you have 0 hit points.
As long as you are under the effects of Stormlight, you can When you reach 10th level on this class, you may regain hit
cast spells, powerful effects that allow you to stand out in any points even if you have more than half of your hit points left
situation. Your Radiant Order determines how many spells and you add your Order modifier (minimum of 1) to the
you know and which are them. You can find a list of all the healing.
spells below the class features.

/u/xMartu's Surgebinder 6
Shardblade This armor increases your walking speed by 10 feet and
doubles your high and long jump distances if it has at least
When you reach 3rd level, you are able to summon your own 1 hit point.
shardblade. As a bonus action, your spren transforms into a If you have at least 1 temporary hit point granted by the
weapon you are proficient in of your choice as long as you armor, you have advantage on Strength (Athletics) and
have a free hand. The shardblade then only disappears if you Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks.
choose so (doesn't require an action), if you are incapacitated The shardplate's temporary hit points regenerate after a
or if you die. The shardblade has the following long rest. You can also spend Stormlight points as an
characteristics: action while it's summoned to cause the shardplate regain
It deals the same damage as the weapon it copies, but it is temporary hit points equal to your Order modifier
radiant type. (minimum of 1) for every Stormlight point consumed.
It can only be summoned if your spren is within 30 feet of The shardplate emits bright light in a 10 feet radius and
you. dim light in another 10 feet. The color of this light depends
The shardblade emits bright light in a 5 feet radius and on your Radiant Order. The shardplate disappears if you
dim light in another 5 feet. The color of this light depends on choose so (doesnn't require any action), if you fall
your Radiant Order. Additionally, it doesn't leave any injuries unconscious or if you die.
in the creatures you hit with it, nor does ever get dirty. When Improved Shards
you kill a living beign with it, its eyes burn into black smoke.
When you are using your shardblade, you can communicate When you reach 15th level, your shardplate grants you
with your spren telepathically. advantage on any saving throw against spells and magical
effects as long as it has at least 1 hit point.
Ability Score Improvement Also, when you use your action to cast a spell, you can
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and make one weapon attack with your shardblade as a bonus
19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice action.
by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by Knight Radiant
1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20
using this feature. When you reach 20th level you are considered a true
Using the optional feats rule, you can forgo taking this defensor of humanity. The bonus to attack and damage rolls
feature to take a feat of your choice instead. of your shardblade also applies to your surgebinder spell
attack rolls and spell save DC.
Swift Shardblade Additionally, if you have your shardplate equiped and it has
When you reach 5th level, you can choose one of the at least 1 hit point, whenever you receive damage from a non-
following options: magical weapon, you reduce that damage by your Order
Extra attack. You can attack twice with your shardblade, modifier.
instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your
turn. Radiant Order
Rythm of War. When you cast a spell, spend 1 Stormlight Being a Surgebinder implies swearing a series of Ideals
point and roll a d8, and you gain a bonus to one roll of the which bond your soul to a spren. The first Ideal is common
spell equal to the number rolled. That roll must restore hit between the Orders, but every Order differs from the others
points or be a damage roll. in their second, third, forth and fifth Ideals. Surgebinders act
in unison and collaborate in their assignment of protecting
Powerful Shardblade humanity from darkness.
At 7th level, your shardblade gains a +1 bonus to attack and
damage rolls done with it. Order of the Windrunners
This bonus increases to a +2 at 11th level and to a +3 at Being part of the Order of the Windrunners means protecting
17th level. everyone in needs. Founded by the Herald Jezrien, the
Windrunners were one of the Radiant Orders with more
Shardplate members. That, mixed with their capacity of flying, made
Starting at 10th level, your oaths and bond are strong enough. them the symbol of the Knights Radiant. They always act
You can summon a shardplate to your body using a bonus grouped and organize in a specific hierarchy.
action as long as you are using no armor or light armor. You The Windrunners tend to attract “big sibling” types, who
can also summon you shardblade in the same bonus action if seek to protect the defenseless, but also enjoy action and
you hadn't summoned it earlier. The shardplate is a piece of fighting for what they believe in. They’re primarily scouts,
heavy armor you are proficient with and it has the following though they often work as special forces groups, able to
characteristics: deliver teams of Radiants behind enemy lines for secret
The shardplate grants you temporary hit points equal to
twice your surgebinder level + your Order modifier.
It has an AC of 12 + half your proficiency bonus (rounded
down) + your Order modifier.

7 /u/xMartu's Surgebinder
I'll Protect Those Who Can't Protect
Beginning at 6th level, you can adopt a defensive stand to
protect your allies from ranged attacks. When an ally that is
within 15 feet of you is attacked by a ranged attack that
requires an attack roll, you can use your reaction to spray
your body with Stormlight. Until the beginning of your next
turn, you gain a bonus to your AC equal to your Order
modifier against ranged attacks and every ranged attack that
targets a creature within 15 feet of you targets you instead of
its original objective.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when
you finish a long rest.
Protection Bulwark
At 14th level, while under the effects of Stormlight, you gain a
flying speed equal to your walking speed.
Moreover, when you have your shardplate summoned, you
can cause it to protect others from harm. When a creature
you can see within 60 feet of you is hit by an attack, you can
use your reaction to cause your shardplate to protect them.
Until the beginning of your next turn, the target creature
gains the benefit of your shardplate as it they were their
bearer. During this time, you cannot benefit from your
shardplate's features. When this effect ends, you regain your
shardplate again without the need to summon it.
Wind Fighter
When you fight, wind currents surround you, enhancing your
abilities. When you reach 18th level, your flying speed
Characteristics increases to 60 feet or your walking speed, whichever is
Ideals. I will protect. Windrunner oaths are themed toward higher, and wind effects don't count as dificult terrain for you
protection, particularly defending innocents or those who are when you are under the effects of Stormlight.
unable to protect themselves. Additionally, when you inhale Stormlight, wind gales
Gem and color. Sapphire, blue color. surround you. Once per turn when you are under the effects
Order modifier. Charisma is your surgebinding and features' of Stormlight, when you hit a creature with a melee weapon
ability. attack, you may throw a strong burst of wind. The creature
you hit and every creature in a 15 feet cone in front of you
Spren must succeed a Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
Your spren type is the Honorspren. Honorspren are blue and
with a humanoid form. They can choose which person can Order of the Skybreakers
see them and they are very similar to humans in their Law is their life and justice their only objective. Created by
customes and manners. Usually they are born with names. the Herald Nale, The Judge, the Skybreakers swear to make
Surges justice and follow the law. The Order focuses on obeying the
You know the Adhesion and Gravitation surges. At 11th level, law, regardless of wether it is just or fair. A Skybreaker might
you learn the Windrunner surge. have their goals, but they will always obey the laws of a land
regardless of whether it aligns with their specific thinking.
Bonus Proficiencies The Skybreakers were the enforcers of the Knights
When you join this Radiant Order, you gain proficiency with Radiant, often tasked with keeping the peace, policing the
heavy armor and martial weapons. other Orders, and making certain that dangerous or dark
forces in the world were contained. This sometimes gave
Wind's Grace them a bad reputation among the more free-thinking Orders
You are ready for battle anytime. You can give yourself a of Knights, but the Skybreakers (at their best) were not
bonus to your initiative rolls equal to your Order modifier. merciless. They were the ones who believed that nobody, not
even a Radiant, should be above being questioned. They were
the ones that did the sometimes tough job of making certain
that the Orders didn’t abuse their power to become tyrants,
as the Skybreakers saw that those with powers could easily
oppress those who had none.

