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Mayor Elorza Vetoes City Council Charter Recommendations

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Mayor of Providence Jorge O. Hlorza August 5, 2022 ‘The Honorable Members ofthe Providence City Council Providence City Hall 25 Dorrance Street Providence, RI 02903 Regarding: "Resolution forwarding Ballot Ques placement on the November Ballot” ‘Charter Recommendations 8 to the Secretary of State for Honorable Members ofthe City Counetl, | thank the members of the Charter Review Commission for taking on this immensely important ‘work, I thank them sincerely for their efforts. During my tenure as Mayor, I have remained steadfast in my belief that improvements to Providence Public Schools will requie transformative change. I know thatthe City Couneil ‘wants todo what is best for ou kids and assume that their recommendation is born out ofa deep ffustration with our publi schools and the feeling that something dramatic needs to be done to tum things around, However, I believe that having elections for school board members is a terrible idea. That is why I am standing with education leaders, parents and community members to veto this proposal First and foremost, there was limited community engagement and this was a decision that was «riven by City Couneil members whom comprised a majority ofthe committee (5 out of 9 ‘members), There was very limited outreach, such as proactive engagement with education leaders, parents and students, when crafting dhs proposal. Community members are correct 10 ‘expect greater outreach and they have raised concerns ofthis proposal being designe! without PPSD parents at the table. ‘This proposal would require candidates to run geographically large campaigns that would require significant resources, Successful campaigns will ikely have to raise more money than Providence Council members, Representatives and State Senators, This significantly limits the ‘pool of people who ean realistically win a eampaign and it could make the school board less reflective of ou city City Hall, 25 Docrance Stree, Providence, RLO2903 ‘Phone (401) 421-7740 Fox (401) 274.8240 Mayor of Providence Jorge O. ora ‘Alzo, the gave danger of electing schol howd memhers is that special interest groups will likely un their own candidates for these seats. Ths creates the very real risk that the interests pursued by these members will not be inthe best interest of our children. We should avoid this at alleost believe thatthe core problems with our public schools is that, in practice, the superintendent

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