/u/xMartu's Surgebinder 8
Ideals. I will seek justice. Skybreaker oaths are themed
toward justice, fighting for causes, and enforcing social rules.
They generally reinforce the importance of moral codes, legal
structures, and similar boundaries that protect civilization.
Gem and color. Smokestone, grey color.
Order modifier. Wisdom is your surgebinding and features'
Your spren type is the Highspren. Highspren espouse the
following the letter of law and other legal codes, rather than
doing what one feels is right. Highspren are described as
looking like black slits in reality, with white glowing stars
shining through.
You know the Gravitation and Division surges. At 11th level,
you learn the Skybreaker surge.
Bonus Proficiencies
When you join this Radiant Order, you gain proficiency in the
Insight skill and with martial weapons.
Additionally, when a creature hits you with a melee attack,
you can make a melee weapon attack against that creature as
a reaction if it is in range.
Insightful Judge
At 6th level, your proficiency bonus is doubled for your
Insight skill. Additionally, after a successful Wisdom (Insight)
check against a creature, you have advantage on your next
attack against it for 1 minute or until you're successful on a
Wisdom (Insight) check against a creature.
High resilience
Starting at l4th level, you have advantage on checks and
saving throws against being charmed and frightened and gain
a flying speed equal to your walking speed when you are
under the effects of Stormlight.
Justice Resonance
You are the law and you impart justice. When you reach 18th
level, your flying speed increases to 60 feet or your walking
speed, whichever is higher. Additionally, once on each of your
turns, if you are under the effects of Stormlight and hit with a
melee weapon attack, you may deal 1d10 + your Order
modifier radiant damage to every other creature within the
weapon's reach as your weapon leaves a light trace where it
Order of the Dustbringers
Often called Releasers because of the closeness of their
name to Voidbringers, the Dustbringers are one of, if not the
most, powerful Radiant Orders. Themed towards
responsibility, their oaths are led to understand that the
powers they used needed to be properly channeled, much as
their own desires and wills needed proper form and shape.

9 /u/xMartu's Surgebinder
The Dustbringers believe that great power requires a Characteristics
strong will to control it, and their oaths are designed to teach Ideals. I will seek self-mastery. Dustbringer oaths are themed
them to control their destructive power. While their powers towards self-control and responsibility. Each oath leads to a
can be used to destroy large swaths of land, acting like greater understanding of power, the nature of holding it, and
artillery, they prefer to work in a more controlled and the associated responsibility.
nuanced manner. They attract anyone who likes to take Gem and color. Ruby, red color.
things apart, who likes to know how things work. They also Order modifier. Wisdom is your surgebinding and features'
attract those who are a little foolhardy at times, brave ability.
soldiers who see themselves as containing and controlling
terrible destruction so it won’t get out of hand and hurt Spren
innocents. Your spren type is the Ashspren. Ashspren like to break
things around them to see what's inside and they appear to
burn through the inside of objects in treelike patterns.
You know the Division and Abrasion surges. At 11th level, you
learn the Dustbringer surge.
Bonus proficiencies
When you join this Radiant Order, you gain proficiency with
martial weapons.
Create Heat
You are able to increase abrasion on a creature to make it
weaker against hotness. When you cast a spell that deals fire
damage, you can choose one of the targets of the spell. That
creature must make a Constituion saving throw against your
spell save DC, having vulnerability against fire damage until
the beginning of their next turn on a failure, and being
unaffected on a success.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when
you finish a long rest.
Brave Destruction
Beginning at 6th level, you have learnt that your powers exist
to protect innocents from harm. While you are under the
effects of Stormlight, when a creature you can see within 15
feet of you is hit by a melee attack, you can move up to half
your movement towards the attacker. You can then make one
melee weapon attack against the attacker with your
shardblade if it is in range. If that attack hits, it deals an extra
1d10 fire damage. This extra damage increases to 2d10 at
11th level and 3d10 at 17th level.
When you reach 14th level, when you cast a spell that deals
fire damage and has a range other than self, you can create a
20-foot sphere of smoke that disturbs creatures inside it on a
point within the spells range. The targets of your spell inside
the smoke sphere make their next saving throw with
disadvantage. Once the spell is casted, the smoke sphere
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when
you finish a long rest.
Mastery Resonance
At 18th level, your control over your surges is unmatched.
When you are under the effect of Stormlight, you can use
your Create Heat feature without expending a use of it.

/u/xMartu's Surgebinder 10
Order of the Edgedancers When you reach 14th level, you have advantage on Strength
They may not be the biggest or most important Order, but the and Dexterity saving throws when you are under the effects
Edgedancers are powerful and polyvalent fighters. Founded of Stormlight and you cannot be grappled or restrained and
by the Herald Vedel, the Edgedancers are known to be one of cannot be unwillingly moved.
the most refined and elegant Orders, always ignoring things
of great import in favor of smaller things, as some would see
The Edgedancers are known as being caring and graceful.
Among the Knights Radiant, they see it as their duty to care
for the people and are often less interested in war than they
are about trying to improve the daily lives of the common
folk. During wartime, they often act as the mobile medics,
eschewing actual combat to heal or pull out the wounded or
those trapped in terrible situations. However, there are some
renowned for their graceful and skilled prowess in combat,
occasionally used as scouts or special forces troops in
conjunction with a team of Windrunners or Skybreakers.
Ideals. I will remember. Edgedancer oaths are themed
around remembering the ordinary people of the world—
those who aren’t powerful generals or Radiants. Too often,
the actions of the powerful have terrible effects on the people
with no voice, and the Edgedancers consider it their solemn
duty to remember that the people are the ones they truly
Gem and color. Diamond, white color.
Order modifier. Wisdom is your surgebinding and features'
Your spren type is the Cultivationspren. They are the spren of
nature and they take the form of a vine that grows rapidly.
They can form the appearance of a face by curling vines
around one another. After a time, the vine trail they leave
behind solidifies, becoming like crystal before crumbling into
You know the Abrasion and Progression surges. At 11th level,
you learn the Edgedancer surge.
Bonus Proficiencies
When you join this Radiant Order, you gain proficiency in the
Acrobatics and Stealth skills.
Gift of Nature
A flow of revitalizing energy runs through your body. You are
inmune to poison and disease.
Additionally, when you attack a creature that has yet to take
a turn, you do so with advantage.
Natural Growth
At 6th level, opportunity attacks against you are made with
Moreover, when you are under the effects of Stormlight,
you have advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks to shove a
creature and, if you take the Attack action on your turn, you
can use a bonus action to try to shove a creature within 5 feet
of you.

11 /u/xMartu's Surgebinder
The Truthwatchers are seen as quiet, largely known as the
most scholarly Order of Knights Radiant. They tend to attract
scientists primarily, but also scholars or thinkers of all types.
This extends to some who might not normally be known as
scholarly but instead as someone often consumed by their
own thoughts. In general, they tend to be reserved,
particularly in person, though a small minority of
Truthwatchers are greatly concerned with the actions of the
powerful and might be likened to investigative reporters.
Ideals. I will seek truth. Truthwatcher oaths are themed
around seeking to find ultimate truth and sharing it. They are
very concerned with knowledge and the proper exploitation
of it.
Gem and color. Emerald, green color.
Order modifier. Intellience is your surgebinding and
features' ability.
Your spren type is the Mistspren. They are closer to
Cultivation than to Honor, and are said to resemble the
shimmer light makes on a surface when it is reflected
through a crystal.
You know the Progression and Illumination surges. At 11th
level, you learn the Truthwatcher surge.
Bonus Proficiencies
When you join this Radiant Order, you gain proficiency in the
Investigation skill.
You have advantage on any check to discern illusions from
At 6th level, your bond with your spren allows you to predict
your enemies' intents. As a reaction when you or a creature
within 30 feet of you make an attack or a saving throw you
can expend 2 Stormlight points and force the attacker to
reroll the attack or the saving throw with advantage or
disadvantage, your choice.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when
you finish a long rest.
Nature Resonance When you reach 14th level, you can pull visions from the near
At 18th level, your powers strengthen yourself. You don't need future. Choose a creature or object with which you've spent at
to expend Stormlight Points when you use your Stormligh least 1 minute and consume 6 Stormlight points.
Healing feature. As you do so, visions from the creature's or object's near
Additionally, when you use your Stormlight Healing feaure, future invade you. The visions appear in a 30 foot cube
you can heal any creature of your choice in a 30-foot radius. around you and you see one possible outcome of what the
You must expend 3 Stormlight points per creature when next 24 hours of the target's time might be. The DM chooses
doing so. how accurate these visions are, but they must have at least
some little truth or clues of what is really gonna happen.
Order of the Truthwatchers Once you've used this feature, you can't do so again until
The Truthwatchers are the most esoteric Radiant Order. you finish a long rest.
Silent and secretive most of the time, they preferred to stay
appart from the other Knights Radiant. Founded by the
Herald Paliah, they are the most mysterious Order.
/u/xMartu's Surgebinder 12
Divination Resonance Order of the Lightweavers
Your vision and capacity to read everything around you has Enigmatic, the Lightweavers were formed in their majority by
no rival. At 18th level, you gain a 60 feet True Sight when you people gifted with the best artistic skills. These illusionists
are under the effects of Stormlight. are capable of molding Stormlight into visual and sound
effects. Founded by the Herald Salash, they are sincere
people who base their Ideals on truth.
Lightweavers are the Radiants most interested in the arts,
including all kinds of visual arts and theater. They range
widely in personality from the quiet and introspective painter
to the outgoing and gregarious stage performer, with
everything in between. What unites them tends to be a love of
art, though there are some few who are more interested in
intrigue, secrets, and espionage. They are the spies of the
Knights Radiant and are often untrusted by others for their
love of subterfuge.
Ideals. I will speak my truth. Lightweaver oaths are an oddity,
perhaps because their spren tend to be the oddest among all
Radiant spren. Instead of speaking specific words, or even
words along a certain theme, Lightweavers speak truths
about themselves. Gem and color. Garnet, garnet color.
Order modifier. Charisma is your surgebinding and features'
Your spren type is the Cryptic. They are the spren of lies.
Cryptics manifest in the Physical Realm as a complex
geometric pattern that is constantly shifting, slightly raised
off a surface or object. On occasion they can also manifest as
a floating three-dimensional mass of twisting lines. They
cannot make themselves invisible to others, but can
camouflage with ease and mimic voices and sounds.
You know the Illumination and Transformation surges. At
11th level, you learn the Lightweaver surge.
Bonus Proficiencies
When you join this Radiant Order, you gain proficiency in one
type of artisan's tools of your choice, the disguise kit and in
the Deception and Performance skills.
Malleable Illusions
Starting at 6th level, when you cast a surge that creates an
illuson and has a duration of 1 minute or longer, you can use
your action to change the nature of that illusion (using the
surge’s normal parameters for the illusion), provided that you
can see the illusion.
Illusory Reality
By 14th level, you have learned the secret of weaving shadow
magic into your illusions to give them a semi-reality. When
you cast a surge that creates an illusion, you can choose one
inanimate, nonmagical object that is part of the illusion and
make that object real. You can do this on your turn as a bonus
action while the surge is ongoing. The object remains real for
1 minute. For example, you can create an illusion of a bridge
over a chasm and then make it real long enough for your
allies to cross.
The object can't deal damage or otherwise directly harm

13 /u/xMartu's Surgebinder
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
Lie Resonance proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when
Your power and training allow you to make almost perfect you finish a long rest.
illusions. When you reach 18th level, any creature that makes
a check to discern if one of your illusion is real or not makes Planar Displacement
it with disadvantage. When you reach 6th level, you can try to displace a creature.
Additionally, saving throws made against your illusion As an action, you touch a creature and expend 2 Stormlight
spells are made with disadvantage. points. If the creature is not willing, it must succeed a
Charisma saving throw or be teleported to an unoccupied
Order of the Elsecallers space you can see within 60 feet from you.
The Elsecallers were an Order fully dedicated to knowledge. You can use this feature once, and you can't use it again
They can travel between reality and other realms only known until you finish a short or long rest.
to them, making the members of this Order powerful Realmatic Conjunction
surgebinders. Founded by the Herald Battar, the Elsecallers At 14th level, your connection with the Cognitive Realm
are benevolent and like to be surrounded by spren and allows you to resist death. When your hit points are reduced
protect them. to 0 and you are under the effects of Stormlight, you instead
Thoughtful, careful, and cautious, the Elsecallers are consume the Stormlight you have in your body. You regain 4
generally regarded as the wisest of the Radiants. They seek hit points per Stormlight point used up until half your
self-improvement and personal betterment in their lives, but maximum hit points and vanish into the Ethereal plane. You
aren’t limited to one specific theme or set of Ideals. This then reapear at the start of your next turn where you fell
makes them one of the most open and welcoming of orders, unconscious. If there is unconsumed Stormlight in your body
though they do tend to attract those who are less flamboyant. after you reapear, you expell it entirely.
Characteristics Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest
Ideals. I will reach my potential. Elsecaller oaths are, like before using it again.
those of the Lightweavers or Skybreakers, themed toward the
individual. In this case, the theme is progress—becoming
better with each oath, seeking to explore their true potential
and reach it. Because of this, the Order is open to many
different types, so long as they want to improve themselves.
Gem and color. Zircon, grey blue color.
Order modifier. Intelligence is your surgebinding and
features' ability.
Your spre type is the Inkspren. Inkspren appear as human-
shaped figures dressed all in black. They have been described
as being coated in what seems to be oil, and as having a
mother-of-pearl or prismatic quality to their look. Unlike
certain other bond spren, they cannot make themselves
invisible to humans. They can, however, change their size
drastically, allowing them to shrink to the point where they
cannot be seen. They tend to be attracted to people who are
logical and willing to think through their decisions as
opposed to acting on instinct.
You know the Transformation and Transportation surges. At
11th level, you learn the Elsecaller surge.
Bonus Proficiencies
When you join this Radiant Order, you gain proficiency in the
Arcana and History skills. Additionally, you gain proficiency
with martial weapons.
Planar Movement
When you move, you instead travel through other planes.
Once on each of your turns, while you are under the effects of
Stormlight, you can forfeit up to half of your movement to
teleport the distance you forfeited. You must teleport to an
unoccupied space you can see.

/u/xMartu's Surgebinder 14
Travel Resonance
By 18th level, your powers are unparalleled. When you are
under the effects of Stormlight you are always under the
effects of the freedom of movement spell.
Breaking the Ideals
The Knights Radiant are broken people that have sworn a
number of oaths that not only strengthen their bond with their
spren, but grant them power. This drains a lot of energy,
physical and mental, and most of the times a Knight Radiant
will encounter obstacles in their journey in the form of fear,
hesitation and weakness.
If a Knight Radiant breaks its oaths, their spren dies,
depriving them of the capacity of absorbing Stormlight and
summon their shards. This also means that they have lost the
creature that accompanies them in their journeys, most of the
times their best friend. For a Knight Radiant, losing their spren
can mean a really hard breakdown.
A Surgebinder that breaks its Ideals loses all its Surgebinder
levels and cannot access forever. No spren is gonna ever trust
them, because they will never know if the Surgebinder is
gonna betray its Ideals one more time.

Prerequisites. The ability score of the Order
modifier of the one you want to multiclass into 13.
Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the
Surgebinder class you gain the following
proficiencies: light armor, medium armor and
simple weapons.
Note. A Surgebinder never chooses to be a
surgebinder, but its spren chooses to bond them.
When trying to multiclass into the Surgebinder
class, talk to your DM to set-up the encounter
between the spren that's trying to bond you and
yourself. Also, keep in mind the ideals and
personality of your character when selecting an
Order. A character that ignores law and doesn't
care about rules cannot be a Skybreaker.

15 /u/xMartu's Surgebinder

urbebinding is the form of magic in the world of Type of Surges
Roshar. By altering the most basic essences of
the world, a surgebinder can produce powerful There are two types of surges.
effects. Basic surges. Basic surges are the 10 surges that affect
Surgebinding is divided in 10 surges, each the 10 essences of the world. These are gained at 1st level in
affecting one essence. Every surgebinder can the surgebinder class. They have a bond and a spell list
utilize 2 surges, determined by its Radiant Order, Advanced surges. Advanced surges are especific to each
later adding a third into their lists. Radiant Order of surgebinders. A surgebinder gains its
advanced surge at 11th level. They don't have a bond and they
only have a spell list
Each surge represents one of the fundamental forces of Bond
reality. Every surge contains a spell list and additional details. The bond section of a surges determines a passive effect.
The following sections go into more detail on using surges. This effect is always active as long as you are under the
effects of Stormlight.

Surge Lists
Basic Surges Adhesion Spell List
1st Level
The basic surges are presented here in alphabetical order. Link*
Abrasion Surge 2nd Level
The Abrasion Surge allows you to alter the frictional force Redirect*
between two surfaces, most of the times being one of them Warding Wind†
yourself 3rd Level
Bond. While under the effects of Stormlight, you ignore Wind wall
difficult terrain when walking.
4th Level
Abrasion Spell List Wind Stream*
1st Level
Awesome* 5th Level
Roughness* Tie Up*
2nd Level
Pass Without Trace Division Surge
Hold Person The Division Surge can be manipulated to have power over
destruction and decay. It destroys matter.
3rd Level Bond. While under the effects of Stormlight and once
Haste during each of your turns, when you hit with a weapon attack
roll, you can deal extra fire damage to the target equal to your
4th Level proficiency bonus.
Freedom of Movement
5th Level
Division Spell List
1st Level
Hold Monster Flaming Strike*
Adhesion Surge 2nd Level
The Adhesion Surge is the surge of pression and vacuum. Scorch*
This surge alters the forces that bind objects together. 3rd Level
Bond. While under the effects of Stormlight, you have the
ability to move up, down, and across vertical surfaces and Combustion*
upside down along ceilings, while leaving your hands free. 4th Level
You also have a climbing speed equal to your walking speed. Fire Shield
If you don't end your movement on the floor, you fall unless
something else holds you aloft. 5th Level
Destructive Wave
/u/xMartu's Surgebinder 16
Gravitation Surge 2nd Level
Lesser Restoration
The Gravitation Surge allows you to alter the strenth and Healing Spirit†
direction of the gravitational pull affecting objects and
creatures. 3rd Level
Bond. While under the effects of Stormlight, you take no Aura of Vitality
falling damage. Plant Growth
Gravitation Spell List 4th Level
1st Level Guardian of Nature†
Jump 5th Level
2nd Level Mass Cure Wounds
Gravitational Imprisonment* Wrath Of Nature†
3rd Level Transformation Surge
Fly The Transformation Surge can be used to alter the matter of
4th Level an object or creature.
Launch* Bond. As a bonus action, you can touch a non-magical
object not larger thatn 1 foot and change its shape and color.
5th Level
Alter Gravity* Transformation Spell List
Flying Strike* 1st Level
Alter Composition*
Illumination Surge Inflict Wounds
The Lies Illumination Surge allows you to create images by 2nd Level
projecting your own Stormlight. Heat Metal
Bond. While under the effects of Stormlight, you can use
an action to cast the minor illusion cantrip. 3rd Level
Alter Essence*
Illumination Spell List Transmuting Area*
1st Level
Silent Image 4th Level
Color Spray Stoneskin
2nd Level 5th Level
Alter Self Alter Matter*
Mirror Image Create Wall*
3rd Level Transportation Surge
Major Image The Transportation Surge can be manipulated to achieve
Fear realmatic transition.
4th Level Bond. While you are under the effects of Stormlight, after
Hallucinatory Terrain you teleport on your turn, you have advantage on your first
attack roll before the end of your next turn.
5th Level
Mislead Transportation Spell List
Seeming 1st Level
Defensive Step*
Progression Surge Planar Movement*
The Progression Surge can be manipulated to alter the 2nd Level
growth and healing of an organism. Misty Step
Bond. While under the effects of Stormlight, you can use a
bonus action to touch a creature that has 0 hit points and 3rd Level
stabilize it. Blink
Thunder Step†
Progression Spell List
1st Level 4th Level
Cure Wounds Dimension Door

17 /u/xMartu's Surgebinder
5th Level Lightweaver Spell List
Far Step† 6th Level
Mental Prison†
Advanced Surges 7th Level
The advanced surges are presented here in alphabetical Mirage Arcane
8th Level
Dustbringer Surge Illusory Dragon†
A surge only Dustbringer can master. 9th Level
Dustbringer Spell List
6th Level Skybreaker Surge
Disintegrate A surge only Skybreaker can master.
7th Level
Delayed Blast Fireball Skybreaker Spell List
6th Level
8th Level Sunbeam
Incendiary Cloud
7th Level
9th Level Fire Storm
Meteor Swarm
8th Level
Edgedancer Surge Sunburst
A surge only Edgedancers can master. 9th Level
Edgedancer Spell List
6th Level Truthwatcher Surge
Heal A surge only Truthwatcher can master.
7th Level
Regenerate Truthwatcher Spell List
6th Level
8th Level True Location*
Abrasive Growth*
7th Level
9th Level Regenerate
Mass Heal
8th Level
Elsecaller Surge Mind Blank
A surge only Elsecaller can master. 9th Level
Elsecaller Spell List
6th Level Windrunner Surge
Flesh To Stone A surge only Windrunner can master.
7th Level
Plane Shift Windrunner Spell List
6th Level
8th Level Strength Of The Squires*
7th Level
9th Level Lacerating Reverse Lashing*
8th Level
Lightweaver Surge Control Weather
A surge only Lightweaver can master. 9th Level
Storm Of Vengueance

/u/xMartu's Surgebinder 18
If some solid object (such as a ceiling) is encountered in
Spell Descriptions this fall, the creatures strikes it just as they would during a
The Spells are presented in alphabetical order. normal downward fall.
If the creature reaches a distance of 100 feet from you
Abrasive Growth without striking anything, it remains there, oscillating slightly,
8th-level transmutation for the duration.
Casting Time: 1 action Alter Matter
Range: 150 feet 5th-level transmutation
Components: S, M Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: Instantaneous Range: Touch
You imbue the ground with extreme progression power, Components: S, M
making plants grow violentlly. Each creature of your within Duration: Instantaneous
60 feet of a point you can see within range must make a You touch a non-living, non-magical object not larger than
Dexterity saving throw, taking 12d6 piercing damage as big 10 feet and change its composition to what you want. For
spines sprout from below on a failure, and taking half the example, you can turn a glass of water into a glass of hot
damage on a success. chocolate.
The area is then infused with abrasion magic for 1 minute.
Designate any number of creatures to be unaffected by this Awesome
magic. Your speed is doubled, while the speed of affected 1st-level transmutation
creatures is halved in the area for the duration.
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Alter Composition Range: Self
1st-level transmutation Components: S, M
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: 10 minutes
Range: Touch You can slide along solid ground as if on smooth ice. Your
Components: S, M walking speed increases by 20 feet for the duration.
Duration: Instantaneous
You touch a non-living, non-magical object not larger than Combustion
10 feet and change its composition, but retaining its essence 3rd-level evocation
(see the "The Ten Essences" table in the chapter Casting Time: 1 action
"Introduction to the class" at the beginning of the document). Range: Touch
For example, you can turn a glass of water into a glass of Components: S, M
blood. Duration: Instantaneous
You touch a creature, creating a 30-foot cone of fire in front
Alter Essence of you originating from the target. Both the target and any
3rd-level transmutation creature in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw,
Casting Time: 1 action taking 8d6 fire damage on a failed save or half as much
Range: Touch damage on a successful one.
Components: S, M At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
Duration: Instantaneous slot of 4th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for
You touch a non-living, non-magical object not larger than each spell slot level above 3rd.
10 feet and change its composition to one belonging to a
different essence (see the "The Ten Essences" table in the Create Wall
chapter "Introduction to the class" at the beginning of the 5th-level transmutation
document). For example, you can turn a glass of water into a Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when you are hit
glass of oil. by an attack
Range: Self
Alter Gravity Components: S, M
5th-level transmutation Duration: 1 round
Casting Time: 1 action When you are hit by an attack, you can transmute pure air
Range: Touch into stone or a similar material. A 5-feet wall of stone appears
Components: S, M on your hand. The wall has 40 hit points and receives the
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute attack instead of you.
You touch a creature. If the creature is not willing, it must The wall remains in your hand for the duration or as long
succeed a Dexterity saving throw or have its gravity altered. as it has hit points and you can interpose it between you and
Choose one direction. The creature begins to fall in that any attack for the duration. If a hit reduces the wall's hit
direction. points to 0, you receive any remaining damage and the spell

19 /u/xMartu's Surgebinder
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot Lacerating Reverse Lashing
of 6th level or higher, the wall's maximum hit points 7th-level evocation
increases by 10 for each spell slot level above 5th.
Casting Time: 1 action
Defensive Step Range: 120 feet
1st-level conjuration Components: S, M
Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when you are hit Duration: Instantaneous
by an attack You imbue the ground on a point you can see within range
Range: Self with an extreme atraction force. Every creature of your
Components: S, M choice within 20 feet of that point must make a Strength
Duration: Instantaneous saving throw, taking 10d10 force damage and being pulled in
You blink out of harm to protect yourself. You gain a bonus a straight line toward the point of origin on a failure, and
to AC against the triggering attack equal to your spellcasting taking half damage and not being pulled on a success.
modifier, possibly turning it into a miss. You then teleport up If a crature that fails the saving throw is reduced to 0 hit
to 10 feet to an unoccupied space you can see. points by this spells' damage, it is crushed by the pulling force
and dismembered. A dismembered creature instantly dies,
and everything it is wearing and carrying, except magic items,
Flaming Strike is destroyed. The creature can be restored to life only by
1st-level evocation means of a true resurrection or a wish spell.
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Self Launch
Components: S, M 4th-level evocation
Duration: 1 round Casting Time: 1 action
You imbue a weapon you are holding or your unarmed Range: Touch
strike with destructive power. The next time you hit with it for Components: S, M
the duration, it deals an extra 1d8 fire damage. Duration: Instantaneous
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell You touch a creature or an object not larger than 10 feet,
slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for inflicting them with a strong force that launches them in the
each spell slot level above 1st. air. If you target a creature, they must make a Dexterity
saving throw, being pushed 30 feet in a direction of your
Flying Strike choice on a failure, or being unaffected on a success.
5th-level conjuration If an affected target impacts with an object larger than 5
Casting Time: 1 action feet, they take 2d6 bludgeoning damage for every 5 feet
Range: 30 feet travelled and it falls prone if it was a creature. If it hits a
Components: S, M (a melee weapon of at least 1 sp) creature, this must succeed a Dexterity saving throw or
Duration: Instantaneous receive the same amount of bludgeoning damage and fall
You begin to fly rapidly, striking your enemies like the wind. prone.
Choose up to five creatures you can see within range. You At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
must make a melee weapon attack against each target, slot of 5th level or higher, the distance the target is pushed
otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target suffers the increases by 5 feet for each spell slot level above 4th.
attack's normal effects and takes an extra 2d10 force Link
damage. You can then teleport to an unoccupied space you 1st-level evocation
can see within 5 feet of one of the targets you hit or missed.
Casting Time: 1 action
Gravitational Imprisonment Range: Touch
2nd-level transmutation Components: S, M
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: 1 hour
Range: Touch You can stick and object you are touching that weights no
Components: S, M more than 10 pounds to another object or creature.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Once linked, it can hold up to 2000 pounds of weight
You create an pulling force that attracts a creature. The without breaking its link. If more weight is applied to the
target must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, object the link breaks and the effect ends. A creature can use
the target falls prone as it is crushed into the floor. On a an action to make a Strenght (Athletics) check against your
successful one, the target is unaffected and the spell ends. surgebinding save DC. On a success, the creature breaks the
If the target fails the saving throw, it cannot stand up using link.
its movement and must use its action in subsequent turns to
attempt a new Strength saving throw. On a succesful one, the
spell ends.

/u/xMartu's Surgebinder 20
Redirect A creature affected by this effect must use their action in
2nd-level abjuration the following turns making the saving throw again. A
creature in the area cannot be teleported. Additionally, any
Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when you or a flying creature that moves over the area starts to fall at a rate
creature within 5 feet of you are hit by an attack of 60 feet per round until they touch the ground.
Range: Self
Components: S, M Transmuting Area
Duration: 1 round 3rd-level transmutation
You spray your shield or something that is within 5 you Casting Time: 1 action
with adhesion force. Until the start of your next turn, any Range: Self
attack made against you or any creature within 5 feet from Components: S, M
you, including the triggering attack, is done with Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
disadvantage, potentially making them to fail. You alter the terrain that surrounds you, changing its
Roughness matter and corrupting creatures. When you cast this spell,
1st-level transmutation you can designate any number of creatures you can see to be
unaffected by it. For the duration, the area in a 15-foot radius
Casting Time: 1 bonus action from you is considered difficult terrain for creatures other
Range: Self than you, and when an affected creature enters the area for
Components: S, M the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, it must make a
Duration: 10 minutes Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature
You gain an incremented grip. You have a climbing speed takes 3d8 necrotic damage. On a successful save, the
equal to your walking speed for the duration. creature takes half as much damage.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
Scorch slot of 4th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for
2nd-level evocation each spell slot level above 3rd.
Casting Time: 1 action True Location
Range: 30 feet 6th-level divination
Components: S, M
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Casting Time: 1 action
You create fire in a 15-foot square within range. Any Range: Touch
creature in that area when you cast this spell and that ends Components: S, M
its turn there takes 2d8 fire damage. Duration: 1 day
You are able to see anyone you want. Choose one creature
Strength Of The Squires you have touched or spoken to for at least 1 minute. For the
6th-level transmutation duration you know where that creature is and what it is doing
Casting Time: 1 action and you can see and hear through their senses.
Range: Self Wind Stream
Components: S, M 4th-level evocation
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You inspire creatures around you to fight. Choose any Casting Time: 1 action
number of creatures in a 30-foot radius around you. Each Range: Self
creature's AC cannot be lower than 18, they gain a bonus to Components: S, M
weapon damage rolls equal to your spellcasting modifier and Duration: Instantaneous
they gain temporary hit points equal to your spellcasting you create a line of high-speed winds that is 60-feet long
modifier at the beginning of each of your turns for the and 10 feet wide. Each creature in that area must succeed a
duration. Strenght saving throw, taking 6d8 bludgeoning damage and
being knocked prone on a failed one, or half as much damage
Tie Up and not being knocked prone on a successful one.
5th-level transmutation At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
Casting Time: 1 action slot of 5th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for
Range: 60 feet each spell slot level above 4th.
Components: S, M
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You spray a 30 feet square from a point you can see in
range with adhesion power. Any creature in the area must
succeed a Strength saving throw or be restrained for the
duration. A creature that enters the area or starts its turn in
the area must also succeed the saving throw, even if they
succeeded it earlier.

21 /u/xMartu's Surgebinder
Magic Items

he Surgebinder class introduces some new Sever souls. The shardblade deals the same damage as
mechanics that could be perfectly used by the sword it imitates, but it is radiant type.
other classes. Those features are the Additional traits. The shardblade can have the following
shardblade and shardplate, which can be traits:
easily transformed into magic items for other Magic weapon. The shardblade is a +1, +2 or +3 weapon.
classes to use. This is up to the DM when creating it.
Nimble. If you use your action to cast a spell, you can
make one weapon attack with the shardblade as a bonus
A shardblade can combine those 2 traits in any form,
having the Magic Weapon one or the two at the same time.
Its variety increases depending on the amount of traits it has
and its raw power. For example, a shardblade could be a +2
weapon, making it a very rare weapon.
Armor, legendary (requires attunement by a non-surgebinder)
The shardplates are powerful armors. Shardplates are
forged from an unknown metal, and are composed of
interlocking plates covering the wearer's entire body. A
shardplate user is a nearly invincible warrior that excels in
combat. There are fewer shardplates than shardblades, and
having a shardplate also makes the user an aristocrat.
The shardplates are grey, but most people like to paint
them in beatuful colours to highlight their beauty.
Extra resistance. A shardplate has between 20 and 45 hit
points. The amount of hit points is up to the DM when they
create the armor. Whenever you take damage, the shardplate
takes the damage instead. If the damage reduces the
shardplate to 0 hit points, you take any remaining damage.
The shardplate regains all its hit points after you finish a long
AC. A shardplate has from 15 to 20 AC. It is up to the DM
to choose the AC of a shardplate. The AC can also be
calculated as 14 + 1d6.
Not so heavy. Each part of a shardplate is really heavy. So
Shardblade much that a shardbearer needs the help of other people to
Weapon (any type of sword), rare (+1), very rare (+2), or put it on. Once the armor is being wore, yo don't notice its
legendary (+3) (requires attunement by a non-surgebinder) weight. A shardplate is a heavy armor, but doesn't require
The shardblades are mythical weapons capable of severing heavy armor proficiency to use it efficiently.
souls. Having a ruby on their pommel, they bind their bearer's Extra strenght. If the shardplate has at least 1 hit point,
soul. They are limited, exiting few of them, and they are found you have advantage on every Strenght (Athletics) and
only as swords. Having a shardblade makes the user an Dexterity (Acrobatics).
aristocrat titled a shardbearer. Every shardblade is different Extra speed. The shardplate increases your walking speed
from the others and has unique traits. by 10 feet and doubles your high and long jump distances.
The shardblade appears to be made of crystal and is Additional traits. The shardplate can have the following
usually white. It doesn't leave any injuries in the creatures it traits:
hits, nor does ever get dirty. When a creature is killed by a Resilience. The shardplate grants you advantage on any
shardblade, its eyes burn into black smoke. saving throw against spells as long as it has at least 1 hit
Soulbind. Once attuned to the shardblade, you must point.
expend 7 days of constant physical contact with the blade.
Once that period has passed, you can summon the
shardblade coordinating your heartbeat with the summoning
process and making the blade appear on a free hand once 10
heartbeats have passed. Summoning the shardblade takes an
action. The shardblade disappears if you choose so (doesn't
require an action) or if you are incapacitated. If you die, it
appears next to you, its bond broken.

23 /u/xMartu's Surgebinder
Reduction. The shardplate reduces damage from non-
magical weapons by 1d4+1 as long as it has at least 1 hit Shards of Honor
point. The amount of damage reduction is determined by The Surgebinder is a tricky class. They have their own
the DM when they create the armor. For example, if after weapon and armor, which makes it difficult for both the
rolling the result is a 3, the shardplate always reduces the player and the DM to choose which magic items can go along
damage by 3 and it cannot be changed. with the class. The Shards of Honor are magic items that can
A shardplate can combine those 2 traits in any form, be awarded to the surgebinder or a player with a shardblade
having none of them or both at the same time. or shardplate to improve them further and bring them on pair
with other magic weapons or armors.
Honorblade It is up to the DM how to award the Shards of Honor. They
Weapon (any type of sword), artifact (requires attunement) can be found as loot in the adventure, as rewards for
The honorblades were the weapons of the Mighty Heralds, completing difficult dungeons or as the result of a
10 humans that fought for humanity in the Desolations that surgebinder's train.
threatened Roshar. Each Herald had its honorblade, and each The Shards of Honor bind the soul of the user, making
honorblade is unique, different from their sisters. them able to summon or dismiss them as a bonus action. The
As every Herald is the patron of the Radiant Order they Shards of Honor appear floating next to the target and can be
founded, each honorblade represents one Radiant Order. touched or carried.
A honorblade gives the user the powers of Honor, making If the Shards of Honor are awarded as the result of
them capable of using the surges of the Radiant Order the constant training, they have no appearance. If the Shards of
honorblade represents. They are even more powerful than Honor are awarded as loot or treasure, they have the
shardblades. appearance of pieces of crystal which shine powerfully,
Soulbind. Once attuned to the honorblade, you can emiting bright light in a 10 feet radius and dim light in
summon the honorblade as a bonus action. The honorblade another 10 feet. This can be ignore and adapted as the DM
disappears if you choose so (doesn't require an action) or if chooses.
you are incapacitated. If you die, it appears next to you, its
bond broken. Shard of Inmunity
Sever souls. The honorblade deals the same damage as Wondorous item, uncommon (requires attunement by a
the sword it imitates, but it is radiant type. surgebinder or someone attuned to a shardplate)
Magic weapon. You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage You need to have a shardplate in order to make this
rolls made with the honorblade. wondorous item work. The shardplate can be one given by
Nimble. If you use your action to cast a spell, you can make the Shardplate feature of a surgebinder or a magic item to
one weapon attack with the honorblade as a bonus action. which a non-surgebinder is attuned.
Herald of the Mighty. If you are not a surgebinder, you As long as your shardplate has at least 1 hit point you are
gain the ability to absorb Stormlight. You have an amount of immune to critical hits.
Stormlight points equal to 4 times your level and a Spell
Level equal to that of your total level represented in the Shard of Life
surgebinder class table. You can absorb Stormlight using Wondorous item, very rare (requires attunement by a
your free object interaction as of the Stormlight section in the surgebinder or someone attuned to a shardplate)
Spren feature of the Surgebinder. You need to have a shardplate in order to make this
wondorous item work. The shardplate can be one given by
Radiant Order. You learn and are able to use the surges the Shardplate feature of a surgebinder or a magic item to
of the Radiant Order the honorblade represents. To use which a non-surgebinder is attuned.
the surges you must be under the effects of Stormlight. As The shardplate's hit point maximum increases by 1 per
of the current version of this document, an honorblade level. This applies retroactively, as well as to every level you
can only represent seven of the ten Radiant Orders: take hereafter.
Windrunners, Skybreakers, Dustbringers, Edgedancers,
Truthwatchers, Lightweavers and Elsecallers. Shard of Penetration
Stormlight Healing. At the start of each of your turns, you Wondorous item, very rare (requires attunement by a
may consume one Stormlight Point to regain hit points surgebinder or someone attuned to a shardblade)
equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1) if you You need to have a shardblade in order to make this
have no more than half of your hit points left. You don’t wondorous item work. The shardblade can be one given by
gain this benefit if you have 0 hit points. You don't gain the Shardblade feature of a surgebinder or a magic item to
this feature if you are a surgebinder. which a non-surgebinder is attuned.
Attacks made with the shardblade ignore resistance to
radiant or necrotic damage.
Shard of Perseverance
Wondorous item, uncommon (requires attunement by a
surgebinder or someone attuned to a shardplate)
You need to have a shardplate in order to make this
wondorous item work. The shardplate can be one given by
the Shardplate feature of a surgebinder or a magic item to
which a non-surgebinder is attuned.
/u/xMartu's Surgebinder 24
As long as your shardplate has at least 1 hit point you are Shard of Void
immune to effects that would remove parts of your body, such Wondorous item, uncommon
as those of a sword of sharpness or vorpal sword. You need to have a shardblade in order to make this
wondorous item work. The shardblade can be one given by
Shard of Protection the Shardblade feature of a surgebinder or a magic item to
Wondorous item, rare (requires attunement by a surgebinder) which a non-surgebinder is attuned.
When you summon a shield using your Shardblade feature Your shardblade deals necrotic damage instead of radiant
and you have the Powerful Shardblade feature, the bonus to damage.
attack and damage rolls of your shardblade also apply to your
AC while wielding it.
Shard of Siege Brandon Sanderson (/u/mistborn), author of the
Wondorous item, rare (requires attunement by a surgebinder Stormlight Archive saga
or someone attuned to a shardblade) (
You need to have a shardblade in order to make this "A Figure of Light" by @verlibird (/u/solarpines)
wondorous item work. The shardblade can be one given by (
the Shardblade feature of a surgebinder or a magic item to "The Path to Hearthstone" by @verlibird (/u/solarpines)
which a non-surgebinder is attuned. (
Attacks made with the shardblade against objects and "Windrunner" by Ashley Coad (/u/solarpines)
structures have advantage and deal double damage. (
"Hey, do you think there is any evil around here?" by
Shard of Reduction Amanda Diaz (
Wondorous item, very rare (requires attunement by a "Chanarach" by Karla Ortiz
surgebinder or someone attuned to a shardplate) (
You need to have a shardplate in order to make this "Lift the Edgedancer" by Paul Canavan
wondorous item work. The shardplate can be one given by (
the Shardplate feature of a surgebinder or a magic item to "Truthwatcher" by Randy Vargas
which a non-surgebinder is attuned. (
If the shardplate can reduce damage from non-magical "Shallan Davar" by Sara Mirza
weapons, by the means of a surgebinder's Radiant (
Shardplate feature or the additional trait Reduction of the "Jasnah Kholin" by Caio Santos
magic item, the shardplate reduces also damage from (
magical weapons. "Stormblessed" by krhart
Shard of Resistance "Santhid" by Ashley Coad (/u/solarpines)
Wondorous item, rare (requires attunement by a surgebinder (
or someone attuned to a shardplate) The Coppermind
You need to have a shardplate in order to make this (
wondorous item work. The shardplate can be one given by "Sword Forms" from Shallan's sketchbook by Ben
the Shardplate feature of a surgebinder or a magic item to McSweeney (
which a non-surgebinder is attuned.
You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing
damage while wearing your shardplate. Changelog 3.0
Shard of Soul Killing
Wondorous item, very rare (requires attunement by a Absorbing Stormlight now uses a free object interaction
surgebinder or someone attuned to a shardblade) instead of a bonus action.
You need to have a shardblade in order to make this Total Stormlight Points reduced by 7 from level 10
wondorous item work. The shardblade can be one given by onwards.
the Shardblade feature of a surgebinder or a magic item to Stormlight Limit removed. For the sake of simplicity.
which a non-surgebinder is attuned. Spell Level added. This column references the maximum
When you roll a 20 on an attack roll made with your spell level slot a surgebinder can create with Stormlight
shardblade against a creature, the creature's hit point points in order to cast spells. It follows the same level
maximum are reduced by an amount equal to the attack's progression of a full caster.
damage. The creature's hit point maximum returns to normal Added 5th level feature Swift Shardblade. It allows to get
when it completes a long rest or by means of a wish spell. Extra Attack or an increment in power for surgebinder
The shardplate now has a way to dismish it.
The shardplate's hit points are now temporary hit points.
The surgebinder can no longer stack temporary hit points
and the shardplate's hit points. This was intended from
the beginning, but finally found it to be too strong.

25 /u/xMartu's Surgebinder
Radiant Orders:
11th level Radiant Order feature removed.
Extra Attack replaced with I`ll Protect Those Who
Can't Protect Themselves.
Protection Bulwark added as 14th level feature.
Payment now states that the triggering attack must
be a melee attack and that the reaction attack must
be a melee weapon attack.
Extra Attack replaced by Insightful Judge.
Added the Order of the Dustbringers Radiant
Order, an order focused on short-range blasting
damage. Their oaths theme towards self-control,
mastery and responsibility.
Gift of Nature now gives advantage to the
surgebinder on their attack rolls against creatures
that have yet to take a turn in combat.
Natural Growth reworked. It now gives the
surgebinder disadvantage on opportunity attakcs
against them, advantage on shove checks and the
ability to shove as a bonus action.
Planar Displacement now allows the surgebinder
to teleport unwilling creatures.
Planar Movement added as a 1st-level feature.
Surgebinding reworked. Surgebinders are now true
spellcasters and they learn spells. Surges give a bond
(only basic surges) and a spell list. They no longer give
magical effects as the UA Mystic.
22 new spells added.
Truths Illumination surge removed. Lies Illumination
reverted to Illumination. Truthwatchers Truths
Illumination surge replaced with Illumination surge.
Most surges have been reworked.
Abrasion gives better buffing and debuffing options.
Progression now centers around both healing and buffing-
debuffing with nature/plant effects.
The rest of the surges have been slightly tweaked to adapt
to a simpler system.

/u/xMartu's Surgebinder 26

